Gemborn Sorcery

Your magic forms from a connection between your soul and the magic of the boundary between the elemental earth and the plane of fire. You might trace a distant ancestor to the deepest parts of the Plane of Earth, or your family might have earned a mighty boon in return for a service to the dao lords. Whatever your past, your body is now formed in the hearth of the earth and your spirit is built to last. Your link to earth magic grants you extraordinary resilience, and eerie beauty. your body is flawlessly sculpted from the primordial earth, however your natural place is in the light where you can be seen by all. On the battlefield you act as a beacon and waypoint to your allies while destroying your enemies in comfort and safety with brilliant blasts of raw elemental elements.

Gem Magic

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Gem borne Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an Illusion or an Transmutation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

Sorcerer level Spells
1st Thunderwave, Colour Spray
3rd Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Mirror Image
5th Lightning Bolt, Hypnotic Pattern
7th Sickening Radiance, Stone skin
9th Conjure Elemental (Earth only), Wall of Stone

Pressure Formed

At 1st level, parts of your skin become transparent and brilliant, shining with gleaming gemstones, this hard layer grants you an AC equal to 13 + your Constitution Modifier.

In addition when you're in an area of bright light you can choose to reflect the light out through your body to flood the immediate surroundings with brilliant colour, extending the bright light out to a range of 5 feet times your Constitution modifier from you.

Crystal Refraction

At 6th level, your innate connection to the earth has allowed you to produce a Crystal conduit for your magic. As part of a long rest you can produce a crystal lens from your body, a tiny iridescent gem or piece of glass through which you channel your magic as a spellcasting focus.

The crystal has an AC of 15 plus your proficiency bonus and an amount of hit points equal to your sorcerer level, it has immunity to any damage caused by your spells as well as poison and psychic.

If the crystal is forced to make a saving throw or ability check it uses your modifiers for the roll. It has a flying speed of 30 feet and the ability to hover. If you produce a crystal lens while at your maximum the first becomes inert and loses any magic.

The crystal harmlessly hovers around you and follows your movement, unless you use a bonus action to make the crystal to move up to its speed to an unoccupied space you can see, this movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Whenever you cast a sorcerer spell, you can cast it without material components through the space of one of your Crystal Lenses as long as it is within 100 feet of you. If the spell requires a spell component that is usually consumed, the crystal subsidises the component cost up to a maximum value of 10gp times your sorcerer level for each spell cast through it.

You can have additional active Crystal Lenses at higher levels; you have 2 at 8th level, 3 at 13th level, and 4 at 17th level. You can move any number of your active crystal lenses on your turn with a single bonus action.

Crystal Body

At 14th level your physiology changes to align more with the magic you wield, your body hardens further granting you and your crystal lenses have resistance to bludgeoning and slashing damage from non-magical and non-adamatine sources. In addition your eyes become flawless magical spheres of Gems or glass granting you one of the following benefits of your choice:

  • You can see in magical and normal darkness and dim light out to 200 feet.

  • You can see the outline of any creature that's not undead or a construct within 120 feet, this sight penetrates through 3 feet of stone, 1 foot of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 5 feet of wood or dirt. You can see the aura of any invisible creature within this range.

  • You are always under the influence of the detect magic spell, however this only functions within your line of sight. This sight allows you to automatically detect visual illusions and you automatically succeed on any saving throw against them, you can also see the true form of any shapechanger while it's not in its true form.

  • You can make out fine details out to 5 miles away, and you can see normally through heavily and lightly obscured areas created by smoke, fog, mist and other such phenomena.

you can change what benefit your Magic confers to your vision as part of a long rest. unless you spend 3 sorcery points to change the effect as an Action.

Artist credit

Patriartis -

Fractal Casting

At 18th level, you are freely capable of refracting the magic sent through you and your crystals into different all manor of shapes.

When you cast a Sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher with an area of effect, from you or one of your crystal lenses you can freely choose to reduce the area of effects range or radius by any amount for that casting. Alternatively you can choose to have the spell to follow the following guidelines:

  • The spell's Area of effect is shaped into a 5 foot wide line originating from you or one of your crystal lenses with up to, a 30 foot range plus an additional 20 feet of range for each slot level above 1st.

  • The spell's Area of effect is shaped into a 15 foot cone originating from you or one of your crystal lenses plus an additional 10 feet for each spell level above 1st.

Artist credit

Dennis van Kessel | Dark Crystal Mage -

Optional Familiar Rules

If your Gem sorcerer has at least 6 levels in this class and casts the find familiar spell, you can forgo summoning a creature to instead use your crystal lenses as your familiar. while cast in this way your familiar cannot take actions, does not roll for initiative and can't communicate telepathically with you.

When you use your action to see and hear through your crystal lens space, you retain the use of any special senses you have while looking through your crystal's space. When you gain more lenses at higher levels you can switch perspectives between different lenses as a bonus action.

Finally when you use your action to send your familiar to a pocket dimension, you can send any number of crystal lenses you have to the same pocket dimension and you can choose to Re-summon any number of them within 30 feet of you as an action.

Subclass credit

Dassealeo | Reddit