Atlantean Conch

Wonderous Item, Very Rare

As an action, you can activate the conch, targeting a creature you can see and hear within 30 feet. That creature must make a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw. On a failure, the Conch captures the creature’s voice. That Creature is treated as being under the effects of a Silence Spell. As a Bonus Action, you can adopt this creature’s voice for up to 1 minute, after which, your voice returns to normal. Within this duration, your voice is indistinguishable from that of the targeted Creature, and you gain Advantage on relevant Charisma checks based on impersonation of this creature. Once used, this property of the Conch can’t be used again for 1d4 hours. The targeted Creature may repeat the Saving Throw at the end of each of your turns, regaining the use of their voice on a success. An echo of the Creature’s voice remains in The Conch until it is released. You can release the captured voice at will as an Action. The Conch can only hold one voice at a time.

Atlantean Conch