Sorcerous Origin:

The World Tree

The rejuvenating forces of life and creation infuse your very essence with calming power. Your power derives itself from the World Tree itself - the font of all creation in the universe. It has been known by many names in many civilizations but universally recognized as the birthplace of life itself.

You, or someone from your lineage, may have been a descendant of the great dryads and treefolk in direct communion with the Great Provider. Your power is intended to revive, to protect, to invigorate all those around with the hopeful fruit of life.

World Tree Features
Sorcerer Level Features
1st Natural Magic, Shade of the Bough
6th Soul Seed
14th Fruit of the Vine
18th Bounteous Harvest

Natural Magic

Your link to nature allows you to learn spells normally associated with the druid class. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose the new spell from the druid spell list or the sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.

In addition, choose a season that is the favored source of your power: Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall. You learn an additional spell based on that Season, as shown below. It is a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against your number of sorcerer spells known. If you later replace this spell, you must replace it with a spell from the druid spell list.

World Tree Seasonal Spells
Season Spell
Winter Create or Destroy Water
Spring Entangle
Summer Faerie Fire
Autumn Animal Friendship

Shade of the Bough

Starting at 1st Level, as a Bonus Action, you may extend the calming presence of the shade of the World Tree to any beings of your choice within 30 feet of you. Beings affected by this may add 1d6 to the next saving throw that they fail as long as they remain within range. Each time this ability is used, the radius diminishes by 10 feet. Once it reaches 0, the effect ends.

You may use this ability once before requiring the completion of a long rest to renew it.

Soul Seed

Starting at 6th Level, your soul begins to grow as a seedling of the World Tree itself to be nurtured over time with magic. Whenever you cast a spell of Spell Level less than or equal to your Charisma modifier (including cantrips), you may add (1) sorcery point to your Soul Seed. Your Soul Seed may hold up to a maximum of one-half (rounded down) of your total number of sorcery points.

As a Bonus Action, you may bloom your Soul Seed and regain sorcery points equal to the amount stored within your Soul Seed. Once this has bloomed, you may not utilize this feature again until completing a long rest.

Fruit of the Vine

Starting at 14th Level, whenever you use the conversion mechanics of your Font of Magic feature or activate your Soul Seed, you may heal one ally within 30 feet of you for an amount equal to twice the number of sorcery points involved.

Bounteous Harvest

Starting at 18th Level, you may nurture (2) Soul Seeds simultaneously. When activated, you may only tap into one Seed at a time.

Art Credits

No artwork shown in this guide is owned by or the property of the creator of this document. All images found online - see below for URL links to original images if used:

Page 1: Seungmin Lee

Page 2: Sanjan Halimic