Solesian Spy Rogue

Wherever there are state secrets and nefarious organizations bent on world domination, there are spies seeking to root them out. Highly trained men, women and non-binary people of every race are driven to save the day, without so much as a single civilian soul knowing about them. All the thanks they need is a well crafted mixed drink... Shaken, not stirred.

The following is an archetype for rogues in the Spyre setting, but could be applied to any campaign with a sufficiently modern setting.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit and learn two languages of your choice. Additionally, you gain proficiency in firearms.

Cunning Quickchange

Starting at 3rd level, you can make disguise kit checks using Charisma instead of Intelligence. You can prepare a number of disguises at the end of a long rest equal to your Charisma modifier. Because you make use of the materials from previous disguises, you must discard disguises created from this feature to prepare a new disguise in this way. Provided you have a disguise prepared in advance, you can change into a disguise as a bonus action if the creature or creatures you are attempting to disguise yourself from can’t see you.

Spy Gadgets

Also at 3rd level, you are formally inducted as an agent into a far-reaching espionage organization who will supply you with various advanced technological or arcane devices as you deem necessary. You become aware of various covert drop points throughout the world, which you can access when you finish a long rest.

When you finish a long rest and access a drop point, you can choose a number of items equal to your Charisma modifier, such as weapons or tools, to disguise as mundane objects of your choice. For example, you can disguise thieves tools as a pen or a gun as a banana. As part of your free object interaction on your turn, you can reveal the hidden feature of the object, or revert it back to a disguised object.

Additionally, you gain access to a number of agency gadgets. You gain 2 gadgets of your choice, which are listed under “Gadgets” on the following page. When you finish a long rest, you can deposit any number of gadgets you own into a drop point and trade them for new ones from the list. You gain access to an additional gadget when you reach 9th level, and again at 13th and 17th level.

"Ordinary Citizen"

At 9th level, you can attempt to hide and quickchange even when you are only lightly obscured by crowds, buildings or other features of cities. Crowds never count as difficult terrain for you.

Trick Enchantment

At 13th level, you gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause you to be charmed, dominated or frightened. When you succeed on a saving throw against such an effect, you can make it so the creature who is the source of the effect believes you failed the save and are under their control.

Perfect Cover

At 17th level, you are under the effect of a constant Mind Blank spell. However, instead of divination spells failing to be cast on you, you can effect the spell to return any result you decide. For example, you can return the results of a Scrying attempt to read as if you were relaxing on a beach drinking a martini.

Additionally, you treat any charm attempts as if you had succeeded on the save for the purposes of your Trick Enchantment feature.


Class by Colby of Critical Fails,

Concept by Brennan Lee Mulligan


Clipboard of Authority

With this clipboard, you can easily convince creatures that you are meant to be wherever you are. While holding the clipboard, you have advantage on Charisma (deception) checks to access locations not normally available to you.

Decoding Ring

You can use this ring to cast comprehend languages at will, though only on written documents. Additionally, you can make Intelligence checks to break codes or cyphers at advantage.

Firearm Silencer

When utilizing this device, all shots fired from a firearm are treated as totally silent, and you don’t give away your position if you make an attack while hiding.

Recording Flower

This flower can be stylishly fitted to a pocket square, or placed as decoration in a room. It can record audio and visuals and replay them as illusions later. The flower can record up to 10 minutes per day at a visual range of 15 feet, but can pick up audio from as far away from 60 feet. You can covertly activate or deactivate the recording property as a bonus action, and replay recorded visual illusions as an action. You can replay a visual recording once per day, though there is no limit on audio. You regain use of the visual illusion feature when you finish a long rest.

Shoe Phone

You gain a shoe phone, a communication device hidden in your footwear that allows you to communicate with your organization. The amount of research you can request from home base is limited. When you gain this gadget, you can use the shoe phone to ask for information as if you were casting the Augury spell, although instead of responding with “Weal” and “Woe”, your organization will respond with “Affirmative”, “Negative” and “Unclear.” You can request information in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Suction Cups

You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed, and you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, even if the surface is perfectly flat.

Tech Glasses

This pair of unassuming spectacles contains various intel gathering abilities. While wearing them, you have darkvision to a range of 90 feet and can Detect Magic on an object or creature by observing them for one minute.

Umbrella Shield

This acts as a shield in which you are proficient. Once per day, you can cast the Shield and Feather Fall spells with it, though only on yourself. You regain use of this feature when you finish a long rest.


Class by Colby of Critical Fails,

Concept by Brennan Lee Mulligan