What is Sigil?

Known to some as the Ring or the Cage Sigil is a ring city floating around an impossibly tall mountain that stands tall within the outlands (or deathlands). Contained within Sigil are several important factors the first being that it hold somewhere in the region of several trillion people contained within it’s impossibly large borders. Secondly and this caused it’s claim to fame it contains gates, portals and entryways to the entire multiverse and every plain within. This caused Sigil to become a hub for trade for the planes in their entirety. Lastly it is exempt from the interference of the gods be they for good or ill as none can enter.



Table of contents

Click here to go history of sigil

Click here to go to the Lady of Pain

Click here to go to the Divined

Click here to go to agents of the divined

Click here To go to the ghost field

Click here to go to the Outlands

Click here for seasons, weather and light

Click here to go to food/dysjunctions

Click here to go to law and order

Click here for underworld/academia/technology

Click here to go to the academia/technology

Click here to go to the Great Machine/dysjunctions

Click here to go to a overview of the districts

Click here to go to common features of Sigil

Click here to go to the Lady’s ward

Click here to go to brightstone

Click here to go to whitecrown

Click here To go to the Market Ward

Click here to go to Nightmarket

Click here to go to Six towers

Click here to go to the guildhall ward

Click here to go to the docks

Click here To go to Silkshore

Click here to go to the clerk’s ward

Click here to go to Charterhall

Click here to go to Crow’s foot

Click here to go to the Hive ward

Click here To go to Barrowcleft

Click here To go to Charhollow

Click here To go to the Lower Ward

Click here To go to Coalridge

Click here To go to Duslough

Click here To go to Ironhook Prison

Click here To go to the Lost District

Click here To go to a brief overview of every faction

Click here bill hooks and the brigade 1/2

Click here stampers and Cabbies 3/4

Click here The church of Ecstasy, circle of flame 5/6

Click here city assembly and the crows 7/8

Click here cyphers, deathlands scavengers 9/10

Click here the dimmer sisters, the dockers 11/12

Click here the Mentors, the forgotten gods 13/14

Click here the foundation, gondoliers 15/16

Click here grey cloaks and the grinders 17/18

Click here the hive and the horde 19/20

Click here the guardians, the ink rakes 21/22

Click here the watchdogs and ironhook prison 23/24

Click here the lampblacks and levithan hunters 25/26

Click here Lord Scurlock and the lost 27/28

Click here Consorts of vengance path of echoes 29/30

Click here the rail jacks and the reconciled 31/32

Click here the red sashes and sailors 33/34

Click here the silver nails and planar refugees 35/36

Click here sparkwrights and the spirit wardens 37/38

Click here Ulf Ironborn and the Unseen 39/40

Click here the weeping lady and the wraiths 41/42

Click here Flux society and the First and Only 43/44

Click here Gloam and Acolytes of Brashkadesh 45/46

Click here Concordant knights and conclave 01 47/48

Click here echo wave riders Borniko syndicate 49/50

Click here Agony and the Counters Guild 51/52

Click here Ghosts and the Sah’iir 53/54

Click here Nightspeakers Starless veil 55/56

Click here scarlet wolves and the suneaters 57/58

Click here vignerons and vorex 59/60

Click here wreckers and the yaru 61/62

Click here the blue rose distillery and Murmur 63/64

Click here The Surgeons Guild Botanic guild 65/66

Click here Strawmill house and Fenger 67/68

Click here Sabaz and the Blackfires 69/70

Click here the Brasshats and the Red house 71/72

Click here The mossmen and Briarwort Abbey 73/74

Click here The Help charterhall levithans 75/76

Click here the mystai and the sign of one 77/78

Click sensation society, transcendent order 79,80

Click knights & servants of the ward, abyssal priests 81/82

Click market ward guilds , astropaths guild 83/84

Click here wayfinders guild, aether ghosts 85/86

Click here Asthari cult, Guild of engineers 87/88

Click here Vigilance and the Dyrinek gang 89/90

Click The First Hydra, Kinclaith detectives 91/92

Click here the Legion, the keepers of the flame 93/94

Click Red Right Hand, the Sanguine Sorority 95/96

Click here Banshees, Epitaph 97/98

Click here the Seven Score Ripper, Cogmen 99/100

Click here Angels of the divined, Reddington 101/102

Click here Frequency 611, the vaultkeepers 103/104

Click Thermophiles, The Paladins of Thule 105/106

Click Nine grey wrenchers, skeleton crew 107/108

Click here The Chaos star, Overseer 109/110

Click The God reaper Empyrean hunters 111/112

Click here Curators, the Excommunicated 113/114

Click here steel symphonny, mercy killers 115/116

Click here the eye of God, nightfall 117/118

Click here The raven Brothers The Order of the Ashen Dawn 119/120

Click here The Curst The Cognitae 121/122

Click here list of areas of turf for each faction

Click here Rulings section

Click here slang in Sigil

Click here The faction turn

Click here Summary of past scores (out of character)

Click here Outsiders/summoned horrors

Click here Inventions/map or locations/lore

Click here Summary of past scores (in character)

https://shorturl.at/bdFKU described sigil locations



The history of Sigil

The city of Sigil has existed for all of recorded history and during that time it has gone by many names. These vary from the Cage, the city of doors, the nexus of the planes and even the city of secrets.

It’s exact origin is unknown with speculation ranging from a direct creation of the Lady of Pain to a construct of the Dabus who were the city’s first inhabitants. What is clear however is that no known archive exists that tells of a time when the city wasn’t present. Some believe that the secret to the city is contained within it’s extensive historical archives yet those with access have found no such indication and whatever secrets the city holds regarding it’s creation it hoards it jealously.

The calamity

The Lady was said to be one of the first to see the peace that preempted the calamity for what it was temporary one. While measures such as the Soverign Witness, the unity from the war in heaven and groups such as the Astral Templars would help they couldn’t prevent the breakdown in relations. As such Sigil was prepared unlike many other places for the war that eventually broke out and established itself as a bastion of neutrality amidst the chaos of the conflict. Part of this preperation was the inception of The Divined 4 individuals imparted with some form of power either from the Lady or from some other source to help protect the city. They were the Knight, the Page, the King and the Queen. Under the ledership of these 4 they maintained a modicum of peace in the city of doors which for the first time was nearly shut off from the rest of the planes with only 1 door left open to each plane. The queen watched one half alone and the Divined and the citizens of Sigil watched the other. To this day cagers tell tales of the lengths to which the Lady went to in order to ensure that Sigil maintained it’s neutrality ranging from horrific screaming of all sorts of creatures that would echo for months at a time in addition the ghosts created from this were terrifying and deadly.

Although the divined would often fall in service of the city they would be reborn as the soul passed from one cager to another allowing them to continue to serve. Through much blood, sweat and tears the city was eventually proclaimed neutral ground and the Freedom War as it would come to be known (the first war in Sigil’s reorded history) ended. During this war many of the factions of the city began to rise at first not as faction or gangs but instead as regiments organised to hold the line against the horrors of the abyss or the legions of heaven. The leaders of these regiments were called factols and were highly decorated and praised by the Divined and their followers.

“We are the Divined empowered to watch over Sigil and fated to do so until our dying breath when we are reborn to do it again.”

Proclmoation by the Divined

The fall of the Divined

The darkest day of Sigils history in more ways than one comes towards the end of the Calmaity as while on the material plane Tharizdun was rising the Cage wasn’t immune to the spread of the Epoch of Ends. Under the guise of peace 7 Doomdreamers (the High Priest’s of Tharizdun) entered the city and positioned themselves equidistant around the ring. After a brief period of time began enacting a ritual to summon anihalation to the city and they hoped to bring this about to other planes due to the Cages nature as the nexus of the planes. Immediately aware of what was happening the entire city mobilised to stop this with Factols calling on allegiances they hoped not to need and companies marching on the Doomdreamers.

The devestation caused here dwarfed what had been caused by the Freedom war and would require years of work from the Dabus to repair as whole districts were sundered through the destuctive power of Tharizdun. All 7 were slain eventually 2 by the Divined 2 by the collection of the forces of all of the Factols with many falling to them lost to dust and ashes forever, the remaining 3 were dealt with by the Lady of Pain (legend says the still exist within her mazes tortured for centuries without release). However this victory wasn’t acomplished entirely in time and the Dreamers succeeded in summoning a endlessly hungry void in the centre of the Ring where at one time the star of the city existed. Calling together the Divined the Lady and her champions travelled towards the centre of the star to deal with it.

The entire battle was shrouded in shadow so the cagers could see none of what happened and all they know were the facts of the aftermath. From that day forward the Lady who had been withdrawn before never interacted with another being again, the battle itself took 37 peaks and antipeaks, the creature was sundered and killed or so they assume and none of the Divined made it out of the conflict alive in fact their bodies disappeared and unlike their past deaths the souls didn’t pass on and thus ended the period of leadership of the Divined.



Finally and prehaps most importantly for the cagers the star was broken leaving behind only pale light at all times. Even at high peak the city is now only surrounded by dim light.

Many fled the city during this instance however they found little solace anywhere else with the calamity still raging and so eventually returned to find a very subdued city with the Lady actively patrolling every part. This continued until the end of the Calamity where she withdrew and into this vaccumn stepped the Factols.

The Many faces of the Factol wars

At the end of the calamity the city had more than 50 Factols. These surrviving commanders of the Freedom War stepped into the vaccumn left by the Lady and the Divined and began to exert influence over the city. Quickly old grievances, war wounds and feuds developed and the city began to devolve into interfactional warfare. The history of this period is dominated by tales of conflicts and myths and legends of the prowress of these war leaders of the many factions. These range from Arliden Swiftwhistle the one time Factol of the Athar (now fallen) who was said to be able to reflect and pervert divine magic as silent as a shadow and wore many faces; Butterfly The factol of the Dustmen who never acted openly yet seemingly every event that happened around them would inveitably better them off and coined the butterfly effect; to Danir the fearless factol of the Mercy Killers who led her faction into war openly wielding a pair of magical talons that created whips of pure amethyst energy as well as the amethyst keystone and a shield of enchanted crystal.

The list goes on however what is clear is that the Factols of this time were immensely powerful and many a gang has devoted there life to finding the hidden tombs of these individuals to plunder them for old power. Also what was clear was the damage done to the city by this constant warring, Sigils reputation that had been built painstakingly through the calamity was losing it’s luster as the marketplaces were quickly replaced by battlefields and sites of carnage and violence. Into this malestrom of Violence stepped the Lady of Pain.

The Great Upheval

Without a word or regard the Lady appeared instantaneously to the Factols of all the factions and indescriminately ended the leadership of all but 15 of them plunging the city briefly into chaos. Cagers are said to sometimes have nightmares of this event as the scars of this event still bleeds into the ghost field. Everyone was aware of what happened on the street during peak friends, bosses, factols, seconds and decorated war heroes wherever they were suddenly erupted in horrific gashes every artery and vein was slashed and they exsanguinated themselves. Legend tells that those nearby saw a shadow of a figure tall robed and surrounded by enscorcelled blades standing vigil over every dead figure. What followed was the peak of Committal where all across the city, once they were sure it was safe to do so, funerals were conducted for all who fell to the Lady’s wrath.

During the peak of Committal the surviving factols joined together and elected a prime factol to be in charge of the city. While horrific this event was followed by six centuries of relative peace. This was something Sigil desperately needed and while factions still skirmished with each other and quarrelled over certain things it was all kept under the table and diplomacy was the main way to solve grievances. Terrified of another upheval the Factols played entirely by the rules. For a time.

“The Lady of Pain is a relic of the past burnout by the calamity and not worthy of our fear or resepct we the Factols the war heroes of the Freedom War should rule the cage”

The last words of Lafayette Wend IV Factol of a sundered faction and war hero of Sigil.

The faction war

632 years after the Great Upheaval, in the 130th year of Prime Factol Hashkar’s rule, it was suddenly clear that although all knew of the events of the Great Upheval it was only the truly long lived who could honestly say they still remembered it as most who were adults at the time had passed on. The stories told by the old cagers about the ladies powers were dissmissed somewhat as fables. None who were alive could say to have witnessed her power and the fall of the Divined was some obscure event in the history books. Everyone believed that all the ghosts from the great upheaval and the calamity had been destroyed. This created a powder keg of simmering political tensions between the fifteen factions for supremacy of their worldview which escalated to open hostilities, triggering a bloody internal conflict known as the Faction War. The conflict lasted for 2 peaks and 2 antipeaks and began with the assasination of the Prime Factol and the decimation of his faction the only one unprepared for the conflict. The meeting to elect a new Prime Factol devolved into open warfare with magics and other weapons being deployed freely, extraplanar allies being summoned and even older and incomprehensible powers being called on.



In the middle of this conflict appeared a single Dabus all alone who spoke clearly the following words. “This city tolerates your faction no longer. Abandon it or die.”

The wise heard this and ran, the intelligent heard this and teleported away the truly aware fell on their knees and begged for forgiveness. Unfortunately few of these words described the new Factols and their inner circles or their followers. Each was found later that day flayed alive and floating in the air. The war ended with the complete disbanding of all factions by the Lady of Pain, with some of them being extinguished, others moving their headquarters to other planes, and others becoming underground organizations.

The Lady’s crown

Description of the lady in all her immortal glory are rare as she’s rarely seen in person however as befits her station she should have a crown of some sorts right. Yet in living memory she seemed to not have one as if she didn’t need one. Some viewed this as more of a demonstration of her power, yet others thought this made her slightly lesser yet still unassailable. However, in her most recent appearance she is now in the possession of a crown or perhaps she finally chose to manifest it and it is everything that one would expect of a crown for the undisputed eternal ruler of Sigil. Manifesting above her head as a diadem made of pure purple light and power the crown defies description but visibly manifests as authority. The lady already a powerful and awe-inspiring figure unconsciously commands a almost supernatural level of fear and respect wearing the crown. Her shadow feared for flaying any within it now refracts around her in its light in spite of everyone knowing that it’s a new addition to her look none can remember or picture her without it atop her head. It thrums with power and glows with the embers of a fire never fully extinguished even those who have seen the gods, elder evils, lords of the 9 or other immortal entities say they pale in comparison to the sheer majesty of the Lady. The first anyone saw of this crown and the lady of pain being it’s bearer was the aftermath of the destruction of what at the time was considered to be a up and coming faction based around knowledge supposedly led by followers of a corrupted side of Ioun as she walked away from where they had been gathering leaving her shadow behind haloed by the crown to stand vigil over the flayed bodies.

The return of the divined (280 years after the faction war)

Following on from this a few weeks later every influential figure was called to a building within white crown which had been abandoned and sealed and was a topic of much conversation among the rich and powerful. Each and every member was alert for signs of treachery or a trick yet each one had been led by a Dabus. The truly ancient remembered and feared this location as it was from here that the defence of Sigil had been marshalled in times gone by before the formation of the lightning barrier. In groups of 2 each member was invited to enter the inner chambers and within they saw a sight. They saw the divined with the lady standing behind them providing gravitas to the situation and reinforcing their power and mandate. The descriptions of all 4 are well noted and are as follows. The first is the page identifiable by the plain mask of gold that covers their face wearing blue robes that seem to scream of hidden truths and untold power yet none of that is visible a faint haze of electroplasmic energy seems to coil around them like a snake floating around their neck like a symbol of office from days of yore. On the other side is the knight clad in armour of shooting stars their radiance chained and suppressed yet unstoppable surrounding them as if they were the night sky itself. At either side they hold a blade one which appears only in the mind and cuts the thought at its very presence the other that carries with it a sense of triumph and the sound of a thousand trumpets.

Around their neck is a chain of melted and mangled armour throughout which you can just about make out symbols of factions of the past, gods, demons, devils, kingdoms, and other powers broken and sundered. Their face is the only visible facet dark, scarred and unflinching. Next to them was the queen a kindly faced halfling male wearing elegant courtly attire as if about to walking into a dance or other high society event the eyes are the part that caught your attention one promised a home, protection, and safety the other promised a painful excruciating death at their hands yet in spite of this they are truly beautiful. Around their neck is a simple gold chain with a heart clasped around a ring of hands. Lastly the king wearing regalia fit for a monarch purples, flowing robes and gold she holds an intricate golden sceptre set with a diamond at the top and in the other an orb that seems to be made of a thousand fractured mirrors shattering your perception of reality around her neck is a replica of the ring itself. All of their faces and appearances aren’t identifiable and fade from memory as if it was nothing but a dream but their words didn’t fade. They spoke simply and said thus “we are the divined empowered to watch over Sigil and fated to do so until our dying breath when we are reborn to do it again. The city has stagnated and fallen the ban on factions is ended the great game has already started.” Supposedly each member was told something else by one of the divined yet that could be misinformation and lies none have shared this and with that the factions of Sigil jumped back into action and was thrown into overdrive. Almost as if the only thing holding them back was the fear that the lady would hold them back gang wars started, finished, alliances were made broken and shattered gangs rose fell and had a resurgence. The city that we know love and hate began again.



Recent history (ARD after the return of the divined)

Midas and the age of enlightenment 52 ARD

As time goes on Sigil has clearly began to evolve and this is a feature many attribute to a series of enlightened approaches across the planes as everyone suddenly finds aspects of life that their mind didn’t grasp becoming open to them now new ideas and plans and ground breaking research is becoming a norm of sorts signalling a leap forward in technology throughout the planes. In Sigil itself this can also be attributed to Midas as through the actions of Asmodeus and the 9 they have been thrust and hunted into the limelight. Many haven’t been found but most who have fled to the Ring.

Challenging the divined 110 ARD

Midas’s actions in the Great Game came to a head in the Dunslough theatre where they attempted and succeeded in a assassination of the queen however in direct response to this all involved in this action were hunted by the consorts of vengeance and Midas’s primary base of operations on the ring was assaulted by a group with no identification except that each had a blood red crow on their chest and their right hand was red like blood and they left none alive before disappearing. This wasn’t the only time the divined were challenged yet each time they showed their strength the knight with their journey into the deathlands (in later years) and the King travelling through the lost district alone. The sheer level of revenge after the queen’s death was impactful enough. The only one left seemingly unchallenged is the page who seemed to foster this questioning attitude,

The intrusion of the deathlands. 201 ARD

201 years after the return of the Divined the city was once again threatened by a powerful forces from beyond it’s borders as the outlands (known to most as the death lands reached towards the Ring). The area around the ring was with the return of the divined suddenly accessible again which with the return of the aptly named great game a chance for new powers to be unearthed. However as the people of Sigil reached out the creatures of the deathlands fought back and the city was assailed by ghosts and other monsters. This threat was so dire that for a time the great game even ceased with everyone drafted to defend the Ring with the exception of the knight who for unknown reasons pushed on deeper into the deathlands. For the time whilst the knight was away the page and king maintained worked to maintain arcane wardings around the entirety of the ring yet it’s size is inconceivable and as such the conflict was still near constant.

the knight triumphants 400 years ARD

Eventually the knight 200 years after they had began their expedition into the deathlands long thought dead by nearly everyone found a discovery that changed the face of the conflict. Tthey discovered levithans and the void sea and in doing so the Rings salvation as levithan blood was identified as a incredibly powerful source of power that could be used for a variety of things. They returned with as much blood as they could and alongside the page who was supported by the sparkwrights and guild of engineers constructed the lightning barrier around the Ring fuelled by processed levithan blood known as psalm which they used to keep malignant spirits and other horrors out of the Ring for good. This resulted in the formation of the Leviathan hunters to get more of these creatures.

The Year of Nightmares 401 ARD

After the Knight returned and the Ring was back on its feet it was suddenly clear at least to some that the knight was the dominant power. What followed has been reffered to as the year of Nightmares. The Divined waged all out war against eachother with each using all their resources against each other. The Queens agents at the head of a hoast of genetically engineered xenos horrors attacked the pages screens who folded space around them. The King manifested a mechanised arcane warsuit for his agents to take on the gallant guardians and the list goes on. At the end of the year several other major factions arrived at the palace of the divined and petitioned a end to the violence. The divined agreed although much of the city had been wrecked and the armistice was signed and the archive created.

The birth of Democracy? 459 years ARD

With the return of the Great Game and security being established it was identified that their were now some aspects of the Ring that required the attention of a central body to ensure that order was maintained primarily the lightining barrier, but also many other factors. Thus the city assembly was born with representatives from all of Sigils main walks of life 1 member from each divined 1 from the lady supposedly, 1 from public vote and 1 from a secret competitive deadly election among the criminal class. The people responded well to the assembly and although prone to the same flaws as any mortal body it has proven itself reasonably effective at it’s role and is a key focal point in the great game.

The Great Game continues 800+ years ARD

The great game continues where once the factions of Sigil were limited know they have blossomed and grown to number upwards of 100 and growing steadily as goes on gang wars are common as are bribery, great heists and all manner of other factors yet inspite of all the negative aspects more and more people buy passage into the Ring to find their fortune.



The Lady of Pain

The enigmatic ruler

Many words have been used to describe the Lady of Pain throught the years however all of them fail to truly do them justice as although being known as the Lady of Pain none can truly say if they are man or woman as none have seen behind the mask that they wear.

Throughout Sigils long history not a single moment has been recorded when they were not in charge and although their rule has been challenged multiple times none have ever succeeded and all have regretted it. She appears as a floating figure about 15ft tall surrounded by enscorcelled blades wearing a robe (the colour of which is subject of much debate and is theorised to change). Her face is covered in a mask of purest gold resembling a female figure which is the only clue to any part about her identity. She floats of off the ground her feet never touching and appears and dissapears at a whim. Anything more about the Lady is pure speculation and their power is so absolute that most Cagers won’t utter their name aloud for fear of consequences.

Instead they refer to them as one of the following, them, The Lady, the flaying shadow or the Wife of Agony.

While their history and nature are unknown their powers are most certainly not as they have been demonstrated many a time against those who stood against them.

First and most famously is their ability to control portals, the Lady of Pain controls every single portal in the City of Doors and it is by her decree that they remain open or can be slammed shut.

Stemming from this is their second most famous power the ability to when they are displeased, banish the objects of their ire to an extraplanar Maze. This is said to look like some overgrown segment of the city, overrun with vines and worse. Those who escape one of her Mazes are often quieter, and less willing to revel. Anyone who knows what truly happens in the mazes dosen’t share it.

Finally those who cross their path and are met by or meet their gaze or cross the path of their shadow are flayed to death, spontaneously sprouting wounds all across their body and all the major arteries dying almost instantly.

Finally the Dabus who walk the city and maintain it are said to be their eyes and ears and all they see so does the Lady as well.



The Divined

“They say the longer your title the less power you have. The divined embody the opposite their names translate to pure power within the Ring. All would do best to think twice before trifiling with them”

Quote from a sigil historian

Nature of the divined.

Quite how they have been created or came into being has never been clear to the people of sigil however some facts are clear and they are presented below. Each member of the divined is functionally immune to the effects of aging. However they are able to die but only for a time. As when one is slain the soul that resides within or prehaps the spirit leaves and possesses another cager taking over their life from then on.

As such the new member can be a newborn or perhaps a ancient crone on their death bed. Needless to say this can be quite chaotic and results in a rapid search by all the members of the divined and the dead members followers for the new version. These versions retain the memories of the past divined but have certain new priorities dependent upon past life experiences. Which colours their perspectives on certain things but the core ideals remains the same.

The powers of the divined have never been fully documented in part because they are generally loath to exhibit them and protect their own secrets dearly. However none are left with any doubt that they are extensive. Stories range from the queen causing hostile figures to meld with the city becoming new buildings with a thoughtful stare to the page simultaneously conducting a orchestra of intricate magic that was both impenetrable, deadly and had a slightly sick glee to the punishment dolled out. The kings power is unknown and unlike the others takes extensive steps to keep it this way. The knight is the one most are aware of as tales tell of grievous wounds that would have slain lesser man twice or three times over being laughed of as a mere scratch whilst also using every trick or ploy to ensure victory and he is supported through this by the city itself and is a dishonourable or ‘dirty’ fighter. Also of course as befits sigils place as the hub of trade each is tricked out in artifacts and positively radiates for any who can see magic or detect it.

The king, the queen, the knight and the page. Each seemingly possesses a a singular goal of protecting sigil as a whole. For all bar the queen however this doesn’t extend to protecting the people as the page supposedly said once “people are the one resource we have too much of.” The king, knight and page all seek to protect sigil as a entity and while you may find some succor and comfort with agents of the queen it won’t better your lot in life.

Gameplay implications

  • The Divined indvidually act as a tier 7 gang and are generally considered to be beyond the scope of cagers or any crew without specific preperations
  • Unlike the lady the divined are more hands on and can be interacted with by players, the targets of scores and also potentially in certain situations casualties.
  • Other high level entities are often interested in messing with the divined in some manner although all cagers know that whatever issues they may have with the divined they do protect the city and so would generally side with them over others.
  • Anything that involves one divined generally tends to involve more than one meaning that choosing which side to support or not can be a difficult thing. However tales are told across the cage of individuals who took one job from the divined and although dangerous were set for life.
  • One thing is certain any job that involves one of the divined whatever it looks like on the surface is a deeper problem and will possess more risk and reward compared to similair options.
  • Interacting with the agents of the divine is another thing entirely. Whilst technically alligned with the Divined generally a negative interaction with one dosen’t affect your status with the other.
  • Agents of the Divined come in all shapes and sizes and all tiers and may hinder or help PC’s depending on their whims and relating to their societal station.



The king, the queen, the knight and the page.

The Kings role and nature:

  • Firstly they head the markets looking at imports and exports and who can sell and what they can sell in sigil. As well as administrating the stock market.
  • Second they are in charge of the various logistical needs of the various regions of sigil and generally ensuring that the city has the food to survive.
  • They are the high magistrate of the court system of sigil and sit in session.
  • Additionally they are the master of the archives of Sigil which are incredible repositories of information contained within the destined stronghold.
  • The King is currently the oldest of the 4 and therefore the leader who would be called upon to break a tie if one was needed.
  • Generally their emotional side is very analytical cold hard logic they look at the big picture and are very ready to make the hard call whenever it’s necessary.
  • The king is the most competitive of the 4 and enjoys the rivalry between them
  • Finally the King is in charge of immigration watching the enterances and exits to the city portal or the entrances from the outlands

the Queen role and nature:

  • A social butterfly but well known for talking plainly but fairly kind
  • The queen holds a open court where any and all who wish for help or who have grievances to air them
  • Known for being kind and caring but not suffering fools or liars
  • They are a mainstay of the high level diplomatic scene at every single party or other similair events
  • The queen is known for walking through the city alone often helping anyone they come across and generally healing the sick and feeding the hungry to name but a few yet their mood is often fickle and your fortune can change drastically if they believe you aren’t showing proper respect.
  • The Queen has also been known to walk the streets telling stories to any and all who would listen of Sigil’s histories and it brings peace to all.

the Knight role and nature:

  • They are generally a act first ask questions later individual head strong but very committed to the cause symbolising endless energy and inspiring belief in others.
  • The most common person that the cagers see around
  • Constantly fighting any outsiders who are present in a dangerous scenario of some sorts
  • In charge of the Stampers
  • Reliably present at many of the Strife zones across Sigil
  • Often duels specific creatures and delights in fighting creatures from other planes in duels to the death (many cagers use this as a opportunity to rob the dead because they don’t loot any of the corpses)
  • Also the divined who supposedly dies the most but as of yet has failed to do so.
  • rarely speaks valuing their words carefully
  • The knight also leads expeditions into the voidsea or outlands whenever the mood takes them and is the only one who ever leaves the city.

the Page role and nature:

  • Generally symbolises a thirst for new knowledge or ideas and seems to not care about consequences
  • Generally a free spirit and seeks new opportunities
  • The head of the Starless veil a organisation that ensures that the balances is maintained in the Ring
  • In charge of the guild of engineers and sparkwrights and researches a vast variety of topics.
  • The only member of the divined who’s identity is a secret and whilst some know it the vast majority don’t.
  • The Page also takes a active role in the maintaining of the railways linking parts of the city as well as the lightining barriers around the city and finally the lightining towers
  • known to have a taste for fine or exotic music
  • Finally the page has reportedly been seen roaming the ghost field and entering and exiting ghost doors often going missing for peaks at a time, and is said to hold a almost exhaustive supply of ghost keys.

current divined members

The Page: unknown (mathius similacrum)

The Queen (Ancia one time fortune teller after Lotho died)

The Knight (drazhar)

The King (Mistus’s mother Carmilla Croun)



Agents of the Divined

Agents of the king

The kings agents are the most predictable always seen at every single portal or entrance into the city from the Outland or in the midst of a market logging trades or solving disputes or administrating the stock market. This is supposedly there only duties however every cager has heard a sort of someone attempting to open a unauthorised portal and a collective of grim faced agents of the king arriving and dispensing cold justice without a second thought. The kings agents are said to be some of the most powerful.

  • Agents of the King are recruited primarily from the middle and upper class particularly the nobility
  • Every sanctioned portal or enterance to the city will have a agent of the King present at it
  • Agents of the king partake freely in trade and are known for carrying valuable items making them excellent marks if you can do so unnoticed

Agents of the Queen

Agents of the queen: the prevalence of these vary depending on your societal strata. The nobility and upper crust of society rarely see them except for social occasions. However to the poor the downtrodden and the victimised the queens agents are a constant soothing presence on the streets and a light in the grim darkness. Ranging from the tender of a local soup kitchen that never runs dry to the guardian of a homeless shelter and even to the local doctor who works for free. That said to those of the underworld the agents of the queen have a more sinister purpose as the aptly named consorts of vengeance. Those who wrong the people discriminately have been said to draw the ire of more violent agents of the queen and disappear permanently. These are commonly regarded as the most incorruptible of the agents however this doesn’t make them immune just means you need to bring more coin.

  • Recruited almost exclusively from the poor, downtrodden and poverty stricken
  • The mission of the agents of the Queen vary with almost no oversight from them
  • The most beloved of all agents and few mess with them as criminals, guards and adventurers alike can find shelter and comfort in their care

Agents of the Knight

Agents of the knight: the most populous of the agents as everyone who is a member of the guard is infact a member however the power granted is more concentrated the higher up you go. This doesn’t necessarily bestow the average beat cop with any significant power more allows them to have a chance against certain things. However commanders of the watch and Gallant guardians and other high up members are known to be a challenge for any to take down. Due to sigils sheer size patrolling it properly would take a army of immense proportions. Instead the watch relies on word of mouth and many scattered rally points each ran by a watch commander and linked with teleportation magic. Thus your stamper presences varies extensively based on your district however the goal of the stampers is to stop harm to the city and the watch commanders allies followed by protecting the citizens.

  • Recruited from the working class generally those who have had to work for their lot in life
  • Offically known as the Destined guardians of the city of sigil, most just call the Stampers due to how they tend to stamp about when marching and wake people up.

Agents of the Page

Agents of the page: the most varied of all agents in terms of nature and power as unlike the other divined they don’t give put any of their power. Instead relying on there followers to gain power for themselves. This means that the followers of the page are at the cutting edge of every advancement or power play in the city. Also they plot among each other attempting to one up the other and gain power over another when possible.

  • Individual agents of the Page are known as Screens and collectively make up the starless veil.
  • Unlike others the Page recruits from all levels of society and works in the shadow.
  • Many shadowy actors state they work for the page though none know if it’s true, but some who say this too loud are prone to dissapear quietly.

General features

The agents of the divined are gifted with certain power however no part of this power is any form of compulsion to act in a specific way. Rogue agents are a common occurrence and bribes move everyone with the exception of some of the queens agents. Additionally this power is not invulnerability, the local watch commander may be able to wrestle a pit fiend but a pistol bullet to the back of the skull will end them like anyone else.



The ghost field:

One of the many features of Sigil that make it somewhat unique in the multiverse is it’s complete seperation from the ethereal plane. Arguments persist on if this was a ancient action by the lady of pain or maybe just a feature of the plane or prehaps some other god or figure removed it. Regardless of the action that resulted in it the entire city is permeated in a field of arcane ethereal magic that many can attune to and influence. Some are more attuned to it and are reffered to as whispers.

Ghosts and spirit wardens

  • After 1/3 days a body that has been left alone and untouched the spirit is drawn back to the body and rises again as a ghost it’s power varying depending on the will of the particular individual. Whenever a person dies in the city without specific preperation all nearby hear a bell ring and a deathseeker crow leads a group of spirit wardens to the body… Or at least thats’s how it’s supposed to happen.
  • It is the job of the spirit wardens who are affiliates of the Knight, the page, the king and the queen (and whilst technically under their purview aren’t actually agents of the divined) to ensure that this happens as little as possible and keep the city safe from ghosts. They are still a high tier gang and are responsible for travelling out and ensuring that these bodies are returned back to the crematorium where the Queen related members ensure that the body is burnt in a electrompalsmic furnace.
  • The spirit wardens proper who are related to the knight are led to their goal by the deathseeker crows. Spirit Wardens wear masks and have a secret membership, both to keep them uncorrupted by political influence, and as an homage to tradition—ancient ghost hunters wore masks and concealed their true names as defense against dark magic. The tradditions have waned recently however the wardens still stick to their mission of destroying ghosts.
  • The Deathseeker crows are kept by page related members they leave the belfry and fly to the district where the dead may be found, circling ever closer to the corpse every minute and this is what the spirit wardens follow. These crows are magical creatures and some have been taken down before leaving the wardens without direction yet their always seems to be enough of them
  • The arcane spirit bells (the bell of lost souls) at Bellweather Crematorium ring whenever someone dies in the city. They may only be heard by those near the site of the death, and by the Spirit Wardens, whose arcane masks are attuned to the bells these bells are tended to by king related members and rumours tell of other functions of the crematorium tended to by the bell ringers.
  • The dead book, the queen’s representatives in the spirit wardens are responsible for taking items of off the dead finding out their name and recording them in the book of the dead allowing for funerals to be held.
  • The rest of the city in it’s entirety is served by a limited group of spirit wardens and even with the help of teleportation magic they cannot be everywhere at once as such ghosts are a common occourence. This leads to some spirit wardens enacting purges where they travel to spirit wells and other places where ghosts congregate and bottle and kill as many as possible.

Spectrological Terminology

  • Electroplasm. The energetic residue distilled from ghosts and leviathan blood.
  • Ghost. A spirit without a body, craving life essence and vengeance on its earthly enemies. Composed of semi-solid electroplasmic vapor. Suffers limited harm from physical attacks, but is vulnerable to electricity and arcane powers. (see below section)
  • Hollow. A living body without a spirit. Usually dim-witted and easily controlled.
  • Hull. A spark-craft body animated by a bound spirit.
  • Possessed. A living body containing two (or more) spirits.
  • Soul. A living body with its own spirit. The normal state of affairs.
  • Spirit Well. A rift in the veil of reality where ghosts or other supernatural beings gather. In ancient myth, a spawning ground of demons/ other outsiders.
  • Vampire. A dead body animated and sustained by a spirit.
  • Whisper. A person who’s able to summon and communicate with ghosts.
  • Sorcerer, WItch, Wizard, Mage, Warlock, enchanter, necromancer, occultist: generally refers to anyone with the ability to alter reality in some fashion through the use of magic and not through the manipulation of the ghost field.
  • Outsiders In Sigil, common parlance calls anything supernatural or disturbing a “Outsider.” Ghosts, demons, witches, sorcerers, and the summoned horrors of ancient rituals are all Outsiders. “Take the Outsider’s bargain,” people say, when they know something is too good to be true.
  • Leviathans: refers to anything hunted in the outlands (see below) and generally used to refer to the blood harvested for them to generate Plasm the energy source for the majority of sigils infastructure
  • mystic: generally refers to those who use some form of psionic power to generate magical powers seperate from those who use the ghost field.




  • The electroplasmic furnaces of Bellweather Crematorium burn night and day to properly dispose of all corpses recovered by the Spirit Wardens. The arcane dissolution destroys the spirit utterly, removing its echo from the ghost field and neutralizing the threat from a vengeful spirit.
  • Despite these efforts, however, there are still ghosts at large in Duskwall. Some bodies aren’t found and destroyed soon enough, allowing the ghost to rise free of its shell. Some spirits are intentionally removed before the Wardens arrive, to be sold on the black market or distilled into spirit essence.
  • Rogue spirits crave what all dead things crave: the sweet essence of life. Some seek it by pursuing what was lost when they died, mindlessly repeating meaningless actions from life. Others lure the unwary into a cold, withering embrace. The most ancient spirits are said to have even more sinister ways of acquiring what they desire.
  • Every citizen of sigil has had at least one harrowing encounter with a rogue spirit, sometimes many more. Most spectral encounters in the city fall into one of five types:
  • Echoes are “loops” of behavior captured in the ghost field, repeating over and over. They have no will of their own, but are still dangerous because of the electrical discharge of their plasmic forms. They sometimes spontaneously manifest at the site of an extremely violent event, whether or not death was involved.

  • Specters are malevolent spirits seeking to possess a victim to drain its essence and to take vengeance upon those who they believe wronged them in life.

  • Horrors are non-mortal electroplasmic entities that live within the ghost field. They’re very rare within the city, but are common in the outlands beyond the lightning barriers.

  • Reconciled are ghosts that have stayed sane and do not crave life essence or vengeance as Specters do. Reconciled are extremely rare—some spectrologists don’t believe they exist at all.

  • Spirit Wells are rifts in the veil of reality where ghosts and other supernatural beings congregate to draw energy. In ancient myth, a spawning ground for or other outsiders.

  • Blanks Blanks are beings who exist through not existing. A blank may take many basic forms, a humanoid, a dog, a large bird, but through all of these there are certain commonalities. The blank lacks any presence in the material realm or the ghostfield, it has no physical presence—one cannot smell, see, hear, feel, or taste a blank. It is from this emptiness though that one can tell that a blank is there. Blanks are vicious creatures who will destroy and devour anything living or dead it comes in contact with—including spirits. After a short time, whatever it was that was holding the blank to this plane of existence weakens, and the blank will cease to unexist all together.

  • These entities, while terrifying and strange, are a fact of life in the dark world of sigil. Citizens still go about their business amidst supernatural horrors everyday, clutching their spiritbane charms, mumbling a half-remembered invocation to any god, and never hesitating to call upon the services of a professional Whisper if the situation becomes dire.

the great ocean

Many liken the ghost field to a great ocean prehaps in refference to the void sea that dominates the outlands. They say that it has tides that ebb and flow in relation to their own mysterious whims as well as the actions that happen within the cage around it. Potent whispers and those with the ability to attune to it can acomplish miraculous things yet their are presences within it like any ocean predators and prehaps even levithans of it’s own like the void sea itself. In addition like any ocean it has it’s share of storms and it’s moments of pure calm which in turn impact those who attempt to attune to it.



The outlands

“That’s how we know your not a local none round her call them the outlands it’s just the deathlands to us but I’ll take ya”

Quote from a “guide” to the outlands

Beyond the lightning barriers of the Ring, the world is a wasteland of petrified trees, ash, and choking clouds of miasma and other more impossible climates and features. Restless ghosts ceaselessly search for the faintest spark of life essence upon which to prey. But tales tell of other more deadly creatures that prehaps even prey on spirits or other outsiders.

One of the greatest new discoveries for Sigil is that suprisingly due to unknown circumstances individuals are now able to leave the city. This initally began a age of expansion and colonisation of the city but quickly fell apart as it became clear these “outlands” were filled with horrors and monstrosities drawn to the life of the settlers from the city. Thus the outlands were renamed the deathlands by the locals.

In the midst of this rout back to the city some people ,lead in part by the knight at the time, continued pushing onwards believing that something was worth their while in the outlands. In this final expedition they discovered several things which have grabbed the imagination and collective psyche of cagers since. The first thing discovered was that civilisations existed outside of the city in the Outlands. From even the most cursory glances it became clear that these towns and cities were berefet of life yet filled with treasure and maps to them swiftly became a new comodity. Secondly the creatures within if captured are used by some factols as a symbol of status or taken apart for alchemical rituals. Finally and most interestingly they discovered a endless black sea.

The Void Sea

This oceans had for some reason turned to black ink. Tiny points of light, arrayed like constellations of stars, can be seen far below the surface. The sea stretches far off into the horizon. The vengeful ghosts that plague the land tend to shun the open ocean, but there are more terrible things prowling the deeps.

It was on the shores of this ocean that the first discovery of Psalm (see later) was made as the expedition discovered a gargantuan tentacle severed and lying on the shore bleeding everywhere this dark black viscous blood. As it did they noticed that the area was drawing ghosts to it and the electoplasmic energy of the ghosts was interacting with the blood and generating a massive amount of magic. This blood was bottled up and returned to the city and they discovered that by infusing levithan (as they would come to be known) blood with electroplasm would create immense amounts of energy.

With this new energy source the city which was in the process of being swarmed by the creatures of the outlands was suddenly protected. Under the guide of the Divined a lightining barrier was constructed around the city protecting it from the outside. However in order to feed this ever constant need the city required a new group to go out into this deadly area and hunt these levithans and their blood. As such the Leviathan hunters were born, each led by daring captains and they attracted many down on their luck across the planes and who found their fortune here. Traversing the void sea is dangerous to the body due to the immense risks involved in hunting levithans but more importantly the soul and the psyche. Yet some claim that the songs sung to prevent the loss of morale for the crew hold power as a result of stemming the tide against the sea’s effects.

The captains of the levithan hunters each carry their ships with them in special enchanted glass bottles whose command word is only passed on to the next in line. without the word they are notoriously difficult to distinguish from a cheap knicknack.

The oceans have turned to black ink, and a new realm of constellations appeared in the depths of the seas—millions of tiny pinpoints of light, somehow clearly visible far below the waves. To sail upon the waters of the Shattered Isles is to be flung into the void—the crushing dark of black sky upon black water, stars far above and stars far below. Not every sailor is able to keep their sanity.

Rail Jacks

One of the key problems with collecting levithan blood was the journey through the outlands to reach the void sea to embark upon the journey and then the journey back with this substance. Perhaps the most toxic material of all is the still-living leviathan blood. It is a thick, black, iridescent, oily substance harvested from the monsters of the deep. They drink the Ether and condense its energy to impossible levels of life force. However overnight this problem became slightly less so although none are quite sure how.



outlands continued

The Rail jacks as they are known had taken a contract that allowed them to create a series of interconnecting railways lines that went through the skies of sigil outside of the lightining barrier. The trains were protected by their own barrier and boasted that through them you could get to anywhere in the city within a hour. Generally these were how the less well off travelled. Almost overnight however their also was a line that travelled to the makeshift docks set up on the void sea allowing for a quicker journey yet weirdly not safer.

None know exactly with who, what, where, when or how this rail was produced and the rail jacks were as suprised as anyone but keen to make use of it.

In addition it has been discovered that at great personal risk it is theoretically possible for one to enter sigil from the outlands which those looking to avoid the law tend to do leading to a fairly vibrant black market. In addition the Deathlands have found new purpose for the stampers who often send troublesome prisoners who aren’t worth killing into their to die or return having found their fortune. Finally and most interestingly their are tales of amidst this wasteland that some people live and survive somehow, or prehaps even some nobles who have moved out with lightining generators away from the eyes of the divined.


  • The arcane power source of the city has many different formulas however the base of every single one is electroplasm.
  • The second ingredient in the common version is levithan blood, the energy from the differences of the 2 powering machines. With Electroplasm being the power of death and levithan blood being so alive that it lives upon leaving the body of it’s host.
  • Leviathan blood retains life impossibly well after separation from a leviathan, but remedying its liveliness is at the heart of the refining process. Special tanks can be prepared with careful application of secret trade techniques— then the living blood can be inserted and doused with various chemical formulations that eat away at the unnatural vitality therein. As the still-living blood defends itself, it draws in Etheric energies, concentrating them further as the tank siphons the intense byproducts to safe storage. Over time, the blood shrinks and loses all coherence, becoming leather and slag. These processing centers find that relocation is a necessary inconvenience, because of the horrible echoes in the Ether that result from this harvesting..
  • The quality of the various Plasms which result from the disparate processing techniques at large in the modern usage is often uneven, burning at different rates or with different amounts of “static” within the “Ghost Field.” Static is, at best, distressing to the psyche of those in close proximity, and, at worst, a general safety hazard due to manifestations and emanations. Often they take the form of simple “spirit-echoes,” but some believe in entities of a darker nature which supposedly evidence an otherworldly intelligence and will. This is to say nothing for the toxic fumes from the purifying process.


To call sigil a melting pot of cultures dosen’t even begin to cover it across the planes those down on their luck seem to have a way of gravitating into Sigil. While many find it easy to get in the price for getting out to either bribe the king’s agents or book passage through a portal is so high that few manage to escape. As the saying goes on many a gravestone with no body near to it “you’ll never leave Sigil alive.”

From a gameplay perspective this means that the people of Sigil can and do represent any culture that we as players know of and flesh out these in the form of specific people, who each embody, reject, honor, or despise their cultures of origin depending on their own outlook and values. These cultures have been together so long that they interchange and intertwine with each other almost seemlessly to a intriguing effect.

“To those not from the Cage they call this the greatest city ever or the largest or whatever. To those from here it’s just the only one that matters.”

A gang of Bravos relieving a bunch of fey travellers of their belongings after they went up the wrong street



Light in the darkness

The cagers in sigil base their timekeeping on hours relative to the peak hour of light. Peak used to be roughly equivalent to noon on a prime world the six brightest hours are the three hours before peak (B.P.) and the three after. However bright is relative as after the shattering of the sun the city is still only filled with weak light. The six darkest hours come just before and after antipeak. Hours don’t have names or numbers, really just positions before and after peak and antipeak. This is clearest on the city’s clocks, which all have 12 increments and are shaded from black at the bottom (antipeak, not that anyone can read the blessed clocks at that hour!) to white at the top (peak).

None are entirely sure where they come from yet Sigil also has a moon yet none have ever seen it except during antipeak. The moon looms huge and bright, swelling with each passing year, as if drawn ever closer by some terrible power. During certain phases of its transit, the moon appears to multiply across the sky, in pairs and trios of sibling lights, as if reflected on the facets of a vast crystalline dome. It is not known what causes these pale, dimmer sisters to appear, but occultists and natural philosophers have no shortage of arcane explanations and scientific hypotheses.The ancient stars still hang in the black sky, though their arrangements sometimes swirl and change according to unknown principles of celestial motion.

To compensate for this darkness Sigil operates massive generators around the clock, to produce the power needed for lightning barriers as well as the thousands of electroplasmic lights that illuminate the public thoroughfares. Wealthy citizens operate their own generators and electric lights, but most people make do with simple candles and lanterns in their homes and shops. The smoke from generators, lanterns, torches, chimneys, and cook-fires chokes the air and covers the city in ash and soot. Because of the perpetual darkness, a small hand lantern is practically a required tool for daily life in the city. Common people use simple oil lanterns, while the more well-to-do employ the most advanced miniature electroplasmic lamps, clipped to a belt to keep their hands free, mounted on the head of a walking stick, or carried by a servant lamp-bearer.

Areas of illicit dealings or ill-repute sometimes enforce a “no lamps” policy, so business may be conducted in the anonymous darkness. This is further enforced by the fact that the Darkness in Sigil behaves strangely whereby it cannot be seen through by any races natural darkvision and yet is dispelled easily by a torch or lantern. Some say this is the Lady’s way of evening the playing field.

weather calendar and seasons

Sigil is cold, rainy, and windy on most days. Its citizens bundle up in heavy coats, scarves, gloves, and hats (convenient attire for a scoundrel who needs to conceal the tools of their trade). Just following on from Peak and again at After Peak, the city is usually blanketed in a thick fog that obscures street lights and ruins visibility in the darkness. Many people habitually take a break during these times, staying indoors with a cup of tea to wait out the “blind hour.”

Sigil uses our calendar with 12 months, 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year. In Sigil, the first day of each week is Market Day, when public traders put out a new selection of wares for the coming week this effects all tiers of society but more for the underworld.

The last day of each month is Moontide, an informal holiday based on a folk practice honoring some age old moon god; now merely an excuse to stop work and drink. Other holidays include:

  • Arkenvorn (honoring the institution of the Spirit Wardens), (July 15th)
  • Unison (Celebrating or deliberately not celebrating the end of the factol wars) (April 18th)
  • Sigvorn (a birthday celebration for anyone born in Sigil) (Febuary 7th)
  • Gratitude (honoring the divined and throguh them in part the lady of pain—as well as celebrating thankfulness for other things in life) (1st of Spetember)
  • Yuletide: the celebration of survivng the a year and bringing in a new one (31st of december)
  • Peak Solstice: the longest and brightest day of the year where the day is exclusivly bright and their is no antipeak (21ST OF jUNE)
  • Antipeak solstice: (21st of December) the shortest and darkest day of the year where the day is exclusivly dark and their is no peak
  • The Peak of Commital: a day of memorial and rememberance for everyone lost and where everyone spends a period of time remembering those who they lost and giving thanks. (May 27th)

Seasons (sigil has 3 seasons)

  • a frigid winter (during December, November, January, Febuary)
  • a windy and rainy spring (March, April, May, June),
  • a stormy fall (July, Augst, September, October).
  • Also of note is “hunting season”—the most active time for leviathans, it usually lasts from June 1st to September 7th. The leviathan hunter ships procure 80% of their hauls during this time of the year.
  • The deathlands experience a infinite number of seasons often hidden behind the smoking clouds of ash and dark miasma that cloud the deathlands. Be it heat so hot it burns the ground or cold it threatens to freeze your blood.



region specific festivals

  • Home Day in Crow’s Foot (prisoners are usually released on the second day of the week),
  • Commission Day at the docks (new ships are launched on the third day of the week according to old superstitions),
  • Requiem in Charterhall (wills and testaments are traditionally prosecuted on the fourth day of the week),
  • Dust Day in Charhollow (the fifth day of the week, when the food stores of the poor run thin),
  • Carillon in Brightstone (operas and symphonies perform on the sixth day of the week).
  • Household day: in whitecrown and Brightstone on the 7th day noble familys by tradition get together for large elaborate meals
  • Bounty day in Nightmarket (lists of those bared from establishments are published and new stock is brought in on the 1st day of the week)
  • feud night in six towers on the third night of each week individuals tend to engage in games of chance in the hope of evening out their luck.
  • The long exhale in Barrowcleft (on the 4th day in Barrowcleft farmers tend to have a rest and get children tend the fields giving them a much needed break)
  • the back breaker on the third day of the week in Dunslough is known as the back breaker because their numbers aren’t expected to drop inspite of having less prisoners.
  • Haze day in Coalridge so named because it’s the last day before Urforged collect the coal and other byproducts that cover the entire district in a haze of smoke and soot.

Food in Sigil

Food is a vital commodity within the Ring as it is with every great city although more so due to the sheer size of Sigil’s population. The city’s appetite is vocarious and as such the vast majority of it’s trade is in the form of food as due to the lack of sunlight they struggle to supply food to the citizens. This of course provides a great opportunity for smugglers and crooks to provide contraband to others.

The common folk

Mushroom gardens are everywhere from the poverty stricken apartment dweller’s closet planter to the wealthy aristocrat’s cultivated drawing room. “Leavings” to feed the mushrooms can be purchased on a third of the street corners of Sigil, sold by enterprising urchins. Finer materials are sold in various specialty shops. Rich fertilizer seldom smells great, but that’s why sealable “garden cans” are fashionable. Centipedes and other vermin are often attracted to these gardens. If caught, they provide much-needed variety to the diet.

The Ministry of Darkbloom is a charity that maintains mushroom gardens in unexpected places all around the city. Most bakeries or food stores have a counter where their inexpensive goods are sold. Usually their caps, stems, centipedes, grubs, worms, and rat-meat are sold raw, but sometimes they are finished into loaves, stews, or pies first. (Whatever is left tends to be baked into a “surprise loaf” or tossed in the stewpot, then taken to the alms house.)

Canal weed, watermoss, and algae are collected by city authorities. They are taken from certain canals to provide renewable roughage and fodder for animals. They also provide a basic ingredient for the more desperate of the city. Sigil merchants arrange for employees to collect it and turn it over to those, who have special wagons dedicated to moving the material to various points in the city. Anyone can collect a share. Canal weed, watermoss, and algae can be used for various soups, or ground up into gamy flour.

Subsistence farming is common. Families or organizations take over a tunnel or basement, load it up with soil and fertilizer, and share the bounty among their number. Many wealthy citizens allow sharecropping of their mushroom tunnels. The stampers have worked to prevent the creation of new mushroom tunnels as they give fugitives too many places to hide yet this hasn’t prevented many from starting new ones.

Soil treatment can be as basic as putting something that once lived in the dirt to feed the fungus, or as complex as crafting formulas of fertilizer ingredients to get specific effects from the mushrooms growing from the treated soil. From common sense to family secrets, these farming methods are widely varied and mostly legal. Ingenious alchemical fermentation techniques can take a variety of cheap materials and render them into alcoholic beverages. It may be low quality, but fungal brew will damage brain function enough to forget the day and have a good time. More or less.



Food continued

The Well off

If you aren’t desperate, the options become more enticing. Modest fields within the lightning fence produce significant amounts of grain through half the year, so proper flour and alcohol can be made.

The Sunken Garden is an area of dammed up canals where rice is grown. Prisoners working off public service tread out the dark waters managing the paddies under the watchful eyes of the Stampers. Eels inevitably get in, and they are harvested for food as well (if they lose the fight).Some decades ago the harrowmaze was invented, a labyrinth for mice and rats. They eat and breed and run in the sealed environment, with traps automatically catching a certain number at regular harvest times, providing a steady source of meat in a variably sized unit that can be housed in the home or a public area. Put mushroom pellets in, get rodent meat out. Finally Leviathan hunting ships often, bringback full nets of fish. Popular superstition figures the fish to be stray thoughts of the leviathans given form, and many are ugly enough to justify that whimsy. However, once they’ve been sorted and the poisonous ones ground up for soil treatment or disposal, the rest grace the plates or bowls of those who can afford them.

Chickens do well in Sigil, and breed quickly, providing a useful source of meat. Goats are also popular, as much for their milk and guard duty as for their meat. Becoming an expert in various pairings of goat cheese and mushrooms is a cultural hobby of the city’s well-to-do. Various sporings of “cap wine” are far superior to fungal brew. The wine-like substance is alcoholic, stored in glass bottles, and a symbol of the finer things.

The wealthy

Sigil is a garden of culinary delights for those who can afford them. Nets and specialized hunting techniques bring a bounty of dolphin, devilfish, squid, mussels, and all description of seafood into the city. Culture dictates that chefs prepare them to look as close as possible to how they appeared while alive, meanwhile stuffing them and their surroundings with accents and appetizers and succulent treats.

Nothing says “family celebration!” like a devilfish platter, treats among the carefully arranged arms, the head sac full of delicious stuffing, a side of crab cheese, creamy and smooth, in a dish between the eyes. Another popular tradition is eating rich caviar out of tiny wooden shoes with a silver spoon.

Radiant energy

What sets the wealthy diet apart from common food is the use of radiant energy. Centuries ago, brilliant alchemists and necromancers discovered ways to infuse electroplasmic energy into the living matrices of plants, creating beautiful living artwork that glowed with energy. The practices expanded to working with animals—first fish, then eels, devilfish, and other sea creatures. The practice is traditionally unsuccessful with mammals, and iffy at best with birds.The glow of life energy emanating from radiant creatures is soaked up by surrounding plant life, which grows bigger and faster as a result. The wealthy tend to cultivate radiant gardens not just for the range of beautiful plants, but also because the light from those plants replaces sunlight and allows other plants nearby to flower and bear fruit. The light is dimmer, but always glowing.

Critics of the process suggest the secrets to infusing radiant energy were learned from leviathans and are therefore not to be trusted. The practice is widespread regardless of its origin, and commonly accepted.Many wealthy families have their own secrets for radiant integration, and so there is a wide variety of techniques and appearances among radiant plants and animals.

The living light allows growing gardens of fresh fruit and vegetables inside the mansion’s security. The Durovlins have ponds full of radiant fish and plants. They harvest clams and mussels (and their weirdly shiny pearls) as well as other cultivated undersea delicacies from the glowing grottos.

Aristocrats and scholars can wax poetic about how the condensation of life energy in the electroplasm represents the doorway between life and death, condensation from the Ghost Field in a living thing. Food, too, is a doorway between life and death. One thing must consume another to live, and to interrupt that endless cycle brings death. From that death, fungal life may then spring up and begin the cycle anew. Enjoy the radiant plants and animals, but do not eat them.

Radiant poisoning is serious. The life energy that a person eats tends to root around in their echo and wake up a voice or personality of someone they killed, or a death they witnessed, or (for innocents) invites in the strongest nearby ghost voice. A psychic civil war ensues, and a Whisper must be hired to smooth out the unwanted voice and free the poisoned individual to be singular in the body once more. This usually works, but often has unpleasant side effects.

Radiant plants and animals must be disposed of by burning, as a human corpse would be, or their electroplasmic energy can cause problems in the Ghost Field. Since they almost never occur in the wild, this restriction on raising radiant plants and animals is generally not a problem.



Law and order Sigil’s law and order is presided over by 6 institutions

  • The Lady of Pain: oversee’s her unique interests in the city. Rarely enforces edicts from themselves across the entire city usually through extreme violence. Commands untold magical and physhical might as well as being overwhelmingly in charge of the forces of the Divined as well as the Dabus.
  • The divined: the four members who act as the lady of pains representatives interacting for them with the people. Determine the distribuishment of the city treasury (A point of contention always) and issue taxation (another point of contension). When a member of the divined dies their soul inhabits another body and when found they take their place again. They serve until death. The divined follow their own unqiue goals to advance unique plans that effect the entire city.
  • The City Assembly: the city assembly consists of 7 people each member of the divined appoints a singular one based of off their interests, a 5th arrives to the assembly by some form of other calling (none are sure if this is the lady or a different god, a more sinister power or prehaps the influence of the ghost field) the sixth is appointed by general vote from the people of Sigil and finally the seventh is appointed exclusively by the criminal underworld who each reccieve a sealed ballot to vote with. They can draft laws, legeslation, public ordinances and public works.
  • The Magistrates: The prized courts of sigil are places where many individuals from across the planes go to seek impartial judgement. Centered around the Hall of Concordance a embassy of law and the enforcement of contracts. That presented the option to have the kolyarut engrave a contract onto a sheet of gold that was installed on a marut’s chest. The marut then became bound to ensure that the contract was fulfilled to the letter. However these are the higher courts the lower courts are a bit different. Weirdly the last person learn about a trial is the guilty party who would be told that they had been found guilty. They issue warrants, prosecute trials, assess evidence, and pronounce judgments (there are no juries). Magistrates are appointed by the City Assembly.

The Sigilian Law Enforcement Division (SLED/Stampers):

The name the stampers is the general term used to refer to the guards of the cage who are offically known as the Gatekeepers of the city of Sigil. The Gatekeepers are split into two sections known as the Sigilian Law Enforcement Division and the Gallant Guardians. The Gallant guardians are under the control of the Knight directly whereas the remainder of the stampers have a more devolved structure. The job of the stampers is to safeguard the city from outside interference. Secondly their job is to enforce any edicts from the city assembly. Finally they are to protect the citizens. They patrol the streets, “encourage compliance with the law,” capture offenders, and operate Ironhook Prison.

  • The guard: these are the day to day police and what the majority of the people interact with. These are generally recruited from the working class. Each ward of the city has it’s own stamper station and presence. The job of the Sigilian Law Enforcement Division is to enforce the laws of the city and to follow the orders of the master of the watch. When you sign up to the stampers you swear a oath to the knight and gain a small poriton of their power this increaces the higher up you go with the watch commanders being a handful to take on. (known as the stampers)
  • heirarchy: castellan (in charge of the entire watch) watch commander (comands a station) 1, watch master (commands a compliance team (squad)2, Watch keeper (guard to captains/commanders) 3, watch epistolary (whisper/mystic) 3 watch apothecary (medic)4, Keeper of the black vault (armoury keeper) 4, justice marine (lone wolf) 4, watch marine (stamper) 5, black shield (unknown masked other working for the guard) 6
  • The Gallant guardians: If you perform to incredible level within the guard then you may catch the attention of the Gallant guardians the knights personal unit. Unlike normal stampers they don’t exist to deal with crime but instead are the knights personal hit squad whenever their is a significant threat to the stability of Sigil. It was the Gallant guardians who held the line against the outlands before the lightining barrier was put in place, who accompanied the knight in the first deathlands expedition and who have collectively slain many threats to all the people of Sigil. Unlike the normal stampers who are regarded as corrupt and somewhat disliked by the cagers the Gallant guardians are beloved and respected by the people and yet are well known as not a force to be trifled with. (known as the guardians)
  • The ombudsman: (aka the watch dogs) investigate crimes and present evidence for warrants and trials. Inspectors are given a writ of scrutiny by the Lady after passing some form of initiation. Watch dogs are often foreigners, with no close ties within Sigil.

“It’s often said that everyone is guilty in Sigil, so make sure you get rich before you get caught”

A unnamed prisoner of Ironhook before being sent to the deathlands




Under this system, a citizen can expect to receive justice commensurate with their social status and wealth. The Inspectors are famously incorruptible and hold themselves apart from Sigil’s sprawling network of bribery, but the other institutions are bought and paid for by the powers-that-be and rarely (if ever) bite the hand that feeds them. The only exception being the Stampers who when given commands by the Knight rarely if ever refuse them. However the regular guard are rarely ever a thing that the knight interacts with leaving the running of the different sections down to the watch commanders who generally work to better themselves whenever possible. However they won’t act against the city without extensive personal benefits.

Due to the nature of the Gallant guardians it can mean that the normal Guard are lacking in good honest polcie as those who are good at their job tend to be picked up by the Knight. This results in many Stampers making deals with the devil and using criminals to do some of the dirty work to keep them out of it and ensuring that they remain on the street to do some good.

If you’re captured by the Stampers or brought before a magistrate, it’s the depth of your pockets and the breadth of your political connections that will almost always decide the case, not the application of jurisprudence. The Stampers are under general orders to enforce the law, but in practical terms, they serve the needs of the richest and most influential groups and harass the poorest and least powerful—essentially operating as another street gang extorting the underclasses.

The Rule of three

If a individual is deemed too troublesome to be released into the deathlands or to be left alone working in the ell farms then they fall prey to the rule of three. These are the 3 ways that criminals are killed in Sigil and is reffered to as the rule of 3. Anyone who dies is placed into the dead-book by the spirit wardens and when the rule of 3 is enacted the whole district turns out to watch. The condemmed are led out of the prison in a simple 2 wheeled cart and taken to the place of execution. All along the way the crowds jeer the prisoners and pelt them with stones and offal and mock them mostly for getting caught. Once carted in the Stampers take out on of the 3 methods of execution either the noose, the sword or the Wyrm. The criminals are allowed a short speech to curse their accusers or executioner and the crowd is generally fairly indulgent. The festive atmosphere is highlighted by sales of meat pies and cheaply printed “life stories” of the accused.

  • Death on the Gallows: known as the leafless tree, the Rope, the Last Dance… this is generally reserved for deserters, embezzlers and murders and other lowlives. The noose is considered fairly entertaining unles the neck snaps as the victimn always struggles. The prisoner is expected to offer a garnish to the executinoer to ensure that they set the knot right, a knot to the side of the kneck snaps the kneck quickly generally whereas one to the back ensures the hanged man suffocates slowly.
  • Execution by the blade: generally reserved for nobles and the higher ups, these are those guilty of attempting to close or open other portals, libeling the Lady or such like. The city has 2 executioners swords known for having no balance no point and only 2 sharp edges. They are known as Sythe and Raven and engraved with “justice reigns” endless debates rage between which cuts cleaner.
  • Death by Wyrm: is extremly rare and a lingering and spectacular demise and is always declared a public holiday so all who wish can watch. The roar of the Wyrm, the terror of the victimn usually bound to a post and blindfolded if the executioner is “garnished”. The Impassivness of the Stampers all makes for a spectacle. Enormours crowds turn out and brawls over seats can become small riots. This crime is only reserved for those who betray the city those who slay Dabus, reveal secret gates, break portals or other similair crimes. The wyrm is a wyvern with shriveled wings held in the tower of the Wyrm. Bred for the sheer potency of it’s venom not it’s hunting ability. Wyrm venomc induces delirium followed by agony then death.

The law also demands that the sentence is carried out quickly within 15 minutes. If a executioner fails to kill a individual after 3 tries they are pardoned. Most prisoners don’t get this sort of pardon their bodies are left on display where they died. Some are placed on pikes but a few of the worst offenders are placed in iron cages where the city’s ravens can peck at them until nothing is left.

There’s only three ways out of the Lady’s prison: by the miracle of justice, by the certainty of death, or by the magic of money

The rule of three



The underworld

The powerful elite of the city contrive to keep the lower classes in servitude and want, to profit from their labors and control them in their desperation. But there are some who try to find a way out of the traps laid by the establishment; some who make their own fates with the only tools left to them: skulduggery, violence, and the dark arts. These daring few of the underworld are labeled criminals, villains, and scoundrels by high society; they’re hunted down, locked away, and eradicated before they can upset the rigged games of the status quo.

The underworld factions that do survive often become what they battle against. Their power and influence corrupts them until they’re just another agent of control and oppression—feeding on the weak and vulnerable, as they once were. And so, a cycle perpetuates: violent resistance to authority, violent response, and violent ends—or else an ascension to power and privilege; out of the gutter and onto the overlord’s perch. Some of the more notable of these ascended the once criminal gangs now noble enterprises are the

  • The Unseen. An insidious criminal organization with secret membership, whose agents are said to be placed within every institution in Sigil. They profit from vice and extortion at all levels of society.
  • The Hive. An fully recognized “merchant guild” with many legitimate businesses and contracts—cover for their much more profitable trade in contraband and human trafficking.

The rest of the underworld is in a constant war of attrition—vicious competition among desperate gangs, each scrabbling to crawl out of misery on the backs of their victims. The landscape of criminal power constantly shifts, street to street, block to block, district to district, as the struggle for dominance rages on. Right now in the city, several bloody conflicts consume the underworld:

  • In Crow’s Foot, a district ruled by violent gangs, the crime boss of the area has been murdered, and it’s all-out war on the streets between the most likely successors: the Crows, the Lampblacks, and the Red Sashes. Each faction is recruiting every scoundrel they can to fill out their ranks and seize control.
  • In Coalridge and the docks, a district dominated by factories and workhouses, groups of laborers and indentured servants are rallying to form a union to demand their rights, while the overseers hire mercenaries to crush resistance with displays of violence, and predatory opportunists swoop in to profit from both sides.
  • At Charterhall University, a group of nefarious students has established a successful criminal operation from within the school, drawing the attention of other gangs who now see the halls of academia as a ripe target.
  • Within Nightmarket the many criminal organisations are fighting viscously to claim this lucrative territory while the merchants try in vein to protect their businesses.
  • Within Six towers recently the Agony have been fighting a brutal war against the Ashtari and the Vigilance seperately the bloodied bridge has ran red many a time.
  • The under city has found itself the stage for a bloody war between the foundation, starless veil and the gloam which has proven deadly.
  • A philisophical debate between the mercy killers, nightfall and suneaters has recently devolved into a much more brutal conflict.

To name but a few as every gang must respond violently to anyone intruding onto their territory.


Some of the best educators in the planes are found in Sigil. From the high walled towers of Sigi’s Academy to the stuffy classrooms of Charterhall University, if there is a mystery to be solved, a philosophy to be explored, or a schematic to be designed, some student in Sigil is probably toiling to gain course credit for it.

Sigil’s academy

Principally renowned for its services to the Church of the Ecstacy of the Flesh, the Academy campus in Whitecrown is broken into three colleges, each a pillar of understanding, representing the body, mind, and soul.

College of Intelectual Science

The school of magistrates and political scholars. Curricula include: Law, Economics, interplanar studies, History of Sigil, and Political Sciences.

College of Naval Command

The chief training grounds for officers of both leviathan hunters and the guardians. Curricula include: Naval Law, Void Sea Navigation, Ship Design and Operation, Fencing, Athletics, Astronomy, Alchemy, and Applied Mathematics.

College of Immortal Studies

This college started as a theology department, but now classes include: History, Philosophy, Spectrology, Pre-calamity Studies, Music, and Theater Studies.



Academia continued

charterhall university

Charterhall University is a sprawling institution spread across Charterhall and throughout Sigil. Students enroll (often by taking loans from sponsoring merchants) to learn a trade and gain guild membership and status.

Jayan Hall of Alchemy

A trade school for state and private alchemy including void water filtration, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and transmutation research. Admission and graduation are bought and sold by city institutions and merchant enterprises.

Houses of Jurisprudence

Called Barrister Alley, this collection of homes and taverns are each dedicated to a particular magistrate who teaches law to a small throng of students. The barristers are often in competition with each other over grant funds and wealthy patronage. This has engendered a bitter rivalry between the houses.

Sparkwright Tower

School of research and development sponsored by rival factions the Sparkwrights and the Foundation. An exceptionally dangerous place due to their constant work with electrosplamic energy and the massive turbines housed in the school. Within this tower works the every impressive Guild of Engineers responsible for the creation of the Urforged and many other wonders.

Morlan Hall of Unnatural Philosophy

The nexus of secret societies spawning from the Path of Echoes, Forgotten Gods, and the Ecstasy of the Flesh—each of which vie for primacy within the halls of academia as well as carry on their own cult activities in secret. Classes include Spectral Philosophy, Introduction to Modern Metaphysics, and Ethics in Demonology.


Thanks to the guild of engineers and sparkwrights guild their is a large swathe of fairly advanced technology throughout Sigil.

  • Firstly the Ansible network through this network one can have instant communication with anyone anywhere on the ring regardless of if they possess a ansible or not through some form of magic. Most citizens use public booths or pay for more secluded calls but the rich or powerful factions have their own.
  • Map tablets provide information and directions for anyone across the ring
  • Runic tablets are connected to a vast network of information that has been scanned into them using some form of technology that allows for them to be accessed instantly these are incredibly expensive but some are avaliable for public use.
  • The Urforged are semi sentient robots who are able to be created and tasked with doing any task a mortal could do any many they can’t.
  • cybernetics: as a result of the generation of urforged and hulls many individuals have turned towards cybernetic implants to improve themselves, using magic these augments are fused to a individuals body thereby improving a certain part these are still uncommon but becoming more so.
  • EI Ethereal Intelligence is a growing field within Sigil and a growing area of debate. These are generally formed from some sort of magical copy of a brain or a artifically created one that is then killed creating a echo in the ghost field that is bound to a location or a ghost bound to a mechanical system.
  • Genetic Modification led by the Yaru genetic modification is done through messing with the genome magically or otherwise.
  • Guns: guns exists but not in the modern respect they are closer to flintlocks pistols however certain groups have developed more modern options utilising things like magical or mechanical loaders.

The hybrid of tech and magic allows most technology to be buildable if given the time and resources.


Most technology runs on psalm and as such using specific technique a individual can tap into the lightining field of the particular energy source and literally ride the lightining into the system. This allows a individual to use many different skills to hack and only requires certain resources that are attuned to the system.

Hacking consequences

Hacking and failing generally has one of three consequences

  • 1 Psalms overload the lightining which you are riding literally flows back through your body granting some form of harm
  • 2 setting off alarms most organisations that use lots of technology have some form of alarm or something monitoring it which will set off the alarm if something goes wrong
  • 3 ISE:Interspatial sabotaged electroplasm. This is magically altered electroplasmic to damage those who attempt access to it’s circuit. From lowest to highest tier
  • white, purple, green, gray, yellow, orange, red and black
  • yellow orange, red and black are also the only lethal versions.



The great machine

Sigil is a city of aproximately 2/3 Trillion individuals and can support a total of 5 trillion and as any civilisation knows the only way to ensure that we don’t fall into complete anarchy is through bureaucracy and lots of it. The bureaucracy of Sigil centered in Charterhall is impossible in it’s vastness and counts thousands of individuals. Each section is split into ordo’s each of which has a specific remit to track it’s chosen data and provide information to the citizens and other powerful groups.

the ordo’s are as follows

the ordo maleus (they overlap with the Ordo Xenos at times yet the ordo Maleus are soley in charge of devils, demons and their ilk tracking deals and paying specific attention to the temple of the abyss)
ordo magicae (pay specific attention to developments in terms of magic be it mystic power, whispers attuning or magical knowledge)
the ordo macnhinum (They are in charge of observing the guild of engineers and the sparkwrights guild tracking their developments and maintaining the lightining barrier)
Ordo Militum (in charge of watching the stampers and watchdogs as well as maybe sometimes the guardians)
the ordo scriptium (in charge of tracking the other beuarcracies colating their paperwork and ensuring they are fulfilled to a adequate standard)
ordo Populus (tracks the population deaths, births, housing and similair things)
the ordo preservation (tracks food housing, and similair necessities)
ordo Divinus (tracks the divined or roughly attempts to have a idea what they are doing)
ordo Obsuletus (track unexplained phenomena urban myths and other similair phenomena)
ordo judicar (look at the law track the courts and how justice is handed out)
ordo concilio (keep a eye on the city council tracking politics at all levels)
ordo nobilis (keep a eye on the rich the nobles, the famous and other groups with influence)
Ordo pauper (keep a eye on the poor, the little people, the homeless, the downtroden)
ordo secreteum (look out for the secretive spies of all sorts including the starless veil, the first hydra and other groups)
ordo scelus (look out for the criminal grouos the hive, the red sashes, the grey cloaks and similair groups)
Ordo venator (keep a eye on the levithan hunters as well as other ways that they city gains levithan blood)
Ordo Mortem (track the deathlands any new developments within it as well as the void sea)
Ordo legatio (track the embassies and other representatives from different planes or groups)

the rules of the great machine

  • All have access to the information from the machine
  • Money greases the wheel
  • All information can be requested only the divined or the lady can prevent it from being shared
  • Redundancy is the key to excelence
  • The archives are a safe space for all seeking knowledge

these are a series of phrases used to refer to the “great machine”

I file everything so I know nothing, those who shred history are doomed to repeat it and if something’s worth doing it’s worth doing in triplicate


Sigil is for the most part a very stable city held together by the power of the Lady as well the power of the divined. However at times if certain events happen generally involving powerful outsiders or prehaps even extensive rituals with the ghost field. These can cause a dysjunction and historically these massively shake up the city.

A dysjunction causes portals to open up all over the city leading to new and dangerous locations causing a influx of outsider into the city and that is just the start of the problems. Strange colours, varied and impossible shapes with too many or too few dimensions appears throughout the sky and it appears like faces are staring at everyone within the Ring. This is followed by earthquakes, magical phenomena and even chronological anomalies. This dosen’t even touch on the other creatures who pour through the portals into Sigil.

Dysjunctions are incredibly dangerous and unpredictable events and tend to turn the entire fabric of the city upside down and inside out and are rare but everyone remembers where they were for the last one.



Sigil the city

Sigil is split into 6 districts split out in the following ways

The Lady’s ward:

The richest and most exclusive section of the city, home to the elites of society and of its government

  • Whitecrown. The sprawling estates of the City Assembly, Hunter Commander (the leader of the Leviathan hunters), Master Warden, and Sigil Academy.
  • Brightstone. The grand mansions and luxury shops of the wealthy elite.

Market Ward:

The main location for purchasing goods and services. It was famous for offering items from numerous planes and worlds

  • Nightmarket. The trade center for exotic goods imported by portal or from the outlands. Many vendors also trade in illicit goods
  • Six Towers. A formerly rich district, now worn down and dilapidated

Guildhall Ward:

Usually counted as part of the Market Ward. Home to the traders, craftsmen, artisans, guild members and other members of the middle class.

  • The Docks. Rough taverns, tattoo parlors, fighting pits, and warehouses. This dock allows for ships that traverse the astral sea to dock and is where levithan hunter ships are worked on and repaired
  • Silkshore. The “red lamp district” and artist community

Clerk’s Ward:

An affluent district, home to most of the city’s lower-rung bureaucrats and middlemen.

  • Charterhall. The city’s civic offices and the hub for shops, artisans, and commerce
  • Crow’s Foot. A cramped neighborhood of multi-level streets, ruled by gangs.

Hive Ward:

The slum and the ghetto, home to the poor, the rogues, and the unwanted dregs of the city

  • Barrowcleft. Residences and markets for the farmers who work the fields and eeleries.
  • Charhollow. A crowded district of tenements and stacked houses

Lower Ward:

An industrial district, clogged up with the smoke from the foundries and from the portals to the Lower Planes.

  • Coalridge. The remnants of the old portion of Sigil before it was rebuilt, now home to laborers and industrial factories.
  • Dunslough. A labor camp served by convicts and a ghetto for the destitute poor.


The Lost District.

A once wealthy area, ravaged by plague then abandoned to the horrific experiments released by Midas abandoned and outside of the lightining barrier. Contains many lost treasures for the foolhardy to seek out. The Bell of Lost souls dosen’t ring for any lost in the Lost district (you suffer no additional heat for deaths unless someone else notices the deaths)

Ironhook Prison.

A towering metal fortress, where the worst (or most unlucky) criminals are incarcerated. Many are forced into labor in the Southern fields and pit-mines of Dunslough. The condemned are sent to scavenge in the deathlands.

Gaddoc Rail Station.

Electro-rail trains from across Sigil arrive here daily with goods and passengers from all over the city and other parts of the train line (this is the central hub for basically the tube). This is the area from which the singular trainline into the outlands to the docks where the levithan hunters go from starts.

Eeleries & Farms.

About half of Sigil’s food needs are met by imports; the other half is gathered locally from eel farms, mushroom caverns, and crops nurtured by wondrous radiant energy lamps. These

Old North Port.

Sometime in the past this port was supposedly filled with ships that sailed the astral sea supposedly supported by a massive natural portal to the astral sea near to the port. However sometime in the past this portal was sealed or failed and the port faded into obscurity. The obsolete port was abandoned to the creatures of the deathlands when the lightning barrier was built.



Common features

Strife Zones

One of the more intiruging features of the city of Sigil are the so called Strife zones. These are locations (one in each district) where grievances that couldn’t be solved by any other way are legally allowed to be solved using any means neccessary but usually violence. Each zone has a contingent of Gallant guardians assigned to watch over it and criminals will often bring individuals to the zones to kill them or teach them a lesson. The zones are split into 3 sections

  • A dueling section that follows speficic rules related to the archaic and little understood code duello
  • The open warfare area a large open space where anyone and anything can and do fight to the death with fights often spilling over into each other and
  • The private area: if you care for a more civilised approach to open warfare you can buy a private conflict area where you can fit only your enemies without interferance from others.

Many cagers who are particularly down on their luck will often hang around the Strife zones across the city and run into the midst of combat to take valuabules of off the bodies of the fallen. In particular they often tend to pay attention to anything that the knight or the Gallant guardians are fighting as they are forbidden from keeping any valuables from the bodies of the fallen.

Effigies of the Lady

Each district of the city has within it’s boundaries a singular statue carved in the likeness of the lady of pain made out of platinum. These statues spread their shadows around the area in a unnatural way that disturbs all those who feel them cross them and seem to move towards anyone in their vicinity. For this reason the sites of the effigies are used as meeting places for those who can’t trust each other as neither can set up a ambush as none can stay near one for long.

lightning train station

Every district has a lightining train station attached to it allowing for a easy and quick journey from one district or ward to another. The trains travel up and outside of the lightining barrier that surrounds the city which therefore brings with it inherent risks. These trains are manned by the rail jacks who boast that on them you can get from one side of the cage to the other in a hour or less. The rail jacks charge a cheap fee for their services however if you wish to travel for free you can travel around the outside of the train however this does come with the risk of bodily harm from the barrier or from the creatures of the deathlands yet many do so.

Stamper watch station

Every district of Sigil has a watch station within it. These stations are extremely heavily fortified with both arcane, electroplasmic and mundane defences and are a “extremely tough nut to crack.” Each Watch station is led by a watch commander who acts as a agents of the Knight but generally tends to act for themselves over anyone else and while working to maintain the laws they also work to further their own goals and ambitions. Every watch station has a teleport link to the Galant guardians which in a crisis can be used by other watch stations.

The Chant

If there’s a true ruling power in the Cage, it’s the chant. The chant is the name given by the cagers to the rumours that fly across the entire city faster than the lighitning trains. What makes gossip so powerful here is the fact that in a place like Sigil where a body makes their living by the skill of their hands and toil of their back, reputation is very important. If folks think badly of a persons work, their in a world of trouble, because that’s all they’ve got. While keeping a basher’s reputation on the top shelf is important, keeping lanned to the chant on everyone else is just as important. A body does business with those they can trust-in. This makes a chant-monger’s job even more important. Chant mongers are the term given to anyone with a ear to the street and people gladly pay for the latest news. A chant-monger’s got to stay on his feet, though. Folks won’t give good coin to hear what the washwoman on the corner’ll tell them for free. Occasionally, information brokers down on their luck take to giving out screed (lies) as true chant, just to keep the coin flowing. They always find their reward on the leafless tree (death or other punishments) quicker than most folks’d think.

psalm power stations

Every district has a at least one single psalm power station somewhere within the district which is in charge of distributing energy to the streetlights, the lightining barrier and if you can afford access a myriad of other projects. The nature of the stations depends on the districts some are extremely clean and hygenic stations that are the pinnacle of science and manned almost entirely by arcane constructs or by sparkwrights protected from the toxic process of creating and generating energy by protective suits. However others belch toxic fumes and horrific chemicals into the area around it and has a high mortality rate from the indentured workers who work to keep the lights on across the entire city as best they can. Most of the stations are known for having a resident Sparkwright and Guild of Engineers member who work on private projects within the stations. They are also connected to several breaker stations that spread their reach across the Ring.



Common features continued


Sigil’ the City of Doors, the seam through space where pathways caress and couple before plunging back into the planes. The right gate keys and the and the right doors unlock the mysteries of her form and reveal to a cutter all the possibilities Sigil’s got to offer. Pass through a door properly and a basher will be enfolded in the brilliant glory of mount celestia. But if used the wrong way you’ll end up in the icy clutches of Baator or worse. The truth is that if you step through a keyed portal you’ll end up somewhere. Or however that’s how it used to be nowadays the city of doors has the same proportion of doors but the vast majority are keyed to specific locations watched over by agents of the King who watch who and what comes in or out. The pure facts are that these portals are the only ways in or out of Sigil. In Sigil all portals anchor themselves on doors, arches or openings of some type. Suitable arpertures include windows, arches, sewer enterances, even wardrobes and chests. They are always big enough for a normal being to fit through. The vast majority of the permanent portals are controlled by the King however their are some non permanent portals that appear however they always appear to be in the worst parts of the cage. They normally appear in deserted back alleys or other out of the way locations however their is a risk that the portal won’t be present if you need to step back through it.

Their are 3 types of portals

  • Permanent: the most straightforward types of portal, everytime you step through one then you will always end up at the same place they never change. These are almost exclusively watched by the agents of the King and regulated and have somehow been moved together into collective locations.
  • Temporary: these appear get used once or maybe twice and then dissapear due to their temporary nature they tend to not be watched by the Kings agents but their is little way of knowing where one would go to or how long before it dissapears.
  • Shifting: these portals are the trickiest of them all, as one end or another of the portal often shifts either the sigil end moves or the enterance to the other plane moves. These portal don’t shift randomly instead move from point to point in a pattern of their own. In sigil individuals with an ear for the chant’ll keep elaborate logs of every appearnce and every shift. Some portals have easy patterns for others the pattenr is like a code that never broken. A theory pescribes that every portal is infact a shifting portal but some have incredibly static patterns.
  • Gate Keys: some portals require keys which are dependent upon where you are travelling to and some portals can travel within the city itself.

razorvines and vermin

Sigil is a farcry from a lush wilderness but it does have its share of wildlife all brought in from elsewhere. The only lasting contribution to the flora of Sigil is razorvine. Razorvine is a hazard and a pretty nasty one at that but as it can’t get up and chase a person around it’s easy for most to avoid. It has no special powers or inteligence, dosen’t harbour evil thoughts and couldn’t lure even the most dumbwitted cager into it’s leaves. The only thing that it has going for it is that it grows very very well. It got it’s name because it’s lush glossy black leaves conceal blade sharp stems. A cutter can’t touch it bare handed without getting slashed the blades are so fine they’ll slice through cloth and cheap leather too needing chain mail or heavier to peoperly pick the cursed weed.

Razrovine wouldn’t be more than an oddity except for the fact that it grows so fast. It can easily spread a foot per day and can grow up to 6 feet in a day! It also grows on everything climbing walls, encrusting statues, choking other plants and can even run along clotheslines. The folks of sigil turn razorvines misery into a virtue and find a use for this weed. Many pay for the vines protection with many headquarters haviing walls covered in the stuff to deter thieves, some have taken to growing a patch for its ‘persuasive properties’ “either you talk or we throw you into the vines.” Even some back door gladiator games where combatants are pitted against each other in a ring of the stuff guarantees blood will be drawn. The Dabus collect and sell the growth from the last day to fuel the fires of the city as that is pretty much all it’s good for.

The remainder of the wild creatures in sigil are more unpleasant common rats thrive in the dark alleys, garbage heaps and sewers of Sigil. Most are the common rat but some known as the cranium rat who strike back at the rat catchers due to their cunning.


The Dabus are both weirdly the servants and lords of Sigil. They’re unique to the cage, never found anywhere else. In other words they never leave Sigil. Some consider them actually living manifestations of the city. Most of the time they are found repairing what’s broken in Sigil. They keep the sewers and catacombs beneath the streets from crumbling, they cut back the razorvine when it grows too rampant, they patch the cobblestone streets and repair the crumbling facades of the city’s buildings. To most they are nothing more than cryptic workmen. New streets, boulevards and courtyards are constantly created by the dabus masons and new buildings set on top of old ones create crypts and catacombs aplenty.



Features continued

Dabus continued

Since it’s impossible to know every street and keep up with every change cutters instead learn the patterns of the buildings.

However some discover another side to them when they work as agents of the Lady of Pain. Sometimes thhey appear to punish those who’ve gotten too forward in their plans or arrive in force to put down riots but aren’t concerned with normal crime. The Dabus only show up when there’s a ‘threat’ to the Lady and that is usually a sign that another one of the mazes is about to appear. The Dabus never speak instead presenting illusions shaped into pictures that mortals can then reshape into sounds- they communicate not by word, but by the complicated structures of the rebus. These are the ultimate thought-pictures where symbols are chosen form the sound made in a languague and the sounds are strung together to make words. Some are able to understand this languague but it requires alot of time and effort, however if one is able to understand the Dabus react favourably and treat one as a honorary dabus. Dabus are humanoids with white hair, goat-like horns, and yellow-tan skin. They float inches above the ground, their feet never touching the earth.


The traditional blades and spiked fences of Sigil define architecture everywhere on the Great Ring. The blades of Sigil are added for looks as much as for protection from intruders and are a part of the city’s rich tradition of ornamental iron and stone. There are faces and gargolyes built over doors and into other structural features like pillars and rainspouts. Iron and stone are more common building materials than wood and this iron isn’t ornamental. Doors and windows are tightly sealed and protected with iron bands and locks. Spikes on the flat surface and the like prvent Sigils great gray and black executioner’s ravens from roosting.


Sigil’s only two native birds are a gray-green pigeon and a type of gray bodied raven with black wings and head. The latter’s called the executioner’s raven because of its fondness for the easy meals found at the block, gallows, and stake. Some say that feasting on the flesh of fiends and the blood of slaadi accounts for these ravens enormous size. Some of the largest birds are said to speak. Their are 2 other types of birds seen often the deathseeker crows who go to anywhere someone has died. Finally the astral streakers who are used for messages across the entire city.

Aoskian hounds

These are two headed creatures with a nasty temper. Besides a double bite these snow white or pale tan death dogs boast a tremendous bark that is enough to stun a grown man. General advice is not to tangle with them and most are muzzled during the day and only allowed to roam by night.


Urforged are robots with sentience. Unlike normal automata or other creations, they can perceive the world, have a personality, and make decisions about how to act. Urforged wish to be useful to their users, often acting without instruction. The are powered by a magical artefact and are all created in a series of factories in the lower ward. Urforged that aren’t regularly wiped (the memories of the artefact changed) develop personalities, new skills, and even start making decisions for themselves. Whilst powered by Psalm in a fashion they are mostly self sufficent. Rumours persist of wizards being able to influence them in some fashion, whispers being able to partially control them and that some have developed free will and look to free others.

Map tablets

Due to the insane scale of Sigil as well as it’s almost permanently changing nature and the actions of the Dabus any normal map of the ring is almost immeditaly out of date as soon as it’s published. Therefore the Dabus or prehaps the Lady have created large runic floating tablets which can help show a person where they are and where they are going. These tablets are linked to the ring itself and powered by psalm. The poor are forced to rely on those they can find around them and hope they aren’t broken or a Dabus comes around to fix them. However for the rich they are able to carry portable ones powered by a psalm generator which allows them to never get lost.


Their are several options for transport around Sigil below are listed some of the more common ones

  • Walking quoted as the best way to experience the city but it’s also the most dangerous way to do so
  • Tuk Tuk a small carriage drawn by a fast animal probably not too safe but very fast and cheap
  • cabs drawn by ponnies, goats, oxen, and other other variation of domesticated large animals these carriages are dependable and fast depending your price you can have a much faster or safer journey
  • Flying objects: to the criminal class generally speed is the only factor that matters therefore moving on a tiny carpet and flying through the sky if you can afford it is valuable.
  • Flying creatures the truly rich travel in style and safety by dragon or other flying creature
  • teleportation (see below)



Common features continued

Teleportation chamber

Every district has a teleportation chamber however the red tape that surrounds them make them a inefficent way to travel unless you have the jink to grease the right palms. The stampers who guard it thoroughly check everything to ensure nothing could break it and then as your about to step in any slight change means you have to start again. In addition the cost is quite extreme.

Magic item collectors/ creators/ auctions/ shops

Everything from everywhere eventually passes through Sigil however in particular wizards and aritficers have taken a liking to Sigil as a place to set up shop as Sigil is the location for making magic. A sword made will maintain it’s magic better than almost anywhere else, about the only other plane- that’s any better for making magic is the Astral sea but that’s overrun with all sorts of monstrosities. Sigil does a fair trade in the forging and selling of magical items, but that doesn’t mean there’s magic shops on every corner, hawking rows of potions, scrolls, and blades Instead, there’s a fair number of “collectors” who’ll have shelves upon shelves of magic items made by craftsmen in the city and from beyond.

However in their infinite wisdom the king has taken it upon themselves and their agents to track every single magic item within the city as well as it’s owner. Whenever a item has sat with the same owner for a extensive period of time dependent upon it’s power the king takes it upon themselves to have their agents collect the item and put it up for auction allowing any and all a chance for access to it. This can result in interesting scenarios of merchants selling to each other to move merchandise around, hiring cagers to rob themselves or even selling items for way less than they are worth. In addition the King’s agents often run thrift stores where magic is prevented and you can only find magical items by your eyes, hands and soul.

The queen’s alms

Money may be the lifeblood of the city and the portals the heart of the city but the soul of the city is scattered across hundreds of soup kitchens, homeless shelters, doctors, vets, food banks, orphanages and schools. These locations provide some respite from the grevious toil of the cycle of time in Sigil and at one point or another every cager will find themselves volunteering at least for a time. Regardless of the reason be it soothing a guilty conscience, hiding from the stampers, servicing some form of vice or rarely out of the goodness of ones heart all are welcome into the Queen’s Alms.

Every operation is ran by a agent of the queen who is reffered to as the Aunt or the Uncle in charge and runs on a very clear don’t ask questions basis. The one exception being the schools who require some form of qualification or signage that you yourself are educated and doctor’s and vets need some demonstration of profficency. Their rule is fairly absolute and some of the larger institues members have some power but most are just ordinary people doing the right thing. So long as you do right by the people who come through their doors then they will do right by you and help you as much as possible. Additionally with genourous donations any form of support can be given as the Alms have been known to make all sorts of extremely hot commodities dissapear and all that can be seen from them is alot more meat in the soup for the next few days. Such is the way of Sigil even the charity organisations aren’t untouched by crime.

Everyone has a story of one time when they needed help and they went to one of their local Alms and reccieved it or needed medicine and reccieved that help and as such generally they have a incredibly good reputation. This isn’t to say that they are all saints infact many have claimed that some incredibly bad people now hide behind the mask of a kindly aunt or uncle. Or even particularly enterprising criminals working from within the cover of the local soup kitchen. Yet as a general rule they reccieve lot’s of support from the people and many will donate time or money when times are easy to reccieve help when times are tough.


  • Divine magic: A weird quirk of Sigil means that noone born in Sigil or present in Sigil may be given magical powers by a divine, abbyssal or other entity in the manner of a cleric or paladin. Anyone can gain these powers outside of Sigil but while within they are bared prehaps due to the Lady’s influence this therefore means that divine magic is a rarity within Sigil but can be found.
  • Warlocks: Due to the Lady’s barring of Sigil to all other greater powers Warlocks are the least common type of caster within Sigil as they can’t reach into the city and influence their victimns or chosen ones as they would on other planes.
  • Wizards: Wizardry is uncommon among all but the upper classes as they are the only ones who reliably can afford schooling to allow them to learn the adacemic study of magic. Their exists magic academies but they are exclusively for the upper crust of society and many nobles pack a hidden magical punch.
  • Sorcerer: A common appearance in Sigil but a problem that the guardians search for and take often at a young age.
  • Bard: the most common type of magic caster.



The map of sigil

The Lady’s ward

The street’s of the Lady’s ward are cold broad and echoing and a cager can look up and see huge swatches of the sky more so than anywhere else in the city. Most cagers don’t enjoy this view but it attracts the nobility in droves. From the edge of the ward you can see right into the endless void and that fall is infinite making it a convenient way to get rid of bodies “quietly” in this part of town if you can avoid the Stampers. Off the main streets the ward is more like the rest of town with alleys full of sharp corners with light shining from reccessed windows. It’s named The Lady’s ward after the Lady of Pain as it is where many of the places that define her power are placed such as the Stampers main barracks, the Courts, the Prison, the Armoury, the palace of the Divined. The ward is also home to the largest “temple” to the “Church” of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. As traditional religion has little lasting impact in Sigil instead the religion focusing on living life to it’s fullest celebrating the everyday life and achivements of each and every person and bettering yourself and your position in life.

“In the Lady’s ward everyone even other factols are viewed as pieces on a chessboard. Certain individuals may be more powerful pieces such as Rooks maybe or Bishops but everyone is viewed as a piece on the chessboard”.

A Old soothsayer phrase about the Lady’s ward.

Thieves of the Lady’s ward think on a grander scale, they nip entire treasuries, plunder kingdoms and pillage realms and layers. The bloods are plunderers who fear nothing and hide their true business well always claiming to be import/export businesses. Their careers are as bright and brief as meteors however in Sigil there’s always a body ready to take down the giants of the planes.

All the wealth ofThe Lady’s Ward attracts burglars and second-story men the way blood draws flies. The risks are great, but so are the rewards, and only the finest burglars can worm through the magical protections and alarms that safeguard the ward’s treasures. A few of the lucky have been immortalized, but for each name enshrined in glory, a hundred berks wound up scragged or lying in pools of their own blood while the crowds hurried over them to market.

Even those who made it didn’t always last. Some fences won’t touch anything they suspect of coming from The Lady’s Ward, for there are many tales of terrible curses laid on valuables by the rich, who don’t mind losing a bit of jink (money) here and there (after all, they can afford it), but who are enraged at the thought that anyone else should profit from the theft. Curses known to have struck down individuals in the past include aging, blindness, clumsiness, forgetfulness, impotence, leprosy and other wasting diseases, and youth. Robbing the high-ups takes nerve and luck in equal measure. Course, housebreakers are small fish compared to the real criminals. The corruption and graft in The Lady’s Ward make a jewel robbery look petty: The King’s agents takes an “inspector’s fee” on all goods entering and leaving the city, the Head Trustee of the Prison charges those in his care for food and for each servant they bring into the Prison, and the Master Scrivener charges a tiny tax for each piece of paper in the city as well as a stiff fee for each bit of knowledge released from the library. These are just the best-known peels of the high-ups; dozens more are better hidden and twice as profitable. See, the high-ups who live here know the way of things: who to squeeze just when and for how much.

The nature of the Lady’s ward as being extremely close to the divined and the palace of the lady makes the great ocean, the weave and the wellspring of the soul more plyable. Using attune for long-term projects grants +1d. However start a 6 segment clock they have noticed me




Brightstone is home to many of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of Sigil. Its streets are broad and paved, under bright electric lights; its canals are sparkling and clean, with perfumed water; its houses are all of fine, pale marble blocks, rich timbers, and intricate ironworks. There are cultivated parks fed by radiant energy; lavish restaurants and cafes; jewelers, tailors, and other luxury shops. Street-side vendors are forbidden here, resulting in a serene, spacious atmosphere, punctuated by the occasional carriage or marching Stamper patrol.


  • 1 Unity Park. A grand park, fountain, and roundabout featuring an enormous monument commemorating Sigil’s victory in the Freedom War or the War against the factions depending on who you talk to.
  • 2 Silver Market. A curated open air emporium overlooking the river. Named for its original use as the primary marketplace for silver traders, it’s now host to luxury goods vendors of all sorts, including rare interplanar silks, spices from the all the planes, horse-traders, carriage upholsterers, and rare alchemical distillations (including some illegal spirit essences, magical items or even creatures from the death;ands to which the Stampers turns a blind eye).
  • 3 The Sanctorium. The chief cathedral dedicated to the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. It’s a towering edifice of buttresses and spires. Devotees gather weekly to purify themselves in baptismal rites and through the ritual destruction of rogue spirits in electroplasm. The catacombs beneath contain the cremated ash of many famous and affluent citizens.
  • 4 The high houses: the buildings in the ward reflect the power and wealth of their owners the greatest of these places have a name and history longer than any of the lords who ever dwelt within. Most people who come to the high houses do so for merely seek diversions the rebellions of the rich. Beneath that, players struggle for every advantage: blackmail, forgery, necromancy, even forbidden and arcane rituals for the benefit of dark powers. If a cager finds their way inside, there’re balls where rivals circle each other, where plots are hatched over lavish dinners, and where secret affairs are hidden far from sight.
  • 5 Bowmore Bridge. This massive structure of bright white stone and shimmering metal-work is said to be the largest bridge in Sigil. Luxury apartments and shops perch all along its length from Brightstone to Whitecrown.
  • 6 The armoury: The armoury is the term given to the area within the ward that specialises in in custom made weaponry that a blood can drop a lot of jink on, if she knows the right words to get her into the back room. The majority of these armouries are ran by a group known as the Steel Symphony who are said to be able to trace their lineage back to the armourers of the Factol wars. The streets are also the place where the nobles mingle with the lower classes hiring assasins or other untoward individuals.
  • 7 Fortune’s wheel: A tavern where the high and mighty come for that which makes their lives interesting through varied gambling and to eat and drink the very finest while they do it. The Wheel also attracts a large proportion of fakes and sharpers, so a noble with a heavy purse would do well to consider bringing along a few guards to keep his money. the Dragon Bar (the common room) is named after an enormous carved dragon’s head that arches over the bar’s mirror and descends to the corner of the bar itself, where the head entertains the Wheel’s patrons with tales of its life on the Prime. Whenever guests get too boisterous those guests are generally invited to leave; if that threat fails, they’re enveloped in a cloud of blackness the dragon’s breath.
  • 8 the Temple of the Abyss: The temple soars menacingly into the sky in the heart of Brightstone. It is governed by it’s high priest services are held each antipeak venerating all lord of the abyss before starting anew. The black stone exterior is tarnished by silver blades and sacrifices from the previous antipeak. The interior is dark with dark marble columns and 12 stone golems in the shape of terrifying, semi-reptilian griffons with deep emerald eyes. Iron chandeliers encrusted with the drippings of a thousand thousand black candles hang from the temple’s ceiling, and a purple flame burns in the heart of the sanctuary. The temple maintains a reputation for getting things done discreetly. In return for blood and spirits. Contracts are signed in blood and enforced by the bell of Baphomet. Those who have struck bargains with the fiends of the Temple are the only ones who can hear its bells tolling and it steadily drives those who have broken a bragain mad. In time the constant sound of the bell summons the Demon of the bells a shimmering spirit that appears and slays oathbreakers. Each time it is struck by spell or sword the Demon rings with an incredibly loud and dissonant tone, a sound foul enough, apparently, to kill anyone or anything near it.
  • 9 The Big Board: The Stock exchange within Sigil where a individual can spend some of their coin investing in ships, businesses or even weirder things. A individual can make a fortune but most don’t most. Protected by the Sentinels of Scales. Stampers, equipped with enchanted scales that detect dishonest transactions, ensuring that the integrity of the marketplace is upheld.




Elite Stamper patrols, arrayed in fine armor and gleaming gun-pikes or other magical weapons. Wealthy citizens strolling through manicured parks, attended by servants. Horse-drawn coaches and the occasional electroplasmic carriage rumbling along the avenues.


Broad, clean, well-lit. Silvermark Avenue, Goldcrest Avenue, Ruby Street, Sapphire Street.


Pale stone mansions with lightning barriers, grand manor houses, lavish townhouses, opulent theaters and restaurants, luxury shops.


  • Lord Strangford. Operates one of the largest leviathan hunter fleets, serves in the City Assembly and is a high-ranking member of the secret order within the Church. (Secretive, Calculating, Arrogant)
  • Commander Bowmore. Chief Officer of the Stampers in Brightstone. Bowmore’s family financed Bowmore Bridge centuries ago and now holds many positions of power. (Proud, Principled, Connected)
  • Rolan Wott. An influential magistrate who handles property, endowments, and financial cases. Famous for his extravagant parties. (Stylish, Elitist, Shrewd)
  • The king of the cross trade. The current leader of the interplanar thieves of the same name and is engaged in many ilegal actions. (Charming, Strong, Bold)
  • Black Marian: A beautiful singer said to be the best in Sigil sings by the singing fountain in the Lady’s ward and is said to be able to share the future of any who drink it’s waters. (theatrical, alluring, kind)
  • ‘Sly’ Nye: known as the most successful, most expensive and least ethical lawyer in Sigil however as he is keen to point out he wins as a brilliant tiefling lawyer. (mischievous, unbridled, inventive)
  • Tarholt’s great grandson of Traban Traholt hates gossip and spends most of his time traveling the outlands looking for materials for his grandfather (curt candid firm)
  • Traban the greatest forgemaster in Sigil if your happy to wait a long time for your items and pay a small fortune Traban will make it, hopes to die on his anvil over his last piece. (perfectionist, dedicated, cheery)
  • Helia Repcakinski: An expert smuggler renowned for her ability to get around even the most secure checkpoints a staple in the rich sectors of the city for getting rare items to the nobles houses past the patrols. (Comfortable, inventive, tight lipped)
  • Verden a wood elf bar tender who puts people up for a more reasonable price in the Azure Iris than the Fortune’s wheel, known for being incredibly charming and having her finger on the pulse for news. (sporadically intense, alert , tricksy)
  • Prophet Jonandros Gloomstorm: A powerful Seer known for his uncanny ability to foresee danger and avert disaster. Many of Brightstones’s most influential citizens rely on the insight granted by Gloomstorm’s visions. (prophetic, magical, fraud?)
  • Vertigo & Jingo – two veteran mercenaries operating out of Reaper’s Roost who take jobs as bodyguards for difficult clients with big purses. Hiring their services is seen as a mark of status due to ones wealth or the severity of risk those hunting you pose. (skilled, daring, mercenaries)
  • Keeper Ethelyn Gavorski - Head of security at the Brightstone Asylum the proper asylum for the rich, she is one of the few people remaining who knows how to make effective blades from the rare mineral called Celerium found deep beneath the city streets. Which she uses to subdue a target non leathly and calm the mind. (Kind, thoughtful, creative)
  • Emily Carter ‘The Lady in Bronze’: Powerful occultist who helped create and protect Brightstone’s powerful magical wards known for hosting occult ceremonies and other seances but manages to stay of the radar of the spirit wardens. (magical, rich, powerful)
  • The Codex: at one time the Codex was a magical creation to accurately map the entire ring however it has now far exceeded this remit and developed sentience. The codex has omniscience within the ring it’s relationship with the lady is unknown. (Knowledgable, fickle, loyal)
  • Elyria the Ocular Artificer: runs spec takers a shop that sells magical or sparkcraft eyes to those with the coin to buy them. Is also willing to trade for the eyes of other creatures uses a illusory shopkeeper to maintain their anonymity. (beholder, muddled, ashamed)


        •  4/4

Security and safety

        •  4/4

Criminal influence


Occult influence

    •  2/4

Operations against the nobility in Brightstone are considered on “hostile turf ” for the purpose of generating heat. Due to the valuables present throughout brightstone their is always a opportunity within a score to gain a coin through items, if you return these items you can trade them 1 for 1 coin for rep




Whitecrown sits atop a grand peak on the island across North Hook channel from the city proper. From this lofty height, the Destined’s stronghold oversees all, flanked by the grand estates of the most powerful nobility and the extravagantly appointed campus of Sigi’s Academy. Whitecrown is a rich and rarefied world unto itself—most citizens live out their entire lives in the city without ever once crossing the bridge to the glittering spires of wealth and power there.


  • 1 The Destined’s Stronghold. Originally commissioned for some unknown purpose this now houses the favoured agents of the divined and the divined themselves few have ever entered but the chant speaks of untold wonders
  • 2 Sigil Academy. Hailed as one of the finer institutions of learning in the planes, the school is most well known as the instructional facility for the leviathan hunter captains and their senior officers. Training cruises for new recruits are conducted year-round through a portal to the plane of water to replace the poor souls lost in the hunts.
  • 3 Master Warden’s Estate. This gigantic, fortified manor is home to the Commander of the Spirit Wardens and is their primary training facility. It’s said that some spirits are not destroyed at Bellweather—but are brought here instead for some unknown purpose.
  • 4 North Hook Lighthouse. This ancient structure has been converted into an electro-plasmic apparatus capable of providing a navigation beacon which through magic projects it’s light for hundreds of miles into the darkness of the Void Sea in the Deathlands guiding boats home.
  • 5 The City Court: The City’s courts are always busy with all sorts of people. Outside the courts a number of taverns sever all peoples and make money on the side running drink to the courts. Outside the halls entirely are thriving businesses that feed on the rule of Law: scribes, turnkeys, servants, undertakers, mourners, and smugglers willing to provide services to the living and the soon-to-die as they are transferred from the City Court to the Prison.
  • 6 The Stampers barracks: The peaceful air of the ward is punctuated by a imposing granite building the Barracks, tangular building looks dull, heavy, and impenetrable, with a single, guarded entrance opening onto the street.From the street, the Barracks is just an immensely long, low two-story building with a roof of gray slate. Built in four identical sections, the Barracks forms a quadrangle around an immense parade ground. Few hang around for too long as folk have been known to be conscripted.
  • 7 The Catacombs and the Twelve Factols: Rumours persist that their exists a enterance into the realm of the Dabus around this location and it’ s a popular topic of conversation at the Twelve Factols, a restaurant and tavern underneath the city streets. Within the bar their are statues of 12 factols of old preserved in twelve small stone statues. Once in a while people will travel into the catacombs most are rescued but some dissapear.
  • 8 The palace of the Jester: a palace of gargantuan size the Palace of the Jester is a neutral gathering ground for the rich and powerful. The real power in the Palace is the Lady’s Jester, Jeremo the Natterer. Despite his jabbering, the Natterer is a power in Sigil’s government. Jeremo’s real strength comes from his influence over the cities puppet strings: its civil service or bureaucracy. He also has an uncanny ability to predict where portals will appear.
  • 9 The high houses: the buildings in the ward reflect the power and wealth of their owners the greatest of these places have a name and history longer than any of the lords who ever dwelt within. Most people who come to the high houses do so for merely seek diversions the rebellions of the rich. If a cager finds their way inside, there’re balls where rivals circle each other, where plots are hatched over lavish dinners, and where secret affairs are hidden.
  • 10 The bank: Sigil only has a single bank and noone ever goes inside of it and it hold a sway over the cagers second only to the Lady herself. The bank is run by the Sah’iir a group of robed obscure xenos. All that is known is that a week before moontide a piece of parchment appears declaring a amount of tax. The day before moontide the Sah’iir start to collect from every business legal or illegal. The money then dissapears inside the bank and the day after moontide new coins aappear. Whenever one tries to prevent this tax the Sah’iir dissapears and then luck seems to escape the individual bringing them to ruin until they eventually pay their taxes.
  • 11 embassy row: the location where everysingle plane and powerful group assosciated with them keeps their embassy which has a form of diplomatic immunity but they are also protected by their most effective traps, soldiers and other deadly deterents.
  • 12 the armistice archive: After the Year of Nightmares the Divined agreed that their were specific ways that conflict’s between them should and shouldn’t be conducted they also agreed that any conflicts should be conducted under the radar from the people. The Archive contains within it information and examples about all sorts of impossible warfare, artifically created xeno creatures, impossible constructs in folded space and powerful arcane horrors. It is protected by the monitors a group of 4 armed urforged from the calamity and requires the concent of all 4 divined to allow access.




stampers or guardians soldiers parade outside the stronghold, astride their armored steeds, gleaming lances held high. Trainee crews run drills on a leviathan hunter ship docked for refitting. The lavish carriages and electroplasmic coaches of the fabulously wealthy glide by, carrying their privileged passengers to luxurious destinations.


Broad, polished stone, brightly lit to near daylight by a riot of warm electric lights. Whitecrown Boulevard, Swancrest Avenue.


Grand, elegant facades; landscaped terraces, balconies, and elevated walkways connecting bright marble buildings with inlaid platinum and gold details.


  • Maestro Helleren. Senior composer and conductor of the Spiregarden Theater, premiere performance venue for the elite of the city. (Sincere, Dramatic)
  • Lady Freyla. Regarded by some as the finest sommelier in the city. She serves only the most deserving at the Lady’s’s Cask. (Erudite, Cultured, Charming)
  • Jeremo the Natterer: The lady’s jester who has immense sway in sigil’s civil system and a understanding of it’s portals (talkative, scatter brained, droll)
  • Autochon the Bellringer: once the best courier in Sigil now runs a courier business now forced to wear plate armour to protect him from the bells of Bapohomet when he walks he jingles as the armour absorbs the bells abides in the palace of the jester (bitter, professional, driven, slightly crazy)
  • Tripicus a bear scholar with a passion for the material planes blustery but harmless. He loves to go on and on about himself and is considered a expert in the planes (distinguished, exploratory, self-applauding)
  • Zadara a titan who has set themselves up as a self styled money lender funding those who she believes have potential to be something great in the future. Rarely leaves her home and is also known for being a art lover (robust, egotistical, ambitious)
  • Lady Corrine Redgrave Formerly one of Brightsontes ’s wealthiest citizens, recently descended into near-madness to reassemble a powerful relic from her family’s past. (Devoted, insane, diminishing)
  • Lord Saturn Thirster A mysterious Lord whose manor stands on Whitecrow Hill outside town; something sinister is said to lurk behind his walls… Said to have a permanent haunted look and to be somewhat detached from the rest of the world more so than normal nobles. (Haunted, aloof, distant)
  • Shardra Laastreimur A reclusive blade master whose training methods are legendary many nobles hire her to train them or their children yet few stay in her training for long most wash out quickly. (Exacting, masterful, reclusive)
  • The vaults masters Hidden around Whitecrown lie the many luxurious vaults that only a select few can access, these characters are well known and often in fear of others finding them out, the vault master is the only one who knows all these secrets. (secretive, guarded, well prepared)


        •  4/4

Security and safety

        •  4/4

Criminal influence


Occult influence

    •  2/4

the halls of whitecrown are filled with backstabbing and kiniving nobles, whenever you do a job in Whitecrown you gain access to a devil’s bargain that another noble wishes to join or betray another. However after this mark that noble as a rival because you know their secret.



Market ward

The Market ward is known as the ward that never sleeps as this ward business carries on nonstop around the clock. Trade is conducted by some of the premiere merchants, craftsmen and jink jugglers. This ward is the most comsmoploitan area if it walks, crawls, or flies and has jink to spend. It’s welcome.

Nightmarket tends to support the more above board and reputable markets within the ward it is where almost anything can be found and the sufficently bribed stamper patrols almost guarantee a modicum of safety to those who peruse the grand bazzar or any of the other markets within that portion of the ward. Six towers no longer has any offical markets however it reportedly has many unoffical markets all of which are lantern free zones where safety isn’t guaranteed, the goods may be stolen but prices are definetly lower.

However as a general rule the market ward is where a cager aquires anything from the basics: food medicine, clothing, tools, transport, weapons. Additionally throughout the ward you can find players for a dice game, recruits for an excursion to other planes as well as exotic mechandise of all sorts. The market ward believes that they are the truest expression of freedom as they embody the unrestricted right to get rich. The people around them are instruments of commerce to be exploited at the least possible cost. It’s war, pure and simple and cagers who want to survive know the rules. Be careful what you go looking for, always pay your debts and don’t buy something that you don’t know what your planning on doing with it first. However if all else fails when life gives you lemons sell them to some other poor schmuck who’s more clueless than you are.

Due to the market wards nature as the focus for commerce both legal and illegal honourable and dishonourable it is a prime area for the King’s agents who can be seen most regularly throughout this ward. Be it owning shops or infact perusing the great bazar themselves they find themselves always on the move. Also due to the rising middle class that call it home the skilled worker has found it’s way to power resulting in many infromal guilds popping up. The majority of which work to ensure that the ward runs more smoothly than other parts of Sigil for the benefit of their bottom line of course.

However as a general rule the market ward is almost entirely covered in merchants every square foot of it. It’s shoulder to shoulder shopping, night and day, with everything from Tvashtri crossbows to bariaur hoof cleaners hawked from caravan tents and rickety stalls. To prevent customers from bumping into each other, pans of burning oil set out by merchants who care about their patrons dot the streets with light (and fill the air with noxious smoke). To keep customers dry, there’re canopies and umbrellas. And to keep ‘em broke, there’re ale stands, games of chance, and a multitude of Sigil’s slickest pickpockets. Merchants tend to specialise and while limited what they sell is always good.

“The difference between a rich man and a poor man is a handful of gold and a good sense of where to spend it”.

A quote from a travellers guide to Sigil

Within the market ward you can always aquire something can always take +1d to acquire assets that is a item, but on a 1-3 roll the asset also comes with strings (even if you boost the result with coin).




Nightmarket is a district dominated by commerce. Situated near Gaddoc Rail Station, Nightmarket receives the bulk of salable goods from the cargo trains that travel across the city as well as any expeditions back from the deathlands bringing the exotic and rare to Sigil. The citizens that call Nightmarket home constitute a new class of “elites”—wealthy people who are not of noble descent but nevertheless claim land, status, and power without titles. The district has been taken over by new construction, introducing lavish private townhouses with all of the modern advances for the elites that can afford them.


  • 1 The Veil. A luxurious social club known for its confidentiality and permissive policies regarding guests and entertainment of arcane or unusual origins. Rolan Volaris, the proprietor and host, is a half elf with an extremely unusual manifestation of his non elven blood: rather than legs, he has the body of a serpent from the waist down… or so people say. Volaris is rarely seen in person.
  • 2 Dundridge & Sons. Considered by many to be the foremost tailor in Sigil. The Dundridge family has provided the finest clothes and sartorial accoutrements to discerning citizens for over 300 years. Despite their legendary reputation, Dundridge’s prices are very reasonable.
  • 3 Vreen’s Hound Races. The racing of specially bred hounds is currently in vogue among Sigil’s upper crust. A con man from the the prime calling himself “Master Vreen” swindled a small fortune from gullible investors to create “the premier hound racing track in the multiverse.” The investors have yet to see any returns, but Vreen assures them that a great windfall is due any day now.
  • 4 The Devil’s Tooth. A tavern known for its “secret” menu of alchemical concoctions. Adventurous psychonauts may experiment with all manner of mind altering (or spirit-altering) substances in the relative safety of Mistress Kember’s comfortable establishment
  • 5 Chirpers: Set up over 200 years ago by 10 unknown merchants it is widely regarded as the best tavern for those with unique tastes. Anything legal can be aquired for free with a room and anything illegal just requires some jink greasing hands. Chirpers is known for it’s open door policy and permanent arangement with the stampers. As well as the specialty shops in the bar (a barbers, sweet shop and portrait artist), the open air dance floor, the weird and wonderful creatures who grace the dining hall, the seawind theatre with it’s multiple acts and the skull museum featuring skulls from across the multiverse.
  • 6 The great Bazar: a magnificent open-air plaza, a huge square of tents, shops, and stalls. The Bazaar is a cacophony of sounds — shouts, clanks, shrieks, barks, whistles — and a sea of smells — hot bread, peach perfume, fresh paint. A notable part is the debtors poll in the centre for anyone who hasn’t paid their bills.
  • 7 The great Gymnasium: With its gold-flecked marble walls, plush velvet carpets, and onyx chandeliers, the Great Gymnasium is prehaps the most luxurious gym out there. The transcendent order that call it home look to train the body to eventually achieve a state of action without conscious thought. They advocate healthy eating and looking after yourself and your body and is open whenever the order deems it to be.
  • 8 The other place: Opposite the great gymnasium is the other place a specialised massage, acupuncture and relaxation area that makes immense amounts of money. It is ran by Iarmid the assaimar and provides exemplary service with all claming it’s some of the best money they’ve ever spent that put the mind, body and soul at ease.
  • 9 The open casket: ran by a man by the name of Luthen the unopened casket is a antiques shop of the highest regard known for having a collection of ancient artefacts and information the rich often come to enhance their living room with a piece of ancient art or the like. If he dosen’t know where it is he’ll know where to find it or somenoe who could get it.
  • 10 the whalers demise: the shop is home to a once powerful whisper named Billie Lirk who was said to have their ear of the ghosts and be able to channel the ghost field to empower her in many a way. However for some reason it’s dark as to why she has now lost this power. In response she has now turned to artefacts and mystical objects which have allowed her to somewhat replicate her lost power and has taken to reproducing them as her mind is still as sharp as before and has a keen sense for the mystic arts. However nothing compares to the real thing.
  • 11 The Silent Library: A large library located in the heart of the nightmarket. It is filled with rare and forbidden knowledge that many would kill to possess. However the librarian only ever let’s in certain people abiding by some unknown logic. Additionally any noise within is met with extreme violence leading to some being terrified to even turn a page for fear of death.
  • 12 The dead end: a notorious gambling den located in a secluded area of nightmarket, populated by desperate gamblers who will do anything to get their hands on money or goods. However the back rooms play for higher stakes than money.




Electric lights in a riot of colors advertise the market stalls of the vendors. The city’s elite, hidden behind masks, slip into the underground to partake of strange pleasures in the private clubs.


Multi-level wooden platforms and boardwalks. Landscaped parks of petrified trees from the deathlands. High-class subterranean avenues. Song Street, String Street, Paper Street, Bell Street.


Wooden market stalls. Underground stone shops and clubs. Newly constructed private townhouses for the Nightmarket elites.


  • Jira. A dealer of fine weapons from the many planes. Greatly respected by many street toughs in the Cage—a “jira blade” is a status symbol that many aspire to. (Bold, Tough)
  • Leclure. A purveyor of personal luxuries (soaps, hair oils, perfume, fine silks) who dabbles in fortune telling. Some say that her drowned lover is a ghost that whispers secrets in her ear. (Shrewd, Tough, Commanding)
  • Mordis. A strange merchant that hides its true appearance beneath many layers of robes and hoods. Also fences occult and arcane stolen goods, no questions asked. (Secretive, Insightful, Arcane)
  • Mhasha Zakk: a self taught taxidermist who runs the shop Zakk’s Corpse Curing. Known for being fairly jolly and always needing an extra hand. Always on the look out for rare corpses. (Happy, enterprising, pedant)
  • Fell: The only Dabus seemingly not under the Lady’s control, runs a tattoo parlor where he grafts Dabus symbols onto anything allthough sometimes they have a tendency to come alive. (congenial, self confident, resolute)
  • Harrys Hatchis: The best promoter in Sigil Harry uses magic and artists to create some of the most eyecatching and memorable advertisments for anything so long as you can pay. Wearing the finest clothes he constantly moves around the city and talks to all and draws a crowd wherever he goes. (gregarious, energetic, inspired)
  • Alluvius Ruskin: Runs a antiquities shop called Tivvum’s antiquities within Nightmarket this 5 tiered shop has the biggest collection of gate and ghost keys which are what she primarily makes her money on but whatever your looking for it’s a good bet it’s in a barrel or case at Tivvum’s. A competent magic user the shop is well protected by golems as well as the old lady. (bamboozling, finagling, alert).
  • Hermetic Magister Haster Baltus, Grand Master Alchemist: A mysterious alchemist whose knowledge is sought out both by mortals and immortals alike equally – capable not just creating complex potions but also fueling dark magics and technologies nobody else has the skill to replicate. (genius, alchemist, mysterious)
  • Faceless Ink Merchant: A shadowy figure who makes it his business to provide mercenary blades with custom magical tattoos for a hefty price—more specifically, intricate inscriptions and glyphs which give those inked with them supernatural strength, powers or skills that exceed even that associated with their bloodline’s legendary ancestors…whatever their origin may be. (professional, faceless, artist)


      • 3/4

Security and safety

      • 3/4

Criminal influence

    • 2/4

Occult influence

  • 1/4

Coin is king in nightmarket whilst within nightmarket anyone allied to you can be brought as can anyone opposed to you or something by spending coin equal to the number that it would take you to you may increace your engagement roll by 1 after defining what roll the coin plays



Six towers

This formerly prestigious district has faded over the centuries into a pale shadow of what it once was. The eponymous six towers were originally the grand residences of some of Sigil’s greatest noble families. All but two (Bowmore House and Rowan House) have been sold off and converted into cheap apartments or fallen into ruin and abandoned. The district has an empty, haunted feel, with many sprawling old buildings dark without power, broad stone streets cracked and buckled, and the fires of squatters crackling from overgrown lots


  • 1 Rowan House. One of the last of the original six towers, this antique building resembles an ancient castle from history books, complete with moat, draw-bridge, and arrow-slit windows. The powerful Rowan family rules their holdings from within the fortress, rarely venturing beyond the security of its thick stone walls.
  • 2 Mistshore Park. This dark and overgrown space overlooks the Lady’s ward and the rest of the Six Towers. In old folk ballads, young lovers who could not be together would commit suicide in this park. Whatever the truth of it, the park is certainly haunted now.
  • 3 Scurlock Manor. The Scurlock family were once a great force in the city, before some curse or calamity befell their line. This tumbled-down manor house and tangle of vines is all that remains of their original fortune. It’s said that a young nephew or cousin still resides there, but Lord Scurlock himself has moved on to finer abodes.
  • 4 Arms of the Weeping Lady. This grand building, formerly an opera house, is now a soup-kitchen and bunkhouse for the destitute, run by the charity of the local agents of the Queen. Locals use this landmark as the demarcation between the districts of Charterhall and Six Towers.
  • 5 The Hypogeal market: This is the most underground and criminal of the markets withihn the Six Towers only those in the know are aware where the market will arrive however safety and quality is guaranteed within the market. It’s unclear who runs the market but all claim that different agents of the divined run the market for different reasons.
  • 6 The Bronze Bezants: for a cager who needs to make a big purchase but lacks the jink the Bronze Bezants exists. To recieve a loan you must give colateral, have a letter of recomendation from a kown citizen, repay in installments and with 25% extra ontop. The Chant is rife with rumours about those who haven’t payed so few risk it. Moskin Faz has set up in the basement of one of the towers.
  • 7 Statues of the Night Queen: a series of statues dot the entire district seemingly in groups of 6 although they have never been properly mapped out, each of these statues is only visible during antipeak and the truly desperate often find clinging to them gives a modicum of comfort.
  • 8: Lazz School of Vivid Unpleasantness, impossible to ignore thanks to the brilliant hues of its stuccoed walls, walls set at impossible angles to form indescribable shapes, shapes ending in improbable spikes and blades (more improbable than any others in the Cage). Artists studying here tend toward controversial expressionism. Black-garbed buskers perform ‘round the clock in the School’s public courtyard; pungent clove smoke rises from the scented pipeweed favored by the crowds who gather to absorb the atmosphere.
  • 9 The Bleeding bridge: a bridge seemingly built for no reason that connects either end of Six towers many gangs choose it as a place with which to settle differences violently and the bodies are left out for the spirit wardens to collect as part of their daily patrol.
  • 10 The Shadowed court: A ancient secret court held within an ancient temple deep in the heart of the Six towers, presided over by a unknown abberant figure that only manifests as a single large eye. They act with brutal efficency and the guilty are compelled to enact their own sentences a favourite of cults and the occult.
  • 11 The Silver Forge: A mysterious forge located deep beneath the city; it is said that anyone who enters will find the greatest weapons and armor within, crafted from silver and steel. However the journey to find them is fraught with peril and the forge takes something from those who enter and most return the weapons before long.
  • 12 The Shattered Cathedral: An old, ruined cathedral on the outskirts of Six towers; it is said to be haunted by a powerful entity that grants great power to those who make offerings at its altar. The shadows around the cathedral whisper to those around them and the entire area is completly bereft of any life.
  • 13 The Devil’s court: An ancient arena where criminals and outcasts can settle their differences in brutal duels. The court is now mostly used by Outsiders such as angels and fiends and is dominated by a series of impossibly ancient entites one a archangel, one a pit fiend lord, one a horrifc demon lord, one a fused elemental and lastly one a impossible aberant creature. All are engaged in a duel against each other and have been for as long as most can remember the court brings them back whenever one dies yet their hatred has kept them fighting for the entire time.




Bits of trash, blown by a cold wind, skitter across empty streets, illuminated only by a few still-working street lamps and the campfires of squatters. The shutters and doors of abandoned buildings moan, creak, and bang in a haunted chorus. Residents hustle by, heads down, clutching spiritbane charms close to their breasts. Several devout acolytes bow in silent prayer at the statues of the Night Queen, the district’s adopted forgotten god.


Broad stone avenues, cracked and broken, dark without power; overgrown and neglected. Comber Way, Bowmore Way, Rowan Way, Coleburn Avenue.


Palatial estates, tumbled into disrepair. Grand manors, remodeled into cramped and cheap apartments.


  • Aunt Narya. Runs the Arms of the Weeping Lady charity house. (Kind, Patient)
  • Chef Roselle. One of the best cooks in the city, still operating the legendary Golden Plum restaurant—worth the trip into the haunted streets of Six Towers. (Creative, Insightful, Friendly)
  • Imel Brustur the other best cook in the city operating the legendary Imel’s Happy Tongue the 2 cooks have a often violent relationship with each other as each tries to outdo the other. This has led to increasingly morally grey or immoral dishes being served by both. (Committed, Quick thinking, competitive)
  • Flint. A spirit trafficker who trades out of a condemned manor house. (Weird, Calculating, Suspicious)
  • Ensin: Runs a discount potions shop constantly on the move through 6 towers, the potions work but are always a bit less effective than you’d want but cheap. (Honest, practical, canny)
  • Xanist: arguably the greatest inventor in all of Sigil and definetly the most arrogant. Her mechanical inventions are able to rival magic at all levels. Currently lying low after some experimentations with Midas tech. (arrogant, genius, spontanious)
  • Wooly Cupgrass: a slightly insane master alchemist who has a immense collection of potions and just insists that he tries anything brought his way especially anything new and will buy new potions for whatever the price. (Foolhardy, excitable, inquisitve)
  • Laril Zasskos: runs a specialised bath house that specialises in the most obscure and arcane conditions. However the bath house is mainly used as a neutral meeting spot as it is well protected magically. (Committed, gracious, canny)
  • Seamusxanthuszenus: A dust mephit wearing a purple hat and dark black robe Seamusxanthuszenus runs a business catering exclusively in the dead called parts and pieces. Selling parts from many dead multiversal creatures or deadland beasts he makes a good living although is very fickle to his customers. (childish, fickle, impatient)
  • The Gatekeeper: A mysterious figure with a fondness for blades, who is the self-appointed guardian of Sixtowers’ borders and enforcer of crime codes within the city’s limits. (lawful, stickler, deadly)
  • Voras Urlanda: Master Engineer who provides sparkwright services to the criminal underworld in Six towers, travels with a personal retinue of Urforged for her protection. (unscrupulos, mechanic, inteligent)
  • Revan Ferroni: A scholar specializing in factional politics within various social networks, specifically as it pertains to organized crime interests operating withing Sixtowers. (scholar, academic, inquisitve)


    • 2/4

Security and safety

  •  1/4

Criminal influence

    • 2/4

Occult influence

      •  3/4

Six towers is the best place to trade illicit and arcane goods in the city, but the darker corners are full of strange horrors. Reduce the tier required to collect a arcane, magical or similair item by up to 3 however add the following feature to the item of your choice minimum equal to the number you reduced the tier by : Horifying, Alive, desecrated.



Guidhall ward

A tradespeople’s enclave, the ward is where anyone with money to spend can find useful, custom-made, and even illegal items up for sale. Anyone with enough skill can earn a decent living, or at least grudging respect, among the people here. The scars of the past run deep here, leading to suspicion of those from other rungs on the social ladder, and a general unwillingness to help the law do their work.

The guildhall region form residential portion of the market district as night market is full of stores with no space for homes and six towers is too dangerous for the new elites of the markets to live in. Therefore it forms a second community home to the majority of these shop owners whenever they aren’t selling. It has been nearly constantly growing in response to demand from those who live within and as such expanded into the docks and silkmarket. The residential areas of the ward tend to be split up based of profession and are ran by the “guilds” for these jobs acting as the neighborhood watch effectively. This helps to maintain equal footing between the guilds and the sailors of the docks or the purveyors of silk market however few of the guild members are opposed to being near the red lamp district. A few of the influential guilds are.

  • THE COUNCIL OF INNKEEPERS. This group establishes wages (for waiters, cooks, and other personnel), negotiates prices with wholesalers, and shares information about knights of the cross-trade, brawlers, and chronic bubbers. As a professional courtesy, members’re allowed to stay at each other’s inns at no charge.
  • BUILDERS’ FELLOWSHIP. With more than 300 carpenters, roofers, and stonecutters, this is arguably the ward’s largest guild.
  • ESCORT GUILD. This organization of able, trustworthy touts focuses on training and education. (The guild requires members to memorize all the major streets in Sigil.) Members are kept informed of obstacles (such as a dead giant blocking Bellwhistle Lane) and optimum routes (Avoid Deadfinger Way; too many muggers)
  • GUILD OF TEAMSTERS. This guild numbers among its membership those who navigate the waters of the Ditch, moving goods from Sigil to the various gate town portals.
  • THE ORDER OF MASTER CLERKS AND SCRIBES. Membership in this group is restricted to the city’s finest copyists, record keepers, and accountants. The Hall of Information and Hall of Records, both in the Clerk’s Ward, recruit many of their workers from this guild.
  • THE OTHER ESCORTS GUILD: rumoured to be ran by a agent of the queen the guild works to ensure fair treatment for anyone who plies the worlds oldest trade
  • THE DOCKERS GUILD: those who stay away from the running of the rest of the district and focus purely on the docks and run it without the influence of anyone else.

Collectively the guilds can act in their combined best interests however they do so rarely and they convene a contest based of off the golden rule to decided one to speak for all of them. The golden rule might makes right and gold can buy might. Easier than might can make gold.

The expansion of the Guildhall ward has led to a split in those who live here with some thriving near to the docks and the excess that is silkshore. Whereas the new elites want somewhere safe to live. This has caused conflict and is something that the guilds are dealing with currently.

Rule Number One: Sometimes, it’s better to know nothing at all than to half-know a lot.

Rule Number Two: You order it, you own it.

Rule Number Three: The easiest way to make a fortune is through the gullibility of others.

The unoffical motto of the guilds

The guildhall ward is known for valuing reputation over anything unlike most of the rest of the ring. You may trade rep for coin or coin for rep after a score. In addition you may spend rep like coin during heists here.



The Docks

The docks of Sigil are ancient, going back to the days before the calamity the old times where ships who sailed the astral sea used to come. Today, some commerce has shifted to the new electro-rail lines of the city, but the docks are still bustling with cargo haulers, fishing boats who travel to the plane of water, and the prestigious leviathan hunter ships that provide the raw material that keeps the city running.


  • 1 The North Hook Company. This grand, old-fashioned estate house is headquarters for the oldest surviving shipping and naval exploration enterprise in the planes. The North Hook Company has a massive fleet of trade ships and is considered by many to be merely a private front for the City Assembly or the divined. No one knows for sure, since enemies and rivals of the company (not to mention overly curious journalists) tend to disappear.
  • 2 Ink Lane. This twisting back-street is home to many of the city’s tattooists as well as several newspapers—who all share the cost of their inks in bulk. A fine place for gossip and rumors of all kinds.
  • 3 Saltford’s. A squat stone building that houses one of the more notorious private banks in Duskwall. Being so close to the docks, Saltford’s has faced many gangs of whiskey’d sailors that decided to turn to robbery as a new line of work, and defeated them all—sometimes even hanging the corpses from their lamp-posts as discouragement to the next pack of drunken fools.
  • 4 The Menagerie. A fenced-off muddy field, dotted with rusting animal pens, water tanks, and gaudy signage. Sailors traditionally drop off any curious creatures they pick up in their travels, which Captain Rye, the strange proprietor, incorporates into his makeshift zoological displays.
  • 5 The Adam’s Ale marina: These are the wet docks where the vast majority of the levithan hunter fleets are worked on after they have been out on the void sea. It is constantly covered in workers repairing the ships as well as moving the levitahn blood, guts and other things travelling from the levitahn ships to the refineries where they are needed. Said to be named after a dock worker who had too much to drink and ruptured a levithan’s bladder brought back whole which filled the entire wet docks with water and the dabus created a river system to prevent it flooding the city.
  • 6 The hag’s Tooth: A bar that some say was built upon the ruins of a ancient civilisation or prehaps the oldest part of Sigil the magical nature of the bar is said to be constantly shifting and results in intriguing opportunities.
  • 7 The Maze: This area grew up around the docks to provide incredibly cheap housing for the sailors so that they could be near to the ships that they spent the majority of their time on. This area is mazelike, confusing and confounding even to natives. Visitors, especially the law, must take special care to not get lost as even the stampers aren’t truly safe in the maze, some say it’s a physhical representation of the Lady’s Maze’s but they do so quietly.
  • 8 The Caged Whiskey Distillery: one of the most famous parts of the Docks is the caged Whiskey Distillery known only as “the black bottle” or the “black pill”. The alchool produced here is some of the finest quality around and attracts many from all over, additionally all levithan hunters who return safely are guaranteed a free bottle at the Dark Mirror bar. The ingredients for this whiskey are a secret that many have died to find out and is rumoured to contain all manner of things.
  • 9 99 bottles of beer: a unique bar that’s unique feature is that it exclusively has 99 unique bottle of beer magically restocked at the start of the day which is followed by 99 unique spirits then wines. You pay for entry but not for the drinks but just have to share them with others. This bar is the haunt of most levithan hunter captains and is where the ships when fixed are enchanted to be carried around as a ship in the bottle.
  • 10: Liar’s Brag: This bar is famous for one thing and one thing only a game called “Liar’s Brag”, wherein participants take turns telling tales of their exploits, true or not. If a participant’s tale is called out and proven to be false, that participant is honor-bound and magically compelled to immediately attempt to make the story true.
  • 11 the Wrenhaven river: flowing of from Adam’s Ale and feeding many of the canals around the city is the Wrenhaven river. Treasures of the depths have and always will turn up on the shores of the Wrenhaven. These include coin or other valuables brought up from wrecked ships, curious artifacts from other times, and mysterious items whose use might be magical or profane. Its storied waters have turned the tide of many a tale, seeming to sometimes have a will and malice of their own.
  • 12: the keel: The only shipwrights within the city who are trusted to make levithan ships the keel is run by the foundation and creates masterpieces and hires out shipwrights regularly to repair the ships damaged by the levithans.
  • 13 The albino monstrosity: rumour has it that the levithans aren’t the only thing to be found within the void sea and many a captain will send out a trusted party to go out and search for something. Whatever they find it’s taken to this shop under covers and bustled into the back room before the captain comes out with a large amount of Jink.




Small and medium steamships docked close, dwarfed by the titanic leviathan hunter ships further out. Throngs of sailors and dockers, doing their work, singing work-songs. Heavy cargo rumbling away on wagons. Shouts and breaking glass from a brawl spilling out of a tavern.


Raised streets perched over the docks themselves, rigged with cranes and winches. North Hook Way, Carter Street, Plume Street, Saltford Street, Ink Lane.


Massive cargo warehouses. Squat taverns, brothels, and tattoo parlors. Crowded overnight bunkhouses for sailors.


  • Chief Helker. One of the most influential senior Dockers. Helker has a lot of sway at the docks, and if you cross him, you might find your cargo tossed into the drink—and possibly you along with it. (Cautious, Greedy)
  • Tris. A legendary tattooist who only inks those that have looked upon a leviathan and lived to tell the tale. Getting a tattoo from Tris is a rite of passage for everyone who hunts the demons of the Void Sea. (Artistic, Popular, Insightful)
  • Granny rags: a legendary ancient woman said to be the widow from one of the first levithan ships yet that can’t be true as that would make her ancient. If you can smuggle some levithan bones to her she promises that she can create wonders. (ancient, mystical, creepy)
  • Corsica Hill: once upon a time said to be a employee of the 99 bottles but for some reason has gone rogue and is currently hiding willing to divine the secrets of a ship in the bottle… for a price of course. (vengeful, petty, paranoid)
  • Bran Orchid: a crippled sailor on a levithan hunter vessel named the dragonfly where he was left crippled and confined to a wheel chair. He now hopes for and calls for better protections from the captains for their crew. If it weren’t for the support he has among the crews he’d have been dealt with along time ago. (loyal, idealistic, charismatic)
  • Octavia Booker: was at one time a wayfinder and was infact one of the greatest and best up and coming members of the guild attuning to the currents of the void sea to guide her ships, however on one fateful journey she rode too deep and only she returned the rest of the ship lost since then she has searched for a group to take her back, as of yet if any have none have shared what happened. (distant, frightening, unapproachable)
  • Teddy Brimley: at one time he was a specialist in either the golden cat or the red lamp both claim him as their own and Teddy isn’t talking. He specialised in the more unorthodox types of pleasure however he quickly discovered that he could use these ‘techniques’ to get information from several people and is well known for his unorthodox techniuqes and use of animals quite frequently. (family man, honourable, Ergophile)
  • Old Barnaby Horne He seems to have been around since time immemorial - nobody really knows where he came from, or how he got so powerful, but his word carries a lot of weight in The Docks. (Old, weathered, respected)
  • Cap’n Lankey: The owner of the only salvage ship in Sigil, whenever a Leviathan hunter goes down in the void sea Lankey and his crew are sent in to retrive as much as possible. The ship the song of oblivion is beyond bleeding edge and has support from the divined, sparkwights, guild of engineers, guardians, the church of Ecstasy and the spirit wardens. (daring, brave, determined)


    • 2/4

Security and safety

    •  2/4

Criminal influence

    • 2/4

Occult influence

    •  2/4

The docks are filled with relics and detritus from the void sea, as a result you gain the following additional vice whilst within the docks, the call of the sea, in addition you can always use a devils bargain relating to a creature from the void sea




Criss-crossed by dozens of narrow canals, Silkshore is a district best navigated by gondola, as most visitors to this “red lamp district” do. The brothels, vice dens, food stalls, and exotic shops all perch at the waterside, ready to satisfy the appetites of their clientele, no questions asked. Silkshore is a place of public indulgence and private indelicacy, catering to every pleasure imaginable—as well as some that strain the bounds of fantasy


  • 1 The Spark Grounds. Beneath the crackling flares of a lightning tower, this open field draws crowds to watch the death-defying stunts of acrobats and circus performers, including the notorious “spark flyers” who soar in manned kites adorned with bits of metal to attract arcs of electricity from the barrier in a pyrotechnic display.
  • 2 The Ease. The northern part of the district is more easily navigated by gondola than by coach, and the dozens of entryways into the canals are flanked by shops and brothels advertising their wares with colored electric lights and flying banners.
  • 3 Fogcrest. A high, peaked hilltop crowded with rowhouses jammed within the maze of narrow stairways that constitute its “streets.” A bohemian community of artists, free-thinkers, psychedelic explorers, and philosophers.
  • 4 Ankhayat Park. This extravagantly landscaped space is the largest open area in the city, hosting many public festivals and events throughout the year. The noble for whom the park is named keeps a falcon aviary and stable of fine horses at the park and sometimes organizes gamehawking for the nobility
  • 5 Astropaths guild: Astropath’s believe that the best way to navigate the void sea is through maps and by carefully studying the astral bodies present within them and comparing them to the past will allow one to navigate across the sea easily. Astropath’s tend to be incredibly learned and are fervent enemies with the wayfinder’s guild the astropath’s guild is home to many ancient books and is the most knowledgable place about the deathlands.
  • 6 The Wayfinders Guild: The wayfinder guild believe that one shouldn’t sail the void sea looking for somewhere to go instead one should listen to it’s call and allow it to take you wherever it wishes for you to go. They do this by following the edies of the currents, the ghosts of those fallen upon the waves before you and the songs of the Leviathans. The Wayfinders guild is a repository of eldritch knowledge and contains many secrets.
  • 7 The Hounds Pit: storeis are told about another kind of fighting pit in silk shores, where kidnapped slaves fight dogs, rats, and each other. The betting is as fierce as the combat and unlucky betters can often find themselves chucked into the ring by the mob.
  • 8 the flooded district: a area of Silkshore that used to be home to the greatest artistic minds and many nobles used as a spot for a second house closer to the district. However due to a accident of some sort the Wrenhaven river undermined the area and it fell into itself The entire district remains a flooded ruin, treacherous even where it feels safe. It is full of creatures some escaped from the deathlands. Offering hazards by the fistful for anybody venturing within. Hastily abandoned, its buildings are still filled with useful items and even valuable treasures
  • 9 the oracular order: one of the stranger groups within Silk shore the oracular order is composed exlusively of women or those who identify as such. The sisters of this order are known across the planes for their prophecies. The specifics of the prophesying technique vaguely known. Each sister is permitted to conduct their own research and experimentation however they wish through magic, consulting other powers or similair methods. The sisters then at least 30 convene, every voice is heard and a overarching opinion is written these are known for being astoundingly acurate. In particular they use a device known as the Oraculum to commune with the spirits of the dead sisters to add their insights.
  • 10 the midnight melody: all captains who sail the voidseas can attest to the devestating effect it has on the psyche as such all employ the services of at least one powerful singer to be the ships void chanter. The midnight melody is where captains go to hear potential singers and others go for a beautiful performance. It is said that a captain always knows who is to be their chanter as does the singer such is the will of the sea.
  • 11 The mile high club: Such is the nature of Silkshore that their conflict zone has been subsumed and become a part of a bar known as the mile high club, known mostly for being over a mile high many winged denizens of Sigil fight within here fighting first to earth (first to touch the earth) and the guardians are a mainstay ensuring that things don’t spill over, in addition they participate very often. Additionally people often turn up to make money of off the violence as any good cager would.
  • 12 The Witch’s Cauldron: A tavern deep in the region where all manner of magical concoctions are brewed for curious patrons looking for something a bit more dangerous than your typical tankard of ale.




Hundreds of gondolas gliding to and fro in the spiderweb of canals, carrying eager patrons to the bounty of pleasure-houses and vice dens. Artists and philosophers arguing epistemology over Iruvian tea at the cafes on Fogcrest hill.


The few remaining surface streets are interrupted at every turn by a bridge over a tiny canal. Colored lights and patterned silks hang roof to roof, signaling various indugences in a complex code for the initiated. Greenwater, Highwater, Chimewater, Ringwater, Sweetwater.


Tall, narrow rowhouses of wood and stone. Low canal-side shacks and stalls. Cramped old stone houses and converted offices on Fogcrest hill.


  • Levyra. A medium who invites clients to bring ghosts in bottles to possess her so they can share a few final words before the ghost is “freed” (Levyra hands it off to the waiting Spirit Wardens nearby). (tricksy, reliable, kind)
  • Helene. The elegant and mysterious proprietor of the Silver Stag Casino. People say she used to be a queen in another time yet isn’t one any longer. (noble, mysterious, lucky)
  • Madame Tesslyn. Operates the Red Lamp brothel, the oldest and most respected institution of its sort in the city. (respected, reliable, a institution)
  • Jaxi Waters: At one point a down on their luck drug dealer who plied their trades across the streets of silk shore. Now Jaxi has begun selling weapons of a supernatural quality bearing a mark that no one has admitted to recognising. (skitish, optimistic, tight lipped)
  • Earthtongue Fennix: a mysterious merchant who appears once each month opening a otherwise empty shop at dusk lit by errie lanterns that burn neither with fire or psalm. The shopkeeper’s wares are strange, beautiful, and of excellent quality and is said to only trade in unusual currency. Their true nature is unknown but their wares are beautiful currently in the possession of a one of a kind weird astral horse. (veiled, broker, servant)
  • Rey Hightown: runs the golden cat the most exclusive brothel in the city where if you’re in anything is aceptable and provided free of charge her influence is immense but only because she uses it so little. (charming, smart, flirtatious)
  • Francis Fowkes: a well known member of Fogcrest supposedly a visionary artist who has recently taken to delving ever deeper into psychedelics to improve his art. (visionary, breezy, joyful)
  • Adamok Ebon: a bladeling bounty hunter or hired killer who charges only the bare minimum to fund her lifestyle she takes only jobs that interests her specialising in extremely hard to kill targets. Once she’s taken a job she can’t be swayed. (predatory, cold, blunt)
  • Chroma Thorne renowned ghost story teller a staple across the district. Oddly her tales have a wierd way of coming true and touching the core of her audience giving all a fright. (scary, captivating, flittish)


    • 2/4

Security and safety

    •  2/4

Criminal influence

      • 3/4

Occult influence

  • 1/4

Should you overindulge your vice while in Silkshore, you’ll get a taste for it. Take +1d to your roll the next time you indulge your vice here. However they do take care of you well you tick of one segment on a healing clock. In addition the people of Silkshore love drama and cool action if you perform successfully complete a daring cool or otherwise wild action you gain +1 rep for +2 heat



Clerk’s Ward:

The clerk’s ward is a symbol of the dicotomy of the cage and shows in a single snap shot how different the lives of some are when compared to the lives of others based only on the situation of their birth.

To begin with we start in Chaterhall the embodiment of Sigil’s bureaucracy and a beacon of cultural harmony, nestles between the Market and Guildhall Wards and the Hive Ward. It couldn’t be more different from its neighbors. Where the Hive Ward’s chaotic, the Charterhall is orderly. Where the Market Ward’s competitive, the Charterhall is cooperative. Where the Hive Ward’s filthy, Charterhall is pristine — for the most part. “The streets’re diligently patrolled, dutifully maintained. Conflict’s discouraged.

Charterhall embodies absurd bureaucracy to a tee with the entire district being filled with buildings responsible for keeping track of different parts of the city tracking levithan blood production, shop licences, patents, updating and publishing the dead book, tracking criminals arrested by the Stampers and even (although rarely) sending disputes about taxes to the bank although quite what that ends up doing none are sure. Almost everyone within Charterhall will come home with hands covered in ink stains and anyone not used to the ways of the ward claim that it is being held together almost entirely by red tape and inefficency.

Interestingly Charterhall and the Clerk ward itself are generally filled with all sorts of what can only be termed as conspiracy theorist. Who are more than happy share any and all quite frankly insane theories whenever they are asked although many of them are perfectly happy and competent in their day jobs they just advocate for frankly insane theories alongside of it. Although within the City of Secrets weirdly it turns out that more of these theories are true than one would think.

He who wields a sword serves his community with courage. But he who wields a pen serves with elegance.

A common saying within the clerk’s ward well the Chatterhall part of it

Charterhall however is only a part of the clerk’s ward and the other section Crow’s foot could not possibly be more different. Bordering Silkshore, the Docks, Charhollow and Chaterhall this district is a mess of different groups and is almost constantly involved in a turf war between the different factions. Due to it’s close alignment to Charterhall it does have many more higher class establishments such as the Hall of speakers or the Trianym. However these are mostly on the edges of the district and are swamped by the open gang dens, the Stamper squads hunting for criminals or any of the other dangers.

It’s raining; it’s pouring. The old man is snoring. We bumped his head on the top of his head So he couldn’t get up in the morning.

A childrens nursery rhyme in Crow’s foot

The Clerk’s ward shows the duality of Sigil very simply and how people born even one street apart can have lives so different that they are unrecognisable to each other. The Stampers clearly patrol Crow’s foot and they generally act to ensure that each region stick to it’s own borders. The Stampers who patrol Crow’s Foot also tend to act against anyone that they think is getting too big for their boots and cut them down to size.

The clerk’s ward is the eyes and mind of the city and therefore is filled with all sorts of people who have what most would consider a insane take on even the most mundane thing. The thing is they appear to be right. The devil’s bargain “the secret group behind the scenes objects is always avalaible”




The city’s civic offices and the hub for shops, artisans, and commerce Charterhall is the site of the first major reconstruction in the city, in the days after the cataclysm. The old wall upon which was built the a now mostly defunct ancient warding net in the Cage still stands in partial ruin around the district. The area is now home to the civic offices of the government including the courts, licensing and taxation offices, banks, and records archives. City officials and students at Charterhall University live here, along with the captains of industry who prefer to reside within sight of their fortunes.


  • 1 Charter Wall. Along the ruins of the old walls are a sprawl of artist colonies. Bohemian lovers of music and sculpture, these students are typically patronized by a single individual or family who expect their charges to master their craft and make art for their edification.
  • 2 Bellweather Crematorium. The site of the spirit bells and the rookery for the deathseeker crows. Bodies recovered by the Spirit Wardens are incinerated in electroplasm here to destroy their ghosts.
  • 3 Clerk Street. The main avenue of the district is lined with imposing governmental structures of all sorts, tucked behind iron fences, patrolled by a mix of Stampers on the sidewalks and mounted cavalry on the grounds.
  • 4 Jayan Park. The great alchemist for whom this park is named contrived to formulate soil and seeds that could produce real, growing trees, without sunlight or radiant energy. They are horrifically toxic to all living things and must not be touched, but they still grow beautifully here, over 100 years later.
  • 5 Charterhall University. A dozen buildings have been converted into classrooms and dormitories for the students of this modest-seeming but nevertheless prestigious institution. The school’s massive Sparkwright Tower, where experts of spark-craft are trained, looms huge over the district, often belching fire and smoke from the more vigorous lessons.
  • 6 The Administrator’s neighbourhood is home to the ward’s elite. Government officials, affluent professionals, and respected scholars live here, maintaining lavish homes on grand estates. Domestic servants cook meals in wood burning stoves, pump water from private wells, and draw baths in copper tubs. Otherwise known as a goldmine to any self respecting crook.
  • 7 The Tear of the Barghest, a tavern favored by moneylenders and landlords, features candlelit tables, curtained booths, and expensive drinks the high prices attract bodies interested more in thoughtful conversation than bub. The heart of the ward for the upper class and attracts many from furhter afield.
  • 8 Heshter’s arms: A blazing fire in an immense copper dish welcomes guests to Heshter’s Arms, a rambling, friendly inn named after the proprietor, Eman Heshter; because of its central location, the inn’s nearly always booked to capacity, and Heshter recommends making reservations at least a month in advance.
  • 9 the Civic Festhall’s noted throughout the multiverse for its concerts and art exhibitions, as well as its wine shops, taverns, and jewelers, all catering to the most discriminating customers. While tickets for many of the Civic Festhall’s are too expensive for most citizens can gather behind the Festhall and listen to the music through the walls. On occasion, the administrators open their personal galleries and museums to the public. And they tolerate, even encourage, informal performances in the streets. Those skilled at juggling, singing, or dancing can make a surprisingly good living collecting the coins tossed by appreciative spectators
  • 10 Grundlethum’s automatic scribe: Anyone with the jink to cover the fees can pay the Automatic Scribe to write a document of any kind: statements of intent to purchase, promises of payments due, exclamations of passion, whatever a body needs (or wants) set down in writing.
  • 11 The hall of information: the Hall of Information may be Sigil’s most valuable resource. It provides general information about government operations, cultural affairs, and private sector services; Cagers and visitors with routine questions are directed here. The hall is ran by Bordon Mok who runs the entire thing like a taskmaster and is incredibly cruel. She trusts no one, colleagues included, and is rumored to have evidence of immoral acts conducted by several of Sigil’s most respected Cagers, which she intends to use as blackmail. The red tape here can drive a man to madness as you are shuttled from officer to officer and office to office however money as always can cut through anything.
  • 12 The hall of Records: , the Hall of Records provides a number of services to all Cagers and visitors, regardless of their affiliation. The Hall, a former college, has been subdivided into a variety of record-keeping and administrative offices. With appropriate administrative approval, anyone may peruse the public document library in the Hall of Records to check tax assessments or examine exchange rates.




Clerks and government workers rush to and fro, official papers bulging from their valises. Wealthy bankers trundle past in heavy carriages with private bodyguards arrayed in clanking armor. Students gather at street-corner cafes to discuss politics, philosiphy, and other esoteric matters.


Broad, clean, well-lit. Clerk Street, Jayan Way, Dalmore Avenue, Imperial Avenue.Buildings: Imposing stone buildings with officious columns and classical sculptural motifs.


  • Lady Drake. A magistrate who is “reasonable” when it comes to street crime, so long as the offender’s purse is sufficient. (Flexible, Shrewd)
  • Lord Penderyn. Chief Scholar of the Archive of Echoes, authorized by the divined to keep a collection of ancient ghosts trapped in spirit bottles, to be consulted in cases where knowledge from the distant past would benefit the divined/stampers or any with the money to afford it. Lord Penderyn also consults the spirits on his own volition, forming the rebellious Path of Echoes society for other elites and nobles who seek communion with the spectral realm. (Reckless, Strange)
  • Estavan: a incredibly wealthy merchant who uses his wealth, power and prestige to ‘help’ those in any form of trouble however this help often results in significant debts which leaves the cager a veritable slave to the Ogre merchant. Estavan shows interest in others only for what they can do for him, but he does whatever it takes (lowering or ingratiating himself) to win them over. (ostentatious, manipulative, merciless.)
  • Milori: a well known translator all across Sigil known mostly for her ability to translate the symbols of the Dabus but is extremly competent at understanding any languague or code. Half human half serpent with large wings across her back. (individualistic, bold, intuitive)
  • Harry Dresden: At one time Watch dog who has now stepped out onto his own known and is one of the preminent PI’s in the city. Well known for getting in way over his head, angering powers greater than himself and then ending things with a very flashy magical duel. (Flippant, Loyal, astute, wizard)
  • Shadowmasters Court: A criminal court which handles matters related to extortion, blackmail and other dangerous activities between gangs operating within Sigil’s borders; ruled over by three judges who serve under Cloaks but demonstrate little loyalty to anyone. (hidden, codified, fair)
  • Luna Mancuso: her bloodline was imparted with a powerful curse that brings down incredibly badluck on those areound her while she maintains good luck Luna is a unruly force in Charterhall runs a the arcane emporium. (lucky, loner, impresionable)
  • Anne Walker: a life mage who spends her time healing the poor and the sick for free across the ring trying to help them as much as possible friends with Luna. At one point she was possessed by a djinn empowering her with the ability to grant wishes. (kind, dissosiated, powerful)
  • Carrie Matherson: A savant at piecing together different pieces of information to discover or identify the missing link and discover different pieces of information. Incredibly intense and mentally unstable. (intense, conspiratorial, unstable, imaginative)
  • Saul Barinson: an old grizzled internal investigator for the City’s immense bureaucracy Saul still works for the Assembly but they’re ideals don’t allign with most of their employees. Known for dispensing cold truths and always knowing someone or calling in a chit for something. (Connected, knowledgable, grizzled)


        • 4/4

Security and safety

        • 4/4

Criminal influence


Occult influence


Charterhall is the beating heart of the city and is filled with information, conspiracies and gossip. When gathering information or using information for a long term project you pick one of the 2 options. Either it takes double the amount of time but you may roll with +2d or you may take half the time but your information gains the following trait improbable this means that noones else is likely to believe you and you will have a incredibly esoteric take on the particular question



Crow’s Foot.

Crow’s Foot is a crossroads, merging many qualities of its neighboring districts: the illict vices of Silkshore, the labor and trade of the Docks, the poverty of Charhollow, and the classic architecture of Charterhall. The district is a patchwork, both held together and threatened to be torn apart by the menagerie of competing street gangs and stamper squads that claim every avenue and corner as territory in an endless turf war.


  • 1 Crow’s Nest. An ancient tower from before the calamity that has been a ritual sanctum, an astronomer’s laboratory, and a stampers watch post before its current role as the headquarters of the district’s chief gang, the Crows.
  • 2 Tangletown. Hundreds of years ago, one of the massive leviathan hunter ships was partially sunk in the river. Since then, it’s collected an attendant flotilla of watercraft, all lashed together into a neighborhood. It is considered neutral ground among the street gangs. Violence isn’t allowed within it’s walls and the vigilants ensure that any who fight regret it with their hand and a half swords, mechanical augments and flame tattoos.
  • 3 Strathmill House. The lost children and unwanted orphans of Crow’s Foot inevitably pass through the halls of Strathmill House. Some are cared for and trained for jobs at the docks or the workhouses of Coalridge. Others are quietly instructed in the arts of the lookouts and runners used by the gangs of the district—all for a fee to Strathmill House, of course.
  • 4 Red Sash Sword Academy. This large mansion has been converted into a training school for the Falling Star style of Iruvian sword play. The Red Sashes, a gang who run several luxury drug dens in the district, claim it as their HQ and cover operation for their illicit operations.
  • 5 Workers district: Craftsmen, clerks, and other commoners gravitate to the Workers’ District, a neighborhood of boxy cottages and austere tenements. Furnishings’re sparse, yards nonexistent (just as well, as the residents have neither the time nor jink to take proper care of ‘em). Families prepare food over open fires, fetch water from street corner wells, and wash themselves from buckets
  • 6 The Sandstone district: so named because of the nature of it’s cobbled streets The humble living conditions resemble those in the Workers’ District. However much of this is a choice as the individuals who call the sandstone district home value privacy above all others and many embrace poverty as a matter of principle, considering the trappings of luxury decadent and corrupting. It remains relatively isolated, making it an ideal refuge for bobbers, bubbers, and knights of the cross-trade. Many of the Watch dogs live here.
  • 7 The Black Wind Tavern, tastefully decorated with violet tapestries and enderpine paneling (showing off the fine grain of this smooth, hard, black wood from Krigala), enforces a strict policy of silence; a berk who speaks is shown the door. It is said that a group of criminals call the bar home and they discern the job you want and target only through social cues and are said to work in silence and be discreet.
  • 8 The greengage: the establishment of Marda Farambler built to a perfectly proper scale — for anyone shorter than 4 feet 6 inches anyone taller are the ones who drink their cider while sitting on the curb. A cutter might think this shortcoming would be the end of Marda’s business, but the Greengage is a second home to the members of Sigil’s gnome and halfling communities. Marda specializes in cider, both unfermented and hard. The cider is such a potent brew that Marda normally allows only two tankards per customer — it’s a sure sign of her trust when a basher gets more than this in a single night.
  • 9 the pasture: a location where ex gang members, stampers, assasins, rail jacks who have aquired a fair bit of heat in their time go to live out their days. The community is fiercly protective of each other and when your in you only go out when you die. The members believe in the right to bear arms, protect themselves and strongly in self defence.
  • 10 The hall of Speakers :The glistening spire atop the Hall of Speakers symbolizes the glory of the individual, a cornerstone of the Sign of One’s philosophy. A massive statue before the building underscores the point; it depicts a woman holding an entire world. Within the walls of this stately edifice, factols and plebians engage in lengthy, detailed discussions about the precepts, statutes, and decrees affecting all Cagers. Any cutter with a silver piece to spend can rent a meeting room in the Hall of Speakers for an hour; the admin istrators guarantee privacy. Cagers may also listen to - and occasionally participate in — the Speaker’s Podium debates.
  • 11 Trianym: In theory, any citizen or visitor with the proper credentials may offer an opinion in the Hall of Speakers. In practice, however, the average person is often frustrated in these efforts. Those unable to gain access to the Hall of Speakers might consider the Trianym, a public forum where just about anyone can speak his mind on the issues of the day. Sura Ekness selects the topics and participants and supervises the debates. Potential debaters must declare their faction affiliation and convince Sura of their eloquence. (The ability to speak in complete sentences usually suffices.) During the debate, spectators show their approval by tossing coins at their favorite speakers, and pelting unimpressive participants with pebbles and garbage speakers use a small crystal shield to defend themselves.




Dockers filing to and from work. Minks plying their trade on the corners. A squad of Bluecoats shaking down a shopkeep for a bribe. Rival gangs calling challenges to each other across the rooftops. A fine coach carrying a noble seeking illicit wares.


Multi-level, cramped, dark, foggy. Ash Way, Cinder Street, Rye Street, Candle Street, Hulliver Lane. Buildings: Flophouses, inns, old manors chopped into apartments, traditional stone houses. Smiths, taverns, brothels, and butchers.


  • Sergeant Lochlan. The senior stamper squad leader in the district, reporting to Captain Dunvil. Lochlan is flexible and reasonable, taking bribes and payoffs when she can; enforcing the law and making examples when necessary. (Shrewd, Tough, Commanding)
  • Lewit, Jol, Myra, Reyf. stamper constables; run an extortion racket. (tough, criminal, uncompromising)
  • Mardin Gull. Owner and operator of the Leaky Bucket public house. Mardin was the leader of the Crows many years ago (before Roric and Lyssa) and now enjoys a comfortable retirement out of the scoundrel life. (Charming, Experienced, Respected)
  • watch master Karrin Murphy. A senior stamper is a human and a specialist in all things occult runs the ‘black cat’ squad for the stampers dealing with all sorts of unusual things noone else has the understanding of or the desire to deal with. (pragmatic, lawful, adaptable)
  • Nechisar nightjar: A avid bird collector who breeds Astral streakers friendly, intelligent avians indigenous to the Astral Plane. The birds are used to deliver messages throughout Sigil. A carrier attaches a message to the streaker’s leg, then whispers the destination in its ear. The streaker delivers the message, then returns to the Hall. They are used so much that . harming a streaker or interfering with its flight in any way is a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment. (independent, loner, laid back)
  • The Scratcher: a remorseless killer whose real name remains unknown the Scratcher believes he is the multiverse; buildings, people, even the planes themselves’re as much a part of his body as his arms and legs. As others trim their hair and wash their faces, he “grooms” himself by destroying buildings. He possesses significant magical powers, poisioned fingernails and can send people to another plane. (unpredictable, calm, psychotic)
  • Djhek’nlarr: A githyanki merchant who is currently working to ensure that she is able to map all of the possible enterances and exits to the Lady of Pain’s maze’s so as to be better able to opposse her. She convinces them to break one of the Lady’s rules then is somehow able to follow them into the maze, map it out then leave. (persuasive, duplicitous, ruthless)
  • The Ripper: A mysterious figure who stalks the streets of Duskwall, murdering victims with a razor-sharp blade. Rumors suggest that The Ripper is not human, but rather an entity from the Shadow Realm. mortal enemies with flit. (otherworldly, killer, dangerous)
  • Cirily: A so called planarist who rales daily in the Hall of Speakers against the plight of Primes asking for the city back for the locals. “they have a whole plane why do they need our city too?” She is generally very calm but she becomes irritated easily with primes or those who don’t show her a “proper” level of respect. She is very sure of the worth of her opinions. (stirring, smug, confident)


    • 2/4

Security and safety

  • 1/4

Criminal influence

        • 4/4

Occult influence

    • 2/4

Years of murder have made this the most haunted district. Angry ghosts crave bloodshed here. You may take a Devil’s Bargain for +1d for violent action, but the ghost will lash out, too.



Hive Ward:

The slum and the ghetto, home to the poor, the rogues, and the unwanted dregs of the city

Life’s cheap, berk, but nowhere’s it cheaper than in the Hive Ward, a dismal collection of dirt-caked slums and battered tenements more fit for vermin than humanoids. Looking for honest work? Keep looking. The Hive’s a good place for cutpurses and gamblers, not so good for jewelers and art dealers. But it’s a fine place to be a corpse collector or even a spirit warden. For most, life in the Hive is a tedious journey down a road of despair, with death waiting at the end. And not just any old death. Death in the Hive wears a variety of disguises.

Imagine that the powers scooped up a thousand buildings in a burlap sack, shook ‘em around a bit, dumped ‘em out, then stomped on ‘em. That’s the Hive. There’s a saying that the Hive has Sigil’s stupidest murderers; if they had any brains, they’d move to a safer ward. Or at least one that’s easier on the nose. Compared to the Hive, an Arcadian swine barn smells like an apple orchard. It’s not just the filthy kips that cause the stink. And it’s not the lack of hygiene, though the only time a lot of these sods get a bath is when they fall in a mud puddle. It’s mostly because of the rainwater, dirt-colored and thick as syrup, that oozes along the streets like sludge from a sewer pipe. Ever seen the rain gutters in The Lady’s Ward? Nice, wide, and unobstructed. And the dabus in the Clerk’s Ward? The minute the rain stops, they’re out with their mops to wipe up the mess. The gutters in the Hive, on the other hand, are clogged with garbage, and the first street cleaners should arrive about the same time the Divined start passing out platinum pieces. There, the rain collects in brackish pools, some swelling to the size of small lakes. A lot of Hivers use the pools for trash pails.

Whoever planned the ward didn’t know the definition of a straight line, as the streets wind in every direction: Some end abruptly in blind alleys, others circle back on themselves like snakes swallowing their tails. With space at a premium, new structures’re built on top of old ones, giving a typical building the appearance of a stack of boxes about to collapse. It’s a mess, all right, though a basher flying high overhead might make some sense of it. To the sod on the street, it all looks pretty much the same. Narrow alleys, many narrower than a human is tall, separate crumbling tenements. Filthy rags cover shattered windows. Light is as scarce as kind words; what the thick fog fails to conceal, the tottering buildings drench in shadows. Newcomers might think they’ve wandered into a nightmare. A toothless old woman peddles boiled rat’s feet from a rusted kettle; a starving sod offers her a sip of homemade bub in trade. A group of grizzled bashers pores over the details of a recent murder, arguing about what the killer wanted with the victim’s head. A young woman clutching a limp baby pleads with an innkeeper for a leaky roof, a lice-infested mat, and some rotten meat; the innkeep threatens her with a cleaver.

Wonder what the rest of Sigil thinks of the Hive? Some folks shrug their shoulders. Some wring their hands. Most everyone, however, keeps a fair distance. What little they know about the Hive they either overhear in the Great Bazaar or read in books like Jeena Ealy’s In Darkest Sigil.

A basher who needs to be told not to travel the Hive streets alone, especially at night, deserves to be robbed.

A fairly bored guide to Sigil

Few buildings in the Hive have names or street numbers. The locals tell them apart by their features. A red shirt hanging over a window might identify a breadmaker’s home to a Hiver; a boot on a stick might indicate a popular tavern. Some buildings have a series of Xs and Os etched in the doors. These symbols, called house marks, usually indicate that the occupants are engaged in some kind of cross-trade, like gambling or slave trading. Locals tend keep the meaning of house marks to themselves; there’s no point in attracting the attention of nosy do-gooders or Stamper patrols, not that they show up around here all that often in the first place.

A typical slum kip consists of a single dingy room, home to ten or more poor sods. The meager furnishings might include wool rugs for sleeping (poorly woven rectangles that double as towels), a wooden basin for washing (filled with brown rainwater), and a crude brick fireplace. A hole in the ceiling, covered with a burlap flap, is the only ventilation. Walls ripple with roaches. Garbage is tossed out the window or stuffed under the floorboards. A pit in the alley serves as a lavatory for a half-dozen families.

Nobody comes to the Hive ward who doesn’t have to when you reduce heat and are staying in the hive reduce it by 1 additional heat. You may never suffer a stamper entanglement unless your at heat 6+ and treat your wanted level as half. However your healing takes twice as long to clear.




Barrowcleft is the home to the laborers and overseers of the City Assembly who attend the radiant energy farms of Sigil. It is a dusty, rural district, with simple wooden buildings of only one or two stories and wide dirt roads to accommodate large cargo wagons. The farmers of Barrowcleft are organized into tight-knit family-based clans that are proud of their vital role in the city’s welfare and hold themselves apart from the “city folk”. Outsiders are welcome here for honest trade, but are met with a cold suspicion otherwise


  • 1 Barrow Bridge. One of several residential bridges in the city. The bridge is lined with homes, shops, and merchant stalls. Families of canal-fishers work from ramshackle wooden huts along the banks on either side. They hunt the large and dangerous wild canal eels that gather to feed on refuse near the channel to the Adam’s Ale.
  • 2 Lightning Tower. The lightning towers of Sigil are marvels of electroplasmic engineering, requiring constant attention from the powerful Sparkwrights guild. The largest towers are over 200 feet tall and include their own internal generators to provide power to the lightning barrier that keeps the ravenous spirits of the deathlands out of the city.
  • 3 Barrowcleft Market. This open air marketplace provides a place for the radiant energy farms to sell fresh produce and goods made from their crops. Other related vendors have also sprung up here, including brewers and distillers, weavers, dyers, and goat breeders. The tough and close-knit people of Barrowcleft have managed to keep criminal influence out of their market and it’s famous as a rare place for fair trade in the city.
  • 4 Radiant Energy Farm. The wondrous power of radiant energy allows crops to grow in the darkness of Sigil. Life in the city depends upon these farms, so their delicate radiant plants and irrigation systems are watched constantly by specially appointed deputies of the Watch
  • 5 Green stone stables: Mounts in general are both very rare and very short lived in Sigil, circumstances that make this business practically unique. At Green Stone Stables, a rickety warehouse with peeling green paint, Bismen Yscoppel rents mounts of all kinds. Yscoppel charges bargain prices, but his animals aren’t exactly top of the line.
  • 6 The fulmination inquiry: This is the largest exposed area of the lightining barrier and forms the border of the Desert around the edge of this exposed area a vast variety of high powered scrying pools, telescopes and other visual instruments are trained on the deathlands and even the Void Sea studying them to attempt to understand it finally.
  • 7 The Weary Spirit Infirmary: made from gray granite blocks, the floors covered in black ceramic tiles smudged with scuff marks. Iron rods bar all the windows, and iron strips reinforce the doors. Ridnir Tetch runs the infirmary Shunning magical healing in favor of experimental surgery, the infirmary staffs got the same relationship with its patients as cats have with mice. Playing with their prey before killing it lessens their inhibitions. The staff is brutal, sloppy, and indifferent to pain (whether their own or someone else’s). Tetch believes that all disorders can be corrected by manipulating the body. It’s just a matter of figuring out which part to cut off or stretch, or where to drill the holes. Therapy includes drilling holes to release humours, leeches and even shock therapy. The mortality rate is high but the rare few who survive are cured in some fashion.
  • 8 The Gatehouse: Barrowclefts one permitted expression of outsiders and the normal city folk is the gatehouse which is a plunge into another world for most folks. Here, thieves sell their take to fences who sell it in turn to other fences who then sell everything to speculators for shipments out of Sigil. Was something stolen yesterday? A sod can probably buy it back during the night as long as they don’t ask questions. There’s more for sale than just stolen property too. The dark that cutters keep away from all others can also be brought in this market. All a buyers got to do is find the right seller and be able to pay. Just remember the price may not be jink it may cost a whole lot more.
  • 9 The desert: When Sigil was under attack by the spirits and creatures of the deathlands Barrowcleft was the first place that they made landfall and the impact that made has still been felt. It left a large flat expanse of sand that is sharp like broken glass that is constantly beset by storms and other natural phenomena. The area has a near constant influx of Dabus within it yet it seems to make little difference and almost noone lives here or even could. However it’s said to be littered with ancient relics and prehaps even a lost part of the city hidden under the sands.
  • 10 The Sallow Tower: A towering edifice of black stone, the Sallow Tower is a remnant of an unknown race that used to live in the city. It’s said to contain secrets and power long forgotten by most citizens. Some whisper that powerful entities lurk within its walls, while others claim it holds a great treasure or forbidden knowledge. Whatever lies within its depths remains largely unknown. The locals are not receptive to people exploring it.
  • 11 The Silent Belltower: The Belltower is a towering structure in Barrowcleft, known for its lack of sound. The bells that once hung here are now silent, and the tower is shrouded in a perpetual hush. Local superstitions suggest that ringing the bells could awaken something ancient and malevolent.




Farmers trudging to and from work. Tradespeople crafting simple goods. Merchants selling their wares. Heavy-laden cargo wagons transporting food into the city. Vigilant deputies surveying the fields from their watchtowers.


Smooth dirt roads, drainage ditches. Black Hill Road, Mill Street, Porter Street.


Low, wide wooden structures. Barns. Animal pens. Stone mills. Hilltop manors for the Overseers. Crowded apartments, towers, and market stalls along Barrow Bridge.


  • Chief Prichard. The Head Overseer of Labor for the City assembly in Sigil. Manages the workers and food allotments for the city districts. (Calculating, Confident, Calm)
  • Hester Vale. Matriarch of the oldest farm family. The living embodiment of “tough but fair.” (Proud, Fierce, Suspicious)
  • Mara Keel. A former smuggler who’s gone into hiding among the farm laborers of Barrowcleft. (Quiet, Secretive, Patient)
  • Rocco Apple: artificer and designer extraordinaire. Only makes one of each design and has been adopted in by the people of Barrowcleft as one of their own for unknown reasons. (artistic, brilliant, aloof)
  • Del Hex: gunslinger who works as unoffical law enforcement for the locals. Has some obvious surgery marks and magical augments. Wanted in by the stampers. (ruthless, fast, cautious)
  • yola sprekk: Jeweler known for using the unique properties of various metals. Her creations may be the most artful pieces in Sigil. A Sprekk piece can open doors in the most elite circles. (artistic, charming, proud)
  • Sahar: Strange-suited mystic that lives in the desert. (odd, blue-eyed, ancient)
  • Digger Jones: A famous archeologist who will often lead expeditions into the desert, the deathlands or even other planes owing to his favoured relationship with the king’s agents. Known for his famous hat and whip. His books have earnt him a comfortable living. (adventurous, sceptical, famous)
  • Sonea: Del may be the unoffical law enofrcement for the locals but Sonea is the true reason that their is limited criminal influence in Barrowcleft. A sorcerer born in the ward and hidden from the guardians when she grew up she discovered her magical power when she decimated a vampire attacking Chief Prichard and Hester Vale thereby giving her their protection. Now she practices a form of blood magic whereby the people will go to her and each provide a small amount of blood empowering her with their collective strength. Said to be one of the strongest casters in the city if not the planes. (Young, shy, determined, loyal)
  • Von Schill: A mysterious figure in the shadows of Duskwall, Von Schill is a retired master thief and who has been operating for decades. His loyalty lies only with himself, but he often takes on apprentices or helps out those in need if it suits his own agenda. Will often approach third parties to assist him with his scores whenever he comes out of retirement. (respected, retired, masterful)
  • Omott: a magical construct who’s master died and was freed in the aftermath. Omott walks around asking questions about anything and everything, the people of charhollow have brought him in as one of their own. His questioning while silly has lead to some interesting break throughs. (curious, tenacious, blunt)


  • 1/4

Security and safety

      • 3/4

Criminal influence


Occult influence


Barrowclefts members are experts in their fields and hard work has benefits to all, you are able to train in barrowcleft in any rating or your playbook if you’ve established yourself as a local requiring a 8 segment clock.

The devil’s bargain rampaging animals is always avaliable




This crowded district is home to the bulk of the workforce of the city—servants, dockers, sailors, stockyard and eelery workers, cabbies, and so on. It’s cheap, noisy, cramped, and sweltering from cookfires and hissing steam-pipes, but there’s a familial camaraderie among its residents that you won’t find anywhere else. The people of Charhollow are a true community, brought together by circumstance, but bound by ties of mutual support and care in stark contrast to the cutthroat ruthlessness that constitutes business as usual in the rest of the city.


  • 1 The Sheets. Washers, tailors, and seamstresses congregate in this neighborhood, filling the alleyways between the buildings with the billowing fabrics of their trade. A secret association of anarchists among the working class meets here to plot their schemes for revolution.
  • 2 Strangford House. The grand, fenced estate of the powerful Strangford family perches on a hill overlooking Charhollow. Many who live in the district toil in Strangford’s factories and workhouses, and few miss the chance to throw the evil eye in their direction when they catch glimpse of their house on the hill.
  • 3 Charhollow Market. A public market fills the open square here, offering fair prices and decent goods to the local community.
  • 4 Kellen’s. One of the oldest pubs in the city, with a dizzying selection of ales and whiskeys. Rich and poor alike rub elbows here to enjoy the traditional food and music with their drinks, though recently, the pub has become the target of masked vandals. Some patrons have been assulted, by people shouting “Eat the rich!” and “Toff’s go home!”
  • 5 The bottle and the jug: The B&J looks more like a fortress than a tavern. But it’s not only one of the Hive’s most popular watering holes, it’s easily the most notorious. Not known for it’s beer or really any other factor the bar is known for it’s back room brawls. These feature fights between a three armed cyclops child of the owner and anyone who can afford to fight for 15 rounds and usually to the death. Betting is heavy and unrestricted.
  • 6 Allesha’s Pantry: one of the most well known outfits that bears the name the queens alms the kitchen operated by Allesha Sheevis in an abandoned workhouse welcomes everyone. Its interior’s surprisingly cheery. Colorful posters cover the brick walls, bearing slogans like “A full stomach lifts the spirit” and “Tomorrow is a new day.” Clusters of paper strips, arranged to resemble flower bouquets, decorate spotless wooden tables. The food is nothing to write home about yet it’s free which is all that counts, payed for by 1 or 2 hours of work.
  • 7 The Scratch Wall: There stands a stone wall nearly a block long and as tall as a storm giant. It’s all that’s left of a protective bulwark. The wall, made of a soft black stone from Gehenna, has proven to be an irresistible lure for every berk with a chisel or a piece of chalk and something to say. For a basher with a few hours to kill, it makes for interesting reading. And the basher who looks close enough might pick up some useful information.
  • 8 The slags: The most miserable section of the Hive Ward is the Slags, are a endless expanse of gray ash, raw sewage, and smoldering debris. Streets strewn with bones wind past mountains of bricks and rubble. This all happened after one little intrusion, one little aberration in which the Blood War seemed to spill into Sigil. This permanently disrupted the landscape; continual earthquakes make rebuilding an exercise in futility. Left-behinds include gangs of flesh-eating vargouilles and slobbering dretches. However many brave this area because the tanar’ri troops hid many emergency supply caches in the Slags. Some hold worthless tanar’ri rations, but others contain weapons, treasure, and magical items. Supply caches resemble black sandstone cubes, about 6 feet per side.
  • 9 Bright wind: Bright wind refers to 2 things firstly it refers to a racers bar that is constantly on the move for fear of reciprocity specialising in racing anything that can fly the Echo Wave Riders love the thrill of the race. The Bright wind also refers to a astral phenomena that happens at random intervals allowing one to race through the planes by some unknown guidance the Echo Wave riders are always present when it arrives and all ride it. To join you must race the spirits outside the lightining barrier.
  • 10 The old mill: a large stone structure located on the edge of town near to where many trails lead into The Hollows. The mill has stood for generations, although no one knows who built it or why. All attempts at starting a business or living within have ended violently
  • 11 The Iron Chariot, a notorious tavern located in the heart of Charhollow. The Iron Chariot is renowned for its strong drinks, lively atmosphere and shady dealings. Its patrons are merchants, smugglers, gamblers and ne’er-do-wells from all corners of Sigil’s society. It’s said that anything can be bought and sold within these walls - if you know who to ask.
  • 12 The Strangfords vault: This imposing brick building is a financial powerhouse for the city of Sigil, and its vaults are rumored to contain untold wealth. The bank’s upper floors house the offices of some of the most powerful figures in town, while its lower levels contain an extensive network of tunnels that lead to all corners of Charhollow. It is heavily guarded both inside and out by a small army of security personnel.




Laborers returning from work shout greetings to friends and families. Groups of people cook and eat together at communal cook-fires. Children run wild, playing at hunt and-peek and catch-the-ghost.


Steep inclines cut with crude stone stairs, twisting alleyways, dirt and cobblestones. Bridge Road, Canal Street, Hill Street.


Stacked one- or two-room homes, cheap tenements, ramshackle apartments, well worn taverns and public houses.


  • Hutton. A refugee and former soldier, now the leader of an anarchist revolutionary movement, bent on forcing the government to acknowledge the rights of the poor in the Ring. (Brave, Compassionate, Wise)
  • Briggs. The owner of a merchant stall at Charhollow market, cover for a network of gossips, spies, and code-smiths among the working class people of the district, selling their services to those who need them. (Secretive, Sneaky, Cautious)
  • Corben. An ex-military cager on the lam for crimes against the divined. (Tough, Reckless)
  • Retzz a document forger who has elevated it to a art form , a thin-lipped tiefling. There’s no handwriting or imprint that he can’t duplicate. Just finding him can be a problem. If a cutter makes it known on the streets that he’s in the market for a little “pen work,” Retzz may run him down. (artist, vein, skittish)
  • Kaydx: Kadyx is a deadly carnivore of magical origin. His identity and species remain a mystery. Some known features are it is intelligent, has a sense of humour (shown by displaying bodies in unique ways), has large claws, strong magic resistance, emits a strong cinamon odor and never leaves the slags. (Ravenous, smart, Sick humour)
  • piro locke: Owns a number of discreet, well-guarded storage spaces, and has a strict no-questions policy. If it’s illegal, it’s certainly stored by Locke. (honorable, wealthy, confident)
  • Lady Lullabye: A powerful witch and fortune-teller with a dark reputation for truth-telling and curses alike many go to her to learn the truth of a partner before a score. (Unsettling, prophetic, Occult)
  • The Rat King: An infamous criminal mastermind whose network extends throughout Charhollow and beyond. Known for his influence over the vermin of the city and for their belief in the strength of numbers. Their may in fact be many rat kings. (numerous, influential, zoophilist)
  • The Flit: The mysterious figure known as the Flit is a legendary figure. Rumored to be an ancient ghost, the Flit has been spotted by some at moments of great chaos and destruction, often intervening on behalf of those who need help. It is said that if you find yourself in a dire situation and call out for aid, the Flit may appear to lend assistance. (ghost, helpful, gallant)
  • Lissandra the Gate-seeker: a prime who is one of the most knowledgable individuals on portals in the cage. She makes it her mission to learn as much as she can and share this infromation with everyone as any true anarchist would. She’s the furthest thing from a flirt, as she hates being reduced to an object of beauty inspite of her beauty. Methodical and patient, she doesn’t care how long it takes to get needed information from a traveler, but she never grills or threatens her quarry. (inquisitive, unassuming, direct)
  • Unity of Rings: a deva : who is keen to give out information cautionary but won’t step in and change the course of events if doing so would require his special powers, as he believes in what he says — time will tell. In conversation, he strives to connect everything and is likely to return to a point long since left behind or leap ahead to an idea that doesn’t seem relevant at the time. Does however give good advice if you can get it out of them. (watchful, even-tempered, circular)



Security and safety

    • 2/4

Criminal influence

  • 1/4

Occult influence


Charhollow is a turbulent and politically charged neighbourhood, their is a permanent devil’s bargain relating to the revolution or any other form of political violence



Lower Ward:

This ward got its name from the many portals to the Lower Planes that’re found here. These doorways have changed the place, so their’s more smoke, steam, and cinders in the air than there should be. The Lower Ward’s the source of most of the foul industrial smogs that sometimes choke the city, brownish-yellow blankets of stinging sulphurous gas that cling to the air and linger as a stench in clothes for days afterward. Too long outside in the Lower Ward and cutters’ throats get raw and their eyes teary. After a while, the quantity of foul miasma absorbed by their skin gives it a sickly pallor, often accented by boils or pustules. Their eyes grow hollowed and dark, their hair pale. The Lower Ward’s the only one that scars a berk’s face.

The smoke and ash of the Lower Ward are easiest of all to identify, for their acid bite is unmistakable. Grime and sulphur from the Lower Ward’s fires coat every available surface, their soot and acid slowly etching black paths into the stone and rusting iron. Most statues and roof tiles are entirely eaten away within 40 or 50 years, and statues must be enchanted against corrosion.Folks in the Lower Ward are secretive and stubborn. Most of the craftsmen feel like they’ve got trade secrets, and they’re always wary of strangers, even customers. Their moods aren’t helped by the number of fiends that haunt the dives and flophouses tucked in back alleys, or by the barmies who slip out of the Hive by night to prowl.

The lower ward is a nearly nightmarish place to live for almost all people, while not quite the crime ridden hell hole that the Hive ward is the conditions in the lower ward are just as bad. To begin with the smoke and ash given off by the fires of the lower ward are dangerous to life and their are many Queen’s Alms here that exclusively pay attention to helping people who are struggling to breath from the Smog. This Smog also provides cover for most people and means that the blind hour is almost constant within the ward. In addition Dunslough is a sad place to live as it is covered in prisoners under the cruel lash of the guards of Ironhook constantly working and toiling away at jobs that free people couldn’t be paid to do. Dunslough is one of the least populated wards which has lead to many weird unexplorered sites across it. Additionally the entire area is swarming with stampers and all know that they should hide whenever the bells ring about a escaped prisoner.

Both places as with anywhere in Sigil are places filled with opportunities from the Mire in Dunslough, to the shattered temple or even the Ditch their are many unexplored areas that could bring a cager vast fortunes. Similarly Coalridge has it’s opportunity if you can find it in the smog be it the junkyard, the old rail yard or even the great foundry all of these places can help a cager to better themselves and at least move them to a better ward and quite honestly that’s all most can hope for.

The lower ward aint too bad if you can afford the right treatment or if you don’t mind coughing up blood and only living till your 40

A upbeat foundry worker talking to a Eladrin about his home.

The factories and general smoke within the lower ward have caused massive air pollution this epedemic progressively chokes the lungs of those who live here. Anyone spending large amount of time outside without proper equipment or help gains level 1 harm “Coal Lung.”




Coalridge is home to most of the machinists, industrial laborers, and factories of the city. It’s a cramped, soot-choked, and loud—spewing dense clouds of black smoke, showers of sparks, and burning cinders. The old elevated train lines that once hauled coal now carry heavy equipment and raw materials to and from Gaddoc Station, though many of the ancient tracks and cars have been abandoned to squatters who’ve converted them into makeshift homes


  • 1 Coalridge Mine. The first structure to be built in Sigil and it’s original industry it is beyond ancient and literally predates planes of existence. The mine still operates over 100,000 years later, though demand for coal has dropped sharply as the ring adopts electroplasmic power more and more widely.
  • 2 The Old Rail Yard. Before Gaddoc Station was built, this industrial rail yard was a center for commerce in the city. The Old Yard now serves only a couple heavy cargo trains daily, with many of its rail cars rusted in place where they were abandoned.
  • 3 The Ironworks. The Ironworks is a sprawling collection of massive industrial workhouses. Cruel foremen drive indentured laborers around the clock to keep up with the massive production demands to replace and refit leviathan hunter ships as well as the need for goods transported out.
  • 4 Brickston. The joint most packed residential area in Sigil (alongside the maze). Brickston is a cramped jumble of multi-story brick row houses, stacked one atop the other. Many of the toughest scoundrels of the underworld hail from here, learning the harsh lessons of survival and gang life within its dark maze.
  • 5 Silent Cathedral: A hidden shrine dubbed the “Silent Cathedral” exists deep beneath black rock road, offering sanctuary among the gloom – but only at night. It’s known to be a meeting place for some of Coalridge’s shady characters, so tread lightly within its walls.
  • 6 Combshite Junkyard: This bleak scrap heap is located on the eastern edge of Coalridge, and it serves as a popular hotspot for criminals to acquire illicit supplies and goods.
  • 7 Grim Hollow Mine: A deep mine located outside of Coalridge that has been abandoned due to its dangerous conditions and lack of resources inside it’s depths. Rumors persist that supernatural creatures lurk within its tunnels.
  • 8 The Garrison: ran by the guard, guardians and a collection of mercenary companys they work together collectively training each other often through large scale engagements and actions intended to build bridges.
  • 9 The Golden Bell: a pawnshop for the poor and the desperate. The Bell carries weapons, armor, kitchen goods, tack and harness, jewelry, supposed spell keys, holy and unholy symbols, maps, and more. A few are magical or at least of superior workmanship. All goods are available for half the usual price, with no returns or promises of quality. The Bell is also famous as the home of a fence named Marisha the Fox, an alu-fiend whose left leg was crippled years ago, forcing her into semi-retirement. The bell has been robbed many times but the robbers almost always wind up floating face-down in the Ditch.
  • 10 The crucible: The crucible’s a dirty, sprawling complex of workshops, warehouses, storage yards, and furnaces. The Godsmen work it nonstop. By day it belches smoke and steam, and by night the district’s lit by its fires. The products of the foundry, petty metal goods needed by everyone throughout Sigil and beyond, are the Godsmen’s major source of jink. They make tools, hinges, pots, nails, and anything else that can be fashioned out of iron. Their skills aren’t very great; very few of their wares are fancy work, but they’re all strong and serviceable. Fiends are said to choose this neighbourhood to do business with mortals.
  • 11 The Hands of Time: This amazing shop is a little piece of Mechanus, brought somehow complete to the heart of Sigil. Entire sections of it rotate and move and gyrate, with sliding floor sections, crude (and open) elevating platforms, and doors that open and shut by invisible hands. It even has its own clocktower and eternal lamppost. The individuals who call the shop home spend their time creating a vast variety of any type of invention from music boxes, humanoid automata, arcano-mechanical songbirds, spell-driven engines for drills and other obscure but durable technologies. They will pay handsomely for any interesting mechanical apparatus brought to them. The craftsmen are unwilling to sell any of their constructs, though they will give them away in exchange for favours. Nothing leaves that doesn’t work - which means an awful lot of dangerous half-completed or failed projects are lying around the shop to be scavenged for parts.
  • 12 The forgotten vaults: There’s an area below Coalridge full of old mining tunnesl and vaults from another era gone past — and there among forgotten technologies lie strange artifacts waiting for those brave enough to find them.
  • 13 Angel Plaza: This monumental plaza, complete with sculpted gardens and reflecting pools, was constructed by one of Coalridge’s oldest wealthy families—and rumor has it that secret pacts are struck here and the sculptures watch over these pacts and punish those who break them.




Soot-covered workers hacking up black bile as they trudge home from the factories. Heavy rail cargo being unloaded by crane. Street tough waifs running wild. A factory boss lashing a worker for an infraction. Squatters cooking a meal in the coal engine of an abandoned train car.


Multi-level, crowded with crates and discarded junk. Elevated rail lines. Dunvil Way,Black Rock Road, Wright Street, Crane Street, Forge Street.


Tall and narrow brick row houses with belching chimneys, metal-clad factories and warehouses, train cars converted into dwellings.


  • Master Slane. A notorious factory foreman known for excessive and cruel punishment. Many attempts have been made on his life, but all have failed. Some say he’s a devil or a outsider. (Cold, Cruel, Sadistic)
  • Belle Brogan. A factory worker gaining popularity as a union organizer. It’s only a matter of time before a factory boss tries to make an example of her. (Charming, Confident, Bold)
  • Hopper. A drug addict, Whisper, and all around weirdo who perches on rooftops in the district. Hopper claims to see “spirit train tracks” stretching beyond the horizon. (Weird, Visionary)
  • A’kin: A yugoloth who runs a magical trinkets shop in the lower ward. Most think they are up to some sort of nefarious scheme but none know what it is because he’s just so damm friendly and makes lovely conversation. . He acts like he’s playing a game that his customers can see right through; still, he and they follow the rules of social decorum, neither side admitting that they know it’s a game. (evasive, friendly, gracious).
  • Kesto Brighteyes: This gnome runs a book store called the parted veil as far away from the other furnaces as possible a place where any Cager — from a cross-trading peeler to a perfumed noble — can buy all manner of texts: histories, novels, dictionaries, maps, spellbooks, biographies, newspapers, and anything else a berk’s likely to want. The very walls and ground floor are built of books. To browse, a body’s got to tread across the spines of row after row of hardbound volumes, one title after another passing under her feet. Has a Bodak named Cleve who was at one point a paladin who died and retained his memories. ( industrious, sincere, paternal.)
  • Ylem: a rogue modron infected by a Slaad ylem takes in anything that it see’s in Sigil as laws of the city and so now hits a person on the head alongside other ecsentric things. A competent magician in addition they are currently working to create chaotic living spells whenever possible. ( impressionable, unassuming, systematic.)
  • High Mechanic: Silvia Wildis, a self-made engineer and innovator who designed the Clockwork Menagerie in Coalridge; she is now one of the most powerful figures in mechanical engineering. (inventor, amputee, artist)
  • Mr Warlock – A powerful and mysterious figure in Coalridge, it’s said that Mr Warlock knows all of the city’s secrets - and has knowledge of things even before they happen. Those that keep his favor will undoubtedly benefit from his wise guidance. (wise, foresight, picky)


  • 1/4

Security and safety

  • 1/4

Criminal influence

  • 1/4

Occult influence


Because the factories in the lower ward operate around the clock, there’s no ideal time for clandestine crime here, but foremen are happy to be bribed to “take a break” or look the other way. The devil’s bargain broken, faulty or rogue machinery is always present.




Dunslough is a ghetto for the destitute poor of the city, as well as the site of Ironhook Prison and its labor camp. Originally, the ghetto was a neighborhood for families of prisoners, but over the years, extreme poverty and neglect have worn it down into a sodden ruin. A vicious cycle plays out here: crime driven by desperation, then arrest, incarceration, and release back to Dunslough—giving Ironhook an endless supply of laborers to exploit


  • 1 Ironhook Prison. A towering metal fortress, where the worst (or most unlucky) criminals are incarcerated. The poorest are forced to work at Dunvil Labor Camp. The most well-connected prisoners manage a comfortable stay, and may even continue to run their criminal enterprises from behind bars.
  • 2 Dunvil Labor Camp. Poor prisoners who can’t afford to bribe the staff at Ironhook spend most of their days toiling at Dunvil Labor Camp, loading precious ores onto barges for the rail station and breaking the larger rocks hauled from the Mire.
  • 3 Dunslough Ghetto. The most destitute of the city end up in Dunslough, working the Mire for a pittance just to buy their daily bread. The city counts the space as “runoff ” for the prison grounds, and does nothing to maintain it.
  • 4 The Mire. A massive mud-quarry pit, the Mire is the site of the impact of an ancient something, which left behind a variety of precious ores in the earth.
  • 5 The Clock Tower This tall clock tower is located in the center of Dunslough and has become a beacon for all in the district it’s chimes are loud and tell all when work starts and ends. It’s also home to some of the city’s more nefarious inhabitants and serves as an unofficial gathering place for cultists and other shady characters looking to conduct their business away from prying eyes. Mysterious clockwork creatures allow only one group in at a time.
  • 6 The sacred well. within the Ring is a holy place (allegedly) it is said to be filled with ancient magic and power from long ago times you can only ever find your way here once and many are searching for it.
  • 7 The Dunslough Theater: An abandoned theater once a prime attraction it was in this theatre that 28 Midas assasins tried and succeded in killing the queen. Now on the edge of town it plays host to a variety of strange and mysterious events after being abandoned due to the pain of the memory of what happened here.
  • 8 the old north port a now obsolete port that was abandoned when the lightining barrier was built for unknown reasons said to hold many a lost treasure and fortune. Said to once be a pit stop for those travelling abroad, outside the lightining barrier.
  • 9 The Bones of the Night: This is a cavern complex among the catacombs near the Ditch in the foulest-smelling region of the prodigiously odorous Lower Ward. The entrance is a gaping hole that fills an entire fire gutted building; a ladder with rungs of bone leads down into the obsidian darkness. In this richly appointed salon one may ask the master of bones Lothar the Old a question which he will then ask the vast collection of skulls in his possession as the dead know many things. In addition he will pay handsomly for skulls the more they know the better.
  • 10 The Ditch: a foul and reeking morass where corpses (partial and otherwise) seem to sprout overnight. Its waters are corrosive, and most bodies become unrecognizable within hours of being dumped - a virtue as far as most Cagers are concerned, but a devilish problemfor the stampers. Rumor has it that the Ditch is a backwater of the Styx; though few bashers’ll actually admit to seeing a marraenoloth sailing on it, everyone seems to know the friend of a friend who has. Don’t believe ‘em. At night, even stubborn souls refuse to work here for fear of the Ditch Beast, an almost certainly mythical animal that they claim devours those who linger near the festering waters during the gloomy night hours.
  • 11 Harbringer House: This is the madhouse of Sigil the Stampers take the truly insane and gently confine them here. Their most infamous charge is Sougad Lawshredder, the dreaded mass murderer. Within lie nexus upon nexus, portal on portal, all behind many locked doors. Strangely enough, even berks who have walked past it a thousand times seem to forget that they’ve seen it. The house and those who service it are said to be memory proof.
  • 12 The Shattered temple: The Shattered Temple stands at the heart of a zone of destruction several blocks across. The area’s been a ruin for a long time, as anyone who knows anything about Sigil can testify, but there’s no clear hint as to what caused it. The best guess is that it involved the Lady of Pain and a conflict with a rival power. Whatever the cause, the area’s considered ill-omened by most, many outsiders seek enterance but are prevented consantly by the order of the ashen dawn.
  • 13 Wailing Wells: A series of ancient cistern wells found near an abandoned convent that contain forgotten remains—and sinister secrets long-forgotten. Uncofortably close to the mire for anyone and some claim the wells were formed by offshoots of the Mire as it fell.
  • 14 The Mistwood: Miles upon miles of dense evergreen forests that blanket much of the area, concealing its secrets as well as many lurking predators who stalk travelers through its seemingly endless depths. This forest was created by raddiant energy but has long since abandoned the light the chant about the creatures within terrify almost all into not venturing within.




Mud-covered laborers returning from the Mire. Destitute families scrounging for scraps along the roadway to the Barrowcleft farms. Bored Ironhook guards, rifles slung on their backs, watching a taskmaster lash a labor camp prisoner.


Cramped, multi-level—some of stone but many of dirt, sodden into thick black mud. No street names to be found.


Decrepit wooden row houses, many abandoned from fire damage or fallen-in from age. Stone silos, clanking steam machinery, and metal sheds for dredging equipment.


  • Master Krocket. An unsavory, greasy-haired, scarecrow of a man who runs the snarling pack of vicious dogs used by Ironhook to track down escapees and sniff out contraband and tunnels. His dog-handlers can be found around the labor camp and all about Dunslough, using their status with the prison for favors and bribes. (Cruel, Greedy, Ruthless)
  • Vandra. A deathlands scavenger that survived six runs and was pardoned. She knows the landscape beyond the barrier very well—but few can make sense of her haunted mumblings. (Haunted, Wise)
  • Nicols al’Nim-Amar the leader of the concordant knights a collection of fourth and fith children of nobles who have taken a oath to find the sacred well. Each Knight is as distinct as they can be from each other. This tight knit group is comprised of unique, colorful characters. Currently exploring the strange untouched areas of Dunslough. (leader, glib, hopeful)
  • Tattershade: Tattershade lives in the tunnels near the ditch These tunnels are arranged entirely for defense, for Tattershade lives in constant fear of.. . something, something he will not reveal even to his trusted lieutenants. He leads a group of wererats and never speaks. (Terrified, sneaky, paranoid)
  • The Grixitt: a criminal who despises the lady, every night she travels around the city and by using a set of one of a kind planar wards she slams shut a portal they are placed around. None know why the Lady has let her live but she is wanted by the King’s agent’s badly. (obsessive, paranoid)
  • Qaida: a Assaimar fond of asking probing deep questions that seem to somehow know a Burks hidden secrets and delights in talking to them. She will also buy the rights to a persons future corpse when they are quite drunk before they realise their mistake she’ll sell it back to them for a favour. Seems to have some sort of relationship with a shadow creature who threatens those who try and get out of their contract. ( dignified, exacting, cold.)
  • Rule of three: A cambion chant monger who is knowledgable about the abyss and other things. However whenever he responds to a question he gives three answers and tends to give these answers in as long winded and confusing manner as possible. He sells semi seintient viper tree’s and is able to talk to a massive sentient patch of razorvines known as the patch. (mischievous, scheming, helpful (on occasion))
  • The patch: a sentient patch of razorvine : Patch absorbs blood and then drips it down the tower wall to spell out two- or three-word answers to simple questions. The more blood it’s given, the better answer it can provide. (self aware)
  • The Us: A psionically awakened swarm of rats that is rarely ever seen but it’s reach is long, hiding from the dabus the Us is a formidable adversary and possesses potent psionic and magical powers. Parakk the gihterzari is their mortal face to others. Hates the god brain and looks to grow their number. (resolute, power-hungry, directive.)



Security and safety


Criminal influence

    • 2/4

Occult influence

  • 1/4

The main threat in Dunslough isn’t gangs it’s the guards of Ironhook prison who know for a fact that the reach of the rest of the law dosen’t stretch to the smoke and smog of Dunslough. The devil’s bargain bored Ironhook guards or escaped prisoners always exists.




A place to rot for many scoundrels in Doskvol who are unlucky enough to get caught. But also a place of luxury and special treatment for those at the top of the heap. Ironhook is easy enough to sneak around as long as you can avoid the omnipresent watching towers, the ‘Panoptes’ and the electroplasmic charged hot floors. The central courtyard is heavily guarded by well armed guards and trespass means almost certain death.


  • 1 Cell Blocks B, C, D and F are all general population cell blocks guarded relatively lightly compared to the general courtyard
  • 2 Cell Block A is a special confinement. Nominally it’s the same as Cell Block E. In reality it’s the block for the wealthy and powerful criminals that find their way into Ironhook and have special treatment. They even get (small) windows
  • 3 cell block E is separate population. Again it’s nominally the same as Cell Block A. However it’s actually for criminals however it’s actually for criminals with records either so heinous or inflammatory that general population would prove hazardous for their health. While a dead criminal is cried over by no one, it’s bad press for the guards, and they know that their spirit wardens will not stop moaning about it.
  • 4 Block G or the sky block is aboveground and open to the wind. Prisoners with Egregious crimes against the city are kept here for periods of time.
  • 5 Block H or the soil block is underground and kept completely silent. In fact some say it doesn’t exist. Prisoners with life sentences who have overstepped, those lined up for execution and those who flout the rules constantly are sent here and prevented from making any noise. This is also where Dr Xhu supposedly conducts their reconditioning experiments.
  • 6 The central Panopticon standing 30ft taller than the prison itself the central panopticon towers over the rest of Iron Hook allowing the warden to stare down imperiously at all of the different prisoners. It’s within here that all the Sparkcraft technology is controleld for the prison and where the Board meets to discuss the sentences of each individual prisoner.
  • 7 the penthouse the personal spending habbuits if Warden Bafma F’rozz are legendary and as such his personal quarters inside of the prison reflect this excessive spending. Every square inch is lined with silks and cottons, beautiful art adorns the walls and jewels and gems can be seen shining throughout his personal quarters. Like anyone with that much money he also enjoys many a vice within these oppulent quarters, a particular favourite is trading sexual favours with family members or friends of prisoners in return for better treatment.
  • 8 the lighthouse The lighthouse is the name given to the church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh chapel within IronHook Prison. Led by sister Theala it offers a second chance and a opportunity for forigvness. Many prisoner initally gravitate here for time off work or the promised good word to the Board of Contrition but many of the most fanatical and devout members of the church have seen the light within and gone out to do further good things.
  • 9 the pit the pit is a personal favourite of the guards and a despised part of the prison for those within. Guards may call it other things to superiors but the pit is a fight ring prisoners are put within the ring goaded to fight each other then let loose while guards bet on the outcome, drink laugh and be merry with each other. Fights aren’t usually to the death by ‘accidents’ happen.
  • 10 the pound the hounds of Ironhook are trained and kept here, fed a steady diet of the flesh of prisoners and rage essence these hounds are fearsome and have to be trained relentlessly to obey the guards. Another common sound in Ironhook is the yelp of dogs being punished for not obeying their owners.
  • 11 stiches so named because anyone who enters here and is seen should expect to need some soon this is the Watchdogs outpot within the prison where they provide evidence against cases to the board, keep track on new gangs and prisoners and every so often take tips from prisoners in return for a good word a dull featureless office block reminiscent of a confessionary.
  • 12 The cove the guards spend most of their time in the prison and the warden enjoys the good stuff and so the prison has cultivated a small garden in order to create a variety of differet foods and have made within the prison a small underwater ecosystem. Prisoners are sent within here to harvest these aquatic delicacys for the guards meals and then the guts, eyes and any other bits left over and pounded and crushed up with mushrooms to form the gruel for the prisoners often if the guards want cooperation instead of just beating you up for it they may offer one of their meals instead.
  • 13 the stacks the prison library also known as the stacks is unique in that alongside information about laws, basic mathematics or other educational activities that Queens Alms voolunteers teach it also provides a collection of diaries from famous incarcerated prisoners. Prisoners are encouraged to write a diary or dictate it for someone else to join this as the prison recieves a stipend from the Page for this as does the individual prisoner. This has led many more well educated prisoner to keep themselves safe by promising the imoortality of the written word to others. Although difficult to access the combined criminal knowledge in the stacks is extensive and it’s a veritable what’s what to crime.




grey uniformed prisoners trudge to receive metal trays smeared with ‘nutritious’ sludge in the canteen. Black booted guards shine harsh electroplasmic lights into the cells. Screams echo down the halls as an unsee prisoner is dragged to solitary or execution.


Dunvil Block, Rowan Block, Penderyn Canteen, Stagford Recreation Room, Clelland Commissary. Secret Location: the sewers, mantientece passages within the walls, crawlspaces inside the floors and ceilings and tiny ray


  • Virgo/prisoner 120-920: virgo is a arms dealer within Ironhook where they get all of these things well the prevailing theory is that they are a agent for Reddington, the hive, the starless veil or even the watchdogs. However these conflicting ideals are all incorrect as the truth is far stranger Virgo works for none of these instead he is contracted by a second underworld underneath the prison a underworld of rats and rodents that operates a small undercity beneath the prison. These conflicting myths serve to keep them alive and their goods are great as such who cares where they come from. (loner, poorly educated, young)
  • Kacey/Prisoner 998-201: one of the few bright spots in the prison for the downtrodden. Kacey as they tell it was once a up and coming bard in Whitecrown and Brightstone however due to a unfortunate dalliance with both sides of a marriage (at the wedding no less) they were imprisoned promptly to avoid embarrassment. Now she tours the prison itself telling stories setting up card games, playing “shows” and generally providing some entertainment. Some are convinced theirs more to the story than that but none are prying because it’s something to look forward to. (protected, humorous, performer)
  • Rothchild/ Prisoner 189: the oldest prisoner in Ironhook anything she don’t know about the prison isn’t worth knowing has been in the prison longer than the current warden has been in charge situated in cell block B by choice has strong relationships with most people. Noone knows what she did and she isn’t talking about it. (old, informed, quiet)
  • Rattus/Prisoner 846-4524 Cell Block F’s leader. Unaffiliated with any criminal gangs. Sharpened yellow teeth. Said to have eyes everywhere in Ironhook even in the walls. Covered in black occult ink. (unpredictable, iron-fisted leader, measured)
  • Officer Cusara: the bad cop to his partner’s, Guard Haig’s good cop. Has a habit of tapping his truncheon on his thigh, the wall or the bars of his favourite fucker’s cell. (leering moustachioed, baton happy)
  • Bracken/Prisoner 847-7327: said to be the black sheep scion of one of the noble houses, put in her for her own safety. Spends most of her time in special population with a conglomeration of contraband that the guards choose not to notice. (insightful, obsessed with insects, fragile)
  • The Board of Contrition: the nobles and board members of the prison who decide the fates of the unlucky prisoners of Ironhook. Three of the seven are called to hear please and pass judgement. Justic is apparently blind and so are they-when they take cases, any identifying prisoner details are erased and they wear ceremonial blinded masks to talk with the parolee. However bribes are rife if they can be identified. 3 members are picked at random meaning that deep pockets, extensive information networks or clairvoyance are needed to bribe the board. Members of the board The scale, The scroll, the gavel, the fasces the feather the pillar (can be bribed, masked and blinded, ‘figureheads of justice’)



Security and safety

        • 4/4

Criminal influence

        • 4/4

Occult influence

    • 2/4

Anyone doing scores in Ironhook has 0 load you may smuggle a number of total items equal to your tier plus one. In addition the devils bargain roving guards is always on offer.



The Lost District

The lost District was once the cultural capital of the Ring with museums and art gallerys of the mundane, technological and magical variety. However the entire district fell victimn to a plague produced somewhere or accidentally brought into the district from outside it’s effects were so deadly that the district was walled off and abandoned. The second plague was Midas, taking advantage of the plague began to take over the district filling it with workshops and laboratories as well as dangerous experiments.


  • 1 The Blue Baths: At one point the Blue Baths was a place that individuals would go to focus on particular problems. The waters within contain a unknown collection of drugs and chemicals which when you are submerged within clears your mind of memories and thoughts except for one allowing full focus on the problem at hand. This is followed by immersing yourself into another bath to return everything back to you. However after it was abandoned and it’s attendants left this process has become dangerous and many have become trapped memoryless within the baths until they starve to death yet this dosen’t stop people from seeking it out as it ensures that you have complete focus to solve one particular problem with your entire mind.
  • 2 The Haven: None are entirely sure what the haven is or was and anyone who does know isn’t sharing but it is the only “safe” place in the Lost District. Protected in it’s entirety by a still functioning ancient wardnet from before the lightining barrier, animated armours and a host of other defences the Haven has as far as anyone knows not had a living soul inside of it since the district fell. Whatever is within must surely be valuable and many have gone seeking it yet all have returned wounded or never returned at all…
  • 3 The Pulpit: At some point in the past it was vogue to ask for advice from outsiders such as angels or devils which was what the Pulpit was created to support. The garden in the centre of the building was retrofitted to contain a large number of private summoning and binding circles for those who could afford it to ask outsiders their questions. After the Lost District was abandoned many of these summoning circles began to break down and the entire area is now overrun with outsiders.
  • 4 North Hook Asylumn: A derelict asylum that once housed the city’s mad and afflicted or it was supposed however about half of the inmates were elderly relatives imprisoned so others had access to their money. Now overrun by vengeful ghosts and haunted by the tormented souls of its former inmates, the North Hook Asylum is a place of supernatural terror. The asylum holds secrets about the the past of many important people.
  • 5 The Veil’s Embrace: A mysterious grove hidden within the Lost District, untouched by the corruption of the district. The Veil’s Embrace is an oasis of twisted trees, shimmering flowers, and haunting melodies. Which somehow grow without the use of radiant energy. It is said that those who find solace in this ethereal sanctuary can dream themselves into the ghost field gaining incredible insight and find respite from the chaos of the city.
  • 6 Shadespire: the location where shadeglass was produced a substance that could store the spiritual essence of the dead. This allowed the rich to store their wisdom within the depths of ornate mirrors, flowing glass fountains, crystal looking‐stones and other marvels forever and they are worth their weight in gold.
  • 7 Briarwort Abbey: at one time this was the pride and joy of the district briarwort abbey is now a shell of what it once was. Once a abbey dedicated to the church of the excstasy of the flesh it preached against the ghost field and talked of a better life as well as a home for many women fleeing crime or hiding from their families. When the district fell many had nowhere to run to and so abandoned their teachings. Now it is home to a coven of whispers who have delved deep into the ghost field.
  • 8 The Whispering Market: A clandestine gathering place for arcane practitioners and occult enthusiasts. The Whispering Market appears only during certain phases of the moons, and its location shifts mysteriously. Here, forbidden artifacts, mystical ingredients, and esoteric services can be found, all traded under hushed whispers and secretive glances. Unlike other markets their is no guarantee of safety in addition the sellers are both ghosts, outsiders and even horrors not everything here costs money.
  • 9 The Inspiration Institution: A haunting gallery filled with forgotten masterpieces, The Inspiration Institution is a haven for artists who operate on the fringes of society generally due to the perverse or taboo nature of their work. The works on display here defy convention and explore the depths of human emotion, often pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. Within the gallery’s shadowed hall artists and enthusiasts discuss their work which seemingly has a striking resemblance to outsider or horrors and many learn much about them by looking at the paintings.
  • 10 The executed idols: Within the lost district their is a garden of statues yet every time someone returns to the garden the statues are changed and have shifted as if someone remade them. Weirdly enough the statues seem to preempt or foretell important assasinations or murders and many use this to get a advantage on the ring by knowing the crimes that will happen before they do. Some have tried to reshape the statues to show a crime that they want yet the statues shatter when touched like this.




Groups of ghosts floating through the streets lost and reenacting their last moments. Impossible experiments and horrors hunting each other through the ruins of the city. Worried bashers sneaking out of houses laden with valuables and a vast variety of art.


Single level covered in dust and what was left behind when the district was evacuated a lack of rail lines. The streets are made of broken stones with names such as Clarity Passage, bard row, Museum Boulevard.


Lavish, detached and artistic houses with faded colours of all sorts making them stand out from each other. Each street and building is covered in street art on their outsides that would catch the eye if it wasn’t so dangerous.


  • Ra Endymion: Ra was and is a member of the Guardians who was tasked by the knight themselves with a specific duty. To take one of two blades in the dark with them and run and hide it forever. These blades when found tear the ring apart and after the slaughter caused from the last one which the guardians intervened with he is tasked to run with it forever. (loyal, courageous, carrier, deadly, ancient)
  • Baron Sathonyx: A drug kingpin who once was the terror of Crow’s foot using a collection of flying boards to run the skys. He fell afoul of the unseen and fled to the lost district. (high, exile, rebel)
  • Kassar: leader of a group of mercenaries called the unsung who were trapped within the lost district. Since then he has carved out his own turf but the unsung’s numbers are steadily diminishing. They all communicate in their own uinque ciphers. (deadly, cordinated, mecurial, meticulous)
  • Sa’ra’am: A engineer who worked in the lost district before it fell apart and was abandoned and was working on building the first psalm powered locomotive. However during his experimentation it exploded covering him in metal and energy yet he didn’t die instead he is now able to shift the metal at will making him deadly. (fluid, angry, well armed)
  • Father Kardozia: a inventor and artificer who was dying from a fatal condition and sought any way whatsoever to extend his life. However he failed to do so before he finally died but his assistance used a combination of psalm, clockwork and other machinery to revive him bringing him back from the gates of Hel. Enraged he killed this assistant and has worked within the Lost district since then he is searching for his own ghost. (dead, ressurected, emotionless, hunter)
  • The Shadow Dancer”: An enigmatic dancer renowned for her graceful movements and mesmerizing performances. What sets her apart is her ability to manipulate shadows, creating illusions and performing daring feats that defy the laws of physics. The Shadow Dancer’s shows are a mix of artistry and mystery, leaving audiences questioning reality. In addition she only hosts them in the lost district where the thrill and danger adds to the performances (graceful, daredevil, performer)
  • Luther: Luther was a monster hunter who became famous travelling into the deathland to hunt creatures that had slain other who explored the deathlands having learnt about them on the knights first trip into the deathlands. He makes his home in the lost district to allow him free access to the deathland. His home is filled with trophies from all sorts of creatures, horrors or abominations. He is said to know no fear. (knight, honourable, charismatic, blade master)
  • The frosts: a trio of identical triplets joined together with one mind and one train of thought collectively they possess extensive mystical power and are able to read minds and control people around them. Recently some of them have been divesting their thoughts from each other but they are still a potent force. (trio, identical, powerful, linked)
  • The predator: existing only as a myth or a legend within the lost district the predator is or was a experiment ran by the guild of engineers they hunt any who aren’t native to the lost district down and murder them horrifically taking their time and enjoying the thrill of the hunt. (sadistic, skilled, hunter, high tech)


      • 3/4

Security and safety


Criminal influence

    • 2/4

Occult influence

        • 4/4

The Lost district is outside of the lightining barrier and therefore is filled with electroplasmic horrors the devil’s bargain “your fight is loud and draws the attention of other things” is always avaliable




  • The Billhooks (ii) hold W: (1)

A tough gang of thugs wielding hatchets and meat hooks.

  • The Brigade (ii) hold S: (2)

The fire-fighters of the city. Beloved for their life-saving heroism, or reviled for their looting and extortion rackets. Also known as “Sallies” (from “salamanders,” their ancient name).

  • Stamper (iii) hold S: (3)

The City Watch of Sigil, tasked with upholding the law. Known as the meanest gang in the city. Corrupt, violent, and cruel.

  • Cabbies (ii) hold W: (4)

The public coach operators. They also breed the large Akorosian goats used to pull the carriages. An impressive gossip network.

  • The Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh (iv) hold S: (5)

The “city’s religion,” if there is such a thing. They honor the life of the body and abhor the corrupted spirit world. Essentially a secret society.

  • The Circle of Flame (iii) hold S: (6)

A secret society of antiquarians and scholars; cover for extortion, graft, vice, and murder.

  • Citizenry: (7)

The ordinary citizens of a district can be represented by a faction, if you want to track status with them in the game. The GM will set their Tier according to the wealth and power of the citizens in that district (Whitecrown might be Tier V, The Docks Tier II, Charhollow Tier 0).

  • City Assembly (v) hold S: (8)

The council of representatives of the divined and other groups within the city that run the city

  • The Crows (ii) hold S: (9)

An old gang with new leadership. Known for running illegal games of chance and extortion rackets.

  • Cyphers (ii) hold S: (10)

The messenger guild of the city. Cyphers swear sacred oaths of secrecy—never revealing the contents of their messages or the identities of their clients—or so they claim.

  • Deathlands Scavengers (ii) hold W: (11)

Convicts from Ironhook and desperate freelancers who roam the dethlands beyond the lightning barriers.

  • The Dimmer Sisters (ii) hold S: (12)

House bound recluses with an occult reputation.

  • Dockers (iii) hold S: (13)

The hard-bitten laborers who work the docks.

  • The Mentors (iii) hold W: (14)

A group of highly effective military stratergists and inteligent fighters who test new technology for anyone.

  • The Forgotten Gods (iii) hold W: (15)

Cults that attempt to follow the old ways from before the calamity, doing the bidding of outsiders and darker things. There are many cults, who rarely organize together. An individual cult is usually Tier I or Tier II.

  • The Foundation (iv) hold S: (16)

The powerful ancient order of architects and builders. Many of their enemies have disappeared behind the brick and mortar of Sigil.

  • Gondoliers (iii) hold S: (17)

The canal boat operators. Venerated by ancient tradition. Said to know occult secrets (many things are submerged in the Wrenhaven).

  • The Gray Cloaks (ii) hold S: (18)

A crew of former Stampers turned to crime after being framed and expelled from the City Watch.

  • The Grinders (ii) hold W: (19)

A vicious gang of former dockers and leviathan blood refinery workers.

  • The Hive (iv) hold S: (20)

A guild of legitimate merchants who secretly trade in contraband. Named for their symbol, a golden bee.

  • The Horde (iii) hold S: (21)

A mass of hollows, all united in some fell purpose, controlled by an unknown power.

  • The guardians (VI) hold S: (22)

The elite forces of the Knight stationed in Sigil. Garrisons are posted at Gaddoc Rail Station, at conflict zones, aboard the floating castle the paragon, and at the divined stronghold stronghold (about 250 troops in total).




  • Ink Rakes (ii) hold W: (22)

The journalists, muckrakers, chant mongers, and newspaper publishers of Sigil.

  • Watchdogs (iii) hold S: (23)

The criminal investigators of the City Watch. They have a reputation for ethics and integrity (no one likes them). They present evidence for prosecutions to the city magistrates. Appointed by the Lady… maybe

  • Ironhook Prison (iv) hold S: (24)

Where many scoundrels spend the bulk of their lives. Several criminal organizations are run by convicts inside its walls.

  • The Lampblacks (ii) hold W: (25)

The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their services were replaced by electric lights.

  • Leviathan Hunters (v) hold S: (26)

The captains that grapple with titanic demons of the Void Sea to drain their blood for processing into electroplasm.

  • Lord Scurlock (iii) hold S: (27)

An ancient noble, said to be immortal, like the Lady. Possibly a vampire or sorcerer or something else. Obsessed with the occult.

  • The Lost (i) hold W: (28)

A group of street-toughs and ex-soldiers dedicated to protecting the downtrodden and the hopeless.

  • Consorts of vengance (iii) Hold S (29)

Agents of the queen this all female group enacts their vengance exclusively against those who take advantage of or abuse the people. Not often seen but when they are they act brutally in a display of bloodletting that few forget.

  • The Path of Echoes (iii) hold S: (30)

A mystery cult that borders on open rebellion against spirit laws. They revere the ancients, and seek to gain knowledge from the past—including consorting with ghosts.

  • Rail Jacks (ii) hold W: (31)

The men and women who protect the electro-trains of Sigil from the savage spirits of the deathlands. Have recently been making noises about forming a union.

  • The Reconciled (iii) hold S: (32)

An association of spirits who have not gone feral with the passage of time.

  • The Red Sashes (ii) hold W: (33)

Originally a school of ancient Iruvian sword arts, since expanded into criminal endeavors.

  • Sailors (iii) hold W: (34)

The crews of the Leviathan hunter ships battle scarred and haunted from their journeys

  • The Silver Nails (iii) hold S: (35)

A company of mercenaries turned to crime when the freedom war ended. Renowned ghost killers been around for years.

  • Planar Refugees (iii) hold W: (36)

Desperate survivors of the a multitude of conflicts or disasters, forced to criminal opportunities when denied all others.

  • Sparkwrights (iv) hold S: (37)

The engineers who maintain the lightning barriers. Also pioneers of spark-craft technology, indulging in dangerous research.

  • Spirit Wardens (iv) hold S: (38)

The bronze masked hunters who destroy rogue spirits. Also run Bellweather Crematorium and research artifacts scavenged in the deathlands. Membership is secret.

  • Ulf Ironborn (i) hold S: (39)

A brutal prime newly arrived in Sigil, fighting everyone for turf.

  • The Unseen (iv) hold S: (40)

An insidious criminal enterprise with secret membership. Thought to pull the strings of the entire underworld.

  • The Weeping Lady (ii) hold W: (41)

A charity and pseudo-religion, honoring the first new Queen of Sigil, Lotho, said to be a champion of the poor. Linked to some revolutionaries.

  • The Wraiths (ii) hold W: (42)

A mysterious crew of masked thieves and spies.

  • The Flux Society (ii) hold W: (43)

An old cult known for its magical drug trade and deadly combat techniques derived from their odd martial arts discipline.




  • The first and only (III) Hold S (44)

The First and only otherwise known as Gaunt’s Ghosts are a regiment of the stampers given complete discretion over their own actions known for achieving success against impossible odds.

  • The Gloam (iv) hold S: (45)

An enigmatic order with a deep arcane understanding of dark magic that lurks in hidden places throughout the city’s ominous unlit labyrinths. In this maddening darkness their slaves construct dangerous paranatural devices.

  • acolytes of brashkadesh (ii) hold S: (46)

A collective that eschews individuality. Initiates adopt the same garb and the same name, in the pursuit of perfection at any cost.

  • concordiat knights (i) hold weak: (47)

Often accompanied by a motley crew of adventurers, these dozen or so colorful characters have the blessing of the city assemblyto pursue a quest for something called the Light of the World or the sacred well.

  • conclave 01 (ii) hold S: (48)

Independent, sentient Urforged led by an ancient Urforged known as the Prime. Working to control the production sites and gain control over artefacts required to generate true sentient machines.

  • Echo wave riders (ii) Hold S: (49)

Pilots that organize illegal races, take mercenary work, or test dangerous new engine/flight technologies for the Sparkwrights or the guild of engineers. They wear a pin that shows how many races they’ve won

  • borniko syndicate (iii) hold S: (50)

A tightly knit group of thieves who steal high end technological supplies. Man, the sparkwrights hates these guys.

  • agony (iii) Hold W: (51)

Cult of mostly humans who infect themselves with deathland creatures to access the ghost field in unsettling ways. Named after the pain most endure for their abilities.

  • counters guild (iv) Hold S: (52)

Officials of the King who maintain the value of the currency build shadow repositories in all the wards the Guild has a presence in, storing mysterious items and securing auctions and commerce.

  • ghosts (ii) Hold W: (53)

Scientists and artificers who, due to a mishap with a portal, live in a half-phased state. The Page and spirit wardens offer significant bounties on them and their lab the Skeleton Key—dead or destroyed (but certainly not alive).

  • sah’iir (iv) Hold S: (54)

Tall, ebon-skinned xenos who travel with blindfolded servants that speak for them. The only known workers at the bank a creepy black metal building. Collect taxes for the city.

  • nightspeakers (ii) Hold W: (55)

Mystics with dark proclivities bent on seeking a set of dangerous Factol artifacts.

  • The Starless veil (v) Hold S: (56)

The page’s network of informants and spies. Currently seemingly at odds with parts of the City assembly and are working to undermine specific members though which member is unclear.

  • scarlet wolves (iv) Hold S: (57)

Although they often hire themselves out as bounty hunters, the Scarlet Wolves are a renowned group of assassins. Each bears a distinctive tattoo of a wolf holding a star in its mouth.

  • Suneaters (iv) Hold S: (58)

Factol-archaeologists and scientists obsessed with recreating lost magics. Looking to travel to the sun in the centre of Sigil in pursuit of their goals.

  • vignerons (iii) Hold W: (59)

A small handful of immortality seekers using artifact tech implants and chemicals distilled from the living; several of them have been around for hundreds of years. Most were powerful before their transformation, though they now conceal their true identities.

  • vorex (iv) Hold S: (60)

The most successful information broker to ever live. Can access any Map tablets, some urforged or open psalm tech in the cage though no one can explain how. Frantically seeking her sister, who the Counters Guild took hostage.




  • wreckers (i) Hold W: (61)

Scavengers, thieves, and brilliant forgers who incite factions to fight so that they may pick the battlefields clean later.

  • yaru (makers guild) (ii) Hold W: (62)

Guild that force-grows clones for labor. Clones are short-lived, have a symbol on their foreheads, and are supposedly only barely sentient. Folks are distinctly uncomfortable around the clones.

  • The Blue Rose Distillery (tier ii) Hold W: (63)

At one time a well known alchool producer recently came under new management and now they produce potions and elixirs and are a smuggling front.

  • Murmur (tier i) Hold W: (64)

A mysterious figure, expert at manipulating Sigil’s bureaucratic systems.

  • The Surgeons Guild (tier ii) Hold W: (65)

A well reuputed union of physickers who offer their serves for a reasonable price.

  • The Botanic Guild (tier ii) Hold W: (66)

A leader in the production of useful plants and alchemical components, which they sell widely to physickers and alchemists.

  • Strawmill house (tier ii) Hold S: (67)

A orphanage in the centre of Crow’s Foot most who pass through here are trained to be criminals from a young age.

  • Fenger (tier i) Hold S: (68)

A mysterious and powerful mystic he has contacts in the heart of most factions and employs and trains whispers.

  • Sabaz (tier i) Hold S: (69)

A renegade spirit warden who defected from the organisation, with a unknown agenda and a expert at hiding himself.

  • The Blackfires (tier ii) Hold S: (70)

A gang of ghosts, brought together in a pact to achieve prolonged undeath by violent means.

  • The Brasshats (tier i) Hold W: (71)

A renowned crew of Rail Jacks, known for rarely losing men on the job and for defending trains from record numbers of ghosts.

  • The Red House (tier iii) Hold S: (72)

A secret club for whispers and their ilk.

  • The Moss Men (tier i) Hold W: (73)

A order of clerics who form part of a growing deathlands cult serving the same function as Spirit Wardens.

  • The Briarwort Abbey (tier i) Hold S (74)

A coven of witches based in the lost district and attuned to the ghosts within.

  • The Help (Tier iV) Hold W: (75)

A network of servants, waitstaff, cleaners, and the like. Common folk that are overlooked, unseen, and easily ignored.

  • The Charterhall Leviathans (ii) Hold W (76)

A gang of university jocks who have recently formed a competent criminal enterprise.

  • The mystai (iV) Hold S (77)

A group of powerful learned mystic with a debilitating curse.

  • sign of one (ii) Hold S (78)

A small group of individuals who believe reality exists in the minds eye and as such can be changed.

  • Society of sensation (iii) Hold W (79)

A group who believe reality only counts if you experience it then you understand it.

  • Transcendent order (iii) Hold S (80)

A group who focus on training the body and mind to act in harmony.

  • Knights and servants of the ward Tier (ii) Hold S (81)

A group of rich and entitled thieves who deal with the boredom of life by pulling of massive scores.

  • priests of the abyss (iii) Hold S (82)

The priests and followers of the abyss known for making deals with anyone.

  • guilds of the market ward (iv) Hold W (83)

The guilds of the market ward only value money and can find and sell anything.



  • astropaths guild (iii) Hold S (84)

The guild of learned savants who believe that the void sea can and should be mapped.

  • wayfinders guild (iii) hold S (85)

a collection of prophets and visionarys who listen and hear the void sea in their every waking moment.

  • The Aether ghosts (ii) Hold S (86)

Seemingly impossible ferrymen who are able to take individuals through the deathlands if you can pay the ferryman.

  • Ashtari Cult (III) Hold W (87)

Worshipers of ancient beings who all claim ancient lineages. They inhale gases from the Ashtari Cloud to connect to their presumed ancestors.

  • Guild of Engineers (V) Hold S (88)

One of the Guilds, responsible for resource acquisition in the deathlands, psalm production cybernetics and urforged advancement, Ethereal Inteligences, tech advancement, and research.

  • Vigilance (I) Hold S (89)

Warrior mystics that seek to enforce an ancient code of justice on those they find wanting

  • Dyrinek Gang (I) Hold W (90)

Mostly young, disenfranchised cagers who have turned to crime and found strength and solidarity with each other

  • The First Hydra (IV) Hold S (91)

A single, vast and crushing entity with many limbs and hundreds striking fangs, operating under a single malevolent will.

  • The Kinclaith Detective Agency (III) Hold W (92)

A group of embittered, alcohol-soaked flatfoots, working as bounty hunters, mercenaries and strikebreakers.

  • The Legion (I) Hold S (93)

A small group of individuals, that operate as a hivemind

  • The Keepers of the Flame (I) Hold W (94)

A small history obsessed cult of arsonists

  • The Red Right Hand (VI) Hold S (95)

A mysterious squad working only for the Divined disavowable and hyper-elite the red right hand can solve any problem or the Red crows can end it permanently

  • Sanguine Sorority (II) Hold S (96)

A coven of student fake-vampire witches

  • Banshees (II) Hold S (97)

A terribly qualified but entirely unlicensed underground research society.

  • Epitaph (II) Hold S (98)

Assassins that use the arcane to kill.

  • The Seven-Score Ripper II Hold S (99)

the most dangerous prisoner in Ironhook Prison

  • The Cogmen III Hold W (100)

A rough collection of steadily degrading expert hulls

  • The angels of the divined IV Hold S (101)

Brainwashed assassins who work for the divined

  • Raymund Reddington IV Hold W (102)

A one time member of the unseen now striking out on their own the concierge of crime

  • Frequency-611 IV Hold W (103)

Sparkcraft devices and magitech items across the ring periodically recieve messages transmitted by unknown means on this frequency making promises.

  • The vaultkeepers III Hold S (104)

A outsider item that contains the power to subjigate spirits and other outsiders that has aquired a cult following.

  • Thermophiles IV Hold W (105)

A elite team of mercenaries who are mind wiped to ensure loyalty to their buyer and respond with overwhelming force

  • The ‘Paladins’ of Thule III Hold S (106)

Folk heroes who fought monsters who became corrupted and are now monsters in their own right.

  • Nine Grey wrenchers I Hold S (107)

A band of outlaw heroes who protect the lower classes, defined by their signature weapon- an unremarkable but sturdy wrench.



  • Skeleton Crew I Hold W (108)

A group of lowlife scavengers who somehow became immortal.

  • The Chaos Star III Hold W (109)

An occult but influential sect that worships the far realm they believe that the levithans are far realm creatures and worship them.

  • Overseer IV Hold S (110)

A rogue paranoid EI obsessed with data gathering and spying which serves mainly as an information broker in the underworld however increasingly others are seeking to use it for their own purposes.

  • The God Reaper II Hold S (111)

A hive-mind infection dedicated to the destruction of all religions and cults it’s members could be anyone anywhere and are wielders of madness as a weapon.

  • Empyrean Hunters II Hold W (112)

A network of big game hunters who scour the ring, planes and beyond for exciting prey.

  • The Curators I Hold W (113)

At one time a faction of extensive influence and power laid low by what they knew hiding and seeking to rebuild they still know many secrets

  • The Excommunicated III Hold S (114)

A collection of outsiders and other malignant spirits bound to bodies of metal to avoid the eyes of the guardians and the laws of others.

  • The Steel symphony III Hold W (115)

Ring renowned smiths and blade artists who grow, shape and mould their blades or other weapons using only their minds.

  • The Mercy killers IV Hold (W) (116)

Once what amounted to the guard within Sigil the Mercy Killers have another calling protecting the veil.

  • Nightfall III Hold W (117)

A group if operatives who rage against the dying of the light by wallowing in the darkness with many dark powers at their disposal.

  • The eye of God IV Hold W (118)

The Eye of God is an organisation dedicated to the study and improvement of humanity, but they do so in a very unusual, harsh way. When times become too peaceful and order establishes itself too solidly, making people complacent, the Eye of God strikes, introducing chaos and conflict into the mix.

  • The raven brothers I Hold S

A small band of noble knights infected and cursed by evil outsider blood who wish to rid the world of evil and use their curse for good.

  • The order of the Ashen Dawn III Hold S

The Order of the Ashen Dawn are spoken of in hushed whispers and respectful tones even by those who are unlucky enough to count them as enemies. They are the final guardians of the Sealed Temple and the keepers of its darkest treasures against hostile outsiders.

  • The Curst II hold W

A group of criminals who have committed a crime from which they couldn’t forgive themselves. Instead as penance they take on the burdens of others to make attonement.

  • The Cognitae III Hold S

The Cognitae school turns genius intelects into incredibly dangerous individuals. Trained to notice everything around them and use it all as a weapon. Often working together in a “matter of the most pleasant fraternal confidence”

This isn’t a exhaustive list of any factions and others can and should be added if their issues become a main focus point for the players.



Factions in depth

The following sections represents how the factions are viewed by themselves and by others, therefore they aren’t absolute truths rules that every member obeys. Player action or other factors can and will change. Faction descrptions are vague and the enemies and allies list and intentionally contradict themselves. Flashbacks or other aspects of player backstories can declare faction details about the settings.

The Brigade II

The influential group of heroes responsible for saving many homes

Faction clock

  • Procure a series of elementals to support their jobs 0/8 (G)
  • investigate the effect of fire on the ghost field 0/8 (S)
  • arrange a meeting with the ashen senate 3/4 (R)
  • Turf : The brigade claim the whole city as their turf,they focus on mainly residential areas from their stations in each ward.
  • NPCs Chief fire officer Tessa Quill (leader, committed, corrupt, loyal) Watch Manager Ruiz Santiago (Old, respected, effective, reliable), Firefighter Luis Gomez (adrenaline junky, looter, criminal)
  • Notable Assets: Fire immune gear, many brigade stations across the entire ring, fire engines, Fire starting gear and explosives.
  • Quirks: The Brigade believe that fire is a purfying force and that sometimes fire can be used to cleanse areas of the darkness members oten burn themselves.
  • Allies: The City Assembly, The citizens, The stampers, the guardians, the foundation, the lost, the weeping lady, planar reffugees
  • Enemies: The Lampblacks, Sparkwrights, the keepers of the flame.
  • Situation: : The Brigade are a controversial force in the ring as most agree that they are neccessary however many complain that their houses while saved from fire are missing valuables after the fact. In a effort to protect the brigade from fire Tessa is investigating alternative ways to fight fire potentially through elementals. Also their belief in the power of flame has influenced them to pay attention to how the ghost field reacts to fire as they’ve noticed that sometimes burned bodies don’t release a ghost.

The Billhooks tier II

A tough gang of thugs who prefer hatchets, meat hooks, and pole arms

Faction clock

  • Terrorize magistrates to pardon members in prison 1/8 (S)
  • repay debt to reddington 5/6 (G)
  • Turf : A butcher shop (HQ), stockyard, and slaughterhouse. Animal fighting pits and gambling dens. Several terrified merchants and businesses, which they extort.
  • NPCs Tarvul (leader, serving life in prison, savage, arrogant, family man). Erin (captain, Tarvul’s sister, confident, deadly, ambitious). Coran (thug, Tarvul’s son, fierce, loyal, quiet)
  • Notable Assets: A large gang of bloodthirsty butchers. A pack of death-dogs. Resources to get rid of a body quietly, a understanding of the security for a local magistrate, Indebted to raymund reddington
  • Quirks: The Billhooks have a bloody reputation, often leaving the butchered corpses of their victims strewn about in a grisly display. Many wonder why the stampers turn a blind eye to their savagery.
  • Allies: The stampers, The city assembly, scarlet wolves, Raymund Reddington
  • Enemies: Ulf Ironborn, The Lost, Citizenry of Crow’s Foot and the Docks.
  • Situation: Erin and Coran both want to take control of the Billhooks gang, either when Tarvul gets too old (which will be soon) or by taking the position by force. There is no love lost between Erin and Corran and they’ll have no qualms about fighting a family member for leadership. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang wants to continue their reign of terror to pressure a magistrate to pardon Tarvul and other gang members and release them from Ironhook.



The Stampers tier III

The City Watch of Sigil. Known as the meanest gang in the city. Corrupt, violent, and cruel.

Faction clock

  • Procure bigger budget, military arms, equipment and magical support 3/8 (G)
  • End the production of shimmer city wide 7/8 (R)
  • Turf : The Stampers claim the whole city as their turf, but find their influence severely limited in Whitecrown, where the forces of the divined hold sway under command of the knight
  • NPCs castellan Clelland (commander of the City Watch, corrupt, cruel, arrogant). Watch master Michter (chief instructor, ambitious, fierce, confident). Watch master Vale (quartermaster, loyal, insightful, quiet).
  • Notable Assets: Many large gangs of vicious thugs in uniform. Armored coaches and canal patrol boats. Public punishment sites (pillories, stocks, hanging cages). The wyrm for public punishment, the power of the knight diffused through the ranks.
  • Quirks: : The Stampers are divided into companies by district, and they have fierce rivalries, encouraged by their superiors—often good-natured, but sometimes violent.
  • Allies: The City Assembly, The Billhooks, The Crows, Ironhook Prison, Lord Scurlock, The Unseen
  • Enemies: Most criminal organisations, the guardians, Dyrinek Gang
  • Situation: : The stampers have become jealous of the elite hardware and vehicles used by the Guardians. They want to refit their watch-guards in heavy armor and weapons, to better strike fear into those they prey upon. As well as develop their own magic support to challenge the more occult gangs.

Cabbies Tier II

The public coach operators of Sigil an impressive gossip network

Faction clock
  • Secure new financing for their coaches 0/6 (G)
  • create a more secure variant of their normal coaches 0/6 (R)
  • Turf: The Cabbies claim every major street and thoroughfare as their turf however they are limited in particularly poor or rich areas who either can’t afford or pay for better transportation
  • NPCs Frank Martin (defacto leader, extremely professional, deadly, quiet), Carlos (adventurous, knowledgeable, quick, driver), Jimmy (ecentric, driver, unique perspective, detour prone)
  • Notable Assets: A fleet of nearly identical black coaches, a herd of Akorosian goats, a well connected gossip network based of off the movement of people and overheard gossip, several very professional and dangerous drivers. A prototype cab that needs arcane warding.
  • Quirks: All cabbies are filled with the smell of burning incense, some coaches are weirdly cold to the touch cabbies are incredibly superstitious and won’t move groups of 13 and take a break after every 12 trips.
  • Allies: cyphers, Raymund Reddington, ink rakes, the help, guilds of the market ward
  • Enemies: gondoliers, echo wave riders, watchdogs
  • Situation: : the cabbies are a staple of Sigil a reliable body that will take you wherever you want to go. Within reason. Known for respecting kindness, not having a true leader and being incredibly superstitious the cabs are respected by most with money to afford them but never talk to the watchdogs. The cabbies led by Frank Martin are looking to create a offshoot of their normal service that is a heavily armoured, warded and protected high security travel service as of yet they haven’t had any luck or sponsors.




The “state religion” honors the life of the body and abhors the corrupted spirit world. Essentially a secret society

Faction clock
  • Unlock the secret of ascension 5/12 (S)
  • Eliminate the Reconciled 0/12 (R)
  • Turf : The Sanctorium grand cathedral in Brightstone. Many other smaller temples across the city.
  • NPCs : Elder Rowan (leader, devout, resolute, visionary). Preceptor Dunvil (arcane researcher, unorthodox, obsessive, enigmatic, no longer afraid of the future) Brother Lucian (charismatic, musician, preacher, rising star)
  • Notable Assets: A large treasury of tithes from citizens. Extensive arcane and occult libraries, workspaces, and artifacts. Many cohorts of acolytes and hollows who enforce the will of the Church’s leadership. The ability to create blanks beings who have had their soul and spirit destroyed they lack any presence in the material realm or the ghost field (see favourites). Knowledge of magic and runes to force compliance and empower hollows. Their bible known as the word is the most widely published book in Sigil. The ability to destroy a soul through a extensive ritual but you kill the personality within losing the body and the life within.
  • Quirks: Zealous believers volunteer to be hollowed to “become purified.” This was once common among the ancient cult of the Empty Vessel, which preceded the Church. Proclaims the truth of science.
  • Allies: City Council, Leviathan Hunters, Spirit Wardens, vignerons
  • Enemies: The Path of Echoes, The Reconciled, The Gloam, vorex, the blackfires, Ashtari Cult
  • Situation: The purest beings (according to secret teachings of the Church), are those entirely without spirits: the outsiders. Outsiders are immortal, but never fade into madness or lustful hungers as rogue human spirits and vampires do. They are perfect; and the most devout of the Church seek to become as they are, to unlock the secret of ascension. Many dark experiments and rituals with hulls, hollows, vampires and the rare outsider are conducted in the labyrinthine dungeons below the Church’s chief cathedral in Brightstone.
the metholodogy of the church

The Imperial Truth is the name given to the atheist, rationalist, and materialist ideology It was an ideology defined by the core values of reason, respect for the methodology of science and secular progress. It was intended to replace the older traditions of religion, superstition and faith. The church of Ecstasy embodies this believing that the individual and science will bring in the future and at the soul and ghost are a weakness. Therefore outsiders and beings without souls are immune to this weakness.



A refined secret society of antiquarians and scholars; cover for extortion, graft, vice, and murder.

Faction clock
  • Acquire all the ancient artifacts of Kotar 0/8 (S)
  • find the hand of Kotar 5/12 (R)
  • Turf : The Centuralia club, Six Towers (HQ).
  • NPCs : The Seven (leadership): Elstera Avrathi (Fey diplomat, secretive, gracious), Lady Drake (magistrate, cunning, ruthless), Raffello (painter, visionary, obsessive), Lord Mora (noble, cold, suspicious), Lady Penderyn (noble, charming, patient), Madame Tesslyn (vice purveyor, sophisticated, subtle), Harvale Brogan (vice purveyor, shrewd, quiet).
  • Notable Assets: Vast treasury provided by wealthy membership. Impressive collection of ancient artifacts, maps, and ephemera. Highly trained and discreet private security force.
  • Quirks: One of The Seven is actually a demon in disguise.
  • Allies: The Forgotten Gods, The Path of Echoes, City assembly, The Foundation.
  • Enemies: The Hive, The Silver Nails, nightspeakers, agony, vorex
  • Situation: The Circle has an extensive library of scholarly works that catalog many of the arcane artifacts and valuable treasures that disappeared when the Lost District was abandoned outside the lightning barrier. Of special interest are the remains of Kotar, a legendary sorcerer, demon, or factol who was mummified before the calamity. The Eye, Hand, and Heart of Kotar are said to possess great power for those bold enough to risk their use.



City Assembly TIER V

The council of representatives of the divined and other groups within the city they run the city

Faction clock
  • election season begins 4/6 (R)
  • Turf : The city assembly chambers are in Charterhall, along with the attendant government offices and impregnable vaults. The assembly also holds ownership of all public spaces in the city, including streets, docks, and waterways.
  • NPCs : Representitives of each divined a 5th member potentially called by the Lady, the sixth a representative from the underworld (lilith abfequarn, curator, collector, mystic, manipulative) and finalyl the 7th appointed by public votes. Knights rep (the decapitator)
  • Notable Assets: A massive treasury of coin and valuable goods. Many officials, barristers, clerks, and officials. The public coaches operated by the Cabbies.
  • Quirks: The members of the Council are all high-ranking adepts in the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. Some of them are also secretly initiates in the Path of Echoes. The competing nature of the different factions in the assembly often means this faction will work against itself,
  • Allies: the stampers, The Church of Ecstasy, The Circle of Flame, Lord Scurlock, The Brigade, Cabbies, Sparkwrights, The Foundation, the guardians, the divined, concordat knights
  • Enemies: Watchdogs, The Reconciled, vorex, grey cloaks, suneaters, murmur
  • Situation: Election season is coming and all 7 members may change, those who are acting in the divine’s best interest are seeking to advance their interest to retain their position whilst the criminal underworld is preparing itself for a potential blood bath.


An old gang with new leadership. Known for running illegal games of chance and extortion rackets.

Faction clock
  • Reestablish control of Crow’s Foot 2/6 (G)
  • Rise in Tier 0/6 (R)
  • Turf : Claims all of Crow’s Foot as their turf. Everyone in the district pays up the chain to them. HQ in an abandoned City Watch tower. Operates gambling dens in Crow’s Foot and extortion rackets at the Docks.
  • NPCs : Lyssa (leader, brash, killer, noble family, magical). Bell (second-in-command, loyal).
  • Notable Assets: A veteran gang of thugs and killers. A number of small boats. A fortified HQ, the fear of other gangs in Crow’s foot for the moment. A collection of 10 faberge eggs worth a fortune.
  • Quirks: Roric’s body was lost during his murder (it fell into a canal). His vengeful ghost is now at large in the city..
  • Allies: The stampers, Sailors, The Lost, Citizens of Crow’s Foot.
  • Enemies: The Hive, watchdogs, Dockers, red sashes, bill hooks, grey cloaks, wreckers, the first hydra, the lampblacks.
  • Situation: Lyssa murdered the former boss of the Crows, Roric. She is a fearsome killer, and few want to cross her, but her position as leader of the Crows is uncertain. Some were very loyal to Roric. As the power-play continues, the Crows’ hold on the district just might slip away.



Cyphers TIER II

The Cyphers are the elite messengers guild of the city never revealing their contents.

Faction clock
  • Rise in tier 0/6 (R)
  • Establish a reputation for reprisal 1/8 (G)
  • Hire a mentor 1/4 (S)
  • Hire profficent mercenaries to train them or fight for them 1/6
  • Turf: The Cypher’s don’t claim any part of the city as their turf however they have a series of hang outs across the city where the different messengers will wait to be given messages. Additionally some major factions have a cypher in there hq or nearby for messages.
  • NPCs :The courier queen (leader, unknown, respected, clued in, ruthless), Liana (resourceful, discreet, efficent, whisper) Leo (skilled, intelligent, problem solver, inventor) Selma Dal (enforcer, possessed, brutal, deadly)
  • Notable Assets: a large number of well trained and professional messengers these messengers are very agile and dexterous, a constantly updated map of the city’s roof tops allowing them to travel rapidly, small Carved wooden boxes to store the messages and documents they are delivering, these are often trapped warded and locked. Identified someone who killed a cypher.
  • Quirks: Ciphers each have a small tattoo of a envelope placed on their hand during initiation if they open a message this envelope changes to being open, Ciphers relentlessly police themselves to maintain their reputation.
  • Allies: everyone depending on the message they are carrying
  • Enemies: everyone depending on the message they are carrying
  • Situation: The Cypher’s are currently a small but elite organisation which their leader, the unknown individual called the courier queen, is trying to change. They are looking to expand their scope and ensure that they dominate the message carrying scene. In addition recently more of there messengers have been dying or deciding to break there bonds and read the messages they are looking to cement the reputation that those who kill the messengers will regret it and similarly any messenger who breaks there contract will die for it.


Convicts from Ironhook and desperate freelancers who roam the dethlands beyond the lightning barriers.

Faction clock
  • Obtain pardons (repeating) 4/8 (G)
  • Turf : A few precious hold-fasts in the deathlands, secured by ancient rites against spirits. Hunting grounds to feed on the few strange animals that survive in this wasteland.
  • NPCs : Lady Thorn (leader, haunted, brave, caring). Richter (hunter, patient, quiet, deadly).
  • Notable Assets: Generators, lightning hooks, gas-masks, air tanks, and other essentials of deathlands survival. A secret ancient book of ritual sorcery.
  • Quirks: Possession is a common hazard, and scavengers either learn to deal with it, or go mad and vanish into the darkness of the wastes. Those still in Lady Thorn’s company have adapted well and suffer only minimal ill effects from possession.
  • Allies: Forgotten Gods, Gondoliers, Spirit Wardens, agony, aether ghosts astropaths guild, the moss men.
  • Enemies: Ironhook Prison, stampers.
  • Situation: Condemned prisoners are sometimes given “mercy” and sent into the deathlands rather than being executed at Ironhook. A few survive, thanks to Lady Thorn and her deathlands scavengers, who take them in and train them in the ways of deathlands hunting and survival. The scavengers hunt for lost artifacts and treasures in the wastes, to sell or trade in the city, sometimes for enough to buy a pardon and return to life within the barriers once again.




House-bound recluses with an occult reputation.

Faction clock
  • Dominate the spirit trade 0/6 (G)
  • Obtain arcane secrets (repeating) 0/4 (S)
  • Turf : Fine old manor house and grounds (HQ), as well as the ancient temple ruin and subterranean canal beneath. Apothecaries and witches in their service.
  • NPCs : There is no single leader of the Sisters; their true names are not known. Roslyn (servant, patient, loyal, arcane) deals with contacts outside the house. Irelen (spark-craft tinkerer, loyal, enigmatic, obsessive).
  • Notable Assets: A private electroplasmic generator, lightning barriers, and spirit containment vessels. Many spirits bound to service. Each sister is said to have communed with their death which walks alongside them like a old friend which guides, protects and provides them power making each a potent whisper. The sisters can summon a paradisiacal compass using a ritual which allows them to be guided through the ghost field. A favour from the Mystai.
  • Quirks: The precise number of sisters is unknown. Some say they are an ancient family of possessing spirits. Others say they are vampires. Everyone knows that if you go into their house, you never come out again..
  • Allies: The Forgotten Gods, The Foundation, agony, ghosts, night speakers, fenger, briarwort abbey.
  • Enemies: Spirit Wardens, The Reconciled, the gloam, the flux society, sabaz, blackfires, the red house
  • Situation: The Sisters have been slowly and secretly consolidating the trade of captured spirits and spirit essences in Doskvol for several decades. Only a few remaining rivals stand between them and domination of the market. Do they have an ulterior motive for acquiring so many spirits and essences, or is this purely a matter of wealth and power?

The Dockers Tier III

The hard-bitten laborers who work the docks.

Faction clock
  • Create and power a Leviathan bone hull 1/6 (S)
  • protect their territory from other gangs 0/10 (G)
  • Turf: A large dive bar next to the Docks (HQ), Ink Lane, The Maze, as well as anywhere that dockers live drink or work. Many labourers and workers call themselves members of the dockers.
  • NPCs: The Port warden Silverstone (leader, meticulous, insightful, foremen) Saffron White (fiesty, independent, corrupt) Alesia Taylor (sharp eyed, knowledgeable, analyst, methodical) Lucius Shilbottle (Brawler, Violent, Superstisous levithan blood addict)
  • Notable Assets: A vast group of workers across the entire docks, a collection of items that have ‘fallen off’ the ships in the docks, lot’s of extremly strong workers who work on the docks, a vast collection of levithan bones arranged into a vast array of weapons, tools and armour. A large collection of levithan bones. Tier 4 protection of the Leviathan bone horde in the maze.
  • Quirks: They have a strict code of honor and loyalty, and they’re not above using force to protect there own or breaking a few laws if they need to.
  • Allies: Leviathan hunters, Sailors, Astrpaths, Wayfinders, the brigade, citizenry of the docks, Stampers, Grinders.
  • Enemies: Conclave 01, Sah’iir, Sign of One, the Hive, the Flux society
  • Situation: The Dockers are ran by Port Warden Silverstone who knows everything about anything that’s happening on the docks. Nothing happens without his say so or knowledge. The Dockers are fighting a never ending war against the other gangs in the area trying to prevent them from infringing on their turf. Workers like Alesia Taylor try and prevent this working with the stampers to identify criminals. Silverstone and Lucius are working together to attempt to develop some sort of hull or armour or something entirely out of Leviathan bones to protect their territory.



The Mentors III

A group of highly effective military stratergists and inteligent fighters

Faction clock
  • fully understand combat in the ghost field 0/12 (R)
  • test new technologies 2/4 (repeating) (G)
  • protect their home base (repeating) 0/8 (S)
  • Turf The mentors claim a demiplane somewhere gifted to them by the divined as their home turf this is a secret location fiercely protected.
  • NPCs : Nisk Ran-Thawll (leader, teacher, wise, field tester) Nisk Ran-Thawll (mass combat specialist, master of insurgencys, trainer) Amadeus Kalus Incarius (soldier, tutor, loyal, brave) Anuradha Daaz (augmented, spy, missable, shy)
  • Notable Assets: Each individual mentor commands a almost comprehensive understanding of warfare at all levels and are able to use this tactically as well as individually in combat. Access to next generation technology that they test for the sparkwrights and guild of engineers. A highly fluid and adaptive command structure. The ability to vastly improve the combat ability of those around them increacsing their scale in group combat. Many individual mentors seconded throughout the ring to gangs or other groups. Testing aetheric grappling hooks currently.
  • Quirks: Every Mentor possesses a near-genius ability to observe, memorise and adapt to any situation this is either a gift from the guild of engineers or a arcane blessing noone is sure.
  • Allies: Guild of Engineers, Sparkwrights Guild, Thermophiles
  • Enemies: Cognitae, first and only, scarlet wolves
  • Situation: The mentors are a group of military theorists gifted with a extraordinary capacity for learning is especially true in all matters military. Their main pursuit is therefore one of perfecting the fusion between the fruits of military science and the art of war. This extraordinary boon means that every Mentor is the equivalent of a professor of military science and military history with many years of combat experience. In order to improve this knowledge they attach themselves to different warring factions and groups to gain more knowledge. Whilst this is their passion they have a more important role testing new technology from wherever it comes from and are willing to test anything when offered to them and provide detailed feedback. Their understanding of combat is extensive but has limitations in regards to the ghost field which they wish to expand into.

THE Forgotten Gods Tier I/II (general rules)

A cult of individuals dedicated to a particular outsider or darker entity

Faction clock
  • Some ability related to summon a avatar of there god usually 0/8
  • empower the lady of throns followers to try and stand up to the guardians 5/12 (S)
  • Turf: The cults of Doskvol exist in the shadows all over the city. They congregate in hidden and abandoned places.
  • NPCs : varies but usually a charismatic leader, a occult expert or magic expert, some form of bruiser
  • Notable Assets: Among the disparate cults, a few have some stumbled upon actual power in the form of ancient incantaions, demonic alliances, powerful spirits, incredible artifacts, and more unexplained things. Otherworldly magic, avatars of the god, cult followers. lady of thorns a tier 3 cult, a dragon made from black roses and thorns
  • Quirks: The cults of duskvol are unpredictably powerful. Additionally, some of them are conduits for ancient powerful creatures.
  • Allies: deathland scavengers, dimmer sisters, unseen, lord scurlock, circle of flame
  • Enemies: church of ecstasy guardians, stampers, starless veils
  • Situation: Cults that attempt to follow the old ways from before the cataclysm, doing the bidding of demons and darker things. There are many cults, who rarely organize together. An individual cult is usually Tier I or Tier II.



The Foundation Tier IV

The powerful ancient order of architects and builders

Faction clock
  • Discover Starless veil or Counters guild safe house 0/6 repeatable (G)
  • Awaken the creatures in the dark 0/10 (S)
  • Turf: A series of underground chambers connected to the high houses in Brightstone by secret passages (HQ) Throughout the entire city, there are secret rooms and passages built in the foundations and in buildings where members of The Foundation meet and keep tabs on everything happening in Sigil.
  • NPCs : Temir (Instructor at Charterhall University, Proud, Cruel, Wise, Patient), Kori (Architect for nobility in Whitecrown, Charming, Ambitious, Genius, Patient)
  • Notable Assets: Teams of builders, engineers, and architects, a small private army to establish security in dangerous neighborhoods during construction, countless safe rooms and underground areas only they have the maps too, ancient money and relics from before the cataclysm stored deep in the foundations of Sigil however the secrets to disable the traps for many are lost. A Accord with the Dabus. A collection of identical quintuplets assassins trained by the foundation to remove obstacles to their plans known as Dreambeat. Identified a Counter’s Guild safe house.
  • Quirks: On the surface people believe the Foundation is a normal science and architecture guild, in reality it is a secret society the society plans it’s goals in the centuries and designs and builds the city to fulfill there unknown designs.
  • Allies: The Dabus, Yaru
  • Enemies: The Counters Guild, the starless veil, the Gloam
  • Situation: The foundation thrives of off knowing everything that happens anywhere of significance throughout all of Sigil utilising Yaru clones to listen at walls for days on end then report back. They are attempting to expand this hold over the city to be able to listen in to all the factions and have turned their patient eye to the Counter’s guild using their maps to identify the locations of these shadow repositories. However this hasn’t gone unnoticed and the counters guild and the starless veil have begun to strike back. This has resulted in a shadow war fought between the guild, foundation and the starless veil within the hidden pathways around the city. The foundation have decided to wake up darker powers in the paths to give them the edge.


The canal boat operators. Venerated by ancient tradition. Said to know occult secrets (many things are submerged in the Wrenhaven).

Faction clock
  • Investigate desecrated hollows 3/8 (G)
  • Destroy spirit wells (repeating) 0/4 (done 2) (R)
  • figure out the importance of the desecration 0/6 (S)
  • Turf : The canals of Sigil. Even the Stampers’ canal patrol pays respect to them.
  • NPCs : Eisele (leader, serene, knowledgeable, fearless). Griggs (chief Whisper, strange, ruthless, haunted), Rose Caddel (kind, amusing, charismatic, negotiator)
  • Notable Assets: Fleet of gondolas and other water-craft. Map of known spirit wells and arcane sites across the city. A dedicated cohort of Adepts. Gondoliers are trained in ancient knowledge and occult secrets. A tier 4 map of the spirit wardens information on spirit wells within brightstone (+1dice) desecrated hollow bodies picked out of the Wrenhaven
  • Quirks: Initiation into the Gondoliers grants the Whisper’s. Compel Special Ability
  • Allies: The Lampblacks, Citizenry of all districts, concordant knights, Briarwort Abbey
  • Enemies: The Red Sashes, Spirit Wardens, the gloam, The Ghosts,
  • Situation: Killers have disposed of bodies in the canals of Sigil for centuries. The vengeful ghosts that rise from the corpses are a serious threat—a threat dealt with by the Gondoliers since ancient times. Before the Spirit Wardens, the Gondoliers protected citizens from rogue spirits and supernatural dangers of all kinds. The Gondoliers are beloved by most citizens, who prefer to go to them with “weird problems” rather that relying on the ruthless and indiscriminate judgment of the Spirit Wardens. A sudden influx of ritually disfigured hollows dumped in the canals has sparked investigation by the Gondoliers (the Spirit Wardens are pointedly ignoring the situation).




A crew of former Stampers turned to crime after being framed and expelled from the guard.

Faction clock
  • Secure Six Towers as their turf 4/8 (G)
  • Avenge their expulsion 0/8 (S)
  • Turf : The basement of a burned-down Watch station (HQ). Several apartments above a tobacconist in Six Towers. A pit-fighting arena and gambling den.
  • NPCs : Nessa (leader, scrupulous, daring). Hutch (second, brash, fierce).
  • Notable Assets: The Gray Cloaks have attracted other former Stampers to their crew, amassing a sizeable gang of trained enforcers. They have their old uniforms and badges and often use them to pass as the the guard some of them maintain the power granted to the watch by the knight. Several pieces of equipment alchemy supplies and weapons taken from the flux society.
  • Allies: The Inspectors, vorex, murmur, Fenger.
  • Enemies: Stampers, the guardians, Lord Strangford (Leviathan Hunters).
  • Situation: The Gray Cloaks are all former Stampers who were framed for a crime committed by their Watch station commander. Sure, they were skimming from the city coffers and taking bribes like everyone else, but they didn’t burn down the Watch station and destroy the evidence in the case against Lord Strangford (of the Leviathan Hunters). Several inspectors who were working the case know the truth but can’t prove anything—yet. Lord Strangford would pay well to have these loose ends removed permanently.


A vicious gang of former dockers and leviathan blood refinery workers.

Faction clock
  • investigate the effect of continued exposure to levithan blood 0/8 (R)
  • Obtain enough explosives to destroy the refineries 0/10 (S)
  • Turf : Abandoned dock warehouse (HQ) and underground canal dock.
  • NPCs : Hutton (leader, confident, volatile). Sercy (second, healed, defiant). Derret (toughest gang member, huge, shrewd), Sabina (mute, mutated, scared ,angry)
  • Notable Assets: A few small canal boats. Wrecking tools and explosives, some uncontrollable mutated refinery workers. A collection of siphoned and stored Leviathan blood for experiments. “Toxic Rain Suits” specially crafted suits that offer protection from the toxic rain. Skilled saboteurs within the Grinders specialize in infiltrating and disabling refinery operations.
  • Quirks: Some Grinders have been mutated by the toxic rain that plagues the refineries opinions on these mutations vary.
  • Allies: Ulf Ironborn, Dockers, Conclave 01
  • Enemies: stampers, Guardians, Leviathan Hunters, Sailors, The Silver Nails, gondoliers, the divined
  • Situation: The area of Lockport in the docks, processes 90% of the demon blood siphoned by the leviathan hunter ships of Sigil. The huge, churning refineries in Lockport have poisoned the area under a stinking cloud of toxic fumes and acid rain. A group of dockers and refinery workers from Lockport seek to source explosives to destroy the refineries. They call themselves “the Grinders.” To raise funds for their mission, the Grinders have turned to criminal endeavors, especially smash & grab looting and hijacking of cargo barges across the city. They are allied with the Conclave as many urforged are made in the area and also work and die in the refineries.




A guild of legitimate merchants who secretly trade in contraband. Named for their symbol, a golden bee.

Faction clock
  • Dominate the contraband market 0/8 (G)
  • dominate the drug trade 2/12 (R)
  • Avenge Roric’s murder 0/6 (S)
  • Find Roric’s murderer 3/12 (S)
  • Turf : Many shops, taverns, cafes, warehouses, and other mercantile establishments all across the city. No centralized HQ.
  • NPCs : Djera Maha (leader, bold, strategic, confident). Karth Orris (mercenary commander, ruthless, insightful, jealous).
  • Notable Assets: A massive treasury. Elite interplanar mercenaries on retainer. A fleet of transports, carriages, wagons, and private trains. As much Midas tech as money could possibly buy
  • Quirks: The Hive is known to avoid doing business with any occult or arcane groups. The Church of Ecstasy is popular among Hive members, who reject the superstitions and weird practices of the past.
  • Allies: City Assembly, Society of sensation, Guilds of the markert ward, raymund reddington
  • Enemies: The Circle of Flame, The Unseen, The Crows, The Wraiths, borniko syndicate,
  • Situation: Djera Maha grew up as an urchin. She learned all the secrets of vice and smuggling as she worked her way up the ranks. Having built up her acquisition and distribution network in the city (as well as within several planes) she is poised to take over all of the contraband markets. Maha had a close relationship (some say romantic) with the leader of the Crows, Roric, who was recently murdered by his second-in-command.


A mass of hollows, all united in some fell purpose, controlled by an unknown power.

Faction clock
  • Free hollows to join the horde 3/4 (G) (repeating)
  • Find and placate a spirit well within their turf 0/8 (R)
  • Turf: The Horde have managed to claim a small portion of the flooded district as their HQ, They walk the bottom of the canals using them to reach most of the city almost undetected claiming this as their turf.
  • NPCs : The Suzerain (leader of the horde, runicly charged, multi spirited, whisper, servant) Masker (Spy, Second, human like, silent) Cleaver (brawler, heavy, powerful, walking armoury)
  • Notable Assets: A vast variety of varied hollows some with magical enhancements, a innate understanding of electroplasmic energy and ghost warding. An underwater lair and the ability to consume a ghost. A small group of hollows who have been almost totally destroyed whilst perusing their work the Suzerain then put them within a series of suits of armour that allows them greater protection and arcane power for following his will.
  • Quirks: The Horde all follower the Suzerain but the Suzerain is controlled by another unknown power the horde feast on electroplasm to maintain their sembelance of normality.
  • Allies: Conclave 01, acolytes of Brashkadesh, dimmer sisters
  • Enemies: gondoliers, the gloam, Borniko syndicate, society of sensations, church of ecstasy of the flesh
  • Situation: The horde are lead by a ancient hollow known as the Suzerain who appears to all intents and purposes to be free from anyones control and has some form of plan that the horde is bound to follow. They use there souless nature to traverse the waterways of the city undetected and strike suddenly and without warning. However chant has it that the Suzerain is controlled by some other power with a even darker motive. They have a common bond with Conclave 01. More recently the horde have been searching for a spirit well to ensure that they maintain their sentience and can gorge themselves on electroplasm.



THE guardians VI

The elite forces of the knight stationed in Sigil

Faction clock
  • raid a enemy store house 0/6 (repeating) (G)
  • understand what is causing the hibernation of the guardians hulls 2/10 (S)
  • decipher the items taken from the gloam 0/6 (R)
  • Turf: The guardians claim the floating castle the paragon as their hq in Whitecrown, they claim the conflict zones and the Gadoc Rail station as there turf.
  • NPCs : Solar marshal Iskra (leader, strategic, loyal, determined), Blade champion Cato (deadly, reckless, loner, masterful) Talon (sharpshooter, sly, dubious, vengeful) Fynn (hero, beloved, headstrong, kind) Khaldeth (silent, hull, sorcerer, mystery)
  • Notable Assets: the full might of the knights blessing, vast arrays of military weaponary, magical support and armour, arcane spectres that follow them to collect souls if they die and place them in special hulls. Each has a teleportation bracers and they are trained by the knight themselves, the support of the people and finally they have several small flying machines piloted by a lone guardian know as Crimson Hunters. Few if any, can equal their airborne grace, skill and lethality. Deep within the Paragon is a single cell containing the decapitator a assassin without equal and a ally of the first reborn knight surrounded by flayed skulls boring into 1 single place in space. A series of weird arcane or occult devices taken from the gloam.
  • Quirks: The guardians are comprised of the best of the stampers however their service is eternal never ending even with death as they return as Hulls to continue there mission this can lead some to insanity.
  • Allies: city assembly, stampers, citizenry, rail jacks, sparkwrights, concordat knights, spirit wardens
  • Enemies: starless veil, counters guild, suneaters, sign of one
  • Situation: The guardians are a tier above the rest of Sigil and the stories persist of them facing countless odds to hold the line against the enemies of Sigil. Most recently Fynn stod alone holding a portal against a tide of possessed cultists of some forgotten god. The solar marshal Iskra has turned her attention to greater things firstly the starless veil and the counters guild who she believes are hoarding items that the guardians should have to protect the city. Secondly, many of the Hulls that the guardians rely on have steadily become more and more detached from reality and seem to have fallen into a slumber yet when they awake they are filled with rage and destructive power she seeks to get to the bottom of this.

The Ink Rakes II

The journalists, muckrakers chant mongers, and newspaper publishers of Sigil.

Faction clock
  • Identify the eye 0/8 (S)
  • Prepare for the reveal of the Genoa special 0/10 (G)
  • Turf: Print row a series of print houses and bullpens (hq), a series of well known corners and areas with which the sell their papers, arangments with bar owners across the ring for well protected back rooms in most bars.
  • NPCs: The editor (leader, editor, harsh, perfectionist, stickler pragmatist) the eye (unknown, knowledgeable, everywhere, all seeing), Luna Sellol (reporter, chant monger, committed, dauntless), Aceer (hero worshiper, underdog, isolated, rulebreaker, guardian follower)
  • Notable Assets: The ability to spread information all across the cage nearly instantly, a nearly all encompassing rumour network, a cadre of fearless journalists who go where the story takes them, the support of the people, resources and connections to hire bodyguards, a long memory, a impossibly high placed secret source. Their unpublished works are possibly the only thing that keeps the city from tearing them apart for what they have published. Tier 2 safe houses all across Ink Row.
  • Quirks: once a story gets too the point where it may be published but could pose a risk to the reporter or others it’s not for the individual reporter to decide if they should publish rather the story goes to the editor a honourary title for the most experienced publisher who makes the call, the editor is also in charge of training new recruits. Many Ink rakers have extensive personal biases and relationships they don’t want to endanger. Before publishing, many of the Ink-rakes will take bids to determine what does, and most importantly does not hit the page.
  • Allies: Cyphers, citizenry, guardians, Ombusdman, the Kinclaith detective agency.
  • Enemies: depending on the reporter varies, unseen, hive, wraiths
  • Situation: Recently the Ink rakers have come into contact with a source who knows quite frankly a absurd amount of information about the city or at least claims to. Their information has as of yet not been proven wrong however the editor wants to unmask them and verify their information and as of now they are known as the eye. Meanwhile using their information they are planning a special known as Genoa which would quite frankly overturn the status quo in the city and are looking to acquire resources to protect against the backlash from it.



THE watchdogs III

The criminal investigators of the City Watch. They have a reputation for ethics and integrity (no one likes them). Appointed by the Lady maybe…

Faction clock
  • The Watchdogs uncover the truth about the Sah’iir 2/8 (S)
  • The investigation is uncovered 0/6 (countdown)
  • Turf The Inspectors claim the whole city as their turf. They claim the sandstone district as their hq namely the large community hall within (hq)
  • NPCs : Chief Tatum (Leader, Clever, Driven, Quiet). Byna Klev (Senior investigator, Doomed, Old, Artist). Vita Adleton (abstract thinker, intuitive, conspiratorial).
  • Notable Assets: A couple dozen trained inspectors and apprentices, trained in investigation, law, and combat. Documents and records on almost everyone in the city. Several informants throughout the city. A almost supernatural ability to steel their mind against foreign intrusion. A large collection of contacts from retired watchdogs and other individuals. Individual links with honourable members of the Stampers or Guardians for support or sometimes certain other individuals. Have located a rogue Sah’iir. Have hired the kinclaith detective agency. Have established a stake out on the Bank.
  • Quirks: Members of the Watch dogs are given a writ of scrutiny by a Dabus and as such presumably by the lady after passing a unknown form of initiation. They are often foreigners with no close ties to the ring.
  • Allies: The divined, The Grey Cloaks, Ink Rakes, The Red Sashes, Lord Scurlock, Ironhook Prison, the Kinclaith detective agency.
  • Enemies: Most of the Underworld, City assembly Sah’iir
  • Situation: The Watchdogs are currently engaged in a incredibly risky venture they have become aware that one of the Sah’iir has seemingly gone rogue traversing the city on it’s own and imparting it’s judgement on those other than the tax dodgers and engaging in violence. They have begun to investigate these reclusive xenos in a attempt to build a case. They are well aware that if anyone finds out about this they may not survive that confrontation. Not all of the watchdogs agree with this but the prevaling factions of Vita and Klev have persuaded most. However some wonder if Klev’s doomed fate from previous interactions is colouring their judgement.

Ironhook Prison TIER IV

A notorious prison in Sigil, housing the worst offenders.

Faction clock
  • Get more prisoners 2/6 (G)
  • investigate if the prison could be expanded into the ghost field 2/8 (S)
  • Turf : Ironhook prison (HQ) the assosciated work sites.
  • NPCs : Bafma F’rozz (warden, haughty, confident, wealthy). Kreel (guard captain, muscled, angry). Dr. Xhu (psychotherapist, corrupt, gambler).
  • Notable Assets: The only major prison in Sigil. An organized file of dirt on anyone they do business with. Lightining related tech allowing entire floors of the prison to be fried, highly trained dogs to hunt down escaped prisoners. A vast variety of nonlethal armaments. Well trained sharpshooters around the edge of the prison. A seperate wing for “special guests” many of whom are thought dead by the rest of the ring.
  • quirks: The staff of Ironhook prison are all corrupt and will take bribes for almost anything except for letting yout out.
  • Allies: Spark wrights, Foundation, stampers
  • Enemies: Most criminal gangs deathland scavengers, The Seven Score Ripper
  • Situation: Between the Warden’s excessive spending habits, Dr. Xhu’s gambling problem, and Kreel’s “educating” the prisoners, Ironhook prison always needs more funds and bodies. The prison spends a lot of time persuading judges to increase sentencing or acquiring “special guests” from factions, and just as much time looking for bribes.




The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their services were replaced by electric lights.

Faction clock
  • Prepare to destroy the Red Sashes 2/8 (G)
  • Become ward boss of Crow’s Foot 0/8 (R)
  • Turf : HQ in the office of a coal warehouse. Operates a handful of brothels and cheap drug dens across Crow’s Foot.
  • NPCs : Bazso Baz (leader, charming, open, ruthless, whiskey connoisseur). Pickett (second, shrewd, conniving, suspicious). Henner (thug, loyal, reckless).
  • Notable Assets: A fearsome gang of leg-breakers and mayhem-makers. A number of smugglers on the payroll who run their drugs. Knowledge of the dark corners of the Ring. Bazso posseses the ability to remove light from a area using some sort of magical item.
  • Quirks: Bazso Baz is a member of a secret society (forgotten gods cult, “The Empty Vessel”) and sometimes puts the needs of that group ahead of the well-being of his gang.
  • Allies: skeleton crew, Gondoliers, Ironhook Prison.
  • Enemies: The Red Sashes, The Bluecoats, Cabbies.
  • Situation: The Lampblacks and the Red Sashes are at war over turf and vengeance for deaths on both sides. Bazso Baz is recruiting every free blade in the district for extra muscle and doesn’t take no for an answer. You’re either with them or against them. The Lampblacks are not particularly well-connected politically, but are akin to folk-heroes among the working class, who see them as “lovable rogues” standing up to the powers-that-be.


The captains that grapple with titanic demons of the Void Sea to drain their blood for processing into electroplasm.

Faction clock
  • Discover new hunting grounds 0/12 (S)
  • Surplus runs dry 2/12 (countdown)
  • retrofit a leviathan hunter to that uses sound and sonar 4/8 (R)
  • Turf : The massive metal docks for the huge hunter ships and the associated construction and repair facilities. Several small private leviathan blood processing facilities for the captains’ personal shares.
  • NPCs : Lord Strangford (captain, ruthless, arrogant, tainted). Lady Clave (captain, daring, cruel, accomplished). Lady Ankhayat (captain, confident, charming, scoundrel). Lord erestor (elven, crippled, void touched, magical)
  • Notable Assets: The leviathan hunter fleet (each vessel is owned by the noble house who built and commands it). Many cohorts of expert sailors, as well as spark-craft technicians, demonologist Whispers, and void-touched wayfinders or learned astropaths a void chanter that calls to the captain like a long lost lover. Companies of marines to protect the vessels and their valuable cargo at sea and in dry docks.
  • Quirks: The ships of the Leviathan hunters are carried by the captains in special magical glass bottles whenever they aren’t needed for repairs or loading. The command words for these can only be passed in a individuals dying breath, many are lost as the captain chooses not to share the words.
  • Allies: City Council, The Church of Ecstasy, Sailors, Dockers, Sparkwrights Astropaths, Wayfinders.
  • Enemies: The Grinders, The Path of Echoes Aether, starless veil
  • Situation: The captains have a horrible secret: the known hunting grounds for leviathans are coming up barren. The immortal creatures, once so reliable in their movements in the Void Sea, have begun to migrate elsewhere. New hunting grounds must be found before the surplus of leviathan blood disappears, and with it, the lightning barriers and the survival of the cage.




An ancient noble, said to be immortal, like the divined and as old as the lady of pain. Possibly a vampire or sorcerer or something else. Obsessed with the occult.

Faction clock
  • Fulfill debt to Setarra 0/12 (R)
  • empower and unlock the 2 vigilance mystic blades 9/10 (S)
  • Obtain arcane secrets (repeating) 0/6 (G)
  • Turf : A secret lair outside the city. A dilapidated manor house in Six Towers and the catacombs beneath. An array of business holdings and cult shrines across the city, collected for some united purpose known only to Scurlock.
  • NPCs : Lord Scurlock(enigmatic, cold, arcane, old-fashioned) is an individual, but is so powerful that he’s considered a faction. His personal scale is Tier III—in conflicts he counts as a large gang (20 people).
  • Notable Assets: An impressive collection of occult and arcane curios, books, and ephemera. An ancient outsider temple. 2 vigilance blades partially powered by the ghost field.
  • Quirks: Scurlock is immune to spirits. Ghosts can’t see, hear, or harm him. He makes no sound when he moves and is sometimes difficult to look at directly.
  • Allies: City assembly, the stampers, watchdogs, The Forgotten Gods, Nightspeakers.
  • Enemies: Spirit Wardens, the divined, the starless veil, Dimmer Sisters, Vigilance, the angels of the divined
  • Situation: Lord Scurlock is bound by ancient magic to the demon Setarra. Who is the master and who is the servant? Their roles have changed many times over the centuries. Now, Lord Scurlock must fulfill a debt. Setarra has found a nest of sea based outsiders in the harbor, encased in stone, chained by magic from the calamity. She seeks to free them to see their wrath loosed on the Ring. Scurlock will aid her in this or suffer a dark doom. Legend has it that the Lady of Pain has long been a target of Scurlocks as they have history as old as sigil itself.


A group of street-toughs and ex-soldiers dedicated to protecting the downtrodden and the hopeless.

Faction clock
  • Destroy cruel workhouses (repeating) 0/4 (G)
  • search for a teacher for their mystic 0/6 (S)
  • Turf : Converted rail car (HQ). The poverty-stricken streets of Coalridge, Charhollow and Dunslough.
  • NPCs : Cortland (leader, idealist, candid, cavalier), Chance Vale (emotionally unstable, young, confused, mystic, black dragonborn)
  • Notable Assets: A very experienced gang of formerly vicious thugs, killers, and soldiers. A young powerful and untrained mystic
  • Quirks: The Lost have all done horrible things in their former lives and they believe they must atone for these “sins.” Each member keeps a pile of stones under their bed—one for each sin they balance with a just deed. Favoured by the queen.
  • Allies: Workhouse Laborers, Citizens of Coalridge and Dunslough, The Crows.
  • Enemies: Workhouse Foremen, stampers, Billhooks
  • Situation: The Lost are currently focusing their efforts in Coalridge, running a campaign of sabotage, terror, and savage beatings against the most notoriously cruel workhouse foremen. The already-brewing union organizing efforts in that district are emboldened by the Lost’s attacks, and the local Stamper patrols are starting to complain to their commanders for support of extra guards from other districts. Meanwhile, the Coalridge foremen are making it known that they’ll pay top dollar to anyone who will take the Lost out of the picture.



Consorts of vengance III

The fabled wrath of the Queen, this all female group enacts revenge against those who exploit the people

Faction clock
  • induct and train a whisper assasin 4/6 (S)
  • Discover who is abducting the citizens of Sigil 0/8 (G)
  • Turf: the consorts of vengance claim the area around any Queen’s alms and the poor districts of the city as their turf.
  • NPCs : Knife Lirik (assassin, nonhuman, gambler, deadly, graceful, blade fighter, triplet). The ghost (mystical, ghost, unexpected, martial artist, triplet), The viper (impatient, vein, calculated, sniper, triplet)
  • Notable Assets:: A crew of well-trained assassins, often with a artifact or two up their sleeves, a small number of psionic mind readers who decipher the secrets of their targets, secret locations within some of the queen’s alms. A deadly trio of assasins who often bicker internally over contracts.
  • Quirks: The consorts of vengance are all women, after they have finished their kill they must enchant the body to detonate when found spreading gore and viscera everywhere.
  • Allies: The Queen, the lower/working class of Sigil, the brigade, the lost
  • Enemies: blackfires, Watchdogs, ulf ironborn, wreckers, the horde
  • Situation: The consorts of vengance have had a long run of being the unflinching unwavering arm of the Queen however they have consistently struggled to branch out into the 4th arm of assasination the ghost field side and have had some issues with the more occult side of their enforcement and are looking to recruit. At the same time they have heard tell of people going missing from all over the city and are searching for answers.

The path of echoes TIER III

A mystery cult that borders on open rebellion against spirit laws. They revere the ancients, and seek to gain knowledge from the past—including consorting with ghosts.

Faction clock
  • collect and safely store knowledgable ghosts 0/4 repeatable (G)
  • find a way to restore a ghost after it has been destroyed 2/10 (S)
  • Turf : The path of echoes call the archive of echoes their hq, they also claim Charterhall university as their turf.
  • NPCs : Lord Penderyn (reckless, strange, leader), The Invited Visitor (ghost, sage, incognito, trapped), Tacitus Raines III (glass blower, noble, skitish)
  • Notable Assets: collection of urforged librarians, a vast library of ancient lore, a collection of spirit bottles containing ghosts of all sorts made from sand fried in electroplasm, a crew of whispers for those who the path is interested in. They kidnap the spirit before it is taken by the spirit wardens. A incredibly well protected lair against coporeal and incoporeal threats, a few elite warriors trained by ghosts from across the ages.
  • Quirks: Members of the Path of echoes tend to have a overreliance on the wisdom of the spirits and want to consult them about every major decision in their lives.
  • Allies: Lord Scurlock, Gondoliers, the reconciled, the red house.
  • Enemies: The Church of Ecstasy, Spirit Wardens, Sparkwrights, conclave 01.
  • Situation: The path of echoes has established it’s reputation as a extremely divisive yet invaluable resource, the combined knowledge they have at their disposal in the archive of echoes has been incredibly influential to all sorts of cagers. In a effort to constantly expand their collection the path has outsourced their ghost collection to a group of shadows. Meanwhile Lord Penderyn constantly spends his every waking moment perusing the archives and talking to the ghosts attempting to find a way to bring back those lost to the flames of the creamtorium.



The Rail Jacks TIER II

The men and women who protect the electro-trains of Sigil from the savage spirits of the deathlands. Have recently been making noises about forming a union.

Faction clock
  • successfully unionise 1/8 (R)
  • Finish investigating the Aether Ghosts 0/6 (S)
  • Turf : The Rail Jacks call the Gadoc railway station their hq, the other electro-train stations, the electro train lines through the deadlands.
  • NPCs : Captain Jaxson (grizzled, respected, fair, tough) Engineer Luka (grappler, efficent, knowledgable), Gunner Kale (Hammer, sharpshooter, tightly wound, proud)
  • Notable Assets: Several electro trains crewed by tightknight professional crews of rail jacks, facilities to repair lightining trains, a variety of military or experimental equipment. A understanding of common grievances across the rail jacks. Improved security on the trains courtesy of the city assembly.
  • Quirks: The Rail jack crews tend to function like a dysfunctional family with different crews constantly bickering.
  • Allies: City Council, stampers, levithan hunters, sailors, citizenry of Sigil, the bronze hats, agony, sparkwrights.
  • Enemies: Aether ghosts, deathland scavengers, cabbies.
  • Situation: The rail jacks have a nearly legendary reputation with the cagers, being influential in keeping the city safe by providing levithan blood. Overtime these impromptu suicide squads developed into a professional protection machine that is well equipped to handle the threats of deathland and while many still die their expertise and knowledge continues to grow. During this time however the rail jacks have noticed that they are constantly belittled and put down by other factions and their lack of unity worsens things for all of them. THey are looking to unite their squabbling factions into one whole. The leaders of the rail jacks have also begun investigating the Aether Ghosts as either allies or a threat.


An association of ancient spirits who have not gone feral with the passage of time.

Faction clock
  • Infiltrate the City Assembly 0/8 (S)
  • Infiltrate the Church of Ecstasy 0/8 (S)
  • Turf : None.
  • NPCs : The Reconciled have possessed several important citizens in Doskvol. Their exact membership is not known.
  • Notable Assets: Several secret and hidden spirit wells across the city and in the deathlands, which give the Reconciled the arcane energy they need to survive. Identified a weak link in the City Assembly to possess. The Reconciled have amassed a vast repository of ancient knowledge and lore. A collection of soul-linked relics that are attuned to the Reconciled’s ethereal nature.
  • Quirks: The spirits of the Reconciled do not lose their minds or become obsessed with vengeance as other spirits do. They can possess a victim indefinitely without any adverse effects.
  • Allies: City Assembly, Gondoliers, Path of echoes, the Gloam, Ghosts, the blackfires
  • Enemies: The Church of Ecstasy, Spirit Wardens, Sparkwrights, the guardians, the moss men, sabaz
  • Situation: The Reconciled are very ancient and wise; they see themselves as the rightful and just rulers that Sigil needs. A few of the City Assembly delegates have become initiates in the Path of Echoes and will soon be vulnerable to possession by the Reconciled. These delegates are also high-ranking members of the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh, which will give the Reconciled an opportunity for infiltration into that organization as well.




Originally a school of ancient Iruvian sword arts, since expanded into criminal endeavors.

Faction clock
  • Become ward boss of Crow’s Foot 1/8 (R)
  • prepare to destroy the Lampblacks 6/8 (G)
  • prepare to take down the lambblack’s hq 1/10 (S)
  • recover from the beat down from the Crows 2/4 (R)
  • Turf : HQ in their sword-fighting school/temple. Operates a handful of high-end drug dens across Crow’s Foot and the Docks.
  • NPCs : Mylera Klev (leader, shrewd, ruthless, educated, art collector), The Spider (alchemist, scientist, experimenter, depraved)
  • Notable Assets: Small contingent of master sword-fighters. Master alchemist; many potent potions and essences.
  • Quirks: Several members of the Red Sashes are the sons and daughters of nobility and diplomats in Sigil. They train in swordplay at the school and sometimes participate in gang activities. Their families are powerful and will commit significant resources to punishing anyone who harms their children.
  • Allies: Nobility diplomats, The Path of Echoes, Dockers, Cabbies, watchdogs, concordant knights, counters guild,
  • Enemies: The Lampblacks, Stampers, Gondoliers, vorex,
  • Situation: The Red Sashes and the Lampblacks are at war over turf and vengeance for deaths on both sides. Mylera is recruiting every free blade in the district for extra muscle and doesn’t take no for an answer. You’re either with them or against them. The Red Sashes are very well-connected, with former sword students placed at Consulates, in the Path of Echoes, and among the Watchdogs.

Sailors TIER III

The crews of the Leviathan hunter ships battle scarred and haunted from their journeys

Faction clock
  • Arange yaru clones and urforged to join the Leviathan ships 0/6 (G)
  • Don’t get replaced entirely by clones or urforged 0/6 (countdown)
  • arrange a deal with yaru for clones 4/6 (R)
  • Turf The sailors claim the entire docks as their turf, the claim the heart of the maze as their HQ.
  • NPCs: Osmond (leader, first mate, ancient, seen it all), Ravik (quiet, brilliant, Self taught navigator, mysterious), Balthazar (powerful, stratergist, elusive, learned), Isabella (tinkerer, risk taker, loyal, savvy)
  • Notable Assets: large crews of battle scared sailors, random items collected from the void sea, a intricate coded languague either through speech or flags, a collection of antiboarding weaponary, knowledge of the sea and the docks.
  • Quirks: Sailors of the void sea have seen the worst horrors of the levithan and are suprisingly resilient in the face of the terror that otherworldly creatures generally cause.
  • Allies: dockers, levithan captains, concordant knights, surgeons guild, Railjacks.
  • Enemies: grinders, agony, blackfires, The skeleton crew, the crows, the red sashes
  • Situation: The sailors of the Leviathan hunters believe they have suffered enough at the hands of the demons from the sea. As a result they are seeking to persuade their captains as well as the merchantile representatives who create the Urforged, Hulls and the Yaru to have clones, hulls or urforged to take some of the more dangerous areas. However they are looking to tread the line between protecting themselves better and making themselves redundant.




A company of mercenaries who fought for Sigil in the freedom War. Renowned ghost killers.

Faction clock
  • Destroy spirits in the Lost District 0/8 (G)
  • Control the Lost District 0/10 (R)
  • repay their debt to reddington 0/6 (G)
  • Turf : A large inn (The Mustang) and its fine stables (HQ).
  • NPCs : Seresh (leader, bold, brash, defiant). Tuhan (lead scout, bold, cunning, charming), Khaghan Jaghati (quick reclusive, perfectionist), Qin Xa ((spy, inteligent, charismatic, barbaric fury second to tuhan)
  • Notable Assets: A contingent of exquisite cavalry horses—fearless, swift, and trained to hunt and battle spirits. Arcane lances. One time use chance to show their worth to the Counters Guild.
  • Quirks: Each member wears a ring fashioned from a silver nail, which protects against possession. They’re trained in the Ghost Fighter Special Ability (Cutter).
  • Allies: The guardians, Sailors, concordant knights, scarlet wolves.
  • Enemies: The Circle of Flame, The Grinders, Black fires, counter’s guild.
  • Situation: Thanks to their expertise from riding in the deathlands, the Silver Nails are perfectly suited to explore the forbidden Lost District outside the lightning barrier of the city. Once the fiercest ghosts are driven out or destroyed, the Silver Nails can seize control and plunder the forgotten treasures and artifacts hidden within. (The Counter’s guild currently control access to the Lost District and attempts to keep the Silver Nails—and everyone else—out.)

planar refugees TIER III

Desperate survivors of the a multitude of conflicts or disasters, forced to criminal opportunities when denied all others.

Faction clock
  • Pull of a heist 0/8 (S)
  • Turf the planar refugees call the slags their home, they have a series of flats that are overlooking the scratch wall that they call their hq
  • NPCs : Kort (former soldier, Acheron, short temper, drunk, witty), Maren (fey, performer, angry, persuasive, poor) Gwyneth (shadowfell, former noble, desperate, proud, manipulator) Kari (old, herbalist, kind, encyclopedic knowledge of plants)
  • Notable Assets: a vast array of individuals and information from all over the planes all over most of the city, several dangerous individuals forced to flee their homes, clerics and paladins, several places to lie low all over the Ring. A better udnerstanding of the ring, the understanding that the Sah’iir are worth robbing but will possibly kill them all.
  • Quirks: The refugees don’t have any real structure just lots of well known individuals near to them they can go to for help.
  • Allies: citizenry, gondoliers, the lost, the weeping lady, Botanic guild.
  • Enemies: Knight’s and servants of the ward, Charterhall Leviathans, Sign of one, sah’iir.
  • Situation: The planar refugees know better than anyone else in the city that the true power in this city isn’t whispers, the guard or the divined but it is in fact money. As such several influential refugees have been looking into the best place to get money and are begining to plan a heist to get them all out of the economic downturn they are in. Some have suggested the sah’iir as a target.




The engineers who maintain the lightning barriers. Also pioneers of spark-craft technology, indulging in dangerous research.

Faction clock
  • Develop alternative fuel 2/12 (S)
  • develop weapons that draw from the lightining field 3/10 (R)
  • Turf : Massive workshop, factory, and design facility in Coalridge.
  • NPCs : Una Farros (instructor at Charterhall University, curious, vain, famous), Lukas Chrom (machine supremacist, visionary, creator), Kirin Jindosh (clockwork genius, reclusive, loner), arkhan land (tech arceologist, inventor, selfish)
  • Notable Assets: The electroplasmic generators, city lights, lightning barriers and associated facilities and systems across the city. Vast workshops and construction facilities across the city. Extensive resources of automaton, hulls and other sparkcraft creations.
  • Allies: City assembly, Leviathan Hunters, the divined, the starless veil.
  • Enemies: The Path of Echoes, The Reconciled, The Foundation, the Cogmen.
  • Situation: The Sparkwrights have been working in secret to develop an alternative fuel that could replace the leviathan blood that powers the lightning barriers of the Ring. A few researchers have gotten close, but “accidents” have inevitably killed them and destroyed their work (certainly arranged by the nobility who rule because of their stranglehold on leviathan hunting). But there is always a daring visionary willing to try to pick up the pieces and complete the work—even at the risk of their own life. Will one of them manage it this time, or will they, too, fall victim to the deadly agents of the elite?


The bronze-masked hunters who destroy rogue spirits. Also run Bellweather Crematorium to properly dispose of corpses.

Faction clock
  • Uncover the infiltrators 0/8 (S)
  • Turf : Bellweather Crematorium. The Master Warden’s estate in Whitecrown.
  • NPCs : There are no known Spirit Wardens—they maintain an anonymous membership of people every spirit warden identifies themselves as Bakoros and none are in a position to claim otherwise. A Warden known as Bakoros(who may be several different individuals) sometimes lectures at the College of Immortal studies at Sigil Academy.
  • Notable Assets: The death bells that ring whenever someone dies in the city, and the deathseeker crows that fly to find the body (ancient, arcane). Many cohorts of expert Whispers. The most advanced spectrological and spark-craft equipment, including several spirit-hunter hulls. Bait for the people infiltrating them. This is a series of ancient spirit bottles from the earliest days of Sigil.
  • Quirks : Membership in the Wardens is secret and utterly anonymous. They cut all ties and have no families or close relationships, save their fellow Wardens. In addition unlike everyone else within the city whenever a spirit warden dies their bodies are collected by robed unarmed individuals known as the Ferrymen they appear to not exist within the ghost field. These dead spirit wardens are then entombed in the dead fields. In addition spirit wardens sometimes lose their personal identity due to the anonymous nature.
  • Allies: The Church of Ecstasy, Deathlands Scavengers, the guardians.
  • Enemies: The Dimmer Sisters, Gondoliers, Lord Scurlock, The Silver Nails, The Unseen, Path of Echoes, The Reconciled.
  • Situation: The Spirit Wardens know that an enemy is attempting to infiltrate their ranks (they don’t yet know that it’s the Unseen). The Wardens are laying a trap for this enemy, to uncover their identity and eliminate them.




A brutal Prime, newly arrived in the Ring, fighting everyone for turf.

Faction clock
  • Carve out gang territory 0/6 (G)
  • Rise in Tier 0/4 (R)
  • kill the blue flame **(R)**2/4
  • Turf : Rooms, workshop, and stable at The Old Forge tavern (HQ). A gambling den.
  • NPCs : Ulf Ironborn (leader, ruthless, savage, bold). Havid (second, ruthless, volatile, shrewd).
  • Notable Assets: A small but powerfully savage gang of thugs.
  • Quirks : As a refugee of a War, Ulf does not trust the locals, or anyone who proclaims a strong allegiance to the government. Those who he like find it easy to win his trust, however.
  • Allies: The Grinders.
  • Enemies: Citizens of Coalridge, The Billhooks, the Blue flame (tier 1 gang)
  • Situation: Ulf is newly arrived in Sigil, seeking his fortune on the streets. His gang has had recent success with savage smash & grab operations, leading into a potential “protection” racket. As more refugees swell the city population, the bigotry of some locals is starting to surface, with signs appearing at public houses and shops. Ulf ’s blind rage will be sparked off when he encounters this, surely leading his gang into war with any “true Ringers” brave enough to stand up to him.


An insidious criminal enterprise with secret membership. Thought to pull the strings of the entire underworld.

Faction clock
  • Infiltrate the Spirit Wardens 0/8 (S)
  • settle the differences between the hidden and the seen 1/8 (G)
  • capture and “recruit” overseer 0/12 (S)
  • Turf : A multitude of vice dens and extortion rackets across the city—virtually none realize that they pay up to the Unseen. Several opulent townhouses used as safe houses.
  • NPCs : The Tower (leader). The Star (captain). Grull (mid-level thug with big ambitions, undercover as a coach driver) The 12 hidden (many entitled, leaders) The shadow (in charge of rules, ancient, honorific) The Sight (rigid, obedient, insightful) John Wick (deadly, feared, out)
  • Notable Assets: A legion of thugs, thieves, and killers on-call to their secret masters. A series of safehouses which anyone can claim acces to known as the Looking glass with 1 in each district they are protected by the Unseen and no violence is permitted on it’s grounds ran by a eye and a hand. A understanding of the issues between the seen and the hidden.
  • Quirks : The perfect secrecy of the Unseen is the result of arcane rituals. Core members can recognize each other with attuned second sight. Any non-member who learns the identity of a member falls victim to a ritual that removes that memory from their mind after a few moments. The Unseen is split between those seen and unseen and lead by a council of 12 hidden members everyone else is reffered to as the seen. The Unseen operate through a archaic honour and rules system presided over by “The shadow” and “the sight”. In addition many of those seen resent those who believe themselves hidden.
  • Allies: The Stampers, Ironhook Prison, The Forgotten Gods, Cyphers.
  • Enemies: Ink Rakes, The Hive, Spirit Wardens, the divined, consorts of vengance.
  • Situation: The Unseen crave the power and authority of the Spirit Wardens, whose own secret membership has so far resisted infiltration. The Tower and The Star plot to place their own spies and operatives among the Wardens and seize it from within. In addition their is a simmering conflict between those Seen and hidden with some beliving the hidden have overstepped their authority.



THE weeping lady TIER II

A charity and pseudo-religion, honoring the first Queen of Sigil Lotho, said to be a champion of the poor. Linked to some revolutionary activity.

Faction clock
  • Discover what is changing the personality of their faithful 0/6 (R)
  • Spread the protection of the Weeping ladies 2/6 (S)
  • start the revolution 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: the weeping lady call a seemingly rundown church in dunslough their hq, the weeping lady have small hidden chapels scattered around the entire ring, They are staples at many of the Queen’s Alms
  • NPCs: Sister Isolde (leader, genorous, armed, persuasive) Brother Dax (Second, understanding, channeler, benevolent, intercessor) The giref striken widow (arcane, construct, deadly, hidden, protector), earnest (revolutionary, student, firebrand, persuasive, french)
  • Notable Assets: small hidden chapels across the city, the support of the common folk in response to the charity they gave them, several arcane constructs (known as the weeping ladies) that can watch over the faithful, the ability to use their limited followers to power small acts of divine magic. The very first Queen’s story book. A collection of student activists and protest movements that are expanding into the working class.
  • Quirks The faith of the followers of the weeping lady are somehow harnassed into divine magic by the brothers and sisters of the religion.
  • Allies: the citizens of Sigil, the consorts of vengance, the lost.
  • Enemies: The Starless veil, The crows, the billhooks, Acolytes of Brashkadesh, Wreckers, Strawmill House.
  • Situation: The Weeping lady are a small group with limited reach however those that they manage to help are helped selflessly. However more recently members of the weeping lady have discovered that members they have helped for years, their faithful have begun losing faith, abandoning the faith and then becoming a almost different person they have been attempting to root out the cause of this. In addition several members have been persuaded to pursue a more revolutioary outlook and are looking to force change to happen.


A mysterious crew of masked thieves and spies.

Faction clock
  • Find a buyer for the levithan hunter map 0/8 (R)
  • Secure an arcane ally 2/6 (S)
  • Turf : Silkshore and Nightmarket are their primary hunting grounds. They specialize in the theft of luxury items and intelligence gathering for clients to use as blackmail.
  • NPCs : Slate (leader, sophisticated, daring, secretive). Loop (appraisal expert, obsessive, moody, secretive).
  • Notable Assets: A scattered collection of secret rooftop shelters. A secret lair in a tower in Silkshore. All manner of thieves’ gear. A collection of dramatic and striking masks, fine spy equipment and tools. A list of whispers across the ring.
  • Quirks : Each member wears a mask and conceals their true identity with an alias. They communicate with a private sign language.
  • Allies: Cabbies
  • Enemies: Stampers, watchdogs, The Hive.
  • Situation: The Wraiths recently completed a heist at a luxury brothel in Nightmarket and happened to grab the private map book of a leviathan hunter in the process. The map book shows the secret hunting grounds of augured leviathan sites that will be used by the ship Storm Palace during the next season. Such a map is useless to the Wraiths, but is worth a small fortune to another leviathan hunter. The Wraiths are currently reaching out to contacts in the underworld to quietly arrange a sale.



The Flux Society TIER II

An old cult known for its magical drug trade and deadly combat techniques derived from their odd martial arts discipline.

Faction clock
  • Expand production facilities of shimmer 0/8 (S)
  • Experience the wrath of the Forgotten one 3/6 (countdown)
  • increace their hold from weak to strong 8/10 (R)
  • find out who is at war with them 3/4 (R)
  • get a new lead alchemist 0/4 (G)
  • Turf: a series of alchemical interconeccted labs near to the psalm refineries of the city, a large multi story apartment building in 6 towers that they call their hq, A secret training ground in the desert.
  • NPCs : The Red Mask (Leader, ruthless, violent, Shimmer Addict) The Golden Sun(KIA) (tall, muscular, alchemist, rich) Shattered mirror (Amnesiac, face, chameleon, silver tongued) The palm of devestation (martial artist, master, teacher, powerful)
  • Notable Assets: The ability to tear a persons heart from their chest or other vital organs and can manipulate one’s chi through specific hand movements, the only known producers of shimmer a magical drug of unknown ingredients, all members carry small portions of drug laced ‘pocked sand’ to protect themselves, several master martial artists who train others in fighting without a blade. Several “chem tanks” people who only breath shimmer in full body suits of armour and are superhumanly quick.
  • Quirks None of the members use a bladed weapon and all exclusively use martial arts to combat their foes and are adept at disarming others to fight on their terms.
  • Allies: the Gloam, The Hive, dimmer sisters,
  • Enemies: Grinders, The watchdogs, gondoliers, concordant knights, night speakers
  • Situation: The Flux society were a cult dedicated to bringing about the rise of one of the forgotten ones. However they discovered Shimmer a magical drug that could grant those who took it powers in this pursuit and it quickly replaced their god in the groups ideology. The leader “the red mask” now only desires this drug and has become truly addicted making it the only focus to the ire of the forgotten one.

The first and only TIER III

The First and only otherwise known as Gaunt’s Ghosts are a group of stampers given complete discretion over their own actions known for achieving success against impossible odds.

Faction clock
  • Stop the concordant knights 0/6 (R)
  • Discover who slaughtered the ghosts 0/8 (S)
  • Find what was let out by Estaban 5/10 (G)
  • Turf: A training facility in the Mist woods (HQ), several staging zones scattered around all of the districts of the Ring, Several weaponsmiths that make their straight silver knives among other equipment.
  • NPCs : Colonel Ibram Gaunt (leader, rebelious, compassionate, Inspiring, front line commander) Colonel CoIm Corbec (second, strategic, beloved, fearless), Major Elim Rawne (ruthless, dangerous, quick, cold), Master Sniper Hlaine Larkin (sniper, stealthy, killer, superstisous, crazy), Trooper ‘Try Again’ Bragg (terrible aim, large, Heavily armed, strong), Scout Sergeant Oan Mkoll (Stealthy, tracker, rural, navigator) Viktor Hark (spiritualist, the king’s man, brave, loyal, mystic weaponry)
  • Notable Assets: Straight silver knives these deadly war knives are the most prized possessions of members of the first and only and are passed down through members of the regiment, camo cloaks that blend in with the enviroment, the members of the Gaunts Ghosts are incredibly independent and work as individual units within a larger plan, attached spirit wardens to the unit, a lesser amount of inferior guardian equipment, a strong understanding of stealth and camoflague. The Ghost’s have alot of strength of purpose after losing their home. Secondly they have a unerving ability to never get lost. All ghost’s carry a collection of “tube charges” that can be used as grenades or traps. The regiment carries several heavier weapons with them for harder targets.
  • Quirks The ghosts are prone to using a vast variety of random weapons based on personal preference and don’t have any uniform leading to some thinking they lack discipline. bring the storm
  • Allies: Stampers, Guardians, watchdogs, gray cloaks, spirit wardens, The counters guild.
  • Enemies: Concordant knights, wreckers, red sashes, The Starless veil, the lady of thorns
  • Situation: The First and Only at one point lived in a magical roving forest within the astral sea. However their home was attacked as the first and only were assembling to join the stampers after a extensive negotiation with the King. Now homeless the First and Only fight for the King to win themselves a safe home. The first and only have currently been drafted by the king to watch out for several dangerous things in order to protect the city. Recently they have lost several members who were out hunting for a moving portal. These members died violently to some unknown creature from another plane that is now lose in the city. Meanwhile the Gaunt’s Ghosts trainees are increasinly having their training interupted by members of the concordant knights searching for the light of the world, Gaunt wants to stop this one way or another.



The Gloam TIER IV

An enigmatic order with a deep arcane understanding of the soul and dark magic. They lurk in hidden places throughout the city’s ominous unlit labyrinths where their slaves are driven to madness while constructing dangerous paranatural devices.

Faction clock
  • Meld a soul with the darkness 0/8 (S)
  • Placate the thing in the dark 1/6 (G)
  • Turf: A stolen area of the foundations secret labryinths, A large cave underneath the city that they use for their training and construction (HQ), A series of locations around the docks that they use to traffic slaves.
  • NPCs : Orin Dreadheart (Leader, Spirit binder, whisper, horrifying) Zane Shadowshaper (second, magister, horrifying, sadistic, dangerous) Yara Darkfire (slave driver, brutal, psychopath, sacrificer) Karys Rook (enforcer, gladiator, quick, lithe, dancer acrobatic)
  • Notable Assets: large numbers of slaves driven mad by the darkness, a large collection of impossible paranatural machines, many powerful invokers with a deep understanding of reality and how dark magic affects it, the ability to influence reality paranaturally and shadowy outsiders. A understanding of where the thing or things in the dark are.
  • Quirks Members of the Gloam measure their power based of off the effect they have on the minds of their slaves in the darkness as such many have similair horror effects to some outsiders.
  • Allies: Night speakers, the horde, sun eaters, ghosts.
  • Enemies: The Foundation, stampers, starless veil, guardians, the first and only, Counters guild.
  • Situation: The Gloam are currently engaged in a fierce war against the foundation, primarily, as in the chaos of the war being waged between the foundation, starless veil and Counters guild the Gloam have slightly enhanced their own standing expanding into a corner of the labyrints. In expanding into the darkness they have discovered that the darkness has power and that you could prehaps meld your soul into darkness. However they have been losing more and more to the dark each day and the collective insanity of the slaves is becoming steadily worse.

acolytes of brashkadesh TIER II

A collective that eschews individuality. Initiates adopt the same garb and the same name, in the pursuit of perfection at any cost.

Faction clock
  • convert an entire factory to their ‘religion’ 0/8 (S)
  • Turf: A large number of meditation rooms throughout Sigil,
  • NPCs : : Ashkad (charismatic, passionate, idealistic). Ashkad (ambitious, underhanded, muscled). Ashkad (mystic, devout, artistic). Ashkad (Sparkwright, skilled, liar, wealthy).
  • Notable Assets: A Factol artifact that all the Acolytes have attuned to, called the Pillar of Truth. Acolytes act weirdly and are hard to predict in combat. The acolytes all share skills with each other allowing each member to perform highly specified rolls. The faction is leaderless. Identified a weak psalm powerplant as a target it is in coalridge.
  • Quirks Attuning to the Pillar allows the Acolytes to communicate with each other and invoke the skills and memories of other Acolytes, who can act through them.
  • Allies: Dimmer sisters, Fenger, Transcendent order,
  • Enemies: The weeping lady, The Church of ecstasy
  • Situation: The Acolytes are ready to begin the next phase of growing their following, but the Pillar requires massive reserves of energy to keep attuning to more people. They plan to indoctrinate an entire Psalm power plant’s workforce, so they can repurpose the plant to power the Pillar of Truth whatever the cost to the city as a whole.



Concordant knights TIER I

Fourth and fifth children, these young Nobles have taken an oath, sanctified by the City Assembly, to seek the Light of the World.

Faction clock
  • Find the first Pre calamity site on their map 0/8 (S)
  • Peruse the archive of echoes for some answers 1/4 (G)
  • Turf:None. Knights travel alot. The Grail (a bar in White Crown) is where they leave messages for each other.
  • NPCs : Nicols al’Nim-Amar (leader, glib, hopeful). Vnipe al’Vorron (priestess, renowned, bejeweled). Junrai (explorer, death wish, restless). Intal Brel (religious, vigilant, honorable, impulsive)
  • Notable Assets: A ancient map of Sigil from before the Calamity a interconnected ancient diary seemingly describing much of the deathlands. Exploration supplies and equipment. Significant personal power and funds. tier 2 access pass to the archive of echoes
  • Quirks Each Knight is as distinct as they can be from each other. This tight knit group is comprised of unique, colorful character
  • Allies: Knights and servants of the ward, The Red Sashes, the nobility, vigilance, The Agony
  • Enemies: Acolytes of Brashkadesh, the help, aether ghosts
  • Situation: A retrieved message about a powerful artifact that could terraform the deathlands ignited a fervor in a number of youths. Taking an oath blessed by the City Assembly to find it, they’re looking all over the Ring and the deathlands. Nicols recently found a marked map of Sigil predating the Calamity attached to a diary of much of the deathlands and the Knights seek to unravel its mystery.

Conclave 01 TIER II

Independent, sentient Urforged led by an ancient Urforged known as the Prime. Working to control the production sites and gain control over Precursor artefacts required to generate true sentient machines.

Faction clock
  • Take control of a factory 0/6 (G)
  • Discover what the Path of Echoes are doing to their urforged brethern 0/8 (S)
  • Turf: Secret bases on the ring and the Indri Wastelands (HQ) a area that much of the waste product of the ironworks are “disposed of”.
  • NPCs : : The Prime (ancient, powerful, mysterious, wise). BarHazuk (gardener, huge, kind). Delta-7 (architect, weapons platform, massive). Sp-d3r (hacker, infiltrator, invisible, tiny)
  • Notable Assets: Deep understanding of Urforged and tech. A supply of dormant Urforged cores. A powerful machine known as the Kaban machnie controlled by three sister Urforged cores acts as a tier 3 threat individually (uncontrolled). A network of Urforged spies posing as everyday servants about the ring. A urforged spy within the path of echoes.
  • Quirks All members of the Conclave are currently Urforged of varied shapes and sizes.
  • Allies: Concordiat Knights, Vorex, Sah’iir, The Cogmen.
  • Enemies: Spark Wrights, Spirit wardens, The Gloam, path of echoes, guild of engineers.
  • Situation: The Prime wants to found an Urbot homeland, but he needs numbers to do so. Having spent years freeing cores, he must manufacture bodies for them and grow them safely. He hopes to take over abandoned factories and start doing so secretly. They also believe that they can repair many urforged who have fallen, the most egrigous example of this is the path of echoes who goes through many Urbots having given them a unknown task which results in a high mortality rate.



Echo Wave Riders TIER II

Pilots that organize illegal races, take mercenary work, or test dangerous new engine/flight technologies for the Sparkwrights or the guild of engineers.

Faction clock
  • organize a massive race across the entire ring and the deathlands 2/8 (R)
  • Turf: A near permanent presence at Bright Wind (HQ), several secluded hangars.
  • NPCs : Garge Ztar (risk-taker, ambitious, charismatic). Elen (engineer, analytical, race-winner). Inofra (stunt pilot,compassionate, veteran). Dom (ex-sparkwright, mechanic,genius, family man, lives to race), Lotara Sarrin (fierce, unflinching, brave, racer, marked, drives the conqueror
  • Notable Assets: A host of ships and flying objects of their own, and access to far more substantial mechanical facilities. All members mess with their engines and can outrun almost anyone else on the ring easily. A collection of prestigious medals and trophies earned in past races, proudly displayed to showcase the Riders’ dominance in the skies.
  • Quirks : Echo Wave Riders don’t respect those who don’t know how to pilot their own ship, and settle all scores with races. That’s what I call pod racing.
  • Allies: borniko syndicate, Sparkwrights, the guild of engineers.
  • Enemies: wreckers, rail jacks
  • Situation: The Riders are left alone by authorities if their races are kept far enough from others. They plan to put on an epic race among pilots for prestige and cash prizes, starting and ending in the deathlands. Buy-in will be expensive.

Borniko Syndicate TIER III

A tightly knit group of thieves who steal high-end technological supplies

Faction clock
  • Steal the Rings within Strangfords vaults 0/8 (S)
  • Identify who has the rings to the Strangfords Vaults 3/4 (R)
  • Turf:A former Counters Guild shadow repository that the Syndicate managed to erase from the Guild ledgers.
  • NPCs : : Ria “Keycard” (wizard-class forger, hacker and artificer, ambitious, daring). Nals E (Urforgedicist, gearhead, muscled). MaxiMillions (arrogant, expert infiltrator, gorgeous). Pip (mystic, outsider, small, unsettling).
  • Notable Assets: : An entire vault of Counter’s Guild technology, several sparkcraft weapons. A collection of smoke bombs that negate magic and they can see through.
  • Quirks Joining the syndicate requires pulling off a hesit that impressess the leadership.
  • Allies: Conclave 01, Echo wave Riders, The Cogmen.
  • Enemies: Counters guild, Sparkwrights, Guild of engineers.
  • Situation: The Borniko have been working on bigger and bigger heists, making numerous enemies and allies along the way. Their jobs often have folks from other factions playing different roles. They focus on important targets and are looking to find a way into the Strangford’s vault power in the ring be dammed. Their target is a massed collection of Factol rings the powers of which are unknown to any.




Human Cultists infecting themselves with Deathland creatures. Named for the pain most endure for their usual abilities

Faction clock
  • Supercharge the deathlands with energy 2/12 (S)
  • Turf:A secret base in the deathlands known as platform Omega (HQ). Secret chantries across every ward of the ring
  • NPCs : Lexal (whisper, addicted, power-hungry, winged). Iritha (whisper, many-limbed, glowing, powerful, potent). Noro (whisper, calculating, enrapturing, elongated).
  • Notable Assets: Potent ghost field powers. A menagerie of undocumented deathland creatures. A laboratory for producing spirit-infused drugs. Identified 1 site of power within the deathlands. An otherworldly, chorus of ghostly voices that Agony deploys in battle, capable of sowing fear and despair in their enemies or delivering deadly sonic attacks.
  • Quirks : Each member of the Agony is changed in some highly visible way, either with extra limbs, semi-spectral forms, or many new mouths and eyes.
  • Allies: Stampers, Guardians, watchdogs, gray cloaks, spirit wardens, The counters guild.
  • Enemies: Concordant knights, wreckers, red sashes, The Starless veil.
  • Situation: Having harvested horrors from the deathlands, the Agony have a plan to develop the horrifc area. By activating sites on the surface they intend supercharge it with energy starting a new era of its evolution.

Counters Guild TIER IV

Maintains the currency and shadow repositories in each ward.

Faction clock
  • disrupt guild of engineers’ and the Sparkwrights guild. 1/8 (S)
  • secure the lost district 0/12 (G)
  • make a determination on the silver nails 0/4 (R)
  • Turf: Numerous shadow repositories that store mysterious items in high-tech vaults. A currency exchange in whitecrown built around a central nexus of portals (HQ).
  • NPCs : Torx Verron (chief executive, calculating, ruthless, expansionary). Rintar Ix (operations head, conniving, jealous, sly). Broq Vsigh (repository head, honorable, meticulous), helewys Caskbow (half orc woman, charming, calculating, observer for the guild)
  • Notable Assets: Shadow vaults unknown even to the divined. Vast wealth. A private Ansible network that all of their members possess a private connection to allowing them to connect to each other, security around the Lost disctrict (tier 4), improved relations with the press won’t get much negative press. Access to several private bounty hunter kill teams that work for them exclusively(such as the farstalker kinband)
  • Quirks : Counters Guild members sign a contract for years of labor at a time and are paid up-front. Any breach of that contract are punished harshly.
  • Allies: Sah’iir, Scarlet Wolves, Starless Veil, the king, the path of echoes, The Red Right Hand.
  • Enemies: Borniko Syndicate, Sparkwrights guild, Vorex, Knights and servants of the ward, guild of the market ward.
  • Situation: A conglomorate of banks and other collective interests. Torx is playing politics. He hopes to show that the Sparkwright guild and the Guild of Engineers are not being valued properly by the Sah’iir and as such are defrauding the entire establishment and as such the Counters Guild should take a hand or a administrative role in the guilds. He’s spent vast sums on this, betting he’ll get it back once the Counters take over.



Ghosts TIER II

Scientists that live exo-suited in a half-phased state. The page and many of their assosciates offers a bounty on them and their ship.

Faction clock
  • Hire someone to make a bomb that will destroy something in the ghost field 0/8 (S)
  • Turf: The Skeleton Key, a half-phased boat (HQ). A secret research facility.
  • NPCs : Nils Boyer (physicist, brilliant, remorseful). Roy Stanz (biologist, bitter, driven). Eegon Mark (engineer, genius, suit designer). Pol Venker (engineer, self-indulgent, cavalier).
  • Notable Assets: A large canal boat that can travel through the ghost field. The ability to phase on top of people, possessing them, though the body dies a few days later. the ability to possess hulls overloading them for a brief period of time. A collection of smart and highly motivated scientists. Access to the Red House.
  • Quirks Before the mishap, the Ghosts were scientists. All are intelligent and educated. They phase out of reality if too long outside their suits (or people).
  • Allies: Sparkwrights guild, Suneaters, the path of echoes, Banshees.
  • Enemies: Spirit wardens, the starless veil, mossmen, gondoliers
  • Situation: A mishap with a ghost door phased the Ghosts. Upon their return, they possessed those that they found. The Page has been hunting them since. Recently their exo-suits have allowed them to act without harming others. They theorize that destroying the ghost door may restore them to their original forms.

Sah’iir TIER IV

Tall, fully robed xenos who travel with blindfolded servants that speak for them. In charge of tax collection for the entire Ring

Faction clock
  • Find the source of the visions 2/10 (S)
  • Turf: The Bank (HQ).
  • NPCs : Ren 3-Meti (matriarch, xeno, cunning, commanding). Iisoo 7-Chim (trader, explorer, xeno, humanitarian). Wi 13-Meti (Ren’s clutchmate, xeno, ambitious, underhanded, marked)
  • Notable Assets: Each Sahiir has black metal cubes that contain unknown but deadly magic and weaponary. Extensive funds. THe ability to curse someone and remove their luck from them. Tax day.
  • Quirks : The Sah’iir communicate via special hosts they control, called Echoes. Each may have up to a dozen of such Echoes. It’s said they sense who is suitable to be their Echo, regardless of distance.
  • Allies: Counter’s Guild
  • Enemies: The Hive, The dimmer sisters, Sign of one.
  • Situation: The Sah’iir have earned their place by being too important for any to get rid of. While not technically a Guild, they guard their secrets as if they were one. Recently some form of infection or transmission has been spreading through the echoes. This infection involves the echo seeing horrific visions and eventually tearing their eyes out. The Saa’hir believe that something is transmitting these visions and wish to find and deal with it they believe it is from the creators of the Ring.



Nightspeakers TIER IV

Mystics with dark proclivities bent on seeking a set of dangerous Factol artifacts

Faction clock
  • Quietly gain the Aleph Key 1/8 (S)
  • gain a new initiate 0/4 (R)
  • Turf: the Blackstar a hidden training area filled with complete darkness and competing acolytes.
  • NPCs :: Doraam (masked, mysterious, driven). Oin-rai (fighter,physical, huge, brutal). Ismissa (robed, unarmed, mystically potent). All count as small gangs in battle
  • Notable Assets: Mystical powers such as the Night Voice, which strips an area of magic and creates darkness and gravitational effects. A secret training area, as well as several non magical agents trained brutally to protect them. a trained and twisted ghost that they can destory easily, the ability to infuse weapons with dark energy i.e.( shoot bullets of shadow that blind someone)
  • Quirks Nightspeakers have pitch-black eyes and resonating voices after training in the Night Voice. Most wear masks. Some say they speak to voices from beyond the stars or from the void sea.
  • Allies: priests of the abyss, the blackfires
  • Enemies: Dimmer sisters, Path of echoes, wayfinders guild, guardians
  • Situation: Though few, each member is a potent mystic. They hire themselves out to powerful individuals while searching for a set of Factol artifacts called the Raiment of Night. Doraam has become the queen’s representatives on the City Assemblys personal mystic and advisor after sensing a piece of the Raiment—the Aleph key.

The Starless Veil TIER V

The page’s network of informants and spies their counter inteligence network which works to ensure balance within the divined serving the divined as a whole above the individual members.

Faction clock
  • extricate themselves from the 4 way war with the gloam and the foundation and Leviathan hunters 0/10 (G)
  • maintain the balance on the City assembly 0/6 repeating (R)
  • secret away Vorex’s sister 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: The Veil holds no turf except the occasional safe house or place to reload and rearm on missions
  • NPCs : Joina Starlight (leader, analyst, tactician, charming). Agent Phasic(infiltrator, engineer, risk-taker). Agent N’Paya Wayline (diplomat, connected, collector).
  • Notable Assets: A network of spies. High-tech or high magic gadgets. A few very comprehensive invisibility devices. The ability to teleport around the ring. 2 stolen levithan hunter boats (the greyhound and the robust)
  • Quirks All members of the Veil have had advanced mental training to resist interrogation and possession.
  • Allies: The Page, Sparkwrights, Vorex
  • Enemies: Yaru, Foundation, City Assembly, The Gloam
  • Situation: The Veil serves the balance themselves, even above the Page. When power struggles spill out into the Ring, the Veil follows. Their eyes are currently locked on the majority of the Assembly and they work to ensure that no member of the divined or of the Assembly eclipses the other in terms of power. They are in charge of ensuring the protection of the Assembly members. Recently they have uncovered the foundations reach and begun engaging them as a preventive measure. They also ensure that no other planar body can establish a foothold in the Ring and do so viscously.



Scarlet Wolves TIER IV

Although they often hire themselves out as bounty hunters, the Scarlet Wolves are a renowned group of assassins.

Faction clock
  • Murder top inventors and engineers in the city 0/8 (S)
  • Scope out targets 5/12 (S)
  • Turf:The Killroom, a high-end safe house on in Silkshore (HQ). Holdouts in most wards
  • NPCs : Rik “Old Wolf” Urus (leader, dangerous, retired, cunning). Hara “Mamba” M’brozz (sniper, killer, thrill-seeker). Jet “Shark” Wolffe (aloof, confident, unforgiving).
  • Notable Assets: A large armory of the very best weapons. An actual huge wolf genetically engineered by the Yaru as payment. (Rik keeps it. They feed it others who don’t pay.)
  • Quirks Each member of the Wolves bears a distinctive tattoo of a wolf holding a star in its mouth.
  • Allies: None. With the Wolves it’s strictly business.
  • Enemies: Starless Veil, Vignerons, path of echoes, spirit wardens.
  • Situation: The Scarlet Wolves are contract killers specializing in hard targets. They have a reputation for delivering, minimizing collateral, and never taking bribes. They’ve taken a large contract from the Leviathan hunters to kill a number of the top inventors and engineers across the city, but need time to set up the hit.

Suneaters TIER IV

Factol-archaeologists and scientists obsessed with recreating lost magics. Looking to travel to the sun in the centre of Sigil in pursuit of their goals.

Faction clock
  • Travel to the sun in the centre of the Ring and store it’s magical energy 2/12 (S)
  • Turf: : An ancient ruin in Six towers (HQ). Several warehouses across the wards.
  • NPCs : Elil (astrophysicist, fanatic, brilliant). Ruba (archaeologist, witch, seer). Racel (engineer, loyal, conflicted). Rygar Z’tann (mystic, guard, gravity bender).
  • Notable Assets: A few well-armed, unmarked urforged. Armed troops. mystics painfully trained to bend gravity. parts to build a flying vehicle to travel to the sun. A self contained lightining barrier. A solar siphon, a ancient artefact. A secret location to build their flying vehicle
  • Quirks Suneaters spend most of their days handling artifacts and have all learned how to handle them safely.
  • Allies: Ghosts, briarwort abbey.
  • Enemies: Stampers, Starless veil, Sah’iir, nightfall, mercykillers.
  • Situation: Many are ex-Guilders or mystics, who have poured decades of money and study into their cause. All fanatically believe that what is left of the sun has immense power for them to take or just needs their input to reawaken it they are finishing preperations to travel to the centre of the Ring and change everything.



Vignerons TIER III

A small handful of immortality seekers using artifact tech implants and chemicals distilled from the living; several of them have been around for hundreds of years. Most were powerful before their transformation, though they now conceal their true identities.

Faction clock
  • abduct and convert elite warriors 2/8 (S)
  • Turf:Anodyne, a pleasure den in Silkshore (HQ). Rust, an auction house in Charterhall.
  • NPCs : Asphodel (general, flawless, calculating, ravenous). Nehemiah (warrior, ancient, brutal, huge, fast). Morwenna (mystic, selective, enthralling) Oenomaus (gladiator, ex-slave, mentor)
  • Notable Assets: A few sophisticated hulls. Centuries of experience. A small stockpile of life-extension fluid. Gain potency for a while after taking the substance.
  • Quirks : Because the genetic material harvested from their kills must be suitable for the recipient, Vignerons only hunt human targets and all members are human.
  • Allies: The agony, The reconciled, the path of echoes
  • Enemies: the church of the ecstasy of the flesh, Ink rakes, the weeping lady, the keepers of the flame.
  • Situation: The Vignerons distill life essence from living victims and use it to extend their own lives. With this technology, their founders have lived for hundreds of years. Owing to its highly illegal nature, the Vignerons operate in secret, augmenting themselves and manipulating people behind the scenes. They wish to grow, converting a number of superior bodies to their cause


The most successful information broker to ever live. Can access any Map tablet, some urforged or open psalm tech in the cage (including ansible networks) though no one can explain how.

Faction clock
  • figure out who has her sister 2/8 (S)
  • did a occult faction take her sister 1/4 (S)
  • Turf: claims one of the many psalm substations in Barrows cleft as their HQ it is fully automated
  • NPCs : Vorex (wizard-class artificer/hacker, stressed, careful, self modified). A-0M (maintenance Urforged, cheerful, non-verbal). Tock (security Urforged, protective, staticky, well armed)
  • Notable Assets: An artifact EI core designed to interface with a living being, allowing temporary connection to energy in the same ward. A massive information network. Dirt on pretty much everyone in the Ring. Owed 2 large favours by the starless veil. Knows that a criminal faction didn’t take her sister.
  • Quirks Few have met Vorex in person; most talk to her through a random terminal or Urforged-delivered message
  • Allies: None. Vorex is mercenary, but she will help Conclave 01 on the cheap.
  • Enemies: Counters guild
  • Situation: Vorex has been an information broker for years. Using a artifact, she’s developed a massive network for buying and selling information. The Counters Guild kidnapped her sister to make Vorex sabotage the Sparkwright guild. Vorex seeks to free her sister without tipping her hand.



Wreckers TIER I

Scavengers, thieves, and brilliant forgers who incite factions to fight so that they may pick the battlefields clean later.

Faction clock
  • repair the derelict 8 0/8 (G)
  • Arange a conflict between conclave 01 and the echo wave riders 3/6 (S)
  • Turf: Makeshift base within the slags that was previously a powerful arcane construct.
  • NPCs : : Bobby-O (wizard-class forger and hacker, arrogant, trickster). Meshkilarn (mechanic, muscled, grimy). Qord (outsider, thief, delicate, one-handed)
  • Notable Assets: A series of forged papers, booby traps, and mock uniforms and weapons used to lure in unsuspecting marks. The Derelict-8, a derelict arcane construct they found.
  • Quirks Wreckers pick members from folks already fleeing from someone or hiding. They often trade food and water as a means of scoping folks out.
  • Allies: Borikno Syndicate, Charterhall Leviathans
  • Enemies: Echo wave riders.
  • Situation: The crew has hit several targets in the Ring by sowing confusion between the factions, and cleaning up after others. Their goal is to salvage enough to repair their current home, the construct they call the Derelict-8. To do that, many more things are going to need to be destroyed.


Guild that force-grows clones for labor. Clones are short-lived, have a symbol on their foreheads, and are supposedly only barely sentient. Folks are distinctly uncomfortable around the clones.

Faction clock
  • breed clone soldiers 1/10 (S)
  • examine the bodies and combat of normal worker clones 0/6 (G)
  • Turf: Sanctioned Yaru laboratory in Six towers (HQ). Secret research facilities.
  • NPCs : Foler Atherton (biologist, concealed). Bal Yn (geneticist, haughty). Rech (savant, cold)Thane Greysteel (pr head, ex special forces, twofaced) All unmarked progenitor clones
  • Notable Assets: Cloning facilities. Clones placed in several important households and facilities, which report back. Powerful capacity for genetic manipulation. Next action stolen bodies of gang members and reports from clones about combat performances
  • Quirks The Makers Guild doesn’t accept new members. The progenitors have self-perfected and are frozen; only so many are allowed to be active at once. The Yaru (as the clones are called) make many people in their presence uneasy
  • Allies: The foundation, surgeons guild, the first hydra.
  • Enemies: The transcendent order, Starless veil, VIGNERONS.
  • Situation: The Yaru are a relatively recent addition to the power structure of Sigil however they have swiftly established themselves with most major businesses utilising their clones for jobs noone else wants to do. However more recently the Yaru were approached by the Foundation and agreed to help them yet this has drawn the unwittingly into a war they were unprepared for.



The Blue Rose Distillery TIER II

At one time a well known alchool producer recently came under new management and now they produce potions and elixirs and are a smuggling front.

Faction clock
  • secure themselves from the Hunter 0/8 (R)
  • reach out to reddington 5/6 (G)
  • Turf: the Blue Rose Distillery claim the docks where the distillery is located in as their turf as well as several bars across the Docks that serve their goods. The Blue Rose Distillery (HQ)
  • NPCs : Mariel Tremblay (Leader, enigmatic, businesswoman, neutral) Elouan Stroud (Second, whisper, criminal, calm, skilled)
  • Notable Assets: A large distillery mostly repurposed to produce drugs, and elixirs, strong ties across the docks, small but efficent smuggling operation, a vast collection of blue rose alchool only increasing in value and the means to reproduce it.
  • Quirks Everyone employed by the blue rose is completly T total and Mariel will fire anyone who takes a drink. Additionally through some quirk Blue Rose alchool works on ghosts leading to some interesting business oportunities.
  • Allies: dockers, the hive.
  • Enemies: gondoliers, spirit wardens
  • Situation: The Blue Rose Distillery is a well known producer of spirits and wines, recently saved from economic collapse by the mysterious new owners. They now produce various potions, elixirs and the a small amount of Blue Rose alchool, serving locations in the Docks, Silkshore, and even Nightmarket. In addition to producing alcohol and potions, their trade obscures a smuggling operation, specializing in alchemicals, poisons, and ghosts. However those who know Mariel say she’s running from something and is looking to grow her influence and standing until she is safe from whatever it is.

Murmur TIER I

A mysterious figure, expert at manipulating Sigil’s bureaucratic systems.

Faction clock
  • Secure more blackmail 0/4 repeating (1) (S)
  • influence the election 1/8 (G)
  • Turf: Murmur claims the halls of government within Charterhall as their turf. Their HQ is unknown.
  • NPCs : Murmur (leader, smart, paranoid, manipulative) Throat (elite, mystery, second, offical)
  • Notable Assets: A unrivaled understanding of Sigils beuracratic system, Seeming imunity to the normal red tape of government, a secret identity, large collections of black mail for all levels of government, blackmail on a election offical.
  • Quirks He only ever appears wearing a mask, when he appears at all this mask never changes and is incredibly ostentatious.
  • Allies: None Murmur dosen’t trust anyone who they aren’t blackmailing into working alongside however they will work with Vorex or the Inkr rakes from time to time.
  • Enemies: Sun eaters, the city assembly, the circle of flame, the church of the ecstasy of the flesh, the keepers of the flame.
  • Situation: A mysterious figure, expert at manipulating Sigil’s bureaucratic systems. He is actively coercing many officials, gaining information to use against them, offering favors to indebt poor fools to himself. His victims mostly hear from him in coded notes or signals, or in the sound of their careers being killed; but scouting suggests he is a barrister, or lawyer of some sort. He is a successful information broker. With the election season coming up Murmur knows that this is the best time to make deep inroads and is looking to do so.



The Surgeons Guild TIER II

A well reuputed union of physickers who server the moderately wealthy.

Faction clock
  • Find more emerald hearts 0/8 (S)
  • open a surgery in the docks 1/6 (G)
  • Turf: Their guild hall is located on Poultice Street, in the Brightstone corner of Six Tower (HQ) many local surgeries that cater to the moderately wealthy across the city.
  • NPCs : Master Lorne (leader, surgeon, realistic, efficent, healer), Hengist Kumar (burglar, procurer of bodies, quick, kind hearted, cheery) Ammon (physician, compassionate, changed), Tar Hawkson (cleric, ancient, changed, powerful).
  • Notable Assets: A supply of bodies to practice on, trained surgical staff, a small but dedicated staff capable of healing most ills. Protection from many local wealthy individuals and the citizenry. A small cache of Emerald hearts which change the weilder but also let them heal others. Respect of the dockers.
  • Quirks With the exception of a few the Surgeon’s guild are incredibly scientific in their outlook using medical techniques only to save lives.
  • Allies: The middle and working class, levithan hunters, cyphers.
  • Enemies: Charterhall University, Spirit Wardens, vignerons
  • Situation: A well-reputed union of physickers, who serve the moderately wealthy of Brightstone and Charterhall. They are the best surgeons in Sigil, after those of the Guardians, and possess a library of medical texts. The Guild is chiefly known for providing ships with Master Surgeons. The Guild wants to be adopted as a college of Charterhall University, but academic politics keeps them out. They cannot join Sigils Academy, as they are not nobility, and as Sigil’s Academy is home to the Military surgeons. In response to this Ammon and Tar Hawkson have begun to move further away from traditional medicine and have implanted themselves with artefacts called emerald hearts that allow them to heal others but change them. They believe if they can find more then the university will be forced to acept them.

The Botanic Guild TIER II

A leader in the production of useful plants and alchemical components, which they sell widely to physickers and alchemists.

Faction clock
  • Expand their own influence and become a offical guild 4/6 (G)
  • Turf: A extensive greenhouse powered by raddiant energy (HQ), several warehouses and other locations to grow varied plants and alchemical components.
  • NPCs : Master Baltazar Baines (leader, skilled, botanist, knowledgable, jovial), Rossini (physicker, poisioner, potions master, sweet) Marlon Hauss (middle man, charismatic, connected, criminal, addict)
  • Notable Assets: Large stockpiles of poisons, elixirs and other alchemical compounds. the ability to replicate any other alchemical substance if given enough time, Proficent healers using natural compounds.
  • Quirks Each member of the botanic guild dosen’t consume food but instead a carefully created individual concoction based around alchemical ingredients that they believe enhances them.
  • Allies: Grinders, moss men
  • Enemies: Jayan Hall of Alchemy, The flux society, ashtari society
  • Situation: a leader in the production of useful plants and alchemical components, which they sell widely to physickers and alchemists. For the most part, they do not compete with alchemists, but sell only raw materials, although some physickers and alchemists are members of the Botanic Guild. The Guild wants to become a college of Charterhall University, but are kept out by the Jayan Hall of Alchemy, who see them as rivals. They wish to become a offical guild protected by Sigils university and the Stampers.



Strawmill House TIER II

A orphanage in the centre of Crow’s Foot most who pass through here are trained to be criminals from a young age.

Faction clock
  • Increace the size and scope of criminal training operations 0/6 (R)
  • Turf: A orphanage in the centre of Crow’s foot with a fairly extensive apparatus to train children in the skills needed to become criminals (HQ)
  • NPCs : Madame Gisella (leader, mastermind, teacher, orphan, young, tiefling) Master Adair (taskmaster, harsh, realistic, hard working) Master Harper (criminal, connected, friendly, measured), Fagin (teacher, pickpocket, charismatic) The Artful Dodger (child, thief, suave, cockney)
  • Notable Assets: A orphange within Crow’s foot that many gang members once called home, several master criminals who are well versed in training others in their skills, strong ties with individuals in nearly every criminal organisation, though it may take time the Strawmill house can get word to anyone in the city and has been a safe haven for many difficult negotiations. Tier 2 security across the entire Orphanage. The “Orphans Host” a single guard/rep from every organisation that recruits from them.
  • Quirks If the Strawmill house were ever to be threatened they could call upon hundreds upon hundreds of past members who would fight for them.
  • Allies: Billhooks, the crows, grinders, the hive, the lampblacks, the lost, the wraiths, echo wave riders, Borniko Syndicate, wreckers, the help.
  • Enemies: yaru, vignerons, watchdogs.
  • Situation: The lost children and unwanted orphans of Crow’s Foot inevitably pass through the halls of Strathmill House. Some are cared for and trained for jobs at the docks or the workhouses of Coalridge. Others are quietly instructed in the arts of the lookouts and runners used by the gangs of the district—all for a small fee to Strathmill House, of course.

Fenger TIER I

A mysterious and powerful mystic he has contacts in the heart of most factions and employs and trains whispers

Faction clock
  • Find some way to preserve their life and their independence 0/6 (S)
  • listen to the rumours in the red house 2/4 (G)
  • Turf: Fenger claims no turf however they seem to be always at home regardless of where they are in the Ring.
  • NPCs : Fenger (powerful, mystic, loner, teacher, whisper, impossible)
  • Notable Assets: A network of many trained whispers across the city. Contacts within the inner sanctums of most factions, the ability to dissapear and reappear at will.
  • Quirks Fenger has never been touched or if anyone has they never surrvived to tell the tale.
  • Allies: The Red House, the reconciled, the ghosts, the Legion.
  • Enemies: The Unseen, Circle of Flame, Spirit Wardens.
  • Situation: A mysterious and powerful mentalist. He appears to people at impossible times, and disappears in an instant, and has never been touched. He has contacts in the very heart of many factions, and employs whispers to do work for him; he has even trained some of them. Fenger has many plans and wishes to preserve his life and as such is searching for something to help them with that.



Sabaz TIER I

A renegade spirit warden who defected from the organisation, with a unknown agenda and a expert at hiding himself.

Faction clock
  • Form a accord with the Path of Echoes 0/6 (S)
  • caught by the spirit wardens 2/12 (countdown)
  • cultivate a ally in the path of echoes 2/4 (G)
  • Turf: Sabaz claims no turf
  • NPCs : Sabaz (ex-spirit warden, ghost hunter, motivated, old, rediscovering themselves) Dwimmer (black greyhound,swift, magical, vampire)
  • Notable Assets: a large amount of Spirit warden gear taken with him when he left, potent whisper supplies, a intimiate knowledge of the spirit wardens. Dwimmeris Sabaz’ lean, black greyhound. He is arrow-swift, and can almost supernaturally disappear into the darkness of Duskwall’s streets. He is also a vampire, bound with the ghost of another Spirit Warden, killed while defecting with Sabaz.
  • Quirks Sabaz is slowly recovering their individuality after the constant indoctrination of the spirit wardens and is struggling to cement their personality as Sabaz not Bakaros.
  • Allies: Dimmer sisters, gondoliers.
  • Enemies: The Spirit wardens, the Starless Veil, The Ghosts.
  • Situation: A renegade Spirit Warden, and a powerful whisper. He is old, wizened, and stooped, and was renowned among the Spirit Wardens prior to his defection. He is truly expert at hiding himself, and is almost never seen. The Wardens don’t truly expect to find him, though some of them are entrusted with the task. His reasons for leaving the Wardens, and his agenda are unknown, but he will occasionally hire a discreet whisper for some arcane job or another. For one reason or another Sabaz is seeking a accord with the path of echoes and has been performing services for them, none know his true goal.

The Blackfires TIER II

A gang of ghosts, brought together in a pact to achieve prolonged undeath by violent means

Faction clock
  • Free ancient ghosts from the Path of echoes 1/8 (S)
  • Turf: they claim no turf and instead are constantly on the prowl for fresh victimns within Nyssa and Marcus.
  • NPCs : Genadi (leader, ghost, skilled, violent) Ash Alfero (vampire, second, sociable, face) The gift from beyond (ghost, serial killer, cannibal)
  • Notable Assets: Nyssa and Marcus are two hollows used by the Blackfires to move about Sigil undetected. They are almost constantly inhabited by at least six ghosts. Many ghosts who have been ‘alive’ for a long time. A expert understanding of their own limits and ability to interact with those not on the ghost plane.
  • Quirks The blackfires maintain their current unlife through violent sacrifices they must murder others and consume their spirits within growing in power.
  • Allies: Ghosts, briarwort abbey
  • Enemies: The Dimmer sisters, the spirit wardens, path of echoes, the brass hats, Epitaph, Banshees.
  • Situation: The blackfires are a ferocious and viscous gang of ghosts who prolong themselves by killing and murdering others they then tear the spirits from the body and consume it continuing their existence. They have recently discovered that the Path of echoes contains within their archives many similarly violent and ancient ghosts who they wish to free they have made many attempts but as of yet haven’t succeeded.



The Brasshats TIER I

A renowned crew of Rail Jacks, known for rarely losing men on the job and for defending trains from record numbers of ghosts.

Faction clock
  • Establish a location for electro train repairs within the Deathlands 0/8 (G)
  • repair the brass bull 2/4 (G)
  • Turf: A constantly upgraded and improved electro train (known as the Brass Bull (HQ), Gadock station.
  • NPCs : Yorg Brasshat (leader, fair, travelled, precise grappler) Grimsby Ironstache (Second, train conductor, sparkcrafter, worried) Siobhan ‘Whiteknuckles’ (Brawler, ghost fighter, hammer, stocky) Boot (Silent, mysterious, anchor, patient)
  • Notable Assets: a full crew of rail jacks, a intricate understanding of ghosts and how to fight them, a battle scarred and very high tech electro train, a series of brass hats infused with electroplasmic energy from the very first journey of the Brass Bull, a impressive reputation with any who deal with the spirits. A collection of brass spirit bottles.
  • Quirks Each brass hat carries a small piece of the Brass Bull with them in a pinch it is a potent weapon against ghosts.
  • Allies: The Rail Jacks, the Red House, levithan hunters, gondoliers, concordant knights.
  • Enemies: The Black fires, The spirit wardens, the city assembly.
  • Situation: A renowned crew of Rail Jacks, known for rarely losing men on the job and for defending trains from record numbers of ghosts. They are also thugs and mercenaries, who work as ghost-hunters within Sigil, but will sometimes dip into extortion. They are known to occasionally unleash captured ghosts against their rivals. They have their own hidden agenda, which may be involved with the Rail Jacks’ push for a union.

The Red House TIER III

A secret club for whispers and their ilk

Faction clock
  • Generate and perform a arcane ritual that will maintain the secrecy of the Red House 0/8 (G)
  • Find the missing searchers 1/12 (S)
  • Turf: A secret club location within the ghost field. Several locations for keyed ghost doors across the ring to allow access to the Red House.
  • NPCs : Lord Ekateros (leader, host, arcanist, unknown, friendly) The Housekeeper (elusive, security, respectful, well mannered) Sam (one of many, identical, uniformed, servant) Herne (hunter, security, owl keeper, meticulous)
  • Notable Assets: A uncanny ability to avoid unwanted guests, a pair of grey owls Dachtylo and Anticher, are known to kill the occasional inquisitive deathseeker crow, several identical man servants who all go by the name of Sam, The housekeeper counts as a small gang when fighting within the House. A three way door contained within the house when you go through the door it takes you to a third exit Sam travels with you as the right key opens the right door to anywhere, any when or any why. A tier 2 gang exploring the 3 sided door.
  • Quirks The Red house only allows whispers into the house and caters to ghosts as well as other outsiders.
  • Allies: The Dimmer Sisters, Briarwort Abbey, Lord Scurlock, Epitaph.
  • Enemies: the Spirit Wardens, the Starless veil, the path of echoes
  • Situation: A secret club for whispers and their ilk. It is host to a variety of arcane business, and is accessible only by one of several ghost doors, which move about Sigil and disappear. It occasionally hosts auctions of arcane artifacts. Everyone in the club wears a mask, except in private meeting rooms, but the Red House is uncanny in its ability to avoid unwanted guests. The last group to traverse through the 3 way door has yet to return and Lord Ekateros is becoming increasingly worried and is begining to investigate how they might be able to find them or what went wrong.



The Moss men TIER I

A order of clerics who form part of a growing deathlands cult serving the same function as Spirit Wardens.

Faction clock
  • prove to the city assembly that the Spirit Wardens aren’t the only way to stop Spirits 1/6 (G)
  • gain acolytes and followers 0/8 (R)
  • kill a powerful horror in the theatre 1/12 (S)
  • Turf: A small base in Six Towers and the Lost district overgrown with moss, A series of interconnected caves in the deathlands a natural salt mine (HQ)
  • NPCs : Gorgo (leader, expert ghost slayer, dove breeder, magnetic) Snaketongue (ALchemist, magician, botanist, mycologist), Agra (formidable, duelist, precise, deadly)
  • Notable Assets: Doves that when released will forcibly absorb the ghost, and will then be trapped while the dove and ghost are destroyed. Spores and fungal material, which can grow at will rapidly, used by Moss Men to destroy bodies and the ghosts inside.Bags of Black Salt, which the Moss Men use to repel ghosts. A few arcane swords of bone passed down from master to aprentice made from deathland creatures. The ability to produce supernatural fright in enemies as well as ghosts.
  • Quirks The Moss Men are incredibly uncomfortable on the Ring and try and spend as little time their as possible.
  • Allies: Deathland Scavengers, Aether Ghosts
  • Enemies: The Blackfires, The Reconciled, Spirit wardens, Briarwort Abbey
  • Situation: A order of clerics of a growing deathlands cult. They serve some of the same functions as the Spirit Wardens, disposing of the dead, and protecting the people from the supernatural. They wear Dread Spirit Masks, and have the ability to produce supernatural fright in enemies. It is rumored that they can even frighten ghosts. The faction within Sigil, is based in the Six Towers and the Lost District, consider themselves missionaries and forerunners of the rising up of nature against the scourge of industrialized civilisation, particularly those practitioners of Sigils abominable spiritual practices. They secretly plot against the Spirit Wardens, and chip away at the establishment wherever they can, gathering acolytes along the way.

The Briarwort Abbey TIER I

A coven of witches based in the lost district and attuned to the ghosts within.

Faction clock
  • Benefit from knowledge of natives to the great ocean 1/8 (G)
  • Ascend to become one with the ocean 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: A small abandoned convent within the Lost Districts (HQ)
  • NPCs : Mother Corrigan (leader, aged, former church member, crazy, magician) Sister Iris (second, secretive, spy initiate)
  • Notable Assets: Potent Whisper abilities, the witches are attuned to the ghost field within the lost district to a almost symbiotic level and as such are able to influence it easily. Briarwort witches are able to phase through objects and possess creatures as per the ghost playbook. Senior witches can draw on the spirits of their living initiates before they die. Alliance with the gondoliers. Arranged a conclave of reconciled spirits in the lost district next action to talk to them/ use the gondoliers knowledge.
  • Quirks The Abbey runs on a strict heirarchy with every individual bonded to the one above then and are enchanted to obey their commands.
  • Allies: Lord Surlock, Night speakers, the gondoliers
  • Enemies: The Spirit Wardens, Mossmen, Silver nails,
  • Situation: A ghastly coven of witches based in the Lost District these witches are attuned to the ghost district to a uncomfortable manner and folks say they have more in common with ghosts than they do with other mortals. Potent whispers. The abbey knows that they are similair in some respects to the Ghosts as both have influence in the ghost field without being spirits and as such wish to gain their knowledge by whatever means.



The Help TIER IV

A network of servants, waitstaff, cleaners, and the like. Common folk that are overlooked, unseen, and easily ignored.

Faction clock
  • individual personal clocks 0/4 (generally) (G)
  • Turf: the kitchens, lower floors and servants passages ways of the houses of the rich all over the Ring.
  • NPCs : A range of individuals depending on the house ranging from: butlers, maids, stablehands, gardeners, chefs, cleaners, waitstaff, coachmen, falconeers, animal handlers, nurses, nannys and body people, Selena Tanner (Leader, loyal, indebted, creative)
  • Notable Assets: Free reign throughout some of the most expensive and richly appointed areas within the Cage, a very expansive understanding of the workings of the upper class, the ability to lie low in the last place anyone would think to look, some blackmail material that can be used incredibly carefully. The Help have relatively low tier equipment but make up for it in their size, reach and their access.
  • Quirks Members of the help are generally incredibly loyal to their own house and will work their for their entire life regardless of how they feel about the nobles within however once this loyalty is lost it’s almost impossible to get it back.
  • Allies: The Brigade, the nobility, Ink Rakers, Raymund Reddington
  • Enemies: The Wraiths, Borniko syndicate
  • Situation: The Help don’t have a general goal but individual members have short clocks based generally around bettering their own personal position within the household or getting their own back on their noble masters who have broken the trust placed in them.

The Charterhall Leviathans TIER II

A gang of university jocks who have recently formed a competent criminal enterprise

Faction clock
  • Protect the university from hostile influence 0/4 repeating (R)
  • Generate enough influence to gain a ballot in the election 1/8 (G)
  • Turf: The Sigil University, a dorm room on campus (HQ), several gambling and drug dens scattered around Campus or close to it.
  • NPCs : Lem Helles (leader, smart, muscular, scientist) Vesna Hightown (noble, second, jock, alluring) Elend Night (slow, huge, brawler, tough, addict)
  • Notable Assets: All members of the Charterhall levithans are quite strong for a mortal and are difficult to tangle with, several underground criminal venues on university property, a cache of drugs to enhance the brain that the leaders avail themselves of when planning, relationships with university students of all sorts allowing them access to certain libraries or experiments.
  • Quirks Members of the levithans are easily described as frat members and find themselves easily persuaded by sex and willing to take alternative payment, this has led to some internal difficulties.
  • Allies: The Hive, society of sensations, guild of engineers, concordant knights, the botanist guild.
  • Enemies: the circle of flame, stampers, the crows, the surgeons guild, the Sanguine Sorority.
  • Situation: A gang of university jocks, who have recently managed to form a competent criminal enterprise within the university. Catering to the student body and townies with drugs and underground gambling venues in university facilities. The Charterhall Leviathans have decided that in order for them to be taken seriously they need to do 2 things 1 protect their turf and 2 have enough influence to reccieve a ballot in the upcoming election, the leadership often takes cognitive enhancing drugs to ponder this issue.



The Mystai TIER IV

powerful learned mystics fighting a debilitating curse

Faction clock
  • prevent the metamorphosis 2/12 (S)
  • learn more about the throne of glass 0/12 (G)
  • secure new mystical knowledge 0/4 repating (R)
  • Turf: a large library and training ground in six towers called the Athenaeum HQ
  • NPCs : (the rhetai a group of senior cult members who advise the Megir they vie for supermacy and only meet all together in many layers of secrecy (10 members)) The Megir the eye that pierces the veil (mystic, powerful, unknown, imprisoned) The Mesazar (secondr, deadly, well armed, mystic), the commune (mystic construct, powerful, unified purpose, created by many) Ahzek Ahriman (sorcerer, precognitive, driven, idealist, believer)
  • Notable Assets: Many powerful mystics split between the 5 cults, a large collcetion of arcane artefacts, un rivaled arcane repositories of knowledge, a large holocron library sealed by the first master, an intrinsic understanding of the great ocean. Aetherfire weapons that use occult lore and sparkcraft technology to burn with intense heat, hulls controlled by a singular mind through mystic links. A ghost of someone who fell victimn to the metamorphasis.
  • Quirks The Mystai are split into 5 cults each of which specialise in a specific discipline. Athanaean masters of the discipline of telepathy, able to transmit their thoughts and read the thoughts of others; Corvidae skilled in precognition and divination, determining the likely probabilities of future events; Pavoni the healers able to use their power to influence the human body stopping heart or regrowing flesh; Pyrae were pyrokinetics, having the ability to both generate and control fire; Raptora are gifted practitioners of telekinesis. High ranking members must first spend time with another gang developing other skills before they’re accepted. To be initiated a aspirant must die 2 deaths once for mere minutes before reviving themselves, another at the end for hours to enter the Rhetai you must experience a third death.
  • Allies: path of echoes, the flux society, the gloam, the nightspeakers, vigilance, dimmer sisters
  • Enemies: the horde, the forgotten gods, ghosts, suneaters, mossmen
  • Situation: The mystai collect mystically powerful individuals and hone and protect their talents to enhance their position. The training and nature of the Mystai method means that many of their members burn bright however it enables their mystic power to touch both the mortal plane, the ghost field and the aether outside it all. However many of them quickly succumb to metamorphosis and becoming a horrific monstrosity of uncontrolled power before they are put down by their brothers. The Megir the leader of the Mystai ascends to the throne of glass as soon as they take the position and from then rarely speaks afterwards and it slowly kills them but are granted powerful precognitive abilities. Therefore the Mesazar is the defacto leader who wields a blade known as Arquemann the mystic spirit within melds with the wielder making them deadly.

Sign of One TIER II

A small group of individuals who believe reality exists in the minds eye and as such can be changed

Faction clock
  • find a imagination forge 0/12 (S)
  • Figure out what massacred the Charter Hall think tank 0/8 (G)
  • Turf A series of ‘think tanks’ scattered around the Cage attempting to believe certain things into existence
  • NPCs : Althaea Tinmouth (leader, day dreamer, old, imaginative), Lem Walund (second, open minded, interpreter, retentive) Tacitus Peak (straight forward, impulsive, self centered, rich)
  • Notable Assets: The ability to see through illusions, the ability to imagine certain things changing reality to suit their will, a series of think tanks that harness a single idea and promote it forward, a collection of aged members who are kept in a secret place and dream constantly of something unknown to any but them. Several Mnemonic memory banks that allow Signers to record and replay their thoughts, dreams, and creative musings, preserving them for future use. A small collection of cerebral wardens who ensure outside thoughts don’t disrupt their charges contemplations. A tier 3 detective they imagined into existence.
  • Quirks Signers believe in the power of dreams over anything else and will follow the messages in their dreams if they reccieve one.
  • Allies: strawmill house, fenger, society of sensation.
  • Enemies: acolytes of brashkadesh.
  • Situation: The Signers believe that the multiverse and all of reality exists because the mind imagines it. They believe that all of reality is the dream or the conscious thought of a individual and as suh they are able to create, alter or remove things through the power of thought. They believe all berk’s are the center of their own universe. The faction is set around a series of ‘think tanks’ that work to advance their own goals. Recently one of the think tanks was massacred and the signers are trying to find out what or who did it. But some have presented a darker theory that they dreamed into reality their own death. Tinmouth has recently dreamed of a thing he refers to as the imagination forge and it now ocupies his every thought.



Society of Sensation TIER III

A group who believe reality only counts if you experience it then you understand it.

Faction clock
  • ensure the safety of the sensates during expeditions 1/6 (G)
  • Turf: the society of sensations calls most of Silkshore their turf, a club called emotions is their (HQ)
  • NPCs : Erin Darkflame Montgomery (leader, experiencing suprise, experienced) Cuatha Da’nanin (second experiencing happiness, carefree, wanderer, a good time), Annali Webspinner (experiencing disgust, silver tongue, disguised, perceptive)
  • Notable Assets: Sensates are incredible readers of body languague even of people they have just met and are able to pick out liars easily, sensates can take on the pain and experiences of others, the vast array of experiences that sensates have had means they tend to be very knowledgable as a whole. A tier 2 contact for mercenaries a tier 1 band of mercenaries (failures)
  • Quirks Many sensates approach their work by looking to feel all the different types of a particular emotions leading them to be somewhat singular in their emotional depth at times.
  • Allies: The sign of one, guilds of the market ward, the citizens of Silkshore.
  • Enemies: the horde, the red house, deathland scavengers.
  • Situation: The society of sensation desire to experince the multiverse fully and through that understand it entirely. They believe the senses form the path to truth for what can’t be sensed dosen’t truly exist. The society of sensations seek to constantly expand there horizons and bring new and diverse sensations to Sigil. The Sensates have been trying to expand their horizons with trips into the deathlands and by being able to visit the red house however neither can currently be done so safely which they wish to change.

Transcendent Order TIER II

A group who focus on training the body and mind to act in harmony

Faction clock
  • protect their members from being misused 0/6 repeating (G)
  • Find a member of vigilance 3/12 (R)
  • Discover if their is a link between the Transcendent orders ideals and Vigilance 0/8 (S)
  • Turf: The great gymnasium (HQ) training grounds scattered throughout the city and a gym within the stampers barracks
  • NPCs : Rhys (leader, neutral, master, impossibly quick, certain aloof) Leif Tailor (second, strong, quick, master, influential, competitive) Galina Glasseye (Initiate, reactive, quick, dancer, torublesome)
  • Notable Assets: All members are lightining fast, higher level members are able to resist things affecting their mind easier, masters are immune to having their mind influenced, Members have the ability to enter action trances where they act whilst being at one with themselves, members are profficent fighters and able to adapt to most situations and generally fairly physhically strong, lithe or hardy.
  • Quirks Members of the transcendent order can appear self centered. They just want to find their own unity with the cosmos before worrying about how others’re doing.
  • Allies: stampers, charterhall levithans.
  • Enemies: Yaru, the flux society, vignerons.
  • Situation: Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit will become one with the multiverse. The transcendent order are self centered and support a healthy body looking to keep their body in good shape to unify their body and mind. They seek to enhance their own personal unity. The transcendent order know that they are potential targets of the vignerons or the yaru as of now they haven’t been attacked or approached openly and are waiting for the moment they feel is right to protect themselves.



Knights and Servants of the Ward TIER II

A group of rich and entitled thieves who deal with the boredom of life by pulling of massive scores.

Faction clock
  • Figure out a way to pull of a heist in carceri 0/8 (G)
  • get a map of carceri 3/12 (S)
  • Turf: The high houses of brightstone, they call a selection of apartments in Bowmore Bridge their (HQ)
  • NPCs : Shemeshka the Marauder (leader, imposing, charming, wealthy, connected) Mantello the Jeweler (partner to Shemeshka, hatcheman, transmuter, jealous) Duprak Jarneesh (ruthless, extremely wealthy, unfair) Wei Minh Lee (youthful, hunted, impulsive, profficent)
  • Notable Assets: vast amounts of personal wealth, a arangement with the king’s agents allowing them access to other planes for a cut, personal connections with nobles across the factions, extremely well trained hired help, a never ending crop of bored nobles as their members tend to die often.
  • Quirks noble Members of the knights and servants aren’t always the best trained or even most profficent thieves however they make up for this by using their money to buy the best of the best.
  • Allies: The wraiths, borniko syndicate, the concordant knights The Help (sometimes),
  • Enemies: The Help (sometimes), the watchdogs.
  • Situation: The knights and servants of the ward are a series of elite, rich and entitled thieves who go far and above what anyone else in the cage wishes to do or has the ability to do. They travel the planes robbing entire nations of their treasuries. They are examing a way to pull of a heist in carceri.

Priests of the Abyss TIER III

The priests and followers of the abyss known for making deals with anyone.

Faction clock
  • Figure out why the Bells of Baphomet are ringing 0/8 (S)
  • Engage more Cagers in contracts for their soul 0/4 (G)
  • search the archives for why the bells are ringing 3/8 (R)
  • Turf: The temple of the Abyss (HQ)
  • NPCs : Noshteroth of the Umber Scales (leader, high priest, magical, long term view) Urgrek (master of rituals, advisor, guard of the temples sacrifical blades, occult) Noxana the Unwilling (daughter (of Noshteroth), secretary, lawyer, meticulous, cruel)
  • Notable Assets: twelve Serpent Griffon Golem who have slain countless intruders, powerful abyssal magic, the demon of the bell a invulnerable creature who hunts any and all who leave a contract broken for long enough, the bells of baphomet that driver a cager mad if they break their contract, a pair of cambion bruisers who are incredibly dumb.
  • Quirks The priests of the Abyss are suprisingly tight lipped about their services and allies and will often take secrets to the grave. In addition each night at antipeak; all the Lords of the Abyss are venerated, one each night until the entire list is exhausted, when the sequence begins anew.
  • Allies: nightspeakers, the red house.
  • Enemies: the forgotten gods, Lord Scurlock, the mystai.
  • Situation: The priests of the abyss are the followers of the infinite layers of the abyss they’re goals are as chaotic and obscure as the abyss yet their power is significant. As they have the support of all the layers and the demons within. They are known for making deals with anyone for their soul and the power they give is very real yet they are tight lipped. Recently Noshteroth has been hearing the Bells of Baphomet quietly but growing steadily louder. He has many of his acolytes searching through the contract archives to see if he has broken one but worries that Baphomet has abandoned him.



Guilds of the Market Ward TIER IV

The guilds of the market ward only value money and can find and sell anything.

Faction clock
  • Find a group that will protect their stores from hostile elements 0/6 (G)
  • are the hive mercenaries worth the money 1/6 (R)
  • Turf: the markets of nightmarket, the claim the great bazar as their HQ
  • NPCs : Liria Devereux (leader, high end, fashion designer, wealthy, elite clientle) Kalypso Taranov (reclusive, high end, source of chant, hard to find) Talon Corvo (criminal, fence, risky, deal maker) Aric Roussel (shrewd, successful, connected, the first port of call) Gaius Legrand (ecentric, dangerous collection, artefact trader), Elric Harcourt (former soldier, general store owner, efficent, fair)
  • Notable Assets: Members of the market guild are resistant to charm and able to keep their own against supernaturally charming individuals. Guild members are able to figure out what faction a person belongs to after a couple of innocuous questions. The guild members are a close knit group that look out for one another and if your banned from one members store your banned from all. They are aware of where to get anything and will be able to source it for you, if given enough time. Mercenary contact with the Hive.
  • Quirks The Guilds of the market wards are likely to appeal to people of independent natures and don’t like to ally with other factions preffering to be neutral.
  • Allies: None they focus mostly on being neutral and selling to all.
  • Enemies: the wraiths, they try and maintain neutral selling anything to anyone.
  • Situation: The guilds of the market ward truly value only one thing and that is money, they will look out for each other when possible but live to advance the profit of each of their individual businesses. They are searching for ways to further protect their businesses against hostile criminal elements.

Astropaths Guild TIER II

The guild of learned savants who believe that the void sea can and should be mapped.

Faction clock
  • successfully learn from the leviathan brain 3/8 (R)
  • create a object that will protect a conduit who interacts with the brain 4/6 (G)
  • Turf: The Atropahts guild call the docks their turf, they call their home base a large library and astronomy tower called the port of wanderers their (HQ)
  • NPCs : Garner Glasseye (leader, astronomer, pragmatist, down to earth, boring, 1 eyed) Aleph Braum (second, sailor, genius, retentive, competitive) Albinia Orchid (star gazer, dreamer, idealist, skeptical)
  • Notable Assets: a vast collection of information about the deathlands and the void sea, large astronamy equipment to allow for viewing of the stars, several captured star elementals, ancient record on the stars, several deathland creatures that have been trained and are being experimented on, a full intact leviathan brain in suspended animation.
  • Quirks Astropaths attempt to prove that everything can be solved through the scientific method yet every day this idea is challenged, this can lead some of them to be strung incredibly tight. In a effort to prove this some infect themselves with a memory virus they are known to be hungry for knowledge of any and every sort.
  • Allies: Leviathan Hunters, Sailors, deathland scavengers.
  • Enemies: aether ghosts, wayfinders guild, agony.
  • Situation: The astropaths guild study the many celestial bodies that exist within the void sea as well as ceaslessly compiling logs from there astropaths who travel the void sea. They have discovered that the sea is prehaps mappable and infinetly vast however is constantly changing. They are seeking to learn more about the stars and anything else within the void sea to improve their maps. Recently they have managed to get a entire leviathan brain back to the port of wanderers and are seeking some sort of way to speak with it to learn its information as all previous attempts have killed the conduit.



Wayfinders Guild TIER III

a collection of prophets and visionarys who listen to and hear the void sea in their every waking moment.

Faction clock
  • find and capture a void born 5/8 (G)
  • Turf: A large area in the docks kept almost entirely in the dark known as the vacant waves (HQ), based around several spirit wells that they have been drawn to.
  • NPCs : Ruby (leader, void touched, scattered, prophetic) Oressia (second, sailor, well liked, levithan whisperer) Thurston (recluse, visionary, blind, Aquaphilia)
  • Notable Assets: several powerful mystics who have been influenced by the void sea, several powerful ritually marked hollows who have been bathed in the void sea, a large basin of water from the void sea, a collection of humans adapted by the Yaru to breathe underwater who spend most of their time in this voidwater tank.
  • Quirks Members of the wayfinders guild tend to find their mood ebbing and flowing like the tides one moment they can be kind and calm the next brash and aggresive.
  • Allies: Leviathan hunters, Sailors, Yaru.
  • Enemies: Astropaths, spirit wardens.
  • Situation: The wayfarers guild unlike the astropaths believe that the void sea is a map unto itself and that instead of trying to map it you should let it take you wherever you need to go. There members listen to the sea itself which they claim speaks to them in dreams and visions. Searching for the void born who they believe are the sea manifested or prehaps beings who have had their soul replaced by the void sea itself it’s unclear.

The Aether Ghosts TIER II

Seemingly impossible ferrymen who are able to take individuals through the deathlands if you can pay the ferryman.

Faction clock
  • create a centre of operations within the deathlands 1/8 (S)
  • Turf: The Aether ghosts call the deathlands their turf.
  • NPCs : The White Seer (leader, powerful whisper, enigmatic, elusive) Saronos (leader, powerful whisper, bruiser, mystical combatant, duelist, reliable) Ashur-Kai Qezremah (leader, powerful whisper, shadow, lethal, acrobatic, precise, silver tongued)
  • Notable Assets: Members of the Aether ghosts have many similarities to ghosts in their outlook and only appear in full armour, they have some technology of unknown designs that appear to replicate certain magical powers, the Aether ghosts are able to act as whispers but only when outside of the Ring. Several ghosts bound to collect resources throughout the deathlands for their centre of operations.
  • Quirks The Aether ghosts never demmand payment in gold but instead in more obscure things that can include magic sensitive children or other individuals. Those who know the Aether ghosts well say that all 3 of it’s leaders are somehow the same person.
  • Allies: Briarwort Abbey, dimmer sisters, moss men.
  • Enemies: spirit wardens, astropaths guild.
  • Situation: The aether ghosts act as ferrymen through the deathlands and to the void sea for those who can’t afford the prices of the railjacks or who can’t afford the scrutiny that this trip would require. The group has a fearsome reputation and seem to possess some whisper like powers. They never ask for gold instead asking for more obscure payments which can and does include magic sensitive individuals.



Ashtari Cult Tier III

Worshipers of ancient beings who all claim ancient lineages. They inhale gases from the Ashtari Cloud to connect to their presumed ancestors.

Faction clock
  • Align the moons of Sigil 0/8 (S)
  • Turf: An undocumented ruin in the deathlands. A large tower being built in Brightstone to observe the moons. (HQ)
  • NPCS : Urmak Theon (compassionate, educated, well spoken). Urmak Lesh (artificer, ex-Sparkwright, researcher). Urley Fean (Noble, cautious, hidden, influential). Rokono Maex (captain, scavenger, coarse, nonbeliever, stoic).
  • Norable Assets : A bevy of ancient artifacts. Stockpiles of Ashtari gas. Many Ashtari members carry sacred crescent blades forged in moonlight. Cult members wear Moonshadow Cloaks woven from lunar silk. These cloaks grant enhanced stealth and visibility in moonlit environments. The Ashtari Cult has discovered and activated a series of ancient portals known as the Moonlit Portal Nexus. These portals connect to moon-aligned locations, granting the cult access to otherworldly realms. However passage through here is dangerous as many things exist on these paths.
  • Quirks : Each member of the Cult wears a small vial of Ashtari gas to allow them to “commune” with their “past.” These visions of lives eons ago have unearthed previously unknown ruins
  • Allies: Ghosts, Lord Scurlock
  • Enemies: Church of the ecstasy of the flesh.
  • Situation: Visions granted when inhaling Ashtari gas in sacred places about the Ring indicate that Celestial Lunarians across the Ring staring at the moons of Sigil could prehaps be used to control them or at least understand them. The visions are unclear as to what will happen when the moons are aligned, but that’s not going to stop the Cult. The ruin that they hold within the deathland produces the Ashtari gas which the cult is named for it appears like a nebula. Within it, normal movement is minimal and navigation is inconsistent.

Guild of Engineers V

One of the Guilds, responsible for resource acquisition in the deathlands, psalm production cybernetics and urforged advancement, EI through magical or technical means, tech advancement, and research.

Faction clock
  • Convert SB-176 their base in Whitecrown into a ghost field siphon 1/8 (S)
  • create a construct that is able to use the ghost field or other mystical powers 4/10 (G)
  • Turf: : SB-176 (HQ). A portion of the Sparkwrights tower. Advanced research facilities across the Ring, the grand archive a extensive information repository in whitecrown.
  • NPCs : Avalon Riat (Leader, cybernetic spider legs,megalomaniac). Thiel Kharrat (operations head, brutal, connected, influential). Oevers Star (head researcher, genius, reclusive, overworked). Yast Jor (commanding, shrewd, bold)
  • Notable Assets: Technology even the Starless veil are unaware of, stored in the Grand Archive. Secret research laboratories. Many midas scientists who fled it’s destruction
  • Quirks Many high-ranking Guild members sport custom cybernetics.
  • Allies: Sparkwrights guild.
  • Enemies: : Borniko Syndicate, Conclave 01, Counters Guild
  • Situation: Decadent and powerful, the Guild of Engineers are beyond the ability of the City Assembly to police. The Guild is exploiting this, using their remote locations to perform experiments banned by the City Assembly. Their current project involves converting the energy from the ghost field into a highly unstable but physical compound.



Vigilance I

Warrior mystics that seek to enforce an ancient code of justice on those they find wanting

Faction clock
  • Stop the Agony from hunting in the deathlands 0/10 (G)
  • retrieve their artefact blades from Lord Scurlock 1/12 (S)
  • Turf: : The First Temple in the deathlands (HQ)
  • NPCs : : Quai-Rosh (elder, mystic, judgmental). Aayli Spacerunner (elder, stoic, warrior). Ulek Spacedancer (apprentice, rash, friendly)
  • Notable Assets: : Hidden temples in the deathlands. Temple archives going back to the early days of the Ring. Arcane tools. A handful of powerful mystic warriors.
  • Quirks : Each member is trained by one elder mentor. Becoming a Vigilance member means receiving an artifact blade as a mark of your progress and are able to channel their mind into this blade.
  • Allies: Concordant knights, order of the ashen dawn, the raven brothers.
  • Enemies: Night speakers, Agony, the Mystai
  • Situation: Although the Ring is ancient the deathlands colonies are a relitavely recent yet it seems that before this a small group did live in the deathlands. A few of the cagers found the group called the vigilance and decided to continue it since the original practitioners were wiped out. They have judged those who abused the deathlands as unworthy and using their powerful mystical abilities have taken it upon themselves to stop their abuse.

Dyrinek Gang I

Mostly young, disenfranchised cagers who have turned to crime and found strength and solidarity with each other

Faction clock
  • take over the map tablets to broadcast over the entire Ring 0/6 (G)
  • Create a map table hacking object 2/4
  • Turf: Lost Paradise, a club with an attached warehouse where the gang does its business (HQ)
  • NPCs : Dyrinek (revolutionary, proud, overconfident). Burn (mystic, fast, overconfident, untrained). Radds (artificer, smart, logophile). Myrk (gun enthusiast, hothead, excitable, fire-proof)
  • Notable Assets: A collection of high-end flying vehicles used to cruise through their territory. A few magical items some of the leaders have attuned to themselves. A collection of special shot glasses that have spots for matches in them. A large collection of drinkable tar for a dangerous drinking game using matches and tar. A tier 4 gun.
  • Quirks : When a new member joins the gang, they all go out on a drunken tear across the city, leaving a swath of wreckage in their wake
  • Allies: Echo wave riders, overseer, wreckers .
  • Enemies: Stampers, the unseen, the lost.
  • Situation: The gang has had its run-ins with the Stampers and the chant paints them as lowlifes with no future. Dyrinek wants to send a message that they won’t be so easily dismissed, and plans to take over the map tablets to broadcast the gang’s punk ideology. All they need is the opportunity



The First Hydra Tier IV

A single, vast and crushing entity with many limbs and hundreds striking fangs, operating under a single malevolent will.

  • bring more factions into the war against the starless veil 5/10 (horde) (S)
  • Replace Joina Starlight with the twins 0/12 (S)
  • reconnect with the unsung 2/8 (S)
  • Turf: The first Hydra hold safe houses and operations all across the ring and would call the entire ring their turf any information regarding their numbers or HQ is considered to be a lie.
  • NPCs: Alpharius (twin, calculated, visionary, deadly) Omegon (patient, twin, vicious, merciless) Sheed Ranko (driven, unyielding, dutiful) Ingo Pech (many faced, duplicitous, independent, loyal), Exodus (killer, loner, meticulous, one of many)
  • Notable Assets: The ability to ingest the flesh of a fallen enemy and absorb the memories of the target. Surgery and other magic to allow operatives to take on the face, shape and race of a target. The ability to ingest the blood of their 2 factols to masquerade as them and channel their knowledge. A vast inteligence network. An extensive collection of esoteric and occult sparkcraft techology and weird artefacts often these items are believed destroyed by whoever originally had them. Several specialists trained to counter and mimic the techniques of other factions. A vast array of stealth equipment, items and hidden weapons. A hidden agent or asset in every single faction or group on the Ring including comatose hidden agents across the ring. A collection of seemingly ordinary individuals enhanced to be more than they appear.
  • Quirks when interacting with someone outside of the First Hydra every member identifies themselves as Alpharius exclusively. we are legion
  • Allies: Yaru, Starless veil, acolytes of Brashkadesh
  • Enemies: crows, gray cloaks, the hive, the seven core ripper
  • situation The first hydra are a vast organisation of double agents, spys and saboteurs. Every single aspect of the First Hydra is subject to change and everything that is known about them is assumed to be a lie. The operatives of the First Hydra are 2 fold one a series of genetically enhanced individuals who all look the same and the others are ordinary people empowered by hypnotherapt and implants all are masters of disguise and they are known for using any and all means to achieve their goals, striking from multiple directions at once and are able to operate independently with complete trust in the other parts of the plan. Their many agents often don’t know what they are due to hypno therapy and the only defining mark is a hidden tattoo of a hydra. Mant of the factions who have fallen from grace such as the crows and greycloaks blame rightly or wrongly the first hydras agents for their downfall however most recently they acted behind the scenes to bring the conflict between the gloam, the starless veil and the foundation to a head and want to continue this.
  • operatives (more than normal), levithan hunters and railjacks from the pain train, silver nails from the lost district event.

The Kinclaith Detective Agency (Tier III)

A group of embittered, alcohol-soaked flatfoots and sleuths, working as bounty hunters, mercenaries and strikebreakers.

  • continue working with the watchdogs 0/4 reccuring (G)
  • Become embroiled in some scandal involving an institution or public service. 0/6 reccuring (countdown)
  • Turf: A large but battered and run-down office on the Fugue in Six Towers. (HQ.) Several smaller offices and safehouses across the city. Connections in practically every Bluecoat precinct, and several friendly Ink Rakes who can be relied upon in a crisis.
  • NPCs: Arnold Kinclaith (ex-Ink Rake and co-founder, grizzled, pugnacious, steely.) Ray Candlemaker (ex-watchdog and co-founder, bedraggled, washed-up, ignored.) Jay Teller (head strikebreaker, ex-stamper, ruthless, sneaky, conniving.)
  • Notable Assets: A large gang of investigators and mercenaries, employed as security guards, detectives, and strikebreakers. Hired by the watchdogs.
  • Quirks: The Kinners (as the members of the agency are known on the street) have developed a reputation for causing trouble wherever they go. Even the simplest job can spiral wildly out of control if these booze-soaked semi-professional thugs are involved.
  • Allies: The Stampers, the Ink Rakes, the Guardians.
  • Enemies: The Citizenry of the Docks, Barrowcleft and Dunslough, the watchdogs, the Dockers, the Lost, the Billhooks.
  • Situation: The agency’s last job involved breaking industrial strikes across Barrowcleft and Dunslough. The Kinners would infiltrate the labour unions and identify key leaders, who could be picked off by assassins or incarcerated by the Bluecoats. While lucrative, this enterprise has earned the ire of every labour union in the city, and many are looking for ways to even the score. Meanwhile, Jay Teller became a household name across the Dusk after running down Tarvul, the notorious criminal and leader of the Billhooks gang.



The Legion I

A small group of individuals, that operate as a hivemind

  • Assimilate new members 2/8 (G)
  • Empower one body with all the minds 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: Six Towers:A small ruined house, there are always eyes looking out of it’s single window.
  • NPCs: Legion, Legion is one and all of them at the same time (Leader, strange, ambitious, enigmatic, calculating)
  • Notable Assets: Capable whispers, what one knows all know, collectively the entire gang acts as a tier 2 gang. The individual experience of everymember. A gladiator being assmilated. Intant communication across the group. Shared unique skills knowledge and abilities. Psychic Reconnaissance The Legion can send out mental scouts to observe distant locations, gaining insight into the area without physically entering. These scouts can relay visual and auditory information back to the collective.
  • Quirks: The more they are, the smarter they are, taken a single one by himself he will have the intellect of a dog. 4 of them the one of a man. 10 of them, a genius. When in group they will be coordinated as a veteran mercenary group. Kill one of them, and you will notice quite a difference in their tactics and behaviour.
  • Allies: The Path of Echoes, the ashtari cult
  • Enemies: The horde, Charterhall Leviathans, Sanguine sorority, acolytes of brashkadesh
  • Situation: Always looking for great minds or veterans to add to the group, there is word on the street that they are guilty of kidnapping a student of the Doskvol Academy

The Keepers of the Flame (I)

A small history obsessed cult of arsonists.

  • avenge slights against their organisation 0/8 (S)
  • Become allied with a influential group 2/8 (G)
  • Turf Burned out block of flats in Nightmarket.
  • NPCs: Brother Gregor (leader- zealous, shrewd, vengeful)
  • Notable Assets: Crossbows and occult rituals that protect them from flame, a library of information. Also have a ritual that turns the ghost of a willing sacrifice into a summoned horror of living flame. Access to inferno bolts to use as a tool for arson or destruction. Several incendiary devices. Several salamnders who have fled the fire plane and the war within.
  • Quirks: Anyone may petition the Keepers for the answers to three questions, in return the petitioner must brand themselves in front of the Keepers 3 times. In truth the branding is part of an occult ritual that lets the Keepers access the branded persons memories.
  • Allies: None
  • Enemies: The Spirit Wardens, anyone with a secret to hide, the brigade
  • Situation: Will give intel to anyone who asks for it, but will also sell information gleaned from memories of petitioners. Will strike back at anyone who assaults them with no regards for own lives.



The Red Right Hand – VI

A mysterious squad working only for the Divined disavowable and hyper-elite the red right hand can solve any problem or the Red crows can end it permanently

  • maintain the status quo, 0/4 repeating (S)
  • Awaken the red crows 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: The Ring, HQ in the Ring, safe “houses” throughout the Ring. With almost complete master of ghost doors and teleportation, they can get just about anywhere if so desired.
  • NPCs: Lady Heskold (vampire, charming, calculating). Zelda (ghost, volatile, cruel). Soren (hull, cold, fearless). Lord Arzu (Smart, ruthless, sophisticated), The red crows a group of 16 individuals highly trained, elite and deadly Hannibal “Dynamo” Murdock (liaison officer, Cunning, Stoic, Determined) the main contact for the Crows not asleep.
  • Notable Assets: A trained dragon. Large network of informants. Small collection of arcane curios. 3 customized Hull frames. Top-of-the-line military hardware. Unique ghost keys that allow for various means of travel and teleportation. High-level clearance to access any information.
  • Quirks: Many a scoundrel tell tales of a mysterious “monster squad” that seemingly appear out of nowhere with an offer of clandestine work for a willing crew only for that crew to completely disappear or unable to recall ever interacting with such a group of people.
  • Allies: The divined, the Lady
  • Enemies: Any who oppose the status quo of the Ring
  • Situation: The Red Right Hand do not apprehend criminals, stomp out corruption, seek wealth, or crave power. If they are active in the ring, they are there with a very specific edict issued by the Divined themselves. Once they complete their objective, they will leave promptly. Rumor has it they often “employ” a crew of scoundrels to perform their dirty work. There have been whispers of their de facto leader, Lady Heskold, hanging around high class establishments frequented by Guardian officers and sightings of the noble, Lord Arzu, visiting diplomats at some of the interplanar consulates.the Blood Crows are the elite of the elite formed up of 4 individuals appointed by each of the divined and then magically disavowed from any knowledge about this. Members of the Blood Crows are kept in stasis until they are needed be it to invade a embassy, assassinate a archfey, archangel or kill one of the dark eight they are woken up complete the job and then put back in stasis. Standing orders to die before capture. The only evidence they have been enacted are 4 handprints in red “paint” (blood) on a plain white sheet of paper.

“No district shall be beyond my rule; no enemy shall be beyond my wrath.” The oath sworm at the creation of the red right hand on mount vengance within the outlands.

Motto of the red right hand “For those that defy the lady, only the lady can judge your crimes. Only in death can you receive the lady’s judgement.”

Sanguine Sorority (II)

A coven of student fake-vampire witches.

  • Get ready for the next Big Party 1/6 (R)
  • Turf: Charterhall University. Have their “own” dormitory and a couple of labs.
  • NPCs: Morgana (witch, arrogant, bloodthirsty, vengeful), Professor T. (real vampire behind the coven, counts as a separate Tier II faction on her own, young for a vampire, paranoid, weird sense of humor) Wednesday Adams (dark, goth, twisted)
  • Notable Assets: Access to all sorts of texts and equipment because of the ex-members of the coven among university stuff, stash of powerful spirit essences, some compelled ghosts. A large collection of booze drugs and other party items.
  • Quirks: Leviathan-bone “vampire” canines made by a certain Iruvian master are popular among sisters of Sorority.
  • Allies: Citizenry of Charterhall, The Ink Rakes (one ex-member is now an editor of a newspapers),
  • Enemies: Spirit Wardens, Lord Scurlock, the Charterhall Leviathans
  • Situation: Professor T. is always performing experiments, trying to create a subspecies of vampires that will be completly subservient to her. Usually final stages of those experiments coincide with Sanguine Sorority Big Party, infamous for the fact that not one of those parties ever ended without at least one of the participants found dead. All they need to get ready for the next one is for some special materials to be delivered.



Banshees (II)

A terribly qualified but entirely unlicensed underground research society.

  • perform illegal experimentation 5/6 repeatable (G)
  • Discover the true nature of spirits 0/10 (S)
  • Turf: Silkshore, Fogcrest top-level office (Warded/Secure)
  • NPCs: Octavia (Leader; arcane, reckless, accursed) Arnim Zola (dying, cloned hollow, paranoid, obssesive)
  • Notable Assets: A broad range of alchemical, arcane, and spectrological specialists who conduct original, independent research into spectrology and natural philosophy. A legitimate front business as a Silkshore apothecary. A fighting pit from which they seek to harvest the emotional highs of the audience as a spirit essence derived from pure echoes.
  • Quirks: The Banshees are led by a witch named Octavia; she managed to personally offend powerful gods and outsiders 8 times, committing crimes against their domains. She was stripped of her True Name in the ancient language of magic, so that she would only be known to others by her crimes; the alias ‘Octavia’ is a way around that.
  • Allies: The Path of Echoes, Gondoliers, the Aether Ghosts.
  • Enemies: The Church of Ecstacy, The Gloam, Wayfinders Guild.
  • Situation: Octavia, worried about what her curse would mean for her spirit when she died, has gathered a coven of underground scholars, researchers, and hedge witches and pursues a way to reclaim her name, guiding their research and assisting them in an underground peerage of dangerous or even illegal experimentation. Because of her nameless status, Octavia posseses the Void in the Echo vampire trait.

Epitaph (II)

Assassins that use the arcane to kill.

  • Become controlled by outsiders 0/10 (Countdown)
  • Become controlled by Ghosts 0/10 (countdown)
  • controlled by the forgotten ones 2/10 (Countdown)
  • decide if they can use the forgotten ones like they do ghosts and outsiders 1/6
  • prepare to kill the lady of thorns 1/8 (S)
  • Turf: Underground passageways of Nightmarket.
  • NPCs: Tomb (leader, showy, daring). Grave (designer, inspired, jealous), the silent (Lithe, tranquil, sadistic) The ironclad (hefty, unstoppable, armoured, thug)
  • Notable Assets: Knowledge of all kinds of rituals, arcane assassins, the invisible hand as a shimmer supplier. Powerful outsider and ghost related abilities. Some members of the Epitaph have bound spirits to servitude, creating loyal and powerful spirit familiars that can be called upon for various tasks and assistance. Many Epitaph use arcane alchemists to craft potent poisons with magical properties, perfect for use in their assassinations and covert operations. Some Epitaph use bound and controlled spectral entities to power arcane weaponry often 1 use but potent.
  • Quirks: All members were raised in the gang or brought in at a very young age. Those who fall to either the ghosts, forgotten ones or outsiders are killed for their failings.
  • Allies: The Unseen, The Reconciled, The Red House
  • Enemies: Stampers, Gondoliers, Spirit Wardens, Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh, Briarwort Abbey.
  • Situation: Obsessed with the arcane and constantly looking to gain more and more power, the sons and daughters of Epitaph tread two paths simultaneously: on one hand they use the blood and relics of outsiders to make themselves more powerful, on the other they tap deeper and deeper into the ghost field, plumbing areas too dangerous for even the most experienced of Spirit Wardens. Where this will lead them is inconsequential to them, but they have attracted the attention of forces far outside their control.



The Seven-Score Ripper II

the most dangerous prisoner in Ironhook Prison

  • The Ripper Escapes 0/8 (S)
  • Reach out to the ghosts of their victimns (S)
  • Turf: A five by five meter solitary cell, below Ironhook Prison’s waterline.
  • NPCs: Prisoner No. 00165 (The Seven-Score Ripper, Cultured, Polite, Depraved) is an individual, but is so powerful that they’re considered a faction. The Ripper’s personal Tier is II. In combat they counts as a medium gang (12 People)
  • Notable Assets: One meal a day and a three-by-three meter cell. A grungy prison outfit, swaddled with ten years of filth. All the voices in their head.
  • Quirks: 00165 is a medium that can be possessed by multiple spirits at once. The fact that they still live is a closely guarded state secret.
  • Allies: The Forgotten Gods, Ink Rakes, The Reconciled, Setarra
  • Enemies: Citizenry of Multiple Districts, City Assembly, Lord Scurlock, Ironhook Prison, Spirit Wardens
  • Situation: 00165 is currently imprisoned deep underneath Ironhook Prison’s waterline, having served ten years of a life sentence. While referred to as the Seven-Score Ripper due to the number of fatalities accrued while free, what truly made 00165 famous was how they killed a member from each of the Five Great families: Bowmore Rowan, Penderyn, Clelland and Dunvil. It was only their failure to kill a young Lord Strangford that saw the Ripper arrested. Now the Ripper rots in prison, insistent that they will soon be out to “Finish what should have been done”.

The Cogmen III

A rough collection of steadily degrading expert hulls

  • Discover a way to live again 0/12 (S)
  • Replenish Fuel & Arms 0/6 (Repeating, Alternating) (G)
  • Turf: A ruined tower in Six Towers and the sewer systems it leads to.
  • NPCs: Gaunter (Leader, Advanced, Ex-EI, Life-Like Appearance), Rusty (Prototype, Ancient, Artisan, Spectral-Phonograph), Wilt (Whisperer-Scout, Haunted, Loyal, Wallcrawler-Body)
  • Notable Assets: Roughly half-a-dozen soul hulls of varying size, two of which are disabled, war hulls that act as perimeter security. A small crew of grateful mechanists, protected closely. Gaunter’s old contacts at Charterhall. A prepared expedition into the ghost field.
  • Quirks: With the exception of a human support staff, all of the Cogmen are soul-hulls in one form or another. Gaunter alone remembers his entire life.
  • Allies: Cabbies, Citizenry of Coalridge Citizenry of Six Towers, The Lost, The Reconciled, The Help
  • Enemies: City Council, The Dimmer Sisters, Sparkwrights, Spirit Wardens, Gondoliers, the guild of engineers
  • Situation: The Cogmen operate as vigilante’s for the downtrodden out of Six towers, using their access to the sewer system to hit and support a variety of figures, typically in exchange for abnormal sources of fuel or ammunition. Gaunter has been trying to use his old contacts at Charterhall to try and find avenues for a way to bring the Cogmen back life. In his growing frustration he’s turned more and more to old Rusty, all the while looking for alternative ways to keep his team “alive.”



Raymund Reddington IV

A one time member of the unseen now striking out on their own the concierge of crime

  • Form a alliance with one of the key law enforcement bodies in the city 1/10 (G)
  • protect his grandchild 0/4 repeating (S)
  • support other gangs repeating
  • Turf: Raymund is the centre and any part of his operation revolves around him, holds key parts of the docks as turf has several key locations and business opportunities across the entire ring
  • NPCs: Raymund Reddington aka red (inteligent, secretive, ruthless, experienced) Dembe Zuma (bodyguard, loyal, principled) Chuck (ex-soldier, deadly, protective) Weecha Xiu (spiritual, gunslinger, executioner) Mr Kaplan (cleaner, precise, sweet)
  • Notable Assets: the ability to get anything from anywhere given the time and payment, a vast network of contacts across every single faction across the entire ring, blackmail on several key members of the Unseen, very well equipped surgical teams ready at a moments notice. Red has done jobs with pretty much every leader of any gang anywhere the organisation might not like them but the leader will respect them. The ability to successfully dissapear anyone from anywhere for a time. The new leader of the Help Selena Tanner is indebted to Red for ensuring that she won.
  • Quirks: Red values loyalty above anything else even results when he gives his loyalty it is almost impossible to lose it unless you betray him. Or you threaten his family rumour has it his entire organisation exists to protect his grandchild. Red dosen’t traffic in drugs or other versions of human misery.
  • Allies: The Hive, the billhooks, the crows, lampblacks, the wraiths, The Help scarlet wolves,
  • Enemies: the unseen, starless veil, counters guild, sah’iir, murmur, fenger, the gloam, stampers, the watchdogs
  • Situation: Raymund Reddington was at one point a key member of the Unseen rumoured to be a member of the high table however due to unknown circumstances he left and struck out on his own. Since then he has developed a criminal empire to rival the Unseen and is well known as the concierge of crime because his trade is mostly in negotiating deals for and between criminals and in hiding people from the law by effectively making them disappear from the world.

The Angels of the Divined (IV)

A collections of brainwashed assassins for the divined and the lady

  • Kill lord Scurlock 0/12 (S)
  • take out a new target 0/4 repeating (G)
  • Turf: secret training houses and locations all across the ring, a home base in Whitecrown
  • NPCs: The taskmaster (copycat, leader, brutal) Émile Coué (brainwasher, scientist, sociopath), Mata Hari (assassin, brainwashed, current top dog) Charlotte Corday (recently failed, terrified, under investigation)
  • Notable Assets: a large amount of incredibly well trained assassins who work for the divined, unquestioning loyalty to the divined and the Lady, obscure and potent arcane and electroplasmic equipment, the fear of the collective consciousness of the cage, the ability to pass unseen through the ghostfield.
  • Quirks: The angels aren’t loyal to each other and don’t work in groups, they turn on each other quickly given a opportunity. Lord Scurlock has been a target of the angels several times yet none sent their have returned. Émile Coué believes all the angels are her friends. The angels all have a tattoo of the lady of pain with 4 wings 1 for each divined on there head. Rivals with the red right hand.
  • Allies: the red right hand, the starless veil, the guardians, the divined
  • Enemies: the starless veil, the hive, Lord Scurlock
  • Situation: The Angels of the Divined a clandestine group of elite assassins and spies trained from a young age to act as unquestioning agents of the Divined’s will. Their training is rigorous and brutal, designed to weed out the weak of mind and body. The Page is in constant fear that the Angels will band together against them. They brainwash them when they are young as one way to avoid an uprising. As a result, they harbor strange ideas and superstitions that are deep rooted in very real fear. They are not a loyal group. They constantly question and turn on each other. The slightest whiff of dissention or even anything less than passionate devotion to the divined can get an angel turned in to their superiors. This is met with harsh punishment or worse. Angels are rarely briefed before a mission, often getting little more than a note from a stranger with only partial instruction, and in the rare cases when a debrief is esential, angels are always debriefed alone, maintaining the air of paranoia that haunts every angel. The nature of the Angels has them operating in secret. Most common people in the Ring do not even believe in the angels. Their use in the past has had them seep into the collective consciousness as a kind of boogieman. “Don’t say the ladys name, or the Angels might disappear you.” “Eat all your caps or the Angels might come and make you eat them.” Even among adults, it is not uncommon to hear that deep seated fear come out in jokes or playful comments. “Don’t let the Angels hear you say that.” “Better be careful. I could be an Angel.”

“We do not determine the guilty; we do not decide the punishment; we are merely the cold instruments of the divineds vengeance. There is no form of death unknown to us; there is no form of terror beyond our means; there is no enemy outside our reach. We are the blade that hovers over the throat of the traitor; we are the bullet that awaits the heretic’s skull; we are the poison in the throat of the outside.”



Frequency 611 (IV)

A unknown transmission who communicates impossibly with sparkcraft and magitech devices across the ring

  • Create a new sparkcraft device 0/12 (S)
  • spread the frequency 0/4 (G) (repeating)
  • Turf: none
  • NPCs: Root (attuned to the frequency, deadly, driven, devoted), Ilya Ravallion (sage) (technically minded, researcher, fascinated, ex guild of engineers), Marius Vairosean (violent, sonic weaponary, unpredictable, loud)
  • Notable Assets a large collection of loyal followers who will die before betraying others like them, a vast collection of devices and technological knowledge often delivered by the frequency, several devices that behave in a drastically different way to what they should, some advanced technology. Members believe that the Frequency guides their hand and listen to it whilst inventing. All members are encouraged to create their own inventions or adapt already created items. Espanding into the scarlet wolves.
  • Quirks: many who hear frequency 611 claim that it holds within it a secret message, sacred codes or holy numbers and can become devoted to it.
  • Allies: conclave 01, borniko syndicate, vorex, banshee’s
  • Enemies: guild of engineers, sparkwrights guild, the first hydra
  • Situation: Sparkcraft, magitech and arcnae devices across the ring periodically recieve messages, transmitted by unknown means. The garbled voice on the other end makes requests and promises, primarily around accumulating, modifying, or delivering varied devices. Those who work for the frequency are well paid and fiercely loyal. They are supposedly led by Root a one time starless veil asset who now appears to be constantly in contact with the frequency which seems to provide her with several benefits.

The Vaultkeepers III

A outsider item with immense power and a cult following.

  • captue and control outsiders 4/10 (repeatable) (G)
  • Discover and use the new object from the vault 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: the oldest house a location in six towers where the vault’s cult calls home supposedly the oldest house in the city magically protected to be difficult to find.
  • NPCs: The Vault (ancient, inhuman, outsider, serious) Artificer Decain (enslaved, arcanist, seeking freedom) Promeus (previously possessed by a outsider, fateless, historian)
  • Notable Assets:A vast collection of varied outsider items many of which can be used as weapons, a collection of loyal ghost and outsider hunters less powerful than the guardians and the spirit wardens but still potent with more esoteric weaponary. Containment areas within the vault to contain outsiders within which the vault itself resides protected by many defences arcane and otherwise. Several bound and controlled outsiders. The vault counts as tier 3 individually when fighting against outsiders. A large cult following. The vault itself which contains tomes of archaic lore, strange fragments of unknown devices, ancient weapons forged in times long gone, deadly virus canisters, enigmatic star charts, and bizarre xenological specimens all revealed to combat or prevent some sort of outsider action (the vault itself seems to lack control of this action). Find a celestial archon Seraphiel to capture.
  • Quirks: Whenever a member dies their body is taken back to the oldest house and their spirit is never seen from again, none but the vault know what happens to them.
  • Allies: gondoliers, church of ecstasy, dimmer sisters, path of echoes
  • Enemies: Lord Scurlock, spirit wardens, guardians, reconcilled, gloam
  • Situation: The Vault is a outsider object with the will to subjugate and contain others of it’s kind. To this end, it has acquired a cult. It is believed to be operating on the Ring and, may even be physically present. Whenever the vault opens to allow something to be taken it’s defences reveal some sort of item and then close up again, however recently the claxon that tells that the vault has opened and something is present to be collected has played yet none even the vault itself know what it is.



Thermophiles IV

an elite team of mind wiped mercenaries

  • deal with threats to their client 0/6 (G)
  • find Constantius Domulexor 1/12 (S)
  • the war council falls apart 0/12 (Countdown)
  • Turf: The War council holds a well defended area of nightmarket and several attached barracks spaces (HQ)
  • NPCs: Red Five (old, independent, undercover, sly) Gold Sixteen (frequently mindwiped, supernatural magnet, ghost fighter, happy go lucky) The war council (urforged collective, statistical, dispassionate, probability based)
  • Notable Assets: Arcane armour that is empowered and absorbs and nulifies kinetic energy, Mind-Wiping Pods, varied weaponary both arcane, technological and mundane, a unrivaled command and control centre and tactical acumen, several extremely deadly urforged, a vast collection of incredibly profficent mercenaries. A singular device that with the permission from a member of the divined, the city assembly or guardians can seperate a area of the ring from the rest allowing them to deploy in overwhelming force.
  • Quirks: Therms don’t have names instead they have numbers and colours allocating them to squads and numbers within their squads. In addition all members thrive in the heat and chaos of combat becoming more alive and potent the longer combat runs for
  • Allies: Raymund Reddington, Cogmen, conclave 01, counters guild, yaru
  • Enemies: paladins of Thule, acolytes of Brashkadesh, starless veil,
  • Situation:The Thermophiles, or Therms, are an elite team dedicated to removing threats. Their price is expensive but when called they respond with overwhelming force whenenver requested by their Client. Members are mind-wiped to ensure total loyalty and the only thing they know is loyalty to the client. Members of the thermophiles are said to thrive on conflict and are among the foremost combat specialists on the ring. With a very limited number of exceptions therms don’t operate independently operating in small groups to avoid any questions asked about their lack of memory. Those who are allowed to operate independently are known as members of special circumstances and have a specifically programmed ur forged construct alongside them. The Therms are ran by a group known as the war council, they are a series of urforged constructs who impassionately direct operations and accept contracts based on pure logic. Unknown to those outside the war council they have begun to degrade their logic failing and their processes becoming slower. They are searching for their suppossed creator Constantius Domulexor a primordial (or so the legend says to fix them).

Paladins of Thule III

Folk heroes who became the monsters they hunted

  • find the kardiá ólon 1/12 (S)
  • repair their reputation 0/8 (G)
  • Turf: Several charity institutions throughout Duslough a soup kitchen known as the golden arc in Duslough (HQ)
  • NPCs: Lieutenant Charles “Gamma” Dunn (leader, physical giant, only smiles during combat, extensive tattoos and fights nude) Ardent “Ardent” Ardent (Expert soulforger, no sense of compromise, neuroatypical) Tormageddon (reportedly died repeatedly, strong, shadowy, clawed, part wolf)
  • Notable Assets: Chalices of Light these all bear a form of divine light and heal the wounds of the paladins when drank from, The paladins of Thule wield unnatural Flaming Swords and other weapons which blaze brighter when fighting evil, angelic wings enabling them to fly across the Ring, Soup Kitchen and other charitable institutes ran by those members who aren’t changed too much. Identified that the Yaru have the kardiá ólon.
  • Quirks: The paladins despite everything that has happened to them and what they now look like believe they fight the good fight and try and help the people of the Ring sadly most of their members now appear as monsters.
  • Allies: the consorts of vengance, the weeping lady, Nine grey wrenchers, the lost, the church
  • Enemies: stampers, the concordant knights, grey cloaks, vigilance
  • Situation: Folk heroes originally encouraged by the city assembly, they gained popularity and acclaim fighting monsters. Then the monsters corrupted them and they murdered a large group of stampers assigned to them. During skirmishes with the stampers it became clear they were mutated and possessed, with flickering yellow auras, flame-wreathed weapons, and unnatural avian wings. Sustained assaults on them and arcane bombardment and the loss of their support among the people was believed to have eliminated them, but here they seem to be. Recently they have come into conflict with the Concordant Knights who believe they are deadly monsters and want to kill them. The Paladins of Thule believe the Magna Matter, their original dna a artefact from a attempt to clone them, is their salvation and that using this they can return themselves to how they were before.



nine Grey Wrenchers I

A band of outlaw heroes who protect the lower classes

  • protect the people of the ring from being mistreated 3/6 repeatable (R)
  • convince the city assembly to help the lower classes 0/12 (G)
  • Turf: Individual homes of the 9 wrenchers, safe passage anywhere the normal people of the ring call home
  • NPCs: Dog Bone (leader, cheerful, humble, old, supposedly blind, dangerous) Monkey (new, passionate, impatient, pyromaniac, destruction expert) Gavriel Loken (ex scarlet wolf, vengeful, calm, inteligent, a blade for every occassion)
  • Notable Assets: 9 unremarkable grey wrenches that seem to be unbreakable and carry a heavy weight of urban legend able to hurt ghosts, outsiders and people. A unbreakable aura of success from the normal citizens who always share the stories of their triumphs never their failures. Support from the people of the Ring. A uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time and never quite be completly outmatched. A variety of past skills from the wrenchers. The ability to blend seemlessly into the normal people of the ring
  • Quirks: Noone cared who I was till I picked up the wrench.
  • Allies: the citizenry, dockers, deathlands scavengers, ink rakes, planar refugees.
  • Enemies: grey cloaks, first and only, kinclaith detective agency, banshees.
  • Situation:A band of outlaw heroes who protect the lower classes, defined by their signature weapon- an unremarkable but sturdy wrench. If they fall (and they do) then according to legend, the next person to find the wrench must join their number. They go across the ring taking on the rich and gangs who abuse the common people teaching them the error of their ways.

The skeleton crew I

A group of lowlife scavengers who somehow became immortal.

  • fix relations with the abyss 0/10 (S)
  • expand into supernatural crime 0/12 (G)
  • reach out to the priests of the abyss 3/4 (R)
  • Turf: A abandoned berth in the adam’s ale marina (HQ)
  • NPCs: Isaac “Meatface” Debtson(Leader, Charismatic. stupid, searching for better hair, replacing his lost flesh) “Bones” (Calculating, serious lieutenant, embraced undeath) Simple (sniper, daredevil, close range, noscoper/trickshotter, extremely skilled)
  • Notable Assets: A small group of unkillable crew members. A collection of broken and salvaged levithan hunter gear very out of date and rusty but still good quality. Dangerous weaponary that often takes them out with it but usable due to their immortality either radioactive or high explosive melee weapons or otherwise dangerous to the user. A vast collection of lucky trinkets and superstisous items. A curious relationship with ghosts as they seem to ignore them unless they are pointed out to them when they attack them violently.
  • Quirks: Not every member has embraced their immortality and some wish that they were able to die and in fact seek it out.
  • Allies: Leviathan hunters, Dockers, grinders, sailors
  • Enemies: Gondoliers, vignerons, ulf ironborn, priests of the abyss
  • Situation: A group of lowlife scavengers who used to hang around the docks somehow became immortal. It’s unclear whether they made a pact with some infernal power, or if they just got lucky drinking mystery fluids on derelict levithan hunters regardless they appear to be unkillable. Isaac previously sold his soul to the abyss and yet his is the only soul that hasn’t been claimed and he also dosen’t hear the bells he wants to find a way to repay this debt and fix things with the priests. Bones wants to use their immortality to start expanding the crew into supernatural crime and some of the crew is coming around slowly.



The Chaos Star III

An occult but influential sect that worships the far realm.

  • Free the levithan mind from the Wayfinders guild 4/8 (G)
  • reach out to the behemoth the first levithan 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: A HQ in the lost district known as Oromasdes
  • NPCs: The Eigth Arrow of Chaos (leader, secret, powerful, fanatical), the tower of Babel (connected to the behemoth, regenrative, insane, nonlinear) The flood (Chaos carrier, violent, depraved, killer, tentacled, biodivergent)
  • Notable Assets: The ability to lock an abberant creature into the body of a cultist to gain power without losing self-control. Many political and financial figures. The control of many smaller cults that actually serve their interests. The ability to channel abberant creatures without alerting the guardians.A collection of Chaos carriers infused with eldritch power. The ability to talk to leviathans and abberant outsiders. A understanding of leviathans and abberant outsiders. Chaos Carriers in the Docks.
  • Quirks: They believe that the levithans are holy creatures and as such don’t use levithan blood for anything.
  • Allies: Dimmer sisters, the forgotten gods, lord scurlock, gloam, the mystai
  • Enemies: guardians, stampers, levithan hunters, wayfinders guild, levithan hunters
  • Situation: The cult has spent the last few centuries trying to master the art of incubating an abberant creature in a body without the host being fully possessed, allowing them to use their Eldritch power. Of course, this goes wrong from time to time, but a number of individuals are now chaos carriers with strange occult powers. The Chaos star believes that leviathans are in fact abberant creatures and as such are holy they have heard tell of a truly massive leviathan known as the behemoth. They believe that the Behemoth is a great old one incarnate who is coming to bring them the Truth, and want to bring about it’s arrival. (void mastadon)

Overseer IV

A rogue paranoid EI

  • play factions against themselves 0/6 (repeating) (G)
  • forced to choose a side 0/12 (Countdown)
  • Turf: none
  • NPCs: OVERSEER (Leader, EI, calculating, paranoid, well informed, meticulous) Hunter (EI, tracker, hidden, Tenacious, hacker) Killer (EI, Murderer of EI’s, brutal, above wizard class hacker, feared)
  • Notable Assets: : Spies everywhere, in all forms. Eavesdropping on all networks. Fanatics entirely devoted to the EI’s designs. Backdoor access to guild of engineer and the sparkcraft guilds databases allowing it access to new inventions and ensures it’s agents are extremely well equipped. Hunter and Killer a pair of EI’s that were sent after Overseer however it turned them and now uses it to keep track of other EI’s and protect itself from them, Hunter tracks them down and Killer takes them out. Overseer, Hunter and Tracker are all top 10 hackers on the Ring.
  • Quirks: In a place like Sigil Overseer’s paranoia is in fact a great survival instinct and has allowed it to stay one step ahead of others.
  • Allies: Conclave 01
  • Enemies: none yet
  • Situation: A rogue paranoid EI obsessed with data gathering and spying which serves mainly as an information broker in the underworld. It controls a huge network of organic, hull and urforged informants and dosen’t hesitate to use violence and crime to achieve its quest for knowledge and “security”. As tension mounts between the major powers unwanted attention is turning to OVERSEER, its databases and its network. This only exacerbates the paranoid nature of the EI, which for now is playing the factions that court it off against each other, but it’s going to have to pick a side or prepare for a difficult fate.



The God Reaper II

A hive-mind infection dedicated to the destruction of all religions and cults

  • spread the infection 0/4 (G)
  • find and infect the crystal cask of the great unknown 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: The God reaper claim the sewers underneath Brightstone as their turf
  • NPCs: Hyetta (carrier of the infection, insane, blind, longest lasting), Terrance (first victimn, ex factol, lost) Bria Mossiki (insane babbler, knowledgable, neutral), The lecturer (sneaky, persuasive, unknown)
  • Notable Assets: mad and insane followers who will do anything to kill those who follow the gods or cults. Each person infected by the god reaper has a burning fire of insanity within them which they can use to create supernatural effects. Some people infected by the god reaper have fallen so far the flame has burnt them up replacing their face with a burning orb of yellow flame. A disease that noone knows how it is transmitted. Those infected by the God Reaper and it’s flame and resistant if not immune to divine magic and angelic outsiders are particularly vulnerable. Infection spreading across white crown.
  • Quirks: Once members fall to the God Reaper too far they are truly lost their eyes are bright yellow and they are unmistakable also some refuse to wear clothes.
  • Allies: none
  • Enemies: The Church of Ecstasy, the church of the abyss, the forgotten gods, the weeping lady, the order of the ashen dawn
  • Situation: At one point the Athar were a important faction within Sigil who like the lady herself were against gods, cults or anything similair. They decided that they would opposse prehaps violently these groups as they considered the gods themselves frauds. However at some point in their past the group was infected with a disease the so called God Reaper (prehaps on purpose) and now they are a shell of what they used to be. Existing now as a hive-mind infection dedicated to the destruction of all religions and cults the contagion can be in anyone anywhere it’s followers are truly insane and violent. They are searching for a potent artifact predates the deities as they are currently understood. The Cask is said to contain the essence of divinity to infect it with the god reaper said to be within the temple of the Abyss.

Empyrean Hunters II

A network of big game hunters who scour the Ring, Planes and beyond for exciting prey

  • Track and kill “Big Garth” a unique deathlands monster with anti mystic and whisper properties living in the deathlands 0/8 (G)
  • Turf: A series of hunting lodges in the deathlands protected by lightining barriers. A home base in Brightstone.
  • NPCs: : Hark Smythe, chief cartographer (pompous, dandy, soft); Ella Shima (harsh, glory-seeking, sharpshooter); Trejix 10, Hull chronicler (watchful, embellisher, excitable).
  • Notable Assets: Monthly publishing house. Scientific carcass market, a collection of hunting rifles and gear that allows them to hunt even the most dangerous creatures. Access to the deathlands to go on “safari” A extensive knowledge of deathlands creatures and their anatomy. Tier 1 expedition into the deathlands.
  • Quirks: Empyrean Hunters mostly seek fame and glory, but they fund themselves by selling hunting tales and offloading unique carcasses. The carcasses are purchased for scientific study and the development of new technologies.
  • Allies: Deathland scavengers, Mossmen, Banshees
  • Enemies: Agony, Vigilance, Gloam.
  • Situation:Trejix 10 has much sway in the organization, but it steers clear of politics. As the chief contributor to the publishing arm of the Empyrean Hunters, it is mostly interested in collecting exciting tales. Trejix 10 is slightly suspicious of Ella Shima, an aggressive hunter who comes from a wealthy family. She is applying undue pressure on Hark Smythe to hunt more valuable and rare prey. She believes the most valuable prey to ever be killed by the Empyrean Hunters is a strange beast with the ability to cancel magical and whisper based powers. Many have offered large amounts of money for the chance to study the remains of such a creature. Rumors of this mission have reached the Agony and Vigilance, making the organizations enemies.



The Curators I

At one time a faction of extensive importance laid low by what they knew hiding and seeking to rebuild

  • discover secrets 2/4 (S)
  • rebuild 0/12 (repeating) (S)
  • Their enemies discover they are still alive 0/12 (countdown)
  • Turf: After their near destruction the curators have no turf
  • NPCs: Maehekta (leader, survivor, immune to mystics, warrior, innovative), arathasis (student, new, idealistic, mystic) menkaura (serial killer, savage, hungry for knowledge, wanted) lilith abfequarn(collector, mystic, manipulative, sensual, city assembly member)
  • Notable Assets The curators at one time knew every single secret Sigil had to offer although now they can’t quite say the same thing their knowledge is still extensive. Knowledge of magic, torture techniques and other ways of getting secrets from someone. A large series of informants and dead drops to gather information. The curators developed a impressive form of identic memory which they use to remember all their secrets so that they can only be taken by force. All members are trained to resist mental interrogation or any forms of interrogation. Each member is trained in a specific exotic weapon that most won’t have seen before. A collection of true names and the knowledge of how to use them. Some know the true names of Remy, Vaal, Holly and Dirk.
  • Quirks: The curators are obsessed with secrets to a pathological level and will do anything to attempt to get new secrets. To this end they only trade in secrets which makes them dangerous.
  • Allies: none
  • Enemies: Anyone with secrets
  • Situation: At one time the Curators were the proverbial top dogs of Sigil as if information is power the knew everything about everyone rivalling and surpassing even the starless veil. However as quickly as the ring became aware of what was going on and the knowledge they had amassed things instantly changed and in a rare moment of comradery forces from all over the ring grouped together and took them out almost in their entirety in a shadow war that few know about. All that remains of the curators are the legends about the secrets they held as well as the few surviving members working hard to rebuild to protect themselves. Some have also claimed that the curators maintain a repository a so called “special collection” of things from the hall of information, records and even the armistice archive covering ancient forgotten history of sigil.

The Excommunicated III

A collection of outsiders and other malignant creatures bound to bodies of metal to avoid the eyes of the guardians

  • Secure access to the vault of the king’s representative to the city assembly and the rare metals inside 0/12 (S)
  • Foster better relations with outsiders 0/10 (R)
  • Gain new converts to their way of “life” 4/6 (G) (repeating)
  • Turf: A private mining operation and arcane metal refinery in Coalridge (HQ), Connections with several jewellers throughout the ring.
  • NPCs: Prophet (defacto leader, ex-angel, hands on, two faced, calculating) Apostate (second, ex devil, imposing, well armed, dangerous) Disciple (ex-elemental, funny, short fuse, violent, strong)
  • Notable Assets: Each member of The Excommunicated was a outsider that chose to leave their old form and the restrictions placed on it to place themselves within a materialistic body to free themselves from the rules and scrutiny of others of their kind or mortals. Each is powerful and most are able arcane caster and have a personal tier between 1 and 2. The members in their bodies have access to their old power through the specific nature of their bodies. A metal refinery and mine in Coalridge that makes their bodies. Contacts with jewellers and arcane dealers across the ring. The members of The Excommunicated have some contacts with their previous brethren but most are on bad terms with them.
  • Quirks: Other Outsiders tend to have a visceral and negative reaction to The Excommunicated and tend to believe that they’ve betrayed their people and often approach them with violence. This isn’t shared by The Excommunicated who want to foster positive relations with outsiders. Each member of The Excommunicated is a outsider inside a metallic almost robotic shell and others aren’t allowed within their ranks but can be used.
  • Allies: the forgotten gods, Lord Scurlock, The Gloam, the red house, the steel symphony
  • Enemies: The church of ecstasy, The vaultkeepers, the god reaper, other outsiders
  • Situation: The Excommunicated are very aware that in ages past several of their most powerful and prolific members were taken by a stronger power and imprisoned somewhere Prophet is the only individual to escape this purge and is scared that it may be repeated. To this end they seek to expand the scope of their group and the power of it’s members. They have become aware of a series of extremely rare metals within the vaults for the city assembly namely the king’s representatives vault and is working to gain access to it as soon as possible. Whilst simultaneously gaining new members as well as a better relationship with other outsiders who as of now strongly dislike if not despise The Excommunicated for what they’ve done to themselves.



The Steel symphony III

Ring renowned smiths and blade artists who grow, shape and mould their blades or other weapons using only their minds.

  • identify the blades in the dark 0/12 (S)
  • Retrieve symphony blades from the night speakers 5/12 (repeating (R)
  • Turf: A small monastery within the armoury within which they conduct their work the forge. (HQ) Some composers (individual members) have private workspaces.
  • NPCs: the founder (ancient, recluse, pacifist) The archive (meticulous, identic memory, outsider, well informed) strings (new, prolific, sought after, arrogant)
  • Notable Assets: Each member of the steel symphony is a potent mystic and is able to use telekinetic force to mould their blades and turn the blades of others. Connections with the entire ring and beyond possessing a steel symphony blade is a great honour. Each full member carries their own blade forged themselves in darkness only by their mind and is said to be their greatest piece of work. Access to a large amount of resources from the planes. The attention of most factions as none want others to gain control over them. Steel symphony blades count as tier 5 weapons. A series of elite warriors known as the “steel chosen” who have been chosen by nothing other than their own blades to be their only bearer incredibly hardy and covered head to toe in metal almost like a second skin, terrifying.
  • Quirks: In order for a blade to be considered worthy of being passed on it must first pass a series of test the final test being will it kill where upon the blade is taken out by a trusted contractor on a score if the blade is used to kill and they return with it alive it has passed the test.
  • Allies: vigilance, the first and only, guardians, Leviathan hunters
  • Enemies red sashes, the night speakers, the Mystai
  • Situation: The steel symphony has a ancient history which according to the founder stretches back to the first murder as they supposedly provided the weapon for this deed after being tricked into doing so. The founder no longer makes blades after despairing at the damage they have done but many follow their teachings and ways seeking perfection in the blades they create. The archive is also as old and carries with them a knowledge of every blade in Sigil and the crimes that they were committed by them this caries with it an extensive amount of knowledge. Strings is a new member who focuses on reducing the edge of his blades to the point where it is almost impossible to see and is happy to share his work seeking recognition for it. One of the founders last creations were a pair of blades known as the blades in the dark which were taken by rival gang leaders and caused a massive loss of life. These weapons were imprisoned in the monastery but have recently gone missing the symphony seeks to find and return them. The symphonies alliance with vigilance has earned them the ire of the night speakers who posses several symphony blades that are corrupted and the symphony seek a return to them and desire to purify them from the nightspeakers taint.

The Mercy killers IV

Once what amounted to the guard within Sigil the Mercy Killers have found another calling protecting the veil.

  • track and kill rogue spirit shadows 0/4 (repeating) (r)
  • hunt the creatures in the dark protected by the gloam 0/8 (repeating) (G)
  • Find the suneaters base of operations 1/10 (S)
  • Turf: a series of ships that cross the death lands training the icecarls, a tower in Brightstone that reaches high each level devoted to a colour of magic (HQ)
  • NPCs: Tal Graile-Rerem (leader, young, prodigy, violet light master, brave), Ebbitt (ecentric, old, knowledgable, improviser) mila talon hand (related to danir, leader, killer, driven, honourbound), Jarek (beserker, permanently covered in norworm blood, strong, massive)
  • Notable Assets: A cadre of capable arcane practitioners who use light magic to generate power this comes in several different colours like a rainbow with red the weakest and violet the strongest. Each practioner of light magic has a powerful sunstone which they use to generate their magic. A collection of mirrored shields and armour that is resistant to magic. Glass and natural weapons created to combat spirit shadows that are equally strong against ghosts and normal people. A collection of Norworm blood that reflects magic of all kinds and allows someone to touch ghosts and spirit shadows.
  • Quirks: Members of the mercy killers are split into 2 factions and relations with each other aren’t great one faction use light magic to combat spirit shadows the other uses weaponry.
  • Allies: spirit wardens, the gondoliers, moss men, the mystai
  • Enemies: Sun eaters, gloam, nightfall
  • Situation: The Mercy Killers are one of the few factions that remain from the days of the factol wars however as with everything they’ve had to adapt and change with the times. Once guards against crime they have now decided on a more narrow scope for their actions as they believe that the corruption of the star in the centre of Sigil is more pronounced than it would appear. They claim that when the sun was sundered creatures began to live within it spirit shadows that feed on light and hide in darkness a subsector of ghosts as they would tell it. They seek to maintain the veil across these creatures and hunt down those that escape. To this end they are split in 2 half wield light based magic from organically grown sunstones which appears to be able to destroy these spirit shadows and the other wield weapons of glass and made of parts from horrors of the death lands. Unlike ghosts most can’t claim to have seen any of these spirit shadows yet the spirit wardens, guardians, starless veil and city assembly have never curtailed their authority.



The Eye of God IV

A organisation dedicated to the study or improvement of the ring. When times become too peaceful and order establishes itself too solidly, they strike.

  • Find the ghost of the founding creature 0/12 (S)
  • destroy a lightining tower 0/10 (G)
  • observe human behaviour at it’s lowest 0/6 (repeating) (R)
  • peace has established itself for too long 0/12 (countdown)
  • Find Estaban 4/8 (R)
  • Turf: Each individual member of the Eye of God claims their home as turf, The fortres Chronicle a well protected base for the Eye of God in the flooded district (looks ran down but isn’t) (HQ)
  • NPCs: Ogena, Chronicler (matronly, listener, clever, secretive) Silvio, Traveller (young, handsome, psychopath, friendly) Cyrene Clermont, weaver (leader, insightful, driven, cold, brutal)
  • Notable Assets Every member of the Eye of God has a small black gem in the back of their skull, it allows them to relive their memories with more accuracy and also records their most important memories to be retrived by the weavers. The Eye of God They consider themselves chosen, tasked with the most important mission of all and are extremely driven. A not insignificant amount of wealth. Members of the Eye of God have an extensive grasp on the human psyche and are able to use this to manipulate people. The Eye of God have extensive records of most influential figures. A vast network of chambers holding many strange devices used by the Elders to store information and create the eyestones in their HQ.
  • Quirks: Most members of the Eye of God have been brought up within it’s structure but live normal lives aside from when they act. However the teachings of the Eye have broken alot of them turning them into psychopaths who struggle to truly connect with others. Many members are also tied to other groups as information gatherers.
  • Allies: the forgotten gods, the chaos star
  • Enemies: sparkwright guild, starless veil
  • Situation The Eye of God are a cult they believe that in order to make the people of the ring strong they need to struggle. The organisation is split into 3 groups Chroniclers the ordinary members who normally work in groups of 3-6 as a family unit. Travellers senior members who serve as the connections between cells usually skilled in a bit of magic who connect the weavers to the chroniclers. Weavers are the highest ranking members within the Eye of God. There are only about a dozen of them and they spend most of their times within Fortress Chronicle, both overseeing the records held therein and planning the next steps of the organization. The Eye of God seek to observe human psychology at it’s worst and from that learn more and help people to grow and become stronger as a whole. The Eye of God was formed by a group of mystical beings said to inhabit the Ring whose interest was in studying the world and people around them. Eventually they fell foul of the Lady of Pain and required humans to help them as they were either imprisoned or killed. Eventually only 1 was left who decided to pour its knowledge and much of its magic into a small group of dedicated human servants. This original creature perished several centuries ago, this is concealed from all but the most high-ranking members.

Nightfall III

A group operatives who rage against the dying of the light by wallowing in the darkness

  • Find the place that light has never touched 2/12 (S)
  • Obtain secret knowledge 0/4 (repeating) (G)
  • Be the blow which strikes unseen 0/6 (repeating) (R)
  • investigate the link between the void sea and the king in the shadows 5/8 (S)
  • Turf: A temple crossed with a nerve centre for a spy network in the undercity deeper than the foundation or the gloam are aware exists (HQ). The claim the whole undercity as their turf
  • NPCs: The watcher in the dark (leader, outsider, small, shadowy, magic immune) The listener in the dark (second, lithe, stealthy, near invisible, spy) the blade in the dark (assassin, deadly, creative, untraceable) Finn “Barnacle” O’Sullivan (gnome, apostle, conduit)
  • Notable Assets Most important nightfall operatives carry a nisariel (a devourer of the waking light (this is a spirit)) this protects them unless it is broken in whcih case it shatters, a collection of spirit shadows trained and hidden from the mercy killers to protect them and kill their foes. The ability to mould the very dark around them into tools weapons and even limbs as well as heal themselves or even sculpt the mind of those near them. The ability to traverse between different areas of darkness. A intrinsic map and sense for what happens in the dark areas and shadows of the ring. A small collection of powerful stolen sunstones. Whilst unable to control it when nightfall members become apostles they are able to take on most demons and other outsiders.
  • Quirks: All Nightfall members have been touched by shadows which at times can act, speak or move through them which they refer to as becoming a apostle. They often lose control of themselves and become a whirling mass of shadowy tentacles many carry salt with them to bind themselves incase this happens until it fades.
  • Allies: Gloam, The Nightspeakers, The Aether Ghosts
  • Enemies: the mercy killers, the suneaters, the first hydra, the foundation
  • Situation Nightfall is a cross between a cult and a spy network that has power to alter and use the shadows around them to best benefit their cause. Each member has delved deep into the darkness alone and whatever they saw their terrified them. They hold the following beliefs one that the shadows reign supreme and yet light must exist to hold them back. Their use of shadow magic and spirit shadows brings the into conflict with the mercy killers and their belief in the necessity of the sun ensures they aren’t allied to the sun eaters either. Nightfall give worship to someone they know as the king in the shadows and seek to give deference to them by finding a place either on the ring or the death lands that light has never touched all whilst growing their library of secrets whispered in the dark and being the strike that goes unseen.



Raven brothers I

A small band of noble knights infected and cursed by evil blood.

  • Find the fragments of Wyrmaar 0/12 (S)
  • kill deathland horrors or dangerous outsider 2/6 (repeating) (g)
  • Turf: The Raven brothers claim a secret protected village in the deathlands protected by illusions where their families live and the female daughters HQ
  • NPCs: twenty (young, empty, bitter, devoted, son) five (driven, cold, father, vengeful) one (leader, ancient, survivor, tormented, powerful)
  • Notable Assets every single raven brother is extremely well trained and a deadly combatant and trained to take on horrors, outsiders and other creatures of the deathlands or beyond. The magic within them makes them faster, stronger and more perceptive than ordinary men. Many of them have mastered at least a spark of magic, using illusions and fear to weaken their foes before the strike. The curse that afflicts them makes them immune to possession or other forms of corruption by outsiders or ghosts. Each brother wears a raven cloak adorned with black feathers and enchanted with protective and concealing magics.
  • Quirks: The curse travels down the bloodline of the raven however it is weaker with the daughters. Most of the brothers wives are people who the brothers have saved in the deathlands however the brothers are conflicted on dooming the lives of these children to this curse. The younger brothers have a strong control over their curse but are weaker magically the elder brothers have a strong grasp of magic however a weak grasp on their curse so limit their interactions with normal people over time they can become fallen brothers and are hunted down rapidly. All members have numbers not names.
  • Allies: The Aether Ghosts, deathland scavengers, moss men
  • Enemies: church of ecstasy, vault keepers, epitaph
  • Situation The raven brothers were a group of nobles who in the chaos before the lightining barriers were raised decided to sally forth to fight evil and hunt in the deathlands. However one day they were ambushed and in a effort to escape they charged and killed the enemy leader a evil known as Wyrmaar. The plan was successful however only 8 of them survived. This creatures blood stained them and it’s magic cursed them forever they and their descendants would bear the mark of evil and violent madness that lies within. After several decades they realized that it could only be satiated by violence and decided to put the dark magic in their veins to good use and became sworn to defeat evil and protect the very people who fear and despise them. One is the last surviving member of this group and all are constantly on the look out signs of corruption in him including himself. The brothers have recently come to the conclusion that someone somewhere trapped a fragment of Wyrmaar and are frantically searching for it to wipe it out.

The Order of the ashen dawn III

The final guardians of the shattered Temple and the keepers of its darkest treasures.

  • Prepare for a expedition into the Shattered temple 0/10 (G)
  • protect the shattered temple 3/4 (repeating) (G)
  • Find a way to use their fallen, weak or infirm to help protect the temple 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: The Order of the Ashen Dawn claim the shattered temple as their HQ and turf.
  • NPCs: The Lockwarden (Leader, zealot, holy, unrelenting, ashen dawn the final line) The Red Marshal (crimson tower, single minded, brutal) Seraphina Dawnbringer (tactical, dedicated, proud, honourable)
  • Notable Assets Impeccable almost unbreakable armour, they wield weapons of the finest quality imaginable. Members are extremely well trained to resist the fear of ghosts as well as other forms of mental compulsion. Members are blessed in some fashion and some of the few individuals on the ring who can claim divine power though it’s unclear how. Well trained and well armed horses. Members are well trained in warding and sealing magics and are able to use that to protect the temple from outsiders. Those who have embraced the red tower are well known to the point where they travel through the ring without any resistance. All members are extremely well trained and able to go toe to toe with almost anyone they are extremely proficent knights.
  • Quirks: Those who embrace the crimson tower truly seek a end to violence in all things yet in a place like the ring that is impossible so instead they are the most efficent practioners of this to their own shame.
  • Allies: The Guardians, the mystai, the red right hand
  • Enemies: priests of the abyss, Gloam, the god reaper
  • Situation The Order of Ashen Dawn are a reclusive order that almost exclusively abide within the shattered temple. None can say if they were related to the previous owners of the temple or had anything to do with whatever destroyed it however one thing is for sure they are a very potent force. These holy warriors are the definitive answer to monsters and nightmares and a unbreakable shield against all the creatures that seek to break into the shattered temple and enter it’s forbiden passageways. From time to time some members of the order are said to embrace the crimson tower devoting themselves entirely to ending War focusing on ensuring it causes as little collateral damage as possible. They will be hired out by anyone requiring only legitimate cause and the rejection of looting or pillaging. Many a gang leader or influential figure has hired them to take on a rival group or hunt and kill a dangerous outsider that is haunting them. Thr Order has many members and a unknown way of recruiting more yet many fall whenever the temple is attacked and they seek to find a way to use these to continue protecting the temple somehow whilst also preparing to enter the temple for a purpose known only to the lockwarden.



The Curst II

A group of criminals who have committed a crime from which they couldn’t forgive themselves. Instead as penance they take on the burdens of others to make attonement the church then labels them as the curst.

  • Take on the burdens of others 2/4 (G) (repeating)
  • Understand when their pennance is done 0/12 (S)
  • Turf: The Curst claim no turf wherever the poor and destitute gather you will also find the curst.
  • NPCs: Renner Lightburn (loyal, kind hearted, ex church member) Deathrow (warblind, old, feared) Dreamflash (quick, quiet, voiceless, ex-epitaph)
  • Notable Assets Each member of the Curst carries their own weapons with them and whilst not the highest quality they are well maintained and each is intimately acustomed to it’s use. Several members have extensive insider information based on their past assosciation with many factions. The Curst are able to walk through the majority of the Ring without being acosted. Each Curst member has a strong drive to acomplish their goal and it steals them against certain threats. Some Curst members known as the warblind were at one time soldiers or mercenaries and carry high grade mechanical augments or adaptations.
  • Quirks: Members of the curst identify themselves as curst to outsiders. In addition they have their crime tattooed on their backs.
  • Allies: deathland scavengers, the lost, consorts of vengance
  • Enemies: church of ecstasy, stampers, kinclaith detective agency
  • Situation The Curst and the Warblind are labelled as such by the church of ecstasy when they offer pennance and seek attonement for their crimes. In doing so they give up their possessions and become curst. They are comfortable with their place in society and both seek to atone for their crimes and better themselves however they have come to realise that their isn’t a clear way to ascertain when their pennance is over with most just continuing until they die. They seek a clear path from the church to their freedom yet the church is loath to give up their honour bound mercenaries. This has lead some older curst into conflict or anger directed to the church.

The Cognitae III

The Cognitae school turns genius intelects into incredibly dangerous individuals. Trained to notice everything around them and use it all as a weapon. Often working together in a “matter of the most pleasant fraternal confidence”

  • Get the true name of one of the divined 0/12 (S)
  • pursue individual schemes 3/12 (R)
  • Turf: the cognitae claim a secret HQ in Charterhall know as the Maze Undue where they train members. Individual members have their own safe houses and operations ring wide.
  • NPCs: Lilean chase (leader, polymath, calculating, visionary, teacher) Zygmunt Molotch (deadly fighter, polymath, cold blooded, planner) Mentor Sau (perfecti, killer, lifeward, quick, confident)
  • Notable Assets The Cognitae trains genius level individuals to a even higher level they notice everything and use it all to their advantage looking to out think their foes. The Cognitae have a collection of blink weaponary and armour stored in a extimate space conjured with a thought. Each senior member is protected by a prefecti a deadly killer who will die for them. Every Cognitae member has their own unique code and is an adept at cracking the codes of others. The school has trained it’s individuals in all manner of knowledge mundane or esoteric and all are walking repositories of learning. Watching glasses which enable them to scry on their foes. Mastery of a technique called the black damm which allows them to belive a lie so thourghly it’s almost impossible to tell that it is a lie.
  • Quirks: Most memembers have a eidetic memory and use it to impressive effect. Cognitae members are often trained as parts of other factions without realising it is a front for the cognitae. Members identify each other by saying in a matter of the most pleasant fraternal confidence”
  • Allies: curators, banshee, cyphers
  • Enemies: the first hydra, the starless veil, eye of god
  • Situation The Cognitae are a ancient organisation formed during the factol war to remove the Lady of Pain from the city and end their tyranny. They believed that they were successful when the divined never returned after the fall of the divined however they have now returned. They seek to learn each of their individual true names and from here control them and end them. Whilst this is their main goal individually each members maintains individual schemes and ideals trying to advance their goals.



List of each factions areas of influence
Factions in every district
  • The brigade: fire staions across the ring
  • The stampers: watch station across the ring
  • Cabbies: cab bases across the ring
  • The City assembly also holds ownership of all public spaces in the city, including streets, docks, and waterways.
  • The Ciphers claim several small hangouts across the city as their turf.
  • The foundation: Throughout the entire city, their are secret rooms and passages built in the foundations and in buildings where members of The Foundation meet and keep tabs on everything happening in Sigil.
  • The Hive: Many shops, taverns, cafes, warehouses, and other mercantile establishments all across the city. No centralized HQ
  • The Guardians: They claim the conflict zones across the entire city as their turf
  • The Ink rakers: arangments with bar owners across the ring for well protected back rooms in most bars.
  • The watch dogs claim the whole city as their turf
  • Lord Scurlock: n array of business holdings and cult shrines across the city, collected for some united purpose known only to Scurlock.
  • The consorts of vengeance claim the area around any queen’s alms as their turf
  • The railjacks claim the many electro train stations across the city as their turf
  • The unseen: A multitude of vice dens and extortion rackets across the city—virtually none realize that they pay up to the Unseen.
  • The weeping lady have small hidden chapels scattered around the entire ring, They are staples at many of the Queen’s Alms
  • The first and only: several staging zones scattered around all of the districts of the Ring,
  • acolytes of brashkadesh A large number of meditation rooms throughout Sigil,
  • The agony: Secret chantries across every ward
  • The counters guild: Numerous shadow repositories that store mysterious items in high-tech vaults.
  • The scarlet wolves: Holdouts in most wards
  • The suneaters: Several warehouses in all the wards.
  • The surgeons guild: many local surgeries that cater to the moderately wealthy across the city.
  • The Sign of One have A series of ‘think tanks’ scattered around the Cage attempting to believe certain things into existence
  • The transcendent order call training grounds scattered throughout the city their turf
  • Raymund Reddington: businesses and other key locations across the ring.
  • The guild of engineers claim many secretive advanced research facilities across the ring their turf.
  • The Kinclaith detective Agency: safe houses across the city, inkrake contacts, connections in watch stations.
  • The First Hydra: Safe houses across the entire ring
  • The Red Right Hand: The Ring, HQ in the Ring, safe “houses” throughout the Ring. With almost complete master of ghost doors and teleportation, they can get just about anywhere if so desired.
  • the angels of the divined: safehouses and brainwashing locations across the ring
  • The Excommunicated have connections with jewellers across the ring
The canals
  • The gondoliers: The canals of Sigil. Even the Stampers’ canal patrol pays respect to them.
  • The Horde: They walk the bottom of the canals using them to reach most of the city almost undetected claiming this as their turf.
  • The guardians: The guardians claim the floating castle the paragon as their hq in Whitecrown,
  • The spirit wardens claim the master wardens estate as their turf
  • Concordant knights The Grail (a bar in White Crown) is where they leave messages for each other.
  • The counters guild: A currency exchange in whitecrown built around a central nexus of portals (HQ).
  • Sah’iir claim the bank as their turf
  • The help: the kitchens, lower floors and servants passages ways of the houses of the rich
  • Stampers: claim the stampers barracks here as HQ
  • The transcendent order claim the gymn within the stampers barracks as their turf
  • Angels of the divined: key locations and base for majority of the brainwashing of the members.
  • The church of ecstasy of the flesh main temple several smaller temples scattered across some of the different regions.
  • The Foundation: series of underground chambers connected to the high houses in Brightstone by secret passages (HQ)
  • The unseen: Several opulent townhouses used as safe houses.
  • The help: the kitchens, lower floors and servants passages ways of the houses of the rich
  • The knights and servants of the ward call The high houses of brightstone their turf and they call a selection of apartments in Bowmore Bridge their HQ
  • The priests of the abyss call the temple to the Abyss their HQ and turf.
  • The ashtari cult call a large tower being built in Brightstone to observe the moons their HQ (the celestial orrery)
  • The Empyrean hunters have a home base here
  • the steel symphony have a small monastery within the armoury (HQ)



  • the mercy killer have a tower devoted to light magic
  • The Hive: Many shops, taverns, cafes, warehouses, and other mercantile establishments all across the city. No centralized HQ
  • The Guardians claim Gaddoc railstation as their turf
  • The railjacks claim the Gaddoc railway station their hq,
  • The wraiths: Nightmarket are their primary hunting grounds. They specialize in the theft of luxury items and intelligence gathering for clients to use as blackmail.
  • Blue rose distillery: several bars that serve their goods as their turf
  • The Brass hats: A constantly upgraded and improved electro train (known as the Brass Bull (HQ), Gadock station.
  • The Transcendent order call the great gymnasium (HQ)
  • The guilds of the market ward call the markets of nightmarket their turf and they claim the great bazar as their HQ
  • Epitaph underground passageways of Nightmarket they claim as their HQ
  • The Keepers of the Flame: A burned out block of flats
  • Thermophiles: he War council holds a well defended area of nightmarket and several attached barracks spaces (HQ)
Six towers
  • The circle of flame The Centuralia club, Six Towers
  • The Dimmer sisters: Fine old manor house and grounds (HQ), as well as the ancient temple ruin and subterranean canal beneath. Apothecaries and witches in their service.
  • The Gray cloaks: the basement of a burned-down Watch station (HQ). Several apartments above a tobacconist in Six Towers. A pit-fighting arena and gambling den.
  • Lord Scurlock: A dilapidated manor house in Six Towers and the catacombs beneath
  • The silver nails claim A large inn (The Mustang) and its fine stables (HQ) this is near to the lost district
  • the flux society: a series of alchemical interconeccted labs near to the psalm refineries of the city, a large multi story apartment building in 6 towers that they call their hq,
  • The suneaters: An ancient ruin in Six towers (HQ).
  • Yaru: Sanctioned Yaru laboratory in Six towers (HQ).
  • The surgeons guild: Their guild hall is located on Poultice Street, in the Brightstone corner of Six Tower (HQ)
  • The Mossmen: a small base in Six Towers overgrown with moss
  • The Cogmen: a ruined tower in Six Towers connected to a sewer system
  • The Legion: Six Towers:A small ruined house, there are always eyes looking out of it’s single window. (HQ)
  • The Kinclaith Detective Agency large but battered and run-down office on the Fugue in Six Towers. (HQ.)
  • Vaultkeepers: the oldest house a location in six towers where the vault’s cult calls home supposedly the oldest house in the city magically protected to be difficult to find
  • The Athenaeum the Mystai’s HQ
The docks
  • The crow’s operate extortion rackets at the Docks.
  • Raymund Reddington: has key agreements with every gang in the docks and is able to use there turf.
  • The dockers: A large dive bar next to the Docks (HQ), Ink Lane, The Maze, as well as anywhere that dockers live drink or work. Many labourers and workers call themselves members of the dockers.
  • The grinders: Abandoned dock warehouse (HQ) and underground canal dock.
  • Leviathan hunters: the massive metal docks for the huge hunter ships and the associated construction and repair facilities. Several small private leviathan blood processing facilities for the captains’ personal shares.
  • The red sashes operate several high end drug dens in the docks
  • The sailors claim the entire docks as their turf, the claim the heart of the maze as their HQ.
  • The gloam: A series of locations around the docks that they use to traffic slaves.
  • Blue rose distillery: they claim the Blue rose distillery as their hq here as well as several bars that server their goods as their turf
  • The Astropaths guild call the docks their turf,
  • The wayfinders guild call A large area in the docks kept almost entirely in the dark known as the vacant waves their (HQ), based around several spirit wells they have been drawn to which they call their turf.
  • the foundation own and protect the keel home to the best shipwrights in the city
  • the skeleton crew hold a abandoned berth in the adam’s ale marina as their HQ
  • The Horde: The Horde have managed to claim a small portion of the flooded district as their HQ,
  • The wraiths: silkshore and nightmarket their primary hunting grounds. They specialize in the theft of luxury items and intelligence gathering for clients to use as blackmail.



  • acolytes of brashkadesh: a secret location in the district where the pillar of truth is currently contained.
  • The scarlet wolves: The Killroom, a high-end safe house in Silkshore (HQ).
  • The Vignerons Anodyne, a pleasure den in Silkshore (HQ)
  • Blue rose distillery: several bars that serve their drink as their turf
  • the society of sensations calls most of Silkshore their turf, a club called emotions is their (HQ)
  • The Astropaths guild call their home base a large library and astronamy tower called the port of wanderers their (HQ)
  • The wayfinders guild claim a guild house sitting opposite to the astropaths guild house
  • Banshees a top floor office in a building called Fogcrest and several small research locations, a fighting pit in Silkshore
  • The fortress chronicle a well protected base for the Eye of God in the flooded district


  • The City assembly The city Assembly chambers are in Charterhall, along with the attendant government offices and impregnable city vaults.
  • Ink rakers: Print row a series of print houses and bullpens (hq), a series of well known corners and areas where they sell their papers
  • The Path of echoes: call the archive of echoes their hq, they also claim the Charterhall university as their turf.
  • The sparkwrights: claim the sparkwright tower
  • The spirit wardens claim the Bellweather crematorium as their HQ
  • The vignerons:. Rust, an auction house in Charterhall.
  • Murmur claims the halls of government within Charterhall as their turf. Their HQ is unknown.
  • The Charterhall Leviathan’s: The Charterhall University, a dorm room on campus (HQ), several gambling and drug dens scattered around Campus or close to it.
  • The Guild of Engineers claim A portion of the Sparkwrights tower. Advanced research facilities across the Ring.
  • Sanguine Sorority: Charterhall University, their own dormitories with off the books labs inside
  • the cognitae have a school in Charterhall the Maze undue (HQ)

Crow’s foot

  • The Crow’s claims all of Crow’s Foot as their turf. Everyone in the district pays up the chain to them. HQ in an abandoned City Watch tower. Operates gambling dens in Crow’s Foot
  • The watchdogs claim the sandstone district in particular the large community hall within as their HQ
  • The Lampblacks: HQ in the office of a coal warehouse. Operates a handful of brothels and cheap drug dens across Crow’s Foot.
  • The red sashes claim their HQ in their sword-fighting school/temple. Operates a handful of high-end drug dens across Crow’s Foot and the Docks.
  • The Nightspeakers: the Blackstar a hidden training area filled with complete darkness and competing acolytes.
  • Strawmill house: A orphanage in the centre of Crow’s foot with a fairly extensive apparatus to train children in the skills needed to become criminals.


  • The flux society: A secret training ground in the desert.
  • The first and only: Several weaponsmiths that make their straight silver knives.
  • The Borniko syndicate: A former Counters Guild shadow repository that the Syndicate managed to erase from the Guild ledgers.
  • Vorex claims one of the many psalm substations in this area as their turf it is fully automated
  • The Botanic guild: A extensive greenhouse powered by raddiant energy (HQ), several warehouses and other locations to grow varied plants and alchemical components.
  • The ashtari cult call An undocumented ruin in Barrowcleft their turf


  • The Consorts of vengeance: no centralised HQ but claim areas of abject poverty such as the streets of charhollow
  • The Lost: the poverty stricken streets of charhollow
  • the planar refugees call the slags their home, they have a series of connected flats that are overlooking the scratch wall that they call their hq
  • The echowave riders claim: A near permanent presence at Bright Wind (HQ), several secluded hangars in this area.
  • The wreckers claim a makeshift base within the slags it was previously a powerful construct.
  • The Ashtari cult call a small club filled with ashtari gas their turf the entire thing is hermetically sealed to prevent any escaping.


  • The Lost: Converted rail car (HQ). The poverty-stricken streets of Coalridge and Dunslough.
  • The Consorts of vengeance: no centralised HQ but claim areas of abject poverty such as the streets of coalridge
  • Spark wrights: Massive workshop, factory, and design facility in Coalridge as their HQ



  • Ulf ironborn claims: Rooms, workshop, and stable at The Old Forge tavern (HQ). A gambling den.
  • The billhooks: butcher shop (HQ), stockyard, and slaughterhouse. Animal fighting pits and gambling dens. Several terrified merchants and businesses, which they extort.
  • Conclave 01: Secret bases on the ring and the Indri Wastelands (HQ) a area that much of the waste product of the ironworks are “disposed of”.
  • The Guild of Engineers claim SB-176 a secret laboratory and experiment area as their (HQ).
  • the Excommunicated have a private mining operation and arcane metal refinery in coalridge (HQ)


  • Ironhook prison claim Ironhook prison (HQ) and the assosciated work sites as their turf
  • The Lost: the poverty stricken streets of Dunslough.
  • The Consorts of vengeance: no centralised HQ but claim areas of abject poverty such as the streets of dunslough
  • the weeping lady call a seemingly rundown church in dunslough their hq
  • The first and only: A training facility in the Mist woods (HQ),
  • The Dyrinek Gang claim the Lost Paradise, a club with an attached warehouse where the gang does its business (HQ)
  • The paladins of Thule: several charitable institutions including a soup kitchen (HQ)
  • The order of the ashen dawn claim the shattered temple as their turf and HQ


  • Deathland scavengers: A few precious hold-fasts in the deathlands, secured by ancient rites against spirits. Hunting grounds to feed on the few strange animals that survive in this wasteland.
  • Lord Scurlock: A secret lair outside the city (HQ)
  • The railjacks claim the electro train lines through the deathlands as their turf
  • The Agony claim: A secret base in the deathlands known as platform Omega (HQ)
  • The Mossmen, A series of interconnected caves in the deathlands a natural salt mine (HQ)
  • The Aether ghosts call the deathlands their turf.
  • Vigilance claim the first temple in the deathlands as their HQ
  • the mercy killers ice carl ships are here constantly moving around hunting and training before returning warriors to the ring.
  • The Raven brothers claim a secret protected village in the deathlands protected by illusions where their families live and the female daughters (HQ)

The undercity:

  • The foundation claim the entirety of the undercity as their turf
  • The gloam: A stolen area of the foundations secret labryinths, A large cave underneath the city that they use for their training and construction (HQ),
  • Yaru Secret research facilities in areas gifted to them by the foundation
  • Nightfall have a temple in the dark of the undercity deeper than others know about and claim the whole undercity as their turf

The lost district

  • The ghosts: A secret research facility.
  • The Mossmen A small base in Lost district overgrown with moss
  • Briarwort Abbey A small abandoned convent within the Lost Districts (HQ)
  • the chaos star HQ in the lost district
  • Base of the unsung

Ironhook prison

  • Ironhook Prison (HQ)
  • The Seven Score Ripper (HQ)
  • most criminal gangs have a foothold here
  • Stampers
  • Watchdogs
  • spirit wardens

No turf

  • The reconciled
  • The ghosts: The Skeleton Key, a half-phased extremely large wagon (HQ).
  • The starless veil: The Veil holds no turf except the occasional safe house or place to reload and rearm on missions
  • Fenger claims no turf however they seem to be always at home regardless of where they are in the Rin
  • Sabaz claims no turf
  • The blackfires claim no turf and instead are constantly on the prowl for fresh victimns
  • The red house claims the red house as their turf which may in fact mean they claim part of the ghost field as their turf.
  • The Seven Score Ripper a cell in Ironhook Prison
  • The Red Right Hand
  • frequency 611
  • Overseer
  • the curators




Human vs other races

If you aren’t playing a human then you have the following conversation with the DM setting out a series of things that your race can do

  • 0 stress: These are either constant abilities or adaptations that don’t affect the game significantly. Breathing water. Seeing in the UV spectrum. Having a prehensile tail, multiple eyes, or four arms that work independantly. A heightened sense of smell.
  • 1 stress: These are abilities that aren’t constant, and require exertion or concentration to pull off. Good candidates are using 0 stress xeno abilities outside of their normal parameters, or pushing them to their limits. A desert xeno pushing their heat immunity to dive into an engine fire without taking damage. An underwater xeno using sonar to try and sense guards down a metal corridor. An animalistic xeno running faster than their prey, or leaping through the branches of a jungle.
  • 2 stress: These abilities tend to be things that humans couldn’t even attempt. If this only enables you to take an action and a roll is still required, take +1d or +1 effect to it (player’s choice). Ripping chains apart through sheer strength. Breathing fire or generating a sleep venom under your claws. A deep-sea xeno using their incredible lung capacity to temporarily ignore the knock-out gas being pumped into the room
  • Optional rule: Any significant weakness that can take you out of a scene or cause great trouble for you (level 2 or 3 harm equivalent) will also generate a gambit for your crew when it comes up in game.

For example:

  • X0 stress: Breathe water. Hear really low sound waves. Swim incredibly quickly.
  • X1 stress: Sense the flow of electricity nearby (a sense developed to hunt prey in the deeps). This ability might cost 0 stress if you and your target are both underwater. Use your deep-water muscles to lift a thug one-handed. Extend rending claws capable of filleting sharkskin.
  • X2 stress: Navigate flawlessly in pitch blackness. Survive in the void unharmed for a short while. attune to the ghost field to sense gravitic disturbances and the relative connection of anyone nearby
  • optional rule: When you are acting in significantly warm climates, take level 2 or level 3 harm (based on how hot or dry it is) called “Memish Weakness” and add a gambit to your crew’s gambit pool.
  • This harm can be removed by being immersed in water for 24 hours. A recovery downtime activity with water available will remove this in addition to any segments filled

human benefits

  • Human pluckiness once per score you can push yourself for 1 stress not 2
  • Spit blood once per score when you would make a resistance roll you can choose to roll one additional dice


Gambits are a resource that represents the accumulation of good luck, weird circumstances, and fate that befalls heroes of the genre, and the opportunities that can be seized when a crew takes chances. It is a crew resource, usable by any member.

  • Every crew starts with 1 gambits and can Get more
  • Any crew member can spend a gambit during an action roll to add +1d, and only one gambit may be spent this way. You gain new gambits in two ways.
  • At the beginning of every job, you reset the number of gambits the crew has to the starting gambits value.
  • In addition, every time you roll a critical result on a risky action that you have not spent a gambit on, your crew gains another gambit


Instead of picking a normal heritage you pick a ward in Sigil that you hail from using the list below which links to the specific heritage abilities and items. https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/KNZz-7pocKLY

  • The Lady’s Ward (the richest ward)
  • The Market Ward (the main location for purchasing goods and services)
  • The Guildhall Ward (the home of craftsmen and skilled workers)
  • The Clerk’s ward (the home of all of the Ring’s red tape and some of it’s strongest gangs)
  • The Hive Ward (The slums and the ghetto home of the poor)
  • The Lowed Ward (an industrial district and a prison ward)
  • The Outlands (a poor soul born outside the Ring)
  • The Primes (anyone from a different plane of existence to the Ring)

Devils bargains and pushing yourself

  • you may always push yourself and take a devil’s bargain it is not either or

Resist critical success

  • on a critical success on a resist for harm you reduce the harm by 2 levels.

Devil’s bargains

  • you may take devil’s bargains on engagement rolls if applicable.




People, places, and objects come in all shapes and sizes, and where these differences matter, they are described using truths. A truth is something significant about the scene that makes an action possible, easier, harder or impossible.

Generating a truth:

  • Whenever a check or dice is rolled the person rolling can attempt to generate a truth about the scene. For example if you were in a crowded auditorim and you wanted to clear the auditorium you could shoot a gun into the air. At the end of this you would have the truth for the scene be the entire crowd is fleeing. In your following actions if you played of off this truth you could gain an additional dice such as I hide in the crowd would gain improved effect as the crowd is running and dosen’t care who’s near them. However I attempt to steal the nobles wallet would have reduced effect as they are running away from you. These truths don’t have to be permanent but they are something that anyone can utilise. If you roll a critical success then you can attempt to define a truth based of off the action that you just made. i.e. if the gang member was skirmishing with a group of Grinders if they rolled a crit on attacking the first one and killed them then they could make a truth of grief stricken or angry gang or imposing figure.

There are two common types of truth, defined by the things they’re connected to:

  • An object truth is a detail about a place or an object.
  • A character truth describes something about a character.

downtime after stressing out

  • you may always choose to pay coin and gain an additional downtime action after stressing out. In addition after stressing out you return at the begining of the next score unless something else would prevent you from doing so.

pre heist

  • Before a hesit everyone may make 1 short downtime or gather information action to prepare for the heist, they may spend coin to increace the tier of their actions or take additional actions as per normal.


  • entanglments happen before downtime not after it.

increasing in tier

  • when you increace your tier or hold you can do a score to gain either 1 crew upgrade, 1 lair upgrades or 1 piece of turf without any other preperation that you would normally require.


For ease of use, each truth can be placed into a simple statement, such as one of those below. If that statement makes sense, then it applies. If it doesn’t make sense, then it doesn’t apply.

  • Because I am [character truth], this action is…
  • Because of [object truth], this action is…
  • The end of each of those statements is one of “easier”, “harder”, “possible”, or “impossible”. At the simplest level, that’s as far as the GM needs to go: if the statement ends with “easier”, increace the effect or reduce the risk, if the statement ends with “harder”, increase the risk or reduce the effect. If the statement ends with “possible”, then the action can be attempted while the truth applies, while if it ends with “impossible”, then it can’t be attempted

Magic (wicked ones)

  • the final reason why magic is uncommon in Sigil is because in order to fully interact with and invoke magic or in order to activate your psionics for whatever reason you lose the ability to influence the ghost field. Almost as if it is anathema to the training required to use those abilities.
  • If you wish access to magic your attune ability is removed and replaced with invoke if you choose this then you can either gain sorcery or witchcraft. Sorcery involves you reach out and seize control of primal, arcane energies, twisting them to serve your own nefarious purposes. (includes enchantment manipulating weak minds, evocation summon hellish fiends, force mastery move objects at will, illusion confuse the senses, necromancy the cold caress of unlife, pyromancy watch the world burn)
  • witchcraft Wielders of witchcraft draw their power from nature or the spirit world. (includes blood reading the pulse of life, soothsaying the timeless eye, stormstrike the storm’s fury, spirit calling the world beyond, wild heart the brutality of nature)
  • When you attune to the Way, you open your mind to the energies flowing throughout existence allowing you to influence everything around you with your mind for example (telepathy, kinetics, visions etc.)

Wanted levels

if you gain a wanted level you can reduce heat to remove it during the downtime that immediatly follows it otherwise it needs a score to remove or is permanent.

Critical successes

  • if you roll more than 2 6’s then the effects of the crit stack adding whatever the difference between a 6 and a crit is again. i.e. 3 6’s on a long term project is 7 segments filled. Or 2 truths or you retroactively increace effect.


If a character ticks a heavy or large weapon this can include a rifle or other heavy firearm.



support during the faction turn

during the faction turn any allied faction can increace the progress made by a clock related ot them 1 in return that faction has a 4 segment clock they must fill in called repay the debt or lose the allied status. increaces by 2 segments per additional segment of a clock filled certain factions are better than others (i.e. reddington)


scale is equal to the amount of people a gang can call on quickly in reality most gangs have at least ten times the number of actual people assigned to them. Exceptions include stampers who have that amount per district.

ghost keys

Can be used to open any normal door to allow one to travel into the ghost field which takes you to the memory version of the past of that location basically.


Your closeness with your fellows is denoted by a row of points on your character sheet, up to a maximum of 9. The nature of this bond can take any form and can evolve through play, whether it be platonic, romantic, or even a competitive rivalry that neither of you can walk away from for some reason.

During a score and an ally makes an action roll, you can use three of your Bond points to give them +1d to their roll, marking it off your sheet. All marked Bond points are usable again after the score ends.

During character creation, you have 3 starting Bond points. You allocate these to one or several of your fellows. This shows how close or friendly you are at the time of your Crew’s formation. You can also use this Bond to represent a rivalry you compete with them. Depending on actions taken by PC’s players can state that during a score the bond with another player increaces or decreases by 1.

  • Milestone 1: Close You both trust each other as allies and can rely on the other to have your back in a pinch. 0/3

  • Milestone 2: Intimate You are both intimately familiar with each other’s mindsets and quirks, and trust each other with your secrets. 4/6

  • Milestone 3: United You are both inseparable in spirit. No time or distance can separate you, nor can it dull your bond. 7/9

downtime actions

The following are additional downtime actions (counterstrike see next page)

Group Escapade

A group outing or other leisurely activity that takes an entire day. All PCs who join you also spend 1 activity to do this, and your Bond with each other increases by +1

quality time

You spend private time connecting to someone in a more intimate way, sharing your secrets or a vulnerable side of yourself. Can only be done with up to 1 other. Your Bond with each other is increased by +2.

Personal Matters

You go on crew or personal business. You can use this time to meet with others, investigate other gangs, reconnect with old colleagues or estranged family, etc. The GM rolls a fortune roll to see what sort of information or insight you glean from this errand.

Uncover the truth/gain information

When you spend a downtime activity on uncovering secrets, select a gang, individual, group or other selection of people. Explain what actions you are taking to uncover the machinations of your rivals and roll with the related action take an additional die if using a ally. Some questions are too complex to answer immediately in these cases you start a long-term project that you work on during downtime. You track the investigation using a progress clock. Once filled, you have the evidence you need to ask several questions about the subject of your investigation as if you had great effect.

  • As part of this roll you may also gain knowledge of the clocks that the target is attempting to complete.

  • 1-3 you uncover any clocks the target is currently working toward that are being accomplished using reach typically conducted relatively openly, in or adjacent to territory already controlled.

  • On a 4/5, you reveal any clocks they are currently working toward that are less overt using as the element of surprise. If there is no Grasp clock in play, you uncover the most recent Reach clock.

  • On a 6, you reveal any clocks are currently working toward involving Sleight. Clocks involving Sleight are, by their nature, hidden from all but the most careful scrutiny. If they are already working to cover their tracks. If there is no Sleight clock in play, you uncover the most recent Grasp clock/ Reach clock.

  • On a Critical Success, behave as though you had rolled a 6, and also reveal how many ticks toward completion of the clock. Alternately: You may choose to uncover the clock closest to completion, though you will not know how many ticks the clock has left.

Work a side gig
  • Describe your mundane work and you gain 1 Coin. This activity can only be performed once per downtime. Explain why making coin in this way sucks, and why you’d much rather be engaged in a life of crime.



rules continued


There are 3 types of clocks that define the type of actions that a faction takes.

  • reach: action that leverages or expands their sphere of control these are generally overt actions and are widely known as the forces of a gang act within their own sphere of influence and as such have limited reason to hide their actions beyond normal secrecy.
  • grasp: A faction’s ability to project force and control or wrests control of a resource or territory from another or defends their own these tend to happen quickly using the element of suprise and as such are more difficult to identify but are somewhay obvious.
  • sleight: : A faction’s ability to hide its intentions or act subtly. Faction’s roll Sleight when they undertake an action hinging upon secrecy or misdirection. Clocks involving Sleight are, by their very nature, hidden from all but the most careful scrutiny as the faction is working to cover their tracks and requires careful or lucky investigation.
  • hostile/countdown these are any form of clock that is caused in response to the actions of another or inspite of the actions done by the faction such as something being unconvered.

opening title sequence

At the start of every session players have a opportunity to reintroduce their character doing something cool or engaging. The first time you perform this action in this session you gain the benefits of pushing yourself for free.

session name

If your action is what the session was named after or related to then you gain 1 additional gambit dice in the next session that you control that pc.

tarot deck devils deals

At any point if you want a devils deal but can’t consider one you may draw from the tarot deck in doing so the dm deals you one of the cards and you may pick one of the 2 devil deals offered by the card. You may only be dealt one card at any point. Alternatively you may take both if they are applicable.

stressting out

When the character stresses out they don’t instantly dissapear. Instead the character cannot initiate any more rolls or contribute to group actions that are involved in that scene. They are helpless effectively but still part of the scene and can then leave when you want to/ or it makes sense in the fiction.


To craft something, you spend one downtime action and make an appropriate roll to work on a project clock. You and the GM determine the length of the clock together by starting with the base complexity of the item, and then adding complicating and simplifying factors. In addition choose if your creation is mundane, alchemical, arcane, or spark-craft. The base complexity of the item is determined as follows:

  • 4 ticks for straightforward constructs.
  • 6 ticks for complicated constructs.
  • 8 ticks for elaborate constructs. These are somewhat subjective terms,

Once you have the base complexity nailed down, you start adding complicating and simplifying factors.

Complicating factors might include:

  • +4 ticks if you’re inventing the construct from nothing. +2 if you’re reverse engineering a construct, deciphering encoded blueprints, etc.
  • +2 ticks if you need access to complex or industrial-scale tools.
  • +2 ticks if you’re working with rare materials.
  • +2 ticks for each level of scale or quantity; for example, +2 to make 1 construct for each member of your crew, +2 to make something fitted to a vehicle or a building, or +4 for both.

Simplifying factors might include:

  • -2 ticks if you’re modifying an existing piece of technology.
  • -2 ticks if you’re building something very well-known or common.
  • -2 ticks if you have significant help from an ally or group of allies.
  • -2 ticks for each negative tag: Glitchy, requires Ammo, Conspicuous, etc.

The numbers above can be adjusted as you feel is appropriate for the setting — maybe there are materials rare enough to demand an extra 4 ticks instead of the usual 2. After you make your roll, you can spend 1 COIN to add +1 tick to the clock as part of the same action, if it’s appropriate

leveling up

  • you may spend a play book advance to gain a extra dot in a attribute if needed.



Darkest Selves:

When you take a trauma you can remain in the scene but become your darkest self embodying the trauma. Your stress refreshes but you must be a terrible person. Describe what you do to make the situation worse. Once you have escalated you can continue to be your darkest self or return to something like your normal self. This ends by the end of the current situation or scene.

  • Cold: you aren’t moved by emotional appeals or social bonds
  • Haunted: you are often lost in reverie reliving past horrors or seeing things.
  • Obsessed: you’re enthralled by one thing; an activity, a person, an ideology
  • Paranoid: you imagine danger everywhere you can’t trust others
  • Reckless: you have little regard for your own safety or best interests
  • Soft: you lose your edge, you become sentimental, passive, gentle
  • Unstable: your emotional state is volatile, you can instantly rage or fall into despair, act impulsively or freeze up
  • Viscous: you seek out opportunities to hurt people, even for no good reason.

Masks of Trauma:

Instead of embodying your darkest self you can choose to instead narrate a short flashback and/or flashforward themed around the trauma you take. You still are removed from the scene but this allows you to centre your character for a moment in their troubles. Prompts.

  • Narrate a moment in your past when you didn’t show this trauma and it was a good thing
  • Narrate a moment in the past when you exhibited a lesser form of this trauma and it was beneficial
  • Narrate a moment that will not come to pass where you benefit from acting against the trauma
  • Narrate a moment that will come to pass where you hurt or are hurt from the effects of this trauma

Do not go gently

Taking your final trauma and no longer being able to participate can feel anticlimactic. When you take your final trauma you can instead continue on burning your candle at both ends in a desperate effort to hold on for but a moment. In this state embody your traumas, you may use stress as normal but can’t use teamwork manoeuvres or be in a controlled position this is your final moments do or die. If you survive narrate a epilogue how they limp off considering how the incident has scared them it may be more bittersweet.

Personal threats:

Your scoundrel is hounded by enemies and rivals. Personal threats are established before play or during and are 6-8 tick clocks. Each downtime mark a tick on the clock unless it wouldn’t make sense in fiction. Adding to these clocks is a devil’s bargain. When the clock fills the threat comes to pass. Players can take the counterstrike action to prevent this by narrating how they slow the hunters and rolling the action.

  • 1-3 paused for 1 downtime - 4-5 paused for 2 downtimes
  • 6 paused for 3 downtimes - Critical paused for 5 downtimes

You may only use the counterstrike action with each action rating once so choose wisely. A long term project to end the threat of a rival or hunter is general 1.5 to 2 times the length of the hunting clock. Alternatively the clock may be shorter and provide heist opportunities.

XP triggers:

you struggle with issues from your harms, vice or traumas as oppossed to just vices and traumas

Alternate incarceration rules

Instead of rolling to see how your incarceration goes you may instead play out Ironhook. Each crew member sent to Ironhook reduces the wanted level by 1 and resets your heat. The maximum sentence for the crew is years not life or execution. At least one crew member or a loyal cohort must remain outside of prison or your hold and tier will decrease.

Playing inside of Ironhook has the following changes:

Heat and wanted level. You can still gain both and if your wanted level increases your sentences increase in conjunction. If the wanted level reaches 4 and the heat tracker is filled you are sentenced to execution. A 4 clock ‘the green mile’ starts and it ticks up by 1 for each score you do without escaping. If you are in prison when it fills out you are executed.

Load: you don’t gain access to your playbook items unless long term projects are filled or you have specific claims or acquired assets

Acquiring assets and downtime penalties: certain items dm discretion grant such as weapons +2 heat. If a action isn’t readily accessible take -1d. The prison does have healers that are quality 2 base.

Alternate claims:

  • Cell Block control: when in your block take no penalties for being in ironhook
  • Guard payoff: you take -2 heat from operations in Ironhook.
  • Jail Bird: You’ve been here so long you’ve got your own cell. Your whole crew can be imprisoned without negatives, you gain +1d to prison engagement roles
  • Ironhook contacts: You have access to your special palybook items and have a base load of 3 rather than 0.



Learning the Chant below are several pieces of slang for the Cage

  • Addle-Cove: A not particularly friendly way to call someone an idiot.
  • Bar That an almost polite way to say shut up or don’t talk about that often used as a warning
  • Barmies: the insane folks especially those who’ve been touched by the Ring
  • Basher: A neutral reference to a person usually a thug or fighter
  • Berk: A fool especially one who got himself into the mess when they should have known better.
  • Birdcage: A cell or anything that compares to it
  • Blinds: The dead-ends of the Mazes it also means anything impossible or hopeless as in, “He’ll hit the blinds if he tries lying to the queen.”
  • Blood: anyone who’s an expert, sage or a profesional at their work. A mark of high respect.
  • Bonebox: the mouth named because of its teeth fangs or whatever. “Stop rattling your bone box,” is telling a berk to lay off the threats or bragging
  • Bug: Booze, wine or ale that’s usually cheap and barely drinkable
  • Bubber: a drunk especially one who has fallen on hard times. They don’t get any sympathy from most folks.
  • Cage: a common nickname for Sigil used by locals. It comes from birdcage so is a harsh judgement on the place.
  • case: the house or place where a cutter lives
  • Clueless: the folks who don’t get it usually primes, say this to a local and it’s likely there’ll be a fight
  • Chant: an expression that means news, local, gossip, the facts, the moods, or anything else about what’s happening. “What’s the chant?” Is a way of asking what’s the latest information a basher’s heard.
  • Cross-trade: the business of thieving or anything else illegal or shady.
  • Cutter: a term that refers to anybody that a person wants. It does suggest a certain amount of resourcefulness or daring and so is better than calling somebody a berk.
  • Dark: Anything that’s secret is said to be dark. “Here’s the dark of it,” is a way of saying I’ve got a secret and I’ll share it with you.
  • Garnish: A bribe as in “give the irritating petty offical a little garnish and he’ll go away.”
  • Give ‘em the laugh: escape or slip through the clutches of someone.
  • High-up man: this is what everybody wants to be: somebody with money and influence. It’s bad form to call ones self this; it’s a phrase others bestow.
  • Jink: the goal of the poor: money or coins!
  • planar: a being not from the material or its echoes
  • Prime: The Material Plane or someone from there.
  • Sigilian Law Enforcement Division: (SLED/Stampers)
  • Kip: any place a cutter can put up their feet and sleep for a night, especially cheap flophouses in the Hive or elsewhere. Landlords of good inns get upset if a fellow calls their place a kip.
  • Knight of the post or Knight of the Cross trade: A thief, cheat and a liar clearly not a commpliment unless, of course, that’s what the basher wants to be.
  • Leatherhead: A dolt, a dull or thick witted fellow. Use it to call somebody an idiot.
  • Lost: Dead
  • Mazes: The nasty little traps the Lady of pain creates for their enemies. It also come to mean any particularly well-deserved punishment.
  • Music: a price a cutter usually dosen’t want to pay but has to anyway.
  • Out of touch: anyone who is currently not on the Ring, and is on another plane
  • Out of town: anyone who isn’t on the Ring and is in the deathlands
  • Peel: a swind, con or a trick is a peel used as a verb
  • Peery: suspicious and on one’s guard. What a basher should be if he thinks he’s going to get peeled.
  • Pike it: a useful all-purpose phrase as in “Take a short stick and pike it bubber.”
  • Scragged: arrested or caught
  • Sod: an unfortunate or poor soul. use it to show sympathy for an unlucky cutter or use it sarcastically for those who get themselves into their own mess.
  • Turn stag: To betray somebody or use treachery. Saying “he’s turned stag” is about the worst thing that can be said about a cutter.
  • Shank: a Knife or other small bladed instrument
  • Cold steel: a bladed weapon i.e a sword or rapier
  • Balanced steel: a throwing knife
  • Scorchers: A heavy, single-shot, breech loading firearm. Devastating at 20 paces, slow to reload.
  • The business end: A weapon meant for two hands.
  • A bit of something extra: an unusual weapon
  • A second skin: thick leather armor
  • That’s metal: the addition of chain mail, metal plates or helmets.
  • A fresh set of keys: Burglary gear
  • portable stairs: Climbing gear
  • A pile of scrawl: slang for documents
  • Magic shit: arcane implements
  • a backstage pass: subterfuge supplies
  • remodeling tools: demolition tools
  • the delicate stuff: tinkerers tools
  • a bit o sunshine: lantern
  • a bit of hope: a spirit bane charm
  • something a bit more interesting: illicit drugs
  • lightining catchers: hacking tools
  • An alarm clock: some sort of explosive or grenade
  • 7 sided dice: cheater’s tools
  • The crow’s coming home to roost/ the bells ringing means to the death or they died depending on tense.
  • lost to the ink: anything that hasn’t returned from the void sea.



The faction turn
during the faction turn 2 assosciated factions take a action (or 1 for solo action) 1 random faction takes 2 actions, or less/more depending on the prior score.
turn 0
The Briarwort Abbey

Short term goal send a message to the ghost’s. The Briarwort Abbey managed to send a spirit that intercepted and assisted one of the Ghost’s when it was on the run from the Gondoliers and expressed their desire for some form of support towards each other. Starts a clock for the Abbey noticed by the Gondoliers but ticks one tick on the gain the assistance of the ghosts clock

The Nightspeakers

Action 1 aquired a tier 4 ghost and spirit bottled it Action 2 begin to train and twist them to their ends critical success this is completed they now have a very dangerous collection fo ghosts that they can deal with.

The concordant knights (always able to spend coin to increase a result tier)

Secure access to the Path of echoes acquired tier 2 asset for access to the archive of echoes 1 tick in peruse the archive of echoes for extra information

turn 1
spirit wardens

action 1 and 2 repair the damage dealt to their reputation after the attack in Brightstone completed


action 1&2 decipher the spirit wardens map ticks all 4 segments now have a tier 4 map of the spirit wells around Brightstone.

Society of sensations

action 1 aquire asset to find a individual with connections to reliable mercenaries or the underworld aquired a tier 2 contact. Attempted to use that contact to hire some mercenaries aquired a tier 1 small group of mercenaries.

Turn 1.5
The legion

Action 1 (only) aquire asset ex-soldier into the legion tier 1.

The wraiths

Action 1 (only) gain information about arcane individuals in the city started a clock limited success currently.

the crows

(only) exert their influence violently against some of the other gangs in crows foot start a clock.

the church

Under the new leadership of the preceptor they began preparing many hollows for a vast ritual.

turn 1.75 (1 action only)

The Epitaph begins to experiment with shimmer and the effects that it has on ghosts and outsiders identifying if they are able to grant additional powers. Through some actions by the group and others they have started this process.

flux society

The flux society worried about their upcoming war and the potentiality that others would attempt to steal from them are attempting to solidify their position. Shimmer had a massive uptick in sales massively increasing their revenue.


The Yaru continued their efforts to train and breed clones however were met with some failures in their attempts to train and replicate these soldiers and require more soldiers to base these of off.

astropaths guild

The Astropaths guild have begun their autopsy of their previous conduit and identified that they were killed through no discernable means and discovered that the brain is conscious even in the suspended animation it’s in. Additionally they are begining to devise a way to protect the minds of their conduits.

turn 1.85 (1 action only)
The path of Echoes

The path of echoes perused the library of the keepers of the flame but their system is so archaic and confusing they found little information

the keepers of the flame

The keepers of the flame did their best to support and be kind to the path of echoes they begun to join together as allies.

the stampers

The stampers in Charterhall executed a beautifully planned and executed operation whereby they managed to identify the expansion sites the Flux society was identifying within Charterhall and shut them down.

society of sensations

The society of sensations tested out their mercenaries by challenging them emotionally and physhically and by all accounts they failed horribly, the society has decided to leave this endeavour alone and move into other opportunites to protect themselves.



Faction turn

turn 3
  • 3: the Guardians took 2 actions to investigate shimmer and cut the flux society down to size reducing their tier to 2 they also gained some info on the more well equipped criminal organisations
  • The stampers also took 2 actions to investigate shimmer and shut down the flux society and alongside the grey cloaks they hit their hold down to weak in addition they demonstrated the “value” of paying for Stamper protection and the fact that they require better gear as they were out matched by the chem tanks
  • The help spent 2 actions organising a election for a new leader and are most of the way towards that setting them out as a group that can work towards a common goal.
  • The Echo wave rider Elen ran the route that the Ultimate Outlaw Masters race will take however she needed some support from the Deathland Scavengers and as such the wave riders owe them a debt they need to repay.
  • The Greycloaks alongside the stampers took advantage of the Flux Societys weakness managed to work to achieve a large amount of the now free turf from the society working to increace their tier.
  • the flux society took 2 actions to recover and acept their losses and now want to find out who is responsible for what happened to them.
turn 4
  • gondoliers spent 1 actions closing spirit wells closed 2 of them then spent 1 action researching desecrated hollows with the support of the briarwort abbey.
  • briarwort abbey: spent 1 action finishing being noticed by the gondoliers and both are now allies then they spent 1 action gaining information from the natives of the great ocean using the gondoliers.
  • counters guild: The Counters guild worked on shoring defences around the lost district then spent got a series of 4 6’s setting up a tier 4 blockade around the district and showing their worth with seveal expeditions into the district.
  • Raymund Reddington: spent there actions supporting others including finishing off the helps election and supporting the Billhooks in looking at local magistrates protection detail.
  • billhooks: spent both their actions working on figuring out what the protection is for a magistrate.
  • Fenger: spotted in the Red House listening to rumours from wizards, sorcerers and all sorts of people like that 2 rolls kinda meh working on hearing rumours of life extension magics.
  • Epitaph: spent 2 actions continuing to develop and understand the use of shimmer with the unique set of skills they have.
  • Suneaters: spent 2 action developing and protecting a safe location near to their hq to hide the creation of there flying vehicle.
  • the crows: spent 2 actions beating the shit out of more gangs in crow’s foot and used that to continue expanding there hold over crows foot
turn 5
  • Yaru action 1/2 fix publicity issues (next time it comes up reverse engineer captured gangster bodies/ observe performance of clones in combat)
  • Lost action 1 (crit calm and attempt to relax the child mystic) action 2 begin training the mystic child
  • Crows 2 actions throwing money around looking to raise there tier
  • Strawmill house spent 2 actions ensuring that there security was better tier 2 across the board for the house
  • Murmur managed to gain blackmail material on a influential election offical using 2 actions
  • The Railjacks have begun unionising by understanding the common grievances of all of them.
Turn 6
  • The silver nails took 2 actions and managed to get a one time use pass into the lost district through the counters guild security
  • The billhooks took 2 actions working on repaying their debt to Raymund and are 5/6
  • the sanguine sorority collected their booze for the party with both actions
  • the prime refugees spent time gathering rumours and info on the sah’iir with both actions
  • the watchdogs also gained information they spent their time attempting to find a rogue Sah’iir.
  • Sabaz worked on cultivating a ally within the path of echoes 2/4 also started the clock for the spirit wardens catching them.
  • the guardians hit the gloam as a part of raiding an enemy storehouse taking some of their arcane machines their second action was to begin looking into why the ancients aren’t waking up as much
  • the gloam also spent a large amount of slaves finding a place to sacrifice things to the thing in the dark to prepare to placate it or get it on side.
turn 7
  • first hydra 2 actions convinced the Leviathan hunters to go to war with the starless veil blaming them for the train crash and disaster.
  • city assembly 2 actions on improving security on the electro trains and moved the election forward
  • railjacks worked on improving security (first hydra have a full understanding of this)
  • scurlock sent a expedition out to find some stuff and came across the excavation site trying to retrive the mystic blades from the “2” fallen vigilance members



faction turn

turn 7 continued
  • vigilance 2 actions searching for their lost members
  • briarwort 2 actions getting a conclave of spirits to talk to
  • botanical guild 2 actions trying to shore up the relation with the grinders by healing their second
  • red sashes and lampblacks beat eachother up but red sashes couldn’t translate this into being the top dogs in crows foot.
turn 8
  • epitaph (2 actions to get a shimmer supplier working with the invisible hand as +2 by suppling them with shimmer)
  • the starless veil took 2 actions and used their ally vorex to rob 2 ships from the levithan hunters to end their war in their next action
  • the levithan hunters took 2 actions got their revenge on the starless veil by engineering several large scale accidents against them if they are able to bury the hatchet after this the war is over but thngs are tense.
  • the lady of thorns took 2 actions working to build a cult following
  • the kinclaith detective agency took 1 action to be hired by the watchdogs and 1 to finish their clock finding the rogue sah’iir
  • the sparkwrights guild took 1 action to start working on lightining field powered weaponary and 1 to start working on alternate fuel
  • the epitaph took 1 action to get the invisible hand as a shimmer supplier and 1 to start working on killing the lady of thorns as well as to learn more about forgotten ones and their powers
  • the Sah’iir took 1 action to declare tax day in the lower ward and 1 to search it for the cause of these visions
  • the city assembly took 1 action to set out that the lost district isn’t part of the city and is fully the counters guilds problem and 1 to move election season closer
  • the church of ecstasy took 1 action to finish their ritual destroying the spirits within sevreal hulls and discovered more about spirits.
  • the echo wave riders paid off their debt to the deathland scavengers and in doing so helped to move their race further forward.
turn 9
  • the stampers took 2 actions continuing to shut down all the major commercial production of shimmer and training sniffer dogs and the like to stop it and are almost finished
  • the banshee took 2 actions to continue attempting to do some form of yet to be defined illegal experimentaion involving human trials and the like
  • the weeping lady took 2 actions to work on expanding the reach of the weeping lady constructs by expanding their membership.
  • The greycloaks alongside the stampers took over and raided the rest of the confiscated flux society gear. Using this gear they began to take a bigger hold over six towers.
  • Lord scurlock managed to get 2 vigilance mystic blades. He is looking to make them infused by the ghost field as well as mystic stuff to unlock and empower them.
turn 10
  • iron hook prison action 1 2 ticks on getting new prisoners, action 2 start to investigate getting ghost prisoners by expanding the prison into the ghost field.
  • the red sashes took 1 action to continue attacking the lampblacks and the second to start preparing for their final assasult.
  • vigilance action 1 finished understanding the the first hydra killed their master and apprentice pair, action 2 they want to retrieve the 2 blades that lord scurlock has and started to prepare for that.
  • the vignerons took 2 actions to identify kidnap and convert 2 gladiators.
  • the dockers managed to make a large amount of levithan bones go missing to start working on their levithan bone hull.
  • the botanic guild spent 1 action healing Sercy of the grinders and then started healing Oressia of the wayfinders guild. The action of healing Sercy brought them a fair amount of renown and good press.
turn 11
  • the silver nails worked on showing their worth to the counters guild and succeeded (with help from Red and unknowingly from the 1st hydra)
  • The first hydra spent 1 action starting to bring the horde into the conflict against the starless veil and 1 other to start to reconnect with the unsung. Also gained more assets in the silver nails.
  • The blue rose distillery started to reach out to Reddington to hire him/get him as security
  • leviathan hunters started working on a sonar related ship in a effort to use it to find more leviathans
  • The crows rose in standing from tier 2 weak to tier 2 strong by beating up the red sashes.
turn 12
  • The Dyrinek gang had Radds start working on a spark craft device to hack the Map tablets around the ring. They are collecting gadgets and other materials from those who come to the club to support this. (both actions)



faction turn continued
turn 12 continued
  • The Eye of God activated several sleeper cells and sent them searching through Dunslough for what happened to Estaban. The low level members want him for his extensive disruptive nature. The high level members want him as they want a whisper to search for the ghost of their god. (2 actions)
  • The Watchdogs with the support of the kinners set to staking out the Bank. The Kinners are as of yet unaware of what they are surveiling. They have fully established a stake out on the bank. Whilst making progress on their investigation. (2 actions)
  • The Steel Symphony have started to close in on a member of Nightfall and when they find them will reach out to Vigilance to kill them to retrive their blade. (2 actions)
  • The Red Sashes have been trying to recoup the loses that the Crow’s dealt to them in their last dust up. Although certain sides are making progress in Crow’s Foot neither the Lampblacks, Crows or Red Sashes or anyone else in Crow’s Foot is anywhere close to winning the war for Crow’s Foot. (2 actions)
  • The Astropath’s Guild are working on a device to protect the next preson who connects to the Leviathan brain that they have and are looking to ensure that it keeps the person safe. Or provides information whichever works. (2 actions)
  • The Aether Ghosts are trying to build their base in the deathlands using ghosts as well as anything else they can control or summon to build and create their base. Looking to reach into the ghost field as well as be midway between the city and the void sea. (2 actions)
turn 13 (massive prep for election season)
  • The Brigade spent 2 actions reaching out to emmisaries of the burdgeoning democracy that is now the elemental plane of fire seeking to pay for the services of several salmanders and or fire giants to support them in their tasks but have yet to set a meeting. 3/4 arrange a meeting with the ambassador from the Ashen Senate.
  • The Cabbies have put together a pitch for a prototype coach and now need to reach out to a arcane practitioner and a engineer in order to properly protect it for a test run add to notable assets.
  • the circle of flame prepared a ritual to find the location of the hand of Kotar and are close to finishing it after examining their vast collection of artefacts. 5/12 locate the hand of Kotar.
  • the cyphers spent 2 actions 1 on finding out who took out 1 of their messengers and have now started to begin hunting them down add 2 notable assets. They now are looking to aquire a Mentor to train them. 1/8 reprisal, 1/4 hire a mentor.
  • Deathland scavengers spent 2 actions 4/8 secure pardons 2 actions on this.
  • Dimme sisters spent 2 actions obtaining a arcane secret the paradisical compass. Each sister can by performing a specific ritual use it to guide them throughout the ghost field add 2 notable assets.
  • mentors the mentors spent 2 actions testing new techonlogy a series of atheric grappling hooks but struggled with them 2/4 test new tech.
  • foundation the foundation spent 2 actions identifying a counter’s guild safe house and succeeded and now are prepairing to send dreambeat to take them out add 2 notable assets. IC
  • Grinders the grinders spent 2 actions collecting and siphoning portions of leviathan blood for later experiments (notbale assets added). IC
  • hive spent one action on identifying who murdered Roric and is 3/12 on that then spent one action continuing to expand their controband empire starting to dominate the drug trade 2/12.
  • horde the hordes spent 2 actions getting to 3/4 in regards to freeing hollows to join the horde. IC
  • ink rakes, the Ink rakes spent 2 actions shoring up their locations and have set out a tier 2 safehouse across Print Row (add to notable assets).
  • consorts of vengance the consorts spent 2 actions to identify and find a whisper assassin 4/10 clock reach.
  • reconciled the reconciled spent 2 actions identifying a weak link in the city assembly to possess and are now preparing to possess them for the greater good add to notable assets.
  • sailors, the sailors spent 2 actions reaching out to the Yaru and are slowly moving their way up to discuss their business with more important people in the compant. 3/4 clock meet with yaru leadership.
  • spirit wardens, The spirit wardens spent 2 actions on creating “bait” for their trap for the infiltrators. This bait is a impossibly ancient cache of spirit bottles filled with spirits from the earliest days of Sigil.
  • ulf ironborn, Ulf spent 2 actions just fighting and trying to beat the shit out of some people but wasn’t successful kinda at all. Start a clock knock out the blue flame 2/4 add the blue flame to enemies.
  • the unseen spent 1 action to identify the issues between some key members of the seen and then spent 1 action solving some of these problems add understanding of some of the seen’s issues to notable assets as well as 1/8 settle the differences between the hidden and the seen.
  • wraiths, the wraiths spent 1 action finding a list of arcane individuals/thieves on the ring. they then spent 1 action reaching out to one of them and have started to make inroads. Add to notable assets a list of whisper thieves and 2/6 on secure whisper allies.



turn 13 (continued)
  • acolytes of brashkadesh, the acolytes of Brashkadesh spent 2 actions filling a 4 segment clock to identify a psalm powerplant as their target. added to notable assets.
  • conclave 01, conclave 01 spent 2 actions implanting a spy urforged into the path of echoes and suceeded. Add this to notable assets.
  • the 1st and only, the first and only spent 2 actions on scouting the outskirts of the theatre in Dunslough trying and succeeding in picking up the trail of the creature using Viktor’s knowledge. 5/10 on find what was let out by estaban.
  • borniko syndicate, the Borniko syndicate spent 2 actions finding out who has the keys for the Strangford vaults 3/4 identify who has the rings to the strangford vaults (add to their notable assets several sparkcraft weapons.
  • agony, Agony spent 2 actions travelling into the deathalnds and after a inital set back they managed to find and secure 1 of the sites of power throughout the deathlands. advance the deathlands clock by 2.
  • ghosts, the ghosts spent 2 actions gaining access to the red house in order to hire a whisper to supercharge and create their bomb in the deathlands. Add access to the red house to notable assets.
  • scarlet wolves: hired by the leviathan hunters the scarlet wolves started to scope out their targets across the ring namely most of the leadership of the sparkwrights guild and guild of engineers. 5/12 scope out targets.
  • vorex: began to start working out who has their sister they spent action 1 deducing that it’s not a member of the criminal underworld. 1/4 clock did a occult faction take her sister. IC
  • wreckers, spent 2 actions starting to arrange a conflict between the conclave 01 and the echo wave riders 3/6.
  • surgeons guild, the surgeons guild spent 2 actions gaining the support of and respect of the dockers and after cleaning up and helping people after a mistake at the docks they have succeeded in this. add resepect of the docks to notable assets.
  • the brasshats had a pretty rough trip and started working on a 4 segment clock repair the brass bull 2/4.
  • The red house: the red house spent 2 actions 1 on putting together a group to travel into the 3 sided door. A lose coalition of ghosts and whispers travelled into the door. Lord Ekateros awaits their return eagerly 1/12 find missing researchers add a tier 2 gang exploring the door for the red house.
  • the moss men, the moss men spent 2 actions identifying that their was a ghost problem and noticing that the theatre in Dunslough is one such problem. They have decided to, knowing the risks, begin to start purging the theatre of ghosts one way or another. 1/6 show that the spirit wardens aren’t the only way. 0/12 kill one of the powerful horros in the theatre.
  • charterhall leviathans, Aware that election season is closing in the Charterhall Leviathans began to move into overdrive to begin with they kicked ths shit out of several small gangs and started to expand their influence 1/8 and they know that they need a big score to finish everything off.
  • the mystai, the Mystai spent 2 actions capturing and bringing a ghost of someone who fell victimn to metamorphosis to the dimmer sisters. They then using their expertise began to identify them trading favours in kind. Add 1 favour from the mystai to the dimmer sisters. 2/12 prvent metamorphosis. Add 2 assets a a ghost of someone victimn to metamorphosis.
  • the sign of one, the Sign of one spent 2 actions imagining the perfect detective and then began to send them hutning for the killer of the charterhall think tank. Add 2 notable assets a tier 3 detective imagined by themselves. 1/8 find out who massacared the think tank.
  • transcendent order, spent 2 actions finding a member of vifilance 3/12.
  • knights and servants of the ward spent 2 actions to buy a map to carceri and began to expend large amounts of coin to achieve this but given the nature of the task they have had limited success 3/12 aquire a map of carceri.
  • priests of the abyss, (add repeating to the gain more souls thing) search the archives for if the bells have started ringing like this before 3/8.
  • guilds of the market ward, The guilds of the market wards succeeded in reaching out to a group to protect their goods and the hive have responded more than willingly. Add contact with the hive for mercenaries to their notable assets, now they need to see if they are worth the money 1/6.
  • ashtari cult, the ashtari cult spent 2 actions solidifying their hold over one of the sites of power for the moons across the ring known as the Celestial Lunariums 3/6. Change from sites of power to Celestial Lunariums.
  • guild of engineers, 4/10 create a construct, 1/8 convert into a ghostfield siphon. The Guild of Engineers tested creating a spark of ghostfield energy and using it to empower their construct thinking it would help it be able to function as a whisper.



  • seven score ripper, the seven score ripper spent 2 actions reaching out to the ghosts of those they had killed all seven score of them and is searching for those that escaped them to control them. 3/6 clock reach out to the ghosts of his victimns.
  • cogmen, the cogmen spent 2 actions preparing to send Wilt into the ghost field in the hope that this will repair or recharge them so they don’t hvae to keep sourcing fuel. Add to notable assets a prepared expedition into the ghostfield.
  • raymund reddington, Red spent 2 actions protecting his granchild and got 1 tick on allying with law enforcement. Used up his debt to the silvernails.
  • angels of the divined, the angels of the divined spent 2 actions and murdered a human cultist from agony who had 4 extra set’s of spectral eyes floating from them.
  • frequency 611, (add repeating to spread the frequency) Frequency 611 expanded a bit into the scarlet wolves spreading the frequency.
  • vaultkeepers, the vaultkeepers spent 2 actions begining to identify a outsider to capture and imprison in the vault a celestial archon known as Seraphiel 4/10.
  • thermophiles, 1/12 find T’kell spent 2 actions sending a special circumstances pairing to rescue a the kidnapped child of a noble purple 18 and their drone counterpart. Purple 18 prevented the drone from spreading it’s retribution out to the surounding area. In doing this the noble handed some information over to the war council.
  • paladins of thule, The paladins of Thule spent 2 actions identifying that the Yaru are the people most likely to have the Magna Mater and from there are planning to start to explore options for stealing it from them 1/12 on magna matter clock add knows the Yaru have the kardiá ólon to assets.
  • 9 grey wrenchers, The 9 grey wrenchers spent 2 actions protecting the people of the ring from being mistreated 3/6.
  • skeleton crew, spent 2 actions reaching out to the priests of the abyss and are 3/4 on this clock.
  • chaos star, spent 2 actions preparing to assult the wayfinders guild channeling angry and violent abberations and leviathans. They then spent a action begining to move into the docks to move violently rapidly 4/8 free the leviathan mind add notable asset a collection of chaos carriers in the docks.
  • overseer, spent 2 actions spreading misinformation and backing both sides to play the billhooks and the circle of flame against each other. This wasn’t violent but they forced them to compete for the same resources.
  • god reaper, the god reaper spent 2 actions spreading the infection across white crown.
  • empyrean hunters, spent 2 actions putting together a expidition into the deathlands. IC those looking to make their fortune are encouraged to join up with the Empyrean hunters and their new expidition into the deathlands.
  • curators, the curators spent 2 actions discovering secrets 2/4.
  • excommunicated, spent 2 actions trying to convert a new member to their way of life 4/6 on converts clock. IC
  • mercy killers, spent 2 actions 1 involved them killing a rogue spirit shadow they used it’s dying breath to use it to fuel a spell to start to track the suneaters. 1/10 find suneater base of operations.
  • nightfall, spent 2 actions to take advantage of the lul in the war in the dark and started to delve deeper into the dark 2/12 find the place that light has never touched.
  • raven brothers, spent 2 actions killing deathland creatures 2/6
  • order of the ashen dawn, spent 2 actions protecting the temple 3/4.
  • the curst, the spent 2 actions taking on the burdens of other 2/4
  • the cognitae, spent 2 actions pursuing individual schemes 3/12.
turn 14
  • Sailors spent 2 actions to continue working on getting yaru clones for the ships interested in the clone soldiers supposedly present .4/6 arrange a deal with the yaru for clones. 1/6 get yaru/urforged for ships
  • The dockers spent 2 actions moving and securing the leviathan bones with the support of the sailors. It is now hidden deep in the heart of the maze protected by several leviathan hunter weapon emplacements (tier 4 protection).
  • Nightfall using the new apostle they have want to investigate the link between the void sea and the king in the dark perhaps reaching out to the wayfinders. 5/8 investigate the link between the void sea and the king in shadows. Finn “Barnacle” O’Sullivan add as a constant apostle.
  • Botanical guild spent 2 actions 1 to finish healing oressia and then 1 more on improving their relationship with other individuals to reinforce themselves as a guild.
  • Scurlock spent 2 actions continuing to work on the vigilance blades they’re now 9/10 very close to success



Past score summarys (OC)

  • 1: The ghosts of christmas: the crew managed to steal 3 ghosts from Rolan Wott in the process Thayer murdered a noble their family may want revenge. Estaban gave a leader of the church a exestential crisis they may want to discuss this further. Cous Co began developed relationship with a important Concordant Knight they may want to hire you. In addition Rolan Wott was robbed by a member of the Borniko Syndicate. The Ashtari Cult indoctrination never happened and the vigil for the victimns of the seven score ripper never happened. Jingo and Vertigo have their reputation slightly damaged. Finally Lady Heskold has been identified by the Spirit wardens as a vampire and overheard 2 of the crew telling them she was one she’ll remember this. Sabaz recieved his ghosts and is begining to develop them for his own reasons. In addition the spirit wardens maimed several important citizens and have to now make it up to the citizens of brightstone. (heat+7 rep+5 the normal dnd group)
  • 2: The underwater spirit well: the crew managed to successfully steal the map to the spirit wells of charterhall that the gondoliers wanted as well as several pieces of spirit warden gear and items including a full set of armour. However they did run afoul of the ghosts who animated a hull to attempt to kill you and stole and possessed Gareths hunting animal. They also stole several pieces of Spirit warden and Guild of engineers research, and a book on plants of the deathlands and how they interact with ghosts. In addition the party took pretty severe harm. Luckily noone alive saw their faces (who wasn’t a robot and the party escaped). (They gained +5 rep and +4 heat.) The Lost Boyz
  • 2.5: Fate has no grip on the souless. Lex successfully infiltrated the fortune tellers group before they were summoned to appear before the preceptor. As they did they began to engage with the 3 other members of the group and in that discussion rig several of the scams they were begining to set up. They then took drugged coffee to the fortune teller with tier 2 dream smoke in a liquid form. Over a series of events they began to convince the preceptor that the teller was a sham. This was compounded by a pair of events where the preceptor was miraculously saved by ‘dumb luck’ and the fortune teller was suprised by a demon. Deciding that knowing the future is a scam they left allowing Lex to clean up convincing the spirit wardens that all was fine and blaming the Dimmer sisters. (rep+5 heat+4) invisible hand
  • 2.75: That’s one hell of a drug. Lex successfully impersonated the flux society and was able to sell the epitaph the stolen shimmer protecting the circle of flame from the stampers threats and violence. However the Flux society did arrive towards the end of the sale and identified the culprits which then resulted in them informing both their leadership and a third party of Lexicanum’s involvement and the invisible hand. The invisible hand has developed links with the Epitaph as well.
  • 2.85:Just drive! Lex managed to with the support of the path of echoes convince the stampers to help transport the squire of the concordant knights to the keepers of the flame. However during this journey the the stampers became a bit suspiscous. They managed to persuade 3/4 of them but the 4th was savagely wounded by the sergant Caius Mayson triggering a investigation by the ombudsman. In addition this conflict threatened to draw the ire of the hive but they managed to escape before that. They ran into another group of Concordant Knights and slew them all, in addition just infront of the keepers base they ran into 2 Urbots who were convinced to leave and attempted to kill the squire as they left but failed. The squire was released to the keepers and then had their secrets revealed that the knights were looking into “the light of the world” and ancient deathlands lore.
  • 3: little shop of horrors! Lex and Shari managed to successfully infiltrate one of the Flux society production locations in six towers successfully releasing 2 horrors into the location and murdering all it’s inhabitants. The spirit wardens turned up and cleared all the bodies and the guardians dealt with the last of the horror’s. The Flux society were painted as forgotten one worshippers and one of their leaders the golden sun was killed. In addition at the same time the stampers under the command of Caius Maysonthe Charterhall stamper captain raided another of there locations and managed to take it with a few casualties and the leaders did escape ensuring that he was promoted to Major.
  • 4 Kaboom: the invisible hand snuck their way into the lost district avoided a gang and a bomb which blew up in the middle of the district. They then managed to sneak through the district meet up with Briarwort Abbey and then use that to help join the gondoliers and briarowrt together.
  • 5 the party using the distraction of a Yaru attack on the orphanage managed to sneak up into the attic and escape with the faberge egg calming down the angel of the divined within and returned it to Lissa. In addition they prevented the nightspeakers from collecting a new powerful mystic and killed on of there acolytes.



past score summarys continued

  • 6 He died for this club: The party managed to kill the members of a rival football team by killing one and hitting the funeral that they had arranged to mourn them. The representative of the Queen the referee then blew a whistle stopping all violence and removing the opposing team from the league violently. The goalee and their death dog now 1 handed are enemies of the crew.
  • 7 the pain train: the party were hired by the first hydra and managed to sneak their way onto one of the lightining trains disguised as members of a levithan hunter crew. Whilst on their they were able to sneak their way to the front where they disabled the lightining field and the engine of the train stranding it. They were able to kill the conductor of the train and escape. When they did the met up with a echo wave rider convoy led by Lotara Sarrin and made there way to the vigilance dig. Triggering mission prometheus before returning back to the ring being taken by the aether ghosts and were taken through the barrier by other operatives. About a third of the train survived. About 50 at least First Hydra operatives were awakened to begin acting against… (something) the starless veil more.
  • 8 What was the great machine cooking: the invisible hand snuck into the offices of the ordo monitorum they allowed the magistrate they were meeting with to finish a meeting with a agent of the king and then met with him. After discussing some stuff they gave him a tainted vial of shimmer and got them possessed by the lady of throns. However throughout the whole thing they were watched by a member of the starless veil who turned up to say wtf. The party were able to convince the starless veil operative to use them as bait to find their traitor by placing all sorts of red flags on the party as they went through the prison system. Afterwards the operative was able to find and capture the levithan hunters operative and it went so well that they paid the party. Did fuck about with a freed urforged but they were memory wiped. Also the avatar of the queen of throns is marked by the starless veil with some sort of tech that enabled them to teleport them and know where they are.
  • 9 lightining strikes twice: the lost boyz pretended to be stamper evidence collectors and using a student protest as cover managed to sneak into a flux society shimmer production location. They managed to break their way into the laboratory and take much of what was left after his death and the guardians and spirit wardens raided it. They then escaped convicning darmot that they were members of the starless veil and got a member of the banshee’s killed.
  • 10: crime really does pay: Car, Estaban and the baron were hired by the warden of Ironhook Prison to put a stamper parole officer into prison and due to how the system works if a parole officer dissapears or is killed all of their parole’s have their parole revoked. They researched and found his ‘girlfriend’ and went to her house to ambush him. The baron sneaked onto the roof to watch the room and estaban and car walked into the ghostfield and then tore their way out of the ghost field to enter the house. They left both tears open, bleeding ghosts into the ring but they managed to shackle the officer and put him in prison running away from the tears in the ghost field
  • 11: nailed to the wall: the waaglers went into the silver nails blooding and made quite the ruckus setting 2 different groups at each others throats although in the long term they got a friend for life in Tuhan and Khamkar. During this conflict Tuhan’s second Qin Xa got replaced by a first hydra agent and the party made their way upstairs to the armoury. They found the spy covered her weapon in arcane powder for the first hydra and then killed her and escaped. The counter’s guild fixed alot of their mess and gained the rep volatile.
  • 12: last call for Estaban: The invisible Hand decided that the 10 coin bounty on Estaban was too juicy to say no to and that honestly he was too much trouble to leave alone. As such they decided to sneak in and kill and sell him off, selling his ghost and his body for a 20 coin score! Having found out that Estaban was hiding out in the Lost paradise a guest of the Dyrinek Gang. The party infiltrated the club with Shari gaining some good will after engaging in a dangerous drinking game with flammable liquids and matches. The gang then reached Estaban’s room and persuaded him to go to the ghost field. Then managed to calm him down and murder him. As they did so they were accosted by a member of the eye of god who was eventually put down and Estaban put into a spirit bottle. Whilst this was happening the party did seemingly wake up a particularly dangerous spirit in the theatre nearby. A young girl seemingly made out of like patchwork leather seamed with eldritch runes. One eye is pitch black reminiscent of the void sea and the other crackled with electroplasmic energy. The party then exited handing a flame outsider token and the pistol from the eye of God fanatic to Myrk to tide him over. The party were then approached by a member of the starless veil their race, personality everything hidden behind a veil of stars and persuaded to hand the body and spirit over for 20 coin ending the score. The Starless Veil seek to use Estaban as a mole to infiltrate the Eye of God and only gave the body to the spirit wardens then payed them off.



  • 13: Shadow and bone: The Waaglers were hired by the sailors to find the leviathan bones that the dockers have taken for themselves. The party used Jim dust as a self made wayfinder by having him drink and imbue himself with Leviathan blood allowing them to get close to where the bones were. On the way over they met the listner in the dark who was capturing a spirit shadow. They followed them and eventually reached the bones after Jim dust talking to them in deepspeech. Prior to this Granny rags was attacked and dissapeared. The listener attacked the base and then sat down to listen to a accidental apostle. The party pushed their luck repeatedly with getting more Leviathan bones and after taking a step too far they were braneded by the listener. They then escaped and convinced their contact that they’d done the job well and were left alone.




  • In the blades book anything that references demons refer instead to this section surrounding outsiders
  • Outsiders are the first beings, brought into existence at the origin of reality, as the primal forces of the universe coalesced into the fundamental forces. These forces can be the forces of nature, flame, smoke, sea, sky, stars etc. that make up the elemental portion of the outsiders or the forces of good and order which make up the celestial portion of the outsiders or perhaps the forces of evil that refers to the devilish or demonic side of the outsiders.
  • Unlike mortals, outsiders are not echoed in the ghost field—their blood contains electroplasmic essence, which gives them eternal life. Outsiders are corporeal creatures, not spirits, though they are extremely difficult to kill.
  • Appearances differ depending on the nature of the outsider and most of them have some form of control over their own appearance. The leviathans are also consider outsider and are the exceptions. No one knows the true shape of these horrors that dwarf the largest ships. Only a small portion may be glimpsed when they crest the surface of the ink-dark sea, drawn by electroplasmic lures.
  • Outsider are obsessed with some form of desire the specifics vary from creature to creature but all have some form of ulterior motive and use mortals to achieve this in some fashion. The book contains a list of some of the darker desires and in the ring even the most positive outsider may use darker means to achieve it’s desire.
  • In this setting outsiders refers to all sorts of non human creatures such as elementals, dragons, angels, devils, demons and all manner of other monsters.

Outsider powers

Every outsider may possess these supernatural abilities:

  • Strength & Speed: Outsider possess monstrous strength—they can dent steel with their bare hands, shatter stones, etc. They are also extremely quick, able to out-pace the swiftest steed.
  • Arcane Speech: Outsider speak the ancient tongue of sorcery, which every ear can discern. They may also speak arcane effects into existence according to the affinity and power level of the demon (the Whisper’s Tempest ability is thought to be a lesser form of this power).
  • Strange Travel: A Outsider may teleport from one site of their affinity to another. For example, a sea elemental could teleport from the water in a fountain to a canal under a manor house on the other side of town. The greater the distance, the more powerful the Outsider must be. A Outsider may bring others with them when they travel. A Outsider may also be summoned in this way, by forcing it to travel to the summoner’s ritual presentation of their element.
  • Remote Viewing: A Outsider may use their affinity to achieve clairvoyance. For example, a fire elemental could gaze into a fireplace and see out of the cook-stove at the Bluecoat tower down the lane. The greater the distance, the more powerful the Outsider must be.
  • they may have other abilities depending on the creature they are based on.


Some ancient rituals of the gods or darker powers can rend the veil between worlds and usher in an otherworldly creature that serves the deity. Horrors such as these rarely resemble any normal living thing—they may appear as a drifting toxic cloud, a twisting mass of pulsing viscera, floating crystalline shards, or other bizarre configurations or perhaps even a impossibly beautiful angelic creature or a hideous devil with burning horns that sets the world alight around it. Horrors are intensely powerful and highly resistant to harm. They may only persist in this world for a short time, however. Their alien forms cannot sustain life for long outside their native plane and they inevitably decay to dust or ooze in the span of a few hours or days. In addition they suffer the ladies wrath for breaching her wards and the guardians and perhaps the lady herself seek them out and dispose of them if they stay for too long.

  • Ghosts, demons, and summoned horrors can be terrifying to behold. They cause most people who see them to freeze up or flee. PCs may resist these effects.




  • Lead tongue (alchemical) II/1 a liquid that when ingested causes a person to say the opposite of what they mean. Lasts briefly and is observable. Poision alchemical drawback volatile sickened lv1 harm
  • springrazor (Sparkcraft) 1/1 a small explosive device that is placed on the floor and is triggered when someone walks on it sending razor shards everywhere at leg level. Rarely fatal. drawback conspicuos
  • Black Bowel solution: Alchemical (II/I) A non lethal preparation of ingredients that when injected or consumed causes muscle relaxation and acts as a mild laxative. The person affected goes unconsciousness for a short period of time around half an hour usually for once dose. Consumable, Unreliable
  • Alchemical (III/I) The lethal perpetration of Black Bowle. When injected causes extreme muscle relaxation leading to unconsciousness and death as well as causing laxative effects, Consumable.
  • COIN (Confusion and Interference) Bomb Sparkcraft (I/I) A small explosion used to distract rather than harm. Can be heard within a dozen paces. Consumable
  • Hand of glory Arcane (III) The severed left hand of a murderer which holds in its curled finger a candle made of the hanged person’s tallow. When the candle is lit, its resonance terrifies those around it, unless they can resist it’s effects.
  • S.L.E.E.P (Sleep lots of evil or enraged people) bomb Sparkcraft (II/I) Causes a small number of people within a dozen paces of the bomb’s explosion to pass out within several minutes, detonation is small and quiet. Unreliable, consumable.
  • Spirit Knife Arcane (IV) A ritual blade that splits the victimns spirit from their body for a few moments. Conspicuous.
  • Umbrasyl’s Breath Alchemical (III/2) A sickly green acid that melts through just about anything mundane. The fact this this alchemical melts through anything makes it difficult to store except in leviathan veins. Consumable rare.


  • white crown borders brigtstone all around
  • brightstone borders six towers on the right, the docks on the left and surrounds white crown
  • the docks border brightstone on the right and crow’s foot on the left
  • crow’s foot borders the docks on the right and silkshore on the left
  • silkshore borders crow’s foot on the right and barrow cleft on the left
  • barrowcleft borders silkshore on the right and the lost district on the left
  • the lost district borders barrowcleft on the right and dunslough on the left
  • dunslough borders barrowcleft on the right and coalridge on the left
  • coalridge borders dunslough on the right and nightmarket on the left
  • nightmarket borders coalridge on the right and charterhall on the left
  • charterhall borders nightmarket on the right and six towers on the left
  • six towers borders charterhall on the right and brightstone on the left


  • Leviathan bones vary in size and structure but generally appear to be made of a variety of different geological resources with a otherworldly twist to them. Such as diamonds shattered yet held together.



past score summary (IC)

Bedlam in Brightstone

Bright stone was rocked today as the normally tranquil and pleasant neighboured hood was rocked in several distinct and violent ways. As always the nights of Brightstone are filled with the sounds of those who have earnt their way to the top enjoy themselves and celebrating their achivements. One such notable is Rolan Wott who is always known for being especially lavish and opulent in his parties however this would be one to remember. The main attraction was (according to our sources) a series of 3 controlled echoes representing the past of Sigil, the present and the future which were controlled by a whisper but we’ll get to that later. The party was going completly normal with several of the usual suspects arguing debating and what have you but generally having a enjoyable time. During this gathering of the minds the rumour mill would have you know that Preceptor Dunvil had a chance encounter that changed his mind however we have been assured in the strongest terms by the church that such things are reckless slander.

However regardless of what happened with the Preceptor everyone assures that he was absent from the later events prehaps to his benefit. In spite of this during the later portion of the evening things began to unravel for whatever reason be it a electrical malfunction or prehaps some sort of ghost field related incident… several individuals suddenly doubled over in pain taking most of the attention of the party away from whatever they were doing before hand. In this confusion well those of you who hang in the right circle would have seen her before so she hardly needs much of a introduction but the party had been graced by the raddiant, beautiful and (if I’m personally being honest the highlight of this story) Lady Heskold and due to some sort of misunderstanding that could only be settled in the right way. Through a duel. Till the bells ring and the crows come to the roost.

The duel was till death (as all matters of the honour for one so fair should be) and coming down with some sort of spark craft weaponry the unnamed sutor for the fair ladys hand smote his enemy killing them dead in a dazzling display of technological prowress. This somehow enabled the dissaperance of the evenings entertainment to happen unnoticed well most of it at least. As the dissaperance was suddenly no longe the prime concern for the guests of the part as they had arrived. The unamed guardians against the perils of the ghost field and all it’s denizens the spirit wardens who had been hunting a rogue spirit and followed it to this location. As everyone fled the scen in some sort of reign of confusion searching for the practioner and any other echoes or spectres a sparkcraft weapon was discharged into a group of fleeing party goers crippling many.

While we all have respect for the Spirit Wardens and the vital work that they do in keeping the denizens of the ring safe from the rampage of the spirits this sort of action is unaceptable and must be punished in the strongest of fashions. The city assembly is meeting presently and as you all know election season is ramping up so please write to them your outrage and displeasure. Regardless thanks to their efforts no rogue spirits were released and whatever had happened ended. In the confusion of fleeing the scene a bodyguard of one of the nobles was attacked by some sort of street urchin who as one witness described “tried to steal what was his by rights”. However as with all crime it dose not pay and they were quickly disposed of with a brutal shot from his rifle. Whoever you are good show and great shot the bells truly rang for her.

In the aftermath reports indicate that whatever cache of guild sparkcraft weaponary Rolan had have vanished as well as several valuable items though none seem to know exactly who took these or when they vanished. We all live wait for the next time that the beautiful lady Heskold will grace us with her presence. This is Tamsyn Ravenwood signing of with your need to know Chant for the Echo of the Cage.

other top stories

  • weird echoes sightings continue all over the city flying to and from unknown places the paper will pay for any chant on where they are going or why they are travelling in that fashion. Many reports suggest they all seem to be carrying a message of some kind. Could it be the cyphers…
  • Dark powers moved over Dunslough as the entire ghost field within that region shifted and seemingly recoiled in the face of something horrific. Whispers, fortune tellers, sorcerers and witches alike claim that something dark was afoot and whispers of a body washing up but no bells were heard. Foul play is suspected and cloaked figures have been seen walking about (though when aren’t they)
  • In lighter news the Concordant knights in a out pouring of generosity have been donating their vast sums to multiple private enterprises across the ring the specifics are unclear but although everyones dose something for a reason many will apreciate this generosity.
  • Hagran Kinclaith the well known thief and con man recently returned from their trip into the deathlands with a map pertaining to a village hidden close to the railways. If this is genuine then their punishment is served we’ll report back with the latest!



Missing students found in Charterhall canal

Many of you have probably been following the chant that a surrounded the rumoured vanishing of promising sparkwright or engineer students on a yearly basis and now at long last we have a answer of sorts about them. Yesterday at antipeak the canals around charterhall suddenly were filled with bodies floating in the water. In total about 40 students either going dressed in the robes of the sparkwrights or engineers guild. The gondoliers blessed be them quickly arrived at the scene worried about the possibility of rogue spectres or other electromplasmic phenomena yet none manifested a blessing in part that allowed the heart of the city to remain tranquil and peaceful. The stampers also investigated these bodies and with the exception of one could ascertain no wounds that would have resulted in their death.

This one body a student by the name of Theron Aloro was a stand out and the guild of engineers was expecting great things from them and some of their creations were intriguing and exciting. Thus it was truly heartbreaking that the bells rang for them in such a cruel way as they floated out with their legs blown off and died from catastrophic blood loss. However none could get too close to them as some sort of sparkcraft system was woven into their clothes which were quickly confiscated by the guild as soon as they were made aware of his body. The book of the dead will surely note his death as a tragedy and a lost opportunity. The other 40 bodies had been missing approximately 1 a year and all were promising young students what killed them, how did noone notice, did someone send them to their deaths???

As for where the bodies came the chant is alive with rumours from a secret guild research facility that went awry; a cult dedicated to some sort of outsider or horror prehaps something created that consumed them in some fashion; or even that these are the victimns of the Epitaph proving prehaps that the arcane is superior to sparkcraft. However their names entered the dead book the fact that noone heard the bells throught all of charterhall is a issue that the spirit wardens will be sure to investigate and want answers to and any chant on that will be covered by us in the future.

Several weird sightings have been seen around Charterhall at the time those attuned to the field noted that it appeared to have been agitated and the tides in flux prior to the bodies being found. In addition one eagle eyed source swears to us that they observed a deathseeker crow flying away from the location rapidly and seemed to have almost a brief sheath of electroplasm!! However we have to reference the amount of whiskey consumed by the source after what they reffered to as a very harrowing encounter earlier in the night.

Conspicuously absent throughout this are the Spirit Wardens who arrvied late to take the bodies to Bellweather but seemingly allowed the Gondoliers to take the lead in the occult side of this. Again the normally tranquil neighbourhoods of the Ring have their peace shattered feeling more like Crow’s Foot than Charterhall. Prehaps this was the work of some sort of third party but only time will tell. For any of your local chant needs this is Andal Riverford signing of for the Echo of the Cage.

other top stories

  • At the urging of the Master Warden the Spirit Wardens were abound in Brightstone but less as their normal ghost hunting careless self and more as the guardian angel of the city. They availed themselves to the entire citizenry of Brightstone and dealt with their occult issues free of charge and judgement. The chant is rife with rumours of devils who had the ghosts of vengeful, violent rivals excorcised after haunting them for years; Celestials who used this to send them far and wide to those who they believed needed their help; the ghosts of matriarchs and patriarchs finally reaching their rest; spirit wardens presiding over true funeral rights and ensuring the ghost wouldn’t rise properly; ancient crypts opened for the first time in centuries and the wardings and barriers checked. Their motives are transparent fixing the damage done to their reputation but the effect was instant all appears to be forgiven.
  • The transport networks of Charterhall have seen a momentary change in fortune with the Gondoliers that call it’s waterways home appearing to vanish enmasse currently. While you can still find a gondolier they are much fewer than they were before. As to quite what they are doing or why they are missing none are really sure but rest assured the fearless investigators of the Echo will acertain to find out and let you know any changes to this case.
  • Finally Silkshore is rife with recruiters who were working for some sort of unknown third party and after much discussion and debate they recruited a small lesser known group known as the ‘steel warriors’ to their cause (discovered to be that of of the Society of Sensations) the street is waiting with baited breath to see why they were chosen, why they were needed and if they were the correct choice.
  • A Midsummer Dream: a fabled fey opera not seen outside of the feywild with hundreds of years is preparing for it’s first performance which will be held in a week.
  • Hagran Kinclaith was once again accused of a scam this time selling fake healing potions stay tuned for the court case developments.



fate is fickle for those who pray

Read all about it read all about all members of the saged prophets found dead in Brightstone.

Well ladies, gentlmen, those who identify as others, angels, devils and other outsiders come in and listen well to what can only be a tale filled with woe at those who think to know the future when the hand of the architect of fate truly reaches down and spins them to their doom. As we have previously reported their were many (completly unsubstantiated) rumours surrounding certain high level members of the Church of Ecstasy and fortune tellers or other esoteric things at odds with the word they follow. Well linked to these rumours was a somewhat well knwon but not entirely well established group of fortune tellers who were known as the Caged prophets and that is the operative tense for them now.

The specificites of what exactly happened with the group are extremly unclear and prehaps that is the idea but those who knew members of the group well including several friends, lovers and family members specifially mentioned that they had reccieved a extremly lucrative contract from a secretive patron. Discussion raged about who this mysterious patron could be was it a City assembly member, one of the commanders of the guardians, a agent of the page or any other number of interesting people that call the ring home. Needless to say however this was the defining moment in the groups so far futile career into the divining and future telling arts and everyone waited with baited breath.

It was noted that during this period the tides of the great ocean were unnaturally still as if something was holding it’s breath waiting for something to happen in the future or maybe they knew something was happening and were merely waiting for it to happen. Regardless they went off into Brightstone escorted by several masked guards of unknown provenance took them to a abandoned house whose members were missing for whatever reason to set up their equipment in preperation for their patrons upcoming arrival.

From this point forward dear readers the chant becomes incredibly conflicted and confusing mostly because it appears that nearly everyone else died at that location including the entirety of the Caged prophets, an ex demagogue of the church. The demagogue was killed with a single well placed shot to the head and look of suprise on their face according to the stampers report on the crime. However the remaining 15 members all appear slain by some form of bladed weapons or through massive force to their vital organs their faces are filled with fear and they have made no attempt at fighting back.

According to the Stampers and spirit wardens (what little we could get from them) there was a single individual left within the charnel house who was completly surrendered and waiting for the police to arrive. They spoke of hiring the group for a unamed third party but they were quickly attacked by some form of spiritual assasins blaming the Dimer sisters who suprisingly only went for the diviners and dealt with them efficently. The ex demagogue turned up during this and was accidentally shot as he drew a pistol of his own but the entire encounter was truly confusing and terrifying for them. The Stampers never really got a name and their description is incredibly vague but as a result of the appeasing nature of the spirit wardens now and the lack of spirit trafficking they were left off with just a warning.

All of the divining equipment had been tampered with the only exception being the crystal ball which had a fire burning in the midst of it and was completly shattered. According to a source the great ocean rippled with faint laughter sourcless and quiet but omnipresent across the ring after this. As to who this individual was, what their purpose was and who the patron was only a few people know keep your ears to the ground and listen out for the chant. Obelas Gatcombe signing off for the Echo of the Cage.

other top stories

  • Recently retired members of varying mercenary companies and other profficent and experinced fighters all tell of some sort of weird interaction with 2/3 individuals who seem to hold a conversation at the same time and knowing what the other would say instinctively. They all describe different people but the same weird interaction but seem to have failed but claim that one of their number went with this group though none know where.
  • Several whispers, wizards and other masters of the arcane across the city have claimed to have been sent a variety of arcane puzzles and tests as part of a job offer for those working in “the grey or the black”. Everyone we talked to off course denied being interested but we all know better and wouldn’t be suprised to see some arcane heists in the future.
  • In a normal display of violence for Crow’s foot the Crows having cooled off for the moment launched a quick display of violence and intimidation against the gangs of crows foot. Streaming out of Crow’s Nest the killers and thugs of the Crows showed the local riffraff why they have ruled the roost for so long.
  • Finally the church in it’s wisdom has decided to fundraise for some sort of service of sorts the nature is unknown but Preceptor Dunvil is leading it.



Shimmer the new craze or a quick fad?

Well on this antipeak we have a hell of a story a fresh exclusive on Shimmer a new drug that has been becoming more and more popular in Six Towers recently. But to begin with what is Shimmer, well it’s some form of alchemical substance purple in colour that can be used instead of some electroplasmic energies for certain machines as well as empowering an individual in many ways and healing them in others. However we’ve born witness to even powerful outsiders such as angels becoming corrupted from over doses of Shimmer. Regardless it’s a hell of a drug.

Well we were given a gift and allowed to travel with a stamper patrol when they were give a tip through a informant (definetly not a interrogated suspect) that a shipment of Shimmer was located in the slums of Sixtowers with a group known as the Flux Society, or the Circle of Flame the specifics weren’t clear. The stampers praise to them moved with charecteristic swiftness towards the location however they were left confused as their speedy arrest that would look great for the watchmaster came up dry as the Shimmer had been moved! However the attached whispers to the strike team noted that the great ocean was briefly being pulled further away from the location and the team headed their as quickly as possible. Upon arriving they encountered a pair of Flux Society goons who were brawling with eachother shouting about someone who was getting away and protecting the stash.

However upon seeing the stampers their misplaced anger with eachother ended and they both pulled out a vial of this purple liquid consumed it and grew to a larger than normal size and charged the stampers. The conflict was terrifying one a red dragonborn grew to the size of a small dragon and breathed fire everywhere the other a orc charged headlong into the Stampers roaring with only one thought on their mind violence. The stampers responded with a efficency the knight would be proud of forming firing lines lead by their watch master the compliance teams wrecked a heavy toll upon the shimmer infused monsters. The keeper attached to the squad managed to get the first kill impaling the orc through the chest with a lance which then blew them apart in a blast of magic. The second managed to seriously injury several before finally one of the stampers a black shield charged out from the firing line and impaled it through the eyes with a pair of swords.

With both individuals slain the watch master identified them as members of the Flux Society who had been suspected of being the main suppliers of shimmer and this has now been confirmed in addition the Stampers have started a task force to investigate Shimmer. More suprisingly the Watch Epistolary said that the location the courtyard past where the two gangers were fighting apparently had recently seen the presence of a powerful electroplasmic entity prehaps even a horror! The spirit wardens and other occult groups are sure to investigate further but it has somehow been slain (which is a story in it’s own right). The remains of this conflict were all around a shattered spirit anchor a broken vial of Shimmer large cut marks across the stone and the shattered and blackened remains of a spirit bottle. Whatever happened here was definetly a intense battle however the specifics are unknown to us as to why it was fought, or even what the pull in the great ocean was. Surely the black cats or spirit wardens will figure it out quickly and we will inform you as soon as we know.

But Shimmer in our opinion is definetly a powerful drug it’s benefits are myriad allowing you to be stronger, faster and more powerful as well as acting as a wellspring of etheric power. However it has distinct drawbacks and the costs of a overdose are a risk to your entire body and that none will recognise you when the bell tolls. Semnai Thucyid signing off for the Echo of the Cage. The Flux society once a little known gang in Six Towers has drawn the attention of the local watch station and we are sure will have some further efforts in cracking down on this new drug.

Other top stories

  • Through their new lead in investigating the Flux Society the Stampers have identified that their criminal operation is infact larger than previously thought. Additionally the information and desire for Shimmer has been spreading like wildfire leading to this drug spreading both outside of the district and across the ring. The Flux Society is sure to be enjoying this vast increace in it’s fortunes.
  • Through a variety of sources we have been informed that the Epitaph has taken a large proportion of jobs and engaged them quite efficently in fact eyewitnesses state that their normal arcane methods appear to be stronger as if they have some sort of alternate power if your enemy has the money to hire the Epitaph I’d be worried if I was you!
  • The Yaru board of directors has released a announcement stating that their production of clone soldiers has ran into quality control issues as they identified several ways to improve and enhance these soldiers and as such they will have to delay their production to ensure that they meet the Yaru’s standards.
  • The Astropath’s guild expresses their excitement that they have restarted their experiments with the levithan brain after a brief recess. They have identified that the previous conduits died as they were unable to handle the endless mind of the Leviathan. They are begining work on some sort of item to protect the minds of the conduits.



Market chaos in the grand bazar

Well what a rotation of the ring that was hey friends cagers and all other denizens of the cage. As the Inkrakes in general we’re incredibly happy with all the news as well it means alot of coin for us! Anyway back to the chant because of course that’s why your reading this paper. Our main story of course is well the massive mess that happened in Nightmarket. According to our contracts the Stampers had put together some sort of impromptu convoy which consisted of a squad of 4 noble and exemplary guards. They set off from Charterhall in the direction of Nightmarket at a rapid pace.

By all accounts nothing went wrong until they reached Nightmarket and the Grand bazar whereupon their state issued cart pulled by Skorovian goats crashed for whatever reason their isn’t one we could find out. After a brief scuffle with the individual they were carrying it appears like some sort of sorcery manipulated the mind of one of the stampers! In order to prevent them from hurting others they were horrifically wounded in the legs. We of course believe that this was done for the right reasons and completly lawful locals have informed us that they spotted investigators around the site.

This patrol then ran into more issues as the usually lawful members of the Concordant knights saw that the individual the Stampers were transporting was infact a squire of the Concordant Knights therefore in a fit of rage opened fire. We hasten to add that the Concordant knights have greviously denied the idea that they would support this stating that if these individuals weren’t slain by the stampers they would have delivered them to justice themselves for the crimes they committed. However nothing can stand in the fact of the law and the mailed fist of the Stampers beat them to a pulp and the bells chimed 4 times.

Evidently some other action happened as a third member of the squad was forced to return back on arcane transport as their forearm was shattered and broken with such force that they were unable to stand up and screamed in pain the entire way back. Reports from our sources have let us know that several of these recent events have in fact been perpetrated by a group known only as the invisible hand. It’s membership and resources are unknown but it is clear that they have at least one foot in the occult and their star is seemingly in ascendence.

The concordant knights have acepted that this squire must have been involved in some sort of crime and given up their claim on him in addition their are murmurings within the Grand Bazar about the need to protect themselves against others.

Other top stories

  • This peak the Stampers who often fall prey to claims of incompetence or corruption today proved all the detractors wrong as the Charterhall Watch station managed to completly curb the spread of Shimmer in their district. The Knight’s assembly member stated a desire to end it’s production but like most statements few believe it to be anything but politics.
  • The path of Echoes has been unusually extroverted as several of their initiates have been seen travelling through Nightmarket to some unknown destination.
  • In Silkshore today disaster occoured for the Sensates of the Society of Sensations as they attempted to test their new mercenaries and by any metric they failed drastically the Sensates have decided to pursue a different path whatever it is.
  • The great ocean swelled and all attuned to it heard whispers of vengance and revenge as if the ghost of a lover scorned or a friend betrayed floated within the field and people are aware that something might have happened or be happening. Weirdly sorcerers, whispers and mystics were aware that someting was happening. As if some sort of presence was aware and had been summoned or something.
  • More people than normal have reported that they have seen the agents of the page or at least agents of people who have claimed to be from the page moving around the city. This has been accompanied by powerful displays of magic as well as disturbances within the great ocean that have influenced many people. In fact one source although they since recanted and we have been unable to find them again even said that they saw the page themselves return through a ghost door from their sabbatical
the rest of the newspaper dissapears into darkness with the following written in green electroplasmic ink

Warning to all citizens of Sigil the Spirit Wardens and Guardians in concert have been made aware that a powerful forgotten one has turned their attention on the cage. Already we have slain several horrors who saught to reach into this world and drag others into their corruption and spiritual oblivion. Be warned any cager found to have been trafficing in these spirits or with these powers will be terminated with extreme prejudice and should inform the authorities of anyone that they are aware of who traffics in these dark powers.

Current effects all attune rolls gain the devils bargain channel the forogtten ones vengance to increase their position to desperate great at least and +1 die.



Sunset for the Flux society

Well what a day today was as none other than the Golden Sun who was contained within our expose on some of the leaders of the Flux society in our previous issues has been killed by none other than the guardians themselves. To comment on this we have one of the Guardians themselves D’essa Thursk Constor who had this to say “It is our solemn duty to protect the Ring as well as we are able to and as such we were forced to act when we discovered a cult to a forgotten one summoning horrors within this local crime base!” When asked to comment on if any further actions would be taken they simply stated “they already have I would encourage any and all individuals involved in our investigation to cooperate fully with the knights authority.” With that them and their 2 fellows dissapeared but truly we owe them our thanks. The spirit wardens were also present who warned of the costs of messing with spirits and have maintained a presence at the location stating that their is electroplasmic interference in the location.

Regarding the location itself which we were able to gain some access to in all my years as a reporter for the Echo of the Cage and even my earlier life I have never seen the like before readers. Let me truly tell you it was a bloodbath surely the bells must have been ringing constantly in fact a local did tell me that they bells blended together to become one continuous toll of the bells of lost souls. Regardless the area was covered in bodies the young initiates of the gang, older leaders and other foot soldiers of the “society” some were torn apart, some cut in half others seemed to have massive holes straight through their chest. Truly if this is the effect of a horror then truly I am glad that the Guardians and Spirit wardens are here to protect us from them. Readers we would often attach a electroplasmic image to a story like this but attaching a image of this location would truly be too much.

Regardless the other part of our story is the death (as reported by the Guardians) of Golden Sun. Much of their past was lost in legend or the Chant but supposedly at one point they worked in the Psalm refineries prior to joining the society a noble born individual who had a intense passion for alchemy. They wanted to improve or adapt alchemy and other substances. Indeed they used their alchemy to improve themselves empowering their own physhique. In fact as is the custom we have had many individuals come to us telling us stories of their exploits. Including the time that they fell into the canals whilst chasing a gondolier and was believed dead before a burst of golden light preceeded them walking out of the spirit infested waters unharmed, the time where they went undefeated for 2 whole days in wrestling members of the grinders to settle a disagreement and even a half formed story about a journey into the ghost field with one of the Dimmer Sister themselves although the specifics on that are vague.

Regardless of the specifics of what happened we truly know that we as cagers have lost a influential figure across the city one of the great minds tragically fallen from a noble pursuit to the world of crime but in the neverending turmoil of the Ring all you can hope for is making your mark in the endless night and the Golden sun shone brightly.

At the same time one of our Charterhall reporters was lucky enough to find themselves a participant on a stamper raid on another Flux society stash house. Led by Caius Mayson a captain of the Guard they succeeded in taking down the criminals “with an appropriate levels of force and reasonable damage to the squad” -a direct quote from the captain- and confiscated all the shimmer they found as part of there ongoing efforts to deal with Shimmer production in the Ring. Caius did give us the following quote “this goes as a message to all the gangs of this fair city we the guard will stand in the way of your expansions and will not let you run roughshod over the entire city this we swear… For the Knight!”

other top stories

  • As per the comment of D’essa the guardians conducted a full investigation of the Flux Society mostly they didn’t resist but regardless their influence across the city has been vastly reduced as has the guardians understanding of the situation on thes streets as they were asking many questions.
  • The Stampers continued to investigate Shimmer and the Society and supported the Guardians in reducing the hold of the Society. At the same time we have noted key individuals for many gangs returning back to the Watch stations for secret meetings.
  • Many nobles all across the city have reported a weird sighting it appears that the servants and other help that exist purely to serve them have been seen having weird whispered conversations. None are quite sure what this means or the effect this would have but several sheets of paper with a large list of names has been noticed and yet none of the nobles know any of the names so presumably it’s unimportant.
  • In more exciting news Elen the famous racer from the Echo wave Riders has onboard the “formula zero” their famous racing vehicle managed to race all the way across the ring and on a difficult and dangerous route through the deathlands and finally a short stretch across the void sea setting the route for The Ultimate Outlaw Masters.
  • Finally taking advantage of their recently weakened stature and the stampers influence the Grey cloaks have also been taking advantage of the weakness of the Flux society and have succeeded in taking much of their turf.



Lost district rocked by massive explosion

Well what a shocking turn of events the lost district once thought abandoned and currently in the control of the Counters Guild (who have a report following this event) has been rocked by a massive explosion. Our experts and explosive enthusiasts are confilcted on the nature of the explosion some reference some sort of sparkcraft construct, others a arcane experiment gone wrong and some simply believe it to be a collection of gunpowder left alone. Regardless of what caused it this scar on the Ring a reminder of the failures and the dangers outside of the lightining field is once again thrown into the spotlight and the question of what to do with it comes back to the fore.

Speaking of what to do with the district the City Assembly they released the following statement “In spite of the upcoming election season the council will consider the Lost disctrict in it’s next meeting.” I don’t know about you readers but we’re not expecting anything to change but who knows maybe we’ll be proven wrong. Speaking of people who have been proven wrong we come to the counters guild, now fair citizens we don’t wish to speak ill of the guild especially considering the amount of debt they hold and we know many of you rely on the gifts and loans of the guild to keep your businesses afloat. However the guild who once stated that the lost district wasn’t a risk and touted time and again the effectivness of their security this is a tough pill to swallow. We were lucky enough to secure a quote from Rintar Ix the operations head of the Guild who had this to say. “The lost district is home to all sorts of monsters we are well aware of what exists within and completly able to ensure that they don’t escape from the cage we have put them in.” well you heard it their from the horses mouth I suppose only time will tell.

Regardless the upheval in the great ocean continues today as after the turmoil of the last weeks events died down it has also come to our attention that several ghosts have been sighted making quiet rendevous in fact it almost seems like a production of Romeon and Julliet star crossed lovers swapping whispers and laughing like newly weds. What this exactly means we aren’t sure but we will keep our ears out.

Finally we would like to return to one of our at least our current normal story on the Flux Society who have managed to recover after the mauling they faced at the hands of several other factions on the Ring. Several gang insiders have reported that the Red Mask held a meating of key members and assured them that they were in control and promised revenge against those who killed the Golden Sun. I don’t know about you readers but I’m glad that it wasn’t me but I hope he dosen’t mean the Guardians…

Even though we lack a major story to share with you this hasn’t been a quite week in the Ring by any means as much has been going on in the background.

other top stories

  • The Gondoliers have been seen all across brightstone including entering into some abandoned or obscure locations and closed 2 hitherto unknown spirit wells. In addition the chant talks about several diver teams entering the Wrenhaven and returning with something underwraps. Whatever the dark of it is we assume it was important enough to risk this.
  • Several mystics, whispers and fortune tellers have reportedly felt a presence moving through the great ocean in fact anyone relying on tarrot cards have seen the hermit card coming up with a uncomfortable frequency.
  • In response to this article as well as to the situation in the district the Counters Guild has moved large amounts of resources towards the Lost district this included several expeditions into the lost district and a massively improved security situation around the district in both mundane and arcane ways. In spite of the situation the ring as a whole seems to believe they are still up to the task and several key members have been seen across Ink Lane.
  • In other news everyones favourite criminal (red) has again been seen abroad in the world his motives are always obscure but as always the jink for information or actually capturing him is insane 20 coin for him alive is quite something. Regardless he supposedly had a meeting with a woman called Selena but none are quite sure who she is but she must be important. Similalry our sources claims that they saw him and his people around Coalridges government offices.
  • In more engaging news the Billhooks have also been throwing there weight around several initiates have ran straight into local government offices but they have been bodily thrown out by the security at the magistrates offices.
  • One of our Whisper contacts claims that they’ve seen the elusive Fenger in the Red House seemingly with a ear out for the occult.
  • Many members of the Epitaph have been seen using Shimmer and it has massively empowered them but the chant says that some have become lost to ghosts or outsiders as a result of it, but the leaders want a constant supply from what we hear.
  • Residents of Six Towers have claimed to see several suspicious groups moving through the ward.
  • Again in our constant story gang violence in Crows foot is on the rise again with the Crows through their weight around other gangs in Crows foot are rightly afraid of the reach of the crows letting them take more control.



Rogue Yaru attack orphanage

Well readers we have quite the story to share with you today but we would be doing our job a diservice if we didn’t start with the corporation that brought it to us first. Thane Greysteel the head of public relations and a firm friend of the Echo of the Cage had this to say to us at peak today.

“It brings me great sadness to report today that due to a now identified and rectified anomaly with the ghost field a group of 30 Yaru managed to lay their hands on a colelction of weaponary and use this to attack the Strawmill Orphanage. Of course we are horrified that such a attack could occour and quickly took steps to ensure that it couldn’t be repeated and all the Yaru that didn’t die in the attack have been detained to ensure that they cannot harm anyone else. We offer our sincerest apologies to Strawmill House and will pay to fix any damages. Be assured our top scientists are working hard to ensure that nothing like this could happen again and we thank the brave gang members who managed to stop them before they rampaged too far.”

Well dear readers that is quite the failure and a rare admittance of fault by the Yaru Corporation but to the story at hand. Strawmill House is a institution that this paper respects very strongly in fact several of our beat reporters and runners are hired from the House when they come of age. According to our sources Strawmill House was host to a easter egg hunt which it is prone to do when a group of 30 Yaru clones attacked. In a rare show of unity for waring gangs Crows, Redsashes, Dockers, Billhooks, Grey cloaks, Wreckers, Lampblacks, the lost and even the Drynek gang all joined together and collectively resisted this attack and with a last minute charge led by none other than a individual dressed as a oversized harengon were able break the back of the attacking Yaru and force them to flee with most of them slain at gang hands.

During this conflict to our understanding some sort of scuffle happened within the orphanage itself with local whispers and mystics reporting a dark presence within the Great Ocean which caused the ocean to monetarily coalesce into a whirlpool of sorts. However this presence was dealt with although all those inside the orphanage have been remarkably tight lipped about this particular event. The spirit wardens roundly investigated and reportedly found some sort of electroplasmic anomaly or the remains of a ghost on the top floor yet were unsure of what type of weapon killed this ghost.

After peak when the orphanage was well and truly cleared the easter egg hunt started again and several members of the lost asked the children to continue on well after all the eggs were believed to be found almost as if they were expecting them to find something. In fact several members even after getting permission searched the orphanage themselves yet they found nothing. Prehaps in the chaos what they had been looking for had dissapeared yet none have claimed credit for this specific act.

After the hunt was finished Madame Gisella called all the major gang leaders present together and personally thanked each and every one for the work that they had done to protect the orphanage. She was however remarkably dissapointed in the sheer amount of weapons brought to a day of talent scouting and fun. After some discussion it has been agreed that any gang or organisation who wishes to gain recruits from Strawmill House must assaign one member to be part of the Orphaned Host (a rather grandeous name) a defence force for the House and it’s neutrality was reasserted through oaths and promises.

Regardless of what happened or why the relationships that Strawmill House possesses are now stronger than ever and whoever profited of off the entire fiasco has been remarkably quiet. This is Brock Woodall signing off for the Echo of the Cage.

other top stories

  • The Yaru have been seen across the ring offering coin and alms to any who need it and have given a large donation to Strawmill House to apologise for the attacks as well as donations to all gangs who lost members including promising favourable contracts.
  • Members of the queens court have reported seeing Cortland the leader of the Lost with a young dragonborn in his care visiting the queen when her court wasn’t in session. None know why or for what reason this was but both left with a smile.
  • The Crows the only gang to not lose members in the orphanage attack has suddenly come into a large amount of wealth. They have begun throwing this wealth around Crow’s foot and used it to reclaim peacefully (or relatively) several locations which used to be part of their turf but they had lost or had gone to smaller local gangs.
  • Strawmill House saw a large import of new doors, locks and some defences it will be much harder to enter the Orphanage if you wish ill in the future. This was paid for by the Yaru.
  • We know that all of you are excited for the upcoming election season in fact it appears that the normal skullduggery has began early with a masked figure spotted showing photo’s to a rather worried and pale election offical.
  • Several pubs near Gaddock station have reported very loud and very boisterous meetings of railjacks where they reportedly complained alot with a figure in each meeting making notes of all the compalints.



The Silver Nail Extraordinaries end their winless season

Hello readers today we have quite the upset that occoured as in the lower divisions of the 5 aside league the Silver Nail Extraordinaries finally managed to get a win. After almost a year without a win the team was very overcast and was according to our sources at risk of collapse or worse been relegated out of the league. However in a shock upset both to us and to the bookies who had them losing this game 50/1 their opponnents the fine young casuals were rendered unable to play and as such lost. To the faithful for the club or those who put some money on it’s a great day and hopefully signals the start of a new era for the club.

Regarding the truth behind the Silver Nail Extraordinaries win as near as we can tell readers it all started the night before. The striker of the team was found dead in a alleyway in Six Towers near to his favourite bar the Bewitching Barrel suprisingly noone else heard the shots which took his head and balls also scattered reports mentioned a priest of some sorts but they aren’t exactly reliable. Following on from this a wake of sorts was arranged by the team who promised to play in his honour.

During this wake disaster struck as according to the Stampers (guards) report on the incidient are honestly just a mess. Some members of the team appear to have turned on each other somehow or for some reason. The team captain appeared dead but the only wound on them was a small kinfe wound in the chest nowhere near fatal. The teams star player a striker was filled with lead and fell on the floor covered in blood. 2 team members are just bits having been blown apart by a large firearm of some kind. This is only the start of what can only be described as a incredibly messy and bloody scene.

In addition the Spirit Wardens mentioned several weird and confusing effects that happened within the great ocean of the ghost field. They mentioned some sort of old ghostly presence that had been extinguished in the location recently referencing electroplasmic ammunition and it’s destructive effect on electroplasmic entities. They are reportedly investigating who proccured these bullets to have a conversation with the shooter. In addition they reffered to a rare event where some sort of flare or other even happened within the ghost field that attracted several horrors (non human electroplasmic entities) and vengeful ghosts who tore someone apart or something whatevers left supposedly dosen’t even qualify as a person anymore.

Due to this deadly interaction and the collapse of the fine young casuals as a team the Queen’s representative for the league had this to say after they expelled the fine young casuals from the league. “Violence has ever been a part of this league and others of it’s ilk however we again reiterate that this violence dosen’t have a place outside of the league. Yet we know that it happens and due to the decimation of the Fine Young Casuals they are no longer able to participate in the league and have been relegated we hope whoever replaces them can live up to the reputation.”

other top stories

  • Khaghan Jaghati one of the senior commanders of the Silver Nails reportedly made a fortune betting on his team. As a result of this he managed to arrange several meetings with senior members of the counters guild and they have collectively released the following press notice. “The Counters Guild is hiring the Silver Nails to attack some of the ghosts within the lost district on a trial basis supervised by us.”
  • Recovering from the incredible failure of their team the billhooks have been seen all across the ring doing all sorts of odd jobs in the company of several people they never normally assosciate themselves with.
  • Charterhall University is a buzz with excitement as the sanguine sorority continues to close in on their next big party. Inspite of the fact that these parties always end with at least one person dying they students on campus are incredibly excited and campus security is worried.
  • Several individuals have been seen following the Sah’iir around the ring, asking about them and even having a look at the Bank and asking questions. Whatever they are thinking of planning we can only say that from experience it dosen’t pay to mess with the taxman.
  • We have had more sittings of the elusive Sabaz across the ring however we’ve also heard that spirit wardens are following them around and closing in.
  • The Watchdogs have been seen hitting the streets and talking to sources all across the ring. According to our discussion with some of the people that they interviewed their questions appear to be very disconnected and confusing and honestly none of them are really to sure what they are investigating.
  • In a suprising turn of events the guardians again have been abroad in the ring infact our sources tell us that they recently went into the undercity and returned with several weird occult and arcane machinery of unknown purpose. Following this the Solar Marshal has been spotted within the grand archives, the path of echoes and other locations of knowledge asking some sort of question.
  • A large number of slaves or other captives have been seen at the docks. We suspect that the Gloam has taken them for some nefarious process.



Disaster in the deathlands!

Hello readers apolgise for any typos or errors this edition is being dictated live from the scene of Gaddock station as part of truly a tragedy of epic proportions. The chant is surely alive with rumours but we will at least start with what we know. The crew of the Leviathan Hunter vessel The Deceitful Sun (once considered to be a lucky ship) were travelling out to the void sea aboard a electro train as the crews always do when something went wrong. According to our sources the paired engines of the trains were perforated with bullets and shreded alongside the body of the conductor of the train the much respected Gwen Dalmore guarded by the body of Glint Notherhome dead with a single bullet wound.

Many a survivor tell of those first couple of moments the horror and terror as the train was torn apart the stalwart crew of the Decietful Sun were torn apart by horrors that they weren’t ready or prepared for. In these first moments 2 tales of distinct heroism stand out one of them a posthumous story of the bosn of the train Alen Eventide shouting out his defiance into the face of the enemy and firing all 12 of their pistols in a thundering volley into the face of a horrificly malformed tree reeking tar made from liquified flesh of the deceased crew eventually felling it with a club from his levithan bone pistols to the centre mass. This spark of defiance seemed to galvanise the crew who suddenly remembered that they were for the most part survivors of the void sea and would not go quietly in this endless night and began to rally. This was until a weird monster made of twisting machinety that bled and beat as if it was a beating heart crushed Alen before being pummled to death by one of the watch leaders who never let go of his Waager he had been given earlier.

With the stide momentarily stemmed the true heavy hitters in the crew began to step up the guardian attached to the hunter pulled paired blades and with all the skill expected was like a army of one untouched and invoidable. The captain himself Cedric Thrysus with his rune etched sword economically dispatched key threats always protecting their void touched wayfinder in addition several members began to set up the heavier weapons supported by Wei Minh Lee’s guards and the noble themselves and Brame Lamice who seemed to be the only one enjoying themselves. Their are reports of several weird things that happened during this endeavour including a fatal “accident” involving one of Lord Scurlocks servants that noone seemed to see. In addition the crew has adopted a new member a Virgil Combe some sort of weird individual with mouths growing from all over but a potent whisper although Cedric is reported to have had to prevent a bounty hunter from claiming him repeatedly.

After all this a squad led by the Knight themselves and the Solar Marshal arrived and routed the horrors rescuing the majority of the crew but reportedly heads are set to roll and rail jack security to be improved extensively. Truth be told the city itself briefly fell into some form of panic with people worried it signalled a attack on the city worried about what it means for the city and a general sense of doom. However scattered reports speak of isolated incidents that took advantage of the chaos or something else that happened but if anyone has any clue they aren’t sharing.

Honestly readers there are times when we accept that a weird action might in fact have a ulterior motive. But I can’t even concieve of a reason for this action nothing seems to have been gained nothing was stolen it almost appears like violence and death just for the sake of it. Unless you were looking for the city to invest in more security on the electro trains… This is Brock Woodhall signing off for the echo in the cage.

other top stories

  • Several high ranking captains throughout the Leviathan Hunters have met to discuss the disaster that happened in the deathlands. Reports are clear they know who was responsible and are preparing to strike back. Whispers even say they think it was the starless veil but that’s insane right… either way we wouldn’t want to be whoever they focus on.
  • The City assembly unanimously voted for and enacted increaced funding for the security of the electro trains paying for the sparkwrights guild to move the engines to seperate location and chartering sparkcraft guards. Election season moves ever closer and discussions continue about the lost district.
  • The railjacks taking the city assemblies money has improved their security extensively to prevent this happening again.
  • Lord Scurlock has courageously funded a expidition into the deathlands supposedly to chase down and return any bodies of those who died. However the expedition hasn’t returned prehaps they found something.
  • Several vigilance members have been searching for 2 of their members a aprentice Lotus Veer and a master known as Mestra Vrand both of whom have dissapeared the trail leads them to the deathlands.
  • Within the lost district strange things have been occouring in the ghosts appear weirdly calm or placated some counters guild guards even claim they’re grouping up or going somewhere.
  • Several sources have spoted Master Baltazar Baines within the company of Sercy the second of the grinders attempting to heal their many ailments
  • The red sashes and the Lampblacks clashed again in Crows foot with the red sashes getting the better of the engagement but the red sashes weren’t able to capitalise on this too well.



what is the great machine cooking

What a 24 hours it has been dear readers as the noramlly drab and frankly boring offices of the Ordo Militum were rocked by a series of unlikely events shattering the normal quiet. It has often been said that for those who fill out the thousands of offices that make up the great machine getting a paper cut might be the most interesting thing to happen to you all month. We would refer the readers to many past stories of much more interesting things but regardless.

During the blind hour the tranquil, industrious offices where the Ordo Militum members work overseeing the guard, guardians and watchdogs had it’s tanquility shattered like a pane of glass. The alarms directed the guards to a standard offices on a floor in the mid 20’s where 2 individuals were arrested and the magistrate who called this office home was no longer present gone to palces unknown. Quite how they’d infiltrated the offices, what they wanted or even what had happened to the magistrate none can say. This includes us as following on from this the individuals appear to mostly dissapear from the record although they are noted as being extremely profficent combatants of outsiders, ghosts and even levithans!

None can really say what happeend to these 2 individuals who were arrested although our contacts within the Ironhook prison say that they didn’t receive any new prisoners fitting the description. However what is more interesting is that in the aftermath of this reportedly a magistrate was “disappeared” by the starless veil in the midst of some sort of legal meeting. They have reccently turned up in Ironhook prison missing a tongue and waiting for execution by the Wyrm which we presume will happen next week and as always with death by the Wyrm will be a true spectacle. It is somewhat surprising that a crime this low level would result in death by the Wyrms posion but regardless we are truly excited.

A source has informed us that the starless veil had reached out to weirdly enough the Leviathan hunters after claiming that the missing magistrate belonged to them. However according to our source this normally tranquil meeting ended violently with gun fire and a attemtped assassination of the agent who was forced to teleport away. What this means or why it even happened we’re not sure we can really say but rest assured that it isn’t the end of this possibly war between the 2 factions.

On a related note a member of the Rhetai a key leader of the Mystai felt the need to to deliver this premonition. The Great Ocean was calm recently too calm, as something ancient, hungry and powerful trawled through it’s depths near to the Ordo Militum offices whatever is working with this creature and channelling it now this. It knows more and hungers for more and will truly betray you and consume you as all forgotten ones do. They were lost for a reason and we choose not to remember them for many a purpose.

other top stories

  • In a shocking turn of events the houses of several prominent levithan hunters were raided by a unknown party weirdly all of the sparkcraft and created defences of these houses failed or turned on their masters yet few died. The captains are supposedly furious at what was taken.
  • In what will surely be talked about for the next few weeks a horrific series of accidents recently befell several starless veil agents on or near the docks as they were accidentally caught in a wages fight, some cargo fell ontop of them or in one instance a security hull believing them a threat attacked and killed one. Health and safety is surely something that needs to be looked at.
  • In the dark areas of the city where the light dares not tread (which is most of the city) a man with a strange thorned rose tattoo on their check has been seen talking to the downtrodden and many have begun listening to them as they speak and excited by the power they’ve shown.
  • Bryna Klev has been spotted meeting with ray candlemaker and accordingly it appears that the Kinners have been hired by the watchdogs.
  • The sparkwrights tower has been alive with the crackling of electroplasmic energy as they have begun to work on a new project which they promise may revolutionise firearms.
  • Those in the know in the arcane community have noticed the Epitaph appear to have reached a accord with someone for something but now have a steady shimmer supply. In addition they are asking questions about the fogotten ones.
  • It was tax day this week for the lower ward with a large number of Sah’iir moving around the ward collecting taxes several echoes appeared to be moving almost seperately from the others as if they were looking for something but didn’t find it.
  • Election season moves ever closer and as it does the City assembly has revealed their plans for what to do with the lost district. From this point forward the lost district is no longer a part of the city. However the Counters Guild have been tasked with ridding it of anything that is threatening as well as repairing the lightining barrier to return it to the city.
  • Many dark portents have been seen around the church of ecstasy’s cathedral in whitecrown. Whatever happened within the preceptors and elders appear joyful and more zealous in their preaching.
  • The echo wave riders have again been seen throughout the deathlands ferrying around and supporting supposedly the daethland scavengers.



Charterhall hit by another bout of criminal activity

They say once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times someone is coming for you. Yet cagers this is now the second time that the same location in Charterhall has been the subject of a large concerted action of some sort. You may have recalled previously we reported the death of the golden sun a key alchemist of the one time rising gang the flux society and the laboratory that they kept within Charterhall, said to be incredibly high tech and expansive as it produced vast amounts of shimmer, was destroyed suddenly by outside forces and the guardians. Well at peak yesterday a large student protest erupted in fact we have a member of that protest here to talk to us today they asked for anonimity and only reffered to themselves as earnest. But their account went as follows.

“Well my fellow comrades you see in fact the protest was spontaneous and a result of the systemic problems of this system that we the citizens live within. The establishment the desire us to be held down to not be able to rebel to protest so they foster and support conflict between the medical profession. This is wrong medicine should be free and paid for by the state the queen claims to care for us yet she lets us suffer and die to these diseases and plights. The people won’t stand for this Rise up!”

In the effort of unbiased reporting we had to cut the rest of his speech off from that point but regardless. This protest suddenly got violent as they were apparently supplied with molotov cocktails and several other homemade weaponary and the protest quickly became a riot with differing groups trying to prove that they were right and others were wrong through force of arms alone. The stampers were quickly able to step in before anyone died and we thank them kindly for their service

During this comotion in order to ensure that they were kept safe several key individuals who had been petitioning for access to the restricted area were allowed within the block to protect them from the riot. This included a representative from the botanists and surgeons guilds, 2 evidence collection specialists and a representative from the path of echoes (prehaps someone else were not quite sure about that one). Whilst within it appears that they scattered dealing or attempting to learn whatever they wanted as soon as possible before the riot was wrapped up.

Somehow, during all the commotion, a spectrological specialists had managed to make their way inside of the area a drow by the name of Lin Adelton and as the riot was being supressed she attempted to escape from the area with several tomes taken from inside. After threatening the loyal officers of the Ring and unfortunately she was put down by a single expert shot to the centre mass. We did hear some report about potentially a starless veil member being present but we can’t really confirm or deny that although the stamper evidence team also dissapeared as did the supposed other person we heard was here.

Again we’ve been seeing more of this recently it appears like something happened within this location again prehaps something that was left over from the time that the flux society ran this joint. Maybe someone wanted to take something from it or even maybe some flux society members who had left something behind and wanted to retrive something but regardless were glad that not many people got hurt and once again are thankful for the watch and their commitment to the cause of keeping our city safe. Prehaps the bigger question is the revolutionary aspect to this incident. We have all heard the stories of students and the working class rising up against those who oppress them prehaps we’re moving that way ourselves. This is Brock Woodhall signing off for the Echo in the Cage.

other top stories

  • The stampers in direct response to the invasion of the ex flux society base have decided to crack down even harder on shimmer city wide be it a result of doing the right thing or deciding to hit back against those who hurt them the impact has been felt and it’s been all but removed from the street.
  • There have been several varied reports of expansive and varied scientific, electroplasmic and pseudoscience equipment being moved through silkshore before dissapearing in the district somewhere.
  • With the recent struggles that have faced the poor across the city and the downtrodden more have begun to turn towards the queen and in particular some have become drawn into the weeping lady taken in by their message and joining the cause.
  • Recently a man with a strange rose tattoo on their check has also managed to gain a extensive following and has began to establish themselves within dunslough. Scattered reports discuss some sort of arcane creature seen around his presence made of rose petals and almost dragon esc. Their have also been strange reports about his followers.
  • Alongside the crackdown on shimmer it appears that many of the other flux society locations have been left alone although as they were evacuated several different stampers entered and took most of the stuff. The gray cloaks in the aftermath have then came out with new gear and helped to get more control of six towers.
  • lord scurlock’s expedition into the deathlands has returned luckily they were able to find a few of the bodies they searched for but rumours are abound that they returned with something else of immense value.



The wail of the dammed

Well we don’t often share stories of Dunslough as well stories of abject human misery don’t sell papers! But at 5 hours to antipeak yesterday the in the ghetto of Dunslough the page was sighted and confirmed as present for the first time in several years. They saved the people of the Ghetto from a pair of tears into the ghost field and faced down several mutated electroplasmic entities but we’ll cover that later.

Our story begins in the ghetto of Dunslough crime is a constant to the lives of these people and the bells toll for many reasons and a multitude of crimes. The few witnesses we were able to scrounge up mentioned that the problems started when 3 individuals who definetly weren’t locals arrived and were looking around the building and reportedly one of them possessed what whispers would call a ghost key and the community would come to regret this fact.

A ghost key is a magical item that through some sort of arcane feedback or connection is able to open a portal into the ghost field. Now I like most of you am scared of the ghost field but this individual whoever they are appears to have some sort of pro ghost agenda. They left a gaping portal open to the ghost field and then proceded to tear open another one to exit the field. This allowed all sorts of creatures to pour out from the other side. We contacted the spirit wardens for a comment on what escaped and we didn’t recieve a comment however this is the location where the infamous serial killer the gift from beyond was finally caught and killed by the stampers although his body was never recovered.

Anyway back to the story after this whisper tore a opening into the ghost portal in a poor Mila claret’s room who was the first of many victimns to the foul spirits of the ghost field. As soon as the bells tolled the spirit wardens were on their way. Although something else was their before them as several ghost like creatures were ravaged by what appeared to be wolf like claws and teeth marks the likes of which none of our sources have heard of or if they have they aren’t telling. Whatever this creature was it’s safe to say that what was already a bad situation was made better by their presence however as we know about the great ocean their are darker things within and they were drawn to this portal like a moth to a flame.

That is unless they are one of the divined as one witness mentioned “I was hiding in a corner and all I saw was the walls around my family crumbling as this creature or maybe it was multiple creatures that looked like a angel with 9 wings behind it reaching out towards us with a face of pure death. Screaming in terror I reached out for anything something to help me and i felt a door a handle or something and i reached out to it and through this door to nowhere from nothing the page walked out.” Eye witness reports reference this angel ghost creature as screaming with the voices of the dammed which made eyes explode as tiny spirits reached out from within when it spoke flame leapt from it’s mouth as if it was alive and it was able to move buildings with it’s mind.

I must say it might be fate or providence but luckily our on site reporter was on the scene when the page arrived and was gifted with their insight. As they step out the reach for the three macums of power, the first perception and in that moment I am everything I am the terrified father, the escaping prisoner, the rat hiding in a corner, the mob boss reaching for his weapon, the stamper reloading his rifle. Then I felt the next maxum of power will as everything froze as the mind that I was granted a moment of insight into decided on it’s course of action. Then the third maxums was reached action and in that moment as if guided by a overarching thought everyone acted as one to force back this creature and all the while moving within this intricate pattern was a swiriling mass of pure arcane energy. With a thought it became fire in the creatures bones and very essence, or a wave of force that detonated outwards throwing it backwards and lastly a spear of purest light through it’s heart ending it once and for all. With that the page held out a hand and seemed to collect the ghost keys before dismissing the rifts. The spirit wardens, stampers and guardians have said they are searching for these individuals who caused this as are the screens. We are thankful for the Page’s swift action and we hope it dosen’t repeat itself this is Brock Woodhall signing off.

other top stories

  • The wardens of Ironhook prison have recently started to gain more prisoners and Wing A is now full to capacity. In addition during this period several prominent whispers have been spotted talking to the warden for unknown purposes.
  • The violence of Crow’s foot continues with several prominent red sashes attacking key lampblack locations dealing significant damage.
  • Several members of vigilance hvae been spotted returning from the deathlands with a look of sorrow on their face and determination and have been seen around crow’s foot with steely determination.
  • 2 of the most prominent and successful gladiators including Oenomaus have been seen talking to hooded figures and have then since dissapeared.
  • A large quantity of levithan bones have seemingly dissapeared from the docks as if they fell into a black hole of beuracratic red tape.
  • Sercy the grinders second was seen being carried into a botanic guild greenhouse and has since walked out healed, as word of this spread Oressia was also seen entering their greenhouses.



Nail biting party

What a time to be alive and what a anti-peak this was and what was originally intended to be a fairly relaxed party (known as the blooding) held by the Silver Nails in preperation for their excursion into the Lost District became violent and real blood was spilled. The entire scenario is confusing at the best of times and has a couple of different versions but our witnesses have picked out the majority of the key details as far as we can make them out.

To begin with we need to mention the history of the Silver Nails namely that they have fostered a rivalry between the 3 different brotherhoods, the golden keshig, the ebon keshig and the storm riders. At times in the past this has been a bit more tense but recently several small infractions between them have pushed tensions higher and higher as well as the stress of the upcoming excursion to the lost district. During this blooding it suddenly became clear that things were getting more and more tense with Tuhan and Khamkar getting into a fist fight over the taking of certain illicit substances (that in a effort to not advertise the darker vices we won’t mention).

During this scuffle which was beginning to spread out to others of their brotherhood suddenly a yelp of suprise and pain split the fight up for the moment. Looking down everyone could see a hound attached to Khamkar’s leg and tearing a chunk from it. With a bark this dog started to run away before being shot in the body by a pistol and appeared to be mortally wounded if not dead. The fight was momentarily paused as Khamkar’s brotherhood celebrated the shooter who may have in fact been Sharon Osborne (yes that Sharon Osborne the side piece for influential gangsters such as Tarvul of the Billhooks and Bell of the crows at the same time!) or allegedly she was. Regardless whilst Khamkar’s brotherhood the Golden Keshig celebrated her Tuhan called for his blades angered at the killing of the dog and his second Qin Xa went up to the top floor to retrive these weapons for a honour duel.

Truth be told this is where the story gets a bit confusing as Qin Xa then shouted downstairs that everyone should calm down and seemed to get some traction in particular from the leader Seresh’s brotherhood the golden keshig. At this time also it was noticed that the observer from the counter’s guild had dissapeared Helewys Caskbow which was somewhat confusing as she was supposed to be present permanently. As had a decent portion of the Waaglers some local talent hired by Jaghati after prior work of a unknown type. This was then followed by a telling crack of a gun shot as well as the sound of metal on metal and the party shifted to more of a mob charging upstairs to find the source of this commotion.

Upon arriving upstairs they were confronted by a horrific scene and a somewhat distraught Helewys Caskbow standing sadly beside the body of a Silver Nails officer Zamira a key member of the Golden Keshig with her head caved in and clearly dead as everyone had heard the spirit bells toll. Behind her was the remnants of some sort of creature made of metal and light that is fused to have almost been made of glass. After a moment Helewys spoke at lengths about how she was advised of Zamira going missing and went looking for her and spotted her valiantly protecting herself from this outsider sadly arriving to late to help her and but witness her kill the outsider itself.

She suggested that we change the blooded to be a wake of sorts and that they should take her sacrifice and memory to heart. Tuhan, Jaghati and Seresh agreed to put aside any of their differences and in fact the bond between them seemed to solidify between them brought closer by tragedy.

The next day in a final effort to honour their work Qin Xa suggested that Tuhan should take Zamira’s lance for it’s last ride. Acepting this the silver nails with several influential individuals present including the chief of staff for a city assembly member went into the lost district. This was as far as most witnesses are concerned a remarkable success with particular mention being made to Qin Xa who went into particularly dangerous locations but emerged without significant casualties which is a remarkable victory. Although some note was made to a impressive degree of firepower and armour that they seemed to procour from nowhere. The Counter’s guild board has retired to make it’s final recomendation for the lost district based on the successes of the silver nails. This is Brock Woodhall signing off for the Echo in the Cage.

other top stories

  • The flooded district of Silkshore has seen several interesting people in throughout the area supposedly they have been paying particular attention to the canals using electroplasmic technology prehaps the starless veil or another group?
  • Elouan Stroud one of the key individuals of the Blue Rose Distillery has been seen inviting some of her old contracts to the distillery and places that sell Blue Rose alchool prehaps returning to her old life of crime or something more nefarious.
  • The major Leviathan Hunter families and captains have unveiled plans for a new leviathan hunter ship and a new invention called Sonar which they plan to use to hunt more Leviathans than ever before although some have asked why it’s needed…
  • After a somewhat embarassing showing by some of the Crow gangs muscle against a red sashes protection crew Lyssa at the head of a group of toughs showed why they’re still considered the top of the food chain and why Lyssa is terrifying.



Last call for Estaban Castello

Well readers it has been a triumphant day for law enforcement across the ring as the spirit wardens announced that they had found and killed Estaban Castello. A individual who you may remember from our previous articles left a portal open to the ghost field threatening to flood Dunslough with spectres and horrors. Once again acting as a stark reminder of the inescapability of the Lady’s justice particularly for those who abuse the ghost field.

For those who live under a rock or missed this event somehow due to being out of touch or out of town here’s what happened to earn Estaban Castello the ire of the spirit wardens. Whilst seemingly attempting a burglarly he used a ghost key to open a pair of portals into the ghost field. He proceeded to leave these portals open allowing a host of particularly dangerous and deadly spirits out of the ghost field to terrorise and murder the residents Dunslough. Whilst some saw this as a particular opportunity in new real estate in a already crowded market the bells tolled for many. In fact it required seemingly the intervention of the Page themselves to quell this flood of spirits and ensure that the tears in the field were shut for good. When all was said and done 75 men, women and children had been killed by these rogue spirits including 4 guards from the Ironhook Prison and 1 rogue escaped prisoner.

In a rare moment of transparency the spirit wardens opened up the Crematorium to visiters from outside and all members of the City Assembly, The Castellan of the Guard, Bafma F’rozz and Colonel Ibram Gaunt of the First and only as well as several other influential figures as well as anyone widowed or left behind from his actions were all in attendance. To watch Estaban Castello be burnt in the eternal furnance and prehaps it gave some of them a sense of closure or peace.

After this endeavour was finished reportedly unanimously the King assigned a new member to the First and only with specific ghost field insight Known as Viktor Hark and Colonel Gaunt shared with us exclusively that they were hunting down anything that escaped the inital purge by the page and the Spirit Wardens. As the readers well know Gaunt’s Ghosts as they are known are extremely effective and we have nothing but faith that they will keep us safe.

In addition before he was taken to the crematorium the members of the Ashen Dawn shared that each of them felt like a shadow was creeping over them and moving to consume them or the Shattered Temple. They were then assaulted by a trio of ghostly figures that as per their report to the guardians whenever the temple is assaulted were dangerous even by their standards. The Lockwarden slew the last one but mentioned a young female ghost made of patchwork leather stitched together with eldritch runes one eye pitch black and one glowing with energy watching from the outside before it dissapeared. The ghost was covered in blood and left behind a pair of badges that reportedly belonged to 2 missing members of the Galant Guardians but we haven’t had any offical confirmation of that.

We will be sure to keep you appraised of any new developments in this case or the mysterious ghost girl and wherever they are from. We’re plying our sources in the Guardians to find out what happened with those 2 missing badges as well as trying to find out where they were assigned or to who. Yet as of now noone is talking. Surely this action has soured what would otherwise have been a great victory for spiritual law enforcement across the city. But is does stand out as a warning to any lowlife whisper who seeks to “fuck with” the ghost field that one way or another justice will find you.

As to Estaban’s accomplices and even who provided the body noone seems to have come forward and claimed responsibility. In fact the chant is remarkably quiet on this front about who what or why he was found dead with a large jagged wound to the chest. Even the Spirit Wardens don’t seem to be sure how the body even arrived but it was waiting for a deathseeker crow by the Effigy of the Lady in Dunslough. Whilst down the road the Lost Paradise began to open up for business ready for another night of drug fueled craziness at what we would have to say is one of the more unforgettable nightlife spots in the Ring. This is Brock Woodhall signing off for the Echo in the Cage, stay safe out their and keep a eye out for ghosts!

other top stories

  • Recent visitors to the Lost Paradise have noticed that instead of coin or tickets supposedly they are allowing people to skip the line for pieces of sparkcraft tech though for what purpose is unclear.
  • Several strange individuals have been spotted around Dunslough namely seemingly family units asking pointed questions searching for someone.
  • Several Kinners and watchdogs have been seen all around whitecrown and seemingly watching something they look extremely suspicious
  • A member of the Steel symphony has been spotted walking the streets blindfolded with a tuning fork that they ring every so often in Crow’s Foot.
  • The Red Sashes have been seen all over the Ring recruiting claiming that they’re about to knock out the Lampblacks and set to become ward bosses of Crow’s foot. One way or another…
  • The Astropath’s Guild have brought a Sparkwright engineer into the port of wanderers and they and Aleph are working on something…
  • The Deathlands has been filled with weird crackling and several railjacks have noticed what appears to be ghosts traveling the deathlands carrying materials and building something.



Shadows and Bones

The following are a series of interviews, conspiracy theories and ideas collected by journalists for The Veil Voice regarding the weird events that happened in the docks. Collected together they provide a insight into events.

A interview with a docker offloading cargo from a Leviathan hunter

Just before the Blind hour we were offloading a large cargo of leviathan scales from the Kraken’s Call. Of course because the scales are so delicate and require alot of care we continued throughout the Blind Hour. It was at this point where we noticed something that was quite weird the scales themselves appeared to be weeping. Almost as if their was something nearby of such magnitude or so scary that these seemingly dead scales were scared. Our Wayfinder was forced to make his way up onto the ship and calm the scales themselves.

Whatever happened with those scales and the leviathan’s it scared the life out of me and I hope frantically that it never happens again.

A interview with Brother Emric Lightbringer

If ever their was a sign or a calling that spirit shadows are a plight across the Ring then the events of today surely are. As some of you may know the Mercy Killers “May their purpose shine like a blazing star.” came to the docks and dealt with a horrific spirit shadow. A dark refraction from when the sun was shattered and the divined gave their ultimate sacrifice to save us all from the Primordial Annihilator. I came to this corner of the Ring to share with the people here the need for unity in the face of these horrific creatures and to ensure that you know who fights for you in the dark so you may live your life in the light

However someone in this district communed with these darker shadowy powers undermining the great sacrifice that the divined made for us. I urge you brothers, sisters, primes, planars, cagers and fellow citizens be vigilant be aware of this plight that exists in the dark. Only by standing together in the light can we hold back these creatures of the Dark!

A interview with a docker who wished to remain anonymous

Look I can’t really say too much cos theirs some pretty important stuff going down but I will say this. We had something that we were looking after us, the idea was that we’d keep it lowkey instead of it being well defended it would be difficult to find. Well that didn’t go to plan 2 of my friends were looking after this thing that we had. One is dead his neck was snapped then his spine was cut out. Like firstly what the actual fuck! Like who does that shit but my other mate was alsoe meant to being looking after it and we can’t find him all that’s left is the broken parts of his armour. As if something broke it from the inside… that’s pretty fucked up. All I can say is when we find the person who stole from us. Yes we know someone took some of them. You’ll get no mercy from us.

A interview with a Stamper Crime Scene technician

Look honestly we were suprised when we got the call. Like we’re well aware that most of the times the docks police themselves and mostly deal with any problems they have which suits us just fine. When we got their it was kinda obvious that something had happened and been moved but hey we don’t mind really. The floor boards were broken blood was everywhere a spine was impaled into the floor and weirdly their was a broken circle of black salt. According to our spectrologist allies this entire area had a dark feel to it in the ghost field as if something happened to it that even the spirit world rejected. Who’s to say exactly what happened but sure as shit i’m glad I wasn’t present for it.

written interview with a local who appeared slightly shell shocked

Whilst entirely nonverbal the local wrote the following down. Whilst pointing at a apartment near to where the crime scene was they wrote. That’s where I left her Granny Rags she told me to go… I don’t know why almost like she knew something would happen to her and she’s missing the only thing that’s left is a wound as if someone tried to stab her in her favourite rocking chair. Who would do that, I hope that she’s okay.

The when pointing down the street it would say the following… I heard it down their a howl that chilled the soul. A houl that reminded me that at the end of the day something hunts all of us and prehaps this is what hunts us and comes to consume us all. Then I saw it 10 of these hounds lean, ferocious, predatory and killers prowling around a figure that I almost couldn’t see then as the figure said something to them they all paused and bowed almost paying reverence to them. That, that scared me more than the hounds. If that’s a spirit shadow I never want to see another one.

Well again it’s hard for us to make out exactly what happened but this is all that we know. Anyone with additional information let us kow but aside from that this is Viktor Blackwood for The Veil Voice signing off.

other key stories

  • Osmond was seen walking into the headquarters of Yaru and according to sources he arranged a meeting with them and is in the process of figuring out a deal to get some Yaru clones to work certain jobs on the Leviathan ships with them.
  • several prominent dockers have not turned up to work recently and instead been seen deep in the maze around what is now a heavily fortified building.
  • the botanical guild have successfully managed to heal Oressia the wayfinder wounded previously and wheelchair bound has had a miraculous recovery aceptance for the guild is on the rise.
  • Several visitors have been seen entering Scurlocks manor seemingly bringing supplies for something to his house our guess is ritual supplies but for what…



What to expect in the upcoming election

As everyone is aware the City Assembly in it’s wisdom is coming to the end of it’s current session and the election coming up it’s in everyone’s best interest to have at least a understanding of the chant and where the chips fall. To that end we of the Echo in the Cage have decided that it’s our civic duty to share what we know to best inform you. The attached stories and events are several things that didn’t quite make the front page but are key events.

  • Watch Master Mitcher has been seen waiting paitently infront of embassy to the Ashen Senate and after a peak and a antipeak leaving somewhat happy.
  • cabbies: IC Several influential cabbies have been spotted in a upstairs room of the fortune’s wheel pouring over something behind closed doors.
  • The Centuralia club in Six Towers has had (in the blind hour) a delivery of something in a locked box escorted by masked security figures who all dissapeared inside as soon as they arrived.
  • Selma Del has been seen close to a location where a member of the cyphers reportedly went missing. Several individuals heard the sounds of ghosts and they then returned filled with purpose.
  • deathland scavengers, IC Several Deathland Scavengers have been spotted meeting with representatives of the courts and handing off relics from the deathlands.
  • a source claims that when he went to the Dimmer sisters manor to deliver a message it wasn’t their however who’s to say what goes on in that creepy house…
  • A new shipment of equipment from the sparkwright guild has disappeared but according to our sources it has been gifted to the mentors.
  • Several Yaru clones have been spotted in buildings around Brightstone and when followed they’ve dissapeared as if they were never their at all who’s to say what happened to them…
  • Several individuals ring wide have complained that their psalm shipments are light yet none can seem to place where this quantity dissapeared to and most just shrug and call it the cost of doing business in sigil.
  • several well meaning merchants have been seen in less reputable areas with several merchants with a symbol of a golden bee atop them.
  • both the stampers and the gondoliers have mentioned that they’ve seen eyes peering out from under the water of the canal though for what purpose or why they can’t say as they dissapear soon after.
  • builders have been seen all throughout Print row aalthough for now they are sworn to secrey as to what they’ve done.
  • several deadly females have been witnessed moving through several occult gatherings and fight clubs and have been keeping a eye out for deadly individuals.
  • the spirit wardens assigned to the city assembly offices have noticed repeatedly been alerted to nearby ghosts but as of yet haven’t found them or know what they were doing.
  • Osmond and his crew have been seen taking meetings with yaru representatives all across the ring. The only possible reason can be that they want clones on their ships.
  • Ulf Ironborn and his gang of thugs were spotted in a street brawl with the Blue flame which they limped away from battered and bruised.
  • several looking glasses across the city have been closed recently for “refurbishments” yet within meetings have been seen to take place.
  • several scouts from the first and only have been seen all across Dunslough mostly around the theatre and a small group of ghost’s led by Gaunt met up with them and moved out armed to the teeth.
  • several individuals all identifying as Ashkad have been seen around a power plant in coalridge for a unknown reason.
  • a railjack train travelled into the deathlands and according to reports stopped suddenly in the middle of nowhere and allowed a large group of individuals and creatures off the train who dissapeared into the deathlands. (change surface to just by activating certain sites)
  • Eegon Mark has been spotted in the Red house although some have said that they weren’t given a key but the house hasn’t commented…
  • the Killroom is a buzz with energy as a large proportion of the wolves have seemingly been hired for a job although as always they’re tight lipped about it.
  • IC several knights have been spotted outside of their armour repairing and enhancing wardings across the temple after the last attack.
  • IC according to unreliable sources Molotch has been spotted at a bar in Brightstone frequented by many who work for the great machine for a unknown purpose and it’s unconfirmed…
  • members of the underworld have reported a series of glitches and weird bugs in the sparkcraft devices or urforged that they have with them ring wide.
  • several urforged have been seen being used as part of a game of sorts between several echo wave riders. Reportedly other urforged watched this and at least one appeared to be angry.
  • Several influential surgeons have been spotted throughout the docks helping and healing for a modest price. Most notably they helped to save the lives of a entire crew of workers after they fell into the adam’s ale marina ladened in heavy gear.



  • the brass bull limped back into sigil after a particularly rough trip back after delivering a large group of creatures and individuals to the middle of nowhere in the deathlands.

  • according to sources several key contacts in whisper circles have noted that some whispers have said they are on a job and all picked up a ghost key and dissapeared.

  • several weird hooded figures smelling of salt have been seen sitting almost in meditation near to the theatre in dunslough.

  • several brawls have started on the charterhall campus but the winner was clearly the jocks of the charterhall leviathans again setting out that the university is their turf unless you want to put more resources towards it.

  • The Mesazar has been spotted walking calmly through the Ring carrying a small cage of purest gold they went towards the Dimmer sisters Manse and dissapeared within…

  • a figure never seen before on the Ring wearing a deerstalker a black duster coat, a upwards curled mustache with a brown dog beside them has been seen doing what can only be described as stereotypical detectiving throughout charterhall.

  • the society of sensations has started a promo for as long as they feel like it offering membership to those who can influence things from afar clearly they mean mystics but why…

  • several servants have been seen throughout the entire ring moving back and for with tiny scraps of paper written in (what we are reliably informed) was death tongue.

  • for the first time in a while the temple of the abyss was closed and the sounds of paper being moved was heard from outside.

  • the market ward has seen several mercenary groups coming into them however all have a small image of a golden bee as their only heraldry several shop owners look distinctly less than happy.

  • contacts within the Guild of Engineers stated “Our experiment whilst still in progress exemplifies our commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and technology, forging a path to a brighter tomorrow.”

  • Those living in six towers have recently come to rely on the beaten up hulls that appear in the night and look out for them but recently they haven’t seen any.

  • IC the silver nails have sworn that they saw a female gunslinger walking calmly through the lost district black hair, black eyes and a weird idol clasped around their neck then heard 12 telltale cracks and the spirit bells ring 12 times then never saw the woman again but some remember her being related to Raymund Reddington.

  • a hooded figure who was walking across the street in Crow’s foot when they were suddenly surounded in a buzzing sound as they turned around hundreds of hungry electroplasmic mouths started to appear all over consuming them in the street leaving behind a human figure with 5 limbs.

  • Several individuals have been seen handing out small sparkcraft devices to listen to something who’s to say what it is.

  • Lady Seraphina Larkspur’s child has been returned safe and sound and Lady Seraphina has sang the praises of the Thermophiles for quickly and efficently dealing with the problem.

  • one of the 9 has been spotted brawling with several particularly harsh foremen across coalridge breaking their whips and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

  • cyphers have been seen running from the docks to the temple of the abyss however the temple has been closed and they have seemingly not got much traction.

  • The most recent leviathan hunter ship that returned to the city claimed they heard echoing across the void sea something that they recognised as the languague of the leviathans.

  • at a recent underground auction the billhooks and another gang have been spotted having a fearsome argument as each thought a shipment was for them.

  • IC several individuals in whitecrown have been spotted with bright orange flames glowing within their eyes moving eratically.

  • those looking to make their fortune are encouraged to join up with the Empyrean hunters and their new expidition into the deathlands.

  • with the election closing several members of Lilith’s team have been seen all throughout the ring wherever they can smell out something going on behind the scenes.

  • a light elemental has been seen meeting with a figure made of a bronze steel alloy discussing for hours on end something that seems to be out of the understanding of most cagers.

  • a collection of figures armed in mirror and glass armour have been seen in the docks hunting something at antipeak. Just before they returned those living nearby mentioned hearing weirdly the inverse of the spirit bells ringing but most put this down to the mercy killers.