Wizard Duels

Wizards have spent their entire lifetime, and in some cases several lifetimes, studying magic. Reading, learning, experimenting and understanding the fundamentals of magic, its uses and its dangers. For most, it is simply for the pursuit of knowledge. For others, it is a tool used to assist adventure. But very rarel;y do Wizards study magic purely for the use of it in battle.

Wizards very rarely Duel one another; and when a duel is called, it is a very competitive event. But a Wizard's Duel is very different to any other kind of duel you might have heard of. Only the naive or misguided Wizards partake in such dangerous activities.

Challenging a Wizard to a Duel

When a duel is called, there is usually need for an incredible reason in order to tuen down the challenge. If you turn down a duel without a good enough reason, you will end up being ridiculed as a Goblin for running away from an actual challenge. On the other hand, a good enough reason to call the challenge is also required. An initiate challenging a revered Wizard would be disregarded and laughed away, marking you as a Mephit for being so hot-headed.

When the challenge is accepted, regardless of reason, a time, and place is called. This could be anywhere - the local tavern, the town square, or even a dreamscape; as decided between the two Wizards partaking in the Duel. The timeframe is also important; as the particiapnts will need to prepare their spells for the event. Too soon, and you might be ill prepared. Too long, and you give your opponent too much time to prepare.


You can attempt to use "big talk" to attempt to goad your opponent into accepting the challenge, or to make them chicken out.

To do this, first, you must come up with the statement you wish to use, in order to get your opponent to bend to your will. For example, you could say "Your only special skill is to make youself look majestic, but even that isn't saying much!"; or "I'd mop the floor with your beard, but it's not even worth the effort."

Your opponent can then respond, in an attempt to "beat you". Once each player has delivered a statement, onlookers can vote for who's remark was better. The winner then gets to add a d6 to the following roll; if it's a tie, both get to add a d6. If there is no audience, flip a coin. The winner of the coin toss is granted the d6.

Make an opposed Charisma check. If the roll of the "Goader" is higher than the "Goadee", the "Goadee" must bend to the "Goader's" will; and vice versa.

Preparing for a Duel

All Duels are performed at a Wizard's 5th level, regardless of their current level. There are several things that will be accounted for here:

  1. Overall Stats. Your Ability Scores for the duel use the standard array (15, 15, 15, 8, 8, 8). You can place these in your Ability Scores in any order you wish. Once this is done, you apply your racial modifiers. This will determine your Initiative, Hit Points (Using the base 4 + Con modifier per level) and your Spell Casting Ability. Finally, add an Ability Score Improvement (+1 to 2 different Ability Scores, or +2 to 1 Ability Score) or choose a Feat instead.
  2. Spells. As a Wizard, you are defined by the Spells you have come to know in your Spellbook. In preparation for a Duel, write down the list of spells you would use in order to best your opponent; limited to the number of spells you would know at 5th level (Int Modifier + 5), including 4 Cantrips.

It's Time to Duel!

Now it's time for the Duel! But remember - Wizards never actually Duel; so how is this done? Simple; you compare spells, and determine the winner by deductive reasoning.

To keep track of everything, you will need the following:

  • Your Hit Points, Ability Scores, and Armour Class.
  • Tokens to indicate overall Spell Slots.
  • Concetration token
  • Spell Cards, separated into Spell Level
Spell Cards

Spell Cards are used to make play easier. These cards hold information about casting times, levels, and a description of what the spell does.

These Spell Cards will help players manage their spells, making play more manageable.

How to play

Duels are played out very similarly to combat. First determine Initiative, by rolling a d20 and adding your Initiative bonus. The player with the highest Initiative roll can decide if they wish to go first, or second.

Round of Play

On your turn, you have a Main Action, and a Bonus Action. You can use one or both of your Actions to cast a spell. When you cast a spell, if it is a passive, or triggered spell, you may choose to place it face down on the field of play. If the Spell requires Concentration, place the Concentration Token on the card to indicate where you are placing your Concentration. If a spell is cast using a Spell Slot, discard the appropraite Spell Level token.

Resolve spells as necessary. If a spell requires a roll, to determine effectiveness or damage, use the appropriate dice to determine the outcome(s). Once a spell has been resolved, the Spell Card is returned to its appropriate deck.


Some spells can be cast as a reaction. You may play these during your opponent's turn, in response to one of their Actions. Resolve Spell Slot Costs and Concentration as you would with any other spell on you turn, and determine the outcome, before your opponent continues their turn.