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Artist Credit: Steve Argyle

Cover Art by Todor Hristov

Artist Credit: Pierre Demet


The Blood Mage

A hooded half-elf overlooking a pallasade puts a knife through his hand and whispers an incantation. He watches as six droplets of blood fly from his outstretched palm into the backs of the guards stationed on the wall, who then silently succumb to sleep.

Grabbing a snow white bunny in one hand, a dying halfling mutters some few words of power, stealing life from his pet, and feeling it surge through his body as he rises to his feet.

A human hiding behind a stalagmite brings his blood-red axe down on a surprised spider, feeling its lifeforce drain and granting him a momentary surge of vigor.

Blood mages, through careful and dangerous studies, imbue the source of their life with arcane magic. By doing this they are able to empower their spells to help their allies or decimate their foes.

An Ancient Art

A blood mage often being their journey in the library or in the field. Perhaps they learned their magic from the ruins of an ancient civilization that practiced the craft.

The descent into the profane art beings with enhancement of their own life-essence, making them preternaturally fit. Their newly imbued arcane flesh allows them to study the sanguine substance without quite as much risk.

Sacrifice and Growth

Loss is second nature to blood mages. Study for this school of the arcane often involves rigorous testing usually on small animals, though some turn to larger prey, before finally turning the experiments upon their own flesh.

Blood represents more than just death to these mages; it's loss, sacrifice, purity, life, growth, and even the ability to cleanse. Through sacrificing their own body, these mages learn what it means to taste true power.

Creating a Blood Mage

When creating a blood mage, think of a reason as to why you
feel the need to delve into the study of magic and blood.
Perhaps it is due to the loss of a loved one. Maybe a friend
suffers from a genetic illness. Or you might be from a rich
and powerful bloodline, seeking to prove its strength.

The Blood Mage
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Blood Dice (d4) Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Crimson Pact 1 3 5 2
2nd +2 Sanguine Relief, Profane Study 1 3 7 3
3rd +2 Coagulation 2 3 8 4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 9 4 3
5th +3 Endearing Visage 3 4 10 4 3 2
6th +3 Profane Study Feature, Tools of the Trade 3 4 11 4 3 3
7th +3 4 4 12 4 3 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 13 4 3 3 2
9th +4 5 4 14 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 Profane Study Feature, Ebb and Flow 5 5 15 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 5 5 17 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 18 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 6 5 19 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 Profane Study Feature, Improved Coagulation 6 5 20 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 6 5 21 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 5 22 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 7 5 23 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
18th +6 Open Wounds 7 5 24 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 5 24 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
20th +6 Exsanguinate 7 5 24 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

—Spell Slots per Spell Level—


Quick Build

You can quickly make a blood mage by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Hermit background

Class Features

As a blood mage, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 2d6 per blood mage level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier + half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up)
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier + half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up) per blood mage level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor and shields
  • Weapons: Daggers, darts, handaxes, sickles, and whips
  • Tools: Choose two from Alchemist's Supplies, Healer's Kit, Herbalism Kit, and Poisoner's Kit

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a simple weapon or (b) a dagger
  • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
  • (a) a healer's kit or (b) a poisoner's kit
  • A shield and two daggers


You have learned to alter the fabric of reality through study of an ancient form of magic. Through careful study, you infuse your blood with arcane energy, allowing you to tap a vast resevoir of magic at will. See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting.


You know three cantrips of your choice from the blood mage spell list. You learn additional blood mage cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Blood Mage table.

Spell Slots

The Blood Mage table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your blood mage spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell command and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast command using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know five 1st-level spells of your choice from the blood mage spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table shows when you learn more blood mage spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown on the table. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the blood mage spells you know and replace it with another spell from the blood mage spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your blood mage spells. Your magic comes from your knowledge and study of the inherent magic in your blood. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a blood mage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any blood mage spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Spellcasting Focus

As a blood mage, you can use a bladed weapon as a spellcasting focus.

Artist Credit: nebezial on DeviantArt


Crimson Pact

Beginning at the 1st level, after careful study, you have infused your blood with magic, granting you enhanced vitality and the ability to draw upon great wells of arcane energy, at the cost of your life essence.

Arcane Flesh

The magic coursing through you has granted you supernal hardiness. Your hit points are equal to 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier + half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up) per blood mage level and you gain an additional hit die per blood mage level. Additionally, whenever you recover hit points you may choose to close any open wounds.

Blood Dice

Every turn, you have a number of "blood dice", which are d4s. The maximum number of blood dice you can roll in a turn is determined by your blood mage level, as shown in the Blood Dice column of the Blood Mage table. These blood dice are used in certain class features and are also be used to cast spells.

Whenever you roll a blood die, you take necrotic damage equal to the roll. This damage cannot be reduced or prevented, except by your Coagulation ability, nor mitigated by temporary hit points. This damage also doesn't force you to make Concentration checks.

You cannot roll blood dice–and therefore cannot cast spells–if you are wearing armor heavier than light or a shield.

Casting and Empowering Spells

Your blood is bursting at the seams with magic itching to escape. Whenever you cast a blood mage spell of 5th-level or lower, you must roll a minimum number of blood dice equal to the level of the expended slot (though you may choose to roll extra and must choose to do so as the spell is cast). You are not required to roll blood dice to cast spells of 6th-level or higher, but may still choose to do so.

If that spells deals damage, you add the amount rolled as necrotic damage dealt to a single creature affected by the spell, other than yourself.

If that spell would instead heal one or more creatures, you add the amount rolled as temporary hit points that are granted to a single cretaure affected by the spell, other than yourself.

For example, if you are a 9th-level blood mage, and want to cast a burning hands spell at 5th-level, you must expend all five of your blood dice to do so, which damage you and empower your spell. If you've already expended a blood die this turn, you must cast it at 4th-level or lower instead.

Sanguine Relif

At 2nd level, once per day while you take a short rest, you may choose expended spell slots of 5th level and below to recover. For each slot level, you must roll a blood die.

For example, if you're a 3rd-level blood mage, you have two blood dice. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots and you take 1d4 necrotic damage for each slot level.

Profane Study

Once you reach 2nd level, choose a blood mage specialization: the Bloodreaver, the Martyr, or the Hemomancer. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.


At 3rd level, as you gain a more fine control of the arcane power coursing through your blood, low-levels of magic begin to mend your wounds rather than create them. Whenever you cast a cantrip, you may roll up to half of your blood dice, rounded up and, instead of adding damage to your spell and damaging yourself, you heal for the rolled amount.

You may use this ability the a number of times equal to the amount of blood dice you can use each turn and regain all expended uses whenever you take a short rest.

At 14th level, you no longer need to roll blood dice to cast 1st-level spells and they can apply this healing as well.

Artist Credit: Kristina Bilota

Artist Credit: Grafit Studio


Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Endearing Visage

At 5th level you gain the ability to use your blood to influence other creature's thinking. Once per day, as an action, you may roll blood dice and, for the next hour, the shed blood is infused with enchantment magic and charms the first creature who comes in contact with it. A creature that makes direct contact with the droplet must succeed on a wisdom saving throw where the DC is equal to 8 + the total of your blood dice roll, though it can't be higher than your Spell Save DC, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the blood loses its magic or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friend. When the effect ends, the creature is unaware that it was charmed by you unless the memories are scrutinized.

Artist Credit: Chenthooran Nambiarooran

Tools of the Trade

When you reach 6th level, you learn to create solid objects out of your blood. To create a tool kit, such as a set of blacksmith's tools or a flute, you must complete a 1 hour ritual after which your hit point maximum is reduced by 9.

You can also use this ritual to create a weapon, its appearance based on hit points spent, as shown in the chart below. This ritual takes 5 minutes for each hit point spent. If the weapon has the versatile property, use the larger damage die to determine the hit points that should be spent. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

These tools and weapons are stored in your blood and as such they can be hidden, don't take up space or weight, and can be summoned as a bonus action. Your creation automatically returns to your bloodstream if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or if you dismiss the creation as a bonus action. You can use your action to consume the creation, destroying it until you perform the ritual again. When you do, you regain your lost max hit points, but are not healed. This effect also occurs if you fail a death saving throw or die.

Hit Point Cost Weapon Damage Die
3 1d4
6 1d6
9 1d8
12 1d10
15 1d12 or 2d6

Ebb and Flow

Beginning at 10th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the following:

  • As long as you have more than half of your maximum hit points left, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the total of any blood dice you roll for spells, once per turn.
  • As long as you have less than half of your maximum hit points left, you can subtract your Intelligence modifier from the total of any blood dice you roll for spells, once per turn.

Open Wounds

Beginning at 18th level, whenever you roll blood dice to cast a spell, until the end of your next turn you aren't required to roll blood dice in order to cast another spell of the same level or lower.

Additionally, whenever you expend hit dice to heal yourself, you may use the max number they could roll instead of rolling them.


When you reach 20th level, whenever a creature with blood that is small or larger dies within 30 feet of you, you heal for 3d6 hit points.


Profane Studies

Over countless years of clandestine study, three major divisons of blood mages arose: Those who would use their power to hunt and fight, those who would use it to save those around them, and those who would use it to prove the purity of blood.

The Bloodreaver

Often when a blood mage finds themselves frequenting the front lines of combat, their magic tends to evolve into a more aggressive state. These practioners of blood magic become masters of their blade and their blood, using them to both stay in a fight longer and to end a fight quicker. These warriors are called bloodreavers.

Additionally, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Armor Of Agathys, Hex

In addition, the following spells are added to the blood mage spell list for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
2 Shadow Blade
3 Elemental Weapon
4 Chilling Scythe
5 Destructive Wave
6 Tenser's Transformation
7 Mordekainen's Sword
8 Omniscience
9 Illusionary Army

Battle Hardened

Also at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in simple and martial melee weapons.


Additionally, when you choose this study at 2nd level, you gain the ability to track creatures through their blood. Once per long rest, when you find bloodstains no more than a 48 hours old, you may use your action to force the owner of the bloodstains to make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. If it fails, for 1 hour you can sense the direction of that creature as long as it's is within 10 miles of you and, if the creature is moving, you know the direction of its movement. If a creature succeeds on this saving throw it is immune to this effect until it sheds more blood.


Beginning at 6th level, you may use a bonus action on each of your turns to increase your abilities. When you choose to use this feature, roll three blood dice; then for 1 minute your Strength score becomes equal to your Constitution score.

Blood Rush

Also at 6th level you can roll two blood dice to attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action with a melee weapon on your turn. If either attack hits, you may add the blood dice total as necrotic damage to one of the attacks.


Beginning at the 10th level, when use your action to cast a blood mage spell, you may use your bonus action and roll two blood dice to make one weapon attack. If that spell has a range of Self, you do not need to roll any blood dice to use this feature.


Beginning at 14th level, by enhancing the bloodflow to your brain, you may Concentrate on two spells as long as they both have a range of Self. While concentrating on two spells this way, you make concentration checks individually and with disadvantage.

Artist Credit: Andrey Vasilchenko


The Martyr

Healing through the arcane, let alone through the
oft-thought-unclean source of life--blood--is often seen as
profane and unthinkable when compared to the healing derived from gods or the powers of nature itself. Those who embrace the practice of sacrificing their own well-being to assist their allies are called Martyrs.

When you choose this study at 2nd level, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Bless, Healing Word

In addition, the following spells are added to the blood mage spell list for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
2 Lesser Restoration, Silence
3 Haste, Mass Healing Word
4 Aura of Life, Aura of Purity
5 Mass Cure Wounds, Greater Restoration
6 Heal, Heroes' Feast
7 Resurrection, Regenerate
8 Power Word: Stun, Mind Blank
9 Power Word: Heal, True Resurrection

Sense Essence

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain the ability to sense the lifeforce of enemies through their blood. As an action, you focus on a single creature you can see within 30 feet and force them to make an Intelligence saving throw. The target has the feeling that someone is watching them, though they do not know the origin or even if the feeling is real. If they are aware of you, they can choose to fail the saving throw. On a failure, you sense the general health of the target and any diseases, poisons, or nonmagical conditions affecting them. A target that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Finally, you gain advantage on all Wisdom (Medicine) checks you make with a healers kit.


                   At 6th level, you may use your action to roll blood              dice to give up to two creatures you can see within 30          feet that many temporary hit points. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) and regain all spent uses upon finishing a long rest.

Additionally, any temporary hit points granted by your blood dice via your Crimson Pact feature is doubled.

Blood Brothers

Beginning at 10th level, when you take a long rest, choose up to five creatures you can see. Until your next long rest, those creatures may use a bonus action on each of their turns to touch you and force you to roll blood dice. That creature heals itself equal to the amount rolled, then your hit point maximum is reduced by the same amount until you finish a long rest. Once a creature is healed this way, they must complete a short rest before healing this way again.

Additionally, the chosen creatures may choose to use your hit dice as though they were their own during a short rest.


Beginning at the 14th level, whenever you cast a spell that restores hit points to a creature, you may force one enemy within 60 feet of that creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, they take necrotic damage equal to five times the slot level used, or half as much on a successful one and you regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) and regain all spent uses whenever you take a long rest.

Artist Credit: Chippy


The Hemomancer

Some who practice blood magic fall deep into the study, desiring to use it to crush their enemies through the strength their blood gives them. They practice the skill of drawing the arcane energy out of their blood, allowing them to manipulate the elements to a greater degree than a standard blood mage. Those who embrace this mindset call themselves hemomancers.

When you choose this study at 2nd level, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Thunder Wave, Witch Bolt

In addition, the following spells are added to the blood mage spell list for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
2 Shatter, Flame Blade
3 Tidal Bomb, Lightning Bolt
4 Ice Storm, Blight
5 Blackflame Burst, Cone of Cold
6 Chain Lightning, Disintegrate
7 Finger of Death, Delayed Blast Fireball
8 Incendiary Cloud, Feeblemind
9 Fury, Turn to Lightning

Thicker Than Water

Additionally when you choose this study at 2nd level, you may use your blood as materials for casting a spell. Whenever you cast a spell of 6th-level or lower you may ignore any material components that spell would require or consume, up to a cost of 25 gp times your level.


Beginning at 6th level, you may use a bonus action on each of your turns to roll a d6 instead of a d4 whenever you would roll a blood die that turn. You may use this feature twice and regain all spent uses whenever you take a short rest.


At 10th level, whenever you roll at least one blood die, you gain temporary hit points equal to half of the damage taken from them, rounded down. At the start of each of your turns, if you still have temporary hit points gained this way, you lose 1d4 temporary hit points.


At 14th level, your intense study into the arcane nature of your blood alows you to mimic spells that would otherwise be impossible for you. Choose three spells from any classes, including this one. A spell must be of a level you can cast, as shown on the Blood Mage table, or a cantrip.

The chosen spells count as blood mage spells for you and don't count against your number of spells known.

Additionally, once per long rest you can cast one of those spells of 4th-level or lower at its lowest level without expending a spell slot if you roll a number of blood dice equal to it's slot level.

Artist Credit: Hugh Pindur


Multiclassing & Alternative Wealth

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Constitution, 13 Intelligence.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the class, you gain the following proficiencies: daggers, sickles, Herbalism kit, and Alchemist's Supplies

Starting Wealth Instead of taking the equipment listed above, you may choose to start with 4d4 x 10 gp.

Blood Mage Spells

Blade Ward
Dancing Lights
Encode Thoughts
Lightning Lure
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
Shape Water
Shocking Grasp
Spare the Dying
1st level
Arcane Tether
Burning Hands
Charm Person
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Create or Destroy Water
Cure Wounds
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Disguise Self
Earth Tremor
Expeditious Retreat
False Life
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
Illusory Script
Mage Armor
Purify Food and Drink
Silent Image
Tenser's Floating Disk
Throw Voice
Unseen Servant
2nd Level
Aganazzar's Scorcher
Alter Self
Animal Aspect
Arcane Lock
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Double Sight
Gentle Repose
Hold Person
Locate Object
Magic Mouth
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Phantasmal Force
Rope Trick
Saving Grace
See Invisibility
Spider Climb
3rd Level Spells
Animate Dead
Aura of Vitality
Bestow Curse
Dispel Magic
Feign Death
Gaseous Form
Glyph of Warding
Hypnotic Pattern
Leomund's Tiny Hut
Lifehunt Scythe
Magic Circle
Major Image
Phantom Steed
Remove Curse
Speak With Dead
Stinking Cloud
Teleportation Aura
Thunder Step
Vampiric Touch
Wall of Water
Water Breathing
Water Walk

Note: Custom Spells are Bolded.

Artist Credit: Alexander Dudar

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4th Level Spells
Arcane Eye
Bloodsworn Retribution
Burning Blood
Charm Monster
Control Water
Death Ward
Dimension Door
Dominate Beast
Elemental Bane
Fire Shield
Greater Invisibility
Leomund's Secret Chest
Locate Creature
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Phantasmal Killer
Sickening Radiance
Wall of Fire
Watery Sphere
5th Level Spells
Antilife Shell
Bigby's Hand
Circle of Power
Contact Other Plane
Danse Macabre
Dispel Evil and Good
Dominate Person
Far Step
Hold Monster
Legend Lore
Modify Memory
Negative Energy Flood
Rain of Blood
Raise Dead
Rary's Telepathic Bond
Teleportation Circle
Wall of Force
6th Level Spells
Animate Blood
Arcane Gate
Blade Barrier
Bones of the Earth
Circle of Death
Create Homunculus
Create Undead
Drawmij's Instant Summons
Flesh to Stone
Guards and Wards
Investiture of Ice
Magic Jar
Mass Suggestion
Mental Prison
Nilspace Doorway
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
Otto's Irresistible Dance
Programmed Illusion
Soul Cage
True Seeing
Wall of Ice
7th Level Spells
Finger of Death
Fire Storm
Mirage Arcane

  • Mordenkainen's Magnificent   Mansion
    Plane Shift
    Power Word: Pain
    Prismatic Spray
    Project Image
    Ravenous Darkness
    Reverse Gravity
8th Level Spells
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
Antimagic Field
Dominate Monster

Illusory Dragon
Maddening Darkness
Mighty Fortress
Trap the Soul
9th Level Spells
Astral Projection
Conjure Colossus
Infuse Intellect
Prismatic Wall
Steal Soul
Time Stop

Artist Credit: Pierre Droal


Eliar's Lost Spellbook: Cantrips


Necromancy cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (two golden needles)
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Edited from Wizard's Spell Compendium

You touch two creatures, drawing blood out of one (the "donor") and infusing it into the other (the "recipient"). An unwilling donor must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d4 necrotic damage. The recipient then gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half of the damage dealt this way unless either creature lacks blood (undead, constructs, plants, oozes, elementals, etc).

This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (3d4), 11th level (4d4), and 17th level (5d4).


Transmutation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, 10 minutes

You enchant a pen or other writing instrument and it will begin to transcribe any words spoken in a language you know within 5 feet of it.


Enchantment cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, M (a small doll)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Target creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, choose one of the following effects:

• It must immediately use it's reaction to make an attack on a nearby creature that it considers an ally, and then the spell ends.

• It is convinced that another target creature is plotting against it and becomes unfriendly, or perhaps hostile toward that creature.

When the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used magic to influence its mood. It gains advantage on all further saving throws caused by this spell for 24 hours and becomes hostile toward you. A creature prone to violence might attack you. Another creature might seek retribution in other ways (at the DM's discretion), depending on the nature of your interaction with it.


Necromancy cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

One creature you touch must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be wracked by horrific pains. On a failed save, the creature has a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and ability checks. At the end of each of its turns, the creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

This spell's penalty increases by -1 when you reach 5th level (-3), 11th level (-4), and 17th level (-5).


Abjuration cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you can take when a creature within 5 feet of you is targeted with a magical effect.
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When a non-hostile creature that you can touch is targeted with a magical effect, you may use your reaction to change one of the targets of that spell to you instead.


Conjuration cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action, or 1 reaction which you take at the start of combat
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (chalks worth 20gp)
  • Duration: 48 hours

You place a visible mark on an object that weigs no more than 5 lbs and fits in a 5 foot cube. As an action, you may summon that object to you, so long as it's within 15 miles and not being worn or carried. After the marked object is summoned, after 48 hours have passed, or if you create the mark fades.

This spell's weight limit is increased by 5 pounds, and the distance it can be summoned from doubles at 5th level (10 lbs, 30 miles), 11th level (15 lbs,
60 miles), and 17th level (20 lbs,
120 miles).

Artist Credit: Missingtheground on DeviantArt


1st Level

Arcane Tether

1st-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, M (A needle and thread)
  • Duration: 1 minute

An ethereal chain springs from your hand and flies toward a creature you can see within range. That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 force damage as the chain attaches itself to the creature's chest and a point at its feet. The creature is anchored to that point, unable to move more than 10 feet away from it. As an action, a creature may attempt a Strength saving throw, breaking the chain on a success.


1st-level necromancy (ritual)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet, Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A length of red silk)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You link the health of two creatures. Choose one creature within 30 feet, and then another creature you touch. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be linked to the other. Any damage taken by one creature is divided evenly (rounded up) between all linked creatures. After damage is taken this way, roll 1d4, and this spell ends on a 1.


1st-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Make a melee spell attack. On hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage and must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be teleported up to 20 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

At Higher Levels: When cast using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the range the creature can be teleported is increased by 5 feet per spell slot level above the first.


1st-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you can take whenever a creature moves into range on its turn.
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You target a creature with a mild, disorienting enchantment. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be thown 5 feet away from you and fall prone. Creatures immune to being charmed are immune to this effect.

Throw Voice

1st-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 500 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Edited from Wizard's Spell Compendium

You project your voice to any point you can see within range. As you cast the spell, speak up to 20 words to be thrown. You may choose to alter your voice so that it is loud and booming, gutteral and eldritch, etc. You may also choose to imitate a creature you have heard.

A creature that uses its action to analyze the sound can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Investigation check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the sound becomes muffled for that creature. If the spell is cast to imitate something, saving throws made by creatures familiar with the source you're imitating are made with advantage.

Artist Credit: Chase Stone


2nd Level

Animal Aspect

2nd-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of the animal in question)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As you cast this spell, choose a beast listed below. You alter your body by infusing it with bestial spirits. For the duration, you gain aspects of the chosen beast.

• Bear: you grow thick fur, gaining +2 to your AC.

• Cheetah: your legs lengthen and sprout spotted fur. Your base speed increases by 10 feet.

• Falcon: Your eyes grow larger and you grow feathers on your face. You gain advantage on perception checks. Additionally, attacking at long range does not impose disadvantage.

• Frog: your legs become elongated and muscular and mottled green. You gain advantage on Acrobatics and you can perform a long or high jump without a running start.

• Gorilla: your arms become long and strong and covered with dark hair. You gain a +1 bonus to your melee attack and damage rolls for the duration.

• Nightingale: your tongue narrows and you grow small feathers on your face and throat. You gain advantage on performance and deception checks to mimick another creature.

• Otter: your hands and feet become flat and webbed. You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed and can breathe underwater for the duration.

• Wolf: your face grows gray-brown fur and your mouth lengthens and fangs become more pronounced. You gain advantage on survival checks to track other creatures, as well as perception checks that rely on smell. Additionally, your unarmed strike can be a bite attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage.

Double Sight

2nd-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, M (a pair of peeled grapes)
  • Duration: concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a creature (the "recipient") and target another (the "donor"). A donor must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become blind to their own senses for the duration (a willing donor can choose to fail this save). On a failed save, the recipient is able to see from the eyes of the donor and able to freely distinguish between the two eyesights. The donor may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, or whenever it takes damage, ending the effect on a success.

Artist Credit: Tomasz Jedruszek


2nd-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 week
  • Source: Edited from Wizard's Spell Compendium

You place a magical mark on a creature which can only be seen by you and up to seven other individuals named by you when you cast the spell. It can also be seen by a creature able to see through invisibility. The mark remains on the target and visible to those who can see it no matter what efforts are made by that creature to hide the mark, including attempting to mask it with clothing, illusions, invisibility, or shapeshifting.

Saving Grace

2nd-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Edited from /u/SwordMeow

You leap to the air, landing at the feet of a creature within range, taking their hand and shielding them. You and that creature both gain 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier temporary hit points. Additionally, each other creature within 10 feet of your target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10 feet.

At Higher Levels: When cast using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the casting range increases by 15 feet and the creature gains 1d6 extra temporary hit points for each slot level above 3rd.


2nd-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a pair of dice connected by twine)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

One creature within 60 feet that you can see and you magically switch positions. If the target is unwilling, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw to resist the effect.


3rd Level

Lifehunt Scythe

3rd-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (15 foot radius)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Inspired by Dark Souls

You create a spectral scythe that sweeps around you, dealing damage and healing you, and then vanishes. All creatures within a 15 foot radius of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 necrotic and 3d8 cold damage, or half as much on a successful save, and you heal for half of the damage dealt to any single creature.

At Higher Levels: When cast using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Teleportation Aura

3rd-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a point you can see within range. You and each creature within 10 feet of you is teleported to an unoccupied space within 10 feet of that point. Any unwilling creatures must succeed on a Charisma saving throw to resist the effect.

Tidal Bomb

3rd-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a wave of tidal pressure that builds for a time and then explodes. Choose a 50 foot by 10 foot line, oriented as you choose centered on a point in range, or a 20 foot radius sphere. Whenever a creature enters this area for the first time or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d8 cold damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. As a bonus action on any turn after the first turn you cast this spell, you may cause the area to explode in a wave of force. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 3d6 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Then the spell ends.

At Higher Levels: When cast using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the initial damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Artist Credit: Dan dos Santos


Artist Credit: Dan dos Santos

                                          4th Level

Bloodsworn Retribution

4th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a gold dagger worth at least 200gp)
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Edited from Pathfinder

You speak an oath and shed your own blood, inflict 5, 10, or 20 points of damage to yourself and reducing your hit point total by that amount. Until the oath is completed or intentionally forsaken (which can be done as an action), you gain a bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks made while specifically and directly attempting to fulfill the oath (at the DM’s discretion). This bonus is equal to +1, +2, or +3 depending on the amount of hit points sacrificed. Additionally, you cannot recover the spell slot used to cast this spell until forsaking or completing the oath, at which point your hit point total is restored to normal as well.

Burning Blood

4th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A drop of blood and a pinch of saltpeter)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Source: Edited from Wizard's Spell Compendium

You cause the open, bleeding wounds of a target you can see within range to burst into blood-red flame. If that creature is below it's hit point maximum it must make a Constitution saving throw each round. The creature takes 2d4 fire damage and 1d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This spell ends after the target succeeds a saving throw three times or is magically healed.

Chilling Scythe

4th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a gem-encrusted bone worth at least 250gp)
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Source: Edited from Priest's Spell Compendium

You create an oversized but weightless scythe made of glowing, blue-black force. The scythe is considered to be a two-handed +1 magic weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d10 slashing damage + 1d8 cold damage on a hit and has the reach property.

If you drop the weapon, it dissipates at the end of the turn. Thereafter, while the spell persists, you can use a bonus action to cause the scythe to reappear in your hand.


5th Level

Blackflame Burst

5th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A pinch of ash and sulfur)
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Source: Inspired by /u/SwordMeow

You channel a writhing mass of naturally
opposed energies. For the duration, the energy
grows stronger and becomes harder to contain.
On any turn for the duration, you may use an
action to cause the storm to disappear
from your hands and reappear at a location
you can see within range, where it bursts
from the ground. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius
sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 4d8 necrotic and 4d8 radiant damage
on a failed save or half as much damage on a
successful one, then the spell ends.

Alternatively, you may use a bonus action
on each of your subsequent turns to channel
more energy into the storm. Each time you do
this, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
If you succeed, the spell is treated as
though it were cast using a spell slot one
level higher, up your highest level spell
slot plus one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
radiant and necrotic damage both increase by 1d8 for
each slot level above the 5th.

Artist Credit: Dmitry Desyatov

Artist Credit: Joseph Meehan



5th-level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 150 gp)
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Edited from Magic of Eberron

If target creature can cast spells, it must make a saving throw using its spellcasting modifier, depending on its spellcasting ability. On a failure, its highest-level spell slot is expended and, for each level of that spell slot, that creature takes 1d8 psychic damage.

Rain of Blood

5th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a vial of blood)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Source: Wizard's Spell Compendium

A storm of sticky, life-leeching, glowing red blood appears in a location you choose within range. The area of the storm consists of up to five 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least once face adjacent to the face of another cube. If a creature moves into the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature takes 3d6 necrotic damage, then takes 3d6 necrotic damage again at the end of each of its turns for 3 rounds. This effect does not stack.

Artist Credit: Kostja08 on Deviant Art


6th level

Animate Blood

6th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (up to 6 drops of your blood)
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Source: Wizard's Spell Compendium

You animate up to six drops of your own blood and turn them into inch-tall minions. Each droplet is considered a tiny creature that has 1 hit point, an AC of 17, a speed of 30 feet, and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. A droplet that moves more than 300 feet away from you becomes inert. You are mentally linked to each of the droplets and may issue them commands. A droplet without a command will remain inert. As an action, you may switch your perception to one of theirs in order to use their senses as your own. While doing so, you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings. You may also use a bonus action to direct one of the droplets to make a melee spell attack using your statistics on a target within 20 feet using your spell attack modifier. If the attack succeeds, the droplet deals 4d10 necrotic damage and then the spell ends on it.

Nilspace Doorway

6th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 6 hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a stone and iron doorway worth at least 2,000 gp)
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Source: Edited from The Great Net Spellbook

To cast this spell, you must first build a stone archway inscribed with arcane runes. The arch may be of any appearance and design of your choice. This archway does not have to be set up as part of a wall, although it can be. When you finish casting this spell, the arch then permanently opens to an extradimensional space 40 feet wide × 60 feet long, with a 10 foot high ceiling. If you wish, you may alter its dimensions as long as it remains that size (the floor can take up no more than 2,400 square feet). Unless you take additional methods to hide and lock the doorway, anyone can use it and enter the space.

Artist Credit: Anato Finnstark

The interior of this room is completely featureless, however you may furnish it as you wish. It will continuously provide fresh air and a temperature anywhere between 50° and 100° Fahrenheit.

If you wish (and have the ability), you may add any of the following spells to the final result while preparing this spell: alarm, continual flame, guards and wards, magic mouth, major image, minor illusion, silent image, unseen servant, and other, similar spells of the DM’s discretion. Each spell increases the cost of the doorway by 100 gp + 50 gp per spell level, and increases the casting time by 1 hour, but causes those spells to be permanent. You are still bound by any limitations of those spells other than range. If an added spell is dispelled or suppressed, it will return to full strength the following day at dawn.

Bringing an extradimensional item such as a bag of holding into this room suppresses the magical properties of the item until it exits the room.

If you cast this spell again, any previously created doorways are also destroyed, and your new doorway connects to the original extradimensional space.


6th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (20 feet)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to siphon blood from nearby creatures. All creatures within 20 feet of you must succeed on a constitution saving throw or take 10d6
necrotic damage and you regain hit
points equal to the damage dealt
to a single creature.


                              7th Level

Ravenous Darkness

7th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 100 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a dozen teeth of various animals)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Source:

Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere for the duration, spreading around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. Additionally, if any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 6th level or lower, the light is dispelled.

The area of darkness is filled with toothy, ravenous jaws that bite at anything in the area. It attacks using your spell attack modifier and may attack each creature other than you inside it once at the end of your turns; roll one melee spell attack with advantage, regardless of the number of creatures inside, and compare it to each creature’s AC individually. On a hit, a target takes 4d6 slashing damage and its hit point maximum is reduced by that amount. This damage counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Additionally, whenever a creature other than you enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 (magical) slashing damage on a failed save or half as much on a success and its hit point maximum is reduced by that amount.

If a creature’s hit point total is reduced to 0, the creature is eaten and disappears, dropping all magical items it was carrying. This reduction to a creature’s hit point maximum lasts until the creature finishes a long rest or until it is affected by a spell like greater restoration.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell with an 8th-level or higher spell slot, the attack damage increases by 1d6 per slot level above 7th.

Artist Credit: Craig J. Spearing

                              8th Level


8th-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M, (Up to five golden pins worth 1,000 gp each, which this spell consumes)
  • Duration: Permanent

Choose up to five creatures within 30 feet of you. Upon casting this spell, you permanently gain knowledge of the precise location of those creatures, even if you are on separate planes of existance or if they're hidden by a spell such Nondetection. This effect cannot be dispelled or detected by a spell of 8th level or lower.

As an action, you may expend an 8th-level spell slot and another golden pin to teleport yourself to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of one of the marked creatures.

If you cast this spell and mark new creatures, the old enchantments fade.


8th-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (120 foot radius)
  • Components: V, S, M (golden tarot deck worth at least 1,000 gp, which this spell consumes)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You channel divine knowledge directly into your mind. For the duration, you gain Truesight out to a range of 120 feet. Additionally, when you cast this spell roll ten d20s and record the results. For the duration, you may replace any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw a creature within range would roll with any number recorded. You must choose to do so before the roll, and each number may only be used once. Additionally, for the duration, whenever you would roll an Intelligence or Wisdom ability check, you may replace your die roll with a 20. Finally, you gain proficiency with every tool and gain the ability to flawlessly speak and understand all languages.


9th Level

Conjure Colossus

9th-level conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 300 feet
  • Components: S, M, V (a diamond worth at least 500 gp, which the spell consumes, and a ball of clay)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

The head, torso, and arms of a truly enormous, humanoid construct rises from the ground. It is easily 50 feet tall, lacks facial features, and is made of the same substance as the terrain it is summoned in.

The creature is under your command. It rolls its own initiative. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command the creature if its
within 1,000 feet of you. You decide what
action the creature will take or you can
issue a general command, such as to
guard a particular chamber or corridor.
If you issue no commands, the creature
only defends itself against hostile
creatures. Once given an order, the
creature continues to follow it until
its task is complete.

You may use an action to cause
the Colossus to retreat into the
ground and emerge in another
unoccupied space you can see
within 1,000 feet.


9th-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A set of arcane inks worth 2,500 gp, which the spell consumes, and a platinum needle worth 5,000 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You choose a spell of 5th level or lower that is affecting a creature you can touch, freezing it in time. Until you lose your concentration, that spell has a duration of 1 hour. If you maintain concentration for the full hour, the duration becomes 1 year, as an arcane tattoo inscribing the spell          appears on the creature's body. The tattoo fades if            dispelled by a Dispel Magic spell of 9th-level or                higher, or if the spell ends on the target in another                   way (for example, if a creature affected by                     Invisibility attacks, the spell ends and the tattoo                         fades).

Artist Credit: Ben Redekop



9th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (15-foot sphere)
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Speaking a few ancient words to manipulate the fabric of universe, you unleash a pure, elemental force of destruction. You create a 15-foot sphere of hateful energy around you for up to 1 minute. All nonmagical structures and objects that aren't being worn or carried that enter the sphere are instantly incinerated.

Whenever a creature other than you enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 of all 13 damage types (Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Acid, Fire, Cold, Poison, Necrotic, Radiant, Lightning, Psychic, Thunder and Force), or half as much on a successful one.

The ground beneath your feet becomes lifeless and acrid. Any water or plants that grow in that area for the next year becomes toxic. Any creature that drinks the affected water or eats any vegetation from the area must make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours. Likewise, any creature that sleeps in an affected area must make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours.

After one year, the toxic effects begin to fade, disappearing completely over the next week.

Illusionary Army

9th-level illusion

  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a sapphire worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: 8 hours

You split your body and soul into eight semi-real illusionary duplicates that appear utterly indistinguishable from each other. The duplicates appear in unoccupied spaces you can see within 30 feet of you. Each illusion has your statistics, but disappears upon taking damage. You have the senses of all illusions simultaneously and can easily differentiate between them. Each illusion moves on the same turn but collectively can take only two actions, two bonus actions, and two reaction per round, as well as sharing your spell slots. When there is only one illusion remaining, it becomes your real body and this spell ends. If the spell ends and there are two or more illusions remaining, you choose which one you replace. When this spell ends, you are stunned for 1 round, as your mind reels at being reconnected with your full soul and there is a 10% chance you gain a form of permanent madness.

Infuse Intellect

9th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a sapphire worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You diffuse arcane power into your bloodstream, where it finds its way to your brain, increasing your thought capacity greatly for the duration and giving yourself the following properties:

• Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores become 26 and you gain advantage on these saving throws and ability checks.

• You can concentrate on two additional spells during this time, and you gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration.

• You may cast the following spells at their lowest level at will, without requiring material components or having them prepared or known: Silent Image, Suggestion, Scrying, and Telekinesis.

• You may cast the following spells at their lowest level once. These spells require no material components, and their effects dissipate when this spell ends: Feeblemind, Dispel magic, and Wall of Force.

When the spell ends, you must make a constitution saving throw. On a success, your movement speed is halved until you take a long rest and you must choose to take either an action or bonus action on each of your turns, but not both. On a failure, you fall unconscious for 1d4 minutes or until you recieve damage, and upon awakening, you recieve the above effects as though you succeeded on the save.

Artist Credit: Francisco Badilla

Artist Credit: Naiiade on DeviantArt



9th-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You temporarily ascend to nigh-godhood. For the duration, whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot 4th level or lower, it's cast as though it used a 5th-level spell slot. When you cast a spell of 5th level or higher, it's cast as though it used an 8th-level spell slot. These spells count as though they were cast with their lowest-level spell slot for the purposes of class abilities. When this spell ends, roll 1d20 and, on a 1, you can't cast this spell ever again. On a roll of 10 or lower, all unexpended spell slots of 5th level or higher are expended immediately.

Steal Soul

9th-level necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a diamond, worth at least 2,500 gp)
  • Duration: Special

You reach into a creature's wounded body and steal their soul. If a creature is at least 100 hit points below its hit point maximum, they must make three Charisma saving throws. Depending on the number of failures, enact one of the following effects as you pull out its soul:


Consume (0 failures). You infuse yourself or another creature you can touch with the soul, restoring 10d6+10 hit points to that creature instantly and damaging the target by the same amount.

Seal (1 failures). You seal the creature's soul in the diamond used to cast this spell. Each diamond may only be used to hold one soul, releasing the first creature trapped should another attempt to be sealed. A creature is trapped until the diamond is shattered. The diamond has an AC of 15 and 10 hit points. Light can pass through the gem normally (allowing the target to see out and other creatures to see in), but nothing else can pass through, even by means of teleportation or planar travel. While the soul is trapped, the body disappears, dropping everything it's wearing or carrying, but is recreated upon the soul's release.

Rend (2 failures). You rip apart the creature's soul, destroying it and it's material body completely. The creature may not be returned to life by any means short of divine intervention or a Wish spell.

Twist (3 failures). You twist the soul, and restore it to the creature. The creature falls unconscious for 1 round. Upon awakening its alignment and morals change until the diamond used to cast this spell is shattered. The diamond has an AC of 15 and 10 hit points. You choose a new alignment for this creature, and a basic course for its new moral code.

Artist Credit: Jason Rainville


Turn to Lightning

9th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a crystal rod, worth at least 5,000 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You transform yourself into a bolt of lightning, enhancing your abilities for up to a minute and gaining the following properties:

• Your dexterity score becomes 30 and you gain advantage on dexterity saving throws and ability checks.

• Your speed becomes 0. Instead of moving normally, up to two times each turn, choose a point you can see within 60 feet to travel to near-instantaneously. If you would pass through a creature's space on your way to that point, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 5d10 lightning damage and can't use reactions until your next turn, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures made of metal or wearing metal armor have disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature can only be damaged this way once each turn.

• Your melee attacks deal an additional 2d10 lightning damage and are rolled with advantage.

• You have immunity to lightning damage and the paralyzed condition.

• You gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.

When the spell ends, you must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a success, your movement speed is halved until you take a long rest and you must choose to take either an action or bonus action on each of your turns, but not both. On a failure, you fall unconscious for 1d4 hours or until damaged, and upon awakening you suffer the effects as though you succeeded on the save.

Artist Credit: Svetlin Velinov

Artist Credit: Denys Tsiperko


The Hollow

Among blood mages, there exist a sect who have learned to use their magic as a tool to enhance their speed. By shedding blood, the arcane content of their body rises, enhancing their physical traits in a number of ways.

Those who tend to focus it on raw strength are often better suited to become Bloodreavers. But those who desire speed, dexterity, or stealth often choose to become one of the Hollow. The Hollow lean heavily into the belief that with power must come sacrifice, and often leave every mission, from the largest battle to the quickest scout, battered, bruised, and most always bloody.

When you choose this study at 2nd level, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Heroism, Longstrider

In addition, your blood dice maximum is increased by 1 starting at 3rd level. You gain an additional blood die again at level 7, and level 11.

Levels Blood Dice Extra Dice
3, 4 3 +1
5, 6 4 +1
7, 8 6 +2
9, 10 7 +2
11, 12 8 +3
13-16 9 +3
17-20 10 +3


Beginning at 2nd level, you learn to fight while drained of blood. As long as you have less than half of your hit point maximum remaining, your speed increases by 15 feet
and you can take a bonus action on each of your
turns in combat. This action can be used only to
take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action.

Calculated Risk

Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action, you
may choose to use a 1 instead of rolling for
each blood die that you would roll that turn.

You may use this feature a number of
times equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum 1), regaining all spent uses on a
long rest.

Shedding Excess

Starting at 10th level, whenever you roll a
blood die, your speed increases by 5 feet until
the start of your next turn.


At 14th level, whenever you roll a blood die you gain +1 AC until the start of your next turn.

Additionally, you double the damage or healing of any hit dice, though you don't take extra damage.

The Shaman

A blood mage raised in a smaller society, discovering their magic alone, may turn to a more traditional path: The Shaman. Shaman typically fill the role of a cunning folk or a medicine man in remote villages around the world. Using their blood magics as a means of warding off evil spirits, fighting that which lurks in the night, curing ailments and healing wounds, and blessing the village with bountiful harvests are all within the purview of a Shaman.

When you choose this study at 2nd level, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Bless, Hex

   In addition, you gain the ability to create a voodou doll.            Creating one takes a 10 minute ritual, after which any             other dolls you have crumble to dust, and 10 gp worth of           materials. To link a voodou doll to a creature, you        may use your bonus action to make a melee spell attack        against one creature within range. On hit, roll at                   least one blood die, and the creature takes that                  much damage. It is now linked to your voodou doll           for as long as you remain concentrating on it, as though           on a spell, up to a maximum of 1 hour.

        Simbi's Blessings

           Beginning at 2nd level, you gain two voodou practices             of your choice. Your practice options are detailed at              the end of the study description. Whenever you                 gain a level in this class, you may switch one of your                  practices for another.

                 Shrunken Head

                          Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to                               create shrunken heads, imbued with your                                  magic. The creation of a head requires a 1                                      hour ritual, 25gp worth of special salts                                       and string, and a creature's head. You                                         can have up to two heads at once, and                                           performing the ritual again while you                                            have two heads destroys one of the                                            old ones. Your heads have an AC of                                           12 (natural armor), 5 hit points, and                                           darkvision out to 120 feet.

                                           Your heads all share a number of                                        charges equal to your Intelligence                                     modifier, and regain 1d4+1 charges at                                dawn each day. While you're holding a head,                           these charges can be used to cast the                        following spells:

Artist Credit: BlackBirdInk


Comprehend Languages (1 charge), Augury (2 charges), Speak with Dead (3 charges), Dissonent Whispers (4 charges) and Crown of Madness (5 charges), without material components. When you spend the last charge, roll 1d6. On a 1, the head you're currently holding turns to dust.

You may also choose to set a head somewhere to keep watch. As an action, you can expend 2 charges and cast the Alarm spell instead of with its normal casting time, creating a 20-foot cube area centered on the head. After the duration the head turns to dust.

Additionally, as an action, you can see through one of your head’s eyes and hear what it hears until you choose to stop. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.

You now may create and maintain two voodou dolls at once, and your links no longer require concentration.

Practiced Mysticism

At 10th level, you can now create and maintain three voodou dolls and three shrunken heads at once.

You also gain two additional voodou practices of your choice. Finally, Pins and Needles' damage and Stitch's healing are each improved to 2d10+2.

Bondye's Blessing

At 14th level, you can create a fourth voodou doll.

Additionally, you gain an advanced voodou practice of your choice from the options detailed at the end of the study description. Whenever you complete a long rest, you may switch your choice.

Voodou Practices

    Pins and Needles As an action, you can insert a pin into your voodou doll. To do so deals 1d4 damage to your doll. The linked creature must then succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d10+1 force damage.

Jinx The creatures linked with your voodou dolls are under the effects of the Hex spell, as though it were cast at 1st-level. This effect doesn't require concentration, but can't move if the creature drops to 0 hit points.

Bad Juju Once per long rest, you may cast Bestow Curse on a linked creature through its voodou doll without expending a spell slot.

Sew Once per short rest, as an action you may deal 1d4 damage to your doll and force a linked creature to succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or suffer one of the following effects:

  • Eyes: The creature is blinded.
  • Ears: The creature is deafened.
  • Mouth: The creature is rendered mute.
  • Legs: The creature's speed is reduced by 15 feet.
  • Arms: The creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls.

As long as a creature is affected by this ability, you may use subsequent actions to continue sewing that doll, choosing a new option each time. At the end of each of it's turns an affected creature may attempt its saving throw again, ending all effects on a success.

Voodou Dolls

A voodou doll has 10 HP and an AC of 10.

Entreat the Loa As an action, you
may choose one ability score and deal
1d4 damage to your doll. A linked creature
may add your profiency bonus to any ability
checks or saving throws they make with the choosen score for 1 minute or until you choose another.

Reinforce Fabric Once per short rest, as an action, you may sew extra fabric onto the voodou doll, dealing 1d4 damage to it. For 1 minute, the linked creature is enhanced. Choose one of the following effects:

  • Eyes: The creature gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
  • Ears: The creature gains advantage on any perception checks that rely on sound.
  • Legs: The creature's speed is increased by 10 feet.
  • Arms: The creature gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Stitch You may use an action to stitch your voodou doll, healing the linked creature for 1d10+1 hit points and dealing 1d4 damage to the doll.

Beg The Marasa You a preternatural sense for all linked creatures if they're within 10 miles. You instantly gain knowledge of the direction the creature is from you, as well as the ability to see the path the creature followed to get there.

Advanced Voodou Practices

    Yank Once per long rest, as an action, you can rip the head off your voodou doll, destroying it and dealing 10d10 force damage to the linked creature.

Channel Papa Legba You entreat the guardian of the crossroads to take you to a previously linked creature. By performing a 1 hour ritual, you and up to five willing creatures you can see within 30 feet of you instantly transport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of a creature you've linked in the past week. As you arrive, the voodou doll you used crumbles to dust.

Ougan Dreaming You may cast Phantasmal Force without expending a spell slot on a linked creature. Alternatively, you may cast Dream on that creature without expending a spell slot. Once you do so, the doll crumbles to dust.

Artist Credit: Lelyk777 on DeviantArt


The Tormentor

Some blood mages, though exceedingly rare, simply love the blood. Be it through an occupation, a mental break, or a deep-seated insanity, you've created a type of blood magic emerged that excels at causing, spreading, sharing, and loving pain, torture, and in the end, blood. These unfortunate few are known simply as Tormentors.

When you choose this study at 2nd level, you learn the following spells, which are accounted for on the Spells Known column of the Blood Mage table. These spells are not on the blood mage spell list but they are nonetheless a blood mage spell for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
1 Ensnaring Strike, Inflict Wounds

In addition, the following spells are added to the blood mage spell list for you:

Spell Level Spell Name
2 Cloud of Daggers
3 Enemies Abound
4 Giant Insect
5 Insect Plague
6 Flesh to Stone
7 Mordekainen's Sword
8 Feeblemind
9 Psychic Scream

Thousand Cuts

Beginning at 2nd level, you master the technique to properly bleed your enemies. Whenever an enemy is dealt damage by one of your spells, they begin to bleed. At the end of their next turn, they take 1d4 necrotic damage. This ability grows in strength at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Charisma (Intimidation) and Wisdom (Insight) skills.

Every Work a Masterpiece

At 6th level you've perfected your art of butchery. Whenever you deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage, you may choose to deal the maximum damage, instead of rolling. You may do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), regaining all spent uses when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, a creature damaged by your Thousand Cuts ability has disadvantage on Investigation checks to discern illusions until the start of their next turn.


Starting at 10th level, you learn to love giving and recieving pain. Allies take half damage from your spells and have advantage on their saving throws, and whenever you damage yourself or an ally with a spell you heal a number of hit points equal to half the damage taken at the start of your next turn, and you may add your Intelligence modifier to your AC until you heal this way.

Additionally, the damage of your Thousand Cuts ability increases by 1d4.

Breaking Point

At 14th level, your ability to determine the breaking point of an enemy's descent into madness is amplified. When you deal damage to a creature that has less than half of its hit points remaining, you may have that creature temporarily descend into madness. That creature must roll on the Short-Term Madness table. A creature driven insane this way may make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, recovering from the insanity on a success.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, a creature damaged by your Thousand Cuts ability has disadvantage on concentration checks and ability checks until the start of their next turn.

                                                   Cover Art by mist XG

Artist Credit: FromSoftware


Editing Thoughts

  • Assuming +3 con HP will be (at levels 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20): 12, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202
  • Assuming +5 CON, HP is 14, 50, 98, 146, 194, 242
  • This class essentially has a d12 hit die that requires 16+ INT. Which is good, to make it a more balanced gish.
  • Spell list themes: Necromancy, Illusion, Enchantment, Lightning, Water, Ice, Blood
  • Additional thoughts: Short range & stuff to become BBEG
  • Lacking archetypal wizard spells like Firebolt, Fireball, and Wish
  • Should I have my name in more places? I'm Eliar's Lost Arts, if you missed it.
  • I'm worried Hemorhage is too strong.
  • I'm worried about the strength of the Hemomancer's spell list.
  • Thank you /r/UnearthedArcana and the Discord of Many Things for help balancing!
  • They hurt themself a LOT now. Hmmm... Add healing? Perhaps light armor back?





Formatting overhall including:

  • Moving the reminder for archetype
  • Page numbers
  • Table of Contents
  • Some pictures, besides in the spells


  • Typos on Arcane Tracking and Blood Dice
  • Minor rework of Advanced Healing (removed % HP, added advantage with healer's kit)
  • Renamed Blood Doping to Blood Rush
  • Updated various spells (Summoning, Pain, and Teleportation Aura)
  • Minor format changes for Custom Spells
  • Slowly filling out pictures for Custom Spells


  • Sped up Blood Die progression
  • Added Healer's Kit to tool proficiencies, made it "choose two"
  • Lowered Carnage healing from 2d6 to 1d10
  • Changed Arcane Tracking to a fixed DC & reworded it
  • Removed Magic Missile from spell list


  • Updated Burning Blood
  • Reverted Carnage back to 2d6
  • Images in Custom Spells
  • Added Ability Score Increase (RIP pretty picture)


  • Increased level 1 spells from 3 to 5
  • Updated Blackflame Burst
  • Updated Lifehunt Scythe
  • Updated Chilling Scythe


  • Added Consequence6 to title page
  • Advanced Healing had no range, added one (30 feet)
  • Swapped out several Images


  • Finished images
  • Changed cover image
  • Reworked Endearing Visage
  • Replaced Crimson Tides with Bloodletting
  • Arcane tracking from an Investigation check to an opposing Int save part
  • Changed Arcane leech from damage based on healing to damaged based on spell slot used
  • Made art credit pretty


  • Fixed PDF formatting which is for some reason weird.


  • Fixed Advanced Healing, which was not pasted correctly
  • Renamed Power Word: Stumble to simply Stumble and changed Int save to Wis save
  • Re-alphabetized spell list
  • Corrected artist credit on p12
  • 9th level spells overhall Including:
  • Added Fury and the statblock for the colossus, which were missing
  • Added images (because I hate myself)
  • Fixed two typos
  • Updated Conjure Colossus


  • Updated wording on Blood Brothers
  • Updated wording on Carnage
  • Updated wording on Crimson Pact
  • Missing comma on Bloodletting
  • Added Crimson Pact ability to allow it to affect AoE spells.
  • Blood dice cap out at 7 (rather than 8 at 19 & 20)
  • Updated wording on Scarlet Weapons (including minor changes, but nothing really of note)
  • Missing comma in opening flavor
  • Fixed bolding on multiclassing requirements


  • Fixed cover text to match 38 spells
  • Updated Bloodbond
  • Updated Throw Voice
  • Blood Dice now damage through temp HP & minor wording update
  • Changed a few "plus" to "+"
  • Typo in Spell List
  • Minor rework on Endearing Visage: added once per day and single target, and removed "heavily" from amount of scrutiny required, but changed from "friendly acquaintance" to simply "friend
  • Cautiously added multiattack to Blood Rush



  • No longer a spellbook caster, instead: Spells Known caster.
  • Added ritual casting
  • Split bloodreaver into a melee fighter and a blaster caster (Hemomancer).


  • Updated Endure
  • Updated Omnipresence
  • Updated Infuse Intellect
  • Removed Spellbook box on spell list page


  • Added tool creation with Scarlet Weapons
  • Renamed Scarlet Weapons to Tools of the Trade


  • Removed Light Armor proficiency
  • Added Light Armor Prof to Bloodreaver
  • Added Saving Grace, a 1st level spell
  • Renamed Arcane Leech to Leeching
  • Rearanged Images
  • Fixed page numbers
  • Fixed title page: 39 spells


  • Added Poisoner's Kit tool proficiency
  • Increased skill proficiencies from 2 to 3.
  • Lowered spells at level 1 to 4 from 5
  • Reworded "Power from Blood" to "An Ancient Art"


  • Renamed "Enhancer's Endgame" to "Mental Fortitude"
  • Frenzy no longer can cast 3rd level spells.


  • Added the Tormentor subclass
  • Discarded art ----->


  • Lowered initial DC of Endearing Visage, added a flat cap
  • Changed Impure Rejuvenation to happen before you heal
  • Cleaned up Tools of the Trade wording
  • Changed three to four under Archetypes
  • Reduced duration of Arcane tracking from 48 hours to 1 hour


  • Added Disadvantage to Mental Fortitude's dual concentration checks
  • Made Blood Brothers a 1/rest/creature thing
  • Clarified Hemmorhage rounding down
  • Updated Pain
  • Updated Arcane Tether
  • Formatting on changelog


  • New fancy formatting and colors (oooh, blue!)
  • Changed Bloodletting to match original vision


  • Removed "or ability" from Masochism
  • Fixed title images (including 4 archetypes!)



  • Abilities:
  • Reworked blood dice: Required to cast spells now
  • Bugfix: removed Light armor from multiclassing proficiencies
  • Clarified Tools of the Trade: versatile weapons & death
  • Removed blood dice with Tools of the Trade
  • Changed Endearing Visage DC to cap at your spell save (duh, that was so obvious..)
  • Replaced Cure Wounds in Spell Slots example
  • Subclasses:
  • (BR) Nerfed Frenzy: Only range of self spells
  • (BR) Extra attack now requires 2 blood dice
  • (BR) Blood rush now requires a blood die
  • (BR) Mental fortitude now breaks a spell instantly in addition to a concentration check
  • (HM) Bugfix: changes that were supposed to be present from 2.1: Panacea having a level cap and Thicker than Water having a gp cap.
  • (HM) Nerfed said level cap of Panacea
  • Formatting:
  • Ugh, added a page, added an image, fixed ToC, rearranged images...... AGAIN.
  • Spells:
  • Nerfed Chilling Scythe
  • Nerfed Tidal Bomb


  • Abilities:
  • Added: Sanguine Relief!!
  • Added Open Wounds?
  • Moved Bloodletting to 10th level
  • Nerfed Bloodletting
  • Lowered Thicker Than Water's multiplier
  • Reworded the requirements of Blood Rush and Extra Attack
  • Rejiggered spells per level
  • Formatting:
  • Capitalized Blood Mage Table in Cantrips
  • Added a small amount of flavor to Casting and Empowering Spells
  • Added hyphens between Xth and level in a few places
  • Bugfix: Removed Fire Shield from 2nd level spells?
  • Bugfix: Recolored "4th level"
  • Spells:
  • Buffed Chilling Scythe
  • Nerfed Stumble, Animal Aspect (Gorilla), and Omniscience
  • Reworded Transposition, Teleportation Aura, Tidal Bomb, Burning Blood, Rain of Blood
  • Updated Lifehunt Scythe, Blackflame Burst, and Ravenous Darkness


  • Rejiggered spells/level again
  • Reverted Panacea back to three spells


  • Reworded Sanguine Relief slightly and made it a short rest ability
  • Moved the second clause of Open Wounds to Bloodletting.
  • Minor typo in Endearing Visage
  • Buffed Open Wounds to 6th level or higher


  • Added clarification for creating other items with Tools of the Trade
  • (BR) Reworded Blood Rush and Extra Attack
  • Moved the Sanguine Relief 10th level upgrade
  • Reverted Open Wounds back to 7th level spells, from 6th

Supplement Changelog:

  • Added in v4.0.2
  • Nerfed Practiced Mysticism to 2d10 from 3d10.
  • Renamed to "Echoes of the Ancient Blood"
  • Added "As an action" to Yank
  • Added doll hp and changed things to damage it
  • Clarified timing on Entreat the Loa
  • Minor typo in Shaman, also made it a melee spell attack
  • Replaced old username from cover
  • Removed 4th extra die from Hollow
  • Rejiggered a lot about Shaman, honestly
  • Added Sadism to Masochism for Tormentor
  • Added ability check disadvantage to Breaking Point



  • Abilities:
  • Removed Arcane Flesh
  • Now 2d6 hit dice (Functional change of +3 HP at 1st level and nothing else)
  • Crimson Pact now 1st level ability (+ rewording)
  • No longer required to roll blood dice for 6th+ spells
  • Changed Open Wounds to reflect this
  • Added Handaxe to weapon proficiencies
  • Reworked Bloodletting to cause less rolling
  • Added clause to Blood Dice to prevent wearing armor
  • Added shield proficiency
  • Changed Impure Rejuvenation to function off Blood Dice instead of Hit Dice
  • Reworded Sanguine Relief
  • Sanguine Relief upgrade nerfed to 14th level
  • Sanguine Relief now rounds up
  • Subclasses:
  • (BR) Reworded and slightly buffed Blood Rush
  • (BR) Simplified Mental Fortitude
  • (BR) Frenzy now is a 1/short rest ability, can cast 3rd level spells again
  • (HM) Removed redundant blood dice from Thicker Than Water
  • (HR) Renamed Advanced Healing to Sense Essence (+ changed a word)
  • (HR) Martyr now short rest ability instead of long.
  • Removed The Tormentor Subclass
  • But added it to a suplement!!
  • Formatting:
  • Fixed cover description (I hate doing that one)
  • Redid artist credits and footers
  • Fixed Colossus Box (that took forever to figure out..)
  • Changed Version Numbers (v1.2 and 1.4 became v1.1.2 and v1.2.3 respectively)
  • Cleaned up the code slightly (this was all done in Homebrewery, so if you know how hard that is... Consider buying it!
  • Spells:
  • Lowered Spells known at 15th, 16th, and 17th
  • Moved Cure Wounds from Heretic spell list to Base
  • Added Bless to Heretic


  • Added Arcane Flesh back (I was worried about a lack of requirement for INT, and a dumb, tanky, full caster with extra attack with Bloodreaver. Now at least it requires 16 INT. Plus -3 HP at lvl 1 actually matters)
  • Renamed Impure Rejuvenation to Rejuvenation (Needed 1 less line)
  • Removed Proficiency requirement from Spellcasting Focus
  • Added overchanneling back (undocumented)


  • Re-removed Arcane Flesh
  • Then subsequently added it again
  • Changed Bloodletting and Blood Rush to Int mod from Con mod
  • Also reverted Blood Rush change
  • Increased Blood Rush to 2 blood dice
  • Added poisoner's kit and shield to starting equipment
  • Added Earth Tremor to the spell list
  • Updated Turn to Lightning and Steal Soul


  • Typo in Blood Dice
  • Bolded Rain of Blood in (HM)


  • Expend -> Roll in (BR)
  • HAH I finally fixed the 4th level thing.
  • Fixed Table of Contents, added Supplement
  • Renamed to "Tome of Blood Magics"
  • Increased spells at levels 1-6 by 1.
  • Moved Blood Mage table to bottom of page (thanks /u/FragSauce for the idea I shamelessly stole)
  • Typo in Blood Brothers



  • Clarified Blood dice dont trigger Conc checks
  • Renamed Bloodletting -> Ebb and Flow
  • Fixed Ebb and Flow interacting with Sanguine Relief
  • Removed example from Open Wounds
  • Buffed Exsanguinate to 10 hp flat heal and 50 feet
  • Added second clause to Exsanguinate
  • Renamed Blood Mage Archetype -> Profane Study
  • Profane Study at 2nd level, Sanguine Relief at 3rd
  • Arcane Flesh from max 3 -> to half INT rounded up
  • Added Darts to proficiencies
  • Tools of the Trade now a 6th level ability
  • Lowered HP costs on it, removed the last clause
  • Explorer's Pack -> Dungeoneer's pack
  • Studies:
  • (BR) Buffed Bloodrush from 1 turn to x rounds
  • (BR) Renamed Extra Attack -> Butchery
  • (BR) Buffed Butchery to add the blood dice damage.
  • (BR) Reworded Mental Fortitude
  • (BR) Clarified Frenzy
  • (MA) Renamed The Heretic -> The Martyr
  • (MA) Renamed Martyr -> Bloodletting
  • (MA) Buffed range on Leeching
  • (HE) Cloud of Daggers -> Flame Blade
  • (HE) Rain of Blood <-> Blackflame Burst
  • (HE) Carnage now 3x long rest


  • Clarified timing on blood dice
  • Exsanguinate up to 15 hp
  • Merged Arcane flesh into Crimson Pact
  • Removed Concentration from Chilling Scythe


  • Launched Eliar's Lost Arts, added credits as such
  • Fixed Teleportation Aura lacking a range.
  • Added a title and "spell slots per spell level" to the Blood Mage Table


  • Clarified Sanguine Relief, Mental Fortitude, Leeching, Thicker than Water, and Double Sight
  • Removed Find Steed and Find Greater Steed, added Phantom Steed
  • Bloodbond: added a 50% chance of failure, and concentration.
  • Stumble: range nerfed to 5 feet.
  • Burning Blood: fixed range
  • Animated Blood: clarified attack type & range
  • Transfusion: clarified amount healed
  • Endure: nerfed to 5th level or lower.
  • Infuse Intellect: removed some options and clarified wordings
  • Turn to Lightning: nerfed movement damage
  • Omniscience: fixed range
  • Nilspace Doorway: now 1/caster
  • Added Starting Gold alternative


  • Renamed Rejuvination -> Sanguine Relief
  • Renamed Sanguine Relief -> Coagulation
  • Minor rewording of Coagulation
  • Added a ribbon to Arcane Flesh
  • Panacea now requires blood dice roll
  • Learned about z-index and got fancy in a few instances
  • Added proper statistics for Animate Blood


  • Summoning range increased + better leveling
  • Arcane Tether range increased, chain length increased, anchored at its feet
  • Fixed Shift's damage templating
  • Lowered Throw Voice's range
  • Upped damage die of Animal Aspect: Wolf
  • Lifehunt Scythe, 4d10 -> 6d8, slot level scaling
  • Added range scaling to Teleportation Aura
  • Bloodsworn Retribution, fixed range to Self
  • Increased range of Tidal Bomb to 120 feet
  • Removed scaling on Burning Blood
  • Fixed sword to scythe on Chilling Scythe
  • Mindburn became 1 action
  • Rain of blood, added initial damage
  • Clarified range of Animate Blood and increased leash
  • Increased healing on Transfusion to the full damage.
  • Rejiggered damage on Ravenous Darkness from 3d8 and 6d6 to 5 and 3d10 & removed scaling
  • Centered 7th and 8th level text
  • Minor buffs for Omniscience + clarification
  • Illusionary Army reduced to 8 clones and added stunned + madness afterwards clause, but doubled actions/turn
  • Infuse Intellect gained Charisma improvement
  • Omnipotence added "unable to recast + lose high level spell slots" clause
  • Added 3 strike mechanic to Steal Soul
  • Cleaned up and clarified Turn to Lightning

Follow /u/EliarsLostArts on Reddit or find Eliar's Lost Arts on Patreon for more homebrewed content!

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.



  • Reworded Blood Dice and Casting Spells
  • Added Improved Coagulation to class table
  • Reworded Tools of the Trade
  • Buffed Open Wounds with "or lower" at the end
  • Exsanguinate: Reduced radius from 50 to 30. Changed heal from flat 15 to 4d6
  • Subclasses:
  • BR Mental Fortitude: Disadvantage on both conc checks rather than immediately losing conc on one.
  • BR: Reworded Frenzy
  • MA: Reworded flavor
  • HE Thicker than Water: Reduced slot level to 6th or lower, increased GP to 25 from 20
  • HE: Reduced Carnage from 3/long to 2/short rest
  • HE: Reworded Panacea
  • Spells:
  • Reduced Summoning M to 20gp
  • Removed V from Arcane Tether, changed M
  • Buffed Bloodbond from 1d2 to 1d4
  • Nerfed Stumble with "on its turn" for casting
  • Buffed Animal Aspect to a BA from A
  • Changed Teleportation aura scaling from range to radius increase
  • Nerfed Bloodsworn Retribution: Action to forsake oath
  • Nerfed Burning Blood to 2d4 fire from 2d6 and added a healing rider
  • Removed Conc from Blackflame Burst
  • Rain of Blood: Changed from 1d4 rounds to 3.
  • Increased Omnipresence to 5 creatures from 4
  • Tome of Ancient Blood:
  • Fixed order of Dash/Dis/Dod in Drained
  • Renamed Shed to Shedding Excess
  • Clarified creature linking to "at least one blood die"
  • Fixed Shrunken head wording and increased cost to 25 from 20
  • Fixed Wording of Practiced Mysticism
  • Fixed Bondeye's Blessing from three to four dolls
  • Fixed formatting of some Voodou practices
  • Removed Save from Yank, lowered damage to 10d10 from 10d12
  • Added Ougan Dreaming!
  • Reworded Tormentor flavor


  • Nerfed Saving Grace from 15ft to 10ft knockback
  • Nerfed Exsanguinate to 3d6 from 4d6
  • Clarified Blood Rush & Frenzy


  • Fixed two typos in Empowering Spells
  • Added light armor proficiency back
  • Moved max hit dice rider to Open Wounds from Exsanguinate
  • Reworded proficiencies (separate ability for visibility)
  • Renamed Arcane Tracking to Bloodhound
  • Blood Rush, 3 blood dice > 2
  • Blood Rush, blood dice rounds > 1 min
  • Butchery, 2 blood dice > 1
  • Leeching, 4x slot > 5x slot


  • Butchery: Necro damage on extra > On either attack
  • Swapped Frenzy and Mental Fortitude
  • Renamed Mental Fortitude to Clarity
  • Reworked Frenzy
  • Removed movespeed clause from Blood Rush
  • Reverted blood dice on Blood Rush 2 > 3
  • Reverted blood dice on Butchery 1 > 2
  • Removed "at least" from Butchery
  • Swapped names for Butchery and Blood Rush
  • Nerfed Bloodbridge scaling 2d4 > 1d4!