Awakened Canine

Awakened by a powerful Spellcaster, those canines receive sentience and intelligence previously unknown to them. Many are long time friends of Druids or powerful Wizards, but some may be the result of hapless magic or awakened with foul intentions.

Now self aware, they can choose for themselves who to follow or which path to take.

New Version here!

On the Edge of Society

Awakened animals are regarded as something lesser than other sentient races by most humanoids, but Canines in particular have found some level of acceptance in certain circles.
Canines tend toward either trying to ingratiate themselves to society, or eschewing the company of humanoids altogether. Those that try to curry favor have a hard road ahead, and will find many doors closed to them that would otherwise be open for an adventurer.

No Hands

The lack of opposing thumbs can hinder quite a lot, but Canines are used to it. They hold things in their mouth and can even wield Light weapons with proper training. They can cast spells with their paws and bash enemies with their bodies.

But even then, there is still much they can't do. Namely anything that requires the use of hands. That is quite limiting in terms of what profession a Canine can take, but there are still a lot of things they can do.

Some Considerations

It is up to your DM discretion what should or should not be possible for a Canine to do but, some outside the box thinking is encouraged.

If you are, for example, interested in a Canine that wields ranged weaponry you can discuss with your DM the possibility of crafting a piece of armor or magic artifact that allows you to make use of a hand crossbow.
The same logic could be used to a dog wielding a lance strapped to it's back.
A Canine Bard could use woodwind instruments attached to their neck, etc.

You can also use a familiar, or a class that has Mage Hand, to make up for your lack of opposing thumbs. And if your DM allows it, even wield weapons with it.

Credit: April Prime

Canine Personality

A Canine might have motivations and quirks much different from a dwarf, an elf, or a human. You can use the following tables instead of the trait and flaw from your background. (Taken from UA Revised Ranger Beastmaster)

Canine Traits
1 I’m dauntless in the face of adversity.
2 Threaten my friends, threaten me.
3 I stay on alert so others can rest.
4 People see an animal and underestimate me. I use that to my advantage.
5 I have a knack for showing up in the nick of time.
6 I put my friends’ needs before my own in all things.
Canine Flaw
1 If there’s food left unattended, I’ll eat it.
2 I growl at strangers, and all people except my pack are strangers to me.
3 Any time is a good time for a belly rub.
4 I’m deathly afraid of water.
5 My idea of hello is a flurry of licks to the face.
6 I jump on creatures to tell them how much I love them.

Canine Traits

As a Canine, you are hindered by several limitations, but also blessed by a lot of unique perks.


Due to the magic flowing through them, Awakened Canines live longer than their non awakened counterparts, but have short lifespans nonetheless.

An awakened Canine reaches adulthood at around 2 years old, and can live up to 50 years.


Because of their nature, Awakened Canines are usually Good Aligned.

However, if they had a master, their aligment could be heavily influenced by them.


You can pick between Medium or Small.

Medium Canines have 35ft walking speed, and a +1 to their Strength score in the ability score increase trait.

Small Canines have 30ft walking speed, and a +1 to their Dexterity score in the ability score increase trait. They also gain the following feat:


You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.


Your walking speed is 35 feet if you are medium or 30 feet if you are small.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

If your size is Medium, your Strength score increases by 1 .

If your size is Small, your Charisma score increases by 1 .

Heightened Senses

You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Canine Nature

You are proficient in two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Persuasion, Intimidation, Perception.

Pack Tactics

You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the canine's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Bite Attack

Because of your fierce bite, your teeth are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes.

If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to
ld4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

If the target is a medium or smaller creature, you may attempt to knock it prone, once per round.

The target must succeed a DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength modifier) Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

You may also, instead, choose to grapple the creature. In which case use the normal rules for grappling.

All Paws and No Hands

An Awakened Canine is limited to holding things in their mouths, and their lack of hands impose a number of limitations:

  • You cannot attempt skill checks, if they demand the use of hands and can't be performed in another way.

  • Climbing is always considered difficult terrain for you.

  • You can only weild, on your mouth, weapons that have the Light attribute.

  • Spells can be cast using paws for somatic components, but material components must be either in your mouth or on the ground near your paws.

  • For the purposes of a monk Canine, body bashes and paw strikes are considered unarmed strikes.


Awakened Canine are able to speak and read common plus one language of your choice, which must be a language known by the caster of the Awaken spell.

They can also write, but no amount of training can make their writing entirely legible.

To communicate with other dogs, they can bark.

Credit: April Prime

Additional Information

Credit: April Prime



  • Changed Ability Score Increase for Small Dogs to +1 Cha.
  • Minor formatting and Text Changes.


  • Bite attack rolled back to knocking prone, but still allowing grapples.
  • Major formatting and Text Changes.

Credits and References

This Playable Race was created with the intent of consolidating several other races similar to this one. Because of that many feats or flavor text were taken from other homebrew races. The races used as inspiration are the following:

Awakened Dog by randomperson0987654

Awakened Canine by Lecal

Awakened Dog by ActionCow

The Art of the Dogs are made by April prime for the Amazing Dungeons and Doggies. Please check both out:

April Prime's Artstation

Dungeons and Doggies

The Art and any text may be removed upon request.