True Senju

All senju are powerful in their own right, but very few are blessed with the overwhelming power of wood release, and even fewer are powerful enough to master it.


In order to acquire this class mod, you must be a full Senju, so no latent or realized. You must also have wood release jutsus, and have a strength and constitution score of at least 16.

Leveling it up

In order to level this class mod, you gain natural energy, and when you gain enough, you level up. whenever you use a wood release jutsu in combat, you gain 2 natural energy. Whenever you use a kodama art, you gain a certain amount of natural energy.


Every time you use an art or ability of this class mod you gain a number of overexertion, which you keep track of, and when you gain more overexertion then you can manage, you must make a check by rolling 1d100+ The amount of overexertion you have. After 1 week of downtime, you reduce your overexertion by 2d6. If you have detriments, and the detriment allows it, you can remove one stack of that detriment.

Amount Rolled
Rolled Effect
80+ Your natural energy begins to overwhelm you, reduce your hit die max by 1(This Stacks). this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating
90+ You gain a -1 penalty to Constitution saving throws.(This stacks). this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating
100+ You gain a -1 penalty to Kodama arts and Senju Clan attack rolls(this Stacks) this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating.
110+ Kodama arts increase their overexertion by +1(this Stacks) this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating.
115+ You gain two ranks of the weakened condition until you spend a week of downtime recuperating(This Stacks)
120+ The cost of Kodama arts and Senju clan Hijutsu increase by 5(this Stacks) this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating.
125+ You begin to solidify slightly. Your movement speed is reduced to 10, and you gain 1 rank of the bleeding condition as your skin cracks, which deals true damage instead of necrotic. You only roll the damage when you use a Kodama Art, and is dealt directly to your health.(This Stacks) This effect ends once you finish a Full rest.
130+ You can not use Senju clan Hijutsu until you finish a full rest.
140+ You gain a -1 Penalty to your Constitution Score(this Stacks) this can be removed through 1 week of downtime spent recuperating
150+ Your health is permanently reduced by 15, and your chakra is permanently reduced by 10. As your body is severely wounded by the natural energy


True Senju
Level Requirements Natural energy Requirement Kodama arts Senju Fortifications Exertion Limit Features
1 Level 4 0 1 2 10 True Senju, Kodama Arts, Truly a different breed, Senju Fortifications
2 - 20 1 2 15 True Senju(2), One With Nature, Essence of the forest
3 Level 8 40 2 3 20 Perfect Senju, truly a different breed(2), Scion of the forest
4 Level 10 60 2 3 25 Senju Strong, The embodiement of the forest
5 - 80 3 4 30 Perfect Senju(2), One With Nature(2)

True Senju

At first level, as a bonus action you may spend 10 chakra to infuse yourself with the natural strength of your powerful wood release for 10 minutes. While active, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your AC increases by 3
  • Your strength and constitution increase by +2 as well as the max
  • You have a thin layer of dense natural energy that envelopes you, this shell has its own seperate pool of hit points equal to half your hit point max. This pool is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-chakra enhanced sources.
  • Finally, You reduce all incoming damage by 1d6+1.

At second level of this class mod, the damage reduction increases to 2d6+2, and the AC bonus increases to 4.

Truly a Different Breed

Senju are known for their ability to last for a long time in combat. They are often seen as one of the strongest clans. As such, your hit point maximum and chakra point maximum increase by 5 for every level in this class mod. You also gain the ability to, once per long rest, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, to spend 3 hit die and heal up that much instead of going down.

At level 3 of this class mod, Once per week you can regain all uses of senju cells, as well as being able to use its effect imediately when you activate this ability.

Perfect Senju

At third level of this class mod your Senju form becomes even stronger, when you activate this class mod, you instead gain the following benefits.

  • Your AC increases by 5
  • Your strength and constitution increase by +4 as well as the max
  • You have a thin layer of dense natural energy that envelopes you, this shell has its own seperate pool of hit points equal to half your hit point max. This pool is resistant to Earth, Water, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Finally, You reduce all incoming damage by 3d6+3.

Finally, at fifth level of this class mod, you become the ultimate Senju, a true master of wood release, you gain the following benefits when you activate this class mod.

  • Your AC increases by 6
  • Your strength and constitution increase by +8 as well as the max
  • You have a thin layer of dense natural energy that envelopes you, this shell has its own seperate pool of hit points equal to half your hit point max. This pool is resistant to Earth, Water, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Finally, You reduce all incoming damage by 3d8+3.

Kodama Arts

As a true senju, you are a sacred being, and are able to use overwhelmingly powerful Wood Release arts known as, Kodama Arts. Kodama arts are unique to the True Senju who obtains it. You gain a second art at 3rd level of this class mod, and at level 5 you gain another. For the purpose of features, Kodama Arts count as Senju Hijutsu

Senju Fortifications

Finally, at first level of this class mod your Senju DNA has helped grow unique powers within you that help you stand out amongst the rest. These fortifcations are always active and you have a number of foritications as shown in the Senju Fortifications column.

One With Nature

At level 2 of this class mod, you link yourself with nature even more, while this class mod is active, You gain nature sense of 500ft. Allowing you to sense anything with natural chakra within 500ft, giving you advantage to spot them.

At level 5 of this class mod, this range increases to 1000ft inside of combat, a mile outside of it. you may also spend a minute, even when this class mod isn't active, to roll a DC 25 chakra control check to sense the natural chakra around you, up to 100 miles. this can only be done once per long rest.

At fifth level of this class mod, you gain 300ft of chakra sight passively.

Essence of The Forest

At level 2 of this class mod, you can dawn your wooden avatar. As an action, and 2 overexertion, you manifest wooden armor around yourself(This does not count as armor for the purpose of features, jutsus, etc.) The armor looks however you wish it to. When you dawn this armor, you calculate your AC by 14 + constitution modifier + half your proficiency bonus, you also gain resistance to earth damage. Your damage reduction feature in True Senju, and perfect Senju, increase in size by 1. Finally you deal an additional 1d12 earth damage when you hit with an unarmed strike.

Scion of the Forest

At third level of this class mod, your Wooden Avatar advances,by spending 15 chakra as an action as well as 5 overexertion, while active, your damage reduction die is instead increased in size by 2, and your unarmed strikes deal an additional 2d8 earth damage on a hit. You also can increase your size to large if the terrain would allow for that. Finally, whenever you hit with an unarmed attack the target must make a constitution saving throw versus your Hijutsu save DC, on a failure, you reduce their chakra by half that amount, this can only be done twice per turn.

Senju Strong

At 4th level of this class mod, your strength and constitution maximum increase by 2. While this class mod is active, you cannot have disadvantage on strength or constitution related checks and saving throws.

You have a number of additional senju cells equal to your constitution modifier.

Finally, your damage reduction/resistance&immunity from true/perfect senju can't be over come by any means, unless it is a thing you activated, such as a consequence from this class mod, or other class mods you have. Negative effects caused by those effects are instead reduced by your level in this class mod. You may spend 30 chakra to apply this benefit to all damage reduction, resistance and immunities. If you choose to activate this effect while outside of this class mod it costs 50 chakra.

Embodiement of the Forest

At fifth level of this class mod, your avatar advances even further. When you activate this you must spend an action and 20 chakra, as well as 8 overexertion. While active, you can increase your size to huge if you wish, and your AC is now calculated as 15 + constitution modifier + half your proficiency. Your damage reduction die increases in amount and size by 2. your unarmed damage deal an additional 4d8 earth damage on a hit. Whenever you hit with an unarmed attack, the target must make a constitution saving throw, on a failure, they also lose half the damage in chakra, and you gain half of how much chakra they lost back to your natural shell benefit from true/perfect senju, this can only be done twice per turn.

Senju Fortifications

Senju Fortifications, much like Kodama Arts, are unique to the senju and can awaken in many ways. Fortifications are split in to two sections, the first section is the Ability Score Section, which affects your ability scores. You can only ever have 2 of these. The other section is called the Unique Section as they do not affect ability scores and can have any number of Unique sections.

Ability Score Fortifications

The Resistance of Wood

Your body has been fortified by the nature of the trees and has increased your durability to new heights, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your Constitution Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • Your True/Perfect Senju hit pool gains a bonus of your level in this class mod times your constitution modifier.
  • You reduce all damage you take by an amount equal to your constitution modifier. This can be done a number of times equal to 5 times your level in this class mod per turn.
  • Whenever you are healed by an affect you caused, you heal an additional amount equal to twice your level in this class mod.

The Agility of the Breeze

You have gained the speed of the wind the shakes the trees. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Dexterity Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • Your movement speed increases by 10ft x your level in this class mod.
  • If you are concentrating on a wood or wind release jutsu, or a Kodama art, you can dash and disengage once per round as a free action.
  • You ignore difficult terrain and your movement cannot be reduced by more than half.

The Wisdom of Life

Through your connection to life, you have gained a wisdom and insight into the world that others long for, You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Wisdom Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • You gain a bonus to perception and insight checks equal to 2x your level in this class mod.
  • You gain chakra sight out to 60ft, if you already have chakra sight it is increased by 60ft.
  • Whenever you are under the effects of a genjutsu, you can spend 10 chakra to end its effects so long as you are aware of it.
  • You are immune to the berserk and frightened conditions.

The Strength of Nature

The violence and force of nature courses through your muscles, strengthening you beyond those around you:

  • Your Strength Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • Your unarmed strikes become 1d12, if they are already a d12 or higher they instead deal an additional die of damage.
  • Your lifting/pulling/pushing capacity is multipled by twice your level in this class mod.
  • Whenever your strength score recieves a temporary boost, you can add half of that bonus to another stat, but after that ends any negative conditions that ability would inflict is doubled. If it did not have a negative consequence, you are stunned for 1 round.

The Knowledge of Age

While you may be young, nature is far older and through your connection to it, you have gained knowledge beyond what you thought was possible, You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Intelligence Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • Whenever you would spend downtime, you can make a DC 13 check, the only thing you add to this check is your level in this class mod, and nothing else. If you succeed, you only spend half of the amount of downtime you would have.
  • Whenever you cast a ninjutsu, you may add your level in this class mod to the attack and damage rolls.
  • A number of times equal to your intelligence modifier, you can halve the cost of any ability, jutsu, or art.

The Allure of the Forest

You give off peacefulness and allure of the forest, drawing people to you. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your Charisma Score and its maximum is increased by 2, at level 5 of this class mod this is increased to 4.
  • Add twice your level in this class mod to the DC of genjutsu saves.
  • You can change the saving throw of any genjutsu to Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom.
  • You are immune to the Charmed and Confused conditions.

Unique Fortifications


Kodama Arts

Kodama Hinoki

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Spike: You may

make a ranged attack against a target within 120ft, on a hit,

you deal 11d8 earth damage, and half as much to chakra as

you call a spear of wood against the target.

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Hammer: You

create a large tree root where you are, that smashes a 20ft

radius circle within a range of 60 ft, everyone within that

radius must make a strength save, with disadvantage if

they were flying, as the root slams them into the ground,

dealing 10d10 earth damage on a hit, as well as knocking

them prone, half as much on a failed save, and no proned


-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Chains: You send

forth a vast amount roots in a 30ft cone, all people within

the range of your choice, must make a constitution save, on

a fail they take 6d8 earth damage and restrains them,

dealing an additional 3d8 earth damage at the start of their

turn, on a successful save they take half damage, and no

other negatives.

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Infuse: Whenever

you use a wood release hijutsu you may enhance it, when

you do you increase the damage die size by 1, if it can't be

increased, then you treat all rolls of 4 and below as 5, you

also ignore all resistances and immunities.

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Repair: You may

repair a construct you made, healing it by 4d10, and

afterwards the constructs AC increases by 3.

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Protect: Whenever

you or an ally within 60ft of you takes damage, you may

reduce the damage by 3d8 + your constitution score.

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Punish: Whenever

you take damage, you may force the person who inflicted

damage to you, to make a strength save, on a fail they take

4d12 earth damage and are restrained for 1 minute, on

each of their turns they may make the save again.

Kodama Koya Maki

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 9 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) break: You strike

with a fist infused with wood release chakra, on a hit you

deal your unarmed damage plus 8d4, afterwards, you may

use a taijutsu finisher as a bonus action, and the target can

not take any reactions against you both when you use this

jutsu, and after if you hit.

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Burst: You make

two attacks against a target, dealing your unarmed damage

+3d10 earth damage on a hit, and the target must make a

saving throw, sending them back 15 x your strength

modifier, you then move up to them again. If they strike a

surface that is less than 10ft thick, they crash through it,

taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage for every surface they go


-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Bury: You make a

melee taijutsu attack against an opponent, on a hit the

person takes your unarmed damage + 2d8 damage, and

they must make a strength saving throw, on a fail they are

buried 10ft into the ground by the force of the strike, and

they are stunned until the end of their next turn.

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Obliterate: Can

only be used after Break as a finisher, Make a melee

taijutsu attack, on a hit you deal 10d10 bludgeoning

damage as you deliver a devastating axe kick to the

oponents head, all creatures within 30ft including the

target, but excluding you, must make a dextertity save, on a

fail they take 3d8 earth damage, and are dazed for 1d4


-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Parry: You prepare

yourself for combat by reinforcing your defense, choose

one enemy within 60ft of you, for the next minute your AC

counts as 3 higher versus them, and you have a special

reaction that can only be used against them.

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Recoil: Whenever

you are hit with a melee attack, you may use your reaction

to reduce the damage by 3d10 + your taijutsu ability

modifier, and the attacker takes the result as earth damage.

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Shield: Whenever

you are targeted by an attack you can see, you may cover

yourself in wood, negating the attack, and for the rest of the

turn, attack rolls are made at disadvantage against you

Kodama Sawara

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Water Release, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Tidal: You create a

massive ball of water, make a ranged attack on a target

within 90ft, on a hit they take 12d6 cold damage and 3

ranks of the chilled condition.

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Tsunami: You

create a massive wave of water that is 40ft wide, 200ft long

and 50ft tall. everyone within that radius must make a

strength save, taking 12d8 cold damage on a failed sae and

being dazed and prone after, on a successful save they take

half damage and no additional affects.

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Hurricane: You

create a condensed hurricane with a range of self and a

radius of 60ft, all enemies within the range must make a

strength save, on a fail they take 8d10 cold damage and are

sent 30ft back and knocked prone. On a successful save

they take half damage and ar eonly pushed 15ft back.

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Rising Tide: You

create a dome of water that has anywhere from a 5ft radius

to a 30ft radius, this structure has 50 hit points and an AC

equal to your Ninjutsu specialist.

-(2 Overexertion & natural energy) Falling Tide: You can

burst the dome made by rising tide, causing it to explode

and everyone outside of the dome within 40ft of it, must

make a dexterity save taking 6d8 cold damage, dealing half

damage on a failed save.

1 Reaction

-(1 overexertion & natural energy) Whirlpool: While

your dome from rising tide is active, you can, as a reaction

to someone moving or attacking, force someone inside of

the dome make a strength save or be pulled out of the

dome, takind 4d8 cold damage.

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Current: Whenever

you take damage, you may reduce the damage by 12d8 +

ninjutsu modifier, this damage reduction lasts until the

start of your next turn as a seperate pool that is subtracted

from the pool until it is empty.

Kodama Asunaro

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Earth Release, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Shift:

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Erupt:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Ravine:

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Plate:

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Tremor:

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Divergent:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Convergent:

Kodama Asuhi

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Leaf:

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Seed:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Root:

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Branch:

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Bark:

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Sap:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Crown:

Kodama Kiso

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu(Summoning)

1 Action

-(Special) Soldier: You summon any number of Ki-Hei

soldiers equal to half your proficiency bonus plus your level

in this class mod rounded down. for every one you

summon, you gain 2 overexertion and 2 natural energy.

They are proficient in all saving throws using your Ninjutsu

ability modifier as its proficiency bonus. You use your

ninjutsu modifier for their initiative

-(8 Overexertion & 5 Natural energy) Twin: You summon

two wood dragons as if you used the wood dragon

summoning jutsu. But they instead start at 100 hit points.

-(Special) guard:You summon any number of Ki-Hei

guards equal to half your proficiency bonus plus your level

in this class mod rounded down. for every one you

summon, you gain 3 overexertion and 2 natural energy.

They are proficient in all saving throws using your Ninjutsu

ability modifier as its proficiency bonus. You use your

ninjutsu modifier for their initiative

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Reinforce: You can

reinforce one of your summons with more energy, they gain

4d10 + your ninjutsu modifier in temporary hit points.

They also gain a plus 2 to hit, damage, and AC, this lasts

until the temporary hit points go away.

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Empower: You

empower a summon of yours, thier size increases by 1

rank, they gain a +2 to AC, and a bonus 2d6 to damage die.

1 Reaction

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Draft: As a reaction

to being damaged you may quickly summon either a soldier

or a guard, at half thier hit point max.

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Intercept: You can

use your reaction. when you are targeted for an attack or

forced to make a saving throw, to have your summons

make an attack on the enemy, and on a hit, the enemy takes

half damage but must make a constitution save or their

attack/effect fails

Ki-Hei Soldier

Medium Construct, no alignment

  • Armor Class 14 + your ninjutsu ability modifier
  • Hit Points 77(7d8 + 42)
  • Speed 50ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 1 (-5) 10 (0) -1 (-5)

  • Damage Immunities Poison, psychic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slahing from non-chakra enhanced sources
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
  • Senses passive Perception 10

Immutable Form. The Ki-Hei soldier is immune to any Jutsu or effect that would alter its form.

Elemental Weapons. Al of the Ki-Hei soldiers attacks are considered chakra enhanced

Ineffable makeup The Ki-Hei Soldier cannot be dispelled by any jutsu of A-Rank or lower


Multiattack. The Ki-Hei Soldier can make 3 attacks per turn, they can also forgo two of them to use a Senju Hijutsu using your chakra of C-Rank or lower

Wooden Spear. Melee/Ranged Weapon Attack: your ninjutsu modifier to hit, range 60/120ft., one target. Hit 16 (3d6 + 4)earth and on a hit the target must make a constitution saving throw, and on a failure they lose that much in chakra as well, and the ki-hei soldier heals by that much.

Ki-Hei Guard

Medium Construct, no alignment

  • Armor Class 16 + your ninjutsu ability modifier
  • Hit Points 91(7d10 + 49)
  • Speed 20ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 1 (-5) 10 (0) -1 (-5)

  • Damage Immunities Poison, psychic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slahing from non-chakra enhanced sources
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
  • Senses passive Perception 10

Immutable Form. The Ki-Hei soldier is immune to any Jutsu or effect that would alter its form.

Elemental Weapons. Al of the Ki-Hei soldiers attacks are considered chakra enhanced

Ineffable makeup The Ki-Hei Soldier cannot be dispelled by any jutsu of A-Rank or lower

Sworn Protectors: While within 10ft of thier summoner, the guards can intercept any damage taking it for themselves instead as a reaction


Wooden Spear. Melee/Ranged Weapon Attack: your ninjutsu modifier to hit, range 60/120ft., one target. Hit 13 (3d4 + 4)earth and on a hit the target must make a constitution saving throw, and on a failure they lose that much in chakra as well, and the ki-hei soldier heals by that much.

Kodama Kukonochi

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Hinoki:

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Konara:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Katsura:

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Momiji:

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Ginkgo:

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Sakura:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Tsuga:

Kodama Kurozome

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Medical

1 Action

-(5 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Iris: You create a

number of divine fruits equal to your constitution modifier

that you can use to heal anyone who eats it as a bonus

action. it heals 8d8+ your constitution modifier, and

removes 2 conditions. These last for 1 hour.

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Lily: You can create

a healing aroma around you up to 30ft radius, at the start

of any allies turn you designated, they heal 2d8 + your

constitution modifier. This lasts for 1 minute.

-(6 overexertion & 4 natural energy) Camellia: You

create a condensed drop of natural chakra that you can,

within a range of 60ft, revive a person who has been dead

for no longer than a minute.

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Wisteria: You can

spend a divine fruit to enhance yourself with the essence of

natural chakra, for the next minute, you can use a divine

fruit as a free action once per turn, you can spend one as a

part of a senju hijutsu to enhance the damage die by 3, and

you can spend it when you summon your wooden armor to

gain temporary hit points equal to the amount you would

gain if you used it to heal.

-(7 Overexertion & 4 natural energy) Adonis: You can

spend a divine fruit to repair damage that would normally

be permanent, such as a missing limb, blindness, etc.

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Magnolia: As a

reaction to you or an ally being damaged you can spend a

divine fruit to reduce the amount of damage by the normal

roll for it, and if it reduces the damage completely, the rest

of it is gained as temporary hit points.

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Hyacinth: You can,

as a reaction to someone entering the aroma of Lily force

them to make a constitution save, and on a fail they are

charmed for three ranks.

Kodama Jinmenju

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, Wood Release, Ninjutsu, Clash

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Miharu:

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) Usuzumi:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Yamataka:

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) Obira:

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) Somei:

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Yoshino:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) Koiwai:(LONE)

Kodama - - - -

Classification: Kodama Art

Cost: 8 Chakra

Keywords: Hijutsu, - - -

1 Action

-(2 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) - - -:

-(3 Overexertion & 2 Natural energy) - - -:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) - - -:

1 Bonus Action

-(3 Overexertion & 2 natural energy) - - -:

-(1 Overexertion & natural energy) - - -:

1 Reaction

-(2 overexertion & 2 natural energy) - - -:

-(3 overexertion & 2 natural energy) - - -: