The Dragoon

Dragoons specialize in harnessing the power of a falling meteor in order to destroy their enemies. Through extensive training, dragoons are able to leap to incredible heights, even when encumbered by heavy arms and armor. When returning to the earth, the dragoon is able to harness to force of their fall into a devastating strike. Dragoons of significant strength are even able to extend these strikes to a larger area, demolishing anything nearby when they land.

Devastating Jump

When this archetype is chosen at 3rd level, the dragoon gains the ability to harness powerful, airborne leaps in order to strike enemies with devastating effect. As an action, the dragoon leaps straight into the air up to twice their normal movement speed and is suspended there until their next turn. On the dragoon's following turn, they must use their action to move to an unoccupied square within their normal movement range from the dragoon's original position. The dragoon may immediately make an attack against a target within reach of their new position. If the attack hits, they may add half of the fall's damage to their weapon damage against that target. The dragoon takes no fall damage if this attack hits.

Attacks directed against the dragoon while they are airborne with this ability have disadvantage.

A dragoon may use this ability a number of times equal to their Constitution modifier per long rest.

In addition, whenever the dragoon jumps, they may make a Strength (Athletics) check and add half their result to their jump or leap distance.

Great Leap

Beginning at 7th level, advanced training techniques allow the dragoon to add twice their proficiency bonus to any Strength (Athletics) checks. Additionally, they ignore encumbrance when making Strength (Athletics) rolls when jumping or leaping. Dragoons always count as having a running start for their jumps and leaps.

In addition, devastating jump no longer provokes opportunity attacks, and on a missed attack, the dragoon only takes half the fall damage.

Death From Above

At 10th level, dragoons become so accustomed to falling great distances, they suffer no fall damage. In addition, the attack made using devastating strike can be made as part of an attack action instead of an action. Only the first attack may include the fall damage from devastating jump, and this attack also deals double damage to structures and objects.

Meteor Strike

At 15th level, the dragoon's devastating strikes with the force of a meteor. When the dragoon lands as part of their devastating leap, creatures and objects/structures other than the initial target of their devastating jump within 5 feet of the dragoon take damage equal to half of the dragoon's fall damage. Targets affected by meteor strike that succeed on a Dexterity saving throw take half damage. The DC for this save is 8 + the dragoon's proficiency bonus + the dragoon's Strength modifier.

Blessing of the Skies

At 18th level, the dragoon may use their bonus action in order to gain a fly speed equal to double their base movement for 1 minute. This ability may be used once per short or long rest.

Credit: Elz