The Dark Shards

Within the Shadowfell, it is a rare occurence in that powerful dark magic may sometimes become unstable, causing it to crystallize and become contained. These are called Dark Shards and have mind altering properties. Exposure to such a crystal may grant magic to the capable mind while also twisting thoughts and creating a desire for power and control.

Expanded Spell List

The Dark Shards let you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Dark Shard Spell List
Spell Level Spells
1st Bane, Silvery Barbs
2nd Tasha's Mind Whip, Zone of Truth
3rd Pulse Wave, Slow
4th Compulsion, Dominate Beast
5th Dominate Person, Temporal Shunt

Overflowing Power

Starting at 1st level, magic flows through your veins flowing from your fingertips. You may replace verbal components when casting a spell with somatic components.

Additionally, you gain access to an additional spell slot equal to level of your current highest Warlock spell slot and learn Undercommon.

Shard Carapace

Also at 1st level, crystals begin to adorn your body providing extra defense against attacks. You may use 12 + your constitution modifier as your AC.

Shattered Fragments

At 6th level, the link you have to the Dark Shards strengthens allowing you to be a conduit for their power. As an action you may unleash a fragment of crystallized power, you gain temporary hit points equal to your your warlock level + Charisma modifier, and you create a swirling storm of crystal shards centered on yourself granting ranged attacks disadvantage against you, each creature within 5 feet of you when the storm first appears and at the end of their turn must make a Dexterity save as crystals pierce into them, taking 2d4 piercing on a failure and be knocked prone, on a success they take half the damage and are not knocked prone. This lasts until you lose all the temporary hit points. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a long rest or you may take 2d8 force damage to use it again as part of your body is ripped away to use in the storm.

Oppressive Desire

At 10th level, your will for power pushes others down with draining force. Whenever you cast Eldritch Blast, crystals begin to form on each target hit by a beam causing disadvantage on the next attack roll or saving throw they make until the end of their next turn.

Additionally, the desire to be in control rages inside of you allowing you to dismiss those trying to hold you down. If a spell you have cast is the target of a spell attempting to dispel or counter it you may, as a reaction, propel your spell even further, allowing your spell to continue as the opposing casters spell shatters like glass, the spell is then also treated as if it were cast as a level higher than originally. Once you use this feature you may not use it again until you finish a long rest.

Crystalline Forces

At 14th level, the magic within you becomes unstable similarly to that of the magic within the Dark Shards. As a bonus action you may crystallize a fragment of your power causing sharp shards to propel from you and the outer layer of your skin to become covered in crystals granting you a +2 bonus to AC, advantage on saves against magical effects and spells as well as resistance to all damage until the end of your next turn. When you transform, creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make a dexterity save against your spell save DC taking 4d6 piercing damage on a fail or half as much on a success. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
