Judiciary Ranger

Natural law acounts for everyone's deeds and will always find it's way back to equilibrium. Inflicting karma upon those who you deem unjust can be particually motiating and rewarding as long as you don't upset the fickle balance.

Now after dedicaiting your being to the good of the balance, your form begins to adapt. In what magical or utmost strange ways does the mortal condition begin to evolve.

Symbiosis Ranger Quirks
d6 Quirks
1 You're unafraid to let others knw when you've stood around to long through passive agressive foot tapping.
2 If you see a favored enemy you would consider just, you try your hardest to befreid them.
3 Sometimes even you are surprised at the conclussion of what you find just.
4 The crown of your head perfectly splits your hair colors into light and dark.
5 Balancing the nutrients of your meals perfectly can lead to some interesting concauctions.
6 Bitting your fingernails is more obcession than habit.

Bring Down the Hammer

When you become a member of this archetype, your Hunter's Mark gains aditional utility. Gain the Hunter's Mark spell if you don't have it already, and it does not count aginst your number of spells known. Choose one of the following to use once per short or long rest :

  • Convict: When you use Hunter's Mark, you also gain advantae on Charisma (Intimidation) rolls against your target.
  • Punish: When you hit a target marked with Hunter's Mark, they must pass a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.

Credit: Imperia Online

Equal Coverage

At 7th level, the balance finds it's way to be effective whenever you need it to be. The 1d6 extra damage from Hunter's Mark becomes 1d8 of Necrotic or Radiant damage (your choice).

Mach Trial

When you reach 11th level, your enhanced target tracking makes hope of escape little to none. Choose one of the following to use once per short or long rest:

  • Judgment: When you use Hunter's Mark, your critical hit chance on the marked target becomes a 19 or 20.
  • Vigilante: When you mark a target with Hunter's Mark, everyone who hits them gains the extra damage dice from Equal Coverage.

Can be stacked with Bring Down the Hammer on the smae use of Hunter's Mark.

Resitance is Futile

After you reach 15th level, when the balance begins to tip out of your favor you always find a way to hold on. When you fall bellow half health, you may mark a second target for free and your Equal Coverage damage raises to 2d6.

Unofficial Content

The Judiciary Ranger is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.