Wild Magic

The spells used by sorcerers are known to be as unpredictable as those who cast them. Some are even so volatile that those who wield them are unable to control them completely, often to disastrous - or, at least, hilarious - effect. Stories abound, from the taverns of Faerûn to the lands beyond the seas, of these so-named "wild magic" sorcerers; arcane practitioners who have embraced the uncertain nature of their innate talents either by choice or by force.

Less commonly known, however, is the fact that this unpredictable flavor of magic is not strictly limited to sorcerers. Though rare, it is not unheard of for other domains of magic to be subjected to the same seemingly-random displays of power. Perhaps the wizard misread a passage in her book, or the bard plucked an errant string on his lute. A warlock's patron may be in a playful mood, or the druid's command over nature isn't as complete as she assumed. There are many theories, but the result remains the same: anyone capable of casting spells has the potential to produce wild magic, consistently keeping anyone around them on their toes.

Wild Magic Clerics

Perhaps the most puzzling is the manifestation of wild magic in those dedicated to serving the divine. Usually considered one of the more rigidly-structured schools of magic, the righteous fury of the gods is given a more primal edge when intertwined with the volatility of wild magic.

It should come as no surprise, then, that those clerics chosen by the whims of such unusual magic are typically unusual themselves. Like their sorcerer brethren, it is unknown why certain clerics are given the "gift" of wild magic while most are not. The only common factor seems to be a propensity for eccentricity; the cleric may serve his god begrudgingly rather than enthusiastically, or feel more comfortable surrounded by the flora and fauna of the forest than the statues and shrines of a temple. Though a reliable method of prediction has yet to be found, the likelihood of wild magic capability seems to be higher in any cleric that deviates from the norm.

Divine Influence on Wild Magic

Just as any divine spell may manifest differently depending on the cleric that casts it, wild magic has different effects for clerics than it does for those of a more arcane persuasion. Where a sorcerer's unpredictable power might result in a fiery blast, for example, the cleric might be surrounded by a corona of holy radiance or a field of withering necrotic energy. The cleric is still channeling their will through the conduit of their deity, after all, and even the unbound intensity of wild magic cannot completely defy a god.

In addition to altering the nature of wild magic, the gods hold some measure of sway over how their cleric is able to shape its effects. Most wild magic clerics eventually gain a modicum of control over the temperamental forces thrust upon them, but it is largely left in the hands of their deity. As such, clerics are granted only a fraction of the control that a sorcerer might one day come to master. It is commonly believed that this lack of control is the price paid in exchange for the divine power already bestowed upon the cleric by their deity.

Wild Magic Surge

Starting at first level, your spellcasting has a chance to unleash surges of untamed magic. Immediately after you cast a cleric spell of 1st level or higher, roll a d20 and subtract the level of the spell you cast. If the result is a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge for Clerics table (Figure 1-1) to generate a random magic effect. The DC for this check increases by 1 for each success and resets once a surge has been triggered.

Controlled Chaos

At 11th level, you have attained a limited ability to direct the flow of your wild magic surges. Whenever you roll on the Wild Magic Surge for Clerics table, you can roll twice and use either result.

Figure 1-1: Wild Magic Surge for Clerics

d100    Effect
01 Roll on this table at the start of every turn for one minute, another 01 ends the effect.
02 Switch places with the spell's target.
03 For 1 minute, you are able to see any invisible creature or object within your line of sight.
04 A flaming horse, controlled by the DM, appears on the battlefield for 1 minute.
05 A modron chosen and controlled by the DM appears within 5 feet of you, disappearing after 1 minute.
06 Wild plant growth explodes harmlessly from you to a range of 30 feet.
07 You cast mass healing word at 3rd level centered upon yourself.
08 All weapons within 60 feet become food items of a similar size and shape for one round.
09 You cast guiding bolt at 5th level.
10 You breathe fire in a 30-foot cone the next time you speak.
11 Your height changes by d10 inches; if the number is odd you shrink, if it is even you grow.
12 An airtight crystalline cocoon forms around the target that lasts until broken.
13 You cast flame strike at 5th level centered on yourself.
14 You cast bane at 1st level on the nearest 3 creatures you can see.
15 You regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns for the next minute.
16 The target is teleported to the plane of your deity's alignment for 1 minute.
17 You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze.
18 A swarm of spirit guardians materialize and carry you 30 feet in a random direction.
19 You cast bless at 1st level on the nearest 3 creatures you can see.
20 All creatures within 30 feet must succeed a DC15 dexterity saving throw or be stuck in place. This can be broken by a DC15 strength check.
21 Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast within 1 minute.
22 A mature oak tree sprouts in a random unoccupied space within 60 feet of you.
23 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. A remove curse spell can end this effect.
24 You are unable to speak to anyone but animals for the next 4 hours.
25 An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. During that time, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

d100    Effect
26 You gain 100 pounds for the next minute. During this time, your movement speed is halved.
27 For the next minute, all of your spells with a cast time of 1 action have a cast time of 1 bonus action.
28 On your next turn, you vomit 1d100 silver pieces and are unable to take any other action.
29 You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.
30 Your hands become coated in a green, sticky, slimy substance.
31 You are transported to your deity's plane for 1 minute, after which you return to your previous space or the nearest unoccupied space.
32 A thriving cabbage patch sprouts in a 30 foot radius around you.
33 The next damaging spell you cast within 1 minute does maximum damage.
34 You are able to mimic the target's voice perfectly for the next 24 hours.
35 Your age changes by 1d10 years. If the number is even you get older, if it is odd you get younger.
36 You grow antlers that fall off after 24 hours.
37 1d6 flumphs controlled by the DM appear within 60 feet of you, are frightened of you, and vanish after 1 minute.
38 You and your target are knocked back 10 feet in opposite directions.
39 You regain 2d10 hit points.
40 Gravity reverses in a 30 foot radius around you until the start of your next turn.
41 You become a potted plant until your next turn. You are incapacitated and vulnerable to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit points, your form reverts.
42 You are distracted by the voice of your deity and unable to take actions on your next turn.
43 For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet each turn as a bonus action.
44 Your next spell that requires a spell attack hits a random target within 30 feet.
45 You cast aid on the three creatures nearest to you.
46 Your coins cycle to the next value: copper to silver, silver to gold, gold to copper.
47 A unicorn controlled by the DM appears within 5 feet of you and disappears after 1 minute.
48 One of your eyes is replaced by a sapphire worth 500 gold but otherwise functions normally.
49 You can't speak for the next minute, instead exhuding a cloud of pink bubbles.
50 Smoke fumes from your ears for the next minute.

Wild Magic Surge for Clerics (Cont.)

d100    Effect
51 A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you +2 to AC and resistance to damage from ranged spell attacks.
52 You gain a 3 foot prehensile tail for 1 minute.
53 Alcohol has no effect on you for 5d6 days.
54 All unlocked doors and windows within 60 feet fly open.
55 Your hair falls out, but grows back within 24 hours.
56 A burst of radiance flashes in front of your eyes and you are blinded until your next turn.
57 For the next minute, any flammable object not worn or carried by another creature is engulfed in holy fire if you touch it.
58 A geyser erupts from the ground and lifts you 50 feet into the air until your next turn.
59 You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot.
60 A confused bear appears within 60 feet for 1 minute.
61 For the next minute, you must shout when you speak.
62 All flora within 20 feet withers and dies.
63 You cast zone of truth centered on yourself.
64 You are only able to breathe underwater for the next hour.
65 3 targets of your choice within 30 feet take 4d10 lightning damage.
66 You pass out, regaining consciousness at the start of your next turn.
67 You are frightened by the nearest creature until the end of your next turn.
68 If the target dies within one minute, its ghost haunts you.
69 Each creature within 30 feet of you becomes invisible for one minute or until they attack.
70 All creatures within 60 feet must make a DC15 Wisdom save or drop whatever they hold.
71 You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute.
72 Everything within 20 feet of you is pulled 10 feet closer.
73 A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours.
74 You smell strongly of vanilla for the next 1d6 days.
75 You glow brightly for one minute; any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn.

d100    Effect
76 Your clothes become uncomfortably tight until the end of your next long rest.
77 You cast banishment on yourself, reappearing after 1 minute.
78 If your next spell would kill the target, its limbs explode from its body.
79 Illusory butterflies and flowers surround you for the next 10 minutes.
80 You become trapped in a glass globe. It has 50 hit points and you can breathe inside.
81 You can take one additional action immediately.
82 Your fists become huge, dealing 1d10 damage for 1 minute.
83 Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage, and you restore an equal number of hit points.
84 A loud voice ridicules you periodically for 1 minute.
85 You cast calm emotions centered on yourself.
86 Your arms become tentacles for 1 minute.
87 You cast bestow curse on a random target within 60 feet. Roll 1d4 to determine the nature of the curse.
88 A harmless, transparent celestial/fiendish being follows you for the next minute.
89 You are unable to be seen or heard for the next minute or until you attack.
90 Your intelligence and strength scores swap values for the next hour.
91 If you die within the next minute, you come back to life as if under the effect of the reincarnate spell.
92 You see everyone as a rotting corpse for the next 24 hours.
93 Your size increases by one category for the next minute.
94 All light sources within 60 feet of you are extinguished.
95 You and everyone within 30 feet are vulnerable to piercing damage for 1 minute.
96 You become frightened of a color for 1 minute.
97 You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for 1 minute.
98 You suffer from a severe head cold for the next 24 hours.
99 You regain one spell slot of each level at which you are able to cast.
100 You regain all of your expended spell slots.

Interpreting the Wild Magic Table

Certain mechanics apply to various effects listed in Figure 1-1. Refer to the following for clarification on any listed effects. If uncertainties persist, your DM will determine what happens.

Targeted Effects

Any surge that specifies a "target" applies, by default, to the target of the spell that triggered the surge. If the triggering spell was a ranged area-of-effect spell, the surge occurs in the space in which the spell was cast. If the spell's range was Self or Touch, the surge's effect applies to the caster.

Effects with a Radius

Surges that apply to an area, measured by radius in feet, affect all creatures within that radius regardless of the hostile or friendly status of the creature(s) . Resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities function as normal .

Spell Level Restrictions

If a surge's effect includes a spell of a specific level, it only functions as described if you are able to cast at that level. If the indicated spell is of a higher level than you are able to cast, its effect is halved. Your DM will decide the effects of any spells that do not damage or heal.

Random Targets

A surge that affects a random target is determined by rolling a d20 and counting that many creatures in the turn order, starting with the cleric at 1 and cycling through. If players are not in combat, creatures are counted in order of highest to lowest passive perception.

Duration and Persistence

None of the spells cast as a result of a wild magic surge are considered concentration spells and last for their full listed duration. Dispel magic and other similar appropriate abilities still function as normal, and wild magic surges can be counterspelled as long as the surge involves casting a specific spell.