The Adventure of the forgotten realms

Welcome, weary travelers, to the forgotten realms. You may wonder what has brought you here. I will tell you. Long ago, these lands was teeming with life. There were merchants in the streets, with their wagons with goods and wares. Once there was peace in these lands, no sign of theft or murder in the realms. Then our king was murdered by a filthy witch who thought it was a good idea to kill the king without thinking of the consequences. Now, 10 years later, the peace was gone and we had poor people begging, we had soldiers taking what they wanted and who they wanted. Nowadays there are no consequences for what people do, everyone is responsible for themselves. There are even brothers and sisters fighting each other for what little scraps there are. The lands are divided by barons and lords who want to take more land, raise their own armies and appoint themselves kings of their new so called lands. The realms are in shambles and we need help to fix the realms back in order because chaos is here. There have been sightings of demons and other beings that we have not yet seen, most of which are stories, so they say. But I believe the realms are breaking and opening up to each other, creating gateways for monsters and demons to roam at will. I ask you so-called heroes, will you help restore peace to the worlds? Or will you turn to greed and leave us to rot forever?

Part 1: The Path of Heroes

The heroes tell who they are and what they did in their own realm before being teleported to this new and mysterious realm. After the heroes explain who they were in the realm they came from, Portal Master will tell them what is happening in the realm he comes from and why he teleported them to this new and unknown realm. The heroes must decide whether to solve the problem or destroy the realm for their own amusement.

<The Portal Master looks to the Heroes and starts talking> Heroes.. You might be wondering why I brought you to this new realm and how i have brought you here. I created a portal that was below you so that I could ensure that you would enter it and come to our aid in this realm. You see the realm is in chaos right now, we use to be a pleasant realm with only petty theft in the villages and towns and the occasional murder. Nothing the town guards could deal with, but now, after our King Hamilton was murdered in cold blood by a witch, the realm is in chaos. barons and lords have turned their villages and towns into their own military installations, hoarding the treasures of their people and waging war against each other.

As the heroes have heard what has happened in the realm they must now decide what to do. Give them 2 choices: They can choose to save what is left of the realm and become known as the heroes who saved the realm, from being corrupted by the greed of the barons and lords. Or are they willing to use the chaos of the realm in their own way to take control of the realms and become masters of this realm in chaos?

Part 2: Choosing Their Path

The Players are able to be the heroes or the villains of the story here, it's how they see fit. They are able to pick different paths if they choose to split up or one of the players decide they wanna be a solo villain. When the players have picked what path they have chosen, read them the next choice they have to decide.

The Path of Heroes

You have chosen the path to saving the realms making you the hero of the story where you will help the townsfolk to save the realm, free them of corruption and take the time to either pick a King from the people around the realm to keep the sanity and try to help the heroes in keeping the realms safe from the Lords and barons. You will also have to face the villains at some point to find out what fate the realm will have.

The Path of Villains

You have chosen the path of becoming the Villain of the story, what your goal in this story is to help the lord and barons to keep the realms in chaos, helping to overthrow any king that might happen to be chosen that is meant to keep order in the realm. You can either help lords and barons or you can take their position through power to rule the town or become a ruler over the realms and be the one who decide what happens to the people living in the realms. You will be able to make deals with the Lords and Barons to rise above them. You will also have to face the heroes at some point, you don't have to kill them, but that's entirely up to you.

Depending on what the players have chosen of path, you need to figure out where they need to head now and how the portal master will react. There will be a default way to how the Portal Master is reacting.

path of the heroes

Portal Master looks to the heroes with a big smile Heroes I'm glad you have chosen to help us from the chaos that is running the realm, I wish you the best of luck i will send you straight to the ressistance that is happening

path of the villains

Portal master looks to the players I see the path you have picked.. He let's out a big sigh He starts speaking in a tongue that seems confusing to the players I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS DECISION OF YOURS! A Portal opens up beneath the villains and they dissapear from the room of the Portal Master


PART 1 | Dungeon Master Kingo

Part 3: Villains path

The villains are being teleported to another place in the realm that looks like a swamp with no end to see in the distance. Portals opens up above a river that's running through the swamp, they end up on their butts in the water. Around them is trees having their roots leaving the tree above the ground and holding the trees up above the water, moss hanging from roots. Hearing roars in the background.

As the vilains are getting their grasp at where they have landed. they are soon surprised by Crocodiles coming up from the water and they have to defend themselves quickly!


Medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
  • Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 5 (-3)

  • Skills Stealth +3, Perception +4
  • Senses darkvision 30 Ft., passive Perception 14.
  • Languages ----
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Watery Lurker. The alligator has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while submerged in water.

Hold Breath. The alligator can hold its breath for 15 minutes.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 12) Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the alligator can't bite another target.

Death Roll. One creature the alligator has grappled in the water it must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw, on a taking 13 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

After having deafeated the Alligators. The villains saw there was a path leading somewhere. The path is wide enough to have at least a wagon running on it, it's rugged from years of usage with small holes in them. on the sides it appears to have some sort of torches standing in the ground but not lit up at all. The weather is sunny but all the leafs of the trees are blocking the sun from entering and creating a sort of dark/greenish colour in the swamp.

The villains must choose which way to go. there is signs they can follow but they have some weird numbers they can't seem to understand quite yet. Path to the right leads them straight to an abandoned castle, the abandoned castle belongs to one of the lords that is ransacking the town. It's a days march ahead. Should they go left, they will come to a small town, where the town is being ransacked by a small number of soldiers. After a days march.


PART 3 | Dungeon Master Kingo