Legendary Classes

Welcome to Legendary Classes! The next major update for Legendary Player Characters, a supplement for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition that intends to give rules for buffing up players so one on one games (1 DM and 1 Player) is much more possible!

Now of course, let me start by saying the obvious: This class breaks all typical 5e balancing conventions, it should not be used in regular play, nor should it be compared to regular 5e classes.

Legendary classes are meant to make a single player worth the equivalent of 3 players (Without just tripling damage output and HP) So it's going to be significantly more powerful than the regular version of the class.


Why would you use this? Why would you play D&D with two people when it's meant for a larger group? There's a myriad of reasons really, but below are a few good ones.

  • It's easier to schedule and prepare for, instead of having to manage the schedules of six different people, you've reduced that total to two, making it much easier to arrange sessions for D&D.

  • This helps with protagonist syndrome... In a normal campaign, no one player should outshine the others, and you'll often hear horror stories of players who try to take the spotlight... In solo games with one player and one DM, that is not a problem! The singular player can shine as bright as they want without worry of making other players feel useless.

  • It can simply be a lot of fun. I've played solo games a lot with my partner, and before I began making Legendary Player Characters, it was... Really difficult to actually run encounters and make characters without things feeling really bad, because D&D isn't made for solo play.

Of course as mentioned, there's far more reasons than just those three. If you don't think you'd like this, then that's perfectly fine! Solo play isn't for everyone. I personally prefer it and that's just how I play the game, everyone plays in their own way.

For anyone else who prefers solo style or is interested in giving it a try, then this class and the full Legendary Player Characters document are right up your alley!

Legendary Player Characters

As mentioned to the left of this text, this is meant as a supplement for the Legendary Player Characters document. You can find the links to the full 127 page document below!

Google Drive


It is not mentioned in the class specifically, but this class does still use Legendary Actions. Nothing has been changed about the Legendary Action rules from the LPC document, and the legendary actions you can choose for this class can be found at the end of this document!


When calculating encounters for a player with this class, consider them to be equivalent to three characters of the same level.

I recommend using milestone leveling with this system, however if you do not and want to use XP, then you should reward a third of the xp they would normally gain (So they don't level rapidly)

If the PC is using Auric Emotions or Signs of Labors in tandem with this class, treat them as three and a half characters. If they are using both in tandem with this class, treat them as four characters.


Legendary Classes are special, even aside from their increased power. Their maximum level has been increased from 20 to 30, and not only that-but every legendary class will have rules for leveling beyond 30. To an infinite amount.

Again I strongly recommend using milestone leveling, as I do not have a good experience total required for levels beyond 20 (Especially once you begin going into 31+)

You can find what features the Legendary class gains for every level beyond 30 on the same page that their legendary actions are listed.


Assume the following for multiclassing:

  • You may multiclass as normal up to level 30.

  • Once you hit level 31, you begin receiving the Leveling Beyond 30 features for your particular class. You do not receive any features they would receive at an earlier level.

  • For example, a level 10 Legendary Rogue and level 20 Legendary Sorcerer wouldn't receive Legendary Sorcerer's 21-30 features when they begin leveling beyond 30, nor would they receive Legendary Rogue's 11-30 features.

Legendary Rogue
Level Proficiency
Features Trickery
1st +2 Dishonest Trickery, Expertise, Semi Proficiencies 1d6 3
2nd +2 Cunning Actions, Illicit Gadgets 2d6 3 2
3rd +2 Roguish Archetype, Underhanded Secrets 3d6 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4d6 3 2
5th +3 Dark Mastery (D8) 5d8 4 2
6th +3 Roguish Archetype Feature 6d8 4 2
7th +3 Evasion, Legendary Ability Score Improvement 7d8 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Underhanded Secrets (2) 8d8 4 3
9th +4 Cunning Actions (2), Expertise 9d8 4 3
10th +4 Reliable Skills (2 Total) 10d8 4 3
11th +4 Roguish Archetype Feature 11d8 5 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12d8 5 3
13th +5 Underhanded Secrets (3) 13d8 5 3
14th +5 Invalid Credentials 14d8 5 3
15th +5 Legendary Ability Score Improvement, Roguish Archetype Feature 15d8 5 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 16d8 5 4
17th +6 Dark Mastery (D10), Expertise, Reliable Skills (4 Total) 17d10 6 4
18th +6 Cunning Actions (3), Underhanded Secrets (4) 18d10 6 4
19th +6 Elusive 19d10 6 4
20th +6 Ability Score Improvement 20d10 6 4
21st +7 Unchainable 21d10 6 4
22nd +7 Roguish Archetype Feature 22d10 6 4
23rd +7 Legendary Ability Score Improvement, Underhanded Secrets (5) 23d10 7 4
24th +7 Ability Score Improvement, Reliable Skills (6 Total) 24d10 7 4
25th +8 Expertise 25d10 7 5
26th +8 Unerring Focus 26d10 7 5
27th +8 Cunning Actions (4) 27d10 7 5
28th +8 Ability Score Improvement, Underhanded Secrets (6) 28d10 7 5
29th +9 Dark Mastery (D12), Roguish Archetype Feature 29d12 8 5
30th +9 Ultimate Scoundrel 30d12 8 5

Class Features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 2d8
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + two times your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (9) + two times your Constitution modifier per Rogue level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, 3 Martial Weapons of your choice
  • Tools: Thieves' Tools

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose 4 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.

Dishonest Trickery

When you choose this class at 1st level, you begin to make use of some diabolical trickery. You know 2 Tricks of your choice, the options for which can be found later in this document. As you gain levels in this class, you learn more tricks, as shown in the Tricks Known column of the Rogue class table. Tricks are special abilities that a Rogue can use to gain an edge.

If a trick has a level prerequisite, you must be at least that level in this class in order to learn it. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may swap one trick you know for another you meet the prerequisites for.

In order to use tricks, you must expend something known as Trickery Die. Your trickery die begin d6's, and you start with one of these dice. You gain additional dice as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Trickery Dice column of the Rogue class table.

At certain levels in this class (5, 17 and 29) Your trickery die increase in size.

You regain all expended trickery die at the start of each of your turns. You cannot have more trickery die at a time than your maximum.

All Rogues know a trick known as Vital Attack, which does not count against their tricks known and is detailed below:

Vital Attack

When you hit a target with a weapon you are proficient in and you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll, you may expend a number of trickery die up to half your maximum (Rounded up)

You add the expended die to the weapons damage roll against the target, critical hits double this damage as normal. This deals the same damage as the weapon used.

As an example-if you were 7th level in this class, you would have 7 trickery die. When using this feature, you could expend at most 4 trickery die, and if you do so you would deal an additional 4d8 damage to the target. You could also expend any amount less than 4 trickery die, dealing less damage appropriately.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Rapier or (b) Two Daggers
  • (a) a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a hand crossbow and case of 20 bolts
  • (a) a burglar's pack, (b) a dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an explorer's pack
  • Leather Armor and Thieves' Tools


Also at 1st level, you begin developing a greater ability with various skills. Choose two of your skill proficiencies, two of your tool proficiencies, or one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of your choices.

You may select a semi proficiency with this feature, if you do so, it turns into normal proficiency.

At levels 9, 17 and 25, you gain this feature again-making two additional choices as described above.

Semi Proficiencies

Additionally at 1st level, you choose a number of skills equal to the amount you normally get upon choosing your starting class (4 as a Rogue) you gain semi proficiency in these skills. Meaning you add half of your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to checks made with them.

Additionally, choose one saving throw you lack proficiency in. You gain the same bonus to rolls made for that particular saving throw.

If you ever gain proficiency in a skill or saving throw you had semi-proficiency in, you may move your semi-proficiency to a new one of the same type.

You only gain this feature if Rogue is the first class you choose. You can not have two instances of this feature from separate classes.

Cunning Actions

Upon reaching 2nd level, you have begun to make use of a special type of action to give you an edge in combat. You gain an additional action on each of your turns which is known as a Cunning Action. You may only use your Cunning Action to perform one of the following actions:

Desperate Dash. Your movement speed is increased by half your movement speed maximum (Rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5) this turn.

Emergency Escape. For the next 10-feet of movement you make, your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Slip Away. You take the Hide action.

Swift Aim. You expend any amount of movement you have remaining. For every 5-feet of movement expended, the next attack roll you make before the end of your current turn gains a +1 bonus to hit.

Some tricks or other features from this class may allow you to use a Cunning Action in order to use them. If they do, it is mentioned in the feature itself.

Cunning actions can only be used during your turn, any unexpended cunning actions are lost at the end of your turn, and you regain all expended cunning actions at the start of your turn.

At levels 9, 18, and 27, you gain an additional Cunning Action that you may use each turn. You may use multiple cunning actions to take the same action if you so wish (For example, if you have two cunning actions, you could take the Desperate Dash action twice)

Illicit Gadgets

Also at 2nd level, you have come into the possession of special gadgets to aid you in your exploits. You start owning 2 of these gadgets, and you earn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Gadgets Owned column of the Rogue class table.

Gadgets abide by their own rules as described in the gadgets description.

No other creature can use your gadgets. If you lose one of your gadgets, you may rebuild it over the course of a long rest and by expending 10 gold pieces worth of materials.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may swap one of the gadgets you possess for another.

Roguish Archetype

Beginning at 3rd level, you have chosen an archetype that displays how you use your roguish abilities, the options for which are listed later in the document. Your choice grants you features now and again at levels 6, 11, 15, 22 and 29.

Underhanded Secrets

Additionally at 3rd level, you have started to make use of unfair secrets. You may choose a Combat Trait from the options listed later in this document. Some features have a level prerequisite, in order to choose that feature, you must have at least that many levels in the Rogue class.

Upon reaching the following levels in this class, you may select an additional Combat Trait that you meet the prerequisites for: 8th level, 13th level, 18th level, 23rd level and 28th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th and 28th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat.

When you reach 7th level and again at levels 15 and 23, you gain a Legendary Ability Score Improvement. You may either gain the benefits of a regular ASI as per the rules up above, or you may take a Legendary Feat, which are listed in the Legendary Player Characters document.

Dark Mastery

Beginning at 5th level, you gain further mastery over your roguish abilities. Your Trickery Dice are now D8's rather than D6's (This change is reflected in the class table)

At 17th level, they become D10's rather than D8's. At 29th level, they become D12's rather than D10's.


Once you reach 7th level, you are able to nimbly dodge out of the way of dangerous effects. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Reliable Skills

By 10th level, you have refined your talents until they approach perfection. Choose two skills you have proficiency in, these skills become your Reliable Skills.

Whenever you would make an ability check with a Reliable Skill and you roll less than a 10 on the die, you can instead treat the result as if it were a 10. For every 5 levels in the Rogue class you have, this limit is increased by 1 (For example, at 15th level you'd start treating all rolls of less than 11 as if they were 11)

At levels 17 and 24 in this class, you may choose two additional skills you have proficiency in to turn into Reliable Skills.

Invalid Credentials

Once you reach 14th level, you have learned enough about the workings of magic that you can improvise the use of items even when they are not intended for you. You ignore all class, race, alignment and level requirements on the use of magic items.


Beginning at 19th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren't incapacitated.


At 21st level, no chains can hold you. Spells and other magical effects cannot reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained. Additionally, you can expend 5-feet of movement on your turn to automatically escape nonmagical restraints (Such as manacles or a creature grappling you)

Unerring Focus

Once you reach 26th level, nothing can break your focus in battle. You cannot have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons with which you are proficient in.

Ultimate Scoundrel

Finally at 30th level, you are a beacon of abilities for all Rogues to look up to. You gain the following features:

  • When you would fail a saving throw, you can instead choose to succeed. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until 1 minute has passed.

  • When you would roll a trickery die and the result would be less than 4, you can instead treat the die as if it had rolled a 4.

  • Once per round after you expend any number of trickery dice, you can immediately use a Cunning Action to regain up to half the trickery dice expended (Rounded down, minimum of 0)

Roguish Archetype

A rogues Roguish Archetype is their subclass, and represents how they use their nefarious abilities. They choose their archetype at 3rd level, and gain features then and again at levels 6, 11, 15, 22 and 29.


All subclasses can be found below

Arcane Trickster (Page 8) - A half-caster subclass based on the Wizard class.

Assassin (Page 9) - A lethal subclass that aims to sneak up on their opponents.

Cranium Stalker (Page 10) - A subclass that manifests psionic energy as a Mystic does.

Favored (Page 11) - A half-caster subclass based on the Warlock class.

Inquisitive (Page 12) - A subclass focused on discovering hidden information.

Justicar (Page 13) - A half-caster subclass based on the Cleric class.

Scout (Page 14) - A subclass that looks to be a mobile survivor.

Swashbuckler (Page 15) - A subclass that relishes one on one confrontations.

Thief (Page 16) - A subclass that aims to steal anything.

Half-Casting Subclasses

Some roguish archetypes are considered to be half-casters, which means they have spell slots and spellcasting. The specifics of how their spellcasting works is depend on what fullcaster the subclass is based on, but below you can find the table to determine how many spell slots you have at each level.

Unlike classes that do gain spellcasting as apart of their base class, a half-caster subclass does not gain any extra resources for their casting if they level beyond level 30.

Half-Caster Spellcasting
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
3rd 2
4th 3
5th 3
6th 4 2
7th 4 2
8th 4 3
9th 4 3
10th 4 3 2
11th 4 3 2
12th 4 3 3
13th 4 3 3
14th 4 3 3 1
15th 4 3 3 1
16th 4 3 3 2
17th 4 3 3 2
18th 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 3 3 3 1
20th 4 3 3 3 2
21st 4 3 3 3 2
22nd 4 3 3 3 2 1
23rd 4 3 3 3 2 1
24th 4 3 3 3 2 1
25th 4 3 3 3 2 1
26th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
27th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
28th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
29th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
30th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1

Arcane Trickster

An archetype for rogues who have taken on wizardly studies in addition to their roguish training, using this extra study they are able to wield arcane magic to aid in their trickery.

Wizard Spellcasting

Beginning at 3rd level, you have adopted the studies of a wizard. You gain the spellcasting trait as a wizard possesses it, however you refer to the half-caster spellcasting table found on Page 7 for determining how many spell slots you have.

You do not gain cantrips unless there's a specific subclass feature that grants them, otherwise your casting works exactly as a wizards does. You gain a spellbook, your spellcasting ability is Intelligence, and you can learn and prepare spells as a wizard does.

Whenever you first gain this feature, you may add 6 wizard spells to your spellbook (As a reminder, the wizard spell list encompasses every spell) Whenever you gain a level in your class, you may add an additional wizard spell of a level you can cast to your spell book.

When preparing spells, you choose a number of spells equal to half your rogue level (Rounded down) + your intelligence modifier. All spells must be of a level you can cast, and must be in your spellbook.

You can also scribe spells into your spellbook as per the Wizard class.

Cantrip Skills

Additionally at 3rd level, you learn 2 cantrips of your choice. You also gain the Mage Hand Legerdmain combat trait which is detailed below for ease of use:

You learn the Mage Hand spell, when you cast mage hand, you can make the hand invisible. You can control the hand by using a cunning action, and you can take the following additional actions using mage hand:

  • You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature.

  • You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature.

  • You can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.

You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a sleight of hand check contested by the creature's perception check. You use your spellcasting modifier for this sleight of hand check.

Magical Ambush

Once you reach 6th level, your hidden nature makes your magic more potent. When you cast a spell on a creature and you are hidden from that creature, that creature has disadvantage on its initial saving throw against the spell.

Twin Hands

Beginning at 11th level, you can manipulate many hands at once. When you cast Mage Hand, it has no maximum duration, and you can summon two instead of one. You can only control one hand with a single cunning action, but you can control both with your action.

Versatile Trickster

At 15th level, your mage hand is troublesome to deal with. While your mage hand is within 5-feet of a creature, you have advantage on all attack rolls made against them.

Spell Thief

Upon reaching 22nd level, you can steal other mages spells and use it against them. When a creature you can see within 120-feet of you attempts to cast a spell, you can force them to make a saving throw using their spellcasting modifier against your spell save DC.

On a failed saving throw, their spell fails as you counter it (But their spell slot is still expended) At any point, you may cast the countered spell at the level the caster was intending to cast it without expending a spell slot or requiring material components.

Once you cast the countered spell, you cannot cast it again, and you must use this feature to steal a new spell. You cannot use this feature to steal a spell if you already have one stored.

Vital Spells

Finally at 29th level, even your spells pierce peoples vitals. Spells you cast can now benefit from Vital Attack, if the spell damages multiple creatures, only one creature suffers the bonus damage.

Wizard CLass

This subclass uses material from the wizard class, you can use the below links to access the wizard class.


Google Drive


You focus your training on the grim art of death. Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse—hired killers, spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity. Stealth, poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes with deadly efficiency.


Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, death is your specialty. When you hit a creature who is surprised with a weapon attack and you use Vital Attack on them, the bonus damage from Vital Attack is doubled.


Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and the poisoner's kit. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any checks you make using either kit.

Masterful Disguise

Upon reaching 6th level, your ability to create disguises grows. When applying a disguise using your Disguise Kit, you may expend a number of trickery die of up to one third of your maximum (Rounded down) For every trickery die expended, you gain a +3 bonus to your disguises roll.

You do not regain these expended trickery die until you are no longer disguised.


At 11th level, you gain the ability to unerringly mimic another person's speech, writing, and behavior. You must spend at least three hours studying these three components of the person's behavior, listening to speech, examining handwriting, and observing mannerism.

Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual observer. If a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have advantage on any Deception check you make to avoid detection.


Once you reach 15th level, you are more adept at weasling out of dangerous scenarios. Magic that would determine whether or not you are telling the truth always determines you are telling the truth.

Additionally, while in dim light or darkness, you have advantage on stealth checks.

Death Strike

Upon reaching 22nd level, you are capable of bringing people immediate death. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack and that attack is benefiting from Vital Attack, you can turn the attack into a critical hit. You cannot do so if you are using Assassinate on that attack.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.


Finally at 29th level, you can decimate those who even aren't surprised by you. Once per turn, if you have advantage on the attack roll, you may use Assassinate on a creature you hit.

Cranium Stalker

Reworked Soul Knife

Most assassins strike out using regular weapons, steel to pierce the flesh. Some wield magic but they are rare... What's even rarer are the assassins who wield psionic powers in their fighting. Cranium Stalkers seek to rend the mind and tear through their foes with psionics and blades of psychic energy.

Soul Knife

Starting at 3rd level, you are capable of projecting your will into blades of deadly energy. As a bonus action on your turn, you may project a blade of psychic energy from any number of your arms. Arms manifesting a blade cannot hold anything. You may dismiss any number of these blades as a bonus action.

These blades are martial melee weapons you are proficient in, they have the light and finesse properties. They have a damage die of 1d8 and they deal psychic damage.

Minor Psionics

Additionally at 3rd level, you learn 2 Psionic Talents of your choice from the Mystic class. Both must be Fundamental Psionics.

Choose either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma score. This is your Psionic Ability Score, and you use it for determining your psionics DC and attack bonuses.

Psionic Power

Once you reach 6th level, you have begun to manifest some more psionic power within you. You gain a pool of Psi Points equal to two times your Rogue level, which are added on to any existing psi points you may have. You regain all expended psi points upon completing a long rest.

You also learn one more Fundamental Psionic of your choice, and two Psionic Talents of 1st tier of your choice.

Cerebral Might

Beginning at 11th level, your psionics grow even stronger. You learn 2 Cerebral Disciplines of your choice from the Mystic class, and may use them as a Mystic normally would.

You also learn 1 more talent of 1st tier, and 2 psionic talents of 2nd tier.

Mind Drain

At 15th level, you have begun to feast on the psionic energies within people. When you hit a creature with your Soul Knife, and that creature is at or below half their hit point maximum after the attack, you may recover Psi Points equal to that creatures proficiency bonus.

You can only do this once per creature per long rest. If a creatures proficiency bonus is equal to or less than half of yours (Rounded up) You cannot gain psi points from them.

You also learn 1 more talent of 2nd tier, and 2 psionic talents of 3rd tier.

Psionic Fuel

Once you reach 22nd level, you use your psionics to fuel your trickery. Whenever you would expend a trickery die, you can instead expend 2 Psi Points in place of that trickery die.

You also learn 1 more talent of 3rd tier, and 2 psionic talents of 4th tier.

Psionic Culmination

Finally at 29th level, you are especially adept at using your psionics. You may now use any psionic talent you know (Including fundamentals) with a usage time of 1 action by instead expending 2 cunning actions.

You also learn 1 more talent of 4th tier, and 2 psionic talents of 5th tier.

Mystic CLass

This subclass uses material from the mystic class, you can use the below links to access the Mystic class.


Google Drive


Your exploits has caused an extraplanar power to take notice of you, leading to a minor pact being formed between you two. Not enough to make you a warlock, but enough to where you have warlock level abilities.

Pact Magic

Beginning at 3rd level, your minor pact has granted you warlock magic. You gain the spellcasting trait as a warlock possesses it, however you refer to the half-caster spellcasting table found on Page 7 for determining how many spell slots you have.

When calculating how many spell slots you have at each level, you half the total number of spell slots you would have (Rounded up) For example, at 3rd level you'd have one 1st level spell slot instead of two. In exchange for this however, you regain all expended spell slots of 5th level or lower gained from this feature at the end of a short rest.

You do not gain cantrips unless there's a specific subclass feature that grants them, otherwise your casting works exactly as a warlocks does. Your spellcasting ability is your choice of Intelligence or Charisma, you learn spells as a Warlock does.

You start knowing two spells of your choice from the Warlock spell list, and you learn an additional spell at 6th level and every 4 levels afterwards (10, 14, 18 ect) Spells you learn must be for a level you can cast. Whenever you gain a level in the rogue class, you may exchange a spell you have gained from this feature for another.

Eldritch Gift

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain an Eldritch Gift of your choice from the Warlock class. Provided you do not have disadvantage on your attack roll, you may use Vital Attack when attacking with your Eldritch Gift.

Eldritch Augmentations

Upon reaching 6th level, you have discovered the dark powers warlocks truly wield. You gain 1 Eldritch Invocation and 1 Eldritch Mutation from the Warlock class. Neither of which can have a prerequisite of any kind.

Whenever you gain a subclass feature (Levels 11, 15, 22 and 29) You gain an additional Invocation or Mutation of your choice (But not both)

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may exchange one invocation and one mutation you possess for another.

Eldritch Onslaught

Beginning at 11th level, when you use your action to attack with your Eldritch Gift, you may make 2 attacks instead of 1.

At 29th level, the number of attacks you can make is increased to 3.

Esoteric Mix

When you reach 15th level, you are able to blend your eldritch powers with plain old steel. When you use your action to attack with your Eldritch Gift, you may make a single weapon attack as a bonus action.

Dark Preparation

At 22nd level, you are prepared to change yourself to adapt to upcoming struggles. Whenever you finish a short rest, you may exchange one Eldritch Invocation or Eldritch Mutation you know for another.

Warlock CLass

This subclass uses material from the warlock class, you can use the below links to access the warlock class.


Google Drive


As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting out secrets and unraveling mysteries. You rely on your sharp eye for detail, but also on your finely honed ability to read the words and deeds of other creatures to determine their true intent. You excel at defeating creatures that hide among and prey upon ordinary folk, and your mastery of lore and your keen deductions make you well equipped to expose and end hidden evils.

Detect Deceit and Details

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you develop a talent for picking out lies. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine whether a creature is lying or hiding something, treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.

Additionally, you can use a bonus or cunning action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a hidden creature or object or to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to uncover or decipher clues.

Insightful Fighting

Also 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent's tactics and develop a counter to them. As a bonus action, you can make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a creature you can see that isn't incapacitated, contested by the target's Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, when you use Vital Attack on that target, you can expend a number of trickery die up to your maximum when using the feature, instead of only half your maximum.

This benefit lasts for 1 minute or until you successfully use this feature against a different target.

Unerring Eye

Beginning at 6th level, your senses are almost impossible to foil. As an action, you sense the presence of illusions, shapechangers not in their original form, and other magic designed to deceive the senses within 30 feet of you, provided you aren't blinded or deafened. You sense that an effect is attempting to trick you, but you gain no insight into what is hidden or into its true nature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Steady Eye

Starting at 11th level, you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn.

Insightful Hunt

At 15th level, you learn to exploit a creature's weaknesses by carefully studying its tactics and movement. While your Insightful Fighting feature applies to a creature, that creature cannot benefit from being invisible from you, and you are aware of their exact location provided they are within 120-feet of you.

Vigilant Senses

Beginning at 22nd level, your senses are razor sharp. You are permanently under the effects of your Unerring Eye ability.

Hear the Truth

Finally at 29th level, you are capable of reading anyone. You know whenever you hear a lie. This does not inform you of what the truth is, merely that the creature spoke a lie.


You are the divine blade of your god. Employed by churches to eliminate enemies of the faith, Justicars aren't as direct and open as paladins are, they are sneaky and serve their deity from the veil of secrecy.

Cleric Spellcasting

Beginning at 3rd level, you have become the divine blade of a god. You gain the spellcasting trait as a cleric possesses it, however you refer to the half-caster spellcasting table found on Page 7 for determining how many spell slots you have.

You do not gain cantrips unless there's a specific subclass feature that grants them, otherwise your casting works exactly as a cleric does. Your spellcasting ability is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, and you can learn and prepare spells as a cleric does.

When preparing spells, you choose a number of spells from the cleric spell list equal to half your rogue level (Rounded down) + your spellcasting modifier. All spells must be of a level you can cast.

Divine Master

Additionally at 3rd level, you may choose a Holy Pledge from the cleric class and gain the benefits of it. If a feature from the pledge refers to your Cleric level in any way, you instead use your Rogue level.

Channel Illegality

Beginning at 6th level, you are capable of channeling illegal powers. You learn 2 Channel Divinities of your choice from the Cleric class. Once per long rest, you may use one of the channel divinity options you know.

At 15th level, you gain an additional usage of this feature between long rests, and you learn another Channel Divinity of your choice. At 29th level, you gain a third usage between long rests, and you learn a fourth Channel Divinity of your choice.

Burning Blade

Upon reaching 11th level, your fervor ignites your weapon with holy fire. Whenever you use Vital Attack, you may turn all of the bonus damage from it into radiant damage. If you do so, the attack deals an additional 2 damage for every trickery die expended.

Loyal Assassin

Once you reach 15th level, divine energy flows through you. You are immune to disease, poison damage and the poisoned condition. You also cannot be possessed or forced to act against your will (As with the Suggestion spell)

Swift Divinity

Beginning at 22nd level, you are capable of wielding divine power much more easily. By expending 2 cunning actions on your turn, you may use a Channel Divinity you know, expending a usage as normal. The Channel Divinity must have a usage time of 1 action in order to be used with this feature.

Holy Flame Coating

Finally at 29th level, your weapons become coated in divine wrath when you expend magic. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack in the next minute, that creature suffers bonus radiant damage equal to three times the expended spell slots level.

Cleric CLass

This subclass uses material from the legendary cleric class, you can use the below links to access the legendary cleric class.


Google Drive


You are skilled in stealth and surviving far from the streets of a city, allowing you to scout ahead of your companions during expeditions. Rogues who embrace this archetype are at home in the wilderness and among barbarians and rangers, and many Scouts serve as the eyes and ears of war bands. Ambusher, spy, bounty hunter—these are just a few of the roles that Scouts assume as they range the world.


Starting at 3rd level, you are difficult to pin down during a fight. You can move up to half your speed as a reaction when an enemy ends its turn within 5 feet of you. This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.


Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.

Superior Mobility

At 6th level, your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you gain your choice of either a climbing speed or swimming speed. This choice is equal to your walking speed.

Ambush Master

Starting at 11th level, you excel at leading ambushes and acting first in a fight. You have advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, the first creature you hit during the first round of a combat becomes easier for you and others to strike; attack rolls against that target have advantage until the end of your next turn.

Sudden Strike

Starting at 17th level, you can strike with deadly speed. Once per turn, you can make a single attack with a weapon you are holding as a bonus action. If you do not have disadvantage on this attack, you can use Vital Attack without expending any trickery die.

If you do so, the number of die used can only be equal to one third of your maximum trickery die (Rounded down)


Beginning at 22nd level, you become even more slippery. You gain two additional reactions, these reactions can only be used to use the reaction granted by Skirmisher.

Determined Resilience

Finally at 29th level, you refuse to go down. Whenever you use Skirmisher, you may expend one of your hit die as apart of that reaction, rolling it (Adding your constitution modifier as normal)

You regain hit points equal to the total rolled.


You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype.

A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight with two weapons while safely darting away from an opponent.

Duelists Expertise

Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, you are adept at 1 on 1 combat. Whenever you hit a creature within 5-feet of you with a weapon attack and use Vital Attack on them, provided that creature has no allies within 5-feet of them, you may regain half of the trickery dice you expended (Rounded down)

Rakish Audacity

Additionally at 3rd level, you may add your Charisma modifier to your initiative checks.

You also gain the Fancy Footwork combat trait, which is detailed below for ease of use:

During your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Extra Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Upon reaching 15th level, the number of attacks you can make is increased to 3. Upon reaching 29th level, the number of attacks you can make is increased to 4.

Elegant Maneuver

Starting at 11th level, you can use a bonus or cunning action on your turn to gain advantage on the next Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check you make during the same turn.

Counter Attack

Once you reach 22nd level, you are able to trade strikes like it's nothing. When a creature targets you for an attack while no creatures other than the attacker are within 5-feet of you, you may use your reaction to make an attack against them.

Their attack still goes through as normal, though yours happens first.


You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and other criminals typically follow this archetype, but so do rogues who prefer to think of themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators.

Fast Hands

Starting at 3rd level, you gain the Fast Hands combat trait which is detailed below for ease of use.

You can use a bonus or cunning action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.

Second Story Work

Also when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability to climb faster than normal; climbing no longer costs you extra movement.

In addition, when you make a running jump, the distance you cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Supreme Sneak

Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn.

Impossible Thief

Once you reach 11th level, you are able to use items that you really should not be able to. You are able to use items restricted to specific creatures or bound to them, such as a Warlocks pact item, a Night Hags Heartstone, an Artificers infusions, or some similar item.

Thief's Reflexes

When you reach 17th level, you have become adept at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger. You can take two turns during the first round of any combat. You take your first turn at your normal initiative and your second turn at your initiative minus 10. You can't use this feature when you are surprised.

At a Glance

Once you reach 22nd level, you have an eye for what's valuable and what isn't. As a bonus or cunning action on your turn, you may target a large or smaller object within 30-feet of you that you can see. You become aware of all of its magical properties and curses (If any) and its approximate gold value.


Finally at 29th level, you are impossible to pin down. You are considered to be permanently under the effects of the Pass without a Trace and Nondetection spells. These effects are nonmagical.


Tricks are special abilities that a Rogue begins learning at 1st level, you start knowing 2 tricks and learn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Tricks Known column of the Rogue class table.

If a trick has a level prerequisite, you must be at least that level in this class in order to use it.

Using a trick requires expending the appropriate amount of trickery die, expending them in order to fuel the trick. You regain all expended trickery die at the start of your turn.

If a trick forces a creature to make a saving throw, you calculate the DC as follows: 8 + Your Strength or Dexterity modifier (Your choice) + Your Proficiency Bonus

Poison Creation

Some tricks will have the word Poison in their prerequisite section, this represents a special type of trick that creates a minor poison for the Rogue to use.

In order to learn a trick with this tag, you must have proficiency in poisoner's kits. Whenever you use a trick with the poison tag, you must have a poisoner's kit on you.

When you use a poison creation trick, you must expend a "usage" of your poisoner's kit. An individual poisoner's kit has 5 uses, once you use all uses, the kit is destroyed. For every use expended, the poisoner's kits value decreases by 10 gold.

Poison you create with tricks loses all potency after 24 hours or upon hitting a creature (Unless specified in the poisons description that it remains after hitting a creature) and cannot be sold. A weapon can only be coated with one poison at a time, you can use your action to wipe existing poison off of a weapon if you so wish.

If poison you create forces a creature to make a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + Your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.

Clot Venom


You may create this poison over the course of 1 minute, when you do so, you expend a number of trickery die up to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You may coat this poison on a weapon or up to 10 pieces of ammunition as an action or a cunning action.

So long as this poison is still potent, you do not regain the trickery dice expended in its creation.

If coated on a weapon and the weapon hits a creature, the poison activates. For the next minute, that weapon deals 1d4 bonus poison damage on hit for every trickery die expended.

If coated on ammunition and the ammunition hits a creature, the ammunition deals the same bonus damage before fading.

Dodge and Weave

No Prerequisites

When you would be hit by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to expend any number of trickery die. For every trickery die expended, you increase your AC by 1 against the triggering attack, potentially turning it into a miss.

Additionally, until the end of the current turn, all other ranged attacks made against you suffer a penalty to their attack roll equal to half the number of trickery die expended (MRounded down, minimum of 1)

Epic Landing

No Prerequisites

When you would suffer falling damage, you can use your reaction to expend any number of trickery die. You roll them and reduce the falling damage taken by an amount equal to the total rolled. Regardless of how many trickery die you expended, you land on your feet.

Escape Artist

No Prerequsites

When you would make a check or saving throw to avoid being grappled, escape a grapple or escape nonmagical restraints, you can expend any number of trickery die, rolling them. You gain a bonus to your check or saving throw equal to half of the result you rolled (Rounded up)

Field Surgery

No Prerequisites

As an action you may expend any number of trickery die to attempt to heal a willing creature within 5-feet of you (Which may be yourself) Make a Medicine check, with the DC being equal to 5 + 3 times the number of trickery die expended.

On a successful check, you roll the trickery die and the creature regains hit points equal to the total rolled. On a failed check, the creature suffers 1 necrotic damage per trickery die expended, which cannot be reduced by any means.

If a creature has already been healed by this feature since the end of their last long rest, the DC for your Medicine check on them is increased by 5 for each time the creature has been healed by this feature.

This trick does not work on constructs or undead.

Foul Feeling


You may create this poison as an action or cunning action, and by expending at least 3 trickery die, you can apply it to your weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition as apart of the creation action.

If a creature is struck with something coated in the poison, or if they ingest it, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they become Poisoned for 1 hour. At the end of each of their turns, they may repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a successful one.

Narrow Dodge

No Prerequisites

When you would fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to expend any number of trickery die. For every trickery die expended, you add +1 to the result of your saving throw, potentially turning it into a success.

Rend Focus

No Prerequisites

When you damage a creature with a weapon attack and force them to make a Concentration check, you can expend any number of trickery die, rolling them. The creature has the DC of their Concentration check increased by an amount equal to half of the result you rolled (Rounded up)


No Prerequisite

When you miss with a weapon attack, you can expend any number of trickery die to force the target of the attack to make a Dexterity saving throw. Roll a number of trickery die equal to half the total number of trickery die expended (Rounded up)

On a failed saving throw, the target suffers damage of the weapons type equal to the amount rolled. On a successful saving throw, they only suffer half of this damage.

Speed Blitz

No Prerequisites

At the start of your turn (No action required) you can expend a number of trickery die up to your proficiency bonus. For every trickery die expended, your movement speed increases by 5-feet until the end of the current turn.

Once you use this trick, you cannot do so again until you go a full turn without expending any movement.


No Prerequisites

When you would be reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, you can expend 1 trickery die to instead be reduced to 1 HP (No action required) For every time you have used this trick since the end of your last long rest, the number of trickery die you must expend to use it is increased by 1 (2 on 2nd use, 3 on 3rd use, ect)

Trickery die expended for this trick are not recovered until you complete a long rest.


No Prerequisites

Immediately before making an attack against a target, you can expend any number of trickery die (Up to a maximum of your proficiency bonus) For every trickery die expended, your critical hit range for that attack is increased by 1 (From 20 to 19-20 for example)

Health Harmer

Poison, Prerequisite: 5th Level

You may create this poison as an action or cunning action, when you do so you must expend at least one trickery die. If you spend at least 5 trickery die, you can apply it to your weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition as apart of the creation action.

If a creature is struck with something coated in the poison, the next time they receive magical healing before the end of their next long rest, they roll the trickery die expended and reduce the healing received by the amount rolled (If the total rolled is greater than the healing received, they receive the excess amount as poison damage)

Improved Desperate Dash

Prerequisite: 5th Level

When you would take the Desperate Dash cunning action, you can expend three trickery dice to cause your movement speed to be increased by your maximum movement speed this turn instead of only half.

Improved Emergency Escape

Prerequisite: 5th Level

When you would take the Emergency Escape cunning action, you can expend three trickery dice to cause your movement to not provoke attacks of opportunity for the entire turn, rather than just your next 10-feet of movement.

Improved Slip Away

Prerequisite: 5th Level

When you would take the Slip Away cunning action, you can expend three trickery dice to gain advantage on the roll. You can only use this trick if you are in initiative.

Improved Swift Aim

Prerequisite: 5th Level

When you would take the Swift Aim cunning action, you can expend a number of trickery die up to half your maximum (Rounded down) to gain advantage on the attack roll.

Uncanny Dodge

Prerequisite: 5th Level

As a reaction to taking damage from a weapon attack, you can expend a number of trickery die equal to half your maximum (Rounded down) to halve the damage taken.

You must have been able to see or hear the creature who made the attack in order to use this feature.

Debilitating Poison

Poison, Prerequisite: 11th Level

You may create this poison over the course of 10 minutes, when you do so, you expend a number of trickery die up to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You may coat this poison on a weapon or a single piece of ammunition.

So long as this poison is still potent, you do not regain the trickery dice expended in its creation.

When you hit a creature with something coated in this poison, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature is subjected to the following effects for 1 minute:

  • They suffer a penalty to all ability checks and saving throws they make equal to the number of trickery die you expended in this poisons creation.

  • At the end of each of its turns, you roll the trickery die expended in this poisons creation. The creature suffers damage equal to half the result rolled (Rounded down) and the creature may repeat its saving throw against this poison, ending it on a successful saving throw.

If a creature ingests this poison, the effects last for 1 hour instead. However, they only suffer poison damage at the end of every minute (Meaning they can only repeat the saving throw at the end of every minute)

Slippery Mind

Prerequisite: 11th Level

When you would fail an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throw, you can use your reaction to expend any number of trickery die. For every trickery die expended, you add +1 to the result of your saving throw, potentially turning it into a success.

Arcane Bamboozle

Prerequisite: 17th Level

When a creature within 30-feet of you that you can see and hear casts a spell, you can use your reaction to expend a number of trickery die equal to the spells level to force the caster to make a saving throw using their casting score.

On a failed saving throw, the effects of the spell are delayed, and do not take place until the start of that creatures next turn, exactly as they intended to do so now (For example, if a creature cast Fireball at 4th level and you expended 4 trickery die, their action and spell slot is used, but Fireball does not take place until the start of their next turn. The spell is cast in the location they intended to use it this turn)


Poison, Prerequisite: 17th Level

You may create this poison as an action or cunning action, and by expending 7 trickery die, you can apply it to your weapon or a single piece of ammunition as apart of the creation action.

If a creature is struck with something coated in this poison or they ingest it, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they become Poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this manner, they are also Blinded and Deafened.

At the end of each of their turns, they may repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a successful one. If the poison was ingested, they can instead only repeat this saving throw at the end of every minute.

All Alone

Poison, Prerequisite: 23rd Level

You may create this poison over the course of 1 hour, when you do so, you must expend at least 10 trickery dice. You may coat this poison on a weapon or a single piece of ammunition as a cunning action.

So long as this poison is still potent, you do not regain the trickery dice expended in its creation.

If a creature is struck with something coated in this poison or they ingest it, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they become incapable of discerning friend from foe for 1 hour, believing every creature is hostile to them.

At the end of each of their turns, they may repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a successful one. If the poison was ingested, they can instead only repeat this saving throw at the end of every minute.

Power Steal

Prerequisite: 29th Level

As an action or by using 4 cunning actions, you can target a creature you can see within 30-feet of you and choose an ability score. You make a contested ability check using that ability score against the targeted creature.

If the creature fails their ability check, the chosen ability score for them is decreased by 2, and yours is increased by 2. This stat adjustment ends for both you and the target once you use this feature again, if either of you fall unconscious, or if 24 hours have passed since you used this ability on them.

Illicit Gadgets

Below you can find the gadget options you can learn from your Illicit Gadgets feature at 2nd level. You start with 2 of these gadgets and earn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Gadgets Owned column of the Rogue class table.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may swap one of the gadgets you possess for another.


A weighted leather weapon that is unusable in regular combat, but great as a surprise attack.

As an action while holding this gadget, you may force a creature unaware of your presence within 5-feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature is knocked unconscious, and they remain unconscious for 1d4 hours or until they suffer any damage.

If the creatures CR/Level is higher than yours, they automatically succeed on this saving throw. They also automatically succeed on this saving throw if either of you are in initiative.

Garrote Wire

A special type of wire best geared for choking out its victims.

The garrote wire is a martial melee weapon you are proficient in, it deals 1d6 slashing damage on a hit and has the finesse property. When you hit a creature with this wire and had advantage on the attack roll, instead of dealing damage, you can grapple them.

While grappled in this way, a creature cannot breathe nor speak, and is considered to be choking. All attacks made with the garrote wire against this creature automatically hit, however you cannot make attacks against any other creature while grappling them with the wire.

Once per turn (No action required) the grappled creature can make a Dexterity saving throw to attempt to escape the grapple (DC is equal to 8 + Your Strength or Dexterity modifier (Your choice) + Your Proficiency bonus)

Hidden Needle

You hide a needle in a set of armbraces or even within your own skin.

As an action or cunning action, you may load the needle with a poison of your choice (Whether that be one created via one of your tricks, or an external poison)

When you touch a creature or hit them with an unarmed strike, you can force them to make a saving throw against the poison, as if you had struck them with a weapon coated in it.

Pocket Sand

You always make sure to keep some material on you to blind your opponents.

As a bonus action or cunning action, you may force a creature within 10-feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC is equal to 8 + Your Strength or Dexterity modifier (Your choice) + Your Proficiency bonus) On a failed saving throw, the creature is Blinded until the start of your next turn.

If a creature has made a saving throw against pocket sand in the past minute, they have advantage on the saving throw made against this ability.

Poisoners Pouch

You keep a stockpile of ingredients to make poison, and this stockpile never seems to permanently diminish.

Whenever you would use a trick that creates a poison, instead of expending a usage of a Poisoners Kit, you can expend a usage of this gadget instead.

This gadget has a number of uses equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) and it regains all uses upon completing a long rest.

Rogues Lighter

A special lighter a rogue can use to cover their tracks.

As an action or cunning, you can use the lighter to ignite a flammable object within 5-feet of you. This could be a piece of tinder, a piece of cloth, or even flammable oil.

Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack, immediately before the weapon attack, you can use the lighter to ignite the ammunition. If you do so, it converts all of the damage of the attack into fire damage.

Secret Compartment

You have a hidden compartment on your person, whether it be a secret pocket in your clothing, or a false patch of skin that can be pulled off.

Your secret compartment is capable of holding a single object of tiny size or smaller, your DM may rule that your compartment can hold a slightly larger object.

While an object is in your compartment, it cannot be found during a frisk or casual search. If a creature is actively searching for a hidden compartment, they have disadvantage on all checks made to find this compartment.

Skeleton Key

A special key that can open virtually anything.

As an action, you may insert this key into a single lock within 5-feet of you (Such as the lock of a door, chest, or some other lock) The key adjusts itself and turns into the perfect key for that lock, capable of opening it as the normal key would be able to.

Once you use this key to open a lock, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

Smoke Bomb

You learn how to create smoke bombs, special devices that create obscuring smoke on detonation.

As a bonus action or cunning action, you may throw a smoke bomb to a point you can see within 30-feet of you. The area within 15-feet of that point becomes heavily obscured, the smoke also spreads around corners.

The smoke remains for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (At least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

You can have a number of bombs made at a time equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) By spending 1 minute and 1 gold piece worth of materials, you can create a new smoke bomb.

Throwing Knives

You have a set of throwing knives that you can use quite effectively.

Whenever you take an action, bonus action, or a cunning action, you may throw a Throwing Knife towards a target within 15-feet of you as apart of that action. You must have a free hand in order to do so.

You use your Dexterity modifier for the knifes attack roll. The throwing knife deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit and you do not add any modifiers to the damage roll. The damage of a throwing knife cannot be increased in any way, whether it be via poison, magic, or anything of the sort. Critical hits still increase the damage as normal however.

You have a total of 20 throwing knives on you at a time. By spending 1 minute and 5 copper pieces worth of materials, you can create a new throwing knife.

Wrist Blade

You have hidden a blade within your armbrace or attach to the bottom of your wrist.

Your wrist blade can either be sheathed or unsheathed, while it is sheathed, you have a +10 bonus to all Sleight of Hands checks made to conceal the blade.

As a bonus or cunning action, you may unsheathe your wrist blade, if the blade is poisoned, it does not take effect until it is unsheathed. When you make an unarmed attack, you can unsheathe your wrist blade as apart of the attack and attack with it instead.

This blade has the finesse and light properties. Its damage die is 1d6 and it deals piercing damage.

Wrist Crossbow

You attach a miniature crossbow to one of your wrists.

You have a small crossbow hidden on one of your wrists. This crossbow is a martial weapon you are proficient in. This weapon does not require handspace to use, meaning you can use it even if both of your hands are already holding something.

This still functions as a normal crossbow however, meaning you need a free hand to reload it after firing a bolt.

This crossbow has the ammunition, light and loading properties. It has a short range of 15-feet and a long range of 60-feet. Its damage die is 1d4 and it deals piercing damage.

Combat Traits

Below you will find the features you are able to select from your Underhanded Secrets feature at levels 3, 8, 13, 18, 23 and 28.

Always Prepared

You may add your choice of your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier to your initiative rolls.

Colossus Toppler

When a Large or larger creature within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to attack that creature immediately after its attack, provided that you can see the creature.

Dark Skills

Choose two skills. If you lack proficiency in a chosen skill, you gain proficiency in it. If you have proficiency in a chosen skill, you gain expertise in it.

You may select this trait multiple times.

Dual Wielder

When you engage in two weapon fighting, you may make your offhand attack as apart of your attack action rather than as a bonus action. If you do so, you are unable to use your bonus action to make any sort of attack.

Additionally, you may add your ability modifier to your offhand attack if you were not already.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a bonus to that weapons damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up)

Fancy Footwork

During your turn, if you make a melee attack against a creature, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.

Fast Hands

You can use a bonus or cunning action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.

Forceful Shot

When using a Shortbow or Longbow, you may use your Strength modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.

When attacking with a bow while using this feature, you have a -1 penalty to your attack rolls with them; however you also have a +2 bonus to damage rolls with them.


You gain an additional Illicit Gadget of your choice, which does not count against your gadgets owned. Over the course of a long rest, you may exchange this gadget for another one. You must spend 10 gold pieces in order to do so.

You may select this trait multiple times.

Improved Trickery

You gain 2 additional Trickery Dice to use on each of your turns.

You may select this trait multiple times.

Mage Hand Legerdmain

You learn the Mage Hand spell, when you cast mage hand, you can make the hand invisible. You can control the hand by using a cunning action, and you can take the following additional actions using mage hand:

  • You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature.

  • You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature.

  • You can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range.

You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a sleight of hand check contested by the creature's perception check. You use your spellcasting modifier for this sleight of hand check.

Minor Luck

Whenever you make an ability check, attack roll or saving throw, you can choose to reroll the die immediately after seeing the result. You must use the new result.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

You may select this feature multiple times, gaining an additional usage between rests for each subsequent taking.

Poison Harvester

You gain proficiency in Poisoner Kits if you lack it, if you already have this proficiency, you instead gain expertise. Additionally, you learn one poison trick of your choice. This trick does not count against your tricks known.

Resilient Body

Your HP maximum increases by an amount equal to three times your level in this class. Everytime you gain a Rogue level, your maximum HP increases by an additional 3 HP.

You may select this trait multiple times.


When an attack misses you, you may move up to half of your speed as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Thieves' Cant

You know the Thieves' Cant language, the special speech of the underworld. While speaking Thieves' Cant, people who hear it who do not understand the language, believe you to be saying normal things in an existing language. People who know Thieves' Cant understand the true meaning of your speech however.


You learn 2 Tricks of your choice, which do not count against your tricks known. Whenever you complete a long rest, you may exchange any tricks you have learned from this feature for other tricks that you meet the prerequisites for. If you unlearn a poison trick via this method, any existing poison made using that particular trick is immediately rendered impotent.

You may select this trait multiple times, learning additional tricks for each subsequent taking.

Unarmed Assassin

The damage die for your unarmed strikes is 1d6 if it was not already higher. If you attack with two free hands, this die becomes 1d8. You can use your choice of Strength or Dexterity for your unarmed strikes.

You can use Vital Attack on your unarmed strikes, and you can coat your limbs in poison to apply it via unarmed strikes without suffering any negative consequences.

Weapon Juggler

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as apart of the attack you make with the weapon.

Additionally, if you hit an attack made with the thrown property of a weapon and the target is within your weapons short range, you may cause it to bounce off the target and return to your hand.

Evasion Improvement

Prerequisite: 8th Level

Choose two saving throws, your Evasion feature now also applies to those two saving throws.

You may select this feature twice, if you do so, your Evasion feature applies to all saving throws.

Poison Tolerance

Prerequisite: 8th Level

You gain resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws made against the poisoned condition.

If you are at least 18th level in this class, you may select this trait a second time. If you do so, you are instead immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.

Stroke of Luck

Prerequisite: 18th Level

If you miss a target within your weapons range with an attack roll, you can turn the miss into a hit. Alternatively, if you fail an ability check, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

You may select this trait multiple times, gaining an additional usage for each subsequent taking.

Legendary Actions

Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Ranger of the appropriate level can learn (If a Ranger specific Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Ranger to know it for example)

Assassins Majesty

Cost: 1 Legendary Action

You may coat a weapon or up to 3 pieces of ammunition in poison, provided you possess both the poison and the thing you are coating it on.

Gadget Use

Cost: 1 Legendary Action

You use a gadget that has a usage time of an action or bonus action, provided that the action does not involve making an attack.

Sneak Around

Cost: 1 Legendary Action

You take the Hide action.

Leveling Beyond 30

Here you can find what the Legendary Rogue gains for every level beyond 30 they are! It is intentional that their proficiency bonus stops increasing.

  • Every 4 levels beyond 30 (34, 38, ect) a legendary rogue gains a regular ASI.

  • Every third ASI a legendary rogue would gain after level 30 (42, 54, 66 ect) is instead a legendary ASI.

  • Every level you gain an additional Trickery Die.

  • Every even level (32, 34, 36, 38 ect) you gain a +1 to one ability score of your choice.

  • Your HP increases as per normal.

  • Your new ability score maximums for Strength or Dexterity (Your choice), Intellige and Charisma is equal to your Rogue level if they were not already higher.


Version 1.0 (July 15th 2023)

A complete revamp of the very first legendary class, Rogue!

  • Released with 9 Subclasses: Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Cranium Stalker, Favored, Inquisitive, Justicar, Scout, Swashbuckler and Thief

  • Released with 24 Tricks

  • Released with 12 Gadgets

  • Released with 22 Combat Traits

  • Released with 3 Legendary Actions

Credits and Thanks!

Artist Credit

I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this document is credited below, please show respects to the artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon as possible.

  • Cover art by @SacrinoxiaArt on Twitter!

  • Art on Cunning Actions/Evasion Page by Sun Haiyang on Artstation!

  • Art on Reliable Skills/Ultimate Scoundrel Page by Kevin Sidharta on Artstation!

  • Art on Arcane Trickster Subclass by Ella V. on Artstation!

  • Art on Assassin Subclass by Gonçalo Santos on Artstation!

  • Art on Cranium Stalker Subclass by Sheep Lin on Artstation!

  • Art on Favored Subclass by MianKong_面孔 on Artstation!

  • Art on Inquisitive Subclass by Stan Glass on Artstation!

  • Art on Justicar Subclass by Łukasz Starczewski on Artstation!

  • Art on Scout Subclass by Mike Azevedo on Artstation! (Link to their Artstation does not work since they deleted all their Artstation content, but it is made by them)

  • Art on Swashbuckler Subclass by Astri Lohne on Artstation!

  • Art on Thief Subclass by Straban on Deviantart!

  • Art on 1st Tricks page by Matt Forsyth on Artstation!

  • Art on 2nd Gadgets page by 叁乔居 3QSTUDIO on Artstation!

  • Art on 2nd Combat Traits page by Art of Neight on Artstation!

Stain Credit

In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his website, watercolors.giantsoup.com.

Other Homebrew

You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as all of those are publically available, join the discord!


Patron Thanks!

This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on https://www.patreon.com/Zellorea. If you wish to support me or encourage me to make more things like this or update this in the future, that's the best way to do it!

A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their names are listed below as a show of my immense appreciation towards them.

  • Living Legend: O-5

  • Living Legend: Trains

  • Renowned Hero: Cynical Sorcerer

  • Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity

  • Mercenary: Deathknight

  • Folk Hero: Nate Meyer