The Esotericist

Esotericist patrons are beings which seek lost, ancient, and forbidden knowledge. While most have an explicit goal or purpose in their pursuit of knowledge, sending out their warlock servants to scour the planes in search of any information which helps them further their goals, others may seek it for its own sake.

You choose your patrons form or determine it randomly, using the Esotericist Patron table.

Esotericist Patron
d6 Patron List
1 A frivolous genie looking to expand their magnificent library.
2 An ancient dragon searching for the key to immortality.
3 A sentient library in the far realms which desires to contain every bit of information ever written.
4 A petty archmage seeking the one thing that would give them the edge over an old rival.
5 A night hag coven aiming to monopolize the trade of souls in the lower planes.
6 A cloud giant duke seeking to raise his people's place in the ordning.

Expanded Spell List

The Esotericist lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Esotericist Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st identify, silent image
2nd augury, zone of truth
3rd glyph of warding, sending
4th arcane eye, fabricate
5th legend lore, modify memory

Eternal Student

Starting at 1st level, you learn one new language of your choice, and gain proficiency with calligraphers tools and two of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. Calligraphers tools and tomes count as spellcasting focuses for you.

Arbiter of Knowledge

At 1st level, once per day, you can perform a ten minute ritual to send your patron tomes, scrolls, manuscripts, or other items containing written information. When you do so, you create a 5 foot diameter circle inscribed with your patrons symbol, placing the items within the circle, and transporting them to your patrons location to be stored. While a tome is in you or your patrons possession you can magically pull knowledge from it in the following ways:

  • Instantly recall knowledge depicted in the tome.
  • Speak an additional language depicted in the tome. You can change this language after a long rest.
  • Perform a minute long ritual to create a nonmagical copy of a tome or manuscript, consuming an amount of fine ink, parchment, and other necessary materials equal to the original in value during the process. Copying a spellbook in this way leaves the spells in the copy scrambled and unusable. at 10th level you can magically copy spells between spellbooks at the same rate and cost as wizards.
  • Twice per short rest, when you perform an ability check or saving throw, you can add a d6 to the roll if you have a tome containing relevant and useful information. This increases to a d8 at 6th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 14th level. If the information is incorrect or faulty you instead subtract a d6.

Once a tome has been sent to your patron you can summon it to an empty hand at will. If you are knocked unconcious or killed a creature can forcefully extract a tome from your patrons possession through you, as long as they know the exact item they are seeking.

Excercise Truth

Starting at 6th level, as an action, you can target a creature you can see, extracting crucial knowledge about it and breaking it down to its base numerical components. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a fail you learn one of the following:

  • Damage resistances, damage immunities, damage vulnerabilities, condition resistances, and condition immunities.
  • Statistics and armor class.
  • The creatures true name (or the fact it doesn't have one). While you know a creatures true name you can invoke it as a bonus action to give the creature disadvantage against your spell effects and on attacks against you until the end of its next turn.
  • A specific tidbit of knowledge stored within the creatures mind, such as a location or password. At 14th level you can force the creature to forget the knowledge you extracted.

If a creature succeeds on its saving throw you cannot target it in this way again for 24 hours, and it becomes aware magic was used on it. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain all uses on a long rest.

Esoteric Arcanum

At 10th level, your patron rewards your pursuit of magical knowledge by bestowing you with two arcane gifts. The first is a spellbook which contains three wizard spells of your choice (Two of 1st level and one of 2nd level). The spellbook remains in your patrons possession unless you specifically summon it. Whenever you send a spellbook or spell scroll to your patron, after a long rest, you can prepare two of the spells inside as long as they are of a level you can cast. These count as warlock spells for you.

Second is number of tokens inscribed with arcane symbols. The tokens count as spell focuses and can be magically consumed to cast any warlock spell known by you. The level of the spell you can cast is equal to how many tokens you consume in its casting. You have a number of tokens equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of one) and regain lost tokens on a long rest.

Onomastic Ward

Beginning at 14th level, when you use exercise truth to learn a creatures true name, you can perform an hour long ritual to inscribe it into an idol or talisman worth at least 500 gold. When you evoke the object the creature becomes charmed by you. While charmed it cannot harm you and must obey your commands, though it otherwise retains its personality and free will. If the object is destroyed or stolen the creature is freed from your control and you forget it’s true name until you either use exercise truth on it again or regain the object.


Subclass by u/ElmsgrovesCompendium

Art: Library by dj bekas and Cave of the forgotten books by Martin Geupel