
Edenbaerrow Edicts:
Paths of War

A catalogue of Edenbaerrow’s martial and magical traditions

Clash with magic and mayhem, swords and steel in this collection of subclasses, spells, and feats for Edenbaerrow’s characters!




Template Designers: u/Kaiburr_Kath-Hound

Artist Credits

Front Cover: Mythic Odysseys of Theros by Jason Rainville, @Wizards of the Coast

Inside Cover: Thaumaturge’s Familiar by Andrea Radeck, @Wizards of the Coast

Page 6 (left): The Hunter by Chuck Lukacs, @Wizards of the Coast

Page 6 (right): Hero of the Pride by Wisnu Tan, @Wizards of the Coast

Page 6 (bottom): The Hunter by Howard Lyon, @Wizards of the Coast

Page 10: Pyxis of Pandemonium by David Palumbo, @Wizards of the Coast


On the Cover

The WWF- The World Wrecking Federation- prepares for a final face off against the demonic presence of Yeenoghu, and the DM himself. Jason Rainville brings this legend to life.

The contents of this document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.



Paths of War



Paths of War



Artificers of Edenbaerrow

Edenbaerrow is a land of constant change with new ages coming and going with the progessional change. The world now tilts into the Age of Technology swiftly taking the land by by and taking root in civilizations across the myriad continents of this world.

Every city has begun the arduous uplifting process of industrialism with innovation and progress leading to the better of the world; or so most with an eye would have you believe.

It is the inventive Artificer that carries this talent into the new age. A mixture of arcane practice & scientific progress combined in a fusion that many have dubbed Arcanomechanical.

With this new practice, Artificers fill a gap that most moving into this new era need: where science fails, magic may succeed, and where magic fails, science may do the trick. Artificers seek to improvise, improve, and impress a balance upon both concepts.

Specialist Crafts

Edenbaerrow’s many countries & nations have raised up a variety of Artificer traditions called Crafts. Each craft is unique having sprung up from the available innovations.

These Crafts have sprouted organizations and each one is filled with fanatical geniuses, eccentric inventors and specialized engineers.

With multiple technology pushing guilds & Crafts progressing the age forward, Edenbaerrow enters a period of prosperity alongside technology where no one need rely on magical solutions to every problem.

Soon, technology will be the true answer.


Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already an artificer.

Proficiencies Gained. If artificer isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an artificer: light armor, medium armor, shields, Firearms, thieves’ tools, & tinker’s tools.

Spell Slots. Add half your levels (rounded up) in the artificer class to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your available spell slots.



The Artificer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Infusions Known Infused Items Spell Slots Per Spell Level
Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Magical Tinkering, Spellcasting, Magical Analysis - - 2 2 - - - -
2nd +2 Infuse Item 4 2 2 2 - - - -
3rd +2 Artificer Specialist, The Right Tool for the Job 4 2 2 3 - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2 3 - - - -
5th +3 Artificer Specialist feature 4 2 2 4 2 - - -
6th +3 Tool Expertise 6 3 2 4 2 - - -
7th +3 Flash of Genius 6 3 2 4 3 - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 2 4 3 - - -
9th +4 Artificer Specialist feature 6 3 2 4 3 2 - -
10th +4 Magic Item Adept 8 4 3 4 3 2 - -
11th +4 Spell-Storing Item 8 4 3 4 3 3 - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 4 3 3 - -
13th +5 - 8 4 3 4 3 3 1 -
14th +5 Magic Item Savant 10 5 4 4 3 3 1 -
15th +5 Artificer Specialist feature 10 5 4 4 3 3 2 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 10 5 4 4 3 3 2 -
17th +6 - 10 5 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Artifice Mastery 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 12 6 4 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As an artificer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per artificer level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per artificer level after 1st


Light armor, medium armor, shields
Simple weapons, Firearms
Thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools, one type of artisan’s tools of your choice
Saving Throws:
Constitution, Intelligence
Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • any two simple weapons
  • a light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail
  • thieves’ tools and a dungeoneer’s pack

Magical Tinkering

At 1st level, you’ve learned how to invest a spark of magic into mundane objects. To use this ability, you must have thieves’ tools or artisan’s tools in hand. You then touch a Tiny nonmagical object as an action and give it one of the following magical properties of your choice:

  • The object sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
  • Whenever tapped by a creature, the object emits a recorded message that can be heard up to 10 feet away. You utter the message when you bestow this property on the object, and the recording can be no more than 6 seconds long.
  • The object continuously emits your choice of an odor or a nonverbal sound (wind, waves, chirping, or the like). The chosen phenomenon is perceivable up to 10 feet away.
  • A static visual effect appears on one of the object’s surfaces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, as you like. The chosen property lasts indefinitely. As an action, you can touch the object and end the property early.



You can bestow magic on multiple objects, touching one object each time you use this feature, though a single object can only bear one property at a time.

The maximum number of objects you can affect with this feature at one time is equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one object). If you try to exceed your maximum, the oldest property immediately ends, and then the new property applies.


You’ve studied the workings of magic and how to cast spells, channeling the magic through objects. To observers, you don’t appear to be casting spells in a conventional way; you appear to produce wonders from mundane items and outlandish inventions.

Tools Required

You produce your artificer spell effects through your tools. You must have a spellcasting focus - specifically thieves’ tools or some kind of artisan’s tool - in hand when you cast any spell with this Spellcasting feature (meaning the spell has an “M” component when you cast it). You must be proficient with the tool to use it in this way. See the equipment chapter in the Player’s Handbook for descriptions of these tools.

After you gain the Infuse Item feature at 2nd level, you can also use any item bearing one of your infusions as a spellcasting focus.


At 1st level, you know the Mending cantrip and two cantrips of your choice from the artificer spell list. At higher levels, you learn additional artificer cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Artificer table.

When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the artificer cantrips you know with another cantrip from the artificer spell list.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your artificer spells. To cast one of your artificer spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of artificer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the artificer spell list. When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your artificer level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a lst-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of artificer spells requires time spent tinkering with your spellcasting focuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Ritual Casting

You can cast an artificer spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Magical Analysis

Starting at 1st level, You can cast the Identify spell, without requiring material components a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier without requiring a spellslot.

Infuse Item

At 2nd level, you’ve gained the ability to imbue mundane items with certain magical infusions, turning those objects into magic items.

Infusions Known

When you gain this feature, pick four artificer infusions to learn. You learn additional infusions of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Infusions Known column of the Artificer table.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the artificer infusions you learned with a new one.

Infusing an Item

Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a nonmagical object and imbue it with one of your artificer infusions, turning it into a magic item. An infusion works on only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the infusion’s description. If the item requires attunement, you can attune yourself to it the instant you infuse the item. If you decide to attune to the item later, you must do so using the normal process for attunement (see the attunement rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide).

Your infusion remains in an item indefinitely, but when you die, the infusion vanishes after a number of days equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). The infusion also vanishes if you replace your knowledge of the infusion.

You can infuse more than one nonmagical object at the end of a long rest; the maximum number of objects appears in the Infused Items column of the Artificer table. You must touch each of the objects, and each of your infusions can be in only one object at a time. Moreover, no object can bear more than one of your infusions at a time. If you try to exceed your maximum number of infusions, the oldest infusion ends, and then the new infusion applies.



If an infusion ends on an item that contains other things, like a bag of holding, its contents harmlessly appear in and around its space.

The Right Tool for the Job

At 3rd level, you’ve learned how to produce exactly the tool you need: with thieves’ tools or artisan’s tools in hand, you can magically create one set of artisan’s tools, one kit, or one object from the mundane equipment list in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. This creation requires 1 hour of uninterrupted work, which can coincide with a short or long rest. Though the product of magic, the tools are nonmagical, and they vanish when you use this feature again.

Artificer Specialist

At 3rd level, you choose the type of specialist you are. Your choice grants you features at 5th level and again at 9th and 15th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Tool Expertise

At 6th level, your proficiency bonus is now doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool.

Flash of Genius

At 7th level, you’ve gained the ability to come up with solutions under pressure. When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Magic Item Adept

When you reach 10th level, you achieve a profound understanding of how to use and make magic items:

  • You can attune to up to four magic items at once.
  • If you craft a magic item with a rarity of common or uncommon, it takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.
  • When you would regain charges for an item, you regain the maximum number of charges possible.

Spell-Storing Item

At 11th level, you can now store a spell in an object. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one simple or martial weapon or one item that you can use as a spellcasting focus, and you store a spell in it, choosing a lst- or 2nd-level spell from the artificer spell list that requires 1 action to cast (you needn’t have it prepared).

While holding the object, a creature can take an action to produce the spell’s effect from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the object until it’s been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again to store a spell in an object.

Magic Item Savant

At 14th level, your skill with magic items deepens more:

  • You can attune to up to five magic items at once.
  • You ignore all class, race, spell and level requirements on attuning to or using a magic item.
  • If any item would be destroyed after running out of charges & rolling a 1 on a d20, it is instead rendered inert until after a long rest where it regains charges as normal.

Artificer Mastery

Starting at 18th level, you can attune up to six magic items at once.

Additionally, you can temporarily take inspiration from other specialist crafts. As part of a short rest, choose an artificer subclass that is different from the one you chose at 3rd level. You gain access to their 3rd level features for a number of hours equal to your Intelligence modifier.

You treat the functions of this ability as if you were a 3rd-level Artificer.

You can use this feature once before needing a long rest to do so again.

Soul of Artifice

At 20th level, you develop a mystical connection to your magic items, which you can draw on for protection:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws per magic item you are currently attuned to.
  • If you’re reduced to 0 hit points but not killed out-right, you can use your reaction to end one of your artificer infusions, causing you to drop to 1 hit point instead of 0.
  • Your Magic Item Adept feature expands to include rare and very rare items.



Artificer: Alchemist

Alchemy, the most ancient type of artifice, is always helpful to an adventurer. Alchemy, at it’s core, is a search for truth, the true nature of the materials presented by the gods. An Alchemist is an expert at combining reagents to produce mystical effects, using their creations to give life and to leech it away. Some may be healers, pursuing their art to help the sick, others may have more selfish goals, aiming to purify and preserve their own mind and flesh at any cost. Regardless of their reasons, all alchemists seek one thing: Perfection. They distill their very essence like the most potent of concoctions, until they find the single, immutable truth.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Alchemist Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Alchemist Spell List
Artificer Level Spell
1st healing word, ray of sickness
5th flaming sphere, melf’s acid arrow
9th gaseous form, mass healing word
13th blight, deathward
17th cloudkill, raise dead

Experimental Elixir

Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to capture magic in a bottle. You gain a number of alchemical reagents equal to half your artificer level (rounded up), regaining all of them when you finish a long rest. you As an action, you can use your alchemist’s supplies to produce any amount of Elixirs in empty flasks you touch, expending an alchemical reagent for each one. At creation, you choose the Elixir’s effect from the table below. The effect of an Elixir is triggered when someone drinks the Elixir. As a bonus action, a creature can drink the Elixir or administer it to a creature within 5 feet.

Any Elixir you create through this feature lasts until it is consumed, or until the end of your next long rest.

You unlock more elixir types as you gain levels in this class.

Experimental Elixirs
Elixir Effect
Healing - The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Intelligence Modifier.
Swiftness - The drinker’s walking speed increases by your proficiency bonus x 5 feet for 1 hour.
Resilience - The drinker gains a bonus to AC equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) for 10 minutes.
Boldness - The drinker can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll and saving throw they make for the next minute.
Transformation - The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the Alter Self spell (requiring no concentration). The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.
Pliability (9th level) - The drinker’s body and equipment become oozlike and fluid. The drinker can move through any space at least 1 inch in diameter for 10 minutes.
Flight (9th level) - The drinker gains a flying speed of your proficiency bonus x 5 feet for 10 minutes.
Growth (9th level) - The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the enlarge/reduce spell (requiring no concentration). The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.

Deadly Mixture

Also at 3rd level, you learn to mix dangerous chemicals on the fly. Once per turn when you damage a creature with an artificer spell, you can deal additional damage equal to 1d4 + your proficiency bonus, and apply one of the effects below based on the number on the d4

Deadly Mixture
d4 Effect
1 The target takes additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) at the end of it’s next turn.
2 The target cannot take reactions until the end of it’s next turn.
3 The target is moved 5 feet in a direction of your choice.
4 The targets speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of it’s next turn.

The extra damage increases by 1d4 at 9th (2d4) and 15th (3d4) level in this class.



Alchemical Savant

Also at 5th level, you’ve developed masterful command of magical chemicals, enhancing the healing and damage you create through them. Whenever you cast a spell using your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus, you gain a bonus to one roll of the spell. That roll must restore hit points or be a damage roll that deals acid, cold, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, and the bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1)

Restorative Agents

Starting at 9th level, you can incorporate restorative reagents into some of your works:

Whenever a creature drinks an experimental elixir you created, the creature gains temporary hit points equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

You can cast lesser restoration without expending a spell slot and without preparing the spell, provided you use alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. You can do so a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Chemical Mastery

By 15th level, you have been exposed to so many chemicals that they pose little risk to you, and you can use them to quickly end certain ailments:

  • You gain immunity to acid damage and poison damage, and you are now immune to the poisoned condition.
  • You can cast greater restoration and heal without expending a spell slot, without preparing the spell ,and without providing the material component, provided you use alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. Once you cast either spell with this feature, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.
  • For every 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year, and you are immune to being magically aged.



Artificer: Armorer

First invented by the dwarves of Gortaal, the City of Iron, Armorers modify armor to function like a second skin, enhanced to hone the artificer’s magic and unleash potent attacks or generate a formidable defense. The northern dwarves taught artificers around the world how to bond with their armor, becoming one with it even as they experiment and refine its capabilities.

Now this tradition has spread far across Edenbaerrow, but especially in the many dwarven holds across the lands.

Tools of the Trade

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor. You also gain proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this tool proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Armorer Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Armorer Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Armorer Spells
Artificer Level Armorer Spells
3rd Magic Missile, Thunderwave
5th Mirror Image, Shatter
9th Hypnotic Pattern, Lightning Bolt
13th Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility
17th Passwall, Wall of Force

Arcane Armor

Beginning at 3rd level, your metallurgical pursuits have led to you making armor a conduit for your magic. As an action, you can turn a suit of armor you are wearing into Arcane Armor, provided you have smith’s tools in hand.

You gain the following benefits while wearing this armor:

  • If the armor normally has a Strength requirement, the arcane armor lacks this requirement for you.
  • You can use the arcane armor as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells.
  • The armor attaches to you and can’t be removed against your will. It also expands to cover your entire body, although you can retract or deploy the helmet as a bonus action. The armor replaces any missing limbs, functioning identically to a body part it is replacing.
  • You can doff or don the armor as an action.
  • The armor continues to be Arcane Armor until you don another suit of armor or you die.

Armor Model

Beginning at 3rd level, you can customize your Arcane Armor. When you do so, choose one of the following armor models: Guardian or Infiltrator. The model you choose gives you special benefits while you wear it.

Each model includes a special weapon. When you attack with that weapon, you can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, to the attack and damage rolls.

You can change the armor’s model whenever you finish a short or long rest, provided you have smith’s tools in hand.

Guardian. You design your armor to be in the front line of conflict. It has the following features:

  • Thunder Gauntlets. Each of the armor’s gauntlets counts as a simple melee weapon while you aren’t holding anything in it, and it deals 1d8 thunder damage on a hit. A creature hit by the gauntlet has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you until the start of your next turn, as the armor magically emits a distracting pulse when the creature attacks someone else.
  • Defensive Field. As a bonus action, you can gain temporary hit points equal to your level in this class, replacing any temporary hit points you already have. You lose these temporary hit points if you doff the armor. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Infiltrator. You customize your armor for subtle undertakings. It has the following features:

  • Lightning Launcher. A gemlike node appears on one of your armored fists or on the chest (your choice). It counts as a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 90 feet and a long range of 300 feet, and it deals 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with it, you can deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to that target.
  • Powered Steps. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.
  • Dampening Field. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on such checks, the advantage and disadvantage cancel each other, as normal.



Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Armor Modifications

At 9th level, you learn how to use your artificer infusions to specially modify your Arcane Armor. That armor now counts as separate items for the purposes of your Infuse Items feature: armor (the chest piece), boots, helmet, and the armor’s special weapon. Each of those items can bear one of your infusions, and the infusions transfer over if you change your armor’s model with the Armor Model feature. In addition, the maximum number of items you can infuse at once increases by 2, but those extra items must be part of your Arcane Armor.

Perfected Armor

At 15th level, your Arcane Armor gains additional benefits based on its model, as shown below.

Guardian. When a Huge or smaller creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to magically force the creature to make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC, pulling the creature up to 30 feet toward you to an unoccupied space. If you pull the target to a space within 5 feet of you, you can make a melee weapon attack against it as part of this reaction.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Infiltrator. Any creature that takes lightning damage from your Lightning Launcher glimmers with magical light until the start of your next turn. The glimmering creature sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls against you, as the light jolts it if it attacks you. In addition, the next attack roll against it has advantage, and if that attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d6 lightning damage.



Artificer: Artillerist

In the spritely halls of Aalgo, the Artillerist came about by accident more than invention, what was meant to be an innovation on Imperial musket designs created something much more adaptive and destructive. Artillerists now specialize in hurling energy, projectiles and explosives. No battlefield is safe where an Artillerist comes through, and although they are extremely effective, the Aalgan Artillerist seek to bring peace by ending wars quicker.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with woodcarver’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Artillerist Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Artillerist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Artillerist Spells
Artificer Level Artillerist Spells
3rd Shield, Thunderwave
5th Scorching Ray, Shatter
9th Fireball, Wind Wall
13th Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
17th Cone of Cold, Wall of Force

Eldritch Cannon

At 3rd level, you can take an action to magically create a Small or Tiny eldritch cannon in an unoccupied space on a horizontal surface within 5 feet of you. A Small eldritch cannon occupies its space, and a Tiny one can be held in one hand. Once you create a cannon, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot to create one. You can have only one cannon at a time.

Regardless of size, the cannon has an AC of 18 and a number of hit points equal to five times your artificer level. It is immune to poison damage and psychic damage. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, treat all its ability scores as 10 (+0). If the mending spell is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. It disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 hour. You can dismiss it early as an action.

On each of your turns, you can take a bonus action to cause the cannon to activate if you are within 60 feet of it. As part of the same bonus action, you can direct the cannon to walk or climb up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space, provided it has legs.

Eldritch Cannon
Cannon Activation
Flamethrower The cannon exhales fire in an adjacent 15-foot cone that you designate. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 2d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Force Ballista Make a ranged spell attack, originating from the cannon, at one creature or object within 120 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 force damage, and if the target is a creature, it is pushed up to 5 feet away from the cannon.
Protector The cannon emits a burst of positive energy that grants itself and each creature of your choice within 10 feet of it a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

Arcane Firearm

At 5th level, When you finish a long rest, you can use woodcarver’s tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff, or rod and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely. You can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell’s damage rolls equal to the number rolled.

Explosive Cannon

Starting at 9th level, The Eldritch cannon’s damage rolls all increase by 1d8.

Additionally, As an action, you can command the cannon to detonate if you are within 60 feet of it. Doing so destroys the cannon and forces each creature within 20 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 4d8 force damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.

Fortified Position

By 15th level, You gain the following benefits:

  • You and your allies have half cover while within 10 feet of a cannon you create with Eldritch Cannon, as a result of a shimmering field of magical protection that the cannon emits.
  • You can now have two cannons at the same time. You can create two with the same action (but not the same spell slot), and you can activate both of them with the same bonus action. You determine whether the cannons are identical to each other or different. You can’t create a third cannon while you have two.



Artificer: Battlesmith

From the halls of the Brazenthrone comes ancient Battlesmiths. Armies require protection, and battlesmiths put things back together if they fail. A combination of protector and warrior, a Battle Smith is an expert and defending others and repairing material. To aid in their work, Battle Smiths are accompanied by a Steel Defender, a protective champion of their own creation.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Battle Smith Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Battle Smith Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Battle Smith Spells
Artificer Level Battle Smith Spells
3rd Heroism, Shield
5th Branding Smite, Warding Bond
9th Aura of Vitality, Conjure Barrage
13th Aura of Purity, Fire Shield
17th Banishing Smite, Mass Cure Wounds

Battle Ready

When you reach 3rd level, your combat training and your experiments with magic have paid off in two ways:

You gain proficiency with martial weapons. When you attack with a magic weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls.

Steel Defender

By 3rd level, your tinkering has borne you a faithful companion, a steel defender. It’s friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. See its game statistics in the Steel Defender stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. You determine the creature’s appearance and whether it has two legs or four; your choice has no effect on its game statistics.

In combat, the defender shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The Steel Defender acts at your mental commands requiring no action to direct it. If you are incapacitated, the Steel Defender moves to defend you or itself if it is unable to reach within 5ft of you.

If the Mending spell is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. If it has died within the last hour, you can use your smith’s tools as an action to revive it, provided you are within 5 feet of it and you expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. The steel defender returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored.

At the end of a long rest, you can create a new steel defender if you have smith’s tools with you. If you already have a defender from this feature, the first one immediately perishes. The defender also perishes if you die.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Steel Defender

Medium construct

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 + your Intelligence modifier + 5 times your artificer level (the defender has a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your artificer level)
  • Speed 40ft.

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 6 (−2)

  • Saving Throws: Dex +1 plus PB, Con +2 plus PB
  • Skills: Athletics +2 plus PB, Perception +0 plus PB x 2
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
  • Damage Immunities: poison
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 + (PB x 2)
  • Languages understands the languages you speak
  • Challenge

Vigilant. The defender can’t be surprised.


Force-Empowered Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d8 + PB force damage.
Repair (3/Day). The magical mechanisms inside the defender restore 2d8 + PB hit points to itself or to one construct or object within 5 feet of it.


Deflect Attack. The defender imposes disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against a creature other than the defender.



Arcane Jolt

At 9th level, you’ve learn new ways to channel arcane energy to harm or heal. When either you hit a target with a weapon attack or your steel defender hits a target, you can channel magical energy through the strike to create one of the following effects:

  • The target takes an extra 2d6 force damage.
  • Choose one creature or object you can see within 30 feet of the target. Healing energy flows into the chosen recipient, restoring 2d6 hit points to it.

You can use this energy a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), but you can do so no more than once on a turn. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Improved Defender

At 15th level, your Arcane Jolt & Steel Defender become more powerful:

  • The extra damage and the healing of your Arcane Jolt both increase to 4d6.
  • Your steel defender gains a +2 bonus to each of its stats, its Armor Class and it gains the Extra Attack feature.
  • Whenever your steel defender uses its Deflect Attack, the attacker takes force damage equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.



Artificer: Biosmith

The Craft of using artificer magicks and technology to magically enhance bodies to cure the sick and heal the wounded came from the bounds of the Imperium, Biosmiths were the first battlefield medics, fighting on the frontlines alongside inventions that provided healing aid to wounded soldiers. Their research is never ending, as they study the mortal biology and strive to discover new ways through which it can be enhanced and preserved.

Biosmith Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd cure wounds, detect poison and disease
5th enlarge/reduce, protection from poison
9th haste, life transference
13th stoneskin, vitriolic sphere
17th antilife shell, enervation

Orb of Assistance

At 3rd level, as an action, you can summon an orb of assistance in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you. Its speed is equal to your walking speed and it can hover up to 10 feet away from the ground. It has 5 x your artificer level hit points and 12 AC. A use of mending restores 2d6 hit points to the orb. Its saving throws are the same as yours. On each of your turns, you can control the orb as a bonus action to move and do one of the following things:

  • Restore. A creature of your choice within 5 feet of the orb that has less than half of its maximum hit points, regains hit points equal to your artificer level + your Intelligence score. If the orb uses restore on a creature that has not completed a short or long rest since it last received its benefits, the creature must make a DC 5 Constitution saving throw or take lightning damage equal to your artificer level + your Intelligence score. The DC increases by 5 for every subsequent try.

  • Assist. A creature of your choice within 10 feet of the orb has advantage on its next attack roll or saving throw.

  • Distract. A creature of your choice within 10 feet of the orb has disadvantage on its next attack roll.

  • Zap! You can cast your next spell through the orb, as if it was the casting origin.

Lightning Pulse

At 5th level, whenever a creature regains hit points by you or your orb, you or a creature of your choice within 30 feet of you, gains a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. Alternatively, you can choose to damage a creature within 30 feet of you dealing lightning damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

At level 15, you restore hit points or deal damage equal to double your proficiency bonus.

Inner Life Force

At 9th level, You’ve learned how to tap into the innate power of an individual. You can cast the haste spell on a target other than yourself once a day without expending a spell slot. When you do so, it doesn’t require concentration.

Heart of Restoration

Upon reaching 15th level, you can replace the orb of restoration with your own heart. You stop aging, become immune to lightning damage and no longer need food or water to sustain yourself. Additionally, you can hover for up to 10 feet from the ground.

You can still use Orb of Assistance as a bonus action, but it is now centered at you. The range of the effects increases to 30 feet.

Finally, if you are at 0 hit points at the start of your turn you can choose to overclock your orb instead of rolling a death saving throw. When you do so, you regain 5d8 hit points. Once you’ve overclocked your orb, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.



Artificer: Chronothief

For those that pursue the magic of artifice, no area of study is too dangerous. Perhaps against their better judgment, some artificers choose to experiment with Chronomancy, the magic of time. Known as Chronothieves, these bold artificers are marked by their signature Chronometers, a wondrous object which they use to steal moments and adjust the flow of time.

Chronothief artificers originated shortly after the Sky Sovereignty split from the Imperium, leaving them as a relatively new organization though they’ve begun sprouting up across Edenbaerrow with the Sovereignty’s fluctuating power, taking new apprentices and avoiding the Order of the Timekeepers.

Tools of the Trade

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with jeweler’s tools. If you are already proficient with jeweler’s tools, you instead gain proficiency with another set of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Chronothief Spells
Artificer Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd Expeditious retreat, featherfall
5th hold person, misty step
9th haste, slow
13th banishment, dimension door
17th hold monster, modify memory


At 3rd level, you can create a Chronometer, marking you as a true Chronothief. At the end of a long rest, you can use your jeweler’s tools to construct a Tiny timekeeping device, like a watch, hourglass, or small sun dial, which can be used as a spellcasting focus by you for your artificer spells.

You can only have one Chronometer at a time, and creating another causes the magic within the first to dissipate.

Your Chronometer has a number of charges equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. It regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. While your Chronometer is in hand, you can expend a charge to use the following abilities:

Accelerate. As an action, you increase the speed of a creature within 60 feet by a number feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier until the end of their next turn.

Decelerate. As an action, you force a creature that within 60 feet to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, its movement speed is reduced by a number feet equal to 5 times your Intelligence modifier until the end of its next turn.

Slip. As a reaction when a creature within 60 feet makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can force them to re-roll. You must use this reaction before you know if the triggering attack, check, or saving throw succeed.

Warp. As an action, you can switch places with a creature within 60 feet, each instantly teleporting to the other’s space. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be forced to switch places with you.

Stolen Moments

You have improved your Chronometer so that you can literally save moments in time for later. Beginning at 5th level, when you successfully paralyze, stun, or reduce a creature’s movement speed to 0 with a spell or Chronotheif ability, your Chronometer regains one of its expended charges.

Additionally, Your Chronometer abilities that take one action can now be used as a bonus action.

Empowered Chronomancy

Your understanding and control over the magic of time has greatly increased. Upon reaching 9th level in this class, the magic of your Chronometer improves in the following ways:

Accelerate. Opportunity attacks against the target creature have disadvantage until the end of their next turn.

Decelerate. You can spend an additional charge to double the movement speed reduction. If this feature reduces a target’s speed to 0, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Slip. You can spend two charges to use this reaction after you know if the triggering attack roll, ability check, or saving throw succeeded or failed.

Warp. You can spend additional charges to increase the range by an additional 30 feet for each charge you expend.

Master Chronothief

You are considered a master in the field of Chronomancy. Starting at 15th level, you can overload your Chronometer, expending any remaining charges, to cast time stop.

Once you cast time stop in this way, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.



Artificer: Crystalsmith

The Alrynean Empire is a land abundant in magical crystals and gems, and from this abundant resource, the art of Crystalsmithing came to the forefront. Using crystals to manipulate magic to create radiant effects, focusing on light and its uses in magic, the Crystalsmith is a master of illusions and light.

Tools of the Trade

By the time you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you are deeply familiar with employing its tools. You gain proficiency with jewelers’s tools, assuming you don’t already have them. You also gain jeweler’s tools for free, the result of tinkering you’ve done as you’ve prepared for this specialization.

Crystalsmith Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class.

Crystalsmith Spells
Artificer Level Spell
3rd color spray, silent image
5th mirror image, moon beam
9th hypnotic pattern, major image
13th hallucinatory terrain, phantasmal killer
17th dawn, wall of light

Crystal Lens

At 3rd Level you use complex crystals to create a unique lens that aids in in battle by manipulating light for beams and illusions. The lens could be attached to a rod or wand or a staff and can be used as a focus.

  • Light Manipulation While you have your Crystal Lens on you you know the minor illusion cantrip.

  • Radiant Beam As an action, while you have your Crystal Lens on you, you can cause a beam of light to shine through it on one creature within 60 feet of you. Make an attack roll using your Artificer spell modifier against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage and is temporary distracted by the blinding light, causing the next attack against it to have advantage.

The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8) in this class.
Whenever you deal damage with this feature, You can expend a spell slot to deal extra damage to the target. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than first, to a maximum of 5d8

Greater Gem

Starting at 6th level you learn to create advanced crystals, both more receptive to magic and stronger in form.

  • Jewel Reflection While you have your Crystal Lens on your person, and have line of sight with one of your artificer infusions or someone holding your artificer infusions, you may cast an illusion spell from your artificer spell list as though they have cast the spell.

  • Crystal Carapace Your skin starts to become as hard as crystal allowing the strength of your tool to help you against any enemy. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 14 + your Dexterity modifier. This crystal counts as armor when you are using your arcane infusions ability.

Mineral Mastery

At 14th level, you gain complete control over your crytals, being able to form them in an instant and allowing them to be so strong as to reflect any light trying to harm you.

  • Radiant Reflection Your Crystal Carapace learns to help shine any light away from you in danger. You gain resistance to radiant damage. Additionally, when taking radiant damage, you may make an intelligence saving throw against the damage, on a success you ignore all damage from the attack. Once you use this, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

  • Crystal Cocoon As a reaction when you take damage, you can cocoon yourself in crystal, which cracks away at the end of your next turn. While cocooned like this, you gain immunity to all damage, your speed is reduced to 0, and you are incapacitated. These effects end when the crystal cracks away.

Once you use this, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.



Artificer: Rift Maker

The Rift Maker is a unique artificer that is able to use their tinkering abilities to create and manipulate gaps in space. A Rift Maker can pull out objects from other dimensions and quickly teleport creatures in short bursts.

After the events known as the Merge, and Bloom, many science practitioners were attempting to see how these events could be avoided or manipulated, leading to the creation of new schools of science in the Free Cities, particularly Ziekarch.

Tools of the Trade

You gain proficiency with cartographer’s tools. If you already have this tool proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Rift Maker Spells

At 3rd level, You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Rift Maker Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Rift Maker Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd chaos bolt, tenser’s floating disk
5th mirror image, misty step
9th haste, thunder step
13th banishment, dimension door
17th teleportation circle, wall of force

Thinking with Portals

Starting at 3rd level, your experiments into the planar barriers has inspired the creation of a device capable of bridging portals between separate locations. Your Portal Device can be used a spellcasting focus.

As an action, you can create a gateway between two separate solid surfaces within 60 feet of you. The surfaces must be atleast 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide. The portal entrances are Medium in size and flush with the surface they appear on. If you create one of these gateways on the floor of a space of a Medium or smaller creature, it must make a Dexterity saving throw against your DC, or fall through the portal.

Portals created in this way last one minute or until you create another portal. The two spaces are connected and can be attacked through as if they were adjacent. If one portal is targetted by a dispel magic or similar effect, both portals disappear.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Hasty Jaunt

Starting at 5th level, You are able to create quick, temporary portals to help move your allies away from danger. When you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is damaged by an attack or harmful spell, you can use your reaction to teleport the target to an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of you.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Flickering Existence

At 9th level, You can cause your body to become unstable in its current plane of existence. You always have the blink spell prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. You can also cast it once without a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you start casting the spell, you can modify it two separate ways:

  • The spell has a range of touch, allowing it to be used on willing creatures.
  • The spell does not require you to roll to determine if the target disappears, you choose at the end of your turn.

Planar Pull

Beginning at 15th level, You have a better feel for manipulating spatial rifts and what you want to conjure from them, gaining the following benefits:

  • Your Thinking with Portals range increases to 120 feet.
  • You can recall your Infusions to your location as an action from anywhere on the same plane of existence, teleporting them to the nearest unoccupied space. If the infusion is being carried or worn, the target can choose to teleport with the infusion.
  • You can cast arcane gate and plane shift without expending a spell slot or material components, provided you use cartographer’s tools as the spellcasting focus. Once you cast either spell with this feature, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.



Artificer: Scrapper

The scrapper moves with their eyes scanning the ground, ready to snatch any metals they can get their hands on. Everything can be made into anything, and the only limits are what they have on hand. They might not make the most durable of machinations, but their tools will last long enough to get the job done. To the scrapper, scrapwork might be an artform, a necessity to survive, or both.

Scrapper’s Tools

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Additionally, your Magical Tinkering feature is more flexible if a little slipshod. It gains the following changes:

  • The maximum number of objects you can affect with this feature at one time is doubled.
  • You have access to a new magical property: The object turns into a mundane piece of adventuring gear of your choice worth 10 gp or less.
  • The properties granted by your Magical Tinkering end after 24 hours.

Scrapper Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Scrapper Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Scrapper Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd burning hands, Tenser’s floating disk
5th cordon of arrows, heat metal
9th blinding smite, conjure barrage
13th fabricate, sundering smite UAH
17th conjure volley, shoulder cannon UAH

Make It Work

By 3rd level, you’ve learned a few tricks to help you make the most out of scrap metal and other industrial refuse. Your carrying capacity is doubled and you have proficiency with improvised weapons.

In addition, you can spend 1 minute converting 10 lbs of mundane materials, such as armor and weapons, into a scrap slot. Doing so destroys the converted objects. You can have a maximum number of scrap slots at one time equal to your proficiency bonus.

On each of your turns you can use a bonus action and expend a scrap slot to gain a flexible benefit. Once before the start of your next turn you can add a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you make. Alternatively, if you are targeted by an attack you can add this bonus to your AC against that attack instead.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fuse Item

By 9th level, you’ve learned that more is more. When infusing an item, you can reinforce it by consuming a scrap slot, granting it your choice of one of the following effects:

  • An infusion that would provide a numerical bonus increases that bonus by 1.
  • An infusion that has charges increases its maximum charges by 1.
  • If this infused item requires a creature to attune to it, this infused item doesn’t count against the number of magic items to which that creature can be attuned. A creature can only be attuned to one infused item with this benefit.

You can only have two infused items reinforced in this way at a time. If you reinforce a new infused item, your choice of one of the previous reinforced items loses its benefit.


At 15th level, your collection of junk has grown so much that it practically orbits you. As an action, you can make it do so, casting the maelstrom spell without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell with this feature, it counts as an artificer spell for you, scavenged metal swirls around you instead of water and it has the following changes:

  • You are unaffected by the spell.
  • The spell’s area is centered on you, and remains centered on you as you move for its duration.
  • Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action and expend a scrap slot to cause the scrapwave to heat up until the start of your next turn. Until then, the spell deals an additional 2d8 fire damage when a creature fails its saving throw against it.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th level spell slot to use it again.



Artificer: Stormsmith

The schism between dwarven and duergar societies was nearly absolute until recently, backed by hatred. However the threats from below and above forced the kin to reunite. With the strange elemental magics of the duergar, the dwarven artificers honed new techniques arounnd the Arcano-mechanical Storm Gauntlet. Now, Smallfolk Artificers known as Stormsmiths participate alongside military units.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with smith’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Stormsmith Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Stormsmith Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Stormsmith Spells
Artificer Level Spells
3rd thunderous smite, thunderwave
5th gust of wind, misty step
9th call lightning, lightning bolt
13th arcane eye, locate creature
17th destructive wave, legend lore

Storm Gauntlet

By 3rd level, you finish your tinkering on your storm gauntlet. Only you can use it, it counts as both a magic weapon and a spellcasting focus, and you can’t be disarmed of it while wearing it.

  • Cantrips. While wearing your gauntlet, you know the static discharge cantrip (Homebrew)

  • Thunder Slam. You can use your gauntlet as a melee weapon with which you are proficient. On a hit, it rings audibly with thunder within 150 feet of you, dealing 1d8 thunder damage. You use your Intelligence modifier for the attack and damage rolls.

  • Volt Blast. You can use your gauntlet as a ranged weapon with which you are proficient. It shoots a beam of crackling energy with a range of 150 feet. On a hit, it deals 1d8 lightning damage. You use your Intelligence modifier for the attack and damage rolls.

  • Losing your Gauntlet. If you lose your gauntlet, you can create a new one over the course of three days of work (eight hours each day) by expending 100 gp worth of cloth, metal, and other raw materials.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Power Absorption Module

At 9th level, you finish the ingenious power absorption module, capable of harnessing raw power. When you take fire, lightning, or thunder damage while wearing your gauntlet, you can use your reaction to halve the damage you take.

Additionally, the damage of your Thunder Slam and Volt Blast increase by 1d8. When you absorb power through this module, this damage increases by an additional 1d8 to a total of 3d8.

You can absorb power in this manner a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Overload Module

Starting at 15th level, you can overload your Storm Gauntlets allowing you to cast Chain Lightning without expending a spellslot or material components.

Once you do so, you cannot do so again until after you finished a long rest.



Artificer Additional Options

The following options are available to all Artificers in the Edenbaerrow setting.

  • When using the Replicate Magic Item infusion, you can choose any common magic item.

  • Prosthetic limbs no longer require attunement.

  • The homunculus servant Infusion no longer requires 6th level Artificer.

  • Many Infusions no longer specifically require ‘Tinker’s Tools’ and instead can be used with most Artisan’s Tools.

Uncanny Preparedness

At 3rd level, when you need a commonly sold piece of gear or set of tools, you can make a DC 15 Intelligence check if you have a container (such as a backpack or sack) that could hold that gear or tool. On a success, you find the needed gear or tool is in your container, provided it is worth 50 gp or less and less than 1 foot long or wide).

You must immediately pay the gp cost of the item to use this ability, otherwise it does not work—you previously thought ahead and purchased this item when you last had the opportunity to do so.

Once you successfully gain an item with this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

(Uncanny Preparedness replaces the artificer’s 3rd level feature, The Right Tool for the Job.)

New Infusions

Adamant Defender

Prerequisite: Battle Smith specialty
Item: Your steel defender (requires attunement)

Your steel defender gains the following benefits:

  • Critical hits against the steel defender become normal hits.
  • Your steel defender’s maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to your level in this class.
  • Your steel defender gains a +1 bonus to melee weapon attack and damage rolls. When you reach 10th level in this class, this bonus increases to +2.
Arcane Implement

Item: A rod or wand

This tiny length of wood is infused with an artificer cantrip of your choice. As an action, a creature can produce the imbued cantrip, using your spellcasting modifier to cast the spell.

Arm Launcher

Item: A glove or gauntlet

This tiny magical launcher can be loaded with a Tiny object (for example: ball bearings, a vial of acid, alchemist’s fire, or holy water). As a bonus action the wearer can activate the launcher and make a ranged attack at a target within 20 feet. The launcher can be reloaded as an action.

Collar of Taming

Prerequisite: 10th level artificer
Item: a metal circlet or collar

The magic of this collar can tame even the wildest of animals. You, and only you, can control any beast wearing this collar as if it were a trained mount. This collar does not work on beasts with an Intelligence score greater than your own.

At 15th level, this magic collar allows you to control any monstrosity with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower.

Compass of Pinpointing

Item: A compass

Concentrate on a specific object that you have seen, or one you have a detailed description of. This compass reveals the exact direction in which the object lies, and a tiny mechanical analog display shows the distance of the object from you. If the object is 1000 feet or farther away from you, the display shows the number 999. If the object is in motion, the compass continuously adjusts the direction in which it points as long as you are concentrating on it. If the object is hidden by magic, or located on a different plane of existence, the compass needle spins in cirles. The compass can’t locate an object if any thickness of lead, even a thin sheet, blocks a direct path between you and the object.

Moreover, if you aren’t concentrating on an object you wish to locate, the compass precisely points north at all times.

Enhanced Instrument

Item: a musical instrument (requires attunement)

This instrument has been magically enhanced by artifice. The wielder is considered proficient with this instrument and can use it as a spellcasting focus. Whenever they make an ability check using this instrument, they gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

At 10th level this magic instrument grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level.



Helm of Mind Shielding

Prerequisite: 14th-level artificer
Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)

The wearer of this magic helm is resistant to psychic damage, immune to the charmed and frightened conditions, and any magic that allows another creature to read their thoughts or telepathically communicate with them.

Immovable Boots

Prerequisite: 6th level artificer

Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)

When the user is standing on a flat surface, they can use an action to activate the boots, magically fixing the user in place. Until you use an action to deactivate the boots, you do not move, even if you are defying gravity.

A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, separating your boots from the surface on a success.

Jury-Rigged Conveyance

Prerequisites: 17th-level artificer
Item: A barrel

This complicated, self-propelled vehicle is exactly like an apparatus of Kwalish (as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide), but made of various scavenged materials rather than just iron.

Mystic Armament

Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: a melee weapon (requires attunement)

This item has 4 charges. While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast the steel wind strike spell, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot. The weapon regains all expended charges at the end of a long rest.

Mystic Shot

Prerequisite: 14th level artificer
Item: a ranged weapon (requires attunement)

While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast swift quiver, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot.

Once activated, the wielder must finish a short or long rest before they can cast swift quiver with this weapon again.

Potion Injection Projector

Item: A crossbow, any

Using this infusion, you turn a crossbow into a long range potion dispenser. While changed in this way, the crossbow cannot be used as a weapon. While holding this crossbow, you can use a bonus action to load a potion into the syringe. As an action you can fire a syringe at a creature you can see within the crossbow’s normal range. Unwilling creatures can make a Dexterity saving throw against your artificer spell save DC, avoiding the syringe on a successful saving throw. A creature hit by the crossbow’s syringe gains the effect of having consumed the potion you last loaded into it.

Repulsion Gauntlets

Prerequisite: 6th level artificer
Item: A pair of gloves or gauntlets (requires attunement)

These magical gauntlets have 4 charges. When the wearer hits a creature with an unarmed strike they can expend 1 charge and force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 15 feet. The gauntlets regain all expended charges at dawn.

At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.

Roof-Runner’s Armor

Prerequisites: 10th-level artificer
Item: A suit of light armor (requires attunement)

A creature wearing this light armor can add a bonus equal to its Intelligence modifier to its Dexterity checks, Wisdom checks, and Strength (Athletics) checks.

This armor has 4 charges. As a bonus action, you can expend 1 charge to cast spider climb, targeting yourself only. It regains all expended charges each day at dawn.

Vigilante’s Glass

Item: A magnifying glass

Whenever a creature carrying this magnifying glass casts a divination, enchantment, or illusion spell of 1st level or higher, for the next hour, every time it makes a Wisdom (Insight or Perception) check, an Intelligence (Investigation) check, or a Charisma (Intimidate) check, it can treat a roll of 4 or lower on the d20 as an 5.

The magnifying glass has 4 charges. Whenever a creature holding it fails an ability check, it can expend 1 charge to reroll that check with advantage. Each day at dawn, the magnifying glass regains 1d4 expended charges.

Power Whip

Item: A whip or chain

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it’s damage die increases to 1d8.



Barbarians of the Wilds

The wilds of Edenbaerrow are a place of unforgiving, relentless, survival of the fittest. In these places away from civilization, the Barbarians of the world rule supreme creating their own unique brand of fighting or traditions of survival.

Barbarians can fall into many categories and under the auspices of hundreds of different cultures, yet the most common are the unruly, the undisciplined, and the ruthless.

With weapon in hand, and an untamed fury that quells even the most painful of wounds, Barbarians lead the charge and protect those close to them by killing whatever would threaten them.

How have the wilds shaped you? What brought you down the path you find yourself on now, adventuring within the lands of Edenbaerrow.

Barbarian Paths

Edenbaerrow’s many barbarian clans have focused their fury into creating paths of martial combat, these path range from worshipping ancestors and gods for additional powers, or believing in a fated end that nothing will keep you from.

Whatever path they may follow, few can stand for long in the presence of a true barbarian.. And fewer still will stand for long…


Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Strength score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a Barbarian.

Proficiencies Gained. If Barbarian isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an barbarian: Shields, simple weapons, martial weapons.

homebrew mug



The Barbarian
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Rages Rage Damage
1st +2 Rage, Unarmored Defense, Magekiller’s Rage 2 +2
2nd +2 Reckless Attack, Danger Sense 2 +2
3rd +2 Primal Path, Primal Knowledge 3 +2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 +2
5th +3 Extra Attack, Fast Movement 3 +2
6th +3 Path feature 4 +2
7th +3 Feral Instinct, Instinctive Pounce 4 +2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 +2
9th +4 Brutal Critical (1 die) 4 +3
10th +4 Path feature, Primal Knowledge 4 +3
11th +4 Relentless Rage 4 +3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 +3
13th +5 Brutal Critical (2 dice) 5 +3
14th +5 Path feature 5 +3
15th +5 Persistent Rage 5 +3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 +4
17th +6 Brutal Critical (3 dice) 6 +4
18th +6 Indomitable Might 6 +4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 +4
20th +6 Primal Champion Unlimited +5

Class Features

As a barbarian, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Barbarian level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per barbarian level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a greataxe or (b) any martial melee weapon
  • (a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon
  • An explorer’s pack and four javelins


In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action.

While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor:

  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee or thrown attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.

You can rage a number of times equal to your Rage column, before needing a long rest before you can rage again.

Unarmored Defense

While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Magekiller’s Rage

When you use a bonus action to enter your rage, you can choose not to gain the advantage on Strength checks and saving throws the Rage feature normally grants.

When you do so, until the rage ends, when any creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you.



Danger Sense

At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge perils. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, so long as you are not incapacitated.

Reckless Attack

Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.

Primal Path

At 3rd level, you choose a path that shapes the nature of your rage. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Primal Knowledge

When you reach 3rd level, you gain proficiency in another skill of your choice from the list of skills available to Barbarians at level 1.

In addition, while your Rage is active, you can channel primal power when you attempt certain tasks; whenever you make an ability check using one of the following skills, you can make it as a Strength check even if it normally uses a different ability: Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, or Survival. When you use this ability, your Strength represents primal power coursing through you, honing your agility and senses.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fast Movement

Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor.

Feral Instinct

By 7th level, your instincts are so honed that you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Additionally, if you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren’t incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before doing anything else on that turn.

Instinctive Pounce

At 7th level, as part of the bonus action you take to enter your rage, you can move up to half your speed.

Brutal Critical

When you score a critical hit with a weapon using Strength, the Thrown property or an Unarmed Strike, the target takes 1d12 extra damage of the same type.

This extra damage increases by 1d12 when you reach Barbarian levels 13 (2d12) and 17 (3d12).

Relentless Rage

Starting at 11th level, your rage can keep you fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 hit points while you’re raging and don’t die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, your hit points instead change to a number equal to your Barbarian level.

Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.

Persistent Rage

Beginning at 15th level, your rage is so fierce that it ends early only if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.

Indomitable Might

Beginning at 18th level, if your total for a Strength check or save is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total.

Primal Champion

At 20th level, you embody the power of the wilds. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24.
Additionally Brutal Critical now rolls 4 additional dice.



Barbarian: Path of the Ancestral Guardian

Some barbarians hail from cultures that revere their ancestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the past linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can guide and protect the living. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts the spirit world and calls on these guardian spirits for aid.

Barbarians who draw on their ancestral guardians can better fight to protect their tribes and their allies. In order to cement ties to their ancestral guardians, barbarians who follow this path cover themselves in elaborate tattoos that celebrate their ancestors’ deeds. These tattoos tell sagas of victories against terrible monsters and other fearsome rivals.

Originally tales of these Barbarians came from deep in the ancestral elven lands, worshipping a now long forgotten elven deity of souls, who would value the guarding of communities through ancestral worship. Now the tradition can be found across the continent of Terracore and beyond.

Ancestral Protectors

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, spectral warriors appear when you enter your rage. While you’re raging, the first creature you hit with an attack on your turn becomes the target of the warriors, which hinder its attacks. Until the start of your next turn, that target has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn’t against you, and when the target hits a creature other than you with an attack, that creature has resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. The effect on the target ends early if your rage ends.

Shroud of the Ancestors

Additionally at 3rd level, the protection granted by the ancestral spirits extends to the spectral energies of the shadowfel and Realm of Death.

You gain resistance to necrotic damage while you are raging.

Spirit Shield

Beginning at 6th level, the guardian spirits that aid you can provide supernatural protection to those you defend. If you are raging and another creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 2d8.

When you reach certain levels in this class, you can reduce the damage by more: by 3d8 at 10th level and by 4d8 at 14th level.

Consult the Dead

Additionally at 6th level, you can cast speak with dead without using a spell slot or material components. One of your ancestors becomes the medium for your conversation, allowing you to speak to the target of the spell.

Ancient Wisdom

At 10th level, you gain the ability to consult with your ancestral spirits. When you do so, you cast the augury or clairvoyance spell, without using a spell slot or material components. Rather than creating a spherical sensor, this use of clairvoyance invisibly summons one of your ancestral spirits to the chosen location. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

After you cast either spell in this way, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Vengeful Ancestors

At 14th level, your ancestral spirits grow powerful enough to retaliate. When you use your Spirit Shield to reduce the damage of an attack, the attacker takes an amount of force damage that your Spirit Shield prevents.



Barbarian: Path of the Battlerager

Battlerager Armor

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency in Smith’s Tools and Leatherworker’s Tools. If you already have proficiency in either of these you instead gain proficiency in another Artisan’s Tool of your choice.

You gain the ability to both make and wear Battlerager Armor. During a long rest, you can convert any suit of light or medium armor to Battlerager Armor. The armor will retain all its original properties (including enchantments and magical effects, if any). You can only have one suit of Battlerager Armor at any time, any previous suit of Battlerager Armor will lose its special properties if you create a new one.

It is not possible for your Battlerager Armor to be removed without your consent.

While wearing Battlerager Armor, Battleragers gain a number of benefits:

  • You can make special attacks with your armor spikes – armor strikes. These armor strikes count as simple melee weapons that do 1d8 piercing damage and use your Strength modifier for the hit and damage rolls. If your armor is magical, these strikes will also count as magical, and any bonuses to the enchantment level of the armor will be applied to these strikes, for example +1 armor will strike as a +1 weapon for the purposes of attack and damage rolls.
  • You can choose to make unarmed strikes with armor strikes instead.
  • While raging you can make a bonus action armor strike.
  • When you successfully grapple a creature or a creature successfully grapples, engulfs or swallows you the creature takes damage equal to an armor strike. Any creature you have grappled at the start of your turn takes 1d8 damage.
  • You gain proficiency in Intimidation if you don’t already have it. While raging, you have advantage on Intimidation skill checks.

Affinity: Dwarf Battleragers. Battleragers of Dwarven descent have a special affinity for this Barbarian Path. A dwarven Battlerager can convert a suit of heavy armor to Battlerager Armor. This suit of armor will retain all its original properties, except that it will count as medium armor for all of your Barbarian abilities.

Dwarven Upkeep

At 3rd level, you learn the mending cantrip as barbarian cantrip. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.

Relentless Focus

Starting at 6th level, your enemies cannot abandon the fight until you are finished with them. When a creature within your reach moves away from you, you can use your reaction to move up to your walking speed as long as you are moving towards them.

Battlerager Charge

Beginning at 6th level, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action while you are raging.

When you use the Dash action, you do not provoke opportunity attacks and you can move through spaces occupied by other creatures that are the same size as you or smaller as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn in a space occupied by another creature after using the Dash action, you instead end your turn in the most recent unoccupied space that you moved through during your turn (your choice if several spaces qualify), or to the nearest unoccupied space if no other spaces qualify.

You deal piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus to any creature whose space you move through when you Dash in this way. You can deal damage to a creature in this way with Battlerager Charge once per round.

Reckless Abandon

Beginning at 10th level, your reckless flurry of attacks and spikes make it difficult for enemies to get a clean hit on you. When you use Reckless Attack while raging and wearing spiked armor, you gain the benefits of half cover until the start of your next turn if you continue to rage and are not incapacitated.

Additionally, the target of your Reckless Attacks does not gain advantage on attack rolls against you.

Battlerager Vigor

At 14th level, your might is unmatched by most. Whenever you use your Relentless Rage, you reduce the DC by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier.

Additionally, when you begin raging and at the start of each your turns while raging, you gain temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. These temporary hit points vanish when your rage ends or when you doff your spiked armor.



Barbarian: Path of the Beast

This Primal Path rose up originally in the Expanse, where shapeshifting creatures harnessed their inner power to transform only partially making use of both their intellect and bestial spark burning with them,

Origin of the Beast
1d4 Origin
1 One of your parents is a lycanthrope, and you’ve inherited some of their curse.
2 You are descended from an archdruid and inherited the ability to partially change shape.
3 A fey spirit gifted you with the ability to adopt different bestial aspects.
4 An ancient animal spirit dwells within you, allowing you to walk this path.

Form of the Beast

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, when you enter your rage, you can transform, revealing the bestial power within you. Until the rage ends, you manifest a natural weapon. It counts as a simple melee weapon for you, and you add your Strength modifier to the attack and damage rolls when you attack with it, as normal.

You choose the weapon’s form each time you rage:

  • Bite. Your mouth transforms into a bestial muzzle or great mandibles (your choice). It deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns when you damage a creature with this bite, you regain a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus, provided you have less than half your hit points when you hit.

  • Claws. Each of your hands transforms into a claw, which you can use as a weapon if it’s empty. It deals 1d6 slashing damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns when you attack with a claw using the Attack action, you can make one additional claw attack as part of the same action.

  • Tail. You grow a lashing, spiny tail, which deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit and has the reach property. If a creature you can see within 10 feet of you hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to swipe your tail and roll a d8, applying a bonus to your AC equal to the number rolled, potentially causing the attack to miss you.

Bestial Soul

Beginning at 6th level, the feral power within you increases, causing the natural weapons of your Form of the Beast to count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

You can also alter your form to help you adapt to your surroundings. When you finish a short or long rest, choose one of the following benefits, which lasts until you finish a short or long rest:

  • You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater.
  • You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
  • When you jump, you can make a Strength (Athletics) check and extend your jump by a number of feet equal to the check’s total. You can make this special check only once per turn.

Infectious Fury

At 10th level, when you hit a creature with your natural weapons while you are raging, the beast within you can curse your target with rabid fury. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or suffer one of the following effects (your choice):

  • The target must use its reaction to make a melee attack against another creature of your choice that you can see.
  • Target takes 2d12 psychic damage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Call the Hunt

At 14th level, the beast within you grows so powerful that you can spread its ferocity to others and gain resilience from them joining your hunt. When you enter your rage, you can choose a number of other willing creatures you can see within 30 feet of you equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one creature). You gain 5 temporary hit points for each creature that accepts this feature. Until the rage ends, when the chosen creatures hit a target with an attack roll and deal damage to it, the creature can roll a d6 and gain a bonus to the damage equal to the number rolled.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.



Barbarian: Path of the Berserker

The wildlands are the home of the Path of the Berserker, one of unbridled fury to all their enemies. You are slick with the blood of those you slay, you find thrills in the chaos of battle and are headless of your own health or well-being, only destruction awaits those who interfere.

The Path of the Berserker originally came from the city of Steelhold, where the strongest rule over all. Attaining this path was a surefire way to contend for the throne and before long many saw this path as a pinnacle of strength. The teachings of it traveled with the wandering tribes of the north, and now all of Terracore has seen the prowess of the Berserker.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can go into a frenzy when you rage. When you do so, you may make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action. For the duration of this rage, you may make melee weapon attack rolls as a bonus action. In addition, if you hit a creature with your attack action and this feature you can make an additional melee weapon attack. When your rage ends, you make a Constitution Saving Throw. The save DC is 10 + the number of rounds your rage lasted. On a failure, you gain a level of exhaustion.

Each time you enter a frenzied rage, the DC of this ability increases by 2. This increase lasts until you complete a long rest.

Frightening Strength

Starting at 3rd level, You gain a bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks equal to your Strength modifer (minimum of +1).

Mindless Rage

Beginning at 6th level, you are immune to the charmed & frightened conditions while you are raging. If you were charged or frightened when you enter your Rage, the effect ends immediately on you.

Intimidating Presence

Beginning at 10th level, When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can frighten them with your menacing presence. When you do so, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, if you hit the creature with another melee weapon attack, you can choose to extend the duration of this effect on the frightened creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you.

If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can’t use this feature on that creature until after a long rest.


Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.



Barbarian: Path of the Bloodletter

The Path of Bloodletter teaches a barbarian to harness the innate power of blood, the essential conduit of life-force in mortal creatures. Many of these barbarians arise in areas where hags, witches, or dhampir reside, the higher use of blood magic drawing those willing to grow powerful from its grasp leading to this unique primal path. Such barbarians use their own blood, as well as the blood of their foes, to channel incredible destructive power.

The first Bloodletters came from the settlement of Sembia, where Dhampirs harnessed primordial rage to kill their sires and claim the village for themselves.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your firsthand experience with the workings of blood and flesh allow you to assess a creature’s vitality in an instant. You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill.

In addition, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to choose a creature you can see and make a DC 10 + the target’s Constitution modifier Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a success, you learn whether the creature’s current or maximum hitpoints are more than yours, choosing when you use the action.


Also at 3rd level, when you use your Reckless Attack feature while raging, you can choose to bleed yourself to enhance your attacks. You lose hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), and each weapon attack you make on this turn deals extra damage equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.


At 6th level, the rituals of bleeding have toughened your body. When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, you use the highest number possible for the die.

Additionally, your hit point maximum can’t be reduced.


At 10th level, you gain a keen sense for the presence of fresh blood, and the ability to seek out its source. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Wisdom (Survival) checks to detect or track creatures that are at less than their maximum hit points.

In addition, you can pursue wounded enemies with fluid grace. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can move up to half your speed immediately after the attack and as part of the same reaction. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

Intrinsic Power

Starting at 14th level, you can absorb the power contained in the blood of your fallen foes. As an action, you can absorb the latent mystical power within the blood of a creature within 5 feet who has died within the last 10 minutes. You gain a different benefit based on the creature type of the corpse:

  • Aberration or Fey. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid being charmed, frightened, or stunned. You gain resistance to psychic damage.
  • Beast or Monstrosity. Your base walking speed increases by 15 feet, and you have climbing and swimming speeds equal to your walking speed. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
  • Celestial or Fiend. You gain immunity to fire, poison, radiant, or necrotic damage. You gain advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks for the duration.
  • Dragon. You gain resistance to the energy type of the dragon whose blood you’ve absorbed. You can cast the dragon’s breath spell at will, as if you had used a 5th level spell slot. You can only choose the energy type of the dragon whose blood you’ve absorbed. You can cast and concentrate on this spell even while raging.
  • Giant or Humanoid. Your Carnage feature deals twice as much damage. Your carrying capacity is doubled for the duration, and you have advantage on saving throws against being moved against your will.

This benefit lasts for 24 hours or until you use this feature again. This feature doesn’t work on corpses that lack blood, including those of constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, and undead.



Barbarian: Path of the Depths

Encounters with the terrors of the deep can break the minds of the weak-willed, but some forge their trauma into weapons never seen above the waves. The barbarian who walks this path has survived such an encounter and has gained extraordinary abilities from the experience.

The most common ooccurence of these barbarians came after the awakening of the Salvage. Its monstrous presence and telekinetic impact left many across the southern shores developing strange powers, bringing the fury into form in this Path.

Gift of the Drowned Ones

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and gain the ability to breathe underwater and resistance to cold damage while raging.

Dredge Line

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you manifest an extra appendage when you enter your rage. This weapon can appear as a kraken tentacle, a giant anchor, preternatural jaws, or something else based on your history.

As a bonus action, you can use this appendage to strike at one creature of your choice that you can see within 15 feet. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be pulled up to 10 feet in a straight line towards you and become grappled.

A creature that ends its turn grappled in these magical appendages take damage equal to your Rage damage.

Ghostwater Dive

Beginning at 6th level, you can form your body into a burst of water that can materialize somewhere else as an action. You magically teleport along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Before or after teleporting, you can make one attack, as part of your action. Moving in this way does not provoke opportunity attacks.

If you use your action to teleport in this way, your rage will not end this turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your constitution modifier until you take a short or long rest.

Manifestations of the Deep

At 10th level, you can manifest additional adaptations of the deep. Select one of the below adaptations you manifest, during a long rest you may replace your chosen manifestation with a new option from this list:

Eyes of the Deep: You gain the ability to use echolocation. When you do so, you cast the True Seeing spell, without using a spell slot or material components. After you cast a spell in this way, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Arms of the Deep: While raging, you now manifest two magical appendages, which may be tentacles, chains and anchors, animated rigging, or another grasping arm of your choice. When you use your dredge line ability, you can attempt a grapple with each of your appendages.

Heart of the Deep: While Raging on your turn, you can use a bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to 1d12 + your barbarian level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, after which you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Soul of the Deep: You are now immune to all effects that would cause you to be charmed or frightened.

Armor of the Deep: Your skin hardens, increasing your AC by a number equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

Depth Charge

At 14th level, You gain an additional Manifestation of the Deep

Additionally, when you use your Ghostwater Dive ability, you can choose to appear with a wave of tidal force. When you appear all creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw against your Dredgeline DC. On a failed save a creature takes 4d6 force damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone.



Barbarian: Path of the Fading Giants

The last remnants of primordial power linger in those of this Barbarian path, walking this path in a defiance over the fading legacy of giants and jotuns from worlds beyond our own. The rage surges in desperation, showcasing both the compassion and strength of the last of the giants.

During their rage, a barbarian may take after a legendary storm giant, hair turning white and eyes crackling with lightning, or one of their other brothers & sisters in size. These followers primarily hail from the northern lands, having lost their previous pantheon and struggling to overcome the loss has brought them closer to the legacy of their kin than ever before.

A Gesture of Faith

When you choose this path at 3rd level, you learn to speak, read, and write Giant or one other language of your choice if you already know Giant. Additionally, you learn either the druidcraft or thaumaturgy cantrip (your choice). Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Vitality of the Giants

You release primordial power around you, revitalizing yourself and allies whenever your rage swells.

Additionally at 3rd level, When you enter a Rage, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Barbarian level. At the start of each of your turns when your Rage is active, you can choose another creature within 10 feet of yourself to gain temporary hit points. To determine the number, roll a number of d6’s equal to your Rage Damage Bonus, and add them together. If any temporary hitpoints remain when your Rage ends, they vanish.

Might of the Giants

Starting at 6th level, you bring out the last of the Giant’s primordial might. When you rage, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your size increases by one category, your reach increasing by 5 feet with it.
  • You infuse a single weapon of your choice that you are holding with one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, thunder, or lightning. While you wield the infused weapon during your rage, the weapon’s damage type changes to the chosen type, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type when it hits. If you throw the weapon, it reappears in your hand immediately after it hits or misses a target.

Ymir’s Grace

Beginning at 10th level, The primordial power of your rage intensifies as you gain the approval of the Warden. When you rage, your reach now increases by 10 feet, your size can increase to Huge. You automatically succeed on any effect that would try to move you against your will.

In addition, the extra damage dealt by your Might of the Giants feature increases to 2d6.

The Worldtree

When you reach 14th level, Ymir has granted access to the last gift of the giants: the Worldtree Yggdrasil, and the means to travel it.

As an action, you can touch a huge or larger tree, or a Teleportation Circle to create a link through the Worldtree to a Teleportation Circle somewhere else on the same world, or on another plane of existence. When you do so, you can specify a target destination in general terms, such as the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire, and you can up to five willing creatures within 30 feet of you appear at the Teleportation Circle closest to that destination. If a Teleportation Circle is too small to hold all the creatures you transported, they appear in an unoccupied space closest to the circle.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or you can choose to spend five uses of your rage feature to do so again.



Barbarian: Herculean Path

Some individuals are born with seemingly impossible strength, exhibiting rippling muscles even before they learn to speak or walk. Such men and women quickly learn that every good thing in this world may be obtained through the exercise of overwhelming might. Others may scorn them and call them “barbaric,” but what are words but useless noise to be choked out of the speaker’s windpipe?

As one such individual, you know that strength is what determines one’s worth in the world: strength to crush your enemies—and to impress your allies. You savor the opportunity to show off your great strength, whether it be in battle or in friendly competition. Your incredible strength allows you to accomplish Herculean feats that will leave your foes wailing in anguish.

Precocious Wrestler

Starting at 3rd level, you have learned to take advantage of your innate strength to wrestle foes into submission. You are proficient in the Athletics skill, and you are capable of grappling and shoving creatures that are up to two sizes larger than you. On your turn, you may use a bonus action to attempt to grapple a creature. While you are grappling a creature with one hand, you may use your free hand to attack that creature with two-handed weapons as if you were using both hands.

Thunderous Blows

Starting at 6th level, you leverage your immense strength into thunderous strikes. You can use heavy weapons without incurring disadvantage due to your size.

Additionally, when you strike with a melee weapon attack or a thrown weapon attack, you can choose the damage to be thunder damage instead.

When you make a ranged weapon attack, you may choose to add the effect of the thunderwave spell to the projectile, centered on the location that the projectile hits. The DC for this effect is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.

Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Herculean Rage

Starting at 10th level, your rages take on legendary qualities and grow more powerful the longer they endure. At the beginning of each of your turns, if you are already raging, your rage damage bonus increases by +1, up to a maximum of your Strength modifier. Additionally, while raging, you are immune to poison damage and you cannot be frightened.


Starting at 14th level, your colossal strength causes the ground itself to tremble and quake. On your turn, you can use your action to strike the ground and create the effects of an earthquake with a 40 ft. radius, centered on your location. This area becomes difficult terrain.

Each creature on the ground in the affected area that is concentrating must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failed save, the creature’s concentration is broken. At the end of your turn, each creature on the ground in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw with the same DC as the previous one. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone. Each creature that fails this save suffers 2d8 thunder damage. You have advantage on this saving throw.

At the beginning of each of your subsequent turns, you may use your bonus action to stomp the ground and continue the effects of the earthquake until the beginning of your next turn, for a maximum duration of 1 minute. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest.



Barbarian: Path of the Houndmaster

A lost puppy wanders the streets starving, a young homeless girl gives it the meagre pieces of meat that she has collected, a bond is born. The Houndmaster path embodies a friendship between the barbarian and its true animalistic side. United in battle, beast and barbarian work as one to fight the foes that threaten their home. Born of the wilds or of the slums, this link between man and beast is unbreakable.

Loyal Companion

At level 3, You can magically summon the hound bound to you. As an action, you can summon the hound, which appears in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you.

The hound is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your commands. See its game statistics in the Hound Companion stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. You can determine the cosmetic characteristics of the hound such as its breed, color, or any visible effect it has, your choice has no effect on its game statistics.

In combat, the hound shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the hound can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge. If the beast has died within the last hour, you can use your action to touch it and expend 2 hit dice. The beast returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored. Otherwise upon completing a long rest you can resummon it in an empty space with 20 feet of you.

Battle Bond

At level 6, the bond you share with your hound intensifies, stoking the hound’s rage. Your hound gains the following benefits:

  • The hound’s attacks now count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
  • While you are raging, your hound also gains the benefits of the Rage feature.

Bestial Fury

Starting at 10th level, when you command your hound to take the Attack action, the hound can make two attacks.

Fearsome Beast

At 14th level, when your hound uses its deflect ability, it reduces the damage by 2d10 + your proficiency bonus. In addition, a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you can command your hound to emit a fearsome howl as part of its Bite. All creatures of your choice within 60 feet of the hound must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of your next turn. (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier).

homebrew mug



Barbarian: Path of the Manastorm

The Path of the Manastorm is a path wherein warriors become infused with the magic and fury of a manastorm. These barbarians learn how to attune to magic and wield the might of the arcane in battle. Thought to have been accidentally discovered during a wild manastorm that occurred a long time ago, the Path of the Manastorm is now sought after by those few who think they can brave the wild power of raw magic and live to harness its strength.

Primarily coming from the magical and barbaric lands of the Great Expanse, The Manastorm Barbarians have been steadily leaving their homeland due a strange magical pull taking them westward.

Bastion of the Arcane

When you choose this path at 3rd level, you have gained an understanding of the arcane. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. Additionally, while you are raging, you have resistance to damage from spells.

Fury of the Manastorm

At 3rd level, you can unleash a stormy magical aura while you rage. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. Your aura has an effect that activates when you enter your rage, and you can activate the effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action. When this effect is activated, all other creatures in your aura take 1d6 force damage each. The damage increases when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 10th level, 4d6 at 15th level, and 5d6 at 20th level.

Attunement of the Mana

Beginning at 6th level, the mana storm inside you grants you further strength. You gain resistance to force damage. In addition, immediately before you enter your rage, you can cast the dispel magic spell, targeting only yourself, as part of that bonus action. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this effect.

Presence of the Magic

At 10th level, you can feel the presence of magic. You gain access to the detect magic spellcaster feature, using it as if you were a wizard. When you do so, the range increases to within 60 feet of you.

Your Danger Sense feature now applies to Constitution saving throws triggered by spells.

Surge of the Manastorm

Starting at 14th level, you can unleash the full might of the manastorm. While you are raging, you can use your action to unleash a surge of magical energy within a 30-foot radius centered on you. Each creature within the area, other than you, must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes force damage equal to twice your barbarian level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If a creature fails this saving throw while concentrating on a spell or magical effect, its concentration is broken.



Barbarian: Path of Sacrifice

Everyone dies, but your death was written in the stars themselves, ordained within the blood and entrails of a dying beast, and whispered of by the falling bones and shuffling cards of the diviners. You are going to die, and your death is going to mean something. The rise of a great evil, or the end of an era. The destruction of all you hold dear, or the redemption of your blackened soul. The arrival of the legions of light, or the end of fear itself. In the end, you’ll be dead - sacrificed as an offering to fate and slain by a prophecy that cannot be changed by wishes alone. You embrace your fury in defiance of that prophecy, or to ensure that it arrives as was written. You scream with rage because your life means more than just an ending. When the time comes, you will be waiting, bloodstained weapon in hand.

Destined End

Those who walk this path are rare, and for good reason, as their deaths often come with catastrophic consequences. When choosing this path, work with your group to create the prophecy that speaks of your death. Remember that prophecies are often extremely vague, subject to misinterpretation, and can be self-fulfilling, or even entirely untrue. For some, these supposed prophecies could be simply the ravings of a lunatic blessed with incredible luck and martial skill, while for others these prophecies are the purest expressions of universal truth.

Omens of Doom

When creating a prophecy, refrain from mentioning specific dates or times that it will come true, as these are unreliable. Instead, create omens and motifs that herald specific parts of the prophecy. For example, mentioning events that could be interpreted in a variety of ways, such as “When the raven cries” or “When the stars fall” is an excellent way to add urgency, tension, and confusion to a prophecy.

Grim Prophecy

Starting at 3rd level, you’ve accepted that your death is fated, but this knowledge gives you purpose and a certain insight. When you enter a Rage, you and all adjacent creatures of your choice gain the benefits of the heroism spell for 1 minute. These benefits fade if you are knocked unconscious or if your Rage ends.

Additionally, you can cast the augury spell at will without material components, relying on your prophetic destiny to guide you. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Warrior of Fate

Additionally at 3rd level, your determined fate has given you prophetic divination into each moment. You don’t have to rely on brute strength when each moment unfolds as fate depicts. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can use your Wisdom modifier in place of Strength for attack and damage rolls, and any feature that requires rolls associated with Strength instead become Wisdom related instead. (i.e, Rage, Primal Knowledge, Indomitable Might)
  • As a reaction to an attack against you, you can add your Wisdom Modifier to your AC until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Cruel Fate

At 6th level, your death draws ever closer, but your skill grows in turn. If the augury spell would give you a random result, the result is Woe. Each time you cast augury, critically hit with an attack, or fail a death saving throw, you gain a defiance die, which is a d6. The maximum amount of defiance die you can have is equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.

Once per turn when you take damage from an attack or spell, you can expend and roll one of your defiance dice, adding the roll to the damage result. When you do, you also add the same result to your next attack and damage roll.

Rise and Fall

At 10th level, your destiny overpowers the lesser lives of others. When you have 0 hit points and a creature within 30 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to expend and roll your defiance die to recover hit points equal to the result.

Blood for Blood

At 14th level, your destined death awaits your arrival, and you refuse to surrender before the end of your journey. At the start of your turn, as long as you are raging, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to half your Barbarian level. These temporary hit points last until the start of your next turn.

Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points while you are raging, you can use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against a target within your reach. If this attack hits, it is a critical hit.



Barbarian: Path of the Storm Herald

Originating from the Arcadian Ocean, the Storm Heralds are those who live in the wild untamed oceans between continents, harboring a fury that grants superior strength, durability, and speed. The clans that teach this primal path let the elements rage around them, empowering their fury.

Storm Aura

When you select this path at 3rd level, you emanate a stormy, magical aura while you rage. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover.

Your aura has an effect that activates when you enter your rage, and you can activate the effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action. Choose desert, sea, or tundra. Your aura’s effect depends on that chosen environment, as detailed below. You can change your environment choice whenever finish a short or long rest.

If your aura’s effects require a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

  • Desert. When this effect is activated, all other creatures in your aura take fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

  • Sea. When this effect is activated, you can choose one other creature you can see in your aura. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 3d6 at 10th level, 4d6 at 15th level, and 5d6 at 20th level.

  • Tundra. When this effect is activated, each creature of your choice in your aura gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus, as icy spirits inure it to suffering.

Additionally, as a bonus action you can amplify the power of the storm, doubling the effects of each aura.

You can amplify your aura a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier (minimum of +1).

Storm Soul

At 6th level, the storm grants you benefits even when your aura isn’t active. The benefits are based on the environment you chose for your Storm Aura.

  • Desert. You gain resistance to fire damage, and you don’t suffer the effects of extreme heat. Moreover, as an action, you can touch a flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried by anyone else and set it on fire.

  • Sea. You gain resistance to lightning damage, and you can breathe underwater. You also gain a swimming speed of 30 feet.

  • Tundra. You gain resistance to cold damage, and you don’t suffer the effects of extreme cold. Moreover, as an action, you can touch water and turn a 5-foot cube of it into ice, which melts after 1 minute. This action fails if a creature is in the cube.

Power of the Storm

At 10th level, the power of the storm you channel grows mightier, granting you benefits while raging:

  • Each creature of your choice has the damage resistance you gained from the Storm Soul feature while the creature is in your Storm Aura.

  • As a bonus action, you can gain a flying speed equal to your current walking speed until the end of your turn.

Raging Storm

At 14th level, you have gained mastery over the storm.

As a bonus action, which can be a part of the same bonus action you use to enter your rage, you can choose to become immune to the damage type you gained resistance to from your Storm Soul feature for the duration of your rage. Once you do so, you can’t become immune to that damage type again until you finish a long rest.

Furthermore, you gain an additional effect based on the environment you chose for your Storm Aura.

Scorching Desert

Immediately after a creature in your aura hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Aura save DC. On a failed save, the creature is blinded until the start of it’s next turn as its vision fills with hot sand.

Crashing Sea

Once per turn when you hit a creature in your aura with an attack, you can force that creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone, as if struck by a wave.

Freezing Tundra

Whenever you use a bonus action to activate the effect of your Storm Aura, you can choose one creature you can see in the aura. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Aura save DC, or it has its speed reduced to 0 and can not take reactions until the start of your next turn, as magical frost covers it.



Barbarian: Path of the Wildheart

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Wild Heart view themselves as kin to the animal inhabitants of the natural world. They learn magical means to connect and communicate with animals, and their Rage heightens their connection to animals as it fills them with supernatural might.

Most commonly these Barbarians come from the Great Expanse, from the many animalistic cultures that embrace their ancestry.

Animal Speaker

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain the ability to cast the beast sense and speak with animals spells, but only as rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them.

Rage of the Wilds

At 3rd level, your Rage taps into the primal power of animals. You gain one of the following features, and can choose to change it whenever you gain a Barbarian level:

Bear. While raging, choose three damage types except Psychic. You become resistance to the chosen types.

Eagle. While you’re raging and aren’t wearing heavy armor, you can take the Disengage and Dash action as a bonus action.

Elk. While you’re raging and aren’t wearing heavy armor, your walking speed increases by 15 feet and you cannot be knocked prone.

Tiger. While raging, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and all of your jump distances are doubled.

Wolf. While your Rage is active, your allies have advantage on melee attack rolls against any enemy of yours within 10 feet of you.

Aspect of the Beast

At 6th level, you gain a magical benefit based on the totem animal of your choice. You can choose the same animal you selected at 3rd level or a different one.

Bear. You gain the might of a bear. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled, and you have advantage on Strength checks made to push, pull, lift, or break objects.

Eagle. You gain the eyesight of an eagle. You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. Additionally, dim light doesn’t impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Elk. Whether mounted or on foot, your travel pace is doubled, as is the travel pace of up to ten companions while they’re within 60 feet of you and you’re not incapacitated. The elk spirit helps you roam far and fast.

Tiger. You gain proficiency in two skills from the following list: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, and Survival. The cat spirit hones your survival instincts.

Wolf. You gain the hunting sensibilities of a wolf. Your party can track other creatures while traveling at a fast pace, and your party can move stealthily while traveling at a normal pace.

Spirit Walker

At 10th level, you can cast the commune with nature spell, but only as a ritual. When you do so, a spiritual version of one of the animals you chose for Totem Spirit or Aspect of the Beast appears to you to convey the information you seek.

Power of the Wilds

At 14th level, you inherit the power of one of your animal guides. You can choose the same animal you selected previously or a different one.

Bear. While you’re raging, any creature within 5 feet of you that’s hostile to you has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you or another character with this feature. An enemy is immune to this effect if it can’t see or hear you or if it can’t be frightened.

Eagle. While raging, you have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed, provided you aren’t wearing any armor.

Elk. While raging, you can use a bonus action during your move to pass through the space of a Large or smaller creature. That creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your Strength bonus + your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone and take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier.

Tiger. While you’re raging, if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line toward a Large or smaller target right before making a melee weapon attack against it, you can use a bonus action to make an additional melee weapon attack against it.

Wolf. While you’re raging, you can use a bonus action on your turn to knock a Large or smaller creature prone when you hit it with melee weapon attack.



Barbarian: Path of the Wildmagic

Originating on the elven continent of Etirvandil, the primal path of wild magic were originally elves who followed Ar’Vanduthil’s teaching to an extreme, foregoing joining civilized societies and allowing chaotic whim to rule their lives. Now they live in worlds of intense beauty, emotion and rampant magic trying to emulate the feywild. Elves, tieflings, aasimar, and genasi barbarians often seek this path, eager to manifest the otherworldly magic of their ancestors.

Magic Awareness

When you choose this path at 3rd level, as an action, you can open your awareness to the presence of concentrated magic. You can use the Detect Magic Spellcasting feature, but it allows you to see through total cover and bypass magic that may be hiding the effects.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Wild Surge

Also at 3rd level, the magical energy roiling inside you sometimes erupts from you. When you enter your rage, roll on the Wild Magic table to determine the magical effect produced.

If the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. The damage for each Wild Surge increases by an additional die at 6th level and 14th level.

Bolstering Magic

Beginning at 6th level, you can harness your wild magic to bolster yourself or a companion. As an action, you can touch one creature (which can be yourself) and confer one of the following benefits of your choice to that creature:

  • For 10 minutes, the creature can roll a d6 whenever making an attack roll or an ability check and add the number rolled to the d20 roll.
  • Roll a d4. The creature regains one expended spell slot, the level of which equals the number rolled or lower.

You can take this action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Unstable Backlash

At 10th level, immediately after you take damage or fail a saving throw while raging, you can use your reaction to roll on the Wild Magic table and immediately produce the effect rolled. This effect replaces your current Wild Magic effect.

Chaotic Surge

At 14th level, whenever you roll on the wild magic table, you can choose to explode with chaos. You take 4d6 force damage. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must then make a charisma saving throw against your Wild Magic save DC. On a failure, they take 8d6 damage, or half as much on a success. You can choose to make this damage: acid, cold, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses when you finish a long rest.

Wild Surge
d8 Effect
1 Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d12 necrotic damage. You also gain temporary hit points equal to 1d12 plus your barbarian level.
2 You teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again on each of your turns as a bonus action.
3 An intangible spirit, which looks like a flumph or a pixie (your choice), appears within 5 feet of one creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. At the end of the current turn, the spirit explodes, and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 force damage. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again, summoning another spirit, on each of your turns as a free action.
4 Magic infuses one weapon of your choice that you are holding. Until your rage ends, the weapon’s damage type changes to force, and it gains the light and thrown properties, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If you make a ranged attack with the weapon, it reappears in your hand immediately afterwards.
5 Whenever a creature hits you with an attack roll before your rage ends, that creature takes 1d8 force damage, as magic lashes out in retribution.
6 Until your rage ends, you are surrounded by multicolored, protective lights; you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and while within 10 feet of you, your allies gain the same bonus.
7 Flowers and vines temporarily grow around you; until your rage ends, the ground within 30 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.
8 A bolt of light shoots from your chest. Another creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage and be blinded until the start of your next turn. Until your rage ends, you can use this effect again on each of your turns as a free action.



Barbarian: Path of the Wildrunner

Unlike those elves who follow Ar’Vanduthil’s option of chaos, the Wildrunners are those from Wood elven society who adhere to the structure of society while relying on the nature of the hidden places of the world and primal power. They are like animals, using bestial fey energies to harry and terrify, while striking with the ferocity of a wolf. Many Wildrunner barbarians hail from civilized settlements rather than tribal territories. Never completely at ease except in wild places, they experience a calling to give themselves almost wholly to nature. Most achieve some balance between the different sides of their personalities, becoming fierce guardians of the lands and communities that have shaped them. Either way, they relish their freedom from the burdens of civilization, eventually becoming fey creatures themselves.

Primal Scream

When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain access to a fierce wellspring of instinctive fury. When you use your bonus action to enter a rage during your turn, as part of the same bonus action you can emit a frightening howl, forcing a creature who can hear you within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failure, it takes psychic damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus and cannot take reactions until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage but suffers no other effects. If a creature is within 5 feet of you when it takes damage from this feature, it suffers an additional 1d6 thunder damage. When you use this feature, the unmistakable sound of your battle cry can be heard up to 150 feet away. The damage of both parts of this scream increases to 2d6 at 6th level, and 3d6 at 14th level.

Shifting Fang Strike

Starting at 3rd level, while you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, you can use the Dash action as a bonus action, and if you hit a creature with an unarmed strike while you are raging, you can choose to deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. A creature which takes this piercing damage must make Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of your next turn.

Hunter’s Swiftness

At 6th level, when you use the Dash or Disengage action during your turn, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement until the end of that turn. Also, any ability check made to track you is made with a disadvantage, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to smell.

Howl of the Feywild

At 10th level, you are immune to being charmed, and when you use your Primal Scream feature, you call up a faerie fire-like green luminescence from the ground that marks your enemies. When you force a creature to roll a saving throw against your Primal Scream feature, each other creature of your choice within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that target must make a Wisdom saving throw against the same DC. Every creature that fails the saving throw (including the original target, which also suffers the normal effects of its saving throw against your Primal Scream) sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius and can’t benefit from being invisible for 1 minute. For the duration, your weapon attacks or unarmed strikes deal an additional 2d6 points of damage of whatever type of weapon you used.


At 14th level, energies from the Feywild transform you and empower your rage. Your creature type changes to Fey. While raging, you gain advantage on saving throws against spells and resistance to damage from spells, and you can use a bonus action to teleport up to 30 feet.



Barbarian: Path of the Zealot

Some deities do not just inspire followers to action, they inspire them to ferocious fury. For those who walk the Path of the Zealot, this is not just a connection to the divine, it is a physical gift. They experience rage as an ecstatic experience, a union with their gods infusing them with divine power to pursue the gods’ purposes in the world.

The zealots who come out of this union wish nothing but to return to it, to show devotion worthy of it. The first of the Zealots came from the island of Dragonsreach when Devethyr Kuldraxi first empowered the dragonborn of that isle with his divine might.

Now, such connections are becoming more common as the teachings of this Path are shared around the world.

Divine Fury

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can channel divine fury into your weapon strikes. While you’re raging, the first creature you hit on each of your turns with a melee attack or thrown weapon takes extra damage equal to 1d6 + half your Barbarian level (rounded up). The extra damage is necrotic or radiant; which you choose when you hit the creature.

Warrior of the Gods

At 3rd level, your soul is marked for endless battle, a divine entity ensures you can continue that battle. When a spell or magic item restores hit points to you, you can roll a d12 and regain additional hitpoints equal to the number rolled.

You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, if a spell, such as Raise Dead, has the sole effect of restoring you to life (but not undeath), the caster doesn’t need material components to cast the spell on you.

Fanatical Focus

Starting at 6th level, the divine power that fuels your rage can protect you. If you fail a saving throw while raging, you can reroll it, and you must use the new roll.

You can use this ability a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Zealous Presence

At 10th level, you learn to channel divine power to inspire zealotry in others. As a bonus action, you unleash a battle cry infused with divine energy. Up to ten creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you that can hear you gain advantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest unless you expend a use of your Rage feature to regain it.

Rage Beyond Death

Beginning at 14th level, the divine power that fuels your rage allows you to become a champion of death upon being fatally struck.

When your Relentless Rage successfully restores your hitpoints, you can assume the form of a spectral warrior. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. You can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature or an object.
  • When you’re hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to force the hit to become a miss.
  • While raging, having 0 hit points doesn’t knock you unconscious. You must still make death saving throws and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points, however you do not die until you fail three death saving throws, and you die then only if you still have 0 hit points.

This form lasts for 1 minute or until you die. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Bardic Tropes of Edenbaerrow

Invoking magic through music, dance, and verse, Bards are expert at inspiring others, soothing hurts, disheartening foes, and creating illusions. Bards believe that the creators of the multiverse spoke and sung it into existence and that remnants of those Words of Creation still resound and glimmer on every plane of existence. The magic of Bards is an attempt to harness those words—which transcend any language—and direct them to create new wonders.

Because the Words of Creation resonate throughout the cosmos, different Bards choose different approaches to their magic. Some Bards practice their arts in temples or monasteries, drawing on the power of the Outer Planes to channel divine magic. Others listen to bird song and the music of the wind, associate with Druid circles, and wield primal magic.

Still others immerse themselves in the study of magical lore, collecting scraps of mystic knowledge wherever their journeys take them as they master the secrets of arcane magic. Ultimately, though, these various paths converge as the most accomplished Bards learn to access almost the entire breadth of magical potential.

Anything can inspire a new song or tale, so Bards are fascinated by almost everything. They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and develop an aptitude to do almost anything well. Bards become masters of many things, including performing music, working magic, and making jests.

Not every singer or poet in a tavern or jester in a royal court is a Bard. Harnessing the Words of Creation requires hard work and some measure of natural talent that most troubadours and jongleurs lack. A Bard’s life is spent wandering across the land gathering lore, telling stories, and living on the gratitude of audiences, much like any other entertainer. But Bards’ depth of knowledge and mastery of magic sets them apart.

Bardic Colleges

The many bardic schools focus on specific types of bardic magics, from eloquently speaking words of magic to learning the most epic way of roasting your enemies. Each of these schools trains not only future magical users but entertainers that are valued the world over for their flair and dramatic edge in keeping boredom at bay.

Whether you take up these colleges to become a famous entertainer or to learn how to quite literally make your words magical, the Bardic Colleges of Edenbaerrow grant a little light and jovial demeanor to a bleak world.



Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6) 2 4 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6), Magical Inspiration (Optional) 2 5 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 Bard College, Expertise 2 6 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Versatility 3 7 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration 3 8 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Countercharm, Bard College feature 3 9 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 3 10 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Versatility 3 11 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 Song of Rest (d8) 3 12 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise, Magical Secrets 4 14 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 4 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Versatility 4 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 Song of Rest (d10) 4 17 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Magical Secrets, Bard College feature 4 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 Bardic Inspiration (d12) 4 20 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Versatility 4 21 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 Song of Rest (d12) 4 22 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Magical Secrets 4 23 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Bardic Versatility 4 24 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Superior Inspiration 4 25 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per bard level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per bard level after 1st


Light armor
Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Three musical instruments of your choice
Saving Throws:
Dexterity, Charisma
Choose any three

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a rapier, (b) a longsword, or (c) any simple weapon
  • (a) a diplomat’s pack or (b) an entertainer’s pack
  • (a) a lute or (b) any other musical instrument
  • Leather armor and a dagger


You know the Jynx cantrip and two cantrips of your choice from the bard spell list. You learn additional bard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Bard table.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know four 1st-level spells of your choice from the bard spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Bard table shows when you learn more bard spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the table. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the bard spells you know and replace it with another spell from the bard spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Ritual Casting

You can cast any bard spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.



Bardic Inspiration

You can inspire others through stirring words or music. As a bonus action on your turn, you choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 1 hour, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can roll the dice before or after it would know it would fail, potentially turning a failure into a success. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Your Bardic Inspiration die changes when you reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level.

Jack of All Trades

Starting at 2nd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.

Song of Rest

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regain hit points at the end of the short rest by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

The extra Hit Points increase when you reach certain levels shown in the Bard Table.

Magical Inspiration

At 2nd level, if a creature has a Bardic Inspiration die from you and casts a spell that restores hit points or deals damage, the creature can roll that die and choose a target affected by the spell. Add the number rolled as a bonus to the hit points regained or the damage dealt. The Bardic Inspiration die is then lost.

Bard College

At 3rd level, you delve into the advanced techniques of a bard college of your choice. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th and 14th level.


At 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 10th level, you can choose another two skill proficiencies to gain this benefit.

Bardic Versatility (Optional)

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can do one of the following, representing a change in focus as you use your skills and magic:

  • Replace one of the skills you chose for the Expertise feature with one of your other skill proficiencies that isn’t benefiting from Expertise.
  • Replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s Spellcasting with a cantrip from the bard spell list.

Font of Inspiration

Beginning when you reach 5th level, you regain all of your expended uses of Bardic Inspiration when you finish a short or long rest.

In addition, if you have no uses of Bardic Inspiration left, you can give yourself one use by expending a spell slot (no action required). You can do so only once per turn.


At 6th level, You can use musical notes or words of power to disrupt mind-influencing effects. If you or a creature within 30 feet of you fails a saving throw against an effect that applies the Charmed or Frightened condition, you can use your reaction to cause the save to be rerolled, and the new roll has advantage.

Magical Secrets

By 10th level, you have plundered magical knowledge from a wide spectrum of disciplines. Choose two spells from any classes, including this one. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip.

The chosen spells count as bard spells for you and are included in the number in the Spells Known column of the Bard table.

You learn two additional spells from any classes at 14th level and again at 18th level.

Words of Creation

At 20th level, You have mastered two of the prime Words of Creation: the words of life and death. You therefore always have the Power Word Heal and Power Word Kill spells prepared, and when you cast either spell, you can target a second creature with the spell, provided that creature is within 10 feet of the first target.



Bard: College of Battlehymns

Bards who join the College of Battle Hymns spend their lives honing their singing voices. Their songs roll over the battlefields like crashing waves, encouraging friends and hobbling foes. There is no college in the usual sense for these bards. While swinging their axes and gutting their enemies, some dwarves naturally start singing in ecstasy and discover their latent abilities in this fashion. When not on the battlefield, the bards assemble in meadhalls, theaters, or other large spaces to measure themselves among peers and sing about their exploits. The contests usually last for many days, unless interrupted by a skirmish or war. The bravest singers meet on the highest mountains and shout their hymns across the land, sending avalanches down steep rock faces. Whenever the earth rumbles, some dwarves joke, the bards must be practicing their craft up high again!

While the vast majority of these bards have always come from dwarven lands, in particular Bassile, this tradition is practiced far and wide.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Battle Hymns at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, battleaxes, warhammers, and war picks.

Dwarven Battle Hymns

Also at 3rd level, you discover your true talent and specialize in singing glorious battle hymns. As an action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to start singing a battle hymn for 1 minute. You can stop singing at any time. You cannot sing if you are silenced, for example by the silence spell. While singing, you can maintain concentration on spells and cast spells normally.

When you start singing, you first make a Charisma (Performance) check that determines your pool of inspiration. The pool of inspiration empties when you stop singing.

Marthammor’s Longest Journey. When a creature within 60 feet of you that can hear you uses its movement, you can use your reaction and expend 1 point from your pool of inspiration to turn its path into difficult terrain. This affects only the target, and lasts until the end of the target’s turn.

Silverbeard, Blood Splattered in Rage. Allies within 60 feet of you who can hear you can use their reaction and expend 5 points from your pool of inspiration when they are hit with a weapon attack to gain resistance to bludgeoning, pierciering, or slashing damage until the end of this turn.

Warm Embrace, Burning Needle. Choose a creature within 60 feet of you that can hear you. As a bonus action, you can expend 5 points from your pool of inspiration to end the charmed or frightened condition on it, or give it 5 temporary hit points.

Unearthing Secrets, Buried Within Us. Allies within 60 feet of you who can hear you can use their reaction and expend 7 points from your pool of inspiration when a spell with a verbal component triggers a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw to gain advantage on the saving throw.

Hymn of Glorious Praise

Beginning at 6th level, a life spent fighting has steeled your body and oiled your voice. Whenever you would roll a 9 or less Performance check, you can treat it as having rolled a 10 and you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Shouts that shatter and rend

At 14th level, you learn to distill an entire hymn into one earth-shattering shout. As an action, you can expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration to affect a number of creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you that can hear you with a battle shout. A target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 6d6 force damage, is knocked prone, and pushed 15 feet away from you.

You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest



Bard: College of Beasts

Far from a traditional college, bards of the College of Beasts have a powerful, inherent bond to the natural world. Through song or personality, you befriend and charm all kinds of animals, easily making lifelong companions amongst the wild lands of the world. Many bards discover on their own that they have a natural aptitude for these abilities, though sometimes the arts employed by this college are formally taught. Wood elves, forest gnomes, and circles of druids are especially keen to pass on knowledge of the College of Beasts, as such bards make stalwart allies in defending the natural order.

Beast Whisperer

Starting when you join the College of Beasts at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using this skill. In addition, you know the ways and thoughts of beasts as if they were your own. You always benefit from the effects of the speak with animals spell, and you have advantage on any ability check you make to persuade a beast to share information or to do a favor for you, given that the beast isn’t hostile to you or any of your companions.

Tiny Companion

Also at 3rd level, you gain the services of a tiny beast companion, tamed by your wits or music, and bound to you by magic. You can cast the find familiar spell as a ritual. When you do, it counts as a bard spell for you, it doesn’t require material components, and it conjures a beast rather than a celestial, fey, or fiend. A familiar conjured this way also gains the following traits:

Bardic Companion. While your familiar is riding a creature, such as on the creature’s shoulder or in its pocket, the effects of your Bardic Inspiration are improved on that creature. You can give such a creature a Bardic Inspiration die even if the creature is further than 60 feet from you and can’t hear you. Additionally, when such a creature uses a Bardic Inspiration die you gave it, it can roll twice and take the highe result.

Empowered. The familiar’s hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your bard level + your Charisma modifier, and it gains a bonus to its AC and to any saving throw it makes equal to your proficiency bonus.

Evasion. If the familiar is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Animal Allies

Starting at 6th level, wild creatures know you as a friend, and will jump to your aid. You learn the conjure animals and summon beasts spells, which count as bard spells for you and don’t count against the number of spells you know.

You can also cast either spell once with this feature without expending a spell slot or requiring material components, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Call Familiar

Also starting at 6th level, if your familiar has perished or is simply elsewhere, you can instantly call it to your side. As an action, you can expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration to cause your familiar to appear in your space as though you had cast find familiar as a ritual.

Mighty Companion

Starting at 14th level, when you cast find familiar as a ritual, you can communicate telepathically with the familiar and perceive through its senses (as described in the spell) as long as it is on the same plane as you, instead of only when it is within 100 feet of you. The conjured familiar also gains the following traits:

Improved Bardic Companion. If the familiar is riding a creature when you cast a bard spell that targets only a single creature and that doesn’t have a range of Self, you can choose that creature as the spell’s target, ignoring the spell’s range and any requirement the spell has of you being able to see the target or the target being able to hear you.

Helpful Distraction. When the familiar takes the Help action to aid a friendly creature in making an ability check or attack roll, the creature also adds your Charisma modifier to the affected roll.

Soulbound. When a creature uses a Bardic Inspiration die you gave it, the familiar regains hit points equal to the result of the Bardic Inspiration die roll. If this healing would restore the familiar above its hit point maximum, it gains temporary hit points equal to the surplus.



Bard: College of Epic Poetry

Bards who study the College of Epic Poetry are devoted to the creation of a singular masterpiece in the tradition of the epic poets. All the greatest stories in history were captured and recreated for audiences as masterful works of poetry. From oral tradition, to papyrus and paper in great libraries.

Those who wish to record their own epic poems spend their early years studying philosophy, aesthetics, and music, so that they have the necessary language to capture the splendor of great deeds. However, an epic poet cannot spend all their life in the Academy. Eventually, they must seek out great conflicts, for great conflicts produce great heroes, and great heroes produce great deeds.

Bonus Proficiencies.

At 3rd level you gain proficiency with Caligrapher’s Supplies, and expertise with the Performance skill, if you already have proficiency or expertise with either, you may choose an different tool or skill.

Epic Verses

At 3rd level, you begin composing your epic poem. When certain significant events occur during your travels or during combat, you may use your reaction to compose a new epic verse. Significant events are defined as any of the following things happening to you or one of your allies by chance (e.g. your party cannot deliberately force them to happen by repetition). You must be able to see or hear the event happen.

  • Comedy: Someone rolls a natural 1 on an attack or saving throw.
  • Hubris: Someone rolls a natural 20 on an attack or saving throw.
  • Irony: Someone fails a saving throw after adding a Bardic Inspiration die.
  • Tragedy: Someone is reduced to zero hit points by an enemy.
  • Triumph: You reduce a creature to zero hit points.

Additionally, any particularly exciting event that seems to warrant inclusion in your poem is eligible as long as the GM approves—but don’t push it.

Each time you compose a new epic verse, you must declare that you are doing so. If the GM approves, then you may add 1 verse to your poem. You may also want to write down what happened and why, so that you can enjoy reading it later, but this is not required.

Inspirational Verses

Starting at 3rd level, when you give someone Bardic Inspiration, you recite a portion of your epic poem, which improves the effect based your Epic Poem.

Improved Rolls. Your Bardic Inspiration dice have a minimum result value based on the number of verses that you’ve collected. Whenever someone rolls one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, if they roll less than the minimum value for your poem rank, then the result is equal to the minimum value as determined by your poem rank.

Additional Effects. Your Bardic Inspiration dice have additional effects based on the number of verses that you’ve collected. When you give someone Bardic Inspiration, choose one of the following effects that you have unlocked. They gain the benefit of this effect for ten minutes, or until they give them a new effect from an additional Bardic Inspiration.

  • Epic Courage: You gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would frighten you.
  • Epic Determination: You gain advantage on death saving throws.
  • Epic Foresight: You cannot be surprised, and your passive Perception increases by +5.
  • Epic Reflexes: You gain advantage on saving throws against spells that affect multiple targets.
  • Epic Resistance: You gain resistance to one damage type (Bard’s choice).

Armored Poet

At 6th level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, so that you can get close to the fighting while writing your poem. Additionally, if you are within 5 feet of an ally when you compose an epic verse about them, then you regain one expended Bardic Inspiration die.

Protective Epithets

Starting at 14th level, the lyrical epithets that you’ve selected for your allies take on magical properties, protecting them from death. Whenever a character with your Bardic Inspiration die would be reduced to 0 hit points, they may choose to roll their Bardic Inspiration die and be reduced to that number of hit points instead. The Bardic Inspiration die is then lost.

Epic Poem Rank and Effects
Poem Rank Required Verse Count Bardic Inspiration Improvement
1 0 Epic Courage
2 6 Minimum Value = 2
3 12 Epic Foresight
4 18 Minimum Value = 3
5 24 Epic Determination
6 30 Minimum Value = 4
7 36 Epic Resistance
8 42 Minimum Value = 5
9 48 Epic Reflexes
10 54 Minimum Value = 6



Bard: College of Creation

Bards believe the cosmos is a work of art - the creation of the first dragons and gods. That creative work included harmonies that continue to resound through existence today, a power known as the Song of Creation. The bards of the College of Creation draw on that primeval song through dance, music, and poetry, and their teachers share this lesson: “Before the sun and the moon, there was the Song, and its music awoke the first dawn. Its melodies so delighted the stones and trees that some of them gained a voice of their own. And now they sing too. Learn the Song, students, and you too can teach the mountains to sing and dance.”

Dwarves and gnomes often encourage their bards to become students of the Song of Creation. And among dragonborn, the Song of Creation is revered, for legends portray the Drakelan Clan–the greatest of dragons– as the song’s first singers.

Note of Potential

When you join the College of Creation at 3rd level, whenever you give a creature a Bardic Inspiration die, you can utter a note from the Song of Creation to create a Tiny mote of potential, which orbits within 5 feet of that creature. The mote is intangible and invulnerable, and it lasts until the Bardic Inspiration die is lost. The mote looks like a musical note, a star, a flower, or another symbol of art or life that you choose.

When the creature uses the Bardic Inspiration die, the mote provides an additional effect based on whether the die benefits an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw, as detailed below:

Ability Check. When the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an ability check, the creature can roll the Bardic Inspiration die again and choose which roll to use, as the mote pops and emits colorful, harmless sparks for a moment.

Attack Roll. Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die to add it to an attack roll against a target, the mote thunderously shatters. The target and each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take thunder damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die.

Saving Throw. Immediately after the creature rolls the Bardic Inspiration die and adds it to a saving throw, the mote vanishes with the sound of soft music, causing the creature to gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die plus your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

Performance of Creation

Also at 3rd level, as an action, you can channel the magic of the Song of Creation to create one nonmagical item of your choice in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The item must appear on a surface or in a liquid that can support it.

The gp value of the item can’t be more than 20 times your bard level, and the item must be Medium or smaller.

The item glimmers softly, and a creature can faintly hear music when touching it. The created item disappears after a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. For examples of items you can create, see the equipment chapter of the Player’s Handbook.

Once you create an item with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher to use this feature again. You can have only one item created by this feature at a time; if you use this action and already have an item from this feature, the first one immediately vanishes.

The size of the item you can create with this feature increases by one size category when you reach 6th level (Large) and 14th level (Huge).



Animating Performance

By 6th level, as an action, you can target a Large or smaller nonmagical item you can see within 30 feet of you and animate it. The animate item uses the Dancing Item stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB), The item is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your commands. It lives for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you die.

In combat, the item shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the item can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.

When you use your Bardic Inspiration feature, you can command the item as part of the same bonus action you use for Bardic Inspiration.

Once you animate an item with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to use this feature again. You can have only one item animated by this feature at a time; if you use this action and already have a dancing item from this feature, the first one immediately becomes inanimate.

Creative Crescendo

At 14th level, when you use your Performance of Creation feature, you can create more than one item at once. The number of items equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of two items). If you create an item that would exceed that number, you choose which of the previously created items disappears. Only one of these items can be of the maximum size you can create; the rest must be Small or Tiny.

You are no longer limited by gp value when creating items with Performance of Creation.

Dancing Item

Large or smaller construct

  • Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 10 + 5 times your bard level
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 10 (0) 6 (-2)

  • Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned, frightened
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages understands the languages you speak
  • Proficiency Bonus (PB): equals your bonus

Immutable Form. The item is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Irrepressible Dance. When any creature starts its turn within 10 feet of the item, the item can increase or decrease (your choice) the walking speed of that creature by 10 feet until the end of the turn, provided the item isn’t incapacitated.


Force-Empowered Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d10 + PB force damage.



Bard: College of Eloquence

Adherents of the College of Eloquence master the art of oratory. Persuasion is regarded as a high art, and a well-reasoned, well-spoken argument often proves more powerful than objective truth. These bards wield a blend of logic and theatrical wordplay, winning over skeptics and detractors with logical arguments, and plucking at heartstrings to appeal to the emotions of entire audiences.

Silver Tongue

Starting at 3rd level, you are a master at saying the right thing at the right time. When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Unsettling Words

Also at 3rd level, you can spin words laced with magic that unsettle a creature and cause it to doubt itself. As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration and choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die. The creature must subtract the number rolled from the next saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.

If the target would fail the saving throw because of your Bardic Inspiration, the target becomes frightened of you.

Unfailing Inspiration

At 6th level, your inspiring words are so persuasive that others feel driven to succeed. When a creature adds one of your Bardic Inspiration dice to its ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the roll fails, the creature can keep the Bardic Inspiration die.

Universal Speech

Also at 6th level, you have gained the ability to make your speech intelligible to any creature. As an action, choose one or more creatures within 60 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). The chosen creatures can magically understand you, regardless of the language you speak, for 1 hour.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot to use it again.

Infectious Inspiration

At 14th level, when you successfully inspire someone, the power of your eloquence can now spread to someone else. When a creature within 60 feet of you adds one of your Bardic Inspiration dice to its ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the roll succeeds, you can use your reaction to encourage a different creature (other than yourself) that can hear you within 60 feet of you, giving it a Bardic Inspiration die without expending any of your Bardic Inspiration uses.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

homebrew mug



Bard: College of Glamour

The College of Glamour is the home of bards who mastered their craft in the vibrant realm of the Feywild or under the tutelage of someone who dwelled there. Tutored by satyrs, eladrin, and other fey, these bards learn to use their magic to delight and captivate others.

The bards of this college are regarded with a mixture of awe and fear. Their performances are the stuff of legend. These bards are so eloquent that a speech or song that one of them performs can cause captors to release the bard unharmed and can lull a furious dragon into complacency. The same magic that allows them to quell beasts can also bend minds. Villainous bards of this college can leech off a community for weeks, abusing their magic to turn their hosts into thralls. Heroic bards of this college instead use this power to gladden the downtrodden and undermine oppressors.

Mantle of Inspiration

When you join the College of Glamour at 3rd level, you gain the ability to weave a song of fey magic that imbues your allies with vigor and speed.

As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to grant yourself a wondrous appearance. When you do so, choose a number of creatures you can see and who can see you within 60 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Each of them gains temporary hit points equal to twice the roll of your Bardic Inspiration. When a creature gains these temporary hit points, it can immediately use its reaction to move up to its speed, without provoking opportunity attacks.

Enthralling Performance

Starting at 3rd level, You always have the charm person and mirror image spells prepared.

In addition, immediately after you cast an enchantment or illusion spell, you can cause a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failed save, the target becomes charmed or frightened (your choice) for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. You can also restore your use of the feature by expending one use of your Bardic Inspiration (no action required).

Mantle of Majesty

At 6th level, you gain the ability to cloak yourself in a fey magic that makes others want to serve you. As a bonus action, you cast command, without expending a spell slot, and you take on an appearance of unearthly beauty for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). During this time, you can cast command as a bonus action on each of your turns, without expending a spell slot.

Any creature charmed by you automatically fails its saving throw against the Command you cast with this feature.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Unbreakable Majesty

At 14th level, your appearance permanently gains an otherworldly aspect that makes you look more lovely and fierce.

In addition, as a bonus action, you can assume a magically majestic presence for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated. For the duration, whenever any creature tries to attack you for the first time on a turn, the attacker must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, it can’t attack you on this turn, and it must choose a new target for its attack or the attack is wasted. On a successful save, it can attack you on this turn, but it has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against your spells on your next turn.

Once you assume this majestic presence, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.



Bard: College of Journeys

Many bards learn of the arcane arts and the skills of the world from books or teachers, but some learn their way about the world by making their way about the world, embarking on journeys like the heroes they tell tales of.

Bonus Proficiencies.

At 3rd level you gain proficiency with one tool out of either navigators’ tools, air vehicles, land vehicles, or water vehicles. If you’re already proficient with all of these tools, you gain a tool proficiency of your choice instead

Also, your speed increases by 5 feet. When you reach 14th level this bonus increases to 10 feet.

Traveler’s Lore

At 3rd level you have broadened your horizons and hastened your pace. You never have to reduce your own pace due to encumbrance or terrain while traveling, and if you spend your time while traveling playing an instrument instead of watching for danger, you grant other creatures traveling with you advantage on ability checks made to forage, navigate, or track others.

Also, when your Spellcasting feature lets you learn a bard spell of 1st level or higher, you can select the spell from the following list, in addition to the bard spell list. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spelL and it becomes a bard spell for you.

College of Journeys Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st jump,expeditious retreat
2nd misty step
3rd blink, fly
4th Mordenkainen’s private sanctum
5th far step, passwall
6th arcane gate, word of recall
7th plane shift

Inspire Urgency

Also at 3rd level you learn how to inspire your allies to feats of great speed, agility, and drive.

A creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you can use a bonus action on their turn to roll that die, Dash, and Disengage. The next time that creature hits with an attack before the end of that turn, the attack deals extra damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die.

From Thither to Yonder

Starting at 6th level you can use a bonus action on your turn to transport yourself or one willing creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. You teleport the target up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see, and the target can use its reaction to make a single melee attack against a creature within its reach.

Also, when a willing creature you can see within 30 feet of you is hit with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to teleport it up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see, forcing the attacker to reroll the attack and use the new result instead

You can use this feature up to a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once). You regain all expended usages when you finish a long rest.

The Planar Shuffle

When you reach 14th level you learn how to dance to a magical tune that teleports you around You can use a bonus action on your turn to activate this ability.

For 1 minute, at the beginning and end of each of your turns, you may choose to instantly teleport up to 20 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry.

You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. The creature must be within 5 feet of you when you teleport, and must also teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of your destination.

You can only use this feature up to three times. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.



Bard: College of Lore

Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales. Whether singing folk ballads in taverns or elaborate compositions in royal courts, these bards use their gifts to hold audiences spellbound. When the applause dies down, the audience members might find themselves questioning everything they held to be true, from their faith in the priesthood of the local temple to their loyalty to the king.

The loyalty of these bards lies in the pursuit of beauty and truth, not in fealty to a monarch or following the tenets of a deity. A noble who keeps such a bard as a herald or advisor knows that the bard would rather be honest than politic.

The college’s members gather in libraries and sometimes in actual colleges, complete with classrooms and dormitories, to share their lore with one another. They also meet at festivals or affairs of state, where they can expose corruption, unravel lies, and poke fun at self-important figures of authority.

Tribute of Knowledge

Starting at 3rd level, you’ve immersed yourself in deeper knowledge, and are able to tap into that knowledge with ease. When you make an Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Religion) check, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in two skills, and one tool of your choice.

Cutting Words

Also at 3rd level, you learn how to use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of others. When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the roll succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The creature is immune if it can’t hear you or if it’s immune to being charmed.

If it’s attack, ability check, or saving throw would still hit, your Bardic Inspiration triggers an additional effect.

  • Attack Roll. The number you rolled on your Bardic Inspiration is instead reduced from the damage.

  • Ability Check. You gain advantage on your next ability check against the creature.

  • Saving Throw. The next saving throw the creature makes is at disadvantage.

Additional Magical Secrets

At 6th level, you learn two spells of your choice from any class. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip. The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don’t count against the number of bard spells you know.

Peerless Skill

Starting at 14th level, when you make an ability check with a skill you are proficient, you treat any d20 roll of 9 or lower as a ten.

Additionally, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration whenever you make an ability check or attack roll. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die and add the number rolled to your ability check or attack roll. You can choose to do so after you roll the die for the ability check, but before the DM tells you whether you succeed or fail.



Bard: College of Mourning

Not all who mourn are wracked by the grief. For some it is an act, an art. Professionals who add an air of painful elegance to the wake of the recently deceased. Unheard of in some cultures, if not out- right distasteful. In others, these performers are necessary to give the dead the proper respect they earned in life. The mourning must be superb, and these bards deliver all too well. Wailing and rocking and trembling with tears, singing songs to crack the hardest of hearts wide open.

The Advokists of the Alyrnean Empire developed the College of Mourning to benefit their people who see death in a variety of different ways. The ceremonies that happen across that nation take great respect in the dead: both venerating those who’ve fully passed, and resurrecting those that have fallen prematurely. The College of Mourning came about as a way to help along thos few who helped their loved ones embrace a final end.

Bonus Proficencies

Starting at 3rd level, you learn the spare the dying cantrip and you gain proficiency in the Religion skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with this skill.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in medium armor.

Dirge Singer

At 3rd level, the dead lament more joining their ranks, punishing those who harm your allies. When a creature that has one of your Bardic Inspiration die drops to 0 hit points, you choose a creature within 60 feet that can hear you. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw or suffer psychic damage equal to twice the roll of your bardic inspiration die.

In addition, when a creature that has a Bardic Inspiration die from you reduces another creature to 0 hit points on its turn, it can use its reaction to roll the Bardic Inspiration die and move a number of feet equal to 5 x the number rolled without provoking opportunity attacks.

Living Wake

Starting at 6th level, Whenever a creature rolls one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, both you and the creature gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled.

If a creature has one of your Bardic Inspiration die on it when it makes a death saving throw, it can roll the Bardic Inspiration die. If the total is above a 20, the creature regains hitpoints equal to the roll and becomes conscious.


At 14th level, You can use an action to release a mournful wail that tears at the very soul of your enemies. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking psychic damage equal to your bard level and becoming deafened on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. A creature that fails the saving throw by 10 or more instead takes psychic damage equal twice your bard level

A creature that is immune to the frightened condition automatically succeeds on the saving throw.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Bard: College of Swords

Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess. Blades perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing and juggling, and mock combats. Though they use their weapons to entertain, they are also highly trained and skilled warriors in their own right.

Their talent with weapons inspires many blades to lead double lives. One blade might use a circus troupe as cover for nefarious deeds such as assassination, robbery, and blackmail. Other blades strike at the wicked, bringing justice to bear against the cruel and powerful. Most troupes are happy to accept a blade’s talent for the excitement it adds to a performance, but few entertainers fully trust a blade in their ranks.

Blades who abandon their lives as entertainers have often run into trouble that makes maintaining their secret activities impossible. A blade caught stealing or engaging in vigilante justice is too great a liability for most troupes. With their weapon skills and magic, these blades either take up work as enforcers for thieves’ guilds or strike out on their own as adventurers.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Swords at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor and finesse weapons.

If you’re proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.

Fighting Style

At 3rd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Blade Flourish

At 3rd level, you learn to conduct impressive displays of martial prowess and speed.

Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of the turn, and if a weapon attack that you make as part of this action hits a creature, you can use one of the following Blade Flourish options of your choice. You can use only one Blade Flourish option per turn.

Defensive Flourish. You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target you hit. The damage equals the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. You also add the number rolled to your AC until the start of your next turn.

Slashing Flourish. You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target you hit and to any other creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you. The damage equals the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die.

Mobile Flourish. You can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to cause the weapon to deal extra damage to the target you hit. The damage equals the number you roll on the Bardic Inspiration die. You can also push the target up to 5 feet away from you, plus a number of feet equal to the number you roll on that die. You can then immediately use your reaction to move up to your walking speed to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target.

Duelist Mastery

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Additionally, when you cast a spell as an action, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action.

Master’s Flourish

Starting at 14th level, whenever you use a Blade Flourish option, you can roll a d8 and use it instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die.



Bard: College of Valor

Bards of the College of Valor are daring skalds whose tales keep alive the memory of the great heroes of the past, and thereby inspire a new generation of heroes. These bards gather in mead halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the mighty, both past and present. They travel the land to witness great events firsthand and to ensure that the memory of those events doesn’t pass from the world. With their songs, they inspire others to reach the same heights of accomplishment as the heroes of old.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of Valor at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.

If you’re proficient with a simple or martial melee weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.

Inspire Greatness

At 3rd level, you learn to inspire others in battle, instilling a sense of worth in a single ally who can hear you. Your ally gains a bonus equal to your half your Charisma modifier (rounded up) on attack rolls, damage rolls, and ability checks for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.

That ally cannot benefit from your Bardic Inspiration until the duration of this feature has run its course. You have two uses of this ability. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, you can cast the heroism spell once without needing to expend a spellslot. The target of this heroism spell gains a bonus to their AC equal to your Charisma modifier. Once you’ve cast the spell in this way, you cannot do so again until you’ve finished a long rest.

Valorous Approach

Starting at 6th level, when you use your Countercharm reaction, the creature instead becomes immune to the charmed and frightened conditions for the triggering effect instead. A creature who successfully ignores one of these conditions can choose to move half their speed without provoking attacks of opportunity towards the target that attempted to charm or frighten them.

Battle Magic

At 14th level, you’ve woven spellcrafting into the very essence of battle, becoming an avatar of both. You can cast Mordenkainen’s Sword as a bonus action without expending a spellslot. When cast this way, the spell doesn’t require concentration.

Once you’ve used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.



Bard: College of Whispers

Most folk are happy to welcome a bard into their midst. Bards of the College of Whispers use this to their advantage. They appear to be like any other bard, sharing news, singing songs, and telling tales to the audiences they gather. In truth, the College of Whispers teaches its students that they are wolves among sheep. These bards use their knowledge and magic to uncover secrets and turn them against others through extortion and threats.

Many other bards hate the College of Whispers, viewing it as a parasite that uses the bards’ reputation to acquire wealth and power. For this reason, these bards rarely reveal their true nature unless they must. They typically claim to follow some other college, or keep their true nature secret in order to better infiltrate and exploit royal courts and other settings of power.

Psychic Blades

When you join the College of Whispers at 3rd level, you gain the ability to make your weapon attacks magically toxic to a creature’s mind.

When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to deal an additional 2d6 psychic damage to that target. You can do so only once per round on your turn.

The psychic damage increases when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 3d6 at 5th level, 5d6 at 10th level, and 8d6 at 15th level.

Words of Terror

At 3rd level, you learn to infuse innocent-seeming words with an insidious magic that can inspire terror.

If you speak to a humanoid alone for at least 1 minute, you can attempt to seed paranoia and fear into its mind. At the end of the conversation, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened of you or another creature of your choice. The target is frightened in this way for 1 hour, until it is attacked or damaged, or until it witnesses its allies being attacked or damaged.

If the target succeeds on its saving throw, the target has no hint that you tried to frighten it.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short rest or long rest.

Mantle of Whispers

At 6th level, you gain the ability to adopt a humanoid’s persona. When a humanoid dies within 30 feet of you, you can magically capture its shadow using your reaction. You retain this shadow until you use it or you finish a long rest.

You can use the shadow as an action. When you do so, it vanishes, magically transforming into a disguise that appears on you. You now look like the dead person, but healthy and alive. This disguise lasts for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action.

While you’re in the disguise, you gain access to all information that the humanoid would freely share with a casual acquaintance. Such information includes general details on its background and personal life, but doesn’t include secrets. The information is enough that you can pass yourself off as the person by drawing on its memories.

Another creature can see through this disguise by succeeding on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check. You gain a +5 bonus to your check.

Once you capture a shadow with this feature, you can’t capture another one with it until you finish a short or long rest.

Shadow Lore

At 14th level, you gain the ability to weave dark magic into your words and tap into a creature’s deepest fears.

As an action, you magically whisper a phrase that only one creature of your choice within 30 feet of you can hear. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. It automatically succeeds if it doesn’t share a language with you or if it can’t hear you. On a successful saving throw, your whisper sounds like unintelligible mumbling and has no effect.

If the target fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for the next 8 hours or until you or your allies attack or damage it. It interprets the whispers as a description of its most mortifying secret.

While you gain no knowledge of this secret, the target is convinced you know it. While charmed in this way, the creature obeys your commands for fear that you will reveal its secret. It won’t risk its life for you or fight for you, unless it was already inclined to do so. It grants you favors and gifts it would offer to a close friend.

When the effect ends, the creature has no understanding of why it held you in such fear.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Additional Bard Options

The following options are available to all Bards in the Edenbaerrow setting.

Beguiling Spells (New)

2nd-level bard feature

Whenever your Spellcasting feature lets you learn a bard spell of 1st level or higher, you can select that spell from another class’s spell list, instead of the bard spell list, as long as the spell you choose to learn is an enchantment spell.

In addition, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.

(This feature replaces a bard’s Jack of All Trades feature.)

Prescient Spells (New)

2nd-level bard feature

Whenever your Spellcasting feature lets you learn a bard spell of 1st level or higher, you can select that spell from another class’s spell list, instead of the bard spell list, as long as the spell you choose to learn is a divination spell.

In addition, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma check you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.

(This feature replaces a bard’s Jack of All Trades feature.)



The Blood Hunter Orders

Often feared or misunderstood, and driven by an unending drive to destroy the wicked, blood hunters are clever, arcane warriors who have bound their essence to the dark creatures they hunt to better stalk and survive their prey. Armed with the rites of forbidden blood magic and a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for the cause, they protect the realms from the shadows, ever vigilant to avoid becoming the same monsters they choose to hunt

The Orders of the Blood Hunter have arisen in recent centuries due to the increase in activity from other planes of existence merging with our own. With the connection of the planes come aberrations, monstrosities, lycanthropes, fiends and fey that choose to manipulate or interact with our world in ways that diminish the peace and prosperity of all who live here.

In the early years these groups were unorganized, made up of small sects of the progeny or victims of who had arrived on this world. Dhampirs, lycanthropes, and the enslaved survivors of aberrations. These groups used the blood of their foes against them, forming something known as the Hunter’s Bane, harnessing the innate energies of their enemies blood as a magical source of countering them.


Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Strength or Dexterity and Wisdom or Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a Blood Hunter.

Proficiencies Gained. If Blood Hunter isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an blood hunter: Light armor, medium armor, simple weapons, martial weapons, alchemical supplies.



The Blood Hunter
Level Proficiency Hemocraft Die Blood Curses Features :
1st +2 1d4 1 Hunter’s Bane, Blood Maledict
2nd +2 1d4 2 Fighting Style, Crimson Rite
3rd +2 1d4 2 Blood Hunter Order, Inured Viscera
4th +2 1d4 2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1d6 3 Extra Attack
6th +3 1d6 3 Brand of Castigation, Blood Maledict (2/rest)
7th +3 1d6 3 Order Feature, Crimson Rite Improvement
8th +3 1d6 3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d6 4 Grim Psychometry
10th +4 1d6 4 Dark Augmentation
11th +4 1d8 4 Order Feature
12th +4 1d8 4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d8 5 Brand of Tethering, Blood Maledict (3/rest)
14th +5 1d8 5 Hardened Soul, Crimson Rite Improvement
15th +5 1d8 5 Order Feature, Crimson Manipulation
16th +5 1d8 5 Ability Score Improvemnt
17th +6 1d10 6 Blood Maledict (4/rest)
18th +6 1d10 6 Order Feature
19th +6 1d10 7 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d10 7 Sanguine Mastery

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per blood hunter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per blood hunter level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: Alchemist’s supplies

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) hand crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) studded leather armor or (b) scale mail armor
  • an explorer’s pack and alchemist’s supplies

Hunter’s Bane

At 1st level, you have survived the Hunter’s Bane—a dangerous, long-guarded ritual that alters your life’s blood, forever binding you to the darkness and honing your senses against it. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track fey, fiends, or undead, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about such creatures.

The Hunter’s Bane also empowers your body to control and shape hemocraft magic, using your own blood and life essence to fuel your abilities. Some of your features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Hemocraft save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier (your choice between Intelligence and Wisdom)

Blood Maledict

Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to channel—or sometimes sacrifice—a part of your vital essence to curse and manipulate creatures through hemocraft magic. You know one Blood Curse of your choice. You learn one additional blood curses of your choice at certain levels shown in the Blood Hunter Table. Each time you learn a new blood curse, you can also choose one of the blood curses you know and replace it with another blood curse.

Each time you use your Blood Maledict feature, you choose which curse to invoke from the curses you know. While invoking a blood curse, but before it affects the target, you can choose to amplify the curse by taking necrotic damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die. This damage can’t be reduced in any way. An amplified curse gains an additional effect, noted in the curse’s description. Creatures that do not have blood are immune to blood curses unless you have amplified the curse.



You gain two uses of this feature. You must finish a short or long rest to regain uses. You can use Blood Maledict three times between rests starting at 6th level, four times starting at 13th level, and 5 times starting at 17th level.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Blind Fighting. Being unable to see a creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it, provided the creature isn’t hidden from you.

Crimson Carnage. When you make a melee attack with a weapon with the heavy property, before you make the attack roll, you can choose not to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you deal an additional die of damage.

Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a non-rite damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Sanguine Onslaught When you’re not wearing heavy armor and you are engaged in two-weapon fighting, you can activate your Crimson Rite feature without using your bonus action, as long as you use your bonus action to make the second attack. You can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Crimson Rite

Also at 2nd level, you learn to invoke a rite of hemocraft that infuses your weapon strikes with elemental energy. As a bonus action, you can activate any rite you know on one weapon you’re holding. The effect of the rite lasts until you finish a short or long rest. When you activate a rite, you take necrotic damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Rites can be used on multiple weapons with the same bonus action, costing additional hit point loss. Most weapons can only be subject to a single rite at any given time. Each end of a polearm, quarterstaff, or other similar weapon is treated as a separate weapon for the purposes of this feature.

While the rite is in effect, attacks you make with this weapon are magical, and deal extra damage equal to your hemocraft die of the type determined by the chosen rite. A weapon can hold only one active rite at a time. Other creatures can’t gain the benefit of your rite.

You choose one rite from the crimson rites below when you first gain this feature. You learn an additional crimson rite at 7th level, and again at 14th level.

Crimson Rites

Rite of the Flame. Your rite damage is fire damage.
Rite of the Frozen. Your rite damage is cold damage.
Rite of the Storm. Your rite damage is lightning damage.
Rite of the Dead. Your rite damage is necrotic damage. (Prerequisite: 14th level)
Rite of the Oracle. Your rite damage is psychic damage. (Prerequisite: 14th level)
Rite of the Roar. Your rite damage is thunder damage. (Prerequisite: 14th level)

Blood Hunter Order

At 3rd level, you commit to an order of blood hunters whose philosophy will guide you throughout your life. The order you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th level.

Inured Viscera

At 3rd level, your body takes on physical traits and aspects of the toughest people and most resolute populations. You gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to disease
  • Your hit point maximum can’t be reduced.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Brand of Castigation

At 6th level, when you damage a creature with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, you can channel hemocraft magic to sear an arcane brand into that creature (no action required). You always know the direction to the branded creature as long as it’s on the same plane as you. Further, each time the branded creature deals damage to you or a creature you can see within 5 feet of you, the branded creature takes psychic damage equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1).



Your brand lasts until you dismiss it or until you use this feature to apply a brand to another creature. Your brand can be dispelled with Dispel Magic, and is treated as a spell with a level equal to half your blood hunter level (maximum 9th level).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Grim Psychometry

When you reach 9th level, you gain the ability to meditate on any object, person, creature or artifact and discern lingering evils or wicked pasts that surround them.

You can cast the legend lore spell once per day. While this spell details use on any legendary or unique item or person, your use of this spell grants you greater knowledge when specifically used on items created from evil, or for sinister and impure purposes.

Dark Augmentation

Starting at 10th level, the magic of hemocraft suffuses your body to permanently reinforce your resilience. Your speed increases by 5 feet, and you have a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of +1).

Brand of Tethering

Starting at 13th level, the psychic damage from your Brand of Castigation increases to twice your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 2). Additionally, a branded creature can’t take the Dash action, and if it attempts to teleport or to leave its current plane by any means, it takes 4d6 psychic damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the attempt to teleport fails.

Hardened Soul

When you reach 14th level, you are immune to the charmed condition, and have advantage on saves against the frightened effect.

Crimson Manipulation

At 15th level, damage dealt by your Crimson Rite feature ignores resistance to that damage type. If a creature is immune to the damage dealt by your Crimson Rite feature, they take half damage, instead of no damage.

Sanguine Mastery

Upon reaching 20th level, your mastery of blood magic reaches its height, mitigating your sacrifice. Once per turn, whenever a blood hunter feature requires you to roll a hemocraft die, you can reroll the die and use either roll.

Additionally, whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, you regain one expended use of your Blood Maledict.

Blood Curses

Blood Curse of the Anxious

As a bonus action, you magnify the adrenaline in the body of a creature within 30 feet of you, making them susceptible to forceful influence. Until the end of your next turn, all creatures have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks directed at the target creature.

Amplify. The next Wisdom saving throw the target makes before this curse ends has disadvantage. Once you’ve amplified this blood curse, you must finish a long rest before you can amplify it again.

Blood Curse of Binding

As a bonus action, you attempt to bind a Large or smaller creature you can see within 30 feet of you, which must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the cursed creature’s speed is reduced to 0 and it can’t use reactions until the end of your next turn.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute and can affect any creature regardless of size. The cursed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on itself on a success.

Blood Curse of Bloated Agony

As a bonus action, you curse a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you, causing its body to swell until the end of your next turn. For the duration, the creature has disadvantage on Strength checks and Dexterity checks, and takes 1d8 necrotic damage if it makes more than one attack during its turn.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute. The cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on itself on a success.

Blood Curse of Bewitched Vision (New)

As an action, you can attempt to cloud the eyesight of one enemy within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of your next turn.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, this curse ends.

Blood Curse of the Broken Minds (new)

As a bonus action, you can target one creature you can see within 30 feet. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of its next turn.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute. The cursed creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on a success.



Blood Curse of Corrosion

Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Mutant

As a bonus action, you cause a creature within 30 feet of you to become poisoned. The cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on itself on a success.

Amplify. The cursed creature takes 4d6 necrotic damage when you inflict this curse, and it takes this damage again each time it fails a Constitution saving throw to end the curse.

Blood Curse of the Exorcist

Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Ghostslayer

As a bonus action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you that is charmed or frightened, or which is under a possession effect. The target creature is no longer charmed, frightened, or possessed.

Amplify. A creature that charmed, frightened, or possessed the target of your curse takes 3d6 psychic damage and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Blood Curse of Exposure

When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage from an attack or spell, you can use your reaction to temporarily weaken its resilience. Until the end of the target’s next turn, it loses resistance to all the damage types dealt by the triggering attack or spell (including for that triggering effect).

Amplify. The target instead loses invulnerability to the damage types of the triggering attack or spell, but has resistance to those damage types until the end of its next turn.

Blood Curse of the Eyeless

When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack, you can use your reaction to roll one hemocraft die and subtract the number rolled from the creature’s attack roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature’s roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack hits or misses. The creature is immune to this curse if it is immune to the blinded condition.

Amplify. You apply this curse to all the creature’s attack rolls until the end of the creature’s turn. You roll separately for each affected attack.

Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet

When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to instill that creature with a final act of aggression. The creature immediately makes one weapon attack against a target of your choice within its range.

Amplify. You can first cause the cursed creature to move up to half its speed, and you grant a bonus to its attack roll equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of +1).

Blood Curse of the Howl

Prerequisite: 18th level, Order of the Lycan

As an action, you unleash a bloodcurdling howl. Each creature within 30 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If a creature fails its saving throw by 5 or more, it is stunned while frightened in this way. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to this blood curse for the next 24 hours.

You can choose any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by the howl.

Amplify. The range of this curse increases to 60 feet.

Blood Curse of the Impulse (New)

Whenever you are forced to make a Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to force your body to move with inhuman physical prowess. You can choose to gain a bonus to the initial saving throw equal to your hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1) after rolling the initial saving throw but before you know the result.

Amplify. You can reroll the saving throw, taking the higher result.

Blood Curse of the Marked

As a bonus action, you mark a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. Until the end of your turn, whenever you hit the cursed creature with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, you roll an additional hemocraft die when determining the extra damage from the rite.

Amplify. The next attack roll you make against the target before the end of your turn has advantage.

Blood Curse of the Muddled Mind

As a bonus action, you curse a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you that is concentrating on a spell or using a feature that requires concentration. That creature has disadvantage on the next Constitution saving throw it makes to maintain concentration before the end of your next turn.

Amplify. The cursed creature has disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration until the end of your next turn.

Blood Curse of Mutual Suffering (New)

As a bonus action, you can link to a creature within 30 feet for up to a minute, forcing them to share in the pain they inflict upon you. The next time the cursed creature deals damage to you, they lose hit points equal to half the damage dealt. This curse then ends.

Amplify. The target loses hit points equal to the damage you initially suffered. In addition, this curse lasts for 1 minute. The target can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.



Blood Curse of the Coven Breaker (new)

Prerequisites: 15th level, Order of the Witchbreaker

When you brand a creature with your Brand of Castigation feature during your turn, at the end of that turn you can choose any number of other creatures who also took damage from your Crimson Rite feature that turn and brand them as well. Until the start of your next turn, those additional creatures all suffer the effects of your Brand of Castigation

Amplify. Each creature you target takes necrotic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier at the start of your next turn.

Blood Curse of the Duel (new)

When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to mark the creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or you die, or if someone else marks the creature. While it is within 5 feet of you, a creature marked by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn’t target you.

In addition, at the end of each turn, if a creature marked by you dealt damage to anyone other than you or willingly moved more than 15 feet away from you, that creature takes 2d8 necrotic damage.

Amplify. When you deal necrotic damage to a creature with this blood curse, you can use your reaction to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice within 5 feet of that creature and make a melee weapon attack against it.

Blood Curse of the Hungry Blade (new)

When a weapon attack hits you or a creature within 5 feet of you, if you have a melee weapon in hand that lacks the twohanded property, you can use your reaction to deflect the attack with your weapon. When you do so, you roll your hemocraft die, reducing the damage of the attack by an amount equal to your hemocraft die roll + your proficiency bonus. If the attack was a ranged attack, you can add your Dexterity modifier to the amount by which you reduce the damage, as you strike the projectile in mid-air.

Amplify. The creature that made the triggering attack takes force damage equal to the amount by which you reduced the attack’s damage, and if it is Large or smaller, you can push it up to 15 feet away from you with a burst of telekinetic force.

Blood Curse of the Thrill (new)

As an action, you can target one creature you can see within 30 feet. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be filled with lust for battle until the end of its next turn. While cursed, the creature cannot willingly move away from hostile creatures, must use its movement to get as close to the nearest hostile creature possible, and must take the attack action.

Amplify. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls while affflicted by this blood curse.

Blood Curse of Twisted Fate (new)

As a reaction, when a creature you can see within 30 feet succeeds on a saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a hemocraft die and subtract the number from the result, potentially causing the saving throw to fail.

Amplify. The range of this curse increases to 60 feet.

Blood Curse of the Endless Cycle

Prerequisites: 15th level, Order of the Earthbound

When a creature you can see within 30 feet takes damage from any source, you can use your reaction to bolster yourself or an ally from their pain. You may choose any other creature within 30 feet of you to regain hit points equal to the total amount of damage from their trigger.

Amplify. This process now deals additional radiant damage to the triggering creature equal to your blood hunter level, and heals the other creature additionally for the same amount.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Earthbound

This subsect of blood hunters originate from those who draw their connection to blood magic from around the lifeblood of the earth and life around them, often finding roots in archaic forms of druidic magic.


As a member of the Order of the Earthbound, you gain unique prowess through ritual sacrifice. Any cantrips or spells you gain or cast through this order are considered blood hunter spells for you.

Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spell casting ability for your blood hunter spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier.

Spell attack Modifier. = Your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Earthly Connection

Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, the order has taught you to truly be in tune with the earth around you, enhancing your tracking and granting you a touch of natural magic. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Druid spell list, and your Hunter’s Bane feature now applies to Beasts in addition to its normal creature types.

Offering to the Soil

Beginning at 3rd level, you have learned new ways to utilize your lifeblood, giving it back to the earth and reaping the rewards. As a bonus action on your turn, you may choose to lose hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die, and activate a ritual consecration choosing an effect from the list below.

  • You can cast the alter self spell.
  • you cast the augury spell.
  • The next time you make a Wisdom (Survival) check to track a creature, and are granted advantage by your Hunter’s Bane feature, you may reroll one of the dice once.
  • If you have an active crimson rite, until the end of your next turn, any creature who takes damage from your crimson rite is considered vulnerable to that damage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Consecreated Strikes

Starting at 7th level, when you use your Offering to the Soil feature, until the end of your next turn, your crimson rite damage is doubled on a successful attack.

Gifts from the Earth

Also at 7th level, you are no longer tied to the physical restrictions of a body that most are. You do not need to eat, drink, or sleep while you are on natural terrain. Instead you must spend 6 hours of light activity such as reading or keeping watch, to gain the benefits of a long rest. Additionally, whenever you activate a Ritual Consecration, you may also cure yourself of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting you.

Brand of Nature’s Wrath

Upon reaching 11th level, your Brand of Castigation feature now marks your target as an enemy of the natural world, unleashing its will upon them. A creature branded by you treats all ground as if it is difficult terrain as grasses pull at their feet, roots tear through floorboards, and heavy winds buffer their movement. In addition, if the branded creature attempts to utilize any other form of movement aside from walking, climbing, flying, or swimming (such as teleportation) they must make a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled and restrained until the end of your next turn, and the spell slot or feature used to try and move is expended.

Blood Curse of the Endless Cycle

Starting at 15th level, you have begun to tap into the cycle of life and death, and adjust that pattern as you see fit. You gain the Blood Curse of the Endless Cycle for your Blood Maledict feature.

Prenatural connection

At 18th level, your connection with the earth has now allowed you to shrug off punishing effects and transfer them to another. As a reaction when you are blinded, charmed, defeaned, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned or stunned, you may choose another creature you can see within 30 ft to suffer the effects for its intended duration.

You may use this feature an unlimited number of times, but if you do so more than once between long rests, you gain a level of exhaustion each time you activate the feature.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Ghostslayer

The Order of the Ghostslayer is the oldest of the blood hunter orders, its members having originally rediscovered the secrets of hemocraft and refined them for combat against the scourge of undeath. Ghostslayers seek out and study the moment of death, obsessing over the mystery of the transition from life, and the unholy power that can cause the dead to rise once more. These zealous blood hunters make it their life’s work to destroy the scourge of undeath wherever it is found, tuning their abilities to engage undead creatures and those who manipulate the necromancy that creates them.

Rite of the Dawn

When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Dawn as part of your Crimson Rite feature.

When you activate the Rite of the Dawn, the extra damage dealt by your rite is radiant damage. Additionally, while that rite is active on your weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your weapon sheds bright light out to a radius of 20 feet.
  • You have resistance to necrotic damage.
  • When you hit an undead creature with a weapon for which the Rite of the Dawn is active, you roll an additional hemocraft die when determining the extra damage from the rite.

Curse Specialist

Starting at 3rd level, you learn to master blood curses. You gain an additional use of your Blood Maledict feature. In addition, your blood curses can target any creature, whether it has blood or not.

Aether Walk

Upon reaching 7th level, at the start of your turn, you can magically step into the veil between the planes as long as you aren’t incapacitated. You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, as well as see and affect creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

This feature lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1 round). If you are inside an object when it ends, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and you take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you moved.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. You can use Aether Walk twice between rests starting at 15th level.

Brand of Sundering

Starting at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation exposes a fragment of your foe’s essence, leaving them vulnerable to your Crimson Rite feature. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon for which you have an active crimson rite, you roll an additional hemocraft die when determining the extra damage from the rite.

Additionally, if a branded creature has the Incorporeal Movement trait or a similar feature, it can’t move through creatures or objects while branded.

Blood Curse of the Exorcist

At 15th level, you hone your hemocraft to tear corruption from the minds and bodies of your allies — and to punish those responsible for it. You gain the Blood Curse of the Exorcist for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Rite Revival

Upon reaching 18th level, you learn to protect your fading life by reabsorbing the energy you feed to your weapons. If you have one or more crimson rites active and you are reduced to 0 hit points but don’t die outright, you can choose to have all your active crimson rites end and drop to 1 hit point instead.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Inquisition

Of all of the orders, the Order of the Inquisition is the only one to come from the Imperium. Working closely with the Soul Inquisitors, the Order of the Inquisition has been given much leeway in their fight against corruption.

Most orders specialize in fighting against different monsters, threats to humanity and whatnot. However, this order understands that humanity themselves are the true monsters. The biggest threats to an orderly and peaceful society come from within, and these must be cut out of the imperium like the cancer they are.

Awakened Blood

When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn to channel pain into heightened or even ethereal senses, to assist your search for heresy in its many forms. As an action, you can cast the following spells by suffering damage equal to a roll of your hemocraft die: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect poison and disease, or see invisibility. Your Hemocraft modifier is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

After you reach 7th level, you can channel this ability to effect others as well. Once per short rest you may choose to instead cast detect thoughts, hold person, or zone of truth with this feature.

Sanguine Resistance

Also at 3rd level, whenever you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes a saving throw made against magic, you can use your reaction to roll your hemocraft die and take damage equal to the result. That creature then adds the number rolled to their saving throw. You can use this feature after the roll is made, but before the DM tells you if it succeeded or failed.

Disrupt Magic

Starting at 7th level, you can interfere with the flow of magical energies. You can spend a use of your Blood Maledict feature to cast either dispel magic or counterspell once, as a 3rd level spell. Your Hemocraft modifier is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

The potency of this ability increases at higher levels. At 11th level, when you use this feature, the spell is cast as a 4th level spell. At 18th level, the spell is cast as a 5th level spell.

Fury of the Righteous

Starting at 11th level, the weight of all you have seen and done can be channeled into pure fury. As a reaction to you or an ally falling below half their maximum hit points, you can enter into an enhanced state for 1 minute. During this time, your speed increases by 10 feet, you resist non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, and your crimson rite deals one additional hemocraft point of damage. This state ends early if you fall unconscious

Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Brand of Unfocused Thought

Beginning at 15th level, your Brand of Castigation now disrupts the focus of creatures effected by it. The branded creature cannot take reactions, and if they are concentrating on a spell at the end of their turn, they take psychic damage equal to two rolls of your hemocraft damage.

Blood Curse of Diluted Mysticism

Once you reach 18th level, your blood curse can burn heretics where they stand. You gain the Blood Curse of Diluted Mysticism for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of Diluted Mysticism

Whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet of you casts a spell, you can force that creature to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or the spell fails.

Additionally, they lose the ability to cast spells until the start of their next turn.

Amplify. You strike at the creature’s source of power. The creature takes force damage equal to a number of d6s equal to the spell’s level on a failed saving throw, and half as much on a success. Concentration checks made as a result of this damage are at disadvantage.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Lycan

The ancient curse of lycanthropy is feared by nearly all peoples and cultures, passed through blood and seeding a host with the savage strength and hunger for violence of a wicked beast. The Order of the Lycan is a proud group of blood hunters who undergo “the Taming” — the ceremonial infliction of lycanthropy by a senior member of the order, for those who do not already carry the curse before seeking this path.

Heightened Senses

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the improved senses of a natural predator. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Hybrid Transformation

Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, you begin to learn to control the lycanthropic curse that now lives in your blood. As a bonus action, you can transform into your hybrid form for up to 1 hour. You can speak, use equipment, and wear armor in this form. You can revert to your normal form earlier as a bonus action. You automatically revert to your normal form if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. This feature replaces the rules for Lycanthropy within the Monster’s Manual.

You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. While you are transformed, you gain the following benefits:

  • Feral Might. You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, and you have a +1 bonus to melee damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 18th level.
  • Resilient Hide. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons. Additionally, while you are not wearing heavy armor, you have a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Predatory Strikes. You can apply your Crimson Rite feature to your unarmed strikes, which you treat as one weapon. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d8 bludgeoning or slashing damage (your choice). Additionally, when you use the Attack action to make an unarmed strike, you can make one additional unarmed strike as a bonus action. At 11th level, your strikes damage die increases to a d10.
  • Hunter’s Sight. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already possess darkvision, the range instead increases by 30 feet

Stalker’s Prowess

At 7th level, your speed increases by 10 feet, and you add 10 feet to your long jump distance and to your high jump distance. Your hybrid form also gains the following additional benefit.

  • Improved Predatory Strikes. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with your unarmed strike. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 18th level. Additionally, when you have an active crimson rite on your unarmed strike while in your hybrid form, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Advanced Transformation

At 11th level, you learn to unleash and control more of the beast within. You can use your Hybrid Transformation feature three times, regaining all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Your hybrid form also gains the following additional benefit.

  • Lycan Regeneration. At the start of each of your turns when you have at least 1 hit point but fewer hit points than half your hit point maximum, you gain hit points equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Brand of the Voracious

At 15th level, your Brand of Castigation now binds your foe to your hunter’s thirst for savagery. While in your hybrid form, your attacks have advantage against a creature branded by you. Additionally, branded targets hit by a weapon affected by an active rite can’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn.

Hybrid Transformation Mastery

At 18th level, you have mastered your inner predator. You can use your Hybrid Transformation feature an unlimited number of times, and your hybrid form lasts until you revert to your normal form, fall unconscious, or die.

You also gain the Blood Curse of the Howl for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Mutant

The process of undertaking the Hunter’s Bane ritual is a painful, scarring, and sometimes fatal experience. Those who survive are irrevocably changed — and not always for the better. Over generations of experimentation, a splinter order of blood hunters honed the way in which hemocraft alters the body, using corrupted alchemy and toxic elixirs to alter their blood even further. Over time, they have modified their capabilities in battle, becoming something beyond what they once were. Calling themselves the Order of the Mutant, these blood hunters now specialize in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their foes, altering their biology to be best prepared for any conflict.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to master forbidden alchemical formulas—known as mutagens—that can temporarily alter your mental and physical abilities.

As a bonus action, you consume a mutagen, whose effects and side effects last until you finish a short or long rest unless otherwise specified. While one or more mutagens are affecting you, you can use an action to focus and flush all mutagens from your system, ending their effects and side effects.

Mutagens are designed for the specific biology of the character who concocted them, and your mutagens have no effect on other creatures. They are also unstable by nature, losing their potency over time and becoming inert if not used before you finish your next short or long rest.

Blood Hunter Level Mutagens Created Formulas Known
3rd 1 4
7th 2 5
11th 2 6
15th 3 7
18th 3 8


The number of mutagens you can concoct when you finish a rest, and the number of formulas you know, increases as you gain levels in the blood hunter class, as shown on the Mutagencraft table above. Additionally, when you learn a new mutagen formula, you can replace one formula you already know with a new mutagen formula. You choose four mutagen formulas to learn, and you can concoct one mutagen when you finish a short or long rest.

Strange Metabolism

When you reach 7th level, your body begins to adapt to toxins and venoms, ignoring their corrupting effects. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Additionally, you can trigger a burst of adrenaline that lets you temporarily resist the negative effects of a mutagen. As a bonus action, you can ignore the negative side effect of one mutagen affecting you for 1 minute. Once you do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Brand of Axiom

At 11th level, your mutagenic hemocraft lets your Brand of Castigation reveal a foe’s true nature. Any illusion or invisibility in effect on a creature when you brand it ends, and the creature can’t benefit from invisibility or illusion effects while branded by you. If a creature branded by you is in an alternative form (by way of the Polymorph spell, the Change Shape action or Shapechanger trait, the Wild Shape feature, and similar effects), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or revert to its true form and be stunned until the end of your next turn. Whenever a branded creature attempts to alter its form, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have the attempt fail, and it is stunned until the end of your next turn.

Blood Curse of Corrosion

Starting at 15th level, your blood curse can infuse a creature’s body with terrible toxins. You gain the Blood Curse of Corrosion for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Exalted Mutation

At 18th level, your body has adapted to produce mutagens naturally in a moment of need. As a bonus action, choose one mutagen currently affecting you. Its effects and side effects end, and you can immediately have a mutagen you know the formula for take effect in its place.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Poisoned Blade

“I don’t fear death, nor do I fear life.”

Jubel Dragoneater

Blood Hunters willing turn their blood into a weapon and sacrifice themselves to rites to defeat their foes. The methods they’re willing to employ are considered by many as profane and in a way they taint their own blood to acheive increased potential.

The Hunter’s Bane changes you into a carrier of a deadly magical poison capable of felling even the sturdiest of creatures.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join this order at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Stealth skill and the poisoner’s kit. If you are already proficient with either tool or skill, you can choose another tool or skill to become proficient with instead.

Additionally, poisons you create take half the time and cost half as much to produce.

Rite of the Fang

When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the primal rite Rite of the Fang (detailed below). Rite of the Fang. Your rite damage is poison type. While this rite is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • If you hit a creature that resists poison damage with your Rite of the Fang, your rite damage ignores this resistance.
  • Your weapon attacks with an active Rite of the Fang deal two hemocraft die of damage if the creature isn’t immune to poison damage.
  • If a creature has blood, it must make a constitution saving throw against your Hemocraft DC, or become poisoned until the start of your next turn whenever it takes damage from your rite.

Upon reaching 11th level, when you hit a creature that is immune to poison damage with your Rite of the Fang, your poison damage ignores this immunity.


Beginning at 7th level, you gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Additionally, you can change any damage you deal from your Blood Maledict’s or Brands into Poison damage that apply the Rite of the Fang conditions on them.

Speciality Poison

Beginning at 11th level, you can create a single dose of special poison at the end of a long rest. This single dose lasts until it is used or until you take another long rest. You can apply your speciality poison to a weapon as a bonus action.

  • Eyebite Poison. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature is also blinded while poisoned in this way.

  • Sleeping Toxin. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

  • Serpent Venom. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, taking a number of d6 equal to half your level poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Creeping in the Dark

Beginning at 15th level, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you while you are in dim light or darkness have disadvantage and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide while in dim light or darkness.

Additionally, while in dim light or darkness, your speed increases by 10 feet, and attacks of opportunity made against you have disadvantage.

Toxic Blood

At 18th level, You gain the Blood Curse of the Toxic Blood.

Blood Curse of the Toxic Blood

As an action, you take damage equal to your Hemocraft die and conjure forth a wave of toxic blood that sprays outward in a 30-foot cone. Creatures within the cone must make Constitution saving throw or take 8d6 poison damage.

Amplify. Creatures have disadvantage on the save, and the damage becomes 10d6 instead.



Bloodhunter: Order of the Timekeepers

The Order of the Timekeepers are servants of the Eternal Watcher, having arisen thousands of years ago to serve as stewards of temporal and spacial magic, as was their sacred duty. These bloodhunters seek to protect the world from misuse of these magics, as well as creatures outside its influence such as Mindflayers, aberrations, and other creatures from the far realm.

Secrets from Another Life

When you choose this order at 3rd level, you gain access to fragments of your knowledge and abilities from alternative timelines. During a short or long rest, if you spend ten minutes meditating you can gain proficiency in one skill, tool, or language of your choice.

You can replace this proficiency with another when you finish a short or long rest and meditate again.

Beginning at 9th level, you gain proficiency in two skills, tools, or languages of your choice.

Blade of Durgon

Beginning at 3rd level, you can infuse your weapons with temporal magic. You learn the Rite of Time esoteric rite(detailed below)

Rite of Time. Your rite damage is force damage. While the rite is active, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your weapon deals double damage to objects and structures.
  • Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, you can choose to have the creature disintegrate.
  • Your weapon deals one additional hemocraft die of rite damage when you hit an aberration.

Resistance of Temporal

Beginning at 3rd level, your repeated exposure to powerful temporal magic has hardened your body against the rigors of time. You age twice as slowly as other members of your species and cannot be aged by magical means.

In addition, your training against beings from outside of reality has strengthened your mind against their influence. You have resistance to psychic damage, and gain proficiency in one mental saving throw of your choice.

Ward of the Infinite

Starting at 7th level, you have learned to see the gaps between reality, the planes, and illusions.

You are always under the effects of the Detect Magic feature as if you were a cleric, and you have advantage on ability checks made to discern illusions and their source.

Reality Prison

At 15th level, you have learned to force creature out of this reality and back into the cosmos. You can cast the banishment spell. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

You can cast the spell this way three times and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Timekeeper’s Blessing

When you reach 18th level, you have been entrusted with the timekeeper’s greatest power, the ability to manipulate your own temporal field. At the end of your turn, you can choose to take another turn.

You can use this feature once, and regain the use of it on a long rest.



Blood Hunter: Order of the Witchbreaker

You stand apart from civilization, shaped to defend its inhabitants from dark magic. While all blood hunters gain their abilities by imbibing the eldritch toxin known as the Hunter’s Bane, your transformation began long before. Many years ago, certain powerhungry alchemists began “priming” children in their care with magical treatments, administered over the course of years. If the subjects later became blood hunters, over time they would develop additional powers related to breaking curses and defeating evil spellcasters.

Eldritch Senses

Starting at 3rd level, your uncanny senses discern magical secrets your foes would hide. As a bonus action, you can active this feature and gain the following benefits:

  • You learn whether or not each creature within 60 feet of you is fey, fiend, humanoid or undead.
  • You know if there are any shapechangers or spellcasters within that distance. If they are a shapechanger, they become a target of your Hunter’s Bane.
  • You learn any vulnerabilities or immunities any nearby creatures affected by your Hunter’s Bane have.

If a creature is hidden from divination magic, this feature reveals nothing about that creature, except the fact that it is hidden from divination magic.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Rite of the Blade

By 3rd level, the magical modifications you’ve undergone are imbued within two special blades. As part of a short rest, you enchant two weapons you are proficient with a Rite of your choice. Whenever you wield these weapons, they gain the effects of one of your Rites (no action required). While wielding these weapons, you gain the following benefits:

  • If the weapon lacks the two-handed property, you can use your Dexterity modifier, instead of strength for the attack and damage rolls.
  • You can dual-wield both weapons even if they are not light so long as they lack the two-handed or heavy properties.

Abjurant Witchery

At 7th level, an ancient pact negotiated by elder witchbreakers before you were born allows their students to cast certain protective spells. When you gain this feature, you learn the prestidigitation cantrip, and one of the following cantrips of your choice: chill touch, frostbite, lightning lure, produce flame, thunderclap, or jynx. You also gain one 3rd-level spell slot, which you can use to cast any spell from the following list: dispel magic, magic circle, and remove curse. You regain your expended spell slot when you finish a long rest.

You can also regain your expended spell slot for this feature by spending three of your Hit Dice as a bonus action. Once you spend Hit Dice to regain a spell slot, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Your Hemocraft modifier is your spellcasting ability for your spells.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier

Blademaster’s Cleave

Starting at 11th level, while your crimson rite is active on a melee weapon, you can use your action to make a melee attack with that weapon against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll for each target.

Genetic Improvement

Starting at 15th level, the modifications done to you have made your body more resilient against magic. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Profane Witchery

At 18th level, you add darker magic and greater power to the spellcasting you gain from your Abjurant Witchery feature.

Choose three spells of 1st or 2nd level from the warlock’s spell list, adding those spells to the list of spells you can cast with your Abjurant Witchery feature.

You learn one additional spell for this feature when you reach 20th level. This can be any spell from the warlock spell list of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Also, you now regain your expended spell slot from your Abjurant Witchery feature when you finish a short rest or a long rest.



The Divine Clerics of Edenbaerrow

The hymns of the faithful ring out across temples, churches and shrines across every known corner of Edenbaerrow. Few things have had such an impact on the lands as the connection with gods that their clerical and acolyte followers have endeavored to maintain. Nations have risen and fallen at the god’s blessings or hatred and it is the stalwart clerics that enact this will on the continents of the world.

Clerics are the direct connection to the deities and normally do not possess many powers of their own like other spellcasters, instead they harness the power of faith and are allowed to channel the abilities of their deities for short periods of time or for small boons.

Because of this, clerics have wound up in all walks of life across the Material Plane. From clerics of natural domains promoting growth, health, and fertility, to clerics of the elements calming raging storms or stopping fires, clerics have become ingrained in society more than any other organization.

With a structured support system, abilities granted by the gods, and people flocking to their side, clerics lead through faith with both righteous or unholy intent, and the world of Edenbaerrow is affected in their wake by the very gods they’ve created..


Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Wisdom score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a Cleric.

Proficiencies Gained. If Cleric isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a Cleric: Light armor, medium armor, shields.



The Cleric
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips — Spell Slots Per Spell Level —
Known ^ 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Divine Domain 3 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Channel Divinity (x1), Divine Domain feature, Harness Divine Power 3 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 - 3 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 Destroy Undead (CR 1/2) 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Channel Divinity (x2), Divine Domain feature 4 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 Blessed Strikes 4 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Destroy Undead (CR 1), Divine Domain feature 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 Commune 4 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Divine Intervention 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 Destroy Undead (CR 2) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 - 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Improved Blessed Strikes, Destroy Undead (CR 3) 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 - 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 Destroy Undead (CR 4), Divine Domain feature 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Channel Divinity (x3) 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Greater Intervention 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

As a cleric, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per clericr level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st


Light armor, medium armor, shields
All simple weapons
Saving Throws:
Charisma, Wisdom
Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a mace or (b) a warhammer (if proficient)
  • (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain mail
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • A shield and a holy symbol


At 1st level, you know Sacred Flame and three cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. You learn additional cleric cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Cleric table.

Spell Slots

The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of cleric spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.



Ritual Casting

You can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells.

Divine Domain

At 1st level, you choose a domain shaped by your choice of Deity and the gifts they grant you. Your choice grants you domain spells and other features when you choose it at 1st level and additional benefits at 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.

Channel Divinity

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical effects.

Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your cleric spell save DC.

Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity twice between rests, and beginning at 18th level, you can use it three times between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead

As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Channel Divinity: Desperate Prayer

You present your holy symbol and utter a prayer of desperation, permitting you to cast a spell from the cleric spell list that you haven’t prepared. To do so, you must meet all requirements for casting the spell, like spending the time (or action) needed to cast it, using the necessary components and expending a spell slot of the spell’s level (or higher.)

Channel Divinity: Divine Spark

As an action, you point your Holy Symbol at another creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself and focus divine energy into them. Roll 1d8 and add your Wisdom Modifier. You either restore hit points to the creature equal to that total or force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes Necrotic or Radiant damage (your choice) equal to that total. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage.

You roll an additional d8 when you reach certain Cleric levels: 7th level (2d8), 13th level (3d8), and 18th level (4d8).

Harness Divine Power

At 2nd level, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you’ve reached in this class: 2nd level, once; 6th level, twice; and 18th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Additionally, whenever you would reach a level with this feature, you can choose to replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s spellcasting feature with another from the cleric spell list.

Destroy Undead

Starting at 5th level, when an undead fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, the creature is instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is at or below a certain threshold, as shown in the Cleric table above.

If the undead isn’t instantly destroyed, you can roll a number of d8s equal to your Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 1d8). Each undead that fails its save against that use of Turn Undead takes radiant damage equal to the roll’s total. This damage doesn’t end the Turn effect.

Blessed Strikes

Starting at 7th level, you gain one of the following options of your choice:

  • Divine Strike. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the target takes 1d8 additional necrotic or radiant damage (your choice upon a successful hit)
  • Potent Spellcasting. You add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any Cleric cantrip.

If you get either option from another source, you use only the option you chose from this feature.




Starting at 9th level, you have reached the divine source of your power through prayer. Now you can also have brief conversations; you always have the Commune spell prepared.

Divine Intervention

Beginning at 10th level, you can call on your deity to intervene on your behalf when your need is great.

Imploring your deity’s aid requires you to use your action. Describe the assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower than your cleric level, your deity intervenes. The DM chooses the nature of the intervention; the effect of any cleric spell or cleric domain spell would be appropriate. If your deity intervenes, you can’t use this feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can use it again after you finish a long rest.

Alternatively, you can choose to use your Divine Intervention to cast a 5th-level cleric spell without expending a spell slot.

Improved Blessed Strikes

When you reach 14th level, your chosen Blessed Strikes feature improves, gaining the following:

  • Divine Strike. The extra damage of your Divine Strike increases to 2d8.
  • Potent Spellcasting. When you cast a Cleric cantrip and deal damage to a creature with it, you can give vitality to yourself or another creature within 60 feet of yourself, granting a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.

Greater Intervention

Finally, at 20th level, you can guarantee your deity responds to your call as one of their most devout believers. When you attempt to use your Divine Intervention ability, you are automatically successful and cannot use Divine Intervention again for 7 days.

Alternatively, you can choose to use your Divine Intervention to cast Wish without expending a spellslot. Once you do so, you cannot do so again for 2d4 days.



Cleric: Arcana Domain

Magic is an energy that suffuses the multiverse and that fuels both destruction and creation. Gods of the Arcana domain know the secrets and potential of magic intimately. For some of these gods, magical knowledge is a great responsibility that comes with a special understanding of the nature of reality. Other gods of Arcana see magic as pure power, to be used as its wielder sees fit.

The gods of this domain are often associated with knowledge, as learning and arcane power tend to go hand-in-hand.

Arcana Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Identify, Magic Missile
3rd Magic Weapon, Nystul’s Magic Aura
5th Dispel Magic, Magic Circle
7th Arcane Eye, Leomund’s Secret Chest
9th Planar Binding, Teleportation Circle

Arcane Initiate

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you gain two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. For you, these cantrips count as cleric cantrips.

Channel Divinity: Arcane Abjuration

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to abjure otherworldly creatures.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and one celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend of your choice that is within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw, provided that the creature can see or hear you. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can only use the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

After you reach 5th level, when a creature fails its saving throw against your Arcane Abjuration feature, the creature is banished for 1 minute (as in the Banishment spell, no concentration required) if it isn’t on its plane of origin and its challenge rating is at or below a certain threshold, as shown on the Arcane Banishment table.

Arcane Banishment
Cleric Level Banishes Creatures of CR…
5th 1/2 or lower
8th 1 or lower
11th 2 or lower
14th 3 or lower
17th 4 or lower

Spell Breaker

Starting at 6th level, when you restore hit points to an ally with a spell of 1st level or higher, you can also end one spell of your choice on that creature. The level of the spell you end must be equal to or lower than the level of the spell slot you use to cast the healing spell.

Arcane Mastery

At 17th level, you choose four spells from the wizard spell list, one from each of the following levels: 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th. You add them to your list of domain spells. Like your other domain spells, they are always prepared and count as cleric spells for you.

You can cast a number of 1st-level or 2nd-level spells without expending a spellslot, a number of times equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up). These spells must be prepared, and on your Cleric spell list. Once you’ve cast these spells, you cannot do so again until you’ve finished a short or long rest.



Cleric: Balance Domain

The Balance domain is centered upon establishing true equality throughout the multiverse and eschewing all bias: good and evil, law and chaos. Followers of this domain often embody an introspective and even-tempered lifestyle. Many neutral deities claim influence over this domain, but it is also especially prevalent among clerics who worship no particular deity—instead choosing to serve the natural forces of the cosmos.

Balance Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Detect evil and good, Sanctuary
3rd Calm Emotions, Warding Bond
5th Dispel magic, Tongues
7th Banishment, Freedom of Movement
9th Dispel evil and good, Geas

Bonus Cantrip

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and gain proficiency in the Insight skill.

Tip the Scales

Also at 1st level, when you miss with an attack or when you’re hit by an attack, you can invoke the cosmic forces of the multiverse to tip the balance in your favor. Roll a d4 and either add the number to or subtract it from the attack roll, respectively, possibly changing the outcome.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

The die for this feature increases when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to a 2d4 at 5th level, 2d6 at 10th level, and 2d8 at 15th level.

Channel Divinity: Rectify Imbalance

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to equalize the transgressions of your foes, calling forth holy power to rebuke them and restore your allies. Immediately after a hostile creature within 60 feet of you deals damage to you or a friendly creature you can see, you can present your holy symbol as a reaction. The hostile creature must make a Constitution saving throw, taking radiant damage equal to 2d6 + your cleric level on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, one creature of your choice that took damage from the hostile creature, regains hit points equal to the amount of radiant damage you dealt. A prone creature that regains hit points in this way is magically lifted to a standing position, if it chooses.

Cosmic Scales

When you reach 6th level, you can also use your Tip the Scales feature as a reaction when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you misses with an attack or is hit by an attack.

Sphere of Balance

Beginning at 17th level, you can use your action to activate an aura of balance that lasts for 1 minute, or until you’re incapacitated or you dismiss it as a bonus action. For the duration, whenever creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you has advantage or disadvantage on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, the roll is instead made with neither advantage nor disadvantage.



Cleric: Blood Domain

The Blood domain centers around the understanding of the natural life force within one’s own physical body. The power of blood is the power of sacrifice, the balance of life and death, and the spirit’s anchor within the mortal shell. Clerics of blood seek to tap into the connection between body and soul through divine means, exploit the hidden reserves of will within one’s own vitality, and even manipulate or corrupt the body of others through these secret rites of crimson.

Blood Spells
Level Spells
1st Sleep, Ray of Sickness
3rd Ray of Enfeeblement, Crown of Madness
5th Haste, Slow
7th Blight, Stoneskin
9th Dominate Person, Hold Monster

Bonus Proficiency

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.

Bloodletting Focus

From 1st level, your divine magics draw the blood from inflicted wounds, worsening the agony of your nearby foes. When you use a spell of 1st level or higher to inflict damage to any creatures that have blood, those creatures suffer additional necrotic damage equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Channel Divinity: Blood Puppet

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to briefly control a creature’s actions against their will.

As an action, you target a Large or smaller creature that has blood within 60 feet of you. That creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or immediately move up to half of their movement in any direction of your choice and make a single weapon attack against a creature of your choice within range. Dead or unconscious creatures automatically fail their saving throw. At 8th level, you can target a Huge or smaller creature.

Channel Divinity: Crimson Bond

Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to focus on a sample of blood from a creature that is at least 2 ounces, and that has been spilt no longer than a week ago.

As an action, you can focus on the blood of the creature to form a bond and gain information about their current circumstances. You know their approximate distance and direction from you, as well as their general state of health, as long as they are within 10 miles of you. You can maintain this effect as though you were concentrating on a spell for up to 1 hour.

During your bond, you can spend an action to attempt to connect with the bonded creature’s senses. The target makes a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If they succeed, the connection is resisted, ending the bond. You suffer 2d6 necrotic damage. Upon a failed saving throw, you can choose to either see through the eyes of or hear through their ears of the target for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). During this time, you are blind or deaf (respectively) with regard to your own senses.

Once this connection ends, the Crimson Bond is lost.

Sanguine Recall

Additionally at 6th level, your ability to Harness Divine Power is improved by sacrificing some of your own vitality.

The first time you use the Harness Divine Power feature, you do not expend a use of your Channel Divinity. In addition, you can recover up to your full proficiency bonus when expending a usage of your Channel Divinity. Once you’ve regained the spell slots, you take 1d6 necrotic damage.

Vascular Corruption Aura

At 17th level, as an action, you can emit a powerful aura that extends 30 feet out from you. This aura pulses necrotic energy through the veins of nearby foes, causing them to burst and bleed.

For 1 minute, any enemy creatures with blood that begin their turn within the aura or enter it for the first time on their turn immediately suffer 2d6 necrotic damage. Any enemy creature with blood that would regain hit points while within the aura only regains half of the intended number of hit points (rounded up).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Cleric: Cosmos Domain

Ever expanding, the cosmos is full of wonders and dangerous things. Those few deities who hold sway over it gain understanding of gravity and cosmic strings, allowing them to control a sliver of the vastness beyond.

Cosmos Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st magnify gravity, jump
3rd vortex warp, levitate
5th pulse wave, meteoric
7th gravity sinkhole, dimension door
9th temporal shunt, telekinesis

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with the Arcana skill and heavy weapons.

Additionally, any spells with the gravity tag can be prepared and cast by you.

Gravimetric Reduction

At 1st level, you are able to lessen gravity’s hold on yourself and objects you wear/carry by halving or doubling the weight. Your jump distance is doubled and you don’t need to move at all to make a running long jump or running high jump.

As an action, you can share this feature with a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus for 10 minutes. Once you’ve used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Singularity

You create a tiny fraction of the universes cosmic pull. As an action you invoke your holy symbol summon a small orb above your head full of cosmic energy. The orb immediately forces creatures of your choice within 30 feet to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, targets are pushed either 15 feet away or 15 feet closer (your choice when you activate the ability) and take 3d6 radiant damage. On a success, they take half and aren’t pulled or pushed. The orb then explodes and any creature that failed the save is blinded until the start of your next turn.

Friction Control

Starting at 6th level, you are able to adjust gravity to alter the force of friction around you. While conscious, you cannot be moved against your will and you ignore difficult terrain. Additionally, your movement speed increases by 10 feet.


At 17th level, your mastery over gravity is complete. You gain a fly speed of 60 feet and can hover. Additionally, you learn the reverse gravity spell and it counts as a Cleric spell for you. You always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You can cast reverse gravity once without expending a spell slot. Once you cast it in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Cleric: Death Domain

The Death domain is concerned with the forces that cause death, as well as the negative energy that gives rise to undead creatures. Death Deities are patrons of necromancers, death knights, liches, mummy lords, and vampires. Gods of the Death domain also embody murder, pain, disease or poison, and the underworld.

Death Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st False Life, Ray of Sickness
3rd Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement
5th Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch
7th Blight, Death Ward
9th Antilife Shell, Cloudkill

Necromantic Mastery

At 1st level, you learn one necromancy cantrip of your choice from any spell list. When you cast a necromancy cantrip or spell of 5th level or lower that normally targets only one creature, the spell can instead target two creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other.

Channel Divinity: Touch of Death

Starting at 2nd level, you can use Channel Divinity to destroy another creature’s life force by touch. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can use Channel Divinity to deal extra necrotic damage to the target. The damage equals 5 + twice your cleric level.

Corpse Master

Starting at 6th level, when you cast a cleric spell that creates an undead from a corpse or a pile of bones, you can target one additional corpse or pile of bones, creating another zombie or skeleton as appropriate.

Additionally, whenever you create an undead using a cleric spell or your Channel Divinity option, it has additional benefits:

  • The creature’s hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your cleric level.
  • The creature adds your proficiency bonus to its weapon damage rolls.

Reaper of Souls

Starting at 17th Level, whenever you deal necrotic damage, you can choose to curse one creature that was dealt damage as a bonus action. Whenever a cursed creation dies, you can give a nearby ally within 30 feet



Cleric: Deathsigned Domain

Edenbaerrow is overseen by the Triumvirate of death, who collectively work together for the benefit of the dead. The Deathsigned are their acolytes and are rarely called to adventure.

Most Deathsigned spend their lives in temples, recording the deaths and final destinations of souls, ushering older souls on, and celebrating the dead and whispering all these facts to their deities. On rare occasions, the deathsigned are called to serve in grand adventure. These intrepid clerics are instructed to record, remember, and celebrate death. Death never stops, and neither does their work.

Doomscribe Spells
Level Spells
1st Comprehend languages, Determine final rest
3rd Augury, Seek final rest
5th Mind Spike, Speak with dead
7th Death ward, Divination
9th Ancient Shade, Contact other plane


Also at 1st level when you choose this domain, the Triumvirate deadens your senses. You gain the chill touch cantrip and you are immune to the charmed condition and you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, blinded, and deafened.

Channel Divinity: Namestrike

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to write impending doom on an enemy. As an action, you write a name or brief description of a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see and strike a line through it, either with a writing instrument in your hand or by using your finger in the air. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking psychic damage equal to twice your cleric level on a failed save, or equal to your cleric level on a successful one. In addition, you learn the given name of a creature who fails this saving throw, if it has one, and the full, true name (if applicable) of the creature if it fails the saving throw by 5 or more.

Record of Death

Starting at 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to channel some of their energy into yourself. You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your cleric level.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this feature on a long rest.

Unfinished Work

At 17th level and beyond, The Triumvirate values your service too much to allow death to take you. When you die, your body withers and takes on a mummified appearance, but otherwise remains animate. You regain consciousness if you were unconscious, and you can act normally as if you were still alive. You remain at 0 hit points and fall dead after one hour, or if you take damage equal to or greater than your hit point maximum over the course of a single round of combat (from the end of your turn until the end of your next turn). While you are under the effects of this feature, a raise dead or revivify spell can return you to life if you willingly receive the spell, ending these effects. However, you can’t cast spells that raise the dead to life on yourself while under the effects of this feature.



Cleric: The Deep Domain

Few gods hold sway over the Elemental Earth - Gods like Orochi, Orrikein Brazenfist & Ehn’zaz - but those that do hold secrets and sway over much of the natural world. Dark are the secrets beneath the surface, and many gods prefer it stay that way. Implacable determination, clerics of the Deep are usually traditionalists with little to no interest in change.

The Deep Domain
Level Spells
1st absorb elements, earth tremor
3rd earthbind, Maximillian’s earthen grasp
5th erupting earth, shardspray
7th conjure minor elementals, stoneskin
9th conjure elemental(earth), creation

One With The Earth

When you choose

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you learn Primordial (Terran), you gain proficiency with mining tools & you learn the mold earth cantrip.

Earthen Fortitude

Also at 1st level, your deity gives you access to a hardened exterrior to turn away attackers. When you are the target of an attack, you can harden yourself with an exterior of clay and stone. You gain bonus AC equal to your Wisdom modifier until the start of your next turn

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, regaining uses on a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Eden’s Lifeblood

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to call soothing, healing mud from the earth, to salve the wounds of injured creatures. As an action, you generate a wave of rejuvenating mud to flow over, and recede from, creatures in a 30-foot-radius centered on you. All creatures of your choice within the area that are in contact with the earth, are healed for a number of hit points equal to 1d6 + your cleric level.

Grace of the Deep

Starting at 6th level, you gain an aura around you equal to your wisdom modifier x 10. Creatures that are hostile to you within this aura treat the ground as difficult terrain, and allied creatures within the aura have advantage on strength saving throws against being knocked prone or shoved, as well as strength checks against being grappled or restrained.

This aura stays around you so long as you aren’t incapacitated.

Rage of the Deep

Starting at 17th level, you can unleash the anger of your patron. Stone and rock are slow to move, but once they do they are disastrous. You can cast the spell Earthquake once without needing a spellslot to do so. When you cast the spell in this way, creatures of your choice within the range take damage equal to your proficiency bonus whenever they fail a saving throw in its area.

You can cast Earthquake this way once a day before needing to long rest to do so again.



Cleric: Forge Domain

The gods of the forge are patrons of artisans who work with metal, from a humble blacksmith who keeps a village in horseshoes and plow blades to the mighty elf artisan whose diamond-tipped arrows of mithral have felled demon lords. The gods of the forge teach that, with patience and hard work, even the most intractable metal can be transformed from a lump of ore to a beautifully wrought object. Clerics of these deities search for objects lost to the forces of darkness, liberate mines overrun by orcs, and uncover rare and wondrous materials necessary to create potent magic items. Followers of these gods take great pride in their work, and they are willing to craft and use heavy armor and powerful weapons to protect them.

Forge Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Identify, Searing Smite
3rd Heat Metal, Magic Weapon
5th Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy
7th Fabricate, Wall of Fire
9th Animate Objects, Creation

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons, heavy armor and smith’s tools.

Blessing of the Forge

At 1st level, you gain the ability to imbue magic into a weapon or armor. At the end of a long rest, you can touch one suit of armor or a weapon. Until the end of your next long rest, or until you die, the object becomes a magical object if it isn’t one already, granting it a +1 bonus to AC if it is armor, or a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if it’s a weapon

If the item is a magical suit of armor or weapon, this bonus cannot grant it an enchantment bonus higher than +2. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

At 10th level, you can imbue greater magic for a shorter duration. You can increase the item you blessed temporarily to a +2 weapon or armor. If the weapon is already magical, this bonus cannot grant it an enchantment bonus higher than +3 This effect lasts 1 hour, after which the Blessing of the Forge expires.

Channel Divinity: Artisan’s Blessing

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create simple items.

You conduct an hour-long ritual that crafts a nonmagical item that must include some metal: a simple or martial weapon, a suit of armor, 20 pieces of ammunition, a set of tools, or another metal object. The creation is completed at the end of the hour, coalescing in an unoccupied space of your choice on a surface within 5 feet of you.

The thing you create can be something that is worth no more than 100 gp. As part of this ritual, you must lay out metal, which can include coins, with a value equal to the creation. The metal irretrievably coalesces and transforms into the creation at the ritual’s end, magically forming even nonmetal parts of the creation.

The ritual can create a duplicate of a nonmagical item that contains metal, such as a key, if you possess the original during the ritual.

Soul of the Forge

Starting at 6th level, You can imbue two items with your Blessing of the Forge feature whenever you end a long rest, additionally, items blessed by you grant additional features:

  • Armor you bless grants the wearer resistance to fire damage.
  • Weapons you bless deal an additional 1d8 fire damage on a hit.

Additionally, when you take the attack action, you can attack twice instead of once.

Avatar of The Forge & Fire

At 17th level, your blessed affinity with fire and metal becomes more powerful:

  • You gain immunity to fire damage.
  • While wearing heavy armor, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks.
  • Whenever a hostile creature ends its turn within 5 feet of you, it takes fire damage equal to half your cleric level (rounded down).



Cleric: Grave Domain

Gods of the grave watch over the line between life and death. To these deities, death and the afterlife are a foundational part of the multiverse’s workings. To resist death, or to desecrate the dead’s rest, is an abomination.

These deities teach their followers to respect the dead and pay them due homage. Followers of these deities seek to put restless spirits to rest, destroy the undead wherever they find them, and ease the suffering of dying creatures. Their magic also allows them to stave off a creature’s death, though they refuse to use such magic to extend a creature’s lifespan beyond its mortal limits.

Grave Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Bane, False Life
3rd Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement
5th Revivify, Vampiric Touch
7th Blight, Death Ward
9th Antilife Shell, Raise Dead

Circle of Mortality

At 1st level, you gain the ability to manipulate the line between life and death. When you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell to a creature at 0 hit points, you instead use the highest number possible for each die.

In addition, you learn the Spare the Dying cantrip, which doesn’t count against the number of cleric cantrips you know. For you, it has a range of 30 feet, and you can cast it as a bonus action.

Eyes of the Grave

At 1st level, you gain the ability to occasionally sense the presence of the undead, whose existence is an insult to the natural cycle of life. As an action, you can open your awareness to magically detect undead. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any undead within 60 feet of you that isn’t behind total cover and that isn’t protected from divination magic. This sense doesn’t tell you anything about a creature’s capabilities or identity.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to mark another creature’s life force for termination.

As an action, you choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you, cursing it until the end of your next turn. The next time you or an ally of yours hits the cursed creature with an attack, the creature has vulnerability to all of that attack’s damage, and then the curse ends.

Sentinel at Death’s Door

At 6th level, you gain the ability to impede death’s progress. As a reaction when you or an ally that you can see within 30 feet of you suffers a critical hit, you can turn that attack into a normal hit. Any effects triggered by a critical hit are canceled.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Keeper of Souls

At 17th level, you can seize a trace of vitality from a parting soul and use it to heal the living. When an enemy you can see dies within 30 feet of you, you or one ally of your choice that is within 30 feet of you regains hit points equal to the enemy’s number of Hit Dice. You can use this feature only if you aren’t incapacitated. Once you use it, you can’t do so again until the start of your next turn.



High Magic Domain

Traditionally, High Magic has been the soul charge of the elven people, sacred arts and traditions meant to stem increasingly hostile and rough journeys into chaotic magics. The faithful to elven High Magic are custodians and preservers of the history and majesty of the elven peoples of Edenbaerrow.

High Magic Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st faerie fire, hail of thorns
3rd feysong, misty step
5th conjure barrage, resplendence
7th confusion, Ar’Vanduthil’s arrow
9th conjure volley, dispel evil and good

Mystical Beginnings

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you learn two cantrips of your choice from any spell list. These are considered cleric cantrips for you, and don’t count against the number of cantrips you know.

Additionally, you become proficient in the Arcana and History skills if you aren’t already.

Weave Understanding

Also at 1st level, High Magic learning has shown you the deepest understanding of rituals and how they are weaved.

Whenever you gain new spell levels, you choose two spells from any class spell list that has the Ritual tag. These spells are always prepared and count as Cleric spells for you.

Additionally, once per day you can cast any ritual spell you’ve learned from this class feature instantly without expending a spell slot.

Channel Divinity: Blessing of the Seldarine

Beginning at 2nd level, as an action, you present your holy symbol and call upon the Seldarine’s blessing to aid your allies. All creatures of your choice within 30 feet, gain the effects of a bless spell for 1 minute. In addition, for the duration, an affected creature wielding a traditional elven weapon (longsword, shortsword, longbow, or shortbow) gains a +1 bonus to the weapon’s damage.

High Metamagic

Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to twist your spells to suit your needs. When you cast a spell, you can use your Channel Divinity to apply any one of the Metamagic options listed in the Sorcerer class to it. You can only use one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, and you ignore any sorcerer point requirements listed in the Metamagic descriptions when using this ability.

In addition, you know the counterspell spell and can cast once without expending a spellslot. This spell counts as a cleric spell for you. Once you’ve done so, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Mythal Weave

At 17th level, you can connect to the Mythals, drawing on their ancient fey magic. You cast domain spells and enchantment spells as if you expended a spell slot 1 level higher.



Cleric: Hunt Domain

The gods of the hunt value skill above all else—whether it be skill as a tracker of cunning prey, a slayer of mighty beasts, or a marksman of unparalleled accuracy—it does not matter. While rangers are often the most common servants of these deities, most of gods of the hunt employ clerics as well. The clerics of a hunting god often take a more active role in advancing their god’s interests, compared to rangers. Followers of this domain might defend sacred groves and shrines to their god from the assault of evil monstrosities or hunt down the enemies of whatever deity they follow.

Hunt Domain
Level Spells
1st hunter’s mark, snare
3rd cordon of arrows, locate animals or plants
5th conjure barrage, lightning arrow
7th freedom of movement, locate creature
9th conjure volley, scrying

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and either the Survival skill or the Stealth skill (your choice).

Hunter’s Guidance

Also at 1st level, you can channel the divine power of the hunt into your weapon attacks. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can use this feature to apply a secondary effect to your attack. The secondary effect depends on whether the triggering attack was a melee or ranged attack.

  • Ranged Weapon Attack. The target of your attack has their speed halved until the start of your next turn.
  • Melee Weapon Attack. Your speed is increased by 15 feet until the end of your turn, and for that duration your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Prized Quarry

Beginning at 2nd level, you can magically reward a creature for its successful kill. When a creature within 120 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction and expend a use of your Channel Divinity to reward the creature that reduced it to 0 hit points. That creature regains a number of hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Cleric level, and can immediately use its reaction to move up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. An undead or construct cannot be healed by this feature.

Precise Attacker

Starting at 6th level, your weapon attacks begin to hit unerringly, aided by the divine magic flowing through you. If you miss with a weapon attack roll on your turn, you can use your bonus action to reroll the attack and take the new roll.

Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can attack twice instead of once.

If you hit with a weapon attack on your turn, you can use your bonus action to deal additional damage to the target. This damage equals 2 + half your Cleric level, and it shares its damage type with the attack that triggered it.

Master of the Hunt

At 17th level, your divine skill with weaponry has reached its peak. You gain advantage on the first weapon attack roll you make each turn. Additionally, whenever you make a weapon attack with advantage and hit, if the lower of the two rolls would also hit then the attack deals an additional 1d8 damage and pushes its target up to 10 feet away from you.



Cleric: Justice Domain

Gods of justice and law exemplify order and lawfulness, and the pursuit of just reparations and retributions. Some of these gods are ruthless in their pursuit of justice, and are quick to enact retribution when crimes are committed, while others are more forgiving and open to punishments other than death. Clerics of this domain often act as judges, lawyers, and investigators, and are well respected by their compatriots and hated by their opponents and detractors. They use their divine powers to find truth, root out evil, and bring justice to criminals.

Justice Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st detect evil and good, detect poison and disease
3rd branding smite, zone of truth
5th clairvoyance, speak with dead
7th arcane eye, locate creature
9th commune, dispel evil and good

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons, heavy armor, and the Investigation skill.

Divine Retribution

Also at 1st level, you can use your divine power to defend your allies and rebuke your enemies. When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d6, and force the creature that damaged the initial target to make a Dexterity saving throw. That creature takes damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier + the damage mitigated on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage shares a type with the damage dealt to the initial target. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Reveal Injustice

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to assist you in investigating deaths. By performing a minute-long ritual on the remains of a creature that has been dead for no more than 7 days and hasn’t been targeted by this feature before, you can learn its cause of death.

If the creature was killed by another creature, you can also learn details about the creature’s killer by making a Wisdom (Insight) check with a DC equal to the killer’s passive Charisma (Deception) score. You automatically fail this check if the killer is protected from divination magic, such as through the nondetection spell. On a success, you learn the killer’s creature type, and the distance and direction to its location as of the completion of the ritual. On a failed check, the killer knows that divination magic was attempted on it, but it doesn’t know its source.

The DM might allow you to use this feature to investigate events other than deaths. For example, scenes of a recent robbery or evidence of an assault might be viable targets for this Channel Divinity, at your DM’s discretion. In these cases, you would discover information about the main perpetrator of that event, rather than a “killer.”

Channel Divinity: Chains of Reckoning

At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to restrain a creature with divine chains. As an action, you present your holy symbol, causing chains of light to emerge from the ground and attempt to restrain a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it takes radiant damage equal to 2d6 + your cleric level, and is restrained until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and its speed is halved until the end of your next turn. If you target a creature that has failed the check imposed by your Reveal Injustice feature, that creature makes this save at disadvantage, and it is paralysed until the end of your next turn on a failed save, rather than restrained. Once you use this bonus effect on a creature, you can’t use it on that creature again until you succeed on another check imposed by your Reveal Injustice feature against that creature.

Divine Truth

At 17th level, your senses can see through lies. You know when you hear a lie, and you gain truesight with a range of 60 feet. Your ability to detect lies allows you to know when something explicitly untruthful is said; it does not detect misleading yet literally true statements.



Cleric: Knowledge Domain

The gods of knowledge value learning and understanding above all. Some teach that knowledge is to be gathered and shared in libraries and universities, or promote the practical knowledge of craft and invention. Some deities hoard knowledge and keep its secrets to themselves. And some promise their followers that they will gain tremendous power if they unlock the secrets of the multiverse. Followers of these gods study esoteric lore, collect old tomes, delve into the secret places of the earth, and learn all they can. Some gods of knowledge promote the practical knowledge of craft and invention.

Knowledge Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Command, Identify
3rd Augury, Suggestion
5th Nondetection, Speak with Dead
7th Arcane Eye, Confusion
9th Legend Lore, Scrying

Blessings of Knowledge

At 1st level, you learn two languages of your choice. You also become proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.

Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those skills.

Illuminated Intuition

Also at 1st level, whenever a creature (including yourself) makes an Intelligence skill check, you can as a reaction add your Wisdom modifier to the roll.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain uses on a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to tap into a divine well of knowledge. As an action, you choose one skill or tool. For 10 minutes, you have proficiency with the chosen skill or tool.

Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts

At 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to read a creature’s thoughts. You can then use your access to the creature’s mind to command it.

As an action, choose one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, you can’t use this feature on it again until you finish a long rest.

If the creature fails its save, you can read its surface thoughts (those foremost in its mind, reflecting its current emotions and what it is actively thinking about) when it is within 60 feet of you. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

During that time, you can use your action to end this effect and cast the Suggestion spell on the creature without expending a spell slot. The target automatically fails its saving throw against the spell.

Visions of the Past

Starting at 17th level, you can call up visions of the past that relate to an object you hold or your immediate surroundings. You spend at least 1 minute in meditation and prayer, then receive dreamlike, shadowy glimpses of recent events. You can meditate in this way for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom score and must maintain concentration during that time, as if you were casting a spell.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

  • Object Reading. Holding an object as you meditate, you can see visions of the object’s previous owner. After meditating for 1 minute, you learn how the owner acquired and lost the object, as well as the most recent significant event involving the object and that owner. If the object was owned by another creature in the recent past (within a number of days equal to your Wisdom score), you can spend 1 additional minute for each owner to learn the same information about that creature.

  • Area Reading. As you meditate, you see visions of recent events in your immediate vicinity (a room, street, tunnel, clearing, or the like, up to a 50-foot cube), going back a number of days equal to your Wisdom score. For each minute you meditate, you learn about one significant event, beginning with the most recent. Significant events typically involve powerful emotions, such as battles and betrayals, marriages and murders, births and funerals. However, they might also include more mundane events that are nevertheless important in your current situation.



Cleric: Life Domain

The Life domain focuses on the vibrant positive energy – one of the fundamental forces of the universe – that sustains all life. The gods of life promote vitality and health through healing the sick and wounded, caring for those in need, and driving away the forces of death and undeath. Almost any non-evil deity can claim influence over this domain, particularly agricultural deities, sun gods, gods of healing or endurance, and gods of home and community.

Life Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Bless, Cure Wounds
3rd Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
5th Beacon of Hope, Revivify
7th Death Ward, Guardian of Faith
9th Mass Cure Wounds, Raise Dead

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor.

Disciple of Life

Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to heal the badly injured.

As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.

Blessed Healer

Beginning at 6th level, the healing spells you cast on others heal you as well. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a creature other than you, you regain hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Supreme Healing

Starting at 17th level, when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12.



Cleric: Light Domain

Gods of light promote the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, often using the symbol of the sun. Some of these gods are portrayed as the sun itself or as a charioteer who guides the sun across the sky. Others are tireless sentinels whose eyes pierce every shadow and see through every deception. Some are deities of beauty and artistry, who teach that art is a vehicle for the soul’s improvement. Clerics of a god of light are enlightened souls infused with radiance and the power of their gods’ discerning vision, charged with chasing away lies and burning away darkness.

Light Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Burning Hands, Faerie Fire
3rd Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
5th Daylight, Fireball
7th Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire
9th Flame Strike, Scrying

Bonus Cantrip

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the Light cantrip if you don’t already know it. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of cleric cantrips you know.

Warding Flare

Also at 1st level, you can interpose divine light between yourself and an attacking enemy. When you or an ally, are attacked by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, causing light to flare before the attacker before it hits or misses. An attacker that can’t be blinded is immune to this feature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to harness sunlight, banishing darkness and dealing radiant damage to your foes.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and any magical darkness within 30 feet of you is dispelled. Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes radiant damage equal to 2d10 + your cleric level on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that has total cover from you is not affected.

Revealing Light

Starting at 6th level, the light you shine becomes a seeker of hidden things. As a bonus action you can present your holy symbol and cast See Invisibility without expending a spell slot. When you cast it in this way, your allies also gain the benefit of the spell while within 10 feet of you. Until the spell ends, you emit bright light in a 10 foot radius, and dim light for an additional 10 feet.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Corona of Light

Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate an aura of sunlight that lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it using another action. You emit bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. Your enemies in the bright light have disadvantage on saving throws against any spell that deals fire or radiant damage.



Cleric: Lunar Domain

Edenbaerrow’s two moons are deities of import, each gaining a portfolio over dreams, departure, travel, and ascension.

Clerics of the Lunar domain embrace fey influence of the moon, for them it expresses a connection to death through the day cycle, which represents the life cycle, and a connection to dreams, due to its influence on the literal movement of time from Ava’s influence.

The moon and moonlight are seen as offering inspiration and insight, being a revealing and cleansing influence. Clerics of the Lunar domain seek to emulate their goddesses, protecting and nurturing, offering wisdom and insight, and revealing truth and knowledge, wherever they can.

Domain Spells

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Lunar Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work.

Lunar Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st motes of moonlight~, sleep
3rd misty step, moonbeam
5th speak with dead, spirit guardians
7th dimension door, moonbow
9th dream, moonbridge

Clarity of Moonlight

At 1st level, when you are bathed in moonlight from any source – including your own abilities and spells you can choose to make Wisdom saving throws and Wisdom ability checks, with advantage. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 1) and you regain expended uses after finishing a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Death’s Door

Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to send others a wave of healing moonlight from yourself, out to a range of 20 feet. All creatures of your choice within the area regain 1d6 hit points. If a creature is below half their hit point maximum, this healing increases to 2d6 hit points. If a creature is unconscious and is making death saving throws, the healing increases to 2d6 plus your Wisdom modifier.

The area within 20 feet of you is bathed in moonlight until the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Revealing Moonlight

Starting at 6th level, as an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to create a sphere of moonlight in a 30-foot radius centered on you, which lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). The area is considered as an area of bright light, and within this area of effect, all creatures not in their normal form, and all invisible creatures, glow with a silvery radiance. Creatures of your choice within the sphere gain the benefits of your Clarity of Moonlight ability. The radiance is extinguished if a creature moves out of the area of effect.

Reality from Dreams

Beginning at 17th level, you gain the following abilities from your lunar god:

  • You can make your dreams come true. Wish becomes a cleric spell for you, adding it to the cleric spell list.
  • You have advantage on saves against illusion spells, and can discern illusions at a glance without needing to make a check.



Cleric: Mercy Domain

Some powerful deities resent and abhor the use of violence unless as an absolute necessity, choosing to imbue their clerics as powerful beacons of peace, that to dare strike one brings a terrible curse. While not quite true, it is a welcome rumor that the god’s clerics haven’t made much effort to correct. In truth, the greatest power of those who follow the Peace domain lies in the discipline they exert over themselves.

Mercy Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st sanctuary, wailing wind
3rd calm emotions, protection from poison
5th aura of vitality, mass healing word
7th aura of purity, calming waters
9th greater restoration, mass cure wounds

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. In addition, you learn the — cantrip. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you know.


Also at 1st level, when you choose this domain, you gain the ability to make any damage you deal nonlethal when it reduces a creature to 0 hit points. This applies to damage you deal with ranged spell attacks or damaging spells that force the target to make a saving throw. In addition, whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus if you haven’t willingly killed a creature since your last long rest.

Channel Divinity: Peaceful Demonstration

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to encourage mercy among your allies. As an action, you can bless yourself and up to four allies that you can see within 30 feet. An affected creature regains hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier when it reduces an enemy to 0 hit points with a melee attack and elects to render it unconscious instead of killing it. This blessing lasts for up to one minute, or until you end the effect early with a bonus action for all those affected.

Rebuke Violence

Starting at 6th level, when a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to push it up to 10 feet away from you and reduce the damage by your Wisdom Modifier, if it is one size larger than you or smaller; in addition, the creature’s next attack is made with disadvantage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), regaining expended uses when you finish a long rest.

A Gentle Waterfall

At 17th level, your Peaceful Demonstration healing die becomes 2d8, and you add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1) to the additional hit points restored by your Mercy feature.



Cleric: Nature Domain

Gods of nature are as varied as the natural world itself; from inscrutable gods of the deep forests to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves . Druids revere nature as a whole and might serve one of these deities, practicing mysterious rites and reciting all-but-forgotten prayers in their own secret tongue. But many of these gods have clerics as well, champions who take a more active role in advancing the interests of a particular nature god. These clerics might hunt the evil monstrosities that despoil the woodlands, bless the harvest of the faithful, or wither the crops of those who anger their gods.

Nature Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Beast Bond, Speak with Animals
3rd Barkskin, Spike Growth
5th Plant Growth, Wind Wall
7th Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine
9th Insect Plague, Tree Stride

Acolyte of Nature

At 1st level, you learn one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. This cantrip counts as a cleric cantrip for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of cleric cantrips you know. You also gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival.

Natural Bond

Also at 1st level, you are become a conduit between beasts and men. You can cast the spell Beast Bond without expending a spell slot once per long rest. When cast this way, Beast Bond doesn’t require concentration but only lasts 1 minute.

Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to charm animals and plants.

As an action, you present your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each beast or plant creature that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While it is charmed by you, it is friendly to you and other creatures you designate.

Dampen Elements

Starting at 6th level, when you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to grant resistance to the creature against that instance of the damage.

Master of Nature

At 17th level, you gain the ability to command animals and plant creatures. While creatures are charmed by your Charm Animals and Plants feature, you can take a bonus action on your turn to verbally command what each of those creatures will do on its next turn.



Cleric: Order Domain

The Order Domain represents discipline, as well as devotion to the laws that govern a society, an institution, or a philosophy. Clerics of Order meditate on logic and justice as they serve their gods, examples of which appear in the Order Deities table.

Clerics of Order believe that well-crafted laws establish legitimate hierarchies, and those selected by law to lead must be obeyed. Those who obey must do so to the best of their ability, and if those who lead fail to protect the law, they must be replaced. In this manner, law weaves a web of obligations that create order and security in a chaotic multiverse.

Order Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Command, Heroism
3rd Hold Person, Zone of Truth
5th Mass Healing Word, Slow
7th Compulsion, Locate Creature
9th Commune, Dominate Person

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor. You also gain proficiency in the Intimidation or Persuasion skill (your choice).

Voice of Authority

Starting at 1st level, you can invoke the power of law to embolden an ally to attack. If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see.

If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack.

Channel Divinity: Order’s Demand

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to exert an intimidating presence over others.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each creature of your choice that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn or until the charmed creature takes any damage. You can also cause any of the charmed creatures to drop what they are holding when they fail the saving throw.

Embodiment of the Law

At 6th level, you become remarkably adept at channeling magical energy to compel others.

If you cast a spell of the enchantment school using a spell slot of 1st level or higher, you can change the spell’s casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting, provided the spell’s casting time is normally 1 action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Order’s Wrath

Starting at 17th level, enemies you designate for destruction wilt under the combined efforts of you and your allies. If you deal your Divine Strike damage to a creature on your turn, you can curse that creature until the start of your next turn. The next time one of your allies hits the cursed creature with an attack, the target also takes 2d8 psychic damage, and the curse ends. You can curse a creature in this way only once per turn.



Cleric: Passion

Clerics of the Passion domain seek to champion and promote the passions in others, be it love, art, or a dedication or devotion to a cause or calling. Clerics of Passion work to ensure all creatures may pursue love in any form it takes.

Passion Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st charm person, divine favor
3rd enthrall, suggestion
5th beacon of hope, incite affection
7th compulsion, fireshield
9th geas, heartbreak

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion and Insight skills.

Bonus Cantrips

Starting at 1st level, you gain the prestidigitation cantrip. This is considered a cleric cantrip for you, and doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you know.

Subtle Charms

Also at 1st level, you are skilled in making your charms subtle. Any creature you target with a spell or an ability that confers the charmed condition isn’t aware it has been charmed after the fact or of your charm attempt on a successful saving throw. When the charm ends, the creature attributes the feelings as natural, even if it no longer views you in the same way.

Additionally, a creature charmed by you is also charmed by your allies.

Channel Divinity: Bliss

Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you brandish your holy symbol and incite bliss in all creatures within 30 feet that can see you. Each creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to take actions that would cause harm or damage to creatures or objects. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 round). An affected creature makes another saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself early with a success. Any creature that takes damage is automatically free of the effect.

Bonds of Companionship

At 6th level, you form powerful bonds with your allies that protect them from harm. When you finish a long or short rest, choose a number of allies equal to your Wisdom modifier. Each targeted creature gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Cleric level. Any time a bonded ally makes an attack roll within 30 feet of you, you can as a reaction grant them advantage on the attack roll. You can also as a reaction grant them advantage on any saving throw against a mind-affecting spell or ability. The bond ends when you have granted them this advantage or when you finish a long or short rest.

Master of Charms

Beginning at 17th level, you become immune to the charmed condition and all your abilities and spells that confer the charmed condition become more difficult to resist—all saving throws against them are made with disadvantage.



Cleric: Peace

The balm of peace thrives at the heart of healthy communities, between friendly nations, and in the souls of the kindhearted. The gods of peace inspire people of all sorts to resolve conflict and to stand up against those forces that try to prevent peace from flourishing. See the Peace Deities table for a list of some of the gods associated with this domain.

Clerics of the Peace Domain preside over the signing of treaties, and they are often asked to arbitrate in disputes. These clerics’ blessings draw people together and help them shoulder one another’s burdens, and the clerics’ magic aids those who are driven to fight for the way of peace.

Peace Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Heroism, Sanctuary
3rd Aid, Warding Bond
5th Beacon of Hope, Sending
7th Aura of Purity, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
9th Greater Restoration, Rary’s Telepathic Bond

Implement of Peace

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Insight, Performance, or Persuasion skill (your choice).

Emboldening Bond

Starting at 1st level, you can forge an empowering bond among people who are at peace with one another. As an action, you choose a number of willing creatures within 30 feet of you (this can include yourself) equal to your proficiency bonus. You create a magical bond among them for 1 minute or until you use this feature again. While any bonded creature is within 30 feet of another, the creature can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw it makes. Each creature can add the d4 no more than once per turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Balm of Peace

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to make your very presence a soothing balm. As an action, you can move up to your speed, without provoking opportunity attacks, and when you move within 5 feet of any other creature during this action, you can restore a number of hit points to that creature equal to 2d6 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 hit point). A creature can receive this healing only once whenever you take this action.

Protective Bond

Beginning at 6th level, the bond you forge between people helps them protect each other. When a creature affected by your Emboldening Bond feature is about to take damage, a second bonded creature within 30 feet of the first can use its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the first creature. The second creature then takes all the damage instead.

Expansive Bond

At 17th level, the benefits of your Emboldening Bond and Protective Bond features now work when the creatures are within 60 feet of each other. Moreover, when a creature uses Protective Bond to take someone else’s damage, the creature has resistance to that damage.



Cleric: Prophecy Domain

You see the future, whether for good or ill. Eventually, you might become an oracle renowned across the region.

Prophecy Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st divine favor, insightful maneuver
3rd mirror image, see invisibility
5th counterspell, slow
7th arcane eye, compulsion
9th contact other plane, modify memory

Mindful Senses

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the message cantrip if you don’t already know it. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Blessing of Foresight

Starting at 1st level, you use your divination spells to protect your allies from future events. Whenever you cast a divination spell of 1st level or higher, choose one creature you can see. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level. These temporary hitpoints last until you or the creature take a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Prophetic Trance

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to enter a prophetic trance. As an action, you inhale hallucinatory vapors and enter a trance-like state for 10 minutes. Roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these prophecy rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll is made. Each prophecy roll can be used only once. You lose the prophecy rolls when your trance ends.

Visions of Danger

Starting at 6th level, you experience flashes of foresight that reveal to you when your allies will be harmed, allowing you to react with uncanny speed. When one of your allies takes damage or fails a saving throw, you may use your reaction to move up to your speed and cast a beneficial spell that only targets your imperiled ally. The casting time of the spell must be a reaction, action, or bonus action. You may use this feature twice, and you regain any expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Perfect Foresight

Starting at 17th level, your prophetic powers are nearly infallible. When you enter a prophetic trance with Channel Divinity, you may choose to replace the result of either d20 prophecy roll with any number between 1 and 19 of your choice. Additionally, while you are in the trance, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and you can see invisible creatures and objectives within 10 feet of you that are within line of sight.



Cleric: Sea Domain

Gods of the sea - and those of other water sources like rivers or springs - are frequently worshipped in order to make aquatic journeys easier and less dangerous. Many gods of this domain are sailors or fishermen rescuing supplicants from shipwrecks and blessing their vessels for travel upon the ocean waves. There are evil gods who whip the seas into deadly storms, sink ships, and crush coastal settlements with giant waves. Some water gods are avatars of purity, fertility, life, and cleanliness, with temples built at pure springs or sacred rivers. A few are patrons of a particular aquatic race such as merfolk or sahuagin.

Sea Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st create or destroy water, fog cloud
3rd dive, drown
5th tidal wave, water breathing
7th control water, watery sphere
9th maelstrom, water to acid

Chosen of the Sea

When you choose this domain at 1st level you gain proficiency with the trident, and you can breathe underwater.

You also have advantage on any ability checks relating to bodies of water or water vehicles.

In addition, you learn the shape water cantrip, it is a cleric cantrip for you, and doesn’t countagainst the number of cantrips you can learn as a cleric.

Blessed Water

Also at 1st level you can spend 1 minute praying over at least 1 lb of water to create pure blessed water that lasts for up to 8 hours or until you finish a long rest. You can use this feature up to a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once} You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

You choose one of the following options for the water each time you use this feature.

Aquatic Elixir. If a creature consumes the water, it gains the ability to breathe underwater for a number of hours equal to half your cleric level (minimum of one hour} After you reach 6th level a creature can drench itself in the water instead of consuming it, granting the creature a swimming speed equal to its speed for a number of minutes equal to 10 x your cleric level

Holy Water. The water functions the same as holy water for the duration, except that it deals bonus radiant damage equal to half your cleric level You can expend 25 gp worth of powdered silver when the blessed water is created to transform it into a flask’s worth of real holy water with the same effects and no duration.

Water of Life. A creature can use its action to touch an injured creature and spread the water upon the injured creature’s body. The injured creature regains hit points equal to 3 + half your cleric level

Channel Divinity: Tidal Surge

Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to create a wave of temporary water around you.

As an action, you present your holy symboL and each creature of your choice within 15 feet of you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your cleric level and it is pushed 10 feet away from you or pulled up to 10 feet toward you (you choose which it is each time you use this ability} On a success, it takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed or pulled

Crashing Waves

Starting at 6th level whenever one of your cleric spells pushes or pulls a creature, you can push or pull it 5 feet further. Also, whenever one of your cleric spells or class features restrains a creature, pushes or pulls a creature into a solid object that’s at least one size larger than it (such as a walL tree, or boulder1 or knocks a creature prone, you can choose one of the following effects to apply to that creature:

  • It can’t take reactions until the end of its next tum.
  • Its speed is halved until the end of its next tum.
  • It must make a Constitution saving throw against your cleric spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, it drops whatever it is holding, and if it is concentrating on anything, it loses concentration.

Cycle of the Tides

Starting at 17th level when you use your Tidal Surge Channel Divinity feature, it deals 2d6 bonus damage, and the range and distance pushed or pulled are both doubled.

At the end of your next turn, another wave of water washes around you and you repeat the effect without expending another usage of Channel Divinity. You can choose new targets and whether to push or pull



Cleric: Sickness Domain

Few worship gods of disease and sickness. True, many might try to placate them with prayers and sacrifices, but most people view these deities as a necessary evil. The clerics of sickness are equally unpopular. Most preach a kind of extortion theology, please our masters or suffer. Others take a different approach, and embrace suffering as a means to enlightenment. A rare few see disease as something worthy in itself and seek to spread their carefully cared for illnesses far and wide.

Sickness Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st detect poison and disease, putrefy food and drink
3rd bestow curse, lesser restoration
5th speak with dead, stinking cloud
7th blight, phantasmal killer
9th contagion, insect plague

Blessings of Disease

Beginning at 1st level, you have resistance to poison damage and are immune to the poisoned condition. You can catch a disease and spread it, but do not suffer any negative effects from it. During the time that you are harboring a disease you have disadvantage on Charisma (Deception and Persuasion) checks made with people who do not worship disease.

Channel Divinity: Invoke Sickness

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to spread illness to others.

As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke your deity’s name. All creatures within a 30-foot cone centered on your holy symbol must succeed at a Constitution save or suffer 2d8 poison damage and gain the poisoned condition (half damage with a successful save).

Additionally, when you use your Turn Undead Channel Divinity, you can also Turn creatures that are currently suffering the poisoned condition.


Beginning at 6th level, when a creature hits you in melee combat you may use your reaction to cause that creature to suffer poison damage equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.

Your poison damage ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance.

At 8th level, if you are using the Divine Strike features from Blessed Strikes, you can choose for the damage to be poison.

Scourge of Divinity

Starting at 17th level, You can cause a poisoned creature to become a cesspit of sickness and pain. Creatures who are affected by your poisons have their movement speed slowed by half, and make skill checks at disadvantage. You may also choose one creature within 60 feet of you who is poisoned and give them vulnerability to poison damage for 1 minute. Once you do this you must finish a long rest before you may do it again.



Cleric: Sin Domain

Whether you follow the teachings of the Church of Nine Hells, who value indulgence, greed, and lust. Or you are a follower of a god who believes in passionate desires, taking what you want, the followers of the Sin Domain are agents of sinful temptations and half-truths, attempting to change fates by offering vices.

Sin Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st devilcall, dissonant whispers
3rd cruel disappointment, detect thoughts
5th bestow curse, fear
7th forbidden speech, guardian of faith
9th dominate person, planar binding

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion and Deception skills. You can add your Wisdom modifier to Persuasion or Deception checks if attempting to stray someone away from a just or pious path.

Dark Tempter

When you choose this domain at 1st level, your deity expects you to lure evil sinners to their promised, lecherous afterlives When a hostile evil creature dies within 30 feet of you, your next attack or ability check within 1 minute is made with advantage.

You can benefit from this feature twice before needing a long rest to do so again.

Channel Divinity: Let’s Make a Deal

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity as an action to tempt a creature into sin. You whisper into the mind of a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you, promising its heart’s desire in exchange for its service. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it is charmed by you for 1 minute, following your verbal commands to the best of its ability. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on a success. The target won’t follow an order that would clearly cause it harm. The creature has advantage on its saving throws if you are fighting it or if you cause it to harm its allies. If the initial saving throw is successful, the creature is unaffected.

Channel Divinity: The Fine Print

Starting at 6th level, you can turn a creature’s success into a possible failure. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you rolls a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw, you can use your Channel Divinity as a reaction to roll 1d6 and subtract the result from the creature’s saving throw total. This becomes the creature’s new saving throw result.

Price of Loyalty

At 17th level, your loyal service to your deity has made you indispensable to them. Your creature type changes to what would be a suitable servant of your deity and you gain the following abilities:

  • You can cast disguise self at will without expending a spell slot.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
  • When you are killed on any plane, you can choose to reform in the divine plane of your deity. This revivification takes 1d12 days - your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 day). Afterwards you can re-enter the Material Plane (Or another plane the DM allows) once again as a living creature.

Once you use the revivification process of this feature, you suffer a permanent 1d4 penalty to your Constitution that can only be restored by a Wish or similar effect, from a spellcaster other than yourself.

If you are the target of a spell that would return you to life, you can end the revivification early and accept the spell. You do not invoke the Constitution penalty if you do so.



Cleric: Tempest Domain

Gods whose portfolios include the Tempest domain govern storms, sea, and, sky. They include gods of lightning and thunder, gods of earthquakes, some fire gods, and certain gods of violence, physical strength, and courage. In some pantheons, a god of this domain rules over other deities and is known for swift justice delivered by thunderbolts. In the pantheons of seafaring people, gods of this domain are ocean deities and the patrons of sailors.

Tempest Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
3rd Gust of Wind, Shatter
5th Call Lightning, Sleet Storm
7th Control Water, Ice Storm
9th Destructive Wave, Insect Plague

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.

Wrath of the Storm

Also at 1st level, you can thunderously rebuke attackers. When a creature within 5 feet of you that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage (your choice) on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to wield the power of the storm with unchecked ferocity.

When you roll lightning or thunder damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling.

Thunderous Strike

At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 feet away from you.


At 17th level, you have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed whenever you are not underground or indoors.



Cleric: Time Domain

The gods of time are keepers of the first and most important law of the universe — the temporal flow that connects all events that have happened and will ever occur in a specific order, as dictated by fate and the will of creation. Clerics who draw power from these deities are gifted with glimpses of both past and future, along with the insight to comprehend the impact of these infinite possibilities. They act as mediums for the will of the gods to prevent mortals from interfering with the flow of time, escaping its grasp or meddling with chronomancy. Ancient deities of infinite knowledge and wisdom are entrusted with keeping time, such as

Time Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st cure wounds, inflict wounds
3rd hold person, lesser restoration
5th haste, slow
7th dimension door, fabricate
9th hold monster, greater restoration

Glimpse of the Future

Starting at 1st level, you can give someone a brief glimpse of the future. As a bonus action, you can grant a creature within 30ft that you can see advantage on its next attack roll or saving throw (your choice). This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until expended. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Bonus Proficiency

Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and the History skill. If you are already proficient in History you gain expertise instead.

Channel Divinity: Rewind Time

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to revert the consequences of time passage.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, creating an invisible echo of yourself (that you can see) in the position where you started the turn. This echo lasts for 1 minute, and at the start of every round, it moves up to your position. While the copy exists, you can use your reaction to instantly teleport to it, ending the effect. You return to the hit points and conditions you were under at the beginning of your turn. You also regain spell slots expended during this round. If you spent spell slots over 4th level, you get a 4th level spell slot instead.


At 6th level, you can use your limited manipulation over time to cast a spell and then lock it within a pocket in the flow of time. You can cast a contingent spell, as per the effects of contingency. This contingent spell has a duration of up to 8 hours and may either target you or another willing creature. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again before you finish a long rest.

Custodian of Time

At 17th level, your mastery over time allows you to pause it into a temporary stasis. At the start of your turn, you briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself without spending an action. Creatures other than you are incapacitated and have their speed reduced to 0. No time passes for other creatures, while you take a second turn in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal. Any effects you create during this period occur simultaneously as soon as this feature’s effects are over. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.



Cleric: Trade Domain

The clergy of Trade deities see the art of commerce and the art of negotiation as scripture, and the facilitation of trade and exchange as prayers to the their deity. Clerics act as trade factors or as merchants in their own right.

Trade Domain
Level Spells
1st bless, charm person
3rd life trade, locate object
5th remove curse, tongues
7th caveat emptor, freedom of movement
9th binding contract, miser’s paranoia

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level when you choose this domain, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion and Insight skills.

Master Negotiator

Also at 1st level, you draw upon your deity’s divinity to influence those around you. You grant yourself advantage on any Charisma skill check. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), regaining all uses after a long rest.

Additionally you know the exact value of any item you see, and you can spot counterfeits instantly.

Channel Divinity: Avarice

Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you brandish your holy symbol, and incite avarice in all creatures of your choice within 30 feet. Each affected creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws, as it becomes distracted by thoughts of material gain. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). An affected creature makes another saving throw at the end of its turn, and on a success, the effect ends for it.

Channel Divinity: Hoodwink

Starting at 6th level, as an action, you brandish your holy symbol and use divine influence to convince nearby creatures of the veracity of one statement, true or not. All creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or treat one stated fact uttered by you as accepted truth for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 round) and modify their actions accordingly. An affected creature makes another saving throw at the end of its turn, and on a success, the effect ends for it. The statement can be almost anything, such as “the sky is orange,” “Robert is a liar,” “apples are poisonous,” or “your weapons are broken.” The effect is immediately ended if the statement would result in harm (“you are on fire”) or if it requires a closed action that would inevitably result in harm (“the bridge you are on is collapsing”).

Similarly, you can’t use this ability to broker an inequitable trade or make a profit. Attempting to do so results in you being inflicted with a curse (DM’s choice, but based on the bestow curse spell) that lasts for 24 hours and can’t be removed early, as Trade deities vents their displeasure upon you.

Buy Loyalty

At 17th level, You gain the ability to magically broker a deal with your enemies. As an action, you can present your holy symbol to force a creature within 60 feet of you that can hear and understand you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. Creatures that can’t be charmed are immune to this feature. On a failed save, you learn of an object the target desires most and enter into a magical bargain with it, promising to fulfill its desires within a day. If the creature desires no object, it instead specifies an amount of gold or a task it wishes to be completed.

For the next 24 hours, the creature is charmed by you. While charmed in this manner, the creature is friendly to you and your allies and will fight on your behalf, including turning against its former allies (though this may require a significantly larger, more costly reward). The creature will act in your best interests and follow your spoken commands, but won’t take part in an activity that would lead to certain death. If you provide the creature with its desire at the end of the 24 hours, the effect ends and the creature is indifferent towards you. The creature immediately turns hostile if you fail to provide the promised reward, or if you or your allies harm it while it is charmed. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Cleric: Travel Domain

The world is wide and the roads are dangerous. To help guide and guard the mortals who traveL the deities of travel teach the proper ways of journeying across the world They are mostly benevolent and often chaotic. Many serve their fellow gods as messengers or guides. Most wish mortals to travel so as to discover, learn, and live a full life, but some are more ambivalent, representing the mysteries, dangers, and secrets waiting on the horizon. When they aren’t exploring new places or acting as messengers for important matters between the churches of other gods, clerics of this domain usually wander.

Travel Domain Spells
Level Spells
1st comprehend languages, longstrider
3rd locate object, misty step
5th fly, haste
7th freedom of movement, locate creature
9th far step, soar

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this domain at 1st level you learn the message cantrip, which is a cleric cantrip for you and doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you can know as a cleric. You also gain proficiency with one of the following tools of your choice: navigator’s tools, land vehicles, or water vehicles.

Blessed Steps

Also at 1st level your journey is blessed by holy purpose. You can use a bonus action on your turn to disengage, dash, or attempt to escape from a grapple. You can also use a bonus action to touch another willing creature and lend it your blessing. At the start of its next turn, it can either dash, disengage, or attempt to escape from a grapple without using an action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once} You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Safe Passage

Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity to secure magical safe passage. As an action, you present your holy symboL and you teleport one willing creature that you can see within 30 feet of you up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Until the end of your next turn, attack rolls are made against it with disadvantage, and it has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by nonmagical weapons. If the target makes an attack, casts a spell that affects an enemy, or deals damage to another creature, the effect ends immediately.

Messenger of the Gods

At 6th level the spirit of travel fills you and carries you further. Your movement speed increases by 10 and you have advantage on all ability checks and saving throws made to escape from a grapple. In addition, at the end of each of your turns, if you are at least 30 feet away from where you were at the start of the turn, you gain a + 1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Radical Freedom

Beginning at 17th level you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and your speed increases by an additional 10 feet.

Also, you are always under the effects of a freedom of movement spell You can temporarily suppress this effect to cast freedom of movement without expending a spell slot or requiring components, unless the effect is already suppressed You can use a bonus action to end the spell early. The effect remains suppressed til the spell ends.



Cleric: Trickery Domain

Gods of trickery are mischief-makers and instigators who stand as a constant challenge to the accepted order among both gods and mortals. They’re patrons of thieves, scoundrels, gamblers, rebels, and liberators. Their clerics are a disruptive force in the world, puncturing pride, mocking tyrants, stealing from the rich, freeing captives, and flouting hollow traditions. They prefer subterfuge, pranks, deception, and theft rather than direct confrontation.

Trickery Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Charm Person, Disguise Self
3rd Mirror Image, Pass without Trace
5th Blink, Dispel Magic
7th Dimension Door, Polymorph
9th Dominate Person, Modify Memory

Blessing of the Trickster

Starting when you choose this domain at 1st level, you can use your action to touch a willing creature other than yourself to give it advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. This blessing lasts for 1 hour or until you use this feature again.

Channel Divinity: Invoke Duplicity

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create an illusory duplicate of yourself.

As an action, you create a perfect illusion of yourself that lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The illusion appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the illusion up to 30 feet to a space you can see, but it must remain within 120 feet of you.

For the duration, you can cast spells as though you were in the illusion’s space, but you must use your own senses. Additionally, when both you and your illusion are within 5 feet of a creature that can see the illusion, you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature, given how distracting the illusion is to the target.

Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows

Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to vanish.

As an action, you become invisible until the end of your next turn. You become visible if you attack or cast a spell.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with poison – a gift from your deity. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 poison damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Improved Duplicity

At 17th level, you can create up to four duplicates of yourself, instead of one, when you use Invoke Duplicity. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move any number of them up to 30 feet, to a maximum range of 120 feet.



Cleric: Twilight Domain

The twilit transition from light into darkness often brings calm and even joy, as the day’s labors end and the hours of rest begin. The darkness can also bring terrors, but the gods of twilight guard against the horrors of the night.

Clerics who serve these deities-examples of which appear on the Twilight Deities table-bring comfort to those who seek rest and protect them by venturing into the encroaching darkness to ensure that the dark is a comfort, not a terror.

Twilight Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Faerie Fire, Sleep
3rd Moonbeam, See Invisibility
5th Aura of Vitality, Leomund’s Tiny Hut
7th Aura of Life, Greater Invisibility
9th Circle of Power, Mislead

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.

Eyes of Night

Starting at 1st level, You can see through the deepest gloom. You have darkvision out to a range of 300 feet. In that radius, you can see in dim light as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.

As an action, you can magically share the darkvision of this feature with willing creatures you can see within 10 feet of you, up to a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one creature). The shared darkvision lasts for 1 hour. Once you share it, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of any level to share it again.

Vigilant Blessing

At 1st level, the night has taught you to be vigilant. As an action, you give one creature you touch (including possibly yourself) advantage on the next initiative roll the creature makes. This benefit ends immediately after the roll or if you use this feature again.

Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary

At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to refresh your allies with soothing twilight.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and a sphere of twilight emanates from you. The sphere is centered on you, has a 30-foot radius, and is filled with dim light. The sphere moves with you, and it lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated or die. Whenever a creature (including you) ends its turn in the sphere, you can grant that creature one of these benefits:

  • You grant it temporary hit points equal to 1d6 plus your cleric level.
  • You end one effect on it causing it to be charmed or frightened.

Steps of Night

Starting at 6th level, you can draw on the mystical power of night to rise into the air. As a bonus action when you are in dim light or darkness, you can magically give yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Twilight Shroud

At 17th level, the twilight that you summon offers a protective embrace: you and your allies have half cover while in the sphere created by your Twilight Sanctuary.



Cleric: War Domain

War has many manifestations. It can make heroes of ordinary people. It can be desperate and horrific, with acts of cruelty and cowardice eclipsing instances of excellence and courage. In either case, the gods of war watch over warriors and reward them for their great deeds. The clerics of such gods excel in battle, inspiring others to fight the good fight or offering acts of violence as prayers. Gods of war include champions of honor and chivalry as well as gods of destruction and pillage and gods of conquest and domination. Other war gods take a more neutral stance, promoting war in all its manifestations and supporting warriors in any circumstance.

War Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Divine Favor, Shield of Faith
3rd Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
5th Crusader’s Mantle, Spirit Guardians
7th Freedom of Movement, Stoneskin
9th Flame Strike, Hold Monster

Bonus Proficiency

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.

War Priest

From 1st level, your god delivers bolts of inspiration to you while you are engaged in battle. When you use the Attack action, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Guided Strike

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to strike with supernatural accuracy. When you or another creature of your choice, make an attack roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.

Channel Divinity: War God’s Blessing

At 6th level, you learn the shield spell and it counts as a cleric spell for you.

Additionally, you can cast the shield spell on an allied creature within 30 feet of you. When used this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Avatar of Battle

At 17th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks and can attack twice when you take the attack action.



Cleric: Wild Magic Domain

Many believe Wild Magic is chaotic, unpredictable, yet those who have seen it know its true origin and strength and lend faith to those few dieties who find strength in chaos, change, and manipulation.

Wild Magic Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Chaos Bolt, Color Spray
3rd Nystul’s Magic Aura, Enlarge/Reduce
5th Dispel Magic, Sleet Storm
7th Confusion, Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Wall of Force, Destructive Wave

Chaos Initiation

Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill and one weapon of your choice, you also gain the magic stone and prestidigitation cantrips if you don’t already have them.

Blessing of Chaos

Also starting at 1st level, once per turn, whenever you deal damage with an attack or cast a spell that deals damage you can roll on the Random Damage Table listed below and deal 1d8 damage of this type. You cannot apply this feature to attacks or spells that deal additional damage types naturally.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest.

Random Damage table
1d12 New Spell Damage
1 Acid
2 Bludgeoning
3 Cold
4 Fire
5 Lightning
6 Necrotic
7 Piercing
8 Poison
9 Psychic
10 Radiant
11 Slashing
12 Thunder

Channel Divinity: Wild Magic Surge

At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to evoke pure chaos that could be beneficial or harmful to you. As a part of an action used to cast a spell, you present your holy symbol, and you can roll on the Wild Magic Surge Table (listed below) and the effect takes place. You can choose for the effect to take place before or after the spell.

After you reach 5th level, you can roll twice on the Wild Magic Surge Table and you can use either roll.

Surge of Chaos

At 6th level, when you or an ally near you is attacked, you can use your reaction to cause chaotic magic to erupt around the target. This eruption effects creatures of your choice that you can see within a 10 foot circle of the target. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target must roll on the Random Damage Table taking damage equal to your Cleric level, suffering no effect on a success.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to half of your Wisdom ability score (rounded up) and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Herald of Chaos

At 17th level, your power to harness chaos has become refined through trial and error. you gain the following effects:

  • You gain a resistance to all non magical damage.
  • Your Surge of Chaos ability has both doubled uses and damage, you can also choose an amount of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier for Surge of Chaos to effect.
  • When you use your Channel Divinity, you can use both rolls instead of one, and you can choose for it to happen before or after your actions



Wild Magic Surge table
d100 Effect
1-2 Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, rerolling this result on subsequent rolls.
3-4 You regain all expended Channel Divinities.
5-6 You cast blindness/deafness on yourself with both effects, rolling your saving throw separately for each.
7-8 You cast fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself. Damage caused by this feature cannot reduce a creature to 0 hit points.
9-10 You cast magic missile as an Xth-level spell, where X equals your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
11-12 Your height changes by 1d6 inches. If the roll is odd, you shrink. If the roll is even, you grow. If this effect is already in place when you roll this, you return to your original height. A remove curse spell can end this effect.
13-14 You cast hypnotic pattern centered on yourself.
15-16 You cast spiritual weapon in the nearest unoccupied space, and it immediately attacks you if possible. The weapon moves on the shortest path toward you before each of your turns and attacks you if possible. It disappears if you fall unconscious.
17-18 You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out from your face.
19-20 You cast grease centered on yourself. The grease puddle moves with you.
21-22 Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast before your next long rest.
23-24 Your eyes and hair turn a random color determined by a 1d6. 1- red, 2- orange, 3- yellow, 4- green, 5-blue, 6-purple.
25-26 You gain one of the following incorporeal traits based on your alignment until your next long rest. Good- a halo floats above your head. Neutral- a flower blooms on your head. Evil- you sprout large devil horns.
27-28 For the next minute, all your spells with a casting time of 1 action have a casting time of 1 bonus action.
29-30 Depending on your roll, you are temporarily transported until the start of your next turn. If you rolled 29, you are sent to hell and take 2d12 fire damage (total damage cannot exceed your hit point maximum). If you rolled a 30, you are sent to heaven and recover 2d12 hit points.
31-32 You cast blink.
33-34 Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast before you finish a long rest.
35-36 Roll a d6. Your age changes by a number of years equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you get younger (minimum 1 year old). If the roll is even, you get older. If this effect is already in place when you roll this, you return to your original age.
37-38 You cast inflict wounds on the nearest creature at the end of your next turn.
39-40 You cast cure wounds as a 1d4th level spell on yourself.
41-42 You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn. While a plant, you are incapacitated and have vulnerability to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit points, your pot breaks, and your form reverts.
43-44 You cast thunder step as a 3rd level spell.
45-46 You cast levitate on yourself.
47-48 A unicorn controlled by the DM appears in a space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later.
49-50 You can’t speak for the next minute. Whenever you try, rainbow colored bubbles float out of your mouth.
51-52 A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to magic missile.
53-54 You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days.
55-56 Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours.
57-58 For the next minute, any flammable object you touch that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature bursts into flame.
59-60 You regain an expended spell slot of 5th level of lower (player choice).
61-62 For the next minute, your voice booms three times as loudly when you speak.
63-64 You cast fog cloud centered on yourself. The fog cloud moves with you.
65-66 You cast call lightning, but it lasts 3 rounds instead of the usual 10 minutes.
67-68 You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn.
69-70 You and each creature within 30 feet of you becomes invisible for the next minute.
71-72 You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute.
73-74 A creature of your choice within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned.
75-76 You glow with golden bright light in a 30-foot radius for the next minute, and your hair becomes gold and stands straight up. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded by your radiant glory until the end of its next turn.
77-78 You cast polymorph on yourself. If you fail the saving throw, you turn into a sheep for the spell’s duration.
79-80 Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you until your next long rest.
81-82 You can take one additional action immediately.
83-84 Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt.
85-86 You cast mirror image.
87-88 You cast fly on yourself and every creature in a 30 foot radius with a duration of 1 minute instead of the usual 10.
89-90 You become invisible for the next minute. During that time, other creatures can’t hear or see you.
91-92 If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life with full hit points, rolling on this table when you do so.
93-94 You cast enlarge on yourself.
95-96 You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to all damage for the next round.
97-98 You are surrounded by faint (but lively) music until your next long rest.
99-100 Choose any surge you want (besides this one).



The Dancing Choreos

Preservers and pioneers of dance traditions, dancers are practitioners of the alluring and, at times, distracting art of dance. They have a remarkable flair for enlivening their audience and drawing the attention of others, allowing these awe-inspiring muses to turn the tide of any engagement. The beauty and passion of a dancer’s movement can be thought of as a harmonic attunement to the world around them, granting some dancers the ability to manipulate their surroundings in minor ways. These swift flashes of kinetic audacity have become colloquially known as dance flares, and can turn a dancer into a force of nature on the battlefield.

Anything created that elicits an emotional response can be considered art. Writers pen the story, musicians compose the song, painters color the canvas, and dancers dance. They are mavens of distraction, for no person is truly more at-home as the center of attention than a dancer.

Drawing the comparison between a bard and a dancer is inevitable; but the two are compliments, not competitors. While bards actualize magic by performing or reciting tones of power, the dancer uses dance to externalize and influence emotion. The two work separately, yet cohesively. A bard’s music decorates time and the dancer’s beauty decorates space. Anyone can dance, but few can claim to have gone through the practice, study, then application of this art form that makes one a dancer.


If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the Player’s Handbook, here’s what you need to know if you choose dancer as one of your classes.

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Dexterity and Charisma score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a dancer.

Proficiencies Gained. If dancer isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a dancer: light armor and simple weapons.



The Dancer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Flares Known Flare Dice
1st +2 Break a Leg, Dance Flares 3 1d6
2nd +2 Body Language, Step Up, Feather Step 3 1d6
3rd +2 Dancer’s Choreo, Feather Step 4 1d6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 1d6
5th +3 Endless Stamina 5 2d6
6th +3 Dancer’s Choreo Feature 5 2d6
7th +3 Evasion 6 2d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 2d6
9th +4 Don’t Stop Me Now 7 3d6
10th +4 Double-Time 7 3d6
11th +4 Dancer’s Choreo Feature 8 3d6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 3d6
13th +5 Prima Supreme 9 4d6
14th +5 Force of Personality 9 4d6
15th +5 Beauty in All Things 10 4d6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 10 4d6
17th +6 Dancer’s Choreo Feature 11 5d6
18th +6 Elusive 11 5d6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 5d6
20th +6 Encore 13 6d6

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per dancer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per dancer level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, Whips
  • Tools: Disguise Kit and one musical instrument

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from either Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a whip or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a set of fine clothes or (b) a costume and a set of traveler’s clothes
  • (a) an entertainer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • Leather armor, a disguise kit, and a dagger

Break a Leg

1st-level dancer feature

You can add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls. When you roll for initiative, you can use your reaction to grant a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you advantage on the first attack roll or ability check it makes before the end of its first turn. Additionally, when you dance to make a Charisma (Performance) check, you are considered proficient with the skill and you can add your Dexterity modifier to the check.

Dance Flares

1st-level dancer feature

Captivating your audience with your enthusiasm, grace, and force of personality, you use dazzling flares on the battlefield to support allies, and distract foes.

Flares Known. You learn three flares of your choice, detailed at the end of the class description. When you reach certain dancer levels, you learn additional flares of your choice, as shown in the Flares Known column of the Dancer table. When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one flare you know with a different one.

Flare Dice. Some flares call for you to roll flare dice, which are d6s, the amount of which you roll at your level is shown in the Flare Dice column of the Dancer table.

  • Flare save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity or Charisma modifier (Your choice)

Body Language

Starting at 2nd level, You can interpret the intentions of others by reading their posture and mannerisms, allowing you to determine a creature’s attitude as either friendly, indifferent, or hostile as long as you can see the creature, it is not paralyzed, and it is capable of emotion (DM’s discretion).



Step Up

Beginning at 2nd level, Once during your turn, you can use your action to perform an invigorating dance that enlivens your audience. When you do, choose one creature that can see you within 30 feet of you. The creature can immediately move up to half its speed and take one action, which it treats as an action it would take on its turn.

Afterwards, that creature cannot benefit from this feature again until the end of its next turn.

Feather Step

Starting at 2nd level, while you are not wearing heavy armor or a shield, your speed increases by 10 feet and you can take the Disengage action as a bonus action on your turn.

When you take the Disengage Action, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement for the turn, and you don’t set off traps by walking on them.

Dancer’s Choreo

At 3rd level, You choose your Dancer’s Choreo, a subclass which grants you features at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th levels.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Endless Stamina

Starting at 5th level, Your movement speed can’t be reduced by exhaustion and, whenever you finish a short rest, your exhaustion level, if any, is decreased by 1.


At 7th level, Your grace allows you to avoid certain area effects, such as a black dragon’s acid breath or a call lightning spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Don’t Stop Me Now

Starting at 9th level, your speed increases by an additional 10 feet. When you make a contested check or saving throw against being grappled, paralyzed, petrified, restrained, or stunned, you can make a Dexterity saving throw instead.


Starting at 10th level, You can perform a Dance Flare as a bonus action even if it normally calls for an action.

You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus


When you reach 13th level, When you use your action for Step Up, you and the target gain an additional 10 feet of speed until the start of your next turn.

Force of Personality

At 14th level, You have been instilled with a fervor for captivating audiences. You can add your Charisma modifier to the damage you deal with Dance Flares, and to saving throws you make against being charmed, frightened, and against spells that would cause you to act against your will through mental manipulation (such as the command spell).

Beauty in All Things

At 15th level, When you have advantage on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can choose to roll your flare dice instead of rolling two d20s. Roll the total twice.

If you do, you score a critical hit on a roll of 20 or higher.


At 18th level, You are so hard to pin-down that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren’t incapacitated.


Finally at 20th level, even those you sponsor know how to put on a show. When the target of your Step Up feature begins its turn, roll your Flare Dice. If the total roll is above a 25, the target gains an additional action that turn.



Brandished Blade

Masters of blade, spear, whip, and staff, dancers of this choreo blend artistic grace and martial prowess to put on breathtaking displays that are as beautiful as they are deadly. Their performances call for more than just raw strength or speed, but precision and control of both one’s weapon and body, with dancers often showing how well they can dodge a weapon as well as wield one.

Weapon Arts

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency with medium armor and martial weapons that have the finesse property.

Fighting Style

You adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if a feature lets you choose again.

  • Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Choreo Flare: Saber Dance

At 3rd level, You learn the Saber Dance flare, detailed at the end of this class, which doesn’t count against the number of flares you know. While other dancers might use weapons in their dances, this choreo specializes in this flare. You can add your flare dice to the damage you deal with Saber Dance on an attack roll of 19 or 20 (before adding modifiers).

Furthermore, if an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you, you can perform Saber Dance as the attack.

Dancing Blade

Starting at 6th level, Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one melee weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the twohanded or heavy properties. The weapon becomes a dancing blade imbued with a facsimile of life until it is reduced to 0 hit points, you die, or you use this feature again. It is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your commands.

In combat, the dancing blade shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you command it to take another action as a bonus action or as a part of performing your Saber Dance flare. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the dancing blade can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge. Once you create a dancing blade with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Fluid Momentum

At 11th level, If you perform Saber Dance as an opportunity attack, you can make two attacks with it, rather than one.

Furthermore, you have advantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn if you used your reaction.

Dazzling Destruction

When you reach 17th level, Your attacks with your Saber Dance flare score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

Addtionally, Your Dancing Blade adds your Flare dice to its critical hits.

Dancing Blade

Tiny construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 10 + five times your dancer level (the sword has a number of Hit Dice [d4s] equal to your dancer level)
  • Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)

4 (-3) 17 (3) 11 (0) 4 (-3) 10 (0) 6 (-2)

  • Saving Throws DEX +3 plus PB
  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned
  • Senses s blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10
  • Languages understands the languages you speak
  • Proficiency Bonus Equals your bonus

False Appearance. While the blade remains motionless and isn’t flying, it is indistinguishable from its normal form.

Immutable Form. The item is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Striking Beauty. The weapon’s attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.


Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: your flare attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d10 + PB (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) damage.



Idolized Superstar

Some are born destined for fame, others work their fingers to the bone daily to achieve it, some are just in the right place at the right time. From these individuals, the choreo of the Idolized Superstar was born. Ever the center of public attention, most students of this Choreo live in the public’s eye, soaking in the adulation of their adoring fans. Once famous, some take to adopting a secret persona or alter ego, so they may go about the more mundane aspects of their life without being mobbed by crowds.

Choreo Flare: Star Struck

At 3rd level You gain the Star Struck flare, detailed below. It does not count against the number of flares you know.

Star Struck

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You sing one of your big hits (or possibly one you were inspired to sing from another realm) while performing this flare. Choose a creature within 60 feet of you that can hear and see you. You make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by a Wisdom saving throw by the chosen creature.

If you win the contest, the target becomes charmed by you until the start of your next turn. While charmed this way, it is being effectively blinded when trying to observe anything other than you for the duration, or until you become incapacitated.

If you lose the contest and when the effect ends, the target can’t be charmed by that person with this flare for 24 hours. For example, if you change your identity with Stage Name after having failed to charm a target, the target could potentially be charmed by this flare again.

Melodic Arts

Starting at 3rd level, You are proficient with the Charisma (Performance) skill and your singing voice, which you can use to make musical instrument tools checks. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any checks you make using these proficiencies.

Stage Name

At 3rd level, You can add double your proficiency bonus to any checks you make using disguise kits and your singing voice.

Further, you create a secret identity which you can adopt or discard using a bonus action. Unless you tell a creature, or the creature sees you adopt or discard this identity, they do not know you and your secret identity are the same person.

Commercial Success

At 6th level, Stories of your must-see performances have spread far and wide, gaining you a bit of a fandom. When you make a Charisma check while interacting with a creature that respects your clout, be it by your true name or stage name, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Enrapturing Routine

Starting at 11th level, creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are not considered immune against your Flares. Creatures that are immune instead make saves or contested checks at advantage.

Additionally, you can choose to maintain your Star Struck flare as a bonus action, extending the duration up to 1 minute.

Star-Studded Performance

At 17th level, Whenever you are maintaining the effects of your Star Struck flare, the effects of other flares you perform with a duration that is not Special or Instantaneous instead last for 1 minute. If a flare requires a saving throw to end its effects, an affected target can make the saving throw again at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.



Noble Court

Lavish parties among the aristocracy are essentially a rite of passage for members of nobility, as politics unfold in the ballroom as often as they do in the war room. The choreo of The Noble Court adopts the traditions and mannerisms of nobility. Even if these dancers cannot claim the pedigree of noble birth, they are learned in the practices and pomp of patricians; be it from rubbing elbows with those of royal hierarchy or from instructing members of ruling families in this style. Masters of this choreo strive for nothing short of perfection in their every action, conducting themselves with a calculated tact and suave that allows them to navigate even the most treacherous of social environments as easily as they could a dance floor.

The Sport of Kings

Starting at 3rd level, You gain proficiency with rapiers. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are weilding a rapier and you can see the attacker, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC against the attack, potentially causing the attack to miss.

Lap of Luxury

Starting at 3rd level, Carousing counts as light activity for you for the purposes of resting. When you finish a long rest while maintaining an Aristocratic lifestyle, you regain all of your expended hit dice and can reduce your exhaustion level by 2, instead of 1. Your allies that carouse with you during the rest gain these benefits as well.

Choreo Flare: Waltz of the Monarch

You gain the Waltz of the Monarch dance flare, detailed below. It does not count against the number of flares you know.

Waltz of the Monarch

Prerequisite: Choreo of the Noble Court

Performing Time: 1 action

Movement: 30 feet

Duration: 1 round

After moving, you can choose a creature within 15 feet of you and issue a one-word command to it, as per the command spell.

If the target fails, the target must use its reaction to follow the issued command. If they succeed, the target is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

On My Authority

At 6th level, when you use your Step Up feature, you can dictate a course of action. If the creature takes the stated course of action during the action you grant it with Step Up, the action’s attack roll, ability check, or saving throw DC gains a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

Subdue Transgression

When you reach 11th level, If a creature misses you with a melee weapon attack, you can immediately perform your Waltz of the Monarch flare. A target that previously succeeded is not immune to the effect when used this way.

Regal Magnificence

At 17th level, The duration of your Waltz of the Monarch flare becomes 1 minute, but you must use your bonus action on your turn to maintain the effect. An affected creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect early.



Rallying Harbinger

With bold, aggressive movements and chant-like, primal vocalizations, adepts of this choreo use their dances to invigorate and strengthen the resolve of their allies and to terrify and break the morale of their foes, both on and off the battlefield. These dancers can work the meekest of allied forces into fervorous frenzies and send fear sweeping through the lines of battle hardened enemy armies like flames through a field of dry wheat.

Choreo Flare: Rallying Stomp

You gain the Rallying Stomp flare, which does not count against your number of flares known.

Rallying Stomp

Prerequisite: Choreo of the Rallying Harbinger

Performing Time: 1 action

Movement: 0 feet

Duration: 1 round

You remain in place until the start of your next turn while you perform this physical show of force. While you perform this flare, you cause the following effects:

  • While an ally is within 10 feet of you, the roll required for their weapon attacks to score a critical hit is reduced.

  • You reduce any nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage you take.

    The reduction listed for both of these benefits is equal to half of your proficiency bonus (round down).

Herald of War

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill and with medium armor and shields.

Fighting Style

Starting at 3rd level, You adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if something in the game lets you choose again.

Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Call to Arms

When you reach 6th level, When you grant a creature an action with your Step Up feature and it uses the Attack action, it can make one additional attack with the given action.

Oppressive Attrition

At 11th level, You can use a bonus action to terrify your opposition. When you do so, choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear you, you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the target’s Charisma (Intimidation) check or Wisdom saving throw (their choice).

If you win the contest, the target is frightened of you and your allies until the end of your next turn. While frightened in this way, a target’s speed is halved. On subsequent turns, you can perform your Rallying Stomp flare to extend the duration of this effect on the frightened creature until the end of your next turn. The effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you.

If you lose the contest, you can’t frighten that creature again for 24 hours.

Flare of Frenzy

Starting at 17th level Allies benefiting from your Rallying Stomp flare can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action during their turns and, while you perform this flare, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.



Sylvan Mirth

While almost all dancers are known to perform to music, none are as well known for the music they dance to as those of the choreo of Sylvan Mirth. Whether it’s the dulcet melody of a set of pan-pipes, the lively ditty of a fiddle, or simply the metronomic clacking of a pair of spoons against their body,

Dancers of this Choreo rarely dance without also providing their own musical accompaniment. Due to these styles coming primarily from the Spring and Summer Courts, this choreo is focused on expressions of joy, passion, and, of course, mischievousness.

Choreo Flare: Hedonistic Revel

You gain the Hedonistic Revel flare, detailed below. It does not count against the number of flares you know.

Hedonistic Revel

Prerequisite: Choreo of the Sylvan Mirth

Performing Time: 1 action

Movement: 30 feet

Duration: Special

While performing this flare, you choose one of the following magical effects: a charming melody, a frightening strain, or a gentle lullaby. You then choose one creature within 60 feet of you that can see or hear your performance and force it to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected as described below. Fey and creatures that can’t be charmed cannot be affected by this flare.

An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this flare for the next 24 hours.

  • Charming Melody. The creature is charmed by you for 1 minute, or until you or any of your companions harm it.
  • Frightening Strain. The creature is frightened for 1 minute.
  • Gentle Lullaby. The creature falls asleep and is unconscious for 1 minute, or until the creature takes damage or if someone takes an action to shake it awake.

Sylvan Arts

At 3rd level, You gain the dancing lights and druidcraft cantrips, and you learn to read, speak, and write Druidic and Sylvan.

Paths Unseen

Starting at 3rd level, While traveling in forests, both magical and nonmagical, you are always aware of your location approximate the forest’s nearest border, the forest’s overall health, and if there are any portals within the forest.

Pixie Tricks

Starting at 6th level, When you take the Disengage action, you can chose to either teleport up to your speed to any area you can see as if by the misty step spell or turn invisible, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, until the start of your next turn, or until you deal damage to a creature or force a creature to make a saving throw.

Once you turn invisible with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Good Mischief

At 11th level, Creatures that have immunity to your spells and effects that cause the charmed or frightened condition instead only have advantage on saving throws made against them.

Further, if a creature that is charmed or frightened by you hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to magically cause the attack to miss, provided you can see the attacker.

Wander the Wooded

At 17th level, When you use Step Up, you and the target you grant an action to can choose to either teleport or turn invisible until the start of their next turn as per your Pixie Tricks feature.



Thrashing Pit

Originally developed by the destitute and dispossessed as a means of protesting the established rules both of dance and of society, Dancers of this Choreo are typically referred to as Dance Hooligans. To these Dancers, Thrash is not a Choreo one studies, but a way of life that one lives. Leading a comfortable life, one can never understand the true meaning of Thrash, for Thrash is real, Thrash is raw, Thrash is the struggle to survive against insurmountable odds.

Choreo Flare: Mosh

You gain the Mosh dance flare, detailed below. It does not count against the number of flares you know.


Prerequisite: Choreo of the Thrashing Pit

Performing Time: 1 action

Movement: 30 feet

Duration: Instantaneous

You can target a creature within your reach after you move and try to shove it or help a it immediately stand up if it’s prone.

If you choose to shove it and win the contest, you can also make an unarmed strike against a creature within your reach.

If you choose to help it stand up, it counts as you having used the Help action on that creature.

Throwing Elbows

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency in the Athletics and Intimidation skills. Further, you can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and Athletics checks.

Your unarmed strikes use a d4 for the damage die, increasing to a d6 at 11th level, and a d8 at 17th level.

If You Can’t Take a Hit

When you reach 3rd level, Your hit point maximum increases by 3 and increases by 1 whenever you gain a level in this class. Additionally, when you reach 6th level in this class, you gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.

Disrespect Your Surroundings

At 6th level, When you use your Step Up feature or take the Help action, you and your target gain temporary hit points equal to a roll of your flare dice and deal double damage to objects and structures until the end of your next turn.

Killing in the Name

Starting at 11th level, Once during their turn, when your allies hit with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike while they are within 10 feet of you and you are not incapacitated, they can roll 2d6 and add the result to the damage of the attack.

Wall of Death

At 17th-level, As an action, you can scream a call of aggression to your allies. When you do, choose a number of creatures within 60 feet that can see or hear you equal to your Charisma modifier. A chosen creature can use their reaction to move up to half their speed and make a melee attack against a creature. You can do so as well as a part of this action.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Weave Teaser

The somatic components of spells can be seen as a dance, as every careful movement must be rehearsed to tease the Weave and unleash its power. The techniques of the Weave Teaser developed alongside other arcane practices like Bladesinging, and practitioners of each are frequently found journeying together. Warping the Weave through movement alone with no other magical inclination is not a feat easily done, as it requires syncing one’s body and mind to the rhythm of the very flow of magic itself.

Spell Dancer Lore

At 3rd level, You gain proficiency with the Arcana skill and when you make an Arcana check, you can make the check using Charisma instead of Intelligence.


Cantrips. You learn three cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn an additional sorcerer cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots. The Weave Teaser Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your sorcerer spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.



Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level sorcerer spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the abjuration and enchantment spells on the sorcerer spell list. The Spells Known column of the Weave Teaser Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an abjuration or enchantment spell, and must be of a level no higher than the level shown in the Maximum Spell Level column of the Weave Teaser Spellcasting table. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the spells you know with another spell of your choice. The new spell must be an abjuration or evocation spell of a level no higher than the level indicated in the Maximum Spell Level Column, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.

Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells, since the beauty of your dance teases the Weave and allows you to harness its magic. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Choreo Flare: Soma Fonta Arcana

You gain the Soma Fonta Arcana dance flare, detailed below. It does not count against the number of flares you know

Soma Fonta Arcana

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round.

You use the Cast a Spell action to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action. The remnants of your spell can be teased, allowing you to act as a conduit for your allies’ magic. Until the start of your next turn, your allies within 60 feet of you that can see you can cast spells as if they had been cast from your position.

Trip the Light Fantastic

At 6th level, You can cast the feather fall spell on yourself at will, without expending spell charges or spell slots.

Further, you can move along the outer area of spells with a defined area as if they were solid surfaces. You can move across the spell’s area in any direction, including vertically, while leaving your hands free. If the spell is moved while you are moving on its surface, you move with the spell.

Weaver’s Counter

Starting at 11th level, When a creature targets you with a ranged spell attack, you can use your reaction to manipulate the essence of the spell. When you do, you contest the spell’s attack roll with a Charisma (Performance) check. If you win the contest, you gain control of the spell and you can make a ranged spell attack with the spell as a part of the same reaction as if you had cast it. Spells you gain control of deal additional damage equal to a roll of your flare dice.

Font Mystique

At 17th level, When you use your action to perform your Soma Fonta Arcana, you can perform a different flare that requires an action as a bonus action.

Weave Teaser Spellcasting
Class Level Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spells Slots per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 3 3 2
4th 3 4 3
5th 3 4 3
6th 3 4 3
7th 3 5 4 2
8th 3 6 4 2
9th 3 6 4 2
10th 4 7 4 3
11th 4 8 4 3
12th 4 8 4 3
13th 4 9 4 3 2
14th 4 10 4 3 2
15th 4 10 4 3 2
16th 4 11 4 3 3
17th 4 11 4 3 3
18th 4 11 4 3 3
19th 4 12 4 3 3 1
20th 4 13 4 3 3 1



Dance Flares


If a flare allows you to use your speed to move, the maximum distance you can move as a part of the flare is expressed in feet. Moving is not required to perform a Flare, although some Flares require you to not move.

Flare Descriptions

The flares are listed in alphabetical order.

Ambient Arabesque

Prerequisite: 5th-level
Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: 1 round

You create an aura which extends the non-damaging effects of any spell currently affecting you to all willing creatures of your choice while they are within 10 feet of you. The aura lasts until the start of your next turn, and never longer than the effect’s stated duration.

Allegro of Alacrity

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you after you move. Until the start of your next turn, the creature gains an additional 10 feet of speed and it can use a bonus action on its turn to take the Dash action.

Artful Dodge

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: 1 round
Preparing yourself to gracefully react to those around you, you take the Dodge action. If you are targeted with an opportunity attack before the start of your next turn, the attack roll suffers a penalty equal to your Charisma modifier.

Bewildering Grace

Prerequisite: 5th-level
Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: special
You toss caution to the wind performing this mysterious dance that briefly opens the wild potential of the universe. Roll a d20 and consult the Bewildering Grace table for the Effect that occurs.

Performing this flare strains your body, giving you a level of exhaustion after you perform it

Bewildering Grace
d20 Effect
1 A small, violent lightning storm controlled by the DM appears above you, as per the call lightning spell. The storm lasts for 1 minute.
2 A fiend of CR no higher than your proficiency bonus appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet.
3 Each creature within 30 feet of you is subjected to the confusion spell for 1 minute.
4 You shrink yourself as if by the enlarge/reduce spell.
5 1d8 swarms of wasps appear within 60 feet of you.
6 You become stunned until the start of your next turn.
7 Each creature within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to scream uncontrollably for the next minue.
8 Each creature within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be transformed for 1 hour. A transformed creature’s feet all become left versions of the same feet, causing it to make Dexterity checks and saving throws with disadvantage.
9 Each creature within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, a creature cannot regain hit points.
10 Music originates from a point of your choice within 60 feet for 1 hour. The music is audible out to a range of 300 feet.
11 Roll on this table at the start of your turn every round for 1 minute. Doing so does not give you additional levels of exhaustion.
12 Each creature within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute, ending early if the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake the sleeper awake.
13 Each creature within 10 feet of you gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 1 hour.
14 1d8 pixies appear within 60 feet of you.
15 You enlarge yourself as if by the enlarge/reduce spell.
16 Each creature within 30 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to a roll of your flare dice and you regain hit points equal to the sum of damage dealt.
17 A weapon of your choice within 60 feet of you begins to glow with holy power for 1 hour. On a hit, the weapon deals radiant damage equal to your flare dice.
18 Every creature of your choice within 60 feet of you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be turned into a beast of your choice of CR 1/2 or lower for 1 minute.
19 Allied creatures within 60 feet of you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of your next turn equal to half your proficiency bonus (round down).
20 Allied creatures within 60 feet of you regain a number of hit points equal to a roll of your flare dice + your Charisma modifier, and any effect causing them to be charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, or stunned ends. If an ally in the area has died in the last minute, they return to life with these hit points



Bolstering Bolero

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You perform this enlivening spin, granting each creature within 5 feet of you after you move, including yourself, temporary hit points equal to a roll of half your flare dice, rounded up (Minimum 1 dice) + your Charisma modifier until the start of your next turn.

Breath of Invigoration

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 20 feet
Duration: Special, up to 1 minute.
You perform a dance in dedication to life, vitalizing the air around with mystical music and vibrations. All healing received by spells or features grant creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you maximized healing. You must spend a bonus action on each of your turns to maintain this effect.

Cold Cut

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
You can force a creature within 5 feet of you to enter a contest against you. Make a Charisma (Performance) check contested by the creature’s Charisma (Performance) or Charisma (Persuasion) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the contest, you push the target 5 feet away from you, and the target takes cold damage equal to a roll of half your flare dice, rounded up (Minimum 1 dice).

Dance Partner

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
When you perform this Flare, choose a willing creature within 5 feet of you. You can move up to your normal movement as part of this Flare, and the chosen creature can move along with you. Neither of you provoke attacks of opportunity during this movement and your Dance Partner gains the benefits of the Dodge action until the end of your next turn.

Diverting Eyes

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
You put on a mesmerizing performance for all to see, pulling eyes away from where they might wander. Creatures of your choice within 20 feet of you must make a contested (Insight) roll against your (Performance). On a failed contest, they have disadvantage on perception checks while they can see or hear you.

Electric Slide

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
A shocking dance that supercharges the static energy nearby. Until the start of your next turn, you have resistance to lightning damage. Additionally, when you move during this flare, you leave behind a trail of arcing surges of electricity when you move. Each 5-foot square area you move through becomes charged when you leave that space, and remains charged until the start of your next turn.

Creatures that enter a charged area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lightning damage equal to a roll of your Flare dice, and is stunned until the start of its next turn.

A creature who has already been affected by this Flare within the last minute instead loses its reaction instead of being stunned until the end of its next turn.

Enrapturing Avant

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
You choose a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you. The creature has disadvantage on any saving throws it makes against being charmed or frightened until the end of your next turn.

Fallaway Reverse

Performing Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature misses you with a melee attack
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
You force the attacking creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the attacking creature falls prone and take damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Holistic Impetus

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Quickening a creature’s natural healing, you spend one of your hit die to allow any creatures including yourself within 5 feet of you that can see you after you move to spend and roll one of their hit dice. A creature regains an amount of hit points equal to the result of the roll. If your hit points are fully restored and any hit points remain, the remainder is instead given to you as temporary hit points.



Goading Glissade

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
This infuriating flare distracts those that would dare aggress against you. While performing this Flare, any enemy you move within 5 feet of must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature has disadvantage on attack roll made against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.

Irresistible Jig

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: Special
You can perform this flare only if you have not moved or performed a flare since the start of your turn. Performing the dance requires your action and all your movement to dance without leaving your space.

While performing the dance, you can choose one creature that can see you within 30 feet of you and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature must use all its movement to dance without leaving its space (including teleportation) and it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls. While the target is affected by this dance, other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against it. A dancing creature can use its action to make another Wisdom saving throw to regain control of itself.

This effect lasts as long as you maintain it by using your action and remaining in your space. It also ends early if the creature cannot see you at the start of its turn. Once a creature has succeeded a saving throw against this effect, it cannot be effected again for 24 hours.

Mesmerizing Twist

Prerequisite: 5th-level
Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
After you move, you can force a creature within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes psychic damage equal to a roll of your flare dice and is confused as per the effects listed in the confusion spell


Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You walk backwards in a straight line up to 30 feet, illuminating the area you move through with silvery moonlight. Each 5-foot square you move through remains illuminated until the start of your next turn, shedding dim moonlight out to 5 feet.

Creatures that enter the area for the first time on a turn or that starts its turn there takes radiant damage equal to a roll of your flare dice. A shapechanger instantly reverts to its original form and can’t assume a different form until it leaves the area.

Rising Windmill

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: Special
Duration: 1 round
You perform a devastating spin, which you can finish off with a deft leap. All other creatures within 5 feet of you when you spin must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to a roll of your flare dice. You can then leap up to an unoccupied area of your choice within a distance equal to half your speed, which ends the flare.

Saber Dance

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
While using your movement, you make an attack with a melee weapon that has the finesse property. If the attack is a critical hit, you can add your flare dice to the damage roll.

Sensational Sway

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 15 feet
Duration: 1 round
You take the Help action, which you can do with this flare to aid an ally in attacking a creature if the target of the attack is within 30 feet of you while you move and can see you.

Staying Power

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
This flare stirs an observer’s natural healing. After you move, all creatures within 10 feet of you that can see you can spend a number of hit dice of their choice, to a maximum equal to your proficiency bonus, then roll the dice. A creature regains a number of hit points equal to the result of the dice + the creature’s Constitution modifier. A creature can only benefit from this Flare once per long rest.

Succor Chassé

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 0 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
You target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you. If the creature is under an effect that a successful saving throw can end, the creature can immediately make a saving throw to end the effect.



Syllabus of Mimicry

Performing Time: 1 reaction to an ally casting a concentration spell
Duration: Instantaneous You open yourself up to suggestion through the somatic gestures of spells into a dance of mimicry, allowing you to bear the burden of their focus. When an allied creature within 60 feet of you casts a spell that requires concentration, you can use this Flare to maintain concentration on the spell instead of the caster.

Tango Flame

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You choose a creature within 15 feet of you after you move. While the creature is within 15 feet of you and either you or the creature can see the other, the creature gains resistance to fire damage and deals an additional 1d6 fire damage when it hits with an attack until the start of your next turn.

The Hustle

Performing Time: 1 action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: 1 round
You target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you. Until the start of your next turn, the creature gains an additional 10 feet of speed and it can use a bonus action on its turn to take the Dash action.

Class Flares

These flares interact with other class features. It is recommended to discuss with your party what, if any, of the following classes will be played before choosing these Flares.

Blood Mass Montero (Bloodhunter)

Performing Time: : 1 reaction, which you take when one of your allies within 30 feet uses their Crimson Rite feature
Movement: 15 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Rites and rituals are always made stronger through sacrificial dance. When you perform this flare, you lose a number of hit points equal to one roll of the blood hunter’s hemocraft die and heighten the power of their crimson rite.

While the rite is active, attacks from the weapon affected by their crimson rite deal an additional 1d4 of the chosen rite’s type.

Ki Eclecticism (Kensai & Monk)

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
A sacred dance of martial artists, which aligns oneself with the mystical energy of ki. When you perform this flare, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you after you move. If that creature has the Ki feature, it can use an action that requires ki points as reaction, expending ki points as detailed in the feature.

Mana Majestika (Elementalist)

Performing Time: 1 reaction, which you take when an elementalist casts a Shape.
Movement: 10 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You welcome a surge of primal power and joy. When an allied elementalist spends talent points to form a Shape, you reduce the cost of that shape by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down)

Tricks of the Wild (Ranger)

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 15 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Ancient primal energy can be found among those who reside in the wild, harnessed in a show of fey dancing and tricks. When you perform this flare, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see after you move. If that creature has Tricks and currently has less than their maximum uses, you grant them 1 use of their Tricks.

Unmatched Prowess (Fighter)

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
An endless performance of unbreakable resolve, which evokes the storied legends of ancient heroes. When you perform this flare, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you after you move. If that creature has superiority dice and currently has less than their maximum uses, you grant them 1 use of their superiority dice.

Vision of the Muse (Bard)

Performing Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a bard grants you or another creature a Bardic Inspiration die
Movement: 15 feet
Duration: 1 minute
You can give another creature that can see you within 60 feet after you move a Bardic Inspiration die of the same size you received, for the duration. Doing so does not subtract from your ally’s uses of Bardic Inspiration.

Wild Passion (Barbarian & Druid)

Performing Time: 1 bonus action
Movement: 30 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
This flare inflames primal anger and fury. When you perform this flare, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you that can see you. If that creature has the Rage or Wild Shape features, it can use the feature as a reaction, without expending a use.



The Druidic Circles of Edenbaerrow

Known for their mysterious nature, druids called the wilderness their home, emulating the ways of wild beasts and other creatures of nature. Believing that nature’s health depended on a precarious balance, druids believed that the four elements of the natural world - air, earth, fire, and water - must be prevented from ever gaining advantage over one another, lest the world become dominated by the forces of the elemental planes. Likewise, druids believed nature exists outside of civilized conceptions of good, evil, order or chaos, instead seeking only to maintain a natural state of being which most of the civilized world cannot or will not understand. But though druids may have accepted cruelty in nature, they abhorred that which was alien to it, violently opposing the existence of aberrations and undead, both of whom were affronts to the natural order.

Powerful sentries of the natural world, druids were often seen by outsiders as primal controllers of the wilderness. However, although druids drew great power from nature, druids, nigh universally, did not see themselves as masters of the wild but rather its servants, much as a cleric might serve a god or a knight his liege. To a druid, claims of power over the wild was something that only those lacking a proper understanding of nature could profess. The primal power that druids drew upon came to them not through control, but through a spiritual unity with the forces of nature. This distinction was, however, lost on most.

The Druidic Circles of Edenbaerrow are varied, diverse in their execution of ancestral duties to the natural world and hardly ever interact with each other but an entire druid circle is enough to change the course of events across a nation’s history. With a calm demeanor and unrelenting power over nature, Druids are a force to be reckoned with regardless of background.



The Druid
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known — Spell Slots Per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Druidic, Spellcasting 2 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Wild Shape, Druid Circle, Wild Companion 2 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 2 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Wild Shape improvement, Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 Wild Resurgence 3 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Druid Circle feature 3 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 3 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Wild Shape improvement, Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 Commune with Nature 3 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Druid Circle feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 Alternating Forms 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Druid Circle feature 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Timeless Body, Beast Spells 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Archdruid 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Class Features

As a druid, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per druid level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per druid level after 1st


Light armor, medium armor, shields
Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Herbalism kit
Saving Throws:
Intelligence, Wisdom
Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Survival

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a wooden shield or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a scimitar or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • Leather armor, an explorer’s pack, and a druidic focus


You know Druidic, the secret language of druids. While learning this ancient tongue, you also unlocked the magic of speaking to animals: you always have the speak with animals spell prepared. You can speak the language and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know this language automatically spot such a message. Others spot the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check but can’t decipher it without magic.


Drawing on the divine essence of nature itself, you can cast spells to shape that essence to your will.


At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the druid spell list. You learn additional druid cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Druid table.



Preparing and Casting Spells

The Druid table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your druid spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these druid spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of druid spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the druid spell list. When you do so, choose a number of druid spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Druid level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 3rd-level druid, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can also change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of druid spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Ritual Casting

You can cast a druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a druidic focus as a spellcasting focus for your druid spells.

Wild Shape

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action or bonus action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Your druid level determines the beasts you can transform into, as shown in the Beast Shapes table. At 2nd level, for example, you can transform into any beast that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower that doesn’t have a flying or swimming speed.

Beast Shapes
Level Max. CR Limitations Example
2nd 1/4 No flying or swimming speed Wolf
4th 1/2 No flying speed Crocodile
8th 1 Giant eagle

You can stay in a beast shape for a number of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier by using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.

While you are transformed, the following rules apply:

Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature’s bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can’t use them.

When you transform, you assume the beast’s hit points and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form, For example, if you take 10 damage in animal form and have only 1 hit point left, you revert and take 9 damage. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.

You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Transforming doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell, such as Call Lightning, that you’ve already cast. You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, you can’t use any of your special senses, such as darkvision, unless your new form also has that sense.

You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions as normal, but the DM decides whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature’s shape and size. Your equipment doesn’t change size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge with it. Equipment that merges with the form has no effect until you leave the form.

Druid Circle

At 2nd level, you choose to identify with a circle of druids. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Wild Companion

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can cast the Find Familiar spell, without material components.

When you cast the spell in this way, the familiar is a fey instead of a beast, and the familiar disappears after a number of hours equal to half your druid level.

Once you’ve used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.



Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Additionally at these levels, you can replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s Spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the druid spell list.

Wild Resurgence

Starting at 5th level, when you have no uses of Wild Shape left, you can expend a 1st level spell slot or higher (no action required) to regain one use.

Additionally, you can expend a use of Wild Shape to regain a 1st-level spell slot.

Commune with Nature

At 9th level, You are an expression of nature itself and can commune with the natural world all around you; you always have the Commune with Nature spell prepared.

Alternating Forms

Starting at 13th level, You can now rapidly shift between a Wild Shape form and your normal form. If you’re in a Wild Shape form, you can switch to your normal form as a Bonus Action, and you can then switch back into that Wild Shape form within the next minute as a Bonus Action. Neither switch expends a use of Wild Shape so long as you have time left on your Wild Shape.

Timeless Body

Starting at 18th level, the primal magic that you wield causes you to age more slowly. For every 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year.

Beast Spells

Beginning at 18th level, you can cast many of your druid spells in any shape you assume using Wild Shape. You can perform the somatic and verbal components of a druid spell while in a beast shape, but you aren’t able to provide material components.


At 20th level, you can use your Wild Shape an unlimited number of times.

Additionally, you can ignore the verbal and somatic components of your druid spells, as well as any material components that lack a cost and aren’t consumed by a spell. You gain this benefit in both your normal shape and your beast shape from Wild Shape.



Druid: Circle of Ancients

In the deep jungles of Akkan there exists creatures, beasts of a gargantuan magnitude known as dinosaurs, and on this island are the feared Circle of Ancients who’ve tapped into the power of these beasts. Worshipping large reptiles that are extinct in most of the world, members of this feared circle use their power to engage in primal desires to hunt, protect, and destroy all that threatens their groves.

Ancient Forms

As a member of the Circle of the Ancients, your blood, whether by heritage or ceremony, now carries in it the memories of the ancient ‘terrible lizards’, the dinosaurs. As a bonus action on your turn, you can use your wild shape to take the form of any reptilian beast or Dinosaur with a CR as high as 1.

You ignore the max CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by all other limitations. Dinosaur forms can be found on page 79 of the Monster Manual, and on page 139 of Volo’s Guide to Monsters. However, the ability to Wild Shape into these powerful forms is not without cost.

Your ability to Wild Shape ability is now restricted to Dinosaurs and their descendants, avian and reptilian beasts. Examples of Reptilian beasts from the Monster Manual include a Giant Frog, Crocodile, Constrictor Snake, or Giant Owl.

Your link with the great lizards of the past grants you access to certain spells. When you reach certain levels in this level, you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Ancients Spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Circle of Ancient Spells
Level Spells
3rd Alter Self, Enlarge/Reduce
5th Fear, Haste
7th Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement.
9th Commune with nature, Skill empowerment.

Primitive Adaptation

When you join this circle of druids at 2nd level, your body is permanently enhanced by the ancient creatures whose power you draw upon. You gain climbing and swimming speeds equal to your movement speed. Additionally, you have advantage on perception checks that rely on smell.

Ancient Forms

Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a dinosaur with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.

Primal Strikes

At 6th level, your attacks in your Ancient Forms count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances.

Dreadful Wildshape

Beginning at 10th level, you can expend two uses of your Wild Shape at once to transform into a Dinosaur with a CR equal to your druid level divded by 2, rounded down.

Monstrous Form

By 14th level, you have mastered the use of your Ancient Forms. You can cast Enlarge/Reduce spell as a bonus action, targeting only yourself, while in Wild Shape, without consuming a spellslot You can use this ability a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, if your form would have the Multiattack feature, you can now make multiple attacks as part of your Wild Shape’s action.



Druid: Circle of the Branch

The Circle of the Branch is made up of sages and warriors who believe that the greatest wisdom is found in the stillness of plants, especially long-lived trees. Seeking to achieve a modicum of their groves’ enlightenment, these druids magically fuse bark from sacred trees into their flesh, assuming arboreal forms that they use to protect and learn from the ancient forests of the multiverse. Often referred to as barksleeves, these defenders emphasize violence only in defense of self or of primordial grove, preferring the stillness of peace and mutual growth to the tragedy of cutting down something of great potential

Sylvan Warrior

When you join this circle at 2nd level, you learn the shillelagh cantrip. If you already know it, you instead learn a different druid cantrip of your choice.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you can grow thick bark on your forearms and shins. While you have this bark, your Armor Class can’t be less than 13 + your Dexterity modifier, and you can use your bark-covered limbs as a natural weapon. You are proficient with this natural weapon, which is a melee weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Your natural weapon is a valid target for the shillelagh cantrip. You can revert your forearms and shins to their normal forms as an action on your turn.

Primeval Guardian

Sarting at 2nd level, you can root yourself into the ground and assume a tree warrior form. As part of casting shillelagh targeting your natural weapon, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape to magically assume this form, which lasts for a number of minutes equal to half your druid level. After this time, you revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of your Wild Shape to renew the duration. The duration ends early, causing you to revert to your normal form, if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, die, or use your bonus action to end it. You undergo the following changes while in your tree warrior form; otherwise, all of your statistics remain the same:

  • Your size becomes Large, unless it was already larger.
  • Any speed you have becomes 10 feet, unless the speed was lower.
  • Your reach increases to 15 feet.
  • Your natural weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
  • You gain temporary hit points at the start of each of your turns equal to half your druid level. When you revert to your normal form, you lose any temporary hit points you have from this feature.


At 6th level, you gain the ability to converse with plants. Plants can understand your speech, and you gain the ability to decipher their rustles and various pollen and oil excretions. Most plants lack the intelligence to convey or understand sophisticated concepts, but a friendly plant can relay what has happened near it recently, or where any edible fruits and vegetables could possibly be found within 1 mile of it. This ability doesn’t grant you friendship with plants, though you can combine this ability with gifts or favors as you would any nonplayer character to encourage friendliness.

Extra Attack

Also starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ironwood Warrior

At 10th level, the bark you grow on your limbs becomes thicker and more resilient. While you have bark from your Sylvan Warrior feature, your Armor Class can’t be less than 16 + your Dexterity modifier, and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from nonmagical weapons is reduced by 3.

Primeval Champion

At 14th level, you can spend two uses of your Wild Shape when assuming your tree warrior form to flood it with primordial power. If you do, you gain the following additional benefits while in your tree warrior form for the duration:

  • Your size becomes Huge, unless it was already larger. If there isn’t enough room to accommodate the full size of your form, you become the maximum size possible in the space available.
  • Your reach increases to 30 feet.
  • Your natural weapon attacks deal a further 2d6 damage, to a total of 3d6 extra damage.
  • When an ally starts its turn within 30 feet of you, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your druid level. A creature other than you must be below half its hit point maximum to benefit from this ability, and this ability has no effect on undead and constructs.
  • The ground within 30 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.
  • Your weapon attacks deal double damage to objects and structures



Druid: Circle of Dreams

Druids who are members of the Circle of Dreams hail from regions that have strong ties to the Feywild and its dreamlike realms. The druids’ guardianship of the natural world makes for a natural alliance between them and good-aligned fey. These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest.

Boon of the Fey

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, your close connection to the feywild has given rise to small tricks you play on others. You gain the Jynx cantrip and it counts as a Druid cantrip. The spell Druidic Practice is always prepared for you and the casting time is reduced to 10 minutes for you.

Balm of the Summer Court

At 2nd level, you become imbued with the blessings of the Summer Court. You are a font of energy that offers respite from injuries. You have a pool of fey energy represented by a number of d6s equal to your druid level.

As a bonus action, you can choose an ally you can see within 120 feet of you and spend a number of those dice equal to half your druid level or less. Roll the spent dice and add them together. The target regains a number of hit points equal to the total. The target also gains 1 temporary hit point per die spent.

You regain the expended dice when you finish a long rest.

Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow

At 6th level, home can be wherever you are. During a short or long rest, you can invoke the shadowy power of the Gloaming Court to help guard your respite. At the start of the rest, you touch a point in space, and an invisible, 30-foot-radius sphere of magic appears, centered on that point. Total cover blocks the sphere.

While within the sphere, you and your allies gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks, and any light from open flames in the sphere (a campfire, torches, or the like) isn’t visible outside it.

The sphere vanishes at the end of the rest or when you leave the sphere.

Hidden Paths

Starting at 10th level, you can use the hidden, magical pathways that some fey use to traverse space in a blink of an eye. As a bonus action on your turn, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Alternatively, you can use your action to teleport one willing creature you touch up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Walker in Dreams

At 14th level, the magic of the Feywild grants you the ability to travel mentally or physically through dreamlands.

When you finish a short rest, you can cast one of the following spells, without expending a spell slot or requiring material components: Dream (with you as the messenger), Scrying, or Teleportation Circle.

This use of Teleportation Circle is special. Rather than opening a portal to a permanent teleportation circle, it opens a portal to the last location where you finished a long rest on your current plane of existence. If you haven’t taken a long rest on your current plane, the spell fails but isn’t wasted.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Druid: Circle of the Fiend

These druids have grown up in the proximity of the infernal realms, or have been thought by mentors who have. The unique form of magic and corruption that seeps from this place has imbued them, allowing them to change their form to assume a more fiendish one. Wreathed in flames and charging first onto the battlefield, the aggressive fighting style of these druids is similar to that of the hellspawn that they fight.

Circle Spells

Your connection to the hells and your ability to tap into the fire and brimstone of that realm grants you access to certain spells. At 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Spells on this list are considered druid spells for you.

Circle of Fiends Spells
Level Spells
2nd firebolt hellish rebuke.
3rd scorching ray, command.
5th fireball, fear.
7th fire shield, compulsion.
9th flamestrike, geas.

Brimstone Transformation

At 2nd level, you can expend one use of your Wild Shape to conjure the powers of hell. Your form changes assuming one that resembles devils. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to fire and poison damage.
  • Your fingers transform into claws and your teeth grow into fangs. These are considered natural weapons that deal 1d8 piercing (fangs) or slashing (claws) damage on a hit. You can use your Wisdom modifier instead of Strength, for the attack and damage rolls made with these weapons. Once, on each of your turns, when you damage a creature with these weapons, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier, provided you have less than half your hit points when you hit.
  • While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier.

These benefits last for 10 minutes, or until you use your Wild Shape again or fall unconscious.

Fiendish Influence

Also at 2nd level, your time close to hellish energy has given you an unnatural charm. You can add your Wisdom modifier to any Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check that you make.

Infernal Spell

Starting at 6th level, When you take the attack action in your Brimstone Transformation, you can cast the firebolt cantrip as a bonus action.

Fiendish Fury

At 10th level, you learn how unleash the full might of your powers. When you use your Brimstone Transformation the damage from your fangs and claws now becomes 2d8 piercing and slashing damage respectively. In addition, you grow a pair of leathery devil wings, giving you a flying speed of 30 feet until the transformation ends.

Rift Through the Styx

As an action, you can summon part of hell onto the land upon which you walk. For 1 minute, the ground in a 90-foot-radius cylinder that has no upper limit around you becomes charred and corroded. Each creature of your choice in the cylinder must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC at the start of each of their turn or catch fire on a failure. A creature that catches fire takes 2d12 fire damage at the start of each of its turns, until it uses an action to extinguish the flames. In addition, strikes that you make with the natural weapons from your Brimstone Transformation deal an additional 2d8 fire damage on a hit.

While you are in the cylinder, you have immunity to fire damage, and the first time you fall to 0 hit points or lower while inside, the fiendish energy surrounding you comes to your aid and you fall to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Druid: Circle of the Land

The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast oral tradition. These druids meet within sacred circles of trees or standing stones to whisper primal secrets in Druidic. The circle’s wisest members preside as the chief priests of communities that hold to the Old Faith and serve as advisors to the rulers of those folk. As a member of this circle, your magic is influenced by the land where you were initiated into the circle’s mysterious rites.

Bonus Cantrip

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn one additional druid cantrip of your choice. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of druid cantrips you know.

Natural Recovery

Starting at 2nd level, you can regain some of your magical energy by sitting in meditation and communing with nature. During a short rest, you choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your druid level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

For example, when you are a 4th-level druid, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level slot or two 1st-level slots.

Land’s Stride

Starting at 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such as those created by the Entangle spell.

Nature’s Ward

When you reach 10th level, you can’t be charmed or frightened by elementals or fey, and you are immune to poison and disease.

Nature’s Sanctuary

When you reach 14th level, creatures of the natural world sense your connection to nature and become hesitant to attack you. When a beast or plant creature attacks you, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack automatically misses. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

The creature is aware of this effect before it makes its attack against you.

Circle Spells

Your mystical connection to the land infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells connected to the land where you became a druid. Choose that land – arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or Underdark – and consult the associated list of spells.

Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Hold Person, Spike Growth
5th Sleet Storm, Slow
7th Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm
9th Commune with Nature, Cone of Cold
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Mirror Image, Misty Step
5th Water Breathing, Water Walk
7th Control Water, Freedom of Movement
9th Conjure Elemental, Scrying
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Blur, Silence
5th Create Food and Water, Protection from Energy
7th Blight, Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Insect Plague, Wall of Stone
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Barkskin, Spider Climb
5th Call Lightning, Plant Growth
7th Divination, Freedom of Movement
9th Commune with Nature, Tree Stride
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Invisibility, Pass Without Trace
5th Daylight, Haste
7th Divination, Freedom of Movement
9th Dream, Insect Plague



Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Spider Climb, Spike Growth
5th Lightning Bolt, Meld into Stone
7th Stone Shape, Stoneskin
9th Passwall, Wall of Stone
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Darkness, Melf’s Acid Arrow
5th Water Walk, Stinking Cloud
7th Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature
9th Insect Plague, Scrying
Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd Spider Climb, Web
5th Gaseous Form, Stinking Cloud
7th Greater Invisibility, Stone Shape
9th Cloudkill, Insect Plague



Druid: Circle of the Moon

Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid.

Changeable as the moon, a druid of this circle might prowl as a great cat one night, soar over the treetops as an eagle the next day, and crash through the undergrowth in bear form to drive off a trespassing monster. The wild is in the druid’s blood.

Moon Forms

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, You can Wild Shape into forms with a challenge rating as high as 1. You ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there.

Additionally, you gain the following benefits while in Wild Shape:

  • Armor Class. When you assume a Wild Shape form, compare the Beast’s AC to your AC. While in that form, you use whichever AC is higher.
  • Temporary Hitpoints. When you assume a Wild Shape form, you gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to 3 x your Druid level.
  • Abjuration Spells. While in a Wild Shape form, you can cast any of your prepared Abjuration spells, except for a spell that has a material component with a cost specified or that consumes its material component.
  • Moonbeam. Starting at 3rd level, you always have Moonbeam prepared while in a Wild Shape form, and can cast the spell in that form without material components.

Primal Forms

Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.

Additionally, your attacks in beast form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Moonlight Step

When you reach 10th level, You can magically transport yourself, reappearing amid a burst of moonlight. As a bonus action, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, and you have advantage on the next attack roll you make before the end of this turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You can also regain uses by expending a spell slot of 2nd level or higher for each use you want to restore (no action required).

Lunar Form

The power of the moon suffuses you, granting you the following benefits:

  • Movable Moonbeam. While your Moonbeam is active, you can move it up to 60 feet at the start of each of your turns (no action required).
  • Shared Moonlight. Whenever you use Moonlight Step, you can also teleport one willing creature. That creature must be within 10 feet of you, and you teleport it to an unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet of your destination space.



Druid: Circle of Runic Shamans

Beast Runes

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain access to Beast Runes. These runes represent the spirits of animals that guide and strengthen you and your allies and replace your Wildshape feature with your Beast Runes. As an action, you can expend one use of your Beast Rune feature to awaken these runes. You can choose to grant these runes to yourself, or one ally within 5ft of you.

When you activate your beast runes, you choose one animal from the list below. While this feature is active, the wearer of the runes gain the benefits related to the animal you choose and this effect remains for a number of hours up to half your druid level, until they run out of hitpoints, or until you end it as a bonus action.

You can only have one set of runes activated at a time, and you cannot use your Beast Rune ability while someone is benefiting from your runes. You also do not regain the expended use of your Beast Rune after a short rest if a creature is still benefiting from your runes.

When a Beast Rune is activated, you assume the magical beast’s hit points. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form, As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.

You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them in addition to any features granted by the magical beast.

Ancestral Guidance

At 2nd level, you learn how to conduct rituals to seek guidance from your ancestors and beast spirits to aid your allies for the coming trials. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can perform this 30 minute ritual as part of said rest, granting a number of allies up to your wisdom modifier the benefits.

You must choose one of the benefits from the list below, which last until you use this feature again, or they complete a short or long rest.

  • Grant each ally a number of temporary hitpoints equal to twice your wisdom modifier.
  • Give them each one Fate die. This is represented by a d6 and can be used to aid an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once the die is rolled, it is lost until you choose this benefit again during a ritual. This die becomes a d8 at 6th level, d10 at 10th, and a d12 at 14th.

Runic Enhancements

At 6th level, You now have the spell enhance ability always prepared, which doesn’t count against the number of spells you prepare each day.

You can cast it at its lowest level, binding it to the target, creating runes that maintain concentration on the spell so you aren’t required to. The duration of this binding is one hour before the runes fade from the target’s body. You can do this a number of times each day equall to your wisdom modifier. Additionally, you gain access to the Glyph of Warding Spell. You can spend the 1 hour casting time inscribing the glyph on a creature, allowing them to traveling outside of the 10ft maximum range without breaking the glyph.

Field Tactician

At 10th level, You can now have two creatures benefit from your Beast Runes ability at the same time. This may be the same Beast Runes, or different ones, which you choose when you activate them. Each separate activation still requires its own action.

Additionally, when you cast a spell as an action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to issue a command to a creature, other than yourself, currently receiving the benefits of your Beast Runes. The creature does not have to follow your command, but can choose to use their reaction to.

  • Strike: The creature can make an attack against one other creature within range of it.
  • Seek: Denote a target. Your ally can move up to half its movement speed towards the intended target without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  • Aid: The creature can move up to its movement speed towards you without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Shared Glory

At 14th level, Your runes are now Dire Beast Runes. All abilities remain the same, but creatures who gain the benefit of your Dire Beast Runes, also gain the following Enhancements;

  • As long as they are not wearing heavy armor or wielding a shield, their ac increases by + 2.
  • Gain additional hitpoints equal to the base form + twice your druid level instead.
  • Add your wisdom modifier to all melee and ranged attack damage.

Finally, if more than one creature is benefiting from your Beast Runes, including yourself, and you cast a spell with a single target on one of them, they both gain the effects of that spell.



Beast Runes

Polar Bear

  • Your hitpoints equal 15 + your druid level.
  • Tough Hide: Gain resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
  • Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, and you have advantage on constitution saves against exhaustion.
  • 6th level Mighty Strikes: Strength based meelee attacks deal an additional 1d6 of the associated damage type.
  • 10th level Ferocious Strength: You have advantage on strength checks made to shove or grapple enemies.

Great White Crocodile

  • Your hitpoints equal 12 + your druid level.
  • Underwater Stalker: You can hold your breath a number of minutes equal to 15 + your constitution modifier.
  • Grappler: Whenever you grapple a medium or smaller creature, that creature is considered restrained until they break free using an action, or you end the grapple.
  • 6th level Swimmer: You gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed.
  • 10th level Aquatic Fighter: When fighting under water against a creature without a swimming speed or magical freedom of movement, your attacks and grapple checks are made with advantage.


  • Your hitpoints equal 9 + your druid level
  • Flyby: When you hit a creature with an attack, they have disadvantage on opportunity attacks made against you, and you can use the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn.
  • Keen Sight: You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • 6th level Eagle Eye: You can use your bonus action to gain advantage on your next ranged attack.
  • 10th level Flight: You gain a fly speed of 30ft.

Elderhorn Elk

  • Your hitpoints equal 9 + your druid level.
  • Mystic: Gain a number of minor Fate Die equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). This is represented by a d4. Once you’ve used thse Fate die, you cannot gain them back unless the Beast Rune is reapplied to you.
  • Swift Movement: Your movement speed increases by 10ft.
  • 6th level Gallop: Your movement speed increases by an additional 10ft, and difficult terrain doesn’t effect you.
  • 10th level Mystic Guidance: Your minor Fate die now equal to your Ancestral Guidance die.

White Sabretooth Tiger

  • Your hitpoints equal 12 + your druid level
  • Aura of Loyalty: You and allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against charms.
  • Zealous Strikes: When you use your action to make a melee weapon attack, you can as a bonus action attack a second time as if you were two-weapon fighting.
  • 6th level Agile Strikes: Dexterity based melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 of the associated damage type.
  • 10th level Reactive Pounce: When an ally within 30 feet of you is attacked, you can use your reaction to leap your movement speed to the attacker, and make one weapon attack against them at advantage.

Winter Wolf

  • Your hitpoints equal 9 + your druid level
  • Deep Strikes: When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can reroll 1’s on the damage die.
  • Pack Tactics: Advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5ft of the creature, and isn’t incapacitated.
  • 6th level Tracker: You can track other creatures while traveling at a fast pace, and cannot lose a creature’s trail by non-magical means.
  • 10th level Improved Pact Tactics: Your allies have advantage on melee attack rolls against any enemy creature within 5ft of you.

Onyxhide Wyvern

  • Your hitpoints equal 9 + your druid level
  • Poisonous Strikes: When you hit with a weapon attack, your target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they are poisoned until the end of their next turn.
  • Arctic Hunter: You have advantage on stealth checks made in dim light, darkness, heavily wooded areas, and snow.
  • 6th level Stalker: You can stealth while moving at a normal pace, and can hide as a bonus action.
  • 10th level Ferocious Roar: As an action, you can let out a bellowing roar. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they are frightened of you for one minute. Targets can make another wisdom saving throw at the end of their turn to shake off the fear. On a success, they are immune to the effects of your roar for 24 hours.



Druid: Circle of the Shepherd

Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid. These druids recognize that all living things play a role in the natural world, yet they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures that have difficulty defending themselves. Shepherds, as they are known, see such creatures as their charges. They ward off monsters that threaten them, rebuke hunters who kill more prey than necessary, and prevent civilization from encroaching on rare animal habitats and on sites sacred to the fey.

Many of these druids are happiest far from cities and towns, content to spend their days in the company of animals and the fey creatures of the wilds. Members of this circle become adventurers to oppose forces that threaten their charges or to seek knowledge and power that will help them safeguard their charges better. Wherever these druids go, the spirits of the wilderness are with them.

Speech of the Woods

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to converse with beasts and many fey.

You are always under the effects of the Speak with Animals spell. This ability doesn’t grant you any special friendship with beasts, though you can combine this ability with gifts to curry favor with them as you would with any nonplayer character.

Spirit Totem

Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to call forth nature spirits and use them to influence the world around you.

As a bonus action, you can magically summon an incorporeal spirit to a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The spirit creates an aura in a 30-foot radius around that point. It counts as neither a creature nor an object, though it has the spectral appearance of the creature it represents. As a bonus action, you can move the spirit up to 60 feet to a point you can see.

The spirit persists for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

The effect of the spirit’s aura depends on the type of spirit you summon from the options below.

Bear Spirit. The bear spirit grants you and your allies its might and endurance. Each creature of your choice in the aura when the spirit appears gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your druid level. In addition, you and your allies gain advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws while in the aura.

Hawk Spirit. The hawk spirit is a consummate hunter, aiding you and your allies with its keen sight. When a creature makes an attack roll against a target in the spirit’s aura, you can use your reaction to grant advantage to that attack roll. In addition, you and your allies have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while in the aura.

Unicorn Spirit. The unicorn spirit lends its protection to those nearby. You and your allies gain advantage on all ability checks made to detect creatures in the spirit’s aura. In addition, if you cast a spell using a spell slot that restores hit points to any creature inside or outside the aura, each creature of your choice in the aura also regains hit points equal to your druid level.

Mighty Summoner

At 6th level, beasts and fey that you conjure are more resilient than normal. Any beast or fey summoned or created by a spell that you cast gains two benefits:

The creature appears with more hit points than normal: 2 extra hit points per Hit Die it has. The damage from its natural weapons is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Guardian Spirit

Beginning at 10th level, your Spirit Totem safeguards the beasts and fey that you call forth with your magic. When a beast or fey that you summoned or created with a spell ends its turn in your Spirit Totem aura, that creature regains a number of hit points equal to half your druid level.

Faithful Summons

Starting at 14th level, the nature spirits you commune with protect you when you are the most defenseless. If you are reduced to 0 hit points or are incapacitated against your will, you can immediately gain the benefits of Conjure Animals as if it were cast with a 9th-level spell slot. It summons four beasts of your choice that are challenge rating 2 or lower. The conjured beasts appear within 20 feet of you. If they receive no commands from you, they protect you from harm and attack your foes. The spell lasts for 1 hour, requiring no concentration, or until you dismiss it (no action required).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Druid: Circle of Spiders

Druids of the Circle of the Spider embrace the Spider Queen’s totemic icon – the arachnid – with a zeal and fervor that borders on the disturbing – at least to outside observers. Circle of the Spider druids embrace the essence of arachnids—patient, industrious hunters that strike rapidly and mercilessly, drawing their prey away to dark places to extract what they need—be it material or less…tangible. Circle of the Spiders druids are found anywhere spiders dwell - so everywhere - unseen and always watching….

Combat Spider Shape

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, While you are transformed by Wild Shape and in spider form, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot when you hit with a bite attack, to deal an additional 1d8 points of poison damage per level of the spell slot expended.

Spider Forms

The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into spider forms as well as the standard beast forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a spider or swarm of spiders with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table for spiders, but must abide by the other limitations for your beast shapes). Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a spider with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down. Starting at 18th level, you may use your Wild Shape to transform into a drider.

Web Walking

Beginning at 6th level, you gain a climb speed equal to your base walking speed, and you ignore movement restrictions caused by webbing. If you are subject to spells or effects that reduce your movement, or impose the grappled or restrained condition, you have advantage on any saving throws or ability checks to escape or free yourself from these effects or conditions. Additionally, you learn the web spell and it counts as a druid spell for you.

Venom Immunity

At 10th level, you are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and diseases of all types.

Arachnid Mastery

At 14th level, you become connected to arachnids on a primal level. Spiders and arachnids are automatically friendly towards you unless magically controlled by another creature – such as through summoning spells. If a spider controlled by someone else attacks you, it must make a successful Wisdom saving throw against your druid spell save DC. On a failure it is freed from its control and considers you an ally. On a successful save, it continues its attack and is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

In addition, any of your arachnid forms now ignore resistance and immunity to poison damage. All your arachnid forms deal an additional die of poison damage equal to the original poison damage.



Druid: Circle of Spores

Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life. These druids believe that life and death are parts of a grand cycle, with one leading to the other and then back again. Death isn’t the end of life, but instead a change of state that sees life shift into a new form.

Druids of this circle have a complex relationship with the undead. They see nothing inherently wrong with undeath, which they consider to be a companion to life and death. But these druids believe that the natural cycle is healthiest when each segment of it is vibrant and changing. Undead that seek to replace all life with undeath, or that try to avoid passing to a final rest, violate the cycle and must be thwarted.

Circle Spells

Your symbiotic link to fungi and your ability to tap into the cycle of life and death grants you access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the Chill Touch cantrip.

At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of Spores Spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Circle of Spores Spells
Druid Level Circle Spells
2nd Chill Touch
3rd Blindness/Deafness, Gentle Repose
5th Animate Dead, Gaseous Form
7th Blight, Confusion
9th Cloudkill, Contagion

Halo of Spores

Starting at 2nd level, you are surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores that are harmless until you unleash them on a creature nearby. When a creature you can see moves into a space within 10 feet of you or starts its turn there, you can use your reaction to deal 2d4 necrotic damage to that creature unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The necrotic damage increases to 2d6 at 10th level, and 2d8 at 14th level.

Symbiotic Entity

Also at 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel magic into your spores. As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to awaken those spores, rather than transforming into a beast form, and you gain 4 temporary hit points for each level you have in this class. While this feature is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • When you deal your Halo of Spores damage, roll one additional damage die and add it to the total.
  • Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any target they hit.

These benefits last for 10 minutes, until you lose all these temporary hit points. or until you use your Wild Shape again.

Fungal Infestation

At 6th level, your spores gain the ability to infest a corpse and animate it. If a creature that is Small or Medium dies within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction to animate it, causing it to stand up immediately with 1 hit point. The creature uses the Zombie stat block in the Monster Manual. It remains animate for 1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies.

In combat, the zombie’s turn comes immediately after yours. It obeys your mental commands, and the only action it can take is the Attack action, making one melee attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Spreading Spores

At 10th level, you gain the ability to seed an area with deadly spores. As a bonus action while your Symbiotic Entity feature is active, you can hurl spores up to 30 feet away, where they swirl in a 10-foot cube for 1 minute. The spores disappear early if you use this feature again, if you dismiss them as a bonus action, or if your Symbiotic Entity feature is no longer active.

Whenever a creature moves into the cube or starts its turn there, that creature takes your Halo of Spores damage, unless the creature succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature can take this damage no more than once per turn.

While the cube of spores persists, you can’t use your Halo of Spores reaction.

Fungal Body

At 14th level, the fungal spores in your body alter you: you can’t be blinded, deafened, frightened, or poisoned, and any critical hit against you counts as a normal hit instead, unless you’re incapacitated.



Druid: Circle of Stars

The Circle of Stars allows druids to draw on the power of starlight. These druids have tracked heavenly patterns since time immemorial, discovering secrets hidden amid the constellations. By revealing and understanding these secrets, the Circle of the Stars seeks to harness the powers of the cosmos.

Many druids of this circle keep records of the constellations and the stars’ effects on the world. Some groups document these observations at megalithic sites, which serve as enigmatic libraries of lore. These repositories might take the form of stone circles, pyramids, petroglyphs, and underground temples; any construction durable enough to protect the circle’s sacred knowledge even against a great cataclysm.

Star Map

At 2nd level, you’ve created a star chart as part of your heavenly studies. It is a Tiny object and can serve as a spellcasting focus for your druid spells. You determine its form by rolling on the Star Map table or by choosing one.

While holding this map, you have these benefits:

  • You know the Guidance cantrip.
  • You have the Guiding Bolt spell prepared. It counts as a druid spell for you, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can have prepared.
  • You can cast Guiding Bolt without expending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

If you lose the map, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to magically create a replacement. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous map.

Starry Form

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to harness constellations’ power to alter your form. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a starry form, rather than transforming into a beast.

While in your starry form, you retain your game statistics, but your body becomes luminous; your joints glimmer like stars, and glowing lines connect them as on a star chart. This form sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it (no action required), are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again.

Whenever you assume your starry form, choose which of the following constellations glimmers on your body; your choice gives you certain benefits while in the form:

Archer. A constellation of an archer appears on you. When you activate this form, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can make a ranged spell attack, hurling a luminous arrow that targets one creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the attack deals radiant damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.

Chalice. A constellation of a life-giving goblet appears on you. Whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot that restores hit points to a creature, you or another creature within 30 feet of you can regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.

Dragon. A constellation of a wise dragon appears on you. When you make an Intelligence or a Wisdom check or a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.

Cosmic Omen

When you reach 6th level, you learn to use your star map to divine the will of the cosmos. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can consult your Star Map for omens. When you do so, roll a die. Until you finish your next long rest, you gain access to a special reaction based on whether you rolled an even or an odd number on the die:

Weal (even). Whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is about to make an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the total.

Woe (odd). Whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is about to make an attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and subtract the number rolled from the total.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Twinkling Constellations

At 10th level, the constellations of your Starry Form improve. The 1d8 of the Archer and the Chalice becomes 2d8, and while the Dragon is active, you have a flying speed of 20 feet and can hover.

Moreover, at the start of each of your turns while in your Starry Form, you can change which constellation glimmers on your body.

Full of Stars

At 14th level, while in your Starry Form, you become partially incorporeal, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.



Druid: Circle of Storms

Druids of the Circle of the Storm rejoice in nature’s destructive fury, embracing the chaos and challenging themselves against its power. Circle of the Storm druids consider taking shelter in tempestuous weather to be a sign of weakness and are often found reveling in the eye of the storm.

Bonus Cantrip

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the shocking grasp cantrip. This is considered a druid cantrip for you and doesn’t count against your maximum cantrips known.

Favor of the Tempest

Starting at 2nd level, adverse weather doesn’t bother you as it does others. You aren’t discomforted by weather or temperature extremes, suffering no detriments (including exhaustion) from natural extremes of heat or cold. You suffer no ill effects from long-term exposure to winds or precipitation. Weather effects never break your concentration and you may take rests—long or short—even in the worst of natural weather phenomena. This feature doesn’t protect you from lightning strikes, flash floods, or any other damaging consequence of weather.

As a reaction to taking lightning or thunder damage, you can give yourself or another creature within 5 feet of you temporary hitpoints equal to your wisdom modifier. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier.

Circle Spells

Your mystical connection to storms infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level you gain access to circle spells connected to storms. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid’s list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Circle of the Storm Spells
Level Spells
3rd gust of wind, punishing winds
5th call lightning, sleet storm
7th ice storm, stormrider
9th destructive wave, stormfront

Ride the Lightning

Starting at 6th level, you can use an action to teleport to any unoccupied square you can see within 60 feet. Using this feature, you change into a 5-foot wide by 60-foot long streak of lightning that arcs to your new position, passing through creatures or objects along the way. Anything you pass through takes 6d6 lightning damage. Creatures are allowed a Dexterity saving throw, and on a successful save take half damage. You regain the use of this feature after a long rest.


Beginning at 10th level you are resistant to lightning and thunder damage.

Eye of the Storm

Commencing at 14th level, you gain a magical flight speed of 60 feet with the ability to hover. When you fly, you are surrounded by arcs of electricity and whipping winds. If you fly on your turn, ranged weapon attacks against you have disadvantage until the start of your next turn, and you can use your reaction to shock any creature that strikes you with a melee attack, dealing lightning damage equal to 1d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier to the attacker.



Druid: Circle of Wildfire

Druids within the Circle of Wildfire understand that destruction is sometimes the precursor of creation, such as when a forest fire promotes later growth. These druids bond with a primal spirit that harbors both destructive and creative power, allowing the druids to create controlled flames that burn away one thing but give life to another.

Circle Spells

When you join this circle at 2nd level, you have formed a bond with a wildfire spirit, a primal being of creation and destruction.

Wildfire Circle Spells
Druid Level Spells
2nd Burning Hands, Cure Wounds
3rd Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray
5th Plant Growth, Revivify
7th Aura of Life, Fire Shield
9th Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds

Summon Wildfire Spirit

At 2nd level, You can summon the primal spirit bound to your soul. As an action, you can expend one use of your Wild Shape feature to summon your wildfire spirit, rather than assuming a beast form.

The spirit appears in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. Each creature within 10 feet of the spirit (other than you) when it appears must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 fire damage.

The spirit is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your commands. You determine the spirit’s appearance.

In combat, the spirit shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. If you are incapacitated, the spirit can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.

The spirit manifests for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until you use this feature to summon the spirit again, or until you die.

Enhanced Bond

At 6th level, the bond with your wildfire spirit enhances your destructive and restorative spells. Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage or restores hit points while your wildfire spirit is summoned, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus equal to the number rolled to one damage or healing roll of the spell.

In addition, when you cast a spell with a range other than self, the spell can originate from you or your wildfire spirit.

Wildfire Spirit

Small elemental

Armor Class
13 (natural armor)
Hit Points
5 + five times your druid level
30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Damage Immunities:
Condition Immunities
charmed, frightened, grappled, prone, restrained
darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
understands the languages you speak
Proficiency Bonus
equals your bonus


Flame Seed. Ranged Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 60 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d6 + PB fire damage.

Fiery Teleport. The spirit and each willing creature of your choice within 5 feet of it teleport up to 15 feet to unoccupied spaces you can see. Then each creature within 5 feet of the space that the spirit left must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6 + PB fire damage.

Cauterizing Flames

At 10th level, you gain the ability to turn death into magical flames that can heal or incinerate. When a Small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of you or your wildfire spirit, a harmless spectral flame springs forth in the dead creature’s space and flickers there for 1 minute. When a creature you can see enters that space, you can use your reaction to extinguish the spectral flame there and either heal the creature or deal fire damage to it. The healing or damage equals 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Blazing Revival

At 14th level, the bond with your wildfire spirit can save you from death. If the spirit is within 120 feet of you when you are reduced to 0 hit points and thereby fall unconscious, you can cause the spirit to drop to 0 hit points. You then regain half your hit points and immediately rise to your feet.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



The primal Elementalists

Warriors and spiritualist, Elementalists use formidable intellect to master the fundamental components that make up the world. When elementalists see the strength of a mountain, the fury of a hurricane, the beauty of fire, or the grace of a river, they recognize more than natural wonder. These are tools that can be used with deadly precision to accomplish miraculous magical achievements that leave other adventurers speechless.

Many a soul has been touched by the wonders of the natural world but Elementalists take this a step further, inspired by mighty demonstrations of natural power. It is this inspiration that drives elementalists to adventurer, seeking out new elemental shapes to imitate and command. A storm elementalist who witnesses a catastrophic lightning storm may spend years attempting to harness such strength. Through such immersion into the cacophonous experience multiple times, a deeper understanding of the storm’s true nature is gained.

This attitude has afforded elementalists a reputation for extreme eccentricity, prone to diving heasfast into whatever calamity presents itself. The wise treat elementalists with considerable caution and respect, while the foolish mistake their adventurous nature for hotheaded recklessness.

Learning by doing is an elementalist’s creed, and veterans are among some of the most knowledgeable persons across the planes.


If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing, here’s what you need to know if you choose elementalist

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already an elementalist.

Proficiencies Gained. If elementalist isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a dancer: light armor and simple weapons.



The Elementalist
Level Proficiency Features Basic Advanced Expert Master Primal Power
1st +2 Elemental Affinity, Nexus of Power, Elemental Shield 2 4
2nd +2 Friend of the Elements 3 7
3rd +2 Elemental Empowerment 3 10
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 13
5th +3 4 1 16
6th +3 Elemental Affinity feature 4 2 20
7th +3 Elemental Allies 4 2 24
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 28
9th +4 5 3 1 32
10th +4 Elemental Affinity feature, Hybrid Elements 5 3 2 37
11th +4 Elemental Movement 5 3 2 42
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 2 47
13th +5 6 4 3 1 52
14th +5 Elemental Affinity feature 6 4 3 1 60
15th +5 6 4 3 1 68
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 1 76
17th +6 6 4 3 1 85
18th +6 Elemental Affinity feature 6 4 3 1 94
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 2 100
20th +6 Mind over Matter 6 4 3 2 110

Class Features

As an Elementalist, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per elementalist level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per elementalist level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose two from Investigation, History, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • A small fragment of a pure element, contained in a glass bottle
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • A quarterstaff & leather armor

Elemental Affinity

At 1st level you develop a natural affinity for one of four elements of your choice: air, earth, fire, or water. Each elemental affinity is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Nexus of Power

At 1st level your understanding of the building blocks of the universe allows you to precisely manipulate the elements. These manipulations, called shapes, come in four categories of power: basic, advanced, expert, and master

Shapes. Shapes are elemental magical effects similar to spells, commanded and controlled by your Intelligence. To create a shape, you must be conscious and be able gesture both forcefully and intricately, requiring at least one free hand. You create shapes by expending your primal power, paying the primal power cost in the shape’s description before the shape can be created.

Prerequisites. Some shapes are only available to elementalists of a specific elemental affinity. You cannot learn a shape for which you do not meet the prerequisites.

Range. The farther an element is away from you, the more difficult it is to manipulate, and all shapes have a range that is determined by the distance at which you can affect elemental forces. This distance is called your area of elemental influence, which is calculated as follows: 10-foot-radius times your Intelligence modifier.



When you create a shape, you cannot target anything outside of this area, though shapes you create can affect space beyond this area, just as long as their origin was somewhere within your area of elemental influence.

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the radius of this feature increases by an additional 5 feet.

Duration. Each shape has a duration that indicates how long its effects last, which can be expressed as instantaneous or longer. Note that elementalists do not need to concentrate on a shape to maintain its effects for a duration but have other restrictions that influence their shapes’ ability to persist, which are detailed as follows.

  • If you have created a shape and then create another of that shape before the duration of the first ends, the first shape immediately ends.
  • If you fall unconscious while one or more of your shapes are in effect, those shapes immediately end.
  • Shapes cannot be counterspelled, but as a magical effect it can be dispelled.

Augmenting. All elemental shapes can be improved or expanded, but only by experienced elementalists of 3rd level or higher. The details of augmenting are found in your Elemental Empowerment feature detailed later in this section.

Shapes Known

At 1st level, you learn two basic shapes that you meet the prerequisites for. Your shape options are detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain elementalist levels, you learn additional shapes according to your class progression table.

When you gain a level in the Elementalist class, you can change one of your known shapes.

Shaping Ability

Intelligence is your ability score for your elemental shapes, as your understanding of the elements and their properties correlates to your mastery over them. You use your Intelligence modifier whenever a shape refers to your shaping ability. Additionally, you use your Intelligence modifier when a shape requires a saving throw DC or is used to make an attack.

If you create an effect with a spell save DC or spell attack using your elementalist features, you may instead use your elemental shape DC.

Elemental Shape

Elemental Shape DC

8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Spell Attack Modifier

Your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Primal Power

You have 4 primal power, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Primal Power column of the class progression table. You can never have more primal power than shown on the table for your level. You regain all expended primal power when you finish a long rest.

Elemental Shield

At 1st level, you can expend 1 primal power to cast Absorb Elements. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.

You can cast this spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before needing a long rest to do so again.

Friend of the Elements

At 2nd level, your relationship with the elements allows you to converse more easily with them. You learn a language according to your elemental affinity, as detailed in the following table, and have advantage on Charisma ability checks against elementals.

Friend of the Elements
Affinity Language
Air Auran
Earth Terran
Fire Ignan
Water Aquan

Elemental Empowerment

Starting at 3rd level, you learn the necessary skills to empower your elemental shapes by strengthening your connection to the elements. To augment a shape, you must first attune yourself to the elemental energies around you, synchronizing your mind, body, and spirit. At the start of each of your turns, you can choose to immediately expend all of your movement (if any), instead spending that energy on focusing your mind. When you do so you are considered empowered until the start of your next turn or until you augment an elemental shape (whichever comes first).

If you create a shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power as detailed in the “augment” section of its description. You can augment a shape multiple times in a single creation, provided you have the necessary primal power to do so, and provided the total primal power expended to both create and augment the shape does not exceed your elementalist level.

Elemental Allies

At 7th level, you can call upon low elementals to serve you in battle. As an action you can expend 8 primal power to cast the spell conjure minor elementals without the need for any components.



Elementals you create using this feature must always be of a type associated with your elemental affinity (for example, earth elementalists will always create elementals composed at least partly of earth, such as dust, magma, or mud mephits, or earth elementals). If you are empowered when you use this feature, you can choose to end your empowerment and expend additional primal power to increase the level of the spell.

For every 4 primal power you expend in this manner, you increase the level of the spell by two. You cannot expend an amount of primal power greater than your elementalist level in this manner.

Hybrid Elementalism

Starting at 10th level, you can choose to study a complex variant of your elemental affinity, called a Hybrid Element. These elements come in four types: ice, life, metal, and storm as shown by the Chart below.

If you make the choice to learn a hybrid element, you no longer gain affinity features as an elementalist, instead gaining your hybrid affinity features as detailed later in this class section (you retain elemental affinity features you have already gained)

You cannot choose a hybrid element that is not associated with your elemental affinity (example: earth elementalists cannot choose ice or storm as their hybrid affinity, as neither of those elements contain earth); the hybrid is determined by the two closet elemental affinities to the hybrid affinity. (i.e, fire can choose metal or storm hybrid affinities.)

Elemental Movement

When you reach 11th level, you can rapidly transform into an embodiment of your element and travel within your Elemental Influence. As a bonus action, you can expend 3 primal power to teleport anywhere within your Elemental Influence. You do not need to see the space you are attempting to teleport to, however if you would appear inside an object or wall, you take 1d10 force damage per 5 feet of area you cannot appear in and instead appear in the nearest unoccupied space.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before needing a long rest to do so again.

Mind over Matter

At 20th level, you can maintain your elemental shapes with the power of your focused mind. When you create a shape with a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can choose to concentrate on the shape after its duration expires (as though you were concentrating on a spell) to maintain its effect.

When you do so, the shape persists for as long as you maintain concentration on it

Elemental Affinity

An elementalist is comitted to mastering a single element–typically the one they have the most affinity for. Each elementalist views their affinity as the ideal element and, while tolerating the presence of other elementalists, rarely get along with those of an opposing affinity.


Air elementalists are swift warriors specializing in manipulating battlefield and enemy alike with the power of the wind. Most air elementalists are confident, are self-assured, and come from communities who value freedom and flexibility, quick to change their mind and adapt to any situation. As an air elementalist you are a fearless explorer, always traveling with the wind at your back. There is nothing you cannot overcome, thinking your way out of sticky situations that would foil brute force. Those who view the air element as weak are quick to reassess their perspective after seeing you in action, especially once their lungs are devoid of oxygen.

This is a lesson you readily share with any earth elementalist who crosses your path, for those ponderous brutes always fail to appreciate the efficacy of your approach to life.

Guiding Winds

Starting at 1st level, as an action you can hurl a blast of air at a creature within your area of elemental influence. You make a ranged spell attack against the target and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit.

When you take this action, you can instead target an ally within your area of elemental influence, guiding the target’s attacks with powerful winds. Until the end of its next turn, when that ally next makes a ranged weapon attack, it has advantage on the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit.

In either case, this damage increases by 1d6 at 5th level, and again at 11th, and 17th levels.

Ways of Air

Your close relationship with air has taught you many things. At 1st level you gain proficiency in calligrapher’s supplies.



Additionally, as an action you can subtly manipulate the air in your area of elemental influence. These effects are always harmless, can only affect a 5-foot cube of area, and cannot interfere with the properties of magical effects, only natural ones. Examples of such effects include generating a gust of wind, blowing a cool breeze, or manifesting a tiny tornado in the palm of your hand. The size of the cube you can affect in this manner increases by 5 feet at 6th level, and by another 5 feet again at 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. If you take a hybrid elemental affinity when you reach 10th level, this feature can affect both the elements of air and your chosen hybrid element.

Spirit of Adventure

At 6th level, you start each day with an unquenchable hunger for adventure and the wind at your back. After you finish a long rest, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws and ability checks. This benefit lasts until you finish a short rest or gain a level of exhaustion.


At 10th level, on each of your turns if you spend movement to move at least 25 feet away from the space you started your turn in, you become empowered, as per your Elemental Empowerment feature.

Grace of the Wind

By 14th level your body moves as effortlessly as the wind itself. You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws and Acrobatics.

Master Air

At 18th level you have mastered the element of air, gaining almost complete control over the air in your area of elemental influence. At the start of each of your turns you can choose to affect that area and cause one of the following effects.

  • End any light or strong winds in the area.
  • Create a light or strong wind in a direction of your choice in the area.

Creatures of your choice within the area are immune to the effects of this feature.


As an earth elementalist, you are as unshakable as stone and twice as durable. Earth elementalists see all problems as surmountable through time and effort, overcoming obstacles with determination and raw power. Most elementalists in this field come from races and communities with strong affinity for the earth and order. Many earth elementalists take pride in their bodies, eschewing the comforts of civilized life for the steady embrace of stone. More than any other elementalists, those with an affinity for earth make their element part of their bodies, mantling their forms in unbreakable rock and striking with stony fists. When you commit to a course of action as an earth elementalist, only the most extreme of forces can hope to stop you. You love a challenge, so those who flee from or dance around problems bother you.

Stone Mantle

Starting at 1st level, when you finish a long rest you can coat your skin in a thick layer of solid stone. When you do so, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your elementalist level. These temporary hit points cannot be replaced by temporary hit points from another source unless you will it.

Additionally, when you would make an unarmed strike you can instead make a melee spell attack. The damage of this attack is equal to 1d4 plus your Intelligence modifiers. This damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level, and again at 11th, and 17th levels.

Ways of Earth

Your close relationship with the earth has inspired the craftsman in you. At 1st level, you gain proficiency in mason’s tools.

Additionally, as an action, you can subtly manipulate the earth around you within your area of elemental influence. These effects are always harmless, can only affect a 5-foot cube of area, and cannot interfere with the properties of magical effects, only natural ones. Examples of such effects include making a stone slide around on the floor, creating a chair out of stone, or extracting gold ore from unworked rock. The size of the cube you can affect in this manner increases by 5 feet at 6th level, and by another 5 feet againat 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. If you take a hybrid elemental affinity when you reach 10th level, this feature can affect both the elements of earth and your chosen hybrid element.

Rock Solid

At 6th level, your mind and body are especially durable against effects that would lay you low. You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause you to be incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, stunned, or unconscious on a failure.


Starting at 10th level, you can sense the vibrations in the earth to detect the precise location of creatures. While you are standing on the ground, you have tremorsense out to a range of 15 feet. At 18th level, the range of your tremorsense increases to 30 feet.

Earthen Might

At 14th level, your body becomes infused with the strength of stone. You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws and Athletics.



Master Earth

At 18th level, you have mastered the element of earth. You gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can burrow through solid rock at half your burrowing speed. When you burrow in this manner, you do not disturb any material through which you pass. If you end your turn inside a solid object after burrowing in this manner, you must immediately expend 5 primal power or be shunted to the nearest unoccupied space.


Few creatures can live comfortably with fire, a vicious and unpredictable element. You must keep a tight leash on the flames that sprout from your fingertips lest you immolate yourself and everything you care about. Most fire elementalists are wild souls, barely able to contain the enthusiasm each holds for the nature of their craft. While always destructive, fire elementalists understand the importance of burning away the underbrush to start anew and prevent future conflagrations. Fire is the most complex of the elements—to coexist with simpler creatures, you must understand its many facets.

Enduring Ember

At 1st level, you can fan the flames within you for additional power. When you finish a short rest, you can expend a number of your Hit Dice up to your Intelligence modifier, rolling those Hit Dice and regaining primal power equal to the total amount rolled. Once you have used this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Ways of Fire

At 1st level you gain proficiency in glassblower’s tools.

Additionally, as an action you can subtly manipulate fire within your area of elemental influence. These effects are always harmless, can only affect a 5-foot cube of area, and cannot interfere with the properties of magical effects, only natural ones. Examples of such effects include lighting a candle, extinguishing a fireplace, or burning a symbol into a piece of wood. The size of the cube you can affect in this manner increases by 5 feet at 6th level, and by another 5 feet again at 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. If you take a hybrid elemental affinity when you reach 10th level, this feature can affect both the elements of fire and your chosen hybrid element.


At 6th level, your constant exposure to flames has granted you resistance to fire damage. At 18th level, you instead have immunity to fire damage.

Pour It On

At 10th level when you create a shape that deals damage and augment it, the first time the shape deals damage, it deals extra damage equal to the amount of primal power expended to augment the shape.

Fury of the Flames

At 14th level the roaring power of fire is reflected in your personality. You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws and Intimidation.

Master Fire

At 18th level, you have mastered the element of fire. When you would deal fire damage in an area, you can choose a number of targets who are immune to your damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.


Before there was light, there was darkness—crushing, all encompassing, and malevolent. All other elements stand in defiance of this truth, deluding those who seek their power. Shadow elementalists know better. They have seen the darkness and learned its mysterious ways. The element of shadow is unlike all others— oppressive as the oceans’ depths and as dangerous as an angry dragon. To be its master you must become as shadow, learning to mimic others with unearthly precision. This imitation is no form of flattery. The shadowy reflections you create are but a twisted mockery of the originals, made all the more dangerous by your elemental power. Other elementalists are nothing before the shadow and are fools to think they have chosen the superior element.

Shadowy Reflection

Starting at 1st level, you must choose an element you can specialize in mimicking with your elemental shadow. You must choose either air, earth, fire, or water, which is considered a shadow element for you. You can learn elemental shapes as though you were a member of that elemental affinity (for example, if you choose air as your shadow element, you can learn elemental shapes exclusive to air elementalists).

When you create an elemental shape, you must use one your shadow elements as that shape’s elemental affinity. When you do so, the shape becomes a warped and shadowy echo of that element. Any damage that would be dealt by the elemental shape is necrotic or psychic damage (your choice) instead of its normal damage type. Additionally, if a creature attempts a saving throw other than a Wisdom saving throw against one of your elemental shapes, it instead attempts a Wisdom saving throw (the DC remains the same). Finally, at 10th level, you do not choose a hybrid element via your Hybrid Elements feature. Instead, you may select a second elemental affinity to be a shadow element for you.



Dark Puppet

You can manipulate other creatures’ shadows and even cause them to attack their source. As an action you can target a creature you can see within your area of elemental influence and take control of its shadow until the start of your next turn. The shadow remains attached to the creature but otherwise does your will, making gestures and moving as you see fit.

When you take control of a creature’s shadow you can cause the shadow to attack the target. When you do so, the shadow makes a melee spell attack using your spell attack bonus against the target.

On a successful hit the target takes 1d10 necrotic or psychic damage (your choice). This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 6th level (2d10), 10th level (3d10), 14th level (4d10), and 18th level (5d10).


At 6th level you are at home in the darkness and can even cast the land around you into shadow. You have darkvision out to the range of your area of elemental influence and can see in magical darkness. Additionally, as an action you can expend 5 primal power to fill your area of elemental influence with magical darkness for 1 minute.

Umbral Power

At 10th level your elemental shapes can snuff out the light. When you create an elemental shape that affects an area, you can choose for any nonmagical sources of light in the area to be immediately

extinguished. Magical sources of light in the area that are not daylight are instead suppressed for 1 minute. Additionally, as a bonus action you expend 9 primal power to become invisible for 1 hour. This invisibility ends early if you attack, cast a spell, or create an elemental shape.

Cunning of the Shadows

By 14th level the element of shadow has integrated into your mind and body, granting you extraordinary skill. You gain proficiency in Deception and Stealth. If you are already proficient in either skill, you instead double your proficiency when you make any ability check using that skill.


Proudest and most determined of the elements. Water elementalists reflect this trait in every action they take. As a refined and elegant water elementalist, you understand that no problem can withstand a cunning solution from a brilliant mind. Water elementalists are a flexible lot, able to adapt to any situation. They can aid allies and foil enemies with brilliant elemental creatures while retaining a sense of dignity on the battlefield. Beneath each water elementalist is the overwhelming potential for destruction, unleashed only in the direst straits when there is no time for precision. As you adventure as a water elementalist, your effortless efficiency makes you uniquely valuable and superior to all others, but most especially to those who recklessly wield elemental fire.


Starting at 1st level, you can draw lifegiving water from enemies and gift it to allies. As an action, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature, dealing 1d4 necrotic damage on a successful hit. When you deal damage to a creature with this feature, you may cause an ally within range of your area of elemental influence to regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt.

This damage increases by 1d4 at 6th level, and again at 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

Ways of Water

The subtleties and beauty of water has inspired you to take up the sciences. At 1st level you gain proficiency in alchemist’s supplies. Additionally, as an action you can subtly manipulate water in your area of elemental influence. These effects are always harmless, can only affect a 5-foot cube of area, and cannot interfere with the properties of magical effects, only natural ones. Examples of such effects include creating a moving sculpture in a pond, making a stream flow uphill, or providing shelter from the rain. The size of the cube you can affect in this manner increases by 5 feet at 6th level, and by another 5 feet again at 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. If you take a hybrid elemental affinity when you reach 10th level, this feature can affect both the elements of water and your chosen hybrid element.


At 6th level, your affinity with water grants you a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater.

Crushing Tide

At 10th level, creatures have disadvantage on the first saving throw they make against shapes you have augmented.

Wisdom of the Waves

At 14th level the flexible nature of water defines your understanding of the world. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws and Insight.



Master Water

At 18th level, you have mastered the element of water in your area of elemental influence, granting you the following benefits.

  • You have blindsight out to a range equal to your area of elemental influence. However, this sense is based on your ability to detect liquid water, such as blood or other fluids. Creatures that are not at least partially composed of fluids cannot be perceived with this sense.
  • When you or an allied creature is affected by one of your shapes in the area, the affected creature can take a reaction to move up to 10 feet without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Hybrid Elemental Affinity

Elementalists who only seek to master a single element are closed-minded in your eyes. By studying the ways of other elemental affinities, you have learned how to combine elements into powerful new shapes that the so-called “pure” elementalists could never master. This more progressive approach to elementalism is reflected in the personality of its practitioners, who often choose to identify themselves based on their new hybrid affinity.


If you select ice as your hybrid element, when you would gain your Elemental Affinity features as you advance as an elementalist, you instead gain the following features.

Ice Elementalism

At 10th level you have learned how to seamlessly weave the hybrid element of ice into your shapes, granting you the following benefits.

  • When you create a shape that deals damage, you can choose to have it deal cold damage instead of its normal damage type.
  • You are resistant to cold damage.

Ice Age

At 14th level, as an action you can fill your area of elemental influence with freezing fog for 4 hours. The following effects occur within your area of elemental influence for the duration or until you dismiss the effects as an action.

  • The temperature drops to extreme cold.
  • The entire area is lightly obscured.
  • Nonmagical fires are extinguished.

Once you have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Frozen Doom

At 18th level, you can freeze solid those who suffer your icy wrath. When a creature you can see fails a saving throw against one of your elemental shapes, you can take a reaction and expend 5 primal power to attempt to freeze the creature solid. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until it takes fire damage or it is exposed to extreme heat conditions for 1 hour. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat the Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success.


If you select life as your hybrid element, when you would gain your Elemental Affinity features as you advance as an elementalist, you instead gain the following features.

Life Elementalism

At 10th level, you can imbue your shapes with elemental life. When you create a shape, you regain hit points equal to the amount of primal power you expended creating and augmenting it (when applicable).

Bountiful Paradise

At 14th level, as an action you can flood your area of elemental influence with vitalizing energy for 1 hour. The following effects occur within your area of elemental influence for the duration or until you use an action to dismiss the effects.

  • Allied creatures in the area can finish a short rest in half the usual time as long as they remain within the area for the entire duration of the rest.
  • Allied creatures that finish a short rest in the area are cured of any poisons or disease.

Once you have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.


At 18th level, you can use the element of life to bring a creature back from the dead. As an action, you can touch the body of a creature and expend 20 primal power. Doing so restores the creature to life with all its hit points, cures all disease, closes all wounds, and neutralizes all poisons, but does not replace damaged or missing organs and limbs.

Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target takes a −4 penalty to all Attack rolls, Saving Throws, and Ability Checks. Every time the target finishes a Long Rest, the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears.




If you select metal as your hybrid element, when you would gain your Elemental Affinity features as you advance as an elementalist, you instead gain the following features.

Metal Elementalism

At 10th level, you can increase the deadly power of your elemental shapes by adding the metal element. When you create a shape that deals damage, you can choose to have it deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage instead of its normal damage type.

Additionally, you are proficient in weapons & shields that are made of metal.

Finally, you can create elemental shapes while holding a weapon or shield made of metal as though the hand holding the weapon were free.


At 14th level, you are proficient in armors that are made of metal.

Additionally, when you touch an object made of metal, you learn its current hit points and AC.

Heavy Metal

At 18th level, when a creature that fails a saving throw against one of your shapes for the first time and takes bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as a result, it instead takes double that damage.

Once you use this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.


If you select storm as your hybrid element, when you would gain your Elemental Affinity features as you advance as an elementalist, you instead gain the following features.

Storm Elementalism

At 10th level, you can charge your shapes with the fury of a storm. When you create a shape that deals damage, you can choose to have it deal lightning or thunder damage instead of its normal damage type.

Additionally, you have resistance to lightning or thunder damage.

Ride the Lightning

At 14th level you can travel though the skies on a bolt of lightning. By spending 10 minutes in focused meditation during which time you take no other actions or move from your space, you are magically teleported to an unoccupied space near a location you have seen on the same plane. Both your departure and arrival areas must be beneath open sky, and your departure and arrival are heralded by a harmless lightning strike and a loud peal of thunder. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

You can choose to bring up to seven willing creatures along with you, each of which must be touching you when you depart.

Gathering Storm

At 18th level, your body crackles with electrical power when you wield the elements. When you expend primal power, you can as a reaction force a creature within range of your Elemental Afluence to take lightning damage equal to the power spent. You can use this feature a number of times a day equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Elemental Shapes

Elementalists can learn the elemental shapes presented here. If an elemental shape lists an elemental affinity or a level, those prerequisites must be met in order to learn the shape.



Basic Shapes


Primal Power Cost:
Shaping Time:
1 bonus action
1 minute

You create a 5-foot-diameter floating sphere of dense element in an unoccupied space you can see within your area of elemental influence. As an action, you can command the ball to move up to 30 feet and make a single melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d6 damage of the type corresponding to your elemental affinity. Additionally, the shape gains the following property according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The ball deals bludgeoning damage. Additionally, creatures hit by the ball must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Earth. The ball deals piercing damage. Additionally, when the shape ends the ball explodes in a 30-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in the area must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking damage as though it were hit by an attack from the ball on a failure, or half as much damage on a success.
  • Fire. The ball deals fire damage. Additionally, when you take an action to move the ball, it can move up to 60 feet instead of 30 feet.
  • Water. The ball deals slashing damage. Additionally, when the shape ends, the ball explodes in a 30-foot-radius sphere, and you roll the ball’s spell attack damage dice. Creatures of your choice in the area of the explosion regain a number of hit points equal to the amount rolled.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For each 3 primal power so expended, you create an additional elemental ball in an unoccupied space you can see within your area of elemental influence. When you take an action to move a ball created in this manner, you can choose to move all balls created by this effect and make a single melee spell attack with each of them.


Primal Power Cost:
Shaping Time:
1 action

You unleash a blast of elemental energy from your body in a 15- foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 damage of the type corresponding to your elemental affinity, or half as much on a success. Additionally, the shape gains the following property according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The effect deals thunder damage. Additionally, on a failed save, creatures and unattended objects not completely tied down within the area are pushed away from you to the end of the cone or until they encounter a solid object.
  • Earth. The effect deals bludgeoning damage. Additionally, any ground in the area becomes difficult terrain.
  • Fire. The effect deals fire damage. Additionally, on a failed save a creature is blinded until the start of its next turn.
  • Water. The effect instead deals half of the damage rolled as bludgeoning damage to enemies in the area (rounded down). Creatures of your choice in the area regain a number of hit points equal to the other half of the damage rolled (rounded up).

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the size of the cone increases by 15 feet, and the damage increases by 2d6.


Prerequisites: Fire affinity

Shaping Time:
1 action
Primal Power Cost:
1 round

You infect a creature you can see within the area of your elemental influence with an explosive charge. At any time while the shape is in effect, you can take a reaction to cause the charge to explode from the target in a 5-foot radius. Creatures in the area must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. If you have not expended the charge in this manner before the duration ends, the charge explodes at the end of its duration.

Augment. When you create this shape, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power expended, the duration of the effect increases by 1 round. Additionally, at the beginning of each of your turns while the effect persists, the damage dealt when the charge explodes is increased by 2d8.


Prerequisites: Water affinity

Primal Power Cost: 2

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

You conjure two spheres of water that orbit your head for the duration.

When you cause an allied creature you can see within range of your area of elemental influence to regain hit points, you can expend one or more of the spheres to cause the creature to regain an additional 1d8 hit points for each sphere expended.



Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power to conjure an additional sphere of water for every 2 primal power expended in this manner.


Primal Power Cost: 1

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: Instantaneous

You project a blast of elements that throws you into the air. The shape pushes you in a straight line in a direction of your choice up to 30 feet. At the end of your movement you land on your feet unless you fell at the end of that movement. Additionally, this shape creates the following effects according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. If you fall at the end of the movement, your rate of descent slows to 30 feet per round for 1 minute. If you land before the minute is up, you take no falling damage, land on your feet, and the effect ends.
  • Earth. If you make a melee attack immediately at the end of the movement provided by this shape, you deal an additional 1d4 damage on a successful hit for every 10 feet you traveled via this shape.
  • Fire. You create a 10-foot-radius blast of flame centered on the space you occupied when you created this shape. Creatures within the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 fire damage for every 10 feet the shape attempted to throw you.
  • Water. Instead of throwing you, you can choose for the shape to throw a willing creature of your choice within the area of your elemental influence.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 1 primal power so expended, you increase the distance of the launch by 10 feet.

Obsidian Armaments

Prerequisites: Earth affinity

Primal Power Cost: 2

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 10 minutes

You coat your limbs in a layer of obsidian for the duration. While so coated, your unarmed strikes are magical and you can make an attack with your unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power so expended, your unarmed strike damage increases by 1d4 for the duration of the shape.


Primal Power Cost: 1

Shaping Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you take damage from a source you can see.

Duration: Instantaneous

You generate a swirling barrier of elemental energy around you, reducing the damage you take from the triggering effect by 1d8. Additionally, the shape gains the following property according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. If the damage was from a ranged weapon attack and you reduce the damage you take from the triggering attack to 0 with this shape, you may change the target of the attack to a creature within 60 feet of you. Instead of using the attack’s original attack roll, you must make a ranged spell attack with the weapon or ammunition as part of the same reaction, dealing the attack’s damage and causing its effects on a success.
  • Earth. Until the start of your next turn you have half cover from attacks and effects outside of your space.
  • Fire. Creatures within 5 feet of you take fire damage equal to the amount of damage reduced.
  • Water. A creature of your choice within your area of elemental influence that would also take damage from the triggering effect is also affected by this shape, reducing the damage it takes by the amount rolled by this shape.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the damage reduced by the shape increases by 1d8.


Primal Power Cost: 1

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You create a pathway composed of the elements from your feet in a 40-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line that is 1 inch tall. The pathway gains the following property according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The pathway is composed of swirling air. You (and only you) can walk upon the pathway as though it were solid ground, and while standing on the pathway, you are considered to be flying.
  • Earth. The pathway is composed of solid stone or earth and is an object with an AC of 15 and 80 hit points. While you are on the pathway and are not incapacitated, you cannot be teleported or moved unless you allow it.
  • Fire. The pathway is composed of shimmering flames. While you are on the pathway, you are always empowered as per your Elemental Empowerment feature. Additionally, creatures that come into contact with the pathway for the first time in a round take fire damage equal to your elementalist level.



  • Water. The pathway is composed of clear, blue water. When an enemy creature comes into contact with the pathway for the first time in a round, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed to either end of the pathway (your choice as to which end).

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, you can increase the length of the line by 30 feet or the width of the line by 10 feet.


Prerequisites: Air affinity

Primal Power Cost: 2

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You generate a tremendous blast of air in a 5-foot burst you can see within your area of elemental influence. Unsecured creatures completely within the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be thrown 30 feet straight upward, or half as far on a success.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, you increase the height affected creatures are thrown by 20 feet.


Primal Power Cost: 2

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute.

You create a straight wall of elements on a solid surface that must be completely within your area of elemental influence. You can make the wall up to 10 feet long, 5 feet high, and 1 foot thick. Sections of the wall that leave your area of elemental influence vanish instantly. The wall gains the following properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The wall is composed of swirling air and is invisible. Arrows, bolts, and other ordinary projectiles launched at targets behind the wall are deflected upward and automatically miss (boulders hurled by giants or siege engines, or similar projectiles are unaffected.).
  • Earth. The wall is composed of heavy stone and is a structure. Each 10-foot section of the wall is an object with an AC equal to your elemental save DC and has 30 hit points. Additionally, the wall does not vanish when it leaves your area of elemental influence.
  • Fire. The wall is composed of roaring flames and is opaque. Creatures passing through the wall for the first time on a turn or that start their turn within the wall must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 fire damage.
  • Water. The wall is composed of rising water and is translucent. At the start of each of your turns the wall moves away from you at a speed of 20 feet. Creatures that the wall encounters during this movement must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed ahead of the wall for the remainder of its movement. Creatures attempting to move into the wall must use their swimming speed (if any) or swim through it, and the interior of the wall is considered difficult terrain.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power to increase the size of the wall. For every 1 primal power so expended, you can increase the length of the wall of 10 feet or the height of the wall by 5 feet.

Advanced Shapes


Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You attempt to entrap a creature you can see within your area of elemental influence with elemental bonds. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained for the duration. A target so restrained can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Additionally, the shape gains the following property according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. While affected by the shape, the target is lifted off the ground and floats weightlessly in its space. While affected in this manner, if the target is shoved (per the shove aside action option), it can be pushed up to an additional 15 feet.
  • Earth. While affected by the shape and on the ground, the target cannot be forcibly moved from its space by nonmagical means. If the target is in the air when you affect it with this shape, it falls to the ground and cannot become airborne again for the duration of the effect.
  • Fire. While affected by the shape, the target is wracked by agonizing pain. When it attempts to speak, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving throw or instead emit only agonized screams for the remainder of that turn. Additionally, affected creatures cannot have resistance to fire damage.
  • Water. While affected by the shape, the target cannot regain hit points and has disadvantage on Charisma saving throws.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For each 4 primal power so expended, you can target an additional creature within range.




Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You call down three elemental bolts from above, each of which land in different 5-foot spaces you can see within your area of elemental influence. Make an attack roll against creatures in those spaces take 2d8 damage of the type corresponding to your elemental affinity, in addition to the following effects.

  • Air. The shape deals bludgeoning damage and pushes affected creatures 5 feet away from the affected space.
  • Earth. The shape deals piercing damage and if the affected spaces are on the ground, they become difficult terrain.
  • Fire. The shape deals fire damage, and each bolt deals additional fire damage equal to your shaping ability modifier.
  • Water. The shapes deals bludgeoning damage. Additionally, if an allied creature would take damage from a bolt, it instead takes no damage and regains 1d8 hit points.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, you can create an additional bolt.


Prerequisites: Water affinity

Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

You wrap a friendly creature you can see within your area of elemental influence in a bubble of clear liquid for the duration. The target gains 20 temporary hit points for the duration of the shape and has partial cover from everything outside the bubble, and vice versa. The bubble moves with the creature when the creature moves, and it is translucent, allowing creatures to see both into and out of it (though proportions are considerably distorted). As a bonus action you can dismiss the bubble or cause it to fly up 30 feet, moving the creature within. This shape immediately ends if the target’s temporary hit points granted by this shape are reduced to 0.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the target gains an additional 10 temporary hit points, and when you take a bonus action to move the bubble, it can move an additional 5 feet.

Plasma Ray

Prerequisites: Fire affinity

Primal Power Cost: 6

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Special (see description)

You fire a beam of superheated plasma at a creature you can see within your area of elemental influence, making a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 fire and 2d10 radiant damage, and you project a continuous stream of plasma between you and the target. On each of your turns you use your action to make a ranged spell attack against the target, dealing 1d10 fire and 1d10 radiant damage on a successful hit. A target reduced to 0 hit points from this effect is reduced to a fine ash. The effect ends after 1 minute has passed, if you become unable to see the target, or if you do not take an action to maintain the effect.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power so expended, a successful hit with the shape deals an additional 1d10 fire and 1d10 radiant damage.

Stone Block

Prerequisites: Earth affinity

Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 hour

You cause a stone block to erupt from the ground in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. The block is a 5-foot-by-5-foot cube, a Medium object, has an AC equal to your elemental save DC, and has 80 hit points. When you create this shape, and every turn as a bonus action you may push the block up in any straight direction within your elemental influence up to the maximum distance of your influence.

If the block encounters a creature along its path, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage. If the encountered creature is the Medium or smaller, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed ahead of the block for the remainder of its movement before being knocked prone, otherwise the block’s movement ends.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, all the block’s dimensions increase by 5 feet.


Prerequisites: Air affinity

Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 10 minutes

You surround a creature you can see within your area of elemental influence in a layer of thin air that prevents it from breathing for the duration. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to hold its breath or immediately begin suffocating. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.



Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 4 primal power so expended, you can target an additional creature within range.


Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You augment your form with elemental power, creating new extremities out of primal material. The type and nature of your new extremities are determined by your elemental affinity.

  • Air. You form a pair of wings composed of graceful air, which increase your walking speed by 30 feet. Additionally, you float just above any surface you are standing on and can move along vertical surfaces or across liquids without falling during your turn.
  • Earth. You create a pair of powerful arms composed of earth. Each arm works just like your normal arms, providing you with an extra free hand. When you take the Attack action, you may make an additional attack for every pair of arms you create with this shape.
  • Fire. You create a pair of eyes formed of burning flames. When you create a pair of eyes in this manner, you may choose a single creature you can see within range. For the duration, that creature cannot be hidden from you and has disadvantage on saving throws against you.
  • Water. You create a tentacle of glistening water. The tentacle has a 20-foot reach and can deliver effects with a range of touch at that distance. Additionally, when you create a tentacle using this shape, you gain a special reaction for its duration. This reaction can only be used to make a melee spell attack against a creature that would provoke an opportunity attack. On a successful hit, the target is grappled by the tentacle, with an escape DC equal to your elemental save DC.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 5 primal power so expended, you create an additional set of extremities of the type of your affinity.


Primal Power Cost: 4

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

A spiraling mass of elements appears in a 20-foot radius that is 5 feet high centered on a point you can see on the ground within your area of elemental influence. Until the effect ends, the area is difficult terrain, and any creature that starts its turn within the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 4d6 damage of a type according to your elemental affinity and be pulled 10 feet toward the center of the effect. This shape has the following properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The shape can be centered on a point you can see within the area, instead of a point on the ground. Additionally, the effect deals thunder damage, and any creatures within the effect are deafened for as long as they remain within the area.
  • Earth. The effect deals bludgeoning damage. Additionally, a creature starting its turn within the vortex must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its turn.
  • Fire. The effect deals fire damage. Additionally, if a creature starts its turn in the center of the effect’s area, damage it takes from the vortex is doubled.
  • Water. The effect deals bludgeoning damage. Additionally, creatures of your choice are immune to all effects of the shape.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, you can increase the radius of the effect by 10 feet and the damage of the effect by 1d6.

Expert Shapes


Prerequisites: Earth affinity

Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You release a devastating seismic wave in your area of elemental influence. Creatures in the area that are prone within your area must make Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power you expend, a single proned creature has disadvantage on their save.




Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to shatter the bonds of magic with your elemental power. As a part of creating this shape you must choose a creature, object, or magical effect within your area of elemental influence. If the target is under the effects of a spell, you must attempt on an Intelligence ability check, immediately ending the spell on a success. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. If the target is affected by multiple spells, you must attempt to end every spell possible. Additionally, on a successful check the shape gains the following benefits according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. If the target of the shape is a creature, it is pushed 30 feet in a straight line in a direction of your choice.
  • Earth. If the target of the shape is a creature, it cannot cast spells until the end of its next turn. If the target of the shape is an object, it becomes vulnerable to damage until the start of your next turn.
  • Fire. If the target of the shape is a creature or object, it takes 1d10 fire damage per level of the first spell ended by the shape.
  • Water. You regain 1d6 hit points per level of the first spell ended by the shape.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power so expended, you can choose an additional target for the shape or attempt to end an additional spell on a target of the shape.


Prerequisites: Air affinity

Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You project a whirling cyclone from your hand in a line that extends to the end of your area of elemental influence and is 5 feet wide. The cyclone lasts for 1 minute, and as an action you can point the cyclone in a direction of your choice.

When a Medium or smaller creature comes into contact with the cyclone for the first time in a round, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be thrown away from you to the end of the line, or drawn toward the closest unoccupied space to you (your choice), landing prone in either case. This shape ends if you do not have a free hand available to project the cyclone or if you become incapacitated.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power expended, you increase the width of the line by 5 feet, and the maximum size of a creature the cyclone can affect increases by one size category.


Prerequisites: Water affinity

Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You flood your area of elemental influence with water that is 5 feet deep. The water appears on the ground and flows in directions determined by the terrain. Water from this shape that flows outside of your area of elemental influence vanishes, and any water that leaves the area is magically replenished instantly. The area is considered difficult terrain for creatures without a swimming speed.

Additionally, while you are completely submerged within the water created by the flood, you are always empowered, as per your Elemental Empowerment feature. The shape immediately ends if no area of your elemental influence is in contact with the ground.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the depth of the flood increases by 5 feet.


Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You touch another willing creature within reach, mantling it in elemental energy and granting it a powerful boon for the duration. The target gains proficiency in a single saving throw of its choice that you are also proficient in, and advantage on saving throws against your elemental shapes. Additionally, it gains the following properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The target’s walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • Earth. While it is not incapacitated, the target cannot be forcibly moved or teleported unwillingly.
  • Fire. When the target succeeds on a saving throw against one of your shapes and would take damage on a success, it instead takes no damage.
  • Water. When the target regains hit points from your shapes, you regain an equal amount of hit points. This effect cannot occur more than once per turn.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power so expended, you can target an additional willing creature with this shape.




Prerequisites: Fire affinity

Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You superheat a single object or creature you can see within the area of your elemental influence for the duration. At the start of each of its turns, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffers 6d6 fire damage, or half as much on a success, and its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the hit points lost. This reduction ends if the target is affected by a greater restoration or heal spell, or similarly powerful healing magic. A target reduced to 0 hit points by this shape is melted down into charred remains. This shape ends if the target succeeds on three Constitution saving throws against the effect over the course of its duration.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 4 primal power so expended, the damage suffered increases by 4d6.


Primal Power Cost: 8

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You conjure an elemental explosion centered on a point you can see within your area of elemental influence. The explosion is a 20-foot-radius sphere and has properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 6d10 bludgeoning damage and be deafened until the start of their next turn. A successful save halves the damage and prevents being deafened.
  • Earth. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 piercing damage, or half as much on a success. Additionally, the area of the explosion is filled with a thick cloud of dust for 1 minute and is considered heavily obscured for the duration or until a strong wind disperses it.
  • Fire. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d10 fire damage and 3d10 radiant damage, or half as much on a success. Additionally, on a failed save a creature is pushed away from the center to the edge of the explosion’s area.
  • Water. Creatures of your choice in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a success, and other creatures of your choice in the area regain 2d10 hit points.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 4 primal power so expended, you can create an additional explosion whose affected area cannot include the area of another explosion created by the shape.


Primal Power Cost: 10

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You forge a weapon fashioned from powerful elements which appears in your free hand and lasts for the duration. You are considered proficient with the weapon, and when you would make a weapon attack with it, you instead make a spell attack. The weapon has properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The weapon is a longbow, and on a successful hit it deals an additional 4d8 thunder damage. Additionally, the range of the weapon is doubled.
  • Earth. The weapon is a maul, and on a successful hit it deals an additional 3d6 piercing damage. When you score a critical hit with the weapon, the target becomes vulnerable to damage for the remainder of that turn.
  • Fire. The weapon is a whip with a reach equal to your area of elemental influence, and on a successful hit it deals an additional 8d4 fire damage.
  • Water. The weapon is a trident and deals an additional 3d6 piercing damage on a successful hit. Additionally, if you throw the trident, it returns to your hand at the end of that turn.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 3 primal power so expended, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the weapon.



Master Shapes


Prerequisite: Water affinity

Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You attempt to manipulate the liquid within the body of a flesh-and-blood creature you can see within your area of elemental influence. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be unable to voluntarily move or take actions for the duration. On each of your turns you can take an action to control the target’s body like a puppet, forcing it to immediately take an action of your choice that it would ordinarily be able to take on its turn. If you do not have a clear idea of what the creature is capable of (such as whether it can cast specific spells), you cannot force it to take any actions associated with those capabilities. At the start of each of its turns, the target can attempt a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 5 primal power so expended, you can choose to either target an additional creature within range or force an affected creature to attempt Constitution saving throws to end the effect at the end of its turn instead of at the start.

Cloud Call

Prerequisite: Air affinity

Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 10 minutes

You fill your area of elemental influence with thick, fluffy clouds for the duration or until you dismiss them as an action. Allied creatures in the area are lightly obscured and have half cover. Additionally, if you move while this shape is in effect, the clouds move with you. They cannot be dispersed by any wind unless you allow it. Finally, while this shape is in effect you are always empowered.


Prerequisite: Fire affinity

Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: Instantaneous

You generate a conflagration of epic proportions. Creatures, objects, and structures of your choice that you can see within your area of elemental influence catch fire. This fire is magical and can only be extinguished by magical means when inside your area of elemental influence. At the end of each of your turns, anything on fire from this shape takes 5d8 fire damage.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the damage dealt by the shape increases by 1d8.


Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration. 1 minute

You generate a tremendous pillar of elements within your area of elemental influence. The pillar is a 15-foot-radius cylinder with a height that extends up to the end of your area of elemental influence. The pillar has the following properties according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The pillar is an empty vacuum devoid of air. Sound cannot pass through the area, nor can creatures fly in the area via nonmagical means, instead falling immediately. Additionally, creatures in the area cannot breathe, and any creatures in the area holding their breath lose 10d6 hit points at the start of each of their turns as the gas inside their lungs rapidly expands. You remain unaffected.
  • Earth. The pillar is a column of dense stone that emerges from the ground, which is an object with an AC equal to your elemental save DC and 200 hit points. While you are in contact with the pillar, you are always empowered, as per your Elemental Empowerment feature. If the pillar appears beneath a creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be lifted by the pillar as it ascends. A creature can choose to fail the save. If the pillar is prevented from reaching its full height because of a solid obstacle, a creature on the pillar takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage and is restrained. A creature so restrained can take an action to attempt a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your elemental save DC, freeing itself on a success. A creature so freed must move off of the top of the pillar or become retrained again at the end of that turn.
  • Fire. The pillar is a tornado of blazing fire. A creature standing in the area where the pillar appears or within the area at the start of its turn must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 fire damage, or half as much on a success.
  • Water. The pillar is a column of flowing water. When a creature enters the area for the first time in a round, you can choose for it to either regain 4d6 hit points, or attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure a creature is thrown 60 feet away from the pillar in a straight line and takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage. If it collides with a solid object or surface over the course of that movement it takes 8d8 bludgeoning damage.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can choose to expend additional primal power to augment the shape. For every 3 primal power so expended, the radius of the cylinder increases by 10 feet.



Resonating Crystal

Prerequisite: Earth affinity

Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 action

Duration: 1 minute

You forge a perfect crystal in an unoccupied space you can see within your area of elemental influence that lasts for the duration. The crystal hovers in the space and is an object with an AC of 15 and 100 hit points. When you or allied creatures within 30 feet of the crystal take damage, you instead take no damage and the crystal loses a number of hit points equal to the damage that would have been dealt. When the crystal is reduced to 0 hit points, it shatters, and any remaining damage the crystal would have prevented is instead dealt to the original targets. The crystal always prioritizes reducing damage dealt to creatures closest to it.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 2 primal power so expended, the crystal’s hit points when created increase by 10


Primal Power Cost: 13

Shaping Time: 1 bonus action

Duration: 1 minute

You gather elemental power within your body for the duration, which can be unleashed when you strike an enemy. When you hit with a melee or ranged attack before the duration ends, the attack deals an additional 12d6 damage. Once you have used this benefit, the shape ends. Additionally, the shape gains the following benefits according to your elemental affinity.

  • Air. The additional damage from the shape is bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop anything it is holding. Any objects dropped in this manner are thrown 30 feet away from the target in a direction of your choice.
  • Earth. The additional damage from the shape is piercing damage. If the attack is a melee attack and the target is a creature, the target is restrained (escape DC equal to your elemental save DC).
  • Fire. The additional damage from the shape is fire damage. If the attack scores a critical hit, you gain 10 primal power, up to your maximum.
  • Water. The additional damage from the shape is acid. If the target of the attack is a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or deal half damage for 1 round.

Augment. When you create this shape while empowered, you can expend additional primal power. For every 7 primal power so expended, you gain an additional use of the shape’s benefits before it ends (but no more than once per turn).



The Martial Fighters of Edenbaerrow

Even in the darkest of times, all it takes is one person with a sword to make a difference.



The Fighter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Fighting Style, Second Wind, Tactical Mind
2nd +2 Heroism, Combat Superiority
3rd +2 Martial Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
5th +3 Extra Attack (x1)
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional), Action Surge (x1)
7th +3 Martial Archetype feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
9th +4 Indomitable (x1)
10th +4 Martial Archetype feature
11th +4 Extra Attack (x2)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
13th +5 Indomitable (x2)
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
15th +5 Martial Archetype feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
17th +6 Action Surge (x2), Indomitable (x3)
18th +6 Martial Archetype feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional)
20th +6 Extra Attack (x3)

As a fighter, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d10 per fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per fighter level after 1st


All armor, shields
Simple weapons, martial weapons
Saving Throws:
Strength, Constitution
Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) chain mail or (b) leather, longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Fighting Style

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Blind Fighting. You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.



Thrown Weapon Fighting. You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Unarmed Fighting. Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren’t wielding any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8. At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled by you.

Mariner . As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to armor class.

Tactical Mind

At 1st level You have a mind for tactics and getting the upper hand on and off the battlefield. When you fail an ability check, you can expend a use of your Second Wind to push yourself toward success. Rather than regaining hit points, you roll 1d10 and add the number rolled to the ability check, potentially turning it into a success. If the check still fails, this use of Second Wind isn’t expended.

Second Wind

You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Fighters are first in line to charge the most terrifying of foes, and many have hardened their resolve. At 2nd level, any time you are forced to make a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw to avoid being frightened or charmed, you can make a Constitution saving throw instead.

Combat Superiority

As a 2nd level fighter you learn maneuvers that can be used in combat to control the tides of battle.

Maneuvers. You learn three maneuvers of your choice, which are listed in the Fighter Maneuver list. The full list of maneuvers is detailed at the end of the fighter section.

Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. You can use only one maneuver per turn.

You learn an additional maneuver of your choice at 6th, 11th and 14th level. Each time you learn a new maneuver, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one.

Superiority Dice. You have three superiority dice, which are d6s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another superiority die each time you reach an archetype feature in this class (7, 10, 15, 18).

Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Maneuver save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)

Martial Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate in your combat styles and techniques. The archetype you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Martial Versatility

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can do one of the following, as you shift the focus of your martial practice:

  • Replace a fighting style you know with another fighting style available to fighters.
  • You can replace one maneuver you know with a different maneuver.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th level in this class.

Action Surge

Starting at 6th level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.




Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, and you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

If you use this feature on a death saving throw, the result automatically counts as a natural 20 result.

You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 17th level.


Disarming Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it drops the object you choose. The object lands at its feet.

Distracting Strike. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before the start of your next turn.

Evasive Footwork. When you move, you can expend one superiority die, rolling the die and adding the number rolled to your AC until you stop moving.

Feinting Attack. You can expend one superiority die and use a bonus action on your turn to feint, choosing one creature within 5 feet of you as your target. You have advantage on your next attack roll this turn against that creature. If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll. The advantage is lost if not used on the turn you gain it.

Goading Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to goad the target into attacking you. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.

Lunging Attack. When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn, you can expend one superiority die to increase your reach for that attack by 5 feet. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.

Maneuvering Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to maneuver one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and you choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.

Menacing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to frighten the target. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Parry. When another creature damages you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to reduce the damage by the number you roll on your superiority die + your proficiency bonus.

Precision Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.

Pushing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to drive the target back. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you push the target up to 15 feet away from you.

Rally. On your turn, you can use a bonus action and expend one superiority die to bolster the resolve of one of your companions. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature gains temporary hit points equal to the superiority die roll + your proficiency bonus.

Riposte. When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one superiority die to make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If you hit, you add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.

Sweeping Attack. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll. Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the number you roll on your superiority die + your ability modifier. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.

Trip Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you knock the target prone.



Arcane Archer

An Arcane Archer studies a unique elven method of archery that weaves magic into attacks to produce supernatural effects. Arcane Archers are some of the most elite warriors among the elves. They stand watch over the fringes of elven domains, keeping a keen eye out for trespassers and using magic-infused arrows to defeat monsters and invaders before they can reach elven settlements.

Magical Training

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Arcana or Nature and you gain the Prestidigitation or Druidcraft cantrip.

You also learn one of the following spells, choosing from the options available at 3rd level. You may cast this spell once per long rest without a spell slot, using a bow or crossbow as a spell focus.

Character Advancement
Level Spells
3 Guiding Bolt, Hellish Rebuke, Zephyr Strike
7 Acid Arrow, Cordon of Arrows, Spike Growth
10 Conjure Barrage, Flame Arrows, Lightning Arrow
15 Dimension Door, Elemental Bane, Shadow of Moil

If the spell requires an attack or saving throw, you use your weapon attack bonus and your maneuver DC.

At 7th, 10th, and 15th levels you learn another spell of the appropriate level. You may cast each of these spells once per long rest. When you complete a long rest, you may swap one Arcane Archer spell you know for another spell of the same level.

Arcane Superiority

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn arcane shots that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice.

Arcane Shot. You learn three empowered shots of your choice, which are detailed under “Arcane Shot” below. Many arcane shot enhance an ranged weapon attack in some way. You can use only one arcane shot per attack. An arcane shot counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

You learn an additional arcane shot of your choice at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. Each time you learn new arcane shots, you can also replace one arcane shot you know with a different one.

Superiority Dice. You gain one additional superiority die and they become d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th level.

Saving Throws. Some of your Arcane Shots require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Arcane Shot save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +your Intelligence modifier

Trick Shots

Starting at 7th level, if you fire a piece of ammunition using a superiority die and miss, you can use a bonus action to reroll the attack roll against a different target within 60 feet of the original target.

Once you use this ability to reroll an attack, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Additionally, you can fire ammunition in special ways to provide simple utility; carrying, anchoring, or severing ropes, opening simple doors, extinguishing torches, or any simple non-combat task of your DMs discretion.

Improved Arcane Superiority

At 10th level, your superiority dice turn into d10s. At 18th level, they turn into d12s.

Unerring Shots

Starting at 15th level, when you expend a superiority die on an attack, you can add that superiority die to the attack roll.

Supreme Arcane Superiority

At 18th level, when you roll your superiority die as part of a damage roll, double its value.

In addition, you regain one superiority die when you use your Action Surge.

Arcane Shots

The arcane shots are presented in alphabetical order.

Bramble Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to wrap the shot in thorns. On hit these thorns wrap about the target, forcing causing it become entangled in thorns.

While entagled by thorns, each time it moves more than 1 foot without teleporting, it takes piercing damage equal to your Superiority Die, and makes a Dexterity saving throw. On a passed save, it escapes the brambles after taking damage. This brambles last for 1 minute, or until it passes a Dexterity saving throw after moving. As an action, a creature can clear away the brambles, taking piecing damage equal to your Superiority Die in the process.



Fire Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to infuse your ammunition with the power of fire prior to making attack. On hit it explodes; dealing additional fire damage equal to the superiority die, and all other creatures within 10 feet of the target must pass a Dexterity saving throw or take fire damage equal to your superiority die.

Force Missile Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend a superiority die to forgo using a piece of ammunition, instead forming the ammunition from pure arcane energy. You do not need to expend a piece of ammunition on this attack, and the attack treats the target’s armor as 10 + their Dexterity modifier by passing all armor or magical AC bonuses they have, but is automatically blocked by the shield spell.

Ice Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to infuse your ammunition with the power of ice prior to making an attack. On hit the target takes additional cold damage equal to the superiority die must pass a Constitution saving throw, or be frozen in place, their movement speed becoming zero until the start of your next turn.

Lightning Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to turn your ammunition into a bolt of lightning. When you make an attack you forgo making an attack roll and instead every creature in a line 5 feet wide and the normal range of your weapon long must pass a dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to your weapon’s damage dice + your superiority die. Creatures take half as much damage on a successful save.

Shadow Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superioity die and fire your ammunition into an patch of darkness you can see. The shot exits any other patch of darkness you can see within the maximum range of your weapon, counting as having traveled 5 feet between the patches of darkness. You gain advantage on the attack roll, and if the attack hits, the target takes additional necrotic damage equal to your superiority die.

Splitting Shot. When you make an attack with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to fire a piece of ammunition that splits into two, targeting two different creatures within 10 feet of each other with the same attack roll. At 18th level, the piece of ammunition splits into three, targetting up to three different creatures.

Teleporting Shot. When you make an with a ranged weapon, you can expend one superiority die to use your bonus action to teleport to within 5 feet of the target of the attack (the target of an attack does not need to be a creature); the maximum range you can teleport with this is 5 * your Fighter level. If the attack hits a creature you can attempt to swap places with it, that creature must pass a Charisma saving throw or is teleported to your current location when you teleport.

Wind Shot. You can expend one superiority die to to infuse your ammunition with the power of the wind prior to making an attack. Your attack ignores cover and disadvantage from long range. If that attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll.



Fighter: Battlemaster

Those who emulate the archetypal Battle Master employ martial techniques passed down through generations. To a Battle Master, combat is an academic field, sometimes including subjects beyond battle such as weaponsmithing and calligraphy.

Improved Combat Superiority

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn maneuvers that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice.

Maneuvers. You learn two additional maneuvers of your choice. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. You can use only one maneuver per attack. You learn an additional maneuver of your choice at 7th, 10th, and 15th level. Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one.

Superiority Dice. You gain one additional superiority die and they become d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest.

You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th level.

Student of War

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice from the following list: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, or Nature. Additionally, you can spend a superiority die to gain advantage on an ability check with that chosen skill, adding the roll to the result.

Any time your maneuvers would deal damage, increase the damage by a d8.

You’ve learned how to create opportunity even out of mistakes, whenever you roll a 1 on your superiority die, you can reroll it, keeping the new result even if it is a 1.

Know Your Enemy

Starting at 7th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, you can learn certain information about its capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice:

  • Strength score
  • Dexterity score
  • Constitution score
  • Armor Class
  • Current hit points
  • Total class levels, if any
  • Fighter class levels, if any

If you spend atleast 10 minutes observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, you learn all of the above and gain advantage on all skill checks against the creature.

Greater Combat Superiority

At 10th level, your superiority dice turn into d10s. At 18th level, they turn into d12s.

Relentless Cry

Starting at 15th level, when you use your Second Wind feature, all of your allies within 30 feet gain half the healing you do (rounded down).

Unwavering Spirit

Starting at 18th level, you may delay death to achieve victory. When you would be reduced to 0 hp, you may instead choose to be reduced to 1 hp. Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.

Battlemaster Maneuvers

Commander’s Strike. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a bonus action to direct one of your companions to strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one superiority die. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the superiority die to the attack and damage roll.

Disrupting Blow: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may spend a superiority die to attempt to counter their magic. If the creature is concentrating on a spell, add your superiority die to the damage dealt by your attack. For the next minute, each time they cast a spell they take psychic damage equal to your superiority die. This effect ends if they fail a Concentration saving throw.

False Opening: As a bonus action on your turn, you may spend a superiority die to appear to drop your guard, provoking an enemy within 5 feet of you. They must use their reaction to make a single weapon attack against you, with disadvantage. If they miss then you may make a single weapon attack against them, adding your superiority die to the attack and damage rolls.

Scatter the Weak: After you reduce a creature to 0 hp, you may spend a superiority die to make an intimidating display, affecting all enemies within 20 feet of your victim. Each enemy whose CR is no greater than half your level must make a Wisdom saving throw or become terrified of you for one minute or until it takes damage. A creature who passes their saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

A terrified creature loses its reaction and must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.



Fighter: Cavalier

The archetypal cavalier excels at mounted combat. Usually born among the nobility and raised at court, a cavalier is equally at home leading a cavalry charge or exchanging repartee at a state dinner. Cavaliers also learn how to guard those in their charge from harm, often serving as the protectors of their superiors and of the weak.

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, History, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion. Alternatively, you learn one language of your choice.

Born to the Saddle

Starting at 3rd level, your mastery as a rider becomes apparent. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid falling off your mount. If you fall off your mount and descend no more than 10 feet, you can land on your feet if you’re not incapacitated.

Finally, mounting or dismounting a creature costs you only 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed.

Unwavering Mark

Starting at 3rd level, you can menace your foes, foiling their attacks and punishing them for harming others. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can mark the creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or you die, or if someone else marks the creature.

While it is within 5 feet of you, a creature marked by you has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn’t target you.

In addition, if a creature marked by you deals damage to anyone other than you, you can make a special melee weapon attack against the marked creature as a bonus action on your next turn. You have advantage on the attack roll, and if it hits, the attack’s weapon deals extra damage to the target equal to half your fighter level. You can use Maneuvers on this special attack regardless of how many Maneuvers you’ve used this turn.

Regardless of the number of creatures you mark, you can make this special attack a number of times equal to your Strength modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Warding Maneuver

At 7th level, you learn to fend off strikes directed at you, your mount, or other creatures nearby. If you or a creature you can see within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can roll 1d8 as a reaction if you’re wielding a melee weapon or a shield. Roll the die, and add the number rolled to the target’s AC against that attack. If the attack still hits, the target has resistance against the attack’s damage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Hold the Line

At 10th level, you become a master of locking down your enemies. Creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they move 5 feet or more while within your reach, and if you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the current turn.

Ferocious Charger

Starting at 15th level, you can run down your foes, whether you’re mounted or not. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line right before attacking a creature and you hit it with the attack, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be knocked prone. You can use this feature only once on each of your turns.

Vigilant Defender

Starting at 18th level, you respond to danger with extraordinary vigilance. In combat, you get a special reaction that you can take once on every creature’s turn, except your turn. You can use this special reaction only to make an opportunity attack, and you can’t use it on the same turn that you take your normal reaction.

Cavalier Maneuvers

Charge: Once per turn, you may spend a superiority die to move 15 feet in a straight line. After doing so, add your superiority die to the attack and damage rolls of the first melee weapon attack you make until the end of your turn.
Challenge: As a bonus action on your turn, you may spend a superiority die to challenge a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus within 30 feet. Each must pass a Wisdom saving throw or forced to immediately move towards you, up to their speed. They are not forced to move into obviously dangerous hazards, and their movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Inspiring Presence: As a bonus action on your turn, you may spend a superiority die to touch an ally within 5 feet and fill them with courage. They gain immunity to fear and temporary hitpoints equal to your superiority die plus your level. Both effects last up to one minute.
Iron Wall: When an ally within 5 feet of you takes damage, you may use your reaction and spend a superiority die to grant them resistance to the damage. Afterwards, they gain temporary hit points equal to your superiority die.



Fighter: Champion

The archetypal Champion focuses on the development of raw physical power honed to deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on this archetype combine rigorous training with physical excellence to deal devastating blows.

Improved Critical

Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

When you roll a critical hit, you can choose to activate your Second Wind feature adding the result of the die both to your healing and the damage of the critical hit. This bonus is not doubled.

Remarkable Athlete

Starting at 3rd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn’t already use your proficiency bonus.

In addition, when you make a running long jump or high jump, the distance/height you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier.

As a bonus action, for up to 1 minute you can either increase your movement speed by 10ft, or gain a climbing or swimming speed equal to your walking speed. You regain the use of this ability after a short or long rest.

Iron Endurance

At 7th level, Your knowledge of critical weakpoints and masterful strikes has taught you how to avoid such outcomes for you. When you are struck by a critical hit, you can negate the critical and turn it into a normal hit. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you gain an additional use of your Second Wind feature per short or long rest.

Unwavering poise

At 10th level, you master defensive footwork and positioning in battle so foes cannot get the drop on you. An enemy cannot gain advantage to hit you with an attack if you have damaged that enemy with a weapon attack since the beginning of your last turn. You must be wielding a weapon or shield and not be incapacitated to gain this benefit.

Adamantine Endurance

At 15th, Even the harshest of blows is capable of being redirected, fatal blows becoming insignificant. When you use your Iron Endurance feature, the critical hit instead misses. You can do this a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. (rounded down)

With your Second Wind feature, you can as a reaction reroll the die and must use the new roll.


At 18th level, you attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points left. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

Additionally, when you use your Indomitable feature to pass a saving throw, you regain one use of Second Wind.



Fighter: Cosmic Knight

The extraordinary Cosmic Knights are fighters who can tap into their deep connection with the cosmos to manifest supernatural power. Sometimes referred to as void warriors or space raiders, these specialized combatants harness their attunement to the underlying forces of the multiverse to artfully weave their martial mastery with magical effects as they manipulate and devastate their foes.

Interstellar Intuition

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your affinity for constellations and the night sky grants you the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with navigator’s tools.
  • You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from another source, its range increases by 30 feet.
  • You learn the dancing lights cantrip, and when you cast it, it requires no material components.

Cosmic Strike

At 3rd level, you learn to call upon the power of the cosmos to create magical effects. When you gain this feature, you learn two Cosmic Strike options of your choice (see “Cosmic Strike Options” below). You have three uses of this feature, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

You can expend a use of your superiority die to regain a use of your Cosmic Strike.

You learn an additional Cosmic Strike option of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class: 7th, 10th, and 15th level. Each option also improves when you become a 10th-level fighter.


When you reach 7th level, your connection to the multiverse allows you to communicate with others across great distances, even to the farthest reaches of space. You can cast the sending spell, requiring no material components. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Unassailable Spirit

By the time you reach 10th level, your sense of self has become strongly grounded in reality, helping you to resist effects that would usurp your personality or hurl you to other planes of existence. You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws.

Planar Pursuit

At 15th level, your understanding of the inner workings of the multiverse allows you to magically slip alongside other creatures when they teleport.

When a hostile creature that you can see within 120 feet of you travels to another plane of existence or teleports, you can use your reaction to follow that creature to its new location and make a melee weapon attack against it.

On a hit, the target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or return to its previous space. Hit or miss, you then return to your previous space.

In addition, when a willing creature you can see within 120 feet of you teleports no farther than 500 feet, you can use your reaction to travel alongside the creature, appearing within 5 feet of it.

Infinity Warrior

Starting at 18th level, your perfect attunement with the cosmos allows you to instinctively tap into your supernatural power. Once on each of your turns, you can forgo one of your attacks as part of the Attack action to use one of your Cosmic Strike options this turn without expending a use of your Cosmic Strike feature.

Cosmic Strike Options

The following options are presented in alphabetical order.

Dimensional Warp. Immediately before or after you make a weapon attack on your turn, you can use your bonus action to teleport up to 20 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before the end of your next turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 force damage from the attack.

Lunar Lock. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can infuse the target with a moonlit glow, exerting a restrictive force upon it. Until the end of your next turn, the target sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius and it can’t willingly move away from you.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the target also takes an extra 2d6 cold damage from the attack.



Meteoric Impact. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can choose to infuse your strikes with the unrelenting force of a comet. Until the end of your turn, your weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the target is pushed up to 5 feet away from you. If you score a critical hit on the attack, and the target is Huge or smaller, it is also knocked prone.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before the end of your turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 fire damage from the attack.

Nebulous Shroud. Immediately before you make a weapon attack on your turn, you can cause a thin cloud of fog to surround you, which whirrs with faint, illusory images of your choosing. The cloud causes you to be lightly obscured to all other creatures, and the next time a creature makes an attack against you while the cloud exists, the attack roll is made with disadvantage. The cloud fades immediately after that attack, or after 1 minute if no creature makes an attack against you before then.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack while the cloud exists, the target takes an extra 2d6 psychic damage from the attack.

Planetary Shell. Immediately before you make a weapon attack on your turn, you can use your bonus action to coat yourself in a thick layer of rocky debris. The next time you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage before the end of your next turn, you have resistance to that damage.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before the end of your next turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 cold, fire, or poison damage from the attack (your choice).

Solar Flare. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack on your turn, you can unleash an overwhelmingly brilliant flash of light immediately after the attack. The target becomes blinded until the end of your turn or until it takes any damage.

Starting at 10th level, when you use this option, the target also takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage from the attack.



Fighter: Echo Knight

A mysterious and feared frontline warrior of the Drow Under-Empire, the Echo Knight has mastered the art of using dunamis to summon the fading shades of unrealized timelines to aid them in battle. Surrounded by echoes of their own might, they charge into the fray as a cycling swarm of shadows and strikes.

Manifest Echo

At 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to magically manifest an echo of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you. This echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you that lasts until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until you manifest another echo, or until you’re incapacitated.

Your echo has AC 14 + your proficiency bonus, 1 hit point, and immunity to all conditions. If it has to make a saving throw, it uses your saving throw bonus for the roll. It is the same size as you, and it occupies its space. On your turn, you can mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet in any direction (no action required). If your echo is ever more than 30 feet from you at the end of your turn, it is destroyed.

As a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your echo at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you.

When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo’s space. You make this choice for each attack.

When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your echo moves at least 5 feet away from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the echo’s space.

Unleash Incarnation

At 3rd level, you can heighten your echo’s fury. Whenever you take the Attack action, you can make one additional melee attack from the echo’s position.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Echo Avatar

Starting at 7th level, you can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. As an action, you can see through your echo’s eyes and hear through its ears. During this time, you are deafened and blinded. You can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and you can end it at any time (requires no action). While your echo is being used in this way, it can be up to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed.

Shadow Martyr

Starting at 10th level, you can make your echo throw itself in front of an attack directed at another creature that you can see. Before the attack roll is made, you can use your reaction to teleport the echo to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the targeted creature. The attack roll that triggered the reaction is instead made against your echo.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Reclaim Potential

By 15th level, you’ve learned to absorb the fleeting magic of your echo. When an echo of yours is destroyed by taking damage, you can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier, provided you don’t already have temporary hit points.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Legion of One

At 18th level, you can use a bonus action to create two echos with your Manifest Echo feature, and these echoes can co-exist. If you try to create a third echo, the previous two echoes are destroyed. Anything you can do from one echo’s position can be done from the other’s instead.

In addition, when you roll initiative and have no uses of your Unleash Incarnation feature left, you regain one use of that feature.



Fighter: Eldritch Knight

The archetypal Eldritch Knight combines the martial mastery common to all fighters with a careful study of magic. Eldritch Knights use magical techniques similar to those practiced by wizards. They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal damage to many foes at once, extending the fighter’s reach in combat. These knights learn a comparatively small number of spells, committing them to memory instead of keeping them in a spellbook.

Eldritch Knight Spellcasting
Class Level Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spells Slots per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2 3 2 - - -
4th 2 4 3 - - -
5th 2 4 3 - - -
6th 2 4 3 - - -
7th 2 5 4 2 - -
8th 2 6 4 2 - -
9th 2 6 4 2 - -
10th 3 7 4 3 - -
11th 3 8 4 3 - -
12th 3 8 4 3 - -
13th 3 9 4 3 2 -
14th 3 10 4 3 2 -
15th 3 10 4 3 2 -
16th 3 11 4 3 3 -
17th 3 11 4 3 3 -
18th 3 11 4 3 3 -
19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
20th 3 13 4 3 3 1


When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to cast spells.


You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn an additional wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots

The Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Shield and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Shield using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the abjuration and evocation spells on the wizard spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Eldritch Knight Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an abjuration or evocation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an abjuration or evocation spell, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Weapon Bond

At 3rd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond.

Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can’t be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.

You can have up to two bonded weapons, but can summon only one at a time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a third weapon, you must break the bond with one of the other two.



War Magic

Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

Eldritch Strike

At 10th level, you learn how to make your weapon strikes undercut a creature’s resistance to your spells. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against a spell you cast before the end of your next turn.

Arcane Charge

At 15th level, you gain the ability to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see when you use your Action Surge. You can teleport before or after the additional action.

Improved War Magic

Starting at 18th level, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

Fighter: Gearshifter

While some combatants will only use the most simple of weapons, Gearshifters will always tinker in pursuit of more. With a combination of engineering and martial prowess, these clockwork combatants are a near unmatched on the battlefields. Stories of their ingenious designs, often referred to as Gearshift Weapons spread around, but more keen-eyed observers might also notice the subtle mechanical implements these warriors place upon their own body in order to become stronger warriors.

Gearshift Weapon

When you choose this archetype, you gain access to your Gearshift Weapon. This counts as a magical weapon and its appearence can be determined by you. When you gain this feature, choose any two weapons you are proficient with. As a bonus action, the Gearshift Weapon can change into any of these weapons. You can replace one of the integrated weapons by applying another non-magical weapon to your Gearshift Weapon as part of a long rest.

You may choose one additional weapon to add to your Gearshift Weapon at the 7th, 10th and 15th level.

Tinkerer’s Mind

Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in tinker’s tools, or another type of artisan’s tools if you are already proficient with tinker’s tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for checks made with these tools. While wielding tinker’s tools or your Gearshift Weapon, you may also cast the mending or shocking grasp cantrips. Intelligence is your Spellcasting Modifier for these spells.

Additionally, you have advantage on all Intelligence (Arcana) and Intelligence (History) checks involving mechanical creations or constructs.

Mechanical Precision

Also at 3rd level, your strikes gain mechanical precision. At the start of your turn, you can choose to tap into your mechanical prowess. Until the end of your turn, your attacks cannot suffer from disadvantage and you gain a bonus to damage rolls made with your Gearshift Weapon equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).

You can use this feature a number of times equal to the number of Integrated Gearshift Weapons. (minimum of 2). You regain uses on a short or long rest.

Magical Gearhulk

By 7th level, You can integrate magical weapons into your Gearshift Weapon, replacing one of the original weapons chosen. The Gearshift Weapon cannot have more magical weapons integrated than the number of weapon forms it has. The magical weapons still require attunement while they are part of your Gearshift Weapon. However, if you integrate multiple weapons that require attunement within the Gearshift weapon, they will only require one attunement slot.

Voltage Repulsor

Beginning at 10th level, your clockwork arsenal allows you to respond with electrical attacks against those that harm you.

  • You gain access to the following benefits:
  • You gain resistance to lightning damage.
  • You may use the shocking grasp cantrip as a reaction to being hit with a melee weapon attack, if you do so, you can also move up to 10 feet as part of that reaction.
  • After taking or dealing lightning damage, your next weapon attack deals an additional 1d8 force damage.



Overspark Experiment

At 15th level, Using your tinker’s tools or your Gearshift Weapon, you may cast the haste or the slow spell (spell save DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency modifier).

If you cast haste on yourself, you have advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration. Once you’ve cast either of the spells, you must complete a short or long rest before doing so again.

Higher Gear

Once you reach the 18th level, you can push yourself into higher gear as an action, breaking past the limits of your normal body. For 1 minute, you gain the following effects:

  • Your movement speed is doubled.
  • Your Armor Class increases by 3.
  • You gain advantage on Dexterity, Constitution and Strength saving throws.
  • Your weapon attacks with your Integrated Weapons deal an additional 2d8 force damage.
  • At the start of each of your turns, you take 3d6 lightning damage (that ignores resistance).

The effect instantly ends if you fall unconcious or of if you choose to end it (no action required). Once you’ve used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Fighter: Gunslinger

Most warriors and combat specialists spend their years perfecting the classic arts of swordplay, archery, or pole arm tactics. Whether duelist or infantry, martial weapons were seemingly perfected long ago, and the true challenge is to master them. However, some minds couldn’t stop with the innovation of the crossbow. Experimentation with alchemical components and rare metals have unlocked the secrets of controlled explosive force. The few who survive these trials of ingenuity may become the first to create, and deftly wield, the first firearms.

Firearm Proficiency

Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with firearms, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus to attacks made with firearms.


Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Tinker’s Tools. You may use them to craft ammunition at half the cost, repair damaged firearms, or even draft and create new ones (DM’s discretion). Some extremely experimental and intricate firearms are only available through crafting.

Firearm Properties

Firearms are a new and volatile technology, and as such bring their own unique set of Weapon Properties. Some properties are followed by a number, and this number signifies an element of that property. These properties replace the optional ones presented in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Firearms are ranged weapons.

Adept Marksman

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to perform powerful Trick Shots to disable or damage your opponents using your firearms.

Trick Shots. You learn two trick shots of your choice. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some way. Each use of a trick shot must be declared before the attack roll is made. You can use only one trick shot per attack. You learn an additional trick shot of your choice at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level. Each time you learn a new trick shot, you can also replace one trick shot you know with a different one.

Grit. You gain a number of grit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You regain 1 expended grit point each time you roll a 20 on the d20 roll for an attack with a firearm, or deal a killing blow with a firearm to a creature of significant threat (DM’s discretion). You regain all expended grit points after a short or long rest.

Saving Throws. Some of your trick shots require your targets to make a saving throw to resist the trick shot’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Trick shot save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier


When you reach 7th level, you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative. You can also stow a firearm, then draw another firearm as a single object interaction on your turn.

Rapid Repair

Upon reaching 10th level, you learn how to quickly attempt to fix a jammed gun. You can spend a grit point to attempt to repair a misfired (but not broken) firearm as a bonus action.

Lightning Reload

Starting at 15th level, you can reload any firearm as a bonus action.



Vicious Intent

At 18th level, your firearm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you regain a grit point on a roll of 19 or 20 on a d20 attack roll.

Hemorrhaging Critical

Upon reaching 18th level, whenever you score a critical hit on an attack with a firearm, the target additionally suffers half of the damage from the attack at the end of its next turn.

Trick Shots

Bullying Shot

You can use the powerful blast and thundering sound of your firearm to shake the resolve of a creature. You can expend one grit point while making a Charisma (Intimidation) check to gain advantage on the roll.

Dazing Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to dizzy your opponent. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attacks until the end of their next turn.

Deadeye Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to gain advantage on the attack roll.

Disarming Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to shoot an object from their hands. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or drop 1 held object of your choice and have that object be pushed 10 feet away from you.

Forceful Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to trip them up and force them back. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you.

Piercing Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to fire through multiple opponents. The initial attack gains a +1 to the firearm’s misfire score. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and you make an attack roll with disadvantage against every creature in a line directly behind the target within your first range increment. Only the initial attack can misfire.

Violent Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one or more grit points to enhance the volatility of the attack. For each grit point expended, the attack gains a +2 to the firearm’s misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per grit point spent when determining the damage.

Winging Shot

When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend one grit point to attempt to topple a moving target. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.



Fighter: Magus

Magus Spellcasting
Class Level Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spells Slots per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 2 3 2 - - -
4th 2 4 3 - - -
5th 2 4 3 - - -
6th 2 4 3 - - -
7th 2 5 4 2 - -
8th 2 6 4 2 - -
9th 2 6 4 2 - -
10th 3 7 4 3 - -
11th 3 8 4 3 - -
12th 3 8 4 3 - -
13th 3 9 4 3 2 -
14th 3 10 4 3 2 -
15th 3 10 4 3 2 -
16th 3 11 4 3 3 -
17th 3 11 4 3 3 -
18th 3 11 4 3 3 -
19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
20th 3 13 4 3 3 1


When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to cast spells.


You learn two cantrips of your choice from the magus spell list. You learn an additional magus cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots

The Magus Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your magus spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Shield and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Shield using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know three 1st-level magus spells of your choice.

The Spells Known column of the Magus Spellcasting table shows when you learn more spells of 1st level or higher.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the magus spells you know with another spell of your choice from the magus spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your magus spells, since you learn your spells through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a magus spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier


Beginning at 3rd level, As an action a Magus can deliver any spell of 1st level or higher with a melee spell attack through a weapon. You make a single melee weapon attack roll. If the attack hits, the weapon deals it’s damage as normal as well as the spells effects.

Arcane Combat

At 7th level, you employ a number of ways to modify your fighting

  • When you take the attack action, you can use your bonus action to distract your opponent with magic, granting you advantage on your attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

  • When you use your Spellstrike feature, you can cast any ranged cantrip as a bonus action against any other target.

  • When you cast a spell with Ranged Spell Attack while in melee, you can use your bonus action to negate your disadvantage.

You can use this feature a number of times a day equal to your Intelligence modifier + Proficiency before needing a long rest to regain uses.

Elemental Strikes

Also at 7th level, Weaving magic through martial strength becomes second nature. Whenever you expend a superiority die that deals damage, you can add 2d6 additional elemental damage of your choice from the following types:

  • acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.

Spell Access

By 10th level, you have expanded your magical knowledge with the secrets of other traditions. Choose two spells of 2nd level or lower from any non-divine spell list, and add them to your spellbook. The chosen spells count as magus spells for you and can be used with any of your other magus abilities.



You learn two additional spells of 3rd level or lower at 13th level and two additional spells of 4th level or lower at 19th level.

Arcane Rejection

Starting at 15th level you learn the dispel magic and counterspell spells if you didn’t already know them.

Whenever you make a Spellcasting ability check for Dispel Magic or Counterspell, you can add your half proficiency bonus to these checks. Additionally, you can expend superiority die to cast counterspell at higher levels, casting it one level higher for each superiority die spent.

If you successfully counterspell, and the spell is a harmful effect, you can attempt redirect any attack roll against a creature of your choice, or force them to make the saving throw instead.

True Magus

At 18th level, a magus has fully grasped their magical talent. You learn two 5th-level spells of your choice from the wizard spell list, you can cast either spell once before needing to complete a long rest to do so again

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Acid Splash
  • Blade Ward
  • Chill Touch
  • Dancing Lights
  • Fire Bolt
  • Frostbite
  • Light
  • Mage Hand
  • Minor Illusion
  • Poison Spray
  • Prestidigitation
  • Ray of Frost
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Thunderclap
  • True Strike
1st Level
  • Bleed (Homebrew)
  • Burning Hands
  • Caustic Wound (Homebrew)
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Color Spray
  • Cyclone Strike (Homebrew)
  • Detect Magic
  • Earth Tremor
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • Feather Fall
  • Fog Cloud
  • Grease
  • Ice Knife
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Magic Missile
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Shield
  • Silent Image
  • Tenser’s Floating Disk
  • Thunderwave
  • Unseen Servant
  • Witchbolt
2nd Level
  • Aganazzar’s Scorcher
  • Cloud of Daggers
  • Corroding Ray (Homebrew)
  • Darkness
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Flaming Sphere
  • Gust of Wind
  • Howling Blade Arc (Homebrew)
  • Invisibility
  • Levitate
  • Magic Weapon
  • Mirror Image
  • Melf’s Acid Arrow
  • Misty Step
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Scorching Ray
  • Shatter
  • Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm
  • Spider Climb
  • Web
3rd Level
  • Blade Storm (Homebrew)
  • Blink
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel Magic
  • Doom of Dancing Blades (Homebrew)
  • Flame Arrows
  • Fireball
  • Fly
  • Gaseous Form
  • Haste
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Major Image
  • Melf’s Minute Meteors
  • Phantom Steed
  • Sleet Storm
  • Slow
  • Stinking Cloud
  • Tidal Wave
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Water Breathing
  • Wind Wall
4th Level
  • Arcane Eye
  • Cherub’s Burning Blade (Homebrew)
  • Dimension Door
  • Elemental Bane
  • Evard’s Black Tentacles
  • Fire Shield
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Heart-seeking Arrow (Homebrew)
  • Ice Storm
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Polymorph
  • Stoneskin
  • Storm Sphere
  • Vitriolic Sphere
  • Wall of Fire



Fighter: Psi Warrior

Awake to the psionic power within, a Psi Warrior is a fighter who augments their physical might with psi-infused weapon strikes, telekinetic lashes, and barriers of mental force. Many githyanki train to become such warriors, as do some of the most disciplined high elves. In the world of Eberron, many young kalashtar dream of becoming Psi Warriors.

As a Psi Warrior, you might have honed your psionic abilities through solo discipline, unlocked it under the tutelage of a master, or refined it at an academy dedicated to wielding the mind’s power as both weapon and shield.

Psionic Power

At 3rd level, you harbor a wellspring of psionic energy within yourself. This energy is represented by your Psionic Energy dice, which are each a d6. You have a number of these dice equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and they fuel various psionic powers you have, which are detailed below.

Some of your powers expend the Psionic Energy die they use, as specified in a power’s description, and you can’t use a power if it requires you to use a die when your dice are all expended. You regain all your expended Psionic Energy dice when you finish a long rest. In addition, as a bonus action, you can regain one expended Psionic Energy die, but you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

When you reach certain levels in this class, the size of your Psionic Energy dice increases: at 5th level (d8), 11th level (d10), and 17th level (d12).

The powers below use your Psionic Energy dice.

Protective Field. When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to expend one Psionic Energy die, roll the die, and reduce the damage taken by the number rolled plus your Intelligence modifier (minimum reduction of 1), as you create a momentary shield of telekinetic force.

Psionic Strike. You can propel your weapons with psionic force. Once on each of your turns, immediately after you hit a target within 30 feet of you with an attack and deal damage to it with a weapon, you can expend one Psionic Energy die, rolling it and dealing force damage to the target equal to the number rolled plus your Intelligence modifier.

Telekinetic Movement. You can move an object or a creature with your mind. As an action, you target one loose object that is Large or smaller or one willing creature, other than yourself. If you can see the target and it is within 30 feet of you, you can move it up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Alternatively, if it is a Tiny object, you can move it to or from your hand. Either way, you can move the target horizontally, vertically, or both. Once you take this action, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you expend a Psionic Energy die to take it again.

Telekinetic Adept

By the 7th level, You have mastered new ways to use your telekinetic abilities, detailed below.

Psi-Powered Leap. As a bonus action, you can propel your body with your mind. You gain a flying speed equal to twice your walking speed until the end of the current turn. Once you take this bonus action, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you expend a Psionic Energy die to take it again.

Telekinetic Thrust. When you deal damage to a target with your Psionic Strike, you can force the target to make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If the save fails, you can knock the target prone or move it up to 10 feet in any direction horizontally.

Guarded Mind

Starting at 10th level, the psionic energy flowing through you has bolstered your mind. You have resistance to psychic damage. Moreover, if you start your turn charmed or frightened, you can expend a Psionic Energy die and end every effect on yourself subjecting you to those conditions.

Bulwark of Force

At 15th level, you can shield yourself and others with telekinetic force. As a bonus action, you can choose creatures, which can include you, that you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one creature). Each of the chosen creatures is protected by half cover for 1 minute or until you’re incapacitated.

Once you take this bonus action, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a Psionic Energy die to take it again.

Telekinetic Master

By 18th level, your ability to move creatures and objects with your mind is matched by few. You can cast the Telekinesis spell, requiring no components, and your spellcasting ability for the spell is Intelligence. On each of your turns while you concentrate on the spell, including the turn when you cast it, you can make one attack with a weapon as a bonus action.

Once you cast the spell with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a Psionic Energy die to cast it again.



Fighter: Raven Knight

Ravenna’s influence across the Shadowfell depends on trusted agents who make up the esteemed order of the Raven Knights. Charged with protecting the realm and safeguarding the Shadowfell from those who would abuse its dark power for their own ends.

Determine Death

When you choose this Archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. Additionally, you can make Intelligence (Medicine) check with advantage when attempting to determine the cause of death of a creature.

Soul Severing

Also, at 3rd level, when you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints you sever the connection of the creatures soul to its body. That creature cannot be turned into an undead.

Additionally, when a creature is reduced to 0 hit points within 15ft of you you can empower your weapon with that creatures souls energy as a reaction. Until the end of your next turn your next weapon attack deals additional necrotic damage equal to half your fighter level plus your Constitution modifier.

Sentinel Raven

Finally, at 3rd level, you gain the service of a spirit sent by the Raven Queen to watch over you. The spirit assumes the form and game statistics of a raven, and it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you.

In combat, you roll initiative for the raven and control how it acts. If it is slain by a creature, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against the killer for the next 24 hours.

The raven doesn’t require sleep. While it is within 100 feet of you, it can awaken you from sleep as a bonus action. The raven vanishes when it dies, if you die, or if the two of you are separated by more than 5 miles. At the end of a short or long rest, you can call the raven back to you no matter where it is or whether it died and it reappears within 5 feet of you.

Feather Step

At 7th level, you move with the grace of the raven. Your walking speed increases by 10ft.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you gain a flight speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn, if you end your in midair you drop to the ground. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier before needing to a complete a long rest to do so again.

Boon of the Ravensworn

At 10th level, you open a direct connection to the Shadowfell, channeling its energies into your strikes for one minute. Once per round, your attacks have the Soul Severing bonus damage without needing to have recently killed an enemy.

Additionally, when you do kill an enemy during this state, you coalesce their soul around your form, gaining temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level + your proficiency modifier.

The Queens Blessing

At 15th level, the Raven Queen grants you a blessing. You gain advantage on death saving throws, immunity to the frightened condition, and resistance to necrotic damage.

Duty even in Death

At 18th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points or die from another creature, you can use your reaction to have your spirit possess your body to avenge yourself. You make a melee weapon attack against the creature that killed you. If the attack hits, it is a critical hit, and you gain hit points equal to the amount of damage you dealt. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.



Fighter: Spirit General

As a commanding officer, you have lead men to their death. It is the burden of all commanders to watch their subordinates fall by blade, arrow and spell, but you have the additional burden of leading your fallen again. Unlike most soldiers, yours stayed loyal to you in their life, to their death, and in their death, and are willing to follow you for as long as you’ll lead them.

Undying Loyalty.

There are those who have died under your leadership but who would still faithfully serve you. At 3rd level, spectral warriors come to aid you in combat. Once per turn, when you make an attack, you can command these spirits to attack the same target. If the attack hits, the target takes an additional 1d8 necrotic damage as they are pierced by ghostly swords, arrows and bolts. This damage increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 18th.

Fear the Legion.

At 7th level, when you hit a creature with your Undying Loyalty feature, the creature must make a saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier or be frightened of you for 1 minute. The creature may remake the save at the end of each of its turns.

Commander’s Charisma.

The authority in your voice reaches even the ears of the dead At 10th level, even the long lost will answer to you. You can cast the speak with dead spell as an action without expending a spell slot or requiring components. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once) per long rest.

Leader of the Dead.

Being around the spirits of the dead has altered you, granting you resistance to their effects. At 15th level, you have resistance to necrotic damage, your maximum hit points cannot be reduced, and you can see 30 feet into the ethereal realm.

Raise an Army.

At 18th level, you can summon a portion of your legion to fight alongside you. As an action, you can summon an amount of phantom warriors (CoS Pg 236) equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) at any point within 60 feet of you that you can see. These phantom warriors are under your control for 1 minute, at the end of which they disperse. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command any phantom warrior you made with this feature if it is within 60 feet of you. You decide what action the phantom warrior will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the phantom warrior only defends itself against hostile creatures.

Once given an order, the phantom warrior continues to follow it until its task is complete. You may use this feature once per long rest.



Fighter: Valkyrie

The Valkyrie soars above the battlefield in search of worthy souls to escort to the afterlife, who will be resurrected to fight again at the end of the world. A Valkyrie trains in healing, service, judgement, and most importantly, battle, for she will fight alongside her chosen. These fighters are warrior-spirits born mortal, proving their worth before their ascension.

Restriction: Female Pulgarnians only.

While both male and female warriors can die honorably, only female souls can become these glorious champions. They are a special variety of celestial, that always manifests in female form. Your DM is free to lift this restriction at their discretion.

Warrior of the Hall

At 3rd level, you can open your soul to the hall of glorious dead, channeling a fragment of its power. You can summon the power of the glorious dead thrice per short rest, and expend one use of it to use one of the following abilities.

  • Inspiring Cry. When you take the Attack action, you can shout a snippet of heroic poetry that inspires any number of friendly creatures within 30 feet that can hear you. Those allies can add your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1) to one attack roll or saving throw they make before the start of your next turn.

  • Rise Again. At dusk in Valhalla, the lethal wounds of the dead close, and as one of its stewards you can heal the fighters you choose. You can cast Prayer of Healing, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Shield Maiden

Starting at 7th level, your experience preparing yourself and others for battle allows you to strip and don armor efficiently. It costs an object interaction, rather than an action, for you to don or doff a shield, and you don and doff armor in half the time. When you help another creature don or doff armor, the time the process takes is quartered, rather than halved.

Honored Dead

Also at 7th level, your ability to choose the final destination of a mortal soul allows you to ease its return to life. You can conduct a minute-long ritual over the body of a deceased creature, preparing the soul to either return or cross over.

Once this ritual is completed, the material cost of any spell cast to resurrect the creature is waived and it comes under the effect of gentle repose. A creature cannot benefit from this ritual more than once, and you cannot bless a creature that died from illness, age, accident or outside of combat.

Judge of the Fallen

Starting at 15th level, you can cast speak with dead a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest (a minimum of once). If the target of your spell died violently, your casting does not expend a use of this feature. In addition, allied creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on death saving throws.

Ride of the Valkyrie

When the day comes, you will charge with your sisters across the sky. Starting at 10th level, when you use Inspiring Cry or Rise Again, you grant yourself and one of the targeted creatures a flying speed of 60 feet for 1 minute. This flight can appear as feathered wings sprouting from your back, a mighty gale that holds you aloft, a shadowy eight-legged horse that appears beneath you, or another form of your choice.

Dawn of the Final Day

Starting at 18th level, you have been found worthy. When you die, your soul will ascend to Valhalla. More importantly, your powers of healing cannot be matched. Once per day, you can use your action to cast mass heal. You and every creature that gains hit points from mass heal gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 1 minute.



The Wise Monks of Edenbaerrow

Patience is the first step to overcoming any obstacle.



The Monk
Level Proficiency Martial Arts Ki Points Unarmored Movement Features
1st +2 1d6 Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts
2nd +2 1d6 2 +10 ft. Ki, Unarmored Movement, Dedicated Weapon (Optional)
3rd +2 1d6 3 +10 ft. Monastic Tradition, Deflect Missiles, Ki-Fueled Attack (Optional)
4th +2 1d6 4 +10 ft. Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall, Quickened Healing (Optional)
5th +3 1d8 5 +10 ft. Extra Attack, Stunning Strike, Focused Aim (Optional)
6th +3 1d8 6 +15 ft. Ki-Empowered Strikes, Monastic Tradition feature
7th +3 1d8 7 +15 ft. Evasion, Stillness of Mind
8th +3 1d8 8 +15 ft. Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d8 9 +15 ft. Unarmored Movement improvement
10th +4 1d8 10 +20 ft. Purity of Body
11th +4 1d10 11 +20 ft. Monastic Tradition feature
12th +4 1d10 12 +20 ft. Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d10 13 +20 ft. Tongue of the Sun and Moon
14th +5 1d10 14 +25 ft. Diamond Soul
15th +5 1d10 15 +25 ft. Timeless Body
16th +5 1d10 16 +25 ft. Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d12 17 +25 ft. Monastic Tradition feature
18th +6 1d12 18 +30 ft. Empty Body
19th +6 1d12 19 +30 ft. Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d12 20 +30 ft. Perfect Self

As a monk, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per monk level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per monk level after 1st


Simple weapons, shortswords
Choose one type of artisan’s tools or one musical instrument
Saving Throws:
Strength, Dexterity
Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a shortsword or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • 10 darts

Unarmored Defense

Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Martial Arts

At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy property.

You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:

  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
  • You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.

Certain monasteries use specialized forms of the monk weapons. For example, you might use a club that is two lengths of wood connected by a short chain (called a nunchaku) or a sickle with a shorter, straighter blade (called a kama). Whatever name you use for a monk weapon, you can use the game statistics provided for the weapon on the Weapons page.




Starting at 2nd level, your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points. Your monk level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Ki Points column of the Monk table.

You can spend these points to fuel various ki features. You start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. You learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class.

When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points.

Some of your ki features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

  • Flurry of Blows. You can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

  • Patient Defense. You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

  • Step of the Wind. You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage and Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Unarmored Movement

Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels, as shown in the Monk table.

At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move.

Dedicated Weapon

Also at 2nd level, you train yourself to use a variety of weapons as monk weapons, not just simple melee weapons and shortswords. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can touch one weapon, focus your ki on it, and then count that weapon as a monk weapon until you use this feature again.

The chosen weapon must meet these criteria:

  • The weapon must be a simple or martial weapon.
  • You must be proficient with it.
  • It must lack the heavy and special properties.

Monastic Tradition

When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a monastic tradition. Your tradition grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Deflect Missiles

Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.

If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 Ki Point to redirect the attack toward another creature. If you do so, choose a creature within 60 feet of yourself that isn’t behind total cover. That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die. The damage is the same type dealt by the attack.

Ki-Fueled Attack

Also at 3rd level, if you spend 1 ki point or more as part of your action on your turn, you can make one attack with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon as a bonus action before the end of the turn.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Slow Fall

Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your monk level.

Quickened Healing

Also at 4th level, as an action, you can spend 1 ki point and roll a Martial Arts die. You regain a number of hit points equal to the number rolled plus your proficiency bonus.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Stunning Strike

Starting at 5th level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent’s body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. You can only use Stunning Strike on one attack per turn, or twice if you strike with Flurry of Blows.



Ki-Empowered Strikes

Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Stillness of Mind

Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

Purity of Body

At 10th level, your mastery of the ki flowing through you makes you immune to disease and poison.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon

Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki of other minds so that you understand all spoken languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say.

Diamond Soul

Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of ki grants you proficiency in all saving throws.

Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can spend 1 ki point to reroll it and take the second result.

Timeless Body

At 15th level, your ki sustains you so that you suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you can’t be aged magically. You can still die of old age, however.

In addition, you no longer need food or water.

Empty Body

Beginning at 18th level, you can use your action to spend 4 ki points to become invisible for 1 minute. During that time, you also have resistance to all damage but force damage.

Additionally, you can spend 8 ki points to cast the astral projection spell, without needing material components. When you do so, you can’t take any other creatures with you.

Perfect Self

At 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no ki points remaining, you regain 4 ki points.

You no longer spend ki points when using Patient Defense, Step of the Wind, or Deflect Missiles.



Monk: Way of the Astral Self

A monk who follows the Way of the Astral Self believes their body is an illusion. They see their ki as a representation of their true form, an astral self. This astral self has the capacity to be a force of order or disorder, with some monasteries training students to use their power to protect the weak and other instructing aspirants in how to manifest their true selves in service to the mighty.

Arms of the Astral Self

At 3rd level, your mastery of your ki allows you to summon a portion of your astral self. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to summon the arms of your astral self. When you do so, each creature of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take force damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die.

For 10 minutes, these spectral arms hover near your shoulders or surround your arms (your choice). You determine the arms’ appearance, and they vanish early if you are incapacitated or die.

While the spectral arms are present, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier when making Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • You can use the spectral arms to make unarmed strikes.
  • When you make an unarmed strike with the arms on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
  • The unarmed strikes you make with the arms can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls, and their damage type is force.

Visage of the Astral Self

When you reach 6th level, you can summon the visage of your astral self. As a bonus action, or as part of the bonus action you take to activate Arms of the Astral Self, you can spend 1 ki point to summon this visage for 10 minutes. It vanishes early if you are incapacitated or die.

The spectral visage covers your face like a helmet or mask. You determine its appearance.

While the spectral visage is present, you gain the following benefits.

  • Astral Sight. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

  • Wisdom of the Spirit. You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

  • Word of the Spirit. When you speak, you can direct your words to a creature of your choice that you can see within 60 feet of you, making it so only that creature can hear you. Alternatively, you can amplify your voice so that all creatures within 600 feet can hear you.

Body of the Astral Self

Starting at 11th level, when you have both your astral arms and visage summoned, you can cause the body of your astral self to appear (no action required). This spectral body covers your physical form like a suit of armor, connecting with the arms and visage. You determine its appearance.

While the spectral body is present, you gain the following benefits.

  • Deflect Energy. When you take acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to deflect it. When you do so, the damage you take is reduced by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum reduction of 1).

  • Empowered Arms. Once on each of your turns when you hit a target with the Arms of the Astral Self, you can deal extra damage to the target equal to your Martial Arts die.

Awakened Astral Self

Starting at 17th level, your connection to your astral self is complete, allowing you to unleash its full potential. As a bonus action, you can spend 5 ki points to summon the arms, visage, and body of your astral self and awaken it for 10 minutes. This awakening ends early if you are incapacitated or die.

While your astral self is awakened, you gain the following benefits.

  • Armor of the Spirit. You gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class.

  • Astral Barrage. Whenever you use the Extra Attack feature to attack twice, you can instead attack three times if all the attacks are made with your astral arms.



Monk: Way of the Ascendant Dragon

The fundamental teaching of this tradition holds that by emulating dragons, a monk becomes a more integrated part of the world and its magic. By altering their spirit to resonate with draconic might, monks who follow this tradition augment their prowess in battle, bolster their allies, and can even soar through the air on draconic wings. But all this power is in service of a greater goal: achieving a spiritual unity with the essence of the Material Plane.

Draconic Disciple

At 3rd level, you can channel draconic power to magnify your presence and imbue your unarmed strikes with the essence of a dragon’s breath. You gain the following benefits:

  • Draconic Presence. If you fail a Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can use your reaction to reroll the check, as you tap into the mighty presence of dragons. Once this feature turns a failure into a success, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
  • Draconic Strike. When you damage a target with an unarmed strike, you can change the damage type to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
  • Tongue of Dragons. You learn to speak, read, and write Draconic or one other language of your choice.

Breath of the Dragon

At 3rd level you can channel destructive waves of energy, like those created by the dragons you emulate. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of the attacks with an exhalation of draconic energy in either a 20-foot cone or a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide (your choice). Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC, taking damage of the chosen type equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At 11th level, the damage of this feature increases to three rolls of your Martial Arts die.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 2 ki points to use this feature again.

Wings Unfurled

At 6th level when you use your Step of the Wind, you can unfurl spectral draconic wings from your back that vanish at the end of your turn. While the wings exist, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Aspect of the Wyrm

At 11th level the power of your draconic spirit now radiates from you, warding your allies or inspiring fear in your enemies. As a bonus action, you can create an aura of draconic power that radiates 10 feet from you for 1 minute. For the duration, you gain one of the following effects of your choice:

Frightful Presence. When you create this aura, and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can choose a creature within the aura. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your ki save DC or become frightened of you for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful save.

Resistance. Choose a damage type when you activate this aura: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You and your allies within the aura have resistance to that damage. Once you create this aura, you can’t create it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend 3 ki points to create it again.

Ascendant Aspect

At 17th level, your draconic spirit reaches its peak. You gain the following benefits:

Augment Breath. When you use your Breath of the Dragon, you can spend 1 ki point to augment its shape and power. The exhalation of draconic energy becomes either a 60-foot cone or a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide (your choice), and each creature in that area takes damage equal to four rolls of your Martial Arts die on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Blindsight. You gain blindsight out to 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Explosive Fury. When you activate your Aspect of the Wyrm, draconic fury explodes from you. Choose any number of creatures you can see in your aura. Each of those creatures must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC or take 3d10 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage (your choice).



Monk: Way of the Dreamer

Monks who follow the Way of the Dreamers are deeply connected to the dream realm of their world. You may have befriended a dream spirit as a child, lost yourself in the dreaming, trained under an experienced master, or gained this connection through some other event.

These monks may appear somewhat detached or aloof due to their unusual perspective. They push the limits of reality by using energy from the dreaming as both weapon and shield.

Notably creatures who are severed from dreams such as Kalashtar or who do not dream such as Warforged cannot follow this path.

Dream Weaver

When you take this tradition at 3rd level, You can use your ki to pull the effects of certain spells from the dream realm. You can spend 1 ki point to cast Faerie Fire, Silent Image, Silvery Barbs, or Unseen Servant without providing material components.

Dream Catcher

Also at 3rd level, The dappled light and shadow of dreams moves to protect you from harmful magic. You can use your Deflect Missiles class feature to deflect and potentially catch ranged spell attacks in the same way as ranged weapon attacks.

Sweet Dreams

When you reach 6th level, As you rest, the dreaming empowers your body beyond mundane recovery. At the end of a long rest, you can regain all spent hit dice (instead of half your maximum) or you can gain an additional number of ki points equal to your proficiency bonus (your choice).

When you choose the additional ki option, the additional ki lasts until your next long rest. This ki is added to your total ki points, and if expended, it will not replenish with the rest of your ki on a short rest.

Shadowed Path

Starting at 11th level, You can maneuver yourself in and out of the dream realm. When you use your Flurry of Blows you can teleport before each unarmed attack. You can teleport only to an unoccupied space you can see within melee attack range of a target. The total number of feet you can teleport in this turn is equal to your walking speed.

Additionally, at 11th level, when you use your Flurry of Blows you may make three unarmed strikes.

Nightmare Strike

At 17th level, Your strikes summon the terrifying power of a nightmare. At the end of your turn in which you have hit at least one creature with a melee attack you can use your reaction to spend 5 ki to attempt a nightmare strike. Roll 5d10, the total becomes a pool of psychic damage you can split as you choose among the targets you have hit on your turn. Each target must make a wisdom saving throw or take the damage applied to them and is Paralyzed until until the end of your next turn. On a successful save the targets takes half damage.



Monk: Way of the Drunken Master

The Way of the Drunken Master teaches its students to move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of a drunkard. A drunken master sways, tottering on unsteady feet, to present what seems like an incompetent combatant who proves frustrating to engage. The drunken master’s erratic stumbles conceal a carefully executed dance of blocks, parries, advances, attacks, and retreats.

A drunken master often enjoys playing the fool to bring gladness to the despondent or to demonstrate humility to the arrogant, but when battle is joined, the drunken master can be a maddening, masterful foe.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t already have it. Your martial arts technique mixes combat training with the precision of a dancer and the antics of a jester. You also gain proficiency with brewer’s supplies if you don’t already have it.

Drunken Technique

At 3rd level, you learn how to twist and turn quickly as part of your Flurry of Blows. Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you gain the benefit of the Disengage action, and your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of the current turn.

Tipsy Sway

Starting at 6th level, you can move in sudden, swaying ways. You gain the following benefits.

Leap to Your Feet. When you’re prone, you can stand up by spending 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed.

Redirect Attack. When a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, you can spend 1 ki point as a reaction to cause that attack to hit one creature of your choice, other than the attacker, that you can see within 5 feet of you.

Drunkard’s Luck

Starting at 11th level, you always seem to get a lucky bounce at the right moment. When you make an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw and have disadvantage, you can spend 1 ki points to cancel the disadvantage for that roll.

Intoxicated Frenzy

At 17th level, you gain the ability to make an overwhelming number of attacks against a group of enemies. When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can make up to three additional attacks with it (up to a total of five Flurry of Blows attacks), provided that each new Flurry of Blows beyond the first 2 attacks, targets a different creature this turn.



Monk: Way of Falling Leaves

The Way of Falling Leaves was first mastered by the wood elves. They watched as seasons came and went, and as the leaves on the trees they lived in faded and died, only to gently drift back to the earth as sustenance for the next generation. In that beauty and elegance they saw death and rebirth, and by emulating its form they merged it with their own martial arts into something new. Able to float gracefully on the wind before striking with all the intensity of a hurricane, their foes fall before them like autumn leaves.

Elven Secrets

Monks of the Way of Falling Leaves are an unusual lot. Both fascinated with extracting every drop of experience from life, and also mastering the best ways to end it in others. Their silent introspection is often punctuated only by the nigh inaudible rustle of each leaf touching ground for the first time. It’s common knowledge that the first of their kind were the wood elves. Their supernatural grace, combined with a natural affinity for nature, lent them the edge to discover the elves’ unique branch of martial arts. Almost all Monks who study this tradition do so at elven monasteries, even those who aren’t elvish themselves. Located deep within forests—and patterned with the luscious hues of autumn—these monasteries study nature in all its forms for both theoretical and practical applications. An appreciation of the wide world is seen as a sign of a pure soul, and those who are in tune with the trees are invariably in balance with the ki within themselves.

Seasoned Warriors

A monk of this tradition often emulates a particular season, chosen during the process of their training. If you want to choose an affinity for a particular season, you can do so informed by your own associations with a season, or use the table below to decide.

Seasoned Warriors
d6 Season
1 Spring. You embody nurturing, flexibility, and growth.
2 Summer. You embody passion, bravery, and daring.
3 Autumn. You embody reliability, unity, and discipline.
4 Winter. You embody finality, release, and remorse.

Rising Gale

Beginning at 3rd level, when you fall and aren’t incapacitated, you can glide up to 1ft horizontally for every 2ft you fall up to a maximum of your walking speed. Additionally, when you use your Step of the Wind feature, you can immediately rise a number of feet straight up equal to or less than your walking speed. If you would fall as a result, you don’t take any damage if the fall is less than or equal to the height of the jump

Scattered Leaves

Also, starting at 3rd level, you leave your foes scattered in your wake. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack after falling at least 10 feet, or after using your Step of the Wind feature, you can imbue the strike with your momentum. The attack deals additional damage equal to your Martial Arts die, and the creature must succeed on a Str saving throw against your ki save DC or knocked prone

Summer Breeze

At 6th level, the lightness of your steps is such that you barely seem to touch the ground. Walking through difficult terrain no longer costs you extra movement, and making a standing high or long jump no longer halves the distance you jump.

Autumn’s End

Starting at 11th level, you strike with the finality of the last leaf of autumn. The distance you can glide with your Rising Gale feature is doubled, and when you glide you have advantage on the first melee weapon attack you make before, or immediately after, you land

Spring Begins.

At 17th level, when you use your Step of the Wind feature, you can spend 3 additional ki points as you rise to create a billowing updraft around yourself, temporarily doubling the height you can rise with your Rising Gale feature. Each Large or smaller creature of your choice within 10ft of you must succeed on a strength saving throw or be thrown upwards a number of feet equal to the height that you rise.

An ally in this range can choose to rise willingly. If they do so, they gain the effects of all your Falling Leaf features until the end of their next turn.



Monk: Way of Flowing Waters

Those who follow the Flowing Waters use their years of discipline and meditation to control water. These monks have a beautiful grace to their techniques, as streams and droplets splash around their dance-like movements. A well placed wave can be devastating and destructive, but a gentle refreshing stream can also help alleviate one’s pain. Monks of this tradition keep both aspects in mind as they hone their craft.

Aquatic Attunement

Starting at 3rd level, your talentwith water gives you superior maneuverability within it. You gain a swimming speed equal to walking speed.

Starting at 10th level, you can breathe normally underwater.

Dewdrop’s Dance

At 3rd level, you can use flowing streams of water to propel yourself and your attacks. Whenever you use Step of the Wind, you gain additional benefits until the start of your turn.

  • You can move through other creatures spaces as if it was empty, although you can not end your turn there.
  • The next unarmed attack you make has its ranged increased to 30 feet, and if it hits, the creature is either knocked prone or pulled 15 feet closer to you (your choice).

Flowing Form

At 6th level, you learn aquatic techniques that require grace and composure to perform.

You gain access to two Flow techniques, each of which require an action to activate. Additionally, to activate, you must have moved at least half of your speed in that turn. If you have used Step of the Wind this turn, the Flow Technique is enhanced, and gains additional effects.

The dice used in Flow techniques is intially a d8 and changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial arts column of the monk table.

The Flow Techniques are listed below:

  • Soothing Spout. Choose two creatures you can see within 30 feet of you. You and those creatures gain 1d8 plus your Wisdom modifier in temporary hitpoints. These hit points wear off after 1 minute. Enhanced. Instead, you and two creatures you can see within 60 feet of you gain these temporary hit points. While you and those creatures have these hit points, they are considered under the effects of the bless spell (no concentration required).

  • Crashing Current. Choose a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Each creature in a 5 foot sphere from that point must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. You can spend additional ki points to increase the damage by 1d6 per ki point spent, up to a maximum of half your monk level.

Enhanced. You can move a Large or smaller creature that failed the saving throw up to 30 feet.

River’s Redirection

At 11th level, your defensive stances have been enhanced with tendrils of water, allowing you to be better defend yourself and your allies even from a distance.

When you use your Patient Defense, you gain additional until the end of your next turn.

  • You gain an additional reaction.
  • If another creature within 30 feet of you is attacked by a melee weapon, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that attack.
  • If another creature within 30 feet of you is forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to give them advantage on the saving throw.

Additionally, if you use patient Defense, it will also enhance Flow techniques for that turn.

Wrath of the Waves

At 17th level, you gain the ultimate Flow technique, which can bend the Elemental Plane of Water itself to your will.

  • Wrath of the Waves. As an action, you can cast watery sphere, control water, or conjure elemental (water elemental only). You must spend a number of ki points equal to the level of the spell to cast it this way, and it requires no material components. Enhanced. In addition, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on the spell.



Monk: Way of the Leaden Crown

In contrast to the esoteric ideals of other monastic traditions, monks of the Way of the Leaden Crown have practical aims: the self-governance of humanoid peoples. These monks see the history of the world as a series of clashes between groups of powerful beings, where humanoids were at best collateral damage and at worst disposable pawns. To break this cycle of dependence and destruction, monks of the Way of the Leaden Crown master mental powers to fight back against the otherworldly powers of the multiverse and protect humanoid sovereignty

Subtle Hand

Starting at 3rd level, your martial arts are enhanced by a capacity for telekinetic strikes. On your turn your reach is 10 feet when you make unarmed attacks. In addition, when you make an unarmed strike this way, it deals force damage instead.

Psionic Prowess

Also at 3rd level, your psychic powers have manifested in the ability to cast certain spells. You gain the mage hand cantrip if you don’t already know it. When you cast the spell, the spectral hand is invisible.

In addition, you can cast certain spells by expending ki. You can use an action and spend 1 ki point to cast detect evil and good or protection from evil and good. You can also use an action and spend 2 kit points to cast hold person, levitate, or shatter. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells and you do not need to provide material components when casting them in this way.

Unsubtle Strike

At 6th level, when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failure, you can choose to push or pull the creature 10 feet. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until the start of your next turn.

Psychic Crush

Starting at 11th level, each time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike it gains a pressure point. A creature loses all pressure points if you give a different creature a pressure point or 1 minute after the last time it gained a pressure point. As a bonus action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki points to telekinetically crush a creature with 1 or more of your pressure points.

When you do, the creature must make a Strength saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failure, the creature takes 1d8 force damage per pressure point they have and they are restrained until the end of your next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren’t restrained. Either way, the creature then loses all pressure points.

Psionic Mastery

At 17th level, you have mastered the psionic disciplines necessary to defend mortals from outsiders. As an action, you can spend 5 ki points to cast dispel evil and good, hold monster, telekinesis, or wall of force. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells and you do not need to provide material components when casting them in this way.



Monk: Way of the Long Blade

The monks of this Order are unmatched in their expertise with bladed pole weapons. Though mostly known for their choice of weaponry, their guiding philosophy is in fact one of pursuing enlightenment: They believe that one’s true self can only be found in battle, where death becomes more and more certain with every passing minute. While a bit grim, I’m sure there’s some truth to this. I’ve seen people play roles their entire lives, only to reveal their true colors once death draws near. Concepts such as friendship, loyalty, and even the pursuit of truth and logic can evaporate faster than the tears of a salamander.

Art of the Long Blade

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with glaives, halberds, and pikes, and they are monk weapons for you. In addition, if you would make one or more unarmed strikes as a bonus action, you can instead throw a weapon with the finesse and thrown properties provided you throw it no further than 15 feet. When throwing a weapon in this manner, you don’t make the attack with disadvantage due to being in melee range of an enemy.

Long Blade Techniques

Also starting at 3rd level, when you hit a creature with a monk weapon that has the reach property on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt one of the following techniques.

  • Arrowhawk Feather-Blossom. Using your bonus action, you create a momentary circle of spectral blades that sweep around you. Each creature within your reach must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against this magic or take force damage equal to your Martial Arts die.

  • Iron Cobra Stance. You focus your will on your surroundings. If a creature makes a melee weapon attack against you before the start of your next turn, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it, using a monk weapon with the reach property.

  • Steel Scorpion Thrust. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become grappled until the start of your next turn as it is impaled by your weapon. The target can use its action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your Ki save DC, ending the grappled condition on a successful check. The effect also ends early if you attack with the weapon before the start of your next turn or if you move to a space where the weapon can no longer reach the target.


Starting at 6th level, when you take the attack action on your turn to attack with a monk weapon that has the reach property, you can vault up to 15 feet, spending movement as normal. When vaulting in this manner, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks and you can move over Large or smaller creatures. The maximum number of feet you can vault in this manner increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Unarmored Movement column of the monk table. In addition, you make Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks with advantage while you wield a monk weapon with the reach property.

Ki Parry

Starting at 11th level, when you are hit by a melee attack and you can see the attacker, you can spend 1 Ki point as a reaction to roll your Martial Arts die and add it to your AC against the triggering attack, provided that you are wielding a monk weapon. If you use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack with your Iron Cobra Stance, you can use this feature as part of the same reaction without spending Ki points.

Long Blade Master

Beginning at 17th level, your long blade has truly become an extension of yourself, allowing you to lean into your strikes. While wielding a monk weapon with the reach property, your reach increases by 5 feet.



Monk: Way of the Long Death

Monks of the Way of the Long Death are obsessed with the meaning and mechanics of dying. They capture creatures and prepare elaborate experiments to capture, record, and understand the moments of their demise. They then use this knowledge to guide their understanding of martial arts, yielding a deadly fighting style.

Touch of Death

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, your study of death allows you to extract vitality from another creature as it nears its demise. When you reduce a creature within 5 feet of you to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your monk level (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

Hour of Reaping

At 6th level, you gain the ability to unsettle or terrify those around you as an action, for your soul has been touched by the shadow of death. When you take this action, each creature within 30 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Mastery of Death

Beginning at 11th level, you use your familiarity with death to escape its grasp. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can expend 1 ki point (no action required) to have 1 hit point instead.

Touch of the Long Death

Starting at 17th level, your touch can channel the energy of death into a creature. As an action, you touch one creature within 5 feet of you, and you expend 1 to 10 ki points. The target must make a Constitution saving throw, and it takes 2d10 necrotic damage per ki point spent on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.



Monk: Way of Mercy

Monks of the Way of Mercy learn to manipulate the life force of others to bring aid to those in need. They are wandering physicians to the poor and hurt. However, to those beyond their help, they bring a swift end as an act of mercy.

Those who follow the Way of Mercy might be members of a religious order, administering to the needy and making grim choices rooted in reality rather than idealism. Some might be gentle-voiced healers, beloved by their communities, while others might be masked bringers of macabre mercies.

The walkers of this way usually don robes with deep cowls, and they often conceal their faces with masks, presenting themselves as the faceless bringers of life and death.

Implements of Mercy

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Insight and Medicine skills, and you gain proficiency with the herbalism kit.

Hands of Healing

At 3rd level, your mystical touch can mend wounds. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to touch a creature and restore a number of hit points equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier.

When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can replace one of the unarmed strikes with a use of this feature without spending a ki point for the healing.

Hands of Harm

At 3rd level, you use your ki to inflict wounds. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to deal extra necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this feature only once per turn.

Physician’s Touch

Starting at 6th level, you can administer even greater cures with a touch, and if you feel it’s necessary, you can use your knowledge to cause harm.

When you use Hands of Healing on a creature, you can also end one disease or one of the following conditions affecting the creature: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned.

When you use Hands of Harm on a creature, you can subject that creature to the poisoned condition until the end of your next turn.

Flurry of Healing and Harm

Starting at 11th level, you can now mete out a flurry of comfort and hurt. When you use Flurry of Blows, you can now replace each of the unarmed strikes with a use of your Hands of Healing, without spending ki points for the healing.

In addition, when you make an unarmed strike with Flurry of Blows, you can use Hand of Harm with that strike without spending the ki point for Hands of Harm. You can still use Hands of Harm only once per turn.

Hand of Ultimate Mercy

By 17th level, your mastery of life energy opens the door to the ultimate mercy. As an action, you can touch the corpse of a creature that died within the past 24 hours and expend 5 ki points. The creature then returns to life, regaining a number of hit points equal to 4d10 + your Wisdom modifier. If the creature died while subject to any of the following conditions, it revives with them removed: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Monk: Way of the Open Hand

Monks of the Way of the Open Hand are the ultimate masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or unarmed. They learn techniques to push and trip their opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their bodies, and practice advanced meditation that can protect them from harm.

Open Hand Technique

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can manipulate your enemy’s ki when you harness your own. Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the following effects on that target:

  • It must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • It must make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push it up to 15 feet away from you.
  • It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn.

Wholeness of Body

At 6th level, you gain the ability to heal yourself. As an action, you can regain hit points equal to three times your monk level. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.


Beginning at 11th level, you can enter a special meditation that surrounds you with an aura of peace. At the end of a long rest, you gain the effect of a Sanctuary spell that lasts until the start of your next long rest (the spell can end early as normal). The saving throw DC for the spell equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Quivering Palm

At 17th level, you gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone’s body. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 ki points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your monk level. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. To do so, you and the target must be on the same plane of existence. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 hit points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage.

You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. You can choose to end the vibrations harmlessly without using an action.



Monk: Way of Shadow

Monks of the Way of Shadow follow a tradition that values stealth and subterfuge. These monks might be called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as spies and assassins. Sometimes the members of a ninja monastery are family members, forming a clan sworn to secrecy about their arts and missions. Other monasteries are more like thieves’ guilds, hiring out their services to nobles, rich merchants, or anyone else who can pay their fees. Regardless of their methods, the heads of these monasteries expect the unquestioning obedience of their students.

Void Steps.

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. You can add double your proficiency bonus to Stealth checks if you are interacting with your Way of the Shadow Features.

Shadow Arts

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can use your ki to duplicate the effects of certain spells. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to cast darkness, darkvision, pass without trace, or silence, without providing material components.

You additionally gain the following benefits:

  • You gain the minor illusion cantrip if you don’t already know it.
  • You gain darkvision 60 ft, if you already have darkvision it is extended an additional 30 feet and you can see into your own magical darkness.

Shadow Step

At 6th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of the turn.

Cloak of Shadows

By 11th level, you have learned to become one with the shadows. When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become invisible. You remain invisible until you make an attack, cast a spell, or are in an area of bright light.


At 17th level, you can exploit a creature’s momentary distraction when it is hit by an attack. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you is hit by an attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against that creature.



Monk: Way of the Sun Soul

Monks of the Way of the Sun Soul learn to channel their own life energy into searing bolts of light. They teach that meditation can unlock the ability to unleash the indomitable light shed by the soul of every living creature.

Radiant Sun Bolt

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can hurl searing bolts of magical radiance.

You gain a new attack option that you can use with the Attack action. This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Dexterity modifier or Wisdom Modifier to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is radiant, and its damage die is a d6. This die changes increases when your martial arts die does, and the range increases at the same time by 10 feet each time.

When you take the Attack action on your turn and use this special attack as part of it, you can spend 1 ki point to make the special attack twice as a bonus action.

When you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack can be used for any of the attacks you make as part of the Attack action.

Searing Arc Strike

At 6th level, you gain the ability to channel your ki into searing waves of energy. Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can deal 1d8 + your wisdom modifier damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone as a bonus action

You can spend additional ki points to deal an additional 1d8 and increase the range by 5 feet. The maximum number of ki points that you can spend on the Strike equals half your monk level. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Radiant Suppression

At 6th level, you gain resistance to radiant damage and cannot be blinded by effects that deal radiant damage.

Searing Sunburst

At 11th level, you gain the ability to create an orb of light that erupts into a devastating explosion. As an action, you magically create an orb and hurl it at a point you choose within 150 feet, where it erupts into a sphere of radiant light for a brief but deadly instant.

Each creature in that 20-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 + your wisdom modifier radiant damage. A creature doesn’t need to make the save if the creature is behind total cover that is opaque.

You can increase the sphere’s damage by spending ki points. Each point you spend, up to a maximum of 5, increases the damage by 2d8.

Sun Shield

At 17th level, you become wreathed in a luminous, magical aura. You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You can extinguish or restore the light as a bonus action.

If a creature hits you with a melee attack while this light shines, you can use your reaction to deal radiant damage to the creature. The radiant damage equals 5 + your Wisdom modifier.



Monk: Way of the Cobalt Soul

Driven by the pursuit of knowledge and its scholars’ worship of the Knowing Mentor, the Library of the Cobalt Soul is one of the best-respected and most heavily guarded repositories of tomes, history and information in all of Exandria. People from all lands come to the library to seek knowledge, and those particularly dedicated to the virtues of truth often pledge their minds and bodies to the Cobalt Soul’s cause. To become a member of the Cobalt Soul is to give oneself over to a quest dedicated to unveiling life’s mysteries, bringing light to the secrets of concealed evil, and guarding the most powerful and dangerous of truth from those whose unwholesome thirst for knowledge might bring death and suffering to others.

The monks of the Cobalt Soul are the embodiment of the maxim: “Know your enemy.” Through tireless research, they steel themselves against the unrelenting tides of evil. Through rigorous training, they learn to break through their foes’ mental and physical defenses. Then, once the fight is done, they record their findings for future generations of monks to study.

Extract Aspects

Starting at 3rd level, you can strike pressure points to intuit crucial information about a foe. When you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can analyze it. Whenever an analyzed creature misses you with an attack, you can immediately use your reaction to make an unarmed strike against that creature if it’s within your reach. This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest.

Additionally, when you analyze a creature, you learn all of its damage vulnerabilities, damage resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities.

Extort Truth

Starting at 6th level, you can precisely strike a hidden cluster of nerves on a creature, temporarily preventing it from masking its true thoughts and intent. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is unable to speak a deliberate lie, and all Charisma checks directed at the creature are made with advantage for up to 10 minutes. You know if it succeeded or failed on its saving throw.

And affected creature is aware of the effect and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such a creature can be evasive in its answers as long as the effect lasts.

If you wish to impose this effect on a creature without injuring it, you can attack the creature to simply touch it, dealing no damage on a hit.

Mystical Erudition

Also at 6th level, you have extensively studied the history and lore within the archives of the Cobalt Soul. You learn one language of your choice, and you gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion. If you already have proficiency in one of the listed skills, you can instead choose to double your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make that uses the chosen skill.

You gain an additional language and an additional skill proficiency from the above list (or you can double the bonus of an existing proficiency from the list) at 11th and 17th level.

Mind of Mercury

Starting at 11th level, you’ve honed your awareness and reflexes through mental aptitude and pattern recognition. Once per turn, if you’ve already taken your reaction, you may spend 1 ki point to take an additional reaction. You can use only one reaction per triggering effect.

Debilitating Barrage

Upon reaching 17th level, you’ve gained the knowledge to manipulate a creature’s ki to undermine their fortitude. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 ki points to cause the creature to gain vulnerability to one damage type of your choice for 1 minute, or until the end of a turn in which it has taken damage of that type.

If a creature has resistance to the damage type you choose, this resistance is suppressed for 1 minute, rather than gaining vulnerability. A creature that is immune to the damage type you choose is unaffected. A creature who is affected by this feature cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.



Monk: Way of the Living Weapon

A monk following the Way of the Living Weapon pursues physical perfection, honing their body as a smith sharpens a sword. Its traditions are drawn from cultures of shapeshifters and creatures who fight with tooth and claw.

Fists of Bone and Steel

At 3rd level, when you choose this tradition, your Martial Arts damage die increases for unarmed strikes. You can roll a d8 in place of the normal damage for your unarmed strike.

This die changes to a d10 at 5th level; a d12 at 11th level; and 2d6 at 17th level. This increased damage can only be applied to an unarmed strike, and not to a monk weapon.

Martial Discipline

Starting at 3rd level, when you adopt this tradition, choose a discipline and gain its feature.

Forged Heart. Your unarmed strikes are considered adamantine weapons. In addition, when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki point to cause it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 additional damage of the same type as the unarmed strike and can be pushed up to 15 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature only takes 1d6 points of additional damage and is not pushed back.

Nightmare Shroud. When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki point to assail it with fear, causing it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 points of psychic damage and becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If a creature succeeds on this save, they are immune to the fear effect of this ability for 24 hours.

Traveler’s Blade. Your reach extends by 5 feet. Additionally, at the start of your turn you can expend up to 4 ki points to extend your reach further. For every point of ki you spend, your reach extends by an additional 5 feet until the end of your turn.

Weretouched. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 ki point to rend your target and inflict deep bleeding wounds. At the start of each of the creature’s turns for the next minute, it takes 1d4 points of slashing damage from this effect. The effect ends early if the creature has one or more hit points restored, if any creature uses its action to expend one use of a healer’s kit, or makes a successful Wisdom (Medicine) check with a DC equal to your ki save DC.

Mutable Strike

You have the power to alter your natural weapons, growing claws or reinforcing your fists. Starting at 3rd level, when you use Martial Arts to make an unarmed strike, you can choose whether you inflict slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage with the attack.

Manifest Blow

Starting at 6th level, choose one of the following damage types when you finish a long rest: cold, lightning, necrotic, psychic, or thunder. On your turn, the first creature you hit with an unarmed strike takes an additional 1d6 points of damage of that type.

Reflexive Adaptation

Starting at 11th level, when you make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you can spend 1 ki point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to use this ability after you roll the check, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the ability check, omitting the highest if this check was rolled with disadvantage.

In addition, the extra damage dealt by the Manifest Blow class feature increases to 2d6.

Perfect Form

At 17th level, you transform your body to become a weapon of war. You gain a feature based on a discipline of your choice. You can choose the same discipline you selected at 3rd level or a different one.

Forged Heart. When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to add your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to your AC, including against the triggering attack. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.

Nightmare Shroud. When you damage a creature with your Manifest Blow, excess psionic energy ripples to up to 3 different creatures of your choice within 30 feet. Those creatures take an amount of psychic damage equal to half of your monk level.

Traveler’s Blade. When you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature with an unarmed strike, it takes an additional 1d8 poison damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your ki save DC or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Weretouched. When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can make three unarmed strikes as a bonus action instead of two. You have advantage on these attacks.



Monk: Way of the Soul Knife

Monks of the Way of the Soul Knife are deadly assassins and bounty hunters. They use their psionic talents to manifest psychic blades that tear through their enemies’ bodies and auras. Their talents extend beyond combat, as their ability to perceive auras allows them to track down foes and see through their deceptions.

Soul Knives

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can use your psionic energy to manifest blades that disrupt your foes’ minds.

Your unarmed strikes deal your choice of psychic, piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage each time you hit.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to increase the reach of your unarmed strikes by 30 feet until the end of your turn.

Psychic Slash

At 3rd level, when you channel ki into your attacks you augment your soul knives to inflict devastating psionic blows.

Whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows and that attack inflicts psychic damage, you can impose one of the following effects on the target:

  • Life Drain. You gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage your attack deals.
  • Invoke Terror. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • Invoke Wrath. The target suffers disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.
  • Astral Slide. You teleport the target up to 10 feet to a destination you can see.
  • Synaptic Overload. The target gains vulnerability to psychic damage until the end of your next turn.

Aura Sight

At 6th level, you gain the ability to perceive the auras of other creatures.

As an action, select a creature that you can see. That creature makes a Wisdom saving throw, though it has no knowledge that you forced it to attempt this saving throw. On a failed save, you learn if the creature shares any aspects of its alignment with you, its current hit points, and its current attitude and intentions toward you or one other creature, object, or location of your choice. In addition, for the next 24 hours or until you use this ability again, you can use an action to determine the creature’s distance and direction from you.

If a creature succeeds on its saving throw against this ability, you cannot use this ability against that creature again until you complete a long rest.

Spectral Blades

At 11th level, you can cause your blades to phase through physical objects and defenses.

Once during your turn, you can choose to forego one unarmed strike in place of forcing a creature within the reach of that attack to make a Dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC. On a failed saving throw, the creature takes psychic damage equal to that of your unarmed strike, or half that damage if it succeeds.

Psychic Form

At 17th level, you can transform your physical body into the same psychic energy that comprises your soul knives. As a bonus action, you assume a psychic form, which grants the following benefits:

  • You have resistance to all damage.
  • You have a fly speed of 30 feet.
  • You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

This benefit lasts for 1 minute. You cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.



The Devout Paladins of Edenbaerrow

An Oath of character, a defining trait of all paladins across Edenbaerrow. Brave knights, soldiers, or predisposed peoples of merit taking a sacred vow to uphold the tenets of an order, oath, or covenant. Battling the forces of evil, defending justice, or protecting the innocent. How a Paladin defined these exact values differed from one to another, yet they all have sworn an Oath to some form of powerful deity, value, or individual and it has granted them abilities.

With a powerful set of core virtues, the Paladins of Edenbaerrow have been stalwart champions across the globe serving as sworn defenders of their beliefs, smithing those who would debase or devalue them and bringing about the will of their Oath to the world.

The adventuring lifestyle came easily to most paladins, regardless of their origin. Although exceedingly rare among the general populace, paladins were disproportionately likely to pursue a life of adventure compared to most other warriors. Once a paladin swore their oath their loyalty to their was second to none, coming before crown or country. This strength of conviction gave many paladins a sense of common fellowship but did not always endear them to others. In many cases, paladins did not get along quite as well with other non-paladin adventurers, with the exception of clerics with similar beliefs



The Paladin
Level Proficiency Bonus Features - Spell Slots Per Spell Level-
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Holy Purpose - - - - -
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Smite 2 - - - -
3rd +2 Divine Health, Sacred Oath, Harness Divine Power (Optional) 3 - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 3 - - - -
5th +3 Extra Attack 4 2 - - -
6th +3 Aura of Protection 4 2 - - -
7th +3 Sacred Oath feature 4 3 - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 4 3 - - -
9th +4 4 3 2 - -
10th +4 Aura of Courage 4 3 2 - -
11th +4 Improved Divine Smite 4 3 3 - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 4 3 3 - -
13th +5 4 3 3 1 -
14th +5 Cleansing Touch 4 3 3 1 -
15th +5 Sacred Oath feature 4 3 3 2 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 4 3 3 2 -
17th +6 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Aura improvements 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Martial Versatility (Optional) 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Sacred Oath feature 4 3 3 3 2

As a paladin, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d10 per paladin level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per paladin level after 1st


All armor, shields
Simple weapons, martial weapons
Saving Throws:
Wisdom, Charisma
Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) five javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon
  • (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • Chain mail and a holy symbol

Divine Sense

The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. For 1 minute, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.

You have advantage on attack rolls and ability checks against any celestial, fiend, or undead you detected with this feature for the duration.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Holy Purpose

Starting at 1st level, you find yourself unwilling to pass on so long as you keep true to your oaths. You have advantage on death saving throws and cannot succumb to the Massive Damage rules, instead ruling death saves like normal.



Lay on Hands

Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level x 5.

As an action or bonus action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.

Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.

This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.

Fighting Style

Starting at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Blessed Warrior. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. They count as paladin spells for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the cleric spell list.

Blind Fighting. You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

Protection. When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Close Quarters Shooter. When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks.

Mariner. As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to armor class.

Thrown Weapon Fighting. You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon.

In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Tunnel Fighter. As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while within your reach.

Unarmed Fighting. Your unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. If you strike with two free hands, the d6 becomes a d8. When you successfully start a grapple, you can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the grappled creature. Until the grapple ends, you can also deal this damage to the creature whenever you hit it with a melee attack.


By 2nd level, you have learned to draw on divine magic through meditation and prayer to cast spells as a cleric does.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Paladin table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your paladin spells. To cast one of your paladin spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of paladin spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the paladin spell list. When you do so, choose a number of paladin spells equal to your Charisma modifier + half your paladin level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 5th-level paladin, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Charisma of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of paladin spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.



Spellcasting Focus

You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your paladin spells.

Divine Smite

Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.

Divine Health

By 3rd level, the divine magic flowing through you makes you immune to disease.

Sacred Oath

When you reach 3rd level, you swear the oath that binds you as a paladin forever. Up to this time you have been in a preparatory stage, committed to the path but not yet sworn to it. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 20th level. Those features include oath spells and the Channel Divinity feature.

Oath Spells

Each oath has a list of associated spells. You gain access to these spells at the levels specified in the oath description. Once you gain access to an oath spell, you always have it prepared. Oath spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

If you gain an oath spell that doesn’t appear on the paladin spell list, the spell is nonetheless a paladin spell for you.

Channel Divinity

Your oath allows you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by your oath explains how to use it.

When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You gain two uses of your Channel Divinity. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinities again.

Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your paladin spell save DC.

Harness Divine Power

Also at 3rd level, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Martial Versatility

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace a fighting style you know with another fighting style available to paladins. This replacement represents a shift of focus in your martial practice.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Faithful Steed

Starting at 5th level, you know the spell find steed and can cast it even without a spell slot. Once you’ve cast it, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Aura of Protection

Starting at 6th level, whenever you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you must make a saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Charisma modifier (with a minimum bonus of +1). You must be conscious to grant this bonus.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Aura of Courage

Starting at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be frightened while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Improved Divine Smite

By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.

Cleansing Touch

Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.



Paladin: The Oathless

Not all paladins are able to hold to their Sacred Oaths. Some break their Oath and fall into evil, becoming Blackguards and Oathbreakers, but not all who falter become paragons of evil. Known as the Oathless, paladins who abandon their divinely appointed cause for reasons other then evil still retain some of their power. They wander the wilds as lost warriors, often becoming bandits and mercenaries. Some quest for purpose, seeking to renew their Oath, while others fall into despair.

Tenets of the Oathless

An Oathless paladin owes allegiance to no one. They hold to no tenets and are loyal to nothing but themselves. Oathless paladins are often selfish, with their own safety and power being their only concern. These lost warriors won’t hesitate to obtain what they desire, even at the expense of others.

Oathless Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd charm person, false life
5th invisibility, suggestion
9th gaseous form, vampiric touch
13th charm monster, greater invisibility
17th geas, passwall

Channel Divinity

At 3rd level, you gain the following Channel Divinity options:

  • Coward’s Escape. As a bonus action, you grasp your holy symbol and force a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target cannot perceive you in any way for up to 1 minute. They can’t see, hear, smell, or sense your presence in any way. This ends early if you attack the creature or target them with a spell.
  • Selfish Restoration. When you begin your turn you can invoke this Channel Divinity (no action required) to end one of the following conditions currently affecting you: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned. Alternatively, you can choose to immediately regain hit points equal to your paladin level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).

Cunning Lies

At 3rd level, you can spend 1 minute convicing people of your former glory, or incompetence. At the end of the minute, the creature must make a saving throw against your Paladin spell save DC. On a fail, the creature is charmed by you. If they are friendly, they regard you as a close friend, if they were hostile, they instead regard you with pity and don’t see you as a threat.

Devious Counter

You have learned to disable foes who threaten you. Starting at 7th level, when a creature misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to force it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it is knocked prone and its movement speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.

Forceful Will

Beginning at 15th level, when you force a creature within 15 feet of you to make a saving throw to resist the effects of an enchantment spell, they have disadvantage on the saving throw.

Paragon of Dishonor

At 20th level, you can use an action to become a shade of a righteous paladin, gaining the benefits below for 1 minute:

  • You become invisible.
  • You can take the Dash or Hide action as a bonus action.
  • When a creature misses you with an attack, you can force it to repeat its attack against another creature of your choice within the normal range of its attack.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again, unless you spend a spell slot of 5th-level or higher to use it an additional time.

Breaking a Sacred Oath

The difficulty of breaking a Sacred Oath can vary by table and style of play. Depending on the paladin’s transgression, a small ritual or penance may be all that is needed to keep their power, but other times their Oath has been broken beyond forgiveness. When a Paladin breaks their Sacred Oath in such a definitive manner, there are only two options to move forward as a paladin: turn to evil and become an Oath breaker or blackguard, or remain neutral, or even good, as the Oathless paladin detailed here.



Paladin: Oath of the Ancient

The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world, not necessarily because they believe in principles of honor, courage, and justice.

Tenets of the Ancients

The tenets of the Oath of the Ancients have been preserved for uncounted centuries. This oath emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns of law or chaos. Its four central principles are simple.

Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.

Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.

Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.

Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of the Ancients Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Ensnaring Strike, Speak with Animals
5th Moonbeam, Misty Step
9th Plant Growth, Protection from Energy
13th Ice Storm, Stoneskin
17th Commune with Nature, Tree Stride

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Nature’s Wrath. You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke primeval forces to ensnare a foe. As an action, you can cause spectral vines to spring up and reach for a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. The creature must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (your choice) or be restrained. While restrained by the vines, the creature can use its action to repeat the saving throw. On a success, it frees itself and the vines vanish.

Turn the Faithless. You can use your Channel Divinity to utter ancient words that are painful for fey and fiends to hear. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each fey or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute as if by the Turn Undead cleric feature or until it takes damage.

If the creature’s true form is concealed by an illusion, shapeshifting, or other effect, that form is revealed while it is turned.


At 3rd level, the desire to keep the world preserved has kept you closer to nature. You learn two druid cantrips of your choice.

Additionally, you are regarded as friendly to any fey creature you come across due to your oath’s ties to the feywild rituals.

Aura of Warding

Beginning at 7th level, ancient magic lies so heavily upon you that it forms an eldritch ward. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance to damage from spells.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Undying Sentinel

Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, you suffer none of the drawbacks of old age, and you can’t be aged magically.

Elder Champion

At 20th level, you can assume the form of an ancient force of nature, taking on an appearance you choose. For example, your skin might turn green or take on a bark-like texture, your hair might become leafy or moss-like, or you might sprout antlers or a lion-like mane.

Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit points.
  • Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can cast it using a bonus action instead.
  • Enemy creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on saving throws against your paladin spells and Channel Divinity options.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Conquest

The Oath of Conquest calls to paladins who seek glory in battle and the subjugation of their enemies. It isn’t enough for these paladins to establish order. They must crush the forces of chaos. Sometimes called knight tyrants or iron mongers, those who swear this oath gather into grim orders that serve gods or philosophies of war and well-ordered might.

Tenets of Conquest

A paladin who takes this oath has the tenets of conquest seared on the upper arm.

Douse the Flame of Hope. It is not enough to merely defeat an enemy in battle. Your victory must be so overwhelming that your enemies’ will to fight is shattered forever. A blade can end a life. Fear can end an empire.

Rule with an Iron Fist. Once you have conquered, tolerate no dissent. Your word is law. Those who obey it shall be favored. Those who defy it shall be punished as an example to all who might follow.

Strength Above All. You shall rule until a stronger one arises. Then you must grow mightier and meet the challenge, or fall to your own ruin.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Conquest Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Armor of Agathys, Command
5th Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon
9th Bestow Curse, Fear
13th Dominate Beast, Stoneskin
17th Cloudkill, Dominate Person

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Conquering Presence. You can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you force each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Guided Strike. You can use your Channel Divinity to strike with supernatural accuracy. When you make an attack roll, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.

Frightful Presence

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimdation skill if you aren’t already. You can add double your proficiency modifier to ability checks with this skill.

You can make an Intimidation check against a creature as an action. If the result is 5 or more higher than a creature’s passive Insight, they are frightened of you for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they can make an Insight check to attempt to overcome your Paladin DC. On a success, they are no longer frightened.

Aura of Conquest

Starting at 7th level, you constantly emanate a menacing aura while you’re not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover.

If a creature is frightened of you, its speed is reduced to 0 while in the aura, and that creature takes psychic damage equal to half your paladin level if it starts its turn there.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Scornful Rebuke

Starting at 15th level, those who dare to strike you are psychically punished for their audacity. Whenever a creature hits you with an attack, that creature takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) if you’re not incapacitated.

Invincible Conqueror

At 20th level, you gain the ability to harness extraordinary martial prowess. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of conquest, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You have resistance to all damage.
  • When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make one additional attack as part of that action.
  • Your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of the Crown

The Oath of the Crown is sworn to the ideals of civilization, be it the spirit of a nation, fealty to a sovereign, or service to a deity of law and rulership. The paladins who swear this oath dedicate themselves to serving society and, in particular, the just laws that hold society together. These paladins are the watchful guardians on the walls, standing against the chaotic tides of barbarism that threaten to tear down all that civilization has built, and are commonly known as guardians, exemplars, or sentinels. Often, paladins who swear this oath are members of an order of knighthood in service to a nation or a sovereign, and undergo their oath as part of their admission to the order’s ranks.

Tenets of the Crown

The tenets of the Oath of the Crown are often set by the sovereign to which their oath is sworn, but generally emphasize the following tenets.

Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected.

Loyalty. Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.

Courage. You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don’t act, then who will?

Responsibility. You must deal with the consequences of your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties and obligations.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Conquest Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Command, Compelled Duel
5th Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
9th Aura of Vitality, Spirit Guardians
13th Banishment, Guardian of Faith
17th Circle of Power, Geas

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Champion Challenge. As a bonus action, you issue a challenge that compels other creatures to do battle with you. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature can’t willingly move more than 30 feet away from you. This effect ends on the creature if you are incapacitated or die or if the creature is more than 30 feet away from you.

Turn the Tide. As a bonus action, you can bolster injured creatures with your Channel Divinity. Each creature of your choice that can hear you within 30 feet of you regains hit points equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) if it has no more than half of its hit points.

Word of Authority

At 3rd level, you can cast the command spell without expending a spell-slot a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). Creatures who fail a save against your command, have disadvantage on further command saving throws cast from you.

Divine Allegiance

Starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically substitute your own health for that of the target creature, causing that creature not to take the damage. Instead, you take the damage. This damage to you can’t be reduced or prevented in any way.

Unyielding Saint

Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming paralyzed or stunned.

Exalted Champion

At 20th level, your presence on the field of battle is an inspiration to those dedicated to your cause. You can use your action to gain the following benefits for 1 hour:

  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
  • Your allies have advantage on death saving throws while within 30 feet of you.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws, as do your allies within 30 feet of you.

This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Draconic Majesty

Dragons are some of the most powerful creatures in the multiverse, and you seek to emulate their majesty in all that you do. Whether you wish to use and exercise a dragon’s power, help it extend its influence and change the world, or simply fell in love with the mighty creature and its ideals, you agree that dragonkind has its role to play in the great battles of this world. You have made an oath with an ancient or older dragon that has become your sovereign.

Draconic Tenets

Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Dragons vary, paladins of this oath share the following tenets, with some based on your dragon sovereign.

Majesty. I shall not bring shame to my sovereign, and I will behave in a way befitting of my status. I will be proud.

Treasure. I will gather wealth and unique items, both for my endeavors and for my sovereign. Regardless if they call me greedy. One never has enough riches.

Power. (Chromatic sovereign only) What good is power if it is not used? I shall use my power to advance the goals of my sovereign and myself, and remove those who oppose me.

Goodwill. (Metallic sovereign only) I shall not confuse arrogance and pride, nor shall I think myself above helping the weak and the weary.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath Spells
Paladin level Spells
3th absorb elements* , identify
5th dragon’s breath, hold person
9th fear, fly
13th elemental bane, secret chest
17th dominate person, teleportation circle

*You may use your absorb elements spell against poison damage.

Draconic Oath

At 3rd level, when you choose this oath, you choose one type of dragon as your sovereign. The damage type associated with each dragon is used by features of this Oath. If you choose Devethyr as your Sovereign you may choose any Metallic dragon, and if you choose Zargaanadrah you may choose any Chromatic dragon. Additionally, you have learned to speak, read and write Draconic.

Draconic Oath
Metalic Dragon Chromatic Dragon Damage Type
Copper Black Acid
Silver White Cold
Gold, Brass Red Fire
Bronze Blue Lightning
none Green Poison

When you deal damage with your Divine Smite or Improved Divine Smite class features, you can now switch the damage type with the one associated with your Draconic Oath.

Additionally, when you suffer damage of the type associated with your Draconic Oath, you may now use the absorb elements spell once without expending a spell slot to gain resistance to that damage type. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

  • Frightening Presence. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw if it can see you. On a failed save, the target is frightened of you for 1 minute. If a creature frightened by this effect ends its turn more than 30 feet away from you, it can attempt another Wisdom saving throw to end the effect on it.

  • Wing Buffet. As an action, you summon radiant wings that create a strong wind. Each enemy creature in a 20-foot cone, which originates from you, must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked back 15 feet and fall prone, and if they encounter a solid obstacle take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. On a success, they are instead knocked back 5 feet.



Aura of the Serpent Queen

Chromatic Draconic Oath only

Beginning at 7th level, you imbue your own weapons and those of your allies with the elemental fury of your Dragon Sovereign. When you or a friendly creature within 10 feet of you hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, it will deal an extra 1d8 damage of the damage type associated with your Draconic Oath. A creature may only deal this additional damage once per turn, and can benefit from this feature from only one paladin at a time. You must be conscious to grant this boon.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Aura of the Platinum Dragon

Metallic Draconic Oath only

Beginning at 7th level, your devotion grants you and those around you the divine protection of your Dragon Sovereign. You reduce incoming non-psychic damage to yourself and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Creatures may only reduce damage this way once per turn. A creature can benefit from this feature from only one paladin at a time. You must be conscious to grant this boon.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Dragon Flight

At 15th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of spectral dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn. Your wings are automatically dismissed when you lose consciousness.

Draconic Avatar

At 20th level, you can assume the form of a draconic avatar, bolstering your normal form with great scales and steely muscle. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

  • Scales sprout from your body, increasing your AC by 2.
  • You channel the strength of the dragons, your Strength score becomes 26, if it wasn’t already higher.
  • (Aura of the Serpent Queen) Enemies within your aura do not benefit from Resistance to the damage type associated with your sovereign.
  • (Aura of the Platinum Dragon) Allies within your aura reduce non-psychic damage by up to twice your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1)

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Devotion

The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Sometimes called cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors, these paladins meet the ideal of the knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good. They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards. Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of law and good and use their gods’ tenets as the measure of their devotion. They hold angels – the perfect servants of good – as their ideals, and incorporate images of angelic wings into their helmets or coats of arms.

Tenets of Devotion

Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of Devotion vary, paladins of this oath share these tenets.

Honesty. Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.

Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.

Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.

Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath Spells
Paladin level Spells
3rd Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
5th Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
9th Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic
13th Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith
17th Commune, Flame Strike

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one weapon that you are holding with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you add your Charisma modifier to attack rolls made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus of +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.

You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

Turn the Unholy. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring fiends and undead, using your Channel Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Sacred Bond

At 3rd level, you can form an oath with another creature, creating a bond of protection. As a reaction to your bonded creature being attacked, you can choose to take the damage yourself or to split it equally between you two. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Aura of Devotion

Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be charmed while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Purity of Spirit

Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effects of a Protection from Evil and Good spell.

Holy Nimbus

At 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of sunlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30-foot radius, and dim light shines 30 feet beyond that.

  • Whenever an enemy creature starts its turn in the bright light, the creature takes 10 radiant damage.

  • In addition, for the duration, you have advantage on saving throws against spells.

  • Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Dynamism

The ideology of rapid, constant change. The Oath of Dynamism is for those who manifest abilities of lightning and magnetism, channeling raw electricity as pragmatic sentinels of a soon to come future ensuring that the march of progress isn’t interrupted by those afraid of a changing world.

Tenets of Dynamism

As individuals promoting change and progress, they don’t hold fast to many traditions, and instead focus on following through with what they promise.
Take Swift Action. Like lightning itself, you must never hesitate to take needed action. Deliberation and plans are excuses for tardiness.
Never Stay Idle. Like neglected metal leads to rust and decay, you know idleness only leads to weakness and spiritual immobility.
Embrace the Changing Future. You must be ready and perhaps even eager - to discard old traditions as the world changes around you.
Be Decisive, But Flexible. You must be confident in your choices once you have made them. But should you learn that you are definitely going the wrong direction, always be quick to shift to a new unwavering path.

Oath Spells
Paladin level Spells
3rd assistance of lightning, thunderwave
5th branding smite, crackle
9th crushing singularity, lightning bolt
13th echoing lance, sickening radiance
17th destructive wave, fingers of lightning

Divine Conduit

Starting at 3rd level, Your magnetic dynamism wildly reshapes your divine powers, giving you the following benefits:

  • Your can choose to have your divine smite deal lightning or thunder damage instead of radiant. Any paladin spell that casts radiant damage or necrotic also gains this benefit.
  • You can use Divine Smite on Thrown Weapon attacks.
  • Also, when you throw a metal weapon as part of an attack, you can magnetically pull the weapon back to you after it hits or misses, instantly returning it to you.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level you also gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

  • Convert Energy. When a creature or object within 60 feet of you takes lightning, radiant, or thunder damage, you can absorb part as a reaction. You reduce the damage taken by an amount equal to twice your paladin level.
  • Magnetic Momentum. As a bonus action on your turn, you blast one creature you can see within 30 feet of you with a magnetized wave of thunder. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes thunder damage equal to 1d10 + your paladin level and is pushed up to 20 feet away from you. On a success, the target takes half damage and isn’t pushed. Creatures made of, or wearing, metal have disadvantage on the saving throw, and they’re pushed 10 additional feet away.

Aura of Induction

At 7th level, you possess an aura of static around you and your allies. While conscious, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you are resistant to lightning damage.

In addition, when a friendly creature within your aura makes a weapon attack, they had your proficiency bonus in additional lightning damage. This can only triger once per turn. At 18th level the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Static Charge

Starting at 15th level, you possess a static charge. Creatures that grapple you or hit you with natural or metallic weapons suffer 2d8 lightning damage on a hit.

Magnetic Field

At 20th level you can magically surround yourself in a barrier of magnetic force as an action. For 1 minute, you have a magnetic field that extends 30 feet out from you, granting you the following benefits:

  • Weapon attacks made using metal weapons or ammunition have disadvantage inside your aura.
  • You have a 30 foot flying speed as long as you are wearing metal armor.
  • As a bonus action on your turn, you can buffet one creature of your choice in the area that you can see with magnetic energy, forcing it to make a Strength saving throw. If the target is wearing metal armor or it is an earth elemental or metal construct, it also has disadvantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone and you can choose to push it up to 10 feet in any direction. You can do this as part of the same bonus action that you use for your Magnetic Momentum Channel Divinity. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of the Solarion

Paladins of the Oath of the Solarion are wanderers, seeking to promote, and if necessary, enforce laws and foster harmony. By bringing Solarion’s light to dark places they seek to eradicate chaos and discord.

Tenets of the Solarion

Light Banishes Darkness. Darkness conceals all manner of evils. In light, all is revealed.

Order Abates Chaos. Chaos is unstable and inconsistent. Societies flourish under order and structure.

Law is Right. Law is fair, just, and unbiased. All peoples flourish under the rule of law.

Sun Promotes Strength. As the natural world flourishes under the light of the sun, so do civilized peoples. The brutal harshness of the sun serves to make us resilient and promotes endurance.

Oath Spells
Level Spells
3rd Oath-Sealing covenant, searing smite
5th branding smite, flaming sphere
9th sun ward, blinding smite
13th regal procession, staggering smite
17th banishing smite, flamestrike

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Additionally, you gain an additional use of your Channel Divinity. You regain these uses on a long rest.

  • Reinvigorating Warmth. As an action, you present your holy symbol and generate a wave of pleasant warmth in a 30-foot radius around you. All creatures of your choice within the area regain hit points equal to 2d6 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). In addition, creatures of your choice within the area are no longer blinded if they were suffering from that condition due to a spell, feature, or some other temporary effect.

  • Heatwave. As an action, you present your holy symbol and generate a wave of heat in a 30-foot radius around you. A creature within the area must make a Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 + your paladin level fire damage and it can’t take reactions until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half the damage but suffers no further effect.

Eyes of the Solstice

Beginning at 7th level, you can see through normal and magical darkness to 60 feet and you are immune to the blinded condition. Allies within 10 feet of you are also immune to the blinded condition. The range increases to 30 feet at 18th level.

Implacable Endurance

Starting at 15th level, you gain advantage whenever you make a Constitution ability check or saving throw, and if you fail the check, you can reroll the die, but you must use the new roll. Once you reroll a saving throw, you can’t do so again until you finish a short rest.

Avatar of Light

At 20th level, you can use your action to transform into a form of pure light and energy. For 1 minute, or until you end the transformation with a bonus action, you gain the following benefits:

  • You become incorporeal and can’t touch or manipulate physical objects, nor can you make weapon attacks or cast spells. You can pass through solid objects and you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You become immune to all nonmagical damage, and you have resistance to all forms of magical damage. You can end your turn within a solid object, but if you do, the other effects of this feature (blindness and radiant damage) are suppressed.
  • All creatures that can see you within 30 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded. A blinded creature that stays in the affected area can make a saving throw at the end of its turn against your save DC. On a successful save, the effect ends for it.
  • Hostile creatures that starts its turn within 30 feet of you that isn’t behind total cover takes radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Glory

Paladins who take the Oath of Glory believe they and their companions are destined to achieve glory through deeds of heroism. They train diligently and encourage their companions so they’re all ready when destiny calls.

Tenets Of Glory

The tenets of the Oath of Glory drive a paladin to attempt heroics that might one day shine in legend.

Actions over Words. Strive to be known by glorious deeds, not words.

Challenges Are but Tests. Face hardships with courage, and encourage your allies to face them with you.

Hone the Body. Like raw stone, your body must be worked so its potential can be realized.

Discipline the Soul. You must marshal the discipline to overcome failings within yourself that threaten to dim the glory of you and your friends.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Glory Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Guiding Bolt, Heroism
5th Enhance Ability, Magic Weapon
9th Haste, Protection From Energy
13th Compulsion, Freedom Of Movement
17th Commune, Flame Strike

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how Channel Divinity works.

Peerless Athlete. As a bonus action, you can use your Channel Divinity to augment your athleticism. For the next 10 minutes, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks; you can carry, push, drag, and lift twice as much weight as normal; and the distance of your long and high jumps increases by 10 feet (this extra distance costs movement as normal).

Inspiring Smite. Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action and distribute temporary hit points to creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you, which can include you. The total number of temporary hit points equals 2d8 + your level in this class, divided among the chosen creatures however you like.

Shared Glory

At 3rd level, when a hostile creature adjacent to you is reduced to 0 hitpoints by a creature other than you, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to your paladin level + your charisma modifier.

Aura of Alacrity

At 7th level, you emanate an aura that fills you and your companions with supernatural speed, allowing you to race across a battlefield in formation. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, if you aren’t incapacitated, the walking speed of any ally who starts their turn within your aura increases by 10 feet until the end of that turn.

When you reach 18th level in this class, the range of the aura & the additional speed increases to 30 feet.

Glorious Defense

When you reach 15th level, you can turn defense into a sudden strike. When you or another creature you can see within 10 feet of you is hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to grant a bonus to the target’s AC against that attack, potentially causing it to miss. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). If the attack misses, you can make one weapon attack against the attacker as part of this reaction, provided the attacker is within your weapon’s range.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Living Legend

At 20th level, you can empower yourself with the legends — whether true or exaggerated — of your great deeds. As a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You are blessed with an otherworldly presence, gaining advantage on all Charisma checks.
  • Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack and miss, you can cause that attack to hit instead.
  • If you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to reroll it. You must use this new roll.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.



Paladin: Oath of Inheritance

Tenets of Inheritance

The tenets of the Oath of Inheritance vary by paladin based on the history and aspirations of their inherited relic, but always revolve around attaining its sacred purpose.

Ancestral Duty. I shall honor the values of this Relic and embrace its quest as my own.

A Forger’s Legacy. I shall not falter in the face of fear and redeem the aspirations of this relic’s predecessors.

The Past Demands Salvation. I shall succeed where others have failed in my stead, for I know their spirits are watching over me.

Duty Above Thyself. Until the day my quest is through, duty shall precede my own desires.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd divine favor, identify
5th enhance ability, spiritual Weapon
9th dispel magic, spirit guardians
13th guardian of faith, stoneskin
17th circle of power, legend lore

Oath of Inheritance

When you take this oath at 3rd level, a melee weapon that you are proficient with and is in your possession awakens with sentience by the spirit of its Predecessor. The Predecessor is the spirit of the weapon’s creator or previous owner, which for some reason became imbued with it. Through your oath to see their aspirations met, weapon and spirit become bound to you as your Relic.

The Relic can see and hear up to 30 feet around it but can only communicate with you telepathically. While wielding the Relic you cannot be disarmed. You can summon the Relic out of thin air as a bonus action and dismiss it as an action. As part of a long rest, you can transfer the soul of your Predecessor to another weapon.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause the spirit that lies dormant within your Relic weapon to stir into awakening. You gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Weapon of Legacy. For the next minute, when you deal radiant damage to a creature, that creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be blinded until the start of its next turn.

Armor of Legacy. For the next minute, when a creature damages you with a melee weapon attack, the creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
blinded until the end of its turn.

Alignment Powers
Lawful Whenever you are taking a long rest, the sword casts the spell alarm on itself without expending a spell slot. When you make a melee weapon attack with this weapon, roll a d100. If you roll equal to your Paladin level + your Charisma modifier or lower, you can infuse the attack with a level 1 divine smite without expending a spell slot.
Neutral You can cast the spell healing word once per long rest without expending a spell slot. Whenever a creature is attacked within your reach, you can use a reaction to add a +2 to their AC until the end of the attacker’s turn.
Chaotic Whenever an ally that you can see takes damage, you can use your reaction to move up to half of your speed towards them. If at the end of this movement they are within reach, you can use lay on hands on them.

Aura of Exploding Radiance

Starting at 7th level, you emanate an aura while you’re not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction but not through total cover.

Once per turn, when you deal radiant damage to a single target, up to a number of creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus of your choice within the aura (other than your primary target) must make a Charisma saving throw or suffer half of the radiant damage you dealt. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Aid of a Legendary Warrior

Starting at level 15, as a reaction, you can summon the spirit of the Predecessor that resides within your Relic weapon to your side until the start of your next turn. For the duration of this effect, when a creature makes a weapon or spell attack against you or an ally within your aura, it does so with disadvantage as the spirit of the Predecessor attempts to parry and deflect it. You can use this ability as many times as your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) before completing a long rest.

Additionally, once per turn when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack every time, the spirit of the Predecessor attacks as well, dealing an extra weapon die damage. If you are knocked unconscious, the soul of the Predecessor persists.



Champion of Legacy

At 20th level, the Aid of a Legendary Warrior lasts for one minute whenever it is activated. Furthermore, when you miss a weapon attack with your Relic weapon and the Aid of a Legendary Warrior is active, the spirit of the Predecessor attacks, seeing an opening.

Youcan use your bonus action to cast divine smite and deal the damage rolled normally but you do not deal weapon damage since the initial attack has missed.

In addition, when an unconscious ally is within your Aura of Exploding Radiance while Aid of a Legendary Will is active, it will stabilize them at the start of their turn. If they are still unconscious 1 round later, they regain 1 hitpoint.

Paladin: Oath of the Lorekeepers

Lorekeepers are guardians of knowledge; if they aren’t guarding faithful, holy sites, and tomes of knowledge, they commence on quests to recover lost lore.

Tenets of the Lorekeepers

Discover Knowledge. Search sites of antiquity for lost texts. Read, research, and listen to others to increase your own knowledge.

Preserve Lore. Preserve knowledge by transcribing information from old texts into new books. Record the verbal accounts of others into texts.

Safeguard Knowledge. Guard books and information from those who wish to destroy them.

Be Charitable. Translate, transcribe, and deliver messages for those who are illiterate or too poor to do so on their own.

Oath of the Truthshaper Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd comprehend languages, identify
5th impart knowledge, locate object
9th analyze contraption, Galder’s tower
13th fabricate, Leomund’s secret chest
17th creation, skill empowerment

Knowledge of the Keepers

Starting at 3rd level, you gain expertise in two extra skills from the Paladin skill list and a cantrip from the Wizard spell list. This spell counts as a paladin spell for you.

Additionally, you can use Intelligence as your Paladin spellcasting modifier. Any Paladin feature that uses Charisma can instead use Intelligence.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Knowledge Seeker. You can use your Channel Divinity to improve your understanding of knowledgebased skills. When you use this feature, choose either Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History), Intelligence (Nature), or Intelligence (Religion); you gain advantage on all checks with the chosen skill for the next 10 minutes.

Battle Knowledge. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to increase your knowledge of battle tactics. For 1 minute, you can add your Intelligence modifier to your attack rolls (minimum of +1). During this time, enemies within 5 feet of you can’t use the Disengage action, and you have advantage on any opportunity attacks you make.

Aura of Wisdom

Beginning at 7th level, you radiate a presence of divine understanding granted to you by the Wise God. You and all creatures that you choose within 10 feet of you have advantage on Wisdom ability checks and saving throws.

At 18th level, the aura’s radius increases to 30 feet.

Knowledge Savant

Starting at 15th level, whenever you roll an ability check that uses your Intelligence modifier, you can treat any roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Avatar of the Lorekeepers

At 20th level, you can use your action to transform into the ideal lorekeeper; for 1 hour, you have the following benefits.

  • Your Aura of Wisdom increases to a radius of 50 feet.
  • Your Knowledge Savant feature extends to creatures you choose within 10 feet of you.
  • You gain the benefits of a protection from evil and good spell.
  • You gain the benefits of a freedom of movement spell.

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Liberty

The Oath of Liberty calls paladins to use their power to stand with the oppressed against tyranny. It is not enough to enact justice, but to see that justice is fairly applied to all Paladins of Liberty are often despised by those who have seized power through nefarious means. Seen as threats to the established order, those who swear this Oath and are often persecuted.

Tenets of Liberty

A paladin of Liberty often emblazons their oath upon their shield and refuses to hide or obscure what they stand for.

Equality. Birth, wealth, and status do not matter. Everyone is equal in your eyes. The mighty should be made low, and the lowly raised up. All people should have access to their basic needs, regardless of their birth, status, or wealth.

Freedom. Every creature has a right to be free and equal under the law of the land. Bring freedom to those who are enslaved and bring justice to those who abuse their power.

Oath of Liberty Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd heroism, shield of faith
5th prayer of healing, warding bond
9th life transference , revivify
13th aura of purity, freedom of movement
17th mass cure wounds, skill empowerment

Channel Divinity

At 3rd level you gain the following Channel Divinity options:

  • Admonish the Tyrannical. As a reaction when a creature deals damage to a creature within 30 feet, you can grasp your holy symbol to rebuke them. For the next minute, the attacker has disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn’t target you.
  • Shield the Meek. As a reaction when a creature within 30 feet is hit by an attack, you can grasp your holy symbol, and grant it a bonus to their AC equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1), possibly making the attack miss. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.


At 3rd level, you can spend half your movement to break out of any grapple or restrained effect. If either effect comes from another condition or spell being inflicted upon you, you can reroll the save to the original effect.

Aura of Solidarity

The strength of your convictions protects those who stand alongside you. Starting at 7th level, when an allied creature within 10 feet of you takes damage, the damage is reduced by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).

At 18th level the range of this ability increases to 30 feet.

Shelter the Innocent

Starting at 15th level, as a bonus action you can cast the sanctuary spell on a creature within your Aura of Solidarity without expending a spell slot.

You gain a number of uses of this ability equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses on a long rest.

Heroic Sacrifice

You can enact the ultimate sacrifice, laying down your life for your allies. At 20th level, you can use an action to distribute your remaining hit points and spell slots among creatures within 60 feet of you, following the rules below:

  • You can divide hit points and spell slots in any increment, among any creatures of your choice within range.
  • Any hit points you give to creatures that go over their hit point maximum become temporary hit points for them.
  • For a creature to receive one of your spell slots, they must have an expended a spell slot of the same level or lower.

Immediately after you distribute your remaining hit points and spell slots you fall to zero hit points, and are unconscious but stabilized. Once you use this ability you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.



Paladin: Oath of the Luckchasers

Paladins who take this oath travel the realms seeking to bring luck to those who are struggling with their fortunes. They consider themselves as ambassadors of goodwill, destroyers of evil, and embodiments of Kyeshira’s will.

Tenets of the Luckbringers

Kyeshira’s Luck Never Fails. Have faith in Kyeshira’s luck. If a situation presents itself, then Kyeshira has chosen it that way—it is a test.

Fortune Favors the Bold. This is your battle cry. Be bold in your actions—set lofty goals and strive to achieve them.

Place Yourself in the Hands of Fate. You can’t truly achieve greatness without taking risks. You must be driven to succeed.

Oath Spells
Level Spells
3rd auspicious warnings, Kareef’s entreaty
5th fortune’s favor, Jim’s glowing coin
9th incite greed, haste
13th freedom of movement, guardian of faith
17th skill empowerment, steel wind strike

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

  • Kyeshira’s Blessing. As an action, you can raise your holy symbol and speak a prayer asking Tymora to favor you and up to three allies of your choice within 20 feet. For 1 minute, at the start of each affected creature’s turn, it gains 1d6 to add to a d20 roll—an unspent die is lost at the end of that creature’s turn.

  • Kyeshira’s Ire. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer against a creature. The targeted creature must make a Charisma Saving throw. On a failure, you gain a special fate die once per round, lasting one minute. Whenever the targeted creature makes a d20 roll, you can replace it with a roll of your own as a reaction, the creature takes the roll regardless of if it is better or worse than what you roll. You can only do this once per round.

Two-sided Coin

At 3rd level, you can cast the bane and bless spells once a day without expending a spell-slot. These spells do not require concentration for you when cast this way.

Kyeshira’s Boon

Beginning at 7th level, you exude luck in ways most unexpected. Whenever allied creatures in your aura make a roll at disadvantage, their next roll is made at advantage. Enemy creatures in your aura cannot use features that allow them to reroll saving throws. This ability doesn’t affect abilities that automatically succeed saving throws.

At 18th level, your aura increases to 30 feet.

Battle Blessing

Starting at 15th level, you are permanently blessed. Whenever you make an attack roll or a saving throw, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. You can as an action give this blessing to another creature while losing it for yourself, lasting for 1 minute or until you cancel it as a bonus action.

Avatar of the Luckchasers

At 20th level, you can use your action to transform into the ideal holy champion of Kyeshira; for 1 minute, or until you end the transformation using your action, you gain the following benefits:

  • The range of your Kyeshira’s Blessing Channel Divinity feature increases to 60 feet, and the die increases to 1d8.
  • The die from your Battle Blessing feature increases to 1d6.
  • When using your Kyeshira’s Ire Channel Divinity, you gain two fate die per round and an additional reaction you can use only for rolling the die.

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of the Pit

While Asmodeus’s clerics focus their efforts on turning mortal souls, the Lord of the Nine Hells empowers his paladins with the might of his devils. Whereas true fiends are invariably sensed, hunted down, and purged by impetuous do-gooders, Asmodeus’s paladins can act more freely to channel the dominating power of the Hells in other planes.

Tenets of the Pit

Temptation. Mortals are weak and fickle creatures. Learn the weaknesses and desires of those around you and use them to your advantage.

Manipulation. Always look to gain the upper hand, whether by gaining better information, leverage, or even blackmail.

Domination. Where a silver tongue may fail, a steel blade can succeed. If enemies can’t be wooed, they will be cowed.

Preparation. A representative of Asmodeus always looks for the upper hand in a deal and knows how to turn any crisis into a fortunate result.

Oath of the Pit Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd devilcall, hellish rebuke
5th blindness/deafness, cruel disappointment
9th blinding smite, fear
13th forbidden speech, staggering smite
17th hold monster, planar binding

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Devil’s Chains. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to create deadly bindings reminiscent of a chain devil. You select up to two creatures you can see within 30 feet of you; magical, razor-sharp chains burst up from the ground around them and attempt to wrap around each target. The targets must make a Dexterity saving throw or take slashing damage equal to twice your paladin level and become restrained until the end of your next turn. A creature who makes this saving throw takes half as much damage and isn’t restrained. A creature of Huge size or larger automatically succeeds on its saving throw.

Voice of the Cloven. Your faith in Asmodeus gives you authority over his devils. As an action, you can shout a word in the Infernal tongue that all fiends either fear or respect; each fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. If the fiend’s Charisma score is lower than your own, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. Devils who fail the saving throw are charmed by you for 1 minute, while demons are frightened of you instead. An affected fiend can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on itself with a success.

Secretary of the Nine

At 3rd level, you gain the find familiar spell and can cast it ritually. You can summon an imp with this feature, loyal to you and the cause of Asmodeus.

Devil’s Sight

At 7th level, you emulate the senses of fiends. You gain darkvision to 120 feet, and magical darkness doesn’t impede your vision. Friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can also see through magical darkness.

At 18th level, the range affecting friendly creatures increases to 30 feet.

Nine Hells Rebuke

Starting at 15th level, your ability to punish your attackers is second nature to you. When you use your reaction to cast hellish rebuke, you can cast it at 3rd level without expending a spell-slot. You can do this a number of times equal to your charisma modifier.

Dread Might

At 20th level, you can use your action to transform into a terrifying devil reminiscent of a pit fiend. The transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it early with a bonus action. While transformed, you gain the following benefits:

  • Bat-like wings sprout from your back, melding from out of your armor or other gear. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 fire damage.
  • On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to make a ranged spell attack by hurling flames at a target you can see within 80 feet. On a hit, the flames deal 4d8 fire damage and ignite objects that aren’t being worn or carried.

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Preservation

The oath of preservation is born with the coming of civilizations and museums, with the concern of taking care of our memories. It is based on the protection of old buildings and monuments, as well as the recovery of ancient artifacts and sacred relics. Paladins of this oath fight to preserve the memory of the world, side by side with historians and men of great knowledge, all devotees to the same cause. Their armor resembles those of ancient warriors and kingdoms of the past.

Tenets of Preservation

Tenets of this oath guides the paladin towards the beauty and importance of history, and why is worth to sacrifice to preserve it.

Memory. Be the memory, assimilate lost knowledge and be a beacon of illumination for the world, because rememberance is what matters.

Recovery. Your mission is to recover and protect ancient historical artifacts worth sharing with the world.

Protection. In battle, don’t let the heat of the moment push you to destroy everything. Defend monuments and buildings from the destruction of war.

Oath Spells
Level Spells
3rd sanctuary, tenser’s floating disk
5th shatter, locate object
9th counterspell, remove curse
13th secret chest, sickening radiance
17th wall of force, legend lore

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

  • Warden of the Memory. As an action, Allies within 30 feet of the paladin are freed from any effects that assault their mind, such as charm, modify memory, confusion or frightened.

  • Ancient Sense A paladin senses the presence of cursed, magic items or historical artifacts at least 100 years old. As an action, you can project your perception around yourself to sense the presence of these forces. Until the end of your next turn, the paladin knows the location of each cursed, magical or historical object within 60 feet of him.

Ancient Memory

At 3rd level, you can recall knowledge that isn’t your own, determined by knowledge your order may have. As an action you channel the spirit of your Order through you, gaining insight into one question you ask. You cannot recall knowledge your order wouldn’t reasonably know.

Aura of Preservation

At 7th level once per long rest the paladin can choose an object to protect that he’s wearing or carrying, it gains temporary hit points equal to his paladin level + his Charisma modifier and resistance to all damage for each 8 hours. Also, allies within 10 feet from you are protected by a divine force.

A creature attempting to cut a limb, disarm or rob an ally inside the aura must make on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the action fails.

Indomitable Safeguard

Starting at 15th level when an enemy cast a spell that affects and damages an area or your allies, as reaction the paladin create a dome translucent shield of ancient arcane energy of 30-feet-range. Allied creatures inside the dome add the paladin Charisma modifier to the saving throw against the spell, they take no damage on a successful save or half as much of that damage on a failed one. Objects inside the dome don’t suffer any damage.

Unwavering Sentinel

At 20th level the paladin can assume the form of an ancient armor. As an action, you can magically become an avatar of preservation, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • When you use this feature, the paladin, objects and allies of your choice within 30 feet of you gain a protective aura that gives the benefits of the sanctuary spell.
  • You add your Intelligence modifier to your AC (minimum 1).
  • You can’t suffer critical hits.



Paladin: Oath of Redemption

The Oath of Redemption sets a paladin on a difficult path, one that requires a holy warrior to use violence only as a last resort. Paladins who dedicate themselves to this oath believe that any person can be redeemed and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk. These paladins face evil creatures in the hope of turning them to the light, and the paladins slay them only when such a deed will clearly save other lives. Paladins who follow this path are known as redeemers.

While redeemers are idealists, they are no fools. Redeemers know that undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats can be inherently evil. Against such foes, the paladins bring the full wrath of their weapons and spells to bear. Yet the redeemers still pray that, one day, even creatures of wickedness will invite their own redemption.

Tenets of Redemption

The tenets of the Oath of Redemption hold a paladin to a high standard of peace and justice.

Peace. Violence is a weapon of last resort. Diplomacy and understanding are the paths to long-lasting peace.

Innocence. All people begin life in an innocent state, and it is their environment or the influence of dark forces that drives them to evil. By setting the proper example, and working to heal the wounds of a deeply flawed world, you can set anyone on a righteous path.

Patience. Change takes time. Those who have walked the path of the wicked must be given reminders to keep them honest and true. Once you have planted the seed of righteousness in a creature, you must work day after day to allow it to survive and then flourish.

Wisdom. Your heart and mind must stay clear, for eventually you will be forced to admit defeat. While every creature can be redeemed, some are so far along the path of evil that you have no choice but to end their lives for the greater good. Any such action must be carefully weighed and the consequences fully understood.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Redemption Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Sanctuary, Sleep
5th Calm Emotions, Hold Person
9th Counterspell, Hypnotic Pattern
13th Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Stoneskin
17th Hold Monster, Wall of Force

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Emissary of Peace. You can use your Channel Divinity to augment your presence with divine power. As a bonus action, you grant yourself a +5 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks for the next 10 minutes.

Rebuke the Violent. You can use your Channel Divinity to rebuke those who use violence. Immediately after an attacker within 30 feet of you deals damage with an attack against a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to force the attacker to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker takes radiant damage equal to the damage it just dealt. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage.

Moment of Peace

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and you can add double your proficiency bonus to any checks making use of this skill. You gain temporary hit points equal to your paladin level whenever you make a successful Charisma check against a non-friendly creature. These hitpoints last until your next long rest.

Aura of the Guardian

Starting at 7th level, you can shield your allies from harm at the cost of your own health. When a creature within 10 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically take that damage, instead of that creature taking it. This feature doesn’t transfer any other effects that might accompany the damage, and this damage can’t be reduced in any way.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Protective Spirit

Starting at 15th level, a holy presence mends your wounds in combat. You regain hit points equal to 1d6 + half your paladin level if you end your turn in combat with fewer than half of your hit points remaining and you aren’t incapacitated.

Emissary of Redemption

At 20th level, you become an avatar of peace, which gives you the following benefits.

  • You have resistance to all damage dealt by other creatures (their attacks, spells, and other effects).
  • Whenever a creature damages you, it takes radiant damage equal to half the amount it dealt to you.
  • If you attack a creature, cast a spell on it, or deal damage to it by any means but this feature, neither benefit works against that creature until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of the Sacred Forge

Brazenfist embodies the spirit of the dwarven race— tough, patient, enduring, with an eye for beauty and strength in craft and community.

Paladins of the Oath of the Sacred Forge seek to be exemplars and ambassadors of the dwarven peoples of Edenbaerrow, chiefly among the clans, but also among the non-dwarven races. These paladins believe that the ancient glory of the dwarves can be reclaimed and that the clans can reach new heights of craft, construction, and prominence in the world. They almost zealously promote the dwarven ideals of hard work, community, bravery, and persistence.

Tenets of the Sacred Forge

Heart of Steel. Steel is hard, but flexible, tempered by fire to be stronger still. In your heart be steadfast, strong and true. Through hardship and trial, you are tempered.

Mind of Mithril. True metal is light, sharp, and above all rare. Be swift of thought, sharp and decisive, and not afraid to think uniquely.

Soul of Fire. Fire is passion, all-consuming and cleansing. Fire tempers steel and destroys lesser things. In your commitment to the dwarven race and ideals be unquenchable.

Oath of the Sacred Forge Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Brazenfist’s blessing, shield of faith
5th heat metal, magic weapon
9th meld into stone, Brazenfist’s curse
13th stone shape, stoneskin
17th Brazenfist’s wrath, soulforge

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options:

Exultation of Dwarvenkind. As an action, you brandish your holy symbol and bolster yourself and your allies with inspiring visions. You may select a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 30 feet. Each gains a d8 that can be added to any one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw within the next 10 minutes. The creature can wait until after it rolls a d20 before deciding to use the die but must decide before the DM says whether the roll is successful.

You and any affected ally that is a dwarf may gain two d8s instead of one, but they can’t be expended on the same d20 roll.

Earth’s Embrace. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring your earthbound foes. Each enemy within 30 feet of you that is in contact with the ground must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained for 1 minute or until it takes any damage as the earth itself reaches up to grab it. As an action, a restrained creature can reroll the save. On a success, they are no longer restrained.

Peerless Craft

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in an artisan’s tools of your choice. Over the course of ten minutes, you can craft lower quality versions of items available to such tools, creating replicas of any adventuring gear or weapons and armor valued under 30 gold. They work as intended but degrade over the course of your long rest.

The gold value of this increases at 10th level to 100 gold.

Aura of Stability

Beginning at 7th level, you can’t be knocked prone or moved against your will if you are in contact with earth, stone, or a structure that is. In addition, all allies within 10 feet gain advantage on checks to resist being knocked prone or moved against their will if they are in contact with earth, stone, or a structure that is. At 18th level, the aura’s radius increases to 30 feet.

Hardened Soul

Starting at 15th level, you are immune to attacks or effects that reduce your abilities (e.g., a shadow’s Strength Drain) or those that reduce your hit point maximum (e.g., the Life Drain ability of wights and wraiths).

Avatar of the Sacred Forge

At 20th level, you can assume the form of an Avatar of the Sacred Forge, a stone skinned warrior garbed in shining mithril arms and armor. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain resistance to all damage.
  • Any carried weapons are treated as magic and silver, and they can’t be dropped, disarmed, or damaged unless you so choose.
  • You gain advantage on all Constitution saving throws.

Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of Vengeance

The Oath of Vengeance is a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin. When evil forces slaughter helpless villagers, when an entire people turns against the will of the gods, when a thieves’ guild grows too violent and powerful, when a dragon rampages through the countryside – at times like these, paladins arise and swear an Oath of Vengeance to set right that which has gone wrong. To these paladins – sometimes called avengers or dark knights – their own purity is not as important as delivering justice.

Tenets of Vengeance

The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance vary by paladin, but all the tenets revolve around punishing wrongdoers by any means necessary. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice even their own righteousness to mete out justice upon those who do evil, so the paladins are often neutral or lawful neutral in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.

Fight the Greater Evil. Faced with a choice of fighting my sworn foes or combating a lesser evil, I choose the greater evil.

No Mercy for the Wicked. Ordinary foes might win my mercy, but my sworn enemies do not.

By Any Means Necessary. My qualms can’t get in the way of exterminating my foes.

Restitution. If my foes wreak ruin on the world, it is because I failed to stop them. I must help those harmed by their misdeeds.

Oath of Vengeance Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Bane, Hunter’s Mark
5th Hold Person, Misty Step
9th Haste, Protection from Energy
13th Banishment, Dimension Door
17th Hold Monster, Scrying

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Abjure Enemy. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation, using your Channel Divinity. Choose one creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and undead have disadvantage on this saving throw.

On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened, the creature’s speed is 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.

On a successful save, the creature’s speed is halved for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage. Vow of Enmity. As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of enmity against a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious.

Merciful Killing

At 3rd level, when you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints, you can immediately heal a creatue within 30 feet as a reaction. The damage healed is equal to your Charisma Modifier. If the creature you heal is unconscious, they regain an amount equal to twice your Charisma modifier.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Relentless Avenger

By 7th level, your supernatural focus helps you close off a foe’s retreat. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can move up to half your speed immediately after the attack and as part of the same reaction. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

Soul of Vengeance

Starting at 15th level, the authority with which you speak your Vow of Enmity gives you greater power over your foe. When a creature under the effect of your Vow of Enmity makes an attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.

Avenging Angel

At 20th level, you can assume the form of an angelic avenger. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 hour, you gain the following benefits:

  • Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet.
  • You emanate an aura of menace in a 30-foot radius. The first time any enemy creature enters the aura or starts its turn there during a battle, the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. Attack rolls against the frightened creature have advantage.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Paladin: Oath of the Watchers

The Oath of the Watchers binds paladins to protect mortal realms from the predations of extraplanar creatures, many of which can lay waste to mortal soldiers. Thus, the Watchers hone their minds, spirits, and bodies to be the ultimate weapons against such threats.

Paladins who follow the Watchers’ oath are ever vigilant in spotting the influence of extraplanar forces, often establishing a network of spies and informants to gather information on suspected cults.

Tenets of the Watchers

A paladin who assumes the Oath of the Watchers swears to safeguard mortal realms from otherwordly threats.

Vigilance. The threats you face are cunning, powerful, and subversive. Be ever alert for their corruption.

Loyalty. Never accept gifts or favors from fiends or those who truck with them. Stay true to your order, your comrades, and your duty.

Discipline. You are the shield against the endless terrors that lie beyond the stars. Your blade must be forever sharp and your mind keen to survive what lies beyond.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of the Watchers Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Alarm, Detect Magic
5th Moonbeam, See Invisibility
9th Counterspell, Nondetection
13th Aura of Purity, Banishment
17th Hold Monster, Scrying

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options, and two uses of your Channel Divinity:

Watcher’s Will. You can use your Channel Divinity to invest your presence with the warding power of your faith. As an action, you can choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). For 1 minute, you and the chosen creatures have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Abjure the Extraplanar. You can use your Channel Divinity to castigate unworldly beings. As an action, you present your holy symbol and each aberration, celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly end its move in a space within 30 feet of you. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can take the Dodge action.

Aura of the Sentinel

At 7th level, you emit an aura of alertness while you aren’t incapacitated. When you and any creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you roll initiative, you all gain a bonus to initiative equal to your proficiency bonus.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Vigilant Rebuke

At 15th level, you’ve learned how to chastise anyone who dares wield beguilements against you and your wards. Whenever you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you succeeds on an Intelligence, a Wisdom, or a Charisma saving throw, you can use your reaction to deal 2d8 + your Charisma modifier force damage to the creature that forced the saving throw.

Mortal Bulwark

At 20th level, you manifest a spark of divine power in defense of the mortal realms. As a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You gain truesight with a range of 120 feet.
  • You have advantage on attack rolls against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, and fiends.
  • When you hit a creature with an attack roll and deal damage to it, you can also force it to make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is magically banished to its native plane of existence if it’s currently not there. On a successful save, the creature can’t be banished by this feature for 24 hours.

Once you use this bonus action, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.



Paladin: Oathbreaker

An oathbreaker is a paladin who breaks their sacred oaths to pursue some dark ambition or serve an evil power. Whatever light burned in the paladin’s heart been extinguished. Only darkness remains.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oathbreaker Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds
5th Crown of Madness, Darkness
9th Animate Dead, Bestow Curse
13th Blight, Confusion
17th Contagion, Dominate Person

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Control Undead. As an action, you target one undead creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target must obey your commands for the next 24 hours, or until you use this Channel Divinity option again. An undead whose challenge rating is equal to or greater than your paladin level is immune to this effect.

Dreadful Aspect. As an action, you channel the darkest emotions and focus them into a burst of magical menace. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw if it can see you. On a failed save, the target is frightened of you for 1 minute. If a creature frightened by this effect ends its turn more than 30 feet away from you, it can attempt another Wisdom saving throw to end the effect on it.

Unholy Companion

At 3rd level, when you successfully slay a creature, you can as an action raise it into a Zombie (See MM for statistics), the creature is friendly towards you and your allies and stays around for 10 minutes. At 10th level, the Zombie you raise becomes a Husk Zombie.

Once you’ve used this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Aura of Hate

Starting at 7th level you, as well any fiends and undead within 10 feet of you, gain a bonus to melee weapon damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). A creature can benefit from this feature from only one paladin at a time.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Supernatural Resistance

At 15th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from weapon attacks.

Dread Lord

At 20th level, you can, as an action, surround yourself with an aura of gloom that lasts for 1 minute.

  • The aura reduces any bright light in a 30-foot radius around you to dim light.
  • Whenever an enemy that is frightened by you starts its turn in the aura, it takes 4d10 psychic damage.
  • Additionally, you and any creatures of your choosing in the aura are draped in deeper shadow. Creatures that rely on sight have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures draped in this shadow.

While the aura lasts, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause the shadows in the aura to attack one creature. Make a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the target takes necrotic damage equal to 3d10 + your Charisma modifier.

After activating the aura, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



The wandering Rangers of Edenbaerrow

##### A decent blade or bow, in service alongside nature.



The Ranger
Level Proficiency Features Hunt Prey Tricks Known Trick Uses
1st +2 Hunt Prey, Favored Terrain, Survivalist Healer 2
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Favored Enemy, Huntsman Tricks 2 3 3
3rd +2 Ranger Conclave 2 4 4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 4
5th +3 Extra Attack, Natural Expertise 3 4 4
6th +3 Fleet of Foot 3 4 4
7th +3 Conclave Feature 3 4 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 5
9th +4 Hunter’s Lore, Quieted Steps 4 5 5
10th +4 Tireless Endurance 4 5 5
11th +4 Conclave Feature 4 5 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 6 6
13th +5 Greater Favored Terrain 5 6 6
14th +5 Vanish 5 6 6
15th +5 Conclave Feature 5 6 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 7 7
17th +6 6 7 7
18th +6 Feral Senses 6 7 7
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 7 7
20th +6 Foe Slayer 6 8 8

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per ranger level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per ranger level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, Medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: Harvester’s Tools & Herbalism kit

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • (a) two shortswords or (b) two simple melee weapons
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • A longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows
  • Herbalism Kit

Hunt Prey

Starting from 1st level, as a bonus action on your turn, you may designate a single creature as your prey. You must be able to see or hear this creature, or succeed on a Wisdom (Survival) check to track it.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks to track your prey. In addition, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack.

You can have only one creature designated as your prey at a time. Your designation lasts for a number of hours equal to your wisdom modifier, or until you designate a new creature as your prey. You may designate prey the number of times shown for your ranger level in the Updated Ranger class table, and these uses recharge on a short rest.

The damage dice of your Hunt Prey increases to 1d8 at 6th level, and 1d10 at 14th level.

Favored Terrain

Also at 1st level, you are particularly familiar with one type of natural environment and are adept at traveling and surviving in such regions.

Choose one type of favored terrain based on the available Biome Cultures. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check related to your favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill that you’re proficient in.

While traveling for an hour or more in your favored terrain, you gain the following benefits:

  • Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel.
  • Your group can’t become lost except by magical means.
  • Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.



  • If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.
  • When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would.
  • While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through the area.

You choose additional favored terrain types at 6th and 10th level.

Survivalist Healer

Your experience surviving in the harsh wilderness has taught you how to identify and make use of medicinal plants. At 1st level, you may spend 1 hour a day searching a natural area for helpful herbs and fungi; this can count as part of a short or long rest. Roll a foraging check with your Survival skill.

On a success, you find enough herbs to produce a number of healing poultices equal to your Wisdom modifier. You must have an herbalism kit to produce these items. On a failure, you can only produce a number equal to half your Wisdom modifier (rounded down).

Healing poultices are non-magical items which can be applied to an adjacent creature by any creature with Survival or Medicine proficiency, using an action or bonus action on their turn. The target creature regains hit points equal to 1d6 plus half your ranger level (rounded down) and loses the poisoned condition. Healing poultices lose their potency 24 hours after being produced.

Fighting Style

At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

  • Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
  • Blind Fighting. You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.
  • Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Druidic Warrior Your connection to the spirits of nature is stronger than most other rangers. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the druid spell list. They count as ranger spells for you, and Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them. When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the druid spell list
  • Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Mariner You have trained to fight on, around, and in the water. As long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
  • Thrown Weapon Fighting. You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. You can draw a weapon that has the light property as part of the attack you make with the weapon.

Favored Enemy

By 2nd level, you have studied a specific type of enemy creature and can hunt it more easily. Choose a type of favored enemy: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. Alternatively, you can select two races of humanoids, such as gnolls or elves.

You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track these creatures, and Intelligence checks to recall or discover information about them. When you roll initiative and can see an enemy that belongs to the chosen category, you can Hunt Prey as part of rolling initiative.

You have advantage on saving throws against your favored enemy’s innate abilities, such as a dragon’s Frightful Presence or Breath Weapon, but not against spells they cast. When you gain this feature, you also learn one language of your choice that is spoken by your favored enemies, if they speak one at all.

You choose one additional favored enemy, as well as an associated language, at 6th and 14th level.

Huntsman Tricks

At 2nd level, you’ve learned various methods of fighting that incorporate both mundane and magical tricks to empower yourself. You gain access to a variety of tricks. You learn three tricks of your choice, and the trick you gain with your conclave. You can use Tricks three times before needing to finish a short rest or long rest to regain uses. You gain one additional trick and usage at 8th, 12th, and 16th level. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can change your tricks known.



Some of these tricks require a saving throw. You use your wisdom modifier for your DC whenever a trick refers to your save DC. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Trick save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Ranger Conclave

At 3rd level, you choose to emulate the ideals and training of a ranger conclave. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Natural Expertise

Starting at 5th level, you gain proficiency in Nature and Survival. If you are already proficient in the chosen skill, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with them.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fleet of Foot

Starting at 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. You can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such those created by the Entangle spell.

Hunter’s Lore

Starting at 9th level, While a creature is marked by your Hunt Prey, you know whether that creature has any damage or condition immunities, damage resistances, or damage vulnerabilities, and if the creature has any, you know what they are.

Quieted Steps.

Starting at 9th level, you’ve gained the ability to guide others through the quietest route possible. As an action, you can cast Pass Without Trace without requiring material components or concentration. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Tireless Endurance

At 10th level, you persist through pain, exhaustion, and even near-death. As an action, you can give yourself a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). You can use this action a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you finish a short rest, your exhaustion level, if any, is decreased by 1.

Greater Favored Terrain

At 13th level, your mastery of your favored terrain grants you benefits even outside of it. You gain a benefit based your first favored terrain type.

  • Arctic. You gain resistance to cold damage.
  • Badlands. You ignore the effects of 1 level of exhaustion.
  • Blightlands. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
  • Coast. Your swimming speed increases by 15 feet.
  • Desert. You gain resistance to fire damage.
  • Feylands. You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions.
  • Forest. Your climbing speed increases by 15 feet.
  • Grassland. Your walking speed increases by 15 feet.
  • Mountain. Your climbing speed increases by 15 feet.
  • Swamp. You gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws against poison.
  • Underdark. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, increase its range by 30 feet.
  • Urban. You ignore the penalties of obscuring effects if they are the caused by steam, mist or smoke.


Starting at 14th level, you can use the Hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Also, you can’t be tracked by nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail.

Feral Senses

At 18th level, Your connection to the forces of nature grants you blindsight with a range of 30 feet.

Foe Slayer

At 20th level, you become an unparalleled hunter of your enemies. You can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against one of your favored enemies.

Additionally, once on each of your turns, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll or the damage roll of an attack you make against your marked prey.




  • Cat’s Grace: You’ve learned how to move in quick and unpredictable bursts. You can expend a usage of your tricks to take the dash action as a bonus action until the end of your next turn. If you haven’t attacked this turn, this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. At 10th level, you can use the dash and disengage action as part of the same bonus action.

  • Curving Shots. You can expend a usage of your tricks to ignore half and three-quarters cover until the end of your next turn. At 10th level, you can target a creature behind total cover if there is a way for your arrow to curve to the location.

  • Ensnaring Strike: As a bonus action, you can expend a usage of your tricks to smear evervine oil onto your weapon. On a hit, the creature is covered in a writhing mass of thorny vines that appear at the point of impact, and the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the magical vines for one minute. A Large or larger creature has advantage on this saving throw. If the target succeeds on the save, the vines shrivel away. While restrained by this, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature restrained by the vines or one that can touch the creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your trick save DC. On a success, the target is freed. At 10th level, the damage increases to 2d6.

  • Hail of Thorns: As a bonus action, you can expend a usage of your tricks to place a thornthistle trap onto your ammunition. The next time you hit, the ammunition explodes outward in a rain of prickly thorns. In addition to the normal effect of the attack, the target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. At 10th level, the damage of this trick increases to 2d10.

  • Hateful Attack: When you are fighting one of your favored enemies, you can expend a usage of your tricks to as a bonus action double the threat range of your weapon for this turn. This does not stack with other abilities that increase a weapon’s threat range. At 10th level, you triple your weapon’s threat range.

  • Penetrating Shot. When you make a ranged weapon attack against a creature, you can expend a trick usage to have your arrow penetrate and strike something behind it that is within your weapon’s first range increment. If the first attack roll would hit both creatures, roll damage against both. You can expend additional usages to continue penetrating after the second hit. At 10th level, you continue to pierce until the attack no longer hits or it strikes a solid object.

  • Poisoner: When you use your Survivalist Healer feature, you can expend a usage of your tricks to turn one of those poultices into deadly poison. When applied, the poison lasts one minute, and whenever you strike a creature with a poisoned weapon they must make a constitution saving throw against your trick DC or be poisoned for one minute. The creature additionally takes 1d4 poison damage every round they remain poisoned. At 10th level, the poison becomes 3d4 instead.

  • Quick Healing: You’ve gained mastery over administering quick aid to a dying creature. You can expend a usage of your tricks to automatically stabilize a dying creature within 5 feet of you. Alternatively, you can expend a usage to administer a potion as a bonus action. At 10th level, you can administer a potion as an interaction.

  • Rattling Strike: When you successfully hit a creature, you can expend a usage of your tricks to force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your trick DC. On a failure, they are frightened of you for one minute. A creature frightened this way can make another saving throw at the end of their turn to save against this effect. At 10th level, you can frighten creatures normally immune to the frightened condition.

  • Second Swing: Even a master hunter needs to adapt when failure is imminent. When you miss with a melee attack roll, you can expend a usage of your tricks to reroll the attack. If the attack hits, you can add 1d6 additional weapon damage. At 10th level, the additional damage becomes 2d6.

  • Upending Strike: When you hit an enemy with a melee weapon, you can expend a usage of your tricks to attempt to prone your enemy. They must succeed on a strength saving throw against your trick DC. On a failure, they are knocked prone. At 10th level, ranged attacks do not have disadvantage against creatures proned by your Upending Strike.

  • Vengeful Strike: When an ally within 5 feet of you is hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to retaliate. You expend a usage of your tricks and make one weapon attack against the attacker. At 10th level, you can make two weapon attacks against the creature.



Ranger: Beastmaster Conclave

Many rangers are more at home in the wilds than in civilization, to the point where animals consider them kin. Rangers of the Beast Conclave develop a close bond with a beast, then further strengthen that bond through the use of magic.

Beastmaster Trick: Bolster Companion

As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Huntman’s Tricks to have your animal companion strike a target that is within 5 feet of both of you. If the attack hits, you and your companion’s AC is one higher until the start of your next turn as you both cover eachother’s weak spots. At 10th level, the AC bonus increases to +2.

Animal Companion

At 3rd level, you learn to use your magic to create a powerful bond with a creature of the natural world.

With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 50 gp worth of rare herbs and fine food, you call forth an animal from the wilderness to serve as your faithful companion. You normally select you companion from among the following animals: an ape, a black bear, a boar, a giant badger, a giant weasel, a mule, a panther, or a wolf. However, your DM might pick one of these animals for you, based on the surrounding terrain and on what types of creatures would logically be present in the area.

At the end of the 8 hours, your animal companion appears and gains all the benefits of your Companion’s Bond ability. You can have only one animal companion at a time.

If your animal companion is ever slain, the magical bond you share allows you to return it to life. With 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 25 gp worth of rare herbs and fine food, you call forth your companion’s spirit and use your magic to create a new body for it. You can return an animal companion to life in this manner even if you do not possess any part of its body.

If you use this ability to return a former animal companion to life while you have a current animal companion, your current companion leaves you and is replaced by the restored companion.

Companion’s Bond

Your animal companion gains a variety of benefits while it is linked to you. The animal companion loses its Multiattack action, if it has one.

The companion obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If you are incapacitated or absent, your companion acts on its own. When using your Natural Explorer feature, you and your animal companion can both move stealthily at a normal pace.

Your animal companion has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level. Your companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. In addition to the areas where it normally uses its proficiency bonus, an animal companion also adds its proficiency bonus to its AC and to its damage rolls.

Your animal companion gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. It also becomes proficient with two saving throws of your choice. For each level you gain after 3rd, your animal companion gains an additional hit die and increases its hit points accordingly.

Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your companion’s abilities also improve. Your companion can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your companion can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless its description specifies otherwise.

Your animal companion gains the benefits of your Favored Enemy feature.

Beast’s Defense

At 7th level, while your companion can see you, it has advantage on all saving throws.

Storm of Claws and Fangs

At 11th level, your companion can use its action to make a melee attack against each creature of its choice within 5 feet of it, with a separate attack roll for each target.

Superior Beast’s Defense

At 15th level, whenever an attacker that your companion can see hits it with an attack, it can use its reaction to halve the attack’s damage against it.



Ranger: Cloud Strider Conclave

“The sky, it teaches us bravery, trust in one another. It speaks to us through the winds, the birds and the clouds. Know this: you are never alone, for the breath of the Great Spirit is always among us.”

Parrak Nibulus - Head of the Floating Watchers

Cloud Striders look to the sky, they live for adventure and the thrill of new horizons. They never back down from a challenge and love to take risks. This can lead to them making some more than questionable decisions, but there’s no one better to have at your back when it’s time to throw down. Feeling an affinity with the winged creatures, they often take to the skies on giant eagles, giant owls or eventually on their own wings alongside those majestic creatures.

Cloud Strider Trick: Redirecting Strike

As a reaction, you can expend a use of your huntsman’s tricks to manipulate the wind around an incoming weapon, forcing an enemy to reroll an attack roll against you. You can use this trick after knowing whether an attack hits you. The next weapon attack against the target deals an additional 1d6 weapon damage. At 10th level, you can force an enemy to reroll all attack rolls against you that round.

Skyborn Heritage

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level the knowledge of previous Cloud Striders fills your mind and you feel a skyward bond. You gain the ability to cast the Gust cantrip, and you gain Auran as an additional language. Additionally, you can comprehend and verbally communicate with winged beasts, as if by the speak with animals spell.

Cloud Stepper

At 3rd level, You may as a bonus action become light enough to step on clouds. You gain a fly speed equal to half your movement speed for 1 minute, but you fall to the ground at the end of your turn if you are in the air. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier per long rest.

Cyclone Strike

At 7th level, you gain the ability to perform aerial strikes from above, plunging into your enemies. The first attack you make on your turn while directly above an enemy deals an additional 2d6 force damage. Additionally if you are using your Cloud Stepper feature when you hit with this attack, a large or smaller target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be forced to their knees by a blast of wind, falling prone.

One with the Skies

At 11th level you naturally move with the wind to evade and distract your foes. Your movement speed increases by 10ft., and creatures you attack have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you until the start of your next turn, as a swirling sheath of wind hinders their movement. Additionally, when you use your Cloud Stepper ability, you now gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed and do not fall at the end of your turn.


At 15th level, you can use your action when flying less than 60ft. above a surface to drop down in a hail of lightning and thunderous blasts of wind. Each creature of your choice within 30ft. of where you land must make a Strength saving throw or take 4d10 lightning damage, 4d10 thunder damage and be pushed back 30ft., taking half damage and being pushed back 10ft. on a success. You cannot take to the air for 1 hour after using this feature.

Once you’ve used this feature, you cannot do so again until you’ve finished a short or long rest.



Ranger: Fey Wanderer Conclave

A fey mystique surrounds you, thanks to the boon of an archfey, the shining fruit you ate from a talking tree, the magic spring you swam in, or some other auspicious event. However you acquired your fey magic, you are now a Fey Wanderer, a ranger who represents both the mortal and the fey realms. As you wander the multiverse, your joyful laughter brightens the hearts of the downtrodden, and your martial prowess strikes terror in your foes.

Fey Wanderer Trick: Glitter Shot

As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your huntsman’s tricks to enchant your next weapon attack with faerie dust, dealing 1d6 additional poison damage. Whether you hit or miss, your target is covered in faerie dust, granting advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the start of your next turn. At 10th level, the poison damage ignores resistance.

Dreadful Strikes

At 3rd level, you can augment your weapon strikes with mind-scarring magic, drawn from the gloomy hollows of the Feywild. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage to the target, which can take this extra damage only once per turn.

The extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 11th level in this class.

Otherworldly Glamour

Additionally at 3rd level, your fey qualities give you a supernatural charm. As a result, whenever you make a Charisma check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

In addition, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Performance, or Persuasion.

Beguiling Twist

Beginning at 7th level, the magic of the Feywild guards your mind. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

In addition, whenever you or a creature you can see within 120 feet of you succeeds on a saving throw against being charmed or frightened, you can use your reaction to force a different creature you can see within 120 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your tricks save DC. If the save fails, the target is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful save.

Fey Reinforcements

At 11th level, the royal courts of the Feywild have blessed you with the assistance of fey beings: you can innately cast the spell summon fey, and you can cast it without a material component. You can also cast it once , and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you start casting the spell, you can modify it so that it doesn’t require concentration. If you do so, the spell’s duration becomes 1 minute for that casting.

Misty Wanderer

When you reach 15th level, you can slip in and out of the Feywild to move in a blink of an eye: you can teleport to an area within thirty feet of you as a bonus action without provoking attacks of opportunity. You can do so a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

In addition, whenever you teleport in this manner, you can bring along one willing creature you can see within 5 feet of you. That creature teleports to an unoccupied space of your choice within 5 feet of your destination space.



Ranger: Freedomrunner

Freerunners dedicate their lives to movement, seeing every obstacle in front of them as an opportunity for play. While most at home climbing and sprinting through sprawling metropolises, a Freerunner can jump and flip through any locale. Though many see these rangers as foolhardy show-offs, Freerunners understand that the art of parkour isn’t about proving one’s prowess, but about exulting in the joy of movement. Running upon the line between life and death makes them feel the most alive, and for them is the truest expression of freedom.

Tricks: Liberating Shot

As a reaction to an allied creature within 60 feet becoming grappled or restrained, you can expend a trick usage and allow them to reroll. The creature that grappled or restrained takes 1d6 piercing damage regardless of if the new roll is successful. At 10th level, the reroll is made at advantage and the creature takes 2d6 damage instead.

Hardcore Parkour

At 3rd level, your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.

Additionally, the world becomes your playground, allowing you to run and climb on every element of your surroundings.

During your turn, you have the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces while leaving your hands free. This benefit works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn without being on the ground or attached to a stable object and nothing else is holding you aloft. If you have a free hand and there is an available handhold in your space when you would begin falling at the end of your turn, you can use the free hand to catch yourself.

Momentum Strike

At 3rd level, you learn to use the kinetic energy of your movement to empower your attacks. If you move at least 20 feet immediately before making a weapon attack, the attack deals an additional 1d6 damage on a hit.

When you reach 11th level in this class, your base walking speed increases by a further 10 feet and the additional damage increases to 2d6.

Safety Roll

At 7th level, you learn to perform a roll that reduces impact. When you take damage of any type other than psychic, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to half your ranger level + your Dexterity modifier.

You can use this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You regain uses on a long rest.

Kinetic Precision

At 11th level, you develop an uncanny precision to complement your breakneck speed. If you move at least 30 feet immediately before making a weapon attack, you make the attack roll with advantage.

Fluid Movement

Starting at 15th level, you move with incredible grace and agility. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can move through the space of any creature without restriction.
  • Your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
  • Moving through difficult terrain costs you no extra movement.
  • It costs you only 5 feet of movement to stand up from being prone.
  • You can use Dexterity, instead of Strength, when determining the maximum distance of your long jump and height of your high jump.



Ranger: Gloom Stalker Conclave

Gloom stalkers are at home in the darkest places: deep under the earth, in gloomy alleyways, in primeval forests, and wherever else the light dims. Most folk enter such places with trepidation, but a gloom stalker ventures boldly into the darkness, seeking to ambush threats before they can reach the broader world.

Gloom Stalker Trick: Crippling Strike

You can expend a use of your huntsman’s trick to aim to maim your enemy with your next weapon attack. On your next hit, you can force your enemy to make a constitution saving throw agianst your trick DC. On a success, they take 1d6 additional damage of the weapon’s type. On a failure, they take the additional damage and have their movement reduced by half for 1 minute. At 10th level, the damage increases to 2d6.

Dread Ambusher

At 3rd level, you master the art of the ambush. You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.

At the start of your first turn of each combat, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, which lasts until the end of that turn. If you take the Attack action on that turn, you can make one additional weapon attack as part of that action. If that attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon’s damage type.

Umbral Sight

At 3rd level, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30 feet.

You are also adept at evading creatures that rely on darkvision. While in darkness, you are invisible to any creature that relies on darkvision to see you in that darkness.

Iron Mind

By 7th level, you have honed your ability to resist the mind-altering powers of your prey. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma saving throws (your choice).

Stalker’s Flurry

At 11th level, you learn to attack with such unexpected speed that you can turn a miss into another strike. Once on each of your turns when you miss with a weapon attack, you can make another weapon attack as part of the same action.

Shadowy Dodge

Starting at 15th level, you can dodge in unforeseen ways, with wisps of supernatural shadow around you. Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you and doesn’t have advantage on the roll, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on it. You must use this feature before you know the outcome of the attack roll.



Ranger: Horizon Walker Conclave

Horizon walkers guard the world against threats that originate from other planes or that seek to ravage the mortal realm with otherworldly magic. They seek out planar portals and keep watch over them, venturing to the Inner Planes and the Outer Planes as needed to pursue their foes.

Horizon Walker Trick: Banishing Trick.

You temporarily release the chaotic nature of the planes where your strike will hit. When you hit with an attack, the creature must make a charisma saving throw against your trick save DC. On a success, the target takes 1d6 force damage. On a failure, the creature is banished until the start of your next turn. At 10th level, they take 2d6 damage or are banished for 1 minute.

Detect Portal

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to magically sense the presence of a planar portal. As an action, you detect the distance and direction to the closest planar portal within 1 mile of you.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

See the “Planar Travel” section in chapter 2 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for examples of planar portals.

Planar Warrior

At 3rd level, you learn to draw on the energy of the multiverse to augment your attacks.

As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Ethereal Step

At 7th level, you learn to step through the Ethereal Plane. As a bonus action on your turn, you can cast the Etherealness spell with this feature but the spell ends at the end of the current turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Distant Strike

At 11th level, you gain the ability to pass between the planes in a blink of an eye. When you use the Attack action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each attack to an unoccupied space you can see.If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.

Spectral Defense

At 15th level, your ability to move between planes enables you to slip through the planar boundaries to lessen the harm done to you during battle. When you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to give yourself resistance to all of that attack’s damage on this turn.



Ranger: Hunter Conclave

Some rangers seek to master weapons to better protect civilization from the terrors of the wilderness. Members of the Hunter Conclave learn specialized fighting techniques for use against the most dire threats, from rampaging ogres and hordes of orcs to towering giants and terrifying dragons.

Huntsman Trick: Reactive Strike

When you are wielding a bow, and an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity, you can expend one use of your tricks to draw a melee weapon and make an attack against them as a reaction. You stow the weapon as part of the same reaction and draw your bow. At 10th level, if your attack hits they take an additional 1d8 damage.

Hunter’s Prey

At 3rd level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

  • Colossus Slayer. Your tenacity can wear down the most potent foes. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8 damage if it’s below its hit point maximum. You can deal this extra damage only once per turn.
  • Giant Killer. When a Large or larger creature within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to attack that creature immediately after its attack, provided that you can see the creature.
  • Horde Breaker. Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack, you can make another attack with the same weapon against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of your weapon.

Defensive Tactics

At 7th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

  • Escape the Horde. Opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage.
  • Multiattack Defense. When a creature hits you with an attack, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Proficiency bonus against all subsequent attacks made by that creature for the rest of the turn.
  • Steel Will. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


At 11th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

  • Volley. You can use your action to make a ranged attack against any number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within your weapon’s range. You must have ammunition for each target, as normal, and you make a separate attack roll for each target
  • Whirlwind Attack. You can use your action to make melee attacks against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll for each target.

Superior Hunter’s Defense

At 15th level, you gain one of the following features of your choice.

  • Evasion. When you are subjected to an effect, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or a lightning bolt spell, that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on a saving throw, and only half damage if you fail
  • Stand Against the Tide. When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to repeat the same attack against another creature (other than itself) of your choice.
  • Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.



Ranger:Monster Slayer Conclave

You have dedicated yourself to hunting down creatures of the night and wielders of grim magic. A monster slayer seeks out vampires, dragons, evil fey, fiends, and other magical threats. Trained in supernatural techniques to overcome such monsters, slayers are experts at unearthing and defeating mighty, mystical foes.

Huntsman Trick: Marking Strike

When you strike a creature marked by your Hunt Prey, you can force them to make a constitution saving throw against your trick DC. On a success, they take an additional 1d6 weapon damage. On a failure, they are vulnerable to the next weapon damage against them. At 10th level, the damage increases to 2d6.

Hunter’s Sense

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to peer at a creature and magically discern how best to hurt it. As an action, choose one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. You immediately learn whether the creature has any damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities and what they are. If the creature is hidden from divination magic, you sense that it has no damage immunities, resistances, or vulnerabilities.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Slayer’s Prey

Starting at 3rd level, you can focus your ire on one foe, increasing the harm you inflict on it. When you Hunt Prey, you can enhance its strength temporarily. The first time each turn that you hit that target with a weapon attack, it deals an additional Hunt Prey damage die.

This benefit lasts until you finish a short or long rest. It ends early if you designate a different creature.

Supernatural Defense

At 7th level, you gain extra resilience against your prey’s assaults on your mind and body. Whenever the target of your Slayer’s Prey forces you to make a saving throw and whenever you make an ability check to escape that target’s grapple, add 1d6 to your roll.

Magic-User’s Nemesis

At 11th level, you gain the ability to thwart someone else’s magic. When you see a creature casting a spell or teleporting within 60 feet of you, you can use your reaction to try to magically foil it. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or its spell or teleport fails and is wasted.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Slayer’s Counter

At 15th level, you gain the ability to counterattack when your prey tries to sabotage you. If the target of your Slayer’s Prey forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack against the quarry. You make this attack immediately before making the saving throw. If the attack hits, your save automatically succeeds, in addition to the attack’s normal effects.



Ranger: Nightstalker Conclave

This conclave emulates a unique form of shadow magic, used to create shadowy familiars to accompany you in battle. By walking this path, you learn to use your shadow familiar like an extension of yourself, using them like a weapon, searching for your prey.

Nightstalker Trick: Shadowed Strike

As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your huntsman’s tricks to temporarily summon one of your familiars at a target creature’s location within 30 feet. The familiar makes one attack at advantage and then disappears. This ability can be used even if you already have a familiar present. At 10th level, you can summon two familiars.

Shadow Familiar

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon a creature of shadow to serve you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can conjure or dismiss your shadow familiar, which takes the form of a spectral creature that cannot be targeted or damaged. You choose the form you can create when you select this subclass. When you conjure your shadow familiar, it appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. As long as it is conjured, you can forgo one or more of your attacks when you use the Attack action to have your shadow familiar make attacks of its own, which use your Huntsman Trick modifier for their attack rolls, have a reach of 5 feet, and trigger any spells or features that would trigger from your own weapon attacks (such as Hunter’s Mark). The familiar makes one melee weapon attack for each attack you forgo. While within 120 ft of your familiar, you can command it to move (no action required). The speeds and attacks of the three forms are listed below.

  • Cat. This form has a walking speed of 30 feet. On a hit, its attack deals 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier slashing damage, and causes the next attack made against the target by a creature other than you or the cat before the end of your next turn to be made at advantage.

  • Raven. This form has a flying speed of 90 feet, and a walking speed of 10 feet. On a hit, its attack deals 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier piercing damage.

  • Wolf. This form has a walking speed of 40 feet. On a hit, its attack deals 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier piercing damage, and causes its target to have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

Shadowy Transposition

Starting at 7th level, whenever you make an attack roll or use a huntsman trick, you can choose to swap locations with your familiar immediately before or after.

Dark Sentinel

At 11th level, whenever a creature leaves the reach of your shadow familiar, you can use your reaction to have it make an attack against that creature. The disengage action and other effects that prevent opportunity attacks prevent this reaction.

Midnight Bulwark

Beginning at 15th level, whenever a creature within reach of your shadow familiar makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction to have the familiar make an attack against that creature. Additionally, whenever you command your familiar to make an attack using your reaction and the attack hits, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the target’s current turn.



Ranger: Warden Conclave

All rangers have a deep connection to the wilderness, but wardens delve even further, into the realm of primal mysticism. Wardens are often trained by a druidic circle, in order to serve as the first line of defense between the civilized world and the mysteries of the wild.

Druidic Spellwarden

Starting at 3rd level, when you roll a spell attack against a creature marked by your Hunt Prey, you can add your Hunt Prey damage as if it were a weapon attack.

Huntsman Trick: Distracting Trick

When you force a creature to roll a saving throw against one of your spells, you can expend a usage of your tricks to force the target to make the saving throw at disadvantage. At 10th level, you can force each creature who rolls a save against your spells to do so at disadvantage.


When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to cast spells.

Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: shillelagh and two other cantrips of your choice from the druid spell list. You learn another druid cantrip of your choice at 10th level. These cantrips become warden spells for you.

Warden Spellcasting
Class Level Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spells Slots per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 3 3 2
4th 3 4 3
5th 3 4 3
6th 3 4 3
7th 3 5 4 2
8th 3 6 4 2
9th 4 6 4 2
10th 4 7 4 3
11th 4 8 4 3
12th 4 8 4 3
13th 4 9 4 3 2
14th 4 10 4 3 2
15th 4 10 4 3 2
16th 4 11 4 3 3
17th 4 12 4 3 3
18th 4 12 4 3 3
19th 4 13 4 3 3 1
20th 4 14 4 3 3 1

Spell Slots. The Warden Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the ranger spell list, or spells from the druid spell list which must be from the transmutation or conjuration schools. These spells become warden spells for you.

The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the spells you know with another spell of your choice from the druid or ranger spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.

Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your warden spells. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warden spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Primeval Awareness

Beginning at 7th level, your mastery of ranger lore allows you to establish a powerful link to beasts and to the land around you.

You have an innate ability to communicate with beasts, and they recognize you as a kindred spirit. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas to a beast as an action, and can read its basic mood and intent. You learn its emotional state, whether it is affected by magic of any sort, its short-term needs (such as food or safety), and actions you can take (if any) to persuade it to not attack.

Additionally, you can attune your senses to see if any of your favored enemies are nearby. By spending 10 minutes in concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you can sense whether any of your favored enemies are present within 5 miles of you. This feature reveals which of your favored enemies are present, their numbers, and the creatures’ general direction and distance (in miles) from you.



Charged Shots.

Starting at 11th level, you can enhance a piece of ammunition or a thrown weapon with natural magic to burst forth in magnificent ways. You gain the following abilities, once you’ve used both abilities once, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

  • You throw a nonmagical weapon or fire a piece of nonmagical ammunition into the air to create a cone of weapons that shoot forward. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d8 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage type is the same as that of the weapon or ammunition used.
  • The next time you make a ranged weapon attack the weapon’s ammunition, or the thrown weapon, transforms into a bolt of lightning. Make the attack roll as normal, The target takes 4d8 lightning damage on a hit, or half as much damage on a miss, instead of the weapon’s normal damage. Whether you hit or miss, each creature within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. Each of these creatures takes 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Primal Communion

Beginning at 15th level, you learn speak with plants, locate creature and commune with nature, and you can cast each one once without expending a spell slot. Once you cast one of these spells with this feature, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.

You’ve gained a deeper connection with nature, empowering your spells with further deadly grace. Your spell attacks now crit on a 19 or a 20.



Ranger: Northguard Conclave

Far above the temperate lands, upon the great tundra wastes and high ice, there are those that walk the lands of the winter winds and keep their vigil upon the unchanging fields of deathly cold. The northguard rangers accept nature’s boon and live out solitary lives, endlessly seeking signs in the northern squalls of doom coming for the civilized lands below, as they know no other eyes can manage. Rumors speak of enclaves hidden in the ice; of castles from which groups of northguard train and keep their vigil. The life of a northguard is not always chosen willingly, instead being taken up by fugitives or folks who have no other path before them. One can be certain that should they ever encounter a northguard far from the fields of ice, it is because they carry a missive or mission of grave import.

Northguard Trick: Coldsnap Strike

When you hit with a weapon attack against a target within reach, you can expend a use of your huntsman’s trick as a bonus action to deal an additional 1d6 cold damage and force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn. At 10th level, they take 2d6 damage.

Heart of the Yeti

At 3rd level, you have established your heart among the lands of frigid snow, and you know how to traverse, avoid, and overcome all of its dangers. You have advantage on all saving throws against cold damage or effects caused by cold or ice. Additionally, you ignore the effects of extreme cold and extreme wind, as well as obscuration caused by precipitation or fog.

Ghost of the Tundra

Also at 3rd level, you have learned to move as the icewind does. You can cast the fog cloud spell. When you cast this spell, it creates a frigid condensation all around, rather than simple fog. You can cast fog cloud without expending a spell slot once. You must finish a long or short rest in order to cast this spell this way again.

While inside the area of a fog cloud or sleet storm spell you cast and your speed is not 0, moving does not cost you movement and your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Rebuke of the Avalanche

At 7th level, you can embody the serene calm or immovability of the glaciers, and the ferocity of the avalanche. You become proficient in Constitution saving throws. Whenever a creature causes you to make a Constitution saving throw and you succeed, you can use your reaction to cause that creature to take 1d8 cold damage. A creature that takes this damage has their speed reduced by 10 until the end of their next turn.

Soul of Ice and Snow

At 11th level, your very presence calls the air and ice to life. You gain resistance to cold damage. When you take the Attack action, you can cause a wave of ice-spikes to rush forward in a 30-foot long, 5-foot wide line originating from you as part of the same action. Creatures in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d8 cold damage. Creatures that take cold damage from this ability have their speed reduced by 10 until the end of their next turn.

Absolute Zero

At 15th level, you can steal all the heat and comfort from the area around you, drawing out a sudden and deadly flash freeze. As an action, you can force creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 10d6 cold damage and is paralyzed until the end of your next turn as it becomes briefly frozen in place. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage, and is only restrained instead. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Ranger: Sky Pirate Conclave

Called by explorers “The New Frontier”, the distant skies have been opened by the development of airship technology, and when the sky is no longer the limit, a new breed of explorer arises. Called sky-pirates to lump the bold adventurers with the ruthless bandit, rangers who make the heavens their territory frequently follow this archetype. Master pilots and gallant swashbucklers, rangers of this archetype know the cloud and sky as traditional rangers know forest and field.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with air vehicles. You also gain proficiency with firearms.

Sky Pirate Trick: Debonair Flare

When you use the Attack action, you can expend a use of your Huntsman’s Tricks to make a Charisma (Performance) check. If your roll is higher than the target’s AC, you have advantage on all attack rolls against them until the start of your next turn. At 10th level, you have advantage on the Performance check.

Freehand Marksman

Also at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you are a master at mixing blades and firearms. When you use your action to make an attack with a rapier or a melee weapon with the light property, you can use your bonus action to make an attack with a light sidearm in your offhand. You don’t add an ability modifier to the damage of this attack, unless the modifier is negative.

Once you reach 7th level, you can make two ranged weapon attacks as part of the bonus action from this feature, instead of one.

Shipman’s Footing

Starting at 7th level, you are well adapted to the buck and sway of an airship in flight, and to taking advantage of others’ unease. You ignore difficult terrain caused by moving ground, and you have advantage on saving throws against being moved against your will or knocked prone. In addition, when a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see is knocked prone, you can use your reaction to make an attack roll against that creature. You do not suffer disadvantage for the creature being prone if you are making a ranged weapon attack.

Master Pilot

At 11th level, your ship is like an extension of yourself, granting you superb control over it. When you are piloting an airship, its base movement speed increases by 10 mph, and any siege weapon attached to the ship has advantage on attack rolls against other airships. Airships you pilot have evasion. If it makes a Dexterity saving throw which would half the damage of an effect on a success, it instead takes half damage on a failure, and no damage on a success. In addition, if an airship you are piloting would be hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to dodge. The damage of the attack is reduced by 1d10 x your Dexterity modifier (a minimum of 1).

Swashbuckler’s Fireworks

Beginning at 15th level, you master vicious attacks with your pistols. When you would make two more weapon attacks with a firearm as part of the same action or bonus action, you can choose to forgo your usual attacks for that action to release a fiery barrage. Each creature in a 15-foot cone centered on you must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). A creature takes 3d6 fire damage per attack you forego + the weapon’s original damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success. Each time you use this action, it consumes 5 rounds of the correct ammunition for your firearm.



Ranger: Witchguard Conclave

Witchguards are the sworn defenders of the witches of the wilds, protectors of hags and maidens alike. Although witches are often immensely powerful in their craft, even they cannot defend against every attack. Witchguards dedicate themselves to protecting their charges, and in return gain a measure of magical power. Each witchguard forms a mystical bond with a single witch that is severable only in death. Despite the name, a witchguard can bond with and protect many kinds of spellcaster, not just a witch. Such guardians are sometimes known as “warders.”

Huntsman Trick: Protective Switch

When your ward is hit by an attack and they are within 60 feet, as a reaction you can expend a use of your Huntsman’s tricks to activate your bonded magic. All damage and effects happen to you instead, and you and your ward swap spaces. At 10th level, the triggering damage is reduced by half.


Starting at 3rd level, you learn spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Witchery Spells table. These spells use your Huntsman Trick DCs and modifier.

You can cast each of these spells once a day before needing a long rest to regain the use.

Witchguard Spells
Level Spells
3rd Sanctuary
5th Warding bond
9th Dispel magic
13th Death ward
17th Telepathic bond

Witchguard’s Bond

At 3rd level, you are sworn to protect your witch with your own life. Choose a willing humanoid as your ward. A ward must have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature and cannot have any hit dice larger than d8s when bonded. If your ward is killed, you cannot cast your Witchery spells until your ward is revived or you choose a new ward, which you can do by means of an eight-hour bonding ritual If you and your ward are on the same plane of existence and your ward is not dead, you sense your ward through the bond. You are always aware of the current hit points of and any conditions affecting your ward. As an action, you can know the relative direction and general distance of your ward from you. Your ward can sense your hit points, conditions, and location through the bond, in the same manner as you do.

Warder Training

At 3rd level, you are trained to eliminate threats to your witch, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency with heavy armor, and you ignore disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks imposed by light or medium armor.
  • If you are within 10 feet of your ward when your ward casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make one melee weapon attack. This range increases to 20 feet at level 11 and 30 feet at level 15.

Patron’s Gift

Starting at 7th level, the bond grants you a measure of your ward’s magical power. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list, which count as ranger spells for you. Choose one spell from your ward’s class spell list and add it to your spells known. If your ward has more than one class, choose from one list of your ward’s highest class level. This spell must be of a level you can cast as if you were a member of the Warden Conclave. You have access to this spell while your ward is not incapacitated or dead. You can exchange this spell at the end of a long rest for another spell from your ward’s spell list, which must also be of a level you can cast.

War Magic

Beginning at 11th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

Spellshield Bond

At 15th level, the bond you share shields you against hostile spellcraft invading your mind. When you are subject to an effect that forces you to make a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw, you have advantage on your first saving throw against that effect.



The Deviant Rogues of Edenbaerrow

##### Even the most gallant warrior can't fight well with a dagger through the neck.



The Rogue
Level Proficiency Sneak Attack Features
1st +2 1d6 Expertise, Sneak Attack, Thieves’ Cant
2nd +2 1d6 Cunning Action
3rd +2 2d6 Roguish Archetype, Steady Aim (Optional)
4th +2 2d6 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3d6 Uncanny Dodge, Cunning Strike
6th +3 3d6 Expertise
7th +3 4d6 Evasion
8th +3 4d6 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5d6 Roguish Archetype feature
10th +4 5d6 Ability Score Improvement
11th +4 6d6 Reliable Talent
12th +4 6d6 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 7d6 Roguish Archetype feature
14th +5 7d6 Blindsense, Devious Strikes
15th +5 8d6 Slippery Mind
16th +5 8d6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 9d6 Roguish Archetype feature
18th +6 9d6 Elusive
19th +6 10d6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 10d6 Stroke of Luck

Class Features

As a rogue, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per rogue level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st


Light armor
Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Thieves’ tools
Saving Throws:
Dexterity, Intelligence
Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a rapier or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a shortsword
  • (a) a burglar’s pack, (b) dungeoneer’s pack, or (c) an explorer’s pack
  • Leather armor, two daggers, and thieves’ tools


At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves’ tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 6th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies to gain this benefit.

Sneak Attack

Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.

You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

The amount of the extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack column of the Rogue table.

Thieves’ Cant

During your rogue training you learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.



In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Cunning Action

Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Roguish Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you emulate in the exercise of your rogue abilities. Your archetype choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

Steady Aim

At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your attack rolls until the end of your next turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Cunning Strike

Starting at 5th level, You have developed cunning ways to use your Sneak Attack. When you deal Sneak Attack damage, you can add one of the following Cunning Strike effects. Each effect has a cost, which is the number of Sneak Attack damage dice you must forego. You remove the die before rolling, and the effect occurs immediately. For example, if you add the Poison effect, remove 1d6 from the Sneak Attack’s damage before rolling. If a Cunning Strike effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

  • Disarm (Cost: 1d6). The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or it drops one item of your choice that it’s holding.
  • Poison (Cost: 1d6). You add a toxin to your strike, forcing the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target has the Poisoned condition for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the Poisoned target can repeat the save, ending the effect on itself on a success. To use this effect, you must have a Poisoner’s Kit on your person.

Trip (Cost: 1d6). If the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or have the Prone condition.

Withdraw (Cost: 1d6). Immediately after the attack, you move up to half your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 5th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.


Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Reliable Talent

By 11th level, you have refined your chosen skills until they approach perfection. Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Subtle Attack

At 11th level, as long as you are hidden from your target, when you take the attack action against one creature, you can attack twice instead of once.


Starting at 14th level, if you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you.

Devious Strikes

At 14th level, You have practiced new ways to use your Sneak Attack deviously. The following effects are now among your Cunning Strike options:

  • Daze (Cost: 3d6). The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it has the Stunned condition until the end of its next turn.
  • Knock Out (Cost: 5d6). The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it has the Unconscious condition for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. The Unconscious target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  • Obscure (Cost: 2d6). You strike near the target’s eyes. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or it has the Blinded condition until the end of its next turn.



Slippery Mind

By 15th level, you have acquired greater mental strength. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.


Beginning at 18th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren’t incapacitated.

Stroke of Luck

At 20th level, you have an uncanny knack for succeeding when you need to.

When you make an attack roll or ability check, you can treat the roll as a natural 20 instead.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Rogue: Arcane Trickster

Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. These rogues include pickpockets and burglars, but also pranksters, mischief-makers, and a significant number of adventurers.


When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess with the ability to cast spells.


You learn three cantrips: Mage Hand and two other cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn another wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots

The Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Charm Person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Charm Person using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must choose from the enchantment and illusion spells on the wizard spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Arcane Trickster Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an enchantment or illusion spell of your choice, and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Arcane Trickster Spellcasting
Level Cantrips Known Spells Known Spells Slots per Spell Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd Mage Hand + 2 3 2 - - -
4th Mage Hand + 2 4 3 - - -
5th Mage Hand + 2 4 3 - - -
6th Mage Hand + 2 4 3 - - -
7th Mage Hand + 2 5 4 2 - -
8th Mage Hand + 2 6 4 2 - -
9th Mage Hand + 2 6 4 2 - -
10th Mage Hand + 3 7 4 3 - -
11th Mage Hand + 3 8 4 3 - -
12th Mage Hand + 3 8 4 3 - -
13th Mage Hand + 3 9 4 3 2 -
14th Mage Hand + 3 10 4 3 2 -
15th Mage Hand + 3 10 4 3 2 -
16th Mage Hand + 3 11 4 3 3 -
17th Mage Hand + 3 11 4 3 3 -
18th Mage Hand + 3 11 4 3 3 -
19th Mage Hand + 3 12 4 3 3 1
20th Mage Hand + 3 13 4 3 3 1

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an enchantment or illusion spell, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any school of magic.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.



Mage Hand Legerdemain

Starting at 3rd level, You can cast Mage Hand as a bonus action and when you cast Mage Hand, you can make the spectral hand invisible, and you can perform the following additional tasks with it:

  • It moves at 60ft a round and doesn’t need to be within 30ft of you.
  • You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature.
  • You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature.
  • You can use thieves’ tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.
  • You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the creature’s Wisdom (Perception) check.

In addition, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to control the hand.

Magical Ambush

Starting at 9th level, if you are hidden from a creature when you cast a spell on it, the creature has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against the spell this turn.

Versatile Trickster

At 13th level, you gain the ability to distract targets with your Mage Hand. As a bonus action on your turn, you can designate a creature within 5 feet of the spectral hand created by the spell. Doing so gives you advantage on attack rolls against that creature until the end of the turn.

Spell Thief

At 17th level, you gain the ability to magically steal the knowledge of how to cast a spell from another spellcaster.

Immediately after a creature casts a spell that targets you or includes you in its area of effect, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a saving throw with its spellcasting ability modifier. The DC equals your spell save DC. On a failed save, you negate the spell’s effect against you, and you steal the knowledge of the spell if it is at least 1st level and of a level you can cast (it doesn’t need to be a wizard spell). For the next 8 hours, you know the spell and can cast it using your spell slots. The creature can’t cast that spell until the 8 hours have passed.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Rogue: Assassin

You focus your training on the grim art of death. Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse: hired killers, spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity. Stealth, poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes with deadly efficiency.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and the poisoner’s kit.


Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

Improved Sneak Attack

Additionally at 3rd level, as an assassin you’ve perfected your sneak attack. You gain an additional 1d6 damage ontop of the Rogue’s Sneak Attack damage.

Imposter’s Subterfuge

At 9th level, you become an unerring expert in impersonation and infiltration, granting you the following benefits:

  • Over the course of an hour, you can craft a disguise identical to a humanoid creature that you have seen. To do so you must have a disguise kit and must be observing the creature as you craft the disguise or have observed the creature for at least one hour. To see through your disguise, a creature must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) or a Wisdom (Insight) check, contested by your Charisma (Deception) check.

  • You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks to pretend to be another humanoid creature while you have assumed a disguise.

  • You can easily conceal up to two light weapons within each of your disguises and creatures have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find them as long as there is enough material to cover them.

  • While wearing an appropriate disguise, you benefit as if you were hidden on weapon attacks against creatures deceived by your disguise.

Assassin’s Venom

At 13th level, you have become an expert in crafting and handling poisons, granting you the following benefits:

  • The DC to resist Poisons you craft or inflict through injury is now 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier, unless the DC is already higher.

  • You can apply an injury poison to your weapon as a bonus action.

  • When you administer an injury poison while hidden, the target has disadvantage on the first saving throw against it.

  • You can choose for the poisons you craft to deal necrotic damage instead of poison damage.

Death Strike

Starting at 17th level, you become a master of instant death. When you attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.



Rogue: Breacher

Many rogues choose to be simple stealthy thieves, others choose to focus on just getting in, by any means necessary. These rogues spend their time studying the magic of creating new pathways through physical barriers.

Rune of Breaching

When you take this subclass at 3rd level you’ve learned a rune of power that you use to break through walls. As an action, you touch a creature or an object that isn’t being worn or carried.

  • Creature. Make a melee spell attack against the creature. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage as you emblazon a magical rune on the target. You can use your bonus action to reignite the rune if the target is within 30 feet of you, dealing 1d6 fire damage to the target. The rune ignites flammable objects in contact with it that aren’t being worn or carried. In addition, you can use your Sneak Attack against a creature that bears this rune even if you don’t have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it.

  • Object. A magical rune appears at your touch. You can use another action to ignite the rune if it is within 30 feet of you, causing it to explode. Creatures within 10 feet of the rune must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The object the rune is emblazoned on takes double damage. The rune disappears as soon as it ignites.

The rune lasts for 1 minute or until you use this feature again.

Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for this feature, since you learned the rune through memorization. Your spell attack modifier and saving throw DC are calculated as follows:

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Runic Locksmith

Starting at 7th level, you’ve learned how to inscribe a rune that can open any locked objects. It takes 10 minutes to inscribe the rune, once it is complete, you cast the knock spell requiring no components. When cast in this way, the sound created by the spell is muffled, making it audible only as far away as 30 feet. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Sensational Touch

When you use your Rune of Breaching on an object, you can touch the rune to get a sense for what lies beyond. At 13th level, while you are touching your rune and it is on an object that is touching the ground, you gain tremorsense out to 30 feet. When you use your Rune of Breaching on a creature, you know their location as long as they are within 30 feet of you. You do not have disadvantage on weapon attacks against the creature if you cannot see them.

Combat Ignition

When you reach 17th level, you’ve learned how to cause explosive chaos in the midst of a battle. When you hit a creature or object that bears your Rune of Breaching with a weapon attack, you can cause the rune to ignite. When you ignite your rune in this way, the target takes an extra 4d6 fire damage and each creature within 10 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. If you are within 5 feet of the target when the rune ignites, you automatically succeed on the saving throw, and you can move up to half of your speed without provoking opportunity attacks as part of the same action. If this feature is used on an object, treat the damage dice as having rolled their maximum value before doubling the damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses once you finish a long rest.



Rogue: Divine Hand

As a Divine Hand, you focus your training on the arts of death and execution. However, unlike an assassin you do not employ yourself in the service of mortals. You have a higher calling, and have devoted yourself into the service of a deity. With this deity you have formed a personal connection—they speak with you directly, ordering you to dispose of their enemies and giving you other such tasks. To assist you in your endeavors, your deity has granted you divine powers. These powers can help you slay any foe, but are especially effective against the enemies of your deity. Divine Hands are often members of a clergy, working directly for the church of their deity. But others work outside of any organization, and perform their duties independently—working only for themselves and their deity.

Right Hand of God

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you develop a closer relationship with your deity. You gain proficiency in the Religion skill. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in another skill of your choice.

Also, you gain the duty to hunt down the enemies of your deity. When you gain this archetype, determine with your DM what the enemies of your deity might be. They could be creature types (such as fiends and undead), specific types of humanoids, or even members of specific organizations. These enemies are considered your divine quarries. If your deity has many enemies, then only their most important ones might be considered your divine quarries, at the DM’s discretion. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track your divine quarries.


Also at 3rd level, you can mark a foe as the target of your divine ire. As a bonus action, you can choose one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. Until the end of the turn, you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don’t have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it. If you use your Sneak Attack against the marked target during the duration, you can expend a use of this feature to empower your strike. The attack’s damage type becomes radiant, and it gains one of the following bonus effects:

  • The target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet.
  • The target can’t take reactions.
  • The target can’t regain hit points.

The effect you choose lasts until the start of your next turn. You can empower your attack a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. If the target is one of your divine quarries, you can empower your strike against it without expending a use of this feature, even if this feature has no uses remaining.

Divine Gift

At 9th level, your deity bestows divine magic upon you. You learn the guidance and thaumaturgy cantrips. Also, you can cast detect magic, detect poison and disease, and augury, but only as rituals. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom.

Hunter of the Unholy

Starting at 13th level, your deity grants you knowledge to assist you in tracking and slaying your foes. When you mark a creature with your Judgment feature, you learn of any damage resistances and/or immunities that the creature possesses. Also, you can call upon your deity as a bonus action, and have them reveal their enemies to you. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any of your divine quarries within 120 feet of you that are not behind total cover. You know the creature type of any being you sense, but not its specific identity. You can take this bonus action a number of times equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Holy Executioner

Beginning at 17th level, your divine judgment becomes especially harsh. Whenever you use your Judgment feature against a creature and choose to empower your strike, your attack deals an additional 4d6 radiant damage to your target.



Rogue: Fixer

You are a fixer—you make connections between thugs, burglars, trap-smiths and second-story men. You know people, you know where to find what you need, and you know who to pay to get things done. You realize the most valuable Currency is knowledge, and you make very sure to be flush with coin to obtain the information you seek.

Street Smart

When you choose this archetype at 3rd Level, you can apply your Proficiency Bonus to Intelligence and Charisma Ability Checks made to Identify or locate a person (or type of person) that you are seeking. You can also use this ability when attempting to track down a buyer or seller for exotic Equipment or magic items.

At 9th level, you can apply double your Proficiency Bonus to Intelligence and Charisma Ability Checks to track down a specific person or type of person.


At 3rd Level, you can find unwanted or unattended items or gear and “appropriate” them. Once per week, you can obtain one or more mundane items with a total value of no more than 25 gp without parting with any cash, subject to the GM’s discretion.

At 9th level, the total value of items that you can scrounge in a week increases to 100 gp.

Slippery Customer

At 3rd Level, you can use your Reaction to move up to half your speed when an enemy approaches to within 5 feet of you. This move doesn’t trigger Opportunity Attacks.

When you are wielding only daggers, and no other weapons or shield, attacks with daggers deal 1d6 instead of the normal 1d4 as you strike at weak points between movements.

A Jaded Eye

At 9th level, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine whether someone is lying and on Saving Throws against illusions.

When you are targetted by a weapon attack, you can make a Wisdom (Insight) check against the attacker. If your total is above their attack roll, you can force them to reroll the attack. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier.

Going Undercover

At 13th level, you are able to provide others with tools and coaching to help them conduct acts of subterfuge. With a minimum of four hours preparation and by spending 25 gp per person, you can give up to six individuals (including yourself) advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks for one hour.

Roguish Luck

When you reach 17th level, your Survival instincts become finely tuned. When a melee Attack reduces you to 0 Hit Points, you can use your Reaction to leap 5 feet in any direction. If this moves you out of reach of the Attack, you take no damage from it. Using this ability does not trigger Opportunity Attacks. After using this ability, you must complete a Long Rest before using it again.



Rogue: Ghostwalker

Few of us seek the chill touch of death, though it will leave its impression on us all in time. For some though, near encounters with the grave weigh heavier than on others, and the experience can im- print on their very soul. It grasps at them, pulling them ever towards the realm of shadow, all while their spirit struggles to stay in the world of the living


When you choose this roguish archetype at 3rd level, your soul is permanently tainted by a previously dormant force within you. Maybe it was awoken by the deaths you have witnessed or caused, sparked by some divine touch, or perhaps it is a manifestation of a ghostly entity that has possessed you. Using a bonus action, you shed your mortal shell to become semi-incorporeal for 10 minutes, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain an additional way to use your Sneak Attack; you don’t need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you are within 5 feet of it, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you.
  • You can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when you are on the Material Plane, and vice versa.
  • You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 (1d10) force damage if you end your turn inside an object.
  • You can’t be grappled, petrified, poisoned, or restrained, and you can’t suffer from or gain additional levels of exhaustion. If you’re suffering from any of these conditions when using this feature, the condition is suppressed while you are transformed.

The effect ends early if you cast a spell, if you make an attack that doesn’t use Dexterity, or if you drop unconscious or die.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. You learn to use it more times between rests as you gain levels in this class: twice at 9th level, and three times at 17th level.

Ghostly Visage

At 9th level, your ghostly soul can reach out. As a bonus action, you can make a Charisma (Intimidation) check against a creature you can see, contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be within 30 feet of you and able to see you. If you succeed on the check, the creature is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.


Beginning at 13th level, your ghostly soul causes the memory of you in others to become fleeting. At the end of a long rest, you can perform a 10-minute ritual that causes all creatures who don’t know your name to forget all knowledge of you, including all distinguishing features such as your physical appearance, voice, and mannerisms.

Deities and creatures not on the same plane of existence as you when you perform this ritual are unaffected.

Ghostly Return

At 17th level, you learn to escape certain death. Using a reaction when you drop to 0 hit points or die, your soul leaves your body but remains anchored to it. As a soul, you gain the statistics of a ghost but you can’t use any of its actions. You can’t be perceived by other creatures and you are immune to all damage. You can communicate telepathically with a creature you can see, but you can’t move further than 60 feet away from your body.

You can use your Ghostly Visage feature against a creature if it can see your body, and it becomes frightened of your body if you succeed on the check.

So long as your body isn’t destroyed, you can return to it at any time (no action required), springing back to life with 1 hit point. If you don’t return to your body within 1 hour, you die.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Rogue: Inquisitive

As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting out secrets and unraveling mysteries. You rely on your sharp eye for detail, but also on your finely honed ability to read the words and deeds of other creatures to determine their true intent. You excel at defeating creatures that hide among and prey upon ordinary folk, and your mastery of lore and your sharp eye make you well equipped to expose and end hidden evils.

Ear for Deceit

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you develop a keen ear for picking out lies. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check, treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.

Eye for Detail

Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a hidden creature or object or to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to uncover or decipher clues.

Insightful Fighting

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent’s tactics and develop a counter to them. As a bonus action, you make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature you can see that isn’t incapacitated, contested by the target’s Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, your next attack against the creature deals maximum weapon damage (this doesn’t apply to Sneak Attack) & you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don’t have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it.

This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you successfully use this feature against a different target.

Insightful Manipulator

Starting at 9th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, you can learn certain information about its capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice:

  • Intelligence score
  • Wisdom score
  • Charisma score
  • Class levels (if any)

At the DM’s option, you might also realize you know a piece of the creature’s history or one of its personality traits, if it has any.

Unerring Eye

At 13th level, your senses are almost impossible to foil. As an action, you sense the presence of illusions, shapechangers not in their original form, and other magic designed to deceive the senses within 30 feet of you, provided you aren’t blinded or deafened. You sense that an effect is attempting to trick you, but you gain no insight into what is hidden or into its true nature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Eye for Weakness

At 17th level, you learn to exploit a creature’s weaknesses by carefully studying its tactics and movement. While your Insightful Fighting is active on a creature, the first attack you hit against that creature in that minute deals maximum damage. (This includes Sneak Attack), all additional attacks that apply Sneak Attack gain 2d6 Sneak Attack Damage.



Rogue: Nightcaller

The domain of the orcish god of mercy, assassination, and shadows, is a system of caverns known as ‘The Night Below’. The devotees of ‘The Stalker’ known as the Nightcallers can be found in many places in orcish society; lying in wait and observing their structures of leadership. They are ever vigilant in their duty to remove weakness from their tribes. Such is the will of their god.

Masterful Culling

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to identify weakness in others at a glance. Once per combat, as a bonus action, you appraise all creatures that you can see. The DM tells you which creature has the lowest score in one of the following characteristics of your choice:

  • Strength score
  • Constitution score
  • Current hit points
  • Armor Class

You can grant the Help action as a bonus action provided it is to aid an ally in attacking only. When used this way, you can lend aid within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear you.

Cull the Weak

The Night Lord does not suffer the weak. Starting at 3rd level, when using your sneak attack on a creature that has already taken damage this round, you may add an additional 1d6 to your sneak attack damage.


Starting at 9th level, you may spend one hour examining the remains of a creature you killed or that you saw when it died, in order to learn its weaknesses. For the next 24 hours, your attacks can ignore one resistance of your choice in creatures of the same type (beast, undead, fiend, etc).

Tunnel Walker

Starting at 13th level, you can see normally in darkness, both magical and non-magical, out to a range of 120 feet. While in dim light or darkness, you may move an additional 10 feet while ever you remain in dim light or darkness.


Starting at 17th level, when another creature you can see misses an attack or fails a saving throw, you may use your reaction to make a single attack against that creature. You have advantage on this attack.



Rogue: Phantom

Many rogues walk a fine line between life and death, risking their own lives and taking the lives of others. While adventuring on that line, some rogues discover a mystical connection to death itself. These rogues take knowledge from the dead and become immersed in negative energy, eventually becoming like ghosts. Thieves’ guilds value them as highly effective information gatherers and spies.

Many shadar-kai of the Shadowfell are masters of these macabre techniques, and some are willing to teach this path. In places like Thay in the Forgotten Realms and Karrnath in Eberron, where many necromancers practice their craft, a Phantom can become a wizard’s confidant and right hand. In temples of gods of death, the Phantom might work as an agent to track down those who try to cheat death and to recover knowledge that might otherwise be lost to the grave.

How did you discover this grim power? Did you sleep in a graveyard and awaken to your new abilities? Or did you cultivate them in a temple or thieves’ guild dedicated to a deity of death?

Whispers of the Dead

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, echoes of those who have died cling to you. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can gain one skill or tool proficiency of your choice, as a ghostly presence shares its knowledge with you. You lose this proficiency when you use this feature to choose a different proficiency that you lack.

Wails from the Grave

At 3rd level, as you nudge someone closer to the grave, you can channel the power of death to harm someone else as well. Immediately after you deal your Sneak Attack damage to a creature on your turn, you can target a second creature that you can see within 30 feet of the first creature. Roll half the number of Sneak Attack dice for your level (round up), and the second creature takes necrotic damage equal to the roll’s total, as wails of the dead sound around them for a moment.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Tokens of the Departed

At 9th level, when a life ends in your presence, you’re able to snatch a token from the departing soul, a sliver of its life essence that takes physical form: as a reaction when a creature you can see dies within 30 feet of you, you can open your free hand and cause a Tiny trinket to appear there, a soul trinket. The DM determines the trinket’s form or has you roll on the Trinkets table in the Player’s Handbook to generate it.

You can have a maximum number of soul trinkets equal to your proficiency bonus, and you can’t create one while at your maximum.

You can use soul trinkets in the following ways:

While a soul trinket is on your person, you have advantage on death saving throws and Constitution saving throws, for your vitality is enhanced by the life essence within the object.

When you deal Sneak Attack damage on your turn, you can destroy one of your soul trinkets that’s on your person and then immediately use Wails from the Grave, without expending a use of that feature.

As an action, you can destroy one of your soul trinkets, no matter where it’s located. When you do so, you can ask the spirit associated with the trinket one question. The spirit appears to you and answers in a language it knew in life. It’s under no obligation to be truthful, and it answers as concisely as possible, eager to be free. The spirit knows only what it knew in life, as determined by the DM.

Ghost Walk

At 13th level, you can phase partially into the realm of the dead, becoming like a ghost. As a bonus action, you assume a spectral form. While in this form, you have a flying speed of 10 feet, you can hover, and attack rolls have disadvantage against you. You can also move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature or an object.

You stay in this form for 10 minutes or until you end it as a bonus action. To use this feature again, you must finish a long rest or destroy one of your soul trinkets as part of the bonus action you use to activate Ghost Walk.

Death Knell

At 17th level, your association with death has become so close that you gain the following benefits:

When you use your Wails from the Grave, you can now deal the necrotic damage to both the first and the second creature. At the end of a long rest, a soul trinket appears in your hand if you don’t have any soul trinkets, as the spirits of the dead are drawn to you.



Rogue: Planar Bandit

The planes are imperfect, and you know exactly where to find their flaws. Planar bandits see the faults in reality that no one else does and slip right through them. You join the ranks of the most adventurous of explorers, the most traveled of nomads, and the grandest of thieves.

Planar Slip

At 3rd level, you begin to find rends in the fabric of the planes, slips in the structure of the multiverse. You can use a bonus action to create two rifts, one on a surface within your space and one on a surface that you can see within 30 feet of you. An unstable portal bridges the distance between the two. The rifts are no more than a foot across and last until the end of your turn. A creature next to one rift is considered to be next to the other rift. Anything put through one rift emerges through the other. You may only have one Planar Slip open at a time. You have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks performed through a Planar Slip, and you gain the benefits of Sneak Attack when you make an attack against a creature through a Planar Slip if you do not have disadvantage.

Slip Sneak

At 9th level, you master using your portal legerdemain to catch foes unaware. You are able to extend the Planar Slip briefly to allow you to step through as a bonus action. When you do so, make a Dexterity (Stealth) check, remaining unnoticed if creature’s passive perceptions don’t allow them to see you arrive.

Dimensional Detention

Also at 9th level, you begin to harness the latent energies of these slips, briefly blinking your enemies out of existence. If you have advantage on an attack made through a Planar Slip and both rolls would hit, you may temporarily banish the creature to a harmless demiplane, hurtling them through a planar fault. While banished, the creature has a speed of 0 and is incapacitated. At the end of its next turn, the creature reappears in the space it vacated or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. A creature banished in this way is immune to your Dimensional Detention for the next 24 hours.


At 13th level, your creation of these faults is second nature, your every movement in sync with the beat of the plane. The rifts of your Planar Slip no longer require a surface and can be up to 10 feet across. If you move through a Planar Slip, your first attack that hits that turn may still gain the benefits of Dimensional Detention.

Slip Shroud

At 17th level, you become one with the plane around you, wearing it around yourself like an obscuring cloak. When you first move through a Planar Slip on your turn, you become invisible until the start of your next turn.



Rogue: Swashbuckler

You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype.

A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight with two weapons while safely darting away from an opponent.

Fancy Footwork

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to land a strike and then slip away without reprisal. During your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Rakish Audacity

Starting at 3rd level, your confidence propels you into battle. You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.

You also gain an additional way to use your Sneak Attack; you don’t need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you are within 5 feet of it, no other creatures are within 5 feet of you, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. All the other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you.


At 9th level, your charm becomes extraordinarily beguiling. As an action, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by a creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language.

If you succeed on the check and the creature is hostile to you, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you and can’t make opportunity attacks against targets other than you. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart.

If you succeed on the check and the creature isn’t hostile to you, it is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed, it regards you as a friendly acquaintance. This effect ends immediately if you or your companions do anything harmful to it.

Elegant Maneuver

Starting at 13th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to gain advantage on the next Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check you make during the same turn.

Master Duelist

Beginning at 17th level, your mastery of the blade lets you turn failure into success in combat. If you miss with an attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. Once you do so, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.



Rogue: Thief

You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and other criminals typically follow this archetype, but so do rogues who prefer to think of themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators. In addition to improving your agility and stealth, you learn skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items you normally couldn’t employ.

Fast Hands

Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.

Additionally, when you use one of the following objects (alchemist’s fire, ball bearings, caltrops, or a hunting trap), you can use either the item’s DC, or have the DC be equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

Second-Story Work

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability to climb faster than normal; you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

In addition, when you make a running jump, the distance you cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Supreme Sneak

Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn.

Use Magic Device

By 13th level, you have learned enough about the workings of magic that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all attunement requirements on the use of magic items, and you don’t need access to a class’ spell list to make use of spell scrolls, and you use your proficiency bonus in place of your spellcasting ability modifier to determine whether you cast the spell successfully.

Additionally, your superior understanding of magic items allows you to master their use. You can now attune to up to four, rather than three, magic items at a time.

At 17th level, this limit increases to five magic items.

Thief’s Reflexes

When you reach 17th level, you have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your initiative minus 10. You can’t use this feature when you’re surprised.



The Fantastic Sorcerers of Edenbaerrow




The Sorcerer
Level Sorcery Points Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spell Slots Per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st - +2 Spellcasting, Sorcerous Origin 4 2 2
2nd 2 +2 Font of Magic 4 3 3
3rd 3 +2 Metamagic 4 4 4 2
4th 4 +2 Ability Score Improvement, Sorcerous Versatility (Optional) 5 5 4 3
5th 5 +3 Magical Guidance, Sorcerous Vitality 5 6 4 3 2
6th 6 +3 Sorcerous Origin feature 5 7 4 3 3
7th 7 +3 Metamagic, Cataclyst 5 8 4 3 3 1
8th 8 +3 Ability Score Improvement, Sorcerous Versatility (Optional) 5 9 4 3 3 2
9th 9 +4 - 5 10 4 3 3 3 1
10th 10 +4 Metamagic 6 11 4 3 3 3 2
11th 11 +4 - 6 11 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th 12 +4 Ability Score Improvement, Sorcerous Versatility (Optional) 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th 13 +5 Wild Arcana 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th 14 +5 Sorcerous Origin feature 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th 15 +5 - 6 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th 16 +5 Ability Score Improvement, Sorcerous Versatility (Optional) 6 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th 17 +6 Metamagic 6 17 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
18th 18 +6 Sorcerous Origin feature 6 18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th 19 +6 Ability Score Improvement, Sorcerous Versatility (Optional) 6 18 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th 20 +6 Sorcerous Restoration 6 18 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Class Features

As a sorcerer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d6 per sorcerer level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per sorcerer level after 1st


Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Saving Throws:
Constitution, Charisma
Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • Two daggers


An event in your past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with arcane magic. This font of magic, whatever its origin, fuels your spells.


At 1st level, you know four cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Sorcerer table.



Spell Slots

The Sorcerer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your sorcerer spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the sorcerer spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Sorcerer table shows when you learn more sorcerer spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the sorcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells.

Sorcerous Origin

Choose a sorcerous origin, which describes the source of your innate magical power. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 1st level and again at 6th, 14th, and 18th level.

Font of Magic

At 2nd level, you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by sorcery points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.

Sorcery Points. You have 2 sorcery points, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Sorcery Points column of the Sorcerer table. You can never have more sorcery points than shown on the table for your level. You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest.

Flexible Casting. You can use your sorcery points to gain additional spell slots, or sacrifice spell slots to gain additional sorcery points. You learn other ways to use your sorcery points as you reach higher levels.

Creating Spell Slots. You can transform unexpended sorcery points into one spell slot as a bonus action on your turn. The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a spell slot of a given level. You can create spell slots no higher in level than 5th. Any spell slot you create with this feature vanishes when you finish a long rest. Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points. As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot’s level.

Creating Spell Slots
Spell Slot Level Sorcery Point Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7


At 3rd level, you gain the ability to twist your spells to suit your needs. You gain two of the following Metamagic options of your choice. You gain another one at 10th, 15th, and 17th level.

You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.

Careful Spell. When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell’s full force. To do so, you spend 1 sorcery point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell.

Contingent Spell. When you cast a spell of 5th level or lower, you may spend 2 sorcery points to delay the spell, casting it when certain circumstances have been met. These circumstances are designated when you cast the spell and cannot be changed afterwards. The spell’s energy fades after 8 hours if it has not been triggered.

Distant Spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double the range of the spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of touch, you can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 feet.

Empowered Spell. When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls. You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Enduring Spell. When you cast a spell, you can spend 2 sorcery points to reinforce it. The first time you fail a saving throw to keep your concentration on the spell, you do not lose concentration.



Extended Spell. When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 sorcery point to double its duration, to a maximum duration of 24 hours.

Heightened Spell. When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effects, you can spend 3 sorcery points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the spell.

Quickened Spell. When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 sorcery points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.

Seeking Spell. When you cast a spell that requires you to make a spell attack roll or that forces a target to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can spend 1 sorcery point to ignore the effects of half - and three - quarters cover against targets of the spell.

You can use Seeking Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Stable Spell. When a spell you cast would affected by counterspell or dispel magic, you may spend 2 sorcery points as a reaction to impose disadvantage on the check made by those spells. If your spell would be countered or dispelled without a roll, you instead force the roll to occur.

Subtle Spell. When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to cast it without any somatic or verbal components.

Transmuted Spell. When you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder.

Twinned Spell. When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn’t have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip). To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell’s current level. For example, magic missile and scorching ray aren’t eligible, but ray of frost and chromatic orb are.

Unerring Spell. If you make an attack roll for a spell and miss, you can spend 2 sorcery points to reroll the attack roll. You must use the result of the second roll. You can use Unerring Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Sorcerous Versatility (Optional)

When you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can do one of the following, representing the magic within you flowing in new ways:

  • Replace one of the options you chose for the Metamagic feature with a different Metamagic option available to you.
  • Replace one cantrip you learned from this class’ spellcasting feature with another cantrip from the sorcerer spell list.

Magical Guidance

When you reach 5th level, you can tap into your inner wellspring of magic to try and conjure success from failure. When you make an ability check that fails, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll the d20, and you must use the new roll, potentially turning the failure into a success.

Sorcerous Vitality

At 5th level, as an action, you can expend a sorcery point to roll two hit dice. You regain hitpoints equal to the roll, or regain hitpoints equal to one and clear the poisoned or frightened condition from yourself.


At 7th level, you can meditate and draw further power from yourself. When you finish a short rest, you regain sorcerery points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You can use this feature once before needing to finish a long rest to regain its use.

Wild Arcana

At 13th level, you can apply two metamagics to a single spell, still paying the cost as normal. If it has a spell attack, it is made at advantage. Immediately afterwards, a Variant Wild Magic Surge is triggered from your space.

Sorcerous Restoration

At 20th level, you regain 4 expended sorcery points whenever you roll Initiative.

Additionally, you gain one more eighth-level spell slot.



Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind

An alien influence has wrapped its tendrils around your mind, giving you psionic power. You can now touch other minds with that power and alter the world around you by using it to control the magical energy of the multiverse. Will this power shine from you as a hopeful beacon to others? Or will you be a source of terror to those who feel the stab of your mind and witness the strange manifestations of your might?

Psionic Spells

Starting at 1st level, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Psionic Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a divination or an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

Psionic Spells
Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Arms of Hadar, Dissonant Whispers, Mind Sliver
3rd Calm Emotions, Detect Thoughts
5th Hunger of Hadar, Sending
7th Evard’s Black Tentacles, Summon Aberration
9th Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Telekinesis

Telepathic Speech

Starting at 1st level, you can form a telepathic connection between your mind and the mind of another. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You and the chosen creature can speak telepathically with each other while the two of you are within a number of miles of each other equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 mile). To understand each other, you each must speak mentally in a language the other knows.

The telepathic connection lasts for a number of minutes equal to your sorcerer level. It ends early if you are incapacitated or die or if you use this ability to form a connection with a different creature.

Psionic Sorcery

Beginning at 6th level, when you cast any spell of 1st level or higher from your Psionic Spells feature, you can cast it by expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a number of sorcery points equal to the spell’s level. If you cast the spell using sorcery points, it requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components, unless they are consumed by the spell.

Psychic Defenses

At 6th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

Revelation in Flesh

Beginning at 14th level, you can unleash the aberrant truth hidden within yourself. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 or more sorcery points to magically transform your body for 10 minutes. For each sorcery point you spend, you can gain one of the following benefits of your choice, the effects of which last until the transformation ends:

  • You can see any invisible creature within 60 feet of you, provided it isn’t behind total cover. Your eyes also turn black or become writhing sensory tendrils.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. As you fly, your skin glistens with mucus or shines with an otherworldly light.
  • You gain a swimming speed equal to twice your walking speed, and you can breathe underwater. Moreover, gills grow from your neck or fan out from behind your ears, your fingers become webbed, or you grow writhing cilia that extend through your clothing.
  • Your body, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, becomes slimy and pliable. You can move through any space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing, and you can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.

Warping Implosion

At 18th level, you can unleash your aberrant power as a space-warping anomaly. As an action, you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 120 feet of you. Immediately after you disappear, each creature within 30 feet of the space you left must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d10 force damage and is pulled straight toward the space you left, ending in an unoccupied space as close to your former space as possible. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t pulled.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again.



Sorcerer: Astral Soul

Your innate magic comes from the Astral Plane, the time-frozen space in between planes. You might have obtained your magic abilities during a tumultuous plane hopping event, where the plane’s psychic winds almost tore your mind asunder. Alternatively, you might be able to trace back your lineage to a long-time resident of the Astral Plane, such as the githyanki, inheriting their psionic abilities in the form of magic.

Astral Magic

1st-level Astral Soul feature

You learn the mage hand cantrip if you haven’t already. When you cast this cantrip, the hand is invisible. You also learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Astral Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level (except astral projection). The new spell must be a conjuration or an illusion spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

Astral Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell
1st moonbeam, faerie fire
3rd misty step, see invisibility
5th counterspell, slow
7th banishment, greater invisibility
9th passwall, wall of force
17th astral projection

Planar Resistance

1st-level Astral Soul feature

Your association with the Astral Plane allows you to phase your body in between planes. When you’re damaged by an attack or harmful spell, you can use your reaction to give yourself resistance to that damage type until the start of your next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


At 6th level, You can temporarily adopt a translucent form. As a bonus action, you can spend 3 sorcery points to become intangible for up to 1 minute. In this form, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, taking 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. You also have advantage against attempts made to grapple you, and gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks.

When you are in the Astral Plane, you don’t need to spend sorcery points to use this feature.


When you reach 14th level, You gain the ability to bend the space around you. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 sorcery point to switch places with an object or creature you can see, no larger than your size, that you can see within 90 feet of you. An unwilling creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a successful save, neither you nor the target creature switch places.


At 18th level, Your mastery over the Astral Plane allows you to manipulate the flow of your time. As an action, you can enter an accelerated temporal state for 1 minute. During this time, your walking speed is doubled, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you have an extra action that can only be used to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Additionally, you can cast a spell as a bonus action. This spell acts as if it was cast using Quickened Spell.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 8 sorcery points to use it again.



Sorcerer: Clockwork Soul

The cosmic force of order has suffused you with magic. That power arises from Mechanus or a realm like it-a plane of existence shaped entirely by clockwork efficiency. You, or someone from your lineage, might have become entangled in the machinations of the modrons, the orderly beings who inhabit Mechanus. Perhaps your ancestor even took part in the Great Modron March. Whatever its origin within you, the power of order can seem strange to others, but for you, it is part of a vast and glorious system.

Clockwork Magic

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Clockwork Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an abjuration or a transmutation spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

Clockwork Spells
Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Alarm, Protection from Evil and Good
3rd Aid, Lesser Restoration
5th Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy
7th Freedom of Movement, Summon Construct
9th Greater Restoration, Wall of Force

Restore Balance

Starting at 1st level, your connection to the plane of absolute order allows you to equalize chaotic moments. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is about to roll a d20 with advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to prevent the roll from being affected by advantage and disadvantage.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Bastion of Law

Starting at 6th level, you can tap into the grand equation of existence to imbue a creature with a shimmering shield of order. As an action, you can expend 1 to 5 sorcery points to create a magical ward around yourself or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The ward lasts until you finish a long rest or until you use this feature again.

The ward is represented by a number of d10s equal to the number of sorcery points spent to create it. When the warded creature takes damage, it can expend a number of those dice, roll them, and reduce the damage taken by the total rolled on those dice.

Trance of Order

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to align your consciousness to the endless calculations of Mechanus. As a bonus action, you can enter this state for 1 minute. For the duration, attack rolls against you can’t benefit from advantage, and whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.

Once you use this bonus action, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again.

Clockwork Cavalcade

At 18th level, you summon spirits of order to expunge disorder around you. As an action, you summon the spirits in a 30-foot cube originating from you. The spirits look like modrons or other constructs of your choice. The spirits are intangible and invulnerable, and they create the following effects within the cube before vanishing:

  • The spirits restore up to 100 hit points, divided as you choose among any number of creatures of your choice in the cube.
  • Any damaged objects entirely in the cube are repaired instantly.
  • Every spell of 6th level or lower ends on creatures and objects of your choice in the cube.

Once you use this action, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 7 sorcery points to use it again.



Sorcerer: Draconic Heart

our innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent. Some of these bloodlines are well established in the world, but most are obscure. Any given sorcerer could be the first of a new bloodline, as a result of a pact or some other exceptional circumstance.

Dragon Ancestor

At 1st level, you choose one type of dragon as your ancestor. The damage type associated with each dragon is used by features you gain later.

Draconic Ancestry
Dragon Color Damage Type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Gold Fire
Green Poison
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold

You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.

Draconic Resilience

As magic flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon ancestors to emerge. At 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.

Additionally, parts of your skin are covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

Elemental Affinity

Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell. At the same time, you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type for 1 hour.

Dragon Wings

At 14th level, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.

You can’t manifest your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.

Draconic Presence

Beginning at 18th level, you can channel the dread presence of your dragon ancestor, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to draw on this power and exude an aura of awe or fear (your choice) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were casting a concentration spell), each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed (if you chose awe) or frightened (if you chose fear) until the aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your aura for 24 hours.



Sorcerer: Emberheart

Whether you stole your power from a noble Efreeti lord, were gifted it by an ancient fire drake, or you were born near a gate to the elemental Plane of Fire, you now carry within you an ember of pure elemental flame. This ember of arcane fire fuels your burning soul, inflames your passions, and allows you to perform wondrous and terrible feats of fire magic.

Emberheart Spells

You learn certain spells at the sorcerer levels noted in the table below. They count as sorcerer spells for you, but they don’t count against your number of Spells Known.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell from this feature with another spell of your choice of the same level, that deals only fire damage, from any spell list.

Emberheart Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell
1st burning hands, hellish rebuke
3rd flaming sphere, scorching ray
5th fireball, minute meteors
7th summon elemental (fire), wall of fire
9th flame strike, immolation
Elemental Sorcerers

Switch the damage type of the Emberheart Spells and subclass features her from Fire to Acid, Cold, Lighting, or Poison to make any Elemental Origin!

Heart of Flame

The primordial flame empowers your spirit. Beginning at 1st level, you are resistant to fire damage and you have advantage on saving throws to resist being charmed or frightened.

You can also speak, read, and write Ignan, the language of the Elemental Plane of Fire. By understanding Ignan you can communicate with any creature that speaks Primordial, or one of its four dialects; Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran.

Wild Fire

Starting at 6th level, you can cause fire to erupt from the ruin of your foes. When you reduce a Small or larger creature to 0 hit points with a spell that deals fire damage, you can use your reaction to force creatures of your choice within 10 feet of that creature to make Dexterity saving throw. They take fire damage based on the size of the creature, as indicated in the table below, on a failure, and half as much on a success.

Size Damage
Tiny 0
Small 1d6
Medium 2d6
Large 3d6
Huge 4d6
Gargantuan 5d6

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Kindle the Flame

Your body is restored when you draw on the elemental flame. Beginning at 14th level, when you cast a fire spell of 1st-level or higher, you can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to the level of the fire spell + your Charisma modifier.

Primordial Inferno

Your flaming soul has become an inferno, making you more elemental then mortal. Starting at 18th level, you don’t need to eat, drink, or sleep, and you are immune to fire damage.

When you take damage from a creature within 60 feet, you can use your reaction to force it to make Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take fire damage equal to your level.



Sorcerer: Giant Soul Ancestry

The giants once dwelled in a fabled realm known as Ostoria, a paradise for their folk that reflected their mastery of the mortal realm. In time, Ostoria fell, and the giants were scattered and broken. During that mythic era, the giants granted a few chosen individuals among the small folk a shard of their great power. These favored people were caught in the same tragedy that sundered Ostoria. Since that time, they have spread across the many worlds of the multiverse.

Jotun Resilience

The resilience of giants flows through your body. At 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. You have advantage on any saving throw that would forcibly move you.

Mark of the Ordning

At 1st level, you discover innate magical abilities within yourself that are based on your giant heritage. Select one of the giant types from the Mark of the Ordning table. At 1st and 3rd level, you learn the spells associated with your choice, as shown in the table. These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but they don’t count against your number of sorcerer spells known.

Giant Soul Spells
Giant 1st Spells 3rd Spells
Cloud Fog Cloud, Minor Illusion Invisibility
Fire Burning Hands, Fire Bolt Flaming Sphere
Frost Armor of Agathys, Ray of Frost Hold Person
Hill Heroism, Shillelagh Enlarge/Reduce
Stone Entangle, Resistance Spike Growth
Storm Shocking Grasp, Thunderwave Gust of Wind

Soul of Lost Ostoria

Starting at 6th level, you you can use your heritage to enhance the casting of one spell:

  • Cloud Giant. Immediately after you cast a spell, you can magically teleport as a bonus action. You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see that is no farther away than a number of feet equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier.

  • Fire Giant. You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of your spell. The bonus equals your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).

  • Frost Giant. Immediately after you cast a spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). If the spell is Armor of Agathys, you instead increase its temporary hit points by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

  • Hill Giant. Immediately after you cast a spell, you can target up to two creatures within 5 feet of you that you can see. Each target must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or be pushed a number of feet away from you equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1). A target can choose to fail this save.

  • Stone Giant. Immediately after you cast a spell, you gain a bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) until the end of your next turn.

  • Storm Giant. Immediately after you cast a spell, up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you take lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Rage of Fallen Ostoria

Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to channel the souls of your ancestors into your physical form. When you start casting a sorcerer spell on your turn and expend a spell slot, you can increase your size by one category – from Medium to Large, for example. This increase lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you die or are incapacitated. Until it ends, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your current hit points and your hit point maximum both increase by 1 per sorcerer level.
  • Your reach increases by 5 feet.
  • Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of your melee weapon attacks; the bonus equals your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1).

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Blessing of the All Father

At 18th level, your Constitution score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 22.

In addition, you can now use Rage of Fallen Ostoria twice between rests, but no more than once on a turn. If you use that feature while under its effects, its increases to your size, hit points, reach, and walking speed are cumulative.



Sorcerer: Heroic Ancestry

Your innate magic comes from your connection to an ancient hero—an ancestor of yours that defeated mighty foes and reached the peak of physical ability. In the years beyond their death, your ancestor’s deeds have been immortalized by history, and their bloodline has been blessed by the gods. Through your blessed blood, you can channel the abilities of your ancestor, mimicking their unmatched strength and prowess. Most of these bloodlines are well-established, and deeply connected to royal or noble blood. Some of these bloodlines have been obscured by time, however, and many sorcerers of this origin have no know- ledge of their history. Not all members of a heroic bloodline awaken this magic, so it can remain hidden for generations and slowly forgotten before suddenly re-emerging. Oftentimes, these bloodlines are plagued with conflict. The enemies of your ancestor might become your enemies, as they seek revenge for the deeds of the past or recognize you as a threat to their continued existence.However, you might also find friends due to your lineage. Creatures or societies that knew your ancestor might be willing to offer you assistance as repayment for the great deeds your ancestor did for them.

Heir to Heroics

You have inherited your ancestor’s skills with weaponry. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with shields, simple weapons, and melee martial weapons.

Ancestral Avatar

Also at 1st level, you can call upon the strength of your ancestor to aid you. As a bonus action, you can temporarily augment your musculature and harden your body against attack. You gain temporary hit points equal to your sorcerer level, and for 1 minute, you gain the following additional benefits:

  • You can use your Charisma for anything that would normally require Strength. This includes, but is not limited to: Strength- based attacks, carrying capacity, Strength (Athletics) checks, and other Strength-based checks or saves.
  • Your AC equals 12 + your Charisma modifier if it isn’t already higher. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
  • As a bonus action, you can attempt to shove or grapple a creature within 5 feet of you.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ancestral Champion

By 6th level, your connection with your ancestor has improved. The AC granted by your Ancestral Avatar feature is improved to 13 + your Charisma modifier. Also, if you don’t have a use of Ancestral Avatar remaining, you can spend 3 sorcery points as an alternative requirement for activating the feature.

Inspiring Presence

At 14th level, you become an inspiring beacon like your ancestor before you. Friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are immune to the frightened condition. Additionally, whenever a friendly creature other than you within 30 feet of you misses an attack, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add the result to its attack roll, potentially causing the attack to hit. When you use this reaction, you can spend up to 2 sorcery points to empower it. For every sorcery point you spend, you roll an additional d4.

Hero of Legend

By 18th level, you have reached your full potential, and can become just as much of a heroic figure as your ancestor. When you activate your Ancestral Avatar feature, you can spend additional sorcery points to further improve the feature. For every 2 sorcery points you spend, you can gain one of the following benefits for the duration of the feature:

  • You can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
  • You gain resistance resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your current walking speed.



Sorcerer: Ironmonger

Often born during times of great war and strife, Ironmonger sorcerers have an affinity for all things forged for use in war. They thrive in the midst of battle, wielding potent war magic on the front lines. Ironmongers are formidable foes, and are sought after by captains and conquerers for their ability to turn the tide of any battle, no matter how hopeless.

Iron Spells

You learn certain spells at the sorcerer levels noted in the table below. They count as sorcerer spells for you, but they don’t count against your number of Spells Known.

Whenever you gain a level, you can replace one spell from this feature with another abjuration or conjuration spell of the same level from the sorcerer or wizard spell list.

Iron Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell
1st command, compelled duel
3rd cloud of daggers, heat metal
5th conjure barrage, elemental weapon
7th fabricate, summon construct (metal) TCoE
9th animate objects, conjure volley

Armaments of War

The arcane power within your soul grants you an affinity with the armaments of war. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with light and medium armor, shields, and all simple and martial weapons that lack the heavy or two-handed properties.

Blade of Strife

Beginning at 1st level, you can summon the Ironmonger’s signature weapon, the Blade of Strife. As a bonus action, you create this mystical Blade at a point you can see within 60 feet. It lasts for 1 minute or until you use this feature again.

When you create the Blade, you can make a melee spell attack against one creature within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 magical slashing damage. As a bonus action, you can move the Blade up to 30 feet and repeat the attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to summon it again.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action. Moreover, you can cast one of your sorcerer cantrips in place of one of those attacks.

Dancing Blade

At 14th level, you gain increased mastery with your Blade of Strife. As a reaction, when a creature within 10 feet of your Blade is hit by an attack, you can attempt to deflect the blow with your Blade, and grant the creature a bonus to its Armor Class equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).

In addition, your Blade now deals 2d6 damage on hit.

Storm of Blades

You have become a god of warfare and lay waste to your foes. Starting at 18th level, you can use your action to destroy your Blade of Strife in a storm of arcane iron shards and force two creatures of your choice within 30 feet of your Blade to make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take 6d8 magical slashing damage on a failure, and half as much on a success.

When you use this action, you can spend a spell slot to target additional creatures with of your choice within 30 feet of your Storm of Blades. You can target a single additional creature for a 1st-level spell slot, plus one additional creature for each level of spell slot above 1st.



Sorcerer: Luminomancer Origin

T he power of divine Light has been depicted in various different ways - celestial beings, descending from the skies or holy warriors who have been imbued with its power by the Gods. In truth, the Light is a cosmic force that flows throughout the multiverse. Sometimes, children are born with a special attunement to its essence, for reasons yet unknown. Whether by chance or choice made by divine will, these characters grow capable of wielding and bending the Light. Gifted with sorcery, they employ these powers in order to purge their foes and illuminate the truth behind their attempts for deceit.


Starting at 1st level, you learn the light cantrip. Furthermore, when you reach level 5, you learn the daylight spell and can cast it without expending a spell slot for as many times as your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) before completing a long rest.

Moreover, you become proficient with shortswords and scimitars.


Additionally, at level 1, when you cast Light on a weapon you are wielding, you may add your proficiency bonus to your damage rolls. Whenever you make an attack roll with this weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.

Upon reaching level 5 and you have cast the Light spell on your hands, whenever you deal damage with a spell, you also add your Charisma modifier to one damage die of the spell.

Radiant Technique

At level 6, whenever you cast a spell as an action, you can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

Furthermore, once per short rest and as an action, you can cause an area illuminated by light produced by you to gain the effects of the zone of truth spell.

Flash Step

At level 14, whenever a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to burst in sunlight. All creatures within 10 feet of you that can see you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet back and be blinded until the start of their next turn. Creatures that have sunlight sensitivity make the saving throw with disadvantage. In addition, as part of the same reaction, you can teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within a 30-foot distance. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, before completing a long rest.

Searing Brilliance

At level 18, whenever you hit with a weapon affected by the Light spell or deal damage with a spell, you can choose to deal radiant damage instead of normal damage. You ignore resistances to radiant damage and if a creature is immune to radiant damage, you still deal half radiant damage (rounded down).

In addition, as a bonus action, you can spend 4 Sorcery points to create an area of searing radiance around you. Creatures of your choice within 20 feet take radiant damage equal to double your Charisma Modifier. This area lasts for 1 minute.



Sorcerer: Lunar Heart

On many worlds, the moon is a revered celestial body with magical properties.

You, or someone from your lineage, has been exposed to the concentrated magic of the moons of your world, imbuing you with lunar magic. Perhaps your ancestor was involved in a druidic ritual involving an eclipse, or maybe a mystical fragment of a moon crashed near you. However you came to have your magic, your connection to the moon is obvious when you cast sorcerer spells. Consult the Manifestations of Lunar Magic table, then choose or randomly determine how your connection to the moon manifests while you cast your sorcerer spells.

Moon Fire

Starting at 1st level, you can call down the radiant light of the moon on command. You learn the Sacred Flame spell, which doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer cantrips you know. When you cast the spell, you can target one creature as normal or target two creatures within range that are within 5 feet of each other.

Lunar Boons

Starting at 6th level, lunar phases influence your metamagic. Each lunar phase is associated with spells of the following schools of magic:

  • Full Moon. Abjuration and Conjuration spells
  • New Moon. Evocation and Necromancy spells
  • Crescent Moon. Divination and Transmutation spells

Whenever you use Metamagic on a spell from the Lunar Spells table or a spell of a school of magic associated with the lunar phase you are in, you can reduce the sorcery points spent by 1 (minimum 0). You can reduce the sorcery points spent for your Metamagic a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest

Lunar Embodiment

You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Lunar Spells table. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Lunar Spells
Sorcerer Level Full Moon Spells New Moon Spells Crescent Moon Spells
1st Faerie Fire Dissonant Whispers Sanctuary
3rd Moonbeam Darkness Blindness/Deafness
5th Death Ward Bestow Curse Phantom Steed
7th Freedom of Movement Evard’s Black Tentacles Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Mass Cure Wounds Mislead Dream

Whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose what lunar phase manifests its power through your magic: Full Moon, New Moon, or Crescent Moon. While in the chosen phase, spells of the associated phase in the Lunar Spells table can be cast once without expending a spell slot. Once you cast a spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Waxing and Waning

Starting at 6th level, you gain greater control over the phases of your lunar magic. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change your lunar phase for a different one.



Lunar Empowerment

Starting at 14th level, the power of a lunar phase saturates your being. Whenever you choose a lunar phase to affect your magic, you also gain the following benefit associated with that phase:

  • Full Moon: You shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. In addition, you and creatures of your choice have advantage on saving throws while within the bright light you shed.
  • New Moon: You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. In addition, while you are in dim light or darkness, attack rolls have disadvantage against you.
  • Crescent Moon: You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.

Lunar Phenomenon

At 18th level, your lunar phase magic bursts. As a bonus action, you can tap into a special power of the lunar phase you are currently in. Alternatively, as part of the bonus action you take to change your lunar phase using your Waxing and Waning feature, you can immediately use the power of the lunar phase you are entering:

  • Full Moon: You radiate intense moonlight for a moment. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be blinded until the end of its next turn. In addition, one creature of your choice in that area regains 3d8 hit points.
  • New Moon: You momentarily emanate an oppressive gloom. Each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 3d10 necrotic damage and have its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn. In addition, you become invisible until the end of your next turn, or until you make an attack or cast a spell.
  • Crescent Moon: You slip through light and darkness. You can magically teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of yourself. In addition, you also gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Once you use a phase’s bonus action, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 5 sorcery points to use it again.



Sorcerer: Nymph Heart Ancestry

Fey Ancestor

At 1st level, you can speak, read, and write Sylvan. Additionally, select one of the following fey creatures to be your sorcerous origin: Aurae, nymphs of the breezes. Dryads, nymphs of the trees and forests. Naiades, fresh water nymphs. Nereids, salt-water nymphs. Oreads, mountain nymphs.

Inherent Beauty

At 1st level, if you spend one minute interacting with a target within 30 feet of you that can see you, you can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the target becomes charmed by you for 1 hour or until someone in your party harms it. The creature has no indication that you tried to charm it. Creatures that are immune to being charmed automatically succeed on the saving throw. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Bonus Cantrip

At 1st level, you have a bonus cantrip based on the Fey Ancestor you chose. The cantrip counts as a Sorcerer cantrip for you, but does not count against the number of cantrips you know.


At 6th level, you gain a benefit based on the Fey Ancestor you chose. Additionally, you learn a new spell, which doesn’t count against the number of spells you know, and counts as a Sorcerer spell for you.

Ancestral Resistance

At 14th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and you can use your Inherent Beauty feature twice per long rest. Additionally, you gain resistance to a type of damage as determined by your Fey Ancestor

Beautiful Sanctuary

At 18th level, as a bonus action on your turn, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You are invisible until you attack or cast a spell.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. You have resistance to damage caused by spells and other magical effects.
  • Creatures that target you directly with an attack or a harmful spell that is not an area of effect that happens to include you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or forfeit targeting someone instead of you, potentially wasting the attack or spell. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. Creatures that are immune to being charmed automatically succeed on the saving throw.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest

Bonus Cantrip
Nymph Cantrip
Aurae Gust
Dryad Druidcraft
Naiad Minor Illusion
Nereid Shape Water
Oread Mold Earth
Fey Soul
Ancestor Spell Feature
Aurae Fly While you are not wearing armour, you have a flying speed of 30 feet.
Dryad Plant Growth While your current hit points are below your maximum hit points and you are not incapacitated, you recover 3 hit points at the start of your turn. You must be in direct sunlight to receive this benefit. You recover 4 hit points at 14th level, and 5 hit points at 18th level.
Naiad Wall of Water You can walk across water as if it were solid ground and you can breathe underwater.
Nereid Tidal Wave You gain a swim speed of 30 feet and you can breathe underwater. If you already have a swim speed, it instead increases by 15 feet.
Oread Erupting Earth While you are not wearing armour, your base AC is 13 + your Constitution modifier.
Ancestral Resistance
Ancestor Damage
Aurae Thunder
Dryad Lightning
Naiad Acid
Nereid Cold
Oread Poison



Sorcerer: Oracle Heart

Your magic comes from a god of prophecy and prognostication who imbued a sliver of their power in your ancestry. Farseers can trace their power through the generations to a single, powerful ancestor whose divine gift gave them access to the webs of fate. Some are plagued by visions and omens, having no knowledge of their august lineage. These unfortunate individuals might be driven to madness and ostracized because of their uncontrolled, forbidden knowledge. Regardless, the touch of the divine has forever changed you, and the skeins of fate unravel in your view.

Blood of the Seer

When you choose this origin at 1st level, the blood of your ancestors signals your destiny. You gain proficiency in Insight and History. Your preternatural sense of what is to come also allows you to sense imminent danger, so you make initiative rolls with advantage.


Starting at 1st level, you can take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn. You use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once).

You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Commune with the Unknown

When you reach 6th level, your prophetic insight allows you to commune with otherworldly powers. By focusing all your attention on a single yes-or-no question for 1 minute, you can pose that question to the powers beyond. The entity that responds to your question has vast knowledge, but it isn’t omniscient; it can predict only what might happen, not what’s certain to occur. Questions about the future must be phrased in terms of what’s possible or plausible to avoid nonanswers. You must finish a short or long rest before using this feature again.


When you reach 14th level, the skeins of time enshroud your body, distorting the fabric of reality around you. As an action, you can expend 3 sorcery points to step out of sync with the current timeline. You can be seen only as an indistinct, shimmery outline. Attacks against you are made with disadvantage, and you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Additionally, you can move through other creatures and solid objects as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside a solid object, you take 1d10 force damage and are expelled into the nearest open space.

The effect lasts for up to 1 minute, provided you maintain concentration on it as if it were a spell.

Sharing the Dream

At 18th level, visions of likely futures constantly weave across your consciousness. You can share that foreknowledge with your companions. As an action, you can grant up to five creatures (which can include yourself) advantage on attack rolls or saving throws—each creature chooses for itself—for up to 1 minute.

You must expend 2 sorcery points per affected creature to trigger this effect.



Sorcerer: Shadow Soul

You are a creature of shadow, for your innate magic comes from the Shadowfell itself. You might trace your lineage to an entity from that place, or perhaps you were exposed to its fell energy and transformed by it.

The power of shadow magic casts a strange pall over your physical presence. The spark of life that sustains you is muffled, as if it struggles to remain viable against the dark energy that imbues your soul.

Shadow Magic
Spell Level Spell
1 Cause Fear Ray of Sickness
2 Darkness (See Below) Blindness/Deafness
3 Fear Phantom Steed
4 Blight Dimension Door
5 Enervation Seeming

Eyes of the Dark

From 1st level, you have darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

When you reach 3rd level in this class, you learn the darkness spell, which doesn’t count against your number of sorcerer spells known. In addition, you can cast it by spending 2 sorcery points or by expending a spell slot. If you cast it with sorcery points, you can see through the darkness created by the spell.

Strength of the Grave

Starting at 1st level, your existence in a twilight state between life and death makes you difficult to defeat. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Charisma saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You can’t use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or by a critical hit.

After the saving throw succeeds, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Hound of Ill Omen

At 6th level, you gain the ability to call forth a howling creature of darkness to harass your foes. As a bonus action, you can spend 3 sorcery points to summon a hound of ill omen to target one creature you can see within 120 feet of you. The hound uses the dire wolf’s statistics, with the following changes:

  • The hound is size Medium, not Large, and it counts as a monstrosity, not a beast.
  • It appears with a number of temporary hit points equal to half your sorcerer level.
  • It can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. The hound takes 5 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
  • At the start of its turn, the hound automatically knows its target’s location. If the target was hidden, it is no longer hidden from the hound.
  • The hound appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet of the target. Roll initiative for the hound. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its action only to attack its target. The hound can make opportunity attacks, but only against its target. Additionally, while the hound is within 5 feet of the target, the target has disadvantage on saving throws against any spell you cast. The hound disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes.

Shadow Walk

At 14th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness.

Umbral Form

Starting at 18th level, you can spend 6 sorcery points as a bonus action to transform yourself into a shadowy form. In this form, you have resistance to all damage except force and radiant damage, and you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

You remain in this form for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you die, or if you dismiss it as a bonus action.



Sorcerer: Storm Soul

Your innate magic comes from the power of elemental air. Many with this power can trace their magic back to a near-death experience caused by the Great Rain, but perhaps you were born during a howling gale so powerful that folk still tell stories of it, or your lineage might include the influence of potent air creatures such as vaati or djinn. Whatever the case, the magic of the storm permeates your being.

Storm sorcerers are invaluable members of a ship’s crew. Their magic allows them to exert control over wind and weather in their immediate area. Their abilities also prove useful in repelling attacks by sahuagin, pirates, and other waterborne threats.

Spell Level Spell
1 Thunderclap (cantrip), Thunderwave
2 Gust of Wind, Shatter
3 Call Lightning, Fly
4 Storm Sphere, Conjure Minor Elementals
5 Control Winds, Destructive Wave

Wind Speaker

The arcane magic you command is infused with elemental air. You can speak, read, and write Primordial. Knowing this language allows you to understand and be understood by those who speak its dialects: Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran.

Tempestuous Magic

Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. At 6th and 14th level, this distance increases by 10 feet.

Heart of the Storm

At 6th level, you gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In addition, whenever you start casting a spell of 1st level or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage, stormy magic erupts from you. This eruption causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your sorcerer level.

Storm Guide

At 6th level, you gain the ability to subtly control the weather around you.

If it is raining, you can use an action to cause the rain to stop falling in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on you. You can end this effect as a bonus action.

If it is windy, you can use a bonus action each round to choose the direction that the wind blows in a 100-foot-radius sphere centered on you. The wind blows in that direction until the end of your next turn. This feature doesn’t alter the speed of the wind.

Storm’s Fury

Starting at 14th level, when you are hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to deal lightning damage to the attacker. The damage equals your sorcerer level. The attacker must also make a Strength saving throw against your sorcerer spell save DC. On a failed save, the attacker is pushed in a straight line up to 20 feet away from you.

Wind Soul

At 18th level, you gain immunity to lightning and thunder damage.

You also gain a magical flying speed of 60 feet. As an action, you can reduce your flying speed to 30 feet for 1 hour and choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The chosen creatures gain a magical flying speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. Once you reduce your flying speed in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.



Sorcerer: Wildmagic Soul

Your innate magic comes from the wild forces of chaos that underlie the order of creation. You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Or your magic could be a fluke of your birth, with no apparent cause or reason. However it came to be, this chaotic magic churns within you, waiting for any outlet.

Wild Magic Sorcery
Spell Level Spell
1 Chaos Bolt Magic Missile
2 Fortune’s Favor Levitate
3 Blink Fireball
4 Confusion Polymorph
5 Far Step Reincarnate

Wild Magic Surge

Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic. Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. If you roll a 1 or 2, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by your Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn’t require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration.

If the effect on the Wild Magic Table would deal enough damage to kill you, you are instead knocked unconscious but stable.

Starting at 2nd level, when you roll a Wild Magic Surge, you regain 1 sorcery point.

Tides of Chaos

Starting at 1st level, you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. Once you do so, you must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Any time before you regain the use of this feature and you cast a leveled sorcerer spell, you trigger a Wild Magic Surge and immediately regain your use of this feature.

Bend Luck

Starting at 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate using your wild magic. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend 1 sorcery point to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature’s roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.

Controlled Chaos

At 14th level, you gain a modicum of control over the surges of your wild magic. Whenever you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can roll twice and use either number.

Spell Bombardment

Beginning at 18th level, the harmful energy of your spells intensifies. When you roll damage for a spell and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice, choose one of those dice, roll it again and add that roll to the damage. You can use the feature only once per turn.



The Watchful Soul Inquisitors

##### When magic runs rampant, the faithful suffer.



The Soul Inquisitor
Level Proficiency Features Cantrips Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Level
1st +2 Inner Spirit[d4], Vengeful Souls
2nd +2 Channel Divinity
3rd +2 Branch Feature, Inquisitor’s Pact Magic 2 3 2 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 2 2
5th +3 3 5 2 3
6th +3 Soul Manipulation 3 6 2 3
7th +3 Branch Feature, Inner Spirit(d6) 3 7 2 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 8 2 4
9th +4 Eyes of the Afterlife 3 9 2 5
10th +4 Wicked Hunt 3 10 2 5
11th +4 Convergence of Essence, Inner Spirit(d8) 4 11 3 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 11 3 5
13th +5 Convergence of Essence 4 12 3 5
14th +5 Inner Spirit(d10) 4 12 3 5
15th +5 Convergence of Essence 4 13 3 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 13 3 5
17th +6 Convergence of Essence, Branch Feature 4 14 3 5
18th +6 Inner Spirit(d12) 4 14 3 5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 15 3 5
20th +6 Soul Siphon 4 15 4 5

Class Features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Soul Inquisitor level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Soul Inquisitor level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
  • Weapons: Longsword, Hand Crossbow, Simple Weapons
  • Tools: Artisan’s tools

  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a longsword or (b) two simple weapons
  • (a) a Hand crossbow and 10 bolts or (b) A shortbow and 20 arrows

Inner Spirit

Upon indoctrination into the Inquisitors, those who show a keen connection to the spirits are trained to become Soul Inquisitors, harnessing their own Inner power as a weapon. You gain a resource pool called Inner Spirit equal to your Constitution modifier. Whenever you make an attack or damage roll, you can add a 1d4 to it by expending a charge of Inner Spirit. You regain one charge on a Short rest, and you regain all of your expended charges on a Long rest. This bonus increases to a d6 at 7th level, to a d8 at 11th level, to a d10 at 14th level, and to a d12 at 18th level.

Vengeful Souls

Inquisitors are a bastion against evil, but sometimes evil can be used. You can capture the spirit of a recently fallen enemy, up to one hour since the death of said enemy. The process for capturing a soul is a one minute ritual that will pull the soul from a recently slain body before the soul passes on. This ability prevents any form of resurrection until the Soul has been expended. You can hold a number of Souls equal to your Constitution Modifier + your Soul Inquisitor level. These souls do not disappear and can be held indefinitely.

There are two distinctions of souls:

All Souls of CR 2 or higher count as a Vengeful Soul. Souls from creatures CR 1 or lower count as a Minor Soul.

Whenever you make an ability check, you can expend a Minor Soul in order to gain advantage on the roll, or to reroll a failed ability check, taking the result regardless of what it is. You cannot expend two Minor souls on the same ability check.



As an action, you can release the souls of the fallen to invigorate you and your allies. For each Minor Soul you release, creatures of your choice within 10 feet regain 1d4 hit points. You can release a number of minor souls equal to your Constitution Modifier at one time. Alternatively, you can release Vengeful Souls to do 2d6 + your Constitution modifier instead.

Channel Divinity

Inquisitors are first and foremost trained Paladins, and as such possess some of their training and blessings, allowing them to call upon divinity. Starting at 2nd level, you gain the following Channel Divinity option.

Soul Cage. As an action you can hold your sword aloft and incite words of power while targeting a creature. The creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw or become trapped within a prison built by their mind for 1 minute. They become restrained and take 1d8 necrotic damage at the start of their turn. They can still interact with the world around them, but perceive a spiritual prison locking them in place. At the end of their turn, they can make another save to attempt to break free. If the creature dies during the duration, you capture their soul without your normal ritual.

Inquisitor’s Branch

At third level, the Soul Inquisitor picks a branch to have devoted their life to. Each of these represent unique options of magic to counter and make use of, and give you class features at 3rd, 7th, and 17th level.

Inquisitor’s Pact Magic

Cantrips You know two cantrips of your choice from your branch spell list. You learn additional Cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Soul Inquisitor table.

Spell Slots The Soul Inquisitor table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your spells of 1st through 5th level, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

At 3rd level, you know three 1st-level spells of your choice from your branch spell list. The Spells Known column of the Soul Inquisitor table shows when you learn more spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the spells you know and replace it with another spell from your branch spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Constitution is your spellcasting ability for your spells, so you use your Constitution whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Constitution modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Spellcasting Focus You can use your Inquisitor Weapon as a spellcasting focus for your spells.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Guide of the Dead

At 5th level, you become a magnet for wandering spirits and make use of them before their final passing. When you finish a short rest and have no souls, you gain 1 Minor and 1 Vengeful Soul of base level.

Soul Manipulation

An Inquisitor’s ability to use and harness souls can be used to relentlessly pursue those who practice magic.

At 6th level, When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a spell or provokes an attack of opportunity, you can use your reaction to make one of two Soul Manipulation reactions.

  • You can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature, and may expend Vengeful Souls to deal an additional 1d10 damage per soul expended. If the creature is concentrating on a spell, they have disadvantage on their concentration check.
  • You can expend a CR5 Vengeful Soul or higher to immediately cast Counterspell with no spellslot expenditure, regardless of whether or not you know Counterspell. The higher the Soul you are spending, the higher the spell level.

CR7 - 4th level Counterspell

CR9 - 5th level Counterspell

CR11 - 6th level Counterspell

CR13 - 7th level Counterspell

CR15 - 8th level Counterspell

CR17 - 9th level Counterspell

Eyes of the Afterlife

At 9th level, As long as you retain at least one Vengeful Soul, you can use the Detect Magic feature without expending a use.



The Wicked Hunt

Starting at 10th level, you can as an action activate an aura with a 30ft radius. If there are any spellcasters within 30ft, you are aware of their presence. If your aura detects any of these spellcasters you can as a bonus action cast Hunter’s Mark without knowing the spell or without expending a spell slot.

You can do this a number of times a day equal to your Constitution modifier, and you regain use of it on a long rest.

Convergence of Essence

Starting at 11th level, you are able to uniquely manipulate the essence of the slain into your own, channeling magics previously unknown to you to combat threats.

You gain a Spellslot and Spell known of 6th level for the day.
At 13th level you gain an 7th level slot and spell known.
At 15th you gain a 8th level slot and spell known.
At 17th, you gain a 9th level slot and spell known.

Soul Siphon

At 20th level, you are adept at siphoning pieces of souls off those still living. You can activate Soul Siphon. Any hostile creature within a 15ft radius immediately gives you a charge of Vengeful Souls equal to their CR. You can use this feature twice, after which you regain uses on a long rest.



Branch of the Arcane Inquisitors.

Arcane Spellcasting

Starting at 3rd level, you choose your cantrips and spells from the Wizard Spell List.

You can magically feel in the air whenever a ritual spell was recently cast, in a 20 ft. radius around you. Make an Intelligence (Arcana) check, with the DC being equal to 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, you identify what spell was cast.

Arcane Dominance

Starting at 3rd level, you can add your proficiency bonus to saving throws against spells from Wizards or Sorcerers. Whenever you successfully harvest the soul of an Arcane Spellcaster, you learn one of their Spells for 24 hours and cast it until then once without expending a Spell slot.

If the spell is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell fails to cast, and is expended.

Knowledge from the Lawbearer

Starting at 7th level, when you fail an Arcana check, you can reroll it. Once you’ve done this, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Additionally, you gain the Ritual Casting property and whenever you come across a Ritual Spell site that you successfully identify, or a scroll that can be cast ritually, you can engrave the spell onto your blade and know it as a Ritual Spell.

Layers of Essence

Starting at 17th level, you can cast your 6th and 7th level Convergence of Essence Spells twice, instead of once.

Branch of the Wild Inquisitors.

Wild Spellcasting

Starting at 3rd level, you choose your cantrips and spells from the Druid or Ranger Spell List. Whenever you gain a new spell known, you can exchange any spell you currently know for a Druid or Ranger spell.

Beasts and Plants that would normally be hostile towards you instead view you as friendly. You cannot become lost, even by magical means.

Wilderness Stalker

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Nature checks. If you already have proficiency in nature checks you can double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, difficult Terrain no longer affects you. You can follow the trail of any Ranger or Druid so long as it is not being magically hidden. You can add your proficiency bonus on saves against spells cast from a Wild Spellcaster.

Veil of the Wilds

Starting at 7th level, when you fail an Intelligence (Nature) check, you can reroll it. Once you’ve done this, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Additionally, you can cast Pass without Trace, without requiring concentration, expending a soul slot, or without needing material components once a day.


At 17th level, whenever you are engaged with a beast, including a shapeshifted one, You deal an additional 1d10 force damage on weapon attack or spell attack rolls. This additional damage is only applied once.

Adittionally, slaying a beast or monstrosity of significant threat regains an expended Inner Spirit charge.



Branch of the Bizarre Inquisitors

Bizarre Spellcasting

Starting at 3rd level, you can choose your spells from the Bard or Warlock Spell list. If you choose to replace one of the spells learned this way, you must still choose a spell from the same spell list.

You are aware if someone is trying to read your thoughts, emotions, or behaviors, whether through magical means or insight.

False Persona

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in either Deception, or Persuasion. If you are already proficient in it, you can instead add twice your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make with it.

Additionally, you can see through illusionary appearances of a magical nature, and you can tell when someone is shapeshifted, although you cannot discern their true form.

You can add your proficiency bonus against saving throws from spells on the Bard or Warlock spell list.

Stalwart Loyalty

Starting at 7th level, you gain immunity to the Charmed condition.

Additionally, you can use an action to expend a Vengeful Soul to end a Charm effect on an allied creature within 30 feet.

Inquisitor’s Mandate

Starting at 17th level, you set the Gaze of Solarion on those with perverse magic. When you present your Inquisitor’s Symbol, all creatures of your choice within 20 ft. must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, suffering 3d10 radiant damage on a failed saving throw and being stunned until the end of your next turn. On a success, the target takes half damage and isn’t stunned.

This feature cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.

Branch of the Divine Inquisitors

Divine Spellcasting

Starting at 3rd level, you can choose spells from the Cleric Spell list. Unlike other Branches of the Inquisition, you know all Cleric spells of the level you can cast at, but can only prepare an amount equal to an Inquisitor’s Spell Known.

You learn the Spare the Dying and Toll the Dead Cantrips. These do not count against your number of cantrips known.

Religious Mandate

Starting at 3rd level, you are knowledgeable on all things Religion, their meanings, and intentions.

You gain proficiency in Religion, if you are already proficient with Religion, you can add your proficiency bonus twice.

You gain an additional use of your Channel Divinity.

Divine Circumstance

Starting at 7th level, the Magics other devout followers use in combat are yours to command.

You can add your Constitution modifier to any damage you deal with your cantrips.

When rolling cantrip damage dice, you can expend a Minor Soul to reroll 1s or 2s, you must take the new number.

Alternatively, you can expend a Vengeful Soul of CR4 or higher to maximize your cantrip’s damage.

Iron Solstice

Starting at 17th level, The Solarion guides your actions against the unfaithful, you can cast Foresight on yourself once without expending a Spellslot or without expending material components.



Branch of the Purifier Inquisitor

Purification by Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn spells from the Sorcerer spell list, and you lose access to the Convergence of Essence feature at 11th level, 13th, 15th, and 17th level.

You instead gain additional features at 5th, and 11th level, and gain proficiency in martial weapons, heavy armor and shields.

Inquisitor’s Brand

Starting at 3rd level, you can attune to non-magical weapons as if they were magical through an hour long ritual that you can perform once per long rest. When you attune to a non-magical weapon it becomes your Inquisitor’s Brand, allowing it to be used as a Spellcaster focus. Additionally, whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can store a spell with a casting time of one action into the weapon. When you make an attack roll with it, you can expend the spell at the same time as your attack.

You can store a number of spells equal to your Constitution modifier in your weapon, and they stay until used. When the spell is expended, it is lost and must be stored again as part of a rest. Only an Inquisitor can store a spell in his Brand.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, When you take the attack action, you can attack twice instead of once.

War Magic

Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

Purifier’s Strike

Beginning at 11th level, once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Trial by Fire

You know intimately the blazing inferno that is Rath’alos’s punishment, and can inflict it on the unholy.

Starting at 17th level, you can become a Purifier. Lasting for one minute or until you end this form with a bonus action, you gain the following benefits:

  • You become immune to fire damage, and all your weapon attacks deal fire or radiant damage, which you choose upon entering this form.
  • You emit 10 ft. of daylight, 30 ft. of bright light, and 60 ft. of dim light.
  • Any creature within 10 ft. of you takes fire damage at the start of its turn, equal to your Soul Inquisitor level.
  • You can expend a Vengeful Soul of CR5 or higher to make your weapon attacks deal maximized damage until you leave this form. This doesn’t affect additional damage from any other features such as Purifier’s Strike, Divine Smite or Sneak Attack.

At the end of this transformation, you are blinded for one round. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.



The Eldritch Warlocks of Edenbaerrow




The Warlock
Level Proficiency Features Cantrips Spells Known Spell Slots Spell Level Invocations
1st +2 Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic 2 2 2 1st -
2nd +2 Eldritch Invocations 2 3 2 1st 3
3rd +2 Pact Boon 2 4 3 2nd 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Eldritch Versatility (Optional) 3 5 3 2nd 3
5th +3 - 3 6 3 3rd 4
6th +3 Otherworldly Patron feature 3 7 3 3rd 4
7th +3 - 3 8 3 4th 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Eldritch Versatility (Optional) 3 9 3 4th 5
9th +4 - 3 10 3 5th 6
10th +4 Otherworldly Patron feature 4 10 3 5th 6
11th +4 Mystic Arcanum (6th level) 4 11 4 5th 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Eldritch Versatility (Optional) 4 11 4 5th 7
13th +5 Mystic Arcanum (7th level) 4 12 4 5th 7
14th +5 Otherworldly Patron feature 4 12 4 5th 7
15th +5 Mystic Arcanum (8th level) 4 13 4 5th 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Eldritch Versatility (Optional) 4 13 4 5th 8
17th +6 Mystic Arcanum (9th level) 4 14 5 5th 8
18th +6 - 4 14 5 5th 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Eldritch Versatility (Optional) 4 15 5 5th 9
20th +6 Eldritch Master 4 15 5 5th 9

Class Features

As a warlock, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per warlock level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per warlock level after 1st


Light Armor
Simple Weapons
Saving Throws:
Wisdom, Charisma
Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
  • Leather armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers

Otherworldly Patron

At 1st level, you have struck a bargain with an otherworldly being of your choice. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Pact Magic

Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells.


You know two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn additional warlock cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warlock table.



Spell Slots

The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your warlock spells of 1st through 5th level. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell witch bolt, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level or higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

Eldritch Invocations

In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed Eldritch Invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability.

At 2nd level, you gain three eldritch invocations of your choice. When you gain certain warlock levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations Known column of the Warlock table. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level.

Pact Boon

At 3rd level, your otherworldly patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service. You gain one of the following features of your choice.

Pact of the Bauble (New)

Your patron bestows unnatural talent unto you in the form of a trinket of your choosing, referred to as a pact bauble.

While your pact bauble is on your person, you gain proficiency in any combination of three skills, tools, or instruments of your choice.

When you finish a long rest, you can choose to replace one of these proficiencies with another proficiency in a different skill, tool or instrument.

Additionally, choose one of the proficiencies gained from this feature. If you roll an ability check that uses this proficiency and the roll of the d20 is a 9 or below, you can treat it as a 10 instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

If you lose your pact bauble, or you pact bauble is destroyed, you can perform a 1 hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous bauble. The bauble crumbles to pieces when you die.

Pact of the Blade

You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die. You can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.

Pact of the Chain

You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn’t count against your number of spells known. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite. Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to use its reaction to make one attack with its reaction.

Pact of the Cloak (New)

Your patron ties a metal necklace inlaid with a small gem worth 100 gp to you. As an action, you can press this gem to conjure a black cloak that wraps around your body and gives off wisps of shadow as it moves.



Choose an armor that you are proficient with and that is worth less than the gem. The cloak has the same statistics as that armor, but it weighs half as much and never imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. The cloak remains until you dismiss it as an action.

Using a 1 hour ritual, you can replace the inlaid gem with a more valuable one, allowing you to emulate more valuable armor. Magical armor cannot be replicated with the gem. While wearing other armor, you can conjure a weightless cloak that isn’t considered armor, but grants the cloak’s other benefits.

While you wear the cloak, you can use a bonus action to pull mundane equipment, reconstructed with shadow magic, out from the cloak. You can summon any one of the following:

  • 20 pieces of ammunition of any type, in case or quiver.
  • ball bearings (bag of 1000)
  • block and tackle
  • caltrops (bag of 20)
  • 10 feet of chain
  • climber’s kit
  • fishing tackle
  • hunting trap
  • lamp or lantern (with oil)
  • magnifying glass
  • manacles
  • mess kit
  • 50 feet of rope
  • tinderbox
  • torches (3)
  • disguise kit
  • forgery kit
  • navigator’s tools
  • thieve’s tools

The DM might allow you to summon other equipment of similar usefulness. The equipment lasts until you dismiss it (no action required), or until you use this bonus action again. The equipment is visibly magical due to the wisps of shadow that emanate from the summoned objects.

Every item pulled from the cloak lowers the value of the gem by the price of the item. When the gem is worth less than 1gp, it must be replaced before this feature can be used again.

Pact of the Instrument (New)

You become proficient in the Performance skill, if you don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the Performance skill, or any instrument you are proficient with.

You can use your action to create an instrument in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this instrument takes each time you create it, and you are proficient with it while you wield it.

Your instrument disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, or you die.

You can transform one magic instrument into your pact instrument by performing a special ritual while you hold it for 1 hour. You can then dismiss the instrument, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact instrument thereafter. As part of this ritual, you can attune to the instrument, ignoring class requirements.

Additionally, you can use your pact instrument as a Spellcasting focus for your warlock spells, and when you use it to cast a spell with a spell slot that causes targets to become charmed, the targets have disadvantage on their saving throw.

Pact of the Mark (New)

Your body becomes marked with strange mutations aligned with your patron, granting you 3 natural weapons which take a form of your choosing (Tentacles, claws, fangs, etc) These natural weapons deal 1d6+ your strength or dexterity modifier (your choice) in magical bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage. You choose the damage type when you first gain these natural weapons.

When you hit a creature with a natural weapon, you can use your bonus action to make an additional attack with a natural weapon.

These natural weapons can be concealed through mundane means such as disguises, or clothes, though if they are used to make an attack any onlooking creatures become aware of them.

Pact of the Tome

Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list). While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They don’t count against your number of cantrips known. If they don’t appear on the warlock spell list, they are nonetheless warlock spells for you. If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die.

Pact of the Talisman

Your patron gives you an amulet, a talisman that can aid the wearer when the need is great. When the wearer fails an ability check, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest. If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous amulet. The talisman turns to ash when you die.



Pact of the Shadow Hand (New)

As a sign of the pact you have struck with your patron, they have taken your dominate arm and replaced it with one made of swirling black mist. You feel it as you do before, and you have complete control over it, you can touch and hold things like normal.

Its gaseous form allows it to fit into holes and small spaces of no less than an inch wide. If you do push it through a small space, the hand can reform on the other side allowing you to do things such as turn a doorknob, or grab and move something.

The Shadow hand can only extend out to where your normal arm did. When performing strength or athletics checks that would require the use of your hands, you can use your dexterity modifier instead of your strength for these checks.

The hand is also a potent weapon capable of draining the life of a creature you touch. As an action, you can make a melee spell attack that deals 1d8+ Charisma modifier in necrotic damage. This number increases to 2d8 at 7th level, 3d8 at 14th, and 4d8 at 18th level.

Pact of the Star Chain (UA)

Prerequisite: Seeker Patron The Seeker grants you a chain forged from starlight, decorated with seven gleaming motes of brightness. While the chain is on your person, you know the augury spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn’t count against your number of spells known. Additionally, you can invoke the Seeker’s power to gain advantage on an Intelligence check while you carry this item. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. If you lose your Star Chain, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from the Seeker. The ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous chain. The chain disappears in a flash of light when you die. The exact form of this item might be different depending on your patron. The Star Chain is inspired by the Greyhawk deity Celestian.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Eldritch Versatility (Optional)

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can do one of the following, representing a change of focus in your occult studies:

  • Replace one cantrip you learned from this class’s Pact Magic feature with another cantrip from the warlock spell list.
  • Replace the option you chose for the Pact Boon feature with one of that feature’s other options.
  • If you’re 12th level or higher, replace one spell from your Mystic Arcanum feature with another warlock spell of the same level.
  • If this change makes you ineligible for any of your Eldritch Invocations, you must also replace them now, choosing invocations for which you qualify.

Mystic Arcanum

At 11th level, your patron bestows upon you a magical secret called an arcanum. Choose one 6th-level spell from the warlock spell list as this arcanum.

You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

At higher levels, you gain more warlock spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level, and one 9th-level spell at 17th level. You regain all uses of your Mystic Arcanum when you finish a long rest.

Eldritch Master

At 20th level, you can draw on your inner reserve of mystical power while entreating your patron to regain expended spell slots. You can spend 1 minute entreating your patron for aid to regain all your expended spell slots from your Pact Magic feature. Once you regain spell slots with this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

You gain the following features:

  • You can spend a short rest regaining the mystic energy of your patron. At the end of a short rest, you regain the 6th level spell from your Mystic Arcanum spell.
  • You gain two Warlock Invocations of your choice. They do not count against your Invocations known.



Warlock: Archfey Patron

Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, a creature of legend who holds secrets that were forgotten before the mortal races were born. This being’s motivations are often inscrutable, and sometimes whimsical, and might involve a striving for greater magical power or the settling of age-old grudges.

Expanded Spell List

The Archfey gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Archfey Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Faerie Fire, Sleep
2nd Calm Emotions, Phantasmal Force
3rd Blink, Plant Growth
4th Dominate Beast, Greater Invisibility
5th Dominate Person, Seeming

Fey Presence

Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to project the beguiling and fearsome presence of the fey. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 20-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Wild Card

At 1st level, you’ve gained a bit of trickster energy from your patron. You can roll a d4 as a reaction to a creature rolling a saving throw within 30 feet of you. If the creature is an ally, they can add the roll to their save. If they are an enemy, they subtract the roll from their save.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier before needing a long rest to regain uses.

Misty Escape

Starting at 6th level, you can vanish in a puff of mist in response to harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Beguiling Defenses

Beginning at 10th level, your patron teaches you how to turn the mind-affecting magic of your enemies against them. You are immune to being charmed, and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.

Dark Delirium

Starting at 14th level, you can plunge a creature into an illusory realm. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a spell). This effect ends early if the creature takes any damage.

Until this illusion ends, the creature thinks it is lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which you choose. The creature can see and hear only itself, you, and the illusion.

You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.



Warlock: The Archon Patron

Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient archon, or a member of the Celestial Hebdomad. The steadfast protectors of the Upper Planes, your pact with them enables you to protect and defend from the evils of the universe.

Expanded Spell List

The Archon gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Archon Spells
Level Spells
1st sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd protection from poison, see invisibility
3rd Leomund’s tiny hut, protection from energy
4th death ward, stoneskin
5th hallow, holy weapon

Defender of the Realms

At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to protect yourself in battle. You gain proficiency with shields. The influence of your patron also allows you to channel your will into your ability to defend yourself. While you are not wearing any armor, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Warden’s Bulwark

At 1st level, your patron grants you the ability to provide supernatural protection to those you defend. When another creature you can see within 60 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to surround that creature in a momentary corona of light and reduce that damage by 1d8 + your Charisma modifier (increasing to 2d8 at 6th, 3d8 at 10th, and 4d8 at 14th level of this class). You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain all expended uses of this ability once you finish a short or long rest.

Archonian Aegis

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to envelop another being with a shimmering shield of light. As an action, choose a creature within 60 feet of you. The creature is shielded for 1 minute.

Until the shield ends, the target gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws (increasing to +2 at 10th, and +3 at 14th level of this class). The creature also gains temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Any temporary hit points remaining are lost when the shield ends for any reason. The shield ends early if the target dies, if you die, or if you are incapacitated. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Stalwart Sentinel

At 10th level, your patron imbues you with power to better stand guard and remain steadfast. You are immune to being frightened. You can also see invisible creatures, and perceive illusions within 30 feet.

Sound the Trumpets

At 14th level, as an action, choose a point within 60 feet of you. Each creature of your choice within a 20-foot radius from that point takes thunder damage equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier and is deafened for 1 round. Immediately afterwards, a hammer archon appears in the closest unoccupied space to the specified point, and fights for you for 1 minute. The hammer archon is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the hammer archon, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don’t violate its alignment. If you don’t issue any commands to the archon, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. The hammer archon disappears after one minute, or if it reaches 0 hit points. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest



Warlock: The Celestial Patron

our patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar, ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illuminates the multiverse.

Being connected to such power can cause changes to your behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect the innocent. At times, your heart might also be filled with a longing for the celestial realm of your patron, a desire to wander that paradise for the rest of your days. But you know that your mission is among mortals for now and that your pact binds you to bring light to the dark places of the world.

Expanded Spell List

The Celestial gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Celestial Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt
2nd Flaming Sphere, Lesser Restoration
3rd Daylight, Revivify
4th Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire
5th Flame Strike, Greater Restoration

Bonus Cantrips

At 1st level, you learn the Light and Firebolt cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against your number of cantrips known.

Healing Light

At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your warlock level.

As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total.

Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest, or half (rounded down) on a short rest.

Radiant Soul

Starting at 6th level, your link to the Celestial allows you to serve as a conduit for radiant energy. You have resistance to radiant damage, and when you cast a spell that deals radiant or fire damage, you add your Charisma modifier to one radiant or fire damage roll of that spell against one of its targets.

Celestial Resistance

Starting at 10th level, you gain temporary hit points whenever you finish a short or long rest. These temporary hit points equal your warlock level + your Charisma modifier. Additionally, choose up to five creatures you can see at the end of the rest. Those creatures each gain temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.

Searing Vengeance

Starting at 14th level, the radiant energy you channel allows you to resist death. When you have to make a death saving throw at the start of your turn, you can instead spring back to your feet with a burst of radiant energy. You regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum, and then you stand up if you so choose. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes radiant damage equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier, and is blinded until the end of the current turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Warlock: The Elder Sphinx Patron

You have made a pact with an ancient sphinx born in a bygone age, a being made manifest through the power of devout prayer or the direct intervention of the gods. Such beings are tasked with guarding the secrets and treasures of the gods, and revealing those secrets to those that pass their trials and show their worth. One such treasure that a sphinx can impart is the power of magic. Through your completion of a Sphinx’s trial, you have gained access to powerful magic that augments your mind and body.

Expanded Spells

The Elder Sphinx gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Elder Sphinx Spells
Level Spells
1st detect evil and good, identify
2nd lesser restoration, zone of truth
3rd clairvoyance, create food and water
4th divination, freedom of movement
5th greater restoration, legend lore

Alternate Spellcasting Ability

When you choose this patron at 1st level, you can choose to use Intelligence rather than Charisma as your warlock spellcasting ability. If you choose to do so, Eldritch Invocations you take also use Intelligence rather than Charisma when applicable. This choice is permanent.


At 1st level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, or Religion. Also, you can call upon your patron to grant you knowledge about a creature you designate. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. For 1 minute, you are granted foreknowledge about that creature’s intentions, allowing you to better engage it both socially and in combat. This effect ends early if the target dies, you die, or if you are incapacitated. Until the effect ends, you gain the following benefits:

  • When the target hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.
  • When you fail a saving throw inflicted by the target, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to that saving throw if it didn’t already have it, potentially causing the saving throw to succeed.
  • You can add your Intelligence modifier to the result of any Charisma check or Wisdom (Insight) check you make when interacting with the target.
  • When you use this feature on a target, you can specify some small tidbit of knowledge you wish to gain from the creature. If the target dies and is capable of providing this knowledge, you are granted it in the form of a few cryptic sentences or a riddle. This knowledge is based on what that creature knew in life, and could therefore be false if that creature was misinformed or left unanswered if the creature didn’t have that knowledge.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Beginning at 10th level, you can use this feature twice between rests, and regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Sphinx’s Displacement

Starting at 6th level, you can channel the abilities of your patron to allow you to teleport, as you briefly make mental contact with your patron. As a bonus action, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Your patron then grants you some of its divine foreknowledge, giving you advantage on attack rolls until the end of the turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Inscrutable Mind

At 10th level, your mind becomes as inscrutable as a sphinx’s. You are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, and any Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain your intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.

Roar of the Sphinx

Starting at 14th level, you can unleash a terrifying roar that echoes around you. As an action, you can force each creature of your choice within 60 feet of you that can hear you to make Constitution saving throws against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d10 thunder damage, falls prone, and is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and suffers no other effects. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Warlock: The Fathomless Patron

You have plunged into a pact with the deeps. An entity of the ocean, the Elemental Plane of Water, or another otherworldly sea now allows you to draw on its thalassic power. Is it merely using you to learn about terrestrial realms, or does it want you to open cosmic floodgates and drown the world?

Perhaps you were born into a generational cult that venerates the Fathomless and its spawn. Or you might have been shipwrecked and on the brink of drowning when your patron’s grasp offered you a chance at life. Whatever the reason for your pact, the sea and its unknown depths call to you.

Entities of the deep that might empower a warlock include krakens, ancient water elementals, godlike hallucinations dreamed into being by kuo-toa, merfolk demigods, and sea hag covens.

Expanded Spell List

The Fathomless gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Fathomless Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Create or Destroy Water, Thunderwave
2nd Gust of Wind, Silence
3rd Lightning Bolt, Sleet Storm
4th Control Water, Summon Elemental
5th Bigby’s Hand (appears as a tentacle), Cone of Cold

Tentacle of the Deep

At 1st level, you can magically summon a spectral tentacle that strikes at your foes. As a bonus action, you create a 10-foot-long tentacle at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The tentacle lasts for 1 minute or until you use this feature to create another tentacle.

When you create the tentacle, you can make a melee spell attack against one creature within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. When you reach 10th level in this class, the damage increases to 2d8.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the tentacle up to 30 feet and repeat the attack .

You can summon the tentacle a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Gift of the Sea

Also at 1st level, you gain a swimming speed of 40 feet, and you can breathe underwater.

Oceanic Soul

At 6th level, you are now even more at home in the depths. You gain resistance to cold damage. In addition, when you are fully submerged, any creature that is also fully submerged can understand your speech, and you can understand theirs.

Guardian Coil

At 6th level, your Tentacle of the Deeps can defend you and others, interposing itself between them and harm. When you or a creature you can see takes damage while within 10 feet of the tentacle, you can use your reaction to choose one of those creatures and reduce the damage to that creature by 1d8. When you reach 10th level in this class, the damage reduced by the tentacle increases to 2d8.

Grasping Tentacles

Starting at 10th level, you learn the spell Evard’s Black Tentacles. It counts as a warlock spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know. You can also cast it once without using a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you cast this spell, your patron’s magic bolsters you, granting you a number of temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. Moreover, damage can’t break your concentration on this spell.

Fathomless Plunge

When you reach 14th level, you can magically open temporary conduits to watery destinations. As an action, you can teleport yourself and up to five other willing creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you. Amid a whirl of tentacles, you all vanish and then reappear up to 1 mile away in a body of water you’ve seen (pond size or larger) or within 30 feet of it, each of you appearing in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of the others.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.



Warlock: The Fiend Patron

You have made a pact with a fiend from the lower planes of existence, a being whose aims are evil, even if you strive against those aims. Such beings desire the corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you. Fiends powerful enough to forge a pact include demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Fraz’Urb-luu, and Baphomet; archdevils such as Asmodeus, Dispater, Mephistopheles, and Belial; pit fiends and balors that are especially mighty; and ultroloths and other lords of the yugoloths.

Expanded Spell List

The Fiend gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Fiend Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Burning Hands, Command
2nd Blindness/Deafness, Scorching Ray
3rd Fireball, Stinking Cloud
4th Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
5th Flame Strike, Hallow

Dark One’s Blessing

Starting at 1st level, when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).

Dark One’s Own Luck

Starting at 1st level, you can call on your patron to alter fate in your favor. When you make an ability check or a saving throw, you can use this feature to add a d10 to your roll. You can do so after seeing the initial roll but before any of the roll’s effects occur.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Dark One’s Wrath

At 6th level, you can channel your siphoned power back into your destructive prowess. Whenver you roll for damage on a spell or attack, you can expend any temporary hitpoints gained by Dark One’s Blessing, immediatly losing them and adding force damage to the spell equal to the temporary hitpoints lost.

Fiendish Resilience

Starting at 10th level, you can choose one damage type when you finish a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.

Hurl Through Hell

Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can use this feature to instantly transport the target through the lower planes. The creature disappears and hurtles through a nightmare landscape.

At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the target is not a fiend, it takes 10d10 psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.



Warlock: The Genie Patron

You have made a pact with one of the rarest kinds of genie, a noble genie. Such entities rule vast fiefs on the Elemental Planes and have great influence over lesser genies and elemental creatures. Noble genies are varied in their motivations, but most are arrogant and wield power that rivals that of lesser deities. They delight in turning the table on mortals, who often bind genies into servitude, and readily enter into pacts that expand their reach.

Genie Kind
d4 Kind Element
1 Dao Earth
2 Djinni Air
3 Efreeti Fire
4 Marid Water

Expanded Spell List

The Genie gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you, along with the spells associated in the table with your patron’s kind: dao, djinni, efreeti, or marid.

Genie Kind
Spell Level Genie Spells Dao Spells Djinni Spells Efreeti Spells Marid Spells
1st Detect Evil and Good Sanctuary Thunderwave Burning Hands Fog Cloud
2nd Phantasmal Force Spike Growth Gust of Wind Scorching Ray Blur
3rd Create Food and Water Meld into Stone Wind Wall Fireball Sleet Storm
4th Phantasmal Killer Stone Shape Greater Invisibility Fire Shield Control Water
5th Creation Wall of Stone Seeming Flame Strike Cone of Cold
9th Wish

Genie’s Vessel

Also at 1st level, your patron gifts you a magical vessel that grants you a measure of the genie’s power. The vessel is a Tiny object, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells. You decide what the object is.

While you are touching the vessel, you can use it in the following ways:

Bottled Respite: As an action, you can magically vanish and enter your vessel, which remains in the space you left. The interior of the vessel is an extradimensional space in the shape of a 20-foot-radius cylinder, 20 feet high, and resembles your vessel. The interior is appointed with cushions and low tables and is a comfortable temperature. While inside, you can hear the area around your vessel as if you were in its space. You can remain inside the vessel up to a number of hours equal to twice your proficiency bonus. You exit the vessel early if you use a bonus action to leave, if you die, or if the vessel is destroyed. When you exit the vessel, you appear in the unoccupied space closest to it. Any objects left in the vessel remain there until carried out, and if the vessel is destroyed, every object stored there harmlessly appears in the unoccupied spaces closest to the vessel’s former space. Once you enter the vessel, you can’t enter again until you finish a long rest.

Genie’s Wrath: Once during each of your turns when you hit with an attack roll, you can deal extra damage to the target equal to your proficiency bonus. The type of this damage is determined by your patron: bludgeoning (dao), thunder (djinni), fire (efreeti), or cold (marid).

The vessel’s AC equals your spell save DC. Its hit points equal your warlock level plus your proficiency bonus, and it is immune to poison and psychic damage.

If the vessel is destroyed or you lose it, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and the previous vessel is destroyed if it still exists. The vessel vanishes in a flare of elemental power when you die.

Elemental Gift

At 6th level, you begin to take on characteristics of your patron’s kind. You now have resistance to a damage type determined by your patron’s kind: bludgeoning (dao), thunder (djinni), fire (efreeti), or cold (marid).

In addition, as a bonus action, you can give yourself a flying speed of 30 feet that lasts for 10 minutes, during which you can hover. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Sanctuary Vessel

At 10th level, when you enter your Genie’s Vessel via the Bottled Respite feature, you can now choose up to five willing creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you, and the chosen creatures are drawn into the vessel with you.

As a bonus action, you can eject any number of creatures from the vessel, and everyone is ejected if you leave or die or if the vessel is destroyed.

In addition, anyone (including you) who remains within the vessel for at least 10 minutes gains the benefit of finishing a short rest, and anyone can add your proficiency bonus to the number of hit points they regain if they spend any Hit Dice as part of a short rest there. You can benefit from this short rest once per long rest.



Limited Wish

At 14th level, you entreat your patron to grant you a small wish. As an action, you can speak your desire to your Genie’s Vessel, requesting the effect of one spell that is 6th level or lower and has a casting time of 1 action. The spell can be from any class’s spell list, and you don’t need to meet the requirements in that spell, including costly components: the spell simply takes effect as part of this action.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish 1d4 long rests.

Warlock: The Great Old Ones

Your patron is a mysterious entity whose nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of reality. It might come from the Far Realm, the space beyond reality, or it could be one of the elder gods known only in legends. Its motives are incomprehensible to mortals, and its knowledge so immense and ancient that even the greatest libraries pale in comparison to the vast secrets it holds. The Great Old One might be unaware of your existence or entirely indifferent to you, but the secrets you have learned allow you to draw your magic from it.

Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings.

Expanded Spell List

The Great Old One gives you access to an expanded list of spells that you know when you take this subclass. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Great Old One Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Dissonant Whispers, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
2nd Detect Thoughts, Phantasmal Force
3rd Clairvoyance, Sending
4th Dominate Beast, Evard’s Black Tentacles
5th Dominate Person, Telekinesis

Awakened Mind

Starting at 1st level, your alien knowledge gives you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

Abhorrent Knowledge

Also at 1st level, your patron whispers terrible secrets in your ear. Whenever you make an intelligence check, you gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

Entropic Ward

At 6th level, you learn to magically ward yourself against attack and to turn an enemy’s failed strike into good luck for yourself. When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. If the attack misses you, your next attack roll against the creature has advantage if you make it before the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Thought Shield

Starting at 10th level, your thoughts can’t be read by telepathy or other means unless you allow it. You also have resistance to psychic damage, and whenever a creature deals psychic damage to you, that creature takes the same amount of damage that you do.

Create Thrall

At 14th level, you gain the ability to infect a humanoid’s mind with the alien magic of your patron. You can use your action to touch an incapacitated humanoid. That creature is then charmed by you until a Remove Curse spell is cast on it, the charmed condition is removed from it, or you use this feature again.

You can communicate telepathically with the charmed creature as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence.



Warlock: The Great Trickster

You have pledged your allegiance to a spirit of mischief who delights in misdirection and misappropriation. Despite an irredeemable reputation, such patrons are not necessarily evil or even selfish. Some tricksters use pranks to teach others important moral lessons or commit lesser wrongs to serve the greater good. Most, however, are motivated primarily by their own entertainment and self-satisfaction. And selfishness. Beings of this sort include Anansi, Eshu, Huehuecoyotl, Loki, Pan, and Sun Wukong.


Starting at 1st level, as a reaction when you see a creature within 60 feet of you cast a spell, you can expend a spell slot to try to steal the spell. If the spell slot you expended was equal to or higher than the spell’s level, its spell fails and instead produces a momentary harmless sensory effect of your choosing. You can use this ability a number of times a day equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) before needing to take a long rest to regain them.

In addition, after successfully stealing a spell in this way, you can cast the spell without expending a spell slot. This spell counts as a warlock spell for you.

Thieves Cant

Your connection to an entity of mischief personified allows you to understand thieves cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves’ cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves’ guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.

Trick is Trade

Also starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to magically conjure a disguise kit, forgery kit, or thieves’ tools. You add your proficiency bonus to ability checks that use the conjured tool kit if you aren’t already proficient with it. This tool kit remains until you use this feature again to conjure another tool kit.

Steal Fortune

Starting at 6th level, when a creature you can see within 30 feet makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can use your reaction to give that roll disadvantage. When you do, one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw of your choice that you make within the next minute gains advantage. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Skeleton Key

Starting at 10th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being restrained and ability checks made to escape a grapple. Additionally, you can cast the knock spell at will, without expending a spell slot.

Two Steps Ahead

Starting at 14th level, you can’t be surprised. When you roll for initiative, you can use your reaction to position yourself for an ambush. Until the end of your next turn, you turn invisible and gain 120 feet of truesight. Now, and at the start of your next turn, you can immediately teleport to any unoccupied space within 120feet. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.



Warlock: The Hagmother Patron

Very few hags make long-lasting pacts within Edenbaerrow; The Hagmother being the sole exception. A self-serving yet neutral creature of near godlike power, this Hag is both an Archfey and Demon lord. Being connected to a being of such inscrutable being can have unforeseen consequences for the warlock. A desire for dark places. Experiencing a feeling of delight when causing harm. An unexplainable desire to capture souls.

Hag Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st silent image, sleep
2nd alter self, blindness/deafness
3rd bestow curse, speak with dead
4th arcane eye, polymorph
5th contagion, insect plague

Weird Magic

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to undergo a ritual to create an object that stores a spell for later use. The ritual lasts 1 hour and requires materials worth ten times the imbued spells level to complete. The imbued spell can be any spell which you can cast.

Alternatively, if you gain access to a spell book, you can attempt to imbue an object with a spell from the book (even if it is not a warlock spell) so long as it is of a spell level which you can cast. To do so, you must succeed on an arcana check with a DC equal to 12 plus the spell’s level.

As an action, you or another creature you give the object to, can destroy the object to release the spell. Casting a spell in this way does not require the use of a Warlock spell slot.

You can have a number of these objects equal to your charisma modifier at one time.

Fey Resistance

Starting at 1st level, you gain advantage on saving throws to resistance the Charmed & Frightened conditions and you cannot be magically put to sleep.

Haunting Vision

At 6th level, your ethereal form becomes that of a hag. You can spend 10 minutes to enter a trance state and invade the thoughts of another humanoid that you have met for up to 1 hour.

For the duration, you can see through the eyes of the creature and cast the command spell on the creature at will. The spell ends when the target successfully saves againt your spell, if the target of the spell moves more than 1 mile from you, at the end of 1 hour, or when you choose to end the spell as a bonus action. Your target has no memory of any actions taken as a result of the command spell.

Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t use the feature again until you finish a long rest.

Hag’s Visage

At 10th level, you become immune to the effects of fear. If a creature uses an effect that would inflict the frightened condition on you, it has no effect. Additionally, the creature glimpses your ethereal hag form and must succeed in a wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be frightened for 1 minute. If frightened in this way, the creature can make another Wisdom saving throw at the end of it’s turn, ending the effect on a success.

Weird Transformation

At 14th level, as an action, you turn yourself into a hag for up to 1 minute. You can end this effect as a bonus action. While in this form you have the following benefits:

  • Advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
  • As a bonus action, you can teleport up to 60 feet to a place that you can see
  • Enemies have disadvantage against saving throws to resist your spells



Warlock: The Hexblade

You have made your pact with a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell – a force that manifests in sentient magic weapons carved from the stuff of shadow. The mighty sword Blackrazor is the most notable of these weapons, which have been spread across the multiverse over the ages. The shadowy force behind these weapons can offer power to warlocks who form pacts with it. Many hexblade warlocks create weapons that emulate those formed in the Shadowfell. Others forgo such arms, content to weave the dark magic of that plane into their spellcasting.

Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the first of these weapons, many sages speculate that she and the force are one and that the weapons, along with hexblade warlocks, are tools she uses to manipulate events on the Material Plane to her inscrutable ends.

Expanded Spell List

The Hexblade lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Hexblade Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Shield, Wrathful Smite
2nd Blur, Branding Smite
3rd Blink, Elemental Weapon
4th Phantasmal Killer, Staggering Smite
5th Banishing Smite, Cone of Cold

Hexblade’s Curse

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
  • Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
  • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point). You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Hex Warrior

At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.

The influence of your patron also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property. When you attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls. This benefit lasts until you finish a long rest. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, this benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon’s type.

Accursed Specter

Starting at 6th level, you can curse the soul of a person you slay, temporarily binding it in your service. When you slay a humanoid, you can cause its spirit to rise from its corpse as a specter. When the specter appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level. Roll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +0).

The specter remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the afterlife.

Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can’t use the feature again until you finish a long rest.

Armor of Hexes

At 10th level, your hex grows more powerful. If the target cursed by your Hexblade’s Curse hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll.

Master of Hexes

Starting at 14th level, you can spread your Hexblade’s Curse from a slain creature to another creature. When the creature cursed by your Hexblade’s Curse dies, you can apply the curse to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you, provided you aren’t incapacitated. When you apply the curse in this way, you don’t regain hit points from the death of the previously cursed creature.



Warlock: The Librarian

You have made a pact with an enigmatic being that collects knowledge above all else. Whether it is a dragon with an unusual hoard, a fiendish purveyor of dark secrets, or the second face of a god of knowledge, your patron desires to know everything — and maybe, so do you. Your pact grants you the chance to learn far beyond your mortal scope, and as long as you seek what your patron does not yet know, such knowledge will remain within your reach.

Expanded Spell List

The Librarian lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Librarian Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st detect magic, identify
2nd detect thoughts, silence
3rd detect past UAH, speak with dead
4th arcane eye, divination
5th legend lore, skill empowerment

Sworn Scholar

At 1st level, you can choose to use Intelligence, instead of Charisma, as your warlock spellcasting ability. If you choose to use Intelligence, all warlock features and Eldritch Invocations that reference your Charisma modifier use your Intelligence modifier instead. You must make this choice when you gain this feature.

In addition, you learn one language of your choice and become proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.

Meticulous Chronicling

Also starting at 1st level, you create a grimoire of all knowledge with your patron’s guidance. The grimoire weighs 10 lbs and its contents shift depending on the topic you choose to research when opening it.

When you finish a rest during which you spent at least 1 hour consulting your grimoire, you can choose any one language and one skill. Until you consult the grimoire again, you can speak, read, and write the chosen language and are proficient in the chosen skill.

Additionally, the grimoire contains a wealth of information regarding the process of scribing scrolls. While you have possession of your grimoire, you can create spell scrolls in half the time and at half the cost.

In addition, you can create a spell scroll for any spell that is of a level you can cast with your pact magic spell slots, even if you don’t know it and the spell isn’t on the warlock spell list. You can cast any spell from a spell scroll as if it were on the warlock spell list. If your grimoire is destroyed or lost, you can replace it with 8 hours of writing and 25 gp worth of paper and magical inks. When you do, your old grimoire turns to dust.

Librarian’s Favor

Starting at 6th level, your patron’s favor allows you to navigate the hallowed silence of halls of knowledge. You gain resistance to thunder damage and can ignore the verbal components of spells you cast.

Voracious Learner

At 10th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using the skills you gained proficiency in with your Sworn Scholar and Meticulous Chronicling features.

In addition, you can read all written languages. When you read a book, scroll, or other text that would normally take you longer than 1 hour to read completely, it only takes you 1 hour to read it completely.

Thirst for Knowledge

Starting at 14th level, you can snatch magic out of the air and add it to your personal library. When a creature you can see within 60 feet casts a spell, you can use your reaction to interrupt it. If the spell is 5th level or lower, the spell fails and you immediately scribe a spell scroll containing the spell. If the spell is 6th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a success, the spell fails and has no effect. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a use of one of your arcanum spells to use this feature again.



Warlock: Serpent Empress Patron

Situated within her palace of gold and turquoise, the Serpent Empress sleeps in serene silence, guiding her slaves to serve in her secret business. Envious and vain, the Empress personifies greed and avarice in the hearts of man. Jealousy, spite, and simple pride have driven her servants to her side. She whispers in a sibilant voice, speaking of wealth and power promised but so rarely delivered. The sins she offers are subtle at first, but grow in style and salaciousness with every slow cycle of the hourglass.

Expanded Spell List

Serpent Empress
Level Spells
1st command, ray of sickness
2nd protection from poison, silence
3rd feign death, venom blast*
4th compulsion, serpentine ward*
5th cloudkill, constriction*

Blessing of the Empress

At 1st level, you receive the favor of your patron. You gain advantage on saving throws against poison and effects that inflict the poisoned condition. You can speak to snakes, serpents, and other reptiles as though you were under the effects of the speak with animals spell. Whenever you cast a spell that has a verbal component, you can suppress the senses of those around you. Choose one creature that can hear you within 30 feet of you. Your spellcasting is silent to that creature, and it has disadvantage on its next Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma check within 1 minute.

Superior Gaze

Starting at 1st level, you gain immunity to the petrified condition if the cause is a Gaze (such as by a Medusa’s look, or a Beholder’s petrification ray). As a reaction to a creature attempting to petrify you, you can attempt to reflect the effect. The targeted creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your warlock spell DC. On a failure, the targets movement speed is slowed by half, and they must make a second saving throw at the start of their turn. On a second failure, the target is petrified for 1 minute. On a success, the effect ends.

Hair of Snakes

At 6th level, you can cause a swarm of serpents to grow from your head as a bonus action, and they remain until you dismiss them. While they are out, you can see through the eyes of these serpents. As long as the serpents can see, you have advantage on Perception checks, gain darkvision out to 30 feet, and gain immunity to the blinded condition. While you are within 10 feet of a creature, you can use your action to have your serpents whisper a sinful secret to the creature. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. If it fails, it is charmed by you until the end of your next turn or until it takes damage.

Toxic Blood

At 10th level, your veins run with venom. You gain resistance to poison damage and immunity to the poisoned condition. Additionally, you can have poison damage you deal treat poison immunity as poison resistance.

You can have creatures immune to the poisoned condition lose their immunity against your attacks and effects, but they gain advantage on saving throws to resist the poisoned condition.

Gaze of the Goddess

At 14th level, your patron looks from your eyes and exerts her supreme power through you. As an action, choose one creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. The target is paralyzed for one minute. If the target takes damage, the effect ends. If the target is immune to paralysis, it takes 4d10 psychic damage and is knocked prone. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Warlock: The Titans of Creation

The Titans of Creation, beings created when the Primordial Elementals and certain deities mated creating spawn that rivaled the power of both. Each Titan born was identified by its massive size and dominion over aspects of the natural world.

Titans rarely seek contracts with warlocks, unless it needs freeing from imprisonment. Yet some Titans are fickle, in need of entertainment.. and mortals provide so much.

Expanded Spell List

Titan Expanded Spells
Level Spells
1st absorb elements , earth tremor
2nd enhance ability, enlarge/reduce
3rd erupting earth , slow
4th giant insect, stoneskin
5th destructive wave, giantize

Strength of the Titans

At 1st level, your patron grants you the strength possessed of all Titans. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain advantage on saving throws to avoid being moved against your will.
  • You count as one size larger when determing your carrying capacity, your ability checks for grappling and shoving.

Additionally, you can choose to use Strength, instead of Charisma, as your warlock spellcasting ability. If you choose to use Strength, all warlock features and Eldritch Invocations that reference your Charisma modifier use your Strength modifier instead. You must make this choice when you gain this feature.

Altered Flow

Starting at 1st level, you gain a deeper understanding of primordial magic. You gain the following features:

  • Demiplane: You gain access to a small portal to a demiplane. As an action you can store an object that is Medium or smaller in the demiplane. The objects in your demiplane must have a combined weight in pounds no more than 20 times your warlock level. If you attempt to store an object that would push the total weight beyond this number, it is forced out. The objects within your demiplane can’t be accessed or detected by other creatures except through means that would allow them access to other planes, such as the gate spell.
  • Time Paradox: Before rolling an ability check or saving throw, you can choose to do so at advantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma bonus.

Primordial Pulse

Starting at 6th level, You can let out a pulse of energy to overwhelm your opponents. As an action, you can force a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of your next turn. Whenever they are struck by a melee attack while stunned in this way, they suffer an additional 1d6 force damage. This increases to 2d6 at 10th level, and 3d6 at 14th level.

Once you’ve used this feature, you cannot do so again until after a short or long rest.

Stoneform of Cordrugan

At 10th level, the oldest titan grants you a portion of its incredible resilience. Your hit point maximum increases by 20, and increases by 2 whenever you gain a level in this class.

Additionally, whenever you would take damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by half your warlock level (rounded down).

Worldrender’s Mark

Starting at 14th level, as an action, you take a boon of Nagaryxsis, the deadliest titan. Choose a creature you can see within 60ft of you. That target is marked by the Worldrender for destruction, the next weapon attack that strikes deals an additional 7d6 poison damage and critically hits on a 19 or 20. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell DC, or become poisoned.



Warlock: The Wyld Hunt

The Wyld Hunt is a strange phenomenon that takes hold of mortals, driving them to track and kill whatever poor creature they perceive to be their prey. The source of this phenomenon is unclear, but legends tell of raiding parties from the Feywild that draw unsuspecting mortlas into their hunt, or of individuals cursed by dark druidic magic.

While its exact origins are unclear, mortals who are bound by this force by a pact start to take on the strange and unusual characterisitics of the Feywild: sprouting antlers and their ears growing pointed. As their appearance changes, they slwly lose who they are, becoming one with the Hunt.

Wyld Hunt Expanded Spells
Level Spells
1st beast bond, hail of thorns
2nd beast sense, find steed
3rd conjure barrage, haste
4th find greater steed, locate creatue
5th conjure volley, tree stride

Wild Warrior

Upon entering into your pact at 1st level, the dark magic of the Wyld Hunt imbues you with the skills of an expert hunter. You gain proficiency in the Survival Skill, and with all medium armor, shields and martial weapons.

Hunter’s Quarry

You can mark a creature as a Quarry of your Wyld Hunt. At 1st level, you learn the hunter’s mark spell. It counts as a warlock spell for you, but it doesn’t count against your Spells Known. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cast hunter’s mark, targeting that creature, at a level equal to your Pact Magic spell slot, without expending a spell slot.

Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long rest before you can cast hunter’s mark in this way again.

Spirit of the Hunt

Starting at 6th level, you can use an action to summon a Wyld Spirit to join you for 1 minute. As a bonus action, you can command the Wyld Spirit to harry a creature within 60 feet reducing its movement speed by a number of feet equal to fives times your Charisma Modifier (minimum 5 feet)

Once you summon a Wild Spirit with this feature, you can’t summon another until you finish a short or long rest.

Extra Attack

The Wyld Hunt drives you to attack with the fervor of a true predator. Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Predatory Resolve

The wild fervor of the Wyld Hunt heightens your instincts. Starting at 10th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • When a creature marked by hunter’s mark hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to grant yourself a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum of +1) against that attack.
  • While you have a Wyld Spirit summoned and you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to have the Spirit take the damage of the attack and immediately disappear.

Master of the Hunt

Upon reaching 14th level, you can call on your allies to join you in the Wyld Hunt. When you mark a creature with the hunter’s mark spell, you can extend the benefits of a hunter’s mark to a number of other creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).



Warlock: The Undead Patron

You’ve made a pact with a deathless being, a creature that defies the cycle and life and death, forsaking its mortal shell so it might eternally pursue its unfathomable ambitions. For such beings, time and morality are fleeting things, the concerns of those for whom grains of sand still rush through life’s hourglass. Having once been mortal themselves, these ancient undead know firsthand the paths of ambition and the routes past the doors of death. They eagerly share this profane knowledge, along with other secrets, with those who work their will among the living.

Expanded Spell List

Undead Expanded Spells
Level Spells
1st Bane, False Life
2nd Blindness/Deafness, Phantasmal Force
3rd Phantom Steed, Speak with Dead
4th Death Ward, Greater Invisibility
5th Antilife Shell, Cloudkill

Form of Dread

At 1st level, you manifest an aspect of your patron’s dreadful power. As a bonus action, you transform for 1 minute. You gain the following benefits while transformed:

  • You gain temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your warlock level.
  • Once during each of your turns, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw, and if the saving throw fails, the target is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
  • You are immune to the frightened condition.

You can transform a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

The appearance of your Form of Dread reflects some aspect of your patron. For example, your form could be a shroud of shadows forming the crown and robes of your lich patron, or your body might glow with glyphs from ancient funerary rites and be surrounded by desert winds, suggesting your mummy patron.

Grave Touched

At 6th level, your patron’s powers have a profound effect on your body and magic. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.

In addition, once during each of your turns, when you hit a creature with an attack and roll damage against the creature, you can replace the damage type with necrotic damage. While you are using your Form of Dread, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the necrotic damage the target takes.

Necrotic Husk

At 10th level, Your connection to undeath and necrotic energy now saturates your body. You have resistance to necrotic damage. If you are transformed using your Form of Dread, you instead become immune to necrotic damage.

In addition, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead and cause your body to erupt with deathly energy. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to 2d10 + your warlock level. You then gain 1 level of exhaustion. Once you use this reaction, you can’t do so again until you finish 1d4 long rests.

Spirit Projection

At 14th level, your spirit can become untethered from your physical form. As an action, you can project your spirit from your body. The body you leave behind is unconscious and in a state of suspended animation.

Your spirit resembles your mortal form in almost every way, replicating game statistics but not your possessions. Any damage or other effects that apply to your spirit or physical body affects the other. Your spirit can remain outside your body for up to 1 hour or until your concentration is broken (as if concentrating on a spell). When your projection ends, your spirit returns to your body or your body magically teleports to your spirit’s space (your choice).

While projecting your spirit, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your spirit and body gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • When you cast a spell of the conjuration or necromancy school, the spell doesn’t require verbal or somatic components or material components that lack a gold cost.
  • You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. You can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature or an object.
  • While you are using your Form of Dread, once during each of your turns when you deal necrotic damage to a creature, you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Warlock: The Unending Darkness

The cold embrace of death. The ultimate end of all beings. For the light of life to exist, it must also cast a shadow that is just as large. Your patron is not an individual, but a force of the universe. You draw power directly from the Negative Plane, a place of still air, darkness and death. You walk a fine line with your dealings. Any closer to the Negative Energy and you would would fall dead in your tracks, your essence stolen by the suffocating darkness. Great secrets of death and decay lie within the energies of death.

Expanded Spelllist
Spell Level Spells
1st ray of sickness, inflict wounds
2nd gentle repose, blindness/deafness
3rd animate dead, phantom steed
4th phantasmal killer, greater invisibility
5th raise dead, hallow

Depth of Darkness

Your understanding of Negative Energy and death’s cold embrace grants you an edge in dealing with the living. Starting at 1st level, you have resistance to necrotic damage. In addition, once per turn, when a spell you cast deals either cold or necrotic damage, you can add your Charisma modifier to the damage.

Hallowed Eyes

Starting at 1st level, when you use the Detect Magic feature, you additionally can detect the presence of undead. Undead that you’ve seen with this feature cannot make attacks against you at advantage.

Call of the Grave

The dark energy you channel allows you to shrug off fatal wounds at a hefty price. Starting at 6th level, when you would make a death saving throw, you can instead spring to your feet with unholy swiftness. As you rise, you let loose a blast of necromantic energy. All creatues within 30 feet of you take an amount of necrotic damage equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier. You regain a number of hit points equal to half of the total damage dealt + your warlock level. You also gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn, at which point you suffer two levels of exhaustion. However, if the damage from the blast reduced at least one hostile creature to 0 hit points, you instead suffer only one level of exhaustion. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

Dancing Darkness

Your affinity for Negative Energy allows you to modify the shape and size of shadows. Starting at 10th level, as an action, you can take control of the shadow of an object or creature that is in bright light or dim light. As a bonus action, you can cause the shadow to shrink or grow up to three times its normal size, hiss/snicker quietly, or change its shape to that of a creature within one size category of the target.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to command the shadow to lift, push, or knock over objects. The shadow can move an object that weighs up to a number of pounds equal to 15 times your Charisma modifier.

As an action, you can also command a shadow within 100 feet of you to attempt to grapple its host. Make a melee spell attack, using your warlock spell attack modifier. On a hit, the target takes no damage, and is instead grappled by its shadow. As a bonus action on your turn, you can command the shadow to strangle the grappled creature, dealing 1d8 necrotic damage. The grapple persists until the target of the grapple successfully breaks it. The target can attempt to break the grapple by using an action on its turn to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your warlock spell save DC, breaking the grapple on a success.

Harrowing of the Soul

At 14th level, you can tap into the Unending Darkness to empower yourself. You have a pool of 10d6 that is restored once you complete a long rest. As a bonus action, you reach your hand out to touch a creature. Make a melee spell attack, using your warlock spell attack modifier. If you hit the target, you can expend as many dice from this pool as you like to deal necrotic damage to the target equal to the result, regaining a number of hit points equal to half of the damage dealt (rounded up). If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this feature, choose one of the following effects:

  • You lose one level of exhaustion.
  • You regain up to two spent warlock hit dice.
  • You gain the effect of a lesser restoration spell.
  • Your severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the limb is instead instantly knit to the stump.



Eldritch Invocation Options

Agonizing Blast

Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, add your Charisma modifier to the damage it deals on a hit.

Armor of Shadows

You can cast mage armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Ascendant Step

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast levitate on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Beast Speech

You can cast speak with animals at will, without expending a spell slot.

Beguiling Influence

You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills.

Benediction of Bytopia

Prerequisite: 5th level

You can cast prayer of healing once using a warlock spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Bewitching Whispers

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast compulsion once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Cloak of Flies

Prerequisite: 5th level

As a bonus action, you can surround yourself with a magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. It lasts until you’re incapacitated or you dismiss it as a bonus action.

The aura grants you advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks but disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. Any other creature that starts its turn in the aura takes poison damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 0 damage).

Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Crawling Eye

As an action, you can detach one of your eyes, which leaves your head and sprouts spidery legs. When you do so, your current hit points and hit point maximum are reduced by 1. You can direct the eye to crawl back into your eye socket (no action required), returning to normal function. You can see through the eye as if it was still in your head. The eye cannot move of its own volition, but you can expend up to 20 feet of your movement to allow the eye to move that distance. The eye is considered a Tiny creature with AC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier and 1 hit point. Its Dexterity (Stealth) modifier is equal to half your warlock level.

For all other purposes, its statistics are equal to yours. You cannot cast spells through the eye, but any spell or invocation which affects your sense of sight - such as devil’s sight or detect magic - functions through the eye as though it was still attached. If your crawling eye is destroyed, it regrows in its socket after 1d4 hours. If the crawling eye was your only eye, you are blinded for this duration. Once the eye has regrown in its socket after being destroyed or has crawled back into its socket at your direction, you regain the 1 lost point to your hit point maximum.

Only one of your eyes can be used for crawling eye at a time. If your crawling eye is destroyed, you can’t use this invocation again until your eye regrows.

Dark Flight

Prerequisite: 9th level

While in an area of dim light or darkness, your speed increases by 10 feet.

Death’s Refusal

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast revivify once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Devil’s Sight

You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Divine Messenger

Prerequisites: 9th level

You can cast the commune spell once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Divine Awareness

You gain proficiency in the Insight and Perception skills.

Dread Armor

Prerequisites: armor of agathys spell

When you cast the armor of agathys spell, you gain additional temporary hitpoints equal to your warlock level, and you can pick one damage type to gain resistance to from the following list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant or thunder, so long as the temporary hitpoints from the spell is still active.

Dreadful Word

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast confusion once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Eldritch Mind

You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell.

Eldritch Sight

You can use the detect magic feature at will, without expending a use.

Additionally, you can choose to use any classes variant of detect magic when you use it.

Eldritch Spear

Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, its range is 300 feet.

Eyes of the Rune Keeper

You can read all writing.

Favor of Celestia

You can cast bless once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Fiendish Vigor

You can cast false life on yourself at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Gaze of Two Minds

You can use your action to touch a willing humanoid and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. While perceiving through the other creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.

Ghostly Gaze

Prerequisite: 7th level

As an action, you gain the ability to see through solid objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you have darkvision if you don’t already have it. This special sight lasts for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). During that time, you perceive objects as ghostly, transparent images.

Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Gift of the Depths

Prerequisite: 5th level

You can breathe underwater, and you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

You can also cast water breathing without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Grasp of Hadar

Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you can move that creature in a straight line 10 feet closer to yourself.

Gravity Well

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can cast reverse gravity once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Herald of Hadar

Prerequisites: 9th level, hunger of hadar spell

As an action, you can move the area of darkness generated by the hunger of hadar spell up to 20 feet. You can consume a creature with 0 hit points inside the area of darkness as a bonus action. Doing so completely destroys the creature and any non-magical items it is carrying, and grants you temporary hit points equal to your warlock level that last for one hour.

Hive Keeper

Prerequisites: infestation cantrip

For one minute after casting the infestation cantrip, you are covered in a living armour of insects. You gain +1 to your AC for the duration. When a creature within 30 feet attacks you, you can use a reaction to cause the insect armour to jump to the attacker, ending the effect and dealing 1d10 piercing damage.

Inverted Gaze

Prerequisite: 5th level.

You cannot be surprised while conscious, and if a creature within 15ft of you is looking at you, you immediately become aware of the creature.

Lance of Lethargy

Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you can reduce that creature’s speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.

Lolth’s Grasp

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast Spider Climb on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Maddening Hex

Prerequisite: 5th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses

As a bonus action, you cause a psychic disturbance around the target cursed by your hex spell or by a warlock feature of yours, such as Hexblade’s Curse and Sign of Ill Omen. When you do so, you deal psychic damage to the cursed target and each creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage). To use this invocation, you must be able to see the cursed target, and it must be within 30 feet of you.



Mask of Many Faces

You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Master of Myriad Forms

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can cast alter self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Minions of Chaos

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast conjure elemental once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Mire the Mind

Prerequisite: 5th level

You can cast slow without expending a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Misty Visions

You can cast silent image at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

One with Shadows

Prerequisite: 5th level

When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become invisible until you move or take an action or a reaction.

Otherworldly Leap

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast jump at will, without expending a spell slot.

Purifying Touch

Prerequisite: 9th level

You touch a creature, and a wave of divine energy cascades over it. One curse or disease end on the target, as well as one effect causing any of the following conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Reality Shaper

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can cast stone shape spell at will, without expending a spell slot. With this spell you can also touch non-magical wood or metal objects to shape them in the same way as stone objects.

Relentless Hex

Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses

Your curse creates a temporary bond between you and your target. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of the target cursed by your hex spell or by a warlock feature of yours, such as Hexblade’s Curse and Sign of Ill Omen. To teleport in this way, you must be able to see the cursed target.

Repelling Blast

Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line.

Sculptor of Flesh

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast polymorph once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Shroud of Shadow

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can cast invisibility at will, without expending a spell slot.

Sign of Ill Omen

Prerequisite: 5th level

You can cast bestow curse once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Thief of Five Fates

You can cast bane once using a warlock spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Tomb of Levistus

Prerequisite: 5th level

As a reaction when you take damage, you can entomb yourself in ice, which melts away at the end of your next turn. You gain 10 temporary hit points per warlock level, which take as much of the triggering damage as possible. Immediately after you take the damage, you gain vulnerability to fire damage, your speed is reduced to 0, and you are incapacitated. These effects, including any remaining temporary hit points, all end when the ice melts.

Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Tongue of Pazuzu

You are immune to the effects of zone of truth and other creatures Wisdom (Insight) checks made against your Charisma (Deception) checks have disadvantage.

Trickster’s Escape

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast freedom of movement once on yourself without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.



Ugudenk’s Tunneling

As a bonus action, you can teleport through solid materials no thicker than half your walking speed, provided there’s a space large enough for you at your destination. You touch one side of a wall or other structure, and appear on the other side instantly. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

Undying Servitude

Prerequisite: 5th-level warlock

You can cast animate dead without using a spell slot. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.

Visions of Distant Realms

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can cast arcane eye at will, without expending a spell slot.

Whispers of the Grave

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast speak with dead at will, without expending a spell slot.

Winded Steps

You can cast Feather Fall spell on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot.

Wings of Icarus

Prerequisite: 15th level

You gain magical flying speed, equal to your movement speed. Whenever you enter anti-magical zones, such as created by Antimagic Field spell or you are targeted by dispelling effects, you can not use this invocation until you will leave such zone, or until the start of your next turn if you was targeted by dispelling feature or spell.

Witch Sight

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within line of sight.

Unnatural Vitality

Prerequisites: 12th level You have advantage on all death saving throws you make, and you no longer need to eat, drink or breath.



Invocations for Pact of the Blade

Blade of Chaos

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade, 15th level

After completing a short or long rest, you can choose one of the following damage types to replace the type of damage normally associated with your pact weapon: fire, cold, psychic, lightning, or necrotic. You can also choose to have your weapon deal its normal damage type.

Calamitous Strike

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Blade

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with your pact Weapon, you can have each other creature within 5 feet of you take force damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Eldritch Smite

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature

Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a warlock spell slot to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target, plus another 1d8 per level of the spell slot, and you can knock the target prone if it is Huge or smaller.

Eldritch Materials

Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Blade feature

You can perform a special ritual with your pact weapon, giving it the properties of special and rare materials. The ritual takes 1 hour to complete, during which time you cannot be disturbed, or the ritual will fail. Your pact weapon gains the properties of an exotic material of your choice The weapon must be of a type that can be of the material you choose, or the ritual will fail.

Improved Pact Weapon

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature

You can use any weapon you summon with your Pact of the Blade feature as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

In addition, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, unless it is a magic weapon that already has a bonus to those rolls.

Finally, the weapon you conjure can be a shortbow, longbow, light crossbow, or heavy crossbow.


Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature

When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Ruthless Blade

(Replaces Thirsting Blade)

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature

You can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action. In addition, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your attacks to conjure your pact weapon or cause it to take a different form.

Reflex of the Rakshasa

Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade, 9th level

When you use your action to summon your pact weapon, you can use your bonus action on the same turn to make a melee attack with that weapon

Thirsting Blade

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature

You can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.



Invocations for Pact of the Chain

Blood Rites

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain

You can cast false life on your familiar at will as a 1st-level spell, without expending a spell slot or requiring material components.

Bond of Loyalty

Prerequisites: Pact of the Chain

When you or your familiar would take damage, the other can use their reaction to magically take the damage instead of the target taking it. This doesn’t transfer any effects that might accompany the damage. You can only use this feature if your familiar is within 100ft of you.

Bolstered Familiar

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Chain feature

When you summon a familiar using your Pact of the Chain feature, it gains the following benefits:

  • Its maximum hit points increase by an amount equal to twice your warlock level.
  • It adds your spellcasting ability modifier to its AC, to its saving throws, to ability checks using skills with which it is proficient, and to its attack rolls.
  • It uses your warlock spell DC for its spells and abilities.

Collared Chains

Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature

You can have up to two familiars of different types simultaneously.

Gift of the Ever-Living Ones

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is within 100 feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value for you.

Friends on the Other Side

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain, 9th level

When you cast find familiar, you can choose one of the following additional special forms: shadow, flumph, dust mephit, ice mephit, magma mephit, mud mephit, smoke mephit, or steam mephit.

Investment of the Chain Master

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

When you cast find familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the creature the following benefits:

  • The familiar gains either a flying speed or a swimming speed (your choice) of 40 feet.
  • As a bonus action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack action.
  • The familiar’s weapon attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to nonmagical attacks.
  • If the familiar forces a creature to make a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.
  • When the familiar takes damage, you can use your reaction to grant it resistance against that damage.


Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain, 5th level When you forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to attack, it can make two attacks instead of one.

Chains of Carceri Source: Player’s Handbook Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature

You can cast hold monster at will – targeting a celestial, fiend, or elemental – without expending a spell slot or material components. You must finish a long rest before you can use this invocation on the same creature again.

Voice of the Chain Master

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar’s senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar’s senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.



Invocations for Pact of the Instrument

Dueling Notes

Prerequisite: Pact of the Instrument Feature

You can cast compelled duel once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Enthralling Song

Prerequisite: Pact of the Instrument Feature

If a creature listens to you play music from your pact instrument for 1 minute or longer, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed at that creature for the next hour.

Dark Encore

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Instrument Feature

When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. If you do so, up to five creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you take thunder damage equal to your warlock level. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Animated Choreography

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Instrument Feature

You can cast animate objects once without expending a spellslot. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Invocations for Pact of the Mark

Progency of Tiamat

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark

When you make an attack with a natural weapon, you can choose for it to deal acid, lightning, poison, fire, or cold damage. If a creature is resistant or immune to the damage type your natural weapons use, you deal additional force damage equal to your strength modifier to the creature.

Superior Form

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark

While unarmored, your armor class becomes 13 + your Charisma modifier, unless it would be higher, you cannot wield a shield and gain this benefit.

Unfathomable Strength

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark

You are considered one size larger for the purposes of grappling, shoving, carrying capacity, and the amount you can push, pull, drag, or lift.

Yeenoghu’s Hunt

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed and make an attack with a natural weapon. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity with this movement. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Relentless Horror

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark, 5th level

You can use your bonus action to succumb to your patron’s power, becoming an unstoppable horror. For 1 minute, or until you go one round without making an attack with a natural weapon, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your reach becomes 10 feet.

  • As a bonus action, you can take the dash action.

  • Your natural weapons use a d8 for their damage if they would be lower, and when you take the Attack action and attack with a natural weapon, you can make an additional attack with a natural weapon as part of the same action. You can use this feature twice, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest

Eat to Live

Prerequisites: Pact of the Mark, 7th level

When you score a critical hit against a creature with a natural weapon, you regain hit points equal to half the damage dealt. Additionally, your natural weapons critically hit on a roll of 19 or 20.



Invocations for Pact of the Bauble

Eldritch Excellence

Prerequisites: Pact of the Bauble

When you make a contested ability check against another creature using a proficiency granted by your pact bauble, you can impose disadvantage on the creature’s ability check. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Keeper of Artifacts.

Prerequisites: Pact of the Bauble

Your pact bauble becomes a magic item which you are attuned to. It does not count against the number of magic items you can attune to, and other creatures you choose can attune to your pact bauble. While attuned to the bauble, and it is on their person, the creature gains all of the benefits of your pact boon. You also gain proficiency in Arcana, if you were not proficient before. Lastly you ignore all race and alignment restrictions when attuning to magic items.

Stolen Act

Prerequisites: Pact of the Bauble, 5th level

As an action, you can attempt to steal a skill proficiency from one creature you can see within 60ft of you. The target makes a charisma saving throw against your warlock spell DC. An unconscious creature has disadvantage on this saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is incapacitated until the start of your next turn. It loses proficiency in one skill of your choice, and you gain proficiency in that skill. This effect lasts until you finish a long rest, at which point the creature regains proficiency in the chosen skill and you lose proficiency in it. Once you use this invocation, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Turn of Fate

Prerequisites: Pact of the Bauble, 9th level

When you roll a 1 on an ability check made with a proficiency gained from your pact bauble, you can treat the roll as a 20. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Invocations for Pact of the Shadow Hand

Elemental Hand: Cold

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand

As a bonus action, Your Shadow Hand becomes made of frozen mist and icicles, giving you an additional benefit for one minute.

  • You can choose to change the Necrotic damage to Cold damage.
  • Creatures you hit with your shadow hand attack cannot take a reaction until the end of their next turn, unless they are immune to cold damage.

This benefit only lasts for one minute. Once you use this invocation, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Elemental Hand: Fire

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand

As a bonus action, Your Shadow Hand becomes an embodiment of living flames, giving you an additional benefit for one minute.

  • You can choose to change the necrotic damage to fire damage
  • Your Shadow Hand now emits bright light up to 30 feet, and 20 feet of dim light beyond that.
  • You can cast burning hands at its lowest level without expending a spellslot.

This benefit only lasts for one minute. Once you use this invocation, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Elemental Hand: Lightning

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand

As a bonus action, your hand becomes a streaking bolt of lightning, giving you an additional benefit for one minute.

  • You can choose to change the Necrotic damage to Lightning damage.
  • Your Shadow Hand’s attack has a reach of 15ft.

This benefit only lasts for one minute. Once you use this invocation, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest

Siphoning Grasp

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand, 5th level

Whenever you deal damage to a creature with your shadow hand’s attack, you can choose to regain hit points equal to the damage dealt with the attack. Once you do this, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest

Devastating Touch

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand, 5th level

Anything you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that targets only one creature, you can cast it with a range of touch through your shadow hand. When you do this, the target has disadvantage on any saving throw they make to avoid the effects of the spell, and you can re-roll any number of damage dice you would roll on a damage roll once. You can then use either roll.



Soul Ripper

Prerequisite: Pact of the Shadow Hand, 12th level

As an action, you can designate a target within 10ft to make a charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, you pull their soul free of their body, keeping it from returning with your Shadow Hand. While their soul is free, they are paralyzed and can repeat their saving throw for each instance of damage, or at the end of their turn. You must concentrate on this ability as if it were a spell. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier before regaining expended uses on a Long Rest.

Invocations for Pact of the Cloak

Mantle of the Everlasting

Prerequisite: 5th level

You gain proficiency in Medium Armor and do not have a maximum dexterity modifier for any medium armor.

Veil of the Night

Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Cloak feature

When you are wearing your pact cloak, you can use your action to turn invisible until the start of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until the end of your next turn.

Improved Mantle of the Everlasting

Prerequisite: 11th level

You gain proficiency in Medium & Heavy armor and gain the following benefits:

  • You do not have a maximum dexterity modifier for any medium armor.
  • Wearing heavy armor doesn’t impose disadvantage on Stealth checks.

Cloak of the Raven

Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Cloak feature

You can use a bonus action on your turn to cause large, raven-like wings to sprout out of your cloak. While you wear the winged cloak, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can dismiss the wings using another bonus action.



Invocations for Pact of the Talisman

Bond of the Talisman

Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Talisman feature

While someone else is wearing your talisman, you can use your action to teleport to the unoccupied space closest to them, provided the two of you are on the same plane of existence. The wearer of your talisman can do the same thing, using their action to teleport to you. The teleportation can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.

Protection of the Talisman

Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Talisman feature

When the wearer of your talisman fails a saving throw, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the save into a success. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.

Rebuke of the Talisman

Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman feature

When the wearer of your talisman is hit by an attacker you can see within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to deal psychic damage to the attacker equal to your proficiency bonus and push it up to 10 feet away from the talisman’s wearer.

Invocations for Pact of the Tome

Aspect of the Moon

Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature

You no longer need to sleep and can’t be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading your Book of Shadows and keeping watch.

Book of Ancient Secrets

Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature

You can now inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class’s spell list (the two needn’t be from the same list). The spells appear in the book and don’t count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can’t cast the spells except as rituals, unless you’ve learned them by some other means. You can also cast a warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.

On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Book of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell’s level is equal to or less than half your warlock level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it.

Far Scribe

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Tome feature

A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your proficiency bonus.

You can cast the sending spell, targeting a creature whose name is on the page, without using a spell slot and without using material components. To do so, you must write the message on the page. The target hears the message in their mind, and if the target replies, their message appears on the page, rather than in your mind. The writing disappears after 1 minute.

As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.

Gift of the Protectors

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Tome feature

A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your proficiency bonus.

When any creature whose name is on the page is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, the creature magically drops to 1 hit point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no creature can benefit from it until you finish a long rest.

As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.



The Insightful Wizards of Edenbaerrow

##### In a cursed empire, five inventors oppose terrorism.



The Wizard
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known — Spell Slots Per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery 3 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd +2 Arcane Tradition 3 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 Cantrip Formulas (Optional) 3 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Arcane Tradition feature 4 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 4 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 Scroll Mastery 4 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Arcane Tradition feature 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Arcane Tradition feature 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 Spell Mastery 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Signature Spell 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Archmage 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Class Features

As a wizard, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d6 per wizard level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per wizard level after 1st


Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Saving Throws:
Intelligence, Wisdom
Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • A spellbook


As a student of arcane magic, you have a spellbook containing spells that show the first glimmerings of your true power.


At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn additional wizard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Wizard table.


At 1st level, you have a spellbook containing six 1st-level wizard spells of your choice. Your spellbook is the repository of the wizard spells you know, except your cantrips, which are fixed in your mind.

The spells that you add to your spellbook as you gain levels reflect the arcane research you conduct on your own, as well as intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature of the multiverse. You might find other spells during your adventures. You could discover a spell recorded on a scroll in an evil wizard’s chest, for example, or in a dusty tome in an ancient library.

Copying a Spell into the Book. When you find a wizard spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook if it is of a spell level you can prepare and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.



Copying a spell into your spellbook involves reproducing the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique system of notation used by the wizard who wrote it. You must practice the spell until you understand the sounds or gestures required, then transcribe it into your spellbook using your own notation.

For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.

Replacing the Book. You can copy a spell from your own spellbook into another book-for example, if you want to make a backup copy of your spellbook. This is just like copying a new spell into your spellbook, but faster and easier, since you understand your own notation and already know how to cast the spell. You need spend only 1 hour and 10 gp for each level of the copied spell.

If you lose your spellbook, you can use the same procedure to transcribe the spells that you have prepared into a new spellbook. Filling out the remainder of your spellbook requires you to find new spells to do so, as normal. For this reason, many wizards keep backup spellbooks in a safe place.

The Book’s Appearance. Your spellbook is a unique compilation of spells, with its own decorative flourishes and margin notes. It might be a plain, functional leather volume that you received as a gift from your master, a finely bound gilt-edged tome you found in an ancient library or even a loose collection of notes scrounged together after you lost your previous spellbook in a mishap.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Wizard table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of wizard spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of wizard spells from your spellbook equal to your Intelligence modifier + your wizard level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you’re a 3rd-level wizard, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination, chosen from your spellbook. If you prepare the 1st-level spell magic missile, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Ritual Casting

You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.

Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher

Each time you gain a wizard level, you can add two wizard spells of your choice to your spellbook. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the Wizard table. On your adventures, you might find other spells that you can add to your spellbook.

Arcane Recovery

You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

For example, if you’re a 4th-level wizard, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots.

Arcane Tradition

When you reach 2nd level, you choose an arcane tradition, shaping your practice of magic through one of the following schools. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Cantrip Formulas (Optional)

At 3rd level, you have scribed a set of arcane formulas in your spellbook that you can use to formulate a cantrip in your mind. Whenever you finish a long rest and consult those formulas in your spellbook, you can replace one wizard cantrip you know with another cantrip from the wizard spell list.



Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Scroll Mastery

Starting at 9th level, you can scribe scrolls that are not a part of the wizard class into your spellbook. The cost and time to do so are tripled, and when casting a spell learned in this way, you cannot cast it with a higher spell slot. Once they are scribed into your spellbook, they count as wizard spells for you.

Spell Mastery

At 15th level, you have achieved such mastery over certain spells that you can cast them at will. Choose a 1st-level wizard spell and a 2nd-level wizard spell that are in your spellbook. You can cast those spells at their lowest level without expending a spell slot when you have them prepared. If you want to cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as normal.

By spending 8 hours in study, you can exchange one or both of the spells you chose for different spells of the same levels.

Signature Spells

When you reach 18th level, you gain mastery over two powerful spells and can cast them with little effort. Choose two 3rd-level wizard spells in your spellbook as your signature spells. You always have these spells prepared, they don’t count against the number of spells you have prepared, and you can cast each of them once at 3rd level without expending a spell slot. When you do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

If you want to cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as normal.


When you reach 20th level, your Intelligence score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24.



Wizard: School of Abjuration

The School of Abjuration emphasizes magic that blocks, banishes, or protects. Detractors of this school say that its tradition is about denial, negation rather than positive assertion. You understand, however, that ending harmful effects, protecting the weak, and banishing evil influences is anything but a philosophical void. It is a proud and respected vocation.

Called abjurers, members of this school are sought when baleful spirits require exorcism, when important locations must be guarded against magical spying, and when portals to other planes of existence must be closed.

Abjuration Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a abjuration spell into your spellbook is halved.

Arcane Ward

Starting at 2nd level, you can weave magic around yourself for protection. When you cast an abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, you can simultaneously use a strand of the spell’s magic to create a magical ward on yourself that lasts until you finish a long rest. The ward has hit points equal to twice your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier. Whenever you take damage, the ward takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the ward to 0 hit points, you take any remaining damage.

While the ward has 0 hit points, it can’t absorb damage, but its magic remains. Whenever you cast an abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, the ward regains a number of hit points equal to twice the level of the spell.

Once you create the ward, you can’t create it again until you finish a long rest.

Projected Ward

Starting at 6th level, when a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to cause your Arcane Ward to absorb that damage. If this damage reduces the ward to 0 hit points, the warded creature takes any remaining damage.

Improved Abjuration

Beginning at 10th level, when you cast an abjuration spell that requires you to make an ability check as a part of casting that spell (as in Counterspell and Dispel Magic), you add your proficiency bonus to that ability check.

Spell Resistance

Starting at 14th level, you have advantage on saving throws against spells.

Furthermore, you have resistance against the damage of spells.



Wizard: School of Bladesinging

Bladesingers master a tradition of wizardry that incorporates swordplay and dance. Originally created by elves, this tradition has been adopted by non-elf practitioners, who honor and expand on the elven ways.

In combat, a bladesinger uses a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense. Many who have observed a bladesinger at work remember the display as one of the more beautiful experiences in their life, a glorious dance accompanied by a singing blade.

Training in War and Song

When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you do not need to attune to Spellcasting Robes to gain the AC benefit of them, and you gain proficiency with one type of one-handed melee weapon of your choice.

You also gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t already have it.


Starting at 2nd level, you can invoke an elven magic called the Bladesong, provided that you aren’t wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. It graces you with supernatural speed, agility, and focus.

You can use a bonus action to start the Bladesong, which lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you don medium or heavy armor or a shield, or if you use two hands to make an attack with a weapon. You can also dismiss the Bladesong at any time (no action required).

While your Bladesong is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1)
  • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
  • You gain a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you make to maintain your concentration on a spell. The bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.

Song of Defense

Beginning at 10th level, you can direct your magic to absorb damage while your Bladesong is active. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to expend one spell slot and reduce that damage to you by an amount equal to five times the spell slot’s level.

Song of Victory

Starting at 14th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage of your melee weapon attacks while your Bladesong is active.



Wizard: School of Chronurgy

Focusing on the manipulation of time, those who follow the Chronurgy tradition learn to alter the pace of reality to their liking. Using the ramping of anticipatory dunamis energy, these mages can bend the flow of time as adroitly as a skilled musician plays an instrument, lending themselves and their allies an advantage in the blink of an eye.

Chronal Shift

At 2nd level, you can magically exert limited control over the flow of time around a creature. As a reaction, after you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You make this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or fails. The target must use the result of the second roll.

You can use this ability twice, and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Temporal Awareness

Starting at 2nd level, you can add your Intelligence modifiers to your initiative rolls.

Momentary Stasis

When you reach 6th level, as an action, you can magically force a Large or smaller creature you can see within 60 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. Unless the saving throw is a success, the creature is encased in a field of magical energy until the end of your next turn or until the creature takes any damage. While encased in this way, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Arcane Abeyance

At 10th level, when you cast a spell using a spell slot of 4th level or lower, you can condense the spell’s magic into a mote. The spell is frozen in time at the moment of casting and held within a gray bead for 1 hour. This bead is a Tiny object with AC 15 and 1 hit point, and it is immune to poison and psychic damage. When the duration ends, or if the bead is destroyed, it vanishes in aflash of light, and the spell is lost.

A creature holding the bead can use its action to release the spell within, whereupon the bead disappears. The spell uses your spell attack bonus and save DC, and the spell treats the creature who released it as the caster for all other purposes.

Once you create a bead with this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Convergent Future

Starting at 14th level, you can peer through possible futures and magically pull one of them into events around you, ensuring a particular outcome. When you or a creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction to ignore the die roll and decide whether the number rolled is the minimum needed to succeed or one less than that number (your choice).

When you use this feature, you gain one level of exhaustion. Only by finishing a long rest can you remove a level of exhaustion gained in this way.



Wizard: School of Concealment

Followers of the tradition of Concealment are wizards who specialize in not being seen, practicing magic in secret places and focusing on hiding their spellcasting from others. These wizards, often called ‘stealth mages’ or ‘silent sages’, combine elements of illusion and transmutation magic with a skill set of stealth and maneuverability, and often work as spies, assassins, or undercover operatives.

Clandestine Savant

Beginning at 2nd level, you have acquired a wide array of skills. You gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Perception, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You also gain proficiency in either the Disguise Kit or Thieves’ Tools.

Quiet Caster

Starting at 2nd level, you have acquired a knack for casting spells silently. Whenever you cast a spell, creatures cannot hear the verbal component of the spell, however, the spell still requires you to recite the verbal components, albeit silently.

Mobile Caster

At 6th level, you’ve become more agile, and you’ve developed a knack of casting spells while moving. Once on each of your turns, when you cast a spell with a casting time of one action, you can use your bonus action to take the Disengage or Hide action.

Stealth Mage

At 10th level, you gain the ability to know when you have been detected. You automatically know when you have been detected, either through a creature’s senses or through the use of magic, though you don’t necessarily know which.

Hidden Spell

By 14th level, your skills with concealing your presence while casting spells have increased. Casting a spell while hidden doesn’t reveal your position. Additionally, whenever you cast a spell with a casting time of one action while hidden, as part of the casting of the spell, you can cause the spell to appear invisible. If the spell requires an attack roll, you gain advantage on the roll. If the spell requires a target to make a saving throw, the target makes the saving throw at disadvantage.



Wizard: School of Conjuration

As a conjurer, you favor spells that produce objects and creatures out of thin air. You can conjure billowing clouds of killing fog or summon creatures from elsewhere to fight on your behalf. As your mastery grows, you learn spells of transportation and can teleport yourself across vast distances, even to other planes of existence, in an instant.

Conjuration Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Conjuration spell into your spellbook is halved.

Minor Conjuration

Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, you can use your action to conjure up an inanimate object in your hand or on the ground in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of you. This object can be no larger than 3 feet on a side and weigh no more than 10 pounds, and its form must be that of a nonmagical object that you have seen. The object is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet.

The object disappears after 1 hour, when you use this feature again, or if it takes or deals any damage.

Benign Transportation

Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. Alternatively, you can choose a space within range that is occupied by a Small or Medium creature. If that creature is willing, you both teleport, swapping places.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or you cast a conjuration spell of 1st level or higher.

Focused Conjuration

Beginning at 10th level, while you are concentrating on a conjuration spell, your concentration can’t be broken as a result of taking damage.

Durable Summons

Starting at 14th level, any creature that you summon or create with a conjuration spell has 30 temporary hit points.



Wizard: School of Divination

The counsel of a diviner is sought by royalty and commoners alike, for all seek a clearer understanding of the past, present, and future. As a diviner, you strive to part the veils of space, time, and consciousness so that you can see clearly. You work to master spells of discernment, remote viewing, supernatural knowledge, and foresight.

Divination Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Divination spell into your spellbook is halved.


Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, glimpses of the future begin to press in on your awareness. When you finish a long rest, roll two d20s and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must choose to do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in this way only once per turn.

Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.

Expert Divination

Beginning at 6th level, casting divination spells comes so easily to you that it expends only a fraction of your spellcasting efforts. When you cast a divination spell of 2nd level or higher using a spell slot, you regain one expended spell slot. The slot you regain must be of a level lower than the spell you cast and can’t be higher than 5th level.

The Third Eye

Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to increase your powers of perception. When you do so, choose one of the following benefits, which lasts until you are incapacitated or you take a short or long rest. You can’t use the feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Ethereal Sight. You can see into the Ethereal Plane within 60 feet of you.

Greater Comprehension. You can read any language.

See Invisibility. You can see invisible creatures and objects within 10 feet of you that are within line of sight.

Greater Portent

Starting at 14th level, the visions in your dreams intensify and paint a more accurate picture in your mind of what is to come. You roll three d20s for your Portent feature, rather than two.



Wizard: School of Enchantment

As a member of the School of Enchantment, you have honed your ability to magically entrance and beguile other people and monsters. Some enchanters are peacemakers who bewitch the violent to lay down their arms and charm the cruel into showing mercy. Others are tyrants who magically bind the unwilling into their service. Most enchanters fall somewhere in between.

Enchantment Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Enchantment spell into your spellbook is halved.

Hypnotic Gaze

Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, your soft words and enchanting gaze can magically enthrall another creature. As an action, choose one creature that you can see within 5 feet of you. If the target can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn. The charmed creature’s speed drops to 0, and the creature is incapacitated and visibly dazed.

On subsequent turns, you can use your action to maintain this effect, extending its duration until the end of your next turn. However, the effect ends if you move more than 5 feet away from the creature, if the creature can neither see nor hear you, or if the creature takes damage.

Once the effect ends, or if the creature succeeds on its initial saving throw against this effect, you can’t use this feature on that creature again until you finish a long rest.

Instinctive Charm

Beginning at 6th level, when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to divert the attack, provided that another creature is within the attack’s range. The attacker must make a Wisdom saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. On a failed save, the attacker must target the creature that is closest to it, not including you or itself. If multiple creatures are closest, the attacker chooses which one to target.

On a successful save, you can’t use this feature on the attacker again until you finish a long rest.

You must choose to use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Creatures that can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.

Split Enchantment

Starting at 10th level, when you cast an enchantment spell of 1st level or higher that targets only one creature, you can have it target a second creature.

Alter Memories

At 14th level, you gain the ability to make a creature unaware of your magical influence on it. When you cast an enchantment spell to charm one or more creatures, you can alter one creature’s understanding so that it remains unaware of being charmed.

Additionally, once before the spell expires, you can use your action to try to make the chosen creature forget some of the time it spent charmed. The creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or lose a number of hours of its memories equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You can make the creature forget less time, and the amount of time can’t exceed the duration of your enchantment spell.



Wizard: School of Evocation

You focus your study on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid. Some evokers find employment in military forces, serving as artillery to blast enemy armies from afar. Others use their spectacular power to protect the weak, while some seek their own gain as bandits, adventurers, or aspiring tyrants.

Evocation Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Evocation spell into your spellbook is halved.

Sculpt Spells

Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.

Potent Cantrip

Starting at 6th level, your damaging cantrips affect even creatures that avoid the brunt of the effect. When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

Empowered Evocation

Beginning at 10th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to one damage roll of any wizard evocation spell that you cast.


Starting at 14th level, you can increase the power of your simpler spells. When you cast a wizard spell of 1st through 5th level that deals damage, you can deal maximum damage with that spell.

The first time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. If you use this feature again before you finish a long rest, you take 2d12 necrotic damage for each level of the spell, immediately after you cast it. Each time you use this feature again before finishing a long rest, the necrotic damage per spell level increases by 1d12. This damage ignores resistance and immunity.



Wizard: Graviturgy

Understanding and mastering the forces that draw bodies of matter together or drive them apart, the students of the Graviturgy arcane tradition learn to further bend and manipulate the violent energy of gravity to their benefit, and the terrible detriment of their enemies.

Adjust Density

At 2nd level, as an action, you can magically alter the weight of one object or creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The object or creature must be Large or smaller. The target’s weight is halved or doubled for up to 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell).

While the weight of a creature is halved by this effect, the creature’s speed increases by 10 feet, it can jump twice as far as normal, and it has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

While the weight of a creature is doubled by this effect, the creature’s speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.

Upon reaching 10th level in this class, you can target an object or a creature that is Huge or smaller.

Gravity Well

When you reach 6th level, whenever you cast a spell on a creature, you can move the target 5 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice if the target is willing to move, the spell hits it with an attack, or it fails a saving throw against the spell.

Violent Attraction

At 10th level, when another creature that you can see within 60 feet of you hits with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to increase the attack’s velocity, causing the attack’s target to take an extra 1d10 damage of the weapon’s type.

Alternatively, if a creature within 60 feet of you takes damage from a fall, you can use your reaction to increase the fall’s damage by 2d10.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Event Horizon

Starting at 14th level, as an action, you can magically emit a powerful field of gravitational energy that tugs at other creatures for up to 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). For the duration, whenever a creature hostile to you starts its turn within 30 feet of you, it must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, it takes 2d10 force damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage, and every foot it moves this turn costs 2 extra feet of movement.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher on it.



School of the Golem Maker

To be able to create a golem takes many years of study and hard work to accomplish. The tradition of being a Golem Maker blends principles of enchantment and transmutation, rather than specializing in either of those schools. To take an inanimate object and bring it to life is a very taxing thing to do for any magic user. For a Golem Maker, the longer they have been doing it the easier and easier it becomes. The reasoning for someone to specialize in this kind of magic varies between each wizard. One may feel lonely and want companionship while another may want to build an army to rise against a lord. The choice is yours.

Manual of Golems

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you begin your manual of creating golems. The four types of golems you can work to make are only allowed to be made of clay, flesh, iron, and stone. To create a full fledged golem takes a lot of time and practice. The materials, time, and gold needed to create these golems is up to the DM.

Alternative Familiar

Starting at 2nd, you learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. This version of the spell is added into your Manual of Golems. The amount of time and gold spent to ritual cast your familiar is halved.

When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or it can take on more of a humanoid shape no taller than 2 feet and have an appearance of your choosing as long as it resembles clay, flesh, iron, or stone. It will take on the statistics of a guard in the Monster Manual, but it can not speak in any language. Your familiar will count as a construct instead of a beast.

Additionally, your stone golem stores spells cast into it, holding them until you decide to use them. Your golem familiar can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time.

You’re able to cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into your golem familiar by touching it as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored into it. If your golem familiar can’t hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

When you take the attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your golem familiar to cast any spell stored in it with its own reaction. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and your Intelligence spellcasting ability, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from your golem familiar is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

Helpful upgrade

Starting at 6th level, your training has allowed you to make your golem familiar more durable and helpful than before. It’s hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your wizard level, it gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and you can also add your Dexterity modifier to its AC.

Brought to Life

Beginning at 10th level, you add the animate objects spell into your manual of golems. Due to your familiarity with the nature of this kind of magic you can cast this spell without requiring concentration and the duration extends to up to 10 minutes. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is up to 1 hour. If you use a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the duration is 8 hours. If you use a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the duration is 24 hours. If you use a 9th level spell slot, the spell lasts until it is dispelled.

Forge and Conquer

Starting at 14th level, you have learned to greatly enhance yourself along side your golems. You gain proficiency with all armor and shields.

You also learn how to forge your own armor and shields including being able to enchant them to be more powerful and even resistant to certain damage types. The materials, time, and gold needed to forge and enchant armor and shields is up to the DM.



Wizard: School of Hexmastery

Cursed Savant

By 2nd level, you know how to identity curses, and have acquired additional hexes and curses of your own. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Arcana) related to curses and hexes, you are considered proficient in the Arcana skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. Additionally, whenever you gain a wizard level, you can replace one of the wizard spells you add to your spellbook with a spell from the cleric or warlock spell list, so long as it belongs to the school of enchantment. The spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Any cleric or warlock spell you gain from this feature is considered a wizard spell for you, but other wizards can’t copy cleric and warlock spells from your spellbook into their own Spellbooks.

Book of Curses

Beginning when you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you can acquire unique magical hexes into your spellbook. These hexes do not require concentration, and any hex that requires a saving target to make a saving throw does so against your wizard spell save DC. A creature affected by a hex cannot be affected by another hex until the effects of the first hex wear off.


You learn two hexes of your choice at 2nd level, which are listed in the Hexes List at the end of this subclass. You learn two additional hexes of your choice at 6th, and 10th level. Each time you learn a new hex to add to your Book of Curses, you can also replace one hex you know with a different one.

Distant Casting

At 6th level, you have learned how to curse others from afar. Whenever you cast an enchantment spell of 1st level or higher or use your action to cast one of your hexes, the range of the spell or hex is doubled.

Heightened Malediction

By 10th level, you have become adept at implementing hexes and curses. Whenever you cast one of your hexes that affects only one target, you can affect two targets, provided that they are both within range of the hex.

Curse Lord

At 14th level, your curses and hexes have become legendary for their potency. Other creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against your hexes. Additionally, you can target creatures within range of your hexes even if you cannot see the target, provided you have seen the target in the last minute and the target is within range.

Hex List

Soothing Hex You attempt to quell the anger within another. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is calmed, and cannot use its action, bonus action, or reaction to attack another creature until the end of its next turn.

Fragile Hex You attempt to bring debilitating pain to another. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s speed is reduced to 0 until the end of the creature’s next turn, and the target falls prone.

Debilitating Hex You attempt to bring a withering curse upon another creature. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s body begins to shrivel and dry out, and until the end of their next turn, whenever the creature makes a saving throw, the creature must subtract an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier from the roll result.

Deadly Hex You attempt to remove a creature’s ability to regenerate. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature cannot have any of its hit points restored until the end of its next turn.

Combative Hex You attempt to curse a creature to fight with itself. As an action, choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, whenever the creature takes the Attack action, the creature takes half the damage dealt. This effect lasts until the end of the creature’s next turn.

Doomed Hex You attempt to sow doom for another. Choose a target within 30 feet of you that you can see to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, blackened energy surrounds the target, and the next attack made against the target is considered a critical hit. This effect lasts until the end of the creature’s next turn, or until it has been attacked once while this hex is active.

Drowning Hex You attempt to drown a creature in blackened water. Choose a creature within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature feels its lungs and mouth suddenly fill with blackened water. The creature begins suffocating, and must spend its next turn trying to cough up the water. This effect lasts until the end of its next turn.



Wizard: School of Illusion

You focus your studies on magic that dazzles the senses, befuddles the mind, and tricks even the wisest folk. Your magic is subtle, but the illusions crafted by your keen mind make the impossible seem real. Some illusionists – including many gnome wizards – are benign tricksters who use their spells to entertain. Others are more sinister masters of deception, using their illusions to frighten and fool others for their personal gain.

Illusion Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Illusion spell into your spellbook is halved.

Improved Minor Illusion

When you choose this school at 2nd level, you learn the Minor Illusion cantrip. If you already know this cantrip, you learn a different wizard cantrip of your choice. The cantrip doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known.

When you cast Minor Illusion, you can create both a sound and an image with a single casting of the spell.

Malleable Illusions

Starting at 6th level, when you cast an illusion spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can use your action to change the nature of that illusion (using the spell’s normal parameters for the illusion), provided that you can see the illusion.

Illusory Self

Beginning at 10th level, you can create an illusory duplicate of yourself as an instant, almost instinctual reaction to danger. When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to interpose the illusory duplicate between the attacker and yourself. The attack automatically misses you, then the illusion dissipates.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Illusory Reality

By 14th level, you have learned the secret of weaving shadow magic into your illusions to give them a semi-reality. When you cast an illusion spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose one inanimate, nonmagical object that is part of the illusion and make that object real. You can do this on your turn as a bonus action while the spell is ongoing. The object remains real for 1 minute. For example, you can create an illusion of a bridge over a chasm and then make it real long enough for your allies to cross.

The object can’t deal damage or otherwise directly harm anyone.



Wizard: School of Loremastery

Lore Mastery is an arcane tradition fixated on understanding the underlying mechanics of magic. It is the most academic of all arcane traditions. The promise of uncovering new knowledge or proving (or discrediting) a theory of magic is usually required to rouse its practitioners from their laboratories, academies, and archives to pursue a life of adventure. Known as savants, followers of this tradition are a bookish lot who see beauty and mystery in the application of magic. The results of a spell are less interesting to them than the process that creates it. Some savants take a haughty attitude toward those who follow a tradition focused on a single school of magic, seeing them as provincial and lacking the sophistication needed to master true magic. Other savants are generous teachers, countering ignorance and deception with deep knowledge and good humor.

Lore Mastery

Starting at 2nd level, you become a compendium of knowledge on a vast array of topics. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion skill if you are proficient in that skill.

Spell Secrets

At 2nd level, you master the first in a series of arcane secrets uncovered by your extensive studies.

When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage type with one other type from that list (you can change only one damage type per casting of a spell). You replace one energy type for another by altering the spell’s formula as you cast it. You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) and regain uses on a long rest.

When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell requires a saving throw, you can change the saving throw required. If it requires a mental saving throw, it can only be changed to another mental stat, and vice versa for physical saves. Once you change a saving throw in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Altering Spells

While the Spell Secrets feature offers increased versatility, at the table its effects can be difficult to spot by the other players. If you’re playing a savant, take a moment to describe how you alter your spells. Think of a signature change your character is particularly proud of. Be inventive, and make the game more fun for everyone by playing up the sudden, unexpected tricks you character can employ. For example, a Fireball transformed to require a Strength save might become a sphere of burning rock that shatters and slams into its target. A Charm Person that requires a Constitution save might take the form of a vaporous narcotic that alters the target’s mood.

Alchemical Casting

At 6th level, you learn to augment spells in a variety of ways. When you cast a spell with a spell slot, you can expend one additional spell slot to augment its effects for this casting, mixing the raw stuff of magic into your spell to amplify it. The effect depends on the spell slot you expend.

  • An additional 1st-level spell slot can increase the spell’s raw force. If you roll damage for the spell when you cast it, increase the damage against every target by 2d10 force damage. If the spell can deal damage on more than one turn, it deals this extra force damage only on the turn you cast the spell.

  • An additional 2nd-level spell slot can increase the spell’s range. If the spell’s range is at least 30 feet, it doubles.

  • An additional 3rd-level spell slot can increase the spell’s potency. Increase the spell’s save DC by 2.

Prodigious Memory

At 10th level, you have attained a greater mastery of spell preparation. As a bonus action, you can replace one spell you have prepared with another spell from your spellbook. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Master of Magic

At 14th level, your knowledge of magic allows you to duplicate almost any spell. As a bonus action, you can call to mind the ability to cast one spell of your choice from any class’s spell list. The spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, you mustn’t have it prepared, and you follow the normal rules for casting it, including expending a spell slot. If the spell isn’t a wizard spell, it counts as a wizard spell when you cast it. The ability to cast the spell vanishes from your mind when you cast it or when the current turn ends.

You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.



Wizard: School of Necromancy

The School of Necromancy explores the cosmic forces of life, death, and undeath. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.

Most people see necromancers as menacing, or even villainous, due to the close association with death. Not all necromancers are evil, but the forces they manipulate are considered taboo by many societies.

Necromancy Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Necromancy spell into your spellbook is halved.

Grim Harvest

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to reap life energy from creatures you kill with your spells. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with a spell of 1st level or higher, you regain hit points equal to twice the spell’s level, or three times its level if the spell belongs to the School of Necromancy. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.

Undead Thralls

At 6th level, you add the Animate Dead spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. When you cast Animate Dead, you can target one additional corpse or pile of bones, creating another zombie or skeleton, as appropriate.

Whenever you create an undead using a necromancy spell, it has additional benefits:

  • The creature’s hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your wizard level.
  • The creature adds your proficiency bonus to its weapon damage rolls.

Inured to Undeath

Beginning at 10th level, you have resistance to necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum can’t be reduced. You have spent so much time dealing with undead and the forces that animate them that you have become inured to some of their worst effects.

Command Undead

Starting at 14th level, you can use magic to bring undead under your control, even those created by other wizards. As an action, you can choose one undead that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can’t use this feature on it again. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you use this feature again.

Intelligent undead are harder to control in this way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free.



Wizard: School of Scribes

Magic of the book-that’s what many folk call wizardry. The name is apt, given how much time wizards spend poring over tomes and penning theories about the nature of magic. It’s rare to see wizards traveling without books and scrolls sprouting from their bags, and a wizard would go to great lengths to plumb an archive of ancient knowledge.

Wizardly Quill

At 2nd level, as a bonus action, you can magically create a Tiny quill in your free hand. The magic quill has the following properties:

  • The quill doesn’t require ink. When you write with it, it produces ink in a color of your choice on the writing surface.
  • The time you must spend to copy a spell into your spell book equals 2 minutes per spell level if you use the quill for the transcription.
  • You can erase anything you write with the quill if you wave the feather over the text as a bonus action, provided the text is within 5 feet of you.
  • This quill disappears if you create another one or if you die.

Awakened Spellbook

Using specially prepared inks and ancient incantations passed down by your wizardly order, you have awakened an arcane sentience within your spellbook.

At 2nd level, while you are holding the book, it grants you the following benefits:

  • You can use the book as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.
  • When you cast a wizard spell with a spell slot, you can temporarily replace its damage type with a type that appears in another spell in your spellbook, which magically alters the spell’s formula for this casting only. The latter spell must be of the same level as the spell slot you expend.
  • When you cast a wizard spell as a ritual, you can use the spell’s normal casting time, rather than adding 10 minutes to it. Once you use this benefit, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • If necessary, you can replace the book over the course of a short rest by using your Wizardly Quill to write arcane sigils in a blank book or a magic spellbook to which you’re attuned. At the end of the rest, your spellbook’s consciousness is summoned into the new book, which the consciousness transforms into your spellbook, along with all its spells. If the previous book still existed somewhere, all the spells vanish from its pages.

Manifest Mind

At 6th level, you can conjure forth the mind of your Awakened Spellbook. As a bonus action while the book is on your person, you can cause the mind to manifest as a Tiny spectral object, hovering in an unoccupied space of your choice within 60 feet of you. The spectral mind is intangible and doesn’t occupy its space, and it sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. It looks like a ghostly tome, a cascade of text, or a scholar from the past (your choice).

While manifested, the spectral mind can hear and see, and it has darkvision with a range of 60 feet. The mind can telepathically share with you what it sees and hears (no action required).

Whenever you cast a wizard spell on your turn, you can cast it as if you were in the spectral mind’s space, instead of your own, using its senses. You can do so a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

As a bonus action, you can cause the spectral mind to hover up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you or it can see. It can pass through creatures but not objects.

The spectral mind stops manifesting if it is ever more than 300 feet away from you, if someone casts Dispel Magic on it, if the Awakened Spellbook is destroyed, if you die, or if you dismiss the spectral mind as a bonus action.

Once you conjure the mind, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of any level to conjure it again.

Master Scriviner

At 10th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can create one magic scroll by touching your Wizardly Quill to a blank piece of paper or parchment and causing one spell from your Awakened Spellbook to be copied onto the scroll. The spellbook must be within 5 feet of you when you make the scroll.

The chosen spell must be of 1st or 2nd level and must have a casting time of 1 action. Once in the scroll, the spell’s power is enhanced, counting as one level higher than normal. You can cast the spell from the scroll by reading it as an action. The scroll is unintelligible to anyone else, and the spell vanishes from the scroll when you cast it or when you finish your next long rest.

You are also adept at crafting spell scrolls, which are described in the treasure chapter of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The gold and time you must spend to make such a scroll are halved if you use your Wizardly Quill.



One with the Word

At 14th level, your connection to your Awakened Spellbook has become so profound that your soul has become entwined with it. While the book is on your person, you have advantage on all Intelligence (Arcana) checks, as the spellbook helps you remember magical lore.

Moreover, if you take damage while your spellbook’s mind is manifested, you can prevent all of that damage to you by using your reaction to dismiss the spectral mind, using its magic to save yourself. Then roll 3d6. The spellbook temporarily loses spells of your choice that have a combined spell level equal to that roll or higher. For example, if the roll’s total is 9, spells vanish from the book that have a combined level of at least 9, which could mean one 9th-level spell, three 3rd-level spells, or some other combination. If there aren’t enough spells in the book to cover this cost, you drop to 0 hit points.

Until you finish 1d6 long rests, you are incapable of casting the lost spells, even if you find them on a scroll or in another spellbook. After you finish the required number of rests, the spells reappear in the spell book.

Once you use this reaction, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.



Wizard: School of Transmutation

You are a student of spells that modify energy and matter. To you, the world is not a fixed thing, but eminently mutable, and you delight in being an agent of change. You wield the raw stuff of creation and learn to alter both physical forms and mental qualities. Your magic gives you the tools to become a smith on reality’s forge.

Some transmuters are tinkerers and pranksters, turning people into toads and transforming copper into silver for fun and occasional profit. Others pursue their magical studies with deadly seriousness, seeking the power of the gods to make and destroy worlds.

Transmutation Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a Transmutation spell into your spellbook is halved.

Minor Alchemy

Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, you can temporarily alter the physical properties of one nonmagical object, changing it from one substance into another. You perform a special alchemical procedure on one object composed entirely of wood, stone (but not a gemstone), iron, copper, or silver, transforming it into a different one of those materials. For each 10 minutes you spend performing the procedure, you can transform up to 1 cubic foot of material. After 1 hour, or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), the material reverts to its original substance.

Transmuter’s Stone

Starting at 6th level, you can spend 8 hours creating a transmuter’s stone that stores transmutation magic. You can benefit from the stone yourself or give it to another creature. A creature gains a benefit of your choice as long as the stone is in the creature’s possession. When you create the stone, choose two of the benefits from the following options:

  • Darkvision out to a range of 60 feet
  • An increase to speed of 10 feet while the creature is unencumbered
  • Proficiency in Constitution saving throws
  • Resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice whenever you choose this benefit)
  • Each time you cast a transmutation spell of 1st level or higher, you can change the effect of your stone if the stone is on your person.

If you create a new transmuter’s stone, the previous one ceases to function.


At 10th level, you add the Polymorph spell to your spellbook, if it is not there already. You can cast Polymorph without expending a spell slot. When you do so, you can target only yourself and transform into a beast whose challenge rating is 1 or lower.

Once you cast Polymorph in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest, though you can still cast it normally using an available spell slot.

Master Transmuter

Starting at 14th level, you can use your action to consume the reserve of transmutation magic stored within your transmuter’s stone in a single burst. When you do so, choose one of the following effects. Your transmuter’s stone is destroyed and can’t be remade until you finish a long rest.

Major Transformation. You can transmute one nonmagical object – no larger than a 5-foot cube – into another nonmagical object of similar size and mass and of equal or lesser value. You must spend 10 minutes handling the object to transform it.

Panacea. You remove all curses, diseases, and poisons affecting a creature that you touch with the transmuter’s stone. The creature also regains all its hit points.

Restore Life. You cast the Raise Dead spell on a creature you touch with the transmuter’s stone, without expending a spell slot or needing to have the spell in your spellbook.

Restore Youth. You touch the transmuter’s stone to a willing creature, and that creature’s apparent age is reduced by 3d10 years, to a minimum of 13 years. This effect doesn’t extend the creature’s lifespan.



Wizard: School of War Magic

A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wizards for war. The tradition of War Magic blends principles of evocation and abjuration, rather than specializing in either of those schools. It teaches techniques that empower a caster’s spells, while also providing methods for wizards to bolster their own defenses.

Followers of this tradition are known as war mages. They see their magic as both a weapon and armor, a resource superior to any piece of steel. War mages act fast in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a situation. Their spells strike hard, while their defensive skills foil their opponents’ attempts to counterattack. War mages are also adept at turning other spellcasters’ magical energy against them.

In great battles, a war mage often works with evokers, abjurers, and other types of wizards. Evokers, in particular, sometimes tease war mages for splitting their attention between offense and defense. A war mage’s typical response: “What good is being able to throw a mighty Fireball if I die before I can cast it?”

Arcane Deflection

At 2nd level, you have learned to weave your magic to fortify yourself against harm. When you are hit by an attack or you fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that attack or a +4 bonus to that saving throw.

When you use this feature, you can’t cast spells belonging to your highest level spell slots until the end of your next turn.

Tactical Wit

Starting at 2nd level, your keen ability to assess tactical situations allows you to act quickly in battle. You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Power Surge

Starting at 6th level, you can store magical energy within yourself to later empower your damaging spells.

You can store a maximum number of power surges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). Whenever you finish a long rest, your number of power surges resets to one. Whenever you successfully end a spell with Dispel Magic or Counterspell, you gain one power surge, as you steal magic from the spell you foiled. If you end a short rest with no power surges, you gain one power surge.

Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or object with a wizard spell, you can spend one power surge to deal extra force damage to that target. The extra damage equals half your wizard level.

Durable Magic

Beginning at 10th level, the magic you channel helps ward off harm. While you maintain concentration on a spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws.

Deflecting Shroud

At 14th level, your Arcane Deflection becomes infused with deadly magic. When you use your Arcane Deflection feature, you can cause magical energy to arc from you. Up to three creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you each take force damage equal to half your wizard level.



Wizard: School of the White Necromancer

An enlightened few wizards know that true mastery of life and death requires understanding of the uneasy balance between life, death, and undeath—the necromantic triad.

Wizard Speciality

You don’t walk the same path as traditional users of necromantic magic, which your order refers to as “dark necromancers.” You have profound respect for life’s eternal cycle and use the power you have accumulated to honor the dead and aid the living.

Restriction: Non-Evil. You can choose this wizard specialty only if you have an alignment that isn’t evil.

Necromancy Savant

Beginning when you select this specialty at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a necromancy spell into your spellbook is halved.

Lore of Life and Death

At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Medicine and Religion if you don’t already have it, your proficiency bonus is doubled for Wisdom (Medicine) checks, and you have advantage on Intelligence (Religion) checks to recall lore about deities of death, burial practices, and the afterlife. In addition, you learn the spare the dying cantrip, which is a wizard cantrip for you and doesn’t count against the number of wizard cantrips you know.

Rebuke Death

Also starting at 2nd level, you can use an action to heal a creature you can touch. The creature regains hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your wizard level (minimum of 1, rounded up). This feature can restore a creature to no more than half its hit point maximum. Once a creature has regained hit points from this feature, it can’t do so again until it finishes a long rest.

White Necromancy

At 6th level, you add the animate dead spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. When you cast this spell, it has additional effects:

  • At the end of the undead creature’s first 24 hours of serving you, it might continue to serve you for another 24 hours or else return to its eternal rest. You can convince the undead creature to continue serving you with a successful Charisma (Persuasion) check against a DC equal to 8 + the creature’s challenge rating. On a successful check, the creature remains under your control, and the DC of the next check you make to maintain control 24 hours later increases by 1. You have disadvantage on this check if you were disrespectful to the creature in the previous 24 hours. On a failed check, or if you choose not to maintain control, the undead creature immediately crumbles to dust.
  • If the undead creature has an Intelligence score of 5 or lower, its Intelligence becomes 6, and it gains the ability to understand and speak one language of your choice that you speak.
  • The undead creature’s alignment is the same as yours.

When you reach 11th level, you add the create undead spell to your spellbook. All of the above effects also apply whenever you cast that spell.

Life Bond

At 10th level, you add the warding bond spell to your spellbook, and it is a wizard spell for you. You can cast warding bond without expending a spell slot or requiring the material component, and the spell’s duration increases to 4 hours.

Once you cast warding bond in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. You can still cast warding bond normally using an available spell slot.

Protect Life

Once you reach 14th level, you can use an action to cause life-preserving magic to emit from you. When you do so, you and friendly creatures within 20 feet of you have resistance to necrotic damage for 1 minute. In addition, each creature affected by your use of Protect Life has advantage on saving throws against spells and effects that reduce its hit point maximum, such as a specter’s Life Drain or the harm spell.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.



Wizard: School of Witchcraft

Before the times of prestigious magical institutions and universities, there were those who first discovered the arts of the arcane, in its raw and primal form. These wizards were the herald for a magical tradition known as Witchcraft. The wizards and witches who follow this tradition hone their magical skills through the acquisition of unique magics called Crafts, and later Grand Crafts, as well as learning spells the usual wizard would not be able to.

Many who study the tradition of Witchcraft can be seen as either guides and village elders, or as sinister and dark practitioners of the arcane. However, while some places may be more accepting to students of witchcraft, other established universities or regions may have a much more demeaning view of these magical practitioners, even going so far as to hunt them down.


Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd level, you learn Witchtongue, the secret language of witches. You can speak the language and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know this language automatically spot such a message. Others spot the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, but can’t decipher it without magic.

Witchtongue comes across as simple markings similar to arcane sigils yet more primitive and primal, as if writing in cave scrawlings and scribbles.

Coven Magic

Beginning at 2nd level, you enter into a Coven, which helps to define what special field of witchcraft you adhere to. Your Coven grants you special abilities, one of which is the acquisition of many spells normally not known to the wizards who follow other magical traditions. Choose one of the following Covens:

  • Black Magic (focuses on curses, toying with the minds of others, and the dead). Bard & Warlock - enchantment, evocation, necromancy

  • Green Magic (focuses on aspects of nature, such as the elements, animals, and plantlife). Druid - conjuration, divination, transmutation

  • White Magic (focuses on healing, medicine, and divine or heavenly qualities of both life and the world). Cleric - abjuration, divination, transmutation

You learn one cantrip of your choice from a Class associated with your Coven. Whenever you gain a wizard level, you can replace one of the wizard spells you add to your spellbook with a spell from your Coven’s associated class, so long as it belongs to the schools associated with that coven.

These spells are known as your Coven spells. The spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Any Coven spell you gain from this feature is considered a wizard spell for you, and you can cast them using a wizard spell slot, but other wizards can’t copy Coven spells from your Grimoire into their own spellbooks, and any wizard feature that utilizes a spellbook does not utilize an Arcane Grimoire.

Arcane Grimoire

Beginning when you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you gain an Arcane Grimoire, within which are your Coven Spells as well as magical abilities, called Crafts. This grimoire is separate from your spellbook, and any spell acquired through a Craft is treated as not being written in your spellbook, but in your grimoire, as you would with your Coven Spells. If your Arcane Grimoire becomes lost or destroyed, you can make another one using the same rules as you would for replacing a spellbook.


You learn two Crafts of your choice at 2nd level, which are listed in the Crafts List at the end of this subclass. You learn one additional Craft of your choice at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Each time you gain a wizard level, you can also replace one Craft you know with a different one.

Coven Familiarity

By 10th level, your time spent studying the ways of witchcraft has granted you increased resilience and willpower. You have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. Additionally, your Coven grants you additional benefits when interacting with certain creatures. You can add your Intelligence modifier to the result of any Charisma based skill check you make when interacting with a creature associated with your Coven.

  • Black Magic. fiends, undead

  • Green Magic. beasts, fey

  • White Magic. celestials, good aligned humanoids.

Grand Witch

By 14th level, you have mastered the magic of witchcraft. You learn one Grand Craft of your choice, which are listed in the Grand Crafts List at the end of this subclass, and it is added into your Arcane Grimoire.



Crafts List

The following is the list of Crafts that are available for the Arcane Tradition: Witchcraft.

  • Ancient Longevity You suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you can’t be aged magically. Additionally, for every 5 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year.

  • Arcane Attunement Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. You gain resistance to that damage type. You can choose this craft one additional time. When you do so, you must choose a different damage type.

  • Beguiler You gain proficiency in the Insight skill, and you gain proficiency in your choice of either the Deception or Persuasion skill.

  • Cauldron You gain proficiency in the Herbalism Kit and Poisoner’s Kit. Additionally, as an action, you can conjure forth a cauldron with which to create potions and poisons in. This cauldron is summoned for 1 hour. Whenever you use your Herbalism Kit or Poisoner’s Kit to create a potion or poison, you can create one additional potion or poison of the same type. You can use this Craft once per short or long rest.

  • Faithful Mount Once per short or long rest, you can cast the spell find steed without expending a spell slot. When you do so, if your mount has an Intelligence of 6 or higher, it gains the ability to speak one language of your choice that you speak.

  • Hag’s Movement Your movement speed increases by 5 feet, and you can move along vertical surfaces or upside down on your turn without falling during the move.

  • Hag’s Stomach You are immune to the poisoned condition, and you can eat rotten food and tainted water without suffering any penalty.

  • Nature’s Explorer You gain proficiency in the Nature skill. Additionally, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement, and you can also move through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

  • Night Witch You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, and you can see in dim lighting within 60 feet of you as it if we’re bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colors in darkness, only shades of grey.

  • Pureblood You gain immunity to disease, and one per short or long rest, you can use your action to touch another creature suffering from a disease, expending a spell slot of your choice to remove the disease from them.

  • Trusted Companion You add the find familiar spell into your Arcane Grimoire. When you cast find familiar, your familiar gains additional hit points equal to half your wizard level, and your familiar can read and speak every language that you speak.

  • Witch’s Sight You can see through fog, mists, smoke, and similar obscurants without any penalties, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane up to 30 feet.

Grand Crafts List

The following is the list of Grand Crafts that are available for the Arcane Tradition: Witchcraft.

  • Animal Shape As an action, you can cast the polymorph spell on yourself without expending a spell slot, though you can only transform into a beast of CR 4 or lower. When you do so, you still retain the ability to speak.

  • Covenous Duality When you cast a Coven spell from your Arcane Grimoire which targets one creature, you can target two creatures instead.

  • Craft Knowledge Choose two Crafts from the Crafts List. You are considered to always know those Crafts, even if your Arcane Grimoire is destroyed or lost.

  • Hag Ally By spending one hour in ritual, you can summon either a sea hag, a green hag, or a night hag. In combat, and hag acts and moves as she chooses. The hag is friendly to you and your allies. At the end of one hour, or when the hag is reduced to zero hit points, it vanishes either in a burst of water (sea hag), by melting (green hag), or in a plume of dark smoke (night hag). Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

  • Sacred Knowledge You gain resistance to your choice of either necrotic or radiant damage. You also add the dispel evil and good, greater regeneration, and hallow spells into your Arcane Grimoire.

  • Shielded Mind You gain resistance to psychic damage, and you are immune to magic that allows other creatures to read your thoughts, determine whether you are lying, know your alignment, or know your creature type. You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 30 feet of you, provided that you both share at least one language. Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it.

  • Witch’s Flight You gain a flying speed equal to your base movement speed.

  • Witch Speech You are considered to be permanently under the effects of the tongues spell.



Font of Magic: Spells


Arcane Bolt

Evocation cantrip (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S

You launch a bolt of magical energy that follows its target before exploding on them. Choose a creature within range. It takes 1d4 force damage.

This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

Bane Javelin

Necromancy cantrip (Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (bone powder made from a single corpse, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a javelin of bone that immediately launches at one creature you can see within range. You make a ranged spell attack with the javelin; on a hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing damage. If the target shares the same race, type, or subtype as the creature from which the spell’s component was made, then the target takes an additional 1d8 necrotic damage.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s piercing damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 17th level.

Bolting Blitz

Evocation cantrip (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot-line)

You expel a surge of electrical energy as you burst toward a creature you can see within 30 feet of you and attempt to shove the target. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and you can choose to use your spellcasting ability, instead of Strength, for your Strength (Athletics) check. If your speed is 0 or you are otherwise unable to willingly move when you cast this spell, the spell fails. On a success, you can choose to either knock the target prone or push it 5 feet away from you and deal 1d6 lightning damage. Whether you succeed or fail, you then teleport back to the space where you began your move in a flash of electricity.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s lightning damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.

Dark Maw

Necromancy cantrip (Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 round

Thick, penumbral ichor drips from your shadow-stained mouth, filling your mouth with giant shadow fangs. Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage as your shadowy fangs sink into it. If you have a bite attack (such as from a racial trait or a spell like alter self), you can add your spellcasting ability modifier to the damage roll but not to your temporary hit points.

If you hit a target with blood, you gain 1d4 temporary hit points until the start of your next turn.

This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Encrypt / Decrpt

Illusion cantrip (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

By touching a page of written information, you can encode its contents. All creatures that try to read the information when its contents are encoded see the markings on the page as nothing but gibberish. The effect ends when either encrypt / decrypt or dispel magic is cast on the encoded writing, which turns it back into its normal state

Gravity Whip (New)

Evocation Cantrip [Gravity] (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 feet

Components: S

Duration: Instantaneous

Make a melee spell attack against a creature within range, on a hit it takes 1d4 bludgeoning damage and is pushed 10 feet in a straight line in any direction of your choice. In addition its speed is reduced by 5 feet until the start of your next turn.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).



Percussive Concussive

Evocation Cantrip (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V,S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You raise your hand against a creature while amplifying a slap’s sound. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 thunder damage and is deafened until the end of its next turn.

At Higher Levels. The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Jinx (Replaces Vicious Mockery)

Necromancy cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Up to 1 minute.

You utter words of defiance as you touch and bestow misfortune upon a creature within 5 feet. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 psychic damage and has disadvantage on its next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. After the outcome of the roll is determined, the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. The damage of this cantrip increases by 1d4 at certain levels. 2d4 at 5th, 3d4 at 11th, and 4d4 at 17th.

Static Discharge

Evocation cantrip (Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a silver wire)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You discharge static electricity, creating a momentary field of crackling energy around you. Each creature within range, other than you, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 lightning damage. A creature has disadvantage on the saving throw if it is wearing armor made of metal.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Spell Spear

Conjuration cantrip (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot line)

A spectral spear 1 footwide and 30 feet long extends from your hands in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage.

At Higher Levels. The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level(3d6), and 17th level (4d6)

Voice of Battle (New)

Enchantment cantrip (Bard, Cleric, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet

You emit a powerful battle cry that hammers your enemy, distracting it from a nearby ally. Choose a creature within range that is adjacent to one of your allies. That target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails the saving throw, it takes 1d6 thunder damage and you can choose one ally that is within 5 feet of the target. That ally can use its reaction to move up to 10 feet without provoking an opportunity attack from the target, and the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases when you reach higher levels, dealing 2d6 thunder damage at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.


Conjuration cantrip (Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
1 round

You conjure a stream of pressurized magical water that sprays toward your target. One creature you can see within range must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target takes ld8 bludgeoning damage and if it is Large or smaller, you push it 10 feet away from you. This spell conjures 4 gallons of stale water for each die of damage rolled. The water doesn’t provide nourishment and disappears 1 hour after the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by ld6 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).



1st level spells

Analyze Device

1st-level divination (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Wizard)

Casting Time:
10 Minutes
V, S

You discover all mechanical properties, mechanisms, and functions of a single construct or clockwork device, including how to activate or deactivate those functions, if appropriate.

Arctic Breath

1st-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot line)

A line of freezing arctic wind 30 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 cold damage and their movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t slowed.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Assistance of Frost

1st-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when an ally hits another creature.
60 feet
V, S

Calling down the spirit of ice to assist another creature you can see within 60 feet hits a target with a melee weapon attack, at which point you release this spell as a reaction to wrap the creature’s weapon in rigid swirling air as it strikes. The weapon attack deals an additional 2d8 cold damage to the target (which you roll).

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you increase the damage by 1d8 for each slot level higher than 1st.

Assistance of Lightning

1st-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when an ally hits another creature.
60 feet
V, S

Calling down the spirit of lightning to assist another creature you can see within 60 feet hits a target with a melee weapon attack, at which point you release this spell as a reaction to wrap the creature’s weapon in tendrils of lightning as it strikes. The weapon attack deals an additional 2d8 lightning damage to the target (which you roll).

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you increase the damage by 1d8 for each slot level higher than 1st.

Auspicious Warning (New)

1st-level enchantment (temporal) (Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when an ally makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw
30 feet

Just in time, you call out a fortunate warning to a creature within range. The target rolls a d4 and adds the number rolled to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that it has just made and uses the new result for determining success or failure.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the target instead rolls a 1d4+1. When using a spell at 5th level, they roll a 2d4+2 instead.


1st-level abjuration (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S
Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You shroud one creature that you can see within range in a protective bubble of rubbery force that has hit points equal to 2d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier and lasts for the duration. If the target would take damage before the spell ends, the ward blocks that damage and takes the damage instead The ward cannot block psychic or poison damage unless it is dealt by an attack. If the ward is reduced to O hit points, the target takes any remaining damage and the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the ward hit points increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.




1st-level necromancy (Bard, Cleric, Magus, Paladin)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
V, S, M (a drop of blood)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

Crackling energy coats the blade of one weapon you are carrying that deals slashing damage. Until the spell ends, when you hit a creature with the weapon, the weapon deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw.

On a failed save, the creature suffers a bleeding wound. Each time you hit a creature with this weapon while it suffers from a bleeding wound, your weapon deals an extra 1 necrotic damage for each time you have previously hit the creature with this weapon (to a maximum of 10 necrotic damage).

Any creature can take an action to stanch the bleeding wound by succeeding on a Wisdom (Medicine) check against your spell save DC. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Blessed Aim (New)

1st-level divination (Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot radius)
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You invoke divine inspiration to bolster the ranged attacks of your allies. Each ally within range gains a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls for the duration.

Broken Charge

1st-level enchantment (Bard, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when an enemy approaches to within 5 feet of you
10 feet

When an enemy that you can see moves to within 5 feet of you, you utter a perplexing word that alters the foe’s course. The enemy must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage and use the remainder of its speed to move in a direction of your choosing.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the target takes an additional 2d4 psychic damage for each slot level above 1st.

Urzua’s Caustic Wound

1st-level transmutation (Druid, Magus, Sorcerer, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to being damaged by a creature with either piercing or slashing damage

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 round

You infuse your blood with caustic acid. Until the start of your next turn, when you take piercing or slashing damage, a spray of acidic blood bursts from the wound, including from the triggering response. Creatures in a 10-foot cone from the triggering attack must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The acid destroys any susceptible objects in the area that are not worn or carried.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.

Cobra Fangs

1st-level transmutation (Druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a drop of snake venom or a patch of snakeskin)

Duration: 1 minute

The spell causes the target to grow great, snake-like fangs. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. The spell fails if the target already has a bite attack that deals poison damage.

If the target doesn’t have a bite attack, it gains one. The target is proficient with the bite, and it adds its Strength modifier to the attack and damage rolls. The damage is piercing and the damage die is a d4.

When the target hits a creature with its bite attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the target’s bite counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.



Corpse Mask

1st-level transmutation (Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
1 hour

You touch the corpse of a humanoid creature and transform your physical appearance — including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person — to look like the corpse did in the minutes preceding its death. You retain all of your own ability scores, features, traits, and other abilities. While disguised as the dead, you instinctively mimic its mannerisms. A creature familiar with the deceased humanoid can attempt to ascertain if you are, in fact, the deceased by using its action to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration becomes 24 hours.

Urzua’s Corrosive Caress (New)

1st-level conjuration (Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S

You attempt to touch a creature as you conjure magical acid into the palm of your hand Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage, and nonmagical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.

Armor that is affected or destroyed by this spell can be fully restored with the mending spell or through the use of appropriate tools.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d4 for each slot level above 1st.

Crashing Wave

1st-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (20 foot cone)
V, S

A wave of water sweeps out from you. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked 10 feet away from you. If a creature is knocked into a wall, another creature, or fails by 5 or more, it is additionally knocked prone. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and is not knocked back. If there is a source of water of at least 5 cubic feet within 5 feet of you when you cast the spell, you can displace that water, increasing the range of the spell to a 25 foot cone.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell lot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.

Crippling Agony

1st-level necromancy (Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S, M (A joint bone)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You can inflict crippling agony on a foe. Choose one creature that you can see within range to make a Constitution saving throw. If the target fails, it becomes crippled with horrific pain. Whenever the creation moves more than half of it’s movement speed or takes an action, the crippling pain causes it to take 1d6 necrotic damage.

It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends.

Cyclone Strike

1st-level conjuration (Paladin, Magus)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack before the spell ends, the spell creates a small vortex around the target. In addition to the normal effects of the attack, the target and each creature other than you within 5 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d10 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st (to a maximum of 6d10).



Destroy Item

1st level transmutation (Artificer, Bard, Wizard, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

This spell attempts to destroy a single non-magical object that is made to be held in one or two hands, such as a scimitar, greataxe, shield, torch, lantern, etc. An unattended nonmagical object is destroyed automatically, leaving shards and fragments. If you target an object in a creature’s possession, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw, and on a failure the item is destroyed.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you may target one additional object for every slot level above 1st. At 6th level or higher, you may target objects meant to be worn, such as armor.

Determine Final Rest (New)

1st-level necromancy (ritual) (Death, Deathsigned, Grave Clerics)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You touch the remains of a deceased creature and whisper a prayer to the Triumvirate. You immediately determine the creature’s alignment in life and the plane or afterlife the creature’s soul was consigned to upon death, if any. If the afterlife is comprised of multiple segments, such as the various Nine Hells, you know which specific one the soul occupies at this time. If the soul is destroyed, bound to an object on the Material Plane, occupying a new body, was sent to an incorrect final destination, or a similar fate, you receive an unclear answer.

Devil Call (New)

1st-level divination (Sin Cleric, Circle of Fiends, Fiendish Warlocks)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Touch

Components: V, M (a pinch of sulfur spread across the fingertips)

Duration: Instantaneous

You touch a willing creature and grant it fiendish insight. The target’s next Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check is made with advantage. Once a creature is targeted by this spell, it can’t benefit from it again until it finishes a long rest.

Druidic Practice

1st-level abjuration (ritual, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: Touch

Components: S, M (25g worth of herbs, which the spell consumes)

Duration: Instantaneous

You perform an ancient druidic ceremony that calls upon the land itself. When you cast this spell, choose one of the following practices, the target of which must be within 10 feet of you throughout the casting.

  • Forosnai. You touch a willing creature and send them on a spiritual pilgrimage. The target falls unconscious, waking up after 1 hour, or if they take damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap them awake. The exact nature of this pilgrimage is unique to the individual and can result in learning new knowledge about an ancestor or past life or receiving guidance from a deity. A creature can benefit from this practice once each year.

  • Geasa. You touch a creature, and choose a creature type: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. Alternatively, you can choose one race of humanoid. A ward is placed on the target, preventing it from being slain by a creature of the chosen type. If an attack by a creature of that type would reduce the target to 0 hit points, the target is instead reduced to 1 hit point and the ward ends. The ward ends early if the target is reduced to 0 hit points by a creature of any other type.

  • Imbue. You touch a mundane plant or piece of wood. Magical energy suffuses the object throughout the ritual, preserving its form and allowing it to be used as a druidic focus.

  • Purify (Creature). You touch a willing creature, who becomes occluded by a mystical smoke that smells of sage. As the smoke clears, you make a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a successful check, the target is restored to its original alignment.

  • Purify (Object). You touch an object that has been diseased or blighted by a nonmagical source. The blight is removed, restoring it to its original state.



Embrace Destiny (New)

1st-level divination (Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You look into the future and see a murky vision of things to come. When you cast this spell, roll a d20 and record the number rolled. Before the spell ends, you can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with the foretold roll. You must choose to do this before the affected roll is made. Once the foretold roll is used, it is lost. You lose any foretold roll you have when this spell ends.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you roll and record an additional d20 for each slot level above 1st. When you replace a roll, you can use any of the foretold rolls you have recorded and lose only the one you use.

Forge’s Blessing (New)

1st-level divination (Artificer, Forge Cleric, Paladin of the Eternal Forge)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a handful of steel shavings and forge ash)
Up to 1 week

You invoke a Forge gods’ blessing on the next craft or construction activity that you undertake. For a single craft, the caster has advantage on all skill checks related to the craft and assembly of the focus task. It only relates to checks that directly affect the tasks and only tasks that the caster alone finishes. For example, it would apply to an Intelligence (Arcana) check for the caster to identify the best mystical components for a crafted item, but not to a Charisma (Persuasion) check to haggle with a merchant over the cost of the components.

This spell can be applied only once per craft; so, if the duration is exceeded mid-task, the spell can’t be cast again to continue the benefit. The current spell ends if you cast this spell again while one is still in effect or if you try to work on multiple crafts at one time.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration is extended by 1 week for each slot level above 1st.

Forsaken Chains

1st-level evocation (Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
120 feet
V, S, M (a length of chain)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You gesture at a creature within range and three ghostly manacles and chains spring from the ground, latching onto the creature. Each time the creature moves 5 feet, one of the chains breaks and the creature takes 1d10 necrotic damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, two additional chains latch onto the creature per slot level above 1st.

Great Watcher Spirit

1st-level conjuration (Cleric, Druid, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a peacock feather)

Duration: 1 round

A great spirit watches over a creature you choose within range, warning it of danger and helping it to take advantage of opportunities. The creature’s next weapon attack that hits before the end of its next turn inflicts an additional 2d6 psychic damage. In addition, until the end of the creature’s next turn, attack rolls against it are made with disadvantage, and it has resistance to necrotic damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the psychic damage increases by 1d6.

Hide from Undead

1st-level abjuration (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 minute

You imbue a willing creature with powerful magic that hides it from lesser undead. For the duration, the target can’t be sensed by undead with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower. The spell ends early if the target uses an action to do anything other than interacting with objects.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, the spell affects undead with an Intelligence score of 4 or lower and has a duration of 10 minutes. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th or 6th level, the spell affects undead with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower and has a duration of 1 hour. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th or 8th level, the spell affects undead with an Intelligence score of 6 or lower and has a duration of 8 hours.



Kareef’s Entreaty

1st-level abjuration(Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take just before a creature makes a death saving throw
60 feet

Your kind words offer hope and support to a fallen comrade. Choose a creature you can see within range that is about to make a death saving throw. The creature gains advantage on the saving throw, and if the result of the saving throw is 15 or higher, the creature regains 3d4 hit points immediately. Otherwise, the target is stabilized.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the creature adds 1 to its death saving throw for every two slot levels above 1st and regains an additional 1d4 hit points for each slot level above 1st if its saving throw result is 15 or higher.

Nightmare Riposte

1st-level illusion (Bard, Wizard, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, taken when you are hit by an attack

Range: 30 feet

Components: V

Duration: Instantaneous

As retribution for an attack upon you, the attacker, if within range (you do not need line of sight for this spell), must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker experiences a brief vision of nightmarish terrors that causes it to be frightened of you, moving as far away from you as possible until the end of its next turn at which point the frightened effect ends.

Magnify Gravity

1st-level Transmutation

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet (10ft radius)
V, S
1 Round

The gravity in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range increases. Each creature in the sphere on the turn when you cast the spell must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 force damage, and its speed is halved until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and suffers no reduction to its speed.

Until the start of your next turn, any object that isn’t being worn or carried in the sphere requires a Strength check against your spell save DC to pick up or move.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Motes of Moonlight (New)

1st-level evocation (Cleric, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a small glass sheet)

Duration: 10 minutes

You create up to four glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration. Each orb sheds bright light (moonlight) in a 10-foot radius. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the lights up to 60 feet to a new spot within range. A globe must be within 20 feet of another light created by this spell otherwise its light winks out. A globe’s light will also wink out if it exceeds the spell’s range. Any creature within the area of light has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and receives a +5 bonus to their passive Wisdom (Perception) score, when attempting to detect hidden creatures. You can end this spell as a bonus action.

Oath-Sealing Covenant

1st-level divination (ritual) (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 minute
V, S, M (two rings)

When two creatures make a promise to one another, you seal it with magic and a prayer. If either creature breaks the promise they made, the other immediately knows the promise has been broken and this spell ends. If this spell ends as the result of another spell, both creatures become aware of that fact.

Power Chord

1st-level evocation (Bard)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S, M (a musical instrument worth at least 1 gp)

As part of casting this spell, you play a chord on the musical instrument used as the material component. The chord rattles your enemies and emboldens your allies. Choose a number of creatures up to your spellcasting ability modifier within range. Chosen creatures gain 1d6 temporary hit points. All other creatures within range must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the temporary hit points gained and thunder damage dealt by this spell increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.




1st-level transmutation (Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take immediately after the start of your turn

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a leaf)

Duration: 1 turn

You take to the air in a burst of brief magical flight. You have a 60 foot flying speed for this turn only. You fall if you are still aloft when the turn ends, unless you can stop the fall.

Temporary Restoration

1st-level illusion (ritual)(artificer, bard, cleric, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a drop of adhesive liquid, which the spell consumes)

Duration: 1 hour

You gather shadow substance to fill in the cracks and replace the missing pieces of a damaged nonmagical object or structure (or part of it) no larger than a 20-foot cube. The object or structure functions as if whole and undamaged for the duration. You can take an action to dismiss the spell.

If this spell is cast as a ritual, the duration is extended to a maximum of 8 hours.

Water Whip

1st-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (seaweed or an octopus tentacle)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You conjure water in the shape of a tentacle-like whip in your free hand The whip flows from your arm and lasts for the duration. If you let go of the whip, it disappears, but you can conjure it again as a bonus action. You can use your action to make a melee spell attack with the whip that has a reach of 10 feet. On a hit, the target takes 3d4 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone if it is Large or smaller.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the reach of the spell attack increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can conjure a second whip in another hand as part of the same bonus action, and with two whips you can make two spell attacks using your action instead of only one.

(Revised) Witchbolt

1st-level evocation (Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

A beam of crackling, blue energy lances out toward a creature within range, forming a sustained arc of lightning between you and the target. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 lightning damage, and on each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 2d6 lightning damage to the target automatically. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spell’s range or if it has total cover from you.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the initial damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st, and the repeating damage by 1d6.



2nd level spells

Althea’s Travel Tent (Revised)

2nd-level conjuration (ritual) (Bard, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 minute
V, S, M (a canvas tent)
8 hours

You touch an ordinary, properly pitched canvas tent to create a space where you and a companion can sleep in comfort. From the outside, the tent appears normal, but inside it has a small foyer and a larger bedchamber. The foyer contains a writing desk with a chair; the bedchamber holds a soft bed large enough to sleep two, a small nightstand with a candle, and a small clothes rack. The floor of both rooms is a clean, dry, hard-packed version of the local ground. When the spell ends, the tent and the ground return to normal, and any creatures inside the tent are expelled to the nearest unoccupied spaces.

At Higher Levels. When the spell is cast using a 3rd-level slot, the foyer becomes a dining area with seats for six and enough floor space for six people to sleep, if they bring their own bedding. The temperature inside the tent is comfortable regardlss of the outside temperature, and the dining area includes a small kitchen. When cast with a 4th-level slot, an unseen servant is conjured to prepare and serve food (from your own supplies, and a third room is added with 3 bunk beds.

Animal Spy

2nd-level divination (Ritual) (Druid, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S
1 hour

You create a mental link between you and a beast within range. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action to transfer your awareness to the beast—using its vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—and another bonus action on any subsequent turn to return your awareness to your body. You can use an action to dismiss the spell entirely.

This spell affects normal beasts, including giant versions of animals, but not conjured animals or familiars. The spell does not allow you to control the beast or make it friendly to you. While you experience the world through the beast’s senses, your body is motionless, unaware of the outside world and effectively unconscious.

The spell ends if the distance between you and the beast is ever greater than 1 mile, or if the beast is killed. If you are using the beast’s senses when it is killed, you must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1d4 rounds from the shock of experiencing its death.

Soul Missile

2nd-level necromancy (Cleric, Soul Inquisitor, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, taken when a Large or smaller creature within 10 feet dies.

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You take hold of the freshly released soul of one Large or smaller creature when it dies, and launch it as a missile towards another creature. The soul briefly merges with the target on impact, causing momentary confusion. Make a ranged spell attack against one creature. On a hit, the creature takes 3d6 force damage and must make a Wisdom saving throw if it is Large or smaller. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the start of its next turn.

Ashen Memories

2nd-level divination (ritual) (Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You touch the ashes, embers, or soot left behind by a fire and receive a vision of one significant event that occurred in the area while the fire was burning. For example, if you were to touch the cold embers of a campfire, you might witness a snippet of a conversation that occurred around the fire. Similarly, touching the ashes of a burned letter might grant you a vision of the person who destroyed the letter or the contents of the letter. You have no control over what information the spell reveals, but your vision usually is tied to the most meaningful event related to the fire. The GM determines the details of what is revealed.

Blazing Beacon

2nd-level evocation (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minutes

You are bathed in holy light, shedding bright light up to 30 feet and dim light for additional 30 feet.

Any creature targets you with an attack roll or spell that requires them to see you must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, they are blinded until the start of their next turn. A creature with darkvision makes this roll with disadvantage. A creature without eyes automatically passes their saving throw



Blood Quill

2nd-level divination (ritual, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a quill made from the feather of an monstrosity worth at least 50 gp)

Duration: 1 day

You can attempt to learn a wizard spell from a spellcaster within 24 hours of his or her death.

You pierce the corpse with the specially prepared quill and as it siphons the blood from the cadaver, select one wizard spell prepared or known to the deceased spellcaster. The spell must be of a level for which you have a spell slot and you must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check to determine whether the quill absorbs it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell ends and consumes the quill.

Once the quill absorbs the spell, you may take the time to transcribe it into your spellbook using the normal rules for copying a spell. The quill crumbles into dust at the end of the duration or once you copy the absorbed spell into a spellbook.

Call to the Woods

2nd-level transmutation (ritual, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V

Duration: 8 hours

You warn every denizen of a forest of an intruder. All beasts of CR 1/8 or lower that aren’t hostile to you within 1 mile of you become frightened, and seek out their lairs or another safe place in which to hide. All fey creatures or elves that aren’t hostile to you within 1 mile of you immediately know the nature of the threat, as described in no more than ten words.

Corroding Ray

2nd-level evocation (Druid, Magus, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

Three rays of orange light are shot from your hand. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray against one or more targets. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional ray for each slot level above 2nd.


2nd-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S

You create three arcs of lightning striking targets in range. You can direct them at one target or several.

Make a ranged spell attack for each arc. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 lightning damage. If three or more arcs hit a single target, they must make a Constitution saving throw or become shocked, stunning them until the start of their next turn.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional arc for each slot level above 2nd.

Crescent Wind Slash

2nd-level evocation (Bard, Magus, Paladin, Ranger)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)

You make a series of three slashes, each one magically releasing a razor sharp blast of wind at a target within range. You can launch them at one target or several.

Make a weapon attack with the weapon used in the casting of this spell for each slash. On hit, the target takes 1d8 + your weapon attack modifier.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can create one additional slash for each slot level above 2nd.

Distracting Ray (New)

2nd-level abjuration (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

A ray of multicolored light streaks out from your hand at a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage and loses its reaction until the start of its next turn, The target must make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage if it is concentrating on a spell. On a failed save, the target loses the spell.




2nd-level transmutation (Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (fish scales and a sea shell)
Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch one creature and imbue it with aquatic magic, allowing it to traverse watery environments with ease. Until the spell ends, the target gains a swimming speed of 60 feet, it can breathe water, and it doesn’t suffer disadvantage on attack rolls for being underwater. While the spell lasts, the target it ignores any difficult terrain or obscurement caused by the presence of water (but not the effects of water currents)

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each spell slot level above 2nd.


2nd-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S, M (teeth, seaweed, and seawater)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure a globe of magical water to surround a foe’s head and drown it. Choose one creature in range that you can see. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target cannot speak and has disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or hearing until the spell ends. While the spell continues, it takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.

At the end of each of its turns, the creature can repeat the saving throw. On a success, the creature breaks free and the spell ends. Creatures that can breathe water or do not have to breathe automatically succeed on the saving throw.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage dealt increases by ld8 for each slot level above 2nd.

Enhance Familiar

2nd-level transmutation (ritual) (Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S, M (a pinch of powdered iron)
Concentration, up to 1 hour

You temporarily imbue your familiar with power, making it larger, tougher, and more vicious. While the spell lasts, your familiar has all the statistics of the giant version of its type, except for the fish (quipper), which has the statistics of a reef shark. Your familiar retains all its special abilities as described in the find familiar spell.If your familiar drops to 0 hit points and disappears, or you dismiss your familiar, the spell ends, and your familiar is returned to its normal form when you next summon it.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, its duration is 1 hour and does not require concentration. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration increases to 24 hours.

Evil Mantra

2nd-level enchantment (Bard, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S, M (a piece of paper with a sentence written on it with charcoal)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You shout a sentence at a creature that can hear and understand you within range. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or the sentence keeps echoing in their minds. While the sentence is echoing, they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. An affected creature can repeat their saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effects on a success.

Faerie’s Blessing (New)

2nd-level enchantment (bard, druid, ranger)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
S, M (any melee weapon, faerie dust worth 20 gold)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You touch a weapon with faerie dust, giving it a burst of anima to carry it into the air. For the next minute, the weapon’s reach becomes 60 feet, but it remains a melee weapon. When a creature attacks with it, the weapon flies forward towards the target to make the attack, then returns to its wielder.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional weapon for each slot level above the 2nd.



Fey Song (New)

2rd level enchantment (Clerics, Rangers)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a set of panpipes)

Duration: 1 minute

You create ethereal fey music that distracts enemies in a 20-foot radius sphere centred on any point within range that you can see. All creatures of your choice within the area must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose their bonus actions and reactions for the duration. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it with a success.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you increase the radius by 5 feet for each spell slot level above 2nd.

Grain of Truth

2nd-level divination (ritual) (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You gain a bit of supernatural insight or advice. The first Intelligence or Charisma ability check you make within 1 minute is made with advantage, and you can include twice your proficiency bonus. At the GM’s discretion, this spell can instead provide a piece of general advice equivalent to the benefit of an augury spell.

At Higher Levels. At the GM’s discretion, casting grain of truth using a 4th-level spell slot can provide advice equivalent to a divination spell; a 5th-level spell slot can provide advice equivalent to a single answer from a commune spell; and a 6th-level spell slot can provide advice equivalent to three answers from a contact other plane spell.

Graviturgic Smite (New)

2nd-level evocation [Gravity] (Paladin)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, you can add gravitational strength. The attack deals an extra 2d6 magical bludgeoning damage to the target, which must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have its movement speed reduced to 10 feet until the spell ends. While its movement speed is reduced in this way, it cannot be altered in any way, such as via the haste spell.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the initial extra damage dealt by the attack increases by 1d6 for each slot.

Gravity Well (New)

1st-level evocation [Gravity] (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S

You fire a projectile of condensed gravitational force towards a creature you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target takes 2d8 force damage and is pulled 20 feet in a straight line towards or away from you.

At Higher Levels. This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 for each spell level above 1st


2nd-level necromancy (Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You slow the beating of a willing target’s heart to the rate of one beat per minute. The creature’s breathing almost stops. To a casual or brief observer, the subject appears dead. At the end of the spell, the creature returns to normal with no ill effects.

Hex Bolt

2nd-level necromancy (Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S, M (a splinter from a ladder you’ve walked under)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You launch a bolt of crackling necrotic power at a creature you can see within range. Choose one ability when you cast this spell, and make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 necrotic damage and becomes cursed until the spell ends. The cursed target takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage whenever you hit it with an attack and has disadvantage on ability checks it makes with the chosen ability.

If you see the target drop to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use your reaction to attempt to transfer the curse to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of the target. Make a ranged spell attack against the new target. On a hit, the new target takes 2d6 necrotic damage and becomes cursed by the spell. The spell ends if you don’t use this reaction when the cursed target drops to 0 hit points or if you miss with the ranged spell attack.

A remove curse spell ends this effect.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage of the ranged spell attacks increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd (to a maximum of 5d6).



Howling Blade Arc

2nd-level evocation (Bard, Magus, paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot line)

Components: V, M (a melee weapon)

Duration: Instantaneous

As part of the action used to cast this spell, you swing a melee weapon. An arc of shearing wind is traced in the air by the weapon’s path, and the arc launches outward, threatening creatures and objects in a 5-foot wide, 30-foot line. Every creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6 slashing damage, and half damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you increase the damage by 1d6 for each slot level higher than 2nd.

Kavelin’s Instant Aerosol

2nd-level transmutation (Artificer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 5 feet

Components: V, S, M (a candle made with rare herbs and powdered gemstones, worth 50 gp that the spell consumes)

Duration: Instantaneous

You light a specially prepared candle and place it beneath an open potion as you cast this spell. The potion is vaporized into a cloud that extends out five feet from you in all directions. All creatures in range, including yourself, that breathe in the magical vapors can benefit from the effects of the potion. If the spell is used with a potion of healing, all creatures in the area receive the average number of hit points that would be healed by a potion of that type.

Lightning Portcullis

2nd-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a copper strip)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You evoke a floating grid of lightning within an unoccupied space you can see. The grid is 5 feet deep, up to 20 feet wide, and up to 20 feet high; it lasts for the duration, and any creature attempting to pass through the grid must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 lightning damage, and half damage on a successful save.

Disadvantage is applied on attack rolls for ranged weapon attacks and ranged spell attacks that pass through the grid.

The grid produces bright light out to 20 feet, and dim light for another 20 feet.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6, and both the maximum width and height increase by 5 feet for each slot level above 2nd.

Orbital Lightning

2nd-level evocation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a metal ring)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create three floating rings of lightning that flow in constant orbit around your body and move with you. This spell applies the following effects while active:

  • The rings produce bright light out to 20 feet, and dim light for another 20 feet.

  • If a creature makes a melee attack (except with a reach weapon) against you, grapples you, or shoves you, it must make a Constitution saving throw; the creature takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half damage on a successful save.

  • If a creature ends a turn while grappling you, it must make a Constitution saving throw; on a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 lightning damage. The creature takes half damage on a successful save.

  • You can use a bonus action to briefly expand the orbit of the rings before they immediately contract to their original orbit. Every creature within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw when you do this. A creature takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half damage on a successful one.

When you use the last feature of the spell, one ring disappears at the end of your turn. If all three rings are expended, the spell ends.



Persistent Message

2nd-level illusion (ritual, Bard, Cleric, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: 5 feet

Components: V, S, M (a moonstone worth at least 50 gp, which the spell consumes)

Duration: Permanent

You leave behind an illusion of yourself or a willing creature within 5 feet of you when you cast this spell. You can command the illusion to speak a message under conditions of your choice, such as when certain types of creatures approach, or when a nearby creature speaks a password; the illusion speaks with the same voice as the creature it mimics, and uses the same gestures and expressions, but otherwise does not move. The message can be no longer than 1 minute in length, and is recorded as part of the casting.

The illusion remains at the location where you cast this spell, and can be resized if desired, up to two size categories larger or smaller. You may choose to have the illusion be invisible or suppressed until certain conditions are fulfilled, including the conditions under which its message might be triggered.

If you cast this spell as a ritual, then you may record up to 10 minutes of speech as part of the casting, and you may command the illusion to answer certain questions with pre-determined answers of your choice.

Reinterpret (New)

2nd-level divination (Bard, Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 reaction (that you take when a spell is being cast within range)

Range: 60 feet

Components: S, M (A Quartz guitar pick worth 25gp)

Duration: 1 hour

As a reaction to a spell being cast within range, you can listen intentionly and understand the spell’s incantations. For the next hour, you know the spell and cas cast it as if it were on your spell list ( it does not count against your maximum number of spells known), using spell slots as normal. In addition, any checks you make to counter said spell are made at advantage for the duration. This spell ends early if you cast it against before the end of the duration.

Seek Final Rest (New)

2nd-level necromancy (Death, Deathsigned, Grave Clerics)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Components: V, M (a holy symbol of your deity)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You present your holy symbol and impose your will on undead around you. While you maintain concentration on this spell, you have advantage on melee and spell attacks against undead creatures within 15 feet of you.

In addition, undead within 15 feet of you have disadvantage on saving throws against turning.


2nd-level abjuration(Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 minute
V, S
8 hours

You create a spelltrap, marking it on yourself, typically as a small glowing mark on your skin. The first time you have to make a saving throw against a spell of 1st level or lower, the spell is absorbed by the spell trap and none of the effects of the spell take place.

On your next turn, you can cast the spell absorbed the spell trap without expending a spell slot. If you do not cast the spell during your next turn, the spell trap fades and trapped spell is lost.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the level of the spell it can absorb increases by 1 for each slot level above 2nd.



3rd level spells

Accelerate (New)

3rd-level transmutation (temporal) (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a toy top)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose up to three willing creatures within range, which can include you. For the duration of the spell, each target’s walking speed is doubled. Each target can also use a bonus action on each of its turns to take the Dash action, and it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 3rd.


3rd-level enchantment (Bard, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You cause a creature within range to believe its allies have been banished to a different realm. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or it treats its allies as if they were invisible and silenced. The affected creature cannot target, perceive, or otherwise interact with its allies for the duration of the spell.

If one of its allies uses an action to shake the creature, the affected creature can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the spell ends

Assassin’s Blessing

3rd-level necromancy (Bard, Wizard, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a stiletto dagger dipped in black ink)

Duration: 24 hours

You empower a creature with enhanced ability to slay a single enemy. Name a single creature that you are familiar with (it must have a name and you must know what it looks like). The next time the empowered creature hits the named creature with an attack that deals damage, the named creature takes an additional 4d6 + 16 necrotic damage, and the spell ends.

If the named creature dies, this spell ends. You are made aware when this spell ends, and whether it ends as a result of the named creature dying.

Blade Storm

3rd-level transmutation (Magus)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, M (a weapon that inflicts slashing or piercing damage)

Duration: 1 round

Once you cast this spell, your speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn. However, as part of the action of casting this spell, you can make one melee weapon attack with a piercing or slashing weapon you already have in hand against every creature within the reach of that weapon.

If you have a piercing or slashing weapon in each hand, you can attack with either weapon, and at the end of the turn, each creature you attacked takes slashing damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier, whether you hit or missed.

In addition, if you have a weapon in each hand, until the start of your next turn, when a creature provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use a special reaction granted by this spell instead of making a normal opportunity attack. You use this reaction to attack the provoking creature twice.

Bladeweave (New)

3rd-level illusion (Bard, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You give a war cry and unleash a dazzling display of skill with your weapon. Once, on each of your turns, you can force a creature you hit with your melee weapon to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Bolstering Brews

3rd-level conjuration (ritual) (Bard, Cleric)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a silver tankard worth 100 gp, which the spell consumes)

Duration: Instantaneous

Calling upon the patron deity of brewers, you bring forth a vibrant brew of beer or ale. Up to six other creatures within range can partake of this drink with you and share in its magical benefits, each drawing a mug from the small keg of magical brew that appears. A creature that downs a mug of magical beer gains advantage on either all Strength checks or all Charisma checks (chosen when it drinks), is immune to being frightened, and makes all Constitution saving throws with advantage. These benefits last for 8 hours.



Bramble Barrier

3rd-level transmutation (Druid, Ranger)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S , M (A bundle of thorns)

You create a line of low brambles that erupts from a point you can see within range. This line is 30 feet long and 5 feet wide, made of up of six 5-foot squares of brambles. Each patch much connect to another patch and be placed on the ground. The bramble patches are difficult terrain and a creature that enters a square of brambles takes 4d4 piecing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, their speed becomes 0 until the end of their turn.

The brambles wither and die after 1 day if the area isn’t suitable for them to grow. Each 5-foot-square portion of brambles requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand, or can be cleared if they take 5 or more fire damage. The brambles crumble to dust immediately if you cast this spell again.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can create two additional 5-foot squares of brambles for each slot level above 3rd.

Crushing Singularity

3rd-level transmutation(Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S
1 round

You create an overwhelming gravitational singularity at a point within range that lasts until the start of your next turn. When you cast this spell, any creature within 15 feet of the point must make a Strength saving throw. Creatures that fail their saving throw are moved to the closest available space adjacent to the singularity and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage, and an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each other creature that fails the saving throw, up to a maximum of 6d6 bludgeoning damage.

While within 15 feet of the singularity, moving away from the singularity requires twice as much movement. If a creature ends its turn within 15 feet of the singularity, it must make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage are dragged back to the closest available spot to the center of the singularity

Dampen Gravity (New)

3rd level transmutation [Gravity] (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30 feet radius)

Components: V, S, M (a feather)

Duration: 1 hour

You focus your powers to lessen the call of gravity in a 30 feet radius around you. For the duration, creatures of your choice in the radius have their jump distance doubled, their movement speed increases by 10 feet they have advantage on all acrobatics checks and they ignore fall damage if they end their fall in the radius.

Daylight (Revised)

3rd-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Target: A point you choose within range

Components: V S

Duration: 1 hour

A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet.

If you chose a point on an object you are holding or one that isn’t being worn or carried, the light shines from the object and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light.

If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.

At Higher Levels. When you cast Daylight with a 4th-level spell slot or higher, the bright light is considered sunlight and creatures with sunlight sensitivity must make a Constituion Saving Throw or become unblinded while they remain in the area.

Deafening Boom

3rd-level evocation (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (a metal cymbal)

Duration: Instantaneous

You evoke a thunderous noise, loud enough for creatures to hear from miles away. Every creature in a 20-foot sphere centered on a point you can see must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is deafened until it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw made whenever it ends a turn. On a successful save, a creature is deafened until the end of its next turn. If a creature that failed the saving throw was within 10 feet of the sphere’s origin, then it also takes 2d6 thunder damage.

Every creature within an additional 20 feet must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is deafened until the end of its next turn.



Deep Focus

3rd-level evocation (ritual) (Cleric, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Special

You tap into ambient magical energy to stabilize and maintain a spell. The next spell you cast that normally requires concentration will last its full normal duration without the need for concentration, as long as it is cast within 1 minute of your casting of this spell, and the spell to be affected is of 4th level or lower.

At the end of the duration, or if 1 minute goes by without your casting a spell that requires concentration, the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can affect any spell you can cast that requires concentration and is up to one level higher than the spell slot you used to cast deep focus.

Detect Past

3rd-level divination (ritual) (Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
(a pocket watch or other timekeeping device that can be wound backward)

When you cast this spell, you must specify a type of event, such as a murder, a clandestine meeting, a battle, a celebration, or a tragedy, though you are not limited to only these options. You detect any such event that has happened in the past 1 hour within 30 feet of you. You can choose up to one event you detected and view it in its entirety as though you bore witness to it when it happened. The duration of the event and what you see are determined by the DM.

At High Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can detect events that have happened further in the past, depending on the slot level: in the past 8 hours with a 4th-level slot, in the past 24 hours with a 5th, in the past 7 days with a 6th, in the past 30 days with a 7th, in the past year with an 8th, and in the past 100 years with a 9th-level slot.

Dimensional Anchor

3rd-level conjuration(Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
1 hour

You target a creature within range and then bind it to the place it is currently at, so that it cannot escape through magical means. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, that creature cannot benefit from an effect that would allow it to teleport or travel to another plane of existence for the duration. The creature may repeat the saving throw every 10 minutes in order to end this effect.

Dimensional Shove

3rd-level conjuration (Bard, Wizard, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

This spell pushes a creature you touch through a dimensional portal, causing it to disappear and then reappear a short distance away. If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, it disappears from its current location and reappears 30 feet away from you in a direction of your choice. This travel can take it through walls, creatures, or other solid surfaces, but the target can’t reappear inside a solid object or not on solid ground; instead, it reappears in the nearest safe, unoccupied space along the path of travel.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the target is shoved an additional 30 feet for each slot level above 3rd.

Dispelling Smite

3rd-level abjuration (Paladin)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack before this spell ends, your weapon is surrounded by a shimmering aura of antimagic, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 force damage to the target. Additionally, if the target is concentrating on a spell of 3rd level or lower, the creature’s spell ends.

If it is concentrating on a spell of a higher level, it has disadvantage on the Constitution saving throw it makes to maintain concentration on the spell caused by taking damage from the attack. Either way, this spell then ends.



Doom of Dancing Blades

3rd-level illusion (Bard, Dancer, Magus)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.

When you cast doom of dancing blades, you create 1d4 illusory copies of your weapon that float in the air 5 feet from you. These images move with you, spinning, shifting, and mimicking your attacks. When you are hit by a melee attack but the attack roll exceeded your Armor Class by 3 or less, one illusory weapon parries the attack; you take no damage and the illusory weapon is destroyed. When you are hit by a melee attack that an illusory weapon can’t parry (the attack roll exceeds your AC by 4 or more), you take only half as much damage from the attack, and an illusory weapon is destroyed. Spells and effects that affect an area or don’t require an attack roll affect you normally and don’t destroy any illusory weapons.

If you make a melee attack that scores a critical hit while doom of dancing blades is in effect on you, all your illusory weapons also strike the target and deal 1d8 piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) each.

The spell ends when its duration expires or when all your illusory weapons are destroyed or expended.

Dryad’s Kiss

3rd-level conjuration (druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, M (a flower petal or a drop of blood)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You perform an ancient incantation that summons flora from the fey realm. A creature you can see within range is covered with small, purple buds and takes 3d8 necrotic damage; a successful Wisdom saving throw negates the damage but doesn’t prevent the plant growth.

The buds can be removed by the target or an ally of the target within 5 feet who uses an action to make a successful Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Medicine) check against your spell save DC, or by a greater restoration or blight spell.

While the buds remain, whenever the target takes damage from a source other than this spell, one bud blossoms into a purple and yellow flower that deals an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target. Once four blossoms have formed in this way, the buds can no longer be removed by nonmagical means.

The buds and blossoms wilt and fall away when the spell ends, provided the creature is still alive. If a creature affected by this spell dies, sweet-smelling blossoms quickly cover its body. The flowers wilt and die after one month.

At Higher Levels. If this spell is cast using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the number of targets increases by one for every two slot levels above 3rd.

Entropic Damage Field (New)

3rd-level transmutation (Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a silver wire)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

By twisting a length of silver wire around your finger, you tie your fate to those around you. When you take damage, that damage is divided equally between you and all creatures in range who get a failure on a Charisma saving throw. Any leftover damage that can’t be divided equally is taken by you. Creatures that approach to within 30 feet of you after the spell was cast are also affected. A creature is allowed a new saving throw against this spell each time you take damage, and a successful save ends the spell’s effect on that creature.

Frozen Razors

3rd-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S, M (water from a melted icicle)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Razor-sharp blades of ice erupt from the ground or other surface, filling a 20-foot cube centered on a point you can see within range. For the duration, the area is lightly obscured and is difficult terrain. A creature that moves 5 or more feet into or inside the area on a turn takes 4d6 cold damage, or half as much damage if it makes a successful Dexterity saving throw.

A creature that takes cold damage from frozen razors is reduced to half speed until the start of its next turn.

Glyph of Shifting

3rd-level conjuration (Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (powdered diamond worth at least 50 gp, which the spell consumes)

Duration: 24 hours

You create a hidden glyph by tracing it on a surface or object that you touch. When you cast the spell, you can also choose a location that’s known to you, within a mile, and on the same plane of existence, to serve as the destination for the glyph’s shifting effect. The glyph is triggered when it’s touched by a creature that’s not aware of its presence.

The triggering creature must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or be teleported to the glyph’s destination. If no destination was set, the creature takes 6d4 force damage and is knocked prone. The glyph disappears after being triggered or when the spell’s duration expires.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, its duration increases by 24 hours and the maximum distance to the destination increases by 1 mile for each slot level above 3rd.



Hex Storm

3rd-level necromancy

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (20-foot radius)
V, S, M (a hairball from a black cat that has crossed your path)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You surround yourself with crackling necrotic power, and unleash it in a tempest of dark lightning around you. Choose one ability when you cast this spell. Each other creature in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 necrotic damage and become cursed until the spell ends. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much damage and isn’t cursed. A creature cursed with this spell takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage whenever you hit it with an attack and has disadvantage on ability checks it makes with the chosen ability.

A remove curse cast on a target ends this spell’s effects on that target.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, for each slot level above 3rd, the initial damage increases by 1d6 and the radius increases by 10 feet.

Holy Vow

3rd-level abjuration (ritual, Cleric, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a vial of holy water)

Duration: 24 hours

You willingly take a vow to complete a task or carry out a service. This task or service cannot conflict with your alignment or your sacred oath. While you serve under the vow, for as long as the spell lasts, your hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 10. Whenever you make an attack roll or a saving throw, roll a d4 and add the result to the attack roll or saving throw.

These benefits apply only when you are involved in activities that directly relate to your avowed task, or to situations you encounter that interfere with your ability to carry out that task (such as random encounters while traveling). If you willingly forsake your vow, the spell ends, and you take 4d10 psychic damage.

At the GM’s discretion, you might suffer other penalties and need to atone for your decision. Failing to complete the task does not incur any penalties as long as you remain true to your vow, nor are you penalized if some form of outside coercion, magical or otherwise, leads you to forsake your vow.

Icelance (New)

3rd-level conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a clear crystal worth at least 50 gp)

Duration: Instantaneous

A large spear-like shard of ice appears in the air next to you. Choose a target within range that you can see and make a ranged spell attack as the shard launches toward it. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 cold damage. In addition, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, or it is stunned until the end of its next turn.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, both damage types increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.


3rd-level transmutation (Cleric, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You assume an immutable form. You become immune to other transmutation spells or magical effects that would alter your form.

If you don’t move during your turn, you gain advantage on Strength or Constitution saving throws made before the start of your next turn, and cannot be moved or knocked down against your will.

While the spell is active, as a reaction to taking bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you can gain resistance to that damage type (Including the triggering damage) until the end of your next turn, but your movement speed becomes zero until the end of your next turn.



Jeweled Fissure

3rd-level conjuration (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 100 feet

Components: V, S, M (a shard of jasper)

Duration: Instantaneous

With a sweeping gesture, you cause jagged crystals to burst from the ground and hurtle directly upward. Choose an origin point within the spell’s range that you can see. Starting from that point, the crystals burst out of the ground along a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line and up to 100 feet above it takes 2d8 thunder damage plus 2d8 piercing damage; a successful Dexterity saving throw negates the piercing damage.

On a failed save, a creature is impaled by a chunk of crystal that halves the creature’s speed, prevents it from flying, and causes it to fall to the ground if it was flying. To remove a crystal, the creature or an ally within 5 feet of it must use an action and make a DC 13 Strength check. On a successful check, the impaled creature takes 1d8 piercing damage and its speed and flying ability are restored to normal.

Meteorite (New)

3rd-level conjuration [Gravity] (Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 3 rounds

You summon a void above your head that emits a rain of small meteorites. Select a creature that you can see within range, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage. You can use an action on subsequent turn to keep the meteorite shower going, selecting a new targetor keeping the same within range to target with the spell. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. While casting this spell your movement speed becomes 0.

Moment Reading

3rd-level divination (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a set of bone dice marked with runes)

Duration: Instantaneous

You roll a set of bone dice marked with runes and learn something of immediate interest. The Dungeon Master will tell you in no more than two words something about the current situation. Some examples of replies could be “pit trap,” “tough monster,” or “double cross.”

Part and Parcel

3rd-level conjuration (Artificer, Bard, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (wax and a seal)

You touch a nonmagical object that weighs up to 10 pounds and magically transport it to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature realizes you are the sender if it knows you and has the opportunity to reject the object before it arrives. If an object is rejected, you immediately become aware of that fact and it remains where it was when you cast this spell.

You can send the object across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a 10 percent chance that the object appears in a random location somewhere else in the multiverse instead.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the maximum weight of the object increases by 10 pounds for each slot level above 3rd. When you use a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the object can be magical and the maximum weight of the object equals 10 × the slot level.


3rd-level transmutation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (a cloth soaked in water)

Duration: Instantaneous

You extinguish all nonmagical fires in a 30-foot-radius area centered on the point at which you cast the spell. You can extinguish fire spells in the area as well. For each fire spell in the area, make a Wisdom check. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.

Fire elementals in the area take 8d6 cold damage. A successful Constitution saving throw reduces the damage by half.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the radius of the area increases by 10 feet, and the damage against fire elementals increases by 1d6, for each slot level above 3rd.



Resplendence (New)

3rd-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot radius)

Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror)

Duration: 1 minute

You surround yourself with a magnificent aura. All creatures within the aura find you impressive and difficult to oppose. You gain advantage on all Charisma checks for the duration.

Additionally, any creature within 30 feet of you that attempts to target you with an attack or harmful spell must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect you from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If you attack or cast a spell that affects an enemy creature this spell ends.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you increase the range by 5 feet for each slot level above 3rd.

Reverse Arrows (New)

3rd-level abjuration (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Ranged attacks with nonmagical missiles have disadvantage to hit you for the duration. If a missile misses you due to this disadvantage, then the missile is turned back upon your attacker. If that happens, use your reaction to make a ranged spell attack against the attacker. On a hit, the target takes the normal missile damage.

In addition, you have resistance to damage from nonmagical missiles for the duration.


3rd-level abjuration spell (Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a drop of aloe secretion and a 500 gp gem, which the spell consumes)

Duration: 8 hours

You choose up to four creatures you can see within range. Each target gains complete protection against sunlight. They automatically succeed on a saving throw or ability check caused by intense sunlight. The spell also negates the sunlight sensitivity trait.

Tale of Courage

3rd-level illusion (Bard, Paladin)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot radius)
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You begin telling a tale of bravery and heroism, radiating an aura of courage in a 30-foot radius around you. Within the aura, an ephemeral vignette appears of heroes bravely battling monsters. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. Each nonhostile creature in the aura (including you) is immune to being frightened and gains a +1 bonus to saving throws.

If a creature can’t hear you or see the vignette, it gains no benefit from this spell. If you speak other than to tell the tale, the spell ends.

Toxic Breath (New)

3rd-level conjuration (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot cone)

Components: V, S, M (a lead ring or green dragon’s scale)

Duration: 1 round

You exhale a cloud of misty vapor in a 30 foot cone in front of you. Each creature in the cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 8d6 poison damage, and it is poisoned until the start of your next turn. While poisoned in this way, its speed is reduced by half. On a success, a creature takes half damage and is not poisoned

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage dealt increases by ld6 for each slot level above 3rd



Voice of the Gravekeeper

3rd-level necromancy (ritual, cleric, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 feet

Components: V, S, M (a small silver trinket, and a stick of incense)

Duration: 10 minutes

You touch a coffin, grave, sarcophagus, or tombstone as your eyes become glossed over. Visions begin pouring into your head, and you receive information about the creature within the coffin, grave, sarcophagus, or under the tombstone. The spell fails if the creature that is an undead. You learn several pieces of information about the corpse from when it was still alive. For each minute that passes, you learn one piece of information, in the following order:

  • What creature type it was.
  • How long the creature has been dead.
  • How old the creature was when it died.
  • What the creature’s name was, if it had one.
  • In what manner the creature died, such as by physical trauma or disease.
  • If the creature was under the effects of a spell or other magical effect when it died.
  • What the creature experienced through its senses on its last day while alive, presented to you through simple sensory effects, such as suddenly smelling certain scents or seeing blurry, rough outlines of what it saw.
  • What the creature experienced emotionally on its last day while alive, presented to you in the form of simple emotional states such as brief feelings of anger, fear, or happiness.
  • What the creature’s last 20 words were before it died, if it had the capability of speech.
  • A clear mental image of the last thing the creature saw before it died, if it had the capability of sight. If not, you can choose the last thing the creature tasted, smelled, touched, or heard.

If you cast this spell again on the same corpse, you learn no new information, but the same information presented to you before.


3rd-level divination (Bard, Cleric)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose one creature you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target is granted supreme luck in all its endeavors. Once per turn, when the target makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it can reroll that check, attack, or save, and use either result. Alternatively, once per turn when the target rolls damage, it can reroll a number of the damage dice up to your spellcasting ability modifier, and use either result.

Wheel of Ice

3rd-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (60-ft. line)

Components: V, S, M (a pinch of soot)

Duration: Instantaneous

You form a floating, spinning disc of frozen ice chunks that you then aim and shoot in a straight path towards a point you can see. Every creature in the path, a 60-foot long, 5-foot wide line, must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 cold damage on a failed save, or none on a successful save.

At the end of the disc’s flight path, the disc explodes in a 5-foot radius. Every creature in the explosion’s area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half damage on a successful save.

If the disc is blocked by an obstruction, the disc explodes at the point of impact in a 5-foot radius. Every creature in the explosion’s area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, both the line damage and explosion damage each increase by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.



4th level spells

Abeyed Discharge

4th-level evocation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure an eruption of force in the future. Choose a point within range to be the center of the explosion, which can’t be detected. When your concentration on this spell ends, a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the chosen point erupts with power. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 5d8 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Aero Barrage

4th-level transmutation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
120 feet
V, S

You create four lances of rapidly spinning condensed wind and hurl them at targets within range. You can hurl them at one target or several.

Make a ranged spell attack for each lance. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 slashing damage and is knocked 10 feet backwards.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you create one additional lance for each slot level above 4th.

Ar’Vanduthil’s Arrow (New)

4th-level enchantment (High Magic, Cleric, Rangers)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (an arrow)

Duration: 1 minute

You enchant an arrow with elven magic and then send it forth to strike a foe you can see within range with a streak of golden magic. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. The arrow need not have a direct line to the target, as it swerves around other creatures and partial cover to reach your chosen enemy.

If the attack is successful, the creature takes 4d8 piercing damage and it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is blinded for 1 minute. The creature is blinded regardless of its method of sight or number of eyes. Creatures immune to the blinded condition are unaffected, but still take the initial damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you increase the damage by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.


4th-level conjuration (cleric, paladin, warlock, wizard)

Casting time: 1 action

Range: Self (40 foot cone)

Components: V, S, M (a dove’s feather)

Duration: Instantaneous

You test the confidence of a group of creatures before the gods by conjuring a vision of the upper planes. Each creature in a 40-foot cone in a direction you choose must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d6 radiant damage and is stunned until the end of its next turn by the incomprehensible glories that it sees. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the size of the cone increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 4th.

Blackened Heart

4th-level necromancy (Cleric, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, S (A powdered heart)

Corruption waits for the perfect moment to strike. You reach out towards a living creature that you can see. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, its body is filled with vile poison, and it takes 10d6 poison damage at the start of its next turn. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points before the start of its next turn, the poison explodes outward from it in a shower of disgusting bile. Creatures within a 10-foot radius of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail, they take 10d6 poison damage, or half as much on a successful save.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage of each phase of the spell increases by 2d6 per spell slot level above 4th.



Cherub’s Burning Blade

4th-level evocation (Magus, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

A sword made of holy fire blazes to life in your hand. The size and shape of the blade conforms to your will, but it is never larger than a one-handed weapon sized for a Medium creature. If you let go of the blade, it disappears, but if you maintain concentration on the spell, you can evoke the blade again as a bonus action.

You can use your action to make a melee attack with the burning blade. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire and 2d6 radiant damage. On a critical hit, the target catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 2d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. The burning blade sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, both the fire damage and radiant damage increase by 1d6 for every two slot levels above 4th.

Captivate the Audience (New)

4th-level enchantment (Bard, Wizard)

Casting time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet (15-foot cube)

Components: V, S, M (A golden tassel)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You create a swirl of patterns accompanied by music within a 15-foot cube within range. Each creature in the area who sees the pattern, or hears the music must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed for the duration. While charmed by this spell, each creature is under one of the effects listed below. You may choose a different effect for each creature who failed the saving throw

  • Watch in Awe. The creature is incapacitated and its speed is 0, This effect ends if the creature takes damage.
  • Get Involved. Each turn, the creature moves to the nearest creature and uses its action to attack it. It can repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turn, ending the effect on a success.
  • Leave Early. Each turn, the creature uses its full movement and takes the Dash action to move away as far as it can from you. It can repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its eturn, ending the effect on a success.
  • Boo in Disagreement. The creature’s speed becomes 0. Each turn the creature uses its action to angrily shout as loud as it can, it can take no other action. It can repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its eturn, ending the effect on a success.

Carnivorous Garden

4th-level transmutation (Druid)

Casting Time:
1 action
M, S (discarded gum wrapper)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

Targeting four unoccupied spaces that you can see within range, rooted carnivorous plants erupt from the ground, filling a 5-foot cube each. The ground within 5 feet of them becomes difficult terrain. When the plants appear, they each attack a creature of your choice within 5 feet of them. Each plant makes a melee spell attack, dealing 2d8 piercing damage on hit. Make a separate attack roll for each plant.

If a creature ends their turn within 5 feet of one or more of the carnivorous plants, the plants automatically attack that creature unless you use your reaction to prevent them from doing so. The plants use your spell attack modifier, and deal 2d8 piercing damage on hit.

The plants have AC 14 and 30 hit points, and have vulnerability to fire and slashing damage. Each plant regains all its hit points at the start of your turn if it has at least 1 hit point. A plant dies if it is reduced to zero hit points. When the spell ends, the plants wither and die leaving behind difficult terrain unless they were killed be fire damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can summon 1 additional carnivorous plant for each slot level above 4th.

Castigate (New)

4th-level evocation (Cleric, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (10-foot radius)

Components: V

Duration: Instantaneous

You pronounce a divine sanction against those who oppose your creed. All creatures you choose within 10 feet, that have an alignment that differs from your own, must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 7d6 psychic damage. On a successful save, a target takes half the psychic damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the psychic damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.



Command Cannons

4th-level transmutation (Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, M (a pinch of gunpowder)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You assume telekinetic control of up to three cannons, ballistas, or other vehicular weapons for the duration. For the duration, the weapons can operate without the aid of a creature and require no ammunition. As part of the action used to cast this spell, designate a number of targets up to the number of weapons under your control; the weapons attack using your spell attack modifier, dealing their normal damage on a hit. Additionally, on each of your turns after the initial casting of this spell, you can use your action to command the weapons to fire on another group of targets. The spell ends early if the weapons are destroyed or leave the spell’s range.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can designate one additional weapon for each slot level above 4th.

Curse Ward

4th-level abjuration (ritual, Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
1 round

You touch a creature and grant it a measure of protection against curses and other corrupting influences. The target has advantage on saving throws against magical effects that would curse or possess it, or cause it to become charmed or frightened.

The first time the target would become charmed, frightened, possessed, or subject to a curse, the effect is instead negated for the target, and this spell ends. If the negated effect was the result of the target’s attunement to a cursed item, the spell breaks the target’s attunement to the object so it can be removed or discarded. The spell ends early if you cast it again.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or 7th level, the duration increases to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 8th or 9th level, the duration increases to 24 hours.

Desiccating Breath

4th-level evocation (Druid Cleric Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot cone)

Components: V, S, M (a clump of dried clay)

Duration: Instantaneous

You spew forth a cloud of black dust that draws all moisture from a 30-foot cone. Each animal in the cone takes 4d10 necrotic damage, or half as much damage if it makes a successful Constitution saving throw. The damage is 6d10 for plants and plant creatures, also halved on a successful Constitution saving throw.

Deploy Shock Shield

4th-level conjuration (Artificer)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
S, M (scrap metal and wiring worth at least 75 gp, which the spell consumes)
1 minute

You configure the scrap metal and wiring used as the material components to create a shield generator and then deploy it onto a creature you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target has resistance to damage from melee attacks, and whenever a creature hits the target with a melee attack, the attacker takes 2d8 lightning damage. Each time the target takes damage from a melee attack, you must make an Intelligence saving throw with DC equal to 10 or the amount of damage the resistance prevented, whichever is higher. On a failure, the spell ends.

When the spell ends, the shield generator falls apart into the material components used to create it.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases to 3d8.

Deva’s Wings (New)

4th-level transmutation (paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a wing feather from any bird)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a willing creature. The target grows feathery wings of pure white that grant it a flying speed of 60 feet and the ability to hover. When the target takes the Attack action, it can use a bonus action to make a melee weapon attack with the wings, with a reach of 10 feet. If the wing attack hits, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier and must make a successful Strength saving throw or fall prone. When the spell ends, the wings disappear, and the target falls if it was aloft.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one additional target for each slot level above 4th.



Dimension Cutter

4th-level conjuration (Ranger, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (15-foot-cone)
V, M (a melee weapon you are proficient with worth at least 1 cp)

You flourish a weapon you are proficient with used in the casting and sweep through the air, slashing apart the dimensional space. Each creature in a 15-foot cone takes 6d4 force damage. This passes through total cover and strikes creatures in the ethereal plane as well as the material plane

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th Level or higher, it deals an additional 2d4 damage to each target on hit for each slot level above 4th.

Echoing Lance

4th-level evocation(Bard, Sorcerer)

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You emit a targeted burst of intense sonic energy at a creature within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d8 thunder damage and become stunned for the duration by the intense sound. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned.

At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends, on failure, they take an additional 1d8 thunder from the echoes within their mind.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Entrust the Beast

4th-level enchantment (Druid)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V

Duration: 24 hours

You choose a beast that you can see within range. The beast must be able to hear you and it must be of CR 2 or lower. The beast must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become charmed by you. While charmed in this way, and you can order the beast to become a guardian of a specific site or a creature other than you. The beast doesn’t stray from the designated area except to acquire food or it follows the creature it is guarding to the best of its ability.

While guarding, the beast attacks any intruder or hostile creature except you. The beast doesn’t gain any special abilities nor does it lose the need to eat or sleep.

Flame Wave

4th-level evocation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (40-foot cone)

Components: V, S, M (a drop of tar, pitch, or oil)

Duration: Instantaneous

A rushing burst of fire rips out from you in a rolling wave, filling a 40-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d8 fire damage and is pushed 20 feet away from you on a failed save; on a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

Force Armor

4th-level abjuration (Sorcerer, Warlock , Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
1 minute

You touch a willing creature and cause an emanating, magical force to surround it. Until the spell ends, the target gains resistance to force damage and its AC can’t be less than 20.

In addition, whenever a creature deals damage to the target, that creature takes force damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. A creature can take this damage no more than once per turn.

Gravity Barrier (New)

4th level evocation [Gravity] (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

You create a wall of increased gravity on the ground at a point you can see within range. You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or you can make a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall vanishes when the spell ends. The wall’s space is difficult terrain.

Any ranged weapon attack that passes through the wall’s space automatically fails, and other ranged attacks have disadvantage. Any creature that tries to pass through the wall’s space must succeed a Strength saving throw or take 4d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.



Guardian of Civilization

4th-level transmutation (Cleric, Druid)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

A spirit representing the collective consciousness of communities throughout history answers your call and transforms you into a powerful guardian. The transformation lasts until the spell ends. You choose one of the following forms to assume: Enlightened Scholar or Willful Warrior.

Enlightened Scholar. A spectral crown, circlet, or hat (your choice) appears on your head, your eyes begin to glow with knowing light, and you gain the following benefits:

  • Any Intelligence check you make to recall information is made with advantage.
  • You make Wisdom saving throws with advantage.
  • You make Intelligence-based attack rolls with advantage.
  • You can use the Help action as a bonus action. When you use the action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 15 feet of you, rather than within 5 feet of you.

Willful Warrior. A spectral suit of armor forms around you, your eyes begin to glow with a determined light, and you gain the following benefits:

  • Your AC can’t be less than 17, regardless of what kind of armor you’re wearing.
  • You make Constitution- and Charisma-based attack rolls with advantage.
  • Your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 force damage on a hit.
  • When you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you reduce the amount of damage you take by 2.

Heart-Seeking Arrow

4th-level transmutation (Paladin, Magus, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Self

Components: V

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

The next time you make a ranged weapon attack during the spell’s duration, the weapon’s ammunition—or the weapon itself, if it’s a thrown weapon—seeks its target’s vital organs. Make the attack roll as normal. On a hit, the weapon deals an extra 6d6 damage of the same type dealt by the weapon, or half as much damage on a miss, as it streaks unerringly toward its target.

If this attack reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target has disadvantage on its next death saving throw, and, if it dies, it can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the extra damage on a hit increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.

Mirror Army

4th-level illusion(Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30 feet)
V, S
1 Minute

An illusory duplicate of every allied creature of your choice within 30 feet appears. Until the spell ends, the duplicates move with the creature they are a duplicate of and mimic their actions, making it impossible to track which is real. Each time a creature targets an affected creature with an attack during the spell’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether attack instead targets the duplicate. With a roll of 11 or higher, the duplicate is targeted.

A duplicate AC equals 10 + the affected creature’s Dexterity modifier. If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage and effects. The spell ends when all duplicates are destroyed.

A creature unaffected by this spell if it can’t see, if it relies on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive illusions as false as with truesight.



Moon Trap

4th-level abjuration (Cleric, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (powdered silver worth 250 gp)

Duration: Special

While casting this spell under the light of the moon, you inscribe a glyph that covers a 10-foot-square area on a flat, stationary surface such as a floor or a wall. Once the spell is complete, the glyph is invisible in moonlight but glows with a faint white light in darkness. Any creature that touches the glyph, except those you designate during the casting of the spell, must make a successful Wisdom saving throw or be drawn into an inescapable maze until the sun rises.

The glyph lasts until the next sunrise, at which time it flares with bright light, and any creature trapped inside returns to the space it last occupied, unharmed. If that space has become occupied or dangerous, the creature appears in the nearest safe unoccupied space.

Rage (New)

4th-level transmutation (Artificer, Sin Cleric, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

When you cast this spell on a willing creature you touch, it immediately gains 2d6 temporary hit points. While you maintain concentration on the spell, the creature’s Strength score is increased to 20, it gains +2 to its AC, it can make an additional melee weapon attack on each of its turns when it takes the Attack action, and it can’t be charmed, frightened, grappled, or stunned. After the spell ends, the target gains one level of exhaustion.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the target gains an additional 1d6 temporary hit points for each slot level above 4th.

Regal Procession (New)

4th-level conjuration (Bard, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

This spell functions like find steed, except you summon three more mounts that come with bit and bridles, riding saddles, saddle blankets, ribbons and adornments, and a regal banner. You select the color of the horses and livery, which can include heraldry or a personal symbol.

Seed of Discord (New)

4th-level evocation (sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous

You utter dark words, which seep paranoia into the souls of those surrounded by allies. Choose a creature within range. They must make a Wisdom saving throw. They take 2d8 psychic damage for each creature they would consider an ally within 30 feet of them on a failure and half damage on a success.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage taken for each ally increases by 1d8 for each spell level above the 4th.


4th-level evocation (Bard)

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

The earth quakes, reality breaks, torn asunder by air. You sing a discordant song infused with magical power. When you cast this spell, the vibrations you cause begin to distort reality in a 10-foot radius centered on you. Creatures you choose and unattended objects within that area take 2d6 thunder damage, and damaged creatures must make a Strength saving throw. If they fail, they are knocked prone.

As an action on each of your turns while maintaining concentration on this spell, you can strengthen your song, repeating the effect while increasing the affected radius by 10 feet and the thunder damage by 2d6 each time, and causing affected creatures you choose to make the Strength saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. The affected distance and damage cannot exceed an 30-foot radius or 6d6 thunder damage.



5th level spells

Ancient Shade

5th-level necromancy (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 feet

Components: V, S, M (burning candles of planar origin worth 500 gp)

Duration: 10 minutes

You grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a pile of bones (or even bone dust) of your choice within range, allowing the ancient spirit to answer the questions you pose.

These remains can be the remnants of undead, including animated but unintelligent undead, such as skeletons and zombies. (Intelligent undead are not affected.) Though it can have died centuries ago, the older the spirit called, the less it remembers of its mortal life.

Until the spell ends, you can ask the ancient spirit up to five questions if it died within the past year, four questions if it died within ten years, three within one hundred years, two within one thousand years, and but a single question for spirits more than one thousand years dead.

The ancient shade knows only what it knew in life, including languages. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy. This spell doesn’t return the creature’s soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can’t learn new information, doesn’t comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can’t speculate about future events.

Arcane Redirection

5th-level abjuration (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when see a

creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell that includes you as a target

60 feet

As you feel the arcane energies of a spell about to hit you, you attempt to steal the spell and redirect it at different targets. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, you choose new targets for the spell as though it were cast from your position. The stolen spell uses your spell save DC and spell attack modifier, as though you had cast it.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of a level higher than 5th, you can steal a spell this way of levels higher than 3rd: you can steal a spell of up to 4th level when you cast this spell using a 6th-level spell slot, a spell of up to 5th level when you cast this spell using a 7th-level spell slot, a spell of up to 6th level when you cast this spell using an 8th-level spell slot, and a spell of up to 7th level when you cast this spell using a 9th-level spell slot.

Champion’s Strength (New)

5th-level transmutation (Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (gold chain of five links worth 1,000 gp)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose five willing humanoid creatures within range, and designate one as the champion. The other four people may sacrifice some of their strength and combat prowess to the champion. The choice of whether to do so must be made immediately when the spell is cast.

If at least one creature chooses to make the sacrifice, for the duration, it gains disadvantage on attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws, but the champion gains advantage on those same rolls. If more than one creature chooses to make the sacrifice, each of the other sacrificing creatures also gains disadvantage on attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for the duration but the champion inflicts an extra 2d6 force damage on weapon attack rolls for each creature that made the sacrifice beyond the first.

All penalties and bonuses granted by this spell last until it ends, regardless of whether any or all of the targets remain within range or change their minds.


5th-level transmutation (Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a staff, see the description)

Duration: Special, Concentration, up to 1 minute

You transform a specially prepared staff into a creature that is identical to a treant, except it cannot speak or animate trees. The creature is friendly to you and follows your commands to the best of its abilities. If you do not issue commands, it takes no action on its turn other than to defend itself. It acts on your initiative, beginning its turn as soon as yours ends. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it reverts to a staff and shatters. You can only have one changestaff spell active at a time, and you must wait 24 hours before casting it again.

The staff used for this spell must be prepared over the course of a lunar month. Each night you carve intricate runes into it while muttering invocations. At the end of the cycle, the staff is ready for use.



Clockwork Bodyguard

5th-level conjuration (Artificer, Bard, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You summon clockwork minions to fight for you. Choose one of the following options for what appears (refer to Tome of Beasts, p. 62-65, for statistics):

  • One clockwork huntsman
  • Two clockwork hounds
  • Four clockwork watchmen

The clockwork creatures are friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the creatures, which have their own turns. They obey any verbal commands you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t issue commands, the clockwork creatures defend themselves or you from hostile creatures but otherwise take no actions. The clockwork creatures disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.

Communication Circle

5th-level illusion (ritual, Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 minute

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (powdered gemstones worth at least 30 gp)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You draw out a circle of glyphs and sigils with a 5 foot radius as part of the casting of this spell. When the spell activated, the circle begins to glow, emitting bright illumination out to 15 feet and dim illumination for another 15 feet.

While the spell is active, a creature standing within the circle can mentally command the circle to request a connection with another existing circle within the same plane, if they know the location of the other circle.

If there is more than one communication circle in the desired area, then the creature initiating the connection acquires a mental image of all the different circles’ locations and can choose one of them.

After the request for connection is made, another creature must accept the request at the other circle’s location (or within 30 feet of it); request acceptance may have different conditions such as a spoken password or touching the inside of the circle while making a mental command (chosen by the caster).

If the connection is successful, the other circle glows with activation and the creature that initiated the connection can choose one of the following options, which is made known to the receiver before the request is accepted. Creatures standing in one circle can verbally communicate with creatures standing in the other circle. The initiator of the connection may request to include visual input in the connection, and if the receiver at the other circle accepts the request, the creatures at each circle see the environment around them transition into a misty gray void; intangible illusory images of the creatures and the circles that they are standing on appear in the void, within 10 feet of each other, and visible to each creature in both circles. The images move just as the creatures in the circles move. The creatures in the circles have not actually moved anywhere but can only see or hear each other in the illusion of the void; to creatures outside of the circles, the creatures inside the circles appear to be speaking without sound to an unseen listener.

An intangible illusory image of the creature initiating the connection appears standing on the other circle; the image moves just as the initiator moves. The creature initiating the connection sees the environment around transform into a view of the environment around the other circle, and can communicate with creatures near the other circle’s location as if actually standing on the other circle. The connection can be ended by creatures as a bonus action at either end with a spoken password or mental command given while standing on a circle, at which point the spell ends. If there are no creatures in a circle for more than 1 minute, the spell ends. If this spell is cast as a ritual, the required cost of the material component increases to 300 gp (doubled every time 5 feet is added to the radius - ex. 2,400 gp for 20-ft. radius), and the circle becomes permanently active (but only glows when used). A permanent circle can connect with multiple circles at the same time if desired, and instead of the spell ending for a permanent circle, connections are cut.

Cleansing Beam

5th-level evocation(Cleric, Druid, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a vial of holy water)

Duration: Instantaneous

When you cast this spell, choose one of the following alignments: chaotic evil, lawful evil, neutral evil. This spell targets all creatures with the chosen alignment in range. Make a ranged spell attack for each target. On a hit, the target takes 8d6 radiant damage and half as much damage on a miss.

Nagaryxsis’s Concussive Demise

5th-level necromancy (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when a creature that you can see dies
60 feet
V, S

You focus your gaze at a creature that dies within range and an explosion of necromantic energies bursts forth from it. Each creature within 10 feet of the corpse must make a Dexterity saving throw.



On a failed save, they takes 6d10 necrotic damage and is pushed back 10 feet in a straight line from the corpse. On a successful save, a creature takes half the damage and isn’t pushed back.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each spell slot above 5th.

Meelo’s Eerie Mask

5th enchantment(Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a mask of black cloth)
Concentration, up to 1 hour

Wrapping a mask of black cloth around your face, your face becomes covered in shadow, hiding your features completely. For the duration of the spell you see normally in magical and nonmagical darkness out to a range of 60 feet, and you are immune to gazes and similar effects that allow you to be unaffected if you avert your gaze.

At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the range in which you can see normally in magical and nonmagical darkness increases by 20 feet for each spell slot above 5th.

Falling Star

5th-level evocation (Cleric, Paladin, Druid, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
200 feet
V, S

The light shall not be denied, and the fire shall not cease. You create a fraction of the celestial power of a star above a point within range and cause it descend, crashing into the ground in a 40-foot radius. All creatures within the area must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take 8d6 radiant damage, or half as much damage if they succeed. This spell creates bright light that shines in a 100-foot radius until the end of your next turn, and this light counts as natural sunlight.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the radiant damage increases by 1d6 per spell slot level above 5th.

Field of Stars

5th-level evocation(Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (60 foot radius)
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You cause 5 star-like motes of light to spring forth at points you can see within range. Each mote of light sheds bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. If a creature moves within a 5-foot radius of a mote of light or ends their turn within 5 feet of one, the mote explodes in a brilliant flash, dealing 4d12 radiant damage to all creatures within 5-feet of that mote before fading away. If multiple motes explode at once, a creature in the area only takes damage once.

For the duration of the spell, while you have any motes of light remaining, as an action you can rearrange the remaining motes, placing them anywhere within range (this movement cannot cause them to detonate).

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the range increases by 10 feet and you create an additional star-like mote of light for each slot level about 5th.

Fingers of Lightning (New)

5th-level evocation (Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (100-foot line)

Components: V, S, M (a bit of fur; a piece of amber, glass or a crystal rod; and four copper pins)

Duration: Instantaneous

Your hands arc with electricity as you create 4 lines, each 100 feet long and 5 feet wide, emanating from you in directions of your choice. Each line has its own direction and lines can overlap, but they must all fit within a 180 degree angle from you.

Each creature within the spell’s area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7d6 lightning damage plus ld6 lightning damage for each line area that they are within. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage. The lightning ignites flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you create an additional line of lightning for each slot level above 5th.

Land of Eternal Night

5th-level transmutation (ritual, Druid)

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: Self

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 hour

You summon a gigantic aurora in the sky above you. This effect covers an area 6 miles across. In any area that can see open sky, areas of darkness are instead dim light. Areas of dim light count as bright light.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration for the spell becomes 8 hours. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the duration for the spell becomes 12 hours. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the duration for the spell becomes 24 hours. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level or higher every day for a year, the duration becomes permanent (until dispelled).



Lay to Rest

5th-level evocation (Cleric, Paladin)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (15-foot-radius sphere)

Components: V, S, M (a pinch of grave dirt)

Duration: Instantaneous

A pulse of searing light rushes out from you. Each undead creature within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 8d6 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. An undead creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell disintegrates in a burst of radiant motes, leaving anything it was wearing or carrying in the space it formerly occupied.

Memory Rot (New)

5th-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a cloud of spores that infect the brain of a creature you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 4d6 psychic damage, and it has disadvantage on Intelligence ability checks and saving throws until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half damage and doesn’t have disadvantage on Intelligence ability checks and saving throws.

For the duration, you can use an action on each of your turns to force the target to make another Constitution saving throw or suffer the spell’s damage and effects.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the psychic damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.

Misfortune (New)

5th-level enchantment

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As part of the action used to cast this spell, you make a melee spell attack against a creature within your reach. On a hit, you can choose one of the creature’s ability scores. The creature has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws with the chosen ability for the spell’s duration. The creature can attempt a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns; on a successful save, the creature can end one of the disadvantages affecting it (either ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws). Once a creature makes three saving throws, the spell ends for that creature.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 5th.

Moonlight Revelry (New)

5th-level enchantment (Lunar Clerics, Seldarine Clerics)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a sprinkling of holy water)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You cause faint moonlight, and the far off sounds of fey revelry, to carry to all nearby creatures; enhancing or hindering them as you choose.

All creatures within 60 feet of you become either blessed or cursed as you choose. For the duration of the spell:

  • Blessed creatures may roll 1d4 and add the total to attack rolls and saving throws.
  • Cursed creatures must make a Charisma saving throw or be forced to roll 1d4 and subtract the result from all attack rolls and saving throws.

Nautical Blessings

5th-level abjuration (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (burning incense, a small bottle of rum, and a small statue of a mermaid worth at least 500gp)

Duration: 24 hours

You set up a special ritual on the deck of a ship to enchant its boards, affording it supernatural powers. When you cast the spell, choose one of the following blessings. The ship benefits from the effects described in the chosen blessing for the duration. If the same blessing is cast on the same ship every day for a month, the effects last until dispelled. Hardiness. The hull is hardened against certain energies.

Choose a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing; the ship has resistance to the chosen damage type.

  • Nimbleness. Dexterity saving throws made on behalf of the ship are made with advantage, as the ship curls effortlessly around danger.
  • Quickness. There is always a minor wind in the ship’s sails. Sailing against the wind imposes no penalty to the ship’s movement speed.
  • Trueness. The cannons fire with preternatural sureness. Attacks with cannons, ballistas, and other vehicular weapons are made with advantage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can choose one additional blessing for each slot level above 5th.



Ocular Halo

5th-level transmutation (Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a newt’s eye)

Duration: 8 hours

You grow a set of eyes that encircle your head like a crown. You see in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. You have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. You can see invisible creatures and objects, as well as see into the Ethereal Plane, out to a range of 120 feet. The eyes of the halo can’t be closed or averted.

Although you can close or avert your own eyes, you are never considered to be doing so while under the effects of this spell.

Pillar of Shock

5th-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S, M (a pinch of copper dust)

Duration: Instantaneous

A brightly glowing image of two rotating circles of glyphs appears, then a vertical column of electrifying yellow luminescence erupts from one circle to the other. Each creature in a 10-ft. radius, 40-foot cylinder centered on a point within range must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 9d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen statue until it thaws.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.


5th-level evocation (ritual) (Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 250 gp, which is consumed during the casting)

Duration: Instantaneous

You draw magical energy through yourself as a conduit to recharge a magic item. A single magic item that uses charges and that you are touching at the time of the casting immediately regains 1d3 charges. An item cannot receive more than its maximum number of charges, and any excess energy dissipates harmlessly, unless the item in question is capable of a retributive strike. If such an item is charged past its capacity, it explodes as if you had used an action to enact the retributive strike, with all the resulting effects.

If the charges are used to cast a spell that is higher level than recharge is cast, no charges are restored.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you restore 1 additional charge for each slot level above 5th.

Soar (New)

5th-level transmutation (Artificer, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (an arrow or dart)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a willing creature. The target gains a flying speed of 120 feet for the duration. While the target is flying using this speed, it gains a + 1 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and opportunity attacks it provokes by flying have disadvantage. When the spell ends, the target falls if it is still aloft, unless it can stop the fall

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature in range for each slot level above 5th.

Sonic Boom (New)

5th-level evocation (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 150 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

A bead of thunderous force rockets from your fingertips toward a point you can see within range, where it explodes into a wave of sound that expands to a 20-foot radius sphere centered on that point. Each creature within the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5dl0 thunder damage, is deafened until the end of your next turn, is knocked prone, and is pushed 20 feet away from the center of the area. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone, pushed, or deafened Unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically pushed 20 feet away from the center of the area by the spell’s effect.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage dealt increases by 1dl0 and the distance a creature is pushed increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th.



Tale of Hope & Woe

5th-level illusion (Bard, Paladin)

Casting Time:
1 action
Self (30-foot radius)
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You begin reciting a tale designed to inspire either hope or woe (your choice when you cast the spell) in the hearts of those who hear it, creating a 30-foot-radius aura around you. Within the aura, an ephemeral vignette appears displaying the tale. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. If a creature can’t hear you or see the vignette, it is unaffected by the spell. If you speak other than to tell the tale, the spell ends.

Tale of Hope. Each friendly creature within the aura (including you) has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, and when such a creature makes an attack, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Tale of Woe. Each hostile creature in the aura has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, and when such a creature makes an attack, the attack deals 1d6 less damage (this can’t reduce the damage below 1).

A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being charmed or frightened.

Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to change the moral of your tale with a plot twist, changing your Tale of Hope into a Tale of Woe, or vice versa.

Water to Acid

5th-level transmutation (Artificer, Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (a vial of acid and a lump of coal)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Choose a point you can see within range inside a body of water. The portions of that body of water that fit inside a SO-foot cube centered on that point become highly acidic until the spell ends.

Any creature that ends its tum within the area takes 7 d4 acid damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature is blinded until the end of its next tum. Objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried also take damage at the end of each of your turns.

While the spell lasts, your magic keeps the acid in the area from mingling with the surrounding water. When the spell ends, the acid returns to its original form as water. This does not alter the composition of the water.



6th level spells

Ally Aegis

6th-level abjuration (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when your ally is hit by an attack or is targeted by a spell that deals damage other than psychic damage

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: 1 round

When you see an ally within range in imminent danger, you can use your reaction to protect that creature with a shield of magical force. Until the start of your next turn, your ally has a +5 bonus to AC and is immune to force damage. In addition, if your ally must make a saving throw against an enemy’s spell that deals damage, the ally takes half as much damage on a failed saving throw and no damage on a successful save. Ally aegis offers no protection, however, against psychic damage from any source.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can target one additional ally for each slot level above 6th.

Voldrana’s Astral Assembly

6th-level necromancy (ritual) (Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: Unlimited

Components: V, M (a spool of fine copper wire and a gem worth at least 100 gp for each target)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You alert a number of creatures that you are familiar with, up to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1), of your intent to communicate with them through spiritual projection. The invitation can extend any distance and even cross to other planes of existence. Once notified, the creatures can choose to accept this communication at any time during the duration of the spell.

When a creature accepts, its spirit is projected into one of the gems used in casting the spell. The material body it leaves behind falls unconscious and doesn’t need food or air. The creature’s consciousness is present in the room with you, and its normal form appears as an astral projection within 5 feet of the gem its spirit occupies. You can see and hear all the creatures who have joined in the assembly, and they can see and hear you and each other as if they were present. They can’t interact with anything physically.

A creature can end the spell’s effect on itself voluntarily at any time. When the effect ends or the duration expires, the spirit returns to its body and it regains consciousness. A creature that withdraws voluntarily from the assembly can’t rejoin it even if the spell is still active. If a gem is broken while occupied by a creature’s astral self, the spirit in the gem returns to its body and the creature suffers two levels of exhaustion.

Aura of Silence

6th-level illusion (Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You envelope yourself in an aura of deafening silence. For the duration, this aura of silence extends 20 feet from you. Creatures inside this aura are immune to thunder damage, are deafened, and can’t cast spells with verbal components. You can choose to end or resume any of these effects on yourself or any other creature within the aura at any time (no action required).

Bolstering Ballad

6th-level enchantment (Bard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a musical instrument worth at least 1 gp)
Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You play a stirring ballad filled with powerful chords and encouraging melodies that makes it easier for your companions to resist harm. When you cast this spell, you gain a number of spell-song points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Before the spell ends, you can expend spell-song points (no action required) when certain conditions are met to weave your melodic magic into the action:

  • When a creature within 30 feet of you who can hear you takes damage, you can expend a spell-song point to roll 1d12 and subtract it from the damage dealt (to a minimum of 0 damage). If this reduces the damage to 0, the creature gains a bonus to its AC equal to the d12 result until the start of its next turn.
  • When a creature within 30 feet who can hear you starts its turn, you can expend a spell-song point to give it resistance to a damage type of your choice until the start of its next turn.
  • When a creature other than you within 30 feet who can hear you fails a saving throw, you can expend a spell-song point to roll 1d8 and add it to the saving throw result, potentially changing its failure into a success.

Until the spell ends, you can take an action on your turn to gain up to your spellcasting ability modifier in spell-song points. You can take this action six times each casting of this spell. You lose all remaining spellsong points immediately when this spell ends.



At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can take the action to gain spell-song points one additional time per slot level above 6th.

Blood Cartography

6th-level necromancy (ritual) (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a corpse or vial of blood and a



You draw blood from the vial or corpse and cast it upon the parchment. The blood flows together, forming a clear map of every location that the former owner of the blood has traveled within the past month. The path the creature took is highlighted, and the time spent in each location is indicated by the thickness of the blood-markings. The blood-map dries within one minute, and becomes permanent and impossible to dispel.


6th-level divination (ritual) (Cleric, Wizard)

Casting Time:
10 minutes
V, S, M (An Obsidian orb worth at least 500gp that the spell consumes
Concentration, up to 1 hour.

You attune your mind to a place that you are currently present at, delving deep into its history and unraveling past events that have transpired there. For the duration, you witness visions of these events as if they had occurred in your presence. This place must have definitive borders (like a house, a temple or a labyrinth) and its size cannot exceed a mile in diameter. While concentrating on the spell, you fall unconscious into a meditative state, focusing solely on the visions you experience. The visions reveal information that may date up to 1 year in the past.

After every 10 minutes of concentrating on the spell, you gain knowledge regarding one of the following subjects (chosen by you):

  • The purpose of this place’s creation (if any).
  • The names and the appearances of the most important creatures that have interacted with the place.
  • The events that have transpired in this place and its current utility (if any).
  • Any trap, magical effect and other active threat in the place.
  • The structure and vague design of the place.
  • Any other information that the DM may see fit.

Every time you gain information on one of the above subjects, you must make a saving throw using your spellcasting ability against your spell save DC. You take 1d8 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The psychic damage you take increases by 1d8 for each additional subject that you choose to discover information about.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level you learn information that may date up to 100 years in the past, and the damage die dealt by the spell increases to d10. Casting the spell using a 8th level slot or higher allows you to gain information that dates back to the place’s creation, while the damage die dealt by the spell increases to d12.

Extract Knowledge

6th-level necromancy (ritual, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a blank page)

Duration: Instantaneous

By touching a recently deceased corpse, you gain one specific bit of knowledge from it that was known to the creature in life. You must form a question in your mind as part of casting the spell; if the corpse has an answer to your question, it reveals the information to you telepathically. The answer is always brief—no more than a sentence— and very specific to the framed question. It doesn’t matter whether the creature was your friend or enemy; the spell compels it to answer in any case.

Platinum Lances

6th-level evocation (Cleric)

Casting Time:
1 action
150 feet
V, S

You conjure four giant lances of radiant energy that plummet down at four different points you can see. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius, 100-foot-high cylinder centered on each point must make a Dexterity saving throw.

On a failed save, a creature takes 8d8 radiant damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone.

A creature in the area of more than one lance is affected only once.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 6th.



Rampart of Dispel Magic

6th-level abjuration (Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You create a pulsating wall of magical energy that purges magical effects from any creature that passes through it. The wall is a line that can be up to 40 feet in length, 40 feet high, and 5 feet thick. When you cast this spell, you cannot place it in any occupied space, and it must be placed in a space that you can see. The wall is visible to all creatures with an Intelligence score higher than 11. A creature that passes through the wall has any spell of 6th level or lower on it end. Spells of 7th level or higher on the target are unaffected.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the duration is 1 hour. If you use a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the duration is 24 hours. If you use an 9th level spell slot, the spell lasts for 1 month. Using a spell slot of 7th level or higher grants a duration that does not require Concentration.

Song of Thunder and Lightning

6th-level evocation (Bard, Cleric, Druid)

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You sing of the great storms of yore, of sailors struggling to survive on the violent seas, of divine retribution from the heavens. As the song plays, you can not speak or cast a spell, or take any action other than moving or performing this song.

As part of performing this song, you can use an action to activate one of the following effects.

Stanza of Thunder: One creature of your choice within range gains 3d6 temporary hit points, which last until they finish a short rest or long rest. A glowing mote of distorted air appears hovering at a point you can see within range. The mote explodes with a loud boom, and every creature within a 10-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 thunder damage on a failed save, and takes half damage on a success.

Stanza of Lighting: One creature of your choice within range gains 3d6 temporary hit points, which last until they finish a short rest or long rest. A glowing mote of light crackling with tendrils of lightning appears hovering at a point you can see within range. The mote explodes, and every creature within a 10-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and takes half damage on a success.

Smuggler’s Stash (New)

6th-level conjuration (bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard)

Casting Time: 1 Action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a door and a platinum padlock worth at least 1000 gold)

Duration: 6 Hours

You touch a door and place upon it a platinum padlock, which instantly turns the door into your Smuggler’s Stash. When you cast this spell, choose a password. Whenever a creature opens the door, if they don’t speak the password, they open the door normally, passing through to the other side. If a creature speaks the password, the door instead opens to your stash, a 40 foot wide, 40 foot long and 10 foot tall pocket dimension, lined with torches and crates. The stash has unlimited air, allowing any number of creatures to breathe inside it normally for the duration.

When the spell ends, any creatures or objects left inside the stash are expelled into the open spaces nearest to the chosen door. Objects inside the crates will remain inside this extradimensional space until the next time you cast this spell.

Unbound Chamber (New)

6th-level transmutation [Gravity] (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 10 minutes

Range: 500 feet

Components: V, S, M (an inclosed chamber)

Duration: 8 hours

Using a ritual of ancient magic, you distort the gravitational balance of a chamber of your choice. The chamber can be up to 200 feet tall and 200-foot wide, in any shape, as long as its center is not more than 500 feet from any of its walls. Once you’ve finished casting the spell, gravity in the chamber disappears. While in the chamber, a creature cannot take fall damage, has its jump distance tripled, has a flying speed equal to its movement speed and can hover.



7th level spells

Amplify Gravity

7th-level transmutation (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 100 feet

Components: V, S, M (a piece of lead)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell intensifies gravity in a 50-foot-radius area within range. Inside the area, damage from falling is quadrupled (2d6 per 5 feet fallen) and maximum damage from falling is 40d6. Any creature on the ground in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Strength saving throw or be knocked prone; the same applies to a creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A prone creature in the area must make a successful Strength saving throw to stand up. A creature on the ground in the area moves at half speed and has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and ranged attack rolls.

Crescendo (New)

7th-level evocation (Bard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (90ft radius)

Components: V, S, M (A small brass horn)

Duration: Instantaneous

You quickly play powerful tunes, before reaching a powerful crescendo. All creatures of your choice within a 90-foot radius of you must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 7d6 thunder damage, are defeaned, and are pushed back in a 30 foot straight line. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage, isn’t deafened, and is only pushed back 15 feet. The spell emits a thunderous boom audible out to 1,000 feet.

Flash Freeze

7th-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 150 feet

Components: V, S, M (a vial of white dragon’s saliva)

Duration: Instantaneous

You cause a sudden, extreme dip in temperature that freezes everything within an isolated area. Every creature within a 50-foot cube centered on a point you can see must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 12d6 cold damage, has disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, grants advantage to attacks made against it, and has its speed reduced by 25 feet until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.

Nonmagical fires in the affected area are extinguished and unattended liquids are frozen. A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen statue until it thaws.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with a slot of 8th level or higher, then you increase the damage by 1d6 per level higher than 7th.

Glasya’s Stride

7th-level transmutation (Cleric, Warlock)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 5 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

You summon the strength and horrific majesty of a terrifying princess of the Nine Hells to wreak havoc upon your enemies. As part of the action used to cast this spell, you can move up to 30 feet. For each 5 feet you move, you can choose one creature within 5 feet that you haven’t attacked as a part of this spell, and make a melee spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 8d6 necrotic damage, and you push it 5 feet away from you.

Lightning Judgement

7th-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 150 feet

Components: V, S, M (a hair or nail clipping from a storm giant)

Duration: Instantaneous

A brightly glowing image of two rotating circles of glyphs appears, then a barrage of lightning bolts is exchanged from one circle to the other. Every creature within a 30-foot long, 30-foot radius cylinder centered on a point within range must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 12d10 lightning damage on a failed save, and takes half damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell with a slot of 8th level or higher, you increase the damage by 1d10 for each slot level higher than 7th.

Loremaster’s Clarity

7th-level divination (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (an hourglass-shaped diamond worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes)

Duration: Instantaneous

Upon casting this spell, you can see and hear into the past, getting a clear look at what happened in the past where you stand. The clarity of this spell depends on the amount of time you wish to observe. Viewing a few days in the past will be much more vivid than events that happened a century or more ago. Choose one of the following options upon casting.



  • Days. You view events that have happened within the past twenty days. You gain detailed knowledge of the creatures, conversations, and events that have happened at your location.

  • Weeks. You view a summary of the events of the past, stretching back up to twenty weeks. You are unable to discern exact details, but you know all the creatures that have been in the location and the highlights of conversations and events.

  • Years. You attain a general idea of events stretching back up to twenty years. You view only noteworthy events such as deaths, battles, scenes of great emotion, important discoveries, and significant happenings. The fine details of conversations and creatures of minor historical note are lost in the sands of time.

  • Centuries. You gain a general idea of the events of the past, stretching back up to five centuries. You notice only the most historically significant events. If no books or tales would be written about it, even if it were something that were hidden from history, then it isn’t revealed to you

Twisting Eruption

7th-level conjuration (Druid, Warlock)

Casting Time:
1 action
120 feet
V, S, M (A handful of dead plants)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You target a point and call forth tendrils, twisted vines, and gnarled roots of dark energy that erupt from the ground in a 60 foot radius. All creatures of your choice in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained as the shadowy plant tendrils grasp and drain the life from it.

At the start of a creature’s turn, if it is restrained by the spell, it takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage, and 2d10 necrotic damage. Each time a creature takes necrotic damage from this spell, the caster regains 1d4 hit points.

A creature restrained by the tendrils can use its action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself. A tendril can be destroyed, freeing a creature from its grasp. They have an AC of 10, 20 hit point, and are immune to all damage besides radiant and fire. Spells that deal radiant or fire damage to creatures in an area of effect also affect tendrils in that area.

Creatures that end their turn within the radius while not restrained must make a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by the tendrils.


7th-level enchantment (Bard, Cleric)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You touch a willing creature and cause the courageous will of legendary heroes to resonate through it. For the duration, the target gains 2d10 temporary hit points at the start of each of its turns and is immune to being frightened. In addition, as long as you are within 30 feet of it, its hit points cannot be reduced to 0.



8th level spells

Arcane Sight

8th-level divination (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a piece of clear quartz)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

The recipient of this spell gains the benefits of both true seeing and detect magic until the spell ends, and also knows the name and effect of every spell he or she witnesses during the spell’s duration.

Urzua’s Bile Blossom (New)

7th-level conjuration (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet

Components: V, S, M (two animal stomachs, one inside the other)

Duration: Instantaneous

You blast one creature or object that you can see within range with a spiraling beam of greenish-yellow acidic bile that crashes over the target, bursting and spraying beyond it. You make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 12d4 acid damage. In addition, hit or miss, the blast sprays around the target, creating a 60-foot cone of acidic spray originating from the space just in front of the target. The cone is facing away from you and must include the target in its area. Each creature in the area (including the target) must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature takes 12d4 acid damage, or half as much damage on a success.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the acid damage dealt (for both parts) increases by 2d4 for each slot level above 7th.

Black Sunshine

8th-level illusion (Druid, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (60-foot radius)

Components: V, M (a discolored pearl, which the spell consumes)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You hold up a flawed pearl and it disappears, leaving behind a magic orb in your hand that pulses with dim purple light. Allies that you designate become invisible if they’re within 60 feet of you and if light from the orb can reach the space they occupy. An invisible creature still casts a faint, purple shadow.

The orb can be used as a thrown weapon to attack an enemy. On a hit, the orb explodes in a flash of light and the spell ends. The targeted enemy and each creature within 10 feet of it must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature blinded in this way repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


8th-level conjuration (ritual only, Cleric, Druid, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 hour

Range: 1 mile

Components: V, S, M (a silver acorn worth 500 gp, which is consumed in the casting)

Duration: 1 year

You plant a silver acorn in solid ground and spend an hour chanting a litany of praises to the natural world.

After which the land within 1 mile of the acorn becomes extremely fertile. Any seeds planted in the area grow at twice the natural rate. Food harvested regrows within a week. After one year, the land slowly reverts to its normal fertility, unable to stave off the march of nature.

Choose one of the following effects, which appears and grows immediately:

  • A field planted with vegetables of your choice, ready for harvest.
  • A thick forest of stout trees and ample undergrowth.
  • A grassland with wildflowers and fodder for grazing.
  • An orchard of fruit trees of your choice, growing in orderly rows and ready for harvest.

Living creatures that take a short rest within the area of a bloom spell receive the maximum hit points for Hit Dice expended.

Ritual Focus. If you expend your ritual focus, the duration becomes permanent.

Brilliant Aura (New)

8th-level transmutation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (30-foot radius)

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

When you cast this spell, the weapons of all creatures of your choice within range glow with radiant energy for the duration. An affected weapon sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius, deals radiant damage instead of its normal damage type, and ignores non-living material, causing attacks with the affected weapon against creatures wearing armor or using shields to be made with advantage.

In addition, undead creatures are considered vulnerable to the damage caused by a weapon affected by this spell. Constructs, however, gain resistance to the damage of these weapons.



Cataclysmic Failure

8th-level divination (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 reaction, which you take when a creature you can see within 60 feet of you succeeds on a saving throw or uses its Legendary Resistance trait
60 feet
V, S (ebony scissors)

You conspire with the forces of destiny to create the worst case scenario for the triggering creature. You change the creature’s successful saving throw to a failure. If the effect that required the saving throw would deal damage to the creature, the creature takes double damage from the effect this turn.

Electric Interdiction (New)

8th-level evocation (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 reaction, taken when a creature within range moves, uses an action, bonus action, reaction, or legendary action, or interacts with an object

Range: 60 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

Just before the event can occur, you blast the triggering creature with lightning, forcing it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes 9d8 lightning damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful Dexterity saving throw, the target takes half damage and no other effects. If the target fails the Constitution saving throw, the action or effect that triggered this spell is foiled Any spell slots or abilities that the target would have expended are still expended Its speed is reduced to 0 feet for the rest of the turn, and if it is the target’s turn, the turn ends immediately.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th leveL the damage dealt increases by 2d8.

Power Word: Glory (New)

8th-level enchantment (bard, cleric)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet

Components: V

Duration: 1 Minute, special

You speak a word of power that emblazons the might of one creature you can see within range, with 100 hit points or fewer. For the next minute, each time the target deals damage with a weapon attack, it regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt. This effect ends early if the target reaches more than 100 hit points, or falls unconscious.



9th level spells

Asmodeus’ Eternal Suffering

9th-level evocation (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 666 feet

Components: V

Duration: Special

You call upon the Supreme Master of the Nine Hells to mark an unfortunate soul for unending torment. Make a ranged spell against a target you can see within range. On a hit, the target takes 12d8 fire damage and the symbol of Asmodeus is branded into their forehead for 1 minute. The creature takes 6d8 fire damage each time it takes an action while it is branded in this manner.

If a creature is killed while under the effects of this spell, its soul becomes eternally damned. At the start of your next turn, the creature’s soul rises as a shadow demon that is under your control for 24 hours, after which it stops obeying any command you’ve given it. Any creature who is killed by this spell can be restored to life only by means of a wish spell if the shadow demon has been slain.

Brain Trust

9th-level divination (Bard, Wizard)

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S, M (a stack of legal paperwork at least half a foot tall)
24 hours

You forge a telepathic link among up to eight willing creatures of your choice within range, psychically linking each creature to all the others for the duration. Creatures with Intelligence scores of 4 or less aren’t affected by this spell. Until the spell ends, each of the targets gains the following benefits:

  • It can speak, read, and write each language that another creature in the link knows.
  • It can communicate telepathically through the bond to any number of other creatures in the link. This communication is possible over any distance.
  • It has proficiency with each skill, tool, weapon, and armor with which another creature in the link has proficiency. If the creature sharing its proficiency with the link has expertise with the skill or tool, so does every other creature in the link.
  • Its Intelligence score becomes the same as that of the creature with the highest Intelligence score in the link. The same is true for its Wisdom and Charisma scores, corresponding to the creature with the highest related ability score in the link.
  • It knows each cantrip that another creature in the link knows. It uses the same spellcasting ability for the cantrip as the creature sharing its cantrip with the link.

The link ends if you or one of the targets casts this spell again. A target is also removed from the link if it dies or if it is ever on a different plane of existence from you.

Effulgent Epuration

9th-level abjuration (Sorcerer, Wizard)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You select a creature within range, and nine small silvery orbs spring into being, hovering around the creature and granting it strong magical protection. As an action on your turn, you can transfer the orbs (and their protection) to another recipient within range. When a spell forces the protected creature to make a saving throw, or when the creature is targeted by a spell attack, it may choose to expend one of the orbs to nullify the spell’s effect on it. The protected creature no longer needs to make a saving throw, or the spell attack is absorbed. Afterwards, the orb that blocked the attack fades away. This spell only protects the creature you chose with the orbs hovering around it. Other targets caught in a spell’s area are affected normally.



Elemental Storm

9th-level evocation (Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 500 feet

Components: V, S, M (a glass prism)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You evoke a chaotic storm of elemental energies, with randomly shifting dominance in different regions of the storm. Bolts of lightning, flying rocks, frigid air, globules of acid, plumes of flame, and thunderous booms rage throughout a 60-foot radius, 30-foot high cylinder centered on a point within range. Roll a d6 for every creature within the cylinder when you cast this spell. Each affected creature is subjected to one of the following effects based on the roll.

  • 1 - Bolts of lightning: The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 lightning damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save.

  • 2 - Flying rocks: The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save. A creature that fails its save is pushed 10 feet in a random direction (or the DM’s choice). Huge creatures are pushed 5 feet instead. Gargantuan creatures are not pushed.

  • 3 - Frigid air: The creature must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 12d6 cold damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save. A creature killed by this damage becomes a frozen statue until it thaws.

  • 4 - Globules of acid: The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8 acid damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save. A creature that fails its save is coated with acid, and takes an additional 2d8 acid damage at the end of each of its turns until it succeeds on a Dexterity save against your DC, made as an action.

  • 5 - Plumes of flame: The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 12d6 fire damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save.

  • 6 - The creature must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 10d6 thunder damage and becoming deafened on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save. If a creature enters or starts its turn within the storm, roll a d6 for the creature and apply one of the above effects.

Inspiring Saga

9th-level enchantment (Bard)

Casting Time:
1 action
V, S, M (a musical instrument worth at least 1 gp)
Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You play an epic musical saga that inspires your companions to feats of heroism certain to enter the annals of history. When you cast this spell, you gain a number of spell-song points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Before the spell ends, you can expend spell-song points (no action required) when certain conditions are met to weave your melodic magic into the action:

  • When a creature within 30 feet who can hear you hits with an attack roll, you can expend a spell-song point to cause the attack to deal maximum damage, instead of making a damage roll.
  • When a creature within 30 feet who can hear you makes a damage roll for a spell, you can expend a spell-song point to allow it to choose any number of the damage dice after the roll and reroll each of the chosen dice once, replacing each die’s previous result with the new roll.
  • When a creature within 30 feet who can hear you would make a death saving throw, you can expend a spell-song point to cause it to regain 1 hit point instead.
  • When a creature within 30 feet who can hear you starts its turn while it is affected by one or more disease, it has one or more level of exhaustion, or it is subject to any number of the blinded, charmed, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, poisoned, restrained, or stunned conditions, you can expend a spell-song point to cure it of each disease affecting it, reduce its level of exhaustion by 1, and end each of the other listed conditions to which it is subject.
  • When a creature other than you within 30 feet who can hear you fails a saving throw, you can expend a spell-song point to cause it to succeed instead.

Until the spell ends, you can take an action on your turn to gain up to your spellcasting ability modifier in spell-song points. You can take this action an unlimited number of times. You lose all remaining spell-song points immediately when this spell ends




  • Artificers now baseline get Mending as a cantrip with their known cantrips at level 1.
  • Gained Magical Analysis at 1st level.
  • Right tool for the job can now create kits and mundane equipment.
  • Magic Item Adept now makes you regain maximum number of charges for a magical item.
  • Magic Item Savant now makes it so that if a magical item would be destroyed when reaching 0 charges, it is instead inert until after it would regain charges.
  • Changed the 18th level ability name, and added a dope function.
  • Soul of the Artifice now lets you craft rare and very rare items at a quarter of the time, and half as much of the usual gold.
  • Many of its abilities were reworked entirely, the subclass is now less random.
  • Buffed its supportive capabilities.
  • The Steel Defenders acts without your bonus action, and gains an additional feature at 15th level.
  • Fixed some spelling errors in the 3rd and 15th level abilities and slightly buffed the 3rd level orb of assistance.
  • Fixed some spelling errors
  • Fixed some spelling errors
  • Removed
  • Removed
  • Removal I removed these two subclasses because they performed the same features as other subclasses without adding anything new to Artificer as a whole. My entire run-through of my documents this time was to make everything feel like it belonged. These didn’t at the end of the day
  • Redesigned to make it fit the theme I was trying to go for, especially with the changes to the base class overwriting certain functions of this subclass.
  • Slightly buffed 15th level ability.


  • Changed the wording of Rage, allowing it to be used for both unarmed strikes and thrown weapon attacks.
  • Magekiller’s Rage is now just a secondary way to use rage.
  • Changed the wording of Danger Sense to match the OneDnD version (Which I like better, it’s stronger)
  • Changed Primal Knowledge to match the OneDnD version, giving it access to a new form to use skills.
  • Instinctive Pounce are now baseline Barbarian features.
  • Indomitable Might now works on Strength Saves as well.
  • Brutal Critical has been changed to the Playtest version. Rather than just rolling additional die of the weapon type, it is now just baseline 1d12.
  • Changed Relentless Rage to the Playtest version
  • Primal Champion now increases brutal critical to 4 additional die.
Ancestral Guardian
  • Added Shroud of the Ancestors to 3rd level.
  • Spirit Shield is 2d8 instead of 2d6, and increases with d8’s.
  • Gave them Speak with Dead at 6th level.
  • A completely reworked subclass.
Beast Path
  • Fixed some grammar errors.
  • Reworded the 14th level ability to come off as sounding more like 5e.
  • Reworked Frenzy to give you a chance to negate the exhaustion (Man this was such a heavy cost ability)
  • Gave them Frightening Strength at 3rd level.
  • Clarified 6th level ability to say that charmed or frightened ends on the barbarian.
  • Changed Intimidating Presence to work alongside your attacks rather than taking multiple actions to maintain.
Bloodletter (New)
  • Fixed some grammar errors and clarified abilities to sound more like 5e examples.
Celestial Avatar
  • Removed, this subclass overlapped thematically with both Zealot and Sacrifice. I decided to rework those two classes instead of having the theme spread across all three.



  • Added cold resistance while raging to 3rd level feature.
  • Clarified a limit to how many times the 6th level feature could be used.
  • Depth Charge damage increased to 4d6.
  • Slight changes to the wording of the 14th level ability.
Fading Giants (UA, Revised & made official)
  • Reworked this subclass to be a combination of the existing giants subclass and the Path of the Worldtree from the playtest. (Which I think is one of the cooler subclasses they’ve made recently)
  • Changed the 6th level feature, the random longbow feature didn’t make sense for the rest of the subclass, so I changed it to be melee attacks & Thrown weapons instead.
  • Added some damage to the 14th level feature if they fail the save.
Houndmaster (New)
  • Increased the damage die of the Fury ability to d6s
  • Changed the 10th level feature to function with the new
  • Increased damage of the 14th level ability.
  • Reworked this subclass to better fit the removal of Celestial Avatar, filling the gap
Storm Herald
  • Modified the 3rd level ability to give you a way to increase the effects of the aura.
  • At 10th level, revised the ability and gave you a temporary fly speed when you use your aura.
  • 14th level, become immune to your aura’s associated damage, revised ability.
Totem Warrior (Now Wildheart)
  • 3rd level, edited the Elk & Tiger totems.
  • 6th level: changed wolf to work on your whole party as this is supposed to be the ‘group’ spirit.
  • Made some reflecting changes to match OneDnD changes, but kept most of the subclass as it was.
Wild Magic
  • Magic Awareness now works like detect magic, but different for you.
  • Wild Surge’s damage options increase in strength at 6th and 14th level & modified the options slightly.
  • Bolstering Magic has been revised. (d3’s suck)
  • Replaced the 14th level ability.
  • Increased the damage Primal Scream did
  • Shifting Fang now poisons instead of making opportunity attacks become at disadvantage.
  • Howl of the Feywild got buffed.
  • You can target yourself with Zealous Presence now.
  • Changed according to the (cool) OneDnD changes.




  • Bardic Inspiration can now be used before or after you know the result (thank you OneDnD, this is a healthy change.)
  • Bards now get Jynx as a baseline cantrip as well as their normal 2 cantrips.
  • Like the OneDnD Change, Bardic Inspiration now lasts 1 hour.
  • Countercharm is now a reaction ability, instead of an action with very little use. Countercharm was one of those abilities that looks good on paper but almost never sees use because by the time it comes online, there are better ways to remove charm than to “give another chance to save”, thus the change.
  • Superior Inspiration has been changed to Words of Creation (Thanks OneDnD for a better capstone)
  • Slightly reworded two hymns (buffed)
  • Reworded the 6th level ability, allowing more consistent rolls for the inspiration pool.
  • Made the 14th level ability cheaper as bardic inspirations are hard to come by.
Beasts (New)
  • Reworded Tiny Companion.
  • Slightly reworded 3rd level abilities
Epic Poetry
  • Epic Verses was changed to allow you to gain a Verse on you reducing a creature to zero, and to give a baseline improvement to bardic inspirations. Now the maximum count is higher, but you gain a benefit immediately.
  • Added a tick of bonus to Unsettling Words
  • Fixed some grammatical errors
  • Reworked the abilities to be closer to the New OneDnD Glamour changes
  • Reworded the 6th level ability
  • 3rd level features got reworded/buffed.
  • Peerless skill got an added section to work like Reliable Talent.
  • Reworded and reworked Peerless Skill
College of Linguistics
  • Removed. The subclass ended up being too much like other subclasses and now had abilities that were becoming baseline features of Bard, so it was scrapped.
College of the Mind’s Awakener
  • Removed. This subclass simply didn’t do as much compared to other Bardic subclasses, and rather than trying to make it work, it’s few unique abilities have been refocused elsewhere. (This was also rated pretty low among my groups as forgettable)
  • Reworded or reworked several abilities to match the theme better, overall buffed.
College of Spirits
  • Removed. It wasn’t a very well themed subclass for my world, and I didn’t want to rework it to fit.
  • Gained a feature similar to Eldritch Knight, allowing it to still attack while casting spells. (It’s a sword bard, c’mon)
  • Buffed the 6th and 14th level ability to make it more on par with other reworked subclasses. Not a significant change but enough to matter.
  • Reworked this subclass to be a more support subclass. Valor inspires, Swords attacks.
College of Wyrdsingers
  • Removed. This subclass was basically a Valor bard with extra fluff, and while the fey fluff was cool, it wasn’t necessary. Its 3rd level ability was added to the Valor bard instead, as a way to make up for it



Blood Hunter

  • Increased the total number of Blood Maledicts Blood Hunter gets, and increased total uses.
  • Reworked Fighting Styles, Added two unique fighting style that works alongside the Crimson Rites for dual-wielding or two-handed weapons respectively.
  • Overhauled Crimson Rites usage
  • Reworked Grim Psychometry to be less at DM discretion at how it functions, basing it instead off Legend Lore.
  • Buffed Hardened Soul
  • Added in the Crimson Manipulation ability at 15th level
  • Added more Blood Maledicts
  • Offering to the Soul is now a bonus action.
  • Changed 7th level feature to reflect this change.
  • Reworked them to be closer to the anti-magic incantation of Soul Inquisitors, while still maintaining their identity.
  • Received some buffs, removed Bloodlust
  • Buffed the 15th level feature
Poisoned Blade
  • I really neglected this subclass apparently. It was based off the old version of Bloodhunter and its features overlapped in unfortunate ways. Parts of it have been reworked to make it more competitive
  • 3rd level feature extended, 18th level feature changed to reflect changes and gave them a unique Blood Maledict.
  • Reworked some of the abilities, swapped them around to be appropriate to other Orders leveling. Remade 7th level ability.
  • Removed due to not feeling like it truly fit the theme of other blood hunters.
  • Reworked various abilities to fit more in line with the class.


  • Like the other spellcasters, now begins with the Sacred flame cantrip and its normal cantrips.
  • Added Desperate Prayer & Divine Spark as Channel Divinity Options. (OneDnD & Homebrew Feature)
  • Destroy Undead gains damage on undead failure even if they aren’t destroyed (OneDnD feature)
  • Added the revised Blessed Strikes at 7th level, and their improvement at 14th level.
  • Slightly revised Divine Intervention to reflect OneDnD Cleric.

All Subclasses

  • Due to Blessed Strikes replacing Potent spellcasting and Divine strikes, a lot of 8th level features for subclasses are redundant. Rather than attempt to replace all of these with new abilities, I removed the 8th level feature of clerics.
  • Clerics who did have 8th level features that weren’t one of these two options instead had these features combined with other abilities, to keep that part of their identity.


  • Slightly buffed the 17th level feature.


  • Added a Balance Domain Spell List & changed the 1st level bonus proficiencies, lacked this while other domains had it.
  • Balanced Tip the Scales better.
Cosmos (New)
  • Buffed the 1st level feature & completely changed the 6th and 17th level features to give slightly more flavor to the class.
  • Changed the 6th level ability
Deeps (New)
  • Reworked the subclass. While the subclass felt very earth in theme, all it did was tank and tank some more, changed the features around to function better as an earthen mastery subclass
  • Edited the Blessing of the Forge ability
  • Changed the Soul of the Forge ability
  • Gave a buff to the 17th level ability
High Magic
  • Reworked the 1st and 6th level abilities to fit the subclass changes for Cleric.



Knowledge Domain
  • Added another 1st level feature that wasn’t bonus proficiencies, not sure why this subclass didn’t have such a thing when every other cleric did
Light Domain
  • Bundled Improved Warding Flare into the 1st level ability
  • Changed Improved Warding Flare at 6th level into Revealing Light
Lunar domain
  • Changed the 17th level ability
Nature Domain
  • Changed the 1st level abilities.
Passion Domain
  • Made a new ability for 6th level to replace the creepy channel divinity
Sin Domain
  • Changed some abilities around to be less devil theme. The Sin domain was formed from Asmodeus, but it isn’t unique to him.
Shamanism Domain
  • I loved this domain, but personally found it not fitting in my own campaign more and more, especially with some of the reworks to the cleric class
Time Domain
  • Changed the 1st level ability and 2nd level Channel Divinity to work better for the subclass’s theme.
Trade Domain
  • Changed the 1st and 17th level ability to be appropriate for the subclass changes.


  • I unfortunately didn’t do a very good job while doing changes to this class because I forgot to write them down! but some base class abilities were adjusted.
  • More importantly, some additional Flares were added including more flares that interact with other classes allowing them to truly feel like a party support.
  • A clarification: The movement of flares is not required, it is optional. Flare Movement makes attacks against you have disadvantage, which is why it specifies how much you can move during a flare.


  • Took away the requirement for druids not to wear metal armor and shields. Get with the times old-druids!
  • Wildshape can be used as an action or bonus action.
  • Speak with Animals is now always prepared via the Druidic feature.
  • Added the OneDnD Wild Resurgence to druids at 5th level.
  • Added Commune with Nature at 9th level.
  • Added Alternating Forms at 13th level (OneDnD change)
Circle of Ancients
  • Added multiattack to the 14th level ability to give it some extra spice for a Druid capstone.
  • Slightly reworded some abilities.
Circle of the Branch
  • Adjusted some damage, a buff.
  • Increased the AC from Ironwood Warrior.
Circle of Dreams

Gave them an additional feature at 2nd level to, a cantrip and spell usage to put them on par with other druid subclasses that get to 2 2nd level features.

Circle of the Fiend (New)
Circle of the Moon
  • Completely changed the subclass to match the OneDnD version. I personally think this was a fun change to a boring if powerful subclass and makes it a much more active subclass.
Circle of Runic Shamans
  • Unintentionally busted them, fixed them to make them not OP
  • Ancestral Guidance now grants temp hp equal to 2x your wisdom modifier instead)
  • Shared Glory now works with metal armor, but not heavy armor.
Circle of the Shepherd
  • Speech of the Woods is now just clarified as being a constant Speak with Animals. The effects were similar, just made it easier.
Circle of the Spider
  • Slight buff to the 14th level ability, it wasn’t very inspiring to just be friendly to spiders with no other benefit.
Circle of Spores
  • Increased the Halo of Spores damage, but took away one level of its growth
  • Fungal Infestation now works on any creature Small or Medium, not just beasts & humanoids.
Circle of Storms
  • Buffed the weak 3rd level ability and added some combat functioning to it.




  • While the playtesting for this class is still ongoing, Early levels for my existing players has felt low impact while later levels feels more satisfying. To make up for this, I’ve given them an additional feature at 1st level, buffed the 2nd level friends with elements feature and slightly lowered the cost of the 7th level ability to conjure minor elementals.
  • This classes main strength comes from being a spellcaster without several of the drawbacks of spellcasting. There is no concentration, and there is no counterspelling, but has the downside that most Elementalist shapes are relatively short ranged. In theory this benefit should weigh in as a feature itself but as a DM I ask my players, what is your opinion on this? Should Shapes function like spells and Elementalists gain more features, or is this a good trade off?
  • Added in an 11th level feature to give them versatility, giving them something to use outside or inside of combat


  • Added the Tactical Mind ability at 1st level.
  • Combat Maneuvers at 2nd level is now available to all classes. Some subclasses gain additional maneuvers, superiority die and larger die.
  • Action Surge is no longer at 2nd level, it has been moved to 6th. Instead, it has been replaced by Heroism.
  • Martial Versatility is now baseline fighter, and it allows you to change a maneuver you know as well.
  • Indomitable can interact with Death Saves.
  • Removed the Commander’s Strike from the Maneuvers for non-battlemasters, This seemed like it should go specifically to them.


  • Removed the Devout & Witchknight subclasses due to feeling like their themes were already better filled by other subclasses that didn’t need to be fighters.
  • Couatl Herald was removed due to a changing of my lore & the lore being unappealing to the subclass’s theme.
Arcane Archer
  • The subclass has been completely reworked.
  • At 3rd level, You are given a short list of spells, choosing one. You can cast this spell 1/day. At higher levels you gain more spells and can cast each level of spell 1/day. You can swap these spells as part of a long rest.
  • Arcane Superiority is the Arcane Archer version of Combat Superiority. Because they are not maneuvers, you can use a Arcane Shot & Combat Maneuver on the same turn.
  • Arcane Archer superiority die upgrade at higher levels.
  • The Arcane Archer was missing out on later level features just because it had arrows that upgraded. Now they get additional features as well.
  • The subclass has been completely reworked.

  • Improved Superiority lets you use more than 1 maneuver a turn unlike other fighters (except similar archers)

  • Student of War becomes your major feature. Gives bonuses to a list of skills that can be interacted with superiority die, upgrades battlemaster superiority damage, and allows them to reroll 1s. Battlemasters are supposed to the be the best at Combat Superiority, and hopefully this makes them feel that way.

  • Know Your Enemy now gives an additional benefit if you interact with someone for 10 minutes instead.

  • 15th level ability has become Relentless cry, giving an AoE healing option.

  • Unwavering Spirit is like the old half-orc racial, one chance at life after dropping to 0.

  • Completely removed, It’s features were moved to other subclasses that made sense.
  • The Subclass has had some modifications to its abilities and a few unique maneuvers. However, unlike Battlemaster & Arcane Archer, they do not get superior maneuvers.
  • Cavaliers make great tanks.
  • Felt very lackluster, especially with fighter changes and so got a rework alongside the others.
  • Second Wind becomes a vital feature of Champions.
  • Improved Critical interacts with Second Wind now.
  • Remarkable Athlete gets a 1 minute bonus to speeds and movement.
  • Iron Endurance at 7th level, The Critical Hitter is good at not taking critical hits. +1 more use of Second Wind.
  • An extra fighting style wasn’t exciting, 10th level is now proficiency in Dex saves + enemies can’t have advantage on you if you’ve hit them this turn.
  • Rather than doubling down on critical chance, you are even better at removing criticals against you.
  • 18th level’s ability was good, added one last use of ability to gain off Second Wind and called it a day.
Cosmic Knight
  • Gave a slight bonus to 3rd level, allowing you to expend a superiority die to get a cosmic strike use back.



Gearshifter (New)
  • Has been reworked into a fighter subclass. The overall theme has stayed the same, has a few homebrew spells to itself.


  • Temporarily removed Kensai because I accidentally broke it


  • Upgraded the Martial arts die. Monks are supposed to be the kings at unarmed strikes, and yet a fighting style on Fighters allowed them to be better at it at level 1. Overall Monk’s could use a boost to damage so this isn’t too big, with an average of +.5 damage per attack
  • Step of the Wind is now the Dash & Disengage actions instead of one or the other, this is incentive to spending the one ki when rogues get the same feature for free.
  • Flurry of Blows no longer requires you to take the attack action to use, just 1 ki and a bonus action
  • All monks will hate me for this. Put a limit on stunning strikes per round, or twice if you use Flurry of Blows. (This feature feels so bad for DMs if it is just 3+ times a round hearing Stunning Strike but it’s iconic and so didn’t want to remove it) However, its now a Strength save, a much more uncommon saving type, and not one many creatures will have proficiency in.
  • Big badda boom capstone feature (for the rare level 20 campaigns)
Dreamer (New)
Drunken Master
  • Reduced the ki cost to Drunkard’s Luck. It was 2 when other similar features were 1.
  • Put in a clarification that the three additional attacks have to be against new targets, the first two do not.
Flowing Water
  • Increasing Soothing Spout temp hp.
  • Fixed atleast 10 typos, I must’ve been drunk.
  • Removed due to no longer fitting with the lore.
  • Added Void Steps.
  • Slight buff to Shadow Arts.
Sun Soul
  • Reworked the damage scaling of some abilities, as they were some of the lowest damage dealing monks.
  • Gave them one non-damaging ability at 6th level.


  • Gave Paladins a good buff to Divine Sense & new 1st level feature to keep them realistically on terms with the new changes to martial classes.
  • Gave Paladins 2 uses of Channel Divinity (OneDnD change)
  • Lay on Hands can be used as an action or bonus action. (OneDnD change)
  • Paladins always get Find Steed and can cast it 1/day for free at 5th level.
Class Design
  • As subclasses go, Paladins get powerful options later. yet early game, they do not have many things going for them. Their subclass only offers a 1/day channel divinity that never increases in use. For some subclasses it was strong enough give it a break until 7th level, for others not so much. I’ve given most of the subclasses minor 3rd level features to go alongside their Channel Divinities to make Paladin play more workable than just casting smites for several levels.
  • Added Cunning Lies, 3rd level.
  • Took a limit off the 7th level feature, didn’t make sense.
Oath of the Ancient
  • Added Naturalist, 3rd level.
  • Took away the meaningless add-on of letting your enemy pick its own save against your Channel Divinity, and made it an action to try and resist.
  • Gave them Frightful Presence at 3rd level.
  • Word of Authority at 3rd level.
  • Sacred Bond at 3rd level.
  • Changed the wording of the 20th level ability to not be so restrictive with a class capstone.
Dynamism (New)
  • Solarion, previously Eternal Sun
  • Rather than giving them another feature, they have a solid Channel Divinity options and so got 2 uses of Channel Divinity. (Also thematically works as two sun-related abilities)
  • Slightly nerfed the capstone as a free blind on a 30-foot aura with no save was too strong.




Shared Glory at 3rd level. Buffed the Aura of Alacrity, it was stupid weak with a weird restriction.


3rd level feature grants a benefit based on your relic’s alignment.

  • Slightly buffed the capstone.
  • Knowledge of the Lorekeepers, 3rd level
  • Gave them the unique ability to use Intelligence as their Paladin stat, due to being ‘smort paladorks’
  • Liberation, 3rd level.
Luckchasers (Was Luckbringers)
  • Two-sided Coin, 3rd level -The subclass was pretty weak, overall gave it a few buffs and 1 nerf to a feature that needed it. -Pit -Secretary of the Nine, 3rd level.
  • Buffed the damage values of the capstone
  • Ancient Memory, 3rd level.
  • Moment of Peace, 3rd level.
  • Sacred Forge (Was the Soulforge)
  • Peerless Craft, 3rd level.
  • Merciful Killing, 3rd level.

-Another solid Channel Divinity options, giving them two uses of Channel Divinity instead. -Vengeance -15th level feature now gains resistance to all weapon attacks, not just nonmagical ones.

Fix Spells Dynamism - 3 non-spells. Solarion - 3 spells. Pit - 2 spells Sacred Forge - 3 spells.

Ranger (Playtest)

  • I’ve removed all other rangers, Edenbaerrow Ranger is now the only ranger. Greater emphasis on nature and interacting with it, not spellcasting.

  • Spells have been removed from the class and instead are only usable by subclass feature, or the Warden spellcasting Subclass. Replaced with ‘Tricks’, similar to Fighter Maneuvers. Each subclass gets a unique Trick.

  • Hunt Prey is now a class feature working similar to Hunter’s Mark. No more concentrating.

  • Updated Favored Terrain to be slightly more versatile: it can now pick any terrain mentioned in the Biome Cultures. Changed Greater Favored Terrain at 10th to reflect this.

  • Survivalist Healer gives them the ability to make potions for the party everyday.

  • Foeslayer at 20th level interacts with your Hunt Prey.

  • Fleet of Foot has been moved to 6th level instead of 8th level

  • Hunter’s Lore has been added at 9th level.

  • Huntsman Tricks now come in at level 2, with less of them.


  • All tricks now have a 10th level improvement.
  • Cat’s Grace is clarified. It’s a dash as a bonus action.
  • Slight buff to the 15th level ability.


  • Made Steady Aim permanent feature, and buffed it. (Was lame)
  • Gained Cunning Strikes at 5th level & Devious Strikes at 14th.
  • At 11th level, Rogues get their own version of Extra Attack.
  • Slight buff/rewording of Capstone Stroke of Luck.
Class Design
  • I added the Strikes because Rogues are supposed to be really good at taking out targets, but with only damage options, it never really felt it. The OneDnD options give them a few ways to actually seem Rogueish, and the Subtle Strikes feature allows them to showcase how good they are at taking out one enemy.
Arcane Trickster
  • Mage Hand can be used as a bonus action, and has a farther reach/speed.
  • Assassins are slightly better at Sneak Attack now as well.
  • The 9th and 13th level feature have been reworked to more thematically go along with Assassin.
  • Removed due to most of its actions now being present as cunning strikes and subtle strikes in the base class feature.



  • Slightly adjusted features, making them more than just a social subclass. (Slippery Customer, Jaded Eye)
  • Removed the lying component of Ear for Deceit, allowing the feature to be used for all the various Insight checks of this subclass.
  • Put a slight boost to Insightful Fighting.
  • Replaced Steady Eye with Insightful Manipulator, an ability that seems like it could’ve belonged here and not on Mastermind.
  • Big Buff to the 17th level feature to put it on par with other Rogue 17th level features.
  • Removed, its features are similar to other rogue subclasses, it can be scrapped to make room for improvements to the other subclasses.
  • Moved the Mastermind Master of Tactics benefit to this martial DPS Subclass, it made sense with its other 3rd level feature.
  • Removed the scaling Sneak Attac Upgrade on its 3rd level ability due to the new benefits rogues get.
Planar Bandit
  • Buffed the Planar Slip ability and replaced the 9th level Slip Sneak ability to account for the change. (Playtested, this class took a little too long to come ‘online’)
  • Slip Shroud is full invisibility now, it doesn’t go away because you attack, only at the start of your next turn.

Fast Hands now let you change basic item DCs. Use Magic Device now lets you to attune to extra items.


  • Increased Spells known. (Why 15 at max level? 7 less than bard, 15+ less than Wizard. Odd)
  • Added the biggest, baddest ooomfh for sticking with Sorcerer for 20 levels. Nice Capstone. (Better than a 2nd level spellslot..)
  • Several new metamagic options. (Contingent, Enduring, Stable, Unerring.)
  • Gain one more metamagic at 15th level.
  • Sorcerous Vitality at 5th level.
  • Wild Arcana at 9th level.
Clockwork Soul
  • Slightly buffed the 6th level feature.
Giant Soul
  • Slight buff to the 1st and 6th level feature.
  • Nerfed Luminomancy feature. (Looking at your build Maxi, thanks for showing me this was broken)
Storm Soul
  • Tempestuous Magic now scales & works with cantrips.
Wild Magic
  • Changed the low level features functionality. Wild Surges are more likely to happen, but are easier to deal with/beneficial.
  • Bend Luck is cheaper, seemed expensive.
Added auto-spell lists for some subclasses. (Storm, Shadow, Wild)

Soul Inquisitor

  • Gave an option to expend Souls to heal nearby allies. Took away the Channel Divinity that did similar, this gives Inquisitors a way to expend Vengeful Souls before 6th level and an additional way to expend Minor Souls.
  • Since the Solarion Paladin gets the same channel Divinity, I’ve remade their Channel Divinity to be more thematic to the class.
Fixed some bad 5e word usage among the subclasses, typos, etc.
Arcane Branch
  • buffed the 7th level feature.
Wild Branch
  • Fixed the 7th level feature, and buffed the usage of Pass Without Trace.
Bizarre Branch
  • Fixed the wording of the capstone.
Divine Branch
  • Changed the 3rd level feature to give another use of Channel Divinity.
Purifier Branch
  • Buffed the 3rd level features.




  • Warlocks were a class I put some effort into previously but will put have more done here.
  • Warlocks entire thing should be to have more HIGHER level spell slots than other classes because they don’t have any low level spell slots, yet they actually ended up with less overall at most levels. Getting Spells back on a short rest does not fix this problem, the class ends up being a cantrip caster at almost all levels of play. So, I’ve added one additional spell slots at all levels. This only becomes broken if the party is taking 2-3 short rests a day, and even then it’s closer to ‘balanced’.
  • In the same vein as spells, Invocations are supposed to bridge the huge gap in spell slots. So they are getting 1 additional invocation as well.
  • Outside of these, Warlocks are getting no new features, but their capstone at level 20 is getting a bigger oomfh. Now you can get a 6th level slot back on a short rest, which is much better. In addition, they get 2 extra invocations to let them really round out the class at this level.


To make spells known not so much of a bummer for Warlocks (which sucked like bards and Sorcerers), All subclass spells are now just “Known” spells, rather than spells they can pick.

  • Buffed the 1st level feature.
  • Gave them an additional 1st level feature.
  • Changed one of the 1st level cantrips.
  • Healing Lights is a majority of your interaction with the class. Get half back on a short rest.
  • Moved abilities around and gave them a new 6th level feature.
Great Old One
  • Added a 1st level feature.


  • Scroll Mastery at 9th level lets wizard add other classes spells to their spellbook if they can find it in scroll form, but they cannot cast it at higher levels.
  • Wizards now get Spell Mastery at 15th instead of 18, and Signature Spell at 18 instead of 20.
  • Level 20 capstone is now increasing Intelligence by 4, to a maximum of 24. This lets them increase many parts of their class and overall just feels very wizard without resorting to just granting more spell slots.
  • A lot of Wizard subclasses are just.. golden? Unlike the class that doesn’t get many features, the subclasses are 85% of the time perfect in what they are accomplishing.
  • As the weakest subclass from the PHB, gave a slight buff to the 6th level transmuter stone.
War Magic
  • An adjustment to War Magic to still keep its Arcane Deflection strong at all levels of play, without it crippling your spellcasting and making you a cantrip bot.