D&D/Fate Mashup

Narrative power mixed with crunchy awesomeness

d20 as 4DF

Use the following chart to convert d20 roll to 4dF:

Roll Result d20 v. Fate
20 +4 5% v 1.23%
19 +3 5% v 4.94%
17,18 +2 10% v 12.35%
14-16 +1 15% v 19.75%
8-13 0 30% v 23.46%
5-7 -1 15% v 19.75%
3,4 -2 10% v 12.35%
2 -3 5% v 4.94%
1 -4 5% v 1.23%


Whenever you attempt an uncontested action the Game Master will choose a difficulty. Most task start out with an Average difficulty and go up by 1 on the ladder for each complication. If the player has something in their favor then the difficulty may go down 1 on the ladder.

DC Ladder Description
40 +8 Legendary
35 +7 Epic
30 +6 Fantastic
25 +5 Superb
20 +4 Great
15 +3 Good
10 +2 Fair
5 +1 Average
0 +0 Mediocre
- -1 Poor
- -2 Terrible


  • Default Array: 2,2,2,1,1,0
  • Adjusted Array with Race: 4,3,2,1,1,0
  • Creation Max: 4 with racial bonus
  • Total Max: 5

Proficiency bonus

Apply proficiency bonuses as noted in the 5e rules.


Use hit points as written in the 5e rules. Whenever a creature is critically hit it also recieves a wound.

Wounds & Wound Aspects

Creatures take a more grievous wounds when they recieve a critical hit or when they take damage while dying (A character with 0 hit points is dying). When this happens, create an aspect in the first empty wound slot - this is a description of the wound. These aspects may be used against the creature just like any other aspect. If a creature that has no open wound slots receives another critical hit it is slain.

All characters have a Mild, Moderate and Severe wound slot. In addition, they gain the following bonus Wound slots based on their CON bonus

Constitution Bonus Slot
0 to 1 n/a
2 to 3 Mild
4 to 5 Moderate
6 to 8 Severe


Character's may take long and short rests to recover resources and health.

  • Long Rest
    • Clear all health boxes
    • Demote one wound
    • Regain all Hit Dice
  • Short Rest
    • Spend a Hit Dice and clear boxes

Demote a wound

Demoting a wound allows you to take a Wound and move it down to one lower wound ranking. A mild wound that is demoted goes away.

You can only demote a wound if the wound below it is clear. For example, a character with a Serious and a Mild wound cannot demote the Serious wound until the Mild wound is demoted. After 1 long rest the Mild wound goes away. A second long rest demotes the Serious Wound to a Mild wound and finally, on a 3rd long rest, the wound is gone.

Healing and Wounds

Healing spells will clear health boxes, but will not demote wounds. Only resting can do that. For healing, clear boxes equal to the value of your healing roll. Use the Dice Conversion table above to determine what dice to roll.

For example, Rex has his 1, 2 and 4 health box checked. Lucy (WIS 3) casts Healing word and rolls 4dF + 3 with a result of 4. Rex can clear his 1 and 2 boxes or his 4 box, but not both.

Dice Conversion

Damage by increasing bonus

Whenever damage is dealt, use the normal damage dice for the attack as listed in the 5e SRD.

Armor Class

  • AC = AC - 10

If you attempt to wear armor that you are not proficient then you suffer a -2 penalty to any skill checks, attack rolls or saving throws that involve STR/DEX and you cannot cast spells. Additionally, you do not gain your DEX bonus while wearing armor you are not proficient in.


To attack a character roll 4dF + (STR/DEX) + Proficiency Bonus and compare it to the Armor value of the target. If you tie then you deal the minimum damage, if you succeed then you deal the minimum damage + the damage roll.

  • Critical Failure = Miss
  • Less than AC = Miss
  • Equal to or Greater = Hit
  • Critical Success = Hit & Max damage

Max AC with attack using prime stat + prof

Saving Throws

This is essentially an Overcome action. When converting DC

  • Ability bonus + Proficiency bonus
  • If the above information is not known, then use DC - 10

4dF + Attribute + Proficiency Bonus (if trained)

Example: 4df + 2 attribute = 4df + 2 (untrained)

Example: 4df + 3 attribute + 2 proficiency = 4df + 5 (trained)

Spell DC

ability modifier + proficiency bonus

Example: 3 (int) + 2 prof bonus = 5


A character trained in a skill adds her proficiency bonus to the skill roll. Making a skill check takes an action unless otherwise stated.

Critical Success/Failure

You can critically fail or succeed on attacks.

  • Rolling 4+ on the dice is a critical success
  • Rolling 4- on the dice is a critical failure

Fate Points

Players begin each session with 3 fate points. The DM gains fate points equal to the number of players during each scene (i.e. combat, social scene, etc)

Fate points can be spent in the following ways, but they must have narrative support:

  • Reroll the dice
  • Add + 2 to a current roll
  • Create a scene aspect

Gaining a fate points

Fate points can be gained in the following way:

  • +1 for each Wound (after combat ends)
  • +1 for being taken out (after combat ends)
  • +1 for having a character aspect used against you (received immediately)


Character Aspects

Characters can have up to 4 aspects.

  • High Concept. The characters high concept should include their race and class
  • Trouble. What trouble follows the character around.
  • Adventure. Characters may have up to 2 adventure aspects which relate to their adventuring career/profession. This includes relationships, gear, deity, or special skills.
  • Quest. At the Game Master discretion, the party may hae access to a quest aspect. This aspect is only active while the memebers are actively engaged in the specific quest.

Scene Aspects

During a scene characters may add to the narrative of the scene by creating aspects, like pushing over a book shelf, scattering caltrops, etc. When this happens, these aspects become narratively true, until they are not longer true

Creating an aspect requires an action or the expenditure of a fate point and making a Skill check. Creating aspects works as follows:

  • Create an aspect on another character as a contested skill roll
    • Examples: Grapple, Knockdown, Sand in the Eyes
  • Creating an uncontested aspect requires an [+1] Average + 1 per additional complication.
    • Examples: Fire, Caltrops, Swing From A Chandelier

Using Aspects

A creature that creates an aspect can use it one time as a free action. Additional uses of the aspect require the expenditure of an action or a fate point. When a character uses an aspect you can add +2 to your current roll or add -2 to a target creatures roll if appropriate. See Action Economy below.


A character may attempt to overcome an aspect in order to remove it from themselves or in order to remove (or ignore) that aspect on another character.

If a creature has the Hidden aspect, characters must Overcome the hidden aspect in order to see the creature. Overcoming an aspect requires an action, after which the aspect no longer applies-unless there is a narrative reason for the aspect to re-apply later on.

Action Economy

Use the same action economy as listed in 5e rules. In addition to the normal uses of the action types, the following options exist:

Expanded Action Uses
  • Bonus action. on your turn you may spend your bonus action to use an existing aspect
  • Reaction.
    • when you are the target of an action you may use your reaction to use an existing aspect.
    • when an ally is the target of an action you may use your reaction to use an existing aspect if you are in a position to interfere with the action


Use the rules for advantage/disadvantage as noted in the 5e rules.


Use the spell description from the 5e SRD as closely as possible. Convert the DC numbers as per the rules above. Where aspects seem logical, introduce them into the scene. For example, a Fireball spell may create an On Fire aspect in the area. The caster of the spell can use any aspect as as a free action one time after creating it.

Spell Slots

Spell slots are enforced per the 5e rules


If you need to account for zones, assume 1 zone equals 1 room in most cases.

Converting Monsters

Monsters should be considered individual creatures and don't use the mob options from Fate Core. Convert 5e monsters as follows:

  • Aspects. Use the creatures type and traits as aspects
  • AC. AC - 10
  • DC. DC - 10
  • Attack Bonus. Attack Bonus / 2
  • Skills. Skill / 2
  • Damage. Use listed damage
  • Health & Wounds. A creature with no wound slots is killed if it takes a single critical hit. Use the following chart to determine a creatures wound slots.
Constitution Wound Slot
0 to 1 1 n/a
2 to 3 2 Moderate
4 to 5 3 Severe
6 to 8 4 Mild
9 to 10 5 Moderate
11+ 6 Severe

Example Monster Conversion


Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)

  • Armor Class 5 (Leather, shield)
  • Hit Points 7 (2d6)
  • Wounds n/a
  • Speed 50ft.
  • Alignment Neutral Evil

-1 +2 +0 +0 -1 -1

  • Senses passive Perception -1, darkvision 60ft
  • Languages Goblin
  • Challenge 1/4 (25 XP)


Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a Bonus Action on each of its turns.


Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d6+2 slashing

Shortbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 580/320ft., one target. Hit 1d6+2 piercing