Spiral knights: The Spiral Armory

A collection of Magicial items based on Spiral Knights




Capsules are small pills that contain a powderized dose of healing potion that can quickly be used to heal an adventurer or to bring a fallen ally back from the brink. They come in three sizes all of which can be quickly popped into a persons mouth and consumed as a Bonus action, making them very useful for on the fly healing despite their generally weaker effects.

Capsule Tier healing Cost
Tier 1 2d4 25 Gp
Tier 2 4d4 50 Gp
Tier 3 8d4 100 Gp

Throwable Vials

Vials designed solely for lobbing at people to cause harmful effects, don't try and drink them. Vials come in three different tiers and in various status effects indicated by their colour.

To hit a creature with a vial, the throwee makes a ranged attack against the Targets AC, on successful hit the target must make a save (type determined by colour, DC effcted by Tier) or be effected by the vial.

New effect: Cursed

Creatures effected by Curse find that their own attacks cause their nerves to flare with a searing pain.

Every time a Cursed creature makes the attack action (multiattacks count as individual attacks for the purpose of calculating damage taken) they take necrotic damage based on what Tier the vial they were effected by was. Curses can be removed by the "Remove Curse" spell or by passing a CON DC also effected by the vial tier, which they can attempt at the end of each of their turns.

Tier Necrotic damage received
T1 1 Necrotic per attack
T2 1d4 Necrotic per attack
T3 1d6 Necrotic per attack
New effect: Burn

Creatures under the Burn effect burst into flame thats intensity changes with the tier of vial it was spawned from.

Burning creatures take damage based on the tier of vial that caused it at the start of each of their turns. The burning can be stopped by the burning creature (or an ally that can reach them) spending an action to pat out the flames.

Tier Fire damage per turn
T1 1d4
T2 1d6
T3 1d8
Vial colours and effects
colour Effect Save
Red/Crimson Curse CON
Orange/Amber Burn DEX
White Incapacitated (frozen in place) CON
Green Poisoned CON
Electric Blue Paralyzed DEX
Grey Incapacitated as if under the effect of the "sleep" spell WIS
yellow Stunned WIS
Tiers, DCs, Splash, and Prices
Tier Price DC against effect DC to end effect (bar Orange)
1 15 Gp 10 13
2 30 Gp 14 16
3 45 Gp 18 19


Magical gear

Rock Jelly Shield

+1 Shield, Rare

while this Shield is equipped the user is resistant to bludgeoning damage,

If used with the complete rock jelly Set (Helm, Plate, and Shield) the user becomes completley immune to bludgeoning damage.

Rock Jelly helm

Helmet, Rare, Requires attunement

while this helm is equipped the user is resistant to bludgeoning damage. When attuned to the user is able to communicate basic concepts and ideas to Oozes, they are also seen as an ally by Oozes who will not attack unless provoked.

If used with the complete rock jelly Set (Helm, Plate, and Shield) the user becomes completley immune to bludgeoning damage.

Rock Jelly Armor

Hide armor, Rare

while this armor is equipped the user is resistant to bludgeoning damage.

If used with the complete rock jelly Set (Helm, Plate, and Shield) the user becomes completley immune to bludgeoning damage.

Justifier Hat

Hat, Common, Requires attunement

A rather well made hat that is worn by those who think they are a hot shot with a Revolver but just need a tad bit of help with hitting their mark.

This item holds 3 charges which reset at dawn. The person attuned to this item can spend one of these charges to cast "hunters mark" on a target at first level.

Wild Hunting Blade

+1 Longsword, uncommon

A finley carved blade with a few dinks and scratches that have formed with age. The blade makes a howling noise when swung and is known for drawing wolves to itself.

Two times per day, resetting at midnight, The person holding this blade can swing the blade in the air and call forth the pack. 1d4 Wolves appear within an unoccupied space within 30ft of the user. These wolves are allied with the user and act directly after the users initiative. The wolves act on telepathic commands given to them by the user so long as the user has the blade in hand (no action required by the user.) if given no commands the Wolves act to defend themselves and the blade. If the blade is no longer held or on a person the wolves become hostile and try to keep all creatures away from the blade at all costs until killed or the blade is picked up, where they become allies to the new holder.

The Mask Of Seerus

Mask, Legendary The mask worn by a once fearsome and deadly Gnoll Warlord called Seerus. The mask is believed to have been blessed by yeenoghu himself for the bloodshed it has caused and is recognised by Gnolls and Hyenas a symbol of authority for this reason. When worn the user has advantage on intimidation checks and will automatically succeed on intimidation, Persuasion, and Deception checks against gnolls. The user also learns Gnoll and can read/write it so long as the mask in on.

Fang of Vog

+2 Longsowrd, Rare, requires attunement

This Old blade is believed to have been forged using the Tooth of an ancient Fire Elemental as its base. Its flame Burns so strong that even the user is at risk of being scorched by it.

this blade does an additional 1d6 fire damage when used to attack a creature. When attuned to the flame can be made strong enough to begin searing the user, but also incinerates its targets. As a bonus action the user can cause the Fang to burn brighter, on subsequent turns until another bonus action is used to douse the flame or the user falls unconscious the Fang does not roll for the fire damage and simply adds 10 fire damage to the roll. However as long as the Fang is in this state the user takes 3 fire damage at the start of their turn.

Argent Peacemaker

+1 Hand Crossbow, Common

A strange little device that fires like a crossbow but does not require ammo. It was originally designed for fending off the Undead by hitting them with concentrated radiant Bolts but has since been mass produced and is commonly sold in areas known for having undead in the area.

This crossbow does not require crossbow bolts to fire. it does radiant damage instead of Piercing and ignores the Undead Fortitude of zombies.

Almirian Crusader Helm

Helm, legendary

Part of a set of arms that was worn by paladins of a long forgotten order. Legends say that their armor shone like a star even in the darkest parts of the Abyss.

while this helm is worn by a Good aligned Character it creates a radiant light around them, shining magical sunlight around them in a 15ft radius (with dim light going an additional 15ft out). If worn by a creature of neutral or evil alignment it has no effect. If worn with the full set of The Almire (helm, armor, Shield, and sword) this light intensifies and doubles in range.

Almirian Crusader Armor

Full plate, legendary, requires attunement

Part of a set of arms that was worn by paladins of a long forgotten order. Their armor is believed to have been blessed by a Solar which grants them the ability to take flight on wings of god rays.

While this armor is attuned to a Paladin they may speak it's command word to cause a set of flaming wings to sprout from the between the plates and give the user a flight speed equal to their walk speed for 1 hour (this hour can be used in one go or spread out across multiple uses, and resets at each dawn), if they already had a fly speed the flight granted by this armor is stacked on top of their current flight seed. If worn with the full set of The Almire (helm, armor, Shield, and sword) the wings are now constantly present on the Paladins back and their flight last indefinitely.

Crest of Almire

+2 Shield, legendary, Requires attunement

Part of a set of arms that was worn by paladins of a long forgotten order. The massive Shields they carried on their backs rarely saw use due to their heavy swords needing two hands to swing, but the symbol upon them is used to strike fear into the heart of the dark and those who serve it.

This shield only needs to be on a person for the sake of being part of the Almire Set conditions. once per day the person holding this shield can openly display the crest of the Almire to their opponents, causing a shockwave of radiance that strikes fear into their foes. A 30ft cone of light flashes in front of the shield, all hostile creatures caught in this cone must make a save against a DC 15 Wisdom save or become frightened of the user. Undead and Aberrations make this save with disadvantage.

If worn with the full set of The Almire (helm, armor, Shield, and sword) the range of the Radiant flash changes to a 30ft Circle centered on the user and does not require the user to be holding the shield to use this ability, only that it be on their person.


The Fractured Triglav

+3 Artefact Greatsword, Requires attunement

The last existing blade from the Almire after their fall. These Triglaves had once been used to pass radical judgement upon the enemies of The light but the Triglavs power slowly corrupted their users and caused their judgements to lean away from the Oaths of the Almire and more towards a path of self empowerment to an extreme, culminating in the user believing that those who are not of the Almire Path are abhorrent beasts corrupted by the darkness and must be eliminated. This corruption in the end was why they were destroyed by the Angelic beings what once helped them, in hopes that those who could be more easily corrupted would not be exposed to such a curse. To stop this corruption from ever returning all the Triglavs were destroyed in a ritual bar one that had slipped past the Gods only partially damaged, weakened but skill deadly. This blade has since travelled across the planes, hiding as a mundane blade until one wearing the arms of the Almir claims it and brings the curse of the Almir back to "purify" the corrupted world.

The Fractured Triglav effects

The Fractured Triglav uses the statistics of a Greatsword with the following changes:

  • The Fractured Triglav deals an additional 1d12 Radiant damage when striking an opponent.
  • The Fractured Triglav can be used as an Arcane Focus or Holy Symbol for the purposes of Spellcasting.
  • The Fractured Triglav holds 20 charges, which reset at Dawn, that can be used to cast any spell from the Paladin Spell list (1 level = 1 point) by the person attuned to it. Upon spending the last charge the blade temporarily looses its magic and becomes mundane, having spent its remaining power. The Fractured Triglav regains its power after two dawns have passed.

    The Corrupting light

    The Triglav is the source of the corruption that tore apart the Almire, and though this one is damaged the corrupting power is still present. Each dawn that the full Almir Set is attuned to or worn slowly begins to wear away the persons mind and body. To the right is the table that shows how many days have passed and the effects that come with it.
Days past Physical changes other changes
0-3 None None
4-6 The wings that spread from the armors back begin to meld with the wearer, even if the armor is removed the wings are still on their back The user feels a strong need to rid the world of undead and "the corruption"
7-10 The users eyes gloss over and begin to shed light and cry a magical glowing substance that quickly fades away when leaving their skin. this does not impair their eyesight but instead makes their sight clearer in a way User gains truesight outwards 30ft
11-14 The users skin pales rapidly, veins becoming visible and beginning to glow The urge to remove the corruption becomes stronger. when in the presence of an undead or aberration the user must make a DC 18 wisdom saving throw or be driven into a Holy rage which lasts for one hour. while in this state all attacks that are not against an Undead or aberration are at disadvantage, but attack their intended targets with advantage. this rage can only happen once per day. By this point the User will need to be removed from the Almir set by force, otherwise they are compelled to not remove it.
15-20 The glow spreads from the users veins to extremities and key features of the person such as horns or tails. The Holy Rage grows in its potency, holy rage can happen up to three times per day. If the user successfully saves against any of the wisdom saves to not enter a rage the user can no longer enter another holy rage that day
20-30 The user no longer bleeds when injured, their cuts instead letting light shine out their body before sealing back up When the user drops below 1/4 of their maximum health injuries begin to knit back together from the radiant light that surrounds them. While their maximum health is between 1/4 and 0, the user regains 5 hit points per turn, stopping if the healing would bring them over 1/4 max Hit points.
Days past Physical changes other changes
30-35 The final stages of physical changes set in, the user becoming a humanoid shaped light in a suit of armor. The armor is now part of their body and cannot be removed unless they are killed or The Triglav is destroyed. The user changes their type to Celestial, cannot remove the armor or let go of the equipment, and can speak celestial if they could not before. their holy rage can now happen up to five times per day.
beyond 35 days The user slowly becomes a husk of their former selves and the Triglav influences their actions further. This part of the corruption could take months or even years, but once the person has fully given themselves to the Triglav nothing short of a Divine Intervention or the Wish spell can bring them back from this point. The User is lost to the Triglavs will, even if the Ritual is completed the user will fade out of existence upon being split from the Trigav unless saved by a Wish Spell or a Divine Intervention. If they survive the ritual their humanity will slowly return as the Features brought on by the Triglav fade.

Destroying the Triglav

The only way to destroy The Triglav is to have the celestials that destroyed the other blades complete the ritual. This 3 day process must be done without interruptions and requires the presence of the following:

  • 3 Celestials of any Kind, these will complete the ritual but will kill them in the process, a small sacrifice to maker to stop this corruption.
  • 1 Solar present, They will carry out the final part of the ritual that will destroy the blade for good.
  • Various holy symbols of Lawful aligned Gods, their judgement being leveled upon The Triglav
  • 1000 Gp worth of Chalk and candles, used to make warding symbols and mark the circle in which the blade will be placed.

If the blade has been attuned to a creature for more than 20 days they will feel an overwhelming need to stop the ritual and must be subdued or rendered immobile lest they run in and destroy the ritual circle.

Those unfortunate to have been attuned to the Triglav for more than 30 days must be kept in the circle for the entire duration but will suffer great pain during it, entering an endless Holy Rage until the ritual is completed. during this rage they will attempt to attack the celestials with everything they can despite the disadvantaged rolls, PCs may enter the ritual circle to subdue them.


What are battle Sprites?

A battle sprite is a combat companion for a Spiral Knight. A knight may own more than one sprite, although only one can be equipped at a time. Each sprite has one, two, or three skills that the knight can deploy in combat. Skills range from direct attacks to party buffs and monster debuffs. Sprites also offer perks, which give the knight offensive and defensive bonuses. They are intended to provide players with the ability to specialize their role in a party. The choices that you make for your sprite act like a class for your knight, augmenting your weapons and armor in special ways. For example, you may choose an attack-oriented sprite or a sprite that bolsters your party's defense.

Bonding to a Battle sprite

A Battle sprite usually chooses who it bonds to, taking into account how that person has treated them and other factors as if the user has fed it or if the person gave it good reason to bond.

Bonding takes around ten minuets, and comes with the following benefits:

  • Your Battle Sprite acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands. In Combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn.
  • When the Battle Sprite drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind its harness. It reappears after committing to a one hour long ritual involving the Harness.
  • While your Battle Sprite is within 100 feet of you, you can communicate with it telepathically.
  • Only one Battle Sprite can bond to a person at a time. Attempts to bond with more than one Battle Sprite causes the one currently bonded to drop its harness and break its bond, leaving.

The Basics of keeping a Battle Sprite

There are two things that are key to keeping a Battle Sprite happy and in control, The Harness, and Feeding.

The Harness is what binds a Battle sprite to it's user, allowing the Battle Sprite and its master to communicate mentally and act as one.

Harnesses come in various materials which cause different abilities to form in the Battle Sprite. A Battle sprite can only wear one Harness at a time.

Harness type Description Effect on Sprite cost
Iron The default and classic Harness for new Battle Sprite users. it has no effects on the Sprite but its low cost makes it great for beginners. None 10Gp
Crystal a finely made Harness that empowers the supportive effects of a Battle sprite, great for Battle sprite users who prefer being on the middleline and provide support to the ones taking and making blows. When rolling for Sprite effects that give allies Temp. Hitpoints or boost their defenses, add 2 to the total added 25Gp
Dark A Harness made using a bit of dark magics added to the mix, giving Battle Sprites that use such harnesses a more aggressive personality. When rolling for Sprite effects that cause damage, Add 2 to the damage roll. 50 Gp
Gold A very rare and equally as expensive Harness which combines the crafting techniques of both Crystal and Dark Harnesses, giving users the best of both worlds. when rolling for supportive abilities or attacks add 1 to the rolls. 100Gp

Feeding a Battle sprite is a tittle more difficult compared to feeding a normal animal or a magic familiar. Their nature means that normal meals don't nourish them but they also can't feed from their master's weave connection. Instead they must eat magically imbued meats. A few pounds of meat from a creature that is magically inclined (can cast spells or has magical abilities) or has been effected by a spell within the last hour is enough to satiate the hunger of a Battle Sprite for a week. A Battle Sprite not fed for more than two weeks becomes upset and risks leaving its Master in search of a meal (its a DC 7 Animal Handling check two weeks after not feeding it, with the check increasing by 1 for each day afterwards.)

Making a Sprite stronger

A Battle Sprite can become stronger the closer its bond to a master becomes, growing with them and gaining skills to better assist their master. A Battle Sprite gains one level for every five that the player has (for example a level 10 character, when making a bond to a battle sprite, will make it a Level 2)

The kinds of Battle Sprites

The Drakon is a battle sprite that embodies fiery destruction. Its skills focus on raw, offensive power. Drakons are often seen near Dragon Lairs where they Either wander off or (try to) befriend the dragon. Drakons are frequently mistaken for baby dragons and are frequently used as a symbol of power and authority.

Level 1 Drakon

Small Dragon, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 25
  • Speed 0 ft, 35 ft Fly (hover)

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)

  • Skills perception +3, intimidation +2, athletics +3
  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 13
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks draconic when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Darkon makes two claw attacks, two bite attacks or one headbutt

Claw melee attack: +3, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 2 Slashing

Bite melee attack: +3, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 2 Piercing

headbutt melee attack: +3, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 bludgeoning

Spellcasting (Con is its spellcasting modifier)

At will: Firebolt

Level 2 Drakon

Small Dragon, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 32
  • Speed 0 ft, 40 ft Fly (hover)

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)

  • Skills perception +3, intimidation +2, athletics +3
  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 13
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks draconic when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Darkon makes two claw attacks, two bite attacks or one headbutt

Claw melee attack: +4, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 Slashing

Bite melee attack: +4, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 Piercing

headbutt melee attack: +5, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 1d8 + 3 bludgeoning

Spellcasting (Con is its spellcasting modifier)

At will: Firebolt

Once per long rest: Fireball (4th level)

Level 3 Drakon

Small Dragon, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 40
  • Speed 0 ft, 45 ft Fly

16 (+3) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Skills perception +3, intimidation +2, athletics +3
  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 13
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks draconic when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Darkon makes two claw attacks, two bite attacks or one headbutt

Claw melee attack: +4, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 4 Slashing

Bite melee attack: +4, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 4 Piercing

headbutt melee attack: +5, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 1d8 + 4 bludgeoning

Spellcasting (Con is its spellcasting modifier)

At will: Firebolt

Once per long rest: Fireball (4th level)

Once per day: Fire Shield

Level 4 Drakon

medium Dragon, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 53
  • Speed 0 ft, 50 ft Fly

16 (+3) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+1) 12 (+1)

  • Skills perception +3, intimidation +2, athletics +3
  • Damage immunities Fire
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive perception 13
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks draconic when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Darkon makes two claw attacks, two bite attacks or one headbutt

Claw melee attack: +5, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 5 Slashing

Bite melee attack: +5, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 5 Piercing

headbutt melee attack: +6, 5ft range, one target. Hit: 1d8 + 5 bludgeoning

Spellcasting (Con is its spellcasting modifier)

At will: Firebolt

Once per long rest: Fireball (4th level)

Once per day: Fire Shield

Draconic Path: when first becoming a level 4 Drakon, the user (or the Drakon) chooses one of two paths. Path of the Claw or Path of the Flame. Details about each Path can be found at the end of the this section.


The Seraphynx is a Battle Sprite that embodies divine light. Its skills focus on supporting knights in combat with protection and restoration. Seraphynx often manifest around Holy grounds or churches where they stick around to help heal the wounded who come to these places for rest. They are usually welcomed by the guardians or leaders of the churches as they are believed to be a good omen from the gods.

level 1 Seraphynx

small Celestial, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 20
  • Speed 25ft (hover)

9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Persuasion +3, Medicine +4, religion +2
  • Damage Resistances Radiant
  • Senses Truesight 10ft, Darkvision 40ft, passive perception 13
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Celestial when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Seraphynx makes two attacks, one Bite and one Claw attack.

Bite Melee attack: +2 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Piercing

claw Melee attack: +2 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Slashing

Spellcasting. (Wis is its spellcasting modifier)

At will, Spare The Dying, Word of Radiance, Sacred Flame

level 2 Seraphynx

small Celestial, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 28
  • Speed 30ft (hover)

9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Persuasion +3, Medicine +4, religion +2
  • Damage Resistances Radiant
  • Senses Truesight 15ft, Darkvision 45ft, passive perception 14
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Celestial when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Seraphynx makes two attacks, one Bite and one Claw attack.

Bite Melee attack: +3 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 2 Piercing

claw Melee attack: +3 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 2 Slashing

Spellcasting. (Wis is its spellcasting modifier)

At will, Spare The Dying, Word of Radiance, Sacred Flame

Once per long rest (once each): Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Spirit Guardians

level 3 Seraphynx

small Celestial, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 37
  • Speed 35ft (hover)

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Persuasion +3, Medicine +4, religion +2
  • Damage Resistances Radiant
  • Senses Truesight 15ft, Darkvision 45ft, passive perception 15
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Celestial when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Seraphynx makes two attacks, one Bite and one Claw attack.

Bite Melee attack: +4 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 Piercing

claw Melee attack: +4 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 3 Slashing

Spellcasting. (Wis is its spellcasting modifier)

At will, Spare The Dying, Word of Radiance, Sacred Flame

Once per long rest (once each): Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Spirit Guardians

Once per day (only one from this list): Aura of Life, Death Ward, Ploymorph

level 4 Seraphynx

small Celestial, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 19
  • Hit Points 46
  • Speed 40ft (hover)

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 21 (+5) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Persuasion +3, Medicine +4, religion +2
  • Damage immunities Radiant
  • Senses Truesight 20ft, Darkvision 50ft, passive perception 15
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Celestial when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Seraphynx makes two attacks, one Bite and one Claw attack.

Bite Melee attack: +5 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 4 Piercing

claw Melee attack: +5 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 4 Slashing

Spellcasting. (Wis is its spellcasting modifier)

At will, Spare The Dying, Word of Radiance, Sacred Flame

Once per long rest (once each): Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Spirit Guardians

Once per day (only one from this list): Aura of Life, Death Ward, Ploymorph

Spiritual path: when first becoming a level 4 Seraphynx, the user (or the Seraphynx) chooses one of two paths. Path of the Healing light or Path of Justice. Details about each Path can be found at the end of the this section.


The Maskeraith is a battle sprite that embodies the shadows. Its skills focus on subterfuge and deadly toxins. Maskeraith Blink into existance around places of darkness or dread such as the underdark or Graveyards where they are seen as ill omens for passers by.

level 1 Maskeraith

small Abberation, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 15
  • Speed 25ft (hover)

9 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1)

  • Skills Intimidation +3, Stealth +4, Deception +2
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Senses Darkvision 80ft, passive perception 10
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Undercommon when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes two Claw attacks

claw Melee attack: +3 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Slashing

Toxin Spike Ranged attack, range 20/40, +3 to hit, one target Hit: 1d6 Acid, Target must make a DC 12 Con save and is poisoned on failure for 1 minute, making the save again each turn.

level 2 Maskeraith

small Abberation, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 25
  • Speed 30ft (hover)

9 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)

  • Skills Intimidation +3, Stealth +4, Deception +2
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Senses Darkvision 85ft, passive perception 10
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Undercommon when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes two Claw attacks, or two Toxin Spikes.

claw Melee attack: +3 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Slashing

Toxin Spike Ranged attack, range 25/45, +3 to hit, one target Hit: 1d6 Acid, Target must make a DC 13 Con save and is poisoned on failure for 1 minute, making the save again each turn.

level 3 Maskeraith

small Abberation, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 35
  • Speed 30ft (hover)

11 (+0) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)

  • Skills Intimidation +3, Stealth +4, Deception +2
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Senses Darkvision 90ft, passive perception 10
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Undercommon when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes two Claw attacks, or two Toxin Spikes.

claw Melee attack: +3 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Slashing

Toxin Spike Ranged attack, range 30/50, +3 to hit, one target Hit: 1d6 Acid, Target must make a DC 14 Con save and is poisoned on failure for 1 minute, making the save again each turn.

Toxic Sneak Attack (1/Turn) as part of a Claw attack the Maskeraith can deal an additional 4d6 acid damage, using the rules for sneak attacks stated in the Rogue class

level 4 Maskeraith

small Abberation, same as its master, unaligned otherwise

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 45
  • Speed 35ft (hover)

11 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

  • Skills Intimidation +3, Stealth +4, Deception +2
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Senses Darkvision 95ft, passive perception 10
  • Languages All Languages its master knows, only speaks Undercommon when not bonded but understands common


Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes three Claw attacks, or three Toxin Spikes.

claw Melee attack: +4 to hit, 5ft Range, one target. Hit: 2d4 + 1 Slashing

Toxin Spike Ranged attack, range 35/55, +4 to hit, one target Hit: 1d6 Acid, Target must make a DC 15 Con save and is poisoned on failure for 1 minute, making the save again each turn.

Toxic Sneak Attack (1/Turn) as part of a Claw attack the Maskeraith can deal an additional 5d6 acid damage, using the rules for sneak attacks stated in the Rogue class

Spellcasting: CHA is the modifier

Once per long rest: Darkness

Shadowed path: when first becoming a level 4 Maskeraith, the user (or the Maskeraith) chooses one of two paths. Path of the Toxic Dart or Path of the Bloody Claw. Details about each Path can be found at the end of the this section.

The paths of a Battle Sprite

Path of Flame (Drakon)

Drakons that choose this path Undergo a physical change that increases their flames power. Their horn become more pronounced from their head, A set of pointed scales grow on their chin which look akin to a beard, and a similar set grow around their neck and the back of the head.

The following statistics change for the Drakon.

  • Constitution increases by 1

  • Its Flamebolt changes from 1d10 to 2d10

  • It now casts fireball as a 5th level spell

  • Fire Shield now grants both Chill Shield and Warm Shield at the same time, Can hit all enemies within 10 feet when triggered, and the Drakon can choose Fire or Cold damage each time this ability is triggered.

Path of the Claw (Drakon)

Drakons that choose this path revel in getting into the Thick of things, and their changes assist them in staying in combat longer and hit harder. Changes include A nose horn growing out its snout, their arms extending along with their claws, and a set of wings growing on their back.

  • Its Strength increases by 2, its AC increases by 1, and its flight speed increases by 10ft.

  • Its multiattack changes to the following: Three Claw attacks, three bite attacks, or one headbutt and a claw attack.

  • Its claw, bite, and headbutt attack increase their damage by one dice (e.g. 2d4 to 3d4)

  • Its attacks are now considered magical.

Path of Healing Light (Seraphynx)

Seraphynx on this path Focus on Being the Cleric Companion, perfecting their Healing ability and being a Friendly face one would want to see helping their team. Its paws become larger and have seals written onto them, Its tail fluffs up, and A metal halo constantly hovers over its head.

  • Its Wisdom and Dexterity increase by 1
  • It gains The Flyby Trait, not triggering attacks of opportunity when moving past enemies.
  • when healing a creature with its spellcasting, the healing done is doubled.
  • when casting "Revivify" the Seraphynx only needs a Diamond of 150gp to cast this spell.
  • It gains a Healing pool of 30 hit points, it can use this pool with the same rules as a Paladins Lay On Hands.
Path of Justice (Seraphynx)

Seraphynx on the path of justice take it upon themselves to fight for those who can't Becoming akin to Paladins in their Loyalty. Their tails thin and gain a metal ring, A gem grows into its head, and a set of Antenna grow along with it to better detect its enemies.

  • Its maximum hit points increase by 20 points.
  • Its truesight increases by an additional 20ft.
  • When rolling for spell damage, the Seraphynx rolls two sets of damage dice, taking the highest.
  • Its multiattack changes to the Following: Four Claw attacks or four Bite attacks.
  • Its movement speed increases by 10 ft.
Path of The Toxic Dart

Maskeraith on this path further intensify their Toxicity and hone the accurucy of their darts. They commonly have featureless masks bar glowing eye holes, grow wings made of their quills, and have forward facing horns.

  • Its Dex and Con increase by 1 each.
  • its fly speed increases to 45ft
  • the Con save DC agaisnt its Toxic dart increases to 18
  • its multiattack changed to the following "Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes three Claw attacks, or four Toxin Spikes."
  • When using ranged attacks within 5ft of an enemy, the Maskeraith does not suffer disadvantage.
Path of the Bloody Claw

Maskeraith on this path take great joy in watching the life drain from its targets eyes up close. They ofen wear a mask depicting a creatures skull, their claws extend to become more pronounced, and backwards curving horns petrude from their horns.

  • Its AC increases to 18
  • Its Dexterity increases by 2
  • It can dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus Action.
  • its Toxic Sneak Attack increases from 5d6 to 6d6 Acid damage.
  • its multiattack changed to the following "Multiattack. The Maskeraith makes four Claw attacks, or three Toxin Spikes."
Image Source


All images used on the wiki are in-game renders from the game "Spiral Knights", which belongs to Three Rings Inc./Gray Havens.