Way of the Dragon (Monk Subclass)

Some creatures hold much more ki in their soul others, but of all of them the soul of the dragon is the strongest. They are the very embodiments of primal power and their very being is formed of the most pure stuff of ki. Many monks recognize this and seek to become like the dragons. By learning their secrets and studying their indomitable spirits, a monk who follows the Way of the Dragon can begin to manifest the powers of these great beings. Over time such warriors undergo prominent physical and mental alterations which progressively make them more and more like the legendary beasts they strive to become.

Tongue of the Ancients (Level 3)

To fully comprehend the powers of the dragons you have learned how to speak their language. You can understand, speak, read and write Draconic. If you already knew this language, then you instead learn one other language of your choice.

Blazing Soul (Level 3)

By tapping into your ki you can inflict flaming havoc upon the world with a mere breath. You may use an action to exhale fire in a 60 ft. cone originating from yourself. Each target in that area must make a dexterity saving throw (with a DC equal to your ki save DC), taking 4dX fire damage on a success and half as much on a failure. X in this expression is equal to your Martial Arts die.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

In addition, you have resistance to fire damage.

Frightful Presence (Level 6)

You can awaken the fierce flames of your soul to bestow terror upon your enemies. You can use an action to expend 3 ki points and project an aura of fear. For the next minute, the first time a creature steps within 30 ft of you or starts its turn within that radius for the first time in 24 hours it must succeed on a charisma saving throw (with a DC equal to your spell save DC) or be frightened for one minute. The target gets to re-make the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, with disadvantage if you are in their line of sight, ending the condition on a success.

While frightened in this manner, a creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Tail Attack (Level 11)

A heavy reptillian tail protrudes from the bottom of your spine. You can use this to strike at enemies just as the dragon does to fend off multiple foes at once. At the end of another combatant's turn you may make an unarmed strike with your tail (no action required).

Master of the Winds (Level 17)

Magnificent wings covered in crimson scales sprout from your back. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.