Races & Beings of the Warhammer World
This is a dark age, a bloody age, an age of daemons and of sorcery. It is an age of battle and death, and of the world's ending. Amidst all of the fire, flame and fury it is a time too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.


The Beastmen, sometimes known as the Cloven Ones, the Horned Ones, the Beast of Chaos or even the Children of Chaos are a race of savage mutant humanoids that bear various traits of bestial appearance, such as cloven hooves, muscular human bodies, horned bestial heads and a malign primitive intelligence. Proud of their origins, it is said that they are the descendants of ancient humans corrupted and twisted by the influence of Chaos at the dawn of Chaos's coming into the world.

From deep within the twisted forested woodlands of the Old World and beyond, the Beastmen are a violent, war-driven race that seeks only to plague and destroy the civilizations of Mankind. They prey on the weak and defenseless, striking at lonely settlements without warning in a rampage of destruction before disappearing into the protective darkness of their dark wilderness, running away from the dire retribution that fails to follow.

To the citizens of the Empire, Bretonnia and the other nations of the Old World, the Beastmen have come to represent creatures from a half-remembered age of nightmare. Men deceive themselves that the danger has passed; that they are safe in their walled towns, that their steel and gunpowder, wizards' arts and engineers' creations will hold at bay the lowly beast-things that haunt the woodlands. Men tell themselves that the creatures of the forest are disorganised and incapable of fielding armies that can threaten their crenellated, high-walled cities.

They are quite wrong. To underestimate the Beastmen is a fatal mistake. The Cloven Ones are creatures of violence and conflict, and they are far more cunning than the Empire believes. Worse still, the more noble and haughty the foe, the more the Beastmen are driven to prove their own supremacy by casting him down from his lofty pedestal and trampling his body beneath blood-encrusted, filthy hooves. As such, these unruly, course and foul creatures would go to war with savage intent, slaughtering the civilized races like cattle, burning down and shattering their homes, and stomping on the remains with their cloven hooves until there is nothing left but devastation and ruin. It is said that so long as Chaos reigns over this world, the Beastmen shall plague the lands of Mankind for all eternity.

Beastmen Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1. Your other scores are affected by which type of subrace you choose.


There are many different variations of Beastmen and their lifespans have never been recorded. Due to their barbaric and bestial temperment they never tend to live long.


Chaotic Evil Beastmen are notorius raiders, murderer's, and plunderer's. They kill and maime with little accord for mercy.


Reikspiel, Dark Tongue


There are three main types of beastmen that differ in size. Ungor's stand anywhere between five to six feet tall. Bestigor's stand between six to seven feet tall. Minotaur's stand the tallest of the three at seven to eight feet tall.

  • Ungor: Medium
  • Bestigor: Medium
  • Minotaur: Large

Movement Speed

  • Ungor: Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
  • Bestigor: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Minotaur: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Dark Vision

The dark mutations of the forest and the corrupting powers of the forsaken gods have granted the beastmen acute sight in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.

Ungor Features

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Ambush Predator

You have advantage on initiative rolls.

Born Hunter

You are proficient in the Perception skill.

Death from afar

You are proficient in all throwing weapons and bows.

Mask of the Wild

You can hide even when your are only lightly obscured by foliage, rain, fog, snow, etc.

Bestigor Features

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength and Constitution increase by 1.

Barbaric Skill

You are proficient in with axes, mauls, and hammers.

Primordial Fury

When you score a critical hit with an attack you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice an additional time and add it to the critical hit damage.


You gain advantage on one Constitution saving throw. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Wild Vigor

You are proficient in the Athletics skill.

Minotaur Features

Ability Score increase

Your Strength score increases by 2.


As a bonus action, move up to your speed towards a hostile creature you can see.

Indomitable Will

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or feared.

Menacing Glare

You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.

Strength of a Bull

You are proficient in medium armor, greataxes, and are not affected by the Unwieldy trait of items.

Chaos Dwarfs

The Chaos Dwarfs, known as the Uzkul-Dhrazh-Zharr, or the Dawi-Zharr, which means Fire-Dwarfs, are an industrious, dark-souled and merciless warrior race of Daemonsmiths, slavers and brutal killers that dominate the dark and cheerless landscape of the Dark Lands. At the centre of the Dark Lands lies a region filled with innumerable blackened factories, of hellish forges and massive armories, a dark, heartless and nightmarish industrial empire the likes of which surpasses all others in the greater world. Long separated from their fading kin of the west, the Chaos Dwarfs have given themselves over to their dark master, and Chaos has worked subtle changes on their bodies.

They are the darkness and evil of the Dwarf race given form, slowly mutating even the notoriously resilient Dwarfen physiology, inflicting twisted terrors on their minds and souls so that they have become a spite-filled and calculatingly cruel reflection of what they once were. Unlike other Dwarfs, the Chaos Dwarf are deeply learned in the sorcerous arts, and have become obsessed with the control of hellish forces and the fires of the deep earth, combining the dark lore they have gleaned with an artisanship and skill for metalwork and industry undimmed from their ancient past.

They build the greatest and most infernal warmachines this world will ever know, hulking cannons the size of houses or shrieking rockets that could obliterate entire villages into ruins. From their massive mile-spanning hell-factories deep within the Dark Lands, shielded by deadly mountain ranges and set amid desolations of industrial waste and the haunts of monstrous beasts, the empire of the Chaos Dwarfs has faded into legend to many in the Old World, but those forced to confront their implacable black-iron clad armies and savage war engines know the truth. The day may yet come when the armies of dread Zharr-Naggrund march forth once more, bringing their infernal warmachines to sow misery and mayhem to all four corners of the world.

Chaos Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1, your Wisdom score increases by 1, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.


As the evil counterparts to their dwarfish bretherin, chaos dwarfs mature around the age 100 and usually live between 750 to 1,000 years old.


Chaotic Evil. Consumed with a grim, cold cruelty and calculated brutality, Chaos Dwarfs hold grudges and kin in the same regard as the Dawi but have little room for mercy.


Reikspiel, Dark-Khazalid


Chaos Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 25 feet.


The blessings of Hashut are far from one-sided, your vision in dim and dark settings is more acute than normal foes. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.

Chaos Dwarf Features

Hashut's Dark Promise

You have proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Infernal Machinations

You have proficiency with firearms and greataxes as well as proficiency with light and medium armor.

Magical Intuition

When you reach 3rd level you learn the Fire Bolt cantrip. When you reach 5th level you may cast Heat Metal. You regain the ability to cast these spells with the completion of a long or short rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier.


You have advantage on intimidation checks against Goblins and Orcs. If your intimidation check is successful you cause that creature to be feared for 1 round.

Volcanic Proximity

You have resistance against fire damage.

Dark Elves

The Dark Elves, or the Druchii as they call themselves, also known as the Nagarrothi or the "Dark Ones", are one of the most ancient, powerful and sadistic of the three Elven civilizations. From the bleak, chilly lands of Naggaroth lies the Dark Elven Kingdoms of Witch King Malekith, a realm born from the depths of malice and hate, a kingdom that seeks nothing more than to despoil a world they believe loathes their existence. With malevolent eyes, the Dark Elves watch this dying world, knowing it is their birthright to rule all that they've survey and those that live upon it are born to do nothing more than to grovel at their very feet.

They are raiders, slavers and heartless reavers of the first degree, their every whim being nothing more than to sow misery and pain to all that oppose them, for make no mistake, misery and pain is the very lifeblood of their existence. Thus do their Black Arks and Corsair Fleets ply the great waters of the world, raiding and enslaving all before them as a tribute to their own avaricious desires. Yet even should every other land would bow to their rule, the Dark Elves know that they cannot claim their glorious inheritance whilst their hated brethren's, the High Elves endure.

Until that day finally dawns when the Isles of Ulthuan are finally theirs, the Dark Elves will continue their bloody quest as they always have. Great raiding fleets, their sails black against the night sky, bring woe and destruction to all the shores of the world, bearing terror and death to distant realms, often for no better reason than because there is no-one who can stand against them. With every year that passes, the power of Naggaroth ascends to greater heights, built upon the backs of slaves and fuelled by a constant stream of plunder from far-off lands.

Dark Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity, Widsom, and Intelligence score increases 1.


Similar to their Asur cousins, Dark Elves reach maturity around 100 and can live for centuries beyond that, sometimes using dark magics or evil pacts to prolong their life through millenia.


Lawful Evil. It is no mystery that the dark elves prefer evil. However, they are not savage creatures, and look to order to facilitate their misdeeds.


Reikspiel, Dir-Eltharin


Dark Elves stand between 5 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


Accustomed to the blasted wastes of Naggaroth and the midnight black interiors of Black Ark's, you have superior darkvision in dim and dark conditions. Your darkvision radius is 90 feet.

Dark Elf Features

Cunning Attack

When you have advantage on an attack roll and hit, you can deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Once used, you cannot use this trait again until you complete a short or long rest.

Druchii Weapon Training

Proficient with rapiers, short swords, hand crossbows and heavy crossbows.

Fey Ancestry

You have advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Khainite Pleasure

Proficient with a Torturer's Kit.

Within the Nest of Viper's

Proficient in the Deception skill.


You have advantage on saving throws against being feared.

Petrifying Presence

You have the ability to cast the Cause Fear spell innately. You regain the ability to cast this spell upon the completion of a long or short rest.


Dryads are spiteful creatures with hearts akin to shards of ice. In the soul of a Dryad, there is neither room nor regard for compassion or mercy, merely an uncompromising dedication to Athel Loren that makes even the most heartfelt vows of Elf or Man seem trivial by comparison. To harm the forest is to invoke a deadly and unyielding vengeance that ends only when the transgressor’s body has been ruined and broken. Only a fool deliberately offers insult to a Dryad, but alas, these spirit-maids are so utterly different to mortal creatures that offence is often taken whether it was intended or not.

Few mortals make such a mistake twice, and then only if the individual in question is either very lucky or very swift. Dryads are able to shape-shift into different forms and often mimic the appearance of Elves. On such occasions, they appear as unearthly, lithe and beautiful maidens — albeit with a greenish hue to their skin and twigs in their long, cascading hair. It is in this form that the Dryads walk the bounds of Athel Loren. They are not choosy in their victims, preying on tree-killers, invaders and lost innocents with equal malice. The only sensible course of action when approached by such a creature is to flee as far and as fast as possible, but most potential victims find themselves enraptured by the Dryad’s comely form or beguiled by the haunting melodies of her otherworldly song.

Before long, the victim is sufficiently addled that he will do anything that the spirit desires, and so is swiftly enticed into the shadowy depths of the forest. Only when the hapless prey is completely under her spell, his mind lost in a cloud of desire and promise, does the Dryad strike. Sloughing off her beauteous form she transforms into a war aspect, the hatred and spite within her soul remaking her outer appearance into a thing of horror. Her hair becomes a twisted mass of thorns, briars and twigs, her face distorts into a terrifying and savage visage, her limbs turn long and wood-like, and her fingers become vicious talons capable of rending and impaling her prey. Before the victim has even registered his predicament, his blood is spilt upon the hungry ground of the forest and his body ripped limb from limb with implacable savagery.

Dryad Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Wisdom increases by 2. Your other score is dependant on Subrace.


Dryads can live for hundreds or even thousands of years.


Chaotic Neutral. Dryads are creatures of the forest and not unlike nature itself their temperment fluctuates.


Reikspiel, Eltharin, Malla-Roomba-Larin (tree speak).


Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Dryad Features


You have a naturally occurring tough skin covering you from head to toe. When unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier.

Forest Blend

You have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide amongst foliage, trees and other plant life.

Body of Living Wood

Given that your physiology is primarily composed of plant matter, you are vulnerable to fire damage.

Tranquility of the Seasons

Through the growth of spring to the cold embrace of winter, the seasons effect all races but seem to have a distinct effect on Dryads above all others. Depending on the month of the year a Dryad will need more hours of dormancy to attain the benefits of a long rest.

  • Spring: 6 hours.
  • Summer: 4 hours.
  • Fall: 6 hours.
  • Winter: 8 hours.


Being a plant-based life form, you can create your food through photosynthesis, being in bright or dim sunlight will regenerate hit points equal to 1d4 + your proficiency bonus. You may use this feature X amount of times per day dependent on your Constitution modifier + proficiency bonus. If you aren't in sunlight for a number of days equal to your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier you will start to decay, taking one level exhaution at the end of each long rest until you do so. The uses of this ability refresh after a long rest.


Choose one between Guardian or Watcher.



Your Size changes to large and your body is that of a Treekin instead of Dryad.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed becomes 25 feet.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Furious Charge

As a bonus action you may move up to 10 ft toward and enemy and use a fist attack against the creature. Your fist attacks do 1d4 + Strength. Your fist attacks increase as you level increasing to 1d6 at level 6, 1d8 at level 11, and 1d10 at level 16. You must take a long rest before you can use this ability again.

Nature's Form

You are proficient with the Nature and Athletics skill.


Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Tree Stride

Over time you have learned the skill of using trees as a type of transportation. Once a turn, you can use 10 feet of your movement to step magically into one living tree within your reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or larger.

Nature's Gaze

You are proficient with the Nature and Perception skill.


The Dwarfs, or Dawi as they call themselves, are currently one of the oldest and proudest races in the Warhammer World, with a great wealth of history and power that stretches back since time immemorial. They once held an empire which stretched from Norsca in the north to the jungles in the south, and from Mount Silverspear in the east to the Grey Mountains in the west. But the heart of the Dwarfen realm, the Karaz Ankor as they call it, will always lie within the domains of the Worlds Edge Mountains The highest mountain range in the world, it is filled with the magnificent halls and holds of the Dwarfen people, a testament to the great feats of engineering and power once wielded by this ancient civilization.

The Dwarf people as a whole are sturdy and strong, brilliant craftsmen and excellent warriors,but above all they prize themselves on their loyalty to each other and to those they are indebted to. This strong bond of kinship has ensured that the Dwarfs are considered amongst the most united races in the face of the world. They are known far and wide as the greatest miners and tunnelers in the world, the ageless halls of Karaz-a-Karak are but one gigantic example of how huge their works can become. As expected, the Dwarfs are highly proficient smiths and craftsmen, capable of producing works far more beautiful than the Elven metalworkers in far Ulthuan and hundreds of times more valuable than the trinkets of Men. Proud, honorable and enduring, it is said that the Dwarfs shall weather the horrors and misery of this world until its final bitter end.

The history of the Dwarfs is an enduring history that has stretched from the very creation of this world unto its final lasting days. Dwarfs revere their ancestry above all. The tracing of lineage is of the utmost importance to the denizens of each and every Karak. For most, the long history of record keeping stretches back to when bands of Dwarfs moved north into the Worlds Edge Mountains.

It is said that the Dwarfs, like many other races that have lived upon the world, were created by the benevolent god-like beings known as the Old Ones. Powerful and immensely intelligent beyond mortal standards, it was said that these beings were the ones who seeded the first forms of life upon this otherwise barren planet after using their immense god-like powers to terraform the planet and brought it closer to the sun. There they planted the first seeds of life, and from this life the first Dwarfs were created, and thus the Gods of the Dwarfen Pantheon.

According to Dwarf legends and traditions, these first Dwarfs were carved by time from the rocks of the mountains, birthed by stone itself. Whilst the Dwarfs lived about their earliest days, the Old Ones continued their masterful work, ensuring that this world would be a paradise for all beings. Whether they had a higher purpose for this world or the Dwarfs remains unknown, for none other then the Old Ones knew the full extent of their Great Plan

Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.


Dwarfs rank among the oldest and wisest of the elder races, reaching maturity around the age of 50 and living between 750 to 1,250 years old.


Lawful Neutral. Stalwart allies and daunting foes, Dwarf society is built upon oaths of honor and vengeance and they believe in a well-ordered society.


Reikspiel, Khazalid


Dwarfs stand between 4 and 5 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 25 feet.


Diligent workers of stone and builders of lofty holds and mines, you have superior darkvision in dim and dark setting. Your darkvision radius is 120 feet.

Dwarf Features

Dwarfen Stoicism

Proficient in Athletics skill.

Longbeard Training

Proficient in use of battle-axes, throwing axes, throwing hammers, and warhammers.

Master Armourers

Proficient in all armor types.

Master Craftsmen

Proficient with either smith tools, brewer tools, or mason tools.

Of Earth and Stone

You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Book of Grudges

Select a favored enemy (Greenskins, Skaven, Chaos [Daemons,fiends, cultists, etc], Elves, Humans, Vampire Counts, Other Undead, Other Monstrosities). You deal extra damage on every attack against them.

Level Damage Bonus
1 1d4
6 1d6
12 1d8
16 1d10
20 1d12


The Fimir are amphibious humanoid monsters that haunt bogs, fens and desolate moorlands throughout the northern and western Old World. Their strongholds take the form of forbidding, craggy piles of rock, crudely built in the semblance of the castles of more civilised races. Such dwellings are seldom seen by outsiders, for they are wreathed in thick mist, a miasma which is magically generated by the Fimir to shield their fortresses from prying eyes, and themselves from the harsh glare of the sun.

Long before the rise of Man, the Fimir worshiped the Chaos Gods, and for a time enjoyed their favor. Alas, the Eye of the Gods was swiftly drawn to the more vibrant and amusing race of Man, and the Fimir were abandoned, reduced to seeking boons from bound Daemons where once they had enjoyed the blessings of gods. Nowadays, the Fimir are a dwindling and reclusive race, little given to leaving their swampy fastnesses, save for the occasional raid for food and slaves. Only the Fimir sorcerers, known as Dirach or sometimes as Balefiends, spend prolonged periods in the lands beyond the mists. Such creatures have but one goal — to destabilize the barrier between the mortal world and the Realm of Chaos, thus aiding the Chaos Gods to their ultimate victory, and so regaining their favor.

A Balefiend's sorceries seem crude and ritualistic compared to the magic of Elves or even Men, but they are no less potent, for they are woven with power stolen from Daemons. A Balefiend's cyclopean eye can see the ebb and flow of the Winds of Magic in the same way a Man's perceives light and shade, which allows them to make the best use of whatever magical power is available.

Fimir Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and then your choice of ability scores increase by 1.


The true lifespan of the Fimir is unknown, but most scholars believe they have been granted unnaturally long lives from their long lost favor of the Chaos Gods.


Chaotic Evil. Fimir are known for being brutal raiders and killers, with no real regard for others. Including their own.


Reikspiel, Darktongue, Dreamspeak


Fimir stand between 6 and 7 feet fall. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


The eye of Chaos Gods has long since drifted from the view of the Fimir, yet they still hold several of their malevolent benefits. You have a darkvision radius of 60 feet.

Fimir Features

Crystalline Focus

Fimir need 8 hours of rest, but instead of sleeping can enter a meditative like state. Fimir are immune to charm, can not be put to sleep by magic, and have advantage on saving throws against the effects of madness.

Arcane Eye

You have proficiency in the Arcana skill, and as a bonus action gain blindsight for 30 ft for up to one minute per hour.

Inborn Magecraft

Fimir may cast Magic Missile, once, as a 1st level spell. At 3rd level, Magic Missile may be cast as a 2nd level spell, and as a 3rd level spell by 5th level. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this spell. You regain the ability to cast Magic Missile in this way after a long rest.

Knowledge of the First Chosen

You are proficient with mauls and are proficient with Alchemist's Tools.

Resilient Species

You have advantage on Saving Throws against poison and madness and have resistance against poison damage.


A race roughly half a man’s size that has always seemed to be wherever Mankind has gone. The Dwarfs record that a tribe of “beardless Manlings we first thought to be children” travelled with the human tribes as they passed through the Worlds Edge Mountains. On the other hand, some Imperial scholars think the Halflings are a race of men experimented on by Verena to find a way to resist Chaos, while a few others argue Ranald created them as a bizarre joke. Regardless of what others say, the Halflings simply say they are as they have always been, and they "like it quite a bit, thank you very much". Being a rural folk, even in their towns, the Halflings are earthy types who enjoy good food, strong drink, a good smoke, and conversation that would turn a Marienburg marine’s ears blue. Expressive to a fault, Halflings think nothing of discussing their aunt’s nightly business with perfect strangers in complete detail. “Just to pass the time, y’know.” They love a good chat and strangers are welcomed by farmers along the roads as long as they bring gossip, coin, or lunch. Or preferably all three.

Halflings outside the Moot usually are seen by the small-minded as nothing more than cooks or thieves —or cooks and thieves— though this is rather unfair, because it creates stereotypes out of two Halfling traits. The first is their indisputable ability to make a fine meal out of almost any ingredients. The second is their differing views on property, ownership, and theft. Most Halflings have grown up in what is effectively a large extended family of siblings, aunts, uncles, “cousins by way of marriage,” and the like. The practice of taking what is needful, be it a pie, a few crowns or even a piece of jewellery, is deeply imbedded in the Halfling character. After all, if everyone is family, why should you ask permission? Of course they’ll let you “borrow” it. These two traits have led to a perception outside the Mootland of Halflings as little more than domestic help you have to keep an eye on.

Halfling Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.


Halflings reach maturity around the age of 20 and can live to be 100.


Neutral. These little guys can be as devious as they are playful.


Reikspiel, Halfling.


Halflings stand between 3 and 4 feet tall. Your size is Small.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Halfling Features

Luck of the Small Folk

When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check you can re-roll and you have to take that new roll (Can be used once per day).

Halfling Nimbleness

You can move through the space of any creature that is one size larger than you.

Natural Suspects

Proficient in Thieves' Tools.

Size Matters

Proficient in the Stealth skill.

Slippery Bastards

Enemies roll at disadvantage when trying to grapple you.


+1 to AC when wearing light armor.

High Elves

High Elves, or the Asur as they call themselves, are one of the most ancient and powerful mortal civilizations within the Warhammer World. Hailing from a mighty mist-shrouded island-continent located within the center of the Great Ocean, the High Elves of Ulthuan are a proud and mighty nation of masterful warriors, peerless mages and lords of the sky and sea. They are an ancient race with powerful armies and even grander magic, building a grand and all-mighty civilization who, alongside the Dwarfs, fought a long-forgotten, apocalyptic war which saw some of the greatest and most powerful mortal heroes battle against the great darkness that tried to consume the world many thousands of years ago. At the zenith of their power, the world was truly theirs for the taking.

Yet their noble and compassionate nature, which was once one of the Elves greatest and most noble character was soon replaced by a great sense of pride and hubris in their own vanity and superiority. In their blind arrogance, they've only succeeded in shattering their once powerful friendship with the Dwarfs, culminating in a Great War which only crippled these two elder races and shattered whatever bright future there was for this young world. Isolated and alone in a world they no longer control, the High Elves are facing the twilight years of their existence, their cities no longer bustling with vibrancy and life as they used to be but now serve as a gloomy reminder of their ultimate, impending demise.

The time of the High Elves has passed, or so it is said, yet such is their immense pride that they fight on nonetheless, for they consider themselves the true and rightful protectors of this ancient world, and they believe that so long as their civilization persist throughout the ages, this dying world will never fall into complete darkness. If oblivion is indeed to be their fate, they have chosen to face it with arrow nocked and sword held high, defending the world they have loved and protected for so long. So do the white-garbed hosts of Ulthuan march to war, banners streaming in the wind and every warrior reconciled to death in service of a greater cause; the protection of this very world. Let the servants of destruction beware their righteous wrath.

High Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma increase by 1.


High elves reach maturity around 100 and can live for centuries or millenia beyond that.


Lawful Good. The High Elves are intent on bringing stability and order to the world and stepping in align themselves with those of noble zeal and origin.


High Elves stand between 6 and 7 feet. Your size is Medium.


Reikspiel, Tar-Eltharin

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


Accustomed to the night sky and ranging regions of Ulthuan, High Elves have an acute sense for the dark. You have a Darkvision radius of 90 feet.

High Elf Features

Elven Loremasters

You know 2 cantrips of your choice from the Light, Bright, and Celestial orders. In addition, you know one 1st-level spell from those same orders. You can cast this spell once, regaining the ability to cast it when you complete a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Aenarions Wisdom

Proficient in the Arcana skill.

Renowned Diplomats

Learn an additional 3 languages.

Fey Ancestry

Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, cannot be put to sleep by magic.

Elven Adaptability

Proficient with all simple weapons, longbows, longswords, and greatswords.


Before a situation can escalate you can Pacify the enemy. The enemy must beat a DC 10 + your charisma modifier, Charisma saving throw. If Pacify succeeds, the person you pacified is agreeable and docile. If Pacify fails, the person knows you attempted to pacify them. You regain the ability to use Pacify upon completion of a long or short rest.


The race of Men were one of the last intelligent peoples of the Warhammer World to become civilised. However, they are now one of the most powerful and populous species spread across the globe and might be considered the dominant intelligent race of the Warhammer World since the civilisations of the High Elves and the Dwarfs entered their mutual states of decline. Men are the chief devotees of the Imperial god Sigmar, as well as the primary opponent of Chaos' continued incursions into the Old World. In a severe grip of irony however, Mankind is also the Dark Gods' greatest and most numerous servants.

It is a very common knowledge that the race of Men is known to be highly susceptible to the influences of Chaos. Unlike the High Elves, Mankind has only just begun the transition into a race that can fully utilize the Winds of Magic. As yet, very few humans are able to cast spells, though this number is slowly increasing as the centuries pass. However, most human wizards lack the mental discipline or inner strength to prevent themselves from causing arcane mishaps or the capability to access all the Winds of Magic simultaneously, like the greatest of the Elven Archmagi.

Humans have a highly developed brain, which is capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, and problem-solving. This mental capability, combined with an erect body carriage that frees the hands for manipulating objects, allowed humans to make greater use of tools, much like the other humanoid intelligent races of the Warhammer World. Other higher-level thought processes of humans, such as self-awareness, rationality, and sapience, are considered to be defining features of what constitutes a "person", though such features are shared with the other major intelligent species Men share the Warhammer World with, such as the Elves, the Dwarfs, and the Greenskins (some might question this last one).

Like most higher primates, humans are social animals. However, humans are uniquely adept at utilising systems of communication for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, and organisation. Humans create complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families to nations. Social interactions between humans have established an extremely wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which together form the basis of human society. With humans present across the world and having adapted to every possible environment, they are currently the Warhammer World's dominant intelligent race. The current population of Men on the Warhammer World numbers in the hundreds of millions.

Humans are noted for their desire to understand and influence their environment, seeking to explain and manipulate phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology, and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills, which are passed down culturally, though cultural stagnation or even retrogression is possible, as the grim history of the Elder Races of the Warhammer World so readily demonstrates.

Human Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your choice of three ability scores increase by 1. The scores cannot stack by more than 2.


Humans normally live for 70 or so years but can prolong this.


Neutral. Humans are capable of tremendous good and evil and as such they all work within fields of neutrality as well.


Reikspiel, Subrace's language.


All humans vary in size depending on where they originate, but the majority stand between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Human Features

Miscellaneous Experience

Gain 2 skill proficiencies and 1 tool proficiency of you choice.

Prodigious Talent

Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose can't benefit from another feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Jack of All Trades

+1 extra proficiency bonus in addition to the base bonus.


There are many human subcultures within the world. Choose one in addition to your other human features.

Empire of Man

The Empire stands as the largest and mightiest nation of the Old World but also a deeply corrupt and often unjust human society where many have fallen to the corruption of Chaos, yet it is still the greatest bulwark the Old World has against Chaos, pushing them back time and again. The Empire benefits from a great diversity of military units, black-powder weaponry and the various orders of wizards who comprise the Colleges of Magic, and is the home of the Cult of Sigmar.

Imperial Technology

You have proficiency with firearms.

Impressive Colleges

You can speak, read, write, and understand one other language of your choice.


Bretonnia is the human kingdom located directly west of the Empire whose people are ethnically related to the barbarian tribes of Men that founded the Empire. However, the society is deeply segregated where the peasants of Bretonnia are highly oppressed by the ruling class, more so than other nations. The vast majority of male nobles are bred for knighthood, being larger, fitter and more robust than ordinary men, while female nobles are renowned across the world for their beauty and grace. The peasantry on the other hand are a breed apart, with many sporting deformities and disfigurements caused by poor genes and inbreeding. Bretonnia is the Empire's chief military rival, and the Knights that comprise its heavy cavalry remain the greatest in the Old World.

Renowned Knights

You have proficiency in riding horses, warhorses, griffons, and pegasi.

Language of Bards

You can speak, read, write, and understand Breton.


From the Worlds Edge Mountains to the East and the Sea of Claws in the West, Kislev stands at the very frontiers of Human civilisation, a land covered in wide-open steppes and thundering icy rivers, where lonely villages stand isolated in the empty wilderness, while mighty cities rise from the landscape like great islands of stone. The climate is harsh and unforgiving, and only the strongest, most determined people can survive here.

Wilderland Archers

You have proficiency with Fletchers Tools.

Harsh Tongues

You can speak, read, write, and understand Kislevarin.


South of Tilea, past the stormy seas of the Black Gulf, lies the kingdom of Araby. Here the decadent Caliphs and Sultans rule cities made of white stone, and their realms are the vast deserts, oases that glitter like jewels, and mountains inhabited by fierce nomad warriors. Several great cities form a loose coalition, though in effect they are all independent states with their own rulers, traditions and customs. The Sultan of All Araby claims to rule the whole peninsula, but has little real power over the independent coastal city-states or over the fierce nomad tribes who wander the Great Desert of Araby.

Soldiers under the Sun

You have proficiency with scimitars, throwing knives, and spears.

Desert Traders

You can speak, read, write, and understand Arabyan.

Border Princes

The Frontiers or simply as the Border Princes is a vast region within the Old World located between the Black Mountains and Black Fire Pass to the north and the shores of the Black Gulf to the south. This region of vast wilderness is home to a multitude of petty Human kingdoms that were established by highly ambitious adventurers who sought to create a realm of their own.


You have proficiency with Brewer's Tools.

Independent Realm

You can speak, read, write, and understand one other language of your choice.


Estalia is a peninsula southwest of Bretonnia in the Old World, far from the threat of Chaos, but without an external foe to unite them, the nation is a land of a number of rival Estalian kingdoms. Estalia was once occupied by forces from Araby, but the Arabyans were driven out by a combined effort known as the Arabyan Crusades by other Old World human realms like Bretonnia, the Empire and the Tilean city-states.

Dastardly Diestros

You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and halberds.

Hardy People

You can speak, read, write, and understand Estalian.


Estalia is a peninsula southwest of Bretonnia in the Old World, far from the threat of Chaos, but without an external foe to unite them, the nation is a land of a number of rival Estalian kingdoms. Estalia was once occupied by forces from Araby, but the Arabyans were driven out by a combined effort known as the Arabyan Crusades by other Old World human realms like Bretonnia, the Empire and the Tilean city-states.

Delicate Diplomacy

You have proficiency with Poisoner's Tools.

Free Speech

You can speak, read, write, and understand Tilean


Cathay is the largest nation of the Eastern Lands on the far eastern edge of the Old World's continent. Like the people of the Old World, the Cathayans are in constant conflict with the mortal and daemonic servants of the Ruinous Powers of the northern Chaos Wastes. Another enemy the Cathayans face are the brutal Ogre Kingdoms to their west and northwest.

From the Far East

You have proficiency with Jeweler's Tools.

Language of Tigers

You can speak, read, write, and understand Cathayan.


The Lizardmen, sometimes known as the Cold Ones or the Children of the Gods, are an ancient, savage race of cold-blooded reptiles that were at one time the first and oldest civilization within the Warhammer World. Long before the rise of Men, Elf or Dwarf, the Empire of the Lizardmen ruled supreme. Alien, enigmatic, and without mercy, the Lizardmen were there when it all began and will be there when the world draws its last dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world. Such is what they were made to do, for they are the ancient servants of the Old Ones, the one true protectors of this very world.

Once, in a long and forgotten age, the Lizardmen ruled over it all, dominating this ancient world during an age of primeval monsters. Although their realm is now partly in ruins and overgrown, they seek once more to rise up and reclaim that which they have lost many millennia ago. While the task at hand remains near impossible, the Empire of the Lizardmen still fight on - unleashing their cold-blooded savagery upon any who would stand in the way of their sacred mission. From the lush jungles they come, beneath totems of gold, the Lizardmen march to war, the ground trembling from the approach of their large and mighty reptilian armies. They go to battle for reasons indecipherable to others, an ancient plan known only to themselves.

None can ever understand their motives nor their ceaselses drive, for none truly understand that they are the rightful inheritors of the world and it is their sacred, if inscrutable, duty to restore order across the planet. If this means the wholesale eradication of the lesser upstart races outside of the Great Plan, then the Lizardmen Empire shall enact this world-spanning genocide once more.

Lizardmen Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 1 and your other ability score improvements depend on your subrace.


Lizard are spawned in pools within the ancient temple cities of Lustria. Skinks and Sauruses can live for thousands of years, with some ancient Slaan living for millenia on millenia.


Lawful Evil. The Lizardmen value order above all else, seeking to carry out the memories of "The Great Plan" and crush those that go against it. They are known as stalwart defenders against Chaos and the Skaven and have saved the world on numerous occassions from utter destruction.


Reikspiel, Sissyl'k, One other language of your choice


Lizardmen range in size from the small in stature skink between 3 and 4 feet to the larger Saurus betweem 7 and 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base movement speed is 30 feet.

Lizardmen Features


Proficient in the Survival skill.


When unarmoured your AC is 12 + your dex modifier.


Choose one between Skink or Saurus.


Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma or Wisdom scores increase by 2, OR both ability scores increase by 1.

Blessing of Sotek

Gain a +3 to damage rolls against Skaven and +2 to Constitution saves against the Poison condition.

Primal Instinct

You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Chameleon Heritage

Enemies roll perception (Wisdom) checks against you at disadvantage.


Ability Score Increase

Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 2, OR both ability scores increase by 1.

Old One's Message

Gain a +3 to damage rolls against Chaos and +3 to wisdom check against being feared by a being of Chaos.

Designed Killer

You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Wisdom Teeth

You can make a Bite Attack as a bonus action against a creature within 5 feet. Add Strength or Dexterity to the attack roll. The Bite Attack deal 1d6+ STR or DEX piercing damage.

Night Goblin

Night Goblins are a distinct sub-species of subterranean Goblins whom are known famously for dwelling within the dark tunnel networks of the Worlds Edge Mountains. The Night Goblins are truly a creature of the darkness, for they mortally hate the light of any source, preferring instead to live in near total darkness. A subterranean species, these Night Goblins are only known to ever leave their caves and hideout only in the most darkest of nights, where even the moonlight can have the potential to hurt their light-sensitive skin. On the most rarest occasions when they do come out during the day-time, they always wear extremely dark or black colored robes that helps to hide their skin from the searing sun. This inability to endure the suns ray all came about when tribes of Goblins began to move eastwards during the Greenskin migration in -1449 IC.

In those ancient times, a tribe of Goblins took to living in the caverns and tunnels of the Worlds Edge Mountains, and there they lived in total darkness for many generations, wearing pitch black clothing and taking up the name of Night Goblins. They become so accustomed to the darkness of the caves that they developed extremely good night-vision, but as generations of Night Goblins began their life in total darkness, their skin eventually lost the ability to tolerant sunlight. This disadvantage does little to bother the Night Goblins, for they have become a truly powerful faction that has claimed many of the Old World tunnels as their own.

Displaying even more than their species usual lack of common sense, individual Night Goblins have been known to gleefully ingest dangerously hallucinogenic mushroom. Deep in their caves, Night Goblin Shamans are amongst the most feared Goblinoid shamans in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Not only are these creatures powerful magic-users, but they are also expert brewers and cultivators of many different species of mushrooms. These Shamans grow and cultivate these mushrooms in order to create beverages and potions of many variety and purposes.

Night Goblin Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.


While Night goblins are certainly smarter than their goblin counterparts, they still have a proclivity for dying before old age can take them.


Chaotic Neutral. Much like their greenskin brothers (Orcs), goblins are content carrying out their own destiny - malicious and destructive like the rest of their kind. They have no real motive and are always ready to ambush and take from those off guard.


Reikspiel, Ghazhakh, Orrakh


Night Goblins stand between 4 and 5 feet tall, sometimes wearing large hats to make themselves feel taller. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Night goblins tread a little faster at 35ft every 6 seconds.


Night Goblins have acute senses for the dark and all things that come with it, they make their homes in pitch-black caves and forgotten lairs. Your Darkvision radius is up to 90 ft.

Night Goblin Features

Nimble Escape

You can take a Hide or Disengage action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

Fury of the Cunning

When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Sneaky Gobbo

Proficient in the Stealth Skill.

Shroom Testerz

You have proficiency with Alchemists Tools.

Stik em' With da Pointy End!

You have proficiency with spears, shortswords, shortbows, and longbows.

Sunlight Sensitivity

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Shank in the dark

Attacks against surprised enemies are made at advantage.


Norsca is inhabited by a race of savage and ferocious humans known as the Norscans; fur-clad warriors and berserkers of hairy brawn who sail the seas in fearsome longships in order to unleash their devastating fury upon the south. Warlike and cruel, the Norse are the very epitome of the Warriors of Chaos; fanatically devoted champions of the Dark Gods and the baneful scourge of their foes. The brutality of their raids have been felt as far abroad as the Witch King's baleful domain of Naggaroth and the mysterious realm of Cathay, for the men of Norsca are reckoned to be perhaps the most adept sailors and navigators in all the world; unequaled by any in their courage and reckless thirst for conquest. The Norsemen are, without exception, great warriors, blessed with incredible strength at arms and fearsome demeanours. It is the dream of nearly every member of this fierce people to ascend to the ranks of the greatest warriors -- to become mighty Champions of Chaos and bear the dread marks of their gods' ruinous favour.

Norsca is a savage and brutal land, plagued by lethal winters for more than half the year, and worse, lashed perpetually by raging gales of Chaos energies howling down from the ancient ruins of the fallen Warp Gate resting at the very heart of the northern Chaos Wastes. As such, no sane Human being would be able to survive in this harsh wasteland with their sanity intact. It is for this reason that most, if not all the tribes of the Norsca, are affected to some extent by the power of Chaos, causing their flesh to warp and mutate through the influences of their Gods, and their minds to be plunged into the darkest depths of the most violent insanity. The Norscans see these alterations as the "blessings" of their dreadful deities, which empower them to strive above and conquer all who oppose them. Hard-bitten and war-like, the men of Norsca are the greatest of all the warriors of the Dark Gods.

The Norscans are a distinctive race, forged of the hardiest of mortal stock and possessed of tall, broad frames and extremely muscular builds. The songs and legends of the world describe them as nigh unstoppable, and those who have borne witness to the fury of a berserking Norseman will carry the sight unto their graves. Towering in height and thick of bone and steely muscle, the strength of the Norscans is rightly regarded as legendary. The Norscans tend to keep long hair and almost universally cultivate large, wild beards, as they regard shaving as an effeminate practice. Norsemen tend to have pale, weather-beaten skin and red or blond hair though darker hair colours such as black and brown are not rare amongst them.

Norscan Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score increase by 1.


Norscans are like most humans however their brutal way of life typically shortens their lifespan...or extend it.


Chaotic Neutral. The Norscans hard way of life and surroundings give way to a chaotic tribal structure and draw toward plunder and raiding.


Reikspiel, Norsii


Norscans are a little taller than most humans averaging around 6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Norscan Features

Bitter Strength

You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill.

Ruinous Patron

Devote yourself to a totem spirit: Hound, Crow, Eagle, Serpent. Before you enter combat you may devote your killings to a Ruinous Patron. Once you devote to that patron you may not do so again until you've had a long rest.

Hound. Your AC can't be less than 16, regardless of what kind of armor you're wearing. You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier (minimum 2).

Eagle. You gain advantage against saving throws from magical attacks.

Crow. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may, as a bonus action make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you win the contest, you knock the target prone.

Serpent. On the first occasion you take damage you may make an attack roll or use the Charm Person spell without disadvantage that it normally proccurs.

They came from the sea

Attacks against surprised enemies are made at advantage.

Winters Chill in a hard land

You have resistance against Cold damage.

Savage Cruelty

You are proficient with Axes, Javelins, and Spears.


The Ogre Kingdoms is the rightful and sovereign domain of the large and brutish Ogre race. Wandering tribes of Ogres can be found wrecking their way across the globe, erecting many strongholds and plundering far off and exotic lands the likes of which no man will ever see in their lifetime. Yet no matter how far away they may be, all Ogres refer to the scattered tribal kingdoms that dominate the slopes and river valleys of the Mountains of Mourn their rightful, hard-earned homeland. It is here, amongst the frozen peaks and blistering blizzards that mighty Tyrants rule over their own brutal kingdoms, warring amongst each other, looting, extorting and ransacking all before them as a tribute to their own gluttonous appetite and their ever-hungry God, the Great Maw.

They fight as thugs, bandits and mercenaries, their hulking numbers coming from a wide diversity of warmongering tribes scattered all across the Mountain range. They pick on the strong and the weak alike, battling mighty foes and powerful kingdoms many thousands of miles away all for the alluring promise of gold, plunder and meat.Even here, amongst the peaks where they hold claim to all, fearsome beast and mighty creatures dominate the dark corners of their realm, preying on all those who come to close. Yet such is the Ogres ferocious, stubborn and ever ravenous nature that they see these creatures not as a foe to cower and hide from, but as a challenge that needs to be brought down, crushed beneath their boot and eaten to fill their hungry bellies.

Ogre Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.


Ogres have an instiable hunger that drives them on for as long as they live. Maturing at the age of 15, most Ogres live until the age of 80.


Neutral. Little is known about their moral code, but because of the nature of their size, one is safe to assume not to trifle with an Ogre.


Reikspiel, Grumbarth


Cursed (or blessed) with an insatiable hunger, their large proportions are granted by the Great Maw. Your size is Large.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Ogre Features

The Great Maw

Can feast on fresh corpses to restore a small amount of hitpoints depending on their size. This can only be used once per long rest.

HP Size of Creature
1d4 Tiny or Smaller
1d6 Small
1d8 Medium
1d10 Large
1d12 Huge or Larger


Proficient in the Intimidation skill.

Brutish Strength

Can crit hit on a 19 or 20. Does not stack with other abilities that grant similar bonuses.

Beasts of Burden

Can carry 2x their weight.

Mercenary Heritage

Ogrcs have proficiency in mauls , clubs , morningstars , and axes.


Ogrecs are naturally tough and hardy , increase your hp maximum by 1 each level.


Orcs vary in size, but all pack a great deal of muscle, bone, and a few brains into a green, hairless body as tall as a man, but substantially broader. They have thick skulls, elongated jaws and tusk-like teeth. An Orc's protruding brow partially conceals his glowering eyes, which blaze red when he is angry - most of the time, in fact. Their tough green hides vary in shade depending on age or even climate. They are brutes and louts of the first degree, insensitive to pain (and higher thought). Orcs single-mindedly pursue what they want, and what Orcs want most is to fight. If there are no enemies immediately to hand, the overly belligerent Orcs will readily scrap amongst themselves.

In battle, Orcs form unites called mobs, which are led by the biggest of their kind, the Bosses. The right to lead an Orc mob is earned by defeating the current Boss in a challenge. Such violent confrontations are both plentiful and important in orc society (if it can be termed as such). Might equals right for greenskins and in-fighting is how Orcs ensure that their leaders are the largest and most ferocious of their mob. After all, bigger is always better and being able to bash an opponent's head in spectacularly is a clear sign of leadership amongst such brutal kind.

The Greenskins are considered by many to be the scourge of all civilisation. These tribal warriors are violent in their tendency, raiding ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to all corners of the known World. Time and again, hordes of Greenskins would arise without warning and lay a great swath of destruction that has no direction or purpose other than simple violence. Indeed, the Greenskin race's single motive is violence, an ever increasing mass of warfare that has the potential to dominate and cover the entire World in a seething green tide.

However, the Greenskins tendency for warfare has created a division within their society that has ensured their race shall never reach such heights. Since the dawn of their history, the Greenskins have been plagued by a never-ending series of strife and civil war that has consumed millions of their own kind, for such is their tendency for warfare that tribes have been known to fight each other just as much as they fight the other civilised races of the Old World. Though such a disunion would often spell the doom of their race, such are the Greenskins adept ability to both survive and thrive in the most harshest of environments, that the Greenskins can never truly be exterminated from the face of this earth. Without the proper knowledge or unity to progress past even the most basic foundations for a civilisation, the Greenskins cannot amount to anything better than primitive savages living within scattered tribal societies.

Orc Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 2 and your other score increase depends on the type of subrace you choose.


Orcs reach maturity rapidly and grow based upon


Chaotic Neutral. Orcs are chiefly concerned with cracking skulls, whether that be maliciously or out of camaraderie.


Reikspiel, Orrakh, Orgvar

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Choose between Green Orc or Black Orc

Green Orc Features

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Relentless Endurance

Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hp you are not killed outright and revert to 1 hp. This can only be used once until you’ve completed a long rest.

Savage Attacks

When you score a critical hit with an attack you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice an additional time and add it to the critical hit damage.


You gain proficiency in Intimidation.

Battle Ready

Proficiency with greataxes and spears.

Black Orc Features

Ability Score Increase

Your Wisdom or Strength score increases by 1.

Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Display of Strength

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. You also have advantage against being feared.

Battle Born

Proficiency with greataxes and mauls.

Savage Attacks

Same as the Green Orc.


The Skaven, sometimes known as the Ratmen, the Ratkin or the Children of the Horned Rat, are a malevolent and diabolical race of large humanoid rat-creatures that inhabits a massive inter-continental underground empire known in their tongue simply as the Under-Empire, where at the very heart of Skavendom lies the horrific city of Skavenblight, the species capital city and the probable birthplace of the Skaven race. The Skavens as a whole are a cruel, treacherous and highly numerous species that have since spread their loathsome corruption to the farthest corners of the Warhammer World.

From deep below the earth, these scavengers have built a vast Empire, whose military power and incomprehensible numbers has the potential to smother the kingdoms of the Old World in a seething tide of violence and anarchy. It is believed by all of Skaven-kind that the world is destined to be theirs, for they consider themselves the Supreme Master Race, undeniably superior in everyway to all the other races of the World.

This unwavering belief stems from the promises made by their horrifically malevolent deity, known by many legendary names, but his most well-known title is that of the Horned Rat. The Horned Rat is known as the Harbinger of Corruption and Disease, the embodiment of all things the Skaven are or ever will be, and whose worship over the Under-Empire is both supreme and absolute. Within the cruel hierarchy of the Under-Empire, the wishes and demands of the Horned Rat is issued and maintained by the ruthless tyranny of the Council of Thirteen, an organization that consist of the 12 most powerful Warlords within the Under-Empire whilst the 13th seat is reserve for the Horned Rat himself. It is due to the Council's harsh tyranny that the Under-Empire remained unified in some shape or form for centuries, for none could ever hope to overcome the legions of warriors the Council has under their iron-fisted rule.

Out of all the mortal civilisations within the greater world, no single race, neither the ruthless barbarian tribes of the north nor the savage greenskins of the east can be compared in terms of instability to that of the Skaven Under-Empire. The Skaven race as a whole is extremely divided, often far more divided than perhaps any other race known in existence. Such disunion and ruthless lack of cooperation stems from the Skaven's insatiable need to survive, thrive, and reign tyrannical over his brethren.

Skaven Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 1 and your Constitution increases by 1.


Due to their extremely fast metabolism Skaven CAN live naturally to the the ages of 12 to 15, however due to their tendency to stab and kill co-conspirators, they normally live to the age of 4 if they're lucky.


Chaotic Neutral. These devious creatures will happily stab a friend or foe in the back just to get ahead. They shouldn't ever be trusted, so most importantly, never ever turn your back on them.


Reikspiel, Queekish


Most Skaven are hunched at heights between 4 to 5 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Skaven are as quick as they are deadly. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.


Skaven are used to tunneling and creating their warrens in all the corners of the world. Your Darkvision radius is 120 ft.

Skaven Features

Pestilens Ire

You are resistant to Poison damage and the immune to the Poison condition.

Strength in Numbers

If you’re standing next to at least two party members you have advantage on attack rolls.

Conniving Vermin

Proficient in Stealth.


Automatically dodge the first opportunity of attack once per engagement.

Skaven Clans

Your Character chooses from one of four clans

  • Clan Moulder
  • Clan Eshin
  • Clan Mors
  • Grey Seer's

Clan Moulder Rat

Rat ogre

Your size becomes Large.

Ability Score Change

Ignore all ability score improvements from the main traits. Instead, gain increase your Strength and Constitution by 2 and decrease your intelligence by 4.

Clan Eshin Rat

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Shadow Meld

Gain advantage on Stealth rolls in dim light.

Ready to Strike

Gain +2 to initiative rolls.

Clan Mor's Rat

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength and Constitution increase by 1.

Military Dominance

You are proficient in all simple and martial weapons.

Grey Seer Rat

Ability Score Increase

Your Wisdom and Charisma scores increase by 2 and your strength decreases by 4.

"Warpstone token good to eat-feast"

Whenever you consume a warpstone token roll 1d6. On a 3+ you may add +10 to any spell casting attack and damage roll that you make. You may only use this ability once per long rest. Anything less than a 3+ results in 1d6 damage that doesn't heal until your next long rest.


The Strigoi are one of the five Vampire Bloodlines, being descended by the Vampire, Prince Ushoran of Lahmia. The Vampires of the other bloodlines play at being mortal and wear the robes of lords, knights, and princes, but underneath, the Vampire is purely a beast. There are those who lose themselves so much in their pretense that they forget this. The Strigoi have not forgotten and do not pretend. They embrace the beast within them, taking all the strength and fury the animal can give them. That strength is terrible to behold, and that fury knows no end.

The scattered nature of the Strigoi means any sort of formal society does not exist, but each individual still remembers the time and ways of Mourkain, and a sense of tradition and history unites their customs. The Strigoi remember what it was like to be lords and kings, and they continue to act as such even though they are currently between reigns.

Their shadow courts and kingly ways are, of course, somewhat changed by the social and physical conditions in which they find themselves, warped into grotesque and often pathetic parodies of what they once were. Their courtiers and servants are now mindless Wights and mad Spirits; their palaces are underground crypts or swampclaimed graveyards. Their people are nothing but filth-ridden, bestial Ghouls. Yet, they take their reign seriously, demanding absolute loyalty and proper deference from their subjects, in return offering their dutiful governance as lord protector and keeper of the law and bringing swift reparations on those who enter unwelcome. Some are more lax in their duties than others, of course.

Just as the ways of the Strigoi are rooted in the past so, too, are their minds and memories. Many Strigoi have lost the strength to keep fighting for their return to power and instead have slipped into a grand reverie of their past glories. They relive old battles and celebrations, wear their old titles, and obey long forgotten laws of noblesse oblige. For some, the despair has driven them completely into madness, and they can no longer even tell what is of the present or the past — they may wear sackcloth and believe it to be their lordly robes or converse with friends long since dead. For others, the only escape is in dreams, and they sleep almost constantly, dreaming of better days past or still to come

Not all of the Strigoi are lost in their reveries but, instead, use their memories of what they once had and their hunger for revenge as sparks to action and fuel for their great plans. For others, the hunger becomes a cold, terrible resolve, hardened over the centuries into a will unmatched by any other creature. And whatever their mental state, all of the Strigoi are dangerous. Like all Vampires, they take their right to feed upon and dominate all lesser beings as a birthright, and they take just as much offence as their brethren when anything upsets this natural order.

Strigoi Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.


Strigoi do not age like others humanoids or undead within the world and are granted an unseemingly long unlife.


Lawful Evil. The Strigoi are usually of the evil alignment, causing war and chaos wherever death and destruction can be found. But they are also chasing a semblance of nobility and grace that has long evaded them since the Doom of Nehekara and the Rise of Nagash.


Reikspiel, and one other language you knew in life.


Strigoi can range in size depending on their stature, their hunched backs can be deceptive of their true height as they stand normally between 5-7 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Undead Fortitude

Your creature type is undead instead of humanoid. You are immune to disease and treat exhaustion as if it were one level less. You must maintain a diet of rotting flesh (at least 72 hours after death), in equal portion to the amount of food a living member of your original race would require. Your muscles require the same amount of rest that your original race would in order to stave off exhaustion.


You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can discern basic colors in darkness as well.

Strigoi Features

Ghoulish Nature

You are immune to poison damage and can’t be poisoned.

Heightened Sense

You are proficient in the Perception Skill.

Elongated Claws

You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit

Paralyzing Strike

When you hit a humanoid or beast with your claws, you can force the target to make a DC Constitution saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is paralyzed for up to 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.

Stubborn in Life and Death

When you drop to 0 hitpoints you may choose to stay concious instead of falling unconcious. If you do, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to your character level + 1. In this state you may take an action or a bonus action, but not both, and you make death saving throws at the end of your turn. You can stay in this state until you fail your first saving throw or are dropped unconcious again (at which point you fall unconcious and continue making death saving throws as normal).

Tomb Kings

The Tomb Kings, known as the Priest Kings in their former lives, are the undying rulers of Nehekhara, an ancient Human civilisation that formed a great and powerful empire some two thousand five hundred years before the birth of Sigmar Heldenhammer and the founding of the Empire of Man. Out of all the unliving creatures that would claim dominion and royalty over the dead, only the Tomb Kings could truly claim such masterful and undisputed sovereignty. For they had once ruled a mighty and far-flung empire during a time when the rest of Mankind were little more than savage barbarians.

Long ago, during an ancient and forgotten age, Nehekhara stood as a shining beacon of civilisation and Human achievement; a golden age when its cities shone with a majestic splendor, its buildings crafted from magnificent marble and limestone, its armies capable of conquering entire kingdoms. In this long-lost age, Nehekhara's mighty rulers reigned as living gods amongst men. But this great realm was destroyed millennia ago through acts of great treachery and powerful sorcery. The living of Nehekhara perished long ago in a single, mournful night, and in their absence, the dead stirred from their graves and claimed the land anew.

Even as their ancient civilisation now lies buried beneath the sand, its once verdant plains turned to searing desert and their mighty and glorious empire fractured and in ruin, the Tomb Kings have once more awoken from their deep sleep. Rising from their decrepit sarcophagi, the mummified rulers of Nehekhara awoke with eyes of burning balefire, their thirst for power, conquest and vengeance just as strong in death as in life.

They have returned to reclaim that which is rightfully theirs, their legions innumerable, rising up from the scorching sand brandishing weapons of polished bronze and priceless gold. Ancient, emotionless and spiteful to all those that have slighted them, woe betide those foolish enough to stand before their silent onslaught.

Through centuries of work and culture, Nehekhara, known to its people as the Great Land, was built into a powerful civilisation. Its people built great cities out of white stone and carved marble. They constructed vast roads and fleets of ships to connect each city to its neighbors. Mighty kings, whose every whim was law, ruled the people. Vast armies of disciplined soldiers were raised and trained in the king's name, and those that invaded their cities were mercilessly cut down.

Greatest of these cities was Khemri, the City of Kings, and by tradition, whoever ruled it was considered the king of all Nehekhara. The other cities were each governed by their own king, though all were expected to show loyalty and pay tribute to Khemri. Together, these kings subdued the tribes in the surrounding lands, drove back the Greenskin hordes that plagued the border and ruled from the western deserts of Araby to the eastern Sea of Dread

"And behold, the almighty God-King Settra did awaken from his sleep of blessed oblivion. His legions, long buried beneath the sands, did arise and stand to attention, awaiting his order. And he did say "War!", and the world did tremble"

—Grand Hierophant Khatep

Tomb King Traits

Ability Score Inscrease

Your strength, wisdom, and constitution score are increased by 1.


Tomb Kings are beings who have long since passed and been reawakened for a purpose known only to Settra or the Gods. Their age is something that matters little and reflects the world of the living more than the dead.


Neutral While generally lawful and following a strict code of conduct designated by their Tomb King lords, their alignment is generally dictaded by how they acted in life.


Reikspiel, and one other language you knew in life.


Tomg kings were once mortal men and have a similar stature to those living beings of old standing between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Undead Fortitude

Your creature type is undead instead of humanoid. You are immune to disease and treat exhaustion as if it were one level less. You do not need to eat, sleep, or drink. Instead of sleeping you enter an inactive state for 4 hours in order to attain the benefits of a long rest. You are concious and aware of your surroundings during this time as normal.

Tomb King Features

Desert Militarism

You are proficient with khopesh', scimitars, shields and longbows.

Pha's Preservation

Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. You know the Blade Ward cantrip, and can cast it as a bonus action.

Dynastic Histories

You are proficient in the History skill and have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks you make to recall events from the time period in which you expired.

Chariot Lords

You are proficient with the vehicle type Chariots.

Necrotic Resilience

You have advantage on saving throws against spells or abilities that deal necrotic damage, and you have resistance against necrotic damage.

"We do not Kneel!"

You have saving throws against being feared.

Vampire Counts

The Vampire Counts are amongst the most legendary faction of Vampires to have ever terrorised the civilised lands of the Old World, all of whom are known to be the bearer of the unholy blood of the Von Carstein bloodline.From the Imperial government and the patriotic citizenry of the Empire of Man, the Vampire Counts are considered by many to be fiends without equal. They seek only to topple the civilisations of the living and supplant them with an Undead Empire that shall reign forever as Lords of the Night. The Vampire Counts are powerful necromancers as well as warriors, given supernatural enhancements to their strength, cunning, beauty and ambition.However, these Vampires, for all their power and cunning, are ultimately base, selfish creatures driven by the same motivations of the mortals they deem themselves superior to. They are remorseless in their advance, killing without thought of mercy or compassion, and whose motive is entirely bent on ones own selfish desire.

Indeed, the entire structure of the Vampire Counts are built by the selfish desires of the individual, whether it be for the pettiness of greed, glory, beauty or power. To the Vampire Counts, they simply want it all, for they consider themselves above the living, and would stop at nothing to delude themselves about their cursed and lonely existence. For all of their refinement, in the honest truth, these Vampires are nothing but rotting corpses held together by Dark Magic and the horrific consumption of mortal blood.

From their powerbase within the former Imperial province of Sylvania, the descendants of the Von Carstein bloodline have vied time and again to topple the authority of the Empire of Man. Since the time of Vlad von Carstein, it is the sole purpose of the Von Carstein family to inherit the Empire as their own, using attempts of legitimacy, assassination and outright invasion to achieve such ambitions. Yet time and again they've been pushed back towards Sylvania and hunted ceaselessly for their horrific origins. Yet no matter how many Von Carsteins fall, there always seems to be another willing to take its place, disturbing the graves of the dead and plotting to finally plunge the Empire into their cruel tyranny.

The Origins of the Vampire Counts can be tied together with the origins of the entire Vampire race. From the deserts of the far south, there once laid an ancient civilization that once ruled unchallenged for many thousand of years. This ancient kingdom once held the name of Nehekhara, a mighty human civilisation that was once the pinnacle of Mankind's achievements. Within those once verdant plains, the people of Nehekhara had lived a prosperous life amidst the many rival cities that dot its landscape. Massive temples and pyramids were built to honour the many long-dead Priest Kings that once ruled this ancient kingdom, and whose obsession to live forever has lead its many inhabitants on a dark pursuit for eternal life. Eventually, this obsession with achieving immortality would bring about Nehekhara's demise and, from its death throes, the birth of the first Vampire.

Vampire Counts Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 1 and your Strength score increases by 2.


Vampires do not age the same way mortals or other undead do. They can live indefinitely through their continued feeding on the blood of humans and other creatures.


Neutral Evil Most Vampire counts are cunning and use manipulation and murder to further themselves while others like the infamous Vlad von Carstein use undeath to further themselves and their realm politically.


Reikspiel, and one other language of your choice.


Vampire counts are once mortal men granted the blood kiss and a surprisingly vitality and strength. Their size resembles that of most humans standing between 5 and 6 feet. Your size is Medium.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


The blessing of the Blood Kiss have heightened your senses and honed your sight far beyond that of mere mortals, you have superior dark vision in dim and dark settings. Your darkvision has a radius of 60 feet.

Undead Fortitude

Your creature type is undead instead of humanoid. You are immune to disease and treat exhaustion as if it were one level less. Instead of sleeping you enter an inactive state for 4 hours in order to attain the benefits of a long rest. You are concious and aware of your surroundings during this time as normal.

Vampire Counts Features

Night Aristocracy

You are proficient in the Persuasion skill.


Bite: 1D6 of necrotic damage, if your bite is the killing blow you can turn the victim into a thrall. Heal all damage dealt. The damage for your Bite increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Necrotic Resilience

You have advantage on saving throws against spells or abilities that deal necrotic damage, and you have resistance against necrotic damage.

Creature of the Night

Vampires have long had the ability to change shape since the outset of their creation. You regain the use of this feature after the completion of a short or long rest.

Level Shapeshift
1 Fell Bat
6 Dire wolf
11 Varghulf
16 Vargheist
20 Terrorgheist


Unlike other mortal creatures, Vampires have a natural ability to reintegrate their flesh and heal wounds.

Level Regeneration
1 +1 HP Per Turn
5 +2 HP Per Turn
9 +3 HP Per Turn
13 +4 HP Per Turn
17 +5 HP Per Turn
20 +7 HP Per Turn

Wood Elves

The history of the Wood Elves is a search for balance and solitude tempered by ceaseless war. For thousands of years, they have lived in harmony with the sentient forest of Athel Loren, and with the spirits that dwell beneath its boughs. Here they have learnt to dwell in concord with the seasons and the weave of life and death that binds all living things together. Unlike the other Elven races of the world, the Wood Elves have never sought to rule, and wish only to see their homeland persist through all the coming ages of the world. It is this cause in which they fight, for no land endures long if it cannot take up arms against those that wish it harm, and the waking woodland of Athel Loren has more than its fair share of enemies. The humans see the forest as a brooding and malicious foe, and perhaps they are correct. Neither the Wood Elves, nor the forest spirits to which their fate is tied, care for the fives of outsiders. They think nothing of resorting to slaughter to ease affront, and there are always those who seem eager to provoke their wrath.

For much of the Wood Elves’ existence, they spared little thought for the outside world unless it began to encroach on their daily lives. Indeed, only the very youngest and oldest paid it any heed. The youngest do so because they yearned for an adventure that could not be found within the forest’s bounds, the oldest because they had been taught too many times that Athel Loren was not so removed from the circles of the world as they might have wished. Little by little, the Wood Elves have come to realise that the fate of other realms is theirs also.

Yet times have changed since that ancient age, and the Wood Elves realise that the fate of Athel Loren is now tied to that of other lands. Though they do not seek to act as the world’s protectors as do the High Elves, nor enthrone themselves as its rulers as do the Dark Elves, there are those times when the will of Orion and Ariel, the King and Queen in the Woods, must shape the fortunes of those that live beyond the boundary of their homelands.

As such, the Wood Elves have spent their entire existence bent solely on the preservation of their forested realms, to ensure that it persist throughout the ages and to protect their demi-god rulers from all harms. Never has this been truer than in these dark days, where every broken bough or withered leaf carries an omen of darker times to come. It is this cause in which they fight, for no land endures long if it cannot take up arms against those that wish it harm, and the waking woodland of Athel Loren have endured for many thousands of years, so long as the watchful eyes of her protectors continue their loyal vigilance.

Wood Elf Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity increases by 1 and your Wisdom increases by 2.


Similar to their Druchii and Asur cousins, Wood Elves reach maturity around 100 years old and typically live to 750 but can live for milennia.


Chaotic Neutral. The Wood Elves are isolationist in nature and harsh defenders of their forest home, punishing those who disrespect their woodland home to root and stem.


Wood Elves are lithe and athletic, standing between 5 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.


Reikspiel, Fan-Eltharin, and Malla-roomba-eltharin(treespeak).

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


Accustomed to the twilit bounds and canopies of Athel Loren, Wood Elves have superior dark vision in dim and dark settings. Your darkvision has a radius of 90 feet.

Wood Elf Features

Woodsman Training

You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Mark of Alarielle

Proficient in the Perception skill.


Advantage on Acrobatics, Perception, and Stealth rolls in forest regions and heavy foliage.

Mask of the Wild

You can hide even when your are only lightly obscured by foliage, rain, fog, snow, etc.

Fey Ancestry

Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, cannot be put to sleep by magic.

Swift Hunters

You gain advantage on all initiative rolls.

Hunter's Mark

You may use a bonus action to mark an enemy. All attacks against this target have advantage. You regain the ability to use this feature after a long or short rest.


There are few races in the world so mysterious as the Zoats. No one knows how they arrived in the forests of the Old World, why they did so or even what their goals are. Are the Zoats a race unto themselves, or some splinter of the Lizardmen? Perhaps the Slann Mage-Priests know, but on this topic, as on many others, they remain enigmatically silent.

Zoats are powerful wizards, able to tap into the Winds of Magic in an instinctive manner, rather than through study and ritual. Whilst this means that a Zoat will never prove as versatile a wizard as an Elf, or even a Man, their innate control over the lifewind, Ghyran, surpasses all but the most learned High Elf Mages. Indeed, many a Wood Elf Spellsingers will seek out a Zoat in order to learn from it, but as the Elves of Athel Loren find Zoats no less elusive than do other beings, very few succeed in their search.

In the ordinary run of things, Zoats are seldom encountered outside their woodland homes. Indeed, even within such places, it is rare to catch a sight of one. When intruders close or danger threatens, Zoats will rouse the trees and undergrowth to crush and strangle interlopers, rather than take direct action themselves. In this way, Zoats can avoid detection, and even a single such creature can imbue a forest with a reputation so dreadful that even marauding Orcs and rampaging warherds will give the area a wide berth.

Where sorcery alone is not sufficient, the Zoat will leave the shadows to enter the fray personally, knocking the invaders to the ground with sweeping blows. Once prone, the enemy becomes easy prey for creeping roots and vines, which swiftly entangle and throttle them. When eldritch storms erupt upon the world, it is possible to bind Zoats into service and only then will the creatures leave their reclusive forest homes.

Zoat Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength increases by 1, Your Constitution increases by 1, and your Wisdom increases by 1.


Zoats are ageless and considered 'immortal' in respect to time and aging.


Neutral Good. The Zoat race is mostly isolationist and they live on the fringes of magically infused lands or sites, but seek to keep the world safe from evil and chaos.


Zoats are large, their bulky lizard-like form taking up the room. Your size is large.


Reikspiel, Druidic, and one other language of your choice.

Movement Speed

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


As one of the oldest beings in the world you have a special connection to magic and the world as it is. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Zoat Features

Cold Blooded

Zoats have advantage against saving throws to be charmed or feared.

Connection to Ghyran

Zoats are natural druids with a deep connection to Ghyran, the lore of life. You are able to innately cast the Druidcraft cantrip. You are also able to cast the spell Cure Wounds at first level, you regain the ability to use this feature after a long or short rest. Wisdom is your spell casting modifier.

Nature's Hermits

You gain proficiency with two of the following skill of your choice: Nature, Survival, Religion, Arcana.

Magic Resistance

Your innate connection to magic has strengthened your resistance to its effect. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Strong as Stone

You have proficiency with the maul and warhammer. You also do not have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons or items of the unwieldly size.