The Continent of Hesparia: An Introduction to its Peoples

A Dungeons and Dragons 5e Homebrew

By Zoe Franznick

Disclaimer and Copyright: written content copyright Zoe Franznick (2018);
paintings created by Michael Franznick, used with permissions;
skins used with permissions from pstutorialsws at,
/u/flamableconcrete at,
DracoExe at;
coded through Homebrewry under the MIT License.
Made for personal entertainment use only.

Table Of Contents

The Introcution

Welcome traveler, to the Land of Hesperia. Here, you will find a brief introduction to the peoples and landscapes you will soon encounter on your own journey in the Fall. Peruse at your leisure, but be warned-- there are many things waiting for you in the realm which even this guide cannot prepare you for.

A World to Explore

Cultured by peoples ancient and new, Hesparia is steeped in ancient myth and lore, waiting to be discovered.

The Peoples

There are several distict races who live in Hesparia, and several different groups of humans, whose racial variance may make them less kin to each other than they might care to admit. Each group has its own politics and culture, so be warned! Your choices in choosing a race will influence how others see you, whether true to your own nature or not.

The Continent

The landmass of Hesparia itself spans many climates. To the North, the Maneirikur, known as the Northmen to most, dwell along the uppermost glacier-covered peninsulas. Their ships sail as far south to Point Noname, where the finest wines are made in deep autumn. Between these points lies the rest of the known world. The Dweoh fish along the coast, while the Lords of the Nine Reaches struggle for dominance to the West of the mountains. North of the Dweoh are the Armentians, who wander the desert on their herd animals, the Armek. The few remaining Aelves are deep within the forests central to the continent, while the Galdor maintain control of the Riftweald, the strait which holds the access to the major trade cities from the sea. To the far West are the twin volcanoes, home to the coal-skinned Immonians who tower over the rest of the races. Of course, there are the half-blooded among the Aelves and Men, Immonians, and Galdor. These are the folk who make up the land, and whom you may associate yourselves with, for better or for worse.

The Magics

The playable magic system will be similar to the 5e magic system; however, there is a narrative twist to its workings.

There are three primary sources of magic in Hesparia: the Old Ways, Sorcery, and Philosophy. The magical classes from 5e (druid, warlock, etc.) can be played easily within Hesparia, but they may be portrayed differently from a narrative standpoint: e.g. no one will call your druid a druid because druids do not exist, but will recognize him or her as a practitioner of the Old Ways.

Feel free to pick whatever magic you like, regardless of race or expectation! The prejudices of the inhabitants of Hesparia are not accurate: any race can be inborn with magic, and any can learn it on their own! If you have questions about creating a character who uses magic, let me know and I will be happy to elaborate or tweak my system.

How It Works

Use this as a basic guide to the character of my world, rather than a stats and feats guide. My races should easily transfer over to the existing D&D 5e races in the Player's Handbook, and should you discover a race you want to play, let me know! As GM, I will tailor the stats to you, your backstory, and my world. Please let me know if you have any questions, or concerns. I will make some changes to the stats and features of the corresponding PHB races as we go, but for now, use this as an inspiration. The classes will remain the same for ease of play. Think of the narrative, rather than the stats. Help me homebrew; develop this world with me!

The Races and Their 5e Analogs

The Peoples of Hesparia have stats and characterization similar to those in the D&D 5e Players Handbook. Please feel free to use these as a similar reference guide, especially for stats.

  • Aelves are akin to Elves
  • Half-Aelves are akin to Half Elves
  • Dweoh are akin to Halflings & Gnomes
  • Half-Immonians are akin to Half-Orcs & Dwarves
  • The Galdor, Armentians, Northmen, and Realms are all races of Humans, and as such are akin to Humans The especial differentiation is between the human races, as magic and magic users have greater variation in Hesparia, and thus create more sub-races of human than in the PHB of 5e.



The Aelves

One of the Elder races, Aelves are one of the oldest and earliest inhabitants of Hesparia. A suspicious people deeply steeped in cultural mores, the Aelves are a waning people, unsettled by the arrival of so many variations of mankind on their shores. Many of their kind left centuries ago to the East. Those who remain keep to themselves and their lengthy histories.


Lithe and Beautiful

Aelves are of three sub-races; thus, they have great physical variation. They are lithe individuals, averaging about six feet tall, with skin tones that range from a light amber to the whitest porcelain.

Born with several more vertebrae than humankind, Aelves are extraordinarily flexible. Their speed and agility, beyond that of humans, also allows them to jump from branch to branch with ease. However, for their levity, Aelvish bones are slightly more brittle, making them more likely to break in combat or a hard fall. Aelves train their bodies for efficiency and beauty, rather than sheer strength. Excess of muscle or fat is considered extreme, difficult to attain, and gaudy.

Sanctity of Hair

Aelvish hair is generally straight, and never cut from birth. The oldest Aelves have hair that reaches the ground, though they tend to bind it away from their faces. Aelves love to decorate and adorn their hair, whether with gemstones or fallen flowers. Intricate carved bone hairsticks are popular gifts, and both men and women braid one another's hair as a sign of friendship and affection. Hair is worn loose on formal occasions to emphasize its length, as well as the age and maturity of the individual.

The greatest taboo among the Aelves is to cut one's hair. If an individual's hair is cut, this is a sign of exile, and the shorn Aelf cannot return to society until it has reached its former length, which, in the most severe cases, leaves that Aelf to die in a strange land among foreigners.

Youth and Education

Aelves grow to maturity slowly. The gestation period for pregnant Aelf is about two years, and a young Aelf does not reach true maturity until he or she is about 50. Though they are educated early, young Aelves do not take on their social responsibilities until they are of age, as they are not considered mature enough to bear the responsibility. Young Aelves are liable to be distractible and have a penchant for playing pranks and terrorizing nearby human settlements.

The Forest

The Aelves dwell in the deepest and furthest parts of the Great Forest. Here, massive trees , still living, have been carved out through ancient tradition as homes. Though this art is lost and their numbers have fallen, the Aelves continue to nurture themselves and their Forest home.

Tree Dwellers

Most Aelves occupy the live trees that their ancestors carved years ago. The oldest of these trees have diameters as large as 60 feet around, and are decorated with family silks and carvings. Usually, a single family will share a tree, although the larger trees might share extended family or close friends. There are a few stone-carved homes in the sides of natural cliff faces, and even a few dwellings outside the boundaries of the Forest. The stone caves are usually used to house fine wines, imported goods, or tomes. The settlements outside of the Forest are along the main trading river that flows toward the Riftweald Sea. The major city of the Aelves, Carnesïre, is known for its spectacular library, which some say is made up of over a hundred living trees, each of which houses a different century of Hesparian lore. Carnesïre is also home to the Grand Temple, which sits embedded in the stone top of Isadrim falls and which overlooks the rest of the city.

History and the Law

Aelves see no difference between history, law, and philosophy. The gods created the world and its cycles, and bestowed their care to the Aelves. Thus, their governing body is just as much a theocracy as it is an oligarchy, and anyone who violates the Traditions has also sinned agaisnt the gods.

Social Status

Before the Days of Slaughter, the Elves lived as three distinct ethnicities, who settled apart from one another. Now, however, these three groups have amalgamated into Aelvish class structure and society. Every Aelf born is given three names: his primary name, his family name, and his Tier name, the last of which determines his or her ethnicity and class.

  • Eldratheirr is the House of Elders. The highest Tier among the Aelves, it is the oldest and most traditional house. There are currently 7 families within this Tier. One member from each family is chosen to be a member of the Council, the highest law court among the Aelves. This Tier works mostly within the Law and its upkeep. The families of this House remain in the central Aelvish city, and do not concern themselves with the realms outside of the Forest. These Aelves generally have the lightest tone of skin, and often have blonde or even white hair.
  • Frytheirr is the House of Nobles. Families in this tier are concerned with the History of the land and artisnal crafts, such as tailoring, smithing, and architecture. The families within this Tier remain in the Forest, seldom venturing outside its borders. Millenia ago, the Aelves of the Houes of Nobles aligned with the Elders against the Myrtheirr.
  • Myrtheirr is the House of Guardians. Families in this house are the soldiers and warriors of the Aelves. While they dwell throughout the Forest and are the most populous Tier, they are also the least respected. Aelves from the House of Guardians are skilled traders, boatmen, and hunters, and may even dwell outside the Forest's boarders. These Aelves have the greatest variation of hair color and skin tone, due to their wandering past.



The Gods and Natural Law

Given their lengthy lives and status as one of the eldest races of Hesparia, the Aelvish conception of the gods is more philosophical than many outsiders care to consider.

Aelvish deities are not simply symbolized through the natural world; they are the natural world. Everyday life is a sacred event to the Aelves. Rituals in cooking, hunting, and even childbirth are considered extraordinarily important. Aelvish society is structured according to these customs, resulting in almost daily celebrations and holidays.


There are several unique customs among the Aelves which are especially important:

  • The Left Hand is considered sacred. Most Aelves will first learn to write with their left hand, and wield a weapon with their right so as not to dirty it with another creature's lifeblood.
  • Birthdays are special occasions celebrating the mother. Since Aelven births are rare occasions, and since gestation is a longer process than for most human races, a successful birth is celebrated by the family every year.
  • Courtship may take decades. Aelves "marry up" in society; each individual keeps their personal and family name, but both members take on the higher Tier name. Finding a good match is of the highest import, since the work and influence the new couple will have depends upon which Tier they marry into. Most Aelves marry in their own Tier.

Writing and Rhetoric

Writing and clarity of thought are also considered sacred among the Aelves. Aelvish script is written left to right, and may be carefully embellished to capture the essence of what is being written.

Poetry is the highest, most anticipated, and most celebrated form of art, and it may be sung or recited in celebrations that last days or weeks. Such festivities are a wonder, for those who are lucky enough to take part, and luckier still to remember what had happened when they conclude. All of Aelvish history is written as poetry, and giving a poem handwritten to someone shows a high level of respect for that individual.

Speech and eloquence is praised not only in fun, but also in the court of law. Beauty ought to be found in all things, and this includes prosecutions. Unseemly outbursts are considered uncivilized, but a brazen and forthright argument, especially in a public forum, is the best way to air a dispute. If a case cannot be settled easily, then it will be taken to a local council, or, at worst, the Council of Elders, who will oversee each individual's argument, consult the law, and make a decision. Many times, the more elegant and convincing argument will win, especially if there is historical precedent.

Forbidden Magic

Aelves traditionally despise magic and those who use it. Their histories recount too many ways in which the natural world and its creators were harmed through such craft, and think upon it as a dangerous practice. This was due to many wars, both ancient and recent, which occured across Hesparia before the first Aelves departed into the East.

What craft they do have is often associated with the Old Ways and natural magic, though the Aelves see this as innate and natural talent rather than stolen witchcfraft or philosophy. However, magic users may be allowed into their cities, however, if no magic is conducted.

Despite such historical hatred, Half-Aelves in particualr are known to be very skilled with magic, especially if one of their parents is a Galdorian. Occassionally, a full Aelf with skill in magic is born, but this is very rare, and, once discovered, most Aelves will insist that the individual must have some other racial ancestry, however long ago.


The majority of Half-Aelves live on the outskirts of the Forest or have chosen to make their way elsewhere. Only rarely will a Half-Aelf make an appearence in the larger Aelven cities.

This is due to the largely negative association that Aelves have with outsiders. Tradition and history do not explicitly forbid the love between an Aelf and another race, but the many stories told about such an event are all tragedies. Aelves do not think kindly on the short lives and intruding nature of humans, and thus look upon any romance with one as extraordinarily odd.

The most common romances, when they do occur, are typically between Aelves and the Galdor. Galdorians age less quickly than the other races of men, and their talent with magic, though abhorred, can be overcome by an open-minded Aelf.

However, there are Half-Aelves in Hesparia, scattered throughout the land, and though they are not treated with full respect by the Elder Tier, they have made their fortunes quite successfully outside of the boundaries of the Forest.



The Immonians

Immonians are a mountain dwelling people to the far East. Unknown to many, these etin-folk are another of the first peoples of Hesparia. Brought up from the rock by the gods themselves, the Immonians have honed their skill in mining, smithing, and trade under the shade of the Twin Forges.


Built for the Dark

The Immonians are like their mountains in every way. Their skin is black, from the darkest shade of kohl to a dusky ash. They stand at an average of nine feet tall, and have leathery, calloused skin on their hands and feet. This allows Immonians to easily navigate through warm lava fields and hardening magma pools. Immonians are attuned to hard work, and many are well-built and muscled from hours spent in the forge and in the mines.

Immonian hair is typically darker than an individual's skin, and curls, depending on the etin, in light spirals or tight, bouncing curls. Men grow similarly curled beards, which are trimmed for both style and efficiency. Both men and women enjoy decorating their hair with small rings attached to a curl, occasionally embedded with a gemstone.

Eyes of Night and Day

Known for their blue, luminescent eyes, Immonians are well suited for their dark homes tunneled beneath their mountains. Their eyes have no pupil, but emit a dim blue light which appears white at birth. When they need to venture out-of-doors, a secondary, horizontal eyelid shields their eyes from the sunlight. These eyelids can also be used for defense, as an Immonian with their eyes darkened cannot be seen in the corners of an underground mountain passage.

Piercings and Dress

Unlike many, the Immonians do not relegate themselves to simple ear-piercing. The etin-folk have mastered the delicate art of embedding gemstones beneath one's skin. This form of scarification is usually practiced upon a coming of age ceremony, an appointment into a religious order, or after another important life even. The most popular form of embedment is above the center of the chest, between the throat and the collarbones. Certain piercings and gemstones have different meanings, but it is generally taboo to ask why one has received such a mark unless already friendly with that individual. In ceremonies, the lucky traveler might see nothing but a thousand gleaming gemstones shifting in the dim light and the glowing eyes of their bearers.

Likewise, the Immonians are fond of brightly colored fabrics, which stand out against their dark skin. Reds and oranges are especially popular, but blues and teals are commonly worn as well. These fabrics are usually traded whole-cloth in exchange for wrought tools and jewelry. Though daily wear is usually practical, and oftentimes made from salamander leather, the most skilled of Immonian tailors fashion delicately draping garments which are hung from embedded gemstones, giving the wearer the illusion that they are draped in flowing lava or water without ties or seams, seemingly defying gravity



Work and Worship

"No work without worship" is a common phrase in Immonian parlance. A deeply religious society, Immonians are careful to observe rituals and services throughout the year, though the layfolk are divided from clergy in day to day life.

The Annointed Monarch

Though Immonians have a High King, the monarch is chosen at the behest of the gods. Thus, his power is tempered by that of the priests and religious orders throughout the mountains. A king is said to be the cornerstone of his people, and as such, the monarch is expected to hold up both law and religious practice to the best of his ability. If he fails in his duty and the gods become displeased with him, he may be deposed and replaced with a newly chosen monarch. However, these occurrences are rare, and require a serious misstep to require such divine intervention.

The monarchy, for the large part, is dynastic. The son of the previous king is usually brought up to expect the crown and the duties which accompany it. Since he is trained up in this tradition, Immonians expect the gods to anoint the king's son as the next Annointed One. If this is not the case, and the gods choose a different boy, his line becomes the new dynasty.

Only once has a queen been anointed due to her holiness. The Immonians believe that she was chosen by the gods to save her people in a time of extreme crisis. Now the only saint among the etin-folk, Praetora, the Blessed One, remains a symbol of her people even centuries later.

A God for Everyone

While Immonians are expected to pay homage to all the gods, most every etin has a favored god. This allegiance usually grows based upon an individual's occupation, though occasionally an Immonian will align themselves with the gods their family had been dedicated to for years.

Though there are many lesser gods which are often worshiped, the Great Seven comprise the core pantheon in Immonian society.

  • Jorthveina is the mother goddess of the world, life and growth. She birthed both the other gods and shaped the Immonians themselves. While her husband and children are responsible for the ordering of the world, she brings it from chaos into being. Through her all things come about.
  • Malmurin is the second husband to Jorthveina and the god of darkness, death, promises, and the night. The father god of the Immonians, he is much less openly worshipped, but his presence is felt throughout the mountains.
  • Elthurin is the son of Jorthveina, twin brother of Mathurin, and the god of stone and metal work. A smithing god known in traditional story for carving the throne upon which his brother sits. Many smiths and other tradesmen worship Malmurin especially.
  • Eldith is the goddess of fire, lava, love, and fertility. She is the wife of Elthurin. Young women, upon their first blood, often join a sect of priestesses dedicated to Eldith until they marry and have children. Menstruation is considered sacred gift, and most go to Eldith's temples to pay homage to the goddess each month.
  • Vindith is the goddess of wind, weather, and mischief. She is the youngest daughter of Jorthveina. Many of the farmers on the outskirts of the mountains are devoted to her. She is said to have carved out a place for the king under Vindithspeak with a single strike of lightning.
  • Mathurin is the god of the people, the king, prosperity, and is the twin brother of Elthurin. He is known for his devotion to his wife, Eldith, and is worshiped by shopkeepers, thieves, and administrators..
  • Kavdith is the goddess of snow, ice, war, and poetry. The second daughter of Jorthveina, she measures all things in their time, and is both loved and feared by her followers. She is favored by poets and soldiers.

Under The Mountain

Ash and Fire

Immonian dwellings vary drastically based upon where they are located. Oftentimes, towns are carved into the deep sides of valleys, while a few trading hubs are located further from the mountains. Most etin settlements are dimly lit by flames or glowing magma, leaving travelers in effective darkness if they enter deep enough into the vale. Immonians are not afraid of heat, and the many geothermal springs and lava flows allow their towns and cities to support thriving hot springs and forges.

The most prominent city, Hruengael, is located under the foot of the twin volcanoes, the Forges of the Brothers. This city was carved centuries ago and grew slowly to encompass most of the empty lava tunnels beneath the ever-bubbling peaks above. Most of the prominent temples are located here, and rivers of glowing magma light up the central city quarters.

The Monarch's throne is further south in the hollowed volcano of Vindithspeak. This city is centered underneath the core of an ancient volcano, allowing a single column of light to shine down into the city during the day. There is an annual celebration timed according to when this light shines upon the throne, signifying Jorthveina's favor upon the Anointed Monarch.


Welcomed into society by their full-blooded relatives, Half-Immonians oftentimes choose to live on the outskirts of Immonian civilization, preferring some sunlight to the perpetual night under the mountains.

Usually, Half-Immonians will work as traders, ambassadors, mercenaries, traveling clerics, or smiths in the greater world, as many are less intimidated by the shorter stature and lighter skin of a Half-Immonian than by their larger family. However, Half-Immonians are generally welcomed wherever they go, as they are known for their work ethic and good morale.





             A small people, both in height and population, Dweoh populate the rolling hills and craggy coastline to the south of Snowdon Peak. The glacier that creeps ever down the valley provides them with fresh water, while their burrows along the coast offer shelter from the coastal winds.                                                                                                                      A kind people, the Dweoh are known for their skill in agriculture                                                                                                          and whaling, providing the rest of Hesparia with goods few others can                                                                                                          produce.


Short of Stature

Dweoh stand on average only about four feet tall, but tend to have stouter builds than the other Elder Races of Hesparia. Tawny and copper hair shine against their often paler skin and freckles are seen as a sign of both luck and beauty. Though styles vary, hair length among Dweoh is considered a point of personal pride. The longer a woman's hair is, or the longer a man's beard, the greater the personal esteem in the community. While celebrating, both men and women pile their hair around themselves, often around their necks, decorated with beads of gems and bands of gold and silver. During working days, however, men tuck their beards carefully into specifically sewn pockets or bags on their belts, while women prefer elaborate braids to keep their hair out of the dirt.

Tattoos are also popular among Dweoh as a protection against spirits, especially against possession. Dweoh consider any opening in the body a possible entrance for ill spirits, so chin, lip, and ear tattoos are most common. Scars, too, may be tattooed over as a spiritual defense against the beast or person who dealt the blow.

A Hardy People

The wide variety of landscapes surrounding the Upper Peninsula provide harsh environment in which to make one's home. However, the Dweoh rely on ancient practices to sustain themselves and their unique way of life.

Of The Land

Dweoh dwell in what first appear to outsiders as small knolls, but are actually the tops of elaborate burrows dug into the fertile ground. These homes are entered into by way of ladder, and have warm hearths and chimneys peaking over the grassy hillside. The interiors of these burrows are often whitewashed with a variety of wicker, bone, and wooden furniture, providing a clean, dry, and welcoming space for large meals and many visitors.

These rolling grasslands also provide ample room for agriculture. Known for their expertise in turning reliable crops year after year, the Dweoh are most well known for their smokes, which are grown and dried according to separate and highly secret family recipes.



And The Sea

Dweoch homes may also be built on the coastline into the crags overlooking the sea, and even dug into the cliffside for easy access to the water. While the hills above furnish the Dweoh with greens and root vegetables, the ocean below provides fresh fish and meats.

Seasonal puffin, fish, and whale migration create a natural ebb and flow in Dweoh lifestyle. Puffins are commonly hunted and raised for eggs, while guano is harvested as fertilizer. Fishing is a daily practice, and Dweoh are often seen deep in the water, either dipnetting or walking through the breakers on tall stilts, reeling in fish and depositing them in large woven baskets hanging by their sides.

Though the harvest festival is something to behold, the greatest festival among Dweoh is the annual Whalehunt. This practice is extraordinarily dangerous, and only the strongest of the people are allowed to participate, armed only with small ocean kayaks and harpoons. The Whalehunt carries great spiritual significance for the Dweoh, and a successful hunt is taken as an omen for the oncoming year. Shorter whalehunts for porpoise and narwhal are also common throughout the year.

Under Hill and Over Dale

Because of their unique size and living situation, Dweoh have many traditions and celebrations few others in Hesparia also take part in.

Generational Growth

Dweoh are a communicative and social people; most families are gathered together under one knoll and span several generations. Living family by family means that rather than maintaining a governmental structure, Dweoh create family circles led by matriarchal lines. The oldest woman in the burrow maintains fiscal responsibility and tend to the home while the men of the family depart to the coast or tend to the farm. Thus, many travelers are surprised when they find that business is done over smokes by the women of the house rather than the men. They are shrewd bargainers, and have an eye for deals, a skill which they impart to their watchful children.

Dweoh children are brought up without any special schooling; they are expected to learn and work with members of their community as they age. Each youngster is given his or her name when blessed by the oldest living woman in that family, a process which might take several weeks to complete.

War and Song

Though there are few remaining, the Dweoh have a strong presence in Hesparia as warriors; however, the nation has always avoided warfare in its history, instead preferring to maintain strong allies and fight on their behalf when the time comes.

War games are ever popular with the youth, and sparring matches, wrestling, and other athletic endeavors, such as cliff diving, rock climbing, and racing are often encouraged. In such events, there are no rules and no hold barred, making young Dweoh some of the greatest bare-knuckle brawlers in the land.

Many times, after spending their youth working and tending to the family, young men and women depart from home to travel and make their way in the world, whether under apprenticeships, as merchants, or as fighters-for-hire. Usually, Dweoh return home after such trips, though many have made their way in the wider world.


The béot, or the battle shout, is a traditional shouted chant that all Dweoh are taught from a young age, and which is performed with ritualistic dance, stomping, and the slapping of the legs and chest, before a battle or a game.

When performed, it is traditional for the criers to declare their intentions, whether in a one-on-one wrestling match or before warfare, so that those witnessing the béot may hold the performer accountable. The traditional refrain, shouted by all participating, is spoken in Dweoch: "As has been said, so let it be done.”

In the most dire of circumstances, personal feuds may be forgiven over a flyhting béot, or the insult shout, wherein both participants list their grievances at the other before attempting to come to a resolution. If no agreement can be reached, a ritual fight is usually performed, either to acquiescence of force or death.

The Scop

At the end of a long day, Dweoh gather under one hill, or in summer months, under the stars, to listen to poems recounting heroic tales of ages past. The storytellers are called scops (/shoaps/), and are responsible for memorizing the general law, mores, and stories of the Dweoh people. Through poetic meter and gnomic wisdom, passed down from generation to generation, scops can recount word-for-word the stories they've learnt. The Dweoh delight especially in difficult meter and coupled metaphor called kennings. The longer the story takes and the more convoluted the meaning is to tease out, the more delighted they are to hear the tale told.



      The Races of Men


Nomadic by nature,
Armentians are a herding
people who roam the desert central to Hesparia. This desert, framed on either side by snow peaked mountains, makes a perfect home to the Armek, from whom the Armentians get their name. Armentians never stay in a single place long; they move as the herd moves, shifting seasonally from mountain, to desert, to sea.


Variances Abound

Though a distinct racial group, Armentains are welcome to all, though few outsiders choose to remain with them in their strange way of life. Generally standing between 5-6 feet tall, most Armentains have honey-coloured skin and dark hair, though variations, especially in hair, are common. Thick kohl eyeliner is often worn to prevent snow-blindness. Dress, too, widely differs among the Armentians. Because they move often between the harsh extremes of both hot desert and freezing mountains, Armentians choose to layer their clothes in a variety of colours and fabrics, which are bought or traded along their migratory path. Tied heascarves, turbans, and shawls are a favored covering of men and women. Patchwork armor and jewelry overlay more basic wear, though most of these adornments are discarded in the warmth of camp. Armentians are also recognizable through a unique hairstyle: the hair is split down the back and laid forward over the shoulders, where it is braided low and finished with a gold ring, upon which might hang other ornaments.

A Wandering People

The Armek

The most foundational part of the Armentian way-of-life are the Armek. These animals are both the mounts, meals, and muscle of the Armentian people. Armek are elephantine-sized creatures; their bodies appear similar to white-furred musk-oxen, with a large hump behind their shoulders and bear-like head. They have goat-like eyes and large antlers atop their heads, which curl back like those of mountain sheep. Armek are herbivores, feeding mostly on desert and tundra shrubs and sometimes lichen. Normally docile creatures, Armek are brought up by separate clans of Armentians.

All of Armentian life revolves around these animals. Small hammocks are often tied between an Armek's antlers for infants and small children to sleep in during travel, and their large bodies hold all the personal belongings and provisions of that rider. Children are often given their first young Armek to train around ten years old, and bond with it for life. Armentians are also fond of decorating the antlers of their beasts, through carvings, paints, gold plait, and gems.

Family and Tribe

Most of Armentian society is divided into herds, with a single herd leader bonded with the leading Armek of the herd. Beyond this differentiation, status is defined by one's actions and one's Armek alone.

An individual does not identify himself through family, but rather through beast. Families expand rapidly, as there is no concept of in-laws or extended family. A married sister is simply a sister. Likewise, one may have many mothers, fathers, siblings, and children: it is not blood but bond which creates allegiances among Armentians, and thus, the entire herd is responsible for raising both the Armek and Armentians within it.

It is not uncommon for herds to join together or split apart, or for members to leave and travel with another herd for several years or perhaps their entire lives. The Armentians celebrate their children leaving the herd, even if there is a possibility they will never see that individual again. Seldom does an unbound Armentian cross the mountains entirely; however, if a child has not bonded with an Armek, he may be encouraged to find his fortune elsewhere.



Of Fire and Ice

Living Without Borders

Because their livelihood depends on the Armek, Armentians move seasonally and carry large tents which they can easily set up each night. Though they might set up a camp for several weeks, the ease with which a camp can be set up and taken down is essential in case of bad weather.

Camps are usually set up in a circular pattern, with a large communal tent in the center. Personal and family tents are set up around it, radiating out until they are spaced far enough apart to allow the Armek to wander between them. Camps are made with brightly dyed fabric, and large rugs are laid down in between the tents as walkways to protect the commonly worn slippers from sand and snow.

Within tents, bedrolls are laid out, and low folding tables might be set up; these, however, are a luxury. More common are flat-topped chests which are also used as tables. Fires are tended in the center of tents, surrounded by troughs of snow or sand to keep them from spreading. On colder nights, Armek fur is used as blankets, sometimes woven into intricate patterns.

The summer months are a time of gathering and travel. Armentians seek the mountains in summer and spend most of the season harvesting lichen, berries, and grasses through the short season. Most herds spend the autumn along the coast buying and selling with merchants or across the mountains, and trading with outsiders before the winter sets in. Winter months are spent within the desert and at oases. Spring is spent enjoying the runoffs of the winter melt next to seasonal rivers and celebrating new growth.


There are not many cities among the Armentian folk; there is no capital city and no central government. However, there are a few abandoned outposts along the coasts a herd can inhabit for a few weeks to await merchant ships.

There are also a few established holy sites scattered in the desert, but few visit them, and of those who do, fewer are willing to tell where they are, to Armentians and outsiders alike.

A Shared Fire

Armentian social norms and customs are dictated by the shifting nature of the herd. Survival and sustenance require a group effort, which in turn is reflected in Armentian festivities and interactions.

Buy, Sell, Trade

Personal possessions, privacy, and property mean little to Armentians. If an individual has a special possession, that he or she does not wish to share, it is kept in a personal chest, on oneself, or with one's Armek. Otherwise, belongings are shared throughout the herd with little understanding of to whom it truly belongs.

Armentians believe that whatever is designated to an individual with come back to him or her in its time. Because of this mindset, Armentians barter with one another; gold is worn as jewelry or maintained to trade with merchants. Thus, buying and selling is a foreign concept, used only with outsiders of the herd.

Work and Play

Men and women work communally, often shifting among groups throughout the herd and sharing chores. Young children are passed around to help with various tasks, and mothers will often nurse any child they find hungry. It is a mark of bad character to an Armentian to refuse the company of others, or to leave work undone when help is asked for. Each and every individual is responsible for the upkeep of the herd; if this system falls apart, oftentimes the herd itself will split.

Likewise, a spirit of play is important among the Armentians. Festivities and parties celebrating even the smallest achievement are a nightly occurrence within a herd, with teas, spirits, and food aplenty. Flirting and play-fighting are encouraged among younger folk, as is free experimentation with sexual preferences. While immediate families and couples may form, other variations of family structures are common and accepted, though one is expected to claim and care for the children he or she produces. Cowardice and shyness are considered marks of an ill nature, and may lead to an individual's exile from the herd if she or he cannot rectify the perceived wrongdoing. Once an individual is exiled, they may be welcomed into another herd and given another chance.



The Nine Reaches

Upon Hesparia's central peninsula are the Nine Reaches. These small realms are populated by a hardy and often divided people, each independently led by a Hold. The Reachfolk, as outsiders often call them, are highly distrustful of outsiders and the neighboring Reaches. Because of their suspicions, the Reaches have maintained their control as a confederation of coastal and land powers.


Light As Snow

Averaging around 5-6 feet, Reachfolk are the palest of the Races of Men, skin tones ranging from porcelain to darker olive, if often working in the sun. Blue eyes are fairly common, and though darker hair is regular, blonde hair is seen as a mark of beauty. Children with lighter hair are often seen running about; their hair tends to darken with age. Reachfolk are also known for their prominent and bold features. Some will say they can tell which Reach a man is from his appearance alone.

Under One Banner

A Reachman has an inborn sense of loyalty to his Reach, and does not hesitate to display it. Thus, his dress will reflect his allegiance. Each Hold maintains his family crest and colors, which have their own distinct meaning, and the folk who live under his protection wear these colors as a tribute. However, since clothes are expensive goods, many folk will wear plain or darker colors, or choose to have all their clothes dyed in the color of the Reach for simplicity's sake. If a Reachman is in the direct service of the Hold, he or she may be gifted with a token of the Hold's family insignia as a mark of status.

Names of the Reaches

Each Reach, along with a separate leader, has its own name, crest, and colours. The emblems on the crest hold the ethos of the people, and Reachfolk tend to embody their Reach's crest.

  • Acrehight: a golden falcon with wings spread upon a red background
  • Breckold: a reared white wolf facing a reared enfield on a maroon background
  • The Berg: a black snake wound around an orange spearhead upon a maroon background
  • The Croft: an orange prancing elk upon a blue background
  • The Doale: a yellow unicorn surrounded by two red mulberry boughs upon a green background
  • Feldhold: a charging red boar impaled by black nails upon a white background
  • Hauhight: Three green scaled fish jumping over a golden escallop upon a silver background.
  • Mearhight: a grey stork holding black stone upon a red background
  • Storth: a purple wyvern breathing red fire on a black broken-masted ship upon blue background

The Reaches

The Holds

The Hold is the absolute leader of his Reach, and the head male of the family to which the Reach belongs. Though there have been a few power struggles over the centuries, most families have maintained that they have had complete control of a given Reach since they were first divided amongst the heirs of an ancient king.

The Hold acts as the administrative, judicial, and martial leader of his Reach. Though old laws are codified by a scribe and old precedents are hard to supersede, the right remains the Hold's to enact new laws as he wishes. If there is much dissent against a new law, the people may plead their grievances, and the Hold's family as a whole may decide upon whether to oust him as leader. A Hold is most often judged against the values for which his family stands: if he has dishonored the crest, he may be disowned or even executed.

Likewise, a Hold is responsible for defending his people. Oftentimes, positions as soldiers and guards are sought after by young men or second sons who are seeking glory, adventure, or simply a reliable income. Other-times, guilds and mercenary groups grow under the command and gold of a more desperate Hold. Some guilds have grown into established and recognized service under the Hold of a certain Reach.



Of Divided Spirit

Reachfolk are proud to belong to their respective Reach, and many folk will never travel beyond its borders. However, because each Reach maintains a different domain and holds sway over different trades, travel and business between Reaches is highly important. Many Holds attempt to create trade monopolies with their other reaches, or perhaps with other nations. Similarly, at any given time, the Reaches maintain different levels of military power. Any time an old Hold is superseded by his successor, tensions throughout the peninsula rise before settling back into a new status quo.

Because of this instability, there is a thriving underground throughout the Reaches, through which illegal goods, dangerous weapons, and valuable knowledge may be traded or even killed for. While each Hold is responsible for the defense of his Hold, the laws and soldiers who protect that land do not extend past that boarder; there is no unified law code in the Nine Reaches. Thus, exiles and fugitives from one realm may find safe passage and even a welcome hearth, given enough political sway.

The Arcane Arts

Throughout the Nine Reaches exist many different types of magical art, many of which are controversial. Those with the skill are often judged, but whether positively or negatively depends upon which of the arts they practice.

The Old Ways

Many Reachfolk believe only in the Old Ways. This form of magic is said to be derived from the earth itself, as a gift from the gods or Fey. Folk believe it has a will of its own, and a fickle nature that few can tame. Reachfolk have a wary relationship with this magic, and rely on certain practitioners to channel it into being.

While few practice it now, the Old Ways are still often sought after and trusted in to ensure good harvests, find cures, and even predict the future. Village crones are the usual agents of the Old Ways; oftentimes their practice cannot be differentiated from simple herbalism or an old wives' tale. However, folk swear by their cures, and tend to eschew the more expensive and doctored cures imported from Galdor in favor of the Old, traditional remedies.

These women pass this art onto other young women, usually young wives or widows, although it was not uncommon for young men to learn the art, especially to serve a Hold. On a few occasions, a Hold would send his younger son to learn the Old Ways. However, despite its relative trustworthiness, the fickle nature of the Old Ways can turn on a practitioner, particularly one who has not sufficiently created a relationship with the world around him or her. Some say the Fey will punish those who misuse the art; others say they perish in storms of their own conjuring. All agree: there are those each year who disappear and never return.


Book-learned magic, or philosophy, is rare among the Nine Reaches, usually because those who practice it are only those wealthy enough to buy books. An art imported from the Galdor, philosophy has taken over the homes of established families and the Holds' halls for ease of use.

In theory, philosophy anyone can learn if they study the art long and hard enough, as opposed to the Old Ways, wherein one must maintain a relationship with nature and the gods. Whereas the latter is a relationship, the former is secular and solitary in nature, making it more practical and easier to use on command. However, it is a new and developing art, only a few decades old, and imported from the Galdor, who possess their own inborn magic. The suspicion with which the Reachfolk treat the Galdor is also brought to bear upon philosophy.


In legend, thought to be fairies swapped for human children, Skinners are individuals with a skill for inborn magic. Other than being Fey, many used to believe that Skinners were children born with a gift from the gods, or after a forsaken union with an Otherwordly entity. Originally a term of awe, “skinner” is now used derogatorily, usually directed at the Galdor's inborn magic, though it can and will be used to slander any who are suspected to be sorcerers or mages. Nowadays, if child is born with such a talent, most folk believe that the mother had an affair with one of the Galdor, though some maintain the theories of Fey involvement or a blessing given from on high. The truth behind each of these suppositions of often shrouded, and each one may be as possible as the next.

If an individual is born as a skinner, he or she may do well to keep that talent hidden and work instead under the front of being a philosopher. However, some individuals embrace their skills and instead leave the Reaches to study with the Galdor, who often welcome them more than their own kin.

The Otherworld

Finally, many folk of the Reaches devote serious belief to the Otherworld. This realm, hidden among the forests, coasts, or even in the bottom of a milk pail, intersects with the world, causing Fey folk to enter homes and allowing trolls to wander in the forests. It is with the Otherworld that practitioners of the Old Ways interact. Though many ward their homes with charms and spells, they believe that the lands beyond the mountains to the East are the domain of the Otherworld alone, as the Elder Races are themselves of the Fey. Thus, while the Reachfolk are fearful of the Galdor's learned magic, they are more keen to control the Otherworldly magic they believe surrounds them every day.




Innately gifted with the power of magic, most Galdorians welcome the opportunity to practice magic in their everyday lives, and share that knowledge with others. Known for their schools, both of martial skill and magic, many consider Galdor to be the height of civilization and power in Hesparia. However, because so many rely on inborn magic, those without such talent or skill find themselves struggling to make their voices heard among the gifted.


Aged Tastes

Galdorians average around 5-6 feet tall, and carry more elegant features than many of their kin. Taller and more slender than most men, Galdorians tend to have medium skin tones, bronzed in high summer sun. Dark hair is most common, ranging from caramel to the darkest black.

Claiming to be the oldest established Race of Men in Hesparia, the Galdor have a rich history of style and dress, much of which has been tailored from Aelvish and Immonian style. Travel and day-wear is often simple and favor study pants and jerkins, while formal or academic dress involves looser, decorated robes or stoles. While it is not uncommon for women to wear pants, most women favor gowns and dresses in the varied climate and for ease of movement.

Perion 'pon the Round

The capital city of Galdor, Perion 'pon the Round, serves as a military, cultural, academic, and administrative hub for the entire nation. It is said that all roads lead to the Round, and from Perion's central location in the kingdom, all news may be swiftly sent from its doors throughout the commonwealth.

The city itself is situated upon a high hill in the central plains of Galdor. Atop its peak, the royal castle and Atheneum sit in a secondary set of walls, overlooking the rest of the city. The city itself descends down the hill and is walled in a circle, around which the suburbs are situated. The road and towns which surround the most exterior wall are called the Round.

The Court

Galdor is governed by an absolute monarchy, headed by a royal family that has been ruling for several centuries. The monarch is responsible for maintaining his kingdom fiscally, judicially, and martially. While the sovereign usually has some skill in magic, the High Mages are ultimately responsible for the art of magic and education in the kingdom. In order to maintain peace beyond Perion, the monarch may establish Lords and Ladies to reside over the land, and enact aldermen to preside over villages-- all of whom answer to the monarch alone.

The king is succeeded by his firstborn child, while the second is sent to study magic with the High Mages. The third, should the monarch be so successful, is often sent to become a high ranking military commander. By giving each child a fulfilling and well-respected role to fulfill, Galdor has successfully maintained a stable monarchy for many generations.

The Eye

The lawman of the nation, the Eye of Galdor is beholden to the king, but serves to maintain and uphold the previous dictates of the monarchy. Also serving as the head of intelligence for the king, the Eye is usually a powerful mage who specializes in gathering, discovering, and concealing sensitive information-- either for or from the monarch.

The Hearthguard

The monarch also has a Hearthguard, a personal guard who are loyal to the royal family. These soldiers make up the bulk of the high ranking officers who command the royal army, as well as a private force which guards the palace. Differentiated from the common guard by armor and cloak, the Hearthguard serve with lifelong commitment and diligence.



The Atheneum

Next to the grand palace atop Perion sits the Atheneum. This structure is both a library and school, containing all of Galdor's most precious knowledge about the arts of magic, both inborn and learned. Guarded by the inner walls of Perion and elaborate, unseen magical defenses, the library portion of the Atheneum is open to all, though the domicile of the school is kept private. However, many believe that there are private libraries kept hidden from the public, held secret by the High Mages from both the crowds and the king.

While there are many primary and secondary schools of magic throughout Galdor, the Atheneum is the most elite and selective of these academies. Students are taught by the most powerful and skilled mages in Hesparia. Though most choose to focus on one school of magic, a few select individuals choose to study multiple under the High Mages. An acceptance into the Atheneum is a high honor, and most individuals have already spent over a decade studying the arcane before they may be accepted. Further, the school, like the greater population, is split into philosophy, or book-learned magic, and sorcery, or inborn magic, though classes may occasionally be mixed to promote unity.

The High Mages

The eight High Mages of Perion are, aside from the monarch, the most powerful figures in Galdor. These mages, one from each school of magic, are the teachers and administrators of the Atheneum, and help keep the balance of power throughout Galdor, and, they would argue, the rest of Hesparia. While some would say the Masters have more sway over the kingdom than the sovereign, it is certain the High Mages play an active political role in light and shadow of the commonwealth.

The Schools of Magic

The Atheneum has developed a comprehensive curriculum which many other schools have implemented across Galdor. First, the student chooses one of the two branches of magic based upon his or her natural talent: philosophy or sorcery.

Philosophy, in theory, anyone can learn. This is magic derived from book knowledge and implemented through ritual castings and memorized spells. For Galdor born without innate magical ability, philosophy is the only branch of magic open to them.

Sorcery is the branch of magic concerning innate ability and instinctive focus. This branch of magic may use components, but more often is conjured and implemented using one's own mental strength. While those who have inborn talent usually choose to practice sorcery, they may pair this study with philosophy as well.

Within both branches, the traditional schools of magic are taught: Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Divination, Illusion, Transmutation, and to a limited extent, Necromancy.

Most of the Mages remain within the inner walls of Perion, spending their time teaching, conferring with the court, or developing new magics, though they may occasionally be seen visiting schools around Galdor or serving as ambassadors for the crown. Though all retain good health and long lives, should one of the Masters die, the remaining seven will choose a star pupil from that school of magic to fulfill the role. Currently, all eight Mages are masters in both sorcery and philosophy of their school.

By What Name?

Throughout Hesparia, magic has many different names: the Arcane, Old Ways, Philosophy, Fey, Sorcery, Witchery, and several others. Likewise, those who practice magic have many different titles, not all of which are complementary.

Among the Galdor, mage is the traditional term for a magic user, while philosopher and sorcerer/ess are used to address someone skilled in a particular branch of magic. Witch and warlock are archaic terms found outside Galdor, but are still generally accepted.

Outside Galdor, skinner may be used as a derogatory term for a magic user, while crone and hag are terms associated with the Old Ways. Magician is a common term among the Armentians, while seer is more common among the Immonians. Finally, the ancient term of bloodweaver has more obscure meanings, and is now only found in ancient texts.

Power from Magic

While the High Mages and monarchy profess their steadfast resolution to maintain equality between the skilled and mundane citizens of Galdor, some maintain that those without inborn ability or those who choose not to pursue magic are often discriminated against or have a harder time when seeking a public role in Galdorian society.

In the Blood

The Galdor believe that their skill, unlike the other Races of Men, was a gift specifically for them as a people, which must be cultivated carefully in order to maintain. Some are fearful that too much intermarraige with other races could dilute the potential of one's offspring, so many noble families refuse to let their children marry outside of Galdorian blood. Because the population of Galdor is so great, this has not caused many inbreeding problems, though it perhaps has caused many young heartbreaks.

Finally, the vast majority of the Galdor, whether naturally skilled or not, use only small magic in their daily lives. To truly harness any power, political or magical, one must be born well enough to pay for or earn an education in the art of the arcane.




A small independent duchy below the       mountains south of Galdor, Asseria is known for its imported wines and other expensive       and luxury goods. A vibrant, warm nation,       its people guard their independence fiercely, although they travel freely and widely. They are marked by their warm brown complexions, which foreigners named after their most expensive drink: chocolate. Their fashion is elaborate and changes quickly, following the style of their ruling duchess. Though they possess no magic, Asserians adore the enchanted items the Galdor produce, as well as the smokes from the Dweoh, and trade their linens and silks extensively to procure such items. Asserians are known for their opulent and debaucherous parties, as well as their propensity to believe in divination and superstition. The tarot card decks popular across Hesparia originated from Asseria.


The Eoswarians were a seafaring people who settled North of the Armentian desert on the mainland; there, they established a kingdom which has fared badly over several centuries. Due to Maneirikur raids and the loss of adequate seafaring technology, the Eoswarian monarchy struggles not only to maintain its control of the coasts, but over its people as well. Stronger landed lords often rise up to challenge the king. While the practice of peaceweaving, or marrying a daughter to an enemy's son to maintain peace, is encouraged, it more often leads to tragedy and tribal war rather than unification. Pale and hardy, Eoswarians are a tough people who actively practice old magics lost even to the Reachfolk. Because they have lost the ability to sail long distances and are cut-off from the sea by the Maneirikur, few Eoswarians are able to travel past the Northern Armentian mountains, making them a truly isolated people. The few who do travel often defect for better lots elsewhere, or die in the struggle to return.

The Maneirikur

A fiercely independent people, the Maneiriker, or the Ever-Ruler's Men, are a coalition of sailing folk to the far north of Hesparia. Seasonal travelers and seasonal fighters, the Maneirikur are handy mercenaries in the South, but are truly loyal to kith and kin alone. Living on the Northern peninsulas of Hesparia, the Maneirkur are lords of their own lands and homes, showing allegiance to the Ever Ruler only when strictly called upon or when engaging in raids as young men in order to gain clout among their people. Maneirikur are swarthy, long-traveling sea raiders who can be found along all the coasts of Hesparia, though they each return home to family, which they hold as second only to glory. Full of cheer, song, stories, Maneirikur are worthy mercenaries and loyal allies.



History and Politics

Centuries ago, the land of Hesparia was not inhabited by any Race of Men. The land was older, the home of the Elder Races: Aelves, Dweoh, Immonians, and even the Dragons. They flourished and prospered, until wars broke out among them. The races of Aelves turned upon each other, and Dragon fought Dragon. After many more years, the conflicts quieted, and Men first began to sail to the shores of the continent.

It is said the Galdor were the first, a Race of Men that fled dangerous wars abroad to retain their gifts in the Arcane. Others argue the Asserians or Armentians were first, but the truth is lost to legend. As time went on, more and more Races of Men arrived in Hesparia, and more conflicts arose as their greed and desire to conquer and domesticate new lands increased. Wars broke out between Men and the Elder races, which Men once considered among the Fey. This belief led to the conception that the Elder races, and dragons in particular, possess more powerful and dangerous magic, which, according to scripts written in Aemon, Men sought, desiring to be just as powerful as the Elder Races.

This hunger led to ongoing wars and the slaughter of many Dragons and Men alike. After many years, the Dragons resolved to go into the East, and departed Hesparia, taking with them whatever power they had. Likewise, many of Eldratheirr and Frytheirr Aelves left their realm, believing peace between the Younger and Elder Races to be impossible. Many of the Dweoh were killed in genocide, or else fled to the farther reaches of the North. Those who remained after the Great Diaspora eventually made peace with Men, allowing them their land and eventually seeking relations and trade with them. Several centuries more passed, and more Men arrived in Hesparia, until the nations stand as they do today.

Current Affairs

Though appearing peaceful, Hesparia is fraught with political tensions spanning many hundred miles. Here are the three political players that hold the most sway in Hesparia currently.


The Aelves with long memory and longer lives still cling to many of the atrocities that Men enacted those hundreds of years ago. Though the Great Diaspora lives only in accounts, the fear of magic and suspicion of the Younger Races lives on in the heart of the Forest, though the boarders have become more friendly to trade. The decision whether to ally with any nation of Men weighs heavy upon the Council.

Magic vs Might

Underlying these more obvious political and racial hostilities is another, more subtle conflict between the magical and the mundane. Magic users throughout Hesparia are treated differently based upon what sort of magic they practice, and how openly they demonstrate their use. Consider this when crafting your character and their motivations.


Galdor's stable monarchy provides an internal system within which its citizens may live at peace with the wider world. While the crown attempts to forge alliances, the more meddlesome the High Mages become in attempting to influence the king's decisions. Peace abroad provides citizens to create strife at home, and the rift between the magically skilled and unskilled is being exacerbated by interested and oftentimes underground parties.

The Nine Reaches

Thrown into domestic upheaval by the recent ousting of a Hold, the Nine Reaches are struggling to regain stability as Acrehight's new leader, known as the Bitter Winterborn, asserts new control over the Reach. As each Reach maintains separate alliances with its neighboring Reaches and foreign nations, tensions within and without the peninsula are at a new peak: alliances will shift while blades are sharpened behind curtains.

Languages of Hesparia

There are many languages spoken throughout Hesparia, and many more which have passed into obscurity, or remain in use only through study.

Living Languages

  • Aelvish
  • Armentian
  • Asserian
  • Dweoch
  • Eoswarian
  • Etin
  • Galdorian
  • Reachspeak

Dead Languages

  • Aemon
  • High Galdorian
  • Old Aelvish
  • Old Etin
  • Old Immonian


The Realm of Hesparia is always changing, whether or not one chooses to see it. Should the fancy take hold, an individual could alter the course of a nation or the entire continent's future, simply by seeking out opportunities that cross their path. Note, however, that such opportunities come with a cost. Each and every individual must make a choice: to act or not, and live with the consequence. Who you meet along your journey will change you, but with any luck, you will change them as well. Good fortune, traveller!


             The Northlands

        Dweoh Hills

The Nine Reaches




Armentian Desert

Aelven Forest

               Immonian Mountains