Monastic Tradition

Way of the Dragon

Monks of the Way of the Dragon idolize dragons. They choose to follow this path to get a taste of what it would be like to be a real dragon.

These monks are sometimes known as dragon warriors, and they dedicate their lives to modeling the mannerisms and powers of dragons. Dragon monks channel their ki into changing their bodies, growing talons, scales, fangs, and other draconic features.

Claws of the Dragon

At 3rd level, you gain the powerful claws of a dragon when you enter a fight. When you make an unarmed strike, you may make the damage type piercing or slashing, instead of bludgeoning.

Wisdom of the Dragon

Also at 3rd level, you learn to emulate the actions of a dragon. You learn Draconic and gain proficiency in one of the following skills: Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion, Perception, or Survival.

At 6th level you also gain a number of ki points equal to your wisdom modifier.

Energy of the Dragon

At 6th level, the energy of the dragon flows through you. You gain resistance to one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Also you can harvest the energy of your type and make a breath weapon attack. Instead of doing a flurry of blows you can do a breath weapon attack equal to twice your martial arts dice + Wisdom Modifier. At 11th Level you deal gain an extra dice to your breath weapon. At 17th level you gain another dice.

You don't need to drop your weapon or have a hand free to do this action

Breath Weapon

Breath Type Area of Effect Saving Throw
Acid 5 x 30 ft. line Dex
Cold 15 ft. cone Con
Lightning 5 x 30 ft. Line Dex
Poison 15 ft. cone Con
Fire 15 ft. cone Dex

Wings of the Dragon

At 11th level, As an action on your turn you can spend 2 ki to sprout wings of a dragon. For the next minute you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed. Besides this when you are in patient defense you can't be knocked prone. Whenever you were to be knocked prone you are pushed 5 feet backwards. If this space is occupied nothing happens.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier. You regain all uses after a long rest.

Dragons Rending

At 11th level, when you hit a creature twice in your turn or hit two creatures with your dragons breath you let out the dragon inside you. The creature takes 2 Martial Arts dice extra damage as you shread your opponent open with your claws or in the case of your dragons breath you deal 1 Marial Arts dice extra. After using this you can't use this again untill your next turn.

Soul of the dragon

At 17th level, you finally have attained all aspects of the dragon. You are now immune to the damage type chosen in your Energy of the Dragon feature.

Besides this you also gain the ability to Embrace the Dragon.

As an acion on your turn you can spend 5 ki to embrace the dragon. For the next minute when you embrace the dragon you grow a tail and sprout scales over your whole body. You gain the following features.

Whenever you use this feature you can't use it again untill you finish a long rest.

Soul of the Dragon

You activate your Wings of the Dragon ability.

You grow a size Larger.

All your melee attacks deal an extra d4 damage.

Your Breath weapon attacks dice are doubled.

You gain a bonus of +2 to your AC.

You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your monk level + twice your wisdom modifier.

When you are lowered to 0 hitpoints, you comeback with 1 hitpoint but this effect ends.