Wand Slinger

Prestige Class: WAND SLINGER

What is a Prestige Class?

Prestige classes were a concept in older version of Dungeons and Dragons. Sadly these concepts have not really been ported over to 5e yet. The only prestige class, AFAIK, is the Rune Scribe. https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA_Rune_Magic_Prestige_Class.pdf

Quoted from the UA above

Many of the character concepts that were once prestige classes or paragon paths in earlier editions of D&D are now options available to 1stlevelcharacters. In general, the game’s design aims for maximum flexibility, making options available to all characters. As such, prestige classes build on the game’s broad range of basic options to represent specialized options and unique training

Using Prestige Classes

A prestige class requires a high level of skill before a character can master even its basic elements. Prestige classes might confer lost lore, allow access to an inscrutable form of magic, grant mastery of an exotic fighting style, or be built around the knowledge harbored by a secret society.

Mechanically, a prestige class is a character class that requires the same training and focus as any other class. You enter a prestige class by way of he normal multiclassing rules. However, you cannot enter a prestige class until you are at least 3rd level—and many prestige classes have even higher level requirements.

Most prestige classes require characters to complete specific deeds in order to gain access to the class. You cannot advance in a prestige class until its gatekeepers—typically those who harbor the class’s lore—agree to accept you. A prestige class typically offers access to unique game mechanics available only to members of that class. Such mechanics reflect specific lore, secrets, or techniques impossible to master without earning the respect and trust of those who already possess that knowledge

Joining a Prestige Class

In order to join a prestige class, you must first check with your Dungeon Master. A DM can opt to include or disallow prestige classes in the game. Typically, a prestige class requires you to undertake specific actions in the game so that your character can begin pursuing that class. If those actions aren’t already possible in your campaign, talk to your DM about integrating the prestige class that interests you.

A prestige class uses the normal D&D multiclassing rules (see chapter 6, “Customization Options,” in the Player’s Handbook). When your character is ready to advance a level, you can choose to gain a level in a prestige class. Your levels in all your classes, including prestige classes, are added together to determine your character level.


Taking up a prestige class through multiclassing involves meeting certain prerequisites, just as with multiclassing into a standard class. You must meet the ability score prerequisites for your current class and for the prestige class in order to qualify for it.

A prestige class requires a minimum character level and a minimum score in at least one ability, as well as requiring that you complete a specific deed—finding a magic item, defeating a monster, surviving a particular challenge, and so on—before being able to take up that class.

Experience Points

Just as with the standard rules for multiclassing, the experience point cost to gain a level is always based on your total character level, not your level in a particular class.

Hit Points and Hit Dice

Each prestige class specifies the hit points you gain from it. You add together the Hit Dice granted by all your classes and prestige classes to determine your pool of Hit Dice. If the Hit Dice are the same die type, you simply pool them together.

Proficiency Bonus and Proficiencies

Your proficiency bonus is always based on your total character level, not your level in a particular ©2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC 2class. A prestige class specifies whether it grants proficiencies when you enter it.

Prestige Class Features

You gain prestige class features just like normal class features. Sometimes, a prestige class can improve features you have gained from other classes. If a prestige class grants Channel Divinity, Extra Attack, or Unarmored Defense, that feature is treated the same way as if you had gained it from multiple standard classes.


Some prestige classes grant spellcasting. Each prestige class provides details on how to determine your overall spellcasting ability, using the rules for spellcasting and multiclass characters


Wand Slinger


Wandslingers are sought after due to their ability to extend the use of magic items beyond what is normally possible. This culminates in the ability to use a magical item with charges longer than is normally possible. See the Class table below for specifics.

Wand Slinger
Level Features Additional Maximum Charges Additional Charges Recharged
1st Charged Attunement 2 1
2nd Simulacrum Focus 2 2
3rd - 4 3
4th Ability Score Improvement 4 4
5th Greater Simulacrum Focus 6 5


In order to advance as a Wand Slinger, you must meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing prerequisistes for your existing class

  • Dexterity 13 Wand Slingers needs agile fingers, and quick reflexes for the extended use of magic items.
  • Intelligence 13 Wand Slingers need a sharp mind and a deep understanding of the weave.
  • Proficency in the Arcana skill Wand Slingers are required to know how the weave is contained within a magical item.
  • Character 5th level A Wand Slinger is an experienced individual, and you must be a 5th-level character before you can gain levels in the Wand Slinger prestige class.
  • Ability to cast a 1st level spell OR have a magical item with charges You must have knowledge of how magic is cast, whether that is through learning, innately, or through the use of magical items.

Class Features

As a Wand Slinger, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Wand Slinger level
  • Hit Points per level: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Wand Slinger level


  • Tools: Arcanist's Kit (See appendix)

  • Saving Throws: None
  • Skills: None


The Wand Slinger has collected enough tools over time to create their own Arcanist's Kit.

Charged Attunement

At 1st level, you mastered the basics of using magical items that have charges. You gain one additional attunement slot that can only be used for magical items which have or use charges.

Simulacrum Focus

Through extensive use, and bending of the weave within magical items with charges, you have discovered how to conjure a Simulacrum Focus. The total number of Simulacrums created by you that can exist at any given time is equal to half of your Intelligence Modifier rounded up, minimum of one. At the end of a short rest you complete a ritual to reach into the weave and conjure a Simulacrum Focus. Only you are able to activate the powers within the Simulacrum Focus. A Simulacrum Focus also counts as a spellcasting focus.

As an action, you may dismiss any of your active simulacrums, regardless of it's location. Simulacrums are forcibly dismissed if they are a number of miles away from you exceeding your Wand Slinger level, or are on a different plane of existence from you for more than 1 round. If a Simulacrum is subjected to a null/anti-magic zone they disappear if they are within the zone for 1 round.

A Simulacrum Focus can be used to channel wizard or sorcerer spells that are cantrips or 1st level spells. A Simulacrum focus that channels a cantrip has unlimited uses and progresses at the same rate as cantrips normally would (5th, 11th, 17th levels). A Simulacrum focus that channels a 1st level spell has a base of 1 charge.

While holding a Simulacrum focus, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the 1st-level version of the spell it is channeling. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.

You may only have a single spell or effect channeled into any Simulacrum focus at any given time.

Simulacrum focuses gain charges as per the Wand Slinger's additional maximum charges from the Wand Slinger class table. Simulacrum focuses regain a base of 0 charges, which is increased as per the Additional Charges Regained from the class table, at dawn each day


Wand Slinger

Simulacrum Focus Casting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Simulacrum Focus, You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.

In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when Setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when Making an Attack roll with one

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Greater Simulacrum Focus

At 5th level, you have mastered the art of the Wand Slinger. You may now choose whether your Simulacrum Focus requires an action to use, or the original casting time of its channeled spell.

Additionally, when you conjure a Simulacrum Focus you may have it channel up to 2nd level spells. Simulacrum Focuses that channel a second level spell require you to expend 2 or more of its charges to cast the 2nd-level version of the spell it is channeling. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend.


Arcanist's Kit (250g to purchase outright)

  • Tool: A magnifying glass, a set of magically sensititive tools that include: tuning forks, pliers, hammers and such. Each kit is slightly different based on who created it.
  • Identification Allows you to potentially identify magic items, ley lines, areas, or other effects over the course of 8 hours work if you meet the DC. Also if a magic item is damaged you can potentially repair it. DC both starts at 10 and goes up by 3 for each additional rarity level. The DC can varry at DM's discretion
  • Arcana This tool proficiency grants additional insight on Intelligence (arcana) checks into the magical propreties or origins of magical effects, tools and items.

Image Credits

Wand Slinger (Male and Female): https://www.thezorklibrary.com/
Pile of Wands: http://www.aswoodturns.com/2017/06/wizard-wand/

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