Cleric: Spring Domain

The Spring domain represents renewal, hope, growth, redemption, color, and beauty. Clerics may worship gods of spring like Persephone, or gods with larger, inclusive portfolios such as Lathander, Silvanus, or Sune.

Spring clerics are well-respected and well-liked, in both wild and civilized places. They seek to foster hope for those who are suffering, aid recovery during times of hardship, create beauty in the midst of ugliness, foster positive changes, and guide new beginnings. Spring clerics accept and open their worship to all, no matter their history. They offer redemption for past deeds in commitment to their faith, ideas, and values.

Spring Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Goodberry, Color Spray
3rd Pollen Burst, Calm Emotions
5th Hypnotic Pattern, Remove Curse
7th Conjure Animals, Aura of Purity
9th Greater Restoration, Skill Empowerment

Sign of Spring

At the 1st level, you know Prestidigitation and Thorn Whip as cleric cantrips. Neither of these count against the number of cantrips that you know, and are considered as bonus cantrips.

Season's Beauty

Also at the 1st level, you gain proficiency in either the Persuasion or Nature skill.

Channel Divinity: Renewal

At the 2nd level, as an action, you may touch and pray for one ally within 5 feet to be refreshed and renewed. On their next turn, as a bonus action, they can use up to half their maximum Hit Dice, rounded down, to regenerate their health. Their Exhaustion Level is also lowered by one.

Spring Thaw

At the 6th level, as a Bonus Action, choose an ally within 30 feet of you, including yourself. They gain resistance to cold damage and +10 movement speed until the start of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

End of Winter

At the 17th level, Renewal also grants an extra action to your target.

Pollen Burst

2nd-level evocation spell

    Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V S

Duration: Instantaneous

You extend your hand toward a creature you see within range and envelop them in a blast of magic pollen. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 radiant damage. Additionally, you roll a d4 to determine the allergic reaction, which lasts until the start of your next turn.

D4 Roll Allergic Reaction Effect
1 Crying Blinded
2 Wheezing Speed Reduced by Half
3 Drowsy Prone
4 Sneezing Incapacitated

If the creature succeeds on their saving throw, they take half damage with no allergic reaction. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, each target takes 1d6 extra damage for each level above the 2nd spell level.


Thank you to The Homebrewery for the format design tools.

Pink Cleric, Deacon Callimedes, Under Creative Commons from AgeplayF. Blue cleric image, Fantasy Hobbit Druidess, from dashinvaine. Flowers and birds from PNGWave. Images edited in GIMP-2.