Clone Troopers

"They'll do their job well I'll guarantee that"

-- Jango Fett, Attack of the Clones

At the time of their introduction, the Republic clone troopers represented the future of galactic warfare. The clone troopers formed the backbone of the Republic's new military that waged war against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. So symbolic were they of the times, the conflict that saw their debut took its name from their ranks: the Clone Wars.

Order 66

Order 66 triggered the hidden chips within the clones, compelling them to comply without question or hesitation with the plan to annihilate the Jedi. The clones turned on their unsuspecting allies and slaughtered them across numerous worlds. With the exception of a few survivors, the Jedi were all but extinct in the aftermath of the initial execution of Order 66.

"We did what we had to do. Anything else is literally… Unthinkable."

-Clone Trooper Styles

Industrialized Warfare

Each clone trooper had an identifying code inserted in his left wrist. During the Clone Wars, the codes were linked to the file of every individual trooper in the Republic's military database. The files, which could be accessed by an astromech droid via the scanning of a clone's identifying code, contained the clones' designation, rank and overall service record, as well as any specialized training and the units that he was affiliated with.

A Questionable Ally

Clone troopers were grown on the planet Kamino from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett, and made into a highly-efficient military force. The origin of their creation was murky; Prime Minister Lama Su told Obi-Wan Kenobi that the order was placed by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas in the name of the Republic. Sifo-Dyas, however, was killed shortly after the Battle of Naboo, and the Jedi Council had no knowledge of the army. Still, with a Senate vote by Representative Jar Jar Binks to give Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the authority to use the army, clone troopers were called into action. They debuted in the Battle of Geonosis, showcasing a military might never before seen in the galaxy, and the Clone Wars began.

Born To Kill

Clone troopers were subjected to intense combat training exercises in order to prepare them for war. As trainees, they held the rank of clone cadet and were organized into multiple squads for the purpose of learning cooperation and teamwork. Cadets had several kinds of instructors; younger clones were monitored by full-grown clone sergeants and bounty hunters were hired to supervise the older clones. By the time of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Shaak Ti personally oversaw the training of new generations of clone troopers. ARC troopers were also assigned to inspect the progress of future troopers, especially the cadets who demonstrated the potential to join the ARC ranks.

"What's the point of all this? I mean, why?"

"I don't know, sir. I don't think anybody knows. But I do know that someday this war is gonna end."

"Then what? We're soldiers. What happens to us then?"

―Clone troopers Rex and Fives, on their military service to the Republic

Unwilling Pawns

For three years, clone troopers served under the leadership of the Jedi as they defended the Republic against the Separatist forces. Although the clones repeatedly demonstrated their loyalty to the Jedi and the Republic, often by sacrificing their lives in the Clone Wars, they were in fact the secret weapon of the Sith—an order of dark side practitioners that conspired to take over the galaxy. In spite of their efforts to save the Republic, the clone troopers ultimately played an integral part in the annihilation of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Sith-controlled Galactic Empire.

Clone Names

The clones who failed to complete their training were not allowed to become soldiers. Instead of military service, failed clones—such as 99—were given janitorial duties and menial work. The cadets who succeeded in their trials were promoted to active duty. Despite technically holding the rank of clone trooper, new troopers were regarded as rookies and referred to as "shinies" by older, more battle-experienced clones. Clone Troopers will often chose their own names or will have one given to them by fellow squad members. Although the Kaminoans discourage individuality among young clones, the many Jedi and clones alike insist on their importance for quick and effective communication.

What's in a Name?

Names are offten atributed to a trooper's role, personality, or even favourite gun. A clone believes that their names are what distinguish them from machines - and they will die for that honour.

The famous Domino Squad was made up of CT-782 "Hevy", CT-00-2010 "Droidbait", CT-1409 "Echo", CT-4040 "Cutup", and CT-5555 "Fives"

Clone Trooper Traits

Every Clone Trooper is an copy of those who came before them. Genetically perfect soldiers, ready to protect the galaxy.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, your Strength and Constitution scores increases by 1.

Age. Created to serve efficiently for a short conflict, Clone Troopers reach full maturity by ten years old, and usually live less than six decades.

Alignment. Trained from birth, the Clone Trooper is almost always Lawful.

Size. Every trooper is 1.83 meters tall, but weight may vary. Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Athlete. You gain profeciency in the Athletics skill

A Clone's Best Friend. You are profecient with one blaster type of your choice, and it may replace the weapons provided by your Background.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common

DC17 pistols
Two light one-handed martial ranged weapons
Price 5GP each
Weight 3lbs.
Damage 1d4 each
Range 20/60
DC - 15A Rifle
Versatile martial ranged weapon
Price 8GP
Weight 10lbs.
Damage 1d8
One-Handed Range 20/60
Two-Handed Range 30/120
Z6 Rotary Cannon
Heavy martial ranged weapon
Price 10GP
Weight 45lbs.
Damage 1d10
Range 20/60