Roguish Archetypes

Adrenaline Junkie

Danger is part of the line of work for your average rogue. Most don't flinch at a rogue fireball or the wayward breath of a dragon. Some make easy work of traps, and others make night life difficult. A select few, however, enjoy the thrill of being endangered. These rogues become adrenaline junkies.

Adrenaline Boost

At 3rd level, your taste for danger manifests itself as a surge of adrenaline that you channel in times of "need." You can channel your instincts into a surge of adrenaline, known as an Adrenaline Boost, a number of times dependant on your level. You can use this feature a number of times dependant on your level.

Level Number of Uses Bonus Movement
3rd 2 5 feet
6th 3 10 feet
9th 4 15 feet
13th 5 20 feet
17th 6 25 feet

As a bonus action, you activate your Adrenaline Surge, and you gain the following effects for one minute:

  • Your movement speed is increased by the level-dependant amount listed above.
  • You gain advantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving throws.
  • Your jumping distances are doubled, and are determined by your Dexterity score instead of your Strength score.
  • You have resistance to falling damage.

If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while under the effects of an Adrenaline Boost.

All uses of this feature are recovered when you complete a long rest.

Joking with Death

At 9th level, whenever you are hit by an attack or damaged by a spell that deals more than half of your current hit points as damage, you may use your reaction to spend one use of your Adrenaline Boost feature and gain resistance to the type(s) of damage dealt to you for one minute.

Also at 9th level, you may add half of your proficiency bonus to Dexterity checks to which your profiency bonus does not already apply.


Adrenaline Addict

At 13th level, whenever you activate your Adrenaline Boost feature, you may spend one hit die, and heal for an amount equal to twice your character level. You can use this feature up to three times, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Master of the Rush

At 17th level, your drive for danger is unparalleled. Whenever you activate your Adrenaline Boost feature, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to four times your level, which last for the duration of your Adrenaline Boost.

Also at 17th level, while under the effects of your Adrenaline Boost, you can roll half of your Sneak Attack damage dice as bonus damage on any attacks that do not count as Sneak Attacks.