The City

The City is the name of the setting, and what everybody refers to the setting as. Its official name has long been forgotton, although you can find hints as to what it was if you look in the right places.

Dominion territory


Occupying a military compound are The Dominion. Before The Ascension, kirins flocked to Fort Hamstallion to enlist in a new program pomoting the draconian pony's natural abilities, most of which would serve the old Equestrian military well. After The Ascension, the military was left in complete disarray; most of their leadership were killed attempting to maintain peace, and morale was completely shattered. All of this changed when a dragon stepped forth, rallying the kirins under a common cause: to bring order back to the world, under any means neccesary. Following this was a major overhaul of Fort Hamstallion's forces, ultimately resulting in The Dominion.

Even after the great dragon's demise, The Dominion followed his children, the offspring of dragon and pony. The ultimate expression of power and authority in The City.

"The Nest"

Their greatest assets, the dragons, nest just below the compound, safely secluded from the world where they may brood and breed in peace. Because of this, the exact location of every dragon is unknown, and the vast maze of metal and stone they inhabit fiercly guarded. Some theorize this place is also the origin of "plasma".

The Garrison

The Barracks

When kirins aren't heading off to the warfront, they're preparing for the inevitable. Here, they hone their skills against one another and specially designed machines meant to test their power and endurance.


Harmony territory

The Dome

Before The Ascension, The Dome was an expiremental biodome meant to create a stable self-contained ecosystem. The Dome comes equipped with many automated features, as well as severla large gardens, isolated biospheres for studying different flora, and a solar-powered power grid for maximum efficiency. It is no wonder Harmony has made this place their home, modifying the structure to accomodate their vast numbers. Now The Dome houses tens of thousands of creatures all living harmoniously under the alicorn's benevolent rule.

Lunar District

The Lunar District is an impoverished locale located within the dome. The dimly lit corridors and tightly packed metal mesh structures reek of destiution, but also reveal a personal charm lacking in the uniform complexity of the Solar District.

Crime here is more commonplace than amongst the raised-nosed nobility, but most ponies should be okay if they excersize due caution.

Solar District

From atop their lofty throne, high above the enshrouded Lunar District, are the resident aristocracy; unicorns, classical and modern alike, mix and mingle with drink and conversation, excersizing the kind of freedom only wealth and status can afford. Every gilded metal surface is polished to a mirror shine, and precious metals course through the veins of fine art and personal accessories.


The Outer Ring

The Roost

A megacluster of Pre-Ascension metal factories, long since fallen to rust and decay. The largest concentrated population of griffons in The City call some part of this place home, but due to idological differences, have seperated into 'Clusters' that occupy one of three decommssioned factorie clusters.

Steel Cluster

The 'friendliest' Cluster, Steel griffons are typically pretty passive, and prefer to keep to their own. They don't go out of their way to cause trouble, but will still defend their territory with the ferocity griffons are known for. The Steel Cluster itself all consists of inoperable steel factories and their constituents.

Iron Cluster

Aggressive expansionists, the Iron griffons see the broken world around them and see infinite potential. Many of them are engineers or smiths, utilizing their limited- but functional- knowledge on metalwork to arm and armor themselves. They beleive that they can revive the megacluster and become a self-sustaining force in The City- a dangerous mindset to have when surrounded on all sides by powerful enemies.

The Alloys

Every griffon that doesn't belong to a cluster is an Alloy, a vagabond with no place to call home except for those they make. Iron Cluster once disputed for Alloy's territory and, after a ferocious battle that would go down in history as [The Forged War] their cluster was annexed into Iron territory, and the Alloys sent off into The City.

The Boundaries

After The Acsension, most of The City was torn apart. What remains is the result of being at the eye of the storm. Everything beyond, however, has been reduces to dust as far as the eye can see. Beyond the demolished structures defining The City's borders, nothing remains. It is absolute dessolation.

The Outer Ring wraps around the entirety of The City, and provides refuge for outcasts such as the Destriers. Griffons, diamond dogs, and interlopers also call this place home, organizing into small bands of travellers or gangs. It is a lawless land where anything and everything happens, albeit in complete destitution.

Rust Junction

Within the rusted hulk of an unfathomable machine is the living, breathing heart of commerse in The Outer Ring. Mazinine corridors or pipes and chutes make up every visible surface, some of them flowing with unkown fluids, and others glowing with strange energy. Most of the Juntion, however, is dark and corroded, affording small spaces for Dogs, Griffons, and other Outer Ring creatures to hawk their wares.


The Deadzone

The Pyramid

Surrounding The Pyramid and the land around it for miles is a lifeless wasteland. Once-majetsic builds lay silent and dorment in varying states of disrepair. Debris fills the streets, and a fine layer of dust covers everything the eye can see. Unicorns, kirins, and other magically sensitive creatures can feel this place before they ever set sights on it, filling them with dread and unease. The Deadzone was hit the worst during the Acsension, and became a hotbed for choatic magic. The Deadzone's environemnt is dangerously unstable, and hostile creatures of unknown origin haunt its streets and derilect buildings.

The Dominion controls most of the East side of The Pyramid, while Harmony controls the West. Neither of them have managed to safely navigate this inhospitable environemnt, however, and none have managed to find a way inside.


The Frontier

Frontier towns

Every faction has a few frontier towns scattered about, defending their borders in key areas. The creatures living there, while not quite caught up with present affairs, are still typically kept in the loop. What they do in their town is up to them, but they usually keep with the theme of their founder.