Child of Bhaal

Decades ago, many gods were killed in the Godswar. The Lord of Murder, Bhaal, foresaw his demise and stalked the mortal world, fathering children with dozens of women of every race. The children born from these unions all carried the divine spark of Bhaal. You are one of these children. The taint of Bhaal grants you powers beyond those typical of your race and heritage. At least, that is what you've been told…

So far, none of your powers have manifested. While you have always had the free will to choose your own path, your father's shadow looms large. You know that Bhaal expected to return to life, once his children had slaughtered one another to the last. If you were the last remaining Bhaalspawn, would you become a god? Or would you be no more than a vessel for your malevolent father? You may choose to embrace this destiny and hunt down your siblings, or you may try to forever rid yourself of your father's tainted ‘gift’.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Intimidation
Languages. One of your choice
Equipment. A set of common clothes, a holy symbol of Bhaal, a book that describes Alaundo's prophecy, a belt pouch containing 10gp
Kinsense. You have the innate ability to detect other Bhaalspawn, you detect other Bhaalspawn in the same way as a creature under the effects of Detect Evil and Good would detect an outsider.

Suggested characteristics

Bhaalspawn come from every race and walk of life, born to mortal mothers scattered across Faerûn. Some were raised in isolated Bhaalite temples, while others were adopted by families who were ignorant of their father's identity. Bhaalspawn are typically indistinguishable from others of their race, except that they feel an unusual impulse to perform violent and evil acts. They exult in the thrill of such violence, even if they experience shame and remorse afterwards. Many go on to choose professions best suited to these traits, becoming expert mercenaries and hunters.

Symbol of Bhaal
The symbol of Bhaal, the Lord of Murder.

d6 Personality Trait
1 Growing up in a land still recovering from the chaos of the Time of Troubles has led me to hold the gods in contempt. Learning my father's identity has only strengthened this conviction.
2 My past is complicated. It's easiest to lie about it.
3 I am tenacious in the pursuit of my goals. Once I've decided on a course of action, I won't stop until it's done.
4 I've felt strangely detached from the world around me for as long as I can remember.
5 I am perpetually gripped by wanderlust and hate being tied down to one place for long.
6 I am blunt in my interactions with others. Why skirt the issue when candor gets results?
d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. My life is my own, and only I decide how to live it (Chaotic)
2 Destiny. I am obligated to fulfill whatever purpose fate has prepared for me. (Lawful)
3 Redemption. Even someone born of evil can choose to do good. (Good)
4 Power. One day I will be strong enough to bend others to my will. (Evil)
5 Adventure. The greatest thrill in life is exploring the unknown and overcoming its challenges. (Any)
6 Aspiration. My divine blood will help me to achieve greatness. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I still regularly visit the orphanage or temple where I was raised and donate to it whenever I can.
2 A particular teacher from my youth inspired me to be the person I am today.
3 My pet or familiar is my closest companion.
4 I am convinced that someone is hunting me, though I have no idea of their identity or motivation.
5 I owe everything to my adoptive parents and would give my life to protect them.
6 I'm not sure where I fit in in this world, but I'm convinced that I will find my place one day.
d6 Flaw
1 Ever since discovering my heritage, I've felt a strong sense of superiority over lesser mortals.
2 I secretly enjoy giving in to the bloodlust that boils within me.
3 I am always on edge and overly suspicious of others' motives.
4 I refuse to accept that Bhaal's taint is within me and am in deep denial of my heritage.
5 Making friends has always been difficult for me.
6 I have a bad temper that is easily triggered by minor inconveniences.

Bhaalspawn Heritage

Prerequisites: Bhaalspawn Background or Bhaalspawn revelation Your tainted blood begins to manifest in the following ways:

Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You learn either the cure wounds or inflict wounds spell and one 1st-level spell of your choice. The 1st-level spell must be from the cleric, sorcerer or warlock spell list. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is either, inteligence, wisdom or charisma.

Bhaalspawn Revelation

Learning of your tainted blood has unlocked a great potential within you:

Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You have the innate ability to detect other Bhaalspawn, you detect other Bhaalspawn in the same way as a creature under the effects of Detect Evil and Good would detect an outsider.

Improved Bhaalspawn Heritage

Prerequisites: Bhaalspawn Heritage Your tainted blood begins to manifest in the following ways:

Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.


Greater Bhaalspawn Heritage

Prerequisites: Improved Bhaalspawn Heritage Your tainted blood begins to manifest in the following ways:

Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
