


This PDF is a supplement for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. Inside are races and classes based on the Dragon Ball series, made for use as a player. Also included are several rules for how Transformations, Fusions, and Dragonballs can work within a setting.

Be warned, this supplement is not balanced for regular play. Saiyans, Namekians, Saiyan Warriors, and Z-Fighters are all much stronger than normal D&D characters.

What this Supplement Includes

This supplement includes two new races, Saiyans and Namekians. Both of these races are included in Part 1, and can be adapted to suit many settings. This supplemet also includes two classes, Saiyan Warrior, a saiyan exclusive class that includes many of the iconic Saiyan powers, and Z-Fighter, a similar class for every other race to gain their own Dragon Ball series powers. Finally, this supplement includes 1 new background, Alien, and some alternate rules and suggestions for adding other Dragon Ball series elements into your game.

Both of the races included in this supplement are aliens, and as are best included in settings where visitors from other planets or planes are acceptable.


Cover Art: Lodbrok (
Various Images: Akira Toriyama Other Image Sources(Found through Google Images):


Part 1: Races


Saiyans are natives to the now destroyed planet Vegeta, known for their brutual power in battle and culture of ruthless self-interest.

Incredible Warriors

Saiyans have limitless power, thanks to their ability to gain and intense power boost from nearly dying. This had led to many easily preventable conflicts throughout Saiyan history, as greed for power drives Saiyans towards battles they would otherwise flee from.

"Dirty Monkeys"

Saiyans appear similar to monkeys in many ways. The most obvious trait is a furry, prehensile tail extending from their lower back. It is a source of pride for most Saiyans, and an easy target to anger a proud Saiyan.

Static Appearance

Saiyans have completely static hair and eye colors; from birth to death, all Saiyans have pure black hair and eyes. As well, their body may appear unaging, as it changes little for almost all of their life, only appearing different in the beginning and ending stages of a Saiyan's life.

Saiyan Traits

Every Saiyan gains these traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.

Age. Saiyans reach maturity at 13 years of age, and live in youth for around a century, before quickly aging to death in about a decade.

Alignment. Saiyans tend towards the Chaos of battle, and tend towards Evil or Neutral alignments due to their culture of self-preservation.

Size. Saiyans range from 5 to 7 feet tall, and have a size of Medium.

Speed. The base walking speed of a Saiyan is 30ft. Languages. Saiyans speak, read, and write Common and Saiyan. Saiyan is a brutish language, not unlike the Orcish common to traditional fantasy planets.

Zenkai. Every near death experience a Saiyan faces makes them stronger. If a Sayian becomes unconcious by dropping to 0 hit points, and then returns to full hit points following that, the Saiyan's hit point maximum increases by 1, up to a maximum bonus equal to double the Saiyan's level.

Great Ape. The tail of Saiyan is the conduit for their true power. If a Saiyan watches a planetary body reflecting the light of a star while in the atmosphere of a planet, the Saiyan turns into a Great Ape.

This transformation can be avoided with a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to look away from the moon. Once the transformation begins, the Saiyan must make a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw or become Berserk. Each successful check reduces the DC by 1, to a minimum of 5.

While Berserk, a Great Ape must attack any living creature it notices, unless the creature succeeds an Intimidation attempt against the Great Ape.

The Great Ape transformation relies on the Saiyan's tail. If at any point the tail is removed, this form is immediately ended and cannot be accessed until the tail regrows in 1d4 weeks.

Great Ape

Huge beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14 (natural)
  • Hit Points 85(5d12+25)hp
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 5 (1800 XP)


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 13 (1d12 + 5)

Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one prone target. Hit 19 (2d12 + 5)



"The Namekians are a strange race; their incredible ability to create the powerful Dragon Balls, artifacts that grant wishes when gathered, shows that even the Namekians that do not show combat prowess are still very useful."

-Galatic Reporter on the viability of Namekian alliances

Peaceful and Welcoming

Namekians are know for their overall friendly nature and tendency towards compassion and empathy with other species. Namekians are unlikely to confront any except clear vilians, who are shown no mercy and killed with extreme prejudice.


Namekians are similar to green, humanoid slugs, with pink patches along the body. Two antenna sprout from the head, with bulbous ends.Pointed ears complete the image of a Namekian, a signal to their enhanced hearing ability.

Namekian Traits

All Namekians gain these traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Namekians mature within 5 years, and can live for several hundred years. The oldest recorded Namekian was 400 years old.

Size. Namekians are 6 to 7 feet tall, and are of Medium size.

Speed. You base walking speed is 30ft.

Languages. You speak Common and Namekian.

Regeneration. Namekians can innately regenerate their limbs by exerting themselves. After a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, a Namekian can regenerate a limb in exchange for 1 level of exhaustion. If they fail this save, they do not renegerate a limb but do take the level of exhaustion.

Dragon Clan Namekian

Dragon Clan Namekians are peaceful, and are hesitant to direct combat. However, they have the power to heal their allies.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Healing. As an action, you can give up to double your level in hit points to a creature by touching them at the cost of an equal amount of your hit points/

Warrior Type Namekian

Warrior Namekians are protectors of the Dragon Clan, and are bred specifically for fighting. They constitute only around 10% of the Namekian population.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Extendable Limbs. Your melee reach increases by 5 feet.

Demon Clan Namekian

Demon Clan Namekians are a rare breed of Namekian, born from the pure evil of a Namekians heart, they usually only number less than 10 at any time.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1.

Demon Blood. You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

This subrace only fits in some settings. Please consult your Game Master about the role of this subrace and how your origin fits into the story.

Sample Namekian Names

Most Namekian names follow one of two patterns based on their subrace. Namekians are often named either in reference to their slug-like appearance or (in the case of the Demon Clan) instruments.

Warrior Type Namekian Names: Nail, Escar

Dragon Clan Namekian Names: Dende, Guru, Moroi

Demon Clan Namekian Names: Piccolo, Tambourine


Part 2: Classes

Sayian Warrior

A muscled Saiyan faces a dreadful tyrant, outmatched and outclassed, until he harnesses his inner rage and his hair becomes golden and spiked. He turns the tables, his strength increased by several magnitudes. A Saiyan warrior, recently returned from death, confronts villians many times his strength. He seems too weak, until a flowing red aura surrounds him, and his power exponentially increases. Eventually, desperate after his last attack, he harnesses the power of the world around him to create a powerful ball of energy, devastating his enemy. What seems to be another golden Saiyan goes about his daily life. The powerful transformation takes no toll on this Saiyan, and it seems almost like his natural state. All these warriors are Saiyans that have harnessed their innate energy to become incredible fighters.

Powerful Ki

Saiyans Warriors are trained to harness the energy of the world, Ki, to create attacks of incredible power. This energy is in every living part of the world, and Saiyan Warriors train their innate Ki to grow and cultivate it's power.

Overwhelming Power

Saiyan Warriors often use transformations to greatly increase their power, although usually with a time limit before facing consequences for their increase. This increase makes them favor quick, even battles, and prolonged battles are often just as much an enemy as who ever they are fighting.


The Saiyan Warrior
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Melee Damage Ki Points
1st +2 Saiyan Strength 1d4 -
2nd +2 Force of Will 1d4 -
3rd +2 Saiyan Archetype, Super Saiyan, Ki 1d4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4 3
5th +3 Power Blast 1d6 4
6th +3 - 1d6 8
7th +3 Extra Attack 1d6 9
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 10
9th +4 Archetype Feature 1d8 11
10th +4 Ki Control 1d8 12
11th +4 - 1d8 13
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 13
13th +5 - 1d10 20
14th +5 Extra Attack 1d10 21
15th +5 Ki Conversion 1d10 22
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 23
17th +6 Archetype Feature 1d12 24
18th +6 Extra Attack 1d12 25
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 26
20th +6 Ki Mastery 1d12 30

Class Features

As a Saiyan Warrior , you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Saiyan Warrior level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armor
  • Weapons: None
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Performance, Survival, Perception, Insight and Intimidation.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather Armor or (b) Common Clothes
  • (a) a Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack

Saiyan Strength

Starting at level 1 your unarmed strikes do 1d4 bludgeoning damage. As you level, your unarmed damage increases. As well, you can do unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Force of Will

Starting at level 2, while your character is under extreme duress, they gain a bonus to Constitution checks equal to their Sayian Warrior level.


At level 3, your innate energy, Ki, is now available to you after extensive training of your body. Your Ki Points show how strong your Ki is, and thus how far you can push your Ki into your abilities. You start with 2 Ki Points + Wisdom modifier, and this amount increases as you level. Your Ki can be used in a variety of ways.


Ki Strength

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to add your Wisdom modifier to your unarmed damage for 1 round.

Ki Blast

As an action, you can spend 2 Ki Points to perform a ranged spell attack using Wisdom, doing your current Saiyan Strength damage + Wisdom modifier force damage on a success. This attack has a range of 30ft.

Ki Flight

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to gain fly speed equal to your walk speed for 1 round. If you are not in combat, Ki Flight lasts for 1 minute per Ki Point instead.

Super Saiyan

At level 3, you gain the power to transform into the form of the legendary Super Saiyan. This form transforms your hair from its natural black to a vibrant, glowing gold, and your eyes from their darkness into green orbs. Your Ki grows so much in strength that it becomes visible as a aura of flame around you, illuminating you with bright light that spreads for 5ft, before ending suddenly.

You can become a Super Saiyan as an action in exchange for 1 Ki Point. For every round past the first as a Super Saiyan, you must pay another Ki Point. While you are a Super Saiyan, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by 2 up to a maximum of 20, your speed increases by 5ft, and you can use Ki Flight for free.

After 5 rounds of using Super Saiyan, you must make a DC 10 Constitution check to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion, and failing this check forces you back to your normal state.

Saiyan Archetype

At level 3, you must choose how to enhance your strength: By pure Rage, through learning Control, or by gaining the teaching of the Kai.

Power Blast

At level 5, you can now focus your Ki into a beam of intense energy.

As an action, you can charge a Power Blast. You may charge the blast up to your Wisdom modifier times. Each charge of the Power Blast gives the beam additional damage and range.

After at least 1 round of charging, you can launch the beam as an action, launching a 5ft beam with a length of 50ft per charge, and that deals damage equal to your Saiyan Strength modifier per charge.

Extra Attack

At level 7, you can now perform another attack when you take the Attack action. You gain additional attacks at 14th and 18th level.

Ki Control

At 10th level, you have gained a greater control of your Ki powers. Ki Strength now allows you to roll an additional damage die when you attack,

Ki Speed

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to gain an additional 10ft of movement for one round.

Ki Conversion

At 15th level, you have learned how to draw on your own life force for use as Ki. As a bonus action, you can convert 10 hit points into 1 + your Wisdom modifier Ki Points.

Ki Mastery

At 20th level, your Ki is as natural to you as walking or talking. Ki Speed now gives an additional 20ft of movement and Ki Flight takes no Ki. As well, Ki Conversion is now more efficient, giving you 2 + your Wisdom modifier Ki Points per 10 hit points.



Every Saiyan draws their strength by some source. Most draw on the power of their Rage, transforming into powerful forms of destruction. Some draw on their ability to Control their rage, maintaining lesser forms without penalty. And some few gain training from the Kai, using their sacred techniques to boost their natural power.


Most Saiyans grow a connection towards their comrades in battle, becoming more family than even blood family. Oftentimes, these connections are what cause a Saiyan to first harness their power of Rage in combat. Regaardless, Saiyan Warriors of Rage use that Rage to transform into intensely powerful forms unqiue the Saiyan.

Great Ape Control

At level 3, you gain the ability to harness the beast within. When you transform into a Great Ape, you no longer have to roll to avoid becoming Berserk. As well, you gain a bonus equal to your Saiyan Warrior level to damage rolls while you are a Great Ape.

Super Saiyan 2

At level 9, you gain the ability to push even further beyond your Super Saiyan transformation, ascending to Super Saiyan 2. This form is almost identical to Super Saiyan, but your hair becomes even more straight and spiky, and sparks of lighting flicker in your aura. Your aura still illuminates 5ft around you with bright light.

You can become a Super Saiyan 2 as a action in exchange for 2 Ki Points if you in your normal state, or as a bonus action in exchange for 1 Ki Point if you are in Super Saiyan form. For every round past the first as a Super Saiyan 2, you must pay another 2 Ki Points. While you are a Super Saiyan 2, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score increase by 4 up to a maximum of 22, your speed increases by 10ft, you can use Ki Flight for free, and when rolling damage, add an additional die.

After 3 rounds of using Super Saiyan 2, you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion, and failing this check forces you back into Super Saiyan form.

Super Saiyan 3

At level 17, you have pushed your body to it's limit, becoming even stronger than a Super Saiyan 2. This form keeps the golden hair and green eyes of the previous forms, but now your hair grows to extreme lengths, reaching at least your waist. Your eyebrows disappear. Your aura now illuminates everything in a 10ft radius with bright light.

You can become a Super Saiyan 3 as after 2 actions in exchange for 4 Ki Points, or as an action in exchange for 2 Ki Points if you in Super Saiyan 2 form. For every round past the first as a Super Saiyan 3, you must pay an addiontal 4 Ki Points. While you are a Super Saiyan 3, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score increase by 6 up to a maximum of 24, your speed increases by 20ft, you can use Ki Flight and Ki Strength for free, and when rolling damage, add two additional die.

Every round while using Super Saiyan 3, you must make a DC 20 Constitution check to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion, and failing this check forces you back to Super Saiyan 2 form.

Additional Forms

By pushing past the barriers of Super Saiyan, some characters of Dragon Ball have ascended to higher forms, although lesser than that of Super Saiyan 2.

Ascended Super Saiyan:

By pumping additional Ki into the Super Saiyan form, you can increase the power it gives you. Your muscles bulk up visibly.

You can become an Ascended Super Saiyan as a bonus action as long as you are a Super Saiyan. You cannot become an Ascended Super Saiyan from any other form. This costs 1 Ki Point to transform, and 2 Ki Points to maintain every round. While you are an Ascended Super Saiyan, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increase by 3, up to a maximum of 21. All other benefits of Super Saiyan form apply.

Ultra Super Saiyan:

By filling your body with a huge amount of Ki, you can take the Super Saiyan form beyond it's limits, even surpassing Ascended Super Saiyan form. This unfortunately reduces your speed, as your muscles bulk to an extreme degree.

You can become an Ultra Super Saiyan as a bonus action as long as you are an Ascended Super Saiyan. You cannot become an Ultra Super Saiyan from any other form. This costs 1 Ki to Transform, and 3 Ki Points to maintain every round. While you are an Ultra Super Saiyan, your Strength and Constitution increase by 4 up to a maximum of 22, your Dexterity decreases by 2 down to a minimum of 1, and you have disadvantage on all attack rolls. All other benefits of Super Saiyan form apply.


Kai Training

As a disciple of the Kai, rulers of the galaxies, you learn their sacred techniques. Unfortunately, to learn from the Kai, you must die, and be a warrior worthy enough to keep your body. Even if you meet all those prerequisites, you still must cross Snake Way in the Otherworld to get to your Kai's planet.

Weighted Training

At level 3 when you choose this archetype, the Kai's teach you how best to use gravity to your advantage. You now possess a set of weighted Common Clothes of your choice. While wearing these clothes, your Strength decreases by an amount equal to your Saiyan Warrior level, to a minimum of 1. After removing the clothing, your Strength returns to its normal level, and you gain a bonus to unarmed damage equal to your half your Saiyan Warrior level. This bonus lasts for the same amount of time spent wearing the weighted Common Clothes.

King Kai Fist (Kaioken)

Starting at level 3, you can use the sacred teachnique of the King Kai to multiply your combat strength. However, using this technique puts intense strain on your body, causing muscular damage every time you use the teachique. You start out knowing the Kaioken x2 and x3. At level 6, you learn to use the Kaioken x4. At level 9, you learn to use the Kaioken x5. At level 13, you learn to use the Kaioken x10. At level 17, you have achieved the peak level of Kaioken, Kaioken x20.

To use Kaioken, you use an action to lose health up to specific amount per Kaioken level and spend the amount of Ki listed on the table, and gain as much additional unarmed damage, ki blast damage, and movement speed as you sacrificed health. You must pay health and Ki for each round spent in Kaioken. After exiting Kaioken, you gain the level of exhaustion on the table.

Kaioken Level Max HP Sacrifice Exhaustion Ki Cost
x2 4 0 1
x3 6 1 1
x4 8 1 2
x5 10 2 2
x10 12 3 3
x20 20 4 4

Spirit Bomb

At level 17, you have finally mastered the ultimate technique of the Kai: The Spirit Bomb. By pulling on the Ki of every living thing, you can create a bomb on immense energy. For each turn spent charging the bomb, and gains 2d10 force damage.

You can gather and control energy up to double your Wisdom score of d10, afterwards you must make a DC 15 + (number of d10 above your Wisdom score) Wisdom saving throw or have the bomb dissipate, loosing all the energy stored inside.

If you are attacked while controlling or charging the Spirit Bomb, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to avoid loosing control of the Spirit Bomb. Loosing control of the Spirit Bomb while charging results in it dissipating as described above.

When you launch the Spirit Bomb, make a ranged attack (using Wisdom) as an action. The Spirit Bomb has a radius of 20ft, plus an additional 10ft per charge after the first. If any part of the Spirit Bomb hits a corporeal object, including it's target, it explodes, dealing it's damage to all objects within 100ft of the Spirit Bomb's edge.



While most choose to give entirely into the Rage of Saiyan instinct, some choose to take a different route. These Saiyans learn to adapt the Super Saiyan form by extended use.

Great Ape Surpression

At level 3 when you choose this archetype, you devote yourself to control of your boundless power. Thanks to this, you have a +5 bonus to rolls to resist the Great Ape transformation, and a +5 to avoid going Berserk.

Full-Power Super Saiyan

At level 9, you have spent long periods of time adjusting to the Super Saiyan form. Your Ki, previously a bright, flame-like aura, now is gone, conpletely under your control. Now, Super Saiyan costs no Ki to maintain, can be transformed into and out of as a bonus action, and does not require Constitution saving throws.

As well, while you are a Super Saiyan, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by 2, up to a maximum of 22.

Full-Power Super Saiyan 2

At level 17, your time spent using the Full-Power Super Saiyan form has increased it's power to around that of a Super Saiyan 2, although without the strain.

Your Full-Power Super Saiyan form now increases your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by 4 up to a maximum of 24, your speed increases by 10ft, and when rolling damage add an additional die.



A strange, three-eyed human faces a muscly monster of a man on the stage of martial arts tournament. As the muscleman rushes forward, the three-eyed human makes a thriangle with his hands and shoots out a blast of energy, blowing his opponent off the stage and winning the match.

Two students dressed in orange training gi rush as fast as they can, performing all variety of tasks at breakneck speed. They race eachother, reaching speeds far greater than any regular human.

A short, bald human raises his hand and forms a disc of pure energy. He faces his opponent, a fearsome fighter from another planet, and throws the disc, slicing straight through the fighter.

All of these fighters were Z-Fighters: martial artists that learned to harness their inner energy, their Ki, to perform superhuman actions.


All Z-Fighters learn to harness their inner energy for their abilities. This energy exists in all things, and much of the Z-Fighter training is using and growing their own well of Ki. Some learn to harness even their own life force to convert it to Ki.

Martial Arts

All Z-Fighters first learn the martial arts in their quest to become stronger. This training comes in many forms. Those of the Turtle teachings, for example, do physical labor to train their bodies. Regaardless, this results in fluid, strong hand-to-hand combat, and Z-Fighters are in their element without any weapon besides themselves.

The Z-Fighter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Melee Damage Ki Points
1st +2 Martial Arts 1d4 -
2nd +2 Second Wind(1d10) 1d4 -
3rd +2 Archetype, Ki 1d4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d4 3
5th +3 - 1d6 4
6th +3 - 1d6 8
7th +3 Extra Attack 1d6 9
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 10
9th +4 Archetype Feature 1d8 11
10th +4 Second Wind(2d10) 1d8 12
11th +4 Ki Control 1d8 13
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 14
13th +5 - 1d10 20
14th +5 Extra Attack 1d10 21
15th +5 Second Wind(3d12) 1d10 22
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 23
17th +6 Archetype Feature 1d12 24
18th +6 Extra Attack 1d12 25
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 26
20th +6 Ki Mastery 1d12 30

Class Features

As a Z-Fighter, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Z-Fighterlevel
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Z-Fighter level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: None
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Insight, History, Persuasion, and Perception.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Leather Armor or (b) Training Gi (Common Clothes)
  • (a) a Scholar's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack

Martial Arts

Starting at level, by studying the arts of unarmed combat, your unarmed damage increases to 1d4. As well, you can make unarmed attacks a bonus action. As you level, your unarmed damage increases, a shown in the table above.

Second Wind

Starting at level 2, once per short or long rest, you can pull on your force of will to force yourself through damage in battle. You regain 1d10+Z-Fighter level hit points. At level 10, this increases to 2d10, and at level 15 it increases to 3d12.


At level 3, your innate energy, Ki, is now available to you after extensive training of your body. Your Ki Points show how strong your Ki is, and thus how far you can push your Ki into your abilities. You start with 2 Ki Points + Wisdom modifier, and this amount increases as you level. Your Ki can be used in a variety of ways.

Ki Strength

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to add your Wisdom modifier to your unarmed damage for 1 round.


Ki Blast

As an action, you can spend 2 Ki Points to perform a ranged spell attack using Wisdom, doing your Martial Arts damage die + Wisdom modifier force damage on a success. This attack has a range of 30ft.

Ki Flight

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to gain fly speed equal to your walk speed for 1 round. If you are not in combat, 1 Ki Point will last you for 1 minute instead.


At level 3, you must choose what form of training you will pursue to increase your power. You may learn the ways of the Turtle School, the Crane School, the teachings of the Kai, or of Piccolo.

Extra Attack

At level 7, you can now perform another attack when you take the Attack action. You gain additional attacks at 14th and 18th level.

Ki Control

At 11th level, you have gained a greater control of your Ki powers. Ki Strength now allows you to roll an additional damage die when you make a melee attack.

Ki Speed

As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Ki Point to gain an additional 10ft of movement.

Ki Mastery

At 20th level, your Ki is as natural to you as walking or talking. Ki Speed now provides 20ft of additional movement per Ki Point, Ki Flight is free, and twice per long rest, you can choose to use half (rounded down) as much Ki for one round.



Turtle School

Turtle Martial Arts

At level 3, you have mastered the forms of the Turtle Style. You now have proficiency with simple weapons, and can use your Martial Arts die for damage while using any simple weapon.

Special Technique

At level 9, you may choose to learn 1 of these three specialty techniques. At level 13, you learn 1 additional special technique.


You charge a huge beam of energy between your palms. You can charge the blast for 1 round as an action. After charging the blast, you can launch a 5ft wide, 100ft long beam that deals 2d8 magical force damage. This attack costs 2 Ki Points. At level 13, this attack does 3d8 magical force damage. At level 17, this attack does 4d8 magical force damage.

A creature in the line can make a DC 10 + your Wisdom modifier Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, otherwise taking full damage.

Destructo Disc

You gather your Ki into a circle of pure cutting power. After spending one round gathering the energy and refining it's edge, you can launch the disc at an enemy. As an action, you make a ranged attack (using Wisdom) to deal 2d8 magical piercing damage. This attack costs 2 Ki Points. At level 13, this attack does 3d8 magical piercing damage. At level 17, this attack does 4d8 magical piercing damage.

Wolf Fang Fist

You gather your Ki into your hands, shaping them into the sharp jaws of a mighty wolf. As an action, you make a melee attack, dealing 1d8 magical slashing damage on a successful hit. This costs 1 Ki Point. At level 13, this attack does 2d8 magical slashing damage. At level 17, this attack does 3d8 magical slashing damage.

Full Power Kamehameha

At level 17, you have mastered the Turtle School's special destructive wave. After spending 2 rounds charging the blast, you can launch a 200ft line beam that deals 5d12+30 magical force damage. This attack costs 3 Ki Points.

Any creature in the line can make a DC 15 + your Wisdom modifier Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, otherwise taking full damage. You can only use this move once per long rest.


Crane School

The Crane School is rival to the Turtle School of Master Roshi, and is run by Master Shen. The Crane School specializes in using one's own life force to create extra powerful attacks.

Crane Martial Arts

At level 3, your ability to wield Ki throughout our body has increased. You are always under the effects of Ki Strength, and do not have to spend Ki on it.

Special Technique

At level 9, you may choose to learn 1 of these three specialty techniques. At level 13, you learn 1 additional special technique.


You have learned the main attack of the Crane School. You form your hands into a triangular shape and shout "Tri-Beam HAA!" to launch a blast of energy. As an action, make a ranged spell attack using Wisdom; this attack does 2d10 magical bludgeoning damage, and costs 3 Ki Points. At level 13, this attack does 3d10 magical bludgeoning damage. At level 17, this attack does 4d10 magical bludgeoning damage.

Dodon Ray

You have learned to shape your Ki into a piercing laser of energy. You point your finger at your target, and a thin beam of energy launches from your finger. As an action, make a ranged attack using Wisdom with disadvantage; this attack does 2d10 magical piercing damage. This costs 3 Ki Points. At level 13, this attack does 3d10 magical piercing damage. At level 17, this attack does 4d10 magical piercing damage.

Psychic Stun

You have unlocked latent Psychic powers. As an action you can touch an enemy in an attempt to paralyse them for 3 Ki Points. They make a DC 10 + your Wisdom modifier Wisdom saving throw to avoid being paralysed for 1 round.

Neo Tri-Beam

At level 17, you have mastered the secret to using the Tri-beam to it's full potential. As an action, you can sacrifice your own life force to form an extremely powerful Tri-beam. You lose 1d20 hit points, and make a ranged attack using Wisdom. This attack does twice as much damage as the health you lost.



King Piccolo, upon death at the hands of Son Goku, produced a "son": Piccolo Junior. Piccolo Jr. eventually became one of the Z-Fighters, and created several special techniques. Those following this path are taught the way of this Namekian demon.

Namekian Martial Arts

At level 6, you have been trained in the martial arts technique of Namekian fighters. You gain advantage when attacking opponents who have just enetered your range in the last round, and opponents who are leaving your range (attacks of opportunity).

Special Technique

At level 9, you may choose to learn 1 of these three specialty techniques. At level 13, you learn 1 additional special technique.


You have learned the Masenko technique. This attack, similar to the Kamehameha of the Turtle School, launches a blast of pure energy from the hands. The user places their hands, one over the other, over their head, palms facing the target and fingers extended, and shouts "Maskenko HAA!".

As an action, you can perform this technique, launching a ranged attack (using Wisdom) with proficiency. The range for this attack is 100ft, and the damage is 1d10 magical force damage plus your Wisdom modifier. This costs 2 Ki Points. At level 13, this attack does 2d10 magical force damage. At level 17, it does 3d10 magical force damage.

Special Beam Cannon

You learn the Special Beam Cannon (also known as the Makankōsappō). By concentrating all of your energy into just two fingertips, you can create a nearly unblockable beam of energy.

As an action, you can begin to charge the Special Beam Cannon. This costs 2 Ki Points. If you are attacked before your next turn, you must make a DC 5 + damage taken Constitution saving throw to keep your concentration. After charging for one round, you can launch the attack as an action. If you do not launch the attack, you may keep it charged as action, otherwise it dissipates.

Launching the attack is a ranged attack (using Wisdom). This attack has a range of 250ft and you automatically have disadvantage when attack unless the target is unable to move. If the attack hits, it does 5d10 magical piercing damage and continues past the target to it's maximum range or until something blocks the damage. At level 13, this attack does 7d10 magical piercing damage. At level 17, it does 10d10 magical piercing damage.

Light Grenade

At level 17, you have learned Piccolo's ultimate attack: Light Grenade. You gather a massive amount of Ki into a grenade of pure light. You place your hands around a sphere of air, and focus all of your Ki in that area. Then, you push it forward, launching at an enemy.

As an action, you can charge your Ki into a Light Grenade. This costs 5 Ki Points. If you are attacked before your next turn, you must make a DC 5 + damage taken Constitution saving throw to keep your concentration. After charging for one round, you can launch the attack as an action. If you do not launch the attack, you may keep it charged as action, otherwise it dissipates

Launching the grenade is a ranged attack (using Wisdom). This attack has a range of 100ft, and does damage in a 20ft randius from the target. If the attack hits, it does 50+5d10 magical force damage to everything in the 20ft radius.


Kai Training

Some Z-Fighters, having fallen in battle, are chosen for their strength to recieve special training from the overseers of the galaxies, the Kai. The Kai have created many unique techniques, and disciples of the Kai learn these techniques during their afterlife.

King Kai Fist (Kaioken)

Starting at level 3, you can use the sacred teachnique of the King Kai to multiply your combat strength. However, using this technique puts intense strain on your body, causing muscular damage every time you use the teachique. You start out knowing the Kaioken x2 and x3. At level 6, you gain the resilence to use the Kaioken x4. At level 9, you gain the resilence to use the Kaioken x5. At level 13, you gain the resilence to use the Kaioken x10. At level 17, you have achieved the resilience to use the strongest form of Kaioken, Kaioken x20.

To use Kaioken, you use an action to lose health up to specific amount per Kaioken level and spend the amount of Ki listed on the table, and gain as much additional unarmed damage, ki blast damage, and movement speed as you sacrificed health. You must pay health and Ki for each round spent in Kaioken. After exiting Kaioken, you gain the level of exhaustion on the table.

Kaioken Level Max HP Sacrifice Exhaustion Ki Cost
x2 4 0 1
x3 6 1 1
x4 8 1 2
x5 10 2 2
x10 12 3 3
x20 20 4 4

Spirit Bomb

At level 9, you have mastered the Spirit Bomb. By pulling on the Ki of every living thing, you can create a bomb on immense energy. For every round spent charging the bomb, it gains 2d10 force damage. You can gather and control energy up to your Wisdom score 2d10, afterwards you must make a DC 15 + (number of d10 above your Wisdom score) Wisdom saving throw or have the bomb dissipate, loosing all the energy stored inside.

If you are attacked while controlling or charging the Spirit Bomb, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to avoid loosing control of the Spirit Bomb. Loosing control of the Spirit Bomb while charging results in it dissipating as described above.

When you launch the Spirit Bomb, make a ranged attack (using Wisdom) as an action. The Spirit Bomb has a radius of 20ft, plus an additional 10ft per charge after the first. If any part of the Spirit Bomb hits a corporeal object, including it's target, it explodes, dealing it's damage to all objects within 100ft of the Spirit Bomb's edge.

Ultimate Potential

At level 17, you have your entire potential power unlocked. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase to 22 permanently.


Part 3: Backgrounds


By some unfortunate (or fortunate) circumstance, you were of alien birth but eventually made your way to Earth . Perhaps you crash landed here as a child. Maybe you were sent here to conquer and then sell the planet. Regaardless, you have grown fond of the planet and it now your true home.

This background is only available to Saiyans and Namekians.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Intimidation
  • Equipment: One artifact from your native homeland, a set of rough common clothes, a memento of someone who has accepted you, and a belt pouch with 5 gp.

Home Planet

d6 Planet
1 Pluto
2 Planet Yardrat
3 Planet Vegeta / Namek
4 New Namek
5 Jupiter
6 Earth

Feature: Alien Experience

Your time on your home planet, or your genetics, have enabled you to gain a minor skill. Perhaps your time your childhood on Planet Yardrat and seeing use of Instant Transmission makes it easier for you to recognize extremely fast movement. Perhaps Planet Vegeta's increased gravity has resulted in you having a bulkier body.

Suggested Characteristics

Your alien nature and experiences differentiate you from almost everyone you know, and this has shaped your personality in some way.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I cannot understand humans and their discussions, so I am usually silent.
2 My alien experiences make me violent and ruthless in every combat situation.
3 I have difficulty making friends, but I always try to be friendly with everyone.
4 I am royalty in my species, and I see everyone else as lesser than me.
5 I spent most of my time alone, thinking about combat and training.
6 I have no desire to fight, and would rather study. However, my alien nature makes me an amazing fighter, so I feel obligated to help.
7 I love Earth and it's environment more than my home planet, but this makes me ashamed.
8 I find Earth and it's environment disgusting, and have no problem sharing this.
d6 Ideal
1 Vengance. A tyrant has killed or otherwise hurt my people, and now I am consumed by desire to kill them. (Evil)
2 People. My friends and family are the most important thing to me, and I would sacrifice anything for them. (Good)
3 Understanding. I wish to truly understand and assimilate into the culture I'm a part of now. (Neutral)
4 Justice. I am consumed with desire to bring justice to those who would do wrong, and have no hesitation in using my power to do so.
5 Pride. My honor and pride guide my life. (Lawful)
6 Entertainment. The one thing that I can't live without is fun. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I was taken in my an elderly parent-figure, and they have taught me most of my life.
2 I have a burning desire to find the rest of my species and return to my native home.
3 I have found a family here, and they mean everything to me.
4 My inventions and discoveries about the nature of alien life are my passion.
5 I used to live alone in the wilderness, but now my fellow fighters are my true home.
6 A villain my master defeated long ago is sealed into an everyday object. I keep and protect this object at all times to stop their escape.
d8 Flaws
1 I see anyone who has no fighting skill as weak and worthless.
2 Humans are lesser lifeforms in my eyes.
3 I am consumed by a legend that I believe I will fulfill, and pursue leads on it without caution.
4 I trust everyone to be as honorable as I am.
5 My isolated upbringing makes me uncomfortable in situations with many people.
6 I have no desire to fight, and refuse to do so except in the most extreme cases.
7 I love animals more than humans, and will defend these creatures above human life.
8 My upbringing filled with incorrect and evil ways of thinking, and I must fight against those every day.


Part 4: Additional Rules


Dragon Balls, mystic orange-red spheres, are the namesake of the Dragon Ball series. By gathering all 7 of the spheres are calling forth the dragon who watches over the spheres, you may have your wish(es) granted.


The Dragonballs and their creation originate from the planet Namek. As such, most Namekians have at least some knowledge of what the Dragon Balls are. The highest members of the Dragon Clan of Namekians are the keepers and creators of the Dragon Balls, and are the source of ther power.

As such, killing the keeper of the Dragon Balls renders them inert and unable to be used.


After every use, the Dragonballs scatter over the planet they were used on. Each Dragon Ball goes in (approximately) a different cardinal direction, and becomes inert. After 1 year (as per the planet), the Dragon Balls re-activate and can be gathered for a new wish. Finding the Dragon Balls is long journey, however there are ways to shorten the time required to find them. Keep in mind, collecting the Dragon Balls should be a major goal and not overused.

Firstly, by passing a DC 20 Investigation check while examining an inert Dragon Ball, you can identify them even when they are inert. This means that collection can begin immediately after the Dragon Balls are used.

As well, by spending a year studying an active Dragon Ball, and by passing a DC 30 Intelligence check, you can learn how to create a Dragon Radar.

Dragon Radar

The Dragon Radar recognizes and displays locations of active Dragon Balls. It is a small, circular, and delicate object.

The Dragon Radar takes 1 week to build, as well as 300gp worth of materials.


After gathering all seven Dragon Balls, you must summon the dragon. This requires a passphrase, typically in the native language of their creator. This is almost always Namekian, as the secret to creating Dragon Balls is kept close to the heads of the Dragon Clan elders.

Once the Dragon has been summoned, it will grant your wishes. This functions identically to the wish spell. Some Dragons can grant more than one wish, usually with less power in each wish.

There are some special powers available to the Dragon Balls as well. This is some ideas for how wishes should operate outside of the wish spell.


If a player or non-player character wishes for immortality, they can no longer die. This means, mechanically, that when reaching 0 hit points, they do not have to make Death Saving Throws, as they are always stable. Also, no amount of damage can instantly kill them.

Eternal Youth

Apply age modifier to increase Intelligence, Wisdom, and other mental effects, but ignore physical effects. Also remove any existing penatly from age. The player also appears to be at their prime age.

Special Rules: Super Dragon Balls

Super Dragon Balls are the original Dragon Balls, each the size of a planet. They work almost identically to regular Dragon Ball, but have no limit on their power to grant wishes. The Super Dragon Balls should be a campaign conclusion gift, and under no circumstances should be given more than once to the party.



Fusion is the act of two powerful fighers combining themselves into one, even more powerful being. Several techniques can be employed to enact this, and the most common two are the Fusion Dance, and the Potara Earrings.

Fusion Dance

Two fighters may merge by performing a special dance in complete syncronization. Both fighters must succeed a DC 20 Charisma (Performance) check to do so. After this, both fighters merge, regaardless of if they succeed or fail their checks. After 30 minutes, the two fighters unfuse and must perform the dance again to re-fuse. As well, the two fighters must be of the same level, race and class to fuse by the Fusion Dance.

On a failure, the two fuse into one being. This being is not fit to fight, and can be considered a commoner for all purposes in combat, and has no Ki Points, Spell Slots, or other class abilities.

On a success, the two fighters fuse into one being. This being is a combination of the fighters best traits. Each ability score is equal to the best score available from the two who fused. The fusion has a level equal to the levels of the fused added together. The fusion has access to any class abilties accessable with it's new level. As well, the fusion has health equal to the two fused fighters health added together, not based off of the level of the fusion.

Potara Earrings

The Potara Earrings are a pair of ball earrings, worn by the Supreme Kai of each Universe. These Earrings serve two purposes: firstly, they are a signifier of the Supreme Kai status. Secondly, they may be used to fuse two fighters, permanently. Unlike the Fusion Dance, the Potara Earrings form a fusion that can never be undone, barring truly exceptional situations.

No check is required; the fusion suceed once two fighter place an earring on seperate ears (One places the earring on the right ear, the other places the earring on their left ear, or vice versa).

The new fighter is significantly more powerful than either of the two fused fighters. The fused has ability scores equal to the ability scores of its fusee's added together. The fused has health equal to it's level, plus the health of both of the fusees. The fused fighter has proficiency in all skills that either fighter knew. The fused fighter has the memories of both fighters, but recognizes itself as separate from either of the two fusees.



Both of the new classes include ways to transform your character, either through an ability like Super Saiyan or through a technique like the Kaioken. These are some rules to help keep these transformation balanced and understandable.

Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan is a form available to any Saiyan that is a Saiyan Warrior. It is reccomended that a seperate character sheet be made for each form, as they significantly change the effectiveness of your character, but only temporarily.

Optional Rule: Limited Transform

If it seems too easy to transform between Super Saiyan forms, this optional rule will more severely limit the ability to reach a Super Saiyan's maximum level.

Under this rule, to transform to the next level of Super Saiyan, you must already be in the previous form. For example, to ascend to Super Saiyan 3 level from your base form, you must first transform into a Super Saiyan. Then, you must transform into a Super Saiyan 2. Then you can transform into a Super Saiyan 3.

Keep in mind, this slows combat down significantly for anyone who relies mainly on transformations (like Rage Saiyan Warriors).

Optional Forms: Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God

If you wish to have your player's ascend past even the power of a Super Saiyan 3, you may use this rule to add additional forms accessable through specific events.

Super Saiyan 4

To access Super Saiyan 4, you must first transform into a Golden Great Ape. This applies the Super Saiyan enhancements onto the Great Ape. This also requires a new check to control: DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to gain full control, otherwise going Berserk in the same fashion as a regular Great Ape.

If you gain control of the Golden Great Ape, you unlock the new form, Super Saiyan 4. As a Super Saiyan 4, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase by 8, up to a maximum of 28, your speed increases by 40ft, and you can use Ki abilities for free. As well, when you roll for damage, you add 3 additional die.

This form costs 5 Ki to maintain and transform into, and can only be transformed into from the base level.

Super Saiyan God

To access Super Saiyan God, you must have 5 willing, pure-hearted Saiyans pour their heart into you. This takes one round, and if any member of the ritual takes damage, the ritual is not completed and must be re-started.

As a Super Saiyan God, your Ki has become divine. As a result, any damage you do can be turned into radiant damage at will. As well, you gain resistance to all damage types except radiant. Your Strength, Dexterity, Consitution, and Wisdom scores increase by 10, up to a maximum of 30, your speed increases by 40ft, and you can use Ki abilities for free. As well, when you roll for damage, you add 3 additional die.

This form is free to maintain, but only lasts 1 hour (60 rounds). Afterwards, you have access to divine Ki in any form, and this form becomes impossible to transform back into.

While you have divine Ki, you can change the damage type of any of your attacks to radiant at will, and you gain resistance to force damage, but weakness to raidant damage.



The Kaioken is the ultimate unbalanced ability, and this is on purpose. It is available both to Z-Fighters and to Saiyan Warriors, and it's effects are identical.

The Kaioken used to directly multiplies your ability to deal damage, and in exchange costs some of your health each turn you use it.

Optional Rule: Kaioken Overuse

If your players are abusing the Kaioken to take the smallest amount of damage possible, this rule will set a limt on how many times you can activate Kaioken per long rest.

Under this rule, you can only use the Kaioken a number of times per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 1).

This rule makes higher levels of Kaioken better than lower levels in all but the most non-threatening situations, especially for characters with low Wisdom.

Optional Kaioken Alternative

This variant is more accurate to canon but is massively overpowered. Use for players with caution, but may create a better villain. In this variant, take the maximum health sacrifice from Kaioken and multiply the unarmed and ki blast damage by the level of Kaioken.

Alternative Kaioken Table
Kaioken Level Hit Points Loss
x2 4
x3 6
x4 8
x5 10
x10 12
x 20 20



Version 1.0 (12/3/2017)

Initial Release

Version 1.1 (12/4/2017)

Kaioken Rebalanced; old version turned into a variant ruleset.

Ki Points and Melee Damage for Z-Fighter and Saiyan Warrior rebalanced

Descriptions for most attacks improved.

New Z-Figher Archetype: Piccolo (not the best name). Includes Piccolo themed abilites.

Version 1.1.1 (12/4/2017)

Saiyan Great Ape attacks fixed.

Demon Clan Namekian added.

Some minor formatting issues fixed

Version 1.2 (12/5/2017)

Z-Fighter and Saiyan Warrior:
Archetype Features reduced to only 3 (one at level 3, one at level 9, and one at level 17)
Power Blast has clarified and necessary information added.
Ki Blast damage changed to be equal to melee damage.
Hit Dice and other minor overlooked details fixed.
Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God added as optional transformation options.

Version 1.2.1 (12/8/2017)

Clarification and removal of old content on Kaioken, Kamehameha, Ki Control, Ascended Super Saiyan and Spirit Bomb.

Rebalanced Kamehameha, Destructo Disc, Wolf Fang Fist, Tri-Beam, Dodon Ray, Masenko, Special Beam Cannon, and Full Power Kamehameha.

Version 1.2.2 (9/7/2018)

Super Saiyan is now available to all Saiyan Warrior archetypes. Replaced with Great Ape focused abilties at level 3 for Rage and Control Saiyan Warriors.

Zenkai now has a limit.

Dragon Clan Namekian Healing now scales properly (and so is not useless at high level anymore).