Paladin: Oath of Kindling

The Oath of Kindling is taken up by paladins who are sworn to nurture and protect the spark of passion carried by each and every person. At their pinnacle they are leaders of communities, and some of their number can be counted among the most beloved idols in the annals of history.

But the majority are simply friends to those around them, taking great pleasure in aiding the embers of hopes in becoming fires of joy. They say that you will know the presence of such a Paladin in your life by the heat of pride in your chest, and the warmth of their spirit at your shoulder.

However, a warning to those who would endanger those embers: these Paladins can easily turn that nurturing warmth into a scorching inferno. Many who have stood against them have learned how quickly one can return to naught but ashes.

Tenets of Kindling

The exact words and structure of the Oath of Kindling will differ between each paladin that takes it up. Some may focus more on directly dealing with threats to the goals of those around them at large, where others focus on the individuals nearest.
At their warm and toasty heart, the Oath of Kindling and those who follow it are driven by their desire to nurture the light within their fellow folk, be it with a calm word or a blazing sword.

Nurture the Flame. Champion the dreams and passions of those around you and aid them in reaching their goals.

Encourage the Embers. The exploration of one’s joy is a beautiful thing. Encourage those who express their joys and be a safe haven when that flame is burning low.

Light the Spark. The greatest of flames begins with a spark. Take pride in your craft and inspire others with your work.

Scatter the Ashes. Those that crush the hopes of others are nothing more than ash. Turn their cruelty to tinder, to give space for greater blazes.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Kindling Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd faerie fire, hellish rebuke
5th healing spirit, pyrotechnics
9th life transference, Ashardalon’s stride
13th compulsion, summon elemental
17th immolation, reincarnate

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Fan the Flames. As an action, choose a number of friendly creatures within 60 feet of you that you can see, equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You stoke the fires within them, and they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your paladin level. Additionally, for 1 minute their movement speed increases by 10ft and weapon attack rolls gain a +1d4 bonus.

Melted Down. As a bonus action, choose one enemy within 30 feet of you that you can see. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw.

On a failed save, the creature loses AC equal to your Charisma modifier, as well as any immunity or resistance to fire damage. They also suffer a -1d4 to attack rolls as they feel their flesh begin to scorch.

On a successful save, the creature loses AC equal to half your Charisma modifier, and any immunity to fire damage becomes a resistance.

Blazing Hearts

By 7th level, you have begun to innately sense the energy you know burns within the hearts of those you fight alongside, and those you fight against. By pulling upon that energy, you now produce an aura which marks creatures within 10ft of you with a special condition: Enkindled.

When an enemy with the Enkindled condition takes damage from your attacks and spells, the next nearest enemy with the Enkindled condition within 15ft takes 1d4+Cha fire damage as you provoke the fires within to catch and spread. This bounced damage does not provoke the effects of the Enkindled condition.

When an ally with the Enkindled condition is healed by your spells, they gain an additional 1d4 healing, which spreads to the next nearest ally with the Enkindled condition within 15ft (excluding you). This bounced healing does not provoke the effects of the Enkindled condition.

The Enkindling condition does not stack, and is removed when a creature leaves the radius of your Blazing Hearts aura.

At 18th level this aura increases in size to 30ft.



The Fires Within

At 15th level you have learnt to not only nurture the flames within the hearts of others, but also yourself. You are now always under the effects of the flame shield spell (only the “warm shield” aspect of it). A Creature can only take damage from this effect once per round.

Burning Bright

At 20th level, you have reached the heights of embodying your oath. You can feel even the barest flicker of heat from within the hearts of others, and come to a discovery: even the smallest of flames can become a towering inferno.

Choose an amount of creatures within 60ft that have the Enkindled condition. As an action, end that condition to ignite their inner inferno for the following effects:

Enemies. Take 5d8 fire damage, which ignores immunity and resistances. A creature which dies to this effect detonates, dealing an additional 1d8 to enemies within 5ft, leaving behind an ash-covered Magma Mephit or Magmin (your choice).

The spawned elemental is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the elemental, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to it, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. An elemental summoned in this way disappears when it drops to 0 hit points, or after one minute.

Allies. Immediately heal 5d8 hit points, may remove a single condition/negative effect, and may end one spell currently affecting them. They then gain 1d8 to add to their next attack, ability check or saving throw.

A creature which is affected by Burning Bright becomes immune to the Enkindled condition for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Orange Flame

Francesco Paggiaro