Spirit Guardian

As a spirit guardian, you draw on the inherent spiritual power of nature and make that power accessible to the larger spiritual community. Above all else, you are a spiritual seeker and guide.

Earth's Communion

At 2nd level, you learn to heal and replenish yourself and others by communing with the earth. At the end of a one hour ritual, you are healed an amount equal to 10 times your Druid level. If you so choose, you can allow others to sit with you in a circle, holding hands, during your communion. In that case, you can affect a number of allies equal to your wisdom modifier.

At 10th level those affected by this ability also gain the benefits of a greater restoration spell.

You can use this ability once per day.

Guardian Forms

The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into more dangerous animal forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there).

At 10th level you gain the ability to turn into CR 2 Beasts, at 17th level you gain the ability to turn into CR 3 Beasts.

At 10th level you also gain the ability to turn into a Spirit Beast, you spend two uses of wildshape to transform into a beast of a CR 1 lower then your normal maximum, CR 1 at level 10 and CR 2 at level 17. The Spririt Beast has the same stats as a normal creature execpt for the following differences:

  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical attacks
  • You gain Incorporeal Movement, you can move through other creatures and objects as if the were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 gorce damage if you end your turn inside an object.
  • Allies within 5 feet of you are immune to fear and charm affects, and gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the end of your turn

Ancient Wisdom

Starting at 6th level, you can tap into the ancient wisdom of the trees. Whenever you would make an Intelligence check to recall lore or past events, you can make a Wisdom (Nature) check instead.

In addition, you can cast the spell speak with plants at will, without using a spell slot. This spell does not count against the total number of druid spells you can prepare.

Whispers of the Forest

When you attain 10th level, the plants, trees, and rocks begin to speak to you, bringing you news wherever you are. The voices of the forest give you a short answer to any simple question you pose pertaining to current events in any wilderness area on your land mass. Questions about distant lands require 1 minute per mile of distance to answer. At the DM's discretion, when the forest deems an issue particularly important, the whispers bring you news without your request.

You can use this feature twice per day.

When you attain 14th level, the spiritual energy of the forest can give you insights into other beings as well. Once per day, you can ask the voices of the forest about a single creature. For the rest of that day, you gain advantage on Deception, Persuasion, Intimidate, and Insight checks pertaining to that creature. Again, at the DM's discretion, the forest might occasionally volunteer information about a person or creature, but only if it considers the being remarkable in some way.

Web of Life

At 14th level, you can lead your community in spiritual union with the interconnected web of all life. Once per day, when you sing, chant, or speak inspiringly for at least 1 full minute, every living creature that hears your voice gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom for the next 1d4 hours. In addition, each Cleric, Druid, Paladin and Ranger who hears you, including yourself, gains back 1d4 levels of spell slots (up to four lst-level spell slots, two 2nd-level spell slots, one 3rd-level and one lst-level, or one 4th-level spell slot). No spellcaster can be affected by this spell-regaining ability more than once per day, even if it is activated by multiple spirit guardians.