d% Result
1 You’re jostled awake, finding yourself carried aloft through a cheering crowd, towards a stage with a feast set out on a table. Around your neck is a thick gold chain, you’re now mayor of the town! Of course they also have a tradition of sacrificing the mayor to placate the things that live below.
2 You have a cracked tooth, but there is a piece of jewelry worth 1d100gp in your pocket, with a bite mark on it.
3 A potion sits on your nightstand. It is labeled "Drink me!"
4 A new familiar waits at your bedside for you to wake, and refuses to leave your side. Roll to see what creature it is.
5 You wake up in a bed. Floating in the middle of a murky pond. You can see your gear at the edge of the water 300 feet away and a large shadow moving beneath the surface.
6 You find a holy book on the dresser by your bed. On the very first page, hastily scrawled in your own hand, is "the innkeeper is a vampire", with a splatter of blood next to it.
7 You wake up in a bed with your belongings on the nightstand, surrounded by dense forest in all directions.
8 You awake in a regular looking tavern room with a note taped to you, it reads: "Beware of the mimics". You notice your pack and belongings on the floor beside the bed.
9 You stayed up all night. Gain 1 point of exhaustion.
10 You wake up in a jail cell, snuggled up with an ogre. You were arrested for disorderly conduct and left to sleep it off. Eventually the guards let you out, and show you a contract you’ve signed, promising both the local authorities and the ogre, that you would bring him home to his mountain.
11 You wake up face down on the street, outside where you are staying. You don’t know how long you’ve been sleeping on your arms but both of them have gone to sleep entirely and you cannot manipulate either, only swing them limply.
12 You wake up in a strange metal room, surrounded by massive gems and coins, the size of your entire body.
13 You wake up in the temple, with a grumpy old priest dabbing down your forehead as he mumbles about the ‘youth of these days, not knowing when to stop!’
14 You wake up on a throne wearing a crown of twigs, surrounding you are dozens of sleeping goblins.
15 You wake up on a cold stone table; your naked body chilled by its icy touch. Looking around the smokey cave, you see demonic runes, bones, and braziers. As you get up there is a sharp pain in your chest, you have a long, fresh scar there.
16 You wake up & realize that half your gear is missing. In your hand is a crumpled piece of paper with a badly drawn treasure map on it.
17 You may have lost the drinking contest, but you have gained the respect of a dwarven adventuring party.
18 An angry innkeeper is demanding payment for an entire barrel of ale, which could explain why your clothes are completely soaked and stinking of stale beer.
19 The next day 3 people start fighting over you. They seem to be arguing over which one saw you first & the promises you made last night.
20 You wake up under a tree on the outskirts of town. The person next to you gently places a finger under your chin to tilt your head so you’re eye to eye. In a calm voice they say ‘challenge accepted’ and walk into the woods. A minute later, you see a dragon take flight and disappear into the sky.
21 You wake up in a summoning circle, surrounded by robed figures. They bow and chant; ‘All hail lord Azzag'ogoth!’.
22 You feel a slap on your face. ‘Hey! Wake up and focus! It’s go time. The boss is about to blow the doors. Go go go!’
23 A faint breeze caresses your naked buttocks as you try to figure out how to untie yourself from the flagpole.
d% Result
24 When you go downstairs, all the residents of the tavern greet you with shouts and open arms. Seems that you jumped up on the bar last night and proclaimed ‘drinks are on me!’. You’re now quite a lot poorer.
25 You wake in the sewers, sitting upon an over-sized and terribly shoddily made throne, with a tribe of Kobolds bowing and supplicating before their new royalty.
26 You wake to the sounds of a high-pitched voice reciting a list of your failures, coming from an old copper bracelet. Turns out you lost a game of chance at a local tavern, and this sentient item was transferred to you. It’s only function is to loudly and incessantly speak upon all of your failures.
27 Somebody has shaved off all of your hair. All of it.
28 You wake up to find the wife/husband of a very important mob boss in bed with you. You suddenly hear heavy pounding on the door, telling you to unlock it at once!
29 You wake up on a cold marble slab surrounded by candles with two men in robes standing vigilant over you.
30 You wake up on the floor of what seems to be a kennel surrounded by snoring war dogs.
31 You wake up with a headache, but everything else seems in order (DC perception check to notice if a magical item of your was replaced with a mundane replica).
32 You wake up in the Underdark.
33 You wake up and find you have a strange curse on you. It seems you got into an argument with a wizard last night.
34 You wake up in a bed that isn’t yours in a town you never heard of. Apparently, you seduced a wealthy aristocrat who took you back to their mansion. They were also very drunk, and might need to dispel a scandal with you at the center.
35 You wake up to find all your stuff gone, including your clothes. Leaving the inn, you begin to see a trail of your things leading to the town fountain, where the rest of your posessions lay soaking at the bottom of the water.
36 You wake up in the pigpen of a farm 6 hours away from the place you were carousing.
37 You wake up with 1d6 more tattoos than you had before.
38 You wake up with a new magic item in your posession.
39 Everything seems fine until you open your backpack and discover a complete humanoid skeleton folded up inside.
40 Your favorite weapon has been switched with a very similar one, likely grabbed by mistake. Their name is etched on it.
41 A strange, ethereal figure stands above you as you wake. It says “thank you for all that you have done for us!” and then vanishes into thin air, with no further explanation.
42 You awake naked in the tavern broom closet cuddling the owner’s dog.
43 You awake in an attic, the resident of which, a rather lonely ghost, you have apparently befriended.
44 You awake missing a valued possession; gambled away in a street game, and has since been traded back and forth.
45 You awake in a strange house, chained to the bed. Someone comes in and feeds you breakfast with an adoring stare...
46 You awake at the bottom of a ravine, covered in what smells like duck fat. Scavengers circle overhead.
47 You wake up on a boat on a foggy stretch of water, you are wrapped tightly in canvas that has been stitched closed. Your feet are tied together to a heavy rock.
48 You don’t remember any of your exploits last night, but the town bards do. Worse, the song one of them wrote about you has become a comic hit and is being sung in every nearby tavern within the week. Every time you hear it, the details get wilder. You have no idea if any of them are true.
d% Result
49 You wake up covered in what you can only assume is fox-urine, and bloody chicken feathers.
50 You wake up missing a tooth, with two black eyes, a broken nose, and possibly one or more broken ribs.
51 The next time you open your pack, you find a lightly scented, high quality paper card attached by a string to a small, finely wrought, ornate key. On the card, in embossed lettering, is the name and address of a wealthy person.
52 You either broke, or very badly twisted, your ankle at some point, and your neck and shoulder isn’t doing so hot either.
53 Your pinky finger on your dominant hand is broken, and both of your hands are heavily cut and abraded. Several small shards of pottery need to be fished out of the wounds.
54 Your skull has been bleeding; as is typical of head-wounds, it bled profusely and made the area you woke up in look like the scene of a murder. It will definitely require stitches.
55 You realize, at some point in your revelry, you wound up a the owner of a pumpkin farm somewhere. Most of the gold you had on hand is gone, replaced with a crinkled roll of parchment recording the transfer of title.
56 You wake up with 500 platinum coins and a warrant with your picture, but the name says, ‘Unknown thief 3 of 5’.
57 You wake up to the sound of a trumpet. All around you are dwarves in different states of nakedness and everyone has an instrument. Seems like you joined the Orchestra.
58 Someone yells at you to wake up, it seems you challenged a noble to a duel at noon, you have 15 Minutes to prepare.
59 You find yourself in a cage outside the city wall. You have no memory of how you got there or what you did to deserve it.
60 As you wake up you discover a shiny new tattoo on your chest, it glows and it seems to be some kind of rune.
61 You wake up and find you have adopted a friendly pig.
62 You wake up in a tent full of sleeping, apparently dead drunk Goblins. All your weapons and equipment are gone.
63 You wake up from the sound of the trees moving in the wind. With shock you realize you’re atop a giant oak tree.
64 The sound of a Sergeants screams wakes you, looks like you volunteered to join the army while you were drunk.
65 You wake up in the safe of a bank; gold, silver and 2 soundly sleeping dwarves surround you.
66 You wake up in the local mages library having apparently drunkenly solved a complex magical mystery.
67 You awake with a letter in your hand, and the guilty memory that you swore on your life that you would deliver it. Unfortunately, you can’t remember who it was for.
68 You wake up half in a ditch full of stinking green water. Something is crawling up your leg inside of your clothes…
69 You awaken with 2d6 people crammed into your bed in various states of undress. You’re sticky with spilled beer, and somebody has drawn a huge moustache on your face.
70 While out partying, you broke something expensive, but a local noble you were out with got caught with the blame and the bill. They plan to get payback one way or another.
71 You committed a public act of vandalism. Half the people you encounter are amused, the others are deeply offended.
72 You impressed a gang of bandits with your willingness to injure yourself to get laughs. They want you to join the gang.
73 You swore an oath to perform a great deed on behalf of a local church. In their temple. Standing on their altar. During an extremely important and solomn religious ceremony.
d% Result
74 You are told that you committed an act of public indecency while trying to retrieve a ferret from your trousers.
75 You invested all your gold in a local loser’s get-rich-quick scheme. It’s actually not a bad plan, but he is still an idiot.
76 You traded clothes with a beggar. It was a nice gesture, but now you’re developing a rash and you forgot to retrieve an important personal item from a pocket.
77 You wake up with a half-full spittoon or chamber pot attached to your hand by powerful magical glue. Searching in the filthy contents may reveal a vial of universal solvent.
78 You have three new tattoos, all of them raw and fresh, and one of them is in a place that never sees sunlight.
79 You find a wedding ring (worth 1d10x1d100 gp) on your finger. An inventory of your coin-purse may or may not reveal that you paid for the ring somehow. The inscription is your name plus the name of someone you don’t know.
80 You wake up with a terrible headache, inside a closed casket in an abandoned warehouse, with a note that reads, ‘Be more careful next time’ tucked into your shirt pocket.
81 The webs of your fingers and toes have been stitched together with either artful, elegant, and tiny stitches, or crudely glued together with magical glue. Has your mouth suffered the same fate? What else has been sewn shut?
82 You wake up naked in a field, wearing a horse mask.
83 Your boot has been stuffed in your mouth while you slept.
84 As you wake up, a half eaten box of fancy chocolate in a heart shaped box, falls off of your chest onto the floor.
85 You commissioned a painting of yourself, in a state of undress, astride a horse, charging into battle. Roll some dice to see if its any good, and just how expensive it was.
86 You wake up and discover your skin is now blue, if you skin was previously blue it is now bright orange.
87 You wake up and can no longer speak common.
88 You wake up with handcuffs on that prevent spellcasting.
89 You wake up naked in the pews of the nearest temple.
90 You wake up and discover you can’t lie without sneezing.
91 You open your eyes to see the world has been inverted, your dexterity rolls are inverted until you next sleep.
92 You awaken to find your self naked, clutching a headless chicken, in the middle of a demon summoning ritual.
93 You wake up in a strange house, when you make your way downstairs, a sweet old lady asks if you slept well.
94 A dog pulling your clothes wakes you in the middle of a cornfield, at the end of a freshly made winding path.
95 You come to your senses strapped to a pillory in the middle of a town. After a while, you’re fined 2d20gp and released.
96 You wake up covered in blood, scrapes, cuts, and with a wobbly tooth. However you are now also 100 gp richer.
97 You wake up in a tavern bedroom in a cozy feather bed. All of your possessions are there, along with 300 extra gold pieces and a note that says ‘Thanks, you were fabulous!’
98 You’re beaten awake by a twig broom. Looks like you made somebody else’s front room your bed for the night.
99 Several hundred rats surround your bed, staring unblinkingly at you. They will follow you, and obey simple commands, but only until sundown, when they disappear back into cracks and pipes and alleyways.
100 You wake up yesterday.