

The Paladin
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Additional Divine Memory
1st d4 Divine Spellcasting, Paladins Vow +1
2nd d4 Subclass Selection +2
3rd d4 Righteous Fury +3
4th d6 Subclass ability +4
5th d6 Sanctuary of Fath +4
6th d6 Subclass ability +5
7th d6 Divine Intervention +5
8th d8 Subclass ability +6
9th d8 Call from Beyond +7
10th d8 Capstone ability, Subclass ability +7






Fulfull your Oath

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Class Features

As a Paladin, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Base Hitpoints: 7
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 9
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: +7


Saving Throws:

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Path of a Paladin

By taking up the solemn mantle of a Paladin, you have embraced a particular path through the power of your Vow. This Vow signifies the ideals and principles that you have committed yourself to, whether it is in service to a higher power, an esteemed order, or even a secretive faction.

The Paladin’s Vow serves as a personal covenant, connecting you to the divine or dark forces associated with your chosen path. It grants you unique abilities that reflect the essence of your beliefs and your dedication to your cause.

Through your Paladin’s Vow, you gain access to exceptional powers that align with your chosen deity, order, or cult. These abilities may include the strength to strike with righteous fury, the healing touch to mend wounds, the protective aura to shield allies, or the discernment to pass judgment upon those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.

By swearing this sacred oath, you unlock the true potential within yourself, enabling you to act as a force for good or an agent of your chosen faction. Your Paladins’ Vow is a reminder of your commitment to your ideals and the responsibilities that come with wielding such power.

As a Paladin, it is essential to remain steadfast in your Vow, for it is the guiding light that illuminates your path and shapes your actions. Through your unwavering dedication and the embodiment of your chosen principles, you stand as a beacon of hope, righteousness, and protection in a world that is often shrouded in darkness.


Paladins have a natural resistance to evil decay. You gain advantage on saving throws against curses and fatigue causing magic.

Paladins Vow

At 1st level, as a Paladin, you make a sacred vow that defines your path and grants you unique powers. Choose one of the following Vows, shaping your abilities and role as a champion of your cause. Embrace your chosen path and let your Vow guide you on your quest for justice, healing, protection, or divine retribution. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per Long Rest.

Righteous Fury

At 3rd level, whenever you successfully hit an enemy with a spell or attack, your attacks against them gain a +1 chance to hit until combat ends. This effect can stack up to a maximum of 3 times. When reaching 3 stacks on a target you can expend mana up to your spellcasting modifier when hitting a melee or ranged weapon attack, dealing 1d8 radiant damage per mana spent.

Santuary of Faith

At 5th level, once per long rest, as an action , you can create a burst of divine energy in a 30ft Radius centered on you. Allies in this area reagain hitpoints equal to your Paladin level at the start of their turn. This sanctuary lasts for your Wisdom modifier in rounds.

Divine Intervention

At 7th level, once per long rest you can cast a spell from your known schools of magic without expending Mana. If the spell heals, you can cast it as a Reaction.

Call from Beyond

At 9th level, you acquire the power to defy death and call back the departed from the spiritual realm. As an action, you reach out to a creature that has died within the last minute, inviting their spirit back to the world of the living. The creature is returned to life with 1 hit point. This ability can’t be used on a creature that died of old age, nor can it replace body parts lost in death. Once you use this ability, a long rest is needed before you can use it again. The resurrected creature wakes up disoriented but relieved, with their last memory being your voice guiding them back.



Paladin Capstones

  • Relentless Guardian If an ally within 30 feet of you drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to your speed toward them, without provoking opportunity attacks. Additionally, if the ally is within your reach at the end of this movement, they automatically stabilize and regain 1 hit point.

  • Light of the Martyr As an action, you can sacrifice any number of your own hit points. Each hit point sacrificed this way allows you to heal an ally within 30 feet of you for the same amount. You cannot use this feature if you have 1 hit point or fewer.

  • Oathkeeper’s Judgment Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is frightened of you until the start of your next turn.





Inquisitors are the divine detectives of the world, the internal affairs of the divine. They exist to uphold their deity’s will, investigate heretical behavior, and purge corruption from both their own ranks and the world at large. Equipped with sharp intellect and unwavering faith, they relentlessly pursue those who deviate from their divine path.

Righteous Interrogator

At 2nd level, as an Inquisitor, you become highly skilled at detecting lies and deception. You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you’re already proficient, your expertise in Insight increases, treating your proficiency bonus as one level higher. For example, a d4 becomes a d6, a d8 becomes a d10, and so on. This heightened ability allows you to accurately perceive hidden truths and see through falsehoods with remarkable precision.

Sixth Sense

At 6th level, your deity enhances your battle instincts. You gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger. You gain your Wisdom modifier to Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. You also can’t be surprised as long as you are conscious.


Starting at 8th level, you become adept at interrogation and extracting information from your adversaries. As an action, you can engage a creature in a battle of wills. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is compelled to answer the next question you ask truthfully to the best of its ability. The compulsion lasts until the target has answered one question or for 1 minute, whichever comes first. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once) and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Relentless Pursuit

At 10th level, your divine fervor enables you to strike with relentless accuracy. When you make a weapon attack, you can choose to treat a roll of 9 or lower as a 10. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until the start of your next turn.


As a Paladin of the Zealot path, your faith is unyielding and your fervor, inspiring. You channel your divine energy to smite foes and bolster your allies, ever the beacon of your beliefs.

Zealot’s Fury

Starting at 2nd level, you can channel your zealous energy into your attacks. Once per turn, you can deal extra radiant damage equal to your Paladin level on one hit of your weapon attack. You must declare the use of this feature before making the attack roll.

Divine Vigor

At 4th level, your zealous spirit fuels your body, granting you extraordinary resilience. When regaining hitpoints you heal for additional hitpoints equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Radiant Charge

At 6th level, you learn to make powerful charges against your foes. When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).

Sacred Shield

At 8th level, you become a stalwart defender of your allies. As a reaction when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can use your divine energy to reduce the damage by an amount equal to your Paladin level plus your Wisdom modifier.

Fury of the Righteous

At 10th level, your zealous spirit fuels your strikes. Once per turn when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one hit die to deal extra radiant damage to the target equal to the number you roll on the hit die + your Wisdom modifier.




As a Templar, you specialize in resisting and dismantling magical effects. Your studies, training, and devout faith have made you a living shield against the arcane. This anti-magic focus distinguishes the Templar from other Paladins, manifesting in unique abilities that disrupt spellcasters, dispel magic, and protect your allies from the weave of magic.


At 2nd level, your training has honed your senses to the ebb and flow of magic. Whenever a spell is cast within 30 feet of you, you are instantly aware of it and know the direction from which it was cast. You also gain your Wisdom modifier to the saving throws against spells within that range.


At 4th level, you can consume the remnants of magic to strengthen yourself. Whenever a spell fails to hit you or you succeed on a saving throw against a spell, you gain temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level.


At 6th level, your strikes carry a deep aversion towards arcane power. Whenever you successfully hit a creature with a weapon attack, you have the option to spend Mana points up to your Paladin level. For each Mana point expended in this manner, the targeted creature incurs a penalty of 1d4 on its next spellcasting attack or when setting the Difficulty Class (DC) for spell saves. This penalty reflects the disruption caused by your antipathy towards arcane magic.


At 8th level, you can purify food and water, eliminating any toxins, poisons, or diseases. In addition, you can remove curses or negative enchantments from objects or people with a touch. This doesn’t affect spells or magical items. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Purge Magic

At 10th level, you can use your action to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. If you attempt to end a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.




Ideals of the Vow of Balance

  • Honoring the harmony and equilibrium of the elemental forces.

  • Seeking balance and avoiding extremes in all aspects of life.

  • Nurturing the interconnectedness of the elements to maintain cosmic equilibrium.

  • Harnessing and channeling the power of the elements for the greater good while avoiding their destructive potential.

Elemental Balance

As a bonus action, you can expend a number of uses of this ability equal to your Wisdom modifier to call upon the elemental forces. Choose an element (fire, water, air, or earth) and create a 15-foot cone or 10-foot radius effect, dealing damage of that type equal to your Wisdom modifier to all creatures in the area. The affected creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a successful save. The damage scales with additional uses expended, increasing the damage by your Wisdom modifier for each additional use, up to your Wisdom modifier.


Ideals of the Vow Resolve

  • Enduring unwaveringly in the face of adversity and challenges.

  • Resisting corruption and staying true to one’s convictions.

  • Rising above hardships and setbacks with resilience and determination.

  • Inspiring others through one’s own steadfastness and unyielding spirit.

Enlightened Resistence

When you are targeted by a spell or magical effect that requires a saving throw, you can use your reaction to activate your Vow. By expending a number of uses of this ability, you gain a bonus of 1d4 to the saving throw per use expended.


Ideals of hte Vow of Vigilance

  • Maintaining constant watchfulness and awareness of potential threats.

  • Acting as a guardian and protector, defending the innocent and vulnerable.

  • Anticipating and preparing for danger, ensuring the safety of oneself and others.

  • Exercising discipline and vigilance in upholding justice and preserving order.

Vigilants Might

As a bonus action or reaction, you can expend a number of uses of this ability equal to your Wisdom modifier to enter a vigilant state. While in this state, you and all allies within 20 feet of you gain damage reduction equal to your Wisdom modifier for each additional use expended, up to your Wisdom modifier. This heightened protection lasts until the start of your next turn.


Ideals of the Vow of Mercy

  • Compassion towards all living beings.

  • Dedication to providing aid and solace to the suffering.

  • Valuing and preserving life in all its forms.

  • Mercy to those who can fight no longer

Wave of Mercy

As a bonus action, you can spend a number of uses of this ability equal to your Wisdom modifier to create a radiant energy wave. The wave restores hit points to all friendly creatures within 10 feet of you, equal to your Wisdom modifier. For each additional use expended, the wave provides additional healing equal to your Wisdom modifier.


Ideals of the Vow of Retribution

  • Seeking justice and retribution for those who have committed evil deeds.

  • Unyielding resolve to uphold and enforce the laws and principles of righteousness.

  • Protecting the innocent from harm and ensuring their safety.

  • Channeling divine power to strike down evildoers and maintain the balance between good and evil.

Shadowborne Retribution

When you or an ally within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to retaliate. By expending a use of this ability, you unleash a retaliatory strike, dealing necrotic damage to the attacker. The damage is equal to your Wisdom modifier and scales with additional uses expended, increasing the damage by your Wisdom modifier for each additional use, up to your Wisdom modifier.




Ideals of the Vow of Justice

  • Upholding fairness and equality for all, regardless of social standing or background.

  • Ensuring that the guilty are held accountable for their actions and that the innocent are protected.

  • Standing against corruption, tyranny, and injustice in all its forms.

  • Striving to restore balance and restore the natural order of righteousness in the world.

Righteous Smite

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend a number of uses of this ability equal to your Wisdom modifier to deal additional radiant damage. The additional damage is equal to your Wisdom modifier and scales with additional uses expended, increasing the damage by your Wisdom modifier for each additional use, up to your Wisdom modifier.


Ideals of the Vow of Redemption

  • Offering forgiveness and a chance for redemption to those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.

  • Seeking to heal the wounds of the world by promoting reconciliation, understanding, and compassion.

  • Empowering individuals to overcome their past mistakes and forge a new path of redemption and personal growth.

  • Striving to restore harmony and bring about positive transformation in both individuals and communities.

Redeeming Light

As a bonus action, you can activate the Redeeming Light ability, choosing up to three creatures within 30 feet of you to be enveloped by a radiant aura. While within this aura, those affected gain temporary hit points equal to your Paladin level + your Wisdom modifier. The number of creatures you can affect scales with additional uses expended, allowing you to choose one additional creature for each use beyond the initial one.


Ideals of the Vow of Hope

  • Spreading optimism and inspiring others, even in the face of adversity.

  • Fostering a belief in the potential for positive change and a better future.

  • Offering solace and encouragement to those who are downtrodden or in despair.

  • Embodying resilience and unwavering faith, even in the darkest of times.


When activated as a bonus action, a warm, radiant light emanates from your presence, extending in a 20-foot radius. All friendly creatures within this aura gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened and gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of their turn.


Ideals of the Vow of Harmony

  • Promoting peace, unity, and cooperation among all beings.

  • Respecting the interconnectedness of life and the balance of nature.

  • Seeking diplomatic solutions and reconciliation rather than resorting to violence.

  • Striving to create a harmonious and equitable society.




Ideals of the Vow of Vengeance

  • Seeking justice for the oppressed and those who have suffered wrongs.

  • Holding accountable those who have committed acts of cruelty, tyranny, or injustice.

  • Relentlessly pursuing those who have caused harm and vowing to bring them to justice.

  • Upholding the ideals of righteousness and protecting the innocent.


Ideals of the Vow of Sacrafice

  • Putting the needs of others before oneself and making selfless acts of sacrifice.

  • Protecting and defending the innocent, even at great personal cost.

  • Willingness to give up personal desires and comforts for the greater good.

  • Embodying the ideals of compassion, selflessness, and servitude.