Exotic Armor, Augments, And Weapons

Table of Contents


Exotic Weaponry

Exotic Armor, Shields and Augments

Relevant Feats


Purpose & end goals of this document

The end goal for this document is to allow greater character customization, or diversity of weapon and damage types. Some to most of these weapons will be stronger than their PHB counterparts. This is lessened that they fall under a new type of proficiency that is unique to each piece of Exotic weaponry or armor. This new proficiency requirement excludes the Expanded Simple and Martial weaponry sections.

The caveat being that each piece of exotic equipment requires its own proficiency. There is no way (aside from DM Fiat, divine intervetion, wish, or extremely long lifespans) to gain profiency in all exotic equipment.

Note to DM's and players out there. The cost for each item is just a suggestion, as is most of this document. I personally will use these prices in my game, but none of the follow items will be easily obtainable. They would only be found at specalized merchants, or reclusive schools or from wandering masters.

Expanded Simple Weaponry

Name Cost Damage Weight Propreties
Punch Dagger 10gp 1d4 Piercing & 1 Bludgeoning 1lb Finesse, Light
Scythe 20gp 1d10 Slashing or 1d6 Piercing 10lbs Heavy, Two-Handed
Slingshot 5gp 1d4 Bludgeoning or 1d4 Piercing 1lb Ammunition (range varries), Finesse, Two-Handed
Machete 1g 1d6 Slashing 2lb Light
Pitchfork 5sp 1d6 Piercing 3lb Reach, Two-Handed
Ammunition Variants

The slingshot & Sling can utilize Caltrops (25/90 piercing) or Ball Bearings (40/120 bludgeoning) for its ammunition.

Expanded Martial Weaponry

Name Cost Damage Weight Propreties
Greathammer 20g 1d12 Bludgeoning 16 lb Heavy, Two-Haded, Special
Longhammer 20g 1d10 Bludgeoning 16 lb Heavy, Two-Haded, Reach
Long Spear 10g 1d8 Piercing 5lb Two-Handed, Reach, Thrown (20/60), Special
Wakizashi 300gp 1d6 Slashing 2lb Finesse, Light, Thrown (15/30)
Katana 400gp 1d8 Slashing 4lb Finesse, Versitile (1d10)
Nodachi 500gp 1d12 Slashing 8lb Finesse, Heavy, Two-Handed

Simple Exotic Weaponry

Name Cost Damage Weight; Propreties
Claw Bracer (Tekko) 75gp 1d4 Slashing or 1d4 Piercing 2lb Finesse, Light, Special, Monk Weapon
Sai 75gp 1d4 Piercing 2lbs Finesse, Light, Defensive, Special, Monk Weapon
Khopesh 75g 1d4 Slashing 4lbs Finesse, Special
Kunai 20gp 1d4 Piercing 2lbs Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60)
Boomerang 20gp 1d4 Bludgeoning 2lbs Finesse, Special, Light, Thrown (25/100), Special
Harpoon 75gp 1d10 Piercing 6lbs Thrown (20/60), Special

Martial Exotic Weaponry

Name Cost Damage Weight; Propreties
Falchion 100gp 2d4 Slashing 8lbs Heavy, Special
Whip-Dagger 75g 1d6 Slashing 3lbs Finesse, Reach
Cutlass 75g 1d6 Slashing 3lbs Finesse, Light, Special
Fencing Dagger 50g 1d4 Piercing or Slashing 3lb Defensive, Special
Ranseur 100g 2d4 Piercing 12lbs Reach, Two-Handed, Special
Spiked Chain 100g 2d4 Piercing 10lbs Finesse, Two-Handed, Special
Shuriken 20gp 1d4 Piercing or Slashing 1/4lbs Finesse, Light, Thrown Only (15/45), Special, Monk Weapon
Wrist Crossbow 250gp 1d6 Piercing 2lbs Ammunition (Bolts, 25/90), Light, Loading, Special
Shielded Crossbow 100g 1d8 Piercing 10lb Ammunition (Bolts, 80, 320) Defensive, Loading, Two-Handed

Exotic Weaponry Special Descriptions & Traits
  • Defensive: While wielding a weapon with this trait, you gain +1 bonus to your Armor Class (AC) if you are not also wielding a shield.
  • Cutlass: You have advantage on saving throws or skill contests to resist being disarmed of this weapon.
  • Fencing Dagger: You may wield this weapon and use your bonus action to make an attack by use two weapon fighting while wielding any one-handed weapon.

  • Greathammer: In addition this weapon may be used as a sledgehammer when applicable.

  • Long Spear: As a bonus action you may extend your reach by an additional 5 ft (totaling 15 ft). When you do so you leave yourself open to counter attack. Until the start of your next turn attacks have advantage to hit you.

  • Sai, Ranseur: When you attempt to disarm a target, using this weapon, the target has disadvantage to resist the effect.

  • Spiked Chain: When you attempt to knock a target prone, using this weapon, the target has disadvantage to resist the effect.

  • Falchion: The critical strike range for this weapon is increased by 1 higher than you would normally have. (IE 19-20)

  • Khopesh On a critical strike with this weapon the target bleeds (can stack up to 3 times) for 1d4 damage at the end of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped with a DC 15 medicine check, expending 1 use of a Healer's Kit as an action, or receiving magical healing.

  • Shuriken: Attacking from stealth, hidden, or surprise does not reveal your location except on attack roll of 6 or less before modifiers.

  • Claw Bracer, Wrist Crossbow: You cannot be disarmed of this weapon.

  • Boomerang: When you miss a ranged attack with this weapon, you catch it as a free action, on a hit you may catch it as a free action if you succeed a DC 13 Dexterity Check.

  • Harpoon: When a successful attack is made with this weapon it stays in the target. Any creature with a harpoon stuck in them can choose to pull it out and take 1d10 damage. As long as it remains in their body and you are holding on to the rope that the harpoon is attached to, they cannot move further away than 30 feet from you. As an action a they can attempt to yank the rope out of your hand by making a Strength check versus your own Strength check. Otherwise, they have to cut the line or pull out the harpoon to escape. Creatures one size larger than the creature holding the rope have advantage on the strength check. Creatures 2 sizes or larger ignore movement restrictions. When removing the harpoon outside of combat with a successful dc15 medicine check you gain resistance.

Exotic Armors and Shields

Some exotic armors are generally restricted to a specific class, such as the Spiked Armor from the Battle Rager Barbarian. This document opens the possiblity of gaining these, or other unique armors, without the need for multi-classing or being that specific subclass. Currently the only official non-magical armor is the Spiked Armor. Should more be released I shall update this document accordingly.

As a side note, unless the DM states otherwise, you can wield as many shields as you want, but you can only gain the benefit of a single shield when determing your armor class. This is similar to how you can have multiple ways to calculate armor class, such as Lizardmen/Dragon Sorceror scales, Monk armor, Barbarian armor, or standard worn armor.

Exotic Armors, & Shields

Name Cost Type AC/AC Bonus Weight Propreties
Wrist Buckler 100gp Shield +1 to AC 3lbs Special
Aspis Shield 250gp Shield +2 To AC 12lbs Heavy, Special
Tower Shield 500gp Shield +3 to AC 16lbs Heavy, Special
Spiked Armor 75gp Medium Armor 14 + Dex Mod (Max 2) 45lbs Special
Juggernaught Armor 2500gp Heavy Armor 19 90lbs Heavy, Special

Exotic Armor & Shield Augments

Name Cost Type Weight Propreties
Shield Spikes 100gp Shield Augment 5lbs Special
Armor Blades 250gp Armor Augment 10lbs Special
Armor Spikes 250gp Armor Augment 10lbs Special
Armor Weights Half cost of Armor, Minimum 100g Armor Augment 40lbs Special
Armor Padding Half cost of Armor, Minimum 100g Armor Augment 5lbs Special

Exotic Armor, Shiels, and Augments Specials Descriptions
  • Wrist Buckler This shield is strapped to your arm, and thus doesn't require a hand to wield it. You can only use weaponry with the Light proprety, or a light/small object with the arm that has the Wrist Buckler strapped to it.

  • Aspis Shield This shield requires a minimum of 15 strength to wield. At the start of your turn you can, as a bonus action, choose to hide behind this shield. Granting you 1/2 cover against all ranged attacks from in front of you. However, while hiding behind your shield you lose the Extra Attack feature if you have it.

  • Tower Shield This shield requires a minimum of 18 strength to wield, and your movement speed is decreased by 5 feet. At the start of your turn you can, as a bonus action, choose to hide behind this shield. Granting you 3/4 cover against all ranged attacks from in front of you. However, while hiding behind your shield you lose the Extra Attack feature if you have it, and your movement speed is halved. Allies standing directly behind you also gain 1/2 cover against ranged attacks from in front of you.

  • Spiked Armor This metal armor is covered in spines and spikes. When you use the Attack action to grapple a creature, the target takes 3 piercing damage if your grapple check succeeds.

  • Juggernaught Armor This metal armor is extremely heavy and bulky and requires a minimum of 19 strength to wear. While wearing this armor it is almost impossible to move silently, when rolling for a stealth check you roll 3 dice and choose the lowest one. When you move at least 10 feet in a straight line towards a target, you may make the shove action with advantage against that target. Additionally, you have advantage to resist effects which would move you against your will, but not any damage associated with such effects. IE thunderwave you take your first die to determine whether or not you take full damage, the second die to help determine if you are moved by the effect.

  • Shield Spikes You have attached spikes to your shield. As such when use your shield to preform the Shove attack action the creature you target takes 3 Piercing damage. Additonally, using materials scavanaged from an elemental creatures or dragons allows you to deal additional elemental damage of the corrisponding type for the materials. Damage or effects is at DM Discretion.

  • Armor Blades or Spikes While you successfully grapple a target, or are grappled, the other creature immediately takes 3 piercing or slashing damage, plus an additional 3 piercing or slashing damage at the start of the wearer's turn. Additionally Unarmed attacks deal an additional 2 Piercing or Slashing damage so long as a blade or spike is afixed to a location which is used in the attack.

  • Armor Weights You have disadvantage on stealth checks while wearing armor with weights. If you would already have had disadvantage, you instead roll 3 dice and choose the lowest one when determining your stealth check. Additionally, you gain advantage to resist effects which would move you against your will, but not any damage associated with such effects.

  • Armor Padding You add additional padding to your armor. This changes disadvantage on stealth checks to a -2 instead. If you would be rolling 3 dice to determine stealth, you instead roll 2 taking the lowest die rolled.

Relevant Feats

Exotic Armor & Augments Master (From Myself)

You have practiced extensively with a selection of exotic armors gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency with 2 Exotic armors, or Armor/Shield Augments. You must first be proficient with that category of armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields) in order to gain this proficiency.

Exotic Weapon Master (From Myself)

You have practiced extensively with a selection of weapons, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency with 2 Exotic weapons. You must first be proficient with that category of weaponry (Simple or Martial) in order to gain this proficiency.


Firearms are generally a no-no in most dnd games. I personally don't have an issue with firearms, If a wizard can create a fireball, why couldn't a chemist make blackpowder or smokeless powder.

If a firearm has 3 ranges, the first range indicates a range at which the weapon cannot be fired unless you ignore the disadvantage within 5 feet (through crossbow expert or close quarters shooter fighting style), in which case that range has disadvantage to hit. Lastly, "crafted" firearms require a schematic can only be crafted if the player has access to the schematic, plus the requisite materials (cost in parenthesis).

Firearm Ammunition

Name Cost Weight Ammunition type
Black Powder & Ball 3gp / 20 shots 2lb / 20 ammo Renaissance
Smokeless Powder & Slug 6gp / 20 shots 1.5lb / 20 ammo Industrial
Modern Bullet Crafted/Found Only 1lb / 20 ammo Modern
Sub-sonic Crafted/Found Only 1lb / 20 ammo Sub-sonic
Explosive Crafted/Found Only 2lb / 5 ammo Explosive
Large Caliber Crafted/Found Only 1lb / 10 ammo Large Caliber
Energy Cell Crafted/Found Only .5lb / reload Futuristic

Crafted Ammunition

Some ammunition typically can only be crafted or found. Unless otherwise stated crafting materials can generally be found in most towns/cities.

Modern Bullet Crafting cost 10g / 20 ammo, Purchased price 15g / 20 ammo

Sub-sonic Crafting cost 15g / 20 ammo, Purchased price 20g / 20 ammo

Explosive Crafting cost 2g / ammo, Purchased price 5g / ammo

Large Caliber Crafting Cost 10g / 10 ammo, Purchased price 20g / 10 ammo

Energy Cell Crafted 200g / reload, Cannot be purchased & materials are rare.

"Common" Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Propreties Ammunition Type
Flintlock Pistol 250gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb 30/90, loading, Reload 1 Renaissance
Musket 500gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb 40/120, loading, two-handed, Reload 1 Renaissance
Palm Pistol Crafted: Flintlock Pistol + 100gp 1d8 piercing 1 lb 40/160, Light, Reload 1, Misfire 1 Industrial
Simple Revolver Crafted: Palm Pistol + 200gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb 60/240, Reload 4, Missfire 1 Industrial
Pepperbox Crafted: Palm Pistol + 300gp 1d10 piercing 5 lb 80/320, Reload 6, Missfire 2 Industrial
Blunderbuss Crafted: Musket + 300gp 2d8 piercing 10 lb 15/60, Reload 1, Scatter, Missfire 2 Industrial

Firearm Properties

Not all firearms are just point and shoot, some have special properties.

Burst Fire A weapon that has the burst fire property can make a single-target attack, or it can spray a 10-foot-cube area within normal range with shots. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon's normal damage. This action uses ten pieces of ammunition.

Explosive Upon a hit, everything within 5 feet of the target must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 13) or suffer 1d8 fire damage. The target of this attack does not take this damage unless it is an object or structure. If the weapon misses, the ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly before doing so.

Explosive 2 Upon a hit or miss, everything within 10 feet of the target must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 1d8 fire and 1d8 piercing damage. If the attack was a hit on a creature, that creature automatically fails this saving throw.

Missfire When your attack roll die rolls the weapons missfire number or lower the weapon missfires. The weapon cannot be used until the missfire is corrected. You may attempt to clear a missfire with a DC 12+missfire number using tinkers tools in place of one attack using your attack action. On a failure the weapon cannot be cleared easily and must be repaired over the course of 1 minute.

Reload A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the character's choice).

Scatter When you make your attack roll, designate one other target within 5 feet of the target you choose. If the attack roll would beat that creatures' Armor Class, they also take the weapon's damage. You may not add ability modifiers to the Scatter target.

Scoped This weapon comes with, or requires a modified spyglass in order to be used beyond its normal range.

Suppressed This weapon is only about as loud as a standard bow or crossbow.

"Rare" Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Propreties Ammunition Type
Bad News Crafted: Musket + Schematic(300g) 2d12 piercing 25 lb 10/200/800, Two-handed Reload 1, Missfire 3 Large Caliber
Hunting Rifle Crafted: Musket + Schematic(300g) 2d10 piercing 8 lb 80/240 Reload 5, Two-handed Large Caliber
Anti-Material Rifle Crafted: Bad News or Hunting Rifle + Schematic(1200g) 4d6 piercing 15 lb 10/300/2500 Reload 3, Scoped, Two-handed Large Caliber
Hand Mortar Crafted: Blunderbuss + Schematic(300g) 2d8 fire 10 lbs 30/60, Reload 1, Missfire 3, Explosive Explosive
Thumper Crafted: Hand Mortar + Schematic(600g) 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lbs 10/60/120, Reload 1, Missfire 2, Explosive 2 Explosive
Semi-Auto Pistol Crafted: Pepperbox + Schematic(300g) 2d6 piercing 3 lb 50/150, Reload 15, Light Modern
Revolver Crafted: Simple Revolver + Schematic(300g) 2d8 piercing 3 lb 40/120, Reload 6 Modern
Shotgun Crafted: Blunderbuss + Schematic(300g) 2d8 piercing 7 lb 30/90 (shot) or 80/240 (slug) Reload 2, Two-handed, Scatter (if shot) Modern
Repeater Crafted: Hunting Rifle + Schematic(600g) 3d4 piercing 8 lb 90/320, Reload 11, Two-handed Modern
Scorpion SMG Crafted: Semi-Auto Pistol + Schematic(900g) 2d6 piercing 3 lb 30/120, Reload 20, Burst Fire, Light Modern
Automatic Rifle Crafted: Repeater + Schematic(600g) 2d8 piercing 8 lb 80/240, Reload 30, Burst Fire, Two-Handed Modern
Pneumatic Dart Gun Crafted: Musket + Schematic(900g) 2d4 piercing 7 lb 40/160, Reload 1, Suppressed Two-Handed Sub-Sonic
Suppressed Pistol Crafted: Semi-Auto Pistol + Schematic(900g) 2d4 piercing 3 lb 30/120, Reload 7, Light Sub-Sonic
Suppressed Rifle Crafted: Hunting Rifle + Schematic(900g) 2d6 piercing 8 lb 50/200, Reload 10, Suppressed, Two-Handed Sub-Sonic
Laser Pistol Schematic (10,000g) 3d6 radiant 2 lb 40/120, Reload 50 Futuristic
Laser Rifle Schematic (10,000g) 3d8 radiant 2 lb 100/300, Reload 30, Two-Handed Futuristic
Antimatter Rifle Schematic (10,000g) 6d8 necrotic 10 lb 120/360, Reload 2, Two-Handed Futuristic

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