Mailshirt of the Wardragon

Armour (chain shirt), artifact (requires attunement)

Exactly one thousand years ago there was a great war in the firmament – or so the story goes – and one of the vanquished gods fell to earth. As befits a god, his weapons and devices were beyond human comprehension, and the impact of his dead dragon-steed created the circular lake known as Skyfall, which is more than a mile in diameter. The vanquished greenblood fell with his dragon-steed, and his body landed ten miles from the crater.

His mailshirt was an engine, like a watermill or a siege catapult. Those who found the mailshirt soon learned that even isolated links had wondrous properties. The chainmail was broken up and some links sold as holy relics, while the remainder of the mailshirt was enshrined and guarded by generations of warrior monks.

The mailshirt is a magic chain shirt that grants a +3 bonus to the wearer's AC. It does not prevent a non-proficient wearer from casting spells.

Random Properties. The mailshirt has the following randomly determined properties (determined per wearer):

  • 1 minor beneficial property
  • 1 major beneficial property
  • 2 minor detrimental properties

Magic Eater. While wearing the mailshirt, you have advantage on saving throws versus spells. If you succeed on such a saving throw, the caster of the spell must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or take 8d10 necrotic damage. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, the mailshirt consumes their soul.

Feat. If your campaign allows feats, you have the Healer feat while attuned to the mailshirt.

Links. The mailshirt is made from thirty thousand dragonlinks, though some may be missing. The mailshirt glows orange while it is within half a mile of a loose dragonlink, unless it or the link is enclosed by lead and/or flesh. When all links are looped into the mailshirt and it is complete, it gains the following additional properties (which cannot be learned by the identify spell, though legend lore may hint at them):

Random Properties. The mailshirt has the following randomly determined properties (determined per wearer):

  • 1 major beneficial property
  • 1d4 - 1 major detrimental properties

Master of Weapons. While wearing the mailshirt, you have proficiency with all weapons, and a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with weapons.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Spells. The mailshirt has 10 charges. While wearing it, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it: absorb elements (1 charge), bones of the earth (4 charges), chain lightning (4 charges), erupting earth (2 charges), lightning bolt (2 charges), or telekinesis (2 charges).

    When you cast absorb elements in this way, you can also use it against force and radiant damage. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this casting of telekinesis. The mailshirt regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sentience. The mailshirt, which was created by a meld of Chironian science and magic, houses a neutral evil machine or spirit called the Wardragon. It has an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 11, and a Charisma of 20. It can communicate telepathically with its wearer and can perceive through its wearer's senses. As soon as the mailshirt is complete and being worn by someone attuned to it, it attempts to possess the wearer by making a Charisma check with advantage, contested by the wearer's Charisma check. If it succeeds, the wearer becomes an NPC under the DM's control, and their mental ability scores are replaced by the Wardragon's.

The Wardragon or the wearer may repeat the contest: once per day at dawn; once per day when the Wardragon is in control and takes a course of action that strongly conflicts with the wearer's ideal or bond (the wearer has advantage on this check); and once per day when the wearer is in control but is incapacitated (if the Wardragon succeeds on this check, it recovers from the incapacitation and any other condition that caused it; if the condition was unconsciousness caused by dropping to 0 hit points, it also regains 1 hit point).

While the Wardragon is possessing the wearer, it can cast each of the mailshirt's spells using 2 fewer charges (minimum of 0). Whether or not it is possessing the wearer, the Wardragon can choose to invoke Magic Eater against the caster of any spell that targets the mailshirt or includes it in its area of effect (even if the spell does not include a saving throw).

Personality. The Wardragon seeks world domination via military conquest, the occasional political subterfuge, and its advanced technological knowledge spanning to space travel and beyond. It thinks of itself as a machine that does not have 'mortal failings' such as emotions. Its methods are usually straightforward and forceful, so it is unlikely to try to pass as its wearer – though its deep voice would likely give it away if it tried.

Its ultimate goal is the destruction of magic – which it views as a disease that should never have existed – and of dragons. The name 'Wardragon' is a simple contraction of its mission: to war upon the dragons, until they are no more. And by extension, on magic itself, as it sees dragons as the originators of magic. Although it loathes magic, it recognizes that it must itself use magic in order to destroy magic.

If the Wardragon finds its host unsuitable (too weak, too argumentative, or with incompatible random properties), it can use an action to transfer the mailshirt to a new incapacitated or willing host it touches. Its attunement to its previous host ends, and it instantly attunes to the new host (breaking attunement to one of their other attuned items if needed).

Curse. Once you don the complete mailshirt, you can't doff it or break attunement to it unless the Wardragon allows it, and your Charisma is reduced by 2. Casting the remove curse spell or similar magic on the mailshirt suppresses this curse until the next dawn.

<div class='footnote', style=color:black>Art by Cathy Larsen

Destroying the mailshirt. The mailshirt can only be destroyed by the fire of the Sacred One, the most ancient known living red dragon. It can be melted by other sources of extreme heat as an ordinary chain shirt would, but will reform as soon as the heat source is removed.

Ring, rare

This ring is actually a link from the Mailshirt of the Wardragon. It has a bright, silvery sheen sprinkled with highlights of colour, and is larger than most chainmail links. Fine, delicate script adorns its surface – the patterns of colour are actually part of the writing. The link is colder than ice to the touch, yet the chill disappears when it is worn.

Wearing the link as a ring grants one of the following effects (determined randomly, or chosen by the DM, when the link is first discovered):

  • You gain proficiency with a random weapon, and have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with that weapon.
  • You gain proficiency with a random tool, and have a +1 bonus to ability checks made with that tool.
  • You learn a random conjuration, enchantment, or transmutation spell of a level between 1 and 4. You can cast it once at level 4 without expending a spell slot, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability when you cast it in this way. Additionally, if you have a spellcasting class(es), the spell is added to your spells known, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against your limit of spells known or prepared.
  • You gain the benefits of the Monk class's Martial Arts feature while you are unarmed. Your Martial Arts die is a d8, and you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes.

Additionally, the link has a 25% chance of containing a vehicle proficiency, and another 25% chance of containing a language. You lose all proficiencies and other abilities contained in the link when you take it off.

The dragonlink glows orange while it is within half a mile of another dragonlink or the mailshirt, unless either is enclosed by lead and/or flesh. A dragonlink can only be destroyed by the fire of the Sacred One, the most ancient known living red dragon. It can be melted by other sources of extreme heat as an ordinary chainmail link would, but will reform whole as soon as the heat source is removed.

Ability Assimilation. The following properties cannot be learned by the identify spell, though legend lore may hint at them.

The first time the wearer uses a weapon or tool, or casts a spell of level 1-4, while wearing the link, they lose proficiency in that weapon or tool, or they forget that spell. The proficiency or spell is stored in the link and can be used the same way as an ability the link is found with, so the wearer notices no change (besides gaining the +1 bonus or the extra casting) while wearing it, but can no longer benefit from the proficiency or spell when they take the link off. A creature can only lose an ability this way once per link. If the link would assimilate an ability but already contains that ability, it assimilates the next one the wearer uses instead.

If the dragonlink is split (eg. in order to be looped into the mailshirt and rejoined), all abilities contained within it are irretrievably lost (even if it is repaired afterwards). However, if a creature's skin is touching the link at the moment it is split, that creature permanently gains all abilities stored within it (though without the +1 bonus or extra casting) as if it had learned them naturally.

<div class='footnote', style=color:black>Art by Grant Gittus