Paladin Oath of Two Faces

Two Face from the batman series is actually a strong example of a Paladin, he is rigidly devoted to his tenants of chance and follows them to his detriment. A Paladin who takes the oath of two faces realizes there is a duality in nature, there is good and bad, creation and destruction, clam and rage. They are commited to the chance of a toss of the coin or a roll of the dice.

Tenets of Two Faces

Those that follow the tenents of two faces are dual in nature and live in a world of chance and chaos.

Chaos Chaos reigns in the world. There is no permanent order and nothing that cannot be changed by situational chances. The entire world is mutable

Chance There is always chance in the world. How you react to any particular situation is up to a flip of the coin or a toss of the dice. If the universe has fated your reaction, you a obliged to follow through on it.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Creation - As an action, you present your holy symbol. When you do so, you may create a single object out of dust. That object can be any object in the adventuring gear table, but must have a worth less than 10 gp. Objects outside of the gear table can be created with DM approval.

Decay - As an action, you present your holy symbol, causing an overwhelming scent of death and decay emit from your symbol. All hostile creatures within a 100 foot radius must make a constitution save or become poisoned for 1 minute.

Oath of the Two Faces Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Bane, Bless
5th Shatter, Silence
9th Beacon of Hope, Fear
13th Aura of Life, Blight
17th Antilife Shell, Reincarnate

Oath of Duality

Starting at 7th level, any ally within 10 feet is affected by your aura of duality. After a short or a long rest, roll a d6.

  • If you roll an even number, you gain an aura of calming emotions. All allies within the aura gain advantage on saving throws against confusion, suggestion, charm, and other mind affecting spells
  • If you roll an odd number, you gain an aura of rage. All allies within the aura make stronger and more precise attacks, gaining +1 to attack rolls and all 1 and 2 rolled on damage dice automatically become a 3.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Flip of the Coin

Starting at level 15, when you roll initiative, flip a coin

  • If the coin lands head, you channel positive energy into you body. At the start of each of your turns, you gain charisma mod (minimum 1) temporary hit points.
  • If the coin lands tails, you channel negative destructive energy into the world. As a bonus action, you can cause a burst of necrotic energy to emanate from your holy symbol. When you do this, all creatures within a 15 foot radius of you must make a constitution save or take 4d8 necrotic damage (half on successful save).

Controlled Duality

At level 20, you learn to control and enhance your dual nature. As an action, you may activate both your auras at once and enhance them for the next minute. While the enhanced aura is active, all allies are immune to confusion, suggestion, charm, and other mind affecting spells. Additionally, they gain a +2 to attack and 1, 2, and 3s on damage dice automatically become a 4. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you have completed a long rest.