
Misunderstood, outcast, and victims of an
unfortunate bloodline, the descendants of lycanthropic
humanoids are self-sufficient survivalists who excel at
hunting down the most elusive of prey.

Over generatations, these tribalistic creatures have proliferated widely enough to be considered a race in their own right, far removed from their lycanthropic origins.

Lycanthropic Heritage

The true origin of the lupine race is a subject of controversy amongst genealogists and historians. It is majoritively agreed that they are the offspring of humanoids, wherein at least the maternal parent was suffering from long-term lycanthropy. Unlike their acursed ancestors, the lupine retain full control of their animalistic traits, and phenomena like the full moon has little to no effect on them.

Lupine physiology used to be dependant on their heritage, such as small tusks for orcish parents, or being shorter than usual in cases of dwarven lycanthropy. Over time, these differences have become less noticable, and in some cases, entirely removed from the gene pool by natural selection. Although some outliers still exist due to cross-breeding and new cases of lycanthropy, most lupine are similar.

Their lycanthropic physiology affords them the capability to survive in the wilderness using their enhanced senses and natural weapons as hunting tools. Despite their partial colorblindness, escaping a lupine hunter is no easy task for animal or man alike. Although they use tools in abundance, a lupine in pursuit of prey will not shy away from dropping to all fours in favour of a more accurate and satisfying hunt.

Lupine race by /u/lukemortora01

version 2.0 - 11/10/2018 - Subject to change and review

Lupine by Yamaorce (DA)
Background by TitusLunter (DA)

Tribalistic Warbands

Much like their human cousins, lupine are tribalistic by nature. This means they are reliant on one another to provide skills and services, and work for the betterment of all, as well as future generations. Often finding solace amongst their own kin, they are quick to form bonds with those they do battle beside. These bonds are solidified by the establishment of a warband, which can range from a less than ten to over one hundred-strong.

The nature of each warband is unique, some are territorial, whereas others are nomadic travellers. Understanding the nature of a warband is usually critical to any adventurers survival, and knowing whether a warband is hostile or not can be the difference between life and death.

A warband is not usually lead by a singular figurehead, or even by any kind of government. The pack is driven only by its needs, which is why larger warbands tend towards static, territorial mindsets. It is not unknown for a warband to follow a leader in times of desperation, but the mutual trust amongst their kin sees them through almost all other hardships. Lupine are fiercly loyal to their warband, and to insult its name is and easy way to challenge one to a fight, usually to the death.


True to Their Nature

Lupine are often perceived as savages, but in actuality, are generally stoic and insightful in nature when not faced with a combat situation.

Although they have an understanding for other cultures, they can be insular and stubborn when they encounter a facet of society they feel betrays a race's true nature. It is far more important to most lupine to embrace who you truly are, than to try and be something you are not.

For this reason, lupine are also honest and earnest in their observations, even if such an observation is unflattering. This behaviour is expected amongst their own kin, and is usually something that lupine struggle with outside of their own race, and contributes to their estrangement within civilised society.

On the Fringes of Society

By-and-large, lupine are unwelcome in the civilised world. Their presence is a constant reminder of an ailment which is akin to hideous diseases. They are often considered unclean, aggressive, or even a omen of bad tidings by the superstitious. It is unheard of for a lupine to ever be accepted into the echelons of high society.

Lupine that have either lost or never belonged to a warband often live on the outskirts of such societies. Their appearance alone incites fear in the ignorant and prejudiced, and as such they have an affinity for those who suffer similar prejudices.

Lupine talents often lay primarily within their physical prowess, and usually have no trouble in finding employment with less-than-reputable organisations. However, some choose to turn to an adventuring life, forging new bonds of loyalty with those who fight alongside them for survival.

To know the loyalty of a lupine is to know a true sense of trust, and although they are misunderstood by many, they hold very few prejudices of their own.

Lupine Names

Many Lupine are named based upon their role within their tribes or warbands.

Some lupine are given a 'greater' name when their kin acknowledge them for feats of strength. These names are rare and spread far and wide throughout lupine warbands.

Lupine also adopt their affiliated warband's name as their last name when separated from their kin. Warband names tend to be derived from a pack's general hunting grounds, or even from a reputation. Even if a Lupine adopts a new name, they will almost never abandon their warband name unless they form a bond with a new one.

Lupine Names: Crafter, Forager, Hunter, Runner, Seeker, Slayer, Tracker.

Greater Lupine Names: Earthcaller, Gnollbane, Greymuzzle, Ironjaw, Redpaw, Swiftrunner, Windspeaker.

Lupine Warband Names: Blackstone, The Bloodied, Dragonspine, Greypeak, Icerim.

Lupine Traits

Your lupine character will have similar traits to many other lupine, but each one will have differences depending on their origin. Your pelt may be of any natural color (black, brown, grey, orange, white.)

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores increase by 1.

Age. Lupine reach maturity in their early teens, and have shorter lifespans than humans, living for up to 70 years.

Alignment. Lupine tend to be self-reliant and have no qualms in taking what they need from weaker prey in order to survive. They tend towards a chaotic alignment.

Size. Lupine are only slightly larger than an average humanoid. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision. As a nocturnal predator, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Hunter's Instincts. Your keen eyes are second only to your hunting instinct. You gain proficiency in the Perception and Survival skills.

Wasteland Scavenger. You can go without food and drink for longer than an average humanoid can.

You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion from starvation and thirst.

Iron Stomach. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws against diseases, and any adverse effects of eating food of inferior quality, such as carcasses or rotten fruit.

Savage Combatant. Your claws and bite are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage (claws) or piercing damage (bite) equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Howl. You are able to howl, which is audible for up to five miles. You cannot communicate in a language when howling.

Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one language of your choice. Lupine have no language of their own, as their origins hark from pre-established civilisations. Instead, each generation of lupine will simply pass on their linguistic knowledge to the next.

Your Origins

When creating your lupine character, should should consider their origins. Do they or have they ever belonged to a warband? Why have they become an adventurer?

If your maternal parent was struck with lycanthropy during your conception, perhaps you grew up in civilised society, and have decided to seek out your own people? Or maybe you were abandoned somewhere and vowed to find your parents?


Olfactory Superiority

Prerequisite: Lupine

You have practiced new hunting techniques using your keen sense of smell.

  • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
  • When tracking a creature, you can use a wisdom (Perception) check in place of a wisdom (Survival) check by following its scent instead of using visual clues.

Bloodied Fury

Prerequisite: Lupine

The survival instinct runs in your blood, and when faced with adversity, you

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20
  • While your hit points are below half of their maximum value, you can use your bonus action to enter a fury for 1 minute. You gain temporary hit points equal to your level which last for the duration, and while your fury persists, you can use your bonus action to make an unarmed strike with your bite or claws. Your fury ends early if you fall unconscious.