Legacy Items

Legacy items are items imbued with special abilities, growing in power as they are used by an attuned owned. Each item grows in a specific way unique to the item itself. However, as each awakening level is attained, certain ceremonies are required to fully realize the item's next power level.

Each awakening ceremony takes 8 hours to complete and is taxing to the wielder. Each ceremony also has an associated cost of certain ritual materials. These materials can be incenses, items of value (gems, art, coinage, etc), or even blood sacrifices depending on the nature of the item. At the end of the ceremony, the wielder must make a DC 15 Constitution or Wisom saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. Once the ceremony is complete, the legacy item displays new or expanded power from its previous benefits. Sometimes, the item may even be visually and physically altered, though the nature of the item remains the same.

Awakening a legacy item requires materials totaling 500 gold pieces. Exalting a legacy item requires materials costing 2000 gold pieces.


Weapon (greatsword), legendary, requires attunement (Paladin or Cleric of Virtus only)

This +1 necrotic greatsword was once wielded by a powerful champion of Virtus, the Primordial of Death. After the champion's own death, Duskedge was lost to antiquity. It is believed that Virtus retrieves this legacy item upon the death of its champion. The Primordial then bestows this blade on champions who have lived up to the tenets of the Primordial of Death in an exemplary manner.

Duskedge is a legacy item, growing in power through the exploits of its attuned wielder. Duskedge specifically grows through ending the life of another creature and removing undead from existence. Every creature that is killed by Duskedge counts as 1 charge for the weapon. Mindless undead (skeletons, zombies, etc) count as 1/2 their CR (min 1), sentient undead (vampires, liches, etc) count as their full CR in charges. However, fiends, celestials, and other creatures that are not native to the prime material plane do not count at all.

Dormant (>25 charges)

While it is dormant, each attack gains a +1 to attack and damage rolls, and as well an additional 1d10 necrotic damage on a successful hit. This necrotic damage cannot be resisted, and any creature with necrotic immunity instead has resistance to the necrotic damage from Duskedge.

Once per short or long rest, the attuned wielder of Duskedge can use their reaction to gain advantage on one attack made against any undead creature for one round.

Awakened (25-75 charges)

Once Duskedge is awakened, it becomes a +2 necrotic greatsword. In addition, the wielder of Duskedge gains advantage on any saving throw against an effect that originates from an undead creature. The attuned wielder of Duskedge cannot have their hit point maximum reduced for any reason.

Duskedge's appearance becomes more jagged. In certain lights, there seem to be skulls inlaid into the blade's spine.

Exalted (>75 charges)

Once Duskedge is exalted, It grows in power to become a +3 necrotic greatsword , In addition, it has the ability to consume an undead creature that it hits. Once per turn, one undead creature that has been hit by Duskedge can be made to roll a DC 17 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is destroyed utterly, as though by a disintegration effect.

Credit: Skilrex

Flayer's Axe

Weapon (battleaxe), legendary, requires attunement

This +2 battleaxe appears poorly worked of rough stock iron. Its handle is gnarled hickory, but seems to sit comfortably in the hand of its attuned wielder. The axehead itself is slightly concave, capped with a skinning hook, and offset by a fist-sized spike on the backside.

The flayer's axe is a legacy item, growing in power as it absorbs the life force of grievously wounded creatures. Each awakening state has a minimum threshold of necrotic damage dealt in order to grow in power.

Dormant (<50 charges)

While dormant, the flayer's axe recieves a +1 bonus to all attacks and damage rolls. In addition, the flayer's axe deals an additional 1d10 necrotic damage on a critical hit.

Awakened (50-150 charges)

Once awakened, the flayer's axe will siphon the life force it absorbs into it's attuned wielder. The wielder is healed by an amount equal to the necrotic damage dealt with the flayer's axe. If this healing takes the wielder above their maximum hit points, they gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to that amount. Thes temporary hit points are lost at the rate of 5 temporary hit points per turn unless the wielder inflicts damage against a creature with the flayer's axe.

However, the awakened flayer's axe also has a tendency to punish its wielder in times of failure. If the attuned wielder of the flayer's axe rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with it, they take 1d10 points of necrotic damage as the flayer's axe absorbs some of the wielder's life force.

While awakened, the flayer's axe appears to constantly be wet with blood.

Exalted (>150 charges)

Once exalted, the flayer's axe is a powerful force of destruction. The flayer's axe deals its necrotic damage on every hit once it is exalted. In addition, once per short rest, the wielder of the flayer's axe may become a whirlwind of death. As an action, the wielder makes an attack roll with the flayer's axe against every creature within their reach. Such is the bloodlust incited by the flayer's axe that the wielder must make an attack roll against every creature within their reach, friend or foe.

Credit: Guild Wars

Claws of the Catlord

Weapon (hand claws), legendary, requires attunement (Druid only)

These +1 hand claws appear very ornate, but ancient. They are formed of burnished bronze inlaid with finely polished tiger eye gems. They are a matched pair, and one is never more then 10 feet from the other. If one claw is carried further than this distance, they are immediately transported to the other. All benefits granted by the claws of the catlord are retained when the druid changes shape, such as through the use of wild shape or polymorph.

The claws of the catlord are a legacy item. They grow in power as the druid attuned to them engages and accomplished feats of strength and power in service to the Catlord or Nature itself.

Dormant (<7 charges)

The claws of the catlord gain a bonus of +1 to attack and damage rolls. They have the light and finesse properties and deal 1d4 damage each. One claw can be worn on each hand. The attuned wielder also gains a climbing speed of 20 feet, unless they already have a climbing speed. In the latter case, the claws give the attuned wielder +10 foot bonus to their climbing speed.

Awakened (7-15 charges)

Once awakened, the claws of the catlord gain 6 charges. The claws of the catlord gain 1d6 charges at dawn each day. These charges can be used to power the following effects:

  • Cat Leap (1 charge). The attuned wielder can cast jump on themselves.
  • Catfall (1 charge). The attuned wielder may cast feather fall on themselves.
  • Cat's Grace (2 charges). The attuned wielder gains advantage on Dexterity saving throws and ability checks for 10 minutes.

In addition, on a critical hit, the claws of the catlord inflict a significant bleed on the target. At the beginning of the target's turn, they suffer 1d8 points of damage. This bleed continues until the target or another creature spends an action to staunch the flow, whether through a skill of ability of some kind. The same target can suffer multiple bleeds from this effect. Every effect is removed if the creature or another uses an action to stop the blood loss.

When awakened, the gems inlaid in the claws of the catlord seem to glitter with a dangerous intelligence.

Exalted (>15 charges)

Once exalted, the claws of the catlord become +2 hand claws. As an action, the wielder can summon 1d3 dire tigers with the following stat block. This summon can be used once per long rest.

Dire Tiger

Large beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 17 natural
  • Hit Points 68 (8d10+24)
  • Speed 40 ft., 40 ft. climb, 30 ft. swim

19 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Perception +6, Stealth +11, Intimidation +3
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages Understands Common and Sylvan, but cannot speak
  • Challenge Rating 4

Keen Smell. The dire tiger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Magic Resistance. The dire tiger has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Pounce. If the dire tiger moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the tiger can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


Multiattack. The dire tiger may make one bite attack and one claw attack.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 13 (2d10+4). If the dire tiger hits a medium or smaller creature with its bite attack, the target is grappled (escape DC 16).

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit 11 (2d6+4).

Rake. Melee Weapon Attack: special, one target. Hit 14 (1d12+8). Once per turn as a bonus action, the dire tiger may make a rake attack against a creature it has grappled.

Performer's Raiment

Wondrous Item, legendary, requires attunement

At first glance, the performer's raiment appears as a somewhat gaudy actor's tunic. Once attuned, the wearer can make the performer's raiment appear however they want, as a bonus action or reaction. This is a physical effect, not merely illusory.

The performer's raiment is a legacy item, growing in power as its attuned wearere becomes more and more famous through their performance while wearing the performer's raiment. Each awakening level has a gold piece amount attached to it. This is how much money the wearer has earned while performing with the performer's raiment equipped.

Dormant (<150 gold pieces)

While dormant, the performer's raiment offers minor performance aids to its attuned wearer. The performer's raiment has 10 charges which can be used for the following effects. Spells are cast at their spell level and their associated DCs are calculated as per the wearer's normal spell save DC. If the wearer does not have a spell save DC, the performer's raiment save DC is equal to 8 + 1/2 the wearer's proficiency + the wearer's Charisma modifier. The performer's raiment regains 1d10+1 charges when dusk falls each day.

  • Color Spray (2 charges).
  • Disguise Self (1 charge).
  • Silent Image (1 Charge).
  • Blur (2 charges).

In addition, the attuned wearer of the performer's raiment gains acces to theminor illusion cantrip.

Awakened (150-1000 gold pieces)

Once awakened, the performer's raiment allows the use of disguise self and minor image freely. It also gives its wearer a broader use of powers, listed below.

  • Color Spray (1 charges).
  • Hallucinatory Terrain (1 charge).
  • Shield (1 charge).
  • Major Image (2 charges).
  • Blur (2 charges).
  • Greater Invisibility (2 charges).

In addition, the performer's raiment functions as protection for the attuned wearer. The wearer's base armor class becomes 15 + its Dexterity modifier while it is attuned to and wearing the performer's raiment. The wearer also gains advanytage on any Charisma (Performance) checks they make while wearing the performer's raiment.

Exalted (>1000 gold pieces)

Once exalted, the performer's raiment becomes an integral part to the performer's act. Its power list is as follows.

  • Color Spray (1 charges).
  • Hallucinatory Terrain (1 charge).
  • Shield (1 charge).
  • Major Image (1 charges).
  • Blur (2 charges).
  • Greater Invisibility (2 charges).
  • Seeming (2 charges).
  • Phantasmal Killer (3 charges).
  • Weird (6 charges).

In addition, the wearer's performances become nearly hypnotic. As an action, the wearer may activate the performer's raiment as part of a performance to cast hypnotic pattern centered on themselves. The wearer and any number of creatures the wearer chooses are immune to the effects of this ability. Any creature that fails the saving throw against this ability by more than 5 is dominated by the wearer for 1 minute as though by dominate monster. Once a creature has saved or been affected by this ability, it is immune for the next 24 hours. Creatures charmed by this ability also have their attitude toward the wearer of the performer's raiment improved by one step for 24 hours, or until an action changes their attitude. This ability can be used once pre long rest.

Credit: Actor's Wardrobe

Etrena's Kiss

Wondrous item, legendary, requires attunement (cleric or paladin of Etrena)

Etrena's Kiss appears as a silver circlet engraved with a bejeweled tree of life. When worn, the wearer feels warm and comfortable, no matter what conditions they find themselves in.

Etrena's Kiss is a legacy item dedicated to the Primordial of Life. As such, it grows in power with the preservation of life and destruction of creatures with unnatural lifespans. Etrena's Kiss gains 1 charge for every 10 hit points its attuned wearer heals. It also gains charges equal to 1/2 the CR of any creature that has a lifespan extended through unnatural means (liches being the primary example). It is up to the DMs discretion if a creature has an unnatural lifespan.

Dormant (<15 charges)

While dormant, Etrena's Kiss augments the healing capabilities of its attuned wearer. Etrena's Kiss has 3 charges. Whenever its wearer casts a spell that restores hit points to itself or another creature, one charge may be expended in order to maximize the healing capability of that spell. When a charge is used in this way, the caster does not roll for the effect of their spell. Instead, each die they would roll is considered to have rolled its highest amount. Etrena's Kiss gains all charges at dawn of each day.

In addition, the spare the dying cantrip is added to the attuned wearer's known cantrips list. This spell does not count against the wearer's maximum number of known cantrips.

Awakened (15-45 charges)

Once awakened, Etrena's Kiss has a constant augmentative effect on the healing of its wearer. Whenever its wearer casts a spell that restores hit points to itself or another creature, the caster may reroll dice results of 1s or 2s. The caster must accept the results of any rerolls granted from this ability.

As an action, Etrena's Kiss may be activated to cast prayer of healing. This ability may only be used once per short or long rest.

Exalted (>45 charges)

Once Etrena's Kiss is exalted, the wearer may use an action to cast beacon of hope. In addition, once per day, Etrena's Kiss can be activated to cast hallow. This hallow can designate up to two the following additional effects:

  • Courage
  • Daylight
  • Energy Protection
  • Everlasting Rest
  • Tongues

Once per week, the wearer of Etrena's Kiss may cast heroes' feast without the required material component. Once per year, the wearer of Etrena's Kiss may cast true resurrection without the required material component.

Credit: Thyme2dream

Saints' Repose

Weapon (glaive), legendary, requires attunement

The saints' repose is a +1 flametongue glaive. Its haft is crafted of mithril while its blade appears to be made of silver worked into a fascimile of flickering flames. When its command word is spoken, the blade bursts into flames that do not harm the attuned wielder. the flames are immediately extinguished if the saints' repose leaves the grasp of its attuned wielder.

The saints' repose is a legacy item. It gains power through the defeat of creatures that are not native to the material plane. Typically, this includes fiends, celestials, and most abberrations. However, it is up to the DMs discretion if a creature counts as a non-native outsider. The saints' repose gains charges equal to the CR of the outsiders its wielder defeats with the saints' repose. In other words, the saints' repose only gains charges for creatures its wielder gets the deathblow against.

Dormant (<20 charges)

While dormant, the saints' repose has all of the abilities of a weapon of warning. In addition, its wielder may gain resistance to one of the following damage types as a reaction: fire, acid, poison, or cold. This resistance lasts until the end of the wielder's next turn, or until it is changed by the wielder, whichever comes first.

Awakened (20-50 charges)

Once awakened, the saints' repose can be used to send an outisder back to its home plane of existence. Once per turn, when the wielder attacks and hits a creature, they can choose to cast banishment on the target. This ability can be used once per short or long rest.

In addition, the wielder of saints' repose may cast contact other plane as a ritual. When using saints' repose in this manner, its wielder has advantage on the Intelligence saving throw.

Exalted (>50 charges)

Once exalted, the saints' repose becomes more effective at returning wayward outsiders to their home plane of existence. Once per turn, the wielder of saints' repose may cast banishing smite.

In addition, the saints' repose can be used by its wielder to cast plane shift. If this ability is used offensively, the attack is resolved using the saints' repose. This ability can be used once per long rest.

Credit: Gran Blue FantasyWiki

Juggler's Knife

This +1 dagger appears very non-descript with a plain steel blade, wire wrapped handle. However, once it is attuned the blade can be separated into a number of magical daggers depending on its awakening state.

The juggler's knife is a legacy weapon. The blade gains power through displays of skill of it's attuned wielder. Each awakening level has a threshold for instances of skill that indicate when it achieves a new level of power. A display of skill can be a particularly good skill check or a critical hit with the knife or its duplicates. However, it is up to the DM's discretion whether an event qualifies as a display of skill.

Dormant (<17 displays)

While dormant, the juggler's knife can be split into up to 3 daggers at a time. These blades are magical in nature, but do not gain the +1 modifier to attack and damage.

In addition, the juggler's knife can be used to cast the enthrall and blur spells once each per day. These abilities recharge at dusk each day.

Awakened (18-40 displays)

Once awakened, the juggler's knife takes on a mirror sheen, flashing intensely even in dim light. At this level, the knife can be split into 4 duplicates. Once per day, the knife can grant advantage on one attack roll. In areas of bright light, the wielder also gains advantage on performance checks made using the juggler's knife.

In addition, the knife gains 3 charges that can be used to cast the following spells:

  • Enthrall- 1 charge
  • Blur- 1 charge
  • Hypnotic pattern and confusion can each be used once per day. Both spells are centered on the attuned wielder of the juggler's knife, though the wielder is immune to the effects of both spells.

Exalted (>41 displays)

When it is exalted, the juggler's knife appears as a silver-chased blade. The knife can be split into 5 copies, and each copy retains the +1 modifier to attack and damage rolls. Once per day, the attuned wielder can activate the knife and it's copies, gaining advantage on all attacks made for one round.

In addition, the knife now has 7 charges that can be used to cast the following spells:

  • Enthrall- 1 charge
  • Blur- 1 charge
  • Hypnotic pattern- 2 charges
  • Confusion- 3 charges
  • Mass suggestion- 4 charges
  • Otto's irresistable dance- 4 charges

Credit: Oddballs