Martial Archetype - Master Merchant

The phrase "no pain, no gain" is one that adventurers are more than familiar with. Their livelihoods depend on it, after all. Some fighters who take up the profession find themselves with a particular affinity for gold - both its acquisition and its expenditure. Some say this is the blessing of gods of wealth and mercantilism, others say it's natural luck. Regardless of the exact source of their powers, it's hard to deny that they're able to perform feats beyond those of any normal merchant.

Making a Killing

The touch of the coin gods augment your strikes, allowing you to fill your coinpurse with each hit. Whenever you attack another creature, you deal 1d4 additional fire damage on the attack. In addition, you gain gold coins equal to the total damage dealt with each attack. From 11th level, the gold gained doubles. At 20th level, this doubles again, such that you are now receiving four times the damage in gold coins with each attack.

Mercantile Savant

At third level you gain proficiency in either the Persuasion or Deception skills. In addition, you gain advantage on any ability checks to negotiate prices/costs or appraise the cost of goods.

Lucky Sevens

When you reach 7th level, the hands of chance grace you with their touch. At the end of a long rest, roll a d6. You gain +2 to the appropriate attribute (Strength=1, Dexterity=2, etc.) until the end of your next long rest. This allows your score to exceed 20. Whenever you roll 7 on an ability check, saving throw or attack roll, this is treated as if you had rolled a 20.

Strong Back

Lugging all this gold around has done wonders for your posture. From 7th level, you gain an extra 50lbs of carrying capacity.

Early Bird Gets The Worm

From 10th level you add your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to your initiative rolls. In addition, when you Second Wind or Action Surge, you can roll 1d10 and add this to your Initiative score, allowing you to potentially act earlier on your next turn.


No lock or door shall bar the master merchant from their prizes. From 10th level as an action you can make a charisma ability check, which adds your proficiency bonus, to open locks and disarm traps with a simple touch of your fingers, in place of using thieves tools.

Mercantile Network

At 15th level you are now known far and wide, and you have carefully cultivated a network of contacts. Once per week you may make a request from your network for a magic item of Rare rarity or lower. By paying the associated price, this will be delivered to you by the end of your next long rest by a magical courier. At 20th level, you can request items of Very Rare rarity also.

In addition, your familiarity with magical items grants you an additional attunement slot.

Exit Strategy

Sometimes not everything goes to plan. A deal goes south, a strategy awry, and discretion becomes the better part of valour. From 18th level as an action you can invoke the effects of the following four spells on yourself all at once, without a material component: Invisibility, Non-detection, Longstrider and Pass without Trace. You may then make attempt to Hide as a bonus action if you so choose. These spell effects last for ten minutes, and do not require concentration, but they do all end after you take an action that isn't hide, dash, dodge or disengage.

Once you have invoked this once, you must complete a long rest before being able to do so again.