The Adventurer's Guide to the Void

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Modern Handbook

Step Into the Void

In ancient times, ages ago, great scholars have spent lifetimes studying the endless expanse of stars before them. Through the ages as tribes, kingdoms and nations rise and fall, as civilisations reached their peak over continents they lord over, as they look above, further higher still, the guarded secrets of the void await.

This guide is just one attempt at bringing the simple rules of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons into a new setting, a futuristic world not quite your average science fiction setting. With magic and technology reaching new heights, the sky is no longer the limit for the various races that inhabit the universe.

The content below makes several changes to the integral lore provided for D&D in most traditional settings, and as such should not be considered canon in terms of campaigns created by Wizards of the Coast (Or any other licensed publication company thereof).

Lastly, the content below is balanced to the best of my ability, but as the nature of Dungeons of Dragons is meant to be enjoyed in a medieval fantasy setting, many rules may not fit situations perfectly. I hope to receive feedback on any areas that may require improvement.

Please, as always, enjoy your experience exploring the Void.

Advanced Technologies

Thousands of years with human ingenuity has taken our world to the point it is at now. Thousands of years of ingenuity with the addition of magic has taken this world far beyond. Before all, set aside your existing perceptions of what advanced technology may be. If something can be more easily achieved through magic, there would be little need to create a system mechanically to implement it. Vehicles may be powered by enchantments rather than gasoline, firearms may be less developed in favour of larger, melee weapons used in hunting the might beasts that inhabit the world.

Swords, axes and bows are not as redundant as one might think in this world, and guns while powerful may not be the go-to weapon of every adventurer.

Equipment, weapons and other highly technological objects will be included in this documents, along with rules that accompany them.

The Position of Magic

Magic is just as prominent in this reality as it is in all settings of Dungeons and Dragons. Enchanted items and artefacts exist and are as invaluable as they in every world, as they skill required to craft them are as seldom found in common folk.

Magic and Technology go hand in hand, as a world blessed with magic progresses into future times, a force as powerful as magic will always hold sway over the hearts of those seeking power, whether for good or for ill.

Due to the existence of magic, the development of technology in the void took a different path, one that integrates the use of magic into almost every aspect of technology. The two are almost inseparable, and there are many who regard technology as an offshoot of magic, a result of studious dedication to advancement.

The Endless Void

The endless void, a size that exceeds mortal comprehension, or at least it did for quite some time. These days, Arcanologists can give you a pretty clear definition on how large the void, in very simple terms. Endless. Ever expanding.

The community of the void so far has not yet explored the entirety of their star cluster, and have no way of travelling between one galaxy and another. The majority of the known void-faring races all originate from within the explored areas of the void, and explorers continue to set out into the yet unexplored star systems.

Discovery and explorations are major themes in this setting, and players should consistently feel like they are in control of their own journey. Open world exploration is greatly suggested, with great adventure to be had when taking the risk of venturing into dark space.

The Galactic Community

The void exists as a fractured community. As dozens of voidfaring races meet and mix their cultures, customs and ambitions in interactions peaceful and violent, the void proves itself time and again the be predictable in only its unpredictability.


In the void, each race originates from a home planet, possibly eons away from each other in distance. Aside from a few exceptions, only one sentient race at the top of their planet's ecosystem can eventually find their way into the void. Keep in mind that the races listed below are races usable by players only.

Basic Races

Listed below are races already listed in the PHB. Minor changes have been made to the races, mostly reflavoring to fit life among the stars. All features listed for the races under the PHB are the same unless listed below.


(PHB p.18) Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer, warhammer, shotgun and grenades.

Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: smith's tools, brewer's supplies, mechanic's tools or mason's tools.

Subraces. Four main subraces of dwarves populate the worlds of the Void: hill dwarves, duregar (SCAG p.104), mountain dwarves and voidborn dwarves. Choose one of these subraces.

Voidborn Dwarf

As a Voidborn Dwarf, you have inherited the wit and street smarts of generations of life inside the massive stone ships that Dwarvenkind favour. Commonly called "Voiders", Voidborn Dwarves are more commonly found mingling amongst other races in multi-race colonies than then any of the other more reclusive dwarf subraces. Voidborn dwarves have become steadily more common as generations live and die in the void, trading tradition and distrust for mechanical skill and charm more suited to surviving in the underbelly of society.

Voidborn dwarves are slightly taller and noticeably less stout than other dwarves. They have varied skin tones and hair colour, but tend to have darker hair and beards, with black hair being the most common.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Hustler. You gain proficiency in the deception and sleight of hand skills, one type of gaming set, and one type of instrument.

Dwarves in the Void

Dwarves find themselves at home in the cramped, low light ships they fly through the void. Known to reside within massive, stone ships that house entire cities, the Dwarves' love of the forge have gradually adapted to great mechanical skill, and Dwarves take great pride in crafting some of the finest vessels to travel the void.


(PHB p.21)

Subraces. Elves are divided into 4 subraces; high elves, wood elves, dark elves and imperial elves.

High Elf & Wood Elf

Elf Weapon Training. You gain proficiency in with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, longbow, bolt-action rifle and pistol.

Dark Elf (Drow)

Drow Weapon Training. You gain proficiency with the rapier, shortsword, hand-crossbow, machine pistol and pistol.

Imperial Elf

As elves ascended into the void, they began a grand process of colonising and integrating into their new environment. While these colonists retained their elven traditions, and eventually found their own homes on different planets, the elf folk that remained on their home planet began to change. As the planet was stripped of resources, the woodlands and wilds disappearing, the hills mined clean of precious gems and metals used in the construction of their great golden cities. Order took precedence over nature, and the scarce resources eventually drove the planet into an almost military mindset. Imperial Elves are taught from youth to follow orders, to perform their task as expected, and to serve their king and nation with single-minded fervour.

Imperial elves have a distinctly pale skin, not quite pure white but very close, with almost uniform raven black hair and blue to blue-green eyes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Imperial Weapon Training. You gain proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, automatic rifle, bolt-action rifle and pistol.

Imperial Discipline. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Last Stand. When you are reduced to 0 hitpoints, but not killed outright, you can immediately take an attack action. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Elves in the Void

Elves outside of their home planet have found their place travelling among the stars, to distant planets in sleek, elegant ships, they find a simple pleasure in watching the landscape shift under their touch. Many of the younger races find that the elves may have had some part in their history as guides and advisors. An elf may spend centuries travelling among the stars to dozens of elven colonies, working alongside their kind to craft a beautiful landscape from simpler lands. Their haughty nature remains, though through necessity they found themselves living among other races come to settle on fresh worlds.


(PHB p.26)

Subraces. Halflings are divided into 4 subraces; lightfoot, stout, ghostwise (SCAG p.110) and voidfolk. Choose from one of these 4 subraces.


The first Halflings that were sent into the void were the most physically healthy of their kind, and generations later this trait remained in the Voidfolk. As the other Halflings embraced void travel, the first wave of colonists were already well-versed in the trials awaiting them, and eagerly guided the rest of their kind into the endless expanse. The Voidfolk have the most brawn of all halflings, with a grit and stubborn nature inherited from their ancestors, they find themselves often at odds with their fellow halflings. Losing much of their halfling mirth, and less than content to sit about a well-farmed patch of land on some planet, the Voidfolk found their place aboard the ships of every race, rarely settling down in one location for any length of time.

Voidfolk halflings generally have a darker skin-tones, ranging from a medium amber to dark brown. They are stout and muscular, and generally have darker hair and eyes ranging from a deep brown to black.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1

Naturally Athletic. You have a Climbing and Swimming speed of 20ft.

Halflings in the Void

Halflings took to the stars slowly. The humble, home-loving folk generally abhorred the idea of leaving their peaceful, well-cultivated home planet, and so only the halflings with an insatiable wanderlust or no other choice agreed to set out and explore. It took some time for Halflings to reach the void in full, but the first wave of colonists were the hardiest of their kind, strong of body and mind, many were criminals and the remainder were trained to guard them. Halflings rarely build their own ships, instead preferring to barter passage on other folk's vessels. The average halfling can be found on one of their few, but very well developed, settlements outside of their home system, and if you look hard enough on any vessel, you'll most likely find a halfling crew member somewhere on board.


(PHB p.29)

Subraces. Through years of advancement through the void, even Humans have developed an additional subrace, known as the synthetics. Humans and Synthetics are different enough to be classified as separate races, but the similarity in their nature confirms their single origin.


As described in PHB


Synthetics were created completely by accident. One of the few races of untethered AI that exist within the void, they were created through the experimentation of humans intruding into a territory unanimously outlawed among the races of the void. Since this experimentation took place before Humans took to the void, the Synthetics, or Synths, were born.

Through a long process of slavery, war, riots and amended laws, Synthetics were eventually, in the eyes of most humans, deemed to be equal and treated as such.

Despite obvious physical disparities, Synthetics are fundamentally humans in their programming, and even design their own bodies to closely mimic the human form. The Synthetic mind mimics the mind of humans, one of the main reasons they were able to relate so easily to their fleshy creators. While synthetics may be slightly more intelligent than humans on average, their mental capabilities are largely the same. Synthetic bodies are grown and assembled to be organic, requiring food, drink and sleep just as Humans do. They experience love, joy, sadness and anger as humans do, and share the ambition and drive of their creator's nature.

Synthetics can range from appearing almost identical to humans, and tend to vary in appearance as much as humans.

Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.

Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

Enhancement. You gain 2 cybernetic enhancements of common quality of your choice. Your limit for cybernetics is increased to 4 + Your Constitution Modifier.

Humans in the Void

Humans began leaving their home planet with an unparalleled eagerness to explore the void. Where other races took careful steps and countless experiments to achieve their level of technology, humans colonized their first neighbour planet before they achieved magic countergravity. They reached a neighbouring star-system by placing their own kind in magic stasis before they found the secrets of faster-than-light travel. Reaching further into the void than any other species, humans found themselves becomming the first encounter of alien species for many other races. Humans are a common sight to almost all other races, and vice versa, they find themselves integrating into other cultures with great ease, often living alongside other races. As a result, there are many half-breed races with a human half.


(PHB p.32)

Dragonborn hail from a volatile planet of shifting environments. Volcanic mountains, frozen tundras and toxic swamps can be found within the same continent, and such extreme variations are spread throughout the world, marking the territory of their greater cousins, the Dragons.

When the Dragons reached for the void, among the very first to do so, the Dragonborn followed. In great vessels built for the massive winged lizards, the Dragonborn acted as the diplomatic front for Dragonkind. As one of the first races to find themselves amongst the stars, the Dragonborn have had eons to distinguish themselves from their massive relatives as an individual race, and while many prefer to remain amongst the Dragons, with the security and comfort of the their Dreadnought starships, just as many have separated themselves from their kin, using their diplomatic skill nurtured through generations of negotiating feuds between ancient Dragons.

Many Dragonborn and Dragons began their own colonization of planets with members of the same chromatic of metallic persuasion terraforming environments suited to their tastes with violent magics and advanced technology.

And of course, where diplomacy fails, the draconic power hidden within their chest are more than adequate as an alternative.

Dragonborn remain unchanged from their descriptions in the PHB


(PHB p.35)

Subraces. There are three main subraces of Gnomes; forest gnomes, rock gnomes, deep gnomes (SCAG p.115) and star gnomes.

Star Gnomes

As a star gnome, the void has been your home for as long as you can remember, and the home of your parents...and grandparents, as far back as they can remember. Star gnomes appreciate the still, tranquil beauty of the lightless void, the shifting light of an endless spectrum of stars, and the strange, alien terrain that each planet sculpts for themselves. They spend their time, most often either solitary or in small communities, travelling in tiny, very fast vessels between star systems. They take joy in setting foot upon new worlds, but will rarely colonise or settle on these worlds, preferring to take in the beauty and move along to another system. They interact with other races when they require trade, but prefer to live of the small farms they maintain in their own ships, and are often suspicious around others, even their fellow gnomes to some extent. Oftentimes when a human or elvan ship sets down on a newly discovered habitable planet to begin a colony, they find traces of these star gnomes, small carvings and charms they leave behind in the wilderness as a gift to the land, and leave them undisturbed as a sign of good fortune.

Star gnomes are normally even shorter and slighter than the average gnome due to lives spent mostly aboard small starships. star gnomes have skin tones that range from porcelain white to light amber, and generally have very light tones of hair ranging from blond to platinum. The most common eye colour for star gnomes are a light blue to aqua.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1

Navigator. You have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks related to navigation, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply. In addition, while travelling you are able to create an accurate map of the surroundings that can be comprehended and read by any creature that understands a language.

Stargazer. You know a modified version of the Minor Illusion cantrip, passed down from your forest gnome heritage. You can use this cantrip to create a floating star map inside a 1 foot cube that follows you at a fixed point within 5ft.

On land. The illusion displays the stars directly in the sky above. You can interpret this map to determine the direction you are travelling, locations in relation to each other in terms of distance, and roughly how many hours until dusk or dawn.

In the Void. The illusion forms a sphere that displays all the stars visible around you up to one day's FTL travel away. This star map can be to determine distance travelled, the location of nearby star systems and the general direction you have been travelling if you have spent at least one hour in FTL travel.

Gnomes in the Void

Gnomes are a less common sight in the void than other races, which is a shame as they have been responsible for some of the most important technological innovations in void travel times. From the most accurate firearms, the deadliest of weapons, and the invaluable magic mechanisms, while other races may craft these items en masse, the designs originated in the minds of gnomes. Their endless dedication and enthusiasm translated to a great desire to perfect the technologies of the void. Gnome starships are a welcome sight in any starport, particularly as they are tiny technological marvels, completely self-sufficient and capable of housing a small town of gnomes in complete comfort, the insides of these ships are abundant in plant life sustained through magic, resembling the rolling hills and gentle streams of their home planet, the location of which is the most closely guarded secret in gnome culture.


Half-elves are one of two races that originate from the eager exploration and social adaptability of humans. As humankind reached ever deeper into the void, Elves were one of the first races they encountered, and in true Human fashion they soon invited themselves into the colonies that the elves crafted. It took time for trust to form, but eventually the mingling of the two races produced enough half-breed children for half-elves to be classified as their own races, with the traits of both their parents.

Half-Elves find themselves among either humans or elves, but are never quite at home with either. They have no colonies of their own, and those that do not find their place among either half become wanderers, taking jobs amongst other races or finding their place as mercenaries and criminals.

While Half-elves are welcome amongst most humans and elves, they are strictly forbidden from the home planet of the elves, and Imperial elves will generally always act with a negative attitude ranging from distrust to outright hostility towards half-elves, who they view as a taunt upon the elven bloodlines. There are rarely ever Imperial half-elves, and they often find themselves outcasts from both elves and their fellow half-elves.

Due to their unique outlook being in the centre of two prominent voidfaring races, Half-elves find themselves at home negotiating between the two groups. Other races seem to find Half-elves easy to trust, and their diplomatic nature and versatile skill set make them popular choices for officers on-board starships. Those that fall to a less clandestine line of work find success as smugglers and black-market dealers, as Elves are rarely suspected of such criminal activities.

Half-elves remain unchanged from their descriptions in the PHB


Half-Orcs are born from a less savoury union between two races. While the human's desire for exploration allowed them to reach far into the void, and gain numerable benefits, a negative is being a buffer as the first contact with other races.

A fledgling voidfaring race composed mostly of small tribes, early human colonists found themselves under fire from comparatively primitive, ramshackle ships in a massive number. Despite numerous attempts to establish connections, there was no response, and the unarmed ships were forced to flee the system. Eventually armed forces returned and captured members of the alien race, massive grey-skinned, boar-like folk that became known as Orcs. Through the captured individuals, communication was finally able to be established with the Orcish Warlords.

Furious, the Orcs demanded reparations, firstly for trespassing upon their territory, an act normally seen as an act of war in Orcish culture, and second for capturing and taking prisoners of war instead of simply killing the defeated orcs and granting them an honourable death. As negotiations broke down, and facing the military might of all Orc-kind, while so far away from the safety of human-controlled systems, the negotiators made the Orc Warlords an offer that appealed to their desire for expansion of territory.

The offer was one of land. Existing human colonies bordering Orc territory would become shared. In addition to granting the FTL travel they once lacked, Orcs were able to reach and settle down amongst the humans. Distrust festered, and there was much violence between the outraged colonists and warlike Orcs for years until order was established.

While the event is viewed upon as a grave mistake made by humans, the union of the two races gave birth to a new race, as give enough time living and working amongst each other bonds were sure to form. Half-Orcs show the best quality of both races, and are treasured by Orcs as great leaders and disciplined warriors. The majority of Half-Orcs remain with their Orcish relatives, given the name Ugrash-Gijak, or twice-blooded in Orcish, they often ascend to positions of power in Orchish Hierarchy, accepted amongst them for their strength as per Orc tradition.

Less welcome amongst humans, who regard them as a more savage kind of people, Half-orcs that do not remain in Orc-inhabited colonies find difficulty in finding reputable work amongst the other races. Orcs have been widely labelled as warmongers and savages, and that perception has been passed on to the half-orcs. As a result, Half-Orcs, when they are found in the void, are found holding positions as bodyguards, mercenaries and soldiers, or even more commonly mingling with the criminal kind of the void as enforcers, hitmen and bounty-hunters, where prejudice of appearence is put aside in favour of buisness.

Half-orcs remain unchanged from their descriptions in the PHB


(PHB p.42)

Subraces. Tieflings have 4 main subraces, though their appearence may vary greatly depending on the individual. Infernal, abyssal (UA: That Old Black Magic), winged (SCAG p.118) and Eldritch.

Eldritch Tiefling

Just as infernal and abyssal tieflings were born through pacts made with the devils of the nine hells and demons of the abyss, eldritch tieflings appeared as the faceless horrors of the deep void were discovered. Sections of the void too far from star systems to find light, masses of cold, dead planets and pieces of floating unidentified matter became a source of curiosity for Humans. With tales of the unmined planets teeming with rare metals, and the possibility of finding ancient alien artefacts, starships entered the deep void in droves to this end.

Most returned with little yield for their efforts, a few ships never returned at all, and fewer still returned changed forever. Those who ventured deepest into the void and managed to avoid the dangers along the way found themselves face to face with beings that had lingered in the minds of madmen and cultists since ancient times. Indescribable horrors that left the mind scarred and their forms changed permanently.

Though many kept a clear distance from these former humans, many others found their odd nature and twisted minds to be intriguing. Over the years, the minds of these tieflings have become less odd, and are no different to other individuals, though the madness that plagued their ancestors may appear in small tells. Eldritch tieflings are not inherently evil or insane, rather their minds work differently. You can choose to roll an oddity from the table below.

Eldritch Tieflings are lankier than the average tieflings, with limbs that seem ever so slightly too long for their forms. They have monochromes skin colours, ranging from alabaster white to pitch black, their hair follows this pattern, but is often the opposite tone to their skin. A light-skinned eldritch tiefling will often have darker hair, and vice-versa. Compared to other tieflings, their horns are smaller, sometimes small enough to be hidden beneath longer hair, and their tails are more slim and rope-like. The eyes of Eldritch Tieflings are always a pure white.

Tieflings in the Void

Tieflings originate from humans, and have been a part of the human population for ages, the result of ancient pacts made with devils and demons. Tieflings are treated with suspicion, but have been a part of human culture long enough to be grudgingly accepted by most. Tieflings, while exceedingly rare in the past, have become far more common in modern times as the nine hells and abyss have begun to adopt the advancing principles of buisness and industry, with travel between the plans akin to a buisness trip.

d8 Oddity
1 I cannot remember the last time I've passed a night without vivid dreams of beautiful and otherworldly landscapes.
2 If I spend too long staring at a single point, terrifying eldritch horrors begin to creep across the corners of my vision.
3 When I speak, a secondary chorus of oddly pitched voices seem to accompany my words.
4 When I close my eyes, I see an outline of the last landscape I saw that continues to move in strange patterns independently of the outside world.
5 You hear and see a younger version of yourself at all times who frequently converses with you about the situation at hand, and often gives opinions on your current path.
6 You hear a soft, mewling voice at the back of your mind that urges you into the deep void. Sometimes you can see echoes of long dead individuals staring and smiling at you from the corner of your eye..
7 Your personality changes drastically when stressed, angered or sorrowful, you appear to almost become a different person when this happens.
8 Every time you take a life, a fragment of that individual is passed on to you, and you gain their happiest memory as your own.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1, your Charisma score increases by 2. (This replaces the ability score increase tieflings gain in the PHB)

Adaptive Mind. You have resistance to psychic damage. You have advantage on saving throws against charm effects.

Eldritch Visions. You know the Message cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the dissonant whispers spell once per day as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the detect thoughts spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Other Races

The following races are not mentioned inside the player's handbook. Some were released inside other documents from wizards from the coast, others are interesting homebrews that have been balanced and placed into this guide as optional races. Not all of these races must be included in every campaign, and the Dungeon Master has the last word on which of these races can be chosen by the players, and which may actually exist in the world of their campaign.


(Elemental Evil Player's Companion p.3)

Born of a low gravity, high-oxygen planet, the Aarakocra are short-lived, winged humanoids that once lived in the treetops of massive towering plants forming the canopy of their home. The jungle planet was home to countless species of deadly predators, and the surface of the planet is a constant battle for survival and supremacy. Boasting powerful wings and a very fast metabolism, the Aarakocra are cherish freedom and a close-knit community as key virtues of life, and often find themselves out of their element in the cramped starships. The first Ararkocran vessels took to the stars only in recent years, and they are still seldom seen as members of the galactic community.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.104)

The fourth and last main race that find their roots in humans, Aasimar are similar to tieflings in that their existence is owed to the interference of extra planar beings, in their case celestials. Generally even more uncommon than Tieflings, Aasimar are created to act as the champions of their deity. From a young age, Aasimar hear voices from an angelic guide, usually a deva or higher ranking angel. With a hood and some clever makeup, an aasimar can become indistinguishable from your regular human, and even when identified folks rarely hold hostility against the angelic folk, leading aasimar to be usually found where their human brethren are.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

The largest of three races of intelligent humanoids collectively known as goblinoids hailing from a barren planet of prairies, hills and windstorms. Bugbears are perhaps the most primal and predatory of the three races, hulking beast-like beings who find a certain joy in the predatory hunting of individuals. With prodigious strength and surprising stealth for beings their size, Bugbears have found a comfortable place in the void in a single line of profession they were evolved for, hunting. Bounty hunters, assassins, monster hunters and private investigators are common professions for bugbears, and those that do not find work in those fields are eagerly taken into the ranks of private security organisations or as bodyguards.


(Unearthed Arcana: Eberron)

Changelings were uncovered in society completely by accident, the unfortunate public assassination of a human ambassador resulted in his body changing from his human appearence to that of a pale, lithe, featureless humanoid with pale white hair and irises. A lengthy investigation that sent conspiracy theorists into a frenzy revealed cases in history amongst almost every other void-faring race that showed similar occurrences in the past, where individuals changed into the pale white creature after death. A public documentation was soon released after an autopsy revealing to the world the nature of changelings, and urging existing changelings to step forward and admit their nature. Though more self-admitted members of the species have identified themselves throughout the years, most changelings keep their nature secret, using their shapeshifting abilities to their advantage. There are even some changelings that are unaware of their own nature, and live lives as members of the race they resemble, never realising their true forms. No changeling knows the location of their home planet, and their history is lost and fragmented, making these shapeshifters a race without a past.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.106)

The tall, nature-loving members of the Firbolg race fervently defend the few star systems under their control from outside influence. Kind individuals by nature, Firbolgs have a natural connection to plants and animals, and approached their ascent to the void eager to find new, beautiful landscapes and alien planets to settle and cultivate. The first planet they found however, was one settled by a conclave of dragons and dragonborn. Though they received a kind welcome from the ambassadors of the dragonborn, the Firbolg were horrified at the complete debasement of nature that had occurred on the planet, the terraforming that had transformed the formerly lush jungle planet into a volcanic hunk of rock more agreeable to the Brass, Gold and Red dragonfolk that inhabited it. Maintaining a mantle of diplomacy, the Firbolg swore to protect their own lands from such a fate, and while most remained within the boundaries of their territory, members of their kind have been known to leave for the settlements of other races in the past, some hoping to convince the other race of the value in preserving nature, others simply curious about the entire world hidden from their kind.


(Elemental Evil Player's Companion p.7)

The unique situation of the Genasi are formed of an exceedingly unusual astronomical arrangement of planets. Long in the past, a single massive planet charged with an excess of natural magics was completely disintegrated by some form of natural calamity. The cloud of resulting charged land masses began to attract pieces of the similar magical energy, and formed a beautiful, unsettling event. 4 smaller planets, one charred black by volcanic activity, one stripped bare by howling winds, one entirely covered by oceans, and one of craggy mountains and massive rocky pillars. The 4 planets orbit each other in perfect motion, each remaining in a stable position in relation to the others, yet only barely missing each other until recently. The Genasi people, while in the past content to remain on their home planets, have in the past century begun to evacuate to other settlements in droves, with the collision of the 4 planets predicted to occur at some point within the next few decades. The 4 species of genasi, each evolved on one of the 4 planets, have fundamentally different temperaments, abilities and customs, but feel a deep connection as a people, even more so now in this foreign environment so far from home.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Goblins, the tiny, goblonoid creatures so easily mocked by their allies and enemies alike, are nevertheless one of the most common dangers that can be encountered travelling in the void. Numerous and extremely cunning in their own right, goblin raiders commonly attack starships that appear weak or unarmed, swarming the massive vessels with their tiny, ramshackle pod-like ships constructed with such haphazard experimentation that they fail on their own at times. However, not all goblins follow in this dangerous line of work, perhaps finding the extremely short life expectancy and likelihood of being backstabbed by their own kind unsavoury, or perhaps out of a sense of morality not commonly seen from the goblonoid races. Goblins can find it difficult to enter a proper line of work, with many frontier settlements refusing entry or even attacking them on sight, but surprisingly goblins have found themselves actually quite capable in working with mechanical constructs, and are often hired on starships as mechanics, after a lengthy background check of course.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.108)

Goliaths are one of many sentient races that almost destroyed themselves. When the first of the messages broadcast by goliaths were received by a dwarven city-ship, scouts were eagerly sent out, hoping to negotiate profit with the primitive race. What the dwarves found upon arriving, however, was a massive, very high oxygen planet populated by gargantuan humanoids actively engaged in an endless war. Much of the planet burned black by nuclear fire, and with nuclear winter already gripping half the planet, there was not much hope left for the race, until the goliaths approached. Tiny in comparison to the giants that rule the planet, the goliaths were servants to a particular species of stone giants.

Tiny in comparison to their giant masters, the ambassadors negotiated on behalf of not just their kind, but all life on the planet. They requested evacuation from the wartorn planet, along with civilians from every species of giant that wished to leave the war. Even though those fleeing the planet was estimated to be barely 20% of the population, they still outnumbered the entirety of some young planets. Unable to provide evacuation, and aware that these dying people have nothing to offer, the dwarven city-ship instead worked for years to broker a tentative peace between the nations. Contacting the local governing body, and reaching an agreement, the giants were given the technology to create their own starships. After relocation to different planets, the true giants, who upon revision of their people's histories, were kept under strict watch by the government, while the subservient goliath people were allowed more freedom. Many goliaths set out into the void to act as the representatives of their kind, and understandably, very few wished to remain with their giant masters, finding the freedom of their people a boon that came at the price of their home planet.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

The third race to originate from the home planet of the goblonoid races, the hobgoblins have been found to be the most reasonable of the three races, though that isn't saying too much knowing bugbears and goblins. Where bugbears hunt for the thrill, goblins attack in numbers, hobgoblins strive to achieve victory through strategy. They are creatures of war, not survival, and despite their love for bloodshed they are intelligent creatures, capable of organising and leading the chaotic goblonoid races. Hobgoblins have fit into the community of the void with some prejudice, but are by far the most trusted of the three related races. Hobgoblins prefer positions of power, where they can put their tactical and manipulative nature to good use. Those that do not meld into various colonies or stations can often be found leading battalions of raiders, or as the high-ranking leaders of criminal gangs.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.109)

Kenku are strange creatures, even by galactic standards. Their language is similar to that of birdlike creatures found on many planets capable of supporting life, unable to speak the languages of other races, the Kenku are instead able to imitate sounds they hear nearly perfectly, a trait also found in some birds. Curiously, Kenku are often enraged by the creatures they resemble, as their flightless nature causes them to feel jealousy for all winged creatures. Kenku prefer to find company among their own kind, and they are rarely found alone in the void. Those that do travel alone are subject to suspicion, as among the many other odd features, kenku have a universal fascination for shiny objects, which hold a peculiar allure to them. The home planet of the Kenku have low, rolling plains and few sources of water, leading to the kenku adopting a nomadic tradition before technology enabled them to settle down, and eventually take to the skies in their own ships.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.119)

Despite a rather clear resemblance to dragon-kind, kobolds are in fact natives of their own planet. A particular group of dragons took an interest in these familiar creatures, and interfered in their growth, increasing their level of technological prowess. A side effect of this interference is the kobolds have developed a major religion based around the reverence of dragons. Once they took to the void, many kobolds sought out dragons and entered their service, though an unfortunate amount fell under the sway of the less reputable chromatic dragons.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.111)

Lizardfolk hail from a barren desert planet bordering on what most of the void considers to be a "death planet". Scorching heat, deadly wildlife and few sources of water or shelter dictate that outside of small reptiles and subterranean insect creatures, no life should be able to grow on this world, let alone thrive and gain intelligence. From a lifetime and history based in endless struggles, against the environment, against the deadly wildlife and against all odds to reach the void, the emotionless lizardmen bring their uncanny endurance and hardiness to the void, systematically colonizing worlds other races deem uninhabitable for sentient life.


(Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Adventurers)

Minotaurs have a culture heavily rooted in the oceans of their home planet. An odd world with numerous shallow oceans and islands of dense vegetation and porous, light rock bored with endless cave systems, minotaurs do not have cities, rather they have smaller clans which act as villages, and in the case of large groups towns. These clans travel the seas as fleets of vessels, each with a captain that acts as the clan's leader. Ascending to the void was a slow process, as partnerships had to be bartered between clans to pool their resources, but minotaurs bring their familiarity with life aboard seafaring vessels to starships, and together with their impressive physique form some of the most reliable starship crews that can be hired in the void.


(Unearthed Arcana: Eberron)

Shifters are, once again, deeply rooted in human culture. Though lycanthropy is present in many of the void's races, humans in particular find that the disease takes them in the oddest ways. Shifters are the result of a stranger variation of lycanthropy, allowing these otherwise very human in appearence creatures to shift only partially into a bestial form.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.113)

The tabaxi homeworld is a very humid, dense jungle world with an unusually high gravity for two-legged sentient creatures to develop as the tabaxi have. On a planet where a fall from the jungletop branches could very easily spell death, tabaxi have developed a sure-footedness while climbing and powerful leg muscles that only become more impressive when displayed in regular gravity. Tabaxi are whimsical in nature, and have little sense of ownership, resulting in many tabaxi being labelled as thieves and unreliable as employees.


(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.115)

Tritons have a proud and noble culture, and carry themselves with a haughty nature that borders on and at times clearly passes into arrogance. They see themselves as the highest point of culture and evolution, but while that may have been true on their deep-ocean covered home planet, entering the void has broadened their vision, and came as quite the unpleasant shock to the elite astronauts that made first contact with a human merchant vessel. Though their nature has somewhat softened through years spent in the void, the sense of superiority embedded into triton culture endures, and these folk take improvement as a competition, closely guarding their own innovations and eagerly learning from other races.


(Unearthed Arcana: Eberron)

On first glance, Warforged can easily be mistaken as any other construct. However, elements of living wood and metal that melds too seamlessly into the joints, along with elements of gently glowing runic stones and gems betray their true nature. The warforged are the creations of a long dead ancient race that began to awaken only a few centuries ago through some unknown magical trigger. Planets of warforged began to reawaken, stepping out of dusty holes in the wall and rising from the skeleton-strewn sites of ancient battles, the warforged awoke with no memory of their past, no indication of their purpose other than what they can glean from their armoured iron bodies and frames made for battle. They entered the void after repairing the ancient starships of their creators, each member of the race searching for their own purpose in the void.

Yuan-ti Pureblood

(Volo's Guide to Monsters p.120)

The enigmatic yuan-ti can be found in the deeper reaches of space. Extensive, cult-like cities built on dark planets far from any star systems, little is known of the yuan-ti but their tendency to capture stray starships, their complete isolation from other races, and the monstrous appearence described by survivors of their raids. The yuan-ti purebloods have been seen, rarely, in the fringes of galactic space, carrying out the will of their serpine overlords, though perhaps some have shaken themselves of whatever keeps their kind subjugated, and find themselves able to act on their own free will.


While most classes translate well into a futuristic setting with little need for change outside of some minor flavour tweaks, some require some more intensive changes to help them keep up with the competition. The following makes references to Chapter 3 in the player's handbook from page 41 onwards. As with the races, any class features not mentioned remain unchanged from their definitions in the PHB.


No matter how advanced technology may get, there will always be those who channel their anger to become unrevealed savagery in battle. Some barbarians may follow the old styles of raging, with only a massive weapon in hand and only their hide as armour, and perhaps occasionally some help from more modern medicinal enhancements. Others may have taken advantage of more recent technologies, and taken to replacing parts of their own body with mechanical parts.


The 4 javelins provided in the barbarian's starting equipment can be forgone in favour of 2 grenades.

Path of the Totem Warrior

While the path of the berserker can stay relatively unchanged from its original description as the base, instinctual rage persists throughout the ages. The tradition of totem warriors has fallen out of times. Those who wish to honour the animal spirits of their ancestors can find a new method to attain such strength, one that imbues grotesque experimental implants with the totemic essence they strive to follow.

When creating a totem warrior in the void setting, you can choose to use the traditional totem warrior theme from the PHB, or the below alternative.

Path of the Cybernetic Totem Warrior

Cybernetic enhancements are often a risky investment. A living creature can only take so much steel before their body loses the unseeable spark that marks them as organic rather than a machine. But there always will be those that choose to go above and beyond that factor, binding their soul to their bodies with spiritual tattoos and ritualistic markings, they give limb after limb, organ after organ, to achieve the goal of their drive.

The arcane-robotic implants worn by cybernetic berserkers would render the average individual an empty husk, more machine in mind and body than a living creature. When creating this variant of the totem warrior, consider what drove your character to take such drastic measures to improve their physicality? Do they have a goal? Or perhaps they were forced into the enhancement against their will. Did the implanted machinery perhaps save their lives after a fatal accident? Or do they just desire the power such mechanisms bring?

Communication Matrix

A common implant normally used as a test to determine of the body rejects large-scale enhancements, the communication matrix is visible as a small section of metal behind one ear, and enables communication and bonding with less intelligent creatures. At level 3 when you adopt this path, you gain the ability to cast the beast sense and speak with animals spells, but only as rituals

First Operation

At 3rd level, when you adopt this path, you choose a base major enhancements and gain its feature. You must undergo an operation over a long rest to install this upgrade, an act that can be done by yourself or by another. The operation permanently replaces a part of your body with a mechanical replacement, enhancing your abilities. The upgrades are significant enough to be visible to any that look at you.

Bearhide Torso and Subdermal Plating. While raging, you have resistance to all damage except psychic damage. A large portion of your chest region and midsection, extending to the ribcage and spine, but not internal organs, have been completely replaced with a custom-build cybernetic torso.

Raptor Mobility Booster. While raging and not wearing heavy armour, other creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attack rolls against you and you can use the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn. The muscle structure of your legs have been interwoven with visible metallic coils, replacing three quarters to the entirety of your legs with a powerful set of digigrade metallic limbs.

Wolfpack Targeting System. While you're raging, your friends have advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature within 5 feet of you that is hostile to you. A section of flesh from your shoulder region, up to the back of your neck and around to your temples have a complex mechanical network installed that mimics refined animal instinct.

Second Operation

At 6th level, you undergo the second stage of your cybernetic enhancement, replacing more of your flesh with enchanted steel.

Ursa-IV Mining Rig. You are installed with an advanced set of cybernetics originally designed for miners and construction workers, replacing the back and bicep region. Your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled, and you have advantage on Strength checks made to push, pull. lift, or break objects.

Hawk's Eye Opticals. Your eyes are replaced with advanced optical enhancers, the enhancements can be easily discerned as mechanical and have a slight glow. You can see up to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. Additionally, dim light doesn't impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Prowler Tracker. An advanced GPS system designed for hunting is installed in your arm, linked directly to your nervous system and brain. You can track other creatures while travelling at a fast pace, and you can move stealthily while travelling at a normal pace.

Advanced Information Matrix

At 10th level you can use a system of advanced scanners and sensors to emulate the effects of a commune with nature spell. The scanning process takes 10 minutes and a small virtual intelligence installed with one of your previous cybernetics will appear to communicate the results to you.

Final Operation

At 14th level, you undergo the final operation, stretching thin the limits of how much metal a mortal body can be infused with. This implant is a powerful experimental piece of technology, rare and likely to turn heads if displayed in the right company.

Instinct Pheromones. While you're raging. any creature within 5 feet of you that's hostile to you has disadvantage on attacks rolls against targets other than you or another character with this feature. An enemy is immune to this effect if it can't see or hear you or if it can't be frightened.

This implant is more subtle, and exists as two small vent-like sections on your neck that dispense a powerful chemical formula causing fear and drawing attention.

Icarus Flight System. While raging. you have a flying speed equal to your current walking speed. This benefit works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing else is holding you aloft.

This implant manifests in a pair of massive, obviously mechanical wings installed in on your back, with supports that spread throughout your body.

Alpha Muscle Enhancers. While you're raging, you gain use a bonus action on your turn to knock a Large or smaller creature prone when you hit it with melee weapon attack.

This implant replaces a large amount of your muscle structure with powerful, tightly coiled machinery that allows tremendous bursts of strength in short instances.

Path of the Chemical Rager

Chemicals are just a friendly way of saying drugs. Chemical ragers fill their bloodstreams with powerful serems that enhance their abilities. When creating a Chemical rager, think of reasons why your character would turn to narcotics as a source of power, or were they previously an addict that found a familiarity with these serems?


At 3rd level when you select this path, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies.

You learn the method for brewing 2 serems of your choice. You can create 2 serems over a short rest, and 4 over a long rest. The material cost for serems is listed under the "Serems" section below.

You learn 1 additional serems of your choice at 6th, 12th and 18th level.

Chemical Rage

When you take this path at 3rd level, you can choose to use one of your serems as a part of the bonus action to enter a rage. You can only have 1 serems active at one time. Using a serems is a bonus action.

Only you can gain the positive effects of your serems.

Natural Antibodies

At 6th level, your body becomes more resistant to the various toxins it is exposed to on a regular basis. You gain immunity to poison damage and you become immune to the poisoned condition. In addition, after taking a short rest you are cured of all disease.


At 10th level your body becomes capable of intaking amounts of chemicals that would kill the average creature. You can now use 2 serems instead of 1 at the start of your rage, and you can have 2 serems active at the same time.

The Solution

At 14th level, your endless experimentation with chemicals have resulted the epitome of your alchemical creativity through a mixture of luck and refined technique. A single vial of transparent fluid, distilled from rare ingredients you have gathered throughout your travels and tailored to your physicality exclusively, permanently changes your form. Try as you might, you will never be able to recreate this marvellous concoction.

  • You no longer age, and cannot be aged by magical effects.
  • Your scars disappear, any visible wounds are healed and any missing limbs and permanent injuries in addition to further scarring, blemishes or missing limbs are restored to their undamaged state after a long rest.
  • You permanently gain the benefits of one serems of your choice that you know how to make with no negative effect.


The following serems are listed in alphabetical order. Serems are tailored exclusively to your physicality, and most effective when consumed while raging.

Baleful Extract (40gp). A deep purple, extremely viscous liquid with small flakes of black, ash-like pieces floating inside, the extract has the taste and consistency of oil when consumed. Lasts for 1 minute.

  • Your eyes darken into a deep purple, you become able to see through all illusions, invisibility and magical darkness up to a range of 15ft.
  • You become immune to psychic damage.

When consumed while not raging or by a creature other than yourself. The extract burns at the mind painfully, causing an intense headache that lasts a full day. The creature takes 2d8 psychic damage, and has disadvantage on all saving throws against magical charm and sleep effects until a long rest.

Brute Balm (15gp). A light red substance to be applied directly onto the skin. On contact the mixture seems to emit a pleasant warmth that penetrates into the muscular tissue.

  • You deal an additional 1d4 damage on all melee attack rolls.
  • Your strength score increases by 2.
  • You have advantage on all strength checks, including those made to grapple and break grapples, and can grapple creatures one size larger than you usually can.

These effects last for one minute. When applied while not raging or by a creature other than yourself the balm appears to function as normal, but after one minute the creature will take one level of exhaustion.

Calming Concoction (20gp). This light, transparent green mixture has a number of potent tea leaves that clears and focuses the mind. After ingesting your mind experiences a previously unknown clarity.

  • You gain advantage on all wisdom saving throws against magical effects.
  • If you are able to cast spells, you maintain the ability to do so during a rage.
  • You cannot be frightened.

These effects last for one minute. When ingested while not raging or by an individual other than yourself the concoction numbs the tongue and mires the mind. For one minute, the creature has disadvantage on all wisdom (perception) checks, and find themselves unable to form comprehendible words (thereby rendering them incapable of performing the verbal component of spells.)

Dredger Bile (80gp). A deadly toxin refined and refined again, tailor made to your physicality, capable of making your own sweat and blood poisonous. The blackish green liquid manifests in slimy chunks of plant matter floating in an oily liquid that seems to reflect no light.

  • You take 2d12 poison damage.
  • You gain darkvision up to a range of 60ft. If you already have darkvision, the range is increased by 30ft.
  • As a bonus action, you can force all creatures within 5ft of you to make constitution saving throw or suffer 1d12 + your constitution modifier in poison damage, on a successful save they take half damage.

These effects last for one minute. This serems doubles as a deadly poison, and can be applied to a weapon or be used to poison another creature. If used to coat a piercing or slashing weapon, any creature hit by the weapon must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or take 1d8 poison damage. If a creature other than yourself ingests this poison, they must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or take 4d12 poison damage and be poisoned for one hour. On a successful save they take half damage, and are not poisoned.

Dredger bile has an extremely acrid, bitter taste that can be instantly identified after consumption as being a poison.

Firewater (25gp). This bright, fluorescent red tonic burns as it pours down your throat, leaving an aftertaste of ash and charcoal.

  • You gain resistance to fire damage,
  • Your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage.
  • As a bonus action, you can breathe fire in a 15ft cone. All creatures in the cone must make a DC 8 + your proficiency + your constitution score dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 + your constitution score fire damage.

The effects last for one minute. When ingested while not raging or by a creature other than yourself the serems burns the stomach, dealing 4d6 fire damage.

Hoarfrost (25gp). This small bottle of clear liquid has a strong mint scent, and burns like strong alcohol as you drink it. It brings a chill from your throat down to your abdomen.

  • You gain resistance to cold damage,
  • Your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 cold damage and any creature you strike in melee range have their movement speed halved for one round.

The effects last for one minute. When ingested while not raging or by a creature other than yourself the serems freezes the internal organs, causing 4d6 cold damage.

Painkiller (35gp). The tiny white pill resembles a commercially available painkiller, but the potency is far greater.

  • You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your constitution modifier at the start of each of your turns.
  • You gain advantage on all constitution saving throws. If your hit point maximum had been reduced previously, your hit-point maximum returns to normal, and cannot be reduced below that amount.

The effects last for one minute. When ingested while not raging or by a creature other than yourself the narcotic effects of the painkiller are too prominent to ignore. The user must succeed on a DC 20 constitution saving throw or fall unconscious but stable for one hour.

Sable Tonic (100gp). A deep, midnight black tonic that resembles ink in appearence. Upon ingestion you immediately are assaulted by a searing pain throughout your entire body. Your veins bulge and turn black, your eyes darken and your muscle structure seems to bulge and increase in size.

  • You gain a climb and swim speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your jump height becomes your strength modifier x 5ft.
  • You can no longer be charmed or put to sleep via magical means.
  • When you strike a creature with a melee attack on your turn, you can immediately move 10ft in any direction without triggering attacks of opportunity

The effects last for one minute, you gain one level of exhaustion after the effect ends. If consumed while not raging or by a creature other than yourself, the vile taste of the fluid causes the body to reject the fluid, inducing vomiting.

Snapshot (30gp). This vial of milky white liquid must be injected into a major vein or artery, with a cold chill as it enters the bloodstream.

  • You gain advantage on all wisdom (perception) checks.
  • You deal an additional damage die on all ranged attacks.
  • You no longer have disadvantage when attacking within a ranged weapon's second range increment.

When injected while not raging or by a creature other than yourself, they must make a DC 20 constitution saving throw or become blinded for one hour.

Thunder Phial (25gp). A strange, purple fluid with the consistency of a gel that occasionally seems to emit a spark. This mixture shocks your tongue and throat as you consume it.

  • You gain resistance to lightning damage.
  • Your melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage.
  • You can use your bonus action to make any creature restraining, grappling or being grappled or restrained by you take 2d8 lightning damage.

The effects last for one minute. When ingested while not raging or by a creature other than yourself the serems delivers a painful shock, causing 4d6 lighting damage.


College of Thunder

"An army cannot march without a rhythm".

A glint of polished ivory beneath waves of gleaming golden hair. The wiry youth had no place on such a battlefield, but still he stood where the scared, battled-hardened warriors towering over him faltered. The rythmic pounding of an army hellbent on their complete annihilation, the thunderous march raising a cloud of crimson dust.

And slowly, the earth itself began to beat like taut drum, but not for their enemies. The very earth beneath their feet moved, urging them forward. They found their fears lifted, and their feet marching in rhythm.

And at the very forefront, a golden haired bard's smile widens with resolve as he adjusts a dial on his electronic instrument, amplifying the digitized drumbeat to pulse, again, and again, each beat increasing in speed until the men's march became a run, then a frenzied charge. The roaring of hoarse battle-cries drowned out by the thunder of their own footfalls.

"Strike like lightning, I will be your thunder, the roar of battle, the herald to your glory. I will help you march."

Aura of Intensity

Starting at 3rd level when you select this bardic college, you learn to channel thunder to strike at the courage in the heart of every creature, bolstering your allies and breaking the will of your enemies.

Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage to a creature, you can choose to roll a bardic inspiration dice and add thunder damage equal to the roll to the total damage of the spell.

In addition, whenever you roll for thunder damage from any source, any number of allied creatures of your choice within 120ft of the effect gain temporary hitpoints equal to half the thunder damage rolled plus your charisma modifier.


At 3rd level, you gain the ability to throw your voice expertly. When speaking, you can make your voice appear from a point within 30ft of you that you can see. When doing so, you can attempt to roll a sleight-of-hand check with advantage to conceal the fact that you are the source of the noise.

In addition, any spells that require only a verbal component and your bardic inspiration is increased by 30ft.


Starting at 6th level, your booming magic shakes your enemies to their core. Whenever you roll one of your bardic inspiration die when using your voice of thunder feature, the number rolled is subtracted from the next saving throw of any damaged creature within the next minute (not including any saving throw the spell used to trigger voice of thunder requires).


Starting at 14th level, the faint echo of your magic permeates an area long after the incantation has been spoken, with every chord and word spoken you create a melody that folds upon itself, blending seamlessly back into your song of inspiration.

When you cast a spell with a duration of instantaneous that requires a dice roll of more than one dice, a saving throw against your spell save DC or both, you can instead choose to make the spell concentration for up to 1 minute.

You can use your action on subsequent turns to repeat the spell's effects at the same point or a new point within the spell's range, subtracting one dice from any roll required and lowering the spell save DC if any by 1 with each passing turn. A creature that succeeds on any intelligence, wisdom or charisma saving throw on a spell you choose to maintain in this manner automatically succeeds on any repeated saving throws against the same spell until your concentration ends.

Once a spell has no more dice remaining to subtract, or when the spell save DC has dropped below 8 + your proficiency modifier, the spell ends. If you maintained concentration on the effect until this point in time, you regain spell slots equal to half the spell's level and regain your use of reverberation. Otherwise, this feature cannot be used again until you take a long rest.


City Domain

Clerics of community live within the center of the organised chaos that is the social structure within every race. These clerics are diplomats, pillars of community and politicians, they tap into the power of not a single god, but of every faith and religon that work together to make everyday life run smoothly. From the flow of water in rusted pipelines long out of maintainence, the ancient buildings that barely hang onto their structural shape for their thousands of common resiidents, and the very flow of the city from morning rush to evening lull. These clerics may owe their alliegence to any deity that holds worship in a city, or they may move from temple to temple, giving respect where its due to every religon across the vast void.

City Spells
Cleric Levels Spells
1st Adobe's Image Modification, Imprinting
3rd False Data, Recharge
5th Triggershock, Find Data
7th Bowdandy's Vacuous Excess, Electro Magnetic Pulse
9th Power Word: Paradox, Steelshape

Disciple of Community

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with simple and martial ranged weapons and one artisan's tool of your choice.


Also at 1st level you can attune to the heartbeat of a city over a long rest spent within its perimiter. As you walk the streets, you find yourself recognising every subtle detail of the city, from hidden alleyways to shady bars, every shortcut and crowded crossing. While within the city, you gain advantage on all dexterity ability checks. In addition, you ignore difficult terrain caused by large crowds and can move at twice the normal pace throughout the city while not in combat as you learn of hidden shortcuts, traffic flows in your favor and doors seem to consistantly be open for you. In addition, creatures have disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks to percieve you while you are in crowds.

Channel Divinity: Stratagem

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity to enforce an absolute sense of understanding between yourself and up to 6 willing creatures within 120ft that you can see. As a reaction to entering initiative, you can use your Channel Divinity to allow each ally to swap their initiative with another ally's once, or willingly lower their initiative score by a number up to your charisma modifier.

My Neighbourhood

Beginning at 6th level, the paranormal forces that linger within the structures of the city rush to your aid in times of need. As an action while within a city you are attuned to, whisper a prayer for aid into the open air, causing a ripple of events to occur in your favor. For the next minute, any hostile creatures within 120ft are unnaturally hindered as traffic seems to halt in their path, unsecured wires tangle at their feet, pothole covers miraculously uncover themselves below them and urban animals harrass them relentlessly. All creatures affected must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or have their movement speed halved. They must repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, breaking free from the effects upon succeeding three timees.

If a creature fails this saving throw three times in a row, they are restrained as they are hopelessly tangled, stuck or pinned by animals. A restrained creature can make a strength (atheletics) or dexterity (acrobatics) check against your spell save DC to escape this effect, become immune to this effect for the remainder of its duration.

In addition, while My Neighbourhood is active, you have advantage on all charisma (persuasion) checks when interacting with nonhostile humanoids and constructs, and as a bonus action you can make one doorway including doorways locked by nonmagical means to suddenly unlock itself and swing open or slam shut and lock itself if possible.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with electrical energy drawn from the surrounding lands. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 lightning damage to the targel. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Phantom Cab

Starting at 17th level, the city recognises you as a stalwart ally, and manifests a physical form to assist you in your ventures. After attuning to a city, and at the end of every long rest thereafter, a single enchanted coin appears clutched in your hand, indistinguishible from the currency normally used in the city. After calling an unspecified number on any telecommunications device and requesting a driver from an operator, a vehicle appropriate to the local modes of transportaion appears within 30ft in under one minute and awaits you and up to five companions to board.

An ordinary-looking driver of the DM's description operates the vehicle, agreeing to take you and your companions to any location within the city's boundry. No matter the distance to the destination, the drive takes no longer than five minutes, after which the driver requests your enchanted coin as payment and awaits you and your companions to leave the vehicle. Once you leave the vehicle drives until out of visual range.

During the ride, you can choose to make pleasant converasation with the driver, who appears to be unnaturally knowledgeable about the city and its workings. You have enough time to ask the driver three questions, which they answer to the best of their ability.


Circle of Rust

The Circle of Rust stands as an outlier among druids. Clerics of the Rust dress themselves in scraps and scavenged armor, holding on to the a shunned belief among druids that steel is an extention of nature. Followers of this circles have the unusual abilty among druids to use metal equipment, and the even odder ability to manipulate and destroy it.


Rust monster corrosion on touch and spells


coat your body in scrap metal, temp hp and armor for every corroded item

Desolate Sentinal

When you gain a certain amount of hp from rustform and corrosion, shed the armor to create a rust construct with half your hp + temp hp gained, and all your weapon/armor proficiencies. Also has corrosion. Sentinel crumbles to dust after 1 minute.

Verdant Rebirth

Change sufficiently rusted metal to wood, and create vegetation and treants. Can transmute sentinals and killed creatures into wooden guardians that permanently follow your commands.

The Blue Mutants

Spirit Companion

Starting at 3rd leve when you enter this circle, your strangely twisted druidic magic manifests itself as a constant incoporeal companion.

You gain the service of an intangible spirit companion that takes the form of a small or lower creature with a CR of 1/2 or lower. The creature follows your commands but ultimately has its own will and personality that is akin to, but likely not quite the same as your own.

Your spirit companion can only take the help action and is completely intangible to everyone but yourself. It cannot move beyond 10ft from you at any point in time. In combat your spirit companion moves on your initiative, but is unable to interact with any object outside of the ethereal plane.

Your spirit companion has its own personality that can reflect what drew you to your path as a user of mutation, but it is ultimately a fractured piece of your own conciousness.

You can use your lancet feature, without expending a spell slot or rolling a spell attack, targeted at your spirit companion.


Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to change your form to mimic any creature you study, gaining insight into the intricacies of their anatomy by expending magical energy. As an action, expend a 1st level spell slot, targetting a non-humanoid creature up to a CR of 1.

Roll a ranged spell attack against the creature. If the result of your roll is higher than the creature's intelligence modifier, you can choose to learn a single action or bonus action from the creature that you have seen it or a similar creature perform at some point in the past.

Alternatively, you can choose to gain a single physical trait of the creature.

  • If the creature has an armor class higher than your own, you gain 1 AC per spell level expended on this ability.
  • One movement speed from the creature, if you gain a swimming speed from a creature that has the waterbreathing trait you also gain waterbreathing.
  • A sensory trait such as darkkvision, tremorsense, truesight or blindsight.

If you are able to, you can choose to expend a higher level spell slot to use this ability. For each spell slot above 1st, you can increase the maximum challenge rating of the creature effected by 2.

Lancet acts as a concentration spell that lasts for a maximum of 1 hour. Lancet maintains through wildshape, and can be cast while in wildshape.

Spirit Walk

Merge into your spirit companion, becoming a corporeal version of whatever creature your spirit companion is. (at will)

Superior Lancet

Eliminates any resistance a creature has to its own abilities that you mimic.


While lancet is active, spend a short rest as memorizing a skill, gaining it permanently as an action that can be triggered through a use of wildshape.


A stout, muscled dwarf calmly whistles a merry tune admist the deafening roar of gunfire and explosives, even as the onslaught of lead continues to reduce his cover to little more than scrap metal. His calloused, oafish fingers move with a grace one would never expect from someone of his appearance as he works, twisting screws, tightening joints and welding wires. With a final grunt, the dwarf slams a fist down on a switch as his cover rumbles to life, a massive ironclad titan rises towering over 10ft tall, with its owner grinning wildly on its back.

Cackling madly, a scrawny elf in tattered clothing dances amongst the explosions that wrack the landscape, tossing fistful after fistful of her deadly, home-crafted parcels. Time seems to slow as she watches each detonation with fervor, each rumbling burst of multicolored energy that burnt, froze and tore across the battlefield. Behind those wide, crazed eyes, the genius behind the madness was already pondering how she could make her next batch of explosives even deadlier.

Arms crossed, an old human man leans back on a plain plastic chair, eyes fixed on the half-dozen faintly glowing holographic moniters that float before him. The ones that hunt him move slowly, carefully, but not carefully enough. A smile curls across his face with each misstep, each door carelessly pushed open, each figure that moved a little too quickly. The displays dimmed, one by one, to the sound of distant explosions, the whirling of blades, the screams of dying men and women caught in an intricate web far beyond their own comprehension. The wicked smile fades into darkness as the last screen winks out to the sound of complete silence.

Mechanical Genius

Engineers bring the mastery of machines to the battlefield, combining cutting edge technology with a creative yet destructive mind to create solutions for every problem, practical or otherwise.

In a crew, engineers play a flexible role, depending on what manner of machinary an engineer is drawn to focus on, they can become ironclad juggernauts, stalwart supports or aggresive frontliners depending entirely on how they utilise their valuable resources.

With proper energy management, an engineer's bag of tricks can contain an answer to every conceivable situation. Careful planning and foresight is essential to preparing an engineer's arsenal.

Engineers excel in a team that prioritises proper planning and maintains clear communication. With many of their features requiring careful positioning of both allies and enemies, co-operation from allies is required for an enginner to truly shine.

Inventors and Innovators

Many engineers live a mundane life, working as mechanics, technicians and consultants, while they are vastly different to the adventuring engineers this class details, they are the clear origin to these exceptional individuals.

Many engineers learn their craft through diligence and practice, unlike the purely intellectual learning of magic or the constant drills of combat training, engineers take trial and error as a learning experience, improving upon their creations but never discarding a lesson well learned.

Engineers can be selfish with their discoveries, keeping their inventions to themselves, or share them with the world, but the common motivator is the pursuit of perfection. Every great creation of an engineer becomes something special to themselves, from the first idle sketch to the final bolt being locked in place, the process creates a deeper bond with the machine that makes it more than an odd piece of metal.

Engineers exist to improve, to create new solutions where there are none and improve on them if there are. To scorn previous trials and seek out new ones. And by their side, with each challenge overcome, their creations grow alongside them.

Creating an Engineer

When creating an engineer, consider what your character is trying to achieve. This doesn't need to be a set end goal, merely a milestone that they wish to conquer before setting a new one. An engineer's goals and interest are always evolving, and they rarely stop at finding one answer, instead choosing to prove deeper into the equation.

Engineers are rarely self taught, though it is not unheard of. A source of learning, whether it be a single mentor or an established organization, can add motivation to your character, and answer the questions of how they entered their field.

Think of why you applied yourself to your specific trade, have you always been intrigued by machiery, or perhaps you've always had a natural talent for mechanics? Did you develop your skills out of curiosity or neccesity? Are you generous or selfish with your breakthroughs?

When you select a speciality, think of what attracted you to pursue perfection in that field. Has the devestating power of high explosives always set your passion ablaze? Or do you find a deep satisfaction in controlling the battlefield with tactically placed deployables?

Are your companions trusted friends you're willing to share and discuss your innovations with? Or merely just another means to your ultimate goal?

Quick Build

You can make a Engineer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score. Next, select Dexterity along with Strength if you wish to become a Robotics Expert, or Constitution if you plan to become an Explosives or Area Denial Expert, as your next highest ability score. Finally, select the engineer or guild artisan backgrounds.

Class Features

As an engineer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per engineer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution

modifier per engineer level after 1st.


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Ranged Martial Weapons
Tools: Tinker's tools and any two artisan's tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose three from Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand and Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • (a) Light Combat Armour or (b) Leather Jacket
  • (a) An assault rifle and two magazines or (b) any simple firearm with two full reloads worth of ammunition
  • (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • A Light Pistol and a Light Hammer
  • A set of tinker's tools
The Engineer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Modules Known Modifications Known Energy Cells
1st +2 Energy, Modules 1 2 1
2nd +2 Engineering Specialization, Modifications 1 4 1
3rd +2 Expertise 2 6 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 6 2
5th +3 — 2 7 3
6th +3 War Engineer, Specialization Feature 2 7 3
7th +3 — 3 8 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 8 4
9th +4 — 3 10 5
10th +4 Specialization Feature 3 10 5
11th +4 — 4 12 6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 12 6
13th +5 — 4 14 7
14th +5 Specialization Feature 4 14 7
15th +5 Packmule 5 16 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 16 8
17th +6 — 5 18 9
18th +6 Specialization Feature, 5 18 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 20 10
20th +6 Verum Potentia 6 20 10


At 1st level, you gain access to two special resource used to power your deployables called energy cells and energy supply.

Energy cells are small devices that can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, used as a universal source of energy for any remote deployables.

Energy cells can only power devices for a limited amount of time, and when they are exhausted you can use an action to replace the cells provided you are in range of the device.

Energy cells are full of volitile magic and delicate mechanical parts that can cause a severe reaction when stored in large quantities outside of specifically designed casings. As a result, you can only keep up to half your engineer level rounded up in energy cells at the ready at any one point in time. Creatures not trained as engineers cannot hold more than 1 energy cell at any one time. If too many energy cells are stored incorrectly, all cells safely discharge their power and become inert.

You can resupply all expended energy cells over a short rest. You are presumed to either construct or acquire more energy cells in your spare time.

Energy Supply is used to power any devices directly linked to you, and is usually used by deployables with passive effects. Your Energy Supply is equal to your Intelligence modifier. Modules that utilise your power supply will constantly drain energy from the supply, reducing your energy supply's level at a rate determined in each module's section as the active modules are used.

You can deactivate any device that uses your power supply as a bonus action. A record should be kept with the DM of how long each active module had been used for, when a module is deactivated the amount of time remaining on that module's power supply is saved within the module itself, allowing for further use up to the remaining power. Energy supply is recharged over a long rest.


Beginning at 1st level, you have developed a number of mechanical contraptions to be customized to be used in a variety of situations.

When you first gain this feature, select two modules from the modules section below. You gain your selected modules in addition to your starting equipment, having constructed them at some point before starting your journey. You learn how to maintain these devices with minimal cost and effort, and if destroyed, consumed or lost you can construct a new one through a short rest and a variable amount of gold expenditure listed with each module. You can repair damaged modules over a short rest.

There are two types of modules; deployable modules and Active Modules

Engineering Specialization

At 2nd level, your engineering talent branches into a specific field of interest. These specializations define you as an engineer, they represent what you have decided to apply your considerable knowledge and experience into developing, what peaks your interest as a mechanical savant. Select from one of three specializations: Demolitions, Robotics and Espionage.

Your specialization grants additional features at 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th level.


Starting at 2nd level, you begin to modify your modules with custom augmentations to suit your style of engineering. You learn four modifications from the modifications list of any Module you know. Learning some modules or modifications will automatically unlock others, and modifications learned through association with another module or modification do not count towards your number of modifications known. Some advanced modules cannot be learned until you have leanred some other

A module can have any number of modifications attatched as long as two modifications are not listed as incompatible.

Weight Management

Engineers get a huge amount of options when it comes to utilising their creations, however they are often limited by the resources they have at their disposal. Modifications can greatly enhance many aspects of a module, but also in turn cause them to consume more energy and weigh more, and can easily encumber an over-eager engineer. It is recommended that the DM take careful note of carry weight when there is an engineer in the party, as many of the modules and modifications have significant weight, and are in addition difficult to conceal.


At 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.

At 10th leveI, you can choose another two skill proficiencies to gain this benefit.

Emergency Batteries

Starting at 5th level, you carry an emergency battery with you that can be used to quickly recharge your power supply over a period of time. Once per day over a short rest, you can fully replenish your energy supply.


Starting at 6th level, extensive experience tinkering with firearms has allowed you to apply your extensive engineering experience to you and your ally's equipment. You learn 3 modifications from the list below when you first gain this feature at lvl 6. The modifying and customization of weaponary and armor is a common service provided by engineers in most major hubs, and many enemies encountered in the world may have weapons that have already been modified in some way. Each firearm modification requires 2 hours and a cost equal to half the firearm's price in raw materials.

A maximum of 1 modification can be applied to light weapons, while heavy weapons can hold a 2 modifications at most.

You learn 2 additional modifications at 10th, 14th and 18th level.

Firearm Modifications

Shielded. Adds a heavy shield to the gun's barrel. After taking an attack action, you gain +2 to AC against any ranged attacks from the last target of your attacks until the start of your next turn. You do not gain this benefit if you are using a shield.

Supressed. A powerful supressor that reduces the amount of sound created by a gunshot. A supressed weapon cannot be heard outside of a 20ft radius. If you are firing from stealth using a supressed weapon, you do not break stealth unless there is a hostile creature within 20ft of you.

Folding. Folding weapons can be reduced to a fraction of their usual size when not in use. A light folding weapon can be reduced to half its size, while a heavy folding weapon can be reduced to one quarter of its usual size. The weapon's weight does not change.

Bayoneted. Bayoneted weapons double as melee weapons when in close range. Light bayoneted firearms can be used as a versatile, light melee weapon dealing 1d6 slashing damage. Heavy bayoneted weapons deal 1d8 piercing damage, and are not versatile.

Long Barrel. Long barrel weapons enhance the range of a weapon. A long-barreled firearm gains +2 on all attack rolls, and has its range increased by 30ft/60ft. Incompatable with stub barrel.

Stub Barrel. Stub barrels reduce the accuracy of a firearm, but increases the weapon's maneuverability in melee range. A stub barrel weapon has a 30ft reduction to both range increments, but no longer has disadvantage when firing in melee range. Any 1 rolled on a stub barrel weapon becomes a 2. Incompatible with long barrel.

Hair-Trigger. Hair trigger weapons have a less rigid trigger mechanism, allowing shots to be fired quicker. Once per round whils using a hair trigger weapon, you can forgo one normal attack to make 2 attacks at disadvantage.

Under-Barrel Sling. An under-barrel modification that allows a secondary firearm to be installed alongside the original. The secondary weapon can be any simple firearm, including a grenade launcher.

Magnified. Increased magnification allows users to find targets at a longer range. A magnified weapon's range limit before attacking at disadvantage is increased by half of the weapon's maximum range.

High-Capacity. A high capacity weapon has its ammunition capacity doubled, but takes a full action to reload instead of a bonus action.

Lightweight. Reducing the weight of a weapon allows firearms normally difficult to handle managable. Weapons that lack the light and heavy properties become light weapons. Heavy weapons have the heavy property removed, and two-handed weapons that gain the lightweight modification can be weilded with one hand, though any attacks they make have disadvantage.

Higher Calibre. High powered weapons deal more damage, but have a severely reduced ammunition capacity and inferior accuracy. Firearms with this modification have their damage dice increased by one step; D4 weapons become d6, d6 becomes d8, d8 becomes d10 and d10 becomes d12. The weapon's ammunition capacity is halved and must be reloaded twice as often. The weapon also takes a -1 to all attack rolls, in addition, for each damage dice the firearm usually rolls on attacks, the weapon takes a -1 to attack rolls.

Auto-Loader. An automatic loading mechanism of some kind, be it a chain magazine or some other method, allows a weapon to be used without a need for reloading.

Drone Mode. requires drone module. A weapon with the drone mode property can be transformed into a pre-configured version of one of your drone modules. The drone module must still be constructed through the same process you would normally create one.


Starting at 15th level, your experience with toting heavy materials around has allowed you to take on greater burdens. When carrying your modules and modifications, their weight is halved for you only.

Verum Potentia

At 20th level, your familiarity with your tools and engineering genius has improved the efficiency of one of your modules to the point that its energy drain is barely noticible. Select one module you know how to create, energy cells now last ten times as long when used to power that module, and the module no longer consumes any of your power supply.

Engineering Specializations


Mechanics Engineers focus on practical solutions. From creating unstoppable war machines to enhancing their existing constructs, machines around them always seem to work a little better and hit a little harder.

Advanced Plating

Starting at 2nd level, you learn how to forge and craft armor for your deployable constructs that increase their effectiveness in combat. Any constructs you create gain hitpoints equal to 10 + your level multiplied by five.

Overdrive Cells

At 6th level, you can command the power cells inside your constructs to amplify their power output greatly for a limited amount of time. As a bonus action, make any number of currently deployed modules within 60ft of you enter overdrive for 1 minute. During this time, your constructs gain a number of benefits;

  • Any module with a movement speed gains +2 to AC.
  • Any module with an attack action can make an additional attack as a bonus action.

In addition, when you use the overdrive bonus action, all constructs effected regain hitpoints equal to your intelligence modifier. If you target a construct that has been previously destroyed, it regains 1 hitpoint and is no longer inactive.

You can only use this feature once per energy cell. After 1 minute has passed after the activation, the energy cell's charge is expended, and the module deactivates.

Man Over Machine

At 10th level, you can apply the powerful drive of your energy cells to cybernetics, providing the enhanced with a powerful surge of energy. As an action, you can drain an energy cell of all charge to cast the haste spell on a creature that has at least one cybernetic enhancement. Casting haste in this method requires the creature you selected to concentrate on maintaining the effect. Once used on a creature, this feature cannot be used on the same creature until you complete a long rest.

Deployable Mech Module

Starting at 14th level, you learn a unique deployable module. The deployable mech module is an advanced construct designed to act as an additional party member in combat. Select one upgrade for each of the mech's areas.

Your deployable mech module benefits from advanced plating, and can benefit from overdrive cells and man over machine.

The deployed mech requires a minimum of 3 long rests to complete, and costs a set price of 1'000'000 credits in raw materials. A damaged mech can be repaired 20 hitpoints over a short rest, you can roll your own hit dice to add to this number.

The deployable mech can be piloted or deployed. When piloted, the mech is controlled by the creature inside, any creature piloting a mech is restrained and cannot take any action aside from piloting the mech. Entering and exiting a mech requires a full action. A patchwork mech consumes 1 energy cell per 10 minutes of continuous use, and can store up to 6 energy cells in its battery at once. While piloted by an engineer, the mech can draw directly from the engineer's power supply

While a mech is piloted, its dexterity, wisdom, intelligence and charisma scores and saving throws are replaced with the pilot's. While piloted, the mech can make 2 attacks during its attack action instead of just one. In addition, while you are piloting a mech, the mech does not consume energy cells as it draws power directly from your power supply.

While un-piloted, the mech gains immunity to the sleep, charm and frightened conditions.


Riot Armor. The mech gains an active barricade module active in the direction it is facing. The mech does not benefit from the barricade, but gains a +2 to AC. Any modifications that can normally be applied to a barricade module can be applied to this upgrade.

Recon Armor. Lightweight armor with a displacement effect that makkes the mech more difficult to hit. Attacks against the mech have disadvantage until it is hit by an attack, this effect is then lost until the start of its next turn.

Close-combat Armor. Armor specialized in defending against attacks at close range. Close-combat armor grants a mech resistance against nonmagical slashing and bludgeoning damage.

Gunner Armor. Gunner armor is designed to reduce the impact of ranged attacks. A mech equipped with gunner armor gains resistance against piercing damage.


Riot Mech. A heavily defensive mech that acts as a shield to allies around it. The mech gains a +2 to AC, and can take the impose action on a allied unit, causing disadvantage on all attacks against that ally until the start of its next turn.

In addition, the mech gains 50 hitpoints.

Recon Mech. An active camoflage module applied to the mech can create a stealth field around a small area. As an action, the mech can begin to create a stealth field that grants each creature within 10 feet invisbility. The mech must continue to focus on creating the field as an action on each turn. Taking an action or moving outside the stealth field's radius cancels the invisibility.

In addition, the mech's size becomes medium, and gains a +8 to stealth checks.

Close-Combat Mech. Close combat weaponary enables the mech to perform exceptionally well in melee combat. The mech gains a greatsword attack dealing 2d8 slashing damage, and can make an additional attack as a bonus action after taking the attack action.

In addition, the mech's strength score becomes 20.

Gunner Mech. Gunner mechs focus on ranged fire support, and have the inbuilt weaponary to match. Select 2 heavy firearms for the mech to weild, these weapons are permanently grafted onto the mech's arms.

In addition, the magazine capacities of any weapons used are doubled on the mech.


Riot Build. Heavy treads and increased stability allow riot mechs to traverse difficult terrain. The mech can move at full speed over difficult terrain, and cannot be subjected to forced movement or be knocked prone.

Recon Build. Recon build mechs can perform scouting through all manner of hazards. The mech gains a swimming and climbing speed equal to its movement speed, and can move at full speed while stealthing

Close-Combat Build. High-powered engines in the legs allow the mech to move rapidly. The mech can dash as a bonus action. After dashing, the first attack the mech makes on the same turn has advantage.

Gunner Build. Gunner build mechs feature powerful jump jets and a hover function to remain at range and reach the high ground. The mech gains a vericle jump heigh of 30ft, and descends more slowly at a rate of 10ft per round.

Titan Mech

At 18th level, you come to the stunning revelation that more mass means more destruction when it comes to killer mechs. The size of your mech increases by 1 stage, and it gains an additional 50 hitpoints. In addition, you can install another mech upgrade in one of the mech's components, granting the mech any function the new upgrade grants in addition to the previous upgrade.


large construct, no allignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 75 (12d12+5)
  • Speed 30ft

16(+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)

  • Condition Immunities poisoned
  • Damage Immunities psychic, poison.
  • Damage Resistances fire, cold
  • Languages None
  • Challenge ? (??? XP)


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, one target. Hit 2d6+3 (10) bludgeoning damage.


Many engineers don't consider this particular path of specialization as a legitimate branch of engineering, though Explosives Engineers would disagree. Finding beauty in the rapid destruction of all things, they concentrate their genius on creating their precious packages of destruction.

Hit the Deck!

Starting at 2nd level, your familiarity with area of effect dangers means you'd never be caught off guard by any in your viscinity. As a reaction to being subjected to a dexterity saving throw, you can instantly drop prone and take cover, reducing any incoming damage by half. If you suceed on the saving throw, you instead take no damage.

Cheap Tricks

Starting at 2nd level when you gain this feature, your experience and questionable safety measures when constructing explosives allow you to create ordinance with far cheaper materials and in less time.

The construction cost for any thrown modules you create is halved.

Unstable Cell

Starting at 6th level, an "innovation" in energy cell technology has allowed you to destabalize and detonate a cell in a powerful surge of electricity when needed. A detonating cell covers a 20ft radius, all creatures caught must make a dexterity saving throw against your engineering DC or take 6d6 lightining damage. Creatures that suceed on the save take half damage.

In addition, a detonating energy cell applies the same effects as an EMP grenade.

You can detonate an energy cell inside any of your constructs to deal an additional 2d6 damage, the construct is destroyed in this process. A self-destruct modification in any of your modules automatically detonate the energy cell when triggered.

Alternatively, you can choose to integrate an unstable energy cell into any damaging grenade through advanced duct-taping technology. When the grenade detonates, the cell also destabalizes and detonates.

Demolition Propulsion

Starting at 10th level, various failsafes and armor enhancements you placed on key areas of your body allow you to use explosives in a new way. When you use your hit the deck! feature, whether you succeed or fail the saving throw, you can choose to also move with the explosion, moving up to twice the area of effect's radius away from its center.

Potent Explosives

Starting at 10th level, you optimise the construction of your explosives, focusing the explosive force of the detonation. The area of effect of any grenade you construct is increased by 5ft. In addition, any damaging grenade deals an additional 2d6 force damage. This damage increases to an additional 4d6 at 18th level.

Deployable Seeker Drone

Starting at 14th level, you come to the stunning revelation that it would make your job easier if your explosives delivered themselves. A cheaply constructed drone body constructed around a grenade can follow simple instructions and differentiate between allies and enemies. The parameters it follows are set during the drone's initial construction, and each drone only holds enough power for 1 minute of activation.

A seeker drone modification increase the construction cost of a grenade by 50'000 credits, doubles its weight and halves its throwing distance.

The drone can be instructed to target the highest concentration of enemies or only target specific enemies. The drone can observe a 120ft area around itself, and can remain in a standby state for up to 24 hours, while in this state the drone has a stealth score equal to your engineering DC. Once a target has been observed, the drone will move towards it at a speed of 40ft per round, breaking stealth in the process. When a targeted creature enters the maximum range of its explosive, or a desired number of creatures can be caught in the explosive radius, the drone immediately detonates.

As an action, you can activate a small camera and remote control system to manually guide and control the drone. While controlling the seeker drone, you can command it to detonate at any point during its movement.

Drones can be programed with a number of more advanced instructions at the DM's discretion.

Seeker drones have an AC of 15, and one hit point. If the drone is killed, it immediately detonates.

Cluster Explosive

Starting at 18th level, you can combine up to 4 explosives into a single thrown package. When this package detonates, the effects of all four grenades used trigger simultaneously with a single saving throw of each type required. The construction cost of all four grenades must be taken into account when creating a cluster grenade. The duration of non-damaging grenades stacks, increasing the duration of the grenade's effect.

The damage from your potent explosives feature can only apply once.


The ultimate hackers and masterminds among engineers. Espionage specialists create deadly traps and invisible gadgets that can lie in wait for enemies, ready to catch them unawares. The nature of their craft also lend to innovations in keeping the engineer and their companions hidden from view.

Stealth Proficiency

When you select this engineer specialization, you gain proficiency in the stealth skill if you do not already have it.

Digital Ghost

Starting at 2nd level when you select this engineer specialization, you and all your gadgets become cloaked in an undetectable disruptive field. You and all your modules are invisible to all cameras and mechanical imaging devices. In addition, you and your devices are also invisible when viewed through divination magic.

This effect is disabled for one minute if you or your constructs make an attack or force a creature to make a saving throw.

Ambush Mastery

Starting at 6th level, you gain a bonus to your initiative roll equal to your intelligence modifier if at least one hostile creature you are in combat against is caught by suprise. In addition, you and your constructs gain advantage on all attacks during the first round of combat, and any saving throws made against your deployed or active modules by creatures that are suprised or have lower initiative than you during the first round of combat have disadvantage.

Networked Cell

At 6th level, you enhance your cells to act as small sensors, complete with a camera and sound array. Any module you have equipped with a cell

Dead Man's Switch

Active Hack

At 14th level, you create a tool with the ability to disable and even take control of machinery.

EMP Pulse


Modules and modifications are presented in alphabetical order.

Barricade Module

Weight: 15lb
Cost: 500 credits
Costs no energy to deploy
Maximum of 3 modifications per module. A simple module that, when deployed, snaps into a full-sized, reinforced barricade. Whether used to provide much needed cover in a firefight, or to seal a narrow passageway against immediate dangers, the barricade module is one of the most versatile devices an engineer can have in their aresnal.
The barricade module can be deployed as an action. If you are weilding the barricade as a shield it can be deployed with a bonus action. The barricade can be placed facing any direction within 5 feet of yourself. You can use an action to return the barricade to its compressed form. After deploying, the barricade cannot be moved unless it is returned to its module form.
When you first learn this module, you gain proficiency in the use of shields.
Barricade modules can be stored in small cases, or as a shield, before being deployed.


Heavy Cover. The barricade gains an additional 100 hitpoints.

The module's weight increases by 10lb, and the construction cost is raised by 500 credits.

Wide Cover. The barricade now extends after deployment, providing its cover benefits across a 15ft line. Each segment of the barricade has a seperate pool of hitpoints, however if the segment in the center is destroyed the entire barricade is destroyed.

Firing Slots. The barricade is fitted with small slits, allowing individuals takking cover behind the barricade to return fire. After taking an attack action from behind the barricade, the creature can only benefit from 3/4 cover from the barricade.

The barricade's hit points decrease by 25. The module's weight decreases by 5lb, and the construction cost is raised by 500 credits.

Motorised. Unlocked by learning Drone module. The barricade gains a movement speed of 20ft. It can be moved manually or in a direction you specify at the start of your turn. The barricade can only move at the start of your turn.

Padded. Specialized padding absorbs shrapnel and disperses impacts. The barricade gains immunity to nonmagical fire, cold, lightning, force and thunder damage, and any creature that has the barricade between itself and the point of origin of a damaging area of effect gains resistance against any fire, piercing or force damage the effect deals.

Lightweight. The barricade's total weight is halved, including any modifications attatched.

Snap-Release Barricade. Unlocked by learning Throwing module The barricade now compresses into a form small enough to be tossed a short distance. You can now deploy the barricade up to your strength modifier x 10ft away from yourself.

Robotics Specialization

Electrified. The barricade now arcs electricity in a 10ft cone from the front face, adding a powerful deterrent to any that approach. Any creature entering the cone for the first time on a turn must make a constitution saving throw against your cybernetics DC or become stunned until the end of their next turn. The next saving throw the creature makes against this effect has advantage.

Espionage Specialization

Chameleon Cover. Requires espionage specialization While deployed, the barricade module camoflages into the scenery directly behind it, causing all creatures behind it to become undetectable.

Explosives Specialization

Spring-Loaded Minefield. Requires Throwing Module Upon deployment, an assortment of 4 explosive mines are propelled from the front of the barricade. You select where these mines land within a 30ft cone of the barricade's front and mines cannot be placed within 10ft of each other.

You decide the parameters that the mines activate upon. The trigggering circumstance must occur within 10ft of the mine, and must be specified at the time of the modification's construction. You can select what manner of explosives is set in the mine fron any modification in the throwing or set modules.


medium construct, no allignment

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 75 (12d12+5)
  • Speed 0ft.

16(+3) 6 (-2) 20 (+5) 0 (-5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Condition Immunities sleep, charm, paralysis, prone, frightened, poisoned, restrained.
  • Damage Immunities psychic, poison.
  • Damage Resistances fire, cold, lightning, ballistic, slashing, force, thunder.
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Cover. The barricade provides three-quarters cover to any creature against attacks from the opposite side of the barricade. If a creature is prone behind the barricade, they gain full cover. The creature must be directly adjacent to the barricade to gain these benefits.

Immobile. The barricade automatically fails on any strength and dexterity saving throws.

Active: Cloaking Module

Weight: 5lb
Cost: 200'000 credits
Consumes 3 energy supply or 1 energy cell per minute of use Cloaking plays an important role in countless succesful operations. By bending light around a target, the module can render a medium sized creature invisible for a limited duration. While the energy usage of such a device is relatively high, its utility in any scenario, and reliability compared to magic of similar nature, makes it an invaluable asset to an engineer.

You or any creature that holds this device and use an action to become invisible. When you use this device, you can choose to have it use your energy supply instead of energy cells.

If the user takes any damage or uses an action to cast a spell or make an attack, the invisibility is broken.


Extended Cloak. The cloaking module now lasts for 10 minutes per energy cell used.

Enhanced Cloak. requires espionage specialization All creatures have disadvantage on perception checks to locate the user. While the cloak is active the user emits no body heat, makes no noise and leaves no footprints behind, and cannot be percieved by spells or devices that reveal invisibility (excluding blindsight/truesight).

Enduring Cloak. The cloak now lasts for an additional round after being deactivated, regardless of actions taken

Shifting Cloak. While the cloak is active, the user's movement speed is increased by 15ft.

Digital Ghost. While this module is active, the user is undetectable to all electronic sensors, including thermal, metal and heartbeat sensors.

Silence Field. Grants an additional function to the cloaking module which can be activated alongside the invisibility function. While active, the module generates a 10ft radius area that prevents all sound in the same manner as a silence spell.

Espionage Specialization

Holographic Decoy. As an action or as part of an action used to activate the cloaking module's invisibility function, the module can now generate a holographic decoy that can exist up to 30ft away from the device itself. This decoy resembles the user, can only be projected in a direct line of sight from the module itself, and follows a set series of movements specified by the user beforehand. the decoy drains 1 energy cell per minute of continuous use, and can be used alongside the module's invisibility function.

Personal Disguise. Instead of rendering yourself invisible, your cloaking module can now be used to cast the disguise self spell on the creature holding it. This effect consumes 1 energy cell per hour used. A cloaking module modified to use this function can no longer be used to become invisible.

Reactive displacement. Your cloaking module now always consumes 1 energy cell, and only lasts until the start of your next turn. You can now use your cloaking module as a reaction to being targeted by an attack or have to make a strength or dexterity saving throw. In addition to its cloaking function, when you activate this effect you can teleport up to an unobstructed point you can see within 10ft.

Hybrid: Communications Module

Weight: 0lb
Cost: 80'000 credits
Consumes 0 energy supply or 1 energy cell per hour of use From very early in the history of most races, the need for remote communication became painfully obvious very quickly, and through years of workarounds both magical and technological, the next level of this vital module is now available through your innovative mind.

While wearing a communications module, a creature can speak to another creature wearing another module of the same make within 120ft as though they were within 5ft of each other. The module requires some level of auditory sound to transmit, and requires either a free hand or spoken command word to activate. Two modules cannot communicate if they are blocked by 5 feet of stone, 1 foot of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 10 feet of wood or dirt.

Any creature using the communication's module can now choose to begin relaying visual information using a bonus action. Any creature connected to the same frequency can choose to recieve the information and percieve the surroundings from the broadcaster's point of view. Any creature recieving the visual information has disadvantage on any perception checks and ranged attack rolls until they end the link with a bonus action.

When creating this module, you can choose to encrypt the signal. Any creature attempting to access your communications must pass a hacking check against your engineering DC. In addition, you must select which modules can communicate each other by setting a frequency, which is normally unique to your own module.

This module consumes no energy cells if attatched to an engineer's power supply.

Robotics Specialization

Teleportation Module. This mod changes the communications module into a specialized, single-use teleportation device. The teleporation module can not be used to communicate, the creature holding the module can spend an action to teleport to any regular communications module within the module's maximum signal range. Once used, the teleporation module is rendered inert and cannot be used again.

The teleporation module has its own power supply, which is consumed on use. The module's cost is 100'000 credits.

Espionage Specialization

Untappable Comms. When creating an encryption, you can choose to raise the DC by 10.

Dimensional Relay. Requires Long-Range Relay. Your communications module can now works at any range, and can communicate with creatures on other planes of existance. The construction cost of this module increases by 500'000 credits.

Explosives Specialization

Explosive Surprise. Requires Throwing Module. You implant a tiny explosive device within a communications module which can be detonated as a bonus action. The explosive's radius is halved, and any creature wearing the device automatically fails on any saving throw the explosive requires.

Long-Range Relay. The maximum range of this module is increased to 500ft. The construction cost is raised by 20'000 credits.

Penetrating signal The module is no longer blocked by any form of obstruction, including any effect magical or otherwise that interferes with or disrupts electronic devices. The construction cost is increased by 50'000 credits.

Frequency Splice. requires sepionage specialization Any engineer wearing this module can now spend an action to scan a 30ft radius around themselves for similar signals. Any unencrypted signals are immediately revealed to you, and you can choose to listen to either your own module frequency, or access the newly discovered frequency. While keyed in to another frequency, you cannot access any other communications frequency until you take an action to switch frequencies again.

If there is an encryped frequency within your scan, you become aware of its existence, but must make a hacking tools check against the encryption's DC to access it. Failing this check alerts active users of the signal to the attempt.

The construction cost of this module increases by 20'000 credits.

Deployed Stickycam. An advanced modification on the visual communications module that allows the modification to be thrown onto any solid surface. The stickycam requires a perception check against your cybernetics DC to discover, and delivers a constant visual feed to the holder of the paired video reciever.

The stickycam costs and additional 20'000 credits to construct, and can be recharged with energy cells. The camera is not very armored and can be destroyed with 1 point of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, but is immune to area of effect damage.

VI Command Platform. VI logic allows a communications module to placed to moniter an area. The VI can be networked to any number of deployed modules within 60ft, and control them based on a set of orders from the holder of the paired module.

The VI can be updated with new commands at any point, such as "target the walls" or "preserve module power." The VI will attempt to achieve the instructions to the best of its ability.

Spell Relay. Requires the ability to cast at least one spell This mod allows the creature to cast a spell with a range of touch through another creature wearing a communication's module that is within the module's maximum range. The targeted creature does not need to be capable of casting the spell to utilize this effect.

The spell can be targeted at the creature wearing the module, or targeted at another creature within 5ft of them. The creature can choose to use their reaction to act as a channel for the spell, which acts as though that creature has cast it, but uses the spell's original caster's spell save DC. If the creature cannot use their reaction to channel the spell, the spell is lost.

The original caster must be able to perform all required spell components when casting the spell, but the target does not.

The cost of this module increases by 500'000 credits.

Deployable: Digital Module

Engineers wear many hats in their proffesion. It's easy to sterotype every engineer as a mechanic, working with heavy machinery and physical creations. It's easy to overlook the more subtle art of manipulating the digital world. Any street thug with some time and and two brain cells to rub together can use hacker's tools, it takes an engineer to make that process a untraceble work of art.

The digital module can be attatched to a set of hacker's tools. Double your proficiency modifier to any checks you make with the improved hacker's tools.


Wiretap. A simple modification that allows a digital module to tap into an existing physical connection or wireless device. You can make a hacker's tools check on a communications-based wire or device that is broadcasting or recieving wireless information to tap into the data source.

If you succeed on the check, you gain access to any auditory information being transfered as long as you remain within 10ft of the device or wire.

Once triggered, the jammer attempts to stop an electronic device from functioning for up to a minute. The device, if not protected or insulated against EMP attacks, ceases functioning. A creature can do an intelligence (investigation) check against your engineering DC to find and destroy the jammer.

If the tech jammer is placed on a vehicle or cybernetic upgrade, the vehicle's pilot or owner of the cybernetic must make a wisdom saving throw against your engineering DC or lose control of their device.

Tech-Jammers cost 10'000 credits and require a short rest to manufacture up to 3.

Tethered AI. While true artificial intelligneces are less predictable, a popular modification that engineers and technicians make to their devices is the creation of a small, limited artifical intelligence that acts as a personal assistant.

The tethered AI begins as a simple virtual assistant, and gradually develops a personality according to the engineer's wishes over a period of several weeks. The tethered AI provides a number of benefits to your module depending on the mods you have installed.

  • Wiretap. You can leave your hacking tools at the wiretap location. The tethered AI can record and remember any information the wiretap picks up. IF you have a device that allows remote communication, the tethered AI can actively relay information to you in realtime.
  • Tech-Jammer. IF a jammed object can normally be controled by a creature, your tethered AI can take control of object as long as it remains jammed. The AI moves on your initiative.
  • Hacktool. As long as you remain within the hacktool's range, you no longer need to concentrate on operating the hacktool. Your tethered AI completes the hack using your tool proficiency.
Espionage Specialization

Tech-Jammer. As an action, you can now place a tiny EMP jammer on a single electronic object no larger than 10ft in each direction in an attempt to disrupt it. These tiny jammers can be easily concealed as a part of your hacker's tools, and emit a timed pulse based that triggers at a moment of your choice decided at the time of the jammer's deployment.

Once triggered, the jammer attempts to stop an electronic device from functioning for up to a minute. The device, if not protected or insulated against EMP attacks, ceases functioning. A creature can do an intelligence (investigation) check against your engineering DC to find and destroy the jammer.

If the tech jammer is placed on a vehicle or cybernetic upgrade, the vehicle's pilot or owner of the cybernetic must make a wisdom saving throw against your engineering DC or lose control of their device.

Tech-Jammers cost 10'000 credits and require a short rest to manufacture up to 3.

Dialer. By exploiting little known errors in widely used

Hacktool. requires espionage specialization, communcation module The hacktool is a solution for infiltrators that find themselves unable to approach a target without allerting other personel. This modification releases a small signal that allows hacking tool to be used from up to a range of 60ft.

When using a hacktool, you appear to be simply looking at a handheld or other common device.

A hacktool costs 50'000 credits to manufacture, and consumes 1 power supply while active.

Security Bypass. Requires espionage specialisation An improved system for bypassing security means that when hacking, any failed attempts never alert any security functions.

Every consecutive failed check within one hour increases the hacking check's DC by 2.

Explosives Specialization

Tech-Jammer. As an action, you can now place a tiny EMP jammer on a single electronic object no larger than 10ft in each direction in an attempt to disrupt it. These tiny jammers can be easily concealed as a part of your hacker's tools, and emit a timed pulse based that triggers at a moment of your choice decided at the time of the jammer's deployment.

Once triggered, the jammer attempts to stop an electronic device from functioning for up to a minute. The device, if not protected or insulated against EMP attacks, ceases functioning. A creature can do an intelligence (investigation) check against your engineering DC to find and destroy the jammer.

If the tech jammer is placed on a vehicle or cybernetic upgrade, the vehicle's pilot or owner of the cybernetic must make a wisdom saving throw against your engineering DC or lose control of their device.

Tech-Jammers cost 10'000 credits and require a short rest to manufacture up to 3.

Catastrophic Shutdown. Few engineers know the required vulnerabilities and exploits required to cause the most catastrophis possible failure in an electronic device, and even fewer still know how to manufacture the tools and programming required to begin the process.

When making a hacking check, you can initiate a overload over a course of one minute. At the end of the minute, make an additional hacker's tools check with a +5 to the DC. On a success, the device overloads and shuts down in a way that requires it to be repaired before it can be used again. If the object or device has any component that is prone to catching fire or detonating, it does so within 1d4 rounds.

Deployable: Drone Module

Construction base cost: 100'000 credits. Consumes 1 energy cell per hour of use.

Aerial Drone

small construct, no allignment

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 10
  • Speed 30ft flying, 10ft walking.

6 (-2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)

  • Condition Immunities sleep, charm, paralysis, prone, frightened, poisoned.
  • Damage Immunities psychic, poison.
  • Damage Resistances fire, cold.
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft
  • Skills stealth +4
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Optical Transmission. The drone constantly relays a visual feed of everything it can see to any electronic device you have prepared to recieve its transmission within 120ft.

Charged. The drone can only remain functional for 1 hour before becoming incapacitated unless recharged with an additional energy cell.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target. Hit 4 bludgeoning damage

Robotics Specialization
Espionage Specialization
Explosives Specialization

Artificial Intelligence. You bestow your drone with a modicum of intelligence, transforming it into a shackled AI with its own will and personality. Your Drone gains a wisdom, intelligence and charisma score equal to your own, and gains proficiency in up to 3 skills you also have proficiency in.

In addition, the drone is now capable of speaking and understanding any languages you are capable of speaking.

Disruptor Pulse. A carefully balanced and delivered pulse of equal parts ear piercing sound, electrical discharge and unbalancing force designed to discombobulate any targets caught in the radius.

Your drone gains the Disruptor Pulse ability.

Wisdom saving throw against your cybernetics DC or become stunned for 1 round, anyone concentrating on spells must make a con save with disadvantage.

3 charges, regain 1d3-1 charges every long rest.

HAZMAT Build. You've build your drone to handle the most brutal enviroments man and nature can subject it to. Your drone is no longer affected by difficult terrain, and ignores all effects of harsh weather, extreme heat and cold.

In addition, your drone gainst a swim speed of 20ft, and ignores all effects of non-magical extreme atmospheric pressure, including the vacumn of the void.

Heavy Armor Plating. (requires robotics specialization) +2 ac, +30 hitpoints, resistance to bludgeoning, slashing OR piercing

Improved Rotors. aerial drone gains 60ft fly speed, land drone gains 60ft move speed

Close-Combat Drone. (requires robotics specialization) +2 to strength and dex Upgraded melee: Rotory Blade: +7 to hit, 2d10+5 slashing damage Grappling hook: 15ft range, DC 15 strength saving throw or become grappled and pulled to the drone.

Microrobotics. (requires subterfuge specialization) Drone size becomes tiny, base HP reduced to 1, AC increases by 2, +10 to all stealth checks.

Macrorobotics. (requires robotics specialization) Drone size becomes medium, base HP increased by 50, AC decreases by 2, movement speed decreases by 10ft, -5 to all stealth checks, +2 to strength, -2 to dexterity.

Folding Drone. Drone can fold into an object 1 size smaller than its fully deployed size and be carried. Action to toss and deploy drone within 30ft.

Thremal Camera.

Smoker Drone.

Targeting Scanner. (requires targeting module) Drone gains new action: Mark - Grant an allied creature within 30ft advantage on their next attack against a target the drone can see.

Fire-support Drone. (requires turret module) Autocannon attack from turret unlocked on drone. Drone gains multiattack when you reach lvl 10.

Active Shielding. (requires exosuit module) Drone gains temporary hitpoints equal to your intelligence modifier at the start of each turn

Cloaked Drone. (requires cloaking module, subterfuge specialization) New Action: Cloak - The drone becomes invisible and silent, gaining a +10 to stealth. Movement speed is halved while cloaked.

Long-range Relay. (requires communications module, long range relay modification) Can relay information from up to 1 mile away.

Tunneling Attatchment. (requires robotics specialization) 30ft tunneling speed, 20ft tremorsense.

Self-Destruct. (requires explosives specialization) New action: Detonate - drone deals 4d8 fire damage to all creatures in a 20ft radius, Dex saving throw against your cybernetics DC. Damage increases by 2d8 at level 6, level 12 and level 18.

Land Drone

small construct, no allignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 20
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 0 (-5) 0 (-5) 0 (-5)

  • Condition Immunities sleep, charm, paralysis, prone, frightened, poisoned.
  • Damage Immunities psychic, poison.
  • Damage Resistances fire, cold.
  • Skills stealth +5
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 1/2 (50 XP)

Transmission. The drone constantly relays a visual feed of everything it can see and hear to any electronic device you have prepared to recieve its transmission within 120ft.

Flashlight. The drone illuminates the area in a 10ft cone in front of it with bright light, and a further 30ft behind it with dim light.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target. Hit 7 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage

Active: Exosuit Module

Construction cost: 50'000 credits

When you learn this module, you gain proficency in medium armor. Exosuits are considered to be medium armor with a base AC of 14 + your dexterity score (maximum of 2). You can spend a long rest and half of an armor's cost to enhance an exosuit using the suit of medium or light armor, transfering any special effects and enchantments the armor had to the exosuit, and increasing the AC if the armor's was higher.

Exosuit grants +2 to strength or dexterity scores, bonus increases to +4 at level 10. Consumes 1 energy supply per hour when active. While wearing an exosuit while it is not powered, your movement speed is halved.

When you fall unconcious, roll 1d20. On a 1, exosuit was critically damaged and must be repaired using half its cost, or rebuilt.


Active Shields. Consume an energy cell to gain temporary hitpoints equal to your engineer level + intelligence modifier.

Overshield. Gain temporary hitpoints equal to your intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus while active. After not taking damage for a full round, the temporary hitpoints return.

Aiming Lock. A calibrated mechanical lock can be activated on the exosuit to ensure a weapon remains steady while wiring, doing so halves your movement speed, but you gain +20/+40 to ranged weapon attacks, and +2 to hit.

Heavy Armor. When you learn this modification, you gain proficiency in heavy armor. The AC of the exosuit becomes 16, replacing its previous armor value. In addition, you can enhance an exosuit using a suit of regular armor, transferring any special effects it grants to the exosuit, and increasing its set AC of the armor's AC was higher. While wearing the exosuit, you gain disadvantage on stealth checks.

Sprint. While the exosuit is powered, you can consume one energy cell to amplify the power provided by the mechanical components. For one turn, your base movement speed becomes 120ft.

Hazard Suit. Advanced airtight exterior and air filters allows the wearer of the exosuit to operate in any extreme conditions. 4 hour air supply, unaffected by heavy weather or difficult terrain, 30ft swim speed and immunity to deep water pressure.

Battery Efficiency. Rewiring and elimination of redundant systems reduces the amount of power the exosuit costs to remain active. The exosuit now consumes 1 power supply for every 2 hours it remains active.

Auto-Balance. While active, the exosuit attempts to correct any misteps and stumbles automatically. You cannot be knocked prone, and have advantage against any effect that attempts to move you against your will.

Reactive Sensors. Darkvision and advantage on dex saving throws against effects you can see.

Heavy Hydraulics. carry weight doubled while powered, advantage on shove attacks and checks to push or lift objects.

Jump Jets. Powerful back-mounted jets allows the exosuit to perform a 30 ft jump while powered, in addition the exosuit can hover, descending only 10ft per round while falling.

Snap-Release Armor. Suit can be folded into a small box that can be set to release and encompass you as an action.

Robotics Specialization

Powered Hydraulics. More powerful hydraulics grant the exosuit a constant 15ft bonus to movement speed.

Hexshield. A diffusal field the exosuit increases your resistance to magical effects. While the suit is active, gain +2 on saving throws against magical effects.

Mounted Weapon. Normally, weilding a heavy weapon in one hand would be a difficult task. By mounting the weapon onto the powered exosuit, a heavy or two-handed weapon can be used with just one hand. While powered, any chosen 2 handed weapon mounted onto the suit can be used as normal with only one hand. This modification can only be mounted once per module.

Hypercharge Cell. By consuming an energy cell, hypercharge the hydraulics of the exosuit, doubling the bonus of the suit's strength or dexterity for 1 minute. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times by consuming additional energy cells.

Redundant Power Systems. A constant low-powered energy supply keeps the suit moving even while not fully powered. The suit gains a standby state that consumes none of your power supply and does not halve your movement speed.

Deployment Platform. Drones within 30ft of the exosuit do not consume energy cells while the exosuit is active.

Elemental Sheilding. A variable elemental shield that can be set to increase resistence to a certain element. Once per short rest, select cold, fire or lightning damage. You gain resistance to damage of that type while the exosuit is active. The resisted element can only be changed a maximum of twice per day.

Lightning Rod. A lightning rod that absorbs electrical charges, protecting the wearer and their cybernetics. While powered, you have immunity to lightning damage, any lightning damage you take is converted to power supply, you regain 1 power supply for every 15 points of lightning damage taken.

Espionage Specialization

Recon Suit. (Requires cloaking module) A total rewiring of the exosuit allows the suit to constantly has all the benefits of your cloaking module, even when upowered.

Glamored Exosuit. Exosuit casts a constant illusion over itself, appearing as any clothing or armor of your choice.

Magnetic Limbs. Magnetic pads in the exosuit's soles and palms allow the suit to cling to metallic surfaces while active. The suit gains spider climb on metallic surfaces, and you can no longer be disarmed of metallic objects.

Alloy Build. A light alloy material used in the suit's construction limits it weight so that it can be worn like regular armor while not powered. Your movement speed is no longer halved while the exosuit is not powered.

Explosives Specialization

Shock Dampening. Padding and a specialized build absorbs a large amount of the shock from any incoming impacts. While the suit is being worn, you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning and force damage.

Explosive Launchpad. Installing explosive rounds in small chambers on the suit's arms and legs allows the firing of powerful

Audiovisual Dampening. Your proficiency in crafting explosives allows you to install a failsafe against one of the most devestating grenade types. While the suit is active, you cannot be blinded or deafened by nonmagical effects.

Grenade Launcher.

Deployable: Set Module

Devices that can be set and activate automatically when certain conditions are met. By default, the set module can only be activated when interacted with by an engineer, but this can be changed with proper usage of modifications and modules. Without any modifications, the set module has no real function, with the proper modifications the set module becomes by far the most versatile tool in an engineer's arsenal.

Timed. A trigger for the set module that activates a set amount of time after being set.

Delayed activation. A set module with multiple modifications can have a series of features activate in a determined order with delays as long as all effect occur within 1 minute of activation.

Robotics Specialization
Espionage Specialization
Explosives Specialization

Landmine Module.

Motion Triggers. A set of activation triggers based around motion.

Pressure Plate. Activates when a certain amount of weight is placed on top of the device, triggering any modifications applied..

Balance. Activates when a the device is tilted beyond a certain angle, triggering any modifications appllied

Tripwire. A tripwire invisible to the naked eye that can extend up to 30ft if the modules is set on a wall. Any movement through the tripwire activates the module.

Altitude. A trigger that activates when the module is lifted or lowered through a certain altitude threshhold.

Sensor Triggers.

Light. A trigger that activates when a certain level of light is reached.

Liquids. A trigger that activates when liquids touch the module.

Temperature. A trigger that activates when the temperature exceeds or drops below a certain level.

Cloaking Field. Creates a stealth field around a 20ft area, granting all creatures invisibility if they do not move or take any action for 6 seconds.

The module runs for 1 minute for each energy cell applied.

Magnetic Lock. The module creates a field of magnetic force in a 20ft radius. Any non-carried object made partially or entirely of ferrous metal become locked in place. Any creature carrying, wearing or made of ferrous metal crosses the area as difficult terrain.

The module runs for 1 minute for each energy cell applied.

Chain Trap.

Leg Trap. A cruel and age old booby trap. When triggered, a pair of hidden steel jaws snap shut on any large or smaller creature directly above the module, dealing 1d10 piercing damage and restraining the creature. The trap can be detected by a perception check against your engineering DC, and a restrained creature can attempt to remove themselves from a trap with a strength check against the same DC.

Breaching Charge.

Advanced Scanners.


Spike Variation.

Bulletproof Window. A bulletproof window combined with small, precise explosives creates a peekhole through a wall. The device can be set against a wall or floor area, after beingg triggered manually it deals 10d6 bludeoning damage to the surface, creeating a 2 foot long, 1 foot wide hole. The window is one way and immune to ballistic damage.

Magic Conduit. Stores a single spell up to a level equal to your proficiency modifier. Lasts for up to an hour and activates when the module is triggered.

Thermite. An alternative use of the set module that allows the user to set this device onto a surface and attempt to create a passageway. Thermite can burn through up to 1ft of solid metal, 5ft of stone or 1 inch of magically reinforced material.

Communication Jammer.

Shock Battery

Glue Trap.

Magnet Lock.


Holographic Projector.

Deployable: Grenade Module

The throwing module covers the construction and use of specialized grenades, alongside more standard explosives. Some creations in this module are simple destructive grenades, while others may be intricately constructed technological wonders. When you learn this module, you automatically learn how to construct fragmentation, flashbang and smoke grenades.

Any modification that changes the delivery method of the grenade do not increase the construction time of grenades. Multiple modifications of this nature can be applied during the construction of a single grenade.

Any grenade that has a persistant effect that is not a dispersed substance (such as a gas or incindiery fuel) has an AC of 16 and hitpoints equal to your engineer level + your intelligence modifier, and is immune to psychic and poison damage.

In addition, when constructing the grenade, you can choose to customise the internet fuze before the grenade activates.

  • You can set a grenade to detonate at the end of your turn, instead of the start of your next turn.
  • You can set a grenade to detonate after a set amount of time within 1 minute after the grenade is thrown.

The timer set must be specified at the time of the grenade module's creation.

Fragmentation Grenade: construction: 9000 credits / 1 hour. All creatures in a 20ft sphere must make a dexterity saving throw against your engineering DC, or suffer 2d6 force damage and 2d6 ballistic damage. On a successful save the creature takes half damage.

Flashbang Grenade: construction: 18'000 credits / 1 hour. All creatures within 20ft of the grenade must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your engineering DC or become blinded and deafened for one round. The detonation is clearly audible from 150ft away.

Smoke Grenade: construction: 12'000 credits / 1 hour. All creatures in a 20ft sphere must make a dexterity saving throw against your engineering DC, or suffer 2d6 force damage and 2d6 ballistic damage. On a successful save the creature takes half damage.


Sting. construction: 30'000 credits / 1 hour.

A grenade that fires a painful spray of tiny rubber balls that can nonlethally inpair creatures in an area. This grenade becomes far more effective within enclosed spaces.

All creatures within a 15ft radius must make a dexterity saving throw against your engineering DC or take 3d8 piercing damage and suffer disadvantage on the next d20 roll they make. On a successful save, they take half damage and do not have disadvantage.

In addition, for each solid surface in each direction within 10ft of each creature within the radius, the creature takes an additional 1d8 piercing damage, up to a maimum of 4d8 extra damage.

Incindiary. construction: 60'000 credits / 1 hour.

A grenade that sprays a flaming napalm across a surface for a short duration, restricting enemy movement.

From the point of impact, this grenade creates a 15ft radius of flaming fluid across any solid ground. The surface burns all creatures for 2d8 fire damage when it first detonates, and an additional 2d8 fire damage every time they start their turn inside the grenade's area.

This grenade ingnites any flammable objects that are not being carried or worn within the initial area of effect. The ignited are remains burning for 1 minute.

Gas. construction: 60'000 credits / 3 hours.

An odorless, colorless gas that disorients creatures within an area.

All creatures within a 20ft radius of the grenade's impact must make a constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one round. For each round they remain inside the grenade's radius, the amount of time they spend poisoned increases by 1 round, for a maximum of 10 rounds after they leave the gas cloud.

The cloud remains for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.

Tear Gas. construction: 60'000 credits / 3 hours.

The grenade detonates, releasing a 15ft radius of stinging gas around the detonation radius. Any creatures within the cloud when it first appears or when they enter its radius for the first time on their turn must make a constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns.

The cloud remains for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.

Dispel. construction: 75'000 credits / 8 hours.

The grenade produces a burst of anti-magic in a 15ft radius. Any creature concentrating on a spell within the radius must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or lose their concentration on their spell. In addition, any ongoing magical effects up to 2nd level is suppressed for one minute.

Medical. construction: 50'000 credits / 4 hours.

A grenade that produces waves of healing magic in a 10ft radius. All creatures in the radius that are not constructs or undead regain 2d4 + your intelligence modifier in hitpoints.

Decoy. construction: 200'000 credits / 6 hours.

A grenade that projects a photorealistic moving image of a creature, recorded beforehand from a real creature or completely created from your imagination beforehand. You can create the image of up to 3 creatures that fit within a 10ft radius of the grenade's landing point. A creature that touches the images can discern them as an illusion as they have no physical form. A creature can also make a investigation check against your engineering DC to discern the decoy's motions and mannarisms as fake.

The decoys last for a maximum of 10 minutes and can produce basic sounds and follow basic motions that have been recorded beforehand on a loop for a maximum of 1 minute at a time. These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge, and can be reprogramed over a short rest to create a different image.

Sticky. construction: 20'000 credits.

This modification can be applied to any grenade to give the surface of the ordinance a soft, sticky texture that adheres to the first surface or creature it touches.

When throwing a sticky grenade, you can choose to make a ranged attack roll against a creature within your throwing range. On a hit, the grenade adheres to the target, granting them disadvantage on any dexterity saving throw against the grenade. If not cooked, the grenade travels with the target and detonates as normal at the start of your next turn. A creature struck by a sticky grenade can remove the grenade by making a strength check against your engineering DC as an action.

Tracker Paint. construction: 70'000 credits / 3 hours.

A grenade that detonates in a multicolored spray of paints in a 30ft radius, painting all creatures within that range with a oily coating of paint. The paint has a distinct pungent smell and is particularly difficult to remove, any creature struck by the grenade has disadvantage on all stealth checks, and cannot benefit from invisibility.

The paint can be removed if the creature takes a minute to carefully wipe and wash the paint off their person and clothing.

Sonic. construction: 150'000 credits / 2 hours.

A grenade that produces a piercing, deafening wail over a period of 1 minute.

  • Any creature within a 10ft radius of the grenade take 1d8 thunder damage per round.
  • Any creature within a 30ft radius are considered deafened as the grenade's effects drown out all other noise in the area.
  • All creatures within a 100ft radius of the grenade have disadvantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sound.

The effects of the grenade can be heard clearly from up to 500ft away. These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge.

Stim. construction: 80'000 credits / 3 hours.

A grenade that releases a cloud of stimulating gas in a 10ft radius. Any creature that ends their turn within the cloud gains temporary hitpoints equal to your intelligence modifier at the start of their next turn, and the effects of fear, poison and exhaustion are suprresed for one round. The cloud lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind, and the effects continuously refresh over the duration.

Robotics Specialization

Taze. construction: 350'000 credits / 4 hours.

A grenade that continuously arcs electricity at nearby creautures, numbing the flesh and disrupting electronics. At the end of each of your turns, including the turn this grenade first activates, the grenade arcs a bolt of electricity at the nearest 3 creatures within a 20ft radius of the grenade's landing point, the grenade can chain to creatures within 10ft of a creature within range that was struck by a bolt if there are no closer creatures within range. The creatures targeted must make a constitution saving throw against your engineering DC, taking 2d6 + your intelligence modifier in lightning damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a succesful save. Any creature that fails the saving throw has their movement speed halved until the end of their next turn.

These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge.

Pulse. construction: 75'000 credits / 3 hours.

A grenade that produces a powerful electric pulse that temporarily damages all electronic devices in a 30ft radius. All constructs must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become stunned for one minute, repeating the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. In addition, any electronic devices in the area become unusable for one minute or until a creature trained proficient in the device takes an action to reboot or repair it.

Snap-Release Prison. construction: 120'000 credits / 5 hours.

A grenade that attatches to a targeted creature and unravels into a intricate clockwork set of bands and bindings that snap around the target, greatly hindering mobility. You must make a ranged attack roll using your strength or dexterity against a creature with your throwing range. On a hit, the creature is restrained, if the creature fails by more than 5 on their saving throw, they are also unable to take any action outside of trying to remove the restraints.

A restrained creature can make a strength check against your enginnering DC as an action to remove the restraints.

Espionage Specialization

Spycam. construction: 220'000 credits / 4 hours.

A grenade that constantly relays a visual and audio feed to a paired device. After being released, the grenade immediately begins to broadcast its signal, allowing you to see and hear from the grenade's location as if you there. You must be holding a special paired device gain this benefit. The grenade has a battery life of 24 hours. You can only view a feed from one webcam at any point in time, and can switch between feeds as a bonus action.

These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge.

Ghost. construction: 700'000 credits / 8 hours.

A grenade that records a 30ft radius where it lands and displays a copy of the terrain and features. From every angle, the grenade appears to have no effect on the surrounding area. Up to five creatures if your choice when you create this grenade are attuned to its properties, and when entering the grenade's radius are not displayed, instead becomming invisible to any creature that is not within the grenade's radius. The grenade lasts for 1 minute, or until it is picked up.

These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge.

Cloaked Device. construction: 80'000 credits

A modification that causes the grenade to become invisible as it is thrown, shielding it from view for the grenade's duration.

Any grenades that can be retrieved and recharged also regain this effect once recharged.

Sensor. construction: 100'000 credits

A modification that causes a grenade to lie dormant until a creature enters its area of effect. When constructing the grenade, select a radius between 5ft and 30ft. When a creature enters that radius for the first time, the grenade will activate. Grenades placed in this way last up to 8 hours.

Any grenades that can be retrieved and recharged also regain this effect once recharged.

Neural Shock (level 9). construction: 300'000 credits / 8 hours.

A grenade that releases a waves of electricity that targets the neural network of creatures within a 20ft radius for 1 minute. Any creature with an intelligence above 2 that is not a construct or undead must make a intelligence saving throw against your engineering DC. On a failed save, they take 1d6 psychic damage and are stunned, repeating the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. For each turn they remain within the grenade's are of effect, the damage increases by 1d6, up to a maximum of 8d6 per turn.

These grenades can be used again if retrieved and reused if given a short rest to recharge.

Explosives Specialization

Impact. construction: 8000 credits / 30 minutes.

A grenade that detonates on impact with a solid surface or creature. Make an attack roll against a creature, object or structure within your throwing range, on a hit the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. This grenade deals an additional 2d6 damage against structures, and gains the seige property. When used structure, the grenade can only create a 5ft hole.

Explosive Bola. construction: 5000 credits.

A modification that adds heavy ropes and weights to a grenade that wrap around and entangle enemies. Any grenade that has this modification applied can be used to make a ranged attack roll against a creature within your throwing range when deployed. On a hit, the creature has its movement speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn, and has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws against the grenade's effects.

Asphyxiation. construction: 140'000 credits / 2 hours.

A grenade that rapidly burns away oxygen in an area, dealing minimal fire damage and suffocating creatures caught in the radius if used indoors. Any creature within a 20ft radius of the grenade's detonation radius takes 2d8 fire damage. Any flammable objects not being worn or carried is ignited if within the grenade's radius.

  • If used outdoors, the grenade's radius increases to a 40ft radius.
  • If used indoors, the grenade's radius follows the path of least resistance reaching for the nearest opening. For each 30ft the radius of the grenade travels, the area within the radius is deprived of oxygen for one round. Any creature not holding their breath is cut off from oxygen for that duration.
  • If used within a radius with no openings, the grenade instantly burns away all oxygen within the area, depriving creatures within the enclosed space of oxygen until an opening is created.

Primer. construction: 2000 credits / 10 minutes.

A simple grenade that sprays a flammable chemical within a 20ft radius. The chemical coats the ground and any creatures within the radius that do not make a dexterity saving throw. If either the ground or a creature covered in primer is caught within the radius of an effect that deals fire damage, or is dealt fire damage directly, they ignite and begin to burn until put out.

  • The burning ground lasts for a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier, and deals 1d6 damage to all creatures within the radius at the start of each of their turns or when they enter the fire's space for the first time in a round.
  • Any creature covered in primer burns for 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns and has disadvantage on all attacks until they take an action to put themselves out.

Javelin Point. construction: 8000 credits

A modification that attatches a grenade to the point of a javelin. The javelin can be used as normal, but also triggers the effects of the grenade at the point of impact. Any creature hit by the javelin takes a penalty to any saving throw against the grenades effects equal to the damage dealt by the javelin.

Lethal Gas. construction: 120'000 credits / 6 hours.

A grenade that releases a deadly yellowish gas in a 20ft radius area around the point of detonation. All creatures caught within the radius must make a constitution saving throw against your engineering DC or take 4d8 poison damage, taking half the damage on a successful save.

The cloud lasts for 10 minutes or until dispersed by a strong wind.

Snap Freeze. construction: 150'000 credits / 4 hours.

A grenade that releases a freezing chill over a 20ft radius. Any creatures within the grenade's radius must make a constitution saving throw or take 4d6 cold damage and have their movement speed halved for the effects duration, taking half the damage on a successful saving throw. A creature that fails their saving throw must make an additional saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the slowing effect on a success. If a creature fails the saving throw 3 times, they are frozen solid for 1 minute, becomming paralyzed for the duration or until they take fire damage. A creature within 5ft of a frozen creature can take an action to free them from the effect.

Turret Module

Deployable Module
A staple in every combat engineer's arsenal, this automatic turret can provide vital fire-support in a gunfight, taking pressure away from your allies and drawing the attention of enemies. While quite bulky and comparitively fragile in its base module, with proper care this little turret can become your greatest ally on the battlefield.

Your turret modules use your proficiency bonus for the purpose of attack rolls and saving throw. When a turret is damaged, it can be repaired using half of the funds used to construct it.

Turrets can continue firing until they run out of energy or ammunition. The turret's autocannon holds enough ammunition for 30 attacks, and the turret requires 1 energy cell per 10 minutes of deployment. As an action you can reload a turret within 5ft of you.

Knowing this module automatically unlocks the following modifications: Fire-support Drone.

Turret Module

small construct, no allignment

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 15
  • Speed 0ft.

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 0 (-5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Condition Immunities sleep, charm, paralysis, prone, frightened, poisoned.
  • Damage Immunities psychic, poison.
  • Damage Resistances fire, cold.
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Targetting Protocol. The turret module automatically targets the closest visible hostile target.

Immobile. The turret automatically fails on any strength and dexterity saving throws.


Autocannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 60/120ft., one target. Hit 10 (3d4 + 3) ballistic damage


Napalm Turret. Increases the cost of a turret module by 70'000 credits. The turret now fires a continuous cone of liquid fire over a moderate distance, creating a dangerous obstacle on the battlefield.

Replace your turret's autocannon attack with a flamethrower attack. The attack spews fire in a 15 foot cone, all creatures in the cone's area of effect must make a dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage and be set on fire. Creatures that are on fire take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns, and can either take an action to put themselves out, or repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns, ending the effect on a success. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half damage, and are not set on fire.

The turret continuous to spew fire in the same cone are until you redirect it as a bonus action on your turn. Any creature that starts its turn in the area, is in the area when the effect appears or moves into the area for the first time on their turn must make the saving throw or suffer the effects of the fire.

Heavy Plating. Increases the cost of a turret module by 50'000 credits. You plate the turret in heavy steel armor, increasing its weight by 30lb and granting it a bonus of +3 to AC and 25 extra hitpoints.

Turret Network. Turrets wirelessly network to your will and to each other, taking advantage on any gaps in firing and making up for lack of angles. Turrets gain a +2 to attack rolls against targets with each attack against a target in the same round originating from you, another turret made by you or a drone made by you.

In addition, you can manually direct a turret's target, instead of having it targeting the closest visible enemy.

Minigun Modification. Increases the cost of a turret module by 400'000 credits. The turret becomes equipped with a powerful minigun that churns out rounds at an alarming rate, chewing through any enemies present. The number of attacks the turret can perform before being reloaded is reduced to 12.

Shotgun Modification. Increases the cost of a turret module by 15'000 credits. The turret becomes equipped with a close range shotgun. the number of attacks the turret can perform before being reloaded is reduced to 12.

Magnetic Bond. Equips turrets with an electromagnetic base, allowing them to attatch freely to metalic surfaces and remain attatched.

Mini Turrets. Increases the construction cost of turrets by 15'000 credits. Instead of a single turret, you can deploy 3 turrets that unfurl within 5 feet of each other. These turrets have 10 less hitpoints, +2 to AC and deal 1d8 ballistic damage with their autocannon attacks. Incompatible with modifications that change the turret's weapon type.

Faster Chambering. (requires 11th level or higher) Your autoturret loads and fires faster, granting it the multiattack feature, allowing it to make 2 attacks when making the attack action instead of one.

Robotics Specialization

Rover turret. Your turrets gain a movement speed of 20ft. You can direct your turret's movement during your turn. Incompatible with Mounted turret.

Mounted Turret. By mounting a turret onto your armor, you can carry your extra firepower with you as you move. Your turret is integrated into your armor, and counts as a seperate target to yourself for attacks and saving throws. Incompatible with Rover turret.

Snap-Release Turret. Your turret folds into a small, briefcase sized block that can be thrown 10 + your strength modifier * 5 feet, deploying automatically into a full size turret on landing. The turret's weight is decreased by 15lb.

Targeting Enhancement. Tuning the targeting module increases your turret's accuracy when firing, granting a direct +3 on attack rolls.

Static. Your turret extrudes a static field that shocks enemies that venture too close. Any creature that enters an area within 10 feet of a turret must make a constitution saving throw against your cybernetics DC or become stunned until the end of their next turn. Your turret holds enough charge to use this feature twice.

Espionage Specialization

Cloaking Modification.

Ambush Turret.

Heat Tracker.

Explosives Specialization

Active Defense System.

Self-Destruct Sequence.

Launcher Modification.



Firearms have long since become the main weapon of choice for most of the void, those that travel the void would hardly be seen without at least a loaded pistol at their side, and for some individuals that's all they need. Gunslingers are specialists in the use and operation of heavy pistols. Following a popularised cultural style originating from a long-gone era that existed in the history of many races, romanticised through story and film. There are people that may scoff at the choice to use pistols over larger, more powerful weapons, oftentimes they are silenced moments thereafter.


At 3rd level when you select this martial archetype you master the act of drawing your weapon, perfecting the fluid motion to a speed that can respond to any hostile development.

  • You can draw or stow a heavy pistol as a free action.
  • While you remain conscious, you can never be surprised.
  • If a creature you are aware of makes an attack against you or any of your allies, you can immediately roll initiative against that creature and make an attack using a heavy pistol. If you roll a higher initiative than the opposing creature, you make your attack first with advantage. This ability can only be used when initiative has not been rolled yet, and cannot be used again until a short rest.

Under the Gun

Starting at 3rd level, when you roll a 20 on any attack roll with a heavy pistol you gain advantage on your next attack before the end of your next turn.

Speed Loader

At 7th level, you can reload a heavy pistol as a bonus action.

When you take the reload bonus action, you can roll 5ft in any direction while doing so without taking attacks of opportunity.

Fanning Attack

At 10th level, you modify your standard double action heavy pistol to a single action, enabling you to utilize a special firing method.

When you make an attack, you can instead choose to make two attacks with disadvantage. When you make an attack with advantage, you can choose to instead make two regular attacks.

One in the Chamber

At 10th level, you find that luck seems to favour you in your most difficult moments. When making an attack using the last bullet from your heavy pistol, the bullet strikes critically on a 19 or a 20. If you roll a 19 or a 20 on an attack using the last bullet from a heavy pistol, you can roll an additional damage dice and add it to the damage total.

High Calibre

At 15th level, you upgrade the firing power of your bullets and your firearms. Your heavy pistols now deal 1d12 piercing damage instead of 1d10 ballistic. The range of your weapon is increased to 150ft/300ft.

High Noon

At 18th level, you have mastered the technique of the quick draw and fire against multiple targets. When you use the attack function of quickdraw and attack sooner than the aggressors, you can make 6 separate attacks against 6 separate targets with advantage.


For many fighters, guns are just means to a goal, for Soldiers the guns are the goal. With each facet of their combat prowess devoted to the use of their firearms, these fighters wield their chosen weapons with a trained focus and efficiency.

Adrenaline Rush

At 3rd level when you select this martial archetype, your body gains focused bursts of willpower and adrenaline at key points during combat. While using firearm, whenever you reduce a hostile creature's hitpoints to 0 or deliver a critical hit, you can choose one of the following effects.

  • You can disengage as a bonus action.
  • You can stow, retrieve or reload a firearm as a bonus action
  • You can immediately expend a hit die, roll a hide dice and add your consitution modifier to the roll, regaining hitpoints equal to the result (minimum of 1).
  • If you are currently under any effect that permits you to make a saving throw at the end of your turn, you can immediately make a saving throw against that effect.
  • You gain resistance to ballistic damage until the start of your next turn.
  • You gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls while using a firearm until the end of your next turn.

Gun Nut

Starting at 3rd level, your obsession with firearms allows you to quickly modify and reconstruct firearms. You can spend a short rest to repair any damaged firearms provided you have the tools and materials to do so.

In addition, you can modify a firearm's firepower or effectiveness. Over a short rest, you can modify a firearm to deal more damage at the cost of accuracy, and vice versa, up to a modifier of +5/-5.

Marksman's Focus

At 7th level, your focus in battle allows you to enter a zone of intense focus as long as you continue firing. Each time you use an effect from your Adrenaline Rush feature, you gain a stacking +1 to all attack and damage rolls using firearms. This bonus resets if you do not take the attack action during a round.


At 10th level, your trained combat manoeuvres allow you to use grenades to greater effect. You can throw grenades as a bonus action, and your throwing distance for grenades is tripled


At 15th level, your second wind feature heals an additional 1d10 + your fighter level at start of your next turn. You can use one Adrenaline Rush feature when you roll for each second wind.

Sustained Focus

At 18th level, the rush of battle never quite leaves you. Instead of resetting completely, your Marksman's focus now drops by 1 for each round you do not make an attack action.


The Unit Law for the installation of cybernetics is never absolute. Through sheer willpower, fanaticism or genetics, some fighters are able to overcome their natural limitation for cybernetic upgrades, taking to their new enhancements like fish in water. These cyberwarriors are constantly on the search for newer and greater enhancements, and oftentimes end up more machine than man at the end of their journey.

You must have at least one cybernetic enhancement to become a cyberwarrior. If you have no cybernetic enhancement when you select this subclass at 3rd level, the class features involved are unavailable to you, with the exception of Cybernetic Compatible, until you acquire at least one enhancement.

Cybernetic Compatible

At 3rd level, when you take this martial archetype, your body becomes adapted to cybernetic enhancements. Your Unit count is increased by your proficiency modifier, and the recovery period of installing a cybernetic enhancement is always one day, regardless of the Unit cost.

In addition, you gain proficiency in the Tinker's Tools.

Your new unit count is 5 + your constitution modifier + your proficiency modifier.


At 3rd level, you can order your cybernetics to stimulate your adrenal glands, granting you a temporary boost to combat efficiency.

When you use your Action Surge feature, your movement speed is doubled, you gain resistance to piercing, bludgeoning and slashing until the end of your next turn.

In addition, you can now use your action surge feature multiple times, but only once on the same turn. Every time you use your action surge feature beyond the your normal number of uses and before taking a short rest, you become paralysed at the end of your turn until the end of your next turn.


At 7th level, your cybernetics moniter your vital signs to deliver a vital jolt of energy in the most dire situations.

As a reaction to failing a saving throw against any effect that causes you to become stunned, frightened or paralyzed, you can expend your second wind class feature to reroll the saving throw. You must use the new roll.

In addition, when you are forced to make a death saving throw you can instead choose to use your second wind feature if it is still available.

Cybernetic Lore

At 7th level, your knowledge on cybernetics and their installation process gives you valuable insight into the stores that sell and install cybernetics. Your price of purchasing and installing a cybernetic enhancement is halved.


At 10th level, you find methods of repairing your own mechanical installations at an accelerated pace. You learn the Mending Cantrip.

In addition, you can now use your Second Wind feature twice between long rests.

Steel Body

At 15th level, the toughness of your cybernetic enhancements has made it less likely for attacks to damage you.

Your AC increases by 2, and you become immune to poison damage. You cannot be poisoned and are immune to all diseases.

Machina Animus

At 18th level, the level of acceptance your body has to cybernetic enhancements is almost unheard of.

  • You can now install 2 enhancements in every body slot.
  • The unit cost for each cybernetic enhancement is reduced by 2, including enhancements already installed.
  • You no longer need to eat, drink or breathe.
  • Your body ceases aging, and you cannot be aged by magical means.


Bullet Ballet

The lead moves slow, painfully slow, a twist of upper torso and the pounding of bare feet on forged steel to dance between the hail of fire and lead. With careful, calculated steps faster than the eye can see, the warrior takes not a single bullet. Empty magazines hit the scaffolding, clattering loudly admist the panicked scrambling to reload. Before another shot can fire, they hit the ground one by one, a far greater barrage of fists and lead coming from the single, graceful dancer.

Blending Ballistics

Starting at 3rd level when you pick this subclass, you gain proficiency in light pistols and submachine guns.

When you engage in two weapon fighting with a light firearm you are proficient with, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Bullet Dance

At 3rd level, you combine rapid fire gunplay with expert martial arts, blending both seamlessly into a your combat style. You suffer no disadvantage when attacking with light pistols and submachine guns in melee range.

In addition, when you use the attack action with a light pistol or submachine gun on your turn, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, even when holding firearms in both hands.


Beginning at 6th level, you have perfected the art of striking and shooting in a seamless motion, taking advantage of your choice of firearm and augmenting their use through the use of mystical ki.

  • Flipswitch. You can spend 1 ki during your interact with object action to stow and draw two light firearms.
  • Trigger Blitz. When dual weilding light pistols, immediately after taking the attack action you can spend 1 ki point to make two light pistol attacks as a bonus action.
  • Stinging Rain. When dual weilding submachine guns, you can spend 1 ki point to cause the targets of your submachine gun attacks this turn to have disadvantage on their next ranged attack before the end of your next turn.

Bullet Time

At 11th level, your refined reflexes allow you to enter a state of extreme focus in combat, allowing you to seamlessly avoid incoming gunfire.

When you use your deflect missles feature, you can choose to spend three ki points to prepare yourself to avoid ranged attcks. Until the start of your next turn, you can use your deflect missles feature aginst any number of ranged attacks taken against you. You cannot choose to catch or return ranged attacks while this feature is active.

Battle Tempo

At 17th level, you weave in and out of range, seamlessly blending your martial arts into every moment you spend on the battlefield. Whenever you make a light pistol, submachine gun and unarmed attack in a single round of combat, the cost of your next Bullet Time is reduced to 1 ki point.

In addition, every ranged attack you reduce to 0 damage returns one ki point to you, up to a maximum equal to your wisdom modifier. This counter resets on a short or long rest.


Oath of Progress


Bounty Hunter Conclave


Artifical Origin


Lost Ones Patron

A cacaphony of broken voices, shattered across dimensions. The nameless, faceless civilization that has driven so many to the brink of insanity with their mind-twisting whispers. The lost ones speak together, never truly forming a coherant voice, but instead countless thoughts, ideas, laments and prayers of a long dead race that can not truly die. Eons have broken the lost ones, but they have endured the consequences of whatever cataclysm isolated them to the place between realities, and long after every world is left little more than a smouldering husk, they will endure still until reality itself is sundered, and the weary travellers can finally rest.

Expanded Spell List

The lost ones let you choose from an expanded list of Spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following Spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Lost Ones Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, digital projection
2nd Gisette's data purge, blur
3rd blink, overload
4th compulsion, phantasmal killer
5th sen's machine awakening, mislead


At 1st level, the lost ones share with you their world, a incomprehensable echo of your own with too many colors and shapes that shouldnt be able to exist. Short journeys, brief steps into the place between realities have become possible for you, as long as you can resist the countless voices begging you to stay just a little longer.

At times, your image seems to flicker and distort. As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by a spell or attack, you step into the place between realities, becoming completely intangible to creatures from your original plane of existance, any attack or spell that was the trigger to this effect misses and deals no damage to you. While in this state, your movement speed is halved and you cannot take any actions. Creatures that are unable to percieve and interact with the ethereal plane are unable to see or interact with you. At the start of each turn while this effect is active, you take half of your warlock level in psychic damage.

At the start of each of your turns you can attempt to end this effect and return to your plane of existance. Roll a persuasion, deception or intimidation check against a DC of 10, for every turn you spent under this effect the DC increases by 1. On a success you return to your original plane of existance at an unoccupied space within 30ft of you that you can see. On a failure you are pulled one step further into the world of the lost ones, and are unable to return to your plane of existance.

If you fall unconcious while under this effect, you are returned back to your original plane of existance.

You cannot use this ability again until you take a short or long rest. You can choose to expend a warlock spell slot to regain a use of this ability.


At 6th level, you have greatly stabalized your ability to enter and exit the place between realities, so much so that you can bring another with you on these journies. When you use your steps ability, you can choose to bring one willing creature within 5ft of you along on the journey.

The lost ones react violently at the presence of the unfamiliar in their space, and violently try to force the intruder out of their world. While using jaunt, the amount of psychic damage you take every turn is doubled and your passenger takes the same amount of damage. The DC to exit the effect increases by 2 each round instead of one, and on a failure you and your passenger are instead forcibly ejected into your original plane of existance and are knocked prone.


At 6th level, the whispers of the lost ones become ever clearer as you begin to decipher their language. Once per short rest, you can pull from the seemingly infinite pool of knowledge belonging to a collective race of lost people to gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

If you already have proficiency in the skill chosen, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that proficiency.


At 10th level, you gain the ability to blend partially into the realm of the last ones, entering a state of semi-nonexistance in your own dimension.

At the end of a short rest spent deep in contemplation of the incomprehensable, or by expending a warlock spell slot, you can blur your figure, causing sections of your image to shift and blend into an incomprehensable, glitched mass. You become completely invisible to cameras, constructs, and magical sensors and divination spells including magical vision, and cannot be targeted by electronic or magical means including the casting of spells, the targeting of a weapons system or the magical bonuses of an enchanted weapon, until you make an attack action or cast a spell targeting a creature other than yourself.

If you remain within visual range of an electronic or magical sensor for more than 10 minutes, you can choose to appear as an unnerving figure, sound or visual effect within the radius of the sensor. Any creatures observing this phenomenon must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened of you until they break visual or audial contact with you or this phenomenon, at which point they can make a wisdom saving throw at the end fo each of their turns. In addition, if they are within 500ft you gain knowledge of their exact location and can expend a use of your steps feature to appear within 30ft of them out of visual range. The visual or audio phenomenon can continue to remain present on the sensor for up to 1 minute after you leave its detection radius.


At 14th level, the lost ones grant you a fraction of the power that reduced their people to their current state. As an action you can designate one creature within 120ft that you can see. That creature is transported back to the space it occupied during the previous round, the creature's hitpoints are restored to the same amount it had at the start of its previous turn, and any damage it dealt during that turn is reversed. If the creature had spent any resources during the turn such as ammunition or spell slots, the resource is restored to the value it had at the start of the previous turn.

This effect attempts to reverse any effects the creature's actions had on the surrounding world during its previous turn. The extend of the effects this ability has on the world is up to the DM's discretion, but can range from an item they broke returning to its unbroken state, to something as large as reversing the detonation of a large amount of explosives the creature set off. If the space the creature occupied during the previous turn is now occupied, the creature is transported to nearest unoccupied space.

If the target of this spell is hostile towards you, they must make a charisma saving throw against your spell save DC, on a success they are not affected by this feature. Any creature affected by this feature has no recollection of any events they experienced during their previous turn.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Empty Void Patron

The dark place between the stars, an expanse of nothingness so dark that the tiny lights that is our civilization's combined existance barely scratches the surface. Nothing can

Expanded Spell List

The lost ones let you choose from an expanded list of Spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following Spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Lost Ones Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, digital projection
2nd Gisette's data purge, blur
3rd blink, overload
4th compulsion, phantasmal killer
5th sen's machine awakening, mislead


At 1st level, the lost ones share with you their world, a incomprehensable echo of your own with too many colors and shapes that shouldnt be able to exist. Short journeys, brief steps into the place between realities have become possible for you, as long as you can resist the countless voices begging you to stay just a little longer.

At times, your image seems to flicker and distort. As a bonus action or reaction to being targeted by a spell or attack, you step into the place between realities, becoming completely intangible to creatures from your original plane of existance, any attack or spell that was the trigger to this effect misses and deals no damage to you. While in this state, your movement speed is halved and you cannot take any actions. Creatures that are unable to percieve and interact with the ethereal plane are unable to see or interact with you. At the start of each turn while this effect is active, you take half of your warlock level in psychic damage.

At the start of each of your turns you can attempt to end this effect and return to your plane of existance. Roll a persuasion, deception or intimidation check against a DC of 10, for every turn you spent under this effect the DC increases by 1. On a success you return to your original plane of existance at an unoccupied space within 30ft of you that you can see. On a failure you are pulled one step further into the world of the lost ones, and are unable to return to your plane of existance.

If you fall unconcious while under this effect, you are returned back to your original plane of existance.

You cannot use this ability again until you take a short or long rest. You can choose to expend a warlock spell slot to regain a use of this ability.


At 6th level, you have greatly stabalized your ability to enter and exit the place between realities, so much so that you can bring another with you on these journies. When you use your steps ability, you can choose to bring one willing creature within 5ft of you along on the journey.

The lost ones react violently at the presence of the unfamiliar in their space, and violently try to force the intruder out of their world. While using jaunt, the amount of psychic damage you take every turn is doubled and your passenger takes the same amount of damage. The DC to exit the effect increases by 2 each round instead of one, and on a failure you and your passenger are instead forcibly ejected into your original plane of existance and are knocked prone.


At 6th level, the whispers of the lost ones become ever clearer as you begin to decipher their language. Once per short rest, you can pull from the seemingly infinite pool of knowledge belonging to a collective race of lost people to gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.

If you already have proficiency in the skill chosen, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that proficiency.


At 10th level, you gain the ability to blend partially into the realm of the last ones, entering a state of semi-nonexistance in your own dimension.

At the end of a short rest spent deep in contemplation of the incomprehensable, or by expending a warlock spell slot, you can blur your figure, causing sections of your image to shift and blend into an incomprehensable, glitched mass. You become completely invisible to cameras, constructs, and magical sensors and divination spells including magical vision, and cannot be targeted by electronic or magical means including the casting of spells, the targeting of a weapons system or the magical bonuses of an enchanted weapon, until you make an attack action or cast a spell targeting a creature other than yourself.

If you remain within visual range of an electronic or magical sensor for more than 10 minutes, you can choose to appear as an unnerving figure, sound or visual effect within the radius of the sensor. Any creatures observing this phenomenon must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened of you until they break visual or audial contact with you or this phenomenon, at which point they can make a wisdom saving throw at the end fo each of their turns. In addition, if they are within 500ft you gain knowledge of their exact location and can expend a use of your steps feature to appear within 30ft of them out of visual range. The visual or audio phenomenon can continue to remain present on the sensor for up to 1 minute after you leave its detection radius.


Pact of the Blade

Eldritch Shot. Your pact weapon can be a firearm, you are considered proficient in that firearm, any shot fired from your pact weapon can use your charisma score instead of dexterity, any invocations that affect your eldritch blast cantrip also affect your pact weapon.

Spellslinger (level 9). At the end of a short or long rest, you can choose to expend one of your warlock spell slots to imbue a spell that does not target yourself into a bullet. If the spell offers a saving throw, you can alter the saving throw to be any attribute in the same catagory (dexterity, strength and constitution being physical, wisdom, intelligence and charisma being magical), any creature hit by the bullet also has disadvantage on the saving throw. If the bullet misses, even if the spell has an area of effect, the spell fails.

Shadow of a Bullet (level 9). You gain the ability to cast the lead steps spell once per long rest without expending a warlock spell slot.

Eldritch Snipe. When making an attack using a firearm, you can expend warlock spell slot to extend the range of your firearm to as far as your vision allows. The attack has a bonus to hit equal to the spell slot's level.

Pact of the Tome

Digitized Arcana. (requires tome of ancient screts invocation) Your tome can be a digital device, once per day you can swap out any ritual spell you know with another spell from any spell list. Copying spells onto your digital tome costs no gold.

Camera Attatchment. Gain the ability to cast Imprinting through your tome at will. In addition, you learn the image capture cantrip.

Intercept. gain the ability to cast Wiretap at will.

Data Ghost (level 9). gain the ability to cast Gisette's Data Purge at will

Pact of the Chain

Spotter. Your chain familiar can now take the help action to grant an ally within 5ft of themselves advantage on their next ranged attack.

Machine Possession. Your chain familiar can take an action to meld into an electronic or mechanical device that is not being held or carried, granting you access to its functions. For instance, a mechanical door with a electronic lock can be opened, an inactive vehicle can be hijacked, an elevator can be forced to move etc. In addition, once per day your familiar can take control of the body of any inactive construct for a maximum number of turns equal to your charisma modifier, A construct with 0 hitpoints operates with temporary hitpoints equal to your warlock level + your charisma modifier for the duration of this effect.

Reroute Power. Once per day, you can dismiss your chain pact familiar as a bonus action to regain 1 warlock spell slot.

Non-pact specific

Wallflower. Cast Evangeline's Reactive Glamour at will.

Force of Will. Cast countertrauma once per day using a warlock spell slot

Gunslinger's Fortune (level 5). Once per day when a creature targets you with a firearm attack, you can cast the Triggershock spell.

iWarlock (level 9). Cast Sen's Machine Awakening once per day using a warlock spell slot

Eldritch Toolbox. Learn the Pocket, Mending and Autoprogram cantrips. In addition, cast recharge once per day without expending a warlock spell slot.

Lost Ones Patron:

Flicker. After expending a warlock spell slot, your form flickers and shudders in an incomprehensable way. All attacks against you have disadvantage for 1 minute or until you take any damage.

Ping. When you hit a creature with your eldritch blast cantrip, you place a mental tracker on them that tells you their location for the next minute. The creature's location is always know to you, and they gain no benefit from invisibility against you. If you or the creature enter a different plane of existence, this effect ends. You can only effect one creature at a time with this ability.

Crash.(level 5). When reappearing after using your steps ability, you can expend a warlock spell slot to bring a burst of madness with you, casting the fireball spell centered on yourself. The damage type of the fireball is psychic, and the saving throw is charisma. The damage of the spell is increased by the total amount of psychic damage you took while using steps.

Search (level 17). Once per day, you can cast the legend lore spell without expending a warlock spell slot.



With the advancement of science, the secrets of magic have begun to be unraveled by calculations and hypothesis crafted by the greatest geniuses amongst wizards. The controversal magic known as Arithmancy has been met with opposition from magic users of other schools, calling the craft overly complicated with no practical use, and a defilement of traditional magic. In practice, the application of Arithmatic Formulas are as effective as their weilder can envision them to be, and an Arithmancer with great vision has the potential to be terrifyingly effective indeed.

Human Calculator

Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, the advanced calculations required in Arithmancy have been drilled into your mind. When making unskilled intelligence checks, you can substitute any roll you make on a d20 dice with a 15 instead. You can use this feature after you have made your roll.

Programed Spells

Starting at 2nd level, you gain access to a method of casting unique to Arithmancies, through a method called spell programming.

Using a blank parchment, digital device or other note-taking implement, you can create an arcane process in which multiple spells can be combined and performed in rapid succession for a slightly increased spell-slot consumption. When making a spell program, you expend spell slots for each spell programmed into the process, and cannot regain the used spell slots until the program is used or destroyed. A spell program lasts indefinetly until it is cast, at the end of a long rest you can choose to manually deactivate any number of spell programs and regain the spell slots contained within them.

Within a spell program, spells can be listed in a specific order to be cast when the program is activated. This process takes place within a single action, and the program is destroyed after it is cast. When crafting a spell program, a number of laws must be taken into account.

  • All spells used in a spell program must have the same cast time. If a spell program takes longer than one action or bonus action to cast, the complete sequence of spells take place at the end of the cast time. For the purposes of creating a spell program, spells with a casting time of one bonus action can be used with spells that take one action to cast.
  • Cantrips count as first level spells when used in a spell program.
  • A spell program can only contain a combined spell slot level up to your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier (minimum of 2)
  • When multiple spells that require concentration are cast in a spell program, only the last concentration spell is maintained after the program is complete.
  • When multiple spells that deal damage are contained in a spell program, only the first spell deals full damage, all subsequent spells used in the program only deal half the damage they normally would.
  • When casting a spell program, you must expend an additional spell slot equal the the highest level spell used in the program. You can choose to substitute spell slots from your arcane recovery pool to reduce this cost by one spell slot level per arcane recovery point consumed.
  • If a spell has a single target, all further spells in a process must target the same creature.
  • The first spell in a program determines the program's casting range and center. A spell further in a program that has an area of effect is then centered at the same point as the previous spell in the program. This can be used to extend the range of a spell, for example, elemental bane > fireball.
  • When creating a program, you must decide all parameters of the program as required, including direction of cone and line spells, types of creatures created by conjuration spells, and any other variables in a spell's effects. Cone and line spells can be cast with a 5ft offset from the program's center.
  • When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against a single spell in the program, they automatically succed on all subsequence saving throws against the same spell in the same sequence.

Creating a spell program requires extensive calculations and calibrations to ensure the spells used are stabalized and interact with each other in the intended way. Crafting a program requires an amount of time in hours equal to the highest level spell slot used in the program.

A Lesson in Arithmancy

Programed spells can be a fun and unique way of increasing the utility of spells and testing the creativity of a player. However, the process in which spells are cast can be confusing at first, and some spell combinations may prove to be extremely powerful and require further balancing from the DM. An example of a simple and effective spell program would be burning sphere > Pyrotechnics, blur > mirror image and hold person > fireball. To help make spell programming easier, each formulae in the formulae section also contains one example on how to use the formulae in question.

Spellcasting Formulae

Starting at 6th level, you can begin to apply advanced formulae to your spell programs. These formulae are the result of countless hours spent in calculations to bypass natural limits placed upon the casting of magic.

You learn 4 formulae from the list below. You learn 2 additional spellcasting formulae at 10th and 15th level. You can apply up to 2 types of formulae to a single program, and two of the same formulae can never be placed adjacent to each other in a spell program. However, a single formulae can be used as many times as needed in a single program as long as the previous rules are not broken.

Spellcasting Formulae

Formula: Offset. Declare an offset of up to 30ft in any direction when creating a spell program. When this formulae is placed between 2 spells in a program, the point of origin for the spell after the forumale will be offset in that pre-determined direction and be cast immediately after the effects of the first spell is resolved. For example, thunderwave > formula: offeset (forward 10ft) > thunderwave > formula: offset (forward 10ft) > fireball.

Formula: Delay. Declare a delay of up to 1 minute by an increment of 6 seconds (1 round) at a time. When this formulae is placed in a spell program, the first spell after the formulae is delayed by the preset amount of time. While a delayed spell in a program is waiting to be activated, you cannot cast any other spell programs or concentration spells, but existing concentration spells cast before the delay can be maintained. For example, haste > formula: delay (10 rounds) > resiliant sphere > haste.

Formula: Adaptation. When this formulae is placed in front of a damaging spell in a spell program, the damage type of all further spells in a program become the same as the spell that adaptation is applied to. For example, formula: adaptation > chromatic orb > fireball.

Formula: Efficiency. Applying this simple formulae to the start of a program negates the spell slot cost used when activating the program.

Formula: Priority. Applying this formulae at the start of a program changes the damage priority of spells to the spell using the highest level spell slot instead of the first damaging spell in a process. The damaging spell with the highest spell slot after the formulae will now deal full damage, while all other spells will deal half damage. For example, formulae: priority > thunderwave > fireball.

Formula: Timing. Applying this formulae at the start of a program allows the mixing of spells with different cast times to be cast into a single spell. The cast time for the program becomes equal to the spell in the program with the longest cast time. For example, formula: timing > creation > animate objects.

Formula: Range. Applying this formulae at the start of a program calibrates the spell's casting range to its maximum possible value. The spell in the program with the longest casting range becomes the initial cast range of the spell. For example: formula: range > cone of cold > fireball.

Formula: Redirection. When this formulae is placed between 2 targeted spells, a new target can be specified for the spell. This formulae can only redirect spells that target a specific creature or multiple specified creatures, spells that dont have an area of effect, and spells that require an attack roll. When the program is cast, the user must determine the new targets within the spell's range, and the range for the redirection is the same as the spell's normal casting range. For example, misty step > thunderwave > formula: redirection > misty step.

Formula: Resize. When placed in front of a spell with an area of effect in a program, this formula changes the area of effect of all further spells in the program to fit the same shape. A spell with an area of effect that is a 5ft cube, cannot benefit from this forumla. For example: Formula: resize > cone of cold > erupting earth > fireball.

Formula: Synchronise. A simple formula that, when placed at the start of a program, changes the requirement for repeated saving throws for seperate spells in a program into a single saving throw based on the first spell in the program. Failing the first saving throw will cause the program to progress as though every saving throw in the sequence was failed, while suceeding it will cause every saving throw to become a success. For example: formula: synchronise > elemental bane > fireball.

Sequence Duplication

Starting at 10th level, you have begun to memorise the countless calculations required in Arithmancy, and created a practiced method for the faster creation of programs. When creating a program that is identical to a program you had crafted at any point in the past, the time required to create the program is reduced to 1 hour.

Desperate Calculation

Starting at 14th level, you can strain your impressive intellect to its limits in the most vital of moments to alter a program according to your will. As part of an action to cast a program, you can rapidly reprogram the entire sequence within into a new program, as long as a number of rules are followed.

  • The spell levels for each individual spell in the program must remain the same.
  • The number of formulae in the spell must remain the same, but the formulae used and their positions can be changed.
  • The new spells used in the program must be prepared in your spellbook.

Due to the speed at which this calculation must be completed, and to streamline gameplay, the DM may choose to impose an appropriate time limit to how long can be spent in the use of this feature.

After this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.



Assassination in this day and age doesn't need to be all dagger and poisons. Some specialists in the void focus their specialization in long distance elimination of targets, using bulky, long-range weaponary from hundreds of feet away. Snipers value patience and a steady aim above all else, knowing full well that a single well-placed shot is often all that is needed to start and finish a battle.

Sniper Training

Starting at 3rd level, you master the use of sniper rifles. You gain proficiency in sniper rifles and bolt-action rifles. Mounting a sniper rifle only takes a bonus action, and you can make attacks with the sniper rifle up to its maximum range without disadvantage.

Steady Shot

Starting at 3rd level, being at range allows you to observe and pick out a target's weaknesses. When making an attack against a creature from beyond 30ft, you can apply your sneak attack damage to the attack. When making an attack on a creature beyond 600ft, you gain advantage on the attack.

Recoil Management

Starting at 9th level, your familiarity with the use of sniper rifles allows you to calculate and negate the massive recoil of sniper rifles. You no longer have disavantage on attacks while not mounted, and mounting or dismounting a sniper rifle only takes 5ft of your movement.

Patient Shot

Starting at 13th level, the longer you observe a mark, the more potent your shot becomes. While weilding a mounted sniper rifle, you can use your action to observe a creature within your sight range, your next attack against the creature deals an additional 1d10 damage.

You can perform this action on a single creature an amount of times up to your proficiency modifier.

When observing a creature unaware of your presence, you automatically succeed on the Wisdom check.


Starting at 17th level, your legendary aim means that, with proper observation, you can end a target's life before they can even see the glint of your barrel. Once per day, you can choose to double all damage dealt by your patient shot class featue. You must decide to use this feature before you make the attack, and you cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.



There's a fine art to acting. Any cutthroat can twist a dagger into a spine, thieves and smugglers are a credit a dozen, but it takes a

Sniper Training

Starting at 3rd level, you master the use of sniper rifles. You gain proficiency in sniper rifles and bolt-action rifles. Mounting a sniper rifle only takes a bonus action, and you can make attacks with the sniper rifle up to its maximum range without disadvantage.

Steady Shot

Starting at 3rd level, being at range allows you to observe and pick out a target's weaknesses. When making an attack against a creature from beyond 30ft, you can apply your sneak attack damage to the attack. When making an attack on a creature beyond 600ft, you gain advantage on the attack.

Recoil Management

Starting at 9th level, your familiarity with the use of sniper rifles allows you to calculate and negate the massive recoil of sniper rifles. You no longer have disavantage on attacks while not mounted, and mounting or dismounting a sniper rifle only takes 5ft of your movement.

Patient Shot

Starting at 13th level, the longer you observe a mark, the more potent your shot becomes. While weilding a mounted sniper rifle, you can use your action to observe a creature within your sight range, your next attack against the creature deals an additional 1d10 damage.

You can perform this action on a single creature an amount of times up to your proficiency modifier.

When observing a creature unaware of your presence, you automatically succeed on the Wisdom check.


Starting at 17th level, your legendary aim means that, with proper observation, you can end a target's life before they can even see the glint of your barrel. Once per day, you can choose to double all damage dealt by your patient shot class featue. You must decide to use this feature before you make the attack, and you cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.


All backgrounds provided in this section are optional, you can choose to use any backgrounds from this section or any from the base PHB with some minor tweaks to flavour allowing them to fit into a more modern campaign. The GM has the final say to which backgrounds are available to be selected.

Keep in mind any gold provided by PHB backgrounds can be multiplied by 1000 to be converted into credits. 10gp is equal to 10'000 credits. All other aspects of backgrounds in the PHB that are not mentioned below remain the same.


Skill Proficiencies. Investigation, Insight
Tool Proficiencies. Forgery kit
Languages. One of your choice
Equipment. A set of fine clothes, a calculator, 2 spare credit tabs and a credit tab with 20'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between navigator and captain.

Feature: Hidden Assets

You know all too well the value of keeping your assets well hidden. You have modified your credit tabs to keep your accounts hidden from easy access through multiple complex transfers. You can choose to store your funds in your regular credit tab, or in a hidden account through which you can transfer your funds to and from. Any funds you have hidden in the account cannot be taken from you if your credit tab is stolen, and you can transfer any funds you hold in the account to a new credit tab if you acquire one.

Variant Feature: Bookie

Having taken a less scrupulous career choice in a rather bland area of expertise, you acted as the financial manager for criminals. You excelled in selling stolen goods, laundering money gained through illicit means and keeping secure accounts for thieves, criminals and kingpins alike. You know the location of a notorious loan shark that can be contacted through messaging who holds a slight liking to you due to your help in the past, and you can normally negotiate a limited loan with no interest from this individual on behalf of your party.


Skill Proficiencies. Nature, Performance
Tool Proficiencies. Disguise Kit, one type of artisan's tools
Equipment. A set of artisan's tools (one of your choice), a combustible diploma in your chosen artistic field (too small to act as a warm blanket), a piece of artwork you are particularly proud or an artistic portfolio, and a credit tab containing 2'000 credits.
Crew Roles. Choose between navigator and communications.

Feature: Gathering Popularity

Although you have abandoned your dreams out of necessity, that doesn't mean you can't still indulge in your craft. You can spend 8 hours (does not need to be consecutive) with your artisan's tools to create an impressive piece of artwork consistently to either sell (if you are able to find a buyer) or share with the world. As a baseline your artwork sells for 1000c, but for each piece sold or given away the value increases by 1000c, and as you gain popularity people may eventually come to know your name and have a positive disposition to you upon meeting.

At any point in your career, you can produce a masterpiece which takes a full, uninterrupted week to complete. This masterpiece is worth ten times the price of your usual artwork, and can only be produced once every 6 weeks.

Bounty Hunter

Skill Proficiencies. Perception, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies. Navigator's tools, one type of gaming set
Equipment. One type of gaming set, a single bullet carved with the name of a mark, a bounty hunters license, a credit tab containing 20'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between spotter and navigator.

Feature: With Your Name On It

As a bounty hunter, you are more than capable of acquiring contracts from individuals around the void. However, through all the marks you've taken, all the bounties you've collected, there is one individual that has playfully evaded you, taunted you, and bested your abilities to find them and track them down. Your void-wide game of hide and seek has gone beyond a bounty at this point, it's a rivalry. You may or may not feel animosity against this individual, but your pursuit of them has led to you having a very clear dossier on their habits, personality and other personal information, and you doubt there's another individual in the void you know better.


Skill Proficiencies. Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies. One type of gaming set, one type of musical instrument.
Equipment. One type of gaming set, one musical instrument of your choice, a note from a particularly smitten lover, fine clothes, a credit tab containing 15'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between communications and captain.

Feature: Friends in Low Places

Very familiar with the dark alleyways and shady, perfume scented establishments where those that practice the world's oldest profession tend to be found, you fit right into the tight-knit communities of these folk who only have each other to depend on. Holding a surprising amount of sway over any community, these men and women are normally happy to provide you with (albeit ramshackle) shelter and hide you from hostiles, and more often than not have dark and juicy secrets about their clients they may be willing to share with you as you remain in their good graces.


Skill Proficiencies. Medicine, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies. Herbalism kit, one type of artisan's tools
Equipment. A healer's kit, a herbalism kit, a medical license granting you the right to practice in most civilised areas, a credit tab containing 30'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between medic and engineering.

Feature: Medical Expertise

With your history in medicine, performing regular operations and maintaining the health of a group is no more than a walk in the park for you. With the proper facilities and enough time, you can cure common diseases without the need for further medications. Using medical facilities (triage, emergency or established hospitals) or the med-bay on board a starship, you can cure the common ailments of 10 individuals per day. Your role as a doctor can generally make less advanced settlements more willing to accept you in exchange for performing some minor medical procedures.


Skill Proficiencies. Sleight of Hand, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies. two type of artisan's tools
Equipment. one type of artisan's tools, a engineer's workbelt with basic maintenance tools, worker's clothes, a credit tab with 15'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between navigator and engineer.

Feature: Improved Maintenance

Your experience with repairing and maintaining mechanical devices allows you to keep the crew's equipment in top shape. In your downtime, you can easily repair any damaged weapons, equipment and armour that is not broken beyond repair. If you're an engineer crew member aboard a starship, your running of the engine is efficient enough for you to always be combat ready while still performing your duties.


Skill Proficiencies. Sleight of Hand, Perception
Tool Proficiencies. Thieves' Tools, Hacker's tools Equipment. A set of hacker's tools, a small tablet computer, a pair of fingerless gloves and matching wraparound sunglasses, a credit tab containing 15'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between navigator and engineering.

Feature: We Are Legion

The internet is a marvellous tool, and a far more useful one when at your disposal. Hackers know where to find others of their kind on the internet, and while they might be competitive, they might throw insults and belittle each other, they all know deep down that only people their kind can trust is each other. There is often always a hacker willing to sell information mined from an organisation, help organise cyber attacks or cause distractions, or even direct you on where to find underworld gangs and traders.


Skill Proficiencies. Sleight of hand, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies. Chef's Utensils or Brewer's Supplies Languages. One of your choice Equipment. A worker's uniform (waiter's, chef's or bartender's), Chef's Utensils or Brewer's Supplies, a number of secret recipes, a credit tab containing 10'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between cook and spotter.

Feature: Service Experience

Working in such a common industry has quite surprisingly granted you a few useful perks. The first of such perks is sharing a few tales with the right people in an establishment can easily net you a free meal, and there is often no better source of news than a bartender or waiter. Befriend of these individuals, and there's a good chance you'll know about any great events happening in the local area before they hit the news.

Law Enforcement

Skill Proficiencies. Intimidation, Insight
Tool Proficiencies. Vehicles (land), Navigator's Tools
Equipment. A badge from your chosen force, a thank you note from a civilian you helped in the past, a list of known criminals in the area, a law enforcement uniform, a credit tab containing 20'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between guard and navigator.

Feature: Law Lore

Spending years of your life in law enforcement has granted you a unique understanding on how the justice system works. At most law enforcement locations you can be identified as a past officer. Most officers will be willing to share basic information available to them, and would be more likely to believe your side of the story when confronting you.


Skill Proficiencies. Athletics, Acrobatics
Tool Proficiencies. One type of gaming set
Languages. One of your choice
Equipment. One type of gaming set, a small symbol of a mercenary group you used to work with, traveller's clothes, a credit tab containing 15'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between guard and captain.

Feature: Sellsword's Honor

Seen as being no more than honourless thugs that sell their souls and bodies for credits, there is an unspoken connection between members of a mercenary group invisible to those not a part of their band. A sense of belonging that these individuals seldom feel among others, a sense of family that some folk never knew before their induction. Blood is thicker than water, and worth far more than credits, mercenaries of one band will always accept one of their own, with a bed to lie on and a seat at the mess hall. When one mercenary is threatened, every mercenary in the band rises to respond, to grant support unless the matter is far beyond their means to do so.


Skill Proficiencies. Insight, Performance
Tool Proficiencies. One type of musical instrument, one type of artisan's tools
Equipment. One type of musical instrument or artisan's tools, A uniform (plain, butler's, maid's, assistant's, etc.), a message from your previous employer, a credit tab containing 15'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between communications and captain.

Feature: Reprising Role

With your time spent working as a disciplined servant to a master, whether your role was through employment or through contract, you retain the skill and composure of your time in service. You can easily fit into high society without the need for deception rolls (in regards to your presence in the area) by posing as a servant. While in uniform any other common or lower-ranking servants assume you belong in the area, and will willingly share any information available to them at your inquiry.


Skill Proficiencies. Stealth, Deception
Tool Proficiencies. Forgery kit, herbalism kit
Equipment. A forgery kit, set of common clothes with hidden plastic-lined pockets, a small sample of a illegal narcotic or enhancement, a credit tab containing 20'000c.
Crew Roles. Choose between communications and spotter.

Feature: Under the Radar

You know the tricks needed to sneak goods under the noses of officials, whether on a large starship scale, or a smaller personal level. You are able to hide objects (within reason) inside the various nooks and crannies of a starship, inside hidden compartments of hidden in plain sight amongst other objects. In addition, you can hide a smaller object no larger than palm sized somewhere on your body at all times. This deception can fool most common law-enforcements organisations.


The first construction of a Starship marks a race's official status as a Voidfaring race. A Starship can be more than a method of travel, it's a home, a tiny bubble in the endless void that belongs to just the captain and crew, a special comfort can be found in a starship moreso than anywhere else in the void. At some point, a starship becomes more than a group's means of transport, it becomes a trusted companion.

In the hands of a skilled, thoughtful crew, a starship can be the greatest asset to a party, ignored it becomes little more than a way to get from "a" to "b".

As with everything else in this Handbook, the rules for Starships written below is just one way of envisioning a method of transport in a sci-fi D&D setting. The rules to be used for starships/spaceships is ultimately up to the GM's decision, and any specifics defined below do not need to be indicitive of what starships must be in any setting, nor is it intended to restrict the options available for world building.


With magic, the shells of smaller starships can be mass produced within days with little to no effort or cost. The real value in starships lie in their cores of condensed, self-sustaining magic. These cores power every aspect of a void starship, from propulsion to power supply, and must be handled with great care.

When one purchases a new starship, the one part of the old ship that is almost always carried over is the core. Unless a new ship is vastly larger than the previous one, cores can be carried over and reused in new ships until they eventually expire or need to be repaired. The construction of a core is a long, tedious process, with several variations used between different races.



Extensive experience with throwing grenades have granted you increased expertise in their use.

  • Your range when throwing grenades is doubled.
  • You can now ricochet grenades off obstacles to hit enemies in full or half cover. As long as a solid object is present within 20ft of the creature at an angle that allows you to do so.
  • You can choose to make a ranged attack roll against a creature using a grenade as a versatile weapon. On a hit the creature deals 1 damage and gives the creature disadvantage on the grenade's saving throw if any.

Batter Up!

Your dedication to a popular stick-and-ball sport has increased your proficiency when using blunt, bat-like weapons.

  • When using any light, one handed weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, your damage dice becomes 1d8 (1d10) versatile.
  • When using any weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, you can use a reaction when a grenade or throwing weapon is aimed at you or at a point within your reach to attempt to bat the projectile out of the air. Make an attack roll against the projectiles original attack roll (if no attack roll was made, the creature must roll 1d20 + their dexterity modifier against your roll). If your roll is higher, the projectile is batted out of the air and makes no impact.
  • When you bat a grenade out of the air using this feat, you can decide where the grenade lands within 60ft of you.


Constant practice with firearms has improved your general aim when using one-handed weapons. The real questions is when you found so much time to practice, you lonely lonely person.

Your dexterity score increases by 1. When weilding a firearm in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 to all damage rolls using that firearm. In addition, you can reload a one-handed firearm using an attack instead of a bonus action.

Shotgun Savant

What kind of a sane person would try to dual weild shotguns? Someone once asked you that question, your answer was inaudible over the sound of two simultaneous rounds of buckshot tearing through flesh and bone. Take that, logic!

Shotguns are considered to be light weapons for you. In addition, you can now draw two shotguns using one bonus action. In addition, when you attack a creature within 5 feet of you with a shotgun, your attacks become a critical hit upon rolling a 19 or 20. When you roll a critical hit while using a shotgun in each hand, you can choose to fire both shotguns simultaneously, expending 2 shells and rolling another 3d6 damage, this newly rolled damage is not doubled.

Six-shooter Savant

You've seen the movies, fantasised about being that hardened lone ranger with a big iron in each hand, firing an impossibly large number of bullets from a revolver. With years of practice under your belt, you can finally be that mysterious stranger, minus the infinite magazine...or maybe not.

When weilding a heavy pistol, you ignore its loading property. In addition, after making an attack with a one handed weapon, you can make an additional attack using a heavy pistol as a bonus action. When you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints using a heavy pistol, you gain advantage on your next attack within one minute.

Assault Gunner

First in the door, first to fire, and hopefully last to die. Pointman, commando, there are countless names for the oftentimes very plain role of the gruff military grunt that charges into battle toting an oversized automatic weapon. Remember its not about how you killed the other guy, its about how cool you looked doing it.

When making an attack with advantage while using a two-handed firearm that can make more than one attack before reloading, you can instead choose to make 2 attacks without advantage. You can only use this feature once per turn. In addition, when you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints, and when you reload your two handed firearm, you gain advantage on your next attack roll.

When weilding a two-handed firearm, you no longer have disadvantage when firing at creaturees within 5ft of you.


Of course you're a surgeon, taking a creature apart takes just as much skill as putting one back together, or so you tell your allies, and your enemies, and everyone else that'll listen. It's not like they'll be using all those shiny cybernetics and slightly perforated organs anyway.

Your strength or dexterity score increases by one, in addition you can spend a short rest with a dead humanoid creature to harvest any valuable resources from their bodies. You gain any cybernetics the creature had installed. In addition, you can choose to harvest limbs and organs from a creature. You may be able to sell these trophies to some very strange people, but really you gave up any position you had to judge them when you cut off that orc warcheif's reproductive organs.


Armour Cost Armour Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armour
   Heavy Overcoat 5000c 11 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 8lb
   Leather Jacket 8000c 11 + Dex modifier 6lb
   Light Kevlar 10'000c 12 + Dex modifier 6lb
   Ballistic jacket 45'000c 12 + Dex modifier Disadvantage 8lb
Medium Armour
   Reinforced Duster 8000c 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) 14lb
   Light Combat Armour 10'000c 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 20lb
   Ballistic Armour 12'000c 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) Disadvantage 24lb
   Concealable Vest 350'000c 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) 18lb
   Tactical Body Armour 450'000c 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) Str 10 Disadvantage 26lb
   Kinetic Shielding 800'000c 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) 14lb
Heavy Armour
   Armored Trenchcoat 12'000c 14 Disadvantage 35lb
   Riot Gear 50'000c 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 40lb
   Heavy Combat Armour 150'000c 17 Str 13 Disadvantage 55lb
   Kinetic Plating 650'000c 17 20lb
   Carbon Weave Armour 1200'000c 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 60lb
   Crystal Alloy Armour 8500'000c 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 75lb

Void Currency

Prior to meeting other races, each voidfaring race had their own currencies, and often still uses these currencies within their own settlements. In the void however, the accepted currency is known as Void Standard Credits or Credits. In terms of traditional D&D gold, 10 credits is equivalent to one copper, 100 credits to one silver, and 1000 credits to one gold.

Credits are commonly stored using credit tabs, small microchips embedded inside bracelets, rings, cards or small mechanical devices that can transfer credits digitally via contact.

All characters that travel the void can be assumed to have a credit tab somewhere on their person, and all player characters start with a credit tab in a basic card form.

Due to the nature of credit tabs, taking the tab from a defeated foe does not automatically grant the player the funds inside. The credit tab must be accessed with a DC 15 check using hacker's tools over the course of an hour per tab, though the process of doing so is highly illegal. This act cannot be attempted without proficiency in hacker's tools

There are often individuals in most communities willing to perform this task for you, if you know where to find them

Starting Wealth by Class
Class Funds
Barbarian 2d4 x 10000 c
Bard 5d4 x 10000 c
Cleric 5d4 x 10000 c
Druid 2d4 x 10000 c
Fighter 5d4 x 10000 c
Monk 5d4 x 1000 c
Paladin 5d4 x 10000 c
Ranger 5d4 x 10000 c
Rogue 4d4 x 10000 c
Sorcerer 3d4 x 10000 c
Warlock 4d4 x 10000 c
Wizard 4d4 x 10000 c

Light Armour

Heavy Overcoat. A coat made of thick, layered fabric that extends down to the knees in length. Bulky, but offers a surprising amount of mobility.

Leather Jacket. A comfortable leather jacket made to last. Offers limited protection to the wearer, but blends in well in any environment.

Light Kevlar. A light Kevlar vest easily concealable under regular clothing. Offers limited protection against gunfire. All nonmagic ballistic damage is reduced by 2 while wearing light Kevlar.

Ballistic Jacket. A thick, heavy jacket that covers the chest and torso, with additional padding strapped to the arms and legs. You have resistance to ballistic damage from nonmagical sources..

Medium Armour

Reinforced Duster. A long leather overcoat that covers most of the body down to the ankle. Small metal plates have been inserted between the layers to improve protection.

Light Combat Armour. A set of basic military protective gear, including separate pieces of body armour that cover the torso and limbs, a helmet and gloves.

Ballistic Armour. A set of medium body armour constructed of layered plastic and thick woven fibres. Ballistic armour covers the entire body, and includes a visored helmet. All nonmagic ballistic damage is reduced by 3 when wearing ballistic armour.

Concealable Vest. A lightweight vest made of advanced polymers that excel at absorbing shock to the torso. Paired with light padded armour around the arms and legs. All nonmagic ballistic damage is reduced by 3 when wearing a concealable vest.

Tactical Body Armour. A full set of advanced body armour that balances efficiency and mobility. The armour is one suit in its entirety, with joints that seamlessly move with the wearer. This includes a fully closed, visored helmet. The armour grants resistance to ballistic and slashing damage from nonmagical sources.

Kinetic Shielding. A rare and valuable alternative to armour, kinetic shielding consists of a weighty chestpiece with an inbuilt magic generator that creates a barely visible protective field around the wearer. Provides very solid protection while sacrificing no mobility on the wearer's part. The armour grants resistance to ballistic damage from nonmagical sources.

Heavy Armour

Armoured Trenchcoat. A heavy overcoat plated with metal on the inside and outside, providing a respectable amount of protection for the relatively simple construction methods and materials used.

Riot Gear. Heavy riot gear universally used by law enforcement around the world when engaging armed individuals. A bulky suit of reinforced plastic with a visored helmet, and commonly paired with a large shield.

Heavy Combat Armour. Combat gear normally distributed to the vanguard in armed engagements. Heavy cloth with layers of dense, lightweight metals embedded inside make up the entirety of this combat armour, and padding within provides considerable comfort for the armour's tremendous weight. Provides resistance to ballistic and slashing damage from nonmagical sources.

Kinetic Plating. An intricate weave of wires and cables attached to emitters at various points of the body produces a powerful personal shield for the wearer. The suit, while still quite heavy and requiring care to avoid damage, provides an unparalleled level of mobility for its protective abilities. Provides resistance to ballistic damage from nonmagical sources.

Carbon Weave Armour. A very heavy suit constructed of a advanced, carbon-based material that seems to absorb light, this armour is commonly considered the best protection that can be found on the market, and has a hefty price tag to match. Consists of a thick armour plating that covers every inch of the body with at helmet that connects to the suit, constructed of a smooth, glossy material. Provides resistance to ballistic and slashing damage from nonmagical sources.

Crystal Alloy Armour. An armour derived from an extremely heavy crystal alloy normally installed on the exterior of armoured constructs and starships. Very rarely seen on account of the material's exorbitant price tag and the almost debilitating weight that comes with it. Provides immunity to nonmagical ballistic damage, and resistance to slashing and bludgeoning damage from nonmagical sources.


Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Firearms
   Light Pistol 5000c 1d8 ballistic 2lb Ammunition (range 180/280), loading (12), light
   Machine Pistol 8000c 2d4 ballistic 3lb Ammunition (range 40/120), loading (12), light
   Shotgun 10'000c 3d6 ballistic 8lb Ammunition (range 15/30), loading (4), special
   Heavy Pistol 45'000c 1d10 ballistic 4lb Ammunition (range 120/240), loading (6)
   Grenade Varies Special 1lb Ammunition (range varies), thrown, special
Martial Firearms
   Assault Rifle 50'000c 3d4 ballistic 7lb Ammunition (range 250/500), loading (10), two-handed
   Bolt Action Rifle 12'000c 2d10 ballistic 8lb Ammunition (range 400/800), loading (1), two-handed
   Sniper Rifle 250'000c 3d10 ballistic 18lb Ammunition (range 1200/3000), loading (1), two-handed, special
   Light Machinegun 150'000c 4d4 Ballistic 12lb Ammunition (range 120/300), loading (10), heavy, two-handed
   Minigun 350'000c Special 25lb Ammunition (range 120/240), loading (15), heavy, two-handed, special
   Rocket Launcher 50'000c Special 14lb Ammunition (range 150/300), loading (1), heavy, two-handed, special

Firearm Properties

Loading. A loading firearm requires a full action to reload. If you are proficient in a firearm's use, you can instead forgo one attack to reload.

Ballistic Damage. All ballistic damage is treated as piercing damage, but has additional effects in certain situations.

Special Firearms

Shotgun. Shotguns never have disadvantage when used within melee range. A shotgun is considered a melee weapon when used in melee range.

Sniper Rifle. A sniper rifle must be fired from a mounted or prone position. The user must use an action to mount the rifle if in half cover or while prone, or make all attacks with disadvantage. Once mounted the rifle can be fired normally until the user moves.

Sniper Rifles ignore half and three quarters cover if a user is proficient with sniper rifles.

Minigun. A minigun has a strength requirement of 15 to carry and wield properly. Miniguns use the wielder's strength score instead of dexterity when calculating to-hit and damage.

The minigun has a base damage of 1d8. Each round you make an attack with the minigun its damage increases by 1d8 and your movement speed decreases by 5ft, up to a maximum of 5d8 and -25ft movement speed. This damage decays by 2d8/10ft movement for each round you do not make an attack. You can use your action to spin up a minigun without firing, which increases that damage increment or maintains it at 5d8 if already at maximum damage.

The minigun requires a full action to reload regardless of proficiency.

Rocket Launcher. Deals damage based on ammunition loaded, shares ammunition types with grenades, but has longer range. Damage dealt by rocket launchers have the seige property.


Grenades can be thrown as an attack up to a range 25ft + your strength modifier x 5. Grenades will always detonate at the start of your next turn unless you use a bonus action to cook the grenade, in which case it detonates immediately upon reaching the targeted square.

Fragmentation.(10'000c) All creatures in a 20ft sphere must make a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or suffer 2d6 Force damage and 2d6 Ballistic damage. On a successful save the creature takes half damage.

Flashbang.(15'000c) All creatures within 20ft of the grenade must make a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or become blinded and deafened for one round. The detonation is clearly audible from 150ft away.

Concussion. (25'000c) All creatures a 10ft sphere must make a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 3d6 force damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save the creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

Smoke.(10'000c) The area in a 15ft radius around the grenade becomes heavily obscured for 1 minute. A breeze stronger than 10 Mph disperses the cloud temporarily.

Gas. (80'000c) All creatures within a 20ft radius of the grenade's impact must make a constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one round. For each round they remain inside the grenade's radius, the amount of time they spend poisoned increases by 1 round, for a maximum of 10 rounds after they leave the gas cloud.

The cloud remains for 1 minute or until dispersed by a strong wind.

he area in a 10ft radius around the grenade is ignited for one minute. Any creature that starts its turn or ends in the ignited area takes 1d6 fire damage. The area is considered difficult terrain unless dashing.

Sting. (15'000c) All creatures in a 20ft sphere must make a DC13 dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage, if a creature is adjacent to a wall or in cover, they take an additional 2d6 damage. The damage from this grenade is nonlethal, on a successful save the creature takes half damage.

Incendiary. (25'000) The area in a 10ft radius around the grenade is ignited for one minute. Any creature that starts its turn or ends in the ignited area takes 1d6 fire damage. The area is considered difficult terrain unless dashing.

Pulse. (100'000) The grenade produces a powerful electric pulse that temporarily damages all electronic devices in a 30ft radius. All constructs must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become stunned for one minute. In addition, any electronic devices in the area become unusable for one minute.

Dispel. (100'000) The grenade produces a burst of anti-magic in a 15ft radius. Any creature concentrating on a spell within the radius must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or lose their concentration on their spell. In addition, any ongoing magical effects up to 2nd level is suppressed for one minute.

Medical. (150'000) The grenade produces waves of healing magic in a 10ft radius. All creatures in the radius that are not constructs or undead regain 2d4+2 hitpoints.


Ammunition can have varying costs depending on where it is procured from, it can generally be bought at a lower price from shadier dealers, though the quality can vary. Base ammunition prices are listed below, with variations for special ammunition types.

Ammunition Price
Ammo Type Price
9mm (L. Pistol, M. Pistol) 2500 credits per 50
.38 special (Heavy Pistol, Bolt Action) 5000 credits per 40
12 Gauge (Shotgun) 5000 credits per 12
5.56mm (Assault Rifle) 2500 credits per 30
7.76mm (Light Machine Gun, Minigun) 25'000 credits per 1000
50 cal 10'000 per 6 rounds
Magazine Size and Prices

Individual rounds need to be loaded into magazines for some weapons, magazines that are discarded can be retrieved after combat and reloaded with ammunition in downtime. Guns that require magazines are as follows:

  • Light Pistol: 12 rounds per magazine, 2000 credits per magazine.
  • Machine Pistol: 24 rounds per magazine, 3000 credits per magazine.
  • Shotguns: Shotguns that require magazines can vary in size, 5000 per magazine (8 round capacity), 18000 per drum magazine (12 round capacity).
  • Heavy Pistol: Can be hand loaded or use speed loaders of insignificant cost.
  • Assault Rifle: 30 rounds per magazine, 6000 credits per magazine.
  • Bolt Action Rifle: Individual hand loaded magazine, some rifles that allow clips to be loaded have a capacity of 6 and cost 8000 credits per clip.
  • Sniper Rifle: Individual hand loaded magazine, some rifles allow magazines to be loaded with a capacity of 4 and cost 15'000 credits per clip.
  • Light Machine Gun: Belt magazine that loads 100 rounds, belt costs 12'000 credits each.
  • Minigun: Belt magazine that loads 450 rounds, belt costs 20'000 credits each.
  • Rockets: Rockets deal damage based on grenades, but cost twice as much.

Common Ammunition

Ammunition prices can vary depending on ammunition type and quality.

  • Junker Ammunition costs half the price of regualar ammunition, but suffers a -1 to hit.
  • Armor Piercing ammunition deals additional damage against creatures with an armor class higher than 15. Base level AP ammunition deals a +1 on damage, whereas higher quality ammunition of this type can deal more, with escalating price.
  • Incindiary ammunition deals fire damage instead of regualar damage, and can set flammable material on fire. On a critical strike, shots will set the target on fire, dealing 1d8 fire damage at the start of each turn for one minute until the creature takes an action to put themselves out.
  • Shredder Rounds deal additional damage against creatures with an armor class lower than 13. Base level AP ammunition deals a +1 on damage, whereas higher quality ammunition of this type can deal more, with escalating price.

Exotic ammunition

Exotic ammunition have specialized effects and higher prices than regular rounds.

  • Toxin Rounds deal an additional damage dice of poison damage to targets. Any creature shot by a toxin round must make a constitution saving throw against a DC of 14 or become poisoned for 1 minute. Toxin rounds cost ten times the regular price of ammunition for a magazine.
  • Cryo rounds deal cold damage instead of ballistic, and reduces a creature's movement speed by 5ft, lasting until the end of the creature's next turn. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Cryo ammunition costs 5 times more than regular ammunition.
  • Charged rounds deal an additional damage dice of lighting damage against electronic constructs and creatures with installed cybernetics. The target must make a constitution saving throw against a DC of 13, on a failed save they are stunned until the end of their next turn. A target with cybernetics are not stunned, but lose control of their cybernetics until the end of their next turn.


Every living creature's body is host to a magical spirit, a presence that gives personality to an otherwise mundane biomass. The installation of cybernetics takes a toll on the body's spirit, and the universal consequence for over-burdening the body with cybernetics is the same; the spirit leaves the body, and the creature is reduced to an empty husk.

To circumvent this issue, cybernetic experts created a basic guide for those wishing to install cybernetics. The spiritual toll a cybernetic enhancement takes on the body is measured in Units.

Total number of units you can install is equal to 2 + your constitution modifier.


The process of installing a cybernetic is oftentimes traumatic for an individual. A creature cannot install a cybernetic into their own body if it is their first installation in that area, but can perform the process of replacing one cybernetic with another if a cybernetic enhancement already exists in that area.

Replacing a cybernetic costs no units if the new cybernetic enhancement costs less or the same amount of units. If the new cybernetic enhancement costs more units than the previous enhancement, the extra units are subtracted from the creature's unit count.

The initial procedure for installing a cybernetic slot in a previously un-operated area of the body is a traumatic experience. The recovery period is equal to the amount of Units the cybernetic consumes rounded up, during this period the installed cybernetic is unusable and the creature incurs penalties depending on the cybernetic type installed.


Over-installation of cybernetics infer a number of penalties to living creatures. As Units are lost, the user's spirit becomes more haphazardly tethered. When a creature's remaining units fall below 0, the creature dies and cannot be brought back to life by anything short of a Reincarnation, True Resurrection or Wish spell. When revived through any of these manners, all previously installed cybernetics are lost, and the creature restores all lost Units.


Only one enhancement from each slot can be installed unless replaced. The left and right arms count as separate enhancement slots.

Enhancements in the Utility section can be installed regardless of slots taken, but still count towards a creature's total unit count.

The save DC for any cybernetic abilities is 8 + your proficiency score + your constitution modifier.


Recovery Period. The creature has disadvantage on all perception checks, and their passive perception becomes 0.

Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Ocular Replacement 0.5 Common
Magnified Lens 0.5 Common
Flash Bulb 0.5 Common
Nightvision 0.5 Common
Ocular Foci 1 Uncommon
Ocular Symbol 1 Uncommon
Anti-Blind 1 Uncommon
Aim Assistance 1 Rare
Predator Lens 1 Rare
Heat Ray 1.5 Rare
Medical Scanner 1 Rare
Ocular Drone 1.5 Very Rare
Mesmeriser 0.5 Very Rare
Thermal Vision 1 Very Rare
Medusa Lens 2 Legendary

Recovery Period. The creature is plagued by headaches, and has disadvantage on all intelligence, wisdom and charisma ability checks.

Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Enhanced Hearing and Smell 0.5 Common
Facial Mould 0.5 Uncommon
Mind Shielding 1 Uncommon
Social Enhancer 0.5 Uncommon
Neural Database 1.5 Rare
Psionic Tuning 2 Rare
Wired Nervous System 2 Rare
Anti-Charm 0.5 Rare
Echolocator 1.5 Very Rare
Advanced Psionic Tuning 2 Very Rare
Specialized Psionic Tuning 3 Legendary


Recovery Period. The creature feels atrophied and ill, and has disadvantage on all strength and constitution ability checks and saving throws.

Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Torso Compartment 1.5 Common
Toxin Scrubber 1 Common
Oxygen Recycler 1 Uncommon
Armoured Plating 2 Uncommon
Adrenal Injector 1.5 Rare
Chameleon 1.5 Rare
Grapple Harness 3 Rare
Bone Lacing 3.5 Very Rare
Skin Lacing 3.5 Very Rare
Organ Lacing 3.5 Very Rare
Engine 4 Legendary


Recovery Period. The creature loses the use of the limb(s) the cybernetic is installed into for the duration. They can perform basic tasks, but cannot wield a weapon using the affected limbs.

Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Hidden Firearm - Simple 1 Common
Retractable Claws 0.5 Common
Operative Toolkit 0.5 Common
Replacement Limb 1 Common
Magnetic Arm 1.5 Uncommon
Hidden Firearm - Martial 1.5 Uncommon
Piston Fist 1 Uncommon
Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Aim Stabilizer 1 Rare
Taser 1 Rare
Grappling Hook 1 Rare
Weaponized Arm 1.5 Rare
Amplifier 1 Very Rare
Energy Weapon 1.5 Very Rare
Palm Cannon 2 Very Rare
Morphing Limb 4 Legendary


Recovery Period. The creature's movement speed is halved, and they have disadvantage on all dexterity ability checks and saving throws.

Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Muscle Enhancer 1 Common
Replacement Limb 1.5 Common
Magnetic Soles 1 Uncommon
Enhanced Mobility 1.5 Uncommon
Digigrade Legs 1.5 Uncommon
Skates 1.5 Rare
Hydraulic Jack 1.5 Rare
Hover 2 Rare
Weaponized Leg 2 Rare
Wheeled Body 3 Rare
Quadruped Body 3 Very Rare
Arachnid Body 4 Very Rare
Boosters 3 Legendary


Enhancement Unit Cost Rarity
Artificial Genitalia 0.5 Common
Breast Implant 0 Common
False Tooth 0 Common
Metal Fangs 0 Common
Voice Changer 0.5 Common
Balancing Tail 0.5 Uncommon
Bladed Tail 1 Rare
Auto-Injector 1 Rare
Sleepwalker 0.5 Rare
Photosynthesis 1 Rare
Auto-Translator 0.5 Very Rare
Toxin Gland 1.5 Very Rare
Pheromone Gland 1.5 Very Rare
Wings 2.5 Very Rare
Stem Cells 4 Legendary

Adrenal Injector

A series of tubes and patchwork mechanics that network throughout the body.

You gain 3 Impulse actions. At the end of any creature's turn, you can expend one impulse action to take one of the following actions.

  • Immediately take one melee or ranged attack.
  • Take the dodge action.
  • Take the disengage and move actions.
  • Take a bonus action.

Using multiple impulse actions without taking a full turn in between causes you to take 2d6 psychic damage per action taken.

You regain all spent impulse actions over a long rest.

Aim Assistance

A range, wind-speed and velocity calculator that takes care of half the aiming for you. As a bonus action, you can indicate a target. Your ranged attacks against an indicated target have advantage, and they gain no benefit from any cover less than full cover from your attacks.

An indicated target lasts until the target is out of your visual range. You can use a bonus action to indicate a new target.

Aim Stabilizer

A number of hydraulics and locks that link directly with your senses to assist with aiming. Your ranged attacks have +2 to hit, and your first and second range increment for the weapon is doubled.

This benefit does not stack, and only affects two-handed ranged weapons if both hands are installed with this enhancement.


A rare and powerful enhancement that coats the arm in a swirling arcane arrangement of runes, scrawling, lustrous metals and enchanted crystals. Each Amplifier is tuned with a different type of elemental magic.

  • Your spell save DC increases by 1
  • Choose one type of damage from fire, cold, lightning, acid, radiant and necrotic. You can add your spellcasting ability modifier to any magical source of damage you deal of that type.
  • You can cast Elemental Bane once per long rest. The damage type effected is always the same as your Amplifier type. Your ability to cast this spell recharges when you take elemental damage of the same type as your Amplifier.


Adaptive lenses in the eye immediately block out all light for a single moment when there are dangerous amounts entering the retina.

You are immune to being blinded.


Redundant lobes and information sinks embedded in your brain makes probing into your mind exceedingly difficult.

You are immune to all charm effects.

Arachnid Body

An expensive procedure to install a high-tech piece of equipment rarely seen in the void.

  • Your size category increases by one
  • Your movement speed increases to 40ft.
  • You now count as a creature one size larger for the purpose of carry weight.
  • You gain the Spider Climb ability.
  • You cannot be knocked prone, and attempts to move you against your will have disadvantage.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being restrained, and cannot be restrained by Webs. In addition, you gain Websense.

Armoured Plating

Thick armoured plating covers your torso, granting replacing flesh with tough steel and plastic polymers. 4

While not wearing any armour, your AC becomes 12 + your dexterity modifier.

Artificial Genitalia

A relatively commonplace enhancement, whether to replace an organ lost in a most unfortunate event, or simply for issues relating to self-esteem, these "enhancements" come in endless shapes and sizes, some even stunningly realistic.


A small device that can be mounted anywhere there is an exposed vein. The device houses a small computing system that dispense Stimpacks of any type automatically.

A stimpack must be slotted into the auto-injector. You must set the parameters for the injector when a stimpack is inserted out of the following:

  • When your hit points fall below a certain point
  • When you speak a previously decided keyword.
  • When you fall unconscious.
  • When you fail a specified number of death saving throws.


A rather high-class and difficult to find enhancement due to its relatively niche use mostly among higher society, installed around the neck, ear and throat region.

You understand all spoken languages, and can set anything you say to be translated to any spoken language as a bonus action.

Balancing Tail

A simple tail very commonly installed as a cosmetic choice rather than a functional enhancement.

  • You have advantage on acrobatics checks to climb and navigate objects
  • You have advantage against any effect to knock you prone.

Bladed Tail

An odd enhancement coveted by close combat specialists that employ specialized styles of fighting.

You gain a tail attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. This attack has a reach of 10ft, counts as an unarmed strike, and is a finesse weapon.

Breast Implant

A common enhancement that has existed for millennia among most mammal races. Grants a benefit to your ego and figure, but little otherwise. May cause back pain.


The most effective method of movement that technology can produce, a delicate balance of energy usage and power supply must be achieve to make this enhancement sustainable for use, amonst the countless other mechanical difficulties encountered during its development.

You gain a flight speed of 120ft.

Bone Lacing

A dangerous and expensive procedure that laces your skeleton with a durable coating of shock-absorbing steel.

You gain resistance to all bludgeoning damage.


A favourite of infiltrators and thieves, the chameleon enhancement laces the skin with reactive pigmentation that adjusts to the surrounding environment.

  • You gain advantage on stealth checks.
  • After one round of not moving or taking actions, you become invisible. You lose this benefit if you move or take an action.
  • You can change your skin tone at will, including the creation of symbols.
  • If you are not wearing armour or clothing, and carrying no weapons or equipment, you gain a +10 to all stealth checks, and your invisibility function persists while moving.

Digigrade Legs

Powerful cybernetic legs that improve your running speed.

Your dexterity score increases by 1, and your movement speed increases by 10ft.

Identical in function to the Enhanced Mobility cybernetic enhancement, with a different aesthetic.


An advanced mix of mechanical and magical systems embedded around the ears and skull that emit and receive bouncing magical pulses to and from the terrain around you.

You gain blindsight to a range of 30ft.

Energy Weapon

A rapidly formed constructed weapon of pure energy that can be formed at will by the user.

Select a one handed melee weapon and a chosen element from fire, lightning, cold, radiant, necrotic and poison. As a free action, you can produce a glowing, tangible replica of the weapon formed of pure magical energy. The weapon is magical, and deals the same damage type as its chosen element. The weapon strikes critically on a 19 or 20, and has a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls.

As an attack, the weapon can be thrown up to 30ft. The constructed weapon dissapears and reforms around the implant after impact.


An extremely expensive and difficult procedure combining technology and magic that completely replaces the cardiovascular system and almost every organ in the body with an advanced mechanical component linked to a magical "heart".

Considering how specialized the Engine cybernetics are, each "set" is crafted and enchanted on demand according to an individual's physicality, and it is impossible to scavenge this upgrade from dead creatures.

  • You no longer need to eat or sleep and cannot suffer from exhaustion.
  • You gain immunity to the poisoned condition and poison damage.
  • Your strength, dexterity and constitution scores increase by 1. In addition, your maximum for these scores is now 22.
  • This cybernetic enhancement can be installed alongside another torso enhancement, though the unit cost remains the same.

Enhanced Mobility

A full cybernetic leg replacement that replace flesh and blood with advanced machinery.

Your dexterity score increases by 1, and your movement speed increases by 10ft.

Enhanced Hearing and Smell

A number of glands and magical sensors embedded throughout the skull improves your passive senses.

You have advantage on all perception checks based on smell and sound. Your passive perception increases by 5.

Facial Mould

A "mask" of pale plastic enchanted with simple illusion magic that allows you to change your appearence.

You change the appearence of your face as you would using a "Disguise Self" spell. This benefit only applies to your face.

False Tooth

A very simple piece of cybernetics that creates a false tooth containing a very small object. The tooth can be crushed at will, whether in the mouth or removed, to dispense a small dose of poison or antidote.

Flash Bulb

A high-power light is embedded inside both eyes, designed to be used by deep space miners.

You can emit bright light in a 30ft cone, and dim light for another 30ft.

You can use an action to temporarily amplify the light source to blinding levels. All enemies in a 30ft cone must make a DC15 constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next round. The bright light is visible in a 300ft cone, and the dim light for another 300ft.

Grapple Harness

A full body kit of advanced wires, harnesses, hooks and pistons. The updated version of an old set of tools that allow constant movement in all directions, designed to fight much larger enemies. The full kit contains 2 grappling hooks with 60ft of steel rope, 8 pitons with 30ft of reinforced wire, and a motorized winch.

  • You can fire a grappling hook in place of your movement. The hook can only latch onto solid objects of size large or higher, or solid walls. You can then pull yourself up to 60ft in the hook's direction.
  • At any point during your movement when using a grappling hook, you can use a bonus action to your second grappling hook towards a different point. You can move the remaining distance in the second hook's direction, and the first hook detaches, retracting back to your harness at the start of your next turn.
  • You can embed a piton as a bonus action into any solid surface. The piton can be attached to you, or attached to another piton.
  • Each piton can hold up to 500lb, the use of additional pitons increase the held weight by 250lb each.
  • As an attack, you can make a ranged attack using one of your pitons. The attack deals 1d4 piercing damage and has a range of 20ft/40ft, on a hit the target is attached to the piton and must use their movement to make a DC 13 athletics check to remove the piton. The DC increases by 2 for each additional piton attatched.

Grappling Hook

A metallic cybernetic arm that can fire itself as a grappling mechanism over a short distance.

You can make a ranged unarmed attack with a range of 30ft. On a hit against a creature of size medium or smaller, they must make an athletics or acrobatics check against your athletics, or be pulled 25ft towards you. This ability cannot be used again for 1d4+1 rounds.

In addition, the arm functions as a standard grappling hook with a range of 30ft.

Heat Ray

Subtle enchantments and focusing crystals embedded into this dangerous enhancements enables the user to fire powerful rays of heat.

This enhancement starts with 5 charges. You can spend 1 charge to cast the Scorching Ray or Aganazzar's Scorcher spells. These spells are cast at 2nd level, you can spend an additional charge to increase the spell level by one. If either spell is cast at a higher level, you take 1d8 fire damage per charge used, and must make a constitution saving throw against your own Cybernetics DC or become blinded until the end of your next round.

This item regains 1 charge at the end of a long rest, provided you have access to a starship or appropriate recharging stations.

Hidden Firearm

A compact firearm disassembled and reassembled within a mundane looking cyberlimb. The weapon can be any simple or martial firearm depending on implant type.

The weapon can be discovered with a DC 15 Investigation check, and can only be reloaded over a short rest.


An advanced silent propulsion system allows you to hover a few inches above the ground. When active, you ignore all difficult terrain. You gain the effects of the Waterwalking and Featherfall spells while this implant is active.

Hydraulic Jack

A pair of industrial strength pressure-based pistons within bulky cybernetic legs allow for superior vertical mobility.

Your horizontal jump height increase by 15ft and you gain resistance to fire damage. You gain a unarmed kick attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and unbalances the target. An unbalanced target has disadvantage on the first attack on its next turn.

Magnetic Arm

A powerful electric magnet is installed inside a cybernetic arm, allowing for a variety of tactical applications.

  • You gain a climb speed of 15ft on metal surfaces.
  • You have advantage on grapple checks against constructs or creatures wearing metal armour.
  • When a grenade lands within 5ft of you, you can use your reaction to pick it up and throw it towards a different point.

Magnetic Soles

Powerful magnets attached to the bottom of cybernetic legs allows the user limited movement in environments with metallic buildings.

You gain Spider Climb on metallic surfaces, and you cannot be pushed or knocked prone while on a metallic surface.

Magnified Lens

A commonplace enhancement, enhanced lenses grant a user almost perfect visual clarity at an extended range.

You can see clearly up to one mile in clear conditions, and can clearly discern details on any object within that range.

Medical Scanner

A widely used medical diagnosis program implanted within an ocular implant allows quick diagnosis of any injury, and allows instant diagnosis and treatment.

A creature with this implant can stabalize a dying creature as an action. In addition, spending an action observing a creature reveals any diseases it is inflicted with, and informs the creature if its vital signs are in a critical state, along with other medical information.

Medusa Lens

A terrifying enhancement upon the predator lens, the medusa lens blends powerful magic with the psychological stimuli behind the lens to immobilise any creatures unfortunate enough to be caught in the user's gaze.

As a bonus action, you can attempt to instil a primal fear in a creature within 30ft of you. The creature must make a wisdom saving throw against your cybernetics DC, on a failure the creature is frightened. A creature with an intelligence score below 5 makes this saving throw with disadvantage.. If the creature ends its turn outside of your visual range, they can make another saving throw at the end of its turn. A creature that suceeds on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. You can only frighten one creature at a time in this way, if you use this effect on another creature the previous target is no longer frightend.

As an action, you can force any frightened creature within 30ft of you to make an another wisdom saving throw. On a failure the creature is paralyzed. A creature that fails the initial saving throw against the frightened effect by more than 5 is automatically paralyzed by this effect.

You must use your action to maintain this paralysis effect for 1d4+1 rounds until you need to blink. Each round a creature is paralyzed, they must make a constitution saving throw against your cybernetics DC. On 3 failures, the creature is petrified.

In addition, you become immune to petrification.


An enhancement outlawed on the majority of organized void space for its sinister applications. After numerous cases where the mesmeriser was used repeatedly and successfully as an aid in criminal activities, the producers of this device authorised a mass recall, and what few mesmerisers remain on the market are either imitations or refurbished models repurposed from their previous owners.

This enhancement starts with 10 charges. You can spend one charge to cast the charm person or suggestion spells using your cybernetics DC. While a creature is charmed through the use of this device, they receive no saving throw to any cast of the suggestion spell from this enhancement.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to spend one to gain advantage on your next charisma check within 1 minute.

This enhancement regains 1 charge per day over a long rest, or 1d6+1 charges over a long rest if resting within reach of a recharging station.

Metal Fangs

Both a practical and cosmetic enhancement with relatively commitment required on the user's part. Metal fangs consists of a full set of custom made, sharpened teeth that either attach onto existing teeth, or moulded to replace missing ones.

While these teeth can be made to be quite sharp and durable, most humanoid creatures lack the innate jaw strength to make full use of them. You gain a bite attack that deals 1 damage.

Mind Shielding

A magic and psionic resistant plating layered over the skull offers limited resistance to mind-altering effects. Widely installed by conspiracy theorists throughout the void.

You gain resistance to psychic damage, and gain advantage on any saving throws against being charmed or put to sleep.

Morphing Limb

Magically enchanted metal constantly twists, shifts and grinds inside this very rare enhancement, shaping itself into any form the weilder wills. The enhancement almost seems to have a mind of its own, reflecting its owners emotions by manifesting itself into its forms with the lightest of thoughts.

As an action, you can will this limb to be transform into any weapon of your choice. Any firearm this arm forms into never runs out of ammunition. Any melee weapons this cybernetic forms gains a reach of 10ft. Any weapon produced by this modification becomes a one-handed light weapon.

Any magical weapon can be absorbed into the morphing limb, and the limb can store up to three enchanting items at once. These items must be attuned as per usual, and become items the morphing limb can transform into.

A creature can only ever install one morphing limb.

Muscle Enhancer

Rubber wiring and tiny, simple reactive machinery improve the existing tendons and muscle structure of the user, providing a small boost to strength and agility.

You gain advantage on strength and athletic checks related to mobility, including to climb, jump or escape grapples. In addition, exhaustion can no longer reduce your movement speed.

Neural Database

A wired storage implanted into the brain that greatly improves memory and mental capacity. The installation of this device inside younger individuals still in the education system is outlawed due to its obvious application inside examinations.

Your intelligence increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. In addition, you only require one quarter of the usual time needed to learn new skill proficiencies. When rolling an intelligence check, you can choose to replace any roll you make with a 10.


A compact version of the outdated goggle-based methods of seeing in the dark, these tiny lenses installed over the eyes come in a variety of colours, and allow a far greater range of vision in the dark for races that need it.

You gain darkvision up to a range of 60ft. While in the dark, you can only see the world in a single shade of your choice, decided when this cybernetic is installed.

Ocular Drone

A piece of equipment developed for spies, scouts and commanders, one eye is replaced with a robotic drone that can remotely relay information to a user from a long range. While this cybernetic is equipped and not deployed, you gain darkvision to a range of 30ft.

You gain an ocular drone that can operate independently based on your commands.

  • Your drone has a flying speed of 30ft.
  • Your drone has a +7 to stealth checks, darkvision to a range of 30ft, and uses your perception modifier when making perception checks.
  • You are able to see from the drone's perspective simultaneously to your own.
  • Your drone follows your orders to the best of its ability, it can only take the dash, disengage or hide actions.
  • You can use a bonus action to mentally issue a command to the drone from within 1 mile. The drone can remain in operation for up to 1 hour, and can relay information as long as it remains within 1 mile of you.
  • You can speak through the drone.

Once deployed for a combined total of 1 hour, the drone must be recharged over a long rest, with access to a recharging station.

This enhancement can be installed twice. When both ocular drones are deployed simultaneously, you are considered blind, and can only see objects from either drone's point of view.

Ocular Foci

The development of Ocular Foci put a stop to the mad race for manufacturers of magical accessories to design and release smaller and ever smaller spellcasting focuses for mages. While one could opt for any of the many tiny foci available on the market, small enough to be shaped as an earring or keychain, embedding an arcane focus into either an artificial eye, or existing one, allows a spellcaster to channel their magic without the need of a free hand.

The Ocular Foci is considered a orb type magical focus, while equipped spells can be cast without the need for a focus being held.

Ocular Replacement

Since the development of ocular implants, technology in the field has rapidly advanced to the point where losing an eye is an inconvenience, but not much more.

This baseline ocular implant, with a huge selection of brands and colours to select from, imitates a biological eye almost perfectly, with the added benefit of 20/20 vision and immunity from the eye stress commonly associated with staring at stars from a starship bridge.

Ocular Symbol

When Ocular Foci were first introduced, churches and temples across the void experienced a mild panic at falling behind, being naturally more content to focus less on technological advancements and more on achieving tranquillity.

Seeing an opportunity for easy money, and to get back at religious organisations for their long history of placing sanctions on the production of magical items, Ocular Symbols were released shortly after, predictably enough at a reasonably higher price than the Foci variant, a factor producers blamed on "higher production costs due to divine interference."

The Ocular Foci is considered a holy symbol, while equipped spells can be cast without the need for a focus being held.

Operative Toolkit

A all-time favourite enhancement of robbers, thieves and agents alike, the Operative Toolkit is discretely hidden in the forearm. Allows instant access to the thieves tools hidden inside.

In addition to Thieves' Tools, one additional toolkit can be hidden inside the enhancement, select one from poisoner's kit, healer's kit, disguise kit, gunsmith/tinker's tools. These toolkits must be restocked as usual if consumed on use.

Organ Lacing

A dangerous and expensive procedure that laces your internal organs with a layer of lightweight, durable alloy.

You gain resistance to all piercing damage.

Oxygen Recycler

A miniature oxygen recycling system nestled between the sternum allows a near endless supply of oxygen to be delivered to the bloodstream. While not limitless, this enhancement greatly increases an individual's survivability in various hazardous environments. The enhancement, however, is not advanced enough to make the experience of holding ones breath for long periods of time any less bizarre, nor any more comfortable.

While this enhancement is in use, you can hold your breath for up to 24 hours.

Palm Cannon

A rare magical enhancement that allows a limited amount of magical energy to be produced, stored and released through the arm and hand. The palm cannon is virtually invisible to the naked eye save for a small metal hole in the center of the palm, and an array of magical symbols that appear on the arm when firing the cannon.

This enhancement starts with 4 charges. You can expend one charge as an action to fire a blast of energy 15ft wide and 60ft long from your palm, dealing 2d10 fire, lightning or cold damage. Each creature caught within the line must make a dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a success. This damage increases to 3d10 at 5th level, 4d10 at 11th level and 5d10 at 17th level.

If this enhancement is installed in both arms, you can fire both cannons in the same action, doubling the damage and range, and increasing width of the blast to 25ft.

Alternatively you can spend 2 charges to expel a wave of force in a 30ft cone. Any creature caught in the cone takes 2d6 force damage and must make a strength saving throw, or is pushed 20ft in a line away from you, taking an additional 2d6 damage if they collide with any solid objects. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half damage, and are not pushed. The collision damage increases to 4d6 at 5th level, and 6d6 at 11th level and 8d6 at 17th level. This ability can also be cast with two cannons, increasing the radius to a 60ft cone, and pushing creautres 30ft away instead.

Pheromone Glands

Powerful pheramones that can be produced via a surgically implanted gland can be used to influence the thoughts of creatures. As an action, you can surround yourself in powerful pheramone. All creatures within 10ft must make a wisdom saving throw against your cybernetics DC, or become charmed by you for one minute, a creature in combat with you makes this check with advantage.

Alternatively, you can produce warning pheramones in an attempt to frighten all creatures within 10ft of you. All creatures within range must make a wisdom saving throw, or become frightened of you for one minute. Any affected creatures can make another saving throw if they end their turn further than 10ft from you.

You can use this enhancement once per short or long rest.


An enhancement developed for survivalists and explorers that oftentimes must spend days without proper sleep, this biological change allows creatres to photosynthesis with greater efficiency than plants.

If you are exposed to 4 hours of sunlight over the course of one day, you lose one level of exhaustion. In addition, this process replaces your need for food, though water is still required for survival.

Piston Fist

While a variety of legitimate uses have been proposed for this heavy duty, hydraulic cyberarm originally developed by Orcish weapons manufacturers, the true purpose of this intimidating metal construct remains clear to anyone who so much as glances at it.

  • You gain advantage on all strength checks to push or lift and object.
  • You gain advantage on shove attacks.
  • Your unarmed attacks now deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
  • This enhancement holds 4 charges, you can spend 1 or more charges as a bonus action to empower your next unarmed strike. On a hit, the attack deals 1d12 bludgeoning damage per charge spent, and the target must make a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC or fall prone. Large and smaller creatures are also knocked back 10ft for each charge spent on the attack. This item regains 1 charge every minute.
  • If this enhancement is left with no charges after an attack, roll a d20. On a 1, the enhancement is damaged and cannot regain charges until repaired over a long rest.

Predator Lens

Survival instincts implanted generations in the past within most creatures prove easy to manipulate, a predatory sense amplified through specially designed irises is oftentimes enough to trigger these instincts.

As an action, you can attempt to instil a primal fear in a creature within 30ft of you. The creature must make a wisdom saving throw against your cybernetics DC, on a failure the creature is frightened. A creature with an intelligence score below 5 makes this saving throw with disadvantage.. If the creature ends its turn outside of your visual range, they can make another saving throw at the end of its turn. A creature that suceeds on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. You can only frighten one creature at a time in this way, if you use this effect on another creature the previous target is no longer frightend.

A creature that fails this saving throw by more than 5 is paralyzed during the first round in which they are frightned.

Psionic Tuning

Psionic wave therapy, tiny implants and nanobiotics can unlock the potential lying dormant within the minds of exceptional individuals in almost every race. The process is taxing, and if conducted improperly can leave a mind broken.

The process of establishing psionic tuning requires a full week of spare time, which is spend recovering and being coached in the enhancement's use.

Psionic Tuning
  • Move. Using an action to push, pull or lift an object of 25lb or less up to 15ft at a time. You can manipulate one object at a time using this ability, up to a range of 30ft away from you. You cannot lift living creatures with this ability.
  • Push. Using an action, deliver a powerful pushing effect to a creature or object within 30ft. The target must succeed on a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC or fall prone. A large or smaller creature is also pushed 10ft in a direction of your choosing.
  • Lift. Using an action, lift one creature into the air. An unwilling creature must make a dexterity saving throw against your cybernetics DC or be pulled and held 10ft in the air. You must spend your action to maintain this effect, and taking damage breaks your concentration. You can spend a bonus action to move a held creature another 10ft in any direction.
Advanced Psionic Tuning
  • Your intelligence score increases by 1, this effect cannot increase your ability score past 20.
  • Move. Using an action to push, pull or lift an object of 50lb or less up to 20ft at a time. You can manipulate one object at a time using this ability, up to a range of 30ft away from you. You cannot lift living creatures with this ability.
  • Push. Using an action, deliver a powerful pushing effect to a creature or object. The target must succeed on a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC or take 2d8 damage and fall prone. A huge or smaller creature is also pushed 15ft in a direction of your choosing.
  • Lift. Using an action, lift one creature into the air. An unwilling creature must make a dexterity saving throw against your cybernetics DC or be pulled and held 15ft in the air. You must spend your action to maintain this effect, and taking damage forces you to make a concentration check. You can spend a bonus action to move a held creature another 20ft in any direction.
Specialized Psionic Tuning
  • Your intelligence score increases by 2, this effect cannot increase your ability score past 20.
  • Improved Move. Using an action to push, pull or lift yourself and/or an object or creature of 200lb or less up to 30ft at a time. You can manipulate one object or creature, in addition to yourself, at one time using this ability, up to a range of 100ft away from you. An unwilling creature must make a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC to avoid the effect. Any object or creature lifted into the air remains there until the start of your next turn, but falls to the ground if you do not spend an action maintaining the effect. If you are hit with an attack while holding something using this ability, you must make a concentration check, the effect disappearing if you fail.
  • Push. Using an action, deliver a powerful pushing effect to a creature or object. The target must succeed on a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC or take 2d8 damage and fall prone. A huge or smaller creature is also pushed 20ft in a direction of your choosing.

In addition, you can select one psionic gift that you developed over the course of your training from the "Psionic gifts" section.

Psionic Gifts

These gifts are powerful psionic abilities you have found to have an affinity for

  • Slam. Using an action, you deliver a powerful burst of force against a target of your choice. The target must make a strength saving throw against your cybernetics DC or take 4d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. A huge or smaller creature is also pushed back 30ft by this ability, and takes an additional 2d8 damage for any objects they collide with along the path. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not pushed. This ability replaces your push ability.
  • Manipulate. As an action, silently establish a psionic link with a creature within 60ft of you and attempt to modify their perception of the world to suit your desires. The link lasts as long as you maintain concentration on this ability, and you can use a bonus action on subsequent turns to impose an effect on the target. You can attempt to charm, frighten, calm emotions or cause the target to experience an hallucination. The hallucination can be as large in scope as you desire, though you cannot affect the target's reaction to the changes in their perspective. The target must make an intelligence saving throw for every turn you impose an effect on them. On a success the target is immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. Regardless of saving throw results, the target does not naturally know the source of these effects, or of your attempts to manipulate their thoughts.

  • Daze. Using an action, assault the mind of one creature within 120ft, attempting to disrupt its current thoughts. The target must make an intelligence saving throw against your cybernetics DC. On a failure, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn, on a success the target has disadvantage on their next weapon attack before the end of their next turn. After you use this enhancement against a target, you cannot use it again against the same target for the next minute.

  • Ghost. Using an action, reach out to up to 6 creatures within 60ft of you that you can see. Each creature must make an intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the creatures cannot perceive your existence for 10 minutes. You are invisible to them, they cannot hear any noise you make and any changes in the environment you cause is attributed to another factor, such as wind carrying away an important document, or a faulty lock letting a door swing open. The effect is broken if the creature takes damage from you or any of your allies. After using this ability on a creature, regardless of if they succeed on their saving throw or not, you cannot use this ability on them again for the next 24 hours.
  • Charge. As an action, coat yourself in psionic energy and launch at an incredible speed towards a point within 40ft of you that you can see. You travel in a direct path, and cannot trigger attacks of opportunity during the charge. Colliding with any object or creature during the charge causes 6d8 bludgeoning damage to the source of collision. If you arrive at your targeted location without colliding with anything, you can make a single melee weapon attack that deals an additional 2d8 psychic damage. Your movement speed is reduced to 0 for the round after using this ability.
  • Barrier. As an action, create a powerful psionic barrier that protects you from harm While focusing on the barrier, you gain a +6 to AC, and the area 10ft around you becomes difficult terrain. You must spend your action to maintain the barrier, and while doing so your movement speed is halved. If a melee attack from a large or smaller creature misses you while you're using this ability, you can use your reaction to force the creature back 10ft and lower their movement speed to 0 for the remainder of the round. If you are hit by a melee attack while maintaining the barrier, the barrier disappears.

Quadruped Body

The conversion from a bipedal creature to quadruped is a difficult one, with many medical factors to consider, but is often pursued regardless for the great increase in speed and agility it brings.

  • Your size category increases by one
  • Your base movement speed becomes 40ft *You now count as a creature one size larger for the purposes of carry weight.

Replacement Limb

The first practiced enhancement of any type, and most perfected of all. The replacement limbs available at any respectable clinic can be realistic enough to pass as flesh and blood, or tweaked to suit an individual's particular style.

Retractable Claws

Retractable claws that can either protrude from under the fingernails, replace them entirely, or extend from the knuckles or palm. Can be fashioned in a variety of ways, from serrated animalistic claws to elegant needle-like spikes.

You gain an unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing or piercing damage, depending on the chosen type of enhancement.


An unusual form of movement that often takes a long time to learn effectively, though it does offer a number of benefits to the user. A pair of powerful skates plow through small obstructions in the ground and greatly increase mobility.

Your movement speed increases by 10 ft, and you ignore all difficult terrain. In addition, when you take the dash action, any attacks made against you are taken at disadvantage.

Skin Lacing

A dangerous and expensive procedure that laces your skin with a colourless mesh of nanoweave alloy.

You gain resistance to all slashing damage.


An enhancement originally developed for low-paid workers to complete mundane, repetitive tasks without the need for conscious thought throughout the process. After an initial burst in popularity, a flood of issues were reported to the manufacturer, chief among them being workplace accidents caused by a lack of cohesion and cognitive function, in addition to multiple studies made proving the severe addictive qualities and insomnia-like symptoms that can result from overuse of Sleepwalker. Despite a complete cease of production from the initial creators, Sleepwalker continues to be manufactured by black-market corporations, with the increased productivity the enhancement can bring to production lines and forced labour being too beneficial to ignore.

You no longer require sleep, and cannot accumulate levels of exhaustion through lack of sleep. While Sleepwalker is active, you must spend at least 8 hours a day engaging in light activity that you are familiar with such as steering a ship or repairing equipment. While in this state, any perception roll you make always results in 0, your passive perception is reduced to 0, and your intelligence, wisdom and charisma scores are reduced to 8 until you regain full consciousness.

Social Enhancer

A suite of advanced facial analysis programs, heartbeat sensors and body language decoders deliver an accurate report of a humanoid creature's state of mind to the user of this enhancement, allowing an individual to understand the thought process of their conversational partner.

You gain advantage on all persuasion and intimidation checks against humanoid creatures within 30ft of you.

Stem Cells

An advanced biological procedure allows a recpient's body to naturally produce stem cells, rapidly increasing the speed at which they recover from any injury.'

You regain 1 hitpoint every turn when you are not poisoned or unconcious. Any severed limbs can be reattatched over the course of 1 minute when held to the wound.

When you roll to restore hitpoints, you automatically recieve the highest possible amount of hitpoints. In addition, you automatically stabalize when you are forced to make a death saving throw, and can continue to roll 1d20 every turn until you regain conciousness. On a 20, you regain hitpoints equal to your level and return to conciousness.


A biological enhancement that allows the user to produce an electrical charge and discharge it through the palm of the hand. You gain a unarmed melee attack that deals 5d6 lightning damage. The creature must make a constitution saving throw, on a failure they are stunned until the end of your next turn. On a success, they take half damage, and are not stunned.

You can use this feature up to 3 times before it needs to be recharged over a long rest. When a creature is stunned by this effect, they fail any further saving throws against it until the stun ends.

Thermal Vision

An rare enhancement that implants a small-scale thermal camera inside an cybernetic eye.

When activated, you can detect creatures within 30ft of you as sources of body heat. In addition, any other sources as heat, such as a campfire of recently fired weapon, can also be seen. This effect is blocked by any more than 1 foot of solid stone or metal.

You cannot detect undead, constructs, or any other creature without body heat when using this ability.

Torso Compartment

A surprising amount of space can be found in the body of most humanoid creatures. Shifting a few odd organs into a more efficient arrangement allows a hidden compartment to be installed. The rarity of this enhancement is not due to price, but due to the absurdity of the idea in the minds of most races.

Allows a reasonable amount of equipment to be stored, about equivalent to a backpack.

Toxin Gland

A biological enhancement that implants a specially grown, artificial toxin gland into the user's heart. Due to the necessity that the gland's toxin must be harmless to the user, the process of researching and growing the gland usually takes weeks at the very least.

  • You are immune to any damage or condition originating from your own toxin.
  • You can produce a ranged spray of toxin equivalent to a casting of poison spray at will.
  • Your blood is now a potent toxin, you can produce up to 3 vials of your person toxin per day. Producing more than 3 vials will result in a level of exhaustion for every vial harvested. The toxin expires in one week unless kept refrigerated.
  • Your toxin causes a weapon to deal an additional 1d8 + your constitution modifier damage on an attack, the target must also make a constitution saving throw against your cybernetics DC or become poisoned for 1 minute.
  • You can use a bonus action to coat a held weapon in your toxic blood. You take 1d8 damage as part of the process, and this counts as the creation of one vial of toxin.
  • If ingested, the toxin deals 4d8 poison damage, and the target is poisoned for 1 hour.

Toxin Scrubber

A small and commonly used enhancement that grants resistance to most conventional poisons.

  • You gain resistance to poison damage, and advantage against being poisoned
  • If you are inflicted with the poisoned condition, you can use a bonus action to end it

Weaponized Arm

Any intelligent creature can weld a rusty blade to a prosthetic, and have for centuries. The marketed Weaponized arms are far more advanced, with most having the function of being switchable to a regular prosthetic at will.

Select a one handed weapon to replace one of your arms. While attached, the weapon loses the versatile property if it has one, and is considered to have both the light and finesse properties. You cannot be disarmed unless you lose the limb the weapon is attached to.

Weaponized Leg

The more extreme version of a weaponized arm, weaponized legs are surprisingly effective, though they require quite a while to get used to. Like weaponized arms, most weaponized legs can be interchanged with a matching prosthetic.

Select a one handed or two handed weapon to replace one of your legs. While attached, the weapon loses the reach property if it has one. If the weapon has the versatile property, it always uses the higher dice when rolling for damage. The weapon is considered to be a light and finesse weapon. You cannot be disarmed unless you lose the limb the weapon is attached to.

Wheeled Body

A vehicular engine and wheels enhances mobility, though many question its aesthetic appearence it is still widely used amongst ground troops that require rapid movement.

Your movement speed increases by 20ft.


An enhancement that was one of the first visualized, and one of the last to be successfully created. Functional cybernetic wings have only recently been deemed safe to use, and even then special treatment must be performed on the spine and shoulder to ensure the skeletal structure can endure the strain of flight.

You gain a flying speed of 60ft.

Wired Nervous System

Reinforcing the nervous system with slower, but more sturdy artificial nerve endings improve the body's response time to commands.

You have advantage on all dexterity checks and initiative rolls, and you cannot be surprised.

Voice Changer

Originally developed as a voice modifier for stage actors and lounge singers, the range of pitch and unnerving mimicry that the enhancement provides to voices have resulted in it becoming one of the most popular cybernetics on the market.

You gain the ability to mimic sounds and voices you hear to a near perfect degree. You gain advantage on performance and deception checks when trying to imitate an individual's voice as long as you have heard them speaking in the past.


New spells that have been developed over the years, adapting to the new situations travel in the void brings. Spells released to the public become well known and easily replicated, and the creator of a spell can impose a patent on a spell they create, forcing regular practitioners of the spell to apply for a "Spell License" to continue its use. While widely accepted in large corporations, much like winrar hardly any civilians bother to purchase such a license.

The use of magic in the void is widespread enough that a huge number of tasks have become automated, from hand-driers of prestidigitation to assembly lines of floating mage hands. The study of magic has been institutionalized, with prestigious institutions for the study of magic appearing throughout the void. Technology may provide the foundation of the new world, but it is the old magic that shifts the gears.

Cantrips (Level 0)
  • Autoprogram
  • Image Capture
  • Network
  • Pocket
  • Quickloader
  • Radio
1st Level
  • Adobe's Image Modification
  • Call
  • Hotwire
  • Imprinting
  • Ludwig's Nonchalant Tune
  • Navigation
  • Farsight
  • Reload
  • Seal Doorway
  • Waypoint
2nd Level
  • Steel Storm
  • False Data
  • Gisette's Data Purge
  • Glitch Wave
  • Lightning Rod
  • Recharge
  • Unseen Musician
  • Crash
3rd Level
  • Barricade
  • Bowdandy's Magnetization
  • Countertrauma
  • Entrench
  • Find Data
  • Lead Step
  • Living Flames
  • Fading Light
  • Periscope
  • Silver Bullet
  • Stash
  • Triggershock
4th Level
  • Adobe's Video Modification
  • Amphibious Bubble
  • Bowdandy's Vacuous Excess
  • Electro-Magnetic Pulse
  • Elemental Totem
  • Evangeline's Reactive Glamour
  • Hinderghast
  • Picket's Atmospheric Sphere
  • Shredder Shot
  • Starwalk
  • Tethering Chains
5th Level
  • Arcane Bunker
  • Ethereal Bullet
  • Find Vehicle
  • Miralt's Prismatic Clip
  • Mustard
  • Reconstruct
  • Sen's Machine Awakening
  • Steelshape
  • Power Word: Paradox
6th Level
  • Aurora Bridge
  • Bulletproof
  • Contract
  • Ironskin
  • Ludwig's Magnificent Concerto
  • Rust
  • Unseen Soldier
  • Wall of Metal
  • Zen Moment
7th Level
  • Arcane Seige
  • Machine Virus
  • Mordenkainen's Machinegun
  • Power Word: Focus
  • Power Word: On
  • Transport via Monitors
  • Transmute Metal
8th Level
  • Ceasefire
  • El'gure's Conspiracy
  • Power Word: Off
  • Sonicboom
9th Level
  • Arsenal
  • Machine Virus
  • Power Word: Program
  • Terraform

Adobe's Image Modification

1st-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S, M (artistic supplies and a sheet of paper)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

A copy of an image you choose within 60ft appears on a sheet of paper held by you. The paper used must be large enough to contain the image's size in full.

For the duration, you can alter the image on the paper at will to a certain extend. You can change the colour, dimensions, texture and shape of objects displayed in the image to your liking, or replace the image with another one, either from another source or from your own imagining.

Upon ending the spell, or reaching the end of the spell's duration, the original image permanently shifts to an exact copy of the image on your sheet of paper.

Adobe's Video Modification

4th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S, M (a roll of film)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You indicate a video recording device, a monitor displaying a video or a storage device of any kind with a video stored within it that you are aware of.

A copy of the video is projected onto a flat surface within 5ft of you. You can alter any aspect of the video as you wish, including audio. You can replicate the voice of any individual that speaks in the audio to create new dialogue, but you cannot change the perspective of the video, or find new information that is not already displayed in the video. As an example, changing a folded letter to be open in the video will not inform you of the letter's contents.

Upon the spell's end, if the video is stored inside a storage device, the old version of the video is overwritten and the new version becomes permanent. If the video is being broadcast live to some location, any changes you make to the video will be applied as you make the changes. If you select a video recording device directly sending content to many sources, every output of the video shows the altered version.


9th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, M (a gold bullet with the caster's name carved into the cap)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You channel a complete comprehension of the instruments of war. Drawing material from Mechanus, the lawful plane of order, you instantaneously conceive and construct any firearm created from past to present, and gain supreme expertise in their use.

You gain proficiency in all ranged weapons for the duration of the spell. Each turn, you can choose to create up to 3 weapons that hover in the air within 5ft of you, these weapons ignore all resistances and are considered to be +3 magical weapons.

Each weapon can make 2 attacks using your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls at the start of your turn. Your summoned weapons never run out of ammunition and cannot be disabled.

Every turn you can create 3 different types of firearms. Only 3 summoned firearms can be active at any one point in time. All created weapons and ammunition disappear at the end of the spell's duration.


enchantment cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 hour

You fabricate a rudimentary automatic enchantment that performs a single action that operates a single piece of machinery repeatedly until dismissed. When casting the spell, you must specify the manner of the action and the duration that the action is repeated, up to one hour.

The programmed action must be something that you can perform, and cannot complete a task to a higher standard than you can. This can be operating the steering of a vehicle, assembling simple objects or turning off a kettle when it boils over.

You can have up to 5 autoprograms active at any one time. If you move more than 30ft away from an autoprogram

Bowdandy's Magnetization

3rd-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S, M (a small bar of ferrous metal that matches the spell's target)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You rearrange the energy inside ferrous metals to render them overwhelmingly magnetic for a period of time. Indicate a piece of ferrous metal that can fit inside a 5ft cube, and the orientation of the magnetic field it begins to exert.

One end of the object begins to exert a powerful pull on all objects made of ferrous metal in a 30ft cone, the other end begins to repel all objects made of ferous metal in a 30ft cone.

Any creature wearing metal armour or holding an object made mostly of ferrous metal that starts their turn in the area or enters it for the first time on a turn must make a strength saving throw.

On a failure, any creature wearing metal armour is pulled 15ft towards the source of the magnetization or pushed 15ft away from the source, depending on which end of the source they stand on, taking 2d8 bludgeoning damage and falling prone if they collide with an object. Any creature holding a metal weapon have the weapon torn from their grasp and sent flying 20ft either towards or away from the source of the magnetization.

Bowdandy's Vacuous Excess

4th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A pressurized canister)
  • Duration: Instant

This spell instantly creates a massive vacumn at a single point of empty space that you indicate, causing the surrounding air to rush into the space at a rapid speed. Any creature within 5ft of indicated point must make a strength saving throw or take 4d8 force damage and be knocked prone. On a succesful saving throw they take half damage, and are not knocked prone.

Any creature within 30ft of the point must make a strength saving throw, or be pulled 15ft in a straight line towards the center of the area. If they collide with any creature or object along the path they are also knocked prone.

If this spell is cast within an enclosed space no larger than a 30ft cube with no ventillation, each creature within 30ft take an additional 2d8 force damage, every wall in the area takes 20 points of force damage and all the air within the room is removed. Each creature in the room takes an additonal 2d8 force damage for every round they remain in the enclosed space.


8th-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A scrap of white cloth and an olive branch)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You release a massive wave of enchanting magic that effects all creatures in a 60ft radius around you. Every creature immediatly loses all desire to harm any other creature. Strong emotions are supressed, and every creature in the radius regards each other as a neutral party without hostile intent. During this time, each creature retains their original personalities, intent and existing alliances, but find themselves unable to voice hostile intent or make any statement alluding to a threat.

Creatures in the spell's range find performing hostile actions or any actions that fall under the catagory of preparing for hostility, such as taking cover, reloading weapons or making plans for upcoming combat, impossible.

If any creature within the spell's area of effect takes any damage that is not self-inflicted, the spell is instantly broken. If the source of the damage is within the spell's radius, they are stunned for one round, combat resumes and every creature in the spell's radius must make a charisma saving throw, or use their next movement and/or action to either make a full attack action against the creature that broke the spell, or to get as close as possible to their location on their next turn.


6th-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 500 gold, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

The caster and up to 12 other willing creatures become enclosed within a magical field that guards against all divination spells. Creatures outside the spell's boundry cannot hear any sounds created by creatures included in the spell's initial casting, and the features of any creature within the spell are blurred beyond visual recognition. The caster of the spell can choose to include or expel creatures into the spell's effects up to a maximum of 12 and minimum of 2.

A tangible, magical surface no larger than 20ft in diameter of the caster's design is created and hovers at a set height for the duration of the spell, the caster can choose to instead designate an existing surface to become the center of this spell. All creatures included in the spell's casting must remain within 30ft of the surface, or else the spell fails. While within the radius of the chosen surface, two seperate parties must agree upon the terms, requirments, compensation and time restraints set on a specific agreeement. Confirmed terms of the contract are automatically inscribed upon a piece of parchment. Upon final confirmation and signitures upon the contract from at least 1 member of each party using enchanted ink, the contract becomes binding, and the spell ends.

A Contract, once formed, cannot be willingly broken by either party. Purposely breaking or working against the terms of the contract permanently binds the offending party's free will to that of the opposing party in the contract, this charm cannot be broken by any means other a wish spell.

A contract is considered completed when both parties have fufilled the tasks specified by the opposing party, and all compensation has been provided for completion, at which point the contract is dispelled.

If at any point, if every member of either signing party on the contract dies, the contract is dispelled.


3rd-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instant

As a reaction when a creature within range is hit by an attack. A solid barrier of magical energy is immediately interposed between the attacking party and target creature.

The attacking creature and caster must make opposing checks, with the attacker using their strength or dexterity score, and the caster with their spellcasting modifier. If the caster of this spell rolls higher than the attacking creature, the attack is negated completely. If the caster fails the contested check, the damage of the attack is instead halved.

Regardless of the outcome, the creature targeted by this spell gains 10 temporary hitpoints until the start of their next turn.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the temporary hitpoints increases by 10 for each slot level above 3rd.


1st-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: S, M (paint, inks or other imprinting materials, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Select a surface within range that you know of. A image appears imprinted upon the surface, the image appears exactly as the caster imagines it, and even upon close inspection appears to be imprinted using an appropriate medium, such as paint or ink.

The illusion cannot overide existing images or text, and any imprinted image appears in relation to the caster's skill in envisioning the piece. For instance, works of art can only be created with appropriate skill in a painter's kit or calligrapher's tools.

Electro-Magnetic Pulse

4th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A full battery and a drop of water.)
  • Duration: Instant

A pulse of powerful electronic energy emits from a point within range that you can see. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a constitution saving throw. A target takes 4d8 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Any unshielded electronic devices within range are immediately disabled and must be restarted. Any creature with cybernetic implants take double damage from this spell, and are stunned for one round if they failed the saving throw.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 55th level or higher, the lightning damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

El'gure's Conspiracy

8th-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 1 mile
  • Components: V, S, M (a cap made from thin metal, and a speaker's podium.)
  • Duration: 30 days

The caster must spend the casting time of this spell standing at a speaker's podium. The caster must narrate, in specific terms, an idea that takes hold in the minds of common folk within the spell's radius. Any creatures with a challenge rating of 3 or lower, and all humanoids with a combined level of 3 or lower, are considered charmed by the spell as the idea firmly takes hold in their mind.

Creatures charmed by this spell will not act outside of their normal range of action, and will not endanger themselves to adhere to the idea, but will speak freely of the idea's contents amongst themselves. With sufficient time, depending on the idea's contents, this may cause the affected creatures to take additional actions.

Any idea considered too outlandish or too far against the ideology of the populace is dismissed as a bad dream or other occult occurance. However, a more tame idea may grow into an outlandish one if left to spread.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a 9th level spell slot, the spell lasts until dispelled.

Evangeline's Reactive Glamour

4th-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a scrap of fine silk and a plumed feather.)
  • Duration: 24 hours

A complete illusion falls over the caster of this spell, adhering to an appearance that is considered normal to the local populace. The caster gains a +10 bonus on stealth checks when in crowds, and all wisdom (perception) checks made to percieve the caster are made with disadvantage.

The illusion shifts and melds constantly to fit the surrounding populace, but only does so when no creatures within a 30ft radius are actively watching the caster.

Illusions casted by this spell cannot change the arrangement of limbs of the caster, and cannot make the caster appear more than one size larger or smaller than their true size.

False Data

2nd-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V, S, M (a soft eraser and charcoal.)
  • Duration: 10 minutes

The caster selects one source of information transfer that they are aware of within range. This source can be a physical medium, such as a telephone or sealed letter, or a spell of 2nd level or lower. The source can be at any direct point between 2 exchangers of information, such as a telephone line or any point directly between 2 magical or wireless sources.

The caster can freely modify the contents of the information being processed between the two points, altering and overiding any information existing. The spell mimics the voice, handwriting and other aspects of the information to match the sender's.

Modifying a magical source of information exchange can be detected if the caster suceeds on a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the level of spell that can be affected by this spell increases by 1 for each slot level above 3rd.

Find Data

3rd-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 10 miles
  • Components: V, S, M (a pair of steel rimmed glasses.)
  • Duration: 1 hour, concentration

In 10 words of less, the caster must described a piece of information. The spell shows a mental image of where a piece of literature exists that matches the description given. If an exact match cannot be found, the spell will show the closest match to what was described.

For the next hour, the cast gains a mental sensor that points towards the direction of the information.

Gisette's Data Purge

2nd-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A horseshoe magnet.)
  • Duration: 1 hour, concentration.

The caster must make a statement. This can be the name of an organisation or location, an event, or an idea. As long as concentration is maintained, all written, digital and recorded information within range on the stated topic becomes missing, blurred, scrambled or is otherwise made illegible. A creature with truesight can find and comprehend the information hidden without difficulty.

Image Capture

transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a tiny vial of cyan, magenta and yellow ink, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Permanent

The caster magically imprints an image directly from their vision onto a flat surface of parchment or wood. The imprinted image can range in detail from a colorless outline in the case of a wooden surface, to a fully colored image on a piece of parchment. The image appears exactly as the caster saw it, and the spell can only record an image the caster is currently looking at.

The imprinted image is non-magical, and is considered a mundane, drawn image after the spell is complete.


6th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a vial of quicksilver.)
  • Duration: 1 minute, concentration

You touch one creature and transmute the outer layer of their flesh to a solid, iron-like substance. The creature gains immunity to nonmagical ranged damage, and resistance to slashing, piercing and bludeoning damage.

Lead Steps

3rd-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action, on a turn after attacking with a light pistol
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, M (a light pistol)
  • Duration: Instant

After firing a round from a light pistol, the caster dissapears in a cloud of shadow that wreaths the bullet completely. After the bullet hits or misses the initial target, you can then redirect the bullet to strike another target within 30ft of the initial target, making a seperate attack roll against that target. This secondary attack does not apply any magical or applied effects that only applies to a single attack. You can then choose to reappear within 30ft of the last target hit.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the initial attack can chain to one additional creature within 30ft for each spell slot above 3rd.

Lightning Rod

2nd-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 reactiom
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instant

As a reaction when lightning damage is dealt to one or more creatures within range, the caster creates a dampening field that draws electrical energy out of the air, granting all creatures in the radius resistance to lightning damage until the end of caster's next turn. The caster is immune to lightning damage for the same duration.

In addition, all creatures in the area of effect become immune to the stunned condition from effects that deal lightning damage. Any creature that would have been stunned by such an effect instead has their movement speed reduced to 0.

Ludwig's Magnificent Concerto

6th-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (an instrument the user is proficient with.)
  • Duration: 10 minutes, concentration

The caster begins composing and performing a magnificent piece of music, accompanied by phantasmal instruments and voices originating from places unknown. Select up to 2 of the following effects to apply to any creatures of the caster's choice within 60ft.

  • Gains temporary hitpoints equal to the caster's charisma score at the start of each turn.
  • Gains advantage on their first weapon attack on each turn.
  • Movement speed is doubled
  • Immune to charm and fear effects
  • Advantage on strength checks and saving throws
  • Resistance to fire, cold, lightning, necrotic, radiant or psychic damage.

The spell's effects cannot be used on deafened creatures. If the caster is restrained, paralyzed or stunned, the spell ends immediately.

Ludwig's Nonchalant Tune

1st-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 minute

The caster begins to whistle a magic tune, erasing their image from the eyes of other creatures. For 1 minute, any creature within 60ft of the caster that are not deafened have disadvantage on perception checks to see the caster, and the caster has advantage on stealth checks. In addition, the caster is invisible to any creature that fails a perception check to percieve the caster's stealth.

Machine Virus

9th-level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a bone and an intricate piece of machinery worth at least 1000 gold, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Begin a terrifying reaction in a target creature's body, slowly turning their bodies into a mechanical duplication and draining their free will. The targeted creature must make a constitution saving throw, or become affected by the Machine Virus. Creatures that are immune to disease are not effected.

The machine virus increases by 1 stage per day after infected:

  • Stage 1 - The creature becomes unable to sleep, and no longer needs to do so.
  • Stage 2 - The creature becomes immune to poison, and no longer needs to consume food.
  • Stage 3 - The creature has disadvantage on all charisma checks.
  • Stage 4 - The creature is considered to be charmed by the caster.
  • Stage 5 - The creature's AC increases by 2 as their skin takes on a metallic sheen.
  • Stage 6 - The creature is considered to be a construct, any creature that comes in physical contact with the creature must make a constitution saving throw or become infected with the machine virus. Any creature that suceeds on a saving throw is immune to the virus for 30 days.

Once the infection reaches stage 6, the effects of this spell cannot be reversed except by the effects of a wish or true ressurection spell.

Miralt's Prismatic Clip

5th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a tiny vial of mercury.)
  • Duration: concentration, up to 10 minutes.

Touch up to 10 pieces of ammunition for a single type of ranged weapon, the ammunition can be already loaded into a weapon or contained inside a magazine or clip. When an attack is made using the ammunition, you can choose a damage type from fire, cold or lightning,. All damage dealt by the attack is converted to that elemental type, and the attack deals an additional 4d6 damage of the same type.

Mordenkainen's Machinegun

7th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a heavy caliber bullet made of silver, worth at least 100 gold.)
  • Duration: concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a heavy machine gun out of arcane energy that remains mounted to a point on the ground for the duraion. It lasts for the duration. When the machinegun appears, you make a ranged spell attack against a target of your choice within 120 feet of the weapon. On a hit. the target takes 3d10 force damage. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to repeat this attack against the same target or a different one.

Some say this spell was created by a certain descendant of a legendary wizard as an improvement upon their greatest failure.

1st-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a broken compass.)
  • Duration: 1 hour

Touch the steering mechanism of a single vehicle. The caster must clearly dictate a path for the vehicle to follow for the duration, which the vehicle will follow to the best of the caster's steering capabilities. The destination or instructions cannot be changed once spoken, but the spell can adapt to any changed in circumstance, such as a path becomming blocked.


evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a slip of parchment with a network code written on it)
  • Duration: 1 minute

The caster forms a connection with a larger permanent network of other users of this cantrip. A network can be accessed from any part of the world, and appears as a flat glowing surface that hovers above the caster's hand.

Any caster with access to a network can leave a text message of up to 15 words on the board that remains there for up to 24 hours. A network that does not have any messages posted for 7 days dissapears.

Picket's Atmospheric Sphere

4th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (an vial with a tiny droplet of water inside.)
  • Duration: 1 hour, concentration

You create a bubble of atmosphere in a 10ft radius around you. The borders of this sphere allows free passage of all matter except for any gas that is not normally present within a breathable atmosphere for the caster. Any creatures within the sphere suffer no ill effects from the effects of airborne substances, high pressure from deep ocean or the the effects of vacumns, including the vacumn of space. The atmosphere inside the sphere is always of a pleasant temperature and humidity, regardles of the conditions outside the sphere.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the sphere lasts for 8 hours. If this spell is cast at 8th level or higher, the sphere lasts for 24 hours and is no longer concentration.


transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instant

You manifest a tiny extradimensional space known only to you at the base of your wrist. You can freely store and retrieve a single item no larger than 1ft across in any direction, and no heavier than 10lb, inside the extradimensional space as an action, and retrieve any object stored with another action. You can only have one object stored in the pocket at any point in time, and any magical object within the pocket can be detected via detection spells as a vague distortion around your wrist.

Power Word: Off

8th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You utter a word or phrase that instantly triggers functions within mechanical objects to shut down. Any non-mobile piece of machinery without sentience or intelligence instantly enters a stasis, with all parts related to the function of a device ceasing. Engines stop, batteries seize, fuzes pause and any other functioning part also enters a state of suspended motion. The device remains in this state for the duration of the spell, before returning to regular functionality where it previous left prior to stopping.

Any piece of machinery with sentience, construct or creature with mechanical implants is stunned if they have 200 hitpoints or less. At the end of each of their turns they must make a constitution saving throw to break the effect.

Power Word: On

7th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You utter a word that brings any mechanical creation to life. Any mechanical device without sentience or intelligence instantly begins to operate in a manner that it was designed to. Any fuel that the device would normally require to function is automatically provided by the spell for its duration. Even if the targeted device is irreperably damaged, it is forced to function properly despite the damage, with a chance to cause additional damage to the device depending on its state.

Any construct or creature with mechanical implants can be targeted with this spell to instantly remove any stun and paralysis effects, and if the target is unconcious they are restored to conciousness with 1 hitpoint, and can stand up immediately as a reaction. In addition, any pure construct that is considered damaged beyond repair is repaired back to a functioning state with 1 hitpoint.


transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a steel antenna)
  • Duration: Until dispelled

The caster of this spell can use it to create a number of effects by manipulating invisible waves of magic over long distances.

  • Broadcast. The user creates a tiny glowing sphere of arcane energy that transmits audio over a range of 1 mile. The sphere can either transmit any audio within a 20ft radius automatically, or be made to repeat a recorded message indefinetely. The sphere can continue to broadcast automatically until dispelled by the caster, and you can only maintain one broadcast at any one point in time. IF a broadcast instance remains in a single place for 14 days, its range increases by 1 mile, up to a maximum of 100 miles.

  • Recieve. The user scans the area for any broadcasting instances of the radio cantrip. All found signals within 1 mile appear before the user as colored balls of glowing light. Selecting one light will transmit the broadcast the light represents to the caster, who can choose to recieve the audio telepathically, or cause it to broadcast its sound at a soft to moderatly loud volume around the user.


2nd-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: touch
  • Components: V, S, M (an empty battery.)
  • Duration: Instant

Touch a mechanical object that runs on some form of fuel. You can restore enough power to the device for 1 hour of continuous use. This can be an electrical charge, shapeless pieces of fuel used for kindling or oil to power an engine. The arcane fuel cannot be removed from the device, and doing so ends the spell's effects instantly. If the device is turned off, the fuel remains inside indefinetly until used up. The fuel produced by this effect can stack, but not over the object's maximum capacity.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the usage time restored increases by 1 hour for each slot level above 3rd.


5th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a wrench, a cog and a bolt)
  • Duration: Instant

You target an amount of broken machinery that fits within a 15 by 15ft cube. The machinery begins to repair, reshape and re-attatch itself in a form that you wish, recreating a mechanical construct of the your choice.

You can choose to repair an item back to its original form. Changing the form of an item requires a clear definition of what you wish to reconstruct, complete with detailed workings of the device. You must roll a intelligence check against a 4


1st-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A full magazine.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

super magical reload time yaaaaaaaay


6th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

rust shit, get bitches, money

Seal Doorway

1st-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

uh uh that door is locked motherfucker

Sen's Machine Awakening

5th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 8 hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a crystal disk wired with arcane crystals worth at least 1000 gold, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

After spending the casting time wiring magical and mechanical sentience into a crystal disk, you touch a Huge or smaller machine or non-hostile construct. The target must have either no Intelligence score or no free will. The target gains an Intelligence of 10 if its intelligence score is not already higher. The target also gains the ability to speak one language you know. If the target is an inanimate machine, it gains the ability to move its legs, lights, joints, hinges and so forth, and it gains senses similar to a human’s. Your DM chooses statistics appropriate for the awakened machine.

The awakened machine or construct is charmed by you for 30 days or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. When the charmed condition ends, the awakened construct chooses whether to remain friendly to you, based on how you treated it while it was charmed.


8th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

ouch my eardrums, what? I cant hear you im too busy bleeding out of my eardrums


4th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

badass flying through space very quick


5th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

like stoneshape, but with steel


9th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

change a planet to another biome

Transport via Moniters

7th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

like the ring, but more people and not as sexy

Transmute Metal

7th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

petrification just got shinier


3rd-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, when you are targeted by a firearm attack
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instant

When a creature you can see targets you with a ranged firearm attack, cause a outburst of electricity to manifest as they attempt to pull the trigger on their weapon. The creature must make a consitution saving throw or take 3d12 lightning damage and cause the weapon to malfunction, becomming unable to be used until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they take half damage and the weapon remains functional.

Magical firearms cannot malfunction.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the lightning damage increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 3rd.

Unseen Musician

2nd-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

you have a backing artist now, youre welcome

Wall of Metal

6th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

its a fucking wall of metal, no you cant sell it for money


1st-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a quill, parchment and enchanted ink worth at least 100'000 credits, which the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Until Dispelled

Drop that motherfucking waypoint, like a quest marker but less annoying