The Grey Veil

The Feywild is well known for its ability to toy with unknowing and unwitting travellers. In one of its more sinister regions, the Elves stumbled upon a more subtle evil - a thick fog that seemed to lead astray those who were caught in its midst, even slowly stripping them of their perception and memory. They were quick to discover that little could pierce the Grey Veil.

So arose the Greywalkers to guide travellers through the clutches of the veil, and through their own magics, were able to harness some if it’s natural properties. One such creation exists in the form of thin slithers of mist bound to fabric, the hallmark of their conclave.

Although they have since faded to memory, the practices they pioneered continue to be used to this day. To the newly established conclaves, long thin cloaks of mist thread were gifted to their pathfinders to aid them in their journeys.

Greywalker Cloak

Wondrous Item, rare, requires attunement

The Greywalker Cloak is imbued with the properties of a fey entity known as "The Grey Veil" that exists in the form of a magical fog cloud. This item attempts to harness some of that capability to oscure it's wearer.

Not wide enough to extend over both shoulders, the cloak hangs from one. It's fabric is a dull and unremarkable to the naked eye, despite it's fey nature. This item attempts to harness some of that capability to obscure its wearer.


While attuned to the Greywalker Cloak, your base movment speed is increased by 5 feet.

In addition, you can cast Misty Step as a bonus action, allowing you to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. If you teleport into partial or total cover, you can immediately take the Hide action as a reaction.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Pathfinder's Mantle

While attuned to the Greywalker Cloak, you have resistance to magical and non-magical phsycic damage.

In addition, all melee or ranged attacks made with advantage or while hidden deal additional phsycic damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Clouded Mind

After casting Misty Step using this item, you can nominate a creature you can see within 30 feet of your original position that has seen you in the last minute. That creature must immmediately make a Wisdom savina throw (DC 13).

On a failed save, the creature forgets all memory of having seen you for the last minute. On a successful save, the creature remains unaware of the charm attempt and behaves as normal. Creatures that are immune to charm effects automatically pass this check.