
Thieves tools or similar lockpick implements are required to pick a lock but improvised lockpicks can be used with disadvantage. Proficiency with thieves tools is required to pick a lock of strong or better quality. To pick a remarkable lock, familiarity with that particular lock is required.

Complexity Rating

The lock is assigned a complexity rating.

Rating Quality Examples
1 Poor Rusty latch, crude lock
2 Common Padlock, typical door
3 Strong Chest, heavy door
4 Secure Jail cell, metal door
5 Remarkable Vault door, safe

How to Pick a Lock

Progress starts at 0. As an action, a player can attempt to increase progress by making a DC 20 Dexterity check. Proficiency with thieves tools is added to the roll.

  • If the check is made then progress advances by 1
  • If the check fails then a breakage occurs.

If progress reaches the lock's complexity rating then the lock is opened. If 3 breakages occur first then the lock is broken and becomes unpickable. A broken lock must be opened by force.

Additionally, a player can also use a bonus action to carry out a rushed pick. This is the same process as an ordinary pick but the Dexterity check increases to DC 25.

Out of Initiative

When picking a lock without time constraint, out of initiative order, simply carry out ordinary (DC 20) rolls in succession.


Breakages are typically loud and leave evidence of tampering. When a lock has been imperfectly picked, other creatures can spot this with a Perception check to the DC below.

Breakages DC to notice Eg: the lock is...
1 20 lightly scratched
2 15 difficult to open
3 10 completely ruined

This means that a perfectly picked lock, with no breakages, will leave no evidence of tampering to those who find it later. A broken lock will have obvious signs of tampering that are likely to be noticed.