Focusing Instrument

Any instrument, rarity varies

When playing this instrument it sounds as if several bards are presenting their captivating skills at once. While casting a spell, the spoken words appear repeatedly as flashing letters on the whole instrument until the spell ends.

If this item is not being played by a class other than a bard, the creature must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw each time he tries to use it. On a failed save it suffers 2d10 psychic damage.

After fulfilling the met requirements, the item allows a user who is already casting a spell with concentration to expend one of its charges to cast an additional spell that also requires concentration. As soon as a second concentration spell is cast in this manner, the duration of both spells is reduced to a maximum of one minute. In addition, the creature must use its action or bonus action to maintain the concentration of both spells in subsequent rounds.

Should the user suffer any form of damage which causes him to make a Constitution saving throw to maintain the concentration on a spell, the user must make separate saving throws for each spell.

If the user loses the concentration of both spells or exceeds the time limit (of one minute), he will suffer a number of strains, depending on the rarity of the item and listed in the table below. If the user has lost the concentration of only one spell, the duration is still limited to the duration of the instrument's power and cannot exceed it, even if the duration of the original spell would allow it.


a) The user is stunned for 1 round and falls prone after a large amount of magic has built up in body and mind.
b) The user takes 1d10 psychic damage due to the strain of concentrating on two spells.
c) The user recieves one point of exhaustion.

Rarity Charges Recharging Strains Bonus
Rare 1 at dawn a, b, c -
Very Rare 2 1 charge at dawn every day b, c -
Legendary 3 1d3 charges at dawn every day b +2 on Charisma checks made with the instrument