Half-ogre (PC)

When an ogre mates with a human, hobgoblin, bugbear, or orc, the result is always a half-ogre. They are notorious for their quick tempers, which flare at the smallest perceived offense. They eat almost anything and often carry rough sacks on, which they fill with fabulous "treasure" taken from their victims.


Half-ogre adventurers are usually smarter than the average of their race and are more likely to get along with other races, though they are not keen on dwarves, halflings, and elves since most half-ogres see these races as delicacies.

Half-ogre Names

Half-ogre names are simple one or two syllable utterances, often mistaken for a grunt or growl.

Female names: Aug, Derr, Frular, Gugal, Kanas, Kurla, Mras, Porh, Surmsa, Trokla

Male names: Argher, Atturm, Dagnud, Drars, Guk, Hulm, Sturk, Turkum, Truhs, Ust

Half-ogre Traits

Your half-ogre character has an assortment of inborn abilities due to their monsterous nature.

ABILITY SCORE ADJUSTMENTS. Your Strength score increases by 1, and both your Dexterity and Intelligence scores are reduced by 1.

AGE. The lifespan of a half-ogre is about 80 years maturing around 15 years of age.

ALIGNMENT. Most half-ogres are chaotic.

SIZE. An adult half-ogre stands 8 feet tall and weighs 450 pounds on average. Your size is large.

SPEED. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

LANGUAGES. You can speak Common and Giant.

LARGE OF SIZE: Because of your large size:

  • You can use large-sized weapons and can only use large-sized armor; large-sized cost 4 times the normal amount and weigh twice as much. When you use large-sized melee weapons, they deal an extra 1d4 damage. Your class starting equipment can be large-sized.
  • Small and smaller creatures cannot Grapple or Shove you; you can Grapple and Shove huge or smaller creatures.
  • Your carrying capacity, pushing, dragging, and lifting amounts are doubled.
  • You have to squeeze through a 5 foot tunnel, hole, or door; you cannot squeeze through smaller openings.

SUBRACE. Four subraces of half-ogres are found among the worlds of D&D: Ogrest (bugbear mother), Ogrillon (orc mother), Ogrim (human mother), and Ogroblin (hobgoblin mother).


A half-ogre whose father is an ogre and mother is a bugbear is called an ogrest. They are generally the hairiest of the subraces and have the longest arms.

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE. Your Dexterity and Strength scores increase by 1, and your Intelligence score is reduced by 1.

LONG-LIMBED. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.


A half-ogre whose father is an ogre and mother is an orc is called an ogrillon. These are the most common of the half-ogres. They usually have front teeth that resemble small tusks.

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1, and your Intelligence is reduced by 1.

MENACING. You are trained in the Intimidation skill.


A half-ogre whose father is an ogre and mother is a human is called an ogrim; human mothers rarely survive the birth of a half-ogre offspring. These are the most rare of the half-ogres.

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE. You can increase an ability score of your choice by 1.

LITERATE. You can read and write both Common and Giant.


A half-ogre whose father is an ogre and mother is a hobgoblin is called an ogroblin. These are the most likely half-ogres to be lawful.

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

MARTIAL TRAINING. You are proficient with two martial weapons of your choice and with light armor.


Half-ogre PC adapted by Elon Tusk 2017