Magical Spheres, Tandy Wands, Minor Enchantmets & Curses

Magic can take many forms. Sometimes solid, other times squishy and malleable. These spheres and wands are quite malleable with a core of magic that can fit to the design of its creator, or adjust to whatever they are inserted into.

Tandy wands, Tandy Corp, and Tandy nasty are the creation of RedLolington, a DM on R20 whose game I have played in for little over a year now. I have adapted Tany Wands to a low level substitute for the wands in the DMG. They are little more than sticks with an unusual red gem affixed to the end, with an unknown and unstable power source.

Table of Contents

General Sphere Info

Spheres are not a new concept. I personally took the idea from a combination of FFX, and Path of Exile. They were first introduced to my own game, which takes place about 200 years after a magical apocalypse where magic was fundamentally destroyed & altered, and the barriers between the planes were sealed. These Spheres were invented by a dwarven artificer who was one of the first to discover that magic was returning to the world. Having read many tales about adventures in the olden days carrying many magical items to suit their needs he dedicated himself and his resources to reinventing the fundamentals of these items. This dwarf decided that the best place to store this magical power was in gemstones cut into spheres of varying sizes and shapes. Unfortunately not much is known about this dwarf as he was a recluse and is rumored to have gone mad during his research. The manufacturing of these spheres fell to Tandy Corp.

Tandy Wands & Tandy Corp

Tandy wands were invented by a gnomish artificer named Tandy Nasty & founder of Tandy Corp, who is generally unpleasant and loves to poke, prod, and insult those who he works with. Tandy Corp appeared out of seemingly nowhere with explosive and unstoppable growth. In just one year, Tandy Corp went from not being in existence to being spread across the entire kingdom, and possibly contient.

The history of the creation of these wands, which can replicate spells, are unknown and a well kept secret. Additionally, these wands are generally at a low enough price that they are somewhat available to the common man. The one odd thing about these wands, is that necromantic wands are never created. Tandy Corp, has officially stated is that necromantic goes against the natural order and thus is not possible with their methods of creating wands.

The last well kept secret of Tandy Wands is sometimes they fail... explosively. Generally this only happens in circumstances where the flow of magic in the wands themselves somehow becomes accelerated beyond what is normal, or is otherwise disrupted. Certain creatures can affect these wands. These creatures have been ruthlessly hunted down and exterminated since the first time the explosive failures and their existence was linked.

Spheres: Modular Magic Items

Spheres Types and Slots

Spheres, by default, come in 4 major enchantment types, and 3 "slot" types. The slot type determines where the sphere can be inserted: Weapons, Armors, or either with a Universal Sphere.

Additionally Spheres have a "Slot Cost". This determines how many spheres a piece of equipment can hold. Lastly, you cannot have multiple of the same type of spheres such as 2 flat damage spheres. Also if you have multiple options for adding a + to hit, choose one. Note that any static damage increases/decreases can only be applied to one target, or one successful attack each turn.

Lastly Spheres have a slot cost, these costs must be met or exceed by the number of available slot points in a piece of equipment.

Sphere Chart
Enchantment Type Slot Cost
Flat Damage Increase/Decrease 1
Change Damage Type Dealt 1
+(#) to hit & Damage 2
Resistance(s) 2
DMG Full Magic Item Effects (Common/Uncommon) 2
DMG Full Magic Item Effects (Rare/Very Rare) 3
Multiple Effects Added Slot cost of all effects or 3 whichever is lower

Adding Sphere "Slots" to Equipment

This can be done one of two ways, Simple or Difficult.

Regardless, the cost to add a Sphere slot to any piece of equipment with innate magical properties (such as a +1 sword), can only be done by a master craftsman. The cost to add a slot is also increased to 300% of the base price.

Additionally, slot points can be added to a set of armor, a weapon, or a single piece of jewelry. Lastly, due limitations within the compression of magic in confined areas, you may only have up to three pieces of equipment that contain spheres. Exceeding this can have...explosive results.

Sphere Slot Count
Equipment Type Maximum Slot Count
Mundane Equipment 3
Common/ Uncommon Equipment 2
Rare/Very Rare Equipment 1
DM has the final say

Note that the final ruling on Slot costs or Slot points available is ALWAYS up to the DM.

Simple Rules

In order to add a slot points to a piece of equipment it costs 250g x number of slots points currently on the piece of equipment. EX: First slot is 250g, Second is 500g, Third is 750g. These can be added by the players for this cost if they are proficient in tool type to create said piece of equipment (Smithing, Tinkering, Leather Working, Wood Carving etc). Each slot takes 8 hours.

Alternatively, these can be added by various npcs in major towns/cities for a 50% increase in price should no players have the proficiency required to do it themselves.

Difficult rules

Master Crafters are the only people capable of adding sphere slots. These crafters are extremely rare, generally only 1 or 2 such crafters exist per province/kingdom.

The cost to add these slots can vary from crafter to crafter or game to game, but a good starting numbers would be 1000g x number of slots (1000, 2000, 3000 respectively). Each slot takes 1d4 x number of slots days to add (1d4, 1d4x2, 1d4x3 respectively)

Inserting and Removing Spheres.

To insert a sphere, a character only needs to use an action to do so provided that they have the sphere, and a piece of equipment with a slot available. Note if multiple effects require attunement, and all the effects are sloted into a single piece of equipment, it only requires a single attunement slot.

To remove a sphere is a much trickier matter. A master crafter can remove them with no possibility of failure. A player may attempt to remove a sphere, this takes 1 minute to do, and requires proficiency in either Tinkers, Jewelers, or the tool to add a slot to that piece of gear. If the attempt results in a failure, the sphere's quality goes down one level and its enchantment adjusts accordingly (or is potentially lost). If the sphere is already cracked then the sphere shatters dealing 5d10 force damage in a 20 ft radius as the magical energies escape.

Sphere Removal

Type DC NPC Costs
Cracked 15 500g
Normal 17 1000g
Exceptional 19 2000g
Pristine 21 4000g
Perfect 23 8000g

Sphere Rarity and Effects examples

Alternatively instead of choosing one of the effects listed below, you may select effects from magic items from WoTC published sources that matches rarity of the sphere. Note that if a sphere that contains such a property becomes damaged the effect might be destroyed or also damaged (subject to DM ruling).

Note the + to DC only applies to warlock spells.

Type Rarity level Effects Possible
Cracked Common(1) +1/-1 Damage
Normal Uncommon(2) +2/-2 Damage
Exceptional Rare(3) Choose up to 2: +1 weapon/armor, change damage type dealt, +3/-3 damage, or +1 DC
Pristine Very Rare(4) Choose up to 2: +2 weapon/armor, change damage type dealt, +4/-4 damage, or +2 DC
Perfect Legendary(5) Choose up to 2: +3 weapon/armor, change damage type dealt, +5/-5 damage, or +3 DC

Purchasing spheres (Optional)

If allowed, a gnomish merchant named Tim, or something far more gnomish may appear in town (90-100 on a d100 roll) that can sell these spheres. The spheres available is completely up to the DM, as are the costs, but here are some general rolling rules. (I suggest using a dice roller... for your own sanity)

Type D100 Roll Cost in gold
Number of spheres 1d4-1 -
Cracked 1-60 10d10 * 10
Normal 61-89 20d10 * 30
Exceptional 90-95 30d10 * 50
Pristine 96-99 40d10 * 75
Perfect 100 50d10 * 100

Sphere Elemental types & Overcoming resistances

A sphere can grant a weapon/armor a bonus to damage or damage negation, or change it to be that element type. If a piece of gear is changed to that elemental type it now deals that elemental type, or grants resistance to that element.

When a sphere is inserted into a weapon, it only makes the weapon's damage "magical" for the purposes of overcoming resistances if the rarity of highest sphere inserted is at least Rare. Any damage added by a sphere such as +1/2 damage of x type is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances.

Elemental/Physical Types

Damage Type # to roll
Acid 1
Bludgeoning 2
Cold 3
Fire 4
Force 5
Lightning 6
Necrotic 7
Piercing 8
Poison 9
Psychic 10
Radiant 11
Slashing 12
Thunder 13

(Alternatively, you can ignore the various physical types and use 1d10 for elemental types, and 1d3 for physical types)

Unstable combinations (Optional)

Spheres can be combined. To do so a player/creature must use their action to push the two spheres together. To determine the result of this action, roll 1d20.

  • On a roll of 13 or higher the spheres combine taking up a number of slots = to the previous total of both spheres or 3, whichever is lower.
  • On a roll of 12 or lower, roll an additional 1d20, on a 10 or higher have the player choose one sphere to save, while the other loses 3 quality levels. The saved sphere loses 1 quality level. On a 9 or lower GM determines which sphere loses 3 quality levels, and the other loses 1 quality level.
  • On a roll of 9 or less GM rolls or determines which sphere loses 3 quality levels, the other loses 2 quality levels.
  • On a roll of 5 or less gm determines if both gems loses 3 quality levels.

If a sphere's quality drops to 0 or less it explodes violently. As per the Inserting and Removing spheres section this deals a base 5d10 force damage. For each quality level lost directly prior to its explosion, add one more d10 of force damage. This damage cannot be negated or resisted in any way.

When spheres combine, their quality level is the average of the gems involved. For example if a Cracked (1) combines with a Perfect (5) then the new quality of sphere is a Exceptional (3). This combination always rounds down. So if a (2) and a (3) combine, the new combo sphere will be a quality of (2).

Additionally if there are two different elemental or physical damage types present on the combined sphere refer to the table below for a new effect (Subject to GM Approval)

New Damage Types

DamageTypes of Combined Spheres Result Effect
Fire & Cold Blast Deals Cold/Fire whichever is best, on crit Dex save DC = 12 + quality level or be knocked prone
Lightning & Acid Corrosive Deals Lightning/Acid whichever is best, on crit Con save DC = 12 + quality level or lose quality level of AC until the end of the sphere holders next turn
Thunder & Poison Gas Deals Thunder/Poison whichever is best, on crit places down a 10ft cube of poison gas. If a creature starts, enters, or ends their turn in this poison cloud they must make a Con Save DC = 12 + quality level or take (quallity level)d10 poison damage and become poisoned, half damage and not poisoned on a successful save. Gas cloud & poisoned condition lasts a number of turns = to quality level of sphere.
Force & Lightning Magnetic Deals Force/Lightning whichever is best, on a crit Con save DC = 12 + quality level or all attacks gain advantage for a number of turns = to quality level of sphere.
Psychic + Radiant Radiation Deals Psychic/Radiat whichever is best, on a crit Wisdom Sav DC = 12 + quality level or act as if under the confusion spell next turn.
Necrotic & Poison Viral Deals Necrotic/Poison whichever is best, on crit Con save DC = 12 + quality level or take an additional (Quality level) d6 additional damage these dice are not multiplied by the crit.
Any 2 Physical Finishing Deals whichever is physical damage type is best, on crit con save DC = 12 + quality level or start bleeding. Bleeding deals 1d6 damage at the start of each of the bleeding creatures turns until it receives healing, heals naturally or a creature uses an action to stop the bleeding using a healer's kit or performs a successful dc10 medicine check.

Tandy Wands, Wands for the common man!

Types of Tandy Wands

Tandy wands come in many varieties, but the essentially amount to a spell from any list. Cantrips, and 1st - 3rd level spells are what are available in these "starter" wands of unstable origins.

Wands are generally found on leaders/end of dungeon loot hoards. But can be sold by the traveling merchant listed above in the spheres list. If found from the traveling merchant, he always has 5-10 in stock. DM can determine what is available or use the following tables to determine what is available.

For the pricing, I generally go with the following formula: (3d8 x Level of Spell + 1) x 5 for gold value. Although the GM has the free rein to set the prices as they so choose. NOTE: If a cantrip wand that casts as a 1st lvl character is considered a lvl 0 wand, whereas a cantrip casts as a 5th lvl character it is considered a lvl 1 wand.

Wands that hold a cantrip cast the cantrip at the level the wand is capable of, and has 3 charges. The wand regenerates 3 charges at dawn.

Wands that hold a leveled spell have 1 charge and always cast at the lowest possible level. The wand regenerates 1 charge at dawn.

School of Magic

School D8 # to roll
Abjuration 1
Conjuration 2
Divination 3
Enchantment 4
Evocation 5
Illusion 6
Transmutation 7
Reroll 8

Level of spell

Level D20 # to roll
Cantrip 1-10
First 11-15
Second 16-19
Third 20

Cantrip Wand Power level

Equiv Character level D20 # to roll
1st 1-16
5th 17-19
11th 20

Cantrip Wand Abjuration

Spell D6 # to roll
Blade Ward 1-3
Resistance 4-6

Cantrip Wand Conjuration

Spell D6 # to roll
Acid Splash 1
Create Bonfire 2
Mage Hand 3
Poison Spray 4
Produce Flame 5
Sword Burst 6

Cantrip Wand Divination

Spell D6 # to roll
Guidance 1-3
True Strike 4-6

Cantrip Wand Enchantment

Spell D6 # to roll
Friends 1-3
Vicious Mockery 4-6

Cantrip Wand Evocation

Spell D12 # to roll
Booming Blade 1
Dancing Lights 2
Eldritch Blast 3
Fire Bolt 4
Frostbite 5
Green-Flame Blade 6
Light 7
Lightning Lure 8
Ray of Frost 9
Sacred Flame 10
Shocking Grasp 11
Thunder Clap 12

Cantrip Wand Illusion

Minor Illusion

Cantrip Wand Transmutation

Spell D12 # to roll
Control Flames 1
Druidcraft 2
Gust 3
Magic Stone 4
Mending 5
Message 6
Mold Earth 7
Prestidigitation 8
Shape Water 9
Shillelagh 10
Thaumaturgy 11
Thorn Whip 12

1st lvl Wand Abjuration

Spell D8 # to roll
Absorb Elements 1
Alarm 2
Armor of Agathys 3
Mage Armor 4
Protection from Evil and Good 5
Sanctuary 6
Shield 7
Shield of Faith 8

1st lvl Wand Conjuration

Spell D10 # to roll
Arms of Hadar 1
Ensnaring Strike 2
Entangle 3
Find Familiar 4
Fog Cloud 5
Grease 6
Hail of Thorns 7
Ice Knife 8
Tenser's Floating Disk 9
Unseen Servant 10

1st lvl Wand Divination

Spell D8 # to roll
Beast Bond 1
Comprehend Languages 2
Detect Evil and Good 3
Detect Magic 4
Detect Poison and Disease 5
Hunter's Mark 6
Identify 7
Speak with Animals 8

1st lvl Wand Enchantment

Spell D12 # to roll
Animal Friendship 1
Bane 2
Bless 3
Charm person 4
Command 5
Compelled Duel 6
Dissonant Whispers 7
Heroism 8
Hex 9
Sleep 10
Tasha's Hideous Laughter 11
Pick a spell 12

1st lvl Wand Evocation

Spell D20 # to roll
Burning Hands 1
Chromatic Orb 2
Cure Wounds 3
Divine Favor 4
Earth Tremor 5
Faerie Fire 6
Guiding Bolt 7
Healing Word 8
Hellish Rebuke 9
Magic Missile 10
Searing Smite 11
Thunderous Smite 12
Thunder Wave 13
Witch Bolt 14
Wrathful Smite 15
Pick a spell 16-20

1st lvl Wand Illusion

Spell D4 # to roll
Color Spray 1
Disguise Self 2
Illusory Script 3
Silent Image 4

1st lvl Wand Transmutation

Spell D8 # to roll
Catapult 1
Create or Destroy Water 2
Expeditious Retreat 3
Feather Fall 4
Goodberry 5
Jump 6
Longstrider 7
Purify Food and Drink 8

2nd lvl Wand Abjuration

Spell D6 # to roll
Aid 1
Arcane Lock 2
Lesser Restoration 3
Pass Without Trace 4
Protection from Poison 5
Warding Bond 6

2nd lvl Wand Conjuration

Spell D6 # to roll
Cloud of Daggers 1
Dust Devil 2
Find Steed 3
Flaming Sphere 4
Misty Step 5
Web 6

2nd lvl Wand Divination

Spell D8 # to roll
Augury 1
Beast Sense 2
Detect Thoughts 3
Find Traps 4
Locate Animals or Plants 5
Locate Object 6
See Invisibility 7
Pick a spell 8

2nd lvl Wand Enchantment

Spell D8 # to roll
Animal Messenger 1
Calm Emotions 2
Crown of Madness 3
Enthrall 4
Hold Person 5
Suggestion 6
Zone of Truth 7
Pick a spell 8

2st lvl Wand Evocation

Spell D20 # to roll
Aganazzar's Scorcher 1
Branding Smite 2
Continual Flame 3
Darkness 4
Flame Blade 5
Gust of Wind 6
Melf's Acid Arrow 7
Moonbeam 8
Prayer of Healing 9
Scorching Ray 10
Shatter 11
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm 12
Spiritual Weapon 13
Warding Bond 14
Pick a spell 15-20

2nd lvl Wand Illusion

Spell D8 # to roll
Blur 1
Invisibility 2
Magic Mouth 3
Mirror Image 4
Nystul's Magic Aura 5
Phantasmal Force 6
Silence 7
Pick a spell 8

2st lvl Wand Transmutation

Spell D20 # to roll
Alter Self 1
Barkskin 2
Cordon of Arrows 3
Darkvision 4
Earthbind 5
Enhance Ability 6
Enlarge/Reduce 7
Heat Metal 8
Knock 9
Levitate 10
Magic Weapon 11
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp 12
Pyrotechnics 13
Rope Trick 14
Skywrite 15
Spider Climb 16
Spike Growth 17
Pick a spell 18-20

3rd level Wand Abjuration

Spell D8 # to roll
Beacon of Hope 1
Counterspell 2
Dispel Magic 3
Glyph of Warding 4
Magic Circle 5
Nondetection 6
Protection from Energy 7
Remove Curse 8

3rd level Wand Conjuration

Spell D12 # to roll
Call Lightning 1
Conjure Animals 2
Conjure Barrage 3
Create Food and Water 4
Hunger of Hadar 5
Sleet Storm 6
Spirit Guardians 7
Stinking Cloud 8
Summon Lesser Demons 9
Thunder Step 10
Tidal Wave 11
Pick a spell 12

3rd level Wand Divination

Spell D6 # to roll
Clairvoyance 1-3
Tongues 4-6

3rd level Wand Enchantment

Spell D6 # to roll
Catnap 1-3
Enemies Abound 4-6

3rd level Wand Evocation

Spell D20 # to roll
Aura of Vitality 1
Blinding Smite 2
Crusader's Mantle 3
Daylight 4
Fireball 5
Leomund's Tiny Hut 6
Lightning Bolt 7
Mass Healing Word 8
Melf's Minute Meteors 9
Sending 10
Wall of Sand 11
Wall of Water 12
Wind Wall 13
Pick a Spell 14-20

3rd level Wand Illusion

Spell D4 # to roll
Fear 1
Hypnotic Pattern 2
Major Image 3
Phantom Steed 4

3rd level Wand Transmutation

Spell D8 # to roll
Blink 1
Elemental Weapon 2
Erupting Earth 3
Flame Arrows 4
Fly 5
Gaseous Form 6
Haste 7
Lightning Arrow 8
Meld Into Stone 9
Plant Growth 10
Slow 11
Speak with Plants 12
Tiny Servant 13
Water Breathing 14
Water Walk 15

Minor Enchantments & Curses


By speaking a command word as a bonus action this weapon gains the reach property until the start of your next turn.


This item is magically reinforced. It can withstand the rigors of combat even if it would normally be unable to. For example a guitar could now be a maul, or a glass rod can be a club, or a piece of paper could be a short sword.


This is a curse. If it is on any piece of weaponry, gear, or armor. The first time the user either makes (in the case of a weapon), or gets struck by a critical strike the item shatters and is gone forever.


If this is on an armor your movement speed increases by 5ft. If on a weapon it gains the thrown/ranged property, if it already has the thrown/ranged property its range is increased by 50%.


This is a curse. If this is on a piece of armor your movement speed decreases by 5ft. If it is on a weapon it loses 50% of its range, with or without the thrown/ranged property. (Example a heavy crossbow would only have 50/200 for its range instead of the usual 100/400)


This is generally a curse, although only a minor curse, but can also be a desired enchantment. This item will return to the owner within a given time span. For weapons I would suggest as soon as it strikes anything, so extra attack and AoO can be utilized if this is meant to be a beneficial curse. For gear/armor I would suggest 1d6+6 hours. Alternate timeframes and items are up to DM discretion.


This is a curse. This item will randomly teleport to the floor within 10 feet of you every 1d6 hours when held, worn, or carried. In combat if it is a weapon when you miss a strike by 7 or more the item teleports to the floor within 10 feet of you. Additionally when looking for this item you must make a successful active perception check (DC13) in order to find the object as it attempts to hide from you.


This can either be a curse or desired enchantment. This enchantment doubles the base weight of the item, and if it is a weapon adds the heavy feature. Additionally critical strikes with a weapon deal 1 extra die of damage. Criticals received while this is on an armor piece reduce the number of dice by 1. Additionally if this is on a weapon there is now a strength requirement of 13 to wield it and gain your proficiency bonus, if it is an armor the strength requirement increases by 1 tier (plate increases to 17 strength requirement)


This can either be a curse or desired enchantment. This enchantment halves the base weight of the item, and if it is a weapon it adds the light or finesse feature (DM's discretion). Additionally critical strikes with this weapon can deal only 50% more damage instead of 100% more. (IE the dice added on crit is halved). Armor with this trait increases the number of dice used when critically struck by 1 but reduces the strength requirement to wear by 1 tier (IE plate now requires 13 strength).


This is can only be placed on weapons or objects. If it is a weapon adds 1d4 to the weapons total damage. Additionally its weight is multiplied by 2, requires a strength score of 13 or higher, and cannot be wielded by small or smaller creatures.


This is a curse, and you subtract 1d4 from your damage dealt with this weapon. Additionally this reduces the weapon's weight by half, and cannot be wielded by large or larger creatures. This can also be placed on objects to varying degrees of change.



  • Edited gramer, structure, and added clarification throughout document


  • Clarified and rewrote/adjusted large portions of the entire document to be both more clear and be easier to use.


  • Added in 3rd level spells for Tandy Wands
  • Refined rules for Spheres & innately magical items.
  • Increased DC's to remove spheres
  • Generally Cleaned up grammar and spelling throughout the document