Bonded Soul

A frantic criminal runs through back alleys, fleeing they ominous figure that has pursued him for hours. He breaks into a sprint only for a wolf to leap from the shadows and overtake him.

A masked figure kneels, perfectly balanced on a tree branch, watching a cart pass underneath. Once it has, she wistles and silently a giant owl swoops down, grabbing each horse in its talons and flying off. She swiftly leaps down and finishes the driver, then turns her attention to the door

Surrounded by undead, a composed mercenary turns on the spot taking in his foes, at his back a stalwart hound growls. Once the endless horde moves in, they each erupt into a flurry of blows, flashing steel and bloodied teeth tearing down corpse after lifeless corpse.

From hero to hellion, a Bonded Soul stands by their companion to the bitter end. They stand for stalwart loyalty and represent the fine line between beast and man.

Bonded souls recognize that humanoids are no better than animals and that though the relationship between predator and prey is not to be disregarded, often you can find a better

Bonded soul
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Animal Companion, Peerless Rider, Bond
2nd +2 Size Increase, Emotional, Shared Movement
3rd +2 First Bond Feature, Malleable
4th +2 Recall
5th +3 Experienced
6th +3 Stat Increase
7th +3 Second Bond Feature
8th +3 Size Increase
9th +4 Cognate
10th +4 Commanding presence
11th +4 Stat Increase
12th +4 Third Bond Feature
13th +5 Terrifying call
14th +5 Extra attack
15th +5 Rallying call
16th +5 Stat Increase
17th +6 fourth bond feature
18th +6 Take the bullet
19th +6 Extraordinary physique
20th +6 Lick wounds

companion in beasts rather than your fellow man.

Never Forsake Your Bond

It is not right to say that each Bonded Soul follows a same way of life, god, or philosophy. Many are outcasts, living without packs or society reallying on only each other whole others still will become highly respected professionals renowed for their effocacy. The only similarity drawn

between each is the comradery they find in their companion

Creating a Bonded Soul

When making a Bonded Soul, consider the relationship between them and their animal companion. Perhaps it was forged of desperation, a grim vow to keep the other alive under the harshest conditions. Maybe it was as thanks, swearing to aid the one who saved their life. Or perhaps they come from a culture of Bonded Souls, wherein a baby and nursling seek each other out at birth and are raised together, two of a kind?

Did your wild tendencies make you an outcast in your society and you were cast out, finding a similar mind in the woods? Or were you pushed out by destructive invaders and swore to return and liberate your homes. Maybe you found your companion on your adventures, and vowed to protect them from all harm?

quick build

You can make a Bonded Soul quickly by following these steps. First, make Dexterity your highest score. Next, Charisma. Take the Outlander background.

Class Features

As a Bonded Soul, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per Bonded Soul level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier


  • Armor: light armor and shields
  • Weapons: simple weapons
  • Tools: Dice set, Tinker's tools, Drum or Pan flute

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: pick 3 from Athletics, Nature, Animal Handling Medicine and Survival


    You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
  • (a) a martial weapon or (b) a spear and whip or (c) 4 javelins
  • (a) a trapper's tools or (b) a Dice set
  • (a) an adventurer's pack

    Animal Companion

    You have formed a bond with an animal that cannot be broken, even by death. Choose one Animal with the beast tag that has a challenge rating of no more than half your level. You can always determine what direction you are from the

companion and how far, even if you're not on the same plane. The animal can do the same for you. While within 30' of each other, you can communicate with this animal as though you spoke the same language. Additionally, while within 30' of each other you and this animal can use any special abilities that the other has. The animal varies from others of its kind in these ways:

  • Instead of having the hit dice listed in its monster manual it rolls hit points every time you level up. for this, it uses the dice type listed in this class
  • It shares a proficiency bonus with you
  • It adds your charisma to its armor class
  • If it has usable skills, it now instead has proficiency in those skills using its proficiency modifier and ability modifier
  • attacks now use its proficiency modifier instead of base bonuses (if multiple attacks, adjust pluses and minuses off of primary attack)
  • If the animal dies you permanently lose half your maximum hit points, until the animal is alive again
  • If you die the animal permanently loses half of its maximum hit points, until you are alive again

Peerless Rider

If your animal companion is the same size class as you or larger, you can ride it. While riding it, you cannot be removed unless unconscious or by your own choice.


You and your companion have determined what kind of bond you have. Pick a bond listed later in this chapter and gain the appropriate bonuses.

Size Increase

The animal is now size medium. For every size class it increased from, it gains two constitution and two strength. If it was larger, it doesn't change


You and your animal companion now share a single charisma bonus. This bonus is the higher of the two.

Shared Movements

You and your companion can occupy the same space at any time


Every level after this one you can spend a turn to alter your animal companion's size by one, to no less than their smallest size and to no larger than the size class listed in your latest Size Increase, or their largest, whichever is higher


Your bond with your animal companion has grown so strong that it permeates the veil between life and death. If your animal companion has died, You can preform a 1-hour ritual to call it's spirit and create for it a new body. once you have used this ability, you must take a long rest before you can use it again

Additionally, you may re-decide what form the animal takes. Pick a creature with the beast tag that has a challenge rating of no greater than half your level,. It's size can not exceed the size class listed in your latest Size Increase


You and your animal companion now share a single intelligence . This bonus is the higher of the two

Stat Increase

at 6th, 11th and 16th level you may increase one stat by 2 or two stats by 1

Size Increase

The animal is now size large. For every size class it increased from, it gains two constitution and two strength. If it was larger, it doesn't change.


You and your animal companion now share a single intelligence bonus. This bonus is the higher of the two

Commanding Presence

Both you and your companion have advantage on charisma checks when dealing with creatures of the same kind as you

Terrifying call

As your action, you may let out a call forcing select creatures within 60' of you and your animal companion to make a DC 8 + your proficiency modifier wisdom save or else be frightened for then next two turns.

Once you have used this ability three times you must take a long rest before you can use it again.

Extra attack

On your round, either you or your animal companion may make an extra attack.

Rallying call

As an action, you may let out a call granting a bonus to select creatures within 60' of you and your animal companion. This bonus is equal to your charisma modifier and may be added to all d20 rolls for 4 turns.

Once you have used this ability, you must take a long rest before you can use it again.

Take the bullet

On your turn when an attack is made against you or your animal companion, the other may use their reaction to direct the attack towards themself if they are within 10' of eachother

Extraordinary physique

Your and your animal companion's constitution increase by 2. You also have advantage on athletics checks

Lick wounds

When out of combat, you and your animal companion can both make a medecine check against any creature, including yourself. every point over 12 you get on this roll is healed to the subject


The relationship between souls can be a mystery to those who have never experienced. It is more than the comradery felt between a rider and his mount, or the servitude between a wizard and their familiar. It is a sense of brotherhood, an eternal covenant to protect and embolden the other. This special link will start to manifest, empowering each in different ways.

Monstrous Bond

The monstrous bond is between those who appreciate the sheer strength that is had in their connection. They foster feelings of rage and isolation to others, trusting only their companion.

Bonus proficiencies

You have proficiency in one strength-based skill of your choice and martial weapons


Your rage can no longer be contained by armor. Lose proficiency in light armor and add only half your proficiency bonus to your animal companion's armor class. Your and your companion's armor class is increased by 3 when not wearing armor and you gain proficinecy in strength saving throws.


When your bond solidifies at level 3, You and your animal companion learn how to channel your bloodlust into a rage. As a bonus action on your turn you and your companion can enter a berzerk state for one minute. For this time, you gain each +4 to strength and +4 to constitution. you also gain advantage on wisdom and strenght saving throws, and can no longer concentrate. You can do this once per long rest. This increases to two at level six and three at level twelve.

Improved Frenzy

At 7th level your Frenzied range intensifies. While in a Frenzy, once per round either you or your animal companion can make an extra attack. Your armor class also increase by 2 for the duration if unarmored.

Battle charge

at 12th level, while berzerk you gain 10' feet of bonus movement towards enemies you can see. You also have blindsense out to 10' and you can impose advantage on attacks you make. However, every time you impose advantage your attack bonus decreases by 1 until your rage ends

Size Increase

At 17th level, the monstrous nature of your bond manifests physically. The animal is now size huge. For every size class it increased from, it gains two constitution and two strength. Yours and the animals armor class increases by 2

Brothers in Arms

The bond of brothers in arms is forged in combat, two stalwart warriors who will fight to the bitter end in the name of their bond. They are prominent forces on the battlefield cutting down their foes in a pirouette of tooth and claw.

Combat Expertise

You gain proficiency in martial weapons and medium armor

Back to Back

When your bond solidifies at 3rd level, you gain an uncanny speed utilized in protection. Twice per round while within 10' of your animal companion if one of you is attacked the other may make an opportunity attack against the attacker

Defensive stance, Offensive stance

At 7th level, while within 5' of your animal companion you gain certain combat abilities. as a bonus action on your turn you and your companion can move 10' towards an enemy or while within 5' of each other you can use your bonus action to make both of your armor classes the same equal to the higher armor class +2 until your next turn

Got your back

At 12th level while within 5' of your animal companion you are each proficient in all saving throws


At 17th level if you are surprised at the beginning of Combat and aren't incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn. You also have advantage on initiative checks.

Spirit Animal

Animals of this bond are more than companions. They are a physical manifestation of their bond's presence on the astral plane

Spirit emissary

You and your animal companion have the Outsider subtype. Gain proficiency in one language from the following: Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal or Primordial.

Additionaly, while within 30' of eachother you and your animal companion have darkvision out to 60'


At third level, the spiritual nature of your animal companion is revealed. You can dismiss it to the astral plane and call it back to you at will. Additionaly, while moving the spirit animal can chose to move through another creature's space no matter their size difference. The animal can take actions while in this space but cannot end its turn there.

Join essence

At 7th level you can merge your spirit animal with your soul. On your turn if you and your spirit animal are in the same space you can dismiss your spirit animal as a bonus action. You may do this once before needing a long rest to use it again.

While joined, You gain any special action or attacks your spirit animal has and add your charisma bonus to your proficiency bonus. Any natural attacks made for its duration have advantage and you gain 4 AC.

Greater recall

at 12th level your animal companion can cast the Resurrection spell at will targeting only you. It must provide the material components, but does not require your body to be present. If your body is not present it reforms as though the true resurrection spell. You both suffer the drawbacks from both sides of this spell.


At 17th level, while within 5' of your animal companion you may cast the Plane Shift spell without having to provide material components targeting only yourself and your animal companion. You can only travel to the astral plane or prime material plane.

The pack

The bond of the pack is one of family. You have

Call the pack

Starting at third level, you can call the rest of your pack to your side to help in combat. you can summon any amount of animals at a time, but once you have summoned a certain amount you cannot summon any more until you take a long rest. this amount is equal to one at third level, two at fourth level, and increases by one every three levels after that. This amount is doubled for every challenge rating under 1/2 (at third level, 2 for cr 1/4, 4 for cr 1/8, etc.) or halved for each challenge rating above 1/2 that the called animals are. Animals called with this feature act under your control on your turn and remain for four turns before leaving

Called Animals

Animals called with the Call the Pack feature are the same type as your animal companion. They gain the benefits of your Shared movement feature when you use it. As well, multiple animals at once can help a single animal attack. To do so, they must use their action, then they add their attack modifier (minimum of one) to the attack and damage rolls of a single attack made by the creature they helped. No more than eight creatures at once can participate in one of these attacks.

Cull the tide

At 6th level you have become experienced at fighting against and amongst large groups. While adjacent to four or more creatures, You gain +2 to all attack and damage rolls

Herd defenses

At 12th level when you, your animal companion or any creature you summoned from this class are adjacent to six or more creatures they have +2 to ac

Run-by attack

Also at twelth level, you and your pack's hunting instincts have grown stronger. Any time a creature from your pack succeeds an attack against a creature, any other creature from your pack that attacks it before it finishes moving automatically lands its hit. Attacks that succeed in this way do not get ability bonuses added to the damage of the attack

Improved pack tactics

At 17th level you can unleashe the fury of the pack. Calling and directing the pack is a bonus action but can only be preformed once per turn.

As well, every member of the pack that is not you or your animal companion gets +2 strength and +2 constitution


Hunters and warriors, thieves and bodygaurds. Cooperators are

Ranged combat expertise

you gain proficiency in martial ranged weapons

Flush them out

your animal companion gains the following features:

  • it cannot provide cover to a creature you are attacking
  • it cannot be struck by an attack you made targeting another creature
  • it has advantage on athletics checks to grapple creatures
  • dragging grappled creatures only costs 1 extra foot of movement for every two feet it travels

    Drop their guard

    starting at third level, after your animal companion attacks a creature you may mark it. while the creature is marked, your ranged atacks against it have advantage. the creature will remain marked until the end of your next turn or until it is marked by another source

    Cover fire

    at 7th level any time you make a ranged attack against a creature within 5' of your animal companion you may take a penalty of your choice to that attack. If it hits, increase your animal companion's armor class by that much until the start of your next turn

    healing shot

    at 12th level you have learned how to quickly combine herbs and medicines to quickly bolster your animal companion's health using ammunition as a vessel. as your action, you may make a medecine check (DC 8 + the amount you want to heal). On a success, if your animal companion is within your weapon's effective range they are healed. If you fail the check and a creature that is marked is within 5' of your animal companion, you may use the initial roll to attempt an attack against ten


    At 17th level when you take the attack action on your turn, your first attack against a marked target and a creature within 5' of your animal companion are free actions