
These rules are a weird fantasy supplement to Fantasy Flight Games's Star Wars roleplaying game and requires one of their rulebooks to play, preferably Force & Destiny.

The illustrations throughout are from the New York Public Library's digital archives. They are in the public domain.

These rules are a first draft. As such, the author appreciates feedback. You can reach him via Twitter: @aaronmfking.

Thank you to: [ ] for looking at an early draft of the setting; the Campaign and Modifier podcasts for igniting and sustaining my interest in this system and in system hacking; and The Homebrewery for formatting code.

1: Background

Over 4000 years ago, the Eld covered the red moon like ants on a nest. They watched as the planet they orbited suddenly burst with mountains and became swamped with sickly mist. They had thought it was a dead world, so they claimed it in their name.

3000 years ago, the Eld houses saw the first omens that presaged the dissolution of their moon. They dropped magically engineered vassals down to the misty planet below, directing them to scour the world for resources to reinforce their frail moon. They called the planet Mine.

2000 years ago, half of the Eld moon crumbled and trailed off across the sky. Tides spasmodically drenched the planet. Many of the Elds’ servants became masterless, their taskmasters flung dead into space. Others rebelled. The Eld fought violently against the revolts and redoubled the mining efforts.

1000 years ago, the last of the Eld descended onto Mine, calling their faithful servants into Three Cities that they built. The moon burst open, dropping steaming chunks of lunar flesh onto the land below.

Today, the world is as dangerous as ever. Inside the Three Cities, Eld interbreed and dream of their lost kingdoms. In the wilderness that covers the rest of the world, poisonous mist blows in migratory storms, mutated beasts stalk petrified forests, and bands of bloodthirsty rebels stalk the timid roads. And the ancient cyclopean masters of Mine are said to be waking.

MINE takes place in a cruel world populated by cruel people. Even the player characters might be unsavory creatures. However, it's important that the group work together, even if it's toward unjust ends.

2: Alignment

Alignment determines the virtues and vices that dictate a character’s choices. It can be chosen by the player, generated randomly, or begin at 50. If using the latter method, the player then chooses between one of the following benefits:

  • +10 XP
  • +2,500 gold
  • +5 XP and 1,000 gold
  • increase or decrease their Alignment by exactly 21


d100 Emotional Strength Emotional Weakness
01-08 Ambition Greed
09-16 Pride Arrogance
17-24 Caution Fear
25-32 Bravery Anger
33-40 Enthusiasm Recklessness
41-48 Independence Coldness
49-56 Curiosity Obsession
57-64 Discipline Obstinacy
65-72 Justice Cruelty
73-80 Compassion Hatred
81-88 Mercy Weakness
89-96 Love Jealousy
97-00 Roll twice. Use both results.

Alignment in Play

When someone acts against their Emotional Strength or Weakness, there are lasting consequences—Conflict may be accrued. Conflict is tracked and Alignment changes as detailed in Star Wars: Force and Destiny.

Additionally, each individual character’s Alignment is added together to create the Group Alignment Total. At the beginning of each session, the GM rolls a d100 against the Group Alignment. If the GM’s total is than the Group Alignment, each character’s wound threshold is increased by 1 until the end of the session.

If the GM rolls above the Group Alignment Total, an individual or group begins to pursue the group with ill intentions. The makeup and goals of the group are dictated by the Emotional Weakness corresponding to the GM’s roll.

Alignment Thresholds

Characters whose alignment is 01-30 or 70-100 are visibly Inhuman. Their eyes or skin might assume a strange hue, their hair could float as though underwater, their pheromones stink of death or flowers, and strange sounds follow them.

  • When a character enters these thresholds, they affect the starting Destiny Point pool. Each character with an Alignment below 31 flip a Light Side point to Dark, and characters with Alignment above 69 do the opposite.
  • When a character falls to 20 Alignment, their strain threshold is decreased by 1, and their wound threshold is increased by 1.
  • If they fall to 10, their strain threshold is decreased by 1 again, and their wound threshold is again increased by 1.
  • A character reaching 80 Alignment increases their strain threshold by 1.
  • Reaching 90 Alignment again increases one’s strain threshold by 1.
  • Characters who reach 00 or 100 Alignment has their Wyrd score increased by 1. If it goes from 0 to 1, the character may now purchase spells with their XP.

3: Species

The Eld claim to be the progenitors of all living things on Mine via careful, centuries-long breeding alongside lost and cruel magics. However, there are whispers that many (if not all) species existed on Mine, maybe even before the Eld ascendancy. Some groups scour the land for proof of pre-Eld intelligence. None of these groups have returned from the mists.



Your body has no rhythm of blood or breath. Your veins are filled with sludge. You are paler than you should be. You probably smell bad.


Some corpses strive to resemble life. Others take pride in their deathiness.


The dark places are kind. Cemeteries remind you that things could be worse. But all corpses need something from the living—blood, brains, warmth, air—so they can’t stray too far.


In addition to the language you spoke in life, all corpses speak the groaning, cold tongue of the dead.


Maybe you want to be restored to life. Or maybe you want to preserve your rot with blessed bandages, cursed phylacteries, or womb-coffins. Or perhaps you desire to sup essence only from the cruelest of the living.

Species Abilities

2 2 2 2 3 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 100 XP
  • Special Abilities: Corpses begin the game with one rank in Resilience. You still may not train Resilience above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Unliving: You do not breathe, and you’re unaffected by poisons and toxins. You must eat, but you can eat blood, brains, warmth, or exhalations. You still require sleep, but you can sleep in any position. You do not gain the benefits of healing magic. Medicine skill checks to heal you have an automatic [Setback die]. Alternately, the Animal Processing skill can be used to heal you as usual.



You are leftover rubbish, goop, and alchemical mistakes. Your oozing body digests the garbage it encounters, rendering it into the monochromatic slime your body is made up of.


Originally engineered as cleaning devices by the Eld, Detritans rarely create societies of their own. Instead, you are a cleaner or sin-eater in the cities of others.


Garbage cans, refuse heaps, and the gutters where slop buckets get dumped.


You speak the language of the city you work in. Additionally, Detritan body language is unnatural and learned. They are limited to 8 facial expressions and 8 postures.


The garbage is always goopier on the other side of the wall. Also, there are places in the wilds where scavenging is natural and valued. Maybe you can find a place in a nicer ecosystem.

Species Abilities

2 2 2 3 2 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Starting Experience: 100 XP
  • Special Abilities: Detritans begin the game with one rank in Survival. You still may not train Survival above rank 2 during character creation. In addition, you are always able to find food. Since you’re so gooey, you gain one rank of the Enduring talent.



You are descended from a race of chthonic root people engineered by the Eld to find treasures in the earth. You’re short, probably not over 5 feet, but you’re quick. Your arms hang down to the ground, and you smell of spices.


Mandrakes respect their elders. Young mandrakes fulfill the wishes of the old, running errands for the geriatric roots who are swollen huge and grown into the dirt.


Dank tunnels run throughout the world. These are the homes of the mandrakes. Some tunnels are closer to the surface, and the mandrakes that live there sprout green in the spring. Other tunnels are deep and wet, and the root people there are closed-eyed and white.


You speak a thickly accented Eldish.


Elder mandrakes may send you on a great quest to the other side of the world. Or perhaps you are tired of regimented life underground and seek to escape the hegemony of the great roots.

Species Abilities

2 3 2 2 2 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 100 XP
  • Special Abilities: Mandrakes begin the game with one rank in Athletics. You still may not train Athletics above rank 2 during character creation. Also, if over half the day is spent in direct sunlight and in contact with clean soil, you need not eat.



You are pale and weak. Your species lacks genetic diversity, and you are sustained by eldritch mixtures.


Once, your kind ruled the world from their immaculate moon. Now you are down amidst the rejected life forms. They hate you, and so you must fight to survive. Power is all that matters.


If you can find a secure place, do so. Make it safe. Keep out the mutants.


You speak flawless Eld.


Perhaps your family was stained by imperfection and you were driven to leave. Or maybe you can find a way to the hidden moon.

Species Abilities

2 2 3 2 1 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 100 XP
  • Special Abilities: Eld begin the game with one rank in any Knowledge skill. You still may not train this skill above rank 2 during character creation.



Originally blank templates created by the Eld to be modified for a variety of purposes, humans come in a range of colors and body shapes. You may choose.


Perhaps you escaped from an alchemical vat, were released by a fleeing Eld, or were lost in transit. You travel the world seeking a purpose.


Wherever you lay your head.


You slowly learn the language of your creators, the Eld.


Who are you? Why are you here? What is the point of life?

Species Abilities

2 2 2 2 2 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 110 XP
  • Special Abilities: Humans start the game with one rank in two different non-career skills. You still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation.

Misfit Toy


You are an unliving being created by another and magically animated. They come in an infinite range, but there are some common blueprints.

  • Clockwork: Made of metal, driven by coiled springs and burning steam. They may be guards or entertainment.
  • Scarecrow: Wood and cloth and a terrifying visage. Keeping the crops safe may involve standing watch, helping with the planting, and occasional combat.
  • Golem Stone soldiers of truth created in times of distress.


Are you in proud service to your master? Or are you on the run? Can Toys make a place of their own?


Whatever they were taught by their masters.


You may be working for a master or running away from one. Beware, though, of hunters who seek to claim independent Toys.

Species Abilities

1 1 1 1 1 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Starting Experience: 175 XP
  • Special Abilities: You do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and you’re unaffected by toxins or poisons. You gain one rank in six of the eight career skills instead of the usual four. After selecting your first specialization, you gain one rank in three of the four specialization skills instead of the usual two.
  • Inorganic: You do not gain the benefits of healing magic or Medicine skill checks. Instead, the Crafting skill can be used to heal you as usual.
  • Mechanical Being: You cannot acquire a Wyrd Rating by any means. You can’t use Wyrd powers or be affected by mind-altering Wyrds.



You’re big in all dimensions. Tall, thick, exaggerated. The skin of ogres comes in all the colors of the swamp: bone white, bark brown, muck black, leaf green. You have a symbiotic relationship with an algae that lives on your skin. You only eat meat. Your nostrils are between your eyes.


Ogres live in small covens. They claim to be native to the world, but the Eld dispute this claim, saying that ogres are an early attempt at the process that eventually resulted in Detritans.


Your people live in swamps, resting up to 80% of the day with only their eyes and nostrils above the water. Some build longhouses out of sod and petrified wood.


You know the Ogre language, and you probably speak Eld.


You might be on your walkabout that Ogres go on every ten years. Perhaps your swamp is endangered—drying up—and you’re looking for the reason why.

Species Abilities

3 2 1 2 2 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 90 XP
  • Special Abilities: Ogres begin the game with one rank in Pathfinding. You still may not train this skill above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Algal Bloom: When you’ve suffered any wounds, your symbiotic algae rushes to your defense, so you deal +1 damage with Brawl and Melee attacks. When Critically Injured, you instead deal +2 damage.



You’re covered in scales. You might have legs—or a tail instead. Or you might have both. You’re cold-blooded since your people were engineered for warm climates.


Reptilians usually live alone, meeting only to mate.


You have a territory that is yours. Other Reptilians are threats to that territory unless they introduce themselves to you and swear not to challenge your authority.


You speak the Eld tongue, but the language area of your brain is underdeveloped, so you speak slowly.


You may be seeking a mate. You might be trying to expand your territory or establish new territory.

Species Abilities

3 1 2 2 2 2
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 90 XP
  • Special Abilities: Reptilians begin the game with one rank in Perception. You still may not train this skill above rank 2 during character creation.
  • Regeneration: Whenever you would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation, you recover one additional wound. This does not apply to first aid or healing draughts. You can regrow lost limbs, but it usually takes at least a month before the limb is usable.
  • Claws: When you make a Brawl check to deal damage, you deal +1 damage and have a Critical Rating of 3.



You are only partly corporeal. When you manifest, materials are drawn around, forming a shell that allows you to interact with the physical world.


Spirits come from many backgrounds: ghosts of the deceased, nature spirits from trees or rivers, or essences of good or evil. Some spirits recognize others and form hierarchies. Others are loners.


Some spirits are bound to certain objects or places and always return there. Others live in imitation of corporeal beings.


Spirits know the tongue of the Eld from long discourse with them. They also speak languages that only their kin know.


Some spirits are summoned and sent on tasks. Others work to further the philosophy of their kind. Some seek to run from those philosophies. Some are merely lustful for bodily experiences.

Species Abilities

1 2 2 2 2 3
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence
  • Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn
  • Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 90 XP
  • Special Abilities: Spirits begin the game with one rank in Stealth. You still may not train Stealth above rank 2 during character creation. They are unaffected by natural heat and cold.
  • Immortal Souls: Your physical form does not age. When you are wounded unto death by mundane weapons or other natural causes, you reincorporate in 24 hours. Your Abilities and Talents are set back to the ones you had at character creation. Magic and Wyrds can destroy you permanently.

4: Career & Specialization

Choosing Careers and Specializations in MINE is no different from choosing one in Star Wars. However, some Specializations grant a character a Wyrd score, which is akin to Star Wars's Force rating. A Wyrd score allows a character to spend XP on spells, listed later on.

Additionally, when a player chooses their first Career, they get to help define the details of the world of MINE. This makes each campaign different, and the GM and other players are encouraged to build on details each player adds.


Arcanists have an intellectual list of career skills: Animal Processing, Brawl, Discipline, Education, Lore, Medicine, Perception, and Vigilance. A character who chooses this career and whose first specialization is Alchemist gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience. A Hermetic or Nogi gains a rank in three of these skills. All three gain a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who starts the game as an Arcanist is allowed to create a magical element that is both rare and powerful. Perhaps they know the location of small cache of this element, or maybe they have contacts who seek such a thing.

The Arcanist’s Role

Beyond the walls of perception lie angels and demons. Their patterns are traceable. Some Arcanists find those lines in holy geometry. Others track them down in plants and bat wings and potions. Still others reproduce those glowing lines along their own muscles.

Arcanist Specializations


It’s not magic if you’re watching things grow and rot. Some say the materials are all that matter, and some say it’s the process. And some say that it’s neither—they say it’s the alchemist that’s the crowning factor.

Animal Processing, Crafting, Lore, and Medicine are additional career skills for Alchemists. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


They claim to harness the power of gods and demons and math. They swear to live beyond life and speak to those beyond death. Some schools espouse them as masters. Others dismiss them as devil worshippers.

Hermetics add Discipline, Education, Lore, and Perception to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience. Hermetics begin play with a Wyrd rating of 1.


When one thinks of magic, one mostly thinks of effects willed onto reality outside of the magician. The Nogi, once called the Mystics of Nog, are the exception to this rule. Their magic is focused inward, and it reinforces their muscles and balance and metabolism. The stronger they become as magi, the stronger their bodies are.

Nogi can add Athletics, Coordination, Melee, and Survival as class skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience. Nogi begin play with a Wyrd rating of 1.


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Brawl, Discipline, Education, Lore, Medicine, Perception, Vigilance
  • Alchemist Bonus Career Skills: Animal Processing, Crafting, Lore, Medicine


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Brawl, Discipline, Education, Lore, Medicine, Perception, Vigilance
  • Hermetic Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Education, Lore, Perception


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Brawl, Discipline, Education, Lore, Medicine, Perception, Vigilance
  • Nogi Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Melee, Survival


Clergy can choose from the career skills of Brawl, Charm, Deception, Discipline, Education, Leadership, Medicine, and Vigilance. A character who chooses this career and whose first specialization is Monk or Templar gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience. A Miracle Worker gains a rank in three of these skills. All three gain a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who chooses Clergy as their career invents a deity. They can tell the GM the tenets of the followers of this deity. While the Eld bureacracy states that the world is officially godless and that true salvation is only attainable by serving them, many cults, temples, and religion dot the world, both in the cities and outside of them.

The Clergy’s Role

Clergy are viewed with a range of opinions across all levels of society and geography. Some truly seek to better the world by way of their deity’s philosophy. Some only seek to gild their temples.

Clergy Specializations

Miracle Worker

Some Miracle Workers live in temples and serve the attendants. Others wander the world alone, healing and feeding those they deem worthy. Some seek to create a following for a new god known only to them.

Miracle workers add Coercion, Cool, Perception, and Resilience to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience. Miracle Workers begin play with a Wyrd rating of 1.


Monks spend most of their lives in temples. Some spend long hours copying books by hand. Others garden or paint. Some monks leave their cloistered lifestyle in order to acquire new texts or artifacts for their order. Others have had their temples sacked or razed and are seeking a new home. Some monks have been declared heretical and want to start a temple of their own.

Athletics, Crafting, Lore, and Survival are added to the list of a Monk’s career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


Every religion needs defenders. And some need looters, converters, and inquisitors. Templars run the gamut of moralities, from earnest volunteers to sadistic torturers. You’re hopefully the former.

Templars gain the career skills of Coercion, Melee, Ranged, and Riding. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


  • Career Skills: Brawl, Charm, Deception, Discipline, Education, Leadership, Medicine, Vigilance
  • Miracle Worker Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Cool, Perception, Resilience


  • Career Skills: Brawl, Charm, Deception, Discipline, Education, Leadership, Medicine, Vigilance
  • Monk Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Crafting, Lore, Survival


  • Career Skills: Brawl, Charm, Deception, Discipline, Education, Leadership, Medicine, Vigilance
  • Templar Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Melee, Ranged, Riding


The Outlander’s eight career skills are Animal Processing, Athletics, Brawl, Pathfinding, Perception, Ranged, Resilience, Survival, and Vigilance. A character who chooses this career and whose first specialization is Raider or Strider gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience. A Good Walker gains a rank in three of these skills. All three gain a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who chooses Outlander as their career invents a creature that inhabits the wastes. They can tell the GM one legend or fable about the creature. That creature is guaranteed to exist, but the details surrounding it are hazy and at odds from legend to legend.

An Outlander's Role

Outlanders are comfortable in the dangerous, misty spaces that cover most of the world. Because of this, most people are distrustful of them. However, when crossing the wild world becomes essential, an Outlander ally or advocate is invaluable.

Outlander Specializations

Good Walker

Good Walkers battle every night to protect crops from their evil counterparts. They send their spirits out to ride rabbits and birds, jousting with fennel stalks and celebrating their victories. They are said to be well-versed in healing magic, charms, and item location. They are also said to shed their skins to become animals. However, they’re often grouped with witches and diabolists, and none can say if their claims of night battles are true.

Good Walkers gain the career skills of Charm, Deception, Lore, and Medicine. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience. Good Walkers begin play with a Wyrd rating of 1.


Whether they’re called bandits, vikings, or barbarians, Raiders make their living by striking settlements, looting what they can, and disappearing into the wilderness. Some have codes of honor or worship routine gods. Others are amoral robber barons who only seek to grow their hoard.

Melee, Piloting, Resilience, and Riding are additional career skills for Raiders. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


There are a small number of established paths between the Three Cities. These roads are constantly attacked and undermined. It is the job of the Striders to protect and restore the roads.

Striders add Crafting, Medicine, Melee, and Vigilance to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Athletics, Brawl, Pathfinding, Perception, Ranged, Survival, Vigilance
  • Good Walker Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Lore, Medicine


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Athletics, Brawl, Pathfinding, Perception, Ranged, Survival, Vigilance
  • Raider Bonus Career Skills: Melee, Piloting, Resilience, Riding


  • Career Skills: Animal Processing, Athletics, Brawl, Pathfinding, Perception, Ranged, Survival, Vigilance
  • Strider Bonus Career Skills: Crafting, Medicine, Melee, Resilience


Rogues count Brawl, City, Coordination, Negotiation, Perception, Skulduggery, Streetwise, and Underworld as their career skills. A character who chooses this career gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience and gains a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who chooses Rogue as their starting career can describe an organization that exists in the world and operates outside of legal and religious regulations. This organization might even have a common cause with the character.

A Rogue's Role

Rogues care little (if at all) for societal norms. Some are radicals that seek to overthrow the Eld, religious orders, and anything else that bears a semblance of structure. Others count on those structures, especially the loopholes they create, in order to make a living at the expense of others. Some break the rules of one society in the support of another...and themselves.

Rogue Specializations


Some rogues make money by convincing people that they aren’t rogues. They might lie about their experience, sell snake oil in the streets, or run game cons. They are pretenders, and they convince their marks that they represent everything the rube wants.

Charlatans add Charm, Cool, Deception, and Medicine to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


Perhaps the most patriotic Rogue specialization, Explorers steal from one land in the name of another. Some steal from enemy ships. Others loot the temples of enemy religions. Some sell paths and routes for exorbitant fees.

Lore, Pathfinding, Piloting, and Survival are additional career skills for Explorers. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


No matter where one is, there are people that make their living by taking from others. Pickpockets, cat burglars, and highwaymen are among their number. Some distribute their ill-gotten gains; others sleep on it like the dragons of legend.

Regardless, a Thief adds Cool, Ranged, Stealth, and Vigilance to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


  • Career Skills: Brawl, City, Coordination, Negotiation, Perception, Skulduggery, Streetwise, Underworld
  • Charlatan Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Medicine


  • Career Skills: Brawl, City, Coordination, Negotiation, Perception, Skulduggery, Streetwise, Underworld
  • Explorer Bonus Career Skills: Lore, Pathfinding, Piloting, Survival


  • Career Skills: Brawl, City, Coordination, Negotiation, Perception, Skulduggery, Streetwise, Underworld
  • Thief Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Ranged, Stealth, Vigilance


A Traveler’s career skills are Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Melee, Pathfinder, Perception, Piloting, and Riding. A character who chooses this career gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience and gains a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who chooses Traveler as their starting career can describe a road or waterway that connects two of the Three Cities. They must list two common dangers of the route along with two benefits that coming with taking said route over another.

A Traveler's Role

Things must go from one place to another. This includes information as well as goods. And some duties are best done by an outsider, one with no permanent allegiance to a particular place.

Traveler Specializations


Many assassins check secret drops or respond to strange rituals as they stop in each city. Some serve as traveling executioners, though, hired by governments to deflect criticism. Some are sin-eaters, cast out of society for taking on the evils of those they kill. They can kill by poison, blade, or means more subtle.

Assassins add Animal Processing, Ranged, Skulduggery, and Stealth to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


Information must move. Some Bards are traveling criers, shouting from street corners across the world. Others sing subversive songs or tell the stories of shameful kings via puppet shows or morality plays.

Cool, Coordination, Leadership, and Streetwise are the extra career skills of a Bard. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


Have goods, will travel. Some Traders simply want to fill a need. Others exploit surpluses and desires, sharpening them into razor-sharp profit margins.

To these ends, Traders add City, Deception, Negotiation, and Survival to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Melee, Pathfinder, Perception, Piloting, Riding
  • Assassin Bonus Career Skills: Animal Processing, Ranged, Skulduggery, Stealth


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Melee, Pathfinder, Perception, Piloting, Riding
  • Bard Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Coordination, Leadership, Streetwise


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Charm, Melee, Pathfinder, Perception, Piloting, Riding
  • Trader Bonus Career Skills: City, Deception, Negotiation, Survival


Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Perception, Ranged, Resilience, Riding, and Siege Weaponry are a Warrior’s career skills. A character who chooses this career gains a rank in four of these skills without spending experience and gains a discount on increasing them with future experience points.

A player who chooses Warrior as their starting career defines the group their character was trained by. The group might be a standing army, a noble order, or a rough-and-tumble gang of condottieres.

A Warrior's Role

For whatever reason, they fight. Combat is a solution to most problems.

Warrior Specializations


When one is born into money and chooses to fight for a cause, they might call themselves a Knight. Whether others see this cause as just is up for debate; perhaps the debate could be solved with a joust.

To better their cause, Knights add Charm, City, Coercion, and Discipline to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


For some Warriors, the only real cause to fight for is money. Mercenaries might be choosy about their clients, but others are most certainly hired thugs, working for whoever they can while living hand to mouth.

Mercenaries add Coercion, Negotiation, Skulduggery, and Survival to their career skills. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


Career Soldiers fill the armies of the land. From dirty infantry to famed commanders, Soldiers fight battles large and small for causes good and bad.

Soldiers gain the additional career skills of Crafting, Discipline, Leadership, and Pathfinding. If this is the character’s starting specialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each without spending starting experience.


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Perception, Ranged, Resilience, Riding, Siege Weaponry
  • Knight Bonus Career Skills: Charm, City, Coercion, and Discipline


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Perception, Ranged, Resilience, Riding, Siege Weaponry
  • Mercenary Bonus Career Skills: Coercion, Negotiation, Skulduggery, Survival


  • Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Perception, Ranged, Resilience, Riding, Siege Weaponry
  • Soldier Bonus Career Skills: Crafting, Discipline, Leadership, Pathfinding

5: Finishing Touches

Derived attributes, appearance, and personality are determined as in Force & Destiny. Spending XP is the same as well—remember that characters with a Wyrd rating can also spend their XP on spells.

Characters start with 500 crowns to purchase equipment. Routine items like walking staffs and knives do not need to be purchased. After buying gear, they gain an additional 1d100 crowns that cannot be spent until gameplay begins.

6: Wyrd Spells

A character with a Wyrd rating can spend XP on Wyrd spells. The spells available to each specialization are listed below; these spells correspond to Force Powers from Force & Destiny and are available for the normal XP cost. Spells from trees not in the list can be purchased for twice the normal XP. MINE features one new spell tree, Summon, detailed on the next page.

Hermetic Bind, Harm, Summon, Unleash
Nogi Battle Meditation, Enhance, Protect, Sense
Miracle Worker Foresee, Heal, Seek, Protect
Good Walker Influence, Misdirect, Move, Heal

Some characters have a Wyrd rating without belonging to a specialization that grants them one (for instance by achieving 01 or 00 Alignment). These characters, called Wyrdlings by others, choose a single spell tree when their Wyrd rating becomes 1. They can purchase spells from said tree at normal cost and all others at double XP.

Strange things occasionally happen around characters with a Wyrd rating. Flowers may bloom in their footsteps (or blood may puddle). Bells ring, milk curdles, and candlelight turns blue or green. Characters can choose to create these superficial effects, but they sometimes occur without their dispensation.

New Spell Tree: Summoning

Prerequisite: Wyrd rating of 2+

7: Skills

A few skills from Edge of Empire are removed or changed.

Animal Processing (Intellect)

This skill is applies to any attempt to convert animal matter into usable goods. It covers butchering, preserving, and cooking animals; distilling poisons and medicines from them; and draining and preparing their blood in order to draw magical circles and runes.

Any time a character tries to make something from an animal, roll Animal Processing. Extra Successes and Advantages might allow food or medicine to heal extra strain or wounds (where poisons might be more deadly). A Triumph can be spent to find an omen in the animals blood, bones, or entrails, and the GM can give the player a piece of the following information:

  • What is the closest source of danger?
  • What is the greatest source of danger?
  • Where is the closest source of wealth?
  • Where is a potential ally?

Threats indicate food that might cost strain to heal wounds, poison that might be particularly noticeable, or an ill-prepared circle of blood. Despair may grant an omen of fear, or it could indicate that the spirit of the animal was displeased with its use and will now haunt its killer.

Computers (Intellect)

Computers do not currently exist in the world of Mine, but if you want to construct an organic Eld computer made of enslaved brains, feel free to use the Computer skill to program it.

Crafting (Intellect)

Crafting is similar to Edge of the Empire’s Mechanics skill. It can be used to refine raw materials into usable items. The items made with the Crafting skill are a step above everyday pragmatic items.

Pathfinding (Intellect)

The Pathfinding skill replaces Astrogation in the world of Mine.

  • Any time a character wishes to make a map, they make a Pathfinding check.
  • Pathfinding governs a character's basic knowledge of geography. It may be checked any time a character wonders what other landmarks are nearby.
  • In the event that characters arrive in an unknown location, they can use a map and their Pathfinding skill to identify their location.
  • Pathfinding also covers familiarity with roads and paths and the types of travelers, commerce, and dangers most common along those routes.

The difficulty of traveling is based on the destination and the distance. Travel to a nearby system along a well-established route is generally an Easy check. The difficulty increases based on the accuracy of navigational information and other factors.

Characters can use additional Successes to reduce the time spent mapping.

Advantages are most commonly used to reduce travel time. On extended journeys, they might be used to identify convenient stopovers en route. A Triumph could be spent either to complete mapping in the minimum amount of time or to greatly reduce the travel time involved. It could also reveal some highly valuable but previously unknown information, such as safer or quicker alternative route.

Conversely, Threats could decrease the accuracy or increase the travel time of a journey, or it could simply cause a character to miss relevant details when analyzing maps. Despair can be spent in the same way but to greater magnitude, or it could trigger some truly disastrous occurrence, such as journeying through dangerous territories.

Riding (Agility)

Used as Edge of the Empire’s Piloting (Planetary) skill when riding any animal.

Piloting (Agility)

Used as Edge of the Empire’s Piloting skills. It applies to boats, Keeps, and other vehicles.

Siege Weapons (Agility)

As the Gunnery skill. It applies to weapons such as catapults, ballistae, and other siege weapons.

Knowledge Skills

The idea that certain skills only utilize mental power is a shaky proposal. Education, certainly, requires more than just thinking. So in Mine, the Knowledge skills are City (like Knowledge: Inner Rim but for the history and geography of the Three Cities), Education, Lore (magic stuff, such as creatures and spells), and Underworld.

Knowing things about animals, plants and other living things falls into Animal Processing, Medicine, and Pathfinding, making these Knowledge skills as well. Crafting and Discipline could also be classified as Knowledge skills for the purpose of the Hermetic’s talent tree.

8: Equipment

The Economy of Mine

The Three Cities each mint a different kind of coin, but they maintain an equal value between the cities. They're worth much less outside the city walls, however.

arms and armor and stuff

Charts coming in next version.

9: Keeps

Keeps were invented long ago when the Eld were moonbound warlords. They served as mobile bases that could store mined materials and protect the Elds’ servants. They range in size from individual vehicles to roaming fortresses.

Keep speed and combat follow the same rules as vehicles in Star Wars. Below are a number of examples, but keeps are infinitely varied.

10: Monsters & Hazards

10: Sample Adventure