Infant Beholder

When was it that spells requiring centuries of careful study and dicspline were reduced to a child's plaything? I mean, it can't even read the spell in my book, but it using the spell to draw a tree on my walls! --- Grandmaster Archmage Ethar's reaction upon meeting an infant beholder

Faux Beholder

True Beholders are brought into existence by other Beholders. As a result, on rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the dream-reality becomes warped and takes on physical form, becoming another actual beholder. These infant beholders are the result of powerful or evil practioners of the arcane experimention or attempt to create a powerful servant.

The Fourth Kind

In most cases, the process yields one of the three principal forms of the beholder: a solitary beholder, a hive, or a death tyrant. However, these Infants seem to be an all new and very rare fourth kind of beholder. Studies have shown they are just as intelligent as true beholders, but severly lack the wisdom to apply or understand it. For example, an infant beholder might be able to cast the most complex and powerful speels that mages spend decades mastering, but it is unable to understand that same spell written down in a book or scroll. In short, they are arcane savants.

Beholder Names

A beholder normally picks its own name, piecing together sounds and syllables that have significance and meaning to it. An Infant Beholder might do the same, but it might also allow another creature it is fond of do it for them. It might also chose a name of famous beholder it has heard about through stories or books.

Famous Beholders Large Luigi, Glormorglulla, Xanathar, Manxam, Xantam

Infant Beholder Traits

Your Infant Beholder charcter has the following traits

Ability Score Improvments Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age Infant beholder do not physically age, but mature at the rate of elves.

Alighment Often of a neutral alignment, Infant Beholders are generally found close by wizards and sorcerers, but some have more extreme tendencies.

Size Infant Beholders vary in weight and height in the same way humans do. Your size is Medium.

Speed Like normal beholders, Infant Beholders float and hover rather than walk along thr ground. Your base speed is 30 feet.

Aberrant Nature. Your creature type is considered to be aberration.

Telekinetic Limbs Beholders do not have limbs like most creatures. Instead they use a form of the Telekinsis spell to manipulate thier enviroment. Infant Beholders are much weaker and can only "hold" two objects at time. This type of magic is very taxing and thus thier carrying capacity and other similar action is still tied to thier strength score and modifiers.

Credit: Sarah Naomi Tyrrell -

Eye Rays Like normal Beholders, these infant beholder can shoot various magical beams from thier eyestalks. As an action, you can use an eye ray. Choose from the Eye Rar Table below. At 1st level, you can only have a single eye ray. You gain an additional option at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. Charisma is your spell casting ability for these rays. Choose from the Eye Ray table below. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you've completed a Long Rest.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common, Deep Speech, and Undercommon

Eye Ray Option
Ray Saving Throw Effect
Charm Ray Charism Charmed for 1 Round
Fear Ray Wisdom Frightened for 1 Round
Sleep Ray Wisdom Unconsious for 1 Round
Slowing Ray Dexerity Slowed for 1 Round
Paralyzing Ray Constitution Paralyzed for 1 Round
Telekinetic Ray Strength Moved 15ft in any direction
Antimagic Ray Intelligence Unable to cast spells for 1 Round