Artificer Specialists

Artificers pursue a variety of specializations. Even two Gunsmiths, when compared to each other, are different enough to be considered a separate sub-specialty. The following Shotgunner was inspired by Wizard of the Coast's Artificer Gunsmith, Matt Mercer's Gunslinger, and Paizo's Gunslinger and Swashbuckler. It is designed to seamlessly fit into any campaign that would use the Gunsmith as a unique alternative.


As a subset of Gunsmiths, you are a master at engineering and have created your own firearm with a mixture of magic and technology. You can use this firearm to unleash devastating attacks at nearby enemies, and with analytical focus you can slip past your enemies and their attacks.

Shotgunner Features
  Artificer   Level Feature
1st Master Tinkerer, Slug Thrower, Cartridge Kit
3rd Focus, Clearing Shot, Gunslinger's Evasion
9th Flame Burst, Upgraded Design
13th Double Barrel
17th Deadshot

Master Tinkerer

When you choose this specialist at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools, and you learn the mending cantrip.

Slug Thrower

At 1st level, you finish forging a powerful firearm using your knowledge of engineering and some arcane magic. This firearm is called a Slug Thrower. It is a violent weapon that fires leaden bullets that can rip through your enemies with ease.

    You are proficient with the Slug Thrower. It is a two-handed ranged weapon that deals 2d6 piercing damage. Its normal range is 15 feet, and its maximum range is 50 feet. If your target is past the normal range of the Slug Thrower its damage lowers to 1d6 piercing damage. However, if you are adjacent to your target you deal a bonus 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Once fired, it must be reloaded as a bonus action.

Unfortunately there are still many flaws in the Slug Thrower's design. Whenever you roll to attack with the Slug Thrower, if you roll a 1,2, or 3 the gun misfires and you must fix it before firing again. If you rolled a 2 or 3 you must take either an action or a bonus action to clear your Slug Thrower. However, when you roll a 1 the firearm suffers a more complicated jam. A Tinker's Tools check, DC 15, can be attempted to clear it with an action. Otherwise, it remains jammed until a successful check or after finishing a short or long rest.

If you lose your Slug Thrower, you can create a new one over the course of three days of work by expending 100 gp worth of metal, wood, and other raw materials.

Cartridge Kit

At 1st level you have collected all the tools needed to craft ammunition and maintain your firearm.

The Cartridge Kit includes the primers, powders, lead shot, and cartridges needed to craft the ammunition. During a short or long rest you can choose to roll a Tinker's Tools check. You make a number of bullets equal to the result during a short rest, or twice that many during a long rest.

Starting at level 5 you can imbue your ammunition with fire. Your Slug Thrower's attacks do 1d6 bonus fire damage on hit. This extra damage increases by 1d6 when you reach certain levels of this class, increasing to 2d6 at 10th level, 3d6 at 15th level, and 4d6 at 20th level.

If you lose your Cartridge Kit, you can remake all the necessary tools and materials as part of a long rest using 25 gp of metals, powders, and other raw materials.


Starting at 3rd level you gain a number of Focus points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You can spend Focus points to perform various actions and abilities. You regain any spent Focus points in the following ways: <br

Critical hit with the Slug Thrower. Whenever you crit with your firearm, not only do you deal extra damage, but you also recenter your mind and body. You can gain up to 1 spent Focus point. Critical hits gained outside of die rolls (via enemy conditions) do not generate Focus.

Killing blow with the Slug Thrower . Each time you reduce a dangerous creature (DM’s discretion) to 0 hit points with your Slug Thrower, and kill them, you can take a moment to catch your breathe and regain 1 spent Focus point.

You also regain all spent Focus points after finishing a short or long rest.

Clearing Shot

At 3rd level you can spend a Focus point to channel your magic energy into your Slug Thrower. As an action, you can make a special attack with it. Rather than making an attack roll, you unleash force energy from the gun, targeting one creature adjacent to you. That creature must make a Strength saving throw with a DC equal your Artificer spell save DC. The target is pushed up to 10 feet away from you and knocked prone on a failed save.

The maximum distance pushed increases by 10 feet when you reach certain levels in this class, increasing to 20 feet at 7th level, 30 feet at 11th level, 40 feet at 15th level, and 50 feet at 19th level.

Gunslinger's Evasion

Beginning at 3rd level, as long as you have at least one Focus point remaining, you do not have disadvantage when you attack an adjacent creature with your Slug Thrower.

Whenever you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, and you succeed, you can choose to spend a Focus point to take no damage instead of half.

In addition, you can spend a Focus point to not trigger your opponent's opportunity attacks due to movement until the start of your next turn. During this time your movement spped increases by 10 feet.

Flame Burst

Starting at 9th level you can spend a Focus point to cause your Slug thrower to unleash a wave of flames. Each creature in a 30 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to your Artificer spell save DC. Any creature that failed its save takes 2d6 fire damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 13th level and by an additional 1d6 at 17th level.

Upgraded Design

At 9th level you have improved the design of your Slug Thrower. Whenever you roll to attack with the Slug Thrower it no longer misfires on a 3. In addition, when you roll a 2, you can choose to clear the firearm as a bonus action instead of an action.

At level 15 you have improved the Slug Thrower even more. It now only misfires on a natural 1, and you can choose to clear it with your Tinker's Tools as a bonus action instead of an action.

Double Barrel

When you reach level 14 you are hit with inspiration that lets you add a second barrel to your Slug Thrower. You can attack with the Slug thrower twice before having to spend a bonus action to reload.

Alternatively, you can spend a Focus point to fire both bullets at the same time. Roll your attack like normal, if you successfully hit your target roll your damage dice twice before adding any modifiers. You can only use this ability if you have both barrels loaded, and you must use a bonus action to reload the Slug Thrower before you can attack with it again.


At 17th level you have become extremely deadly when firing your Slug Thrower at close range. When you attack with your Slug Thrower, and your target is adjacent to you, you score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

In addition, whenever you score a critical hit you can spend 2 Focus points to roll the attack's damage dice three times instead of twice.

Images Used: Renowned Weaponsmith by Eric Deschamps

Call of Duty: WWII